Half elves fall in love chapter 703

Chapter 703: Unusual Life 3 【Marone, Galatia, others】

There is a creek near Polka. Since there is only one stream in the vicinity, the name 「River」 is understood in Polka, so no one pays attention to the name. There may be a creek, but I have never heard of it. The creek is not so big that it drowns people, but it does have a good amount of water, because it drains away the surplus of the springs and hot springs in the whole of Polka, as well as rainwater. Also, it doesn’t freeze in winter because of the feature of the springs that never freeze for half a day. To the southwest, at the foot of the Little Snake Mountains, it connects to a subtly sized lake called Lagu Lake (some people say, 「This is a swamp, right?」), fishing in Lagu Lake is prohibited according to an old tradition. The reason for this is that there is a legend that anglers were eaten by a nushi that grew abnormally by the power of the miraculous spring, and it is too far to go there on foot. But that’s beside the point.

“Hot springs are nice, but when the weather is this sunny, you want to play in the cold water”

I thought about the river when I heard Marone say that at the cat beast house I visited.

“Playing in the water, huh……”

“You see, in our colony, playing in the oasis was a normal thing. ……But if you think about it, there’s no need to do that in Polka. It’s cool, after all”

“No, I don’t think it’s that bad. It would have a different flavor than the hot springs”

“But there aren’t any bathing spots like that in the colder springs……”

“It’s not a pure spring, but there is a place where it flows”


“The stream that flows from the town. It’s only up to your knees, but could it be used for playing in the water?”

“……E, Eh…..”

“Is it shallow?”

“The creek is a little bit shallow, but if you bathe in it, people will think you are weird……”

Marone gave a bitter smile, but then it seemed like an idea had occurred to her. I had a bad feeling about this.

“B, But, if Master insists……I could even get naked there”

“N, No, that’s not it, calm down, Marone. It’s further downstream. We can go farther away so that we can’t be seen from the town and take a bath. If we ask Maia, she can fly over right away

The danger is that a calm, sensible slave like Marone is so quick to come up with shame-plays and the like.


“What are you disappointed in?”

“I, I’m not. But I was prepared for it, so I’m a little disappointed”

“I’ve told you many times, or rather I’ve told everyone, so I don’t remember if I’ve already told Marone, but if you do anything violent as my female slave in this town, I’ll be the one in the hardest position in the end, you know? I have a lot of mothers and old friends here, you know?”

“Yes……but since I’m your female slave, it’s not a bad thing……to cross the line a little bit……”

“Really calm down. I wouldn’t mind it if it was somewhere nearby, so please wait a moment before having an unnecessarily amazing sexual experience at Polka”

From my perspective, I’m on pace to taste four or five pussies in half a day, but I’m sure that even with all this incessant cock shoving, it’s still frustrating for the female slaves. Aside from the patient elves, maybe the cat beasts should focus on playing.


And so. The first to suggest it was Marone, followed by Luna, Miril, Azel, Rizel, and Galatia. They decided to go out to the river with the beast girls in tow. Cute had played behind the bar yesterday, so today’s priority was work, according to Savory’s judgment. But when she said to me with a big sisterly face, 「If you don’t have a sense of handing things over to others, it will lead to fights」, neither Cute nor I could resist. So, Laila, Maia and Emma, were the carriers.

“I’m not busy”

“My great uncle and everyone at the palace are doing a great job protecting the town, so I’m bored”

“The Lord is my first priority”

“Let me join in for future reference♪”

……Gloria-san usually mixed in, well, I couldn’t think of a reason to refuse. Speaking of for the sake of painting, it would certainly make a good drawing. With a relatively small number of people and three dragons, they could carry everyone with just their arms, so there was no need to bother preparing a carriage.

“We can fly to any place that is not too far from Lake Lagu. If we get far enough away from the city, there won’t be anyone around here”

“Ho. ……How about that?”


Laila, with some hints, strips naked and transforms into her dragon body. I am placed on Laila’s head and everyone else takes off in the dragon’s hands.

……And then I noticed that there were quite a few shepherds around this time of year.

“……I figured that was about it, since I usually only see shepherds in town, usually three or four at a time”

From what I saw, there are more than 10 flocks of sheep. And they were usually along the river in search of water to drink. Even though Lagu Lake is quite a distance away, it is difficult to find a place completely out of sight when there are that many flocks and you have to keep your distance and position yourself along the river so as not to get mixed up.

“There are quite a few hills, so I thought there would be places where we wouldn’t be seen”

“It’s a bit worrying considering our goal of playing leisurely without being seen”

Once we got off, we met with everyone and discussed our strategy. But.

“Isn’t it okay if they see us a little bit?”

“There are often peepers in Polka”

Azel and Rizel said something very crude.

“Now that you mention it……”

“One or two people might be tolerable”

Miril and Marone also looked at each other like, 「Is that a way of thinking?」. No no no. I don’t think I’d feel safe being seen naked as a woman.

“Besides, there are three dragons, so you can’t just come up to them and do something immoral, can you?”

Gloria agreed. Galatia nodded with a look like she thought, that’s true……and Gloria came over and untied her obi.


“Well then, that’s that. Take it off, Galatia-chan♪”

“Ah, I’ll go first?! There’s a shepherd over there!”

“You’re a female slave, right?”

“Yes, but……”

“You want to get all naughty, don’t you?”

“……U, Uh”

Galatia gently releases the hem of her dress, and Gloria happily pulls it off, making her topless. Even though it’s from a distance, it’s probably still hard for Galatia to be the first to show off her naked body in broad daylight, with people watching. It’s a bit exciting. ……No well, Laila is already completely naked without any consideration, and her boobs and buttocks are proudly on display.

“I mean, it’s a pretty big thing to be told, 『I want to get fucked around』, so you can argue a little bit……”

“……Th, Thats……not, wrong”


“B, Because……you force me to do all sorts of things that feel good and are embarrassing……things that I would never be able to do myself……it’s so exciting and fun……”

Galatia, while wearing only a pair of panties, speaks her true feelings in a slightly masochistic manner. No, rather than masochistic, I would say that she lacks the guts to be sexually active. She’s not perverted enough to actively engage in perverted acts. However, she has a strong interest in the abnormal, yet instinctive and stimulating world of pleasure opened up to me and my female slaves. I guess she could not be honest about such things while living a manly life under the protection of her father. That is why, if left to the strong pull of my sexual desire, she could throw herself into an erotic feast that she could never have imagined or pursued. That is the charm of being a 「Female Slave」 for her.

“Well well. I also like to have sex and to be watched”

Gloria says as she happily undresses herself. The beautiful nude body of an elf is set against a backdrop of green rolling hills and a stream.

“Then, let’s……take off our clothes too, Azel and Rizel”


“You’re late, big sister”

“Kya, hey, don’t pull my leg!”

Following Galatia, Miril and the others got naked and entered the river before her. Marone also gave a wry smile and took off her nurse uniform……then she gave me a flirtatious sidelong glance, came over to me, snuggled up to me, and stroked my crotch over my trousers.

“Master. ……Of course, we’re going to have sex, aren’t we?”

“Eh, ah, no……I don’t think we have to force ourselves to do it here. I mean, you were the one who said you wanted to play in the river, weren’t you?”

“Playing in the river is fine too. But I’d be a failure as a female slave if I left you alone, Master getting hard from looking at everyone’s boobs and pussies……I want you to use my pussy while watching everyone’s naughty water play……♪”

“……You’re pretty dirty too, aren’t you?”

“I was told that if it’s with Master, I can be as dirty as I want to be”

“Yeah. Well, I suppose so. ……Are you going to jerk off to Marone’s pussy while watching the girls bathe?”

“I’m sure it’ll feel good……♪”

A cute female slave cat with a mating voice presses her naked body against the bright noon sunlight and rubs my crotch. A little further away I can see a flock of sheep and a shepherd (or two) who seem to have noticed our skin tone, holding their hands over their eyes and looking at us. But the bathing cat beasts don’t care, they seem to be enjoying themselves. Marone doesn’t seem to give up until she is framed. Then, Laila lays out a big cloth on the sand, which she brought from somewhere, and starts drinking alcohol by hand while naked, while Emma and Maia take off their clothes and watch the bathing cat beasts. And Galatia was still undressed and not going anywhere in front of me.

“Boys, we can go in the river and play afterwards”

“……I, I’d rather have sex with you……”

Galatia is honest in a strange way.

“Once I get the baby seed, I’ll mix in the bathing……♪”

Marone is totally ready to get fucked while letting my hands fondle her tits.

“I’m OK with touching you, too♪”

This is Gloria, who sends me a wink as she steps into the river. In the northern summer sun, I sigh and pull down my pants in front of the girls’ glorious nude bathing. Marone’s fingers instantly entwine with mine.

“I’m being serviced all over again”

“It’s basic for a slave to service her Master, isn’t it?”

“For me, the best reward is to be fucked……♪”

“……Both of you are getting wet in such a public place”

While leisurely comparing Marone and Galatia’s rutting pussies, I squinted at the girls’ joyful cheers echoing off the idyllic landscape. I was going to service those girls……huh? No, is that kind of thing wrong? ……Well, okay.



“I overheard a rumor circulating amongst the outpatients that a group of beautiful girls were bathing in the river, definitely 10-man captain Smithson, right?”

“……Why is it already a rumor? I’m sure you’ve already left about a day’s walk away”

“I knew it! Why didn’t you call us if you were going to publicly fuck us?”

The Masturbation Brothers made unreasonable protests at the taverm. No, it’s not that I wanted anyone to see my naked girls. And I’m not going to dare to offer my own female slaves for you guys to pull out. I was afraid that if I spoke out against……, it would lead to an embarrassing heated argument that would be left to the alcohol, so I was staring at them as I sipped my drink, when Gloria quickly joined me at the table.

“Now that I think about it, you two are fans of erotic scrolls, aren’t you?”

“I’m ashamed to admit it”

“We used to own about 200 together, but now we only have 50 of them”

That’s a lot. I mean, where are you really hiding them?

“Okay, then. Then I’ll accept your request. I’ve been lazy, and I’m getting slow”

“Oh my God!”

“You could draw us an erotic scroll……!”

“I’m not going to draw so many picture scrolls, but the amount depends on the request……”

“This is a request for a series. The blonde female knight who was defeated by a fictional barbarian with a huge ogre-like body (he made his own arrangements such as green skin in consideration of the ogre’s human rights) was taken into their den and although she insisted on 『Kill me……』, they could not understand her words, and she was tied up and lost her freedom. She loses her virginity, and with tears in her eyes, she passes out after receiving a continuous creampied while apologizing for being defiled by them and she thought of back home. Weeks passed from there. The barbarians’ huge cocks and endless sexual desires have made the knight lose her grip, and she is now used to giving a full account of what she feels when she is fucked, and she does not hesitate to answer the barbarians’ one-word question, 『What do you want?』 I have come to beg for a cumshot without hesitation when the barbarian asks. In fact, she even voluntarily cursed while being fucked, saying, 『It tastes a hundred times better than that man’s coarse cock!』. Even if they were asked to release her, they would not abandon her! I want you to make me a knight of a woman with a big belly, and fuck me! I want you to fuck me until we have children!”

“No, wait, buddy. Then, the boyfriend comes to the rescue and kills the barbarians and rescues her, and the knight goes crazy cursing her boyfriend and covered in cum”

How do you guys come up with such a thing so smoothly? And even though it’s a bar full of old men, you should at least go easy on her.

“…..I’ve seen about 20 volumes of that situation already, is there any need for me to draw it?”

“There is. The royal road is always great no matter how many times you see it”

“Between you and me, if you could draw Almeida-san or Sharon-san as a model, we will use them until we die”

“……Ah, that Renfangas……surely that kind of thing can only be done with a face-to-face commission, but……”

Gloria glanced at me. Is that okay? I felt like that.

“I’ll look at it first and check it out. That’s fine”

“As expected of 10-man captain Smithson!”

“You can talk! We are proud to have been your men!”

……Actually, I’d just like to read a picture scroll of someone I know getting fucked in an impossible situation like that. ……Well, that’s fine.

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