Jobless Chapter 45 Sweet Awakening…Or I think it was.

In the end, I had another round of sex with Kurumi last night. We’re both young.

On our second time, Kurumi’s pussy got accustomed so the piston was smoother than the first time. Then, after a good creampie, we both climaxed in pleasure.

「 Hmmm… 」

「 Morning, Kurumi 」

We both woke up on the bed. Kurumi was looking at me blankly with her eyes waking up for a while, then she blushed. Then, she noticed that she was naked.

「 S-Senpai? 」

「 Yeah. Kurumi. That was intense last night 」

「 !!!!!! 」

Kurumi picked up the pillow and hid her face. Nice, this reaction is cute!

But, taking advantage that she couldn’t see, I gently grabbed her tits.

「 !! 」

Kurumi twitched. Then, she reached out and grabbed my hand while still hiding her face with a pillow.

「 Kurumi. If you don’t show your cute face I’ll keep rubbing your boobs 」

「 Geez… 」

Kurumi slowly moved her face out of the pillow and looked at me in the eyes with half her face turned away. This is so cute!

「 Kurumi. How was the sex last night? 」

「 W-What do you mean? 」

「 Did it feel good? 」

「 T-That’s…W-Well… 」

Then, I hear Cui’s voice.

『 Minegari Kurumi. Body Count: 1, Intercourse: 2, and Climaxes: 2. It’s great that she came 』

Once again, there’s a sense of accomplishment when Cui tells me about this lewd status.

「 But, Senpai. You just came inside me without hesitation, didn’t you? 」

「 Yeah 」

「 Geez. What would you do if I got pregnant? 」

For women, sex inevitably involves a risk to men. I would’ve used a condom if it weren’t for Cui.

「 I can pick between ejaculation that gets someone pregnant and doesn’t. Don’t worry 」

「 What do you mean by that? That’s still not an excuse to cum inside me 」

「 But if you get pregnant, I’ll take care of it. I’m going to earn money as a regular now 」

「 Haa… 」

The probability of Kurumi’s pregnancy is 0.

Hypothetically, if she were to get pregnant with my child. It’ll be difficult to pivot my life to the other world.

Hmm, I don’t know if I’ll get married eventually. I knew it, I needed Cui’s contraception.

「 That aside, Kurumi. Today… 」

Let’s go somewhere for lunch? Just when I was about to say that. The doorbell rings, telling me that there’s a visitor.

「 Hmm? Someone’s ringing the bell? 」

「 Who could it be so early in the morning? I didn’t have anything on delivery. It’s got to be some newspaper solicitation or something. Leave them…. 」

It’s a hassle to change clothes, go out to the entrance and respond. I was thinking about leaving them be but then… They knocked on the door.

『 Touya. You’re here, aren’t you? We need to talk 』

「 !!!! 」

A young girl’s voice, that sounded familiar. I mean.

『 It’s Kokuryoin Minato. Did you give her your address? 』

I didn’t! I haven’t even submitted my certificate of residence yet! Why is Minato Here? What’s going on?

「 Senpai. It seems like a girl has come. Are you acquainted? 」

Kurumi’s eyes lost highlight as she looked at me. Yo, that’s scary! W-What?! It’s scarier than when Harakara confronted me?!

Furthermore, the entrance started rattling.

Huh? I locked the door, didn’t I? Wait, I was already drunk when I brought Kurumi home. I might’ve been too eager to fuck that I forgot to lock the front door.

『 Ah, it’s open. Touya, I’m coming in… 』

I can’t escape in this studio-type apartment as the entrance is directly in front, opening. There, I find an old-fashioned young lady dressed up nicely. It’s Kokuryoin Minato.

「 ………… 」

「 ………… 」

「 ……………… 」

Minato was wearing a slightly larger beret and a black jacket. She also wears a skirt with some modest frills.

The tidy and dignified look is well-balanced. It’s a great casual clothing.

While Minato looks stylish, Kurumi and I are naked on the bed. Since the apartment is just one room, there’s no wall between Minato and us. She’s seeing all of it.

「 What, you’re here. You could’ve replied at least 」

Minato takes off her shoes and enters the room like it’s normal.

No, what the hell?! This is weird!? How can you just walk in without a care in the world?

Minato looks away from us as we’re still frozen on the bed. The sheets were at the end of her gaze. There was a red stain.

「 I told you before. At least keep it casual with ordinary people. You already belong to our side 」

So, having sex with women is just for fun? I get what you’re saying. Oh yeah, she did say that before, try not to get involved with ordinary people, even if it’s for fun.

But it seems like Kurumi took Minato’s line the same way.

「 Huh, who are you? You came out of nowhere, what’s going on Senpai? 」

「 Kuru… 」

「 Quiet, Senpai 」

「 Ah 」

My spirit. I thought that being a hero meant that I wouldn’t be swayed by these?

And yet, I seem in a panic right now? I feel like I’m breaking out of cold sweat.

Minato looks at Kurumi and replies as if there’s nothing wrong.

「 I’m Touya’s boss and master

「 What?

「 Yes, you probably don’t know… Touya’s joining the Tenyou development 」

「 Huh? I know that much. I mean, how do you know that? 」

「 Because I’m her boss in that company 」

「 Huh? 」

Kurumi’s looking at her saying “What is this girl talking about?” I get you. No matter how you look at it, she’s younger.

「 I also told him to cut all ties with his relationship before entering Tenyou development. I will tolerate it, no matter who or what he does before joining. Even if he plays around with civilian women like this 」

「 What’s with you and the “civilian and ordinary people” What even are you? 」

「 I hate explaining things over and over again 」

…………。 What’s with this mood? Space-time distortion? I can’t stop the chills.

「 Senpai. Do you get what this girl is saying? 」

「 Ah, well, about that 」

I heard that upon joining the Tenyou clan, I would be Minato’s attendant. So, she’s my boss. As for Master, I think that’s a bit nuanced.

「 It’s true that she’s my boss… 」

「 Huh? 」

「 Yes. Besides, Touya’s talent is something I need, that’s why I recruited him to Tenyou development 」

「 !!? 」

Kurumi looked at me in surprise. Scout? I was trying not to say that word yesterday.

Anyway, I have to call out to Minato as I got my chance to speak.,

「 Err, Minato, why are you here? 」

「 Do I need a reason to come here? 」

「 Of course you do! Why do you even have my address?! 」

「 Isn’t it obvious? We did a background check before you joined Tenyou Development 」

「 I didn’t know that! 」

Huh, wait… I heard about background checks on people done without their knowledge. Some companies do that survey when you join in, but still…

(In my case, it’s definitely not that kind)

Looking at Minato’s side, she is an unprecedented display of an ordinary person who never heard of Oni.

What kind of itinerary have you had in the past, or do you have experience in martial arts? Where were you born? How did you spend your time? What universities did you attend to? This kind of detailed investigation is done normally.

If anything, they have a pipeline with the national power…Huh, what’s going on, I’m scared…

「 Oh, anyway. I was planning to go out with Kurumi for lunch today. Sure, Minato’s my boss, but I haven’t signed yet. As for today… Can you? 」

『 Just use Cuiuce on both of them and get them horny 』

I hear some devil whispering to my ears, but. I see… That’s a good idea.

No, it’ll be extra confusing when this is over, but I want to do a 3P harem play someday.

But for now, I was trying to show off that Minato’s nothing.

「 Very well. You’re right, you haven’t joined the company yet. Also, where do you live usually? I’d like to see it 」

「 Huh? 」

「 When I heard about it, I thought there was no reason to live in such a dog hut. I’m surprised to see that you live here. But, if you spend your time in this dog hut, there must be some struggles you’re going through? 」

Hey! That’s rude! That’s rude to people living in studio apartments!

No, I indeed lived in this ragged apartment for 20 years. Out of the ten rooms, there are only three other people who live! Insects show up, the bath is small, and there are definitely more beautiful and wider rental apartments in Tokyo with the same studio apartment category.

Dammit! Young ladies of Seijou Kinou Academy look at this place like it’s a dog house.

「 Very well, Touya. I expect you to participate in the jobs of Tenyou development as my subordinate 」

Saying that, Minato left.

「 Senpai. That girl… 」

「 Yeah. She’s definitely my boss at my next workplace 」

「 That’s not it. No, actually ignore that 」

What? Anyway, I brought back the mood of Kurumi to usual.

Dammit, I was thinking about having sex right in the morning, but the mood’s no longer there.

「 AH, uhm. Kurumi, how about lunch… 」

「 Ah, I’m sorry. I promised to have lunch with my friends today 」

「 I see… 」

In the end, Kurumi changed her clothing and prepared her clothing in the sink. Then, she left the room quickly. 」

「 Man. That was different from what I expected 」

『 Anyway, we gained quite the hero points from last night 』

「 That’s great… 」

As usual, I presented Cui with some meat. I put milk on my cornflakes and had breakfast alone.