Jobless Chapter 51 Empire’s Situation

The meeting ended immediately after the emperor left. The main agenda was over, and the smell of vomit began to spread in the room.

I left the castle quickly with Erinabelle, and we headed to the East office in a carriage.

「Haa. I’m already tired right in the morning」

「This country’s amazing. The Emperor…Ah, no. How do I say this」

「It’s fine, you can be honest here. You can’t believe the government, right?」


After all, the dude woke up from sleep, barged into the meeting room while still having alcohol in his system, scratched around, threw up, and left. I don’t think he’s able to serve as a politician.

「That Zeppenbar old man. He snapped」

「He’s the minister of Military Affairs. Well, he definitely snapped.」

That old man was the minister of military affairs? In short, he’s the head of the Knights.

That said, I’m going to ask what I’m curious about.

「Hey. What was that Cerialis that the emperor was talking about?」

Earlier, The emperor was saying that as long as he had Cerialis the Empire would be fine. Doing that in front of his two strongest knights, Anberta and Erinabelle.

Depending on who’s listening, it may seem that he’s saying that the two aren’t necessary to protect the capital.

「Cerialis Marcride. The first seat of the twelve generals. In short, the strongest knight in the truest sense」

「Hmm? The first seat?」

「Very well. Once we’re in the office, I have time to send instructions to my subordinates. We’ll have lunch and I’ll teach you more about this country」

And so, we have arrived at the office. Erinabelle gave a series of instructions to her subordinates, and when they finished going over the day’s schedule, we began eating lunch.

「Oh, this is nice」

「You say that to everything you eat」

「No, I don’t like spicy food. So, weren’t you going to teach me the minimum amount of common sense?」

「Yes. Listen carefully」

As we proceeded with our meal, Erina once again taught me about the current state of the country.

「You know that the current Kainzbern empire is in a civil war, don’t you?」

「Yeah, the old man from before taught me」

If I recall, the previous emperor died, and then there was a fight on who was the successor to this great empire. Currently, the older brother is holding down the Capital.

On the other hand, the brother is also very powerful, and the empire is almost divided in two and they continue to fight. Since the elder brother holds the capital, those who oppose him are generally referred to as rebels.

「You can’t leave the empire to that kind of Emperor, right? That’s why the rebels are gaining momentum」

If not, Alchrom wouldn’t be able to hide in the capital.

There may be some pro-rebel armies in the capital, but what’s certain is that the rebels are gaining momentum.

「But, I wonder why people follow the emperor? I think some of the nobles are to double-cross him and join the rebels」

「I’m sure that His Majesty Aranx isn’t well-liked. In fact, many nobles give support to the rebels. But still, the balance doesn’t tip completely in favor of the rebels.

So that means that the rebels don’t have the absolute advantage? Does it mean that many nobles swear loyalty to the Emperor?

Seeing the questions show on my face, Erinabelle-chan drinks some soup from the spoon while frowning her eyebrows.

「His Majesty Aranx. For better or for worse, he doesn’t want to make any major changes to the current system」

「What does that mean?」

「Simply put, he doesn’t want to break the current system where the nobles are in benefit」

The Empire has a long history. And throughout that long history, the nobility has established a firm system where they control commoners.

In addition, the nobility is a class society. Those who stand above will ultimately benefit the most.

「The nobles also created various frameworks to make their vested interests absolute. But, it’s not all bad. In fact, that’s how the empire grew to become the largest in the continent」

Those with great power had likely been pulling below the line with their burly leadership. A top-down system has its negatives, but it also has benefits when the top is excellent.

「And the brother, His Highness Yugdovan, is a reformist」

「A reformist?」

「He puts capable people in seats they deserve, regardless of their pedigree and noble status. In fact, commoners with magic powers and nobles with low rank such as Alchrom are used heavily」

So that guy was a noble? So there are dangerous nobles like him. The tiny knight in front of me is also one.

「I wouldn’t say that meritocracy is bad. But the result would be the higher ranking families losing their position to those who are lower than them」

「I see. I get it now. The emperor isn’t a great statesman but his interests are big enough to have the greater nobles protect him」

The meeting we had was a prime example. Everyone, including Erinabelle, should be a higher rank noble.

However, if they went towards meritocracy, you should be able to sit in the meeting room as well.

But since the high-ranking nobles have too much pride, they won’t allow anyone to do that.

「I get it now. The empire isn’t denying the merit system. Those with great skills have been taken in as a follower by the higher nobility in the past. But, some people take all the credit for their servants. And in this aristocratic society, that’s their right」

「The servant is their property, so their achievements are their own. Well, considering the appointment, it’s not something you can deny altogether」

They saw the skills, or maybe they bought them. If the parties were satisfied, there shouldn’t be any issues.

In fact, there might be less problems in reality.

「And you made me your servant…」

「Why not? I recognize your skills」

You mean my dick? I mean, I also like Erinabelle’s body so we’re both winners here.

「Putting that aside. Many commoners and lower-class nobles see hope in His Highness Yugdovan and have joined the rebel forces. Meanwhile, most of the higher-ranked nobles have joined His Highness Aranx’s camp. As for supplies, territory, and funds. The nobles have an overwhelming lead」

Even if the rebels gather people, they probably won’t have enough supplies or financial resources to make good use of them.

And so, Alchrom and the others set up guerrilla warfare in the capital.

「Hmm? But the meeting earlier said that there’s no money nor people, right?」

「It depends on your affiliation. The Knights, for example, are a force owned by the Emperor. But, some of the high-rank nobles rule territories. The nobles who said that have an army in their domain」

That means that other territories still have the strength to support the empire. Following the intent of the Emperor, the lords would move their armies to some extent.

A territory is like an independent country within the empire. Maybe.

「What’s missing is the manpower of the Knights under His Majesty’s jurisdiction」

「That and money. I’m not proud to say but there are people in the capital actively joining the rebels」

It’s said that some of the knights were suspected of having ties to the rebels. The current capital is barely holding on with the help of the high-ranking nobles.

「I mean, why is the capital even so poor when the system is set up for the top to exploit them?」

「A lot has been going on. Mostly the reason is His Majesty Aranx himself」

Erinabelle finished her meal and she put her hand to her forehead as if her head hurt.

Oh, that? He must be spending it all on women and booze. He must be making a pond out of alcohol or sticking meat on trees to play around.

「I have a rough idea of what’s going on now. So, what about Cerialis? I hear that they’re the first of the twelve generals…」

「That’s more or less the gist of it. As the name suggests, the 12 generals refer to the 12 strongest knights. The ranks are for their political power and financial power. It’s determined by birth」

In other words, a mount battle played among the strongest knights. Erinabelle’s the fifth. That’s pretty high up.

「But. Above the fifth seat, the battlefield results are also considered」

「Hmm? So that means… Erinabelle…」

「Yes. I was sent to the battlefield immediately after becoming a general. There, I achieved great military success, capturing a fortress that had been a rebel stronghold」

「I see…」

So he has an experience on the battlefield. No wonder, I didn’t see her hesitate against Alchrom.

Well, it’s such a turbulent world. I’m sure that there are guys much younger than me fighting on the frontlines.

「But, only the first seat is different. Of course, that doesn’t mean that their political and martial powers are irrelevant. But the first seat has always been reserved for the strongest knight of the 12 generals」

Erinabelle makes eye contact with me.

「And the current first seat, Cerialis Marcide. Commonly known as Glittering Moon Sword Cerialis. If she draws her sword, she’s invincible, the literal strongest and undefeated imperial knight」