Jobless Chapter 53 Captured Maiden Filmeria

Alchrom has determined that capturing Filmeria has a higher priority than his previous reflection.

Likely, the capital will eventually become a battleground for his victory. If they’re setting up guerrilla warfare in the future, it’s better to keep Filmeria’s prediction sealed.

If not, he’ll never know when the twelve generals will be aware of his movements again.

With that in mind, Alchrom infiltrated the noble district. He stuffed Filmeria in a bag and ran around the capital with her on his shoulders. Since his physical abilities have been enhanced, he’s quite fast.

He chose a time and place where there was reduced traffic and he kept running boldly yet careful not to let anyone find him.

How long has he been running? Alchrom has arrived at the ruins of an old park at the corner of the capital.

Although it’s a park, a few people lived around it. The area used to be vibrant long ago, but with the other areas developing, not many people lived here anymore.

In the Capital, one of the largest cities in the continent, such districts aren’t common. In addition, such places are often inhabited by people who can’t walk on the main street, so few people try to approach them.

Alchrom puts down the bag in such a place. He untied the string and released Filmeria.

「That was a rough handling, but… I don’t intend to apologize. Filmeria Fimirun. Your powers will be useful to our liberation army」


Filmeria lowered her gaze and didn’t say anything.

She was a shy girl, to begin with, and with her death approaching, she didn’t think she needed to communicate with the man in front of her.

「What’s wrong? I see. You too. You’re fine with this Empire as is」

Alchrom shows anger. Filmeria’s shoulders shook involuntarily.

「You’re a senior aristocrat after all. You don’t care what happens as long as it’s for your own good. You’re also just a corrupt noble」

Not looking him in the eye and staying silent made Alchrom angrier. But, a new woman appeared.



The new woman was wearing light armor and had a long sword on her waist. The dress looks like a knight.

「The extraction is ready. His Highness is also waiting anxiously for your return, Alchrom-sama」

「I see」

「Is that the…」

Mireia was looking at Filmeria? To Mireia’s eyes, she’s a girl who seems docile. A perfect young lady.

「Yes. I was thinking of taking her before His Highness, but… There’s no need for us to slow our escape from the capital. Answer me, Filmeria Fimirun. Are you serving that man who pretends to be the emperor?」

Alchrom approaches Filmeria, no longer hiding his thirst for blood. After receiving such bloodlust, the girl couldn’t answer.

Unable to pick that up, Alchrom pulls out his long sword.


「We can’t bring her to His Highness. Besides. If we don’t take down the Mourning Shrine Maiden here. I’m sure she’ll cause us worries」

‘Oh. This is where I die. This is the scene I had in my dreams. And I had no way to avoid this future.’

Knowing that this would happen. She gave up on her life. But now that the sword’s in her sight, she’s filled with fear.

‘I don’t want to die No. I want to live. Why do I have to experience this? Why are the curtains closing on me?”

If she dies. She’s just connecting to her unfortunate life.


Tears come out of her eyes. She should’ve given up on her life long ago. But in the face of death, she helplessly wishes to live.

Therefore. For the first time in her life. She shouts loudly, trying to resist her fate.

「Noooooooooooo!!! Someone, save me!!!!」

「That’s disgusting. Carve the anger of those lives you’ve trampled on unknowingly in your body!!」

Alchrom shouts and swings down his long sword as Filmeria is shouting. As soon as the blade touches Filmeria’s thin body.


A stone-sized fist passed by the side and into the back of the blade that was about to cut the girl.

Then, the stone hits Alchrom’s torso. Alchrom who judged that he was getting attacked. Flew backwards.

『I-I found her!』

「Isn’t that too quick?」

A few minutes after Cui flew out. I hear a loli voice in my ear saying that the bird found Alchrom.

「Wait, how can I hear Cui from a distance?」

『This is the contractor’s privilege. Of course, there’s a distance limit. That aside, Alchrom’s location. It’s a little further from where we met Erinabelle for the first time』

Following Cui’s guidance, I ran in the capital with all my might. Huh? Don’t I run really fast?

「Where’s Erinabelle?」

『She hasn’t found Alchrom yet. The hostage is safe. hmm?』


『The hostage is a woman. This one is a beauty. I like her』

「So that’s what that was about?」

So you mean that she’s also my type! Wait, this isn’t the time for that. Wait. I should let Erinabelle know about this first!

While I was hesitating, I closed down to Alchrom’s place in no time. Woah, I’m too fast.

『It’s a little diagonal to the left. Can you see it?』


I don’t know the area that well so I can’t find it immediately even if you tell me to go diagonally to the left. I can’t just look from above like Cui!

But while I was complaining. A loud voice was coming from the left side.

「Nooooo!!! Someone save me!!!」


I quickly picked up a stone from the ground. Then, I took aim and threw the stone with all my might.

The stone flies straight up, spinning as it goes. Then, it passed by the girl and went for Alchrom’s torso. But it didn’t hit him.

Alchrom quickly takes a step back. Next to him is a woman dressed as a knight.

(Oh shit, I had no idea what was going on but I threw a rock at him! W-Well, the girl was no longer in danger so the results were okay.)

I had no idea what to do next but I started running towards Alchrom. Alchrom noticed me immediately.

「Wait. The one from back then」

「Hey. Alchrom. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?」

No, this isn’t time for casual greetings. Although I don’t know what to say.

「Did you come to take back the Mourning Shrine Maiden?」

「Huh? Who? I saw you so I threw a rock as a return gift from the other day you know」

The “Mourning shrine Maiden” he’s talking about is likely Filmeria.

But if I acknowledge that I’m trying to help Filmeria out, he’ll find value in holding her hostage.

(Huh? Did I even come to save Filmeria?)

I feel like I mostly wanted to help out Erinabelle. Let’s not worry about the details. I mean, Filmeria’s here.

(Oh shit! She’s so cute!!)

Yeah. She’s cute.

She’s about the same age as Erinabelle. Maybe younger. Her long silver hair has that mysterious mood, and those purple right eye and green left eye of hers are shining.

Her bangs are split at the center, and her side hair extends to her waist, just like her rear hair.

Above all. Those tits are pronounced even under her clothes! She has a short beautiful face. But her tits are huge.

Cui comes down and perches on my head.

『FIlmeria Fimirun. Height 141cm. E Cup. Sexual Experience – 0. Not even Kissing. This is another worthy woman』

Cui’s evil voice is leaking out. Still. E-Cup? That’s big.

While Cui and I were looking at Filmeria that way. Alchrom hasn’t loosened his caution towards me.

「Did you come over just for a payback?」

「That’s what I said」

「Bastard. Do you know who am I and what I’m fighting for!?」

Touya had saved Filmeria-chan by a hair’s breadth. Naturally. Alchrom glares at him.

◼️Filmeria Fimirun

Height: 141cm. E-Cup. Her long silver hair split in the center. Her right eye is purple while the left is green.

Touya is attracted to her mysterious appearance due to his Japanese senses, but her surroundings call her creepy.

Only foreseeing the unfortunate future of others gave her the name Mourning Shrine Maiden.

She’s shy due to low self-esteem. She’s not assertive, but that’s before meeting Touya.