Jobless Chapter 54 Me Vs Alchrom + A Beautiful Silver-haired girl.

I moved to Filmeria’s side while keeping an eye on Alchrom.

「Whose? Isn’t it for your master, the Royal family Yubavan?」

「His Highness Yubavan! Also, his highness and I are fighting for you commoners. And yet you…」

Oh, this is exactly what I heard from Erinabelle. He’s young and skilled but has a low status. I guess they adore Yugdovan more. Well, that’s understandable with that emperor.

Above all, the more capable someone is but never gets recognized, the more attractive meritocracy becomes.

Well, I was a former salesman. I understand the desire to be in that environment and put myself up. But you know.

(I’m not even a person from this world. Honestly, I’m not even interested in the struggle between the conservative emperor and his innovative brother)

I want to keep a strict distance from them. I don’t want to get involved in the affairs of this world.

Well, there’s the 15th-rank citizen. Erinabelle’s taking care of me so I don’t think it would be that convenient.

(Thinking about it now, he didn’t try doing anything to me before either. When he was pushing Erinabelle, all I did was throw a stone at him)

Based on Alchrom’s perspective, it would feel like a commoner he’s supposed to protect had thrown a stone at him. But, what’s done is done, right?

As for me, I don’t intend to let myself get involved in political affairs. After all, Erinabelle, my employer is more valuable than the rebels because I can have creampie sex with her.

「Well, with that said. I’m sorry but I can’t support you」

「Huh? What are you talking about?」

I finally got to sort out my thoughts. But Erinabelle, please come sooner.

Alchrom readied his sword, facing me.

That sword changes into a big sword. I don’t know what kind of structure that has.

「I’ll say this only once. You threw a stone because you were chivalrous to help a woman. I’ll keep that bravery in mind. But, that woman has to die here! Move aside! I’ll spare your life if you do」

I feel the same atmosphere as Harakara from Alchrom. This must be bloodthirst or something.

But, the effect of my contract with Cui means that it didn’t shake me.

「Huh? Why would I turn a blind eye to the fact that this silver-haired cutie is about to be killed? Besides! Didn’t you throw a barrel at me back then? I’d like to return the favor」

I drew Alchrom’s eyes to me. The knight-style woman is observing.

「Foolish. You don’t even have enough magic in your body and yet… Do you think you can be a match to Alchrom Avalfar, the great wielder of the great sword Rydale?! The fact that you hit me with a rock twice only happened because I was taken by surprise. But if you stand in my way, I won’t tolerate you, even if you’re a commoner!」

Alchrom lowers his hips and closes the distance in an instant. So fast!


He swings his long sword. He swings from the upper side with a flower motion and turns it to the right.

I evaded the first blow by going backwards, and the second by dropping my hips.


Just as Alchrom swings his sword, I swing my arm from below. But, Alchrom raised his left knee to hold off my hand.


With his left knee raised, he now kicks. I had to guard calmly, but I didn’t make it in time so I got kicked off.


It hurts as much as Harakara, maybe a little more. Damn, so this is the effect of strengthening using magic?

Alchrom kicks the ground to pursue me. Then, he closed the distance and swung his sword in rapid succession.

(What? I see the lines of the sword more)

Alchrom’s enhanced his physical abilities, and he’s now twice as fast as a normal person. Alchrom swings the sword twice at the same time an ordinary person takes their time to swing one.

But, my eyes are starting to catch up. I avoided the incoming barrage by relying on my sight.

This is a death dance, a slight misstep can cause me to get chopped to death. But, my mind wasn’t in panic, I remained calm.



As soon as Alchrom swings his sword. My eyes caught in the gap that was created in the short moment.

The body, which is approaching the hero status naturally moves as if it’s trying to exploit that moment.


A right fist into the torso. Alchrom’s torso collapses. But the new chance is an invitation for me to give a follow-up.


I swing my fist alternately. Alchrom repeatedly moved to avoid a direct hit at the very last moment using his hand and legs to defend.

Even if he tries to swing his sword, he can’t slash because the distance is almost zero.

Just as I thought I could push him further… Alchrom is accustomed to fighting, after all, he kicked my leg as I was preoccupied swinging my fist.


This time, he broke my balance. But, Alchrom didn’t pursue it and took distance instead. He turns his alert and intense gaze at me, completely different from before.

「What are you?!」


I looked over and saw the knight-style lady looking at me in surprise?

「I don’t sense any magic. Despite the entire combat, no magic leaked out. You don’t have any mana. How can you catch up with me?!」

Oh, I see. It’s the same with Harakara. He’s feeling uncomfortable because I can fight even though my physical abilities aren’t enhanced.

Well, this is the result of my contract with Cui. It’s an unexpected privilege to enjoy my fantasy sex.

「If you have that much strength. No, someone like you should join the Liberation Army! His Highness will give a fair assessment of your skills. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you’re born a commoner…」


What? Is he trying to invite me now?

「Have you ever had people push you around even though they’re inferior? Have you ever wondered why you have excellent skills but you’re not valued? You should come to our side. We can walk together as comrades. Come to our side」


I’m aware of that. It might be a misleading statement, but the section chief whose performance was lower than mine looks down on me like he’s a big shot. So he’s asking me “Can you endure that?”

And here at the workplace, such frustrations could be eliminated.

If this was me earlier, this might’ve been a good offer. But unfortunately, I can’t really say “I’m joining the rebel camp!” I mean.

(I’ve gone through the trouble of establishing ground in my life in this other world, why would I have to go to an unknown place now?)

There are other reasons, but that’s the summary.

If I was born and raised in this world. With the proper ideology, I would’ve said “I agree with the emperor’s way of doing things,” or “The path the younger brother is taking will brighten the future of the empire.”

However, I’m not interested in the future of the Empire. As a result, I just think about what’s most convenient for me.

And I’m in Erinabelle’s camp, minus the current emperor who vomits. It’s a little aggravating if you think of it that way.

Well, with that said. I guess I’ll make it clear that I refuse.

「Hahaha. Man. I’m not happy to have a guy ask me out!」


「You’re right. I’m a commoner. But, someone just hired me as her attendant just recently」

I wonder what even is the pay for the servants. I didn’t check at all.

「I’m now a fifteenth-class resident. Sure, I have issues with the current emperor. But, as long as my master doesn’t leave, I can’t go to your side either」

「I see…」

The air around Alchrom changed. I knew it since I saw this from Harakara. He intends to go serious.

「Filmeria and you. If you live, you’ll surely cause a great disaster in the future. And so I’m taking out the obstacles of the liberation army right now! Rydale the mighty craft sword! Show your power here!」

Alchrom holds his long sword. Then, particles of light are released from the blade and it deploys with a crackling sound.

Then a moment later, it transformed into a huge sword I’ve seen before.