Sugar Chapter 28 Otherworld Magic – Voice Changer

Currently, the underground labyrinth of sin is closed down.

But there’s one person who frequents there.

Needless to say, it’s the sugar daddy, Takumi, also an S-rank adventurer, and Yael, a skillful tiny old woman.

「I wonder if Arman’s nest is ready?」

「I hope he stays in that nest forever. He shouldn’t show up at all」

「Don’t be so cold! We’re having some good drinking today」

「He’s a wraith, he can’t drink」

Yael grumbles as they descend the dungeon, there’s no signs of people or monsters.

We approached the magic circle on the ground and activated the skill, then we were on the deepest floor. The dungeon master’s living space.

There, the powerful wraith who rules the dungeon is in the middle

『Hey yo! It’s your dungeon master, Arman! Bow down, adventurers!』

The old man strikes a girly pose in front of the mirror and raises a squeaky female voice.

No, she’s a beautiful girl in appearance, but the voice is an overworked old man.

「Oh man. I’ve been practicing. My bad

「Hey, Takumi. I’m heading to the church to get some holy water, Can you lend me your mace?」

「Eh? What are you going to use that for?」

「I’m going to soak a rag from the guild in holy water, wrap it around your mace, and the dragon slayer will turn into a wraith slayer. It’s the perfect way to get this worm out of my life」

Unfortunately, there are no human rights for old men practicing a female voice.

However, I made another old man friend, although that friend is trying to master the art of becoming a beautiful body. Takumi defended him desperately.

「Well, we’re the ones who entered the room without knocking. Besides, let me tell you, Yael! Old men have rights too! They should be allowed to live at least!」

「He’s already dead. It doesn’t count」

「That’s cruel!」

Well, that’s how Yael goes.

On the other hand, Arman seems mentally strong so he is unfazed by the situation that would’ve resulted him in dying in agony.

『Oh, ah, ehem. How’s that Takumi, is it getting close?』

「No, not at all. Still an old man. You don’t have vocal chords anymore so use your imagination! It’s strange to hear an old man’s voice coming out of a beautiful girl!」

『Look. I only look in the mirror a few times a day, but I hear my voice all the time. It’s not easy to rewrite memories. Gununu, I need to master a female voice as soon as possible, or else I can’t make my debut as a beautiful babe!』

By the way, Armand looks like a beautiful blonde-haired girl now. It’s impressive that he’s also dressed in the magic academy’s school uniform.

「Hmm, oh yeah. There’s this thing called voice changer in my world. It’s equipment that could raise your pitch to make you sound girly」

『I see. I’m curious. How does it work?』

「Well, it’ll take a long to explain. You see sound, not just voice, is made out of vibrations in the air. If you tweak the speed of that vibration, you can make your voice sound higher or lower. to be specific…」

The sugar daddy spreads a piece of paper on the table and starts drawing a wave diagram and describing math formulas.

Yael’s suddenly taken aback by the sudden intellectual move.

「Huh? What? What do you mean? Air vibration? That’s my first time hearing about it」

「Well, I’m not the one who discovered this. How’s that, can you turn that into magic?」

『I got this. I’ve got a reputation for excellence when I was a teacher. Thinking about it, it was a clever way to tweak that girl’s grades』

The old man draws out a magic circle and constructs a magic formula in an instant.

The sugar daddy watches over him while drinking.

Yael was starting to feel sad even though it was an inspiring moment as it was a new magic being created.

She wonders why the excellence goes to the idiot old men.

If they had talent, why not use it somewhere else.

『Okay, I get it! How’s that? Does it sound like a female to you now?』

「Oh, it’s still a little unnatural but it’s a lot better than before! I also heard that if you make a conscious effort to speak girlishly, it’ll become more natural」

『I see. This path is so profound』

「I can’t tell if you guys are garbage or geniuses」

Yael lets out a sigh as she stands close to the two old men, whose eyes are sparkling as they indulge in discussions about female voices.

Indeed, she’s been a brothel lady for a hundred years.

She’s aware of having a public face.

But these guys shouldn’t even be put out in the world.

「I mean, I’m not even here for this crap」

『What are you saying? What else could be more important than training to have a female voice?』

Arman insists with a serious face. Yael’s serious about trying to exorcise this guy.

「Look. What’s your plan with the dungeon? I must warn you, there’s never been a case where a dungeon master has an agreement. What’s your plan, seriously?」

「Oh, that? I didn’t consider that. I see, so this is a first」

Yael harbors a murderous intent towards the S-rank adventure making such empty-headed remarks.

On his side is the dungeon master looking smug for some reason.

『Of course I have plans. Takumi gave me the idea, so I’m going to use this dungeon to make it happen!」

「Huh? What did I tell you?」

『Don’t be so reserved, Takumi. You inspired me to the idea of having good dungeons in the other world』

「No, there are no real dungeons in my world, wait, do you mean?」

『Yes! A Lewd Trap Dungeon!』

Yael drops her fist on Takumi’s head. It made a nice bonk.