Sugar Chapter 29 The Birth of the Beautiful Dungeon Master


「What are you doing? There’s no sin in using a lewd trap dungeon」

「That’s an exaggeration you shitty old man! I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but you’re looking down on dungeons, aren’t you?」

The sugar daddy’s arguing for a lewd trap dungeon, with the Tiny Hag Brothel Madame. It was a hellish scene.

『Wait. Think about it. Suppose we destroy the dungeon core』

「Hmm, that’s how it usually goes.」

『So, what will you do next? Destroying the dungeon core will drop the rare items. But that ends there』


Yael chokes up.

Arman struck the right note.

『Dungeons are an economy. It’s like a mine. They build inns and weapon shops, and they prosper. Therefore, it’s better to keep the magic stones coming consistently instead of destroying them for a temporary rare item.

「Gununu. You’re saying something clever」

『And so. A lewd dungeon that doesn’t hurt people. It only puts girls in lewd situations. The adventurers are happy to collect magic stones. I get to watch lewd women. Isn’t that a win-win situation?』

「Of course! Look, nobody’s hurt. By the way, Arman, I have a lot of ideas」

『I knew you’d say that. Of course, I need your help. Let’s prepare a lot of traps and put these women in sexy games!』

I thought we would have a firm handshake, but he’s got a spirit body so I just slipped through.

Still, having two old men lets our souls resonate.

That was enough.


A week later.

The Adventurer’s Guild declared that the Underground Labyrinth of Sin has opened.

For the first time in history, adventurers gather in a dungeon where the dungeon master is also a collaborator.

It’s a magical city so the ratio of women is higher.

They all gather in the hall of the first floor for a briefing.

Then suddenly, a girl with short blonde hair and glasses appears.

『Hello! I’m the dungeon master Arman! Bow down, adventurers!』

It’s Arman who mastered the female voice.

He strikes a pose with his finger and it’s cute. It has an overwhelmingly female power, and nobody recognizes him as a former old man.

「Huh? That’s the dungeon master? Isn’t that cute?」

「They’re really helping out」

The whispers about the beautiful dungeon master were favorable. However, Arman strikes on with his debut.

『Well, I look like this but I’m actually an old man. I’m the dungeon master because of an accident and now I’ve become a beautiful girl! And so, I’m the dungeon master now』


He immediately comes out of the closet as the old man.

The adventurer shouts at the gap between his self-intro. Arman’s getting concerned inside.

He planned to take the setting of a woman both in mind and body once he mastered the female voice but Takumi scolded him.


「Err. Then, you’re a GIRL(Guy in Real Life) Being a V-Beauty means that you’re telling everyone that you’re a man despite looking so cute!」

『H-Huh? An old man but looks cute? What’s that expression? “Water in Fire?” That’s a contradiction, Takumi』

「That’s what makes it profound. You know that it’s an old man inside, and yet what you see is a cute and beautiful girl! It’s what’s inside that counts! The old man who had no human rights now gets the right to show off. That’s what it means」

『No way. So you’re saying that there’s a path to salvation for old men?』


Takumi’s passionate talk only causes misunderstandings and prejudice in modern Japan.

Inspired by that, Arman declares that he’s an old man inside for the first time, but his heart is filled with anxiety.

He was once caught doing things with a student and he was stoned to death.

He’s worried that they’ll pull out their swords to get rid of the old man.

However, there’s a difference between the past and the present.

This time, Arman looks and sounds like a beautiful girl.

「No way. You don’t look like an old man at all」

「I mean, don’t you look cuter than other girls?」

Sadly, people’s appearance is the 99.99%

If he looks like a beautiful girl, they’ll allow it.

The only things that appear in the renewed dungeon are slimes that melt clothes, tentacles that spread legs, and other monsters that sexually harass women

Even so, they weren’t powerful enough that the beautiful girl jokingly said “Oh no” while letting it slide

If he had introduced himself as the old man, they’d see him as a sexual harasser demon waiting to be taken down.

It’s great that he created that beautiful girl look and character.

『Hey, Takumi, this is all thanks to you! The light has shined in the darkness of this old man’s life!』

「Yeah, this is great. As an old man, I’m proud of my comrade」

「I wonder what’s going on in your world. This is insane」

Yael’s at her wits’ end as the reaction has been surprisingly positive. Takumi nodding.

That’s how Arman was saved, and he began walking on the new path as the old man beauty.