Take Up the Cross – Chapter 159: Pleasure Corrupts…? ☆

The last shudders from outside end with a rip of mortar from stone. Earth spirits cast down the last section of the world tree’s sole walkway up to its base.


(Got here…!)


Here is Ave’s precious shrine, a bark-clad interior that consumes the polished stonework walls. Once-cultivated trees overgrow, hoping to make shade for Adris to hide in and pounce from…


(Should I… pounce?)


Adris pants into the soft carpet below, staining it with saliva and sweat of his brow, along with copious drying slime. He lifts himself back up when he finds the fibers tickling his arms, the sensation almost painful with how it causes other parts to tingle.


“Prevailed… did all present. Great efforts… via extraordinary team cohesion.” A tinkling voice, stilted at first, becomes warmer. “Individual battle prowesses, commendable.”


Before him as he comes to a cross-legged seated stance are equally drenched and huffing warriors.

Made equal again by the insanity of the lesson they just learned, and all rising from the floor to relax finally in defenseless, inviting poses, it’s a doll that thrusts herself before Adris to continue an oration.

“Overly exuberant ‘spirits’ become when tendered simple instructions. Obvious, their faults.”

This self-proclaimed adjunct’s chosen dress is immaculate and shining in the blue gas lamplights; a sticking insult where others were drenched still in slime, then haunted by nightmarish green devils that performed a tribal death dance that closed in.

Malignant, stretching figures from Adris’ shadow even now chant something that sounds like “soup”.


(I can’t stop my heart! Dancing into the grave and then out again!?)


“Holding flank effectively, interrupting coordinated attacks, with great, if unusual, teamwork did Still…

Hah?” Neesiette flinches when semi-clear muck strikes her sleeve, flung from the witch hat that Still tries to shake clean.

Watching how it fades from Lunar clothing as a thin smoke when violet radiance pulses, Neesiette renews her speech toward another with lifted arms raised in salute.

“Bulwark against overwhelming opponents, center of diversionary thrust, earning great accolades did this lady’s student when…!


That next team member huddles close to herself, with Kol’s hands clenched onto a tail that pulls quickly through the tight grasp to unleash a spray of slug slime. It lands on Neesiette’s foot, bringing the doll into a one-legged lift until violet light again cleans her shoe.


(Burning up, too.)


Everyone is on fire in Adris’ eyes, especially Kol.

Her hands shake with this goo coating her fur.


Raging pink eyes have only criminal intent with their piercing glare at Adris’ secret weapon.


(We want to commit the same crime, do we!?)


Kol glances up to share a spark of competition between the two of them.

Adris tries to cut through steel with the hunger from his loins, while distance the kobold tries to make a lie by creeping closer.


“… Avenalliah… as well.” With a quick glance downward, a grimace of consternation set for that moment, Neesiette then turns toward a snake that has folded up like linked sausages assembled for packing.

Sharing a their own inspection between themselves, Neesiette boldly continues. “Outflanking all opposition with alacrity, merging a surprise assault with Adris’ own in an… unusually competent display of strategy…” As Neesiette provides commentary, Ave’s face grows deader. The elf merely lifts her hand covered still by gunk to pull her fingers inward. “… taking advantage of the… diversion provided by this lady…

From below, a thick glop of slug slime lands on Neeseitte’s cheek when the elf flicks open her hand. The Lunamaton brings her gloved hand up to wipe it off onto the floor, both cheek and glove pure after again a moment later.


(Selfishly becoming pure through ‘Luna’s might’ when the rest of us have to be sticky. That’s mutiny!)


Largest credit… for escape belongs to an assassination strike that decapitated enemy as a whole. Brought low by… ‘lurid advances’ this goblinoid druid found herself, such that this lady’s Emperor’s stratagem prevailed. With great self-control demonstrated in refusing a strangely professed eternal devotion earned by this assault, an Emperor’s exchange of one’s own hostage for… this lady that intentionally provided the distraction of self-detain—


Adris whips his soaked cloak off of his body, allowing the cold air coming from the great arched opening to their right to soothe him. The stately former hostage jerks forward when droplets of scum pelt her backside.


(Your punishment will be “being licked from head to toe”.)


“Disregard further analysis. ‘Survival under impossible circumstances’, this be defined as a victory.”

With their attacks launched, the rest of the girls are freed from their critic who promptly sits down without anything of true worth to add.


“But don’t think your hands are empty.”


And so Adris needs to offer the real prize!

The true enticement that is better than any cursed gold lost from fleeing.

From his position just at the entrance to this shrine, Adris alone is lit by the day that shows off his tanned, soaked skin. It’s proof of his ruggedness, so he never hides it.

“A victory where none needed to lose, nor be greedy…” The ties of his armor are easy for him to fumble at, the clanking of the lamellar pieces musical as they pile onto the carpet.

“… from this, what’s won again is my respect.


(My respect means that you’re earned the right for pleasure!)


Each piece of clothing he sheds is one less prohibiting the search for that.

A battle that fierce, with ruin so close at hand with Neesiette getting swarmed halfway through, ignited a passion Adris hasn’t felt quite this proudly for a long time.


Palms and knuckles deliciously pang, each strike designed to kill a bear failing to drain his nimble fingers.

Each spin or juke that brought him close to death is a new defect in the armor discarded beside him that proves he’s untouchable.

Only a minor burning cut on his left cheek proves he’s still a mite slow.




“The challenge nearly consumed you, but you devoured it instead. Rejoice!”


(You gave me the chance to hurt myself and them!)


The scene is a blur of pink, but Adris can feel the crushing weight of attention that makes him float like a bird on the breeze.

Pulling his legs wider as if inviting the most enthralled with him to climb onto it, Adris also draws his hand up to his chest to loosen his collar.

“For in victory, I am generously yours.”

A kobold that has a so very dank scent jumps up, followed by a snake elf blushing until she’s a tomato once seeing his neck. Confirming he has hooked them, he closes his eyes.


For whatever you… desire.” And his hand lifts to take up the first that will hold it today.


One, two, three, and four times, he has satisfaction aplenty awaiting.

Perhaps even enough for seconds!


(Yes, yes, that was very good.)


Adris’ soul elates with his own innuendo hitting himself so squarely!




“Kol, attention grant…! Leap not!”

A squabbling he can’t make out with his eyes shut, face set with an expression of silent longing, commences as he continues to drink in the passion within.


(How else can a man as good as I am sell it except as me being won? Claim me if you’re worthy…!

But don’t fight over me too hard! Hahaha!)


As feet scuffle, and finally what can only be Ave yelps with fright, Adris recalls every speck that made up the sea of green that he laid out. Sweeping through it while scything toward his own prize of shutting up an arrogant garden hobo.

The memory of that prize’s taste sours his smile for a moment.

Yet it doesn’t dull his glory, for not as a child that needs to be protected, but instead as a conquering man, Adris flexed his equally victorious arms. Their strength won, too…!


(A thousand battles could never make me tired of coming out on top!

I won every match up! They were NOTHING compared to me…!)


Adris flinches on thinking of only himself in that estimation, because there are others to share this with! His glory beautifies them, too.


(Compared to us, to each precious girl who fought by my side so that they could clutch onto a real man, THEY WERE NO MATCH!)


And their beauty will sate everything…!








The shrine entrance is woefully spartan when Adris reopens his eyes.

A look to his right, toward motion, has the women who should be aggressively clinging all over him at once departing. Instead of fighting for primacy, they’re herded into the adjoining wash chamber by Neesiette’s unintelligible orders

This bizarrely deprives Adris of his due attention.

Of the fruits of the luring he did.

Of… of…?


(I’m a bit confused. You need a man for making passionate love. He’s right here.)


A great celebration in motion has fractured…

At least until Adris stares at a plump witch that hazards a tired wave in his direction when he notices her.


With her hat drooping lower, there’s a strange new sensuality to her glistening figure as Adris scoots on the carpet toward her.

{Something… bothering you?}

She pulls up a long, mesh-clad leg to her breasts when he nears then on hands and knees. A shockingly bright smile on her porcelain mask when Adris is within reach, denying the slow signs she uses.

{It’s bothering me, maybe, that what you did doesn’t bother…?}




Not bothering, only tickling. For it’s a woman like this one that feels most in sync.

Her violence submerged, coming out when incensed, that historically accompanies Adris’ mood aimed at relaxing properly.


(Still held back to taste me before the rest…!)


“Why did you hold back?” His serious question causes Still to jump.

{Who!?} She then calms into only pulling away when Adris edges nearer. {Holding back is what YOU should’ve done, but obviously CAN’T!}

Still points at the black cross in Adris’ belt loop, a completely unnecessary conversation that he blows past with a wave of his dismissive hand.

You used so precious few ‘tricks’ against those goblins, my lovely Still.

{“Love—!?” Proper intellect guides witchcraft!} Catty fingers dance before Adris’ face, abandoning her attempts to stay apart once goaded. Instead, she fumes while flicking slime at his nose. {Smart hunters don’t always go all out like Lycia, no matter what! They only use…}

“What they obviously didn’t bring to the ‘dance’? Be honest, simple poisons are all you’ve made.”

{I’ve plenty…!}

“Of lies to spit out, but no talismans, vials, or trinkets to show off.”

Still’s hands close, only shaking.

A devoted partner knows.” Adris’ inspection has never left Still’s tight backside, much less the rest of her movements and choices.

Still defensively catches the pack that Adris thrusts into her hands to interrupt a signing denial of “loving”.

Your replacements.” Adris’ personal pack is what he opens for her to peer inside. “Which… excite you?”

From Lycia’s make or slayers’ shops or Welcome Web’s personal stores, there are innumerable ‘trick’ options from the extravagant to the mundane. Some of them already fill hiding spots in Adris’ clothing and gear, woefully underutilized within their previous hellish entrapment due to being stolen from him.

The opponents after were too overpowering for such minor gadgets and gimmicks.


(All I could afford or get on credit for being the kind of hunk I am…!)


{Debt, to YOU!? Don’t think me a foo—!?} Still tries to jerk her hand away when he catches it and squeezes.

Partners never have a tab.” He growls low and hard, keeping his smile content.


(Don’t dare insult me. I’ll invest… everything into a woman I want to fu—!

No, help!)


With Still now on her side, staring sidelong at Adris as he crawls beside her, the pack between is all that separates him from melding into sinful squishy boobs.

{A-Adris, have you considered attending to… yourself? You’re a little, in manners, right now…?} A leading question about his health brings a brighter smile to Adris, yet as their hands touch and Still slides away for him to follow, only one cure exists.

“Selfish to hoard these tricks before now, am I?”

{Often? But, not my poi—!}

“We’ve a victory, and I’m to go off alone?”

{What victory!?}


The complex weave and interchange of spiritual sensations between partners grows torrid when Adris climbs over the witch instead of beside. Smaller now despite being taller, Still scrunches up cutely in a faux-troubled posture.

Adris’ excitement is hers, he can feel it like pinpricks! She protests not a bit in truth, only inviting more…!


(You’d run if you hated it, and I wouldn’t chase, no, never…)


“You wanted growth, beloved witch? They flowered before you into carnage!”

{F-Flowered…? Eh!?}

Wiggling fingers are easy to trap with his own wrapping them up.

“An ugly flower, but furious! Ave cowered not a moment before swimming through foes to crash into that dirt-tasting bitch from the side!”

Adris’ breathing is deafening, and it’s only now that he appreciates how coy sign language is when it forces him to be the only voice betraying the weakness of passion felt.

“But enough of the ‘why’ or ‘how’. Do you care? I don’t!”

Hands held tightly, Adris leans into a girl that cannot lean away because she needs him.

“Victory means celebration! Come on: live a little with me?”

Her hand comes free with waggling disdain. {‘Live’…?}

“… Figure of speech.”

Still’s troubled smile doesn’t hide how awash with the desire for Adris she is, such that she can barely be apart when he cradles her. How when her softness gives to his hard touch, she kicks a bit with the sensation.

The “fear of falling”, that’s what’s stricken Still, Adris can intuit it with his mighty analytical mind. His burning skin heats her up, invites what both must know is inevitable.


(Every time I’ve won, you came for me! I’ll beat the rush!)


But the fear is strong, for some reason.

Mounted as he is over her, she tenses almost like a rat cornered by a cat. Ever reluctant to accept what’s boiling between them, Still is so cutely…!?


“Forget the girls, the mansion, worldly evils, and petty squabbles!” Were her mask not so difficult to kiss from their current embrace, Adris would already be pecking at it.

The pleasure of contact is also a tinge of pain.

It motivates ever forward like a knife to one’s back.


Still, I saw a deep pool.



(What master of “water” wouldn’t enjoy a swim~?)


This nearly tell-less minx goes ramrod stiff at the information, though Adris feels no great surprise when her dread mixes with his elation.

“Why clean ourselves when kind hands are nearby?” A smidgen of anticipation from a deep, unknown place touches Adris at this suggestion.


(A way to your heart!?)


“Swimming is a treat I’ve not had for years.”

And it’s a tempting one that brings no hand-spoken response from Still.

No longer rigid, the sneak instead relaxes to the point of being fluid in how she slowly wraps up Adris with her legs around his.

This complete turnaround of her reticence invigorates. Almost like she’s ready to guide him in when she opens wide again, she’s melting her frost!

“Water supporting that sexy body of yours…? I can’t wait to witness it!”

A strange intensity is with the touch of the witch upon his nape, then sliding up to his neck. Resisting no more, the moment at hand finally when her caresses over his body outnumber his to hers.

Yes, touch me more, Still…!

Adris no longer feels her painted smile even remotely matches the cold, yet ecstatic, turmoil of their spiritual link.

Cold, but hot, inconceivably focused on the perfect specimen that is Adris.

In Still’s sight…


(SHE WANTS ME! STILL WANTS ME SO MUCH RIGHT NOW, that’s quite a lot, actually!?)


All Adris can share of her sight is the totality of himself, bathed in deepest red.


(And I want her…!)


He wants to fall into this girl, so that she can envelop him even more tightly than she already does.

Just like they’ve matched together in a haunted bedroom where she demanded allegiance, or upon the highest height of Petripolis where she offered only adoration, or even the sharing of blood that marks a disturbing closeness to demise, only in Still’s needy clutches does Adris feel the singular rush of unknown dread that guides lust that nearly drowns him every time within…!


(Let’s make zero distance between us, at last!

A-Although, your finger in my mouth is very slimy, and you shouldn’t fit more than one, no, two… or three at a time…!?)








A short cry shatters the mingling and removes red from vision.

The sneak’s hand yanks from Adris’ face, saliva trailing.

Arousal declines to nothing, replaced totally by terror that contorts Still’s whole self. She hugs tightly around her breasts while staring up into Adris.

The smile incompletely painted on Still’s mask during their foreplay is a slashing grin of carnage, what Adris desperately also longed for.




Then, the shadow he casts deepens and consumes his beloved woman!




Still slips into an impenetrable gloom like a fish falling back into the sea before Adris can even try to reach within it.


She ignores his cry, then the ground maims his hand when he punches it instead of the soft depths. Adris rolls on the carpet while hissing, his mind ablaze with recriminations and questions!


(Weren’t you into me!? I’VE NEVER FELT MORE WANTED…!)


Skin that was burning with pleasure now spikes with prickling pain.

Every muscle in contact with soft femininity tightens at losing that balm.

Adris tries to breathe, to force new air to expel the pain, but can’t overcome the psychic trauma of Still running.


Nothing I said was a lie!” He can only croak that out while struggling to stand, falling instead.

We both felt the same… so… why!?” Senses boiling over capture the approach of a small figure, then it kneels beside a man folding up in the death called rejection.


(Death? Death! I’ll die… if I don’t… taste…!)


“… This… lady’s Emperor.”

A kind, confused calling of one of Adris’ many names sends him lunging for the source!

He tears at it until he sinks his tongue into a salty sweetness that struggles back.


(Soft kiss!

Soft inside girls!



The softest strands cushion his capture of what he kisses.

A female’s small tongue ceases to struggle, instead baiting aggressive play with softer invitation.

In the span of seconds, Adris’ tongue melts straight into his brain.


Nhaaah! Cool me!” Overheating still, Adris can only escape the heat if he keeps kissing.

To the floor he pushes his target.

Easily grounded, a weakling who can only return affection does so for what seems like an eternity before Adris feels a hand pop his cheek.

Khaa… what…?”


The man pulls away from what he finally tasted, reluctant despite the hand pushing firmly after what might’ve been a slap.


“Altering purpose already once: ‘tool of necessary comfort’ or ‘lady of longing for and pursuit thereof’?” When swirling eyes come to focus, Adris finds that a reproachful face composed by perfect symmetry turns from him to deny her pouting mouth.

Self-integrity allowing only one of these options, which of the ‘Neesiettes’ offered desires one more, oh Emperor?

If a doll can cry, the answer will potentially offer proof. Completely at his mercy beneath his larger form, Adris also knows all the secret ways to remove her half-cloak and dress.

He reaches to start, eliciting a flash of dislike that might also be anticipation…!?




(… What… what the fuck am I doing!?)




“F-Forgive weakness…” Adris throws himself off of the small girl, only having the strength to rise to his knees.

“… I’m… I would… never be like monsters or slayers, never force myself on…!

I, to you, think only!”


(She changed her “purpose” for me…? U-UGH!?)


“Ah…!?” Denying in his heart any future assault, no matter how defenseless the flesh with signals to continue blaring, sends a brutal ripping sensation through his guts!

His whole physical self tries to detach from the mind that rejects sex!




“Collapse obediently!”

Before Adris can heave out his pain, he’s pulled forward to fall. His head rests on something impossibly cushioning, then finds itself being stroked to aid him in denying his limbs from grabbing.

“… It hurts…! It really… hurts, what hurts…!?” His whole body becomes lightning whose intensity is proportional to his lust.

“Oh brave, willful, unknowing Emperor.” With adoration, Neesiette continues to console Adris. “One’s purity of purpose be exquisite. Madness comes now from limitation of inhabiting, for withstanding aphrodisiac dosages such as these be impossible for any human vessel.”


(… Curse! Two of them!)


[A curse of inescapable lust], and a [curse of death for not tasting women].

For the first time, Adris feels them working completely in unison to murder him.


I won’t succumb!

“[Love] be the quality this lady seeks to instruct; yet, Zennia’s rules, obedient shall an Emperor be, even when… subverting them through personal majesty.”

With Neesiette aiding him, Adris manages to stand. He can hardly hear her over his rough breathing, but so long as the lady holds onto him, the pain remains acceptable.

To the baths’ entrance is where Adris is led like an old man, clamping onto the archway to hold himself up as Neesiette points past a great pool recessed into the floor to misty air.

“[Comfort], elevated spiritually and romantically by a rakish, yet kind, man: there, with two natives of this realm, worthy demonstration of one’s true…?”

A pat on his crotch sends Adris hunching over with a hiss, because it’s so tight down there that the excitement of a woman’s touch almost sends him over the edge.

“… ‘might’ shall be demonstrated.”

Adris’ eyes peel back with shock when Neesiette stares up with only kindness, for Adris’ expression can only be horrendously hungry with how wide his smile feels.

“I’m not like the slayers…! I won’t force myself on a companion for… simplicity!”

“Mentalities self-harmed and warped, slayers arrive at this fate by indulgences most grotesque. A mighty, loving Emperor, pursuing firstly [romance] before [self-pleasure] however, be one’s actions quite different in intent even if identical by physicality?”

Then… this is… okay…?” He has no ability to be aloof, only needy with his breathing.

“Expected, should it not be? By ignorant and insipid girls, also expected. With this lady’s blessing, one’s necessary duties indulging in to deny not equal satisfaction.” Neesiette nods affirmatively.


(It’s… really okay? You’re okay with this!?)


Requesting… this lady before… ah?” A brief, ugly smirk darkens Neesiette’s face, then she returns to placidity. “One’s worthy desire for this lady, forestall it; yet, think not that it be graded as uncouth, or… uninteresting.”

“… You won’t… get away… next time…”

A stolen kiss, loaned now from future date for demonstrating worthy fidelity, must suffice.”

After basking in this lady’s smile at the promise, looking over the slight figure that his insides scream will offer more pleasure than those offered, that’s the last Adris ever sees of her.






Into the deep waters Adris flings himself, enjoying the rebirth of enthusiasm upon breaking the surface.

Slime cannot defeat pure waters. Neither can the stinking fluids that were hurled at him by ravenous greenskins.

Behind him a creature paws noisily to the water’s edge, but Adris’ sense of danger doesn’t report anything at the moment besides “death from within”.

His shoes float briefly before sinking, then his jerkin and tunic are stripped to join them. He drops the circlet from his arm onto a shallow step, then reaches for his bracer of immense strength.

There’s a brief stamping of feet from one of the stalls before Adris. Almost ready to unlace the bracer, he stops and climbs out toward the sound with it still on. Half-naked, Adris has no time for the beauty of this stone bathing area where light mixes with waters cascading down from above to reflect off walls that run wet to the floor.


(Decide who first…)


Carved out of the marble walls are steaming alcoves with great half-shells above. Warm water as pure as the pool’s runs down from the ceiling to collect in them, then spill over the edge like a waterfall shower onto the one below.


One occupant bothers to close a cloth partition mostly shut, leaving only the emerald of a long, naked fidgeting tail as a lure.


Grace and innocence, but a flavor that alters to appeal more to him each time he tastes!

That’s the evil whisper from this alcove that smells lightly of the forest.

Adris almost lunges for the partition before a slap shifts his eyes.


The other alcove is completely open, the waterfall beyond slapped at by a taut, expectant little bundle of carnality. A scaly tail with a fluffy tip rapidly slams the wet tiled floor as if it matches Adris’ own thumping heart.


An overpowering scent comes from the steaming den.

It’s both angry and needful! Prideful, but collapsing with the same longing that Adris smells of himself…!


A decision this enormous leaves Adris’ mouth dropping.

It’s an experience he’s never faced before: picking between two happinesses.

Like his anarchy with Neesiette and Still, indecision nips.


(… How… do you decide…!?)


Adris rips at his hair for a moment, the spiky touch off-putting as much as the responsibility!

No, not responsibility: the problem of not being able to have both at once!

Of not being able to enter both alcoves, at the same time, to make what his heart wants to sing into their ears, one furry and the other pointed, equally giftable!






His arms almost tear himself apart to reach for both, until his nervous breathing slows with a brilliant deduction seeping through.


(… Wait.)


The order is set the moment it strikes, this truth that settles in.

There’ll be no mistake, insult, or disapproval if “he didn’t choose one first”!


(That sexy snake… will be most ready after…!)


Why she has this trait? Irrelevant.

There’s so many confusing facets to both girls that Adris’ god-like lovemaking hasn’t identified.

But, as Adris kicks his feet out to shed his pants that pop off of their own will, experience calls this plan he’s concreted “the first step in achieving transcendent double affairs”!




([Use one tile to elevate the other!]

Ave isn’t jealous, only twice as hot for me after she hears me destroy her friend!)




It’s clearly improper, Adris thinks. If it weren’t, the way his whole body tingles while stalking up toward a kobold wouldn’t feel so intoxicating!

A clear defiance of norms (Xinian), it’s the logic of a horny slayer.

But when Kol’s silent tantrum freezes upon him crossing into her soaked “domain”, and she only inches toward the shower to pretend she’s wetting her untied crop of short white hair to clean it, Adris probes himself for the perfect words of seduction to whisper.


His shaking hand firms up upon closing on her preciously stout hips.

Such a lovely figure, strong and tight, but also full, deserves an unbottling of Adris’ finest refined mojo!


(“Every star of yours that twinkles is white, but none…?” Hmm, hmmmm!?)


To kiss her everywhere is a challenge!

At her back now and letting his added height alter her mood with a subtle inferiority agitating Kol, Adris nears her bare shoulder with his head.

Licking a droplet off might be sensual enough, then feeling the strangely soft fur at her neck, then the scales…?


Black hair is always waiting for him after the conquest…!


(… No… something…)




Not black.

Never black again.




Adris’ delusions crash upon him when he catches white hair with his hand at Kol’s head.

There’s a low growl coming from her at how he extends his tongue to lick her with care in place of aggression.


And confused.


Disappointed, when no woman could POSSIBLY be so with Adris’ foreplay.





Every emotion Adris has been feeling is absolutely, terminally incorrect!

But no curse attacks him. He’s not rejecting the allure, nor running from a female.


(Not seduction… truth of bodies meeting!)


When his target turns toward him with aggressive, shining pink eyes full of depravity, and then lifts a clawed hand to clamp onto his neck, Adris completely understands the nature of the universe and his place in it at that very moment.


(I’m so stupid! A mongrel that wants to eat me alive is who I want to nut in, so live with HER!)


After dodging that hand, he just pulls back to recalcul—!







“NGGYAAAH!?” A needy bitch screams when her greedy paw gets caught, then her whole arm twisted.

A recalculation? No, just assault. Immense strength borne of a will to never, ever lose to her sends Kol huffing face-first into the waterfall she deceptively bathed at.


Something breaks when Kol’s trap does too.

But in the best way.

When Adris, without a word, applies easy pressure to drilling her arm into her back…?


“Huuuh!? NAH…!?” Kol totters in place, then her tail whips up to slap Adris’ cheek as if by reflex.

The wolfish beauty keeps roaring out her throaty breath, refusing to turn her head and only staring ahead.

With absolute care, she’s tilted over. “NNNghh!? Gagaga…!?” An unintelligible giggling and cry at the same time coincides with her legs sliding wider.


(What she… wants…)


Inch by inch, allowing what water spills over to briefly hide the opening.

The lower Kol tilts, the higher her butt lifts.


A predator trailed its prey into a corner that it couldn’t escape.

There’s no panic, instead wonderful, manic exhalations when the hunted thrashes…


The killing strike comes when a male leans behind her…!





A shriek deafens the predator when he slams into a molten cavern.

No true preparation, no mercy is given!

Once “teeth latch on”, all an animal that is caught can do is scream.


Kol’s tail shoots ramrod straight up when that cavern collapses onto Adris’ iron rod. An arm he’d stolen with the strength of a giant to bind Kol becomes instead her leash for him to carry her through her first twitching orgasm.

“CUMMMM! Kol…!” Speech returns when her tail de-stiffens, drunkenly swaying before Adris’ face between slaps of his cheek.




AHNANANA!?” The arrogant pussy clenches harder to prevent his rapid deep thrusts, but it’s too weak!

Frenzy sends this wounded prey aiming for a side wall to bash him into it. Paradoxical desperation that calls her joyful howls a misrepresentation of the truth.

Kol thrashes against his piston that goes from stopped to full bore. That hand she stuck out dooms her, though, to become a receptacle for all the wrongs and blessings Adris has suffered since re-entering a golden hell!

“Off…! Kol, throw…! Nnngh!? HAAAUGH!” The weakness brought on by a deathblow cracks the prey’s voice with musical panting. Being tormented by her “killer” bucking her around sends Kol’s free hand to her breasts.

Beat… you…!

Ugah…!? Mmmm!”

Fast, rough, all that passes between them is the struggle and its signs of shifting!


The prey’s moans outnumber the grunts of rage, and she paws at her own rockhard teats to mimic what her true feelings desire for Adris to do.


To attack further.

Going beyond a one-sided assault into complete war against her.


Adris nakedly moans the satisfaction of his mounting release that seeks to end this succumbing food animal’s resistance.

A strong female’s masculine qualities now all strip away.

There’s only yielding softness of crisped skin that constantly has its sweat and stink of sex washed away. Unkempt hair shines in the light from above like no man’s ever would. Despite more resolute muscular strength, Kol’s mind grows cowardly in applying it.


(Scream at me… to eat you up as a woman…! HAH, HAAAH!)


Warm water sprays off of Kol’s back, more of it striking his legs when the pliable kobold’s knees go weak under the brutal double or triple trailing orgasm that aphrodisiac and Adris’ length inflicts.


It signals her last gasp of free air and the “strangulation” of her libido coming in mere moments.

Adris throws his full weight into hollowing her so that he can drink the howls of thanks to come.


But without wasting a single word to earn it.

Not even relying on his tongue to earn it.

This great, soundless hunting reptile he’s mimicking stoically enjoys total domination!


Muscle against muscle, female succumbing to masculine vigor, whatever Kol’s expectations were, Adris at least wishes from his core that he can endure his own surrendering body!

It’s not intended to be fair, Adris drinks that fact deep: aphrodisiac denies his efforts.


“Unnggh!? HAAH! AAAAAH!” She howls when her tight passage distorts from the angle, rocketing her back into his pace so that she won’t be gored.

Wanting pleasure over pain proves a collapsing resistance.

It’s unlike Kol to lose cohesion!

If she’s going to collapse, it should be only after he’s drunk his…!


(My fill is to fill you full!



All the depraved sludge of the manse clogs Adris’ heart, but this beast deserves his all no matter his clarity!

The horror and embarrassment and rage he felt when she tried to put a door between them earns a crack of her shoulder.

But the exhilaration of claiming her forever in his name is what makes her cleft so tight, for the water fights a squealing wolf’s lubrication.



Attack… hard! W-Want Kol, so much!?” Kol’s moan uses a name meant for him, a call that any female animal will make.

Is it to goad a response, so she can rely on primitive instincts to search for weakness?




Adris laughs aloud at the invitation to let loose his prey’s captive fascination, earning either a roar of disapproval or frustration as the mutt starts to hump backward to slam into his thrusts!


The prey now desires to be eaten, and so Adris lunges for a harder chomp!

Eagerness makes both sloppy. Adris is finally the dog-like lover Kol might want because he wants to lean down and bite her neck in truth.


But he can’t stop until he hears this bitch’s death rattle!

Even as his balls are bursting with a long-withheld need, one that slime fed until his brain might crack like a dropped porcelain cup if his blue balls don’t bust, he can’t release her…!




The copulation shifts when Kol’s knees turn inward.

A loss of balance that comes with new howls of his name that’s sweet instead of outraged.


KOL!? Again!!!” Velvety folds squeeze so tightly that Adris fears his whole body will be drawn into her inferno. Kol arches backward with her heavy screams of pleasure turning into bloodthirsty yells.

“Notfair, notfair, notfaaaair…!?



Adris silences them with slaps so hard that their meeting can be heard over the waterfall.

Spontaneous laughter as his own first orgasm shoots out of his control sends Kol into a tizzy.

That indescribably assertive tone of Kol’s, what she loudly tries to bully Adris with since her vocal impression is even more compelling than his, shatters along with that pride.


“… MMMOOOOOAAAAAR! Harder! Love… LOVE, Kol, THISSSS!” Kol howls with a child-like glee that’s dirtied by adult pleasure, a woman’s utterance of capitulation those words that beg for more. Her tongue pokes out on the side of her face that she turns to catch Adris’ own expression.


Loose, needy, and devoured by his hunger, Kol’s femininity is trodden upon completely under Adris’ killing glare!

No longer a free woman: [JUST HIS].




How she milks him isn’t a total surrender, though, despite giving up her body totally to his movements! And it’s only a moment before Adris’ own, because he’d promised his seed already in his heart to two different women.


“Ready…! BE READY!” Adris’ try to sound domineering is ruined by how he moans after yelling.

That it always ends up being Kol is a flutter in Adris chest as he unloads.

NAAAH!? HOOOOOT! Inside…! LOVE!” Kol only screams with thanks for the deluge that tries to pierce downward toward her waiting womb, seeking to finalize a promise.

So much fills Kol that it meets the trickling water rushing between their joining.


Way too hot, Adris feels stuck in a desert without water despite it being all around. The pleasure becomes a harsh, constant crushing on his dick. Kol refuses to leave his one-sided control of her by pressing through it to keep her butt planted.


(Not Serras…! Not anyone else, just KOL.)


Violent, abusive, demanding, and utterly reprehensible, what Adris just inflicted still rolls through his mind as an idea with a four-letter curse to name it.

Two minds of it inside, Adris no longer represses the feelings that both sides offer a taste of.




[To abuse someone you care about makes a man worthless.]

A tight, unmovable pride born a long, long time ago asserts that. With self-hatred at this tryst, and also the intellect to say that it will forever change them both, that pride once cared too deeply about…?


(I can no longer be inflexible! I am… motivated by their truest desires…)


An “Adris” that a boy has rarely spoken with taps his shoulder in his mind, swinging an arm around his neck to catch him in a friendly embrace.

Speaking quietly of acts and glands that empower them, an older man recalls intruding on a pleasure palace without invitation. All of the impossible, impressive fetishes witnessed are shared on Zennia by soldiers of revenge that crowd in an amphitheater to recount what makes a boy sometimes want to blush.

A truth is whispered into his ear, then, one proved by both worlds sharing the same realization:




That man asks the boy if he comprehends…?




(That was… Kol was really hot.)


“… Haaah! Kol, believe now… Moon about mating…!” Finally, ever so languidly, Kol slides off his length.

For a moment, Adris is hesitant to release her, but does so anyway. The kobold rubs her belly while squatting a bit and making a strained face.

“… Nah? Kakaka, nope, can’t do it, too much!”

Droplets of white splatter out into the rush of water from above. Not everything stays inside of Adris’.


(She… she’s trying to…!?)


Adris flushes from the heat of her trying to keep his semen inside, earning a grin from Kol when the kobold slides up to him with wide hip sways.

“Boss, enjoy~?”


That shit-eating grin of hers balks him before he answers, for he recalls how needy she was to hear his voice.



Instead of affirming it, he just turns his eyes past her and walks up to the waterfall.

With cleansing powder he takes from the ledge, something of the same make that Ave provided, he readies to wipe the sweat from himself.


(Zero satisfaction.)


[It’s always a game.]

Relationships either start as one or gain them.

Adris had recognized the ones he had with Still and Neesiette, perhaps even with Ave, but now he discovers something new in Kol that defines theirs.


(So long as I’m ahead, she’s motivated to be behind me… and, she recognizes that.)


Not an ignorant child.

Not even truly an idiot.

Denying that Kol growls behind him, a menacing heat haze overcoming the hot water hitting Adris’ face, he’s sure that there’s never real anger to these confrontations.


He doesn’t have to be afraid of how they’ll change, because this was their relationship from the first night they “wrestled”.


It relaxes him immensely, even when Kol slides in front of him to wrap her arms around his stomach. The angry, toothy grin is a hint that what happens next will be violent.

But, her beautiful face beaming like a kid who holds her favorite toy means it will be fun.


Boss: Kol’s spar now~!


Adris is swung around and through the waterfall, thrown into a seat of marble cushioned by a scale-like covering that allows the one seated to reach up to the crystal waters.

No time is given to react or deflate his still-engorged, hopeful dick before a kobold woman licks her lips, then jumps.


(It’s really, really tough to be so desira—BLEEE!?)





“Kol…” Kol’s boobs jiggle wildly in front of her with the slapping of her butt cheeks against Adris’ hips. “REAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY likes… this position…! Haaah…! Gahhh!” An erotic sight if she were just jumping up and down, it’s a source of pain since Adris isn’t allowed to reach up and grab onto them for stability.

“Wait, wait, slower!”

With his feet flat, hips planted and a kobold that might weigh more than him from pure muscle dropping onto them, Adris sighs with equal pleasure at sharing and a need for intervention. Reverse-seated, Kol cannot be controlled by Adris in any way.


Trust defines this position.


“Slow? But, faster is slicker! Males always like better?” Kol obeys, though, by meeting a 1/3rd of her prior piston. With her feet lodged on the edge of the seat Adris occupies, she has her head in the waterfall when lifting off of him.

At first annoyed, the kobold repeatedly twists her head to fling water off while smiling now.

“It’ll be better, haah, for us both if you can control it.”

“How?” A question like “how” has done so much for Adris’ spirit and Kol’s mood that it’s a wonder he didn’t offer this service more often.


“Let me show you.” Planting his hands on her hips, lightening the grip when Kol’s competitive eyes flash, Adris nods.

Kol’s primitive instincts flare with a grimace; then, her ears twitch twice, and the kobold nods back.


Rather than just up and down, Adris guides Kol’s movements into a more oval thrust.

Expertly keeping her feet planted with that guidance.

“Nnn…!” Kol moans when the longer thrust moves against her walls with more intimacy, then smiles when the pace is to be fast during the thrust, and slower upon re-entering or reaching the end of her passage.

To reinforce the lesson, Adris slinks his hand over to rub on the hood of her clit.

“RAAH!? OH!? L-Like… Kol, likes that!”

“Doesn’t have to slap to feel good!” Adris laughs at this thought, then moans with disgust when Kol’s tone grows sour, and halts her humping with Adris’ length halfway out of her and getting colder.

“Slap? Meaning ‘hit butt to you’? But, ‘slaps’ make Kol feel better! And Kol’s ‘exploding’, MOST IMPORTANT!”


(I’m… still a false god…)





Kol coughs and hacks when Adris grabs onto her neck collar and yanks the kobold backward. Only far enough to alter the position and pile new sensations on top, Adris sneers.

This is fiercer, not faster. Warriors endure. Remember, disciple.”

The abuse could never harm Kol given her bodily constitution, but it does bring a gleam to her when she turns in surprise to shout through the constriction.

“Kakaka! Kohl, LIKESH endurhin’!” Adris releases some of the tension. “Remember, will!”

The kobold shakes off his other hand at her clit, then launches into a faster, but controlled, piston using this new motion. Her supple breasts bounce more lightly.

That luxurious tail of hers wraps around his arm that keeps one finger on her collar as a reminder.


(Gods… ascendants… she’s… learning!)


Adris moans at the attention, finding it erotic how a rampaging bull can change her stride. Kol lowers her head to enjoy the work.

“Boss, Kol’s male…!

Give… Kol… MORE!”

Another creampie is ready to deliver to her eternal hunger.


(Just one more, please…! I have… another…)




A long ear gives her away when sticking out from behind marble.

The second flower, a green one, is waiting for this abused bee to buzz into her.

Suffering, or perhaps enjoying, a raucous report beside her own alcove is one snake elf who might also die inside without a rescue.


Because she’s peeking around now.

Staring at Kol, then at Adris, then where these two separate entities become one in an orgy of water and bodily fluids.


(Don’t… worry! I’m all yours… after.)


When Adris looks past the roaring Kol, stuck in worshiping his cock with a new “Talent”, the boy gifts a sly smile meant for a kinder girl.


That girl’s expression goes wide with discovery…!

Then, she’s vanished into mist again.







(It’s amazing to be so desirable…)