Unwanted In Isekai Chapter 1. Summons



It’s the first warm sunlight to fall on me in a long time.

Last day of February.

I was heading to a local convenience store in the somewhat overcast spring weather.

「 Woaaah?! 」

「 Huh?! Wait, what’s going on?! 」

He suddenly heard a scream from up ahead.

The next moment, he looked in the direction on the other side, thinking that it was a traffic accident, the ground suddenly lit up and his entire field of vision went blank in a blink of an eye.

Furthermore, he’s feeling a sense of weightlessness, and his body floated.

「 Huh? Haaaa!? W-What’s going on?! 」

He screams pitifully, but it was only for a few seconds. After that, he lost the floating sensation.

He’s suddenly back to the ground, but the sensation of having a sudden foothold felt like he’s about to fall over.

「 That was close. Just what the hell happe–Wha? 」

As I straightened up and looked up, I froze as I look around me.

I was in the neighborhood just seconds ago, and now it’s gone, replaced with a Western-style room–Or should I say, a great hall.

The ceiling’s supported by several ornate columns, flashy walls with paintings all over, and a bright red carpet on the floor.

Several Western armors aligned in such a luxurious room.

No, this one has a person inside?

Near the armor are guys in robes somewhat gasping for their breaths.

I turn my gaze to the front and see a raised platform, with a single chair and a person sitting on it.

Considering the crown and the clothes, I’m pretty sure that’s the King.

「 Huh? What?! What the hell?! Wait, where am I?! Hey, Takumi! Where’s this place?! 」

「 No, don’t ask me, I don’t know. I mean, don’t grab me like that, my shoulder hurts Seijin聖人

「 Hey, Hey, where’s Aoi?! I don’t see her 」

Between the King and I were three men and women who seem upset.

I can tell from their faces that they’re younger than me, or rather, it’s easy to tell because of the sailor uniform. They’re high-school students.

A group of people was just having fun and shouting as they walk.

「 You’re in front of the King. I understand your confusion, but would you mind quieting down for a moment? 」

The stern man in full armor except for his head stands before the King and speaks in a harsh tone.

The high-school students immediately went silent from the impact.

「 This is the King of the Nyhied ナイヘッド Kingdom. His Majesty Mihaflミハフル. He’s about to speak 」

「 Hmm, you’ve answered my summons, otherworlders 」

King Mihafl speaks with a sullen voice as he looks with emotionless eyes.

He’s probably past his forties, and his golden hair of his is tinged with grey.

He continued to speak, fiddling with the gorgeous cane he was holding with both hands.

「 Our country is currently under an invasion by someone who calls themselves the Demon Lord, and it’s an uphill battle. Numerous heroes tried to stop the invasion, but they were defeated. So, you’ve been summoned with the help of the Goddess 」

I listen to the story that sounded like an opening of a video game.

No, what even is a demon lord?

Also, Goddess?

What the fuck is a summoning?

I’m familiar with manga and games, so I can understand the words, but it’s difficult to accept it when people talk like it’s obvious.

While I was confused, the King continued and it finally ended.

「 –And so, you will learn how to fight, and as soon as it’s done, you’ll head to the battlefield. Now that the explanation is done, is there anything you’d like to ask? 」

Hmmm. What a fantasy talk.

In short, “We’re at war with the Demon Lord and we’re losing so we’re going to send you to it”

As if I’d just agree to that.

Is he an idiot?

I’m pretty sure that I’m dead from a single strike of that old man knight there.

Wait, maybe…

Why would the Goddess or something summon us then?

This is a common pattern.

The high-school students were voicing out their fears to question the King.

「 W-Why us?! We’ve never been in a fight before! 」

「 That’s right. You’re telling us to participate in a war so suddenly. I can’t do that 」

Yes, that’s what I wanted to ask.

Seeing that the high-school students are useful, the old man knight steps closer.

「 I understand that you’re upset, but we need you to calm down and listen. You’re worried that you won’t be able to fight but you’ve been summoned with the help of the Goddess, so you should’ve received some power. We’re going to check that now 」

The old knight looks at the armor near the wall and approached something.

I knew it had something in it.

I looked at the full body armor clanking and I felt a gaze.

「 Hey, Takumi, what’s that? 」

「 No, I don’t know either. Miki未来, do you know? 」

「 Eh? I feel like that guy’s been walking behind the whole time 」

「 You haven’t said a word, have you? 」

「 Wait, if you’re an adult, why don’t you step up and speak? 」

「 Hey, stop it 」

These kids are too noisy

I’m calmly analyzing the situation.

I ignore the stares of the high-school students and focus on what the old knight held.

It’s some plate-shaped metal thing that brings some information.

The first guy called was the high-school boy with brown hair.

The brown-haired man who picked up the metal plate as instructed by the old man, then said “You’re allowed,” the metal plate glowed for a moment.

「 Ooh, you have four combat skills. What’s more, you have Swordsmanship Level 3. Fire Magic Level two, and Light magic Level 1. So this is the Goddess’ assistance? Such skills truly befit the heroes 」

「 Heroes? Wait, that’s what you’re calling us? 」

「 Umu. They’ve just been summoned yet their skills are already this valuable. With a little training and these heroes will become the saviors of our country! 」

「 I-I see. Right. Heroes… 」

So that board shows your abilities?

I mean, Skills? That sounds like a game world.

Next, it’s the turn of the short-haired guy who looks like a sports player and bulkier than the other high-school dude.

「 Ooh. This is also wonderful. Great Shield Level 3, Heavy Armor 3, and Earth Magic 2. He’s a worthy guardian 」

「 Err, you mean my role is to be a shield? That’s not as great compared to Seijin 」

「 There’s no doubt that your skills are meant to protect your allies, but that’s not all. Great Shield and Earth Magic are excellent for both offense and defense. When you let it grow, you’ll become a moving fortress! 」

「 I-I see. That sounds strong. I guess that’s fine 」

The short-haired guy was unhappy at first with his tank-like skill structure, but when the old man pats his shoulder and cheered him up, he relaxed.

The old man sees this and nods lightly and now approached the girl.

Her black hair reaches her shoulder blades, and it shakes uneasily, but she does as she is told, and touched the metal plate.

「 What a surprise! You have four skills?! Light Magic 3, Water Magic 2, Wind Magic 3, and Cane Arts 2. That’s an excellent offense and defense structure. With your high-level light magic, you’ll surely be able to help the two fighting in the vanguard. Wonderful 」

「 R-Right… 」

The old man is showing his excitement, but the girl isn’t.

If a man who’s over 190cm tall is doing that, of course, that would be the reaction.

When the three heard the results, they looked at each other and the brown-haired one chuckled.

「 Guys, I want to give it a shot 」

「 I’m annoyed at how you’re being treated like the hero, but since like I can fight, I’m interested 」

「 H-Hey, you two, I can’t do it! L-Let’s go back, okay? Let’s return home! 」

The boys seem to have changed when they heard about their abilities, but the girl was different.

She grabs the two who seem to be getting excited.

The King was watching that, raised his arm, and rubbed his beard, speaking out.

「 Do you want to go home with you know you have that power? What a curious thought. You’ll become heroes. However, even if you wish to return, that’s going to be hard. You cannot return to your world without accomplishing your mission 」

「 Huh? M-Mission!? What do you mean?! 」

「 We asked the Goddess to lend us the power to summon you so you may save the Kingdom from its plight. If you just go home without achieving anything, then that would mean that you’re doubting the power of the Goddess. She will see that as our distrust towards her, wouldn’t she? Either way, you shall not worry. I know that you will save our country 」

I don’t know if it appears that way because I’m from another world, but the way he speaks seems like an act to me.

He talks like he believes in the Goddess, but how do I say this? It stinks.

That aside, I highly doubt that he’ll let us return.

I’m worried about the girl who seems stunned after hearing the King’s words, and before I knew it, the old man is in front of me.

「 You’re the last one left. You seem to be a little older than them, are you acquainted? 」

「 No, not at all 」

「 Hmm, I see. Well, it’s trivial. Anyway, hold this board and allow me to see your power 」

「 Sure 」

I speak up and the old man looks at the metal plate.

Then, the old man’s eyes opened wide.

「 W-What? Teleport 1? That’s it? W-What’s going on? 」

It was too much of a small fry that I stopped thinking for a moment.

However, I managed to regain my composure.

「 Err, there’s only one skill, maybe it’s some ridiculously rare skill or something? 」

「 H-Hmm. It’s an unusual skill, to say the least. In addition to not having troubles when moving. When you let it develop, you’re likely to transfer to an army. But, there’s little hope for growth 」

「 T-Then, what to do? 」

I looked at the old knight’s face but he looked uncomfortable and turned back to the king.

「 Hmm, it seems that one’s useless. Well then, he may leave first. Give him some funds and have him wait until the day the heroes defeat the Demon Lord 」

「 Huh? Wait, you’re just leaving me on my own? 」

「 You must understand that we can’t afford to look after you because of the war. Worry not, we’ll provide you with some funds so you can live in the city 」

The king finished speaking and the armored guys came close to my back.

I thought for a moment that it would be a terrible idea to suddenly get forced to live in a world I don’t know and even thought about sticking out for a little while longer, but the pressure from three sides of armored men gave me no choice but to retreat.