Unwanted in Isekai Chapter 151 Sucking Small Goddess

「Phew, finally done…」

I finally finished sorting out my items in the 100-yen store and I stretched out.

All I need to do next is to leave the crates around to Gilbert-san but I could put that for later.

Looking out of the room, I see the darkness with only the moonlight spreading.

Time-wise, it’s still around 8 o’clock, but in terms of this other world’s time, it’s about time for people to start sleeping.

Well done, work’s done, and I also had a meal from Japan for dinner, so all that’s left is to go to bed, but since I’m alone now, let’s do our ritual for the first time in a long while.

First, I lay down on my bed and pulled down my pants.

Then, I also slid my underwear down.

With my lower half exposed, what’s left is to grab my thing and start slowly.

「Haa, haa, Mira-chan. Gods shouldn’t tempt me with such lewdness」

And if I start masturbating while thinking about that small god, my thing gradually rises and points to heaven.

Then, out of the corner of my eye appears a girl dressed in black gothic Lolita clothing speaking directly into my head.

“I’ve chosen a big fool, didn’t I?”

「Ooh, you’re here. It’s been a while, Mira-chan」

Mira appears with a wrinkled brow and cramped cheeks, looking like she hates what she sees.

My Goddess summoning ritual was a great success.

Today, instead of her usual imposing look, she’s floating in a zen pose with her eyes closed and palms raised high.

She’s like a Buddha statue and it’s a bit divine

There’s some white liquid floating on her eye level.

It’s a pretty cloudy liquid, but why is it familiar?

「You’re wearing some weird outfit today. Also, what’s this liquid」

“Your seed”

「My seed?」

For a moment I couldn’t understand what she meant.

Wait, you mean that’s my sperm she took in after I ejaculated a few times before?

「Hey, what are you doing with my semen? It’s mysterious」

“Well, you wouldn’t understand. Of course, yes. I get it. You’re too stupid to understand it」

「That’s cruel. That’s too much, Mira-chan. So, what are you doing with it?」

“You show no signs of holding back at all. Very well, I’m kind so I’ll tell you. I’m examining your seed”

「Huh? Why are you doing that? Am I sick or what?」

“You have no such thing. You’re healthy. Rather, you’re much healthier than others”

「I see. my semen’s healthy. That’s great. Wait no, what are you examining for then?」

What’s the deal with my sperm, seriously?

Could it be that they’re alive but their reproductive function is dead?

“You ask too many questions. Even though you have summoned me while I was devoting most of my functions to analysis, all you do is ask questions without even showing gratitude”

「Then you couldn’t have come out?」

“Ooh, that remark… Even if I have infinite generosity, I’m appalled. Maybe I should go back”

Mira-chan said that and her lips bent down the corners.

She’s like a brat.

「Hey, wait a moment. I was just kidding, Mira-sama. It was a joke. You must be tired. Let me massage your shoulders」

“You seem to have a change of heart. Geez, you’re one hopeless man”

So easy!

The angle of her lips raised higher and she looked happy, probably because I acted humbly.

To make her feel better, I’ll massage her shoulders just as I mentioned.

My lower half was still exposed, and I went behind Mira-chan, who was still floating in the air.

Then, I grabbed her thin shoulders and gently squeezed them.

I know it from looking, but she’s petite, or should I say that her body’s small.

「Mira-chan, how’s this?」

“Hmm, you’re doing good. Serve me some respect

Hey now, she’s in such a good mood

But, what’s the point of this?

Mira-chan’s shoulders are so soft that it doesn’t feel stiff at all.

While thinking that, I kept rubbing her to help her get in a good mood, then my gaze went over her shoulder.

Between her black dress and chest is a cherry-red protrusion.

Even Mira-chan, a Goddess has a nipple.

It’s not like I was trying to look at it, but I can’t help it from this pose you know?

I tried to make some excuses in my mind, but once I was aware of it, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

…I think I can go for a bit.

The devil whispers in my head.

At the same time, the angel inside me was also shouting “Are you an idiot? Just go for it!” And so my palms gradually dropped from her shoulders and I found myself touching Mira-chan’s flat chest.

Hmm… Goddess nipples weren’t an illusion…

When I touched the target location, I felt some hard lump object.

Good, if I’ve gone this far, I’ll also give her a good massage here.

I put my hand that had been touching her shoulder into her armpit and started touching her for real.


Just a little touch and it’s getting stiff?

Does Goddess feel sexual arousal too?

There was a reaction, and just as I was thinking that things were getting a little interesting, I heard Mira’s voice in my head.

“Ah, it was too crazy of an act that I couldn’t understand it, but hey, what are you doing?”

「While I was rubbing your shoulders, I thought about taking the stiffness out of your nipples too. Mira-chan doesn’t have to worry about me and focus. Hmm, this seems like you’re quite tired, aren’t you? Maybe we should try to improve the lymphatic flow. Do gods even have a lymphatic system?」

“Eeeei! You’re annoying!! So rude!!”

Suddenly, an angry voice rang in my head, and at the same time, my body was unable to move.

I was surprised by the situation that it seemed like an electric shock, but Mira-chan suddenly had her legs unwound and I saw a kick in the air.

Then, the next thing I knew was a kick piercing my right cheek and my body flying backward and crashing into the wall.

She’s like a small lady on the outside, but that’s some power.

「Gooooh?! Damn, that hurts! You hit my cheek, and my head’s hurt!」

“What’s with you trying to toy with a God’s body? That’s your punishment!”

「Damn, I thought I’ve been enhanced by my skills, but that hurts」

“You fool, that power is nothing to me!”

Mira-chan was quite angry, even her eyes that have been closed all this time, were now wide open.

She’s angry, but that cheeky face is also so cute.

Well then, her anger seems serious so I should cut the jokes and treat Mira-chan more like a Goddess.

I stood up and bowed to her.

「I’m truly sorry. I’ve been so spoiled by your generosity that I acted a little too honestly. But, it’s Mira-chan’s fault for being too cute! So, forgive me」

“Hmph, you truly are a fool. I can’t feel any of your sincerity as you say it while holding your penis. But since you apologized, I forgive you. For I am generous!”

「Thank you very much. Mira-chan-sama!」

I went too far.

If she wasn’t a Goddess, I’d be too scared to get her out of the place, but she’s so easy.

I feel like someone could catch her by luring her using some sweets.

For a moment, I thought I could touch her nipple at least one more time, but I sealed the naughty thought and I took out some food I bought from Japan from the magic bag.

「Here, please accept my apology. You took the food without permission the other day, didn’t you? So I bought a lot for you to take instead」

“I was about to kick you in the gut again for the remark you had, but I’ll forgive you for the dedication you have for me. Hmm. Is that all?」

「That’s what I bought them for, please take it. I mean, do you have any preference? I’d like to ask for a reference」

“Where’s the respectful tone? Either way. Next time, bring some more sweets!”

Mira, who still had my semen floating in the air, sniffed the food I offered her, and they disappeared in an instant.

The angry face hasn’t returned yet, but there are wrinkles in her eyebrows. Yet, she seems happy as I see the corner of her lips go up.

“Well then, it’s about time. I’m going to return”

「What? You’ll go back as soon as you get your food?」

“If you’re not wasting your time, then we could have spent it a bit more on some useful things instead. Geez. Just so you know, it’s getting suspicious of me”

「Fair argument」

“Eei, don’t make that face! I’ll answer one question of yours then!”

As expected of my kind Goddess…

You’re spoiling me.

「Well then, you gave Euphy and Nia some kind of blessing when we had our dungeon crawl before, right? They received something, but they don’t understand it」

“Oh, that? I just allowed those girls to get pregnant with your child”

「Hmm, wait? You mean, I can’t make a chi–no, not me, but those two can’t」

“Not necessarily. You’re from a different world. Your structure and the event hierarchy are different. Naturally, you shouldn’t be able to breed with people in this world.

「A-Ah, I see. That’s a new fact. So it’s like I had a vasectomy in this world」



Could it be that the people in this world and on Earth are fundamentally different?

While I was lost for words from the words that came out of her, she gave me a gentle smile.

“Well, depends on what you do in the future, I’m sure that you can make a child here too, but… With the way you’re treating me, it’s highly unlikely. Then, I’m leaving. See you~”

「Oh, sure, see you later」

I replied to Mira-chan looking flustered, then she disappeared in no time.

I still have a lot of questions, and I wish to talk to her more.

Still, what’s she doing with my sperm?

That tiny Goddess left another mystery.

I mean, she didn’t squeeze any this time.

I had sex with Mirai-chan today so I’m fine, but it’s a little sad.