Unwanted in Isekai Chapter 154 Incurable Illness

After the Marquis said some plainly horrible words, he continued.

「 Still, I heard that Kotori-dono comes from a commoner background, but to think that you could follow the conversation, that’s quite the feat 」

「 Where I’m from, almost everyone receives education, so everyone’s as informed as I am, but I have to say that I’m ignorant when it comes to extensive knowledge 」

「 I-Is that so? Nearly everyone is educated? And yet Kotori’s still ignorant? 」

I did finish college, but I’m a baby compared to those who know a lot.

Don’t look down on Japan.

I’m feeling refreshed to look at the Marquis making a surprised face, but he immediately fixes his expression and speaks up.

「 Hmm. I thought that Euphilite was a little naive to ask a commoner even if her status was lower, but it seems that I can talk to you without passing through her 」


That’s a problem.

Even if I have the knowledge and culture, I don’t have enough common sense from this world yet.

「 Not at all. I’m not that big of a deal, and so I still need her help, even in the future 」

「 Kotori, excessive humility is often taken as sarcastic or as an insult you know? You should accept the compliment as I believe it is 」

He sounds a little angry, but this was an advice.

I’m aware that I always take a step back when in this kind of conversation, or rather, I think that it’s always someone else’s business, not mine. Maybe I should change that mindset.

I responded obediently and accepted the compliment.

The Marquis paused the conversation, put his hand on his thigh, and stood up.

「 In the end, talking here will not overturn them breaking off the engagement. and there won’t be any good measures at this time. Then, Marius-dono will take this intent and protest to the Sisgrans 」

Well, that’s how it is.

We can’t come up with a good idea from a bit of talking.

It looks like he’s heading to the capital to complain, so I will be released.

As I watched them leave the room, thinking that it was already a good distance to also start walking away, the Marquis looked back and gave a displeased expression.

「 Kotori, what are you doing? 」

「 Me? I’m seeing you off 」

「 Marius-dono is heading out, shouldn’t you accompany him? 」

「 I see no reason why I should be coming 」

「 Well, I suppose you’re right 」

Then, don’t bring me with you!

I was cursing the Marquis in my mind but he continued.

「 But, my intuition is telling me that Kotori has something. Besides, aren’t you able to handle the Adicilton Knights with ease? Be our escort

「 I’m requesting the same. Having Kotori with us would be reassuring. 」

If the Duke asks for it too, then I can’t escape

「 Seems like I have to go too 」

「 Do you not want to? 」

「 I don’t like it because it makes me nervous. It’s a place where I have no connections 」

「 Haha, everything’s an experience 」

Oh well…

I don’t think I’ll do anything if I go, but having another teleport spot would be a good thing.

I followed behind the two and entered the same carriage.

Still, the Marquis has some gorgeous carriages.

It’s so shiny that they must’ve spent a lot of money on it.

The carriage heads to the royal castle located in the middle of the capital.

There was a carriage passing by on the way but they pulled over and gave us the way.

I feel like riding on a black Benz.

The carriage is silent the entire time.

The Duke is thinking what he should say but the Marquis looks outside and doesn’t seem to be thinking anything.

This would be a good time to have a conversation.

There’s one thing I wanted to ask.

「 Marquis, I’m curious. What’s the Mauler’s disease? And is there no cure for that disease the first prince is suffering from? 」

「 Kotori has never heard of the Mauler disease? No, I think that’s natural. I think it’s ridiculous for me to say this, but this disease is said to only attack those who have lost the grace from the Goddess, using recovery magic and potions will only delay the progress. But the effect will suddenly diminish after some time. As the disease progresses, their body begins to distort, they become unable to move, and their body becomes horribly weak and incapable of healing 」

「 And there’s no way to cure it? That’s terrifying 」

「 Indeed. And so, due to the various pressures, Holes-dono was immediately dropped from his status as the next head of the family. He was the bright heir that I hoped for, but this was out of our control. It’s a real shame. Speaking of which, Kotori came from another world. Do you have any wisdom? For example, a similar disease? 」

「 A similar disease? It’s hard to tell just from hearing the story 」

I have no medical knowledge at all.

But, I didn’t say it because I thought I could do something if I returned to Earth.

I’m doubtful that modern medicine on Earth can handle a disease that erodes elves, which is a different race, but the physical structure is quite similar so it might be possible.

Besides, if he’s asking me, then it’s a disease that affects non-elves too.

No, that might not be the case.

He might be thinking that there are elves in my world too.

Well, let’s keep the response vague here.

The Marquis looked slightly disappointed by my muddy answer.

「 It’s much more of an unknown disease to Kotori than to us. That’s inevitable 」

He says, but he looks like he suddenly came up with something as he makes a handsome grin.

「 Yes. If we’re heading to the castle, we should meet him. It’s been a while since I met him too. Sisgran may not like it, but if we use this incident, he won’t say no 」


In addition to the harassment, he also wants me to look at the state of the disease?

Hmmm, he’s using me.

In light of many things, I have no need to get any deeper into this matter

Since our original purpose was investigating Silka-chan’s relationship with the second prince is over, we can end our mission and return to the knights.

But, emotionally, I would like to help if I could return the humiliation the Duke had been suffering.

Besides, it’s also great that I can talk to the Marquis like this.

He’s a bit scary because he’s manipulative and he has a black heart for profits, but apart from that, he’s also one of the most powerful person in the country, so making a connection is big.

It’s important to score some points with him.

It’s important in life to be liked by the big boys.

Well, when it comes to this stage, nothing I say would make them let me go, and I don’t have the wisdom to resist.

I’ve given it a lot of thought, and so I have to leave it to the flow.

This often happened when I was an office worker.

I’m also following profits, so we’re the same.

The place where we left was a high nobility district near the royal castle, so the carriage was nearing the castle already.

I’ve seen it from a distance, but it’s quite huge when I look near it.

In this world, the city is surrounded by outer walls, and many castles in the center are often made with an emphasis on practicality, yet this one is focused on looks.

It looks like a Western-style building that’s overstuffed with towers.

I looked at the castle, and then the carriage passed through the gates.

Well then, I’m looking forward to what kind of people I’m going to see.