Unwanted in Isekai Chapter 155 Dawson Brothers

We entered the castle from the main gate and proceeded to the back of the castle following the servant that welcomed me.

Looking at the response, they seem to have sent an announcement even though it looked like they suddenly went to the castle.

I guess the behind-the-scenes people are excellent, even though they didn’t show such pretense.

A little after entering the castle, I noticed that I was getting some strange gazes.

At first, I thought it was because I wasn’t an elf and that some dirty little human came in, but they were directed at the two, not me.

And so, I thought it was just the Marquis, one of the most powerful man in the country, and his companion getting the attention.

It wasn’t just the maids who loved to gossip, but also the soldiers talking in whispers.

Seems like the engagement cancellation has spread out.

Well, this is the Sisgran house so it’s no surprise.

I feel bad, but I’m not the only one so I’ll put up with it.

To distract myself from this, I looked at the castle design, which had a nature motif, such as plants and trees, and perhaps this is an elven castle.

I think that these are made by high-skill level craftsmen.

There are carpentry, masonry, and others, in the production system just like Euphy’s sewing.

As I was touring the castle, which was wonderfully shaped even for someone with a limited sense of aesthetics, the Marquis walking in front suddenly stopped.

Turning to see what’s going on, I see two figures walking from the other side.

They noticed us, then the elf in the lead, dressed loosely in noble clothing and wearing glasses, a rarity in this world, grinned at us.

「My, Blaureite-sama. To think that you’d visit the castle on the day you came, do you have some urgent business?」

「Likewise, Dawson-dono. Did something happen to have Silas-dono accompany you?」

「We were invited by Celebra-sama today to see the new decorative products. Silas-sama is tagging along. Since we’re in the castle, I thought that we should have some friendly talk」

「I see. I was sure that you were waiting for us instead」

「Not at all, I would never」

So those are the Dawson siblings?

The big brother is Simon Dawson, looking a bit highly sensitive, and he seems about 50 years old in age.

He’s about the same age as the Duke appearance-wise

Everything he wears looks like they’re high-quality, giving him the air of a rich man.

At first, he was acting as if he was equal to the Marquis, but when the Marquis finally gave him a straight face, he immediately retracted his attitude.

He looks like quite a schemer, but maybe he’s not.

After finishing the conversation with the elder Dawson, he turned his attention to the man in armor next to him.

「It’s been a while. Blaureite-dono」

「It’s been a while indeed, Silas-dono. We’ve met several times, but we couldn’t find the opportunity to chat. Is your lady in good health?」

「Yes, she’s unchanged」

The conversation with the elder, Simon had left a bad taste, but his brother, Silas, speaks with a smile.

I’m worried about the relationship between the Marquis and him, but I’m more concerned about the armor he wears.

Are those the dragon scales that Euphy was talking about?

I had an image where it’s a rugged thing using a creature’s body part, but the real thing isn’t made out of scales, rather, it has palm-sized white scales placed to protect the important parts, about 40% of it is made out of scales, 50% out of metal, and 10 percent are from other parts like cloth and leather used to joint parts and adding some elf-like decorations.

Honestly, it’s cool.

But, that color scheme with white as the base color won’t look good on me.

It looks good because a blonde elf is wearing it.

Looking at Silas, I was focused on the armor first, but I also paid attention to his appearance.

They say that this is one of the men with level four skills in this country.

He looks strong at a glance.

It’s not just his good armor showing off

He’s got a handsome face, but he also has a good physique as an elf, having such a warrior look gave me a warning that it wouldn’t end well if I tried to make a move.

Silas isn’t like his brother, Simon.

That’s obvious, but they don’t seem to have a good brother relationship

Silas seems to be adopted.

I don’t know how it happened, but it seems common for nobles to buy promising people out of the blue, and I guess he’s an example of that.

Silas, who was conversing with the Marquis, is sending me glances.

I guess it would be better to say that those eyes were rather suspicious of me.

Just as I see him as a strong man, he probably feels the same way.

I may sound like a master when it comes to strength, but I can feel it.

Basically, in this world, you can’t judge the strength of a person based on their appearance, maybe it’s the intuition that comes from the effects of the skills and the experience gained from the knights training every day

Phew, it seems like I’m in that territory where I can feel the Qi.

It’s not the same generation, but I see myself in anime becoming a level beyond culture, and Simon who had a look who seemed interested at the corner of his eyes. He then looked at the Duke next to me and showed a look of surprise.

「Oops, Carlitz-sama is also here. Silka-sama’s situation…I was deeply hurt that it turned out that way. Furthermore, because my daughter obtained light magic, I had no way to speak. His Highness Lester also passionately asked for my daughter…


That’s some vulgar words thrown out.

I feel that the duke, who was silently suppressing his anger towards the person who made fun of him, is slowly coming to an eruption.

I mean, what’s with this guy?

He’s provoking people like that, could it be that he’s an idiot?

Hey, the Duke’s face is getting scary!

I wondered what kind of reaction he had when glanced at him, and his expression was a bit demonic.

Simon doesn’t even break his grin even when facing such a scary face.

It must be because his opponent isn’t that powerful.

I feel like I’m familiar with that.

That kind of harassment.

Simon’s words changed the atmosphere in an instant.

The Marquis looked stunned, and Silas closed his eyes and quietly watched the situation.

No, nobody’s stopping them?

I feel like I’m taking the full brunt because I’m the closest here.

However, my request didn’t reach them.

However, God didn’t seem to have abandoned me.

I hear a voice from somewhere.

「What are you doing? Marquis Blaureite has visited us. It’s rude to the visitors of the castle」


Simon, suddenly hearing her name, had a stiff face.

The woman named Celebra is an elf woman who looked she’s the same age as me.

She stands gracefully with several elf maids behind her.

Hmm, she’s a beauty.

Celebra’s appearance is so beautiful that it even captivated me, and I have a feeling that the tension has changed in an instant.

I feel like it’s better to say that her beauty is so sophisticated, like pure white porcelain.

Anyway, her appearance and ambiance are enough to attract people.

But you know, if she was a decade younger, I would’ve liked her more.

I mean, I guess it’s because she’s an elf?

Feeling this unfortunate reality, I almost sighed.

I know who she is based on her name, Celebra.

She’s the second wife in the Sisgran house, the mother of the second prince.

Celebra approached our way, and while we were glued in place, the Marquis approached her.

「It’s an honor to have Celebra-dono welcome us」

「You’ve come a long way, this much is natural」

The Marquis responds with a dry laugh, and she returns with a clearly forced smile.


There’s a discord here, no matter how you look at it.

「I want to talk to Elegor-dono, can we ask for an audience?」

「His Majesty isn’t feeling well, so I’ll hear you out」

「This is a matter of utmost importance to the Sisgran house」

「Yes. And that’s why I will be entertaining you instead of His Majesty」

I’m afraid of Celebra’s smile, she’s not allowing any further objections.

If she makes that kind of face, she’ll never pass on the request

The same goes for the Marquis, managing to control his frustration, he agreed and looked at the Duke to see if it was okay.

The Duke, who was fuming in anger earlier, nods with a complicated face.

Knowing that our side backed off, she flips the blonde hair extending to her thighs

「Then, allow me to guide the way. Simon, you come too


Huh? You’re joining too?

Well, it won’t be strange since he’s a related party