Unwanted in Isekai Chapter 71. A Pleasant Talk with the Tiny Goddess



「 Can you not shock me every time? 」

“You’ll get used to it”

Mira-chan, the self-proclaimed God appears without a sound.

She’s looking at me while resting her cheeks on my penis.

「 And so, why did you come when I’m alone with my dick out? 」

“Who knows. I ask you the same, why do you bring out your thing every time? Is there some law of causality I can’t see? It’s unpleasant to have you show this every time

「 Yet you’re staring hard at it 」

“Well, I don’t have one”

I thought that Gods can see as much as they want, and if anything, they can attach one to themselves, but considering how it’s going, perhaps her interests are more recent than I thought.

「 So, what’s the matter? 」

“Hm? Nothing much. You’ve brought a lot of things from the other side so I thought I’d ask for some”

Mira-chan’s playing with my penis using her fingers as she speaks.

Ugh, her cute hand is moving it around, it’s getting harder.

「 You’re a god, why don’t you get some yourself instead? 」

“It’s impossible. I can’t leave this planet and interfere directly. That’s how it’s made”

「 How it’s made? Really? Is there some self-proclaimed god theory or something? 」

“If I’m not in the category of my God, what is? I’m created by the great Calamityl-sama, the creator god, so I’m definitely a god”

「 I don’t know Calamityl-sama, and I don’t know what are the criteria for the categories of Gods either 」

“Well, you won’t understand it”

She snorted and turned her unusual smiling face at me.

It’s too advanced of a technique, like stimulating my glans with her nose. Her eyes are cheekily staring.

「 You’re using me to interfere indirectly, but that’s loosening, right? 」

“It’s a limitation on me. You don’t have to worry about it”

「 Then, you’re okay with me bringing stuff here, right? I’m not going to act rashly so I’m fine doing whatever you want. Oh yeah, I can use my skills in that world too, what’s with that? 」

“I don’t know. The structure’s been built since the start. Calamytyl-sama doesn’t know everything either. Well, that’s how I’m able to do as I please anyway”

「 So Gods aren’t all-knowing either. 」

“Even gods have gods before them. How can we be all-knowing?”

「 What even is a god? 」

When asked, Mira-chan crept her finger from my glans to the underside and then smiled.

I feel a silent pressure and a serious fright.

You’re telling me not to ask?

「 Speaking of which, I saw a grown-up Mira-chan figure on the monolith at the bottom of the dungeon. That was beautiful. I prefer this tiny Mira-chan however 」

I said, then Mira-chan’s eyes opened wide.

“Fool! That wasn’t me but Calamytyl-sama! I’m only under her”

「 R-Really? Hmm? Under her was a dragon, right? 」

“That’s me!”

「 Eeeh?! Mira-chan’s a dragon? 」

“That’s right? I’m the divine dragon entrusted with the management of this planet”

「 Planet? You mentioned space earlier, could this be in the same universe as Earth? 」

“Who knows? I could tell you but if you talk too much about this…oops, I knew it was early for you. Anything further is forbidden. End of conversation”

「 Then don’t touch the topic 」

I feel my back shivering while I was listening to Mira-chan start talking.

I had the instinctive feeling of rejection so I better stop asking

「 T-Then, I want to ask this, who’s the woman carved on the back of my hand, the one opposite Calamytyl-sama? Was it Ru-sama? 」

This emblem’s used as a common emblem in the adventurer’s guild, depicting a one-winged woman, the Goddess Ru.

That’s what everyone said when they saw the monolith, so it’s probably her, right?

“Wrong, it’s Achille-sama who appears in the monolith”

「 That’s the first time I hear that name. The people in this world call that Ru-sama, what’s going on? 」

“Haa, I’ll have to explain this”

Mira-chan sighed deeply, opened her mouth, and stuffed my penis in.

Woah…This tiny Goddess’ small mouth feels so warm.

Wait, I thought you were going to talk!

“Geez, you’re such a fool that I have to tell you this. Here’s the brief version, this planet’s been transformed into its current shape by Calamytyl-sama and Achille-sama. The two great Gods gave birth to Ru and me, then they left this place. Then, we gave birth to those who inhabit this land, and that’s how it became what it is today.

Now we’re suddenly on the creation myth?

I mean, all they did was terraform the land?

I thought about this when I first learned about the skills, but this is just science fiction now.

「 I don’t have access to the religious scripts so I don’t have the knowledge, but to think that it’s Mira-chan’s doing. I don’t know where to go from here, but maybe you’re not telling this story to the people of this world? 」

“Is there a need for that?”

「 I don’t think that’s the question I was expecting 」

“Any being that can’t find God on their own is nothing more than a speck of dust. Why should we be the ones to tell such beings what to do?”

I had the misconception because Mira-chan’s kind to me, but this god is the type who doesn’t care about humans or any other creatures on this planet

「 Yet you’re telling me? 」

“You’re a special existence I summoned you with the power I had accumulated for over the past 3000 years, and you’re my servant. So of course I’ll be doting on you”

Hmm, sure I see the doting because you’re pleasuring my cock by licking it, but how many years did you spend saving up to summon me with your power again?!

「 Hey, I don’t mean to stir things up, but 3000 years? All of that just to summon me? Is Mira-chan a little too weak of a god? That Ru-sama over there had so much that she’s even the guild crest, and it feels like I was just an extra when summoned along with the three. I can tell that Mira-chan’s an amazing one from the story, but for some reason, why… 」

“Kuh…T-That’s… I have no choice…”

「 Why? 」

“I don’t have the leadership on the planet now…”

「 What do you mean? 」

“I-I lost to Ru…that’s it”

Can you please stop licking my dick while making a sad face?

It doesn’t fit the mood.

I mean, you just tell me that?

「 In short, Mira-chan lost to Ru-sama, that’s why your name isn’t known as a god, and you lost your power? You’re both gods, why are you fighting? 」

“Gugugu..S-Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

Oh shit, I may have gone too far.

Mira-chan shouts then she suddenly shakes her head, making sloshing sounds.

Guooooh! She’s been licking it earlier now sucking it, she raised the gear.

「 M-Mira-chan, I knew you did this one before! You’re using the best blowjob techniques in the world! It’s amazing! I feel something wrapping my entire dick! 」

Mira-chan grinned with her eyes hearing that and she opened her mouth to release my penis…But I was mistaken.

She lets go of her mouth, but Mira-chan’s tongue stretches out and wraps around my penis.

「 Woah, what a long tongue you have 」

“It’s great, don’t you think? Among the demon tribes, there’s one with a tongue like this and possesses advanced oral skills. They’re a race to be admired, so when you find them, you should hurt them and subdue them as long as it doesn’t kill them. They don’t stand up to the strong, and you can do whatever you want with them”

「 Woah, that’s like a free supreme fellatio anytime! I want it! I mean, w-why going so strong today! Back then, you were surprised every time you see my penis! 」

“I’ve been watching you copulate with those girls every day. I’m not scared of it anymore”

「 Mira-chan’s a peeping tom! 」

Mira-chan resumed fellating me.

The tinyta who looks like a high school girl but with brown skin, white hair, and a fantasy-like appearance, buries her face on my crotch and makes some vulgar wet sounds while using the most pleasurable oral techniques.

This looks so lewd that I’m too horny.

Oh man, this feels too good that my hips might give out.

“Kihihi, you’re about to cum, aren’t you? Go ahead, just cum like that. It’s fine! I’ll drink all your dirty semen”

Mira-chan’s flirty voice echoes in my head.

At the same time, her movements accelerated further, so fast that I could see afterimages.

「 Aaaaaah! Oh shit! you’re going to burn my dick! 」

“Don’t worry. I’m healing it. There you go, cum 」

The sensation of my balls sizzling as I’m assaulted by her soothing and healing fellatio…the next thing I knew I was already ejaculating.

My penis pulses, then cum is sent to Mira-chan’s cute mouth.

Dokun, doku, byubyu, dokun, dokun, byubyu…It’s not stopping.

My ejaculation shows no sign of stopping, and the sensation continues as if my testicles repeatedly produce more and more, semen flows out of the pleasure that seems like forever.

Then, Mira-chan swallows my semen like a girl who puts her mouth directly on the water fountain’s faucet as the water flows endlessly.

Ooooh, I might die if this goes on.

「 M-Mira-chan, n-no more… 」

“Hmm? You’re at your limit already? It can’t be helped then”

Mira-chan said, and she finally lets go of my penis.

However, her long tongue still sticks.

She used her tongue to squeeze my dick from the root to restore its length, then she licked off the semen that overflowed from her mouth and finally released it.

“I’ve had my reward from my servant, I’m going back now. See you later”

While I was down with such intense pleasure, Mira-chan disappeared without a sound.

That continuous ejaculation had me breathing roughly, it took me a few minutes to recover.

「 Phew, it felt amazing once again, but I’m afraid that Mira-chan’s becoming a bit more sexually aggressive 」

The last time I saw her, she was surprised to see my penis, but now she looks like a tiny slut who’s totally familiar with it.

「 Hm? Oh yeah, didn’t she tell me to give her something earlier? 」

She left after I ejaculated on her, but then I remembered what she said when she came here and I think she said something like that.

I suddenly realized that Mira-chan might’ve done the crime so I took out the magic bag and check the stuff I brought with me.

「 Aaaaah! My fridge is empty!!! Oh well. That was an amazing experience, and I’m willing to offer Mira-chan as much as she wants 」

I didn’t think that she’d take the food.

This much loss isn’t a problem.

I just have to ask for Euphy and Nia’s forgiveness.

Rather, I’ll just bring even more next time.

I hope she eats the pudding in front of me.

I’m sure that the Tiny goddess will look cute doing that.

Now that I feel refreshed thinking that my lower half already loosened up, I’m going back to bed.

Ah! I forgot to ask her about the favor Euphy and Nia received!