Take Up the Cross – CH 122: Hearts Separate, But Bodies Don’t!

Take Up the Cross:

Chapter 122: Hearts Separate, But Bodies Don’t!


This is a multi-part release this week. I’ve been busy doing stuff, but Monday’s is here and I’ll have two more chapters that are ero!

Just noticed that my previous link went to literally nowhere, oops, sorry! I’m bad at life.


If the post doesn’t work or something happens, use alternate hosting.


~ nonothing

Take Up the Cross – CH 115: Endless Duel!

Take Up the Cross:

Chapter 115: Endless Duel!


Long story short, I have a family member going insane that I help with, so I’m also not great sometimes. But, I got back my spirit of writing and threw myself into this honking chapter. I really should learn to write short ones someday.


If the post doesn’t work or something happens, use alternate hosting.


~ nonothing