Half elves fall in love chapter 569

Chapter 569: Kalwin Rebirth 6 【Hilda etc.】

The cure for the lost limb requires the temporary borrowing of the regenerative powers of the holy beast from a human being. The key to this ritual is two elements, the installation of a 「Saucer」 using the dragon’s energy capacity, and the 「Internal manipulation of energy」 by my cock, which is under meticulous magic control by Hilda-san. Without these two, I would have to regenerate while suffering the same amount of pain as when I lost it, only in reverse. If you have a background in magic, this is not a limitation, but it still requires a great deal of mental strength. ……Beatrice receives explanations such as through Hilda and Neia.

“What about this guy´s own regeneration?”

“That won’t be a problem since Laila-chan and I will be directly connected☆”

“Th, Then……isn’t it enough if you guys attach yourselves to the patient normally?”

“Ho. Owner, don’t you think a dragon is a little cheap? I’m not happy that you think I’ll give my skin so easily to someone other than my owner”

“I’m sorry, I know it’s not right for me to be a doctor. But it’s better to control it by using a intravenous surgery. I can use my own pussy when it comes to you, Andy-kun, but it’s difficult for girls to use it on each other☆”

“I remember Hilda’s experience with the cat beast colony, right? I’m not sure if that’s a good idea”

When I raised my hand and spoke my idea, Laila, Hilda and Breakcore gave me similar looks of 「Oh dear」.

“There’s no 『Qi』 receiver, is there?”

“Andy-kun can play the role of receiver only and I’ll be in charge of controlling the magic with his penis……but in other words, it would be a sandwich play with two penises☆”

“If Andy wants to do it, I won’t stop him. I think it’s for advanced players”

“……D, Double penetration? Sandwich? Wh, What are you talking about?”

Beatrice could not guess from the words, but yes, it does not solve anything.

“Let’s start with you first, Andy-kun☆ Yes, yes, take your clothes off”

“It’s going to hurt a little bit, but leave it to me. We’ll take care of it”

“Ho. It’s been a while since we’ve been skin-to-skin like this”

Hilda took off my clothes and Laila quickly came to the door. In addition to the jiggling naked bodies of Hilda and Breakcore, who had left the collar behind and Laila’s perfect breasts, I was completely erect. I never get tired of looking at these three female bodies no matter how many times I see them. I was not excited at the prospect of showing them off to Beatrice and Neia, who were newcomers to the scene, while wearing collars that proved they were my property.

“N, then I’m going to give you a blowjob first……☆ Peroo, to……oh, you’ve been giving it a lot of taste since this morning. I wonder if you’ve had sex with a few people already☆”

“Ah, emm, it’s the morning ritual proposed by Tetes……”

“Ah, I see. ……I’ve been so busy taking care of my patients that I missed the ride.”

“Ho, I guess that’s more important. What, the owner will always hold you if you invite him a little bit. Why don’t you indulge in debauchery at the most on this Dianne-sanctioned rest?”

“N, nn, nkuu……nn, haa……but it’s not important to join even though everyone seems to participate☆”

While Laila is supporting me from behind with her raw breasts, Hilda sucks me between my crotch. And Breakcore kneels down and looks at it with a smile. Beatrice looks at us from the side, looking at us awkwardly and Neia looks at us back and forth, looking a little confused.

“Hi, Hilda-san……thinks it’s time for us to get started”

It’s okay to enjoy it for a while while showing off like this, but if I spend too much time enjoying the pleasure Hilda-san brings me, I’ll be satisfied with just that……or rather, I might get tired. When I say it’s accumulated, it’s accumulated, but even so, Hilda’s high level of sexual skill is in a class of its own.

“Nhuhu. If you’re going to release it, would you like Hilda-sensei’s pussy?”

“I’m trying to grow my arm. Hurry up!”

“Oh, come on. You could use a little excitement”

“Shouldn’t you try to understand the feelings of the owner, who is too awkward to seduce a woman with his scars exposed like this?”

“I understand”

I let Laila speak for me, but to be honest, the wound on my right shoulder is a little too grotesque to show. I’m not sure how I’d feel if I showed it to the girls and had them oohed and aahed over it, but I can’t take my clothes off casually. I feel guilty that I couldn’t get the girls to have sex with me, even though they were treating me as if I was theirs. I think Hilda, the doctor, Dianne and the other dragons who have a different sense of values would not mind my scars.

“I can’t help it. ……Well then, let’s get started, Break-chan”

“……Break……no, that’s fine, but”

Breakcore approaches me with a subtle look on her face and touches my forehead to connect the 「Something」. And at about the same time, Laila also muttered a spell from behind me, creating a magic connection. Feeling them bring 「Something」 to me, I am ridden by Hilda in a position somewhere between a face-to-face sitting position and a cowgirl position and the three of them begin the treatment.

“U, u……!”

Hilda dexterously manipulates a number of spells with her hips and I moan at the strange sensations that vaguely appear around the wound. It’s an indescribable sensation, a mixture of numbness and release, stimulating but also liberating and faintly pleasurable. ……I meditate, then look down at my right shoulder and see that my arm is regenerating much more rapidly than I thought it would. In a few seconds, bone and flesh form at the elbow and in a few more seconds, near the wrist, with skin covering it as if it were mold.

“U, Uwa, that was fast……!?”

“I’ve done this a million times. I’ll get better at it”

Breakcore says proudly.

“I’m doing my best and Laila’s doing her best, too……☆”

“I can’t believe you’re giving me this much of a load……ku, well, not much……!”

The three collared women seem to be doing their best to ease my burden as much as possible. Eventually, when the hand was about to be formed, Hilda-san started moving her hips faster and I felt the sensation of ejaculating, completely unprepared.

“H, Hi, Hilda-san……!?”

“I told you before, the moment of ejaculation is the moment when the connection is thickest magically and easier to control……! Now, go ahead and cum☆”

If you feel like it, Hilda’s sex technique can force you to ejaculate in just a few seconds, regardless of your will. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do it without any restraint and my arm, covered in body fluids and barely able to feel it, bounce in waves as I ejaculate, feeling like sparks are going off in my head.

“N, hu, aaa……☆”

“Hilda, I’m not saying don’t have fun, but get the job done”

“I know, I know……huhu, but really, Andy-kun, you are this gutsy ejaculation……♪”

“That’s also a result of all the modifications you’ve made to my body constitution……”

Semen is overflowing from the inside of Hilda’s hairless labia, spreading from the shaft of my dick. And, my right arm……although it was covered in a somewhat disgusting body fluid, it had been regenerated to its original state.

“……Yes, congratulations, Andy-kun☆”

“Don’t you have anything to wipe with, Breakcore?”

“I’m sure there’s a cloth around here. Get it for me”

“Is this it?”

“Hey, that’s a really nice piece of elf weave, isn’t it!?”

Neia brought from the nearby shelves a piece of fine textile fabric that could be sold to Anzeros’ mother for a year or so of fun in the royal capital. Don’t bring that kind of thing to wipe pus and blood. ……In the end, I used my own clothes to wipe it off. Honestly, it’s not a very expensive shirt and there are plenty of alternatives.

And now it was Beatrice’s turn. ……Before, we took a short break to give Beatrice some time to calm down. At the same time, I go outside to see if there is anything wrong with my new right arm.

“I don’t know, is it getting weaker?”

“Yoo……hoo, to……I’m fine, I’m feeling rather good”

I try swinging it around like I’m punching or chopping and I try standing upside down using the wall. ……I can’t stand upside down without using a wall. I’m not an infantryman who prides himself on his athleticism, so please don’t expect me to be reckless.

“Maybe it’s because it was just born, or maybe my skin is a little weak or soft……”

“If it’s inconvenient, I’ll ask someone to give you something to strengthen your skin”

“No, that’s okay. Either way, if I get injured, I’ll heal myself with the hot springs right away, so it’ll get stronger eventually”

If Breakcore spoke out, something like that would probably come out of the various elf clans gathered in the labyrinth village. But when your skin is injured, a blacksmith’s job is to train it by putting it over fire. Words from Master Sreed. ……I need to restart blacksmithing.

“Is it possible to make arms like this even stronger?”

“I think it would be difficult to live with only one strong arm and especially difficult to get into human clothing”

“I see”

“The arm strength will settle down to a suitable strength in any case if you live a normal life. If you don’t use it, your muscles will be adequate”

“……The people who are strong live that hard, don’t they?”

“Of course, if you ignore balance and grow monstrous arms, that’s not the case. Just living with those arms is like a full-body workout……”

“No, I don’t want it……”

If I were asked if I could do it or not, I would probably be able to do it, but I don’t think that would be of any use to my life.

So, I went back inside the cabin and gave Beatrice a final check.

“In the meantime, I can have my hand grow back without support, even though it will be super painful. I’ve heard that’s the legitimate way to do it, because you can judge how much pain you’re going to have to go through to regrow”

“But it hurts a lot, doesn’t it?”

“Well, I’ve heard it’s rather torturous……”


Beatrice worries for a while and then stares at Neia. 

“……W, Well, I gave up my appearance once……”


“W, Woman”

Beatrice looks away.

“Once you become a hero, you don’t have time to have a child. It takes a lot of time for a female hero to have a child, so even if it’s a man, it takes a lot of time to have a child……and even when you stop being a hero, you won’t be able to live forever”

“If not procreation, then at least sex……I, I see”

With Kalwin, there are very few opportunities to use the sexual part of a woman’s body for anything other than procreation……or rather, for female sexuality. I’ve heard that some settlements used women who were not capable of giving birth as sex workers, but that would be the exception. Considering this, is the idea of chastity a little different……?

“I, I don’t see anything wrong with having sex……at least once”

“……Then, you have sex?”

“That would be easy, right?”

“……Well, I guess so”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing it just because I want to, like the erotic women around you! A hero doesn’t bend her knees so easily just because you’re a dragon user!?”

“Okay, okay”

“I really don’t know how a woman can do something like that openly in front of other people……why are you looking away?”


Neia pretended not to hear Beatrice’s request for her consent.

“……If you’ve decided to do something, isn’t that alright?”

Neia dares to say so in the Northwestern language that Beatrice cannot understand. She sounded like she had given up on something, so I made an excuse.

“I’m not thinking of doing anything to Beatrice. I wasn’t thinking of making Beatrice a slave, only Neia”

“When you came here, you were obviously talking about a treatment that would eliminate the need for sex”


“Even if Smithson-san isn’t interested in Beatrice, will those three allow it?”

“……Mu, I don’t think so.”

“In my opinion. Just a hunch”

Beatrice looks up at me with a red face and a disgruntled look on her face, probably from the nervousness of about to have sex and says something like, 「What are you talking about?」. ……What can I say, I’m sorry Beatrice.

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