Half elves fall in love chapter 571

Chapter 571: Kalwin Rebirth 8 [Neia]

Neia was a little embarrassed as she took off her clothes, looking at me and Beatrice (Beatrice was too preoccupied with what had happened to her to look at anyone else). Hilda approached Neia and asked, 「Are you sure?」 and then she releases the contraceptive magic.

“Ho. Come to think of it, I’ve always used contraception. I wonder how many people would bite their umbilical cords if they knew that you, an outsider, were the first to beg Andy to plant his seed in this way”

“……Is it wrong?”

“Hoho, sooner or later, anyway. If you don’t get first dibs, someone else here will”

Laila laughed arrogantly and she wrapped Beatrice in a cloth she had taken from somewhere and laid her down in a normal position.

“The owner’s energy is not so low that it will wither away in a fight with the females. You will receive plenty of it, get pregnant and brag about it”


It’s refreshing to see Neia nodding her head honestly and shyly but happily. No, well, she should have decided that she was ready to be loved by me before the final battle with Rainer, so there’s nothing strange about her.

“Neia. ……Will you get pregnant?”

“You insisted on wanting to do it all those years and now you’re asking me that?”

“I’m a miserable man, you know. So I always want you to be very clear with me, if you can”

“……Yes. Of course……I want to conceive your child. Any number of them from now on”

Gently removing the last of her underwear, Neia spins her words in response to my request. There is no excuse to prevent it now.

“Then we’ll have to have lots of sex. Half elves have a harder time getting pregnant, even if not as hard as pure-bloods”

“I have a feeling I’ll be impregnated more easily than one might think”

At the prompting of Hilda-san and Breakcore, Neia sits nestled in my arms, generously pressing her voluptuous breasts against me and we whisper to each other at a distance that’s on the verge of kissing.

“It’s a gift, so I don’t know. Apple isn’t pregnant yet”

“Then……I guess we’ll just have to do a lot”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to have the baby alone in Kalwin? When you give birth, it’s always Polka”

“I’m quick-tempered. You can tell me after I’ve impregnated……fuck me and your child until I want to stay here, then tell me”

“That’s just the way I like to hear it…….”

“……It would be lonely if you were to become obsessed with Beatrice’s training, leaving me who has finally become obedient”

Neia smiles and then, as if she can’t hold back anymore, she clings to me and presses me into a very deep kiss. My skin is hot. Her soft breasts slide from my newborn shoulders to my chest. My lips never leave hers as I stroke her ass with my disgusting hands and she responds only with a pampered snort. After a few moments of having my mouth licked by Neia’s tongue, my lips finally part when my breathing becomes a bit labored. A thick mixture of saliva bubbles, strings, and drips down. And the fact that Neia was willing to do this act shakes me with a sweet satisfaction and also loosens Neia’s own gag even more.

“N, nnn……n, nmuuu……♪”

Neia takes a breath and continues kissing me. The face of the girl who is thus absorbed in love and lust looks even younger than usual. I’m sure that’s not true, but it seems even younger than Beatrice’s. It is true that a woman who is sweet and honest is much younger than a woman who is uptight. That Neia is showing off her childish side and expressing her crazy love for me. And she wants a child in her womb and more than that, she wants my favor. After defeating Rainer, something ended, something changed. Perhaps it is this change in her that gives me the strongest sense of this.

“PPuhaa……Neia, you’re too chunky”

“Nn, ku……kissing feels good……no, it’s fun……or not. Anyway, kissing, just kissing makes me feel……irresistible……boiling, peaceful and very good”

“……Ah, I kind of get it. But wait a minute”


“Don’t look so lonely. I’ll kiss you as much as I can. ……Cock to womb or mouth to mouth”


Kissing alone is not enough anymore. Have sex and kiss as well. We have sex that is nothing more than an act, filled with active passion, either as lovers or as a couple, anyway. Neia looks meltingly happy at the declaration.

“Open your legs, Neia. ……You’re so wet”

“……Yes. I’m soggy”

I shifted my position so that I was laying on top of her and when I put my hand between her legs, it was so wet that my palm was already covered in a thick layer of mucus. Neia obediently admits it and she stretches out her legs and pulls my hips closer to her as if to say, come on, come on.

“I was looking forward to your hot insemination……and sex with Smithson-san, this is what happened……♪”

“……You can hold back until I tell you something like that, okay?”

“I am……a female slave, aren’t I?”

Neia looks as if she’s excited and puts her hands on my shoulders, trying to pull me a little closer.

“I was wondering if this is what it meant to be treated like a slave……♪”

‘Well, to each his own. ……I knew you were cute, so I’m fine with it”

I was a little amused by Neia’s lewdness, but maybe it’s because she’s a little impatient in her own way. As she says, she is jealous of Beatrice. Perhaps it is her desire to be more into herself that has made Neia so sexually impetuous. However, Neia was also cute and I felt uncomfortable telling her not to be unreasonable.

“Let’s seek each other out as much as we want. Neia, I’ll put it in. Let me enjoy myself inside you”

“Yes……a lot, a lot……please make me feel better……♪”

I spread Neia’s wet, hairless labia and pushed in my cock, which had not even dried up from the previous act with Beatrice. She has been raped many times before and compared to Beatrice, the dick goes in smoothly. It’s no wonder. And, in the middle of the insertion, Neia, who had her legs around my waist and clung to me as if hugging my neck, pulled my arms and legs tightly as if she would not let go, while simultaneously accepting the kiss and the insertion up to the cervix, as announced. She’s adorable, but I can’t move in this position. I decided to stay in the same position and enjoy the kiss and the sensation of the vagina, but after about ten minutes……Neia was still moving her tongue passionately, breathing intermittently and she would not let go of my hips while I let her enter my vagina, so I was getting a little out of my depth. I was getting a little out of hand.

“N……nku, n……N, Neia……that, a little……nmuu”

“Nn……n, nn……♪”

Neia continues as if she is too lazy to even speak. I have no choice but to forcefully move my hips. I don’t rub my cock against Neia’s vagina, but rock Neia herself forcefully with my hips. I rock her, overlapping the slight in and out of the stem, as if I’m fucking her with momentum.

“Nn……nhu, nnn♪”

Neia doesn’t let go of her mouth and limbs even when she’s done that way. It is as if it is the main way to be rocked forcefully and used to forcibly create pleasure for the cock. Even so, she clings to my body as if she doesn’t want to let herself slip out and go out, even in the unlikely event that she does. My breathing is restricted and it’s quite tiring, but I shake my hips as if to encourage Neia. At that moment, Beatrice, who had been dazed, seemed to finally come to her senses and from the corner of her vision, she slowly sat up and stared blankly at me and Neia mating and then her eyes gradually opened and I saw her face. I could see it was turning red.

“……N, nn……”

I tried to tell Neia that and with a glance and a shoulder tap, I redirected Neia’s attention. Neia stiffens a little when she sees the look on Beatrice’s face, but then just squints her eyes and returns her mind back to communicating with me. I timed my lips to part and asked Neia briefly.

“Are you sure?”

“……Y, Yes……I……like it when you do this to me, I can’t resist……even in front of Beatrice, I’m a pervert who can’t stand it and that’s okay……♪”

Neia also expresses a little bit of out of control female slavery.

“W……Wh, What……?”

“Hoho. The owner’s personality is intense. You can see that there are many women who fall in love with him, including you”

“Eh……I, I don’t know! I mean, Neia Grans, you’re such a……”

Neia glanced at Beatrice, who seemed confused and opened her mouth, unsure of what to say.

“……I promised……I would become Smithson-san’s female slave……♪”

Saying that, she resumes munching and kissing me again and starts rocking her own hips with her legs entwined around my waist. She admits that she has fallen, is proud of it and shows it off. I guess Neia had already half-expected this to happen to her since she had expressed her desire to be held against Beatrice, or perhaps she had already made up her mind. I don’t want Beatrice to lose interest in me. I want her to adore me. When she decided to be honest with that thought, for her, who has straight roots, it was a direct path to this point, I guess. I love Neia who accepted such a self and I go along with that last spurt……and start ejaculating with the last stroke after pounding her womb many times.

“Nku……nn, n……♪”

The overflowing semen swells in the back of her vagina and Neia shudders as her lips meet and drool also overflows from her mouth at the same time as the muddy fluid from her pubic region. We were mixing and sending saliva at each other and we were in such a state that if we coughed one, it would do so immediately. And even though drool and semen spilled out, we still clung to each other’s lips……too instinctive sex and Beatrice was so stunned that she forgot to complain halfway through. She may be in a state of culture shock, having only been held by me because she had no choice but to get her lost arm back. Even though I know this, I continue to have sex with Neia. There is no shame in it. It’s not like I’m showing it off out in the open a bit……looking forward to Beatrice’s eventual embarrassment.



And a few days. Beatrice soaks in the secret hot springs of the forest with a Buddha’s face and exclaims while being treated for old wounds by Hilda.

“It’s unfair! What is this warm spring water!”

“……It’s a hot spring”

“Oh, I don’t know if it’s a hot spring or something! It would be too easy if there was something like this!”


“I, It cures almost all injuries and it also erases……illnesses and decay, doesn’t it! If there was such a thing, I don’t know why we’ve been struggling……!”

“It means we won’t have to struggle from now on”

I point out as I watch over Beatrice’s hot water cure.

“From now on, all the people of Kalwin can heal here. And to be honest, you look a lot better now. I wonder how much you haven’t been paying attention to your hair

“……Sh, Shut up!”

After treating her arm, Beatrice received a full bath in this secret hot spring and her poor appearance improved as soon as I saw it. The reason for this is that the effect of the hot spring has restored the shaggy hair, but also the fact that her body has become more feminine and her facial expression less shadowy, in keeping with her age. I think that the miraculous spring is amazing in such a short period of time and at the same time, I feel a little distorted satisfaction with Beatrice, who no longer thinks it strange that I can see her bathing. Is it because we had sex, albeit in that way? Or is it the shock of seeing Neia in that state that has upset my perception of public decency around here? I’m having a little fun, so I’ll let it go. Well, there’s also Hilda-san and a blue dragon, so it’s not like it’s such an unusual reaction to be seen by a man in the bath and not be in a bad mood.

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