Impregnation Reincarnation Adventurer ep021. 【 Quest Start 】 Rumors of Sleeping in the Red Wilderness 【 Recommended Level: 14 】



The abandoned city of Mara is located two days by fast horse northeast of the slums where we live.

As the name suggests, this city once prospered as a picturesque capital, but more than a hundred years ago, a great war burned the city to the ground, and a few survivors were preyed upon by demons, thus cutting off the city’s culture and history.

One day, a scavenger was rummaging through the remains of the burnt ruins and accidentally discovered a huge labyrinth spreading out beneath the city. It’s also known as the Mara Dungeon. In the dungeon lays many gold and silver treasures of the abandoned city of Mara, which had escaped the disaster. Adventurers, having heard the rumors, are diving into the dungeons and plundering the treasures of the abandoned city, which still retains its scent of glory. At that time, the adventurers apparently fought fiercely with each other over the treasure, and the abandoned city of Mara once again went down in history as the scene of a bloody scourge. That was fifty years ago.

The time comes when the seemingly endless treasure finally runs out.

The adventurers scattered to find new places to earn money and the people who gathered them had disappeared as well. The dream of regaining its former glory didn’t come true. The abandoned city of Mara, which had swallowed many lives, fell to quiet sleep.

That’s the rumors lingering around the abandoned city Mara.

There was a hidden room built to protect the royalty from calamity, containing vast treasures far greater than all the treasures found in the dungeon, and that one day they’d surely rebuild the great city and establish a royal paradise under a wise royal family…or…

So the groundless rumors say.

It’s a common story, or maybe their desire to revive something that’s perished is what gave rise to such a myth. But in fact, books and murals with similar statements, as well as the works of art based on them have been found throughout the dungeon. Rather, it seems that such crazy rumors spread because of the existence of such a legacy.

Most of the Mara people were dead. So, the legendary story had never been told to the outside world, and whether it was just a religious story or whether the labyrinth was equipped with a mechanism that lets the royal family escape was also uncertain.

It’s said that there were adventurers who persisted in seeking romance in the rumors for ten years after the treasure ran out but they too eventually disappeared. Well, you can’t eat romance so it’s inevitable. However, while romance is inedible, it doesn’t disappear

「 Wanting to find the hidden room in the Mara dungeon… 」

It’s the contents of the request commonly known as ‘vintage’ among adventurers.

To be honest, it’s questionable.

Hidden treasures, surviving king, restoring prosperity, any of those would be a dream come true.

I like romance. In my previous life, where we live in the age of science universalism with smartphones, the internet, and satellites, I liked the occult-related stores such as ooparts or UMAs, and I like to read fantasy novels from both east and west. In games, the existence of such rumors is a flag that it’s real.

In the light of this, there are hidden rooms in the Mara dungeons that have yet to be discovered, and the treasure is so vast that it could restore a ruined city. According to some, it may even be possible that royalty and people from Mara who escaped the disaster are surviving underground. It’s an absurd tale. I think I understand the feelings of adventurers who continued to dive for more than ten years even though the treasures have run out.

Perhaps there were survivors of Mara who remained in the dungeon until the end. Loyal to the exiled. That’s romance indeed. If there had been an RPG set up like that in my previous life, I would’ve bought it for sure.

「 I don’t know why these requests are still posted. 」

But this is different.

Being an adventurer is a job, not a hobby.

It’s a fool’s errand to take a job that doesn’t pay your expenses.

I took a sip of water from my leather bag. I’m used to having warm water with that distinctive smell running down my throat. Compared to my previous life, it tastes bad, but I find it delicious.

I took a breath and looked around.

The remains are dotted in the middle of the wilderness. It’s kind of sad to say that the regularities here are the remnants of the great city that once existed here. There’s hardly anything left. There’s barely any debris that could’ve been walls or columns,. Dry wind rolls the dead grass. The reddish brown-black soil is almost devoid of vegetation. The term barren land comes to mind.

「 It’s my first time here, but still, there’s really nothing… 」

「 This area is the outer edge of the city. If you go to the center, you can still see large remains of what was once a great city of millions of citizens.

「 A metropolis of a million people on the plains, not bad 」

「 The great Mara, the long and grand Mara. Or, it was also once called the Great Mara to distinguish it from the old town before it got bigger. The beauty of the city block, with its gorgeous ornamentation and functionality, has been called Mara of deep wisdom

「 Hmm, I see 」

Marie’s telling me about the capital that used to be here but it’s not getting in my head at all I’m so distracted by her repeated mention of “Mara” As expected of Mara. The incarnation of worldly desires. Just for the record, there’s no legend of Mara, the demon who prevents enlightenment in this world, so this is just the knowledge of my previous world’s fault.

「 Mara was a country skilled in magic, at the center of the region at the time. It’s said that magic was integrated into their daily life because most people could handle magic. So much richness of life, culture, and superior technology is due to the gift of magic 」

「 You sure know a lot. 」

「 Magical Mara was a magic city for those who enjoyed magic. I hear that it’s a dream come true for a lot of people 」

「 Hmm, I see 」

No, I can’t process it.

I’m glad that it’s been destroyed in my lifetime already.

Watching Marie’s slightly ecstatic expression melts away my feeling of sympathy or pity for Mara, who had a tragic demise. By the looks of things, if Mara had been building material in this day and age, they might’ve been captivated by Magical Mara.

「 I see. It’s the rise and fall, all things must pass. We’re still not at the dungeon entrance, right? Let’s hurry, Marie 」

「 Ah, wait! 」

I hear Marie’s voice behind me.

Am I feeling jealous of the relics of the past? A city? Inorganic objects?

「 That’s just stupid 」

Even so, I’m somewhat irrationally angry.

Marie’s arms around my waist tightened, and I feel her soft weight on my back even more strongly.

Jealousy of men is unseemly. When I look at myself objectively, I understand it better.

That being said, I don’t like it when she looks like she likes Mara more. It would be like being jealous when we’re talking about how nice Atlantis would be if we were talking about my previous life’s terms. It’s the name itself that’s at fault. Rumors are good.

「 Marie, hold onto me 」

「 Okay 」

Feeling the warmth on my back, I ride the horse through the red wilderness.

Soon after, man-made structures come to view.

That’s probably the entrance to Mara dungeon. I stiffen up my senses.