Easy Survival Life Chapter 106 Duck Collection



Our current fishing boats cannot cross the sea.

Despite the disappointment, none of us were heartbroken

We had a strong feeling that this was expected.

It’s already mid-November.

Daily temperatures are slowly dropping.

Now, the short sleeves aren’t enough, we began piling layers.

The island has the same four seasons as Japan.

Summer is hot, fall is comfortable, and winter is cold. Spring is still unknown.

However, my impression at this point is that the climate is milder in Japan.

The summer heat was weaker than in Japan, and even now, it’s not freezing cold.

If we were in Japan, it would be time to start wearing gloves and scarves.

Doing something like that here would just be too hot.

It’s cold to the extent that cool air in the early morning of fall lingers through the day.

November 20. Wednesday.

「 Let’s just continue the same work we did yesterday 」

「 「 「 Ooh! 」 」 」

After breakfast, we started doing our usual work.

My work these days is mostly tool maintenance.

Stoneware, earthenware, lacquerware, and all the other tools.

It’ll be difficult to make new ones depending on how cold the winter is.

I make extra tools in case they break.

「 Mana, take care of this today 」

「 Got it 」

Mana and I had a different jobs waiting for us.

That’s to grab some ducks.

「 Rita 」

Mana gives instructions in the rice field outside the hideout.

Rita, the boss of the monkey army nods and makes noises.

「 Uki! Uki! Uki!! 」

Rita gives orders to the monkey army.

Then, the monkey army moved briskly and stood at the corner of the rice field.

That’s where we always stand when we feed the ducks.

Thus, the ducks approached at the same time.

They look cute, they move through the water-filled rice paddies in leisure.

They probably assume that they’ll be fed as usual.

「 There, there 」

I mutter in satisfaction as I watch the ducks move smoothly.

On the other hand, Mana next to me is making a complicated face.

「 We’re going to eat the ducks we pick up, right? 」

「 Well yeah. Do you feel sorry? 」

「 Somewhat. I was the one feeding them after all 」

Mana’s tearing up.

She seems to have some sentiment towards the ducks.

This is the law when handling livestock.

「 Geez, that’s a problem 」

That’s really a problem

I was planning on tucking them into some delicious dishes today, and yet…

The other members are also looking forward to the duck dishes.

Eri’s itching to cook them soon.

That said, I can’t just ignore Mana’s feelings.

「 If that’s the case, we’ll just release them 」

「 Huh? 」 Mana looked at me in surprise. 「 Are you sure? 」

「 We’re not in Japan 」

「 What’s the connection? 」

「 There’s a big one. In Japan, you’re banned to release birds 」

「 Really? Are ducks that harmful? 」

「 No, not in that sense. These ones are hybrids of mallards and ducks. That’s why they don’t exist in the wild, and therefore, banned from being released 」

「 I see. That’s unrelated to survival, yet you still know it 」

「 I only learned about farming methods for ducks 」

If this was in Japan, to hell with emotions.

Since you have to kill them, then just eat them

But, we’re in a different world.

There’s no need to kill them if you’re just gonna be sad.

Even more so when these ducks are wild animals on this island.

「 That said, we can’t keep these ducks in the paddy field. They already did their job in this field. If we continue to keep them in here, they’ll start eating the crops. That’s why we have to take them back to their original habitats and release them 」

「 I get it. I’m sorry that you had to hear my selfishness 」

I smiled and nodded, “Yep.”

「 You’ll have to apologize to the group later 」

「 It can’t be helped 」

And so, we set free the ducks.

I told Eri that right away, then…

「 Eeeeeeeeh!?! Just when I was planning to do a full-course duck meal today! 」

Eri’s visibly disappointed.

However, after telling her the reason…

「 I guess that can’t be helped 」

She was convinced.

The other members also had the same reaction.

Too bad we can’t have a full course of ducks.

But, they have room for understanding Mana’s emotional attachment.

After all, we’re just a bunch of amateurs, not professional farmers.

However, everyone agreed that there’s no helping it.

With that said, we returned the ducks to their natural habitat.

To the place where Sofia and Amane woke up, the lake near the Washimine cave.

「 This is good enough 」

「 Right! Now go swim as you please! 」

I was worried about whether or not they would be safe without their parent birds, but it seems like there were no problems.

The fifteen ducks swim in a line, despite the absence of their parents.

Then, they joined the other group of ducks nonchalantly.

As a side note, I kept the parent birds in the lake inside the hideout.

「 Thanks, Rita, everyone 」

「 「 「 Uki!! 」 」 」

It was the monkey army that brought the ducks here.

Mana also did the same, and she’s happy to set free the ducks.

She’s gotten attached to them that she’s on good terms with them.

「 Well then, let’s go back!! 」

「 「 「 Ukii!! 」 」 」

Mana instructed Rita and the monkey army moved.

They climbed a nearby tree and jumped to another.

「 Well then, as for the apology… 」

Mana smiled.

「 Apology? 」

I tilted my head.

「 I have to apologize for the selfishness I did 」

「 Oh, that one was a joke. I’m not really expecting anything 」

「 Really? I’m in the mood though 」

Mana looked up at me.

Then, her eyes went down to my penis.

She’s not touching it yet, it turned on the switch

「 You sure? 」

「 I’m sure 」

Mana casually puts her hand around my arm.

She pushed her chest to me, and that energized my penis.

It goes from 20% to 30%, and reaches a half-erect state.

「 Should we go to the Washimine cave? Or maybe Hokage wants to do it here 」

「 No, let’s take it easy and have fun in the cave 」

We walked to the Washimine cave.