Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

When I awoke, the pain and pleasure were not as sharp as before, the rods had been pulled out of my pussy; the weight was gone, and I was now having the clips removed before I was placed back on the table. Julian appeared and grabbed my wrist. After a few seconds, he laughed.

“She lives!” There was shouting and clapping from various nobles.

My head was slightly turned to the side, and as a result, I could see down. My body was covered from shoulders to feet in blood. Puddles of blood had pooled at various points on the floor. I had lost a very large amount, and at the very least dehydration was starting to set in. The sick sadistic game had pushed me past the breaking point.

However, I had received the thing I had needed. I had seen Min live. Jenai was dead, and I would be dead soon. Denova got away, but that wound would probably screw him up for years. Min had done well, but I was also done. At this point, I was only waiting for death. In fact, I was already dying. I was gushing blood from hundreds of rips and tears. Even a 2X healing factor wouldn’t be able to save me before I bled to death.

Besides, Min could take care of himself. I was sure of that. Simply put, there was no reason I needed to stay alive. There was no reason I needed to be here. It had to be some kind of accident that brought me to this world in the first place. I died, I must have, that is, in my original world. When I had hit my head on the stairway that must have been it. The rest of this? Whether it was a fever dream from a brain-dead person, or a second chance handed to me by some god, it didn’t matter. I hit the end.

“Our third trial, our final trial, is what this has all been leading up to!” Julian said with another flourish. “Twenty cocks! That is all. Our sacrifice must survive the pleasure of but twenty cocks.”

I looked up at him through delirious eyes, a frown on my lips. Surely, girls didn’t die by being fucked by twenty cocks. I’d already had close to five hundred in me tonight alone. Many of the people wore smiles on their faces, clearly knowing something that I did not know.

“Each cock comes from a greater being.” Julian continued. “Each cock brings our sacrifice closer to Qetesh. And one way or another, by the end, she will meet the gods!”

There was more clapping and cheering, and then a long table was brought out. It was covered with a giant sheet, but there were objects under the sheet that were hard to make out. Julian moved up to the end of the table. In a swift motion, he folded up one side of it, revealing the first item. I couldn’t see what it was until he held it up, showing everyone in the crowd.

“The cock of a goblin!” He shouted.

“Boo!” There were some booing and hissing, followed by laughter.

In his hand was as he described, it was the doorknob cock of a goblin, dismembered, stuffed, and magically preserved. He walked up to my body and shoved the cock in. He pushed it in and out for about a minute. Some people booed, others, clapped. For me, the cuts and damage my pussy had received made it burn going in, but it was small, and after being stretched to my limit I barely felt anything.

When he was done, he thrust the dick up in the air, covered in blood from my pussy, and waved it. “The goblin has left his seed!”

The cheering was light, but a moment later he discarded the cock and moved to the next one. The next one he pulled out was only slightly larger. It looked pocked and somewhat gross looking.

“The cock… of a ghoul!”

“Larger!” someone called out.

“We’ll get there!” Julian remarked, creating a ruffle of laughter.

Like the goblin, he pushed it in and out of me for a minute, barely felt by my damaged lower body, before he waved it in the air. The one he grabbed next I recognized, it was the lizardman’s scaly cock. As he slammed it into me, it aggravated my cuts a bit more than the previous two.

Each cock got slightly larger. The cock of a boar demon, the cock of a bear. The sixth one was the cock of an orc which was the first one I could feel. Although, as the cock stimulated my stretch receptors, it only led to more pain and discomfort across my damaged cunt, but even that pain was converted into pleasure thanks to my poorly chosen sadist skill.

“The cock of a hobgoblin!” The cheers were starting to grow more and more with each larger cock.

The hobgoblin was not particularly bigger than the orc, but the dick had a noticeably hook on the end. It slid in fine, but every time he pulled out, it hooked onto the flesh and cut into me. I made loud screaming sounds as the pain and pleasure were intensified. Despite myself, I came to the feeling of the hobgoblin, and a gush of bloody liquid shot as he pulled it out.

“She really likes it!” Julian laughed, and several people clapped while I came and bled, bringing myself closer to death.

“The cock of a golem!”

Cold and hard, and slightly bigger than the orc or hobgoblin.

“The cock of a treant!”

He stuffed the wooden cock into me, wood shaving and splinters were an inevitability. It wasn’t as large as I feared, but it was only slightly smaller than…

“The cock of a minotaur!” The cheers and clapping grew into explosions now that the penises were larger than anything normal humans had.

This minotaur’s cock was slightly larger than my lover in the dungeon, and if they hadn’t spent two hours spreading me open, I’d say it was the largest thing I’d ever had jammed into me. Along with the splinters of my last lover, the pain and discomfort was hard to bear. I screamed and cried, wishing my body could kick or resist, but all I could do was lie there and take it.

Then the reality set in. We were only at ten, and I had already had the largest thing I had ever fucked. Going by this, things only got bigger from here. How would I even be able to survive something twice as large as a minotaur’s cock?

He reached under the sheet with a smile, and I looked on with dread. “The cock of a Manticore!”

The cock was similarly sized to the minotaur, but whereas the minotaur’s was sized for penetration, this one was thick all around. It went in painfully, although, at another time, it might have been fun. The next cock was that of a gargoyle. I’d have assumed a golem would be bigger, but I was wrong. Gargoyles, at least in this world, had long uneven cocks that dug deep in. Julian made sure that the entire length went into me before he was willing to give up.

“The cock of a yeti!”

Great, now I had to fuck sasquatch. His dick was still bigger, but after my widening ceremony, not to mention the extreme amount of lube from blood and semen had made the item slide in without much effort. The pain and pleasure didn’t seem to stop. I felt like I was losing and regaining consciousness with each thrust.

“Next… a dire wolf.”

I couldn’t even think enough to complain about the lines of bestiality this crossed as I was violated with cock after cock.

“What do we have next? A griffin!”

The griffin’s cock was jagged and hard. My vagina might as well had been stabbed with a knife. I noticed that the dick, after penetration, was covered with fresher bright red blood. Why was I still conscious? Why did I have to witness this? Why did I have to feel it?

“A Wyvern!”

The cock of a giant dragon-like beast was carried over. It was to the point that a second hand was now helping Julian get it in. They had to work at it as I screamed in misery for two minutes before it tore into me.

Afterward, he touched my wrists. “Still alive!”

That was regrettably the truth.

“The cock of a giant!”

I didn’t know if he was moving faster, or if my fading consciousness lost count of the seconds in between sessions, but the next cock tore me open. Easily twice the size of a minotaur, it was at least a foot wide. It felt like being forced to give labor in reverse as something massive was shoved up into me and then out again over a minute.

“We’ve done it!” Julian’s voice snapped me out of a daze, as I was starting to pass out. “She has lived until the last three. She has tasted the fruit of this earth, now she must taste the fruit of the heavens!”

The table was moved away, and another table was moved out. Where 17 cocks sat on the last table, this table of similar length contained the length of the remaining three.

“This cock… was slain five hundred years ago. A beast of fire… it was said a great hero who slain the beast, only for it to rise again and claim his party. He had to murder the beast ten times before it finally succumbed… and of course, claim its cock. This is, the Phoenix!”

A giant monstrosity of a dick was lifted. It was the size of an average person’s head in width, and it was about two feet long. It had long red streaks across it. And it appeared that Julian, and the others were wearing gloves.

I didn’t understand why until they shoved the dick into me. It burned! It felt as hot as fire, and my insides started smoking as the thing was jammed into me over and over again. My mouth screamed wordlessly, even within my mask, the pain and pleasure, which were inseparable now, blinding everything. At that point, I lost complete consciousness.

Shadows… shapes… pain… horror… there was only the pain and pleasure. Noises seemed to bounce in my skull, not really make any sense.

“She’s survived!” The roaring cheer caused my eyes to pop open again.

I could see text in front of me. Maybe it was the leveling screen, but everything was blurry. I couldn’t see properly, let alone select something.

“Our next cock…  from the Titans…” my consciousness slipped away once again.

I dreamed of being ripped apart, of being torn, my legs being ripped open as something massive was plowed into me. Each thrust caused my hips to break and pop. I was dying… at this point, I knew I was dying. Perhaps that level up had healed me for a minute, but they didn’t stop, the pain didn’t stop.

The massive roar of screaming brought me to lucidness once again. The text was still in front of me, but my eyes just couldn’t focus on it. “To think, this woman would survive the Phoenix and the Titan! Never before have we seen a sacrifice get this close.”

Where was I? What was happening? I didn’t understand. Where’s mom? Why wasn’t she here?

“We have never had to use our final cock before, but Qetesh demands it.”

I tried to look up, and I saw someone who kind of looked familiar. What was her name again? That’s right. Her name was Sylvia. Why did she look scared? She looked guilty and scared. That was an odd expression, wasn’t it?

“Twenty years ago.” A man in a red and black cloak was saying. “The great hero from another world slew a beast in battle. Our King was there, he fought alongside the hero. The Demon King’s greatest minion, he summoned a dragon of unstoppable power. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, our King took the dragon’s jewels and our sacrifice… will enjoy the cock of Bahamut, the Dragon god, himself!”

A massive thing was lifted. It took four men to do it. They were moving towards me. I wondered why they were doing that. What is that thing? It was bigger than a person, certainly. It was coming closer and closer. Was that a drum playing? The room was suddenly quiet, the cheering had died down, it merely came closer and closer.

“With this thrust, let us create a god!”

The pain only lasted a moment, and then everything went to black.

{Title Unlocked: Dragon Layer}

{Title Unlocked: God Killer}

{Congratulations, you have leveled to Seductress Lvl 30!}

“Ah… she died…”

My eyes, they were no longer a part of my body anymore. I could see myself, lying there below. Without the pain, my mind grew lucid again, and I understood that I had died. I turned away from the scene. That wretched thing that was my body was gone now. There was no way to heal the damage that had been done. At best, I’d lose my legs. Likely, If I had somehow survived, I would have been wretchedly deformed. Far removed from the so-called champion of Qetesh Julian had pretended to make me.

The crowd was silent as Julian felt my pulse and shook his head. It seemed expected though. Tears fell down Sylvia’s eyes, and I couldn’t even understand what she was upset about. She had to have known things would get to this point. However, she was very stupid, so it was possible she thought a little rape and torture would be it. Still, she had watched me until I died.

Some people in the crowd looked sick. They were likely the first timers and the weak. It didn’t matter, what happened, had already happened, and I couldn’t change it. I was dragged out the back by Julian, Gregory, and a couple of goons. My eyes followed my body, watching the procession that was my death. There was a somber mood in the air, but no sooner did my body leave the room than the orgy started again.

“She was so close… I had hoped…” Gregory said this.

Julian laughed, patting him on the back. “Ah well, there is always next year.”

“So, what do we do with her?” one of the men asked.

“Remove the mask, dump her in an ally, let the crows have a meal.” Julian nodded before turning around.

Gregory followed after Julian as they turned back to return to the party. It was at this point one of the guards had removed my mask. My face, despite the rest of my body, was still relatively untouched.

“Uh, wait, boss?”

Julian had already made it to the door before stopping and turning back, “Yes, what is it?”

“This one is still alive.”

“What! Impossible!” Julian immediately started rushing back with Gregory in tow.

As soon as he reached my body, he made a loud hiss. Gregory, stumbled for a second, looking like he was going to be sick before turning his head.

“Sister Cornelia… gods.”

Julian’s lips tightened as he stared down, “That bitch, Sylvia!”

“Sylvia, but why?”

Julian laughed. “Why do you think? To win her precious Richard. This is why I never fucking trust women.”

“Bu-bubut what are we going to do?” Gregory asked worriedly.

“Sylvia will pay. That much is obvious.” Julian sighed.

“I meant, Cornelia…”

“Well, there’s not much she can do, she’s dead after all.”

“That’s what I’m saying, boss, she’s breathing…” the guard broke in.

“Like I said that is im-“

The word caught in his mouth as my face suddenly twitched, and a moaning sound came from my lips. The shock on Julian’s face was only matched by my own. This didn’t make any sense. I was a ghost, watching my body. I was already dead. I didn’t feel any pain. So, why was I here, and who was moving my body if I wasn’t in it? If I wasn’t a ghost… then…

As the realization started to hit me, the pain started to return. My spirit felt like it was getting sucked back in. I was returned to the broken body I had once had. In the darkness, surrounded by pain, I could still hear their voices.

“We can’t let anyone know about this.”

“But she survived, Qetesh…” Gregory was protesting.

“There is no such thing as the avatar of Qetesh,” Julian snapped. “We brutalized the Princess of a foreign nation. If this gets out, the best we could hope for is war. We have no choice.”

“Wh-what are you doing!” One of the other two guys shouted.

There was a sound of someone’s shout being cut off, followed by a death rattle.

“You and I, Gregory, or the only ones that can know. I’ll return to the party. You, burn their bodies. Send her to the very hell she should have already visited.”

“B-but Qetesh…”

“Brother, listen to me… these things are mere superstitions, fairy tales made to excite the bored minds of nobles. We must handle what’s real. No one must know we killed the princess. Can you do this for me? Can you do this for your brother?”

“Y-yes… yes, brother, of course.”

“Good, burn the bodies, and we’ll handle the rest later.”

I could hear Julian’s footsteps walking away. My mind had grown blurry again after re-entering my body. One of my eyes managed to open, but the light was very difficult to take in, even though it was just a single torch in the night. I started to raise my hand, trying to reach out to Gregory. He wasn’t like his brother, so If I could just plead to him, he might be able to save me.

He slapped my hand away, and a moment later I felt liquid being poured on me. It smelled viscous, and I realized that it was lamp fuel. No… if I just seduced him, I could take control. I needed to use my abilities to stop him. This was what I had to do. I had to survive.

“G… grrr… gg….” The words barely left my mouth.

The sound of breaking glass and the whoosh of flames found their ways to my ears. Then there was the endless burning. I would have screamed if there was any power left in my body to do so, but the flames kept coming, curling across my flesh, burning away everything of my body. I passed out long before the flames had finished burning me to ash.

If my mind had been lucid, I might have seen the text pop up in my vision amongst the darkness.

{Due to the failure to select a skill, your point has been automatically allocated into the most suitable selection: Limit Break.}

{Due to the failure to select a skill, your point has been automatically allocated into the most suitable selection: Phoenix Rises.}

{Title Unlocked: The Reborn}

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Ascii of the Day:

                                         qBuiiiiiiii ii   qr           
                                       oBO  iiiii  iii vvirGu          
                                      MPi ii iiiiiivi iiiii Or         
                                     OMi L ririiivJjiiiikBiiXGi        
                                    EOi iuEivJ  L  iLLuuL   uqo        
                                   GB i Mi   BBiiErrYri    ivNO         
                                   S i Mi     uLi v        MiiS        
                                  u riOi        rBr  PUYU iB YiP       
                                  BS BX         iM  NBGI rOO irr       
                              iivkG uB       YEvi   ii   BLFi ri       
                            iL rMP iB         iviivi    BrjiB uii      
                              iBJi B  k    uri i iqi   Bi N uI vr      
                   riiiiii ijVu L Ji  iY    VNVIL    LBS  B  E Zi      
                vGZBviMuiujBMi iiii    ri    vY i  iBBiL iM  BiG       
             UiVvii i   vJi    i vY      vLi     rBN   i  N iovv       
           iMo   u  vr iOi   i r iB      i i iMSrN      viu rL Y       
         iBM     k  ii uYJ  Ji iiiB i       qBL L   i  i Pi LY u       
        MMi       Fi  iiiEi i  iiBF qv    rBMi ui Yi iiL r iuJ Ni      
      SBY          vJir ii iii iiM  i ii  N iL   ii  iri L vvL vJ      
    IBV             FBvvoirii  iB     uvii iu iviiLU r iii Yir qr      
 iEBL           i     okir ii SEi   uS ii iv iiiJ  vri  i rur iM       
kXL             qu    B rP S  BL   rq  ViL iu ir iZi  irk iEiirG       
                Liv   M  uijv BL   iu vivirv ir i Bri iBiiiUi vM       
             vPPV  iiirri Fi iiB i  Jr uiiO  i vi NLiLrrii Fu iBi      
         iVXEL  B        BS i  Mvi   vvv BV i vL  LM Privriji jS       
     ijSFLi     Bi  iuLGBi  ri quri   irXO iS vi rBi  Br rviV vXq      
  LXNLi         Sk   i F   ii vBiri     LBi  riNiLG vvB  io ri  GM     
VIr             iB     F   Y IMi Z v     MY  SSi X iivi  iv ri viB     
                 M     ir   iB   N u     VV  Viur   ijj   VirvLj       
                 B          S   E  B      BiiuuO   JZ UU  rU  vBj      
                 B          I  r  Pi      jL rB   iLiiiB  iG ILSJ      
                 B       ri vv   Iv       jI XM i    q Z  VB LMi       
                 BE      i iO i i         rS GN r    I FjiFrL LV       
                 Bir      iii i     ii  iijiiB  i    i PiJ  ii Er      
                rM  r              ij   kriiBV        iO   i    M      
                GS   rvi         iJJ   iY jOr      irZvB               
               iB      irrrrrrvrvi    iivrBir ii iuNNi kB              
              NB                     iqUvi   BBBrri     uB       v     
            uML                      Lvi     B           iBi     v    i
          vBY                        Y     iBi             Br        MoE
         GS                          i    LB                Bk     iB vi
       iBi                                B                  MP     GLii
      IG                                 JO                   Iu     Ii
     Mk                                 iB                     Gq     i
    GL                           i      LO                      uooviivi
   Su        i                  iP      vN                         iiii
  vF          ii                Br      Sj                             
 iM            ii                       B                              
rO        i                            iM                              
P         iriri   i                    Yu                              
              irr  i                ii oi                              
                 i ii    i         ii  B                               
                   iP   i iiiii  iiiiirL                               
                    VF    ii   ivriiii iv                              
                     vG i     irri      r                              
                       Gi ivur          iI                             
                        iZv              Oi                            
                         vk               k                            
                           Fr             vX


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

The table was pulled out from under me, leaving a heavy wire frame behind. My legs and arms were tied up until my body was trapped bent over the frame, and my head was pushed down so that my naked groin was tilted up. It was a position that spread open both my ass and pussy, giving anyone access to either one from the back of me.

“In our second trial!” Julian made a flourish, “We widen her open. We have given her our vitality, now we must stretch her so that she might become a conduit of Qetesh! With this rod, I will start the beginning of her journey!”

Julian was holding a thin glass rod. It was only about half an inch wide and ten inches long. He shoved the rod into my pussy, which slid in easy after the amount of cum already in there. The line formed again as Julian pulled away, leaving the glass rod in. Another man picked up a rod, and then he slid it in me as well. Then another, and then another.

The rods were small, but as one after another way stuck into me, it quickly became too much. When it reach ten, I was starting to feel pain, but the nobles didn’t stop. A small mallet was taken out, and when the next man couldn’t stick more than fifteen in me, he started hammering it in. Each thump caused my pussy to tear a little more. I was actually being ripped open, and the nobles only smiled, laughed, and fucked as they did it.

I screamed and shouted and cried, but it was to no avail. Like before, once they had about 20 in my pussy, they started to stick them in my ass too. I was being forced open from both holes. They laughed, they fucked, they pointed at my pussy as cum, liquid, and blood dripped onto the floor.

Fifteen rods went into my ass, 20 rods were in my pussy. My skin burned, and even Rough Rider couldn’t resist the pain. Even Town Bicycle couldn’t bite back the ripping. I was filled more than I ever had been filled, and it wasn’t pleasure I was feeling. I would have been kicking, I would have been screaming, but I was frozen in this hell, and the nobles didn’t stop there.

When no more rods could fit, they started putting clips on my skin. The clips were small things with rings attached to them. It started with my nipples, hard teeth cutting into the flesh. Then more and more, each one clipped onto my skin, pinching it up, and stretching it out. They radiated out until my breasts were nothing but pinches, and then they pinched up any loose skin with their fingers, adding more clips. The only part of my body spared was my face and head behind the mask. Then they started adding weights. My nipples, which had the most grab, had the heaviest weights. Two five pound weights had been applied to the rings, which pulled down on my tits painfully, stretching them out with gravity. More weights were applied.

Sometimes, the ring would just tear off when a weight was put on, ripping away skin as it did. I would scream, but the room heard nothing. Someone would come along, clip it back into place, and then add another weight. My skin felt like it was being ripped from the muscle. Pain racked every surface, and if I ever made it out of this, I would be one big bruise.

“Fuck you! Fuck you all! I fucking hate you!” I shouted into a completely empty space, heard by no one.

And then her hateful face appeared once again. How long was she going to gloat, how long was she going to torture me? When was it enough why wasn’t it enough? I was crying as Sylvia looked down at my body, ripped open and bleeding by the actions of her friends. The people I hated more than anything.

She picked up a rod. Most everyone else had decided I had enough, but she decided she had to do one more. She pushed it in and started tapping with the mallet. Her eyes held excitement. Perhaps she was sexually aroused at the site of me being raped. I didn’t know, but she hammered it in, 21 rods filled me up, creating even more tears.

“Ah, it broke.” Sylvia laughed.

A piece of glass ended up cutting into the side of my cunt, creating, even more, discomfort, and more pain from her. She walked on by once she was done and slapped one of the weights attached to my tit. This caused it to spin, twisting my nipple as five pounds of weight tried to turn against my skin. If she could hear me, she’d hear me cursing her name. I wanted her to die, I wanted her to pay, but I wanted to be the one who did it. I wanted to take everything from her. I would, I would take everything.

The blood dripped from my ass and pussy, the cum dripped, my body stretched. It was so sore, I just wanted the pain to stop. I just wanted to feel better. When the level up occurred again, my eyes slapped to any skill that could fix me, any skill that could stop what only felt like torture at this point.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 28.}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have three skill points.}

Special Skills Available:

{Masochist (Passive): 50% of all pain is converted to pleasure.}

{Restoration (Passive): Wounds heal twice as fast.}

{Stalker (Active): Watch a previous sexual partner. Can only use for 30 minutes once a day.}

Yes, take them all, any of them, all of them. The pain instantly was cut in half and subsequently was replaced by a surge of sexual pleasure. The suddenness of it was so shocking that my pussy started to convulse on the glass rods. It hurt, but I was also cumming in sexual pleasure now as well. Unintentionally, the throbbing soreness was replaced with throbbing pleasure, and my screams of pain turned into screams or orgasm.

My body orgasmed, again and again, the increasing pain only further increasing the pleasure. After an hour, I was made to stretch further, more glass rods being hammered into my loosening pussy and asshole. Every bang of the hammer made me cum, I was leaking as much lust as I was blood. I had done this to myself, forced myself to be stuck in this state of lust and pain.

It hurt so much, and it felt so good. My brain started to turn fuzzy, my mind started to lose itself, and my already broken mind broke completely. I stared off into the distance, and there I saw someone unexpected among the writhing naked bodies of nobles.

She was wearing a long robe, and she was simply watching me, the only person in clothing among a room of nakedness. It was Jenai. Of course, Jenai was dead, and deep down I understood that she was merely an illusion created by my broken mind. However, I looked over at her, and her eyes met mine.

This was it. I had fought it at first. The leveling had rejuvenated me and I had my hopes, but the realization came crashing home. I wasn’t going to survive this night. I was the sacrifice. The sacrifice doesn’t live that’s why they are the sacrifice. I was dying, being murdered in the same way I was brought into this world, and I simply just didn’t understand it yet.

That made Jenai a spirit, coming to take me to the other side. She walked through the crowd, unseen by anyone but me. She moved up to me, and I wanted more than anything to reach out and touch her one last time. However, I couldn’t move, and she was just my broken mind. Tears fell down my face, and my body started to numb as the cold set in.

She reached down, and her hands went through the mask, cupping my cheeks. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine, but all I could feel was the cold. It was at this point that I thought of Min. I couldn’t die until I knew Min was safe. Then, there was a flash, and all of my senses seemed to shift.

When they re-orientated themselves, I seemed to be floating. Is this what death was like? It felt a lot like the dream I had with Jenai, except that my body felt nothing. However, I realized that my vision was focused on something. That something was none other than Denova. He had a bag over his shoulder that likely contained Min, and he was trudging through the forest unimpeded. Of course, he’d escape.

With that, I realized that in my broken state, I must have activated the new ability stalker. I was watching Denova, and at least for the next 30 minutes, I could be spared the intense pleasure and pain induced by their stretching ceremony. I shivered to think what was happening to my body, but I had already accepted that death was coming.

However, if I died now, Min would also die. I had to do something. Was the stalker ability really so useless? I couldn’t do anything? I reached out with the ability. I had to do something, I had to free Min. I willed myself, pushed myself, fought to rip the bag out of Denova’s hand. I had to reach Min. I had to save Min.

I didn’t know if it was mere chance, something Min had done, or the results of my mind begging, but a sudden tear formed in the bag. A small form fell out in a lump. As the bag Denova was holding suddenly became lighter, he gave a curse as he turned around.

“Good, now Min, run, run away,” I shouted.

Min seemed to be awake now, his eyes wide and alert. He immediately fell into a roll, turning around and putting his feet on the ground a good ten feet from Denova.

“Ah, elf bitch, just come quietly now, you wouldn’t want to be hurt, would you?”

“No, idiot.”

His eyes flashed, and he swung his sword at Min. I let out a cry as the air was cut right where Min was standing, a sword-shaped slash flying out just like a video game swipe. However, the swipe slammed into a tree, cutting out about a third of the trunk in a single gash. When my mind was able to catch up with what happened, Min was not standing there. In fact, Min was nowhere. He had completely vanished.

“Where the hell are you?”

“Take elf forest. Is Bandit King stupid? Bandit Idiot.” A mocking voice seemed to come from a nearby tree.

Denova slashed at the tree, but there was a sudden crack somewhere behind him and he spun with his sword at the ready. “You think your silly elf tricks will help you hide from me forever? You’re what? A tier 2 bitch? It’s only a matter of time.”

“Aria… taken.”

“What did you say?” Denova snarled, desperately looking for the source of the voice.

“Aria, protected!” an arrow sudden came flying at Denova from nowhere.

He cursed and swung his sword, deflecting it with ease. Two more arrows followed, and he knocked them aside before creating another slash that flew off in that direction, striking two trees.

“As a tier 2… at most, you have 4 special skills. I’ve figured you’ve already used three of them just to keep me from killing you now. You’re running out of tricks, just give up.”

“Bandit Idiot should give up!” The voice came from behind and he spun, but half way spinning he stopped and spun back.

Min had appeared in front of him, holding a glowing bow. He raised it up and fired just as Denova swung his sword down. The arrow was glowing as well, and the blade struck the area with a massive impact that created a miniature explosion between the two. Denova lept back a step, but as soon as the light cleared, Min had vanished again.

Denova put a grin on his face. “You know, I’m going to take Aria. I’m going to fuck her. She’ll be my bride, the Bandit Queen.”

“Already married!” Min appeared again to his side, shooting another glowing arrow which he slapped away.

It struck a tree and created another explosion. The tree fell over from the damage. Min lept as Denova created another wave. It was clear that Min was breathing hard and covered with sweat as he disappeared behind a tree.

“You can’t keep this up.” Denova continued to taunt. “I can go forever, but you, you’re already done. Waste your last skill on me and let’s end this.”

“Min… planned to die.”

“Then die already! I’d be happy to help.” Denova laughed.

“Min would have… but then, Min found her.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He looked into the forest with an annoyed expression.

“Min wanted to die, but then, Min met Aria. Aria saved Min, in many ways. Gave Min purpose.”

“I got you!” Denova made a slash into a bush, but came up empty handed and made a vexed sound.

“Min will always be with Aria, never leave.”

“Good you can be by her side when I kill you both, elf girl!” Denova shouted.

“Min is man!” Min shouted, leaping from high up and shooting six arrows before he struck the ground.

Denova surged forward with his sword, ready to take Min’s head, and the two met once again. Min shot an arrow, and this time Denova’s sword glowed a dark blue.

“Watch out, Min, he’s using a special ability!” I shouted, even though I knew he won’t hear.

The blue rushed through the air and the arrow dissolved, then it spread towards Min. I screamed as the blue hit him, and his body dissolved too. No, it’s more like his body disappeared with a puff a smoke.

“An illusion?” Denova cursed and suddenly the arrow struck through the back of his hamstring, striking the ground and pinning his leg there.

“You bitch! Who the fuck are you!”

Min exploded out from a tree right in front of Devon, in the same way, his illusion had a few moments prior. He drew back his arrow at full length, and suddenly a blackness started to form at the tip of his arrow.


“You have more special skills?” Denova screamed, pulling his sword up and abandoning the leg still trapped with the arrow.

“Min is…” the power continued to grow, blackness localize at the tip, seemingly suspending him in midair as a black hole formed in front of him.

“Fuck you!” He screams as his sword started to glow with a special skill of his own.

“Min is best wife! Oblivion!” The arrow released just as Denova brought his sword up.

However, the arrow was different this time. It seemed to eat the surrounding light, and it flew targeted directly at Denova’s heart. The magic he released was instantly swallowed, and his eyes went wide as the arrow continued moving forward, eating the world around it as it reached for him.

It struck his sword, and that was the moment that he realized that even his sword wouldn’t block it. His body suddenly glowed, and just as the arrow had finished eating a hole through the sword, his body vanished. Unblocked, the arrow struck the ground and a giant sphere of black exploded out of it. It consumed the ground everywhere it touched, and after spreading about fifteen meters, it collapsed in on itself with a snap, leaving a giant crater of nothing wherever the black touched.

Min landed on the ground, falling to his knees. He was breathing hard, and his entire body was shaking. He took a step up, but he seemed woozy and had trouble moving.

“M-must… protect… vessë…” he started taking several steps forward, moving like he was drunk.

Blood started to drip from his nose and eyes, and after stumbling forward ten feet he collapsed on the ground, unconscious. However, I knew that the toll on his body wasn’t permanent and that he would live.

That was when the vision started to fade. Perhaps my special skill had run out of time. Perhaps, I had finished the vision that Jenai had wanted me to see. Either way, I was given closure, knowing Min had managed to escape. That left me with only the pain and pleasure that followed as my consciousness returned to my mangled body.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Being awake wasn’t all that different from being asleep. I replaced the sores and cuts with a throbbing headache, but my body was no more able to move now as it could while in the dream. I had no doubt in my mind that the dream was true. Jenai had been murdered, and Min was now in Denova’s hands. I couldn’t do anything about it, and it was all because Sylvia wanted to punish me for some idiotic reason. She had already gotten her vengeance, so I didn’t understand why she felt the need to drag this out, but her behavior had gotten someone I cared about killed, and so one more name filled up my list of people to kill.

I equipped Solo Player immediately so that I could keep a clear mind. Even with that, tears ran down my cheeks, but that seemed to be the only thing that worked on my body. I was frozen in place. Damn it! Jenai, why wasn’t I able to save her? I had been right there, and all I could do was watch. Now, Min was in trouble too. Damn it! Damn it! Fuck! The explicative continued through my mind as my eyes danced wildly around, trying to make sense of the situation. What had that bitch Sylvia done to me?

The door opened up with a squeak, and several people walked in. I didn’t recognize most of them, but Julian in his trademark cloak was undeniable. So, he was the one who was behind this then? Gregory was always by his side, and low and behold, standing right behind him was Sylvia, staring down at my body. I would have leaped off the table and clawed her eyes out that very second.

{Mental Resistance has increased to LVL 17.}

With Solo Player and 17 mental resistance, I only experience the mental blow of about 15% of a normal human being. You could say that my compacity to think and deal with mental duress was superhuman. However, as my mind screamed and cursed, anger and pain racking through my body, it didn’t seem very sufficient. Had it been the old me, I’d have been a blubbering mess. I didn’t know if this was better.

“So, you have secured the sacrifice as you’ve promised,” Julian said, putting his hand down on my leg.

I only could move my head, but I was quickly realizing it seemed to be encased in some kind of strange transparent film. I could feel him touching my leg, but I couldn’t move my leg at all.

“Hey! Julian, you won’t get away with this, you bastard!” I shouted.

The sound seemed to vibrate in my ears, but Julian made no indication that he heard me. A second later, he walked up, examining my body until he came up to my face.

“You’ve already put on the Mask of Drephora?” he asked, looking up at a nearby guard, who gave a shrug.

It was Sylvia who stepped up. “Ah, I thought, given what happened last time, it’d be better if no one saw her struggling. The less the nobles know of her identity, the better.”

Julian twisted his mouth, “It seems unlikely that someone else like Princess Cornelia would try to free this person. I still don’t know if I should be proud of her or hateful. She put on quite the show, but she proved too much for me to handle.”

“So, you admit it, brother? Our sister was a wild stallion.” Gregory almost seemed fond.

“Sister no longer, after that stunt you pulled, Sylvia, father is dead set against the wedding.” Julian sighed. “To think, she would have been driven to do that. If only she could have remained conspicuous, she would have been one of the greats.”

“D-don’t forget!” Sylvia was red-faced and looked angry, “We have a deal!”

“Yes, yes, I haven’t.” Julian waved his hand, “You replace the sacrifice with someone who meets our requirements, and I’ll recommend to father you for betrothal to third brother. She does meet the requirements, yes?”

“O-o-of course!” Sylvia straightened.

“Where did you find a tier 1 female commoner with more than eight special skills? That girl Cornelia snatched from me had taken three months to find. She was being primped by a fat, desperate noble to be his bride when she turned sixteen. He had spent half his wealth buying orbs of Raimer to spend on her. He thought he could make a ten-year-old girl fall in love with him. Of course, I compensated him accordingly, but…”

“That’s my secret,” Sylvia held her finger up to her mouth. “Simply count your blessings.”

The reality of the situation was starting to set in. Julian hadn’t been involved in this situation. He was simply trying to perform his own sacrifice and had trusted in the wrong woman. I likely met the requirements of the sacrifice only, incidentally. She probably wouldn’t have cared if I did or not.

“Then there is no problem,” Julian clapped his hands, “With my recommendation, third brother is yours, and Cornelia will be ejected from the castle sooner or later, so you have no worries.”

“Good!” Sylvia nodded. “So, what do we do next? They’ll rape her, right?”

“Please, please, don’t use such ugly words,” Julian gestured, and the other men who had come moved all around me. “The sacrifice is merely put through three sexual trials.”

“A-and, she’s aware of it? Like, that helmet thing doesn’t keep her asleep or something, right?”

Julian laughed. “Ah, no, she’s very much awake. The thing you call a helmet is the Mask of Drephora. It was passed down in our country for a thousand years. Since it looks something like an iron brank, many people believed it was used on criminals. However, even though the mask blocks her face, she can see out of it. It prevents her from moving, blocks all sound, and locks any movement skills like teleportation.

“In the first few years, we didn’t use it, but the women would put up such a fuss that we realized it was necessary to completely immobilize them. If they were screaming and crying, even some of the hardened nobles may find it difficult to complete the ceremony.”

“Is that so…” Sylvia was starting to look green in the face, but after a moment her look hardened and she gave me a glare.

Meanwhile, Julian had moved up to the mask, looking down at my face, although there was no sense of recognition there. After a few seconds, he knocked on the transparent surface, creating three metallic knocks to ring in my ears. It was clear that on the outside this thing looked like a helmet or something that engulfed my entire head.

“Hello, my sweet. I’m sorry you were brought here on such short notice, but feel blessed, for you will be the center of our party. Nobles everywhere have all come to see you. For tonight, my dear, you are the most special person. I hope the gods see it as we have seen it.”

Julian pulled away and snapped. The men started pushing the table I was on. It seemed to be a table that was a mix between a doctor’s examination table and a massage bench. On top of not being able to move, I was also elevated about 30 degrees, my legs were in two stirrups, tied to two leg holders which could be used to spread me open at any moment. I was completely naked, of course, with nothing covering me from a slight chill. In another situation, it might be a bed I’d like to try to fuck on, but right now, I only felt confused and scared.

“What is it, Gregory?” Julian asked, pulling out and putting on the mask I had seen him wear at the last meeting.

“Ah… it’s just, does that body seem familiar to you?” Gregory had a worried look on his face as they rolled me out.

“Yes! Recognize me! I’m not your sacrifice! Sylvia is a lying skank!” I shouted, but no one heard.

“Has my second brother been fucking more girls at the brothel?” Julian pursed his lips.

“Brother, surely you jest.” Gregory frowned.

“Ah, well, no worries, so many bodies start to look alike after a while. There are only so many shapes and sizes in this world.” Julian dismissed his claim.

Gregory dropped the issue, even while I was screaming at him not to, and then he put his mask on, following the crowd. While I was busy screaming at him, I felt two hands touch my naked shoulders, and I gave a start as I saw the familiar masked face move right up near my ear. Sylvia whispered in a voice low enough that no one but me could hear.

“You did this to yourself!” She hissed, before pulling away.

We had moved out into a giant and familiar room. If it wasn’t the mansion I had been in before, it was exactly like it, with a center fountain and the statue of Qetesh. It was the statue of the Qetesh that I was stopped at. The orgy tonight was even busier than the night I came. Where there might have been 250 people then, it looked to be at least twice that from this room alone.

The orgy also seemed to be underway at this point, with many people naked. I recognized a few of the masks in the crowd, but there were many new people who likely came just for the Harvest. Sex was occurring all around me, and all I could do was watch. I was here because of Sylvia’s selfish and misguided hatred, true, but I was also on this rack because of the nobles of this city. In many ways, they were doing this to me too.

With that, a hatred started to bore into me. I hated these people. I hated Julian. I hated Richard. I hated the King. I hated everyone at the party. I stared darkly at them, considering what I could do. The problem was that there was virtually nothing I could do until I was actively participating in sex. Of course, I could use the voyeur skill, but position shift didn’t work, and I wasn’t sure what the mask blocked and what it didn’t block. Position shift might be considered a movement skill, so the fact that it didn’t work might be expected.

Before my mind could generate a way to escape, it was Julian speaking up once again. “Ladies and gentlemen, our sacrifice!”

There was some shouting and some clapping. A second later, my legs were forced open as the table was pulled apart. I had been in many horrific situations since I had come to this world. I had managed to deal with all of them. It had come close to losing my cool, but I always managed to make it. However, with Jenai’s death and Min’s kidnapping, I had finally broken all composure.

The me that had survived this world, the me who had declared themselves unrapable, a woman who accepted sex in all its outlet… that woman started to break. The concealing, the deception, the role play, the masks… they all disintegrated… and in the end, all that was left was me.

“Stop it! Stop it! Oh, god, stop it! I’m not your sacrifice. You have the wrong girl!”

I shouted and screamed, but my body didn’t move and no one heard. For the first time in this world, I was completely alone, lost, and scared. However, I couldn’t stop what happened next. I couldn’t stop anything. For all my hatred, for all my desire for vengeance, I was simply a scared girl.

“With my cock, let us start this sacrifice. Our first trial, I implore you all to fill her with your seed, sacrifice your vitae to give her the energy to survive her future trials. Soften her, loosen her, lubricate her, and make her ready to accept Qetesh inside her!”

There was cheering and Julian thrust his cock into me. It was the first time I had every fucked Julian, and it occurred this very night. Although he didn’t know it was me, he spared no reserve as he thrust into me for a solid five minutes. I felt the pleasure of his dick, but rather than excite me, it only disgusted me. It made me hate myself for being forced into this situation, it made me hate the nobles even more. I wanted them all to die. These nobles deserved to die.

A line was formed as Julian gave three last thrusts that lacked any passion, and I felt the warmth spurt into me. He pulled his dick out and stepped away, and another man stepped up. It was the King who managed to find a place as second. He thrust into me as well. His was the second cock I had been waiting to enjoy, but now only felt hatred as I finally felt it in and out.

My body couldn’t help but be aroused by the situation, even as my mind panicked and reviled from it. However, as man after man put it in me, thrusting into my wet, cum-filled vagina until they too deposited their load, I had become the very definition of a cum dumpster.

“Ah, brother, you have come to join us after all. I’m glad to see you have come to donate your vitae to our sacrifice as well.” Julian laughed.

This was perhaps when my heart broke the most. At that point, I had already experienced forty some men, when the next man who moved up was none other than Devon. He had a dark expression on his face as he looked down at me, but his eyes wore no sense of recognition.

He had been my last fleeting hope. I had sent a letter to Devon, warning him of the castle’s imminent attack. I had told him the plan in entirety. Denova would go through the side door, raid the treasury, and then escape through Reinhart’s tower. However, he hadn’t been there in my vision. My last hope was that he was still there and that he’d catch Denova and free Min. However, Devon had decided he’d rather wet his dick on pussy than heed my words.

I suppose after seeing me taking it from two adventurers, he might have doubted my words a little, but to see him here destroyed any remaining hope I had. Min would die, and I would be the fuck toy of nobles for the remainder of the night. When Devon slid his dick into me, I couldn’t even feel it. He thrust away awkwardly for a few moments, but the shock was starting to make me feel numb down there like I once had been with the pigmen, so his dick was like air, and when he came, I felt no warmth at all.

He pulled away, and without saying a word walked to the side. A woman handed him a coin a minute later, and he nodded, pulling her to a pillow where he began to plow her in missionary. I could do nothing but watch as he fucked her methodically, while I laid tied to my table, also being fucked methodically. As he came, and the next man stuck his dick into my pussy, which was already so filled with cum that it only served to gush out of me, I saw the familiar ring of leveling up.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 26.}

{All stats increased by one.}

{You have two skill points.}

Available Special Skills:

{Identity Crisis (Passive): Your identity cannot be determined during sex.}

{Calm (Passive): Gradually reduces excited nature during intercourse.}

{Sex Paralysis (Active): Activating during sex will prevent other party from moving for duration of sex.}

I had Town Bicycle equipped along with Solo Player, so my counter was likely growing pretty rapidly. I looked through the skills, only to find that none of them would truly help me in this particular situation. Calm seemed almost counterintuitive to sex. Meanwhile, hiding my identity during sex didn’t seem to solve my problem. If anything, I wanted these people to know my identity. Sex paralysis sounded interesting although useless for the moment. I picked it just to make the words in my vision go away.

The next person that came was actually a woman. She was wearing a dildo, not unlike Min’s first version. She immediately slid it into me, thrusting away with a pleased look on her face. Even her juices were contributing to “loosening me up.”

“I’m glad,” Julian said nearby, “This trial had always been a boy’s game, but this year, every noble will get to be involved. I hope our good sacrifice can take it.”

I could take it, but I didn’t want to. This woman should die. They all should die. Those dark thoughts started going through me again. However, once again, my hatred was interrupted as the show had to go on. I was suddenly flipped over, and my view of the hall was obstructed. I was bent over with my butt in the air, my useless body moved at the discretion of the people behind me.

Of course, this act was taken so that the other end could be lubed up. My asshole was penetrated immediately, and so I equipped Rough Rider as opposed to Solo Player. The mental resistance dropped, but I still have 17 on my own, so it wasn’t so bad that the panic became unbearable.

My ass became their new cum dumpster, and while my pussy dripped out gobs of semen on to the tile floor, my ass was filled with load after load, filling up my colon with the seed and female spunk of uncountable people. I had lost track of the numbers as well as the time, but it had to have been at least two hours of continuous use on my pussy and ass.

{Anal Sex has reached MAX!}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 27.}

{All stats increased by one.}

{You have two skill points.}

I stopped looking at the special skills. What did the special skills ever do for me, anyway? They didn’t save Jenai. They didn’t stop Min from being taken. Nearly 30 skills and nothing could free me. I ignored them and selected yes. What was the point? That was where my mind was at.

The act of leveling had relieved a lot of the fatigue my asshole had faced; however, the next person was quite rough, stabbing it in with some anger. I felt skin press up against my body, and then there was a recognizable voice speaking near my ear.

“How does that feel, you slut? This is what you get!” It was, of course, Sylvia, still trying to rub it in.

I didn’t have a response for her either. Die… just die… all of you. With nothing else to do, I continued to sob while Sylvia plowed my ass. She finished up violating me and left. There were another half-dozen men or women in my ass after, and the only thought in my head was a fervent wish they would all die.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the first trial is a success!” Julian shouted behind me, slapping my ass, “Let us start, the next trial!”

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

When my eyes opened, the world had taken on a distorted, foggy appearance. My mind seemed to be working alright, but that was about the only thing working. I appeared to be in some kind of bedroom, but when I tried to move my body, it wouldn’t budge. The person responsible for this had to be Sylvia. There was simply no other answer.

However, I didn’t know how long I had been out, and I was terrified that if I wasn’t there, problems would arise. I fought against my invisible restraints, but they didn’t seem to be able to make my body move. Suddenly, my head rose up, and my eyes looked at the door. My body had taken on a life of its own, and I found myself moving when I didn’t want to move.

The door opened and I let out a gasp that never reached my lips as a man walked in. That man was none other than Denova. For a moment, I thought it was another one of those lucid dreams I had been suffering from, but this felt way too real. Sylvia, for reasons I didn’t understand, was in league with Denova and had sold me out to him. That was the only thing I could think of.

Denova reached into his pants and pulled out a dick I was only too familiar with. He gave me a glare, wagging his dick at me.

“Come on, then suck it.”

Like hell, I would do what he wanted. I had a mind to spit at him. However, my body moved once again without my permission. It moved off the bed and fell to my knees. I opened my mouth and immediately starting sucking his cock. The feel of his cock burned in my throat, and as I worked I became aware of pains throughout my body. My knees both hurt to sit on, and my back felt like it was on fire.

However, I didn’t respond to any of the pain. I didn’t move to become more comfortable. I was merely a machine that did what Denova demanded. He grabbed the back of my head, pulling my hair painfully as he slammed his dick deep down my throat. For some reason, my increasing deep throat skill had become useless. Thus, I found myself choking and gagging on his dick. I reminded myself I didn’t need to breathe, but as his cock clogged the back of my throat, the feeling that I needed air began to rise. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt for a very long time, but I absolutely needed to breathe.

I coughed and choked as he used my head as a fuck toy. He was rough, and he pulled my hair hard enough that some of it came out and my scalp ached. He slammed into my mouth enough that my teeth ached. Every minute or so the gag reflux would become too much, and I felt like I was throwing up, but he had his dick jammed so hard in my throat I had no choice but to swallow the bile rising up. I gagged, and vomited, and then swallowed, only to vomit again.

Meanwhile, my body started to feel woozy, not being given enough chance to breathe. I started to feel like I seriously might die from this, choking on Denova’s cock in my mouth. It was a horrific ending, but just as the gagging became unbearable, the familiar feel of his cock throbbing and thick gobs of semen shooting into the back of my throat occurred. I had no choice but to swallow it down, and while my throat burned waiting for the chance to breathe, he mercilessly kept his dick against my gag reflex until he finished coming.

As soon as he pulled out and let go of my hair, my body collapsed to the floor. I immediately started throwing up again. White semen and sputum dropped from my mouth and splattered on my hands and arms. I was coughing and gagging, desperately trying to take in air, but my body felt horrible like I wanted to die.

“Go clean yourself up.” Denova snapped before putting his dick away and then turning. “We’ll be going to the castle soon. Look presentable.”

I’d have already seduced him, destroyed him, stabbed him, summoned my whip and cut him in half, except that my body wasn’t moving on its own. I was moving under his command. Obediently, I started scrubbing the floor, cleaning up the vomit and spit. My body didn’t even spare him a hateful look. It was like I had completely given up on life.

Was Denova still planning on going through with the robbery? I was no longer in the castle. It seemed strange that the robbery hadn’t already taken place. Nothing about what was happening made sense to me at that moment.

I watched as my body carefully cleaned the floor and then started to clean itself. It was at this point that I started to realize that there were other things wrong. Everything seemed bleached out through my eyes, so it was hard to tell, but my skin looked a lot darker than it should. My breasts were bigger, and I was shorter.

However, it wasn’t until I looked into a mirror that all of it clicked into place. The face of my body wasn’t my face at all. I was wearing the face of Jenai. No, that wasn’t right at all. I didn’t have Jenai’s face, I was seeing through Jenai’s eyes. Did this mean that I was dead? They said that when you neared death, you might have an out-of-body experience. However, this took a step farther. I wasn’t simply out of my body, I was in the body of someone else entirely!

Somehow, though, I didn’t think this was a dream at all. For whatever reason, I was experiencing things through the eyes of Jenai. This was real, and part of me understood that this had to be happening at this very moment. Was this some kind of strange part of the possession ability? Even though it failed to free Jenai, was there a small piece of it that still worked?

I felt bad for Jenai, having received a literal taste of the torture she had likely been enduring for nearly a month now. Denova truly had started to grow deranged. I could see it in his eyes. He was a man standing at the tip of a blade, ready to kill anyone without care.

However, I was helpless to do anything but watch. Therefore, I watched as Jenai carefully cleaned herself, ignoring the cuts, bruises, and pain that made her body feel on fire. Meanwhile, I seethed, thinking about the point and time in which I would cut off Denova’s head. I wouldn’t just cut off his head. I’d let Jenai do it. I swore it. This would be how I’d kill Denova.

She headed outside the room and down the stairs. They appeared to be in some sort of inn, and as soon as she stepped outside into the setting sun, I realized that they were very clearly in the capital city, only a few blocks from the castle gates. Jenai moved into a dark alley, and several dark shapes emerged from the shadows.

I was afraid for a second, but Jenai had no fear as the shapes converged on her. The shapes were Denova and two other strange men. Denova went up to Jenai and started kissing her sloppily on the mouth. I could taste the wine on his breath and the coarse hair of his unshaven skin, which I once had thought was sexy, rubbing on her face. He slapped her hard enough to elicit a yelp. Her butt already had several cuts and bruises on it, and the slap felt like it had made a healing cut bleed a little.

“So, Jenai, it’s time to reunite you with your ‘friend’. Are you happy?” Denova laughed in Jenai’s face.

Jenai turned her head, looking down, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to look back at him. She gave him a nod before he pushed her face away and turned back to his men. He spoke to them in a low voice for a few minutes before handing something out to each man. They slipped them onto their faces, and I realized that they were the masks I had suggested they wore. They had done decent approximations of the masks the noble’s wore, and it looked like it’d do the trick.

Denova moved up to Jenai while wearing a hateful grin, holding the last mask. “I expect your friend to do well tonight. She has certainly been leveling, I’ve seen. I can’t imagine how many guys’s she’s had to fuck to go up ten levels.”

As he said those words, there wasn’t any kind of warmth. They were cold words that held a great deal of anger over my indiscretions.

“Yes, master.”

“Of course, when you see Aria next, you can let her know how hard you’ve worked to keep up with her. I always want friends to share similar interests, so make sure to tell her all about how you fucked every man in camp for days on end. I’m sure she’ll be excited to know her friend sat naked, covered in the spooge of two hundred men, the plaything of the entire camp. You can be… what should we call you, slut sisters?”

“Yes, master…”

For the tenth time, I hated the fact that I couldn’t move, or I would have punched him in the face already. However, it seemed like Denova had been punishing her for my indiscretions more than just physically. Everything that had happened to Jenai, it really had been my fault, and once again I was powerless to stop it.

Jenai put on the mask, the expression she wore nearly dead from the inside out, and the four people made their way to the castle. They did not go through the front entrance where all the carriages picked and dropped off nobles, but the side entrance I had arrived at the first time I had come there with Min.

I had hoped somewhere in the back of my mind that the masks would go noticed, and the guards would call them out on their attempt to attack the castle. Of course, that would put Jenai at risk, but that didn’t stop my hatred as I watched Denova walk in front of me. He casually approached the front gate, and the two guards waiting for him… were two men I was all too familiar with.

“Where is she?” Denova asked. “Where is my Aria?”

Ricardo and Marvis, now dressed as gate guards, gave each other a look before Ricardo spoke up. “Ran out on us. Didn’t show up at the expected place. Your little slut nearly blew the whole mission. Couldn’t keep her tight little cunni from every dick in the place.”

“And how would you know how tight she is…” Denova’s voice was low and dangerous.

Ricardo tried to match him stare for stare, but it was Marvis that interjected, breaking things up. “That is, there are a lot of rumors going around about her. Since she’s been here, she’s become all but the laughingstock of the castle. She’s likely too scared to even show her face.”

Denova’s dark expression lightened a bit, although he gave Jenai a disturbing look that suggested he’d take it out on her later and I could feel her body shiver, “Very well, I’ll just have to stop by her room and fetch her.”

“Either way,” Ricardo spoke up, “Remember, we cut the treasury 50/50. It better be worth it. Their prince invited us to a sex party. I could have been balls deep in noble sluts, but instead, I’m doing lifting work for a fucking bandit.”

Denova growled. “You wouldn’t have been invited to that if I hadn’t set up to make you a hero in the first place.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s just fucking go. Maybe we’ll find that elf bitch in Aria’s room. I can break her open, it might actually make it worth it.”

Denova didn’t answer, merely looking away and heading into the castle. There was a darkness in his eyes though, and I found it highly unlikely that he would be sharing the loot with the pair of adventurers. I would have screamed into Ricardo’s face that he was an idiot, but I couldn’t say a thing. Well, whatever and whenever Denova murdered him, I already saw the guys as dead men.

They moved through the castle, Denova and his two henchmen along with the two adventurers and Jenai trailing at the end. Denova’s lot wore fine enough clothing that with the mask, anyone would assume they were nobles. The two adventurer’s looked like guards, through and through, so the procession was completely ignored by the occasional servant who noticed them.

“This is too easy,” Denova frowned as they went from one hall to the next. “They really do empty out the castle for this ‘Harvest’ thing.”

“The festival earlier was pretty exciting too,” Marvis spoke up. “A lot of good food, more than even an S class adventurer could afford. Such waste.”

With the map I had given them, it was remarkably easy for the group to make their way all the way to the treasury room. There were two elite guards posted in front of the room. Denova stopped the group around the corner and then walked out without a pause. The pair of guards noticed Denova, but given that he was wearing a mask, they ignored him as ordered, dropping their guard immediately. Just as he was walking past them, his hand grabbed his blade and he spun.

The sword was drawn and swiped in a single motion. A second later there were two thumps as he decapitated both men in a single stroke. It would have been my job to seduce the two men. I wasn’t able to achieve that job, but as far as Denova knew, these two men were beguiled and would do whatever I said. Thus, he had no real reason to kill them. He did is simply because he could.

He pulled a key off of each guard. Both keys were needed to open the door, and they had to be turned simultaneously. This was one of the things that I had discovered from the king while being bounced on his lap. Failure to use both keys simultaneously would have triggered an alarm. Most people don’t know this, so without my efforts, Denova would have already failed right here.

Denova held one key while one of his henchmen held the other. They turned the keys in unison, and there was a click. Then, Denova pushed open the doors.

My RPG fantasy brain kind of saw the treasury as some kind of giant pile of gold, like a giant hoard of anything that shined piled up into several mountains. Regrettably, the reality was far less exciting. If anything, the Treasury looked like an oversized walk-in closet. The walls were lined with ornamental swords, shields, and armor just as much as it was line with jewelry. There was a shelf full of boxes, and a single ordinary looking treasure box only about knee high.

This was not the wealth I was thinking when I considered the wealth of an entire nation. If anything, this castle had more wealth on the outside, being shown to everyone, than it did hidden in its treasury. The country wasn’t secretly poor, was it?

Don’t get me wrong, those swords were likely all magical and worth a lot of money. It was still more wealth than any one man could spend in a lifetime. Denova didn’t seem all that disappointed when he looked over the contents. He likely had already ascertained how much gold would be in the treasury before coming.

Marvis ran forward and opened the treasure box. There was the gleam of gold, and even though Jenai stayed back in the hallway and I could only see things from a distance, I could tell the box was filled with gold coins, possibly a good 50,000 of them. This was the first thing that truly reminded me of the RPG elements of this world.

As Denova walked around the room, he wore a smile on his face as if he was taking in the sight of it all. After a few moments, he let out a breath. Ricardo was standing next to me, or rather Jenai, showing considerably more reservation than the rest of the thieves, whom besides Denova, were making loud noises and pawing through everything while making exclamations of excitement.

“So, Denova, how are we going to carry this all out of here?” Ricardo asked.

“Ah,” Denova nodded, “You’re not.”

Ricardo frowned as Denova gave a chuckle. Just like before, his hand touched his sword and drew into a strike. That strike was Marvis’s back. He was impaled by Denova’s sword while still on his knees pawing through the treasure box.

“Wh-what the fu-“

“It seems like you won’t be necessary anymore.”

“You bastard!”

The two thieves to either side of Denova fell next. A single swipe of his sword and both men were bent over, trying to hold in the guts spilling out. He had even attacked his own men. He started walking back out towards the hallway, towards Jenai and Ricardo.

Ricardo looked around in a panic, and unremarkably, grabbed the closest person to him. I felt Jenai’s arm being grabbed as she was pulled in front of him with a knife at her throat.

“Take another step, and I’ll cut your pretty slut’s little throat.” Ricardo snapped.

“Ah, do it then?” Denova chuckled, still walking forward at a steady pace.

“Y-you bastard, have you no soul?”

Denova swung his sword a second time. Jenai elbowed a surprised Ricardo in the gut, diving to the side just as Denova’s sword fell. She barely managed to escape the blade, landing on her hip hard as Ricardo let out a scream, a cut slashing his body nearly in half. He collapsed to the ground, dead before he even hit.

“That may be so…” Denova chuckled, then his eyes went to Jenai. “Pile the bodies up, put them in the treasury room.”

Jenai stood back up, but she was limping now, the pain we shared spiking through her leg. Still, she did the request without complaint, bringing all the bodies into the treasury. While she did this, Denova was walking along, touching everything in the treasury. As soon as he touched it, a ring on his finger glowed with a flash, and then the item he was touching would dissolve. This was the first time I had seen one in this world, but it was clear that Denova had an item ring.

Of course, that’s why he didn’t need any help from the men he killed. Opening the door was the only thing he needed a second person for. As far as carrying, he likely brought the others merely as fodder. The adventurers scouted the place ahead of time, and the two thieves were his backups.

When the pair had finished, they closed the treasury door, and except for the lack of guards, the room showed no indication of the massacre that had just occurred. Denova gave another laugh and swatted Jenai’s butt one more time.

“Let us go find Aria, shall we? She’ll need to pay for her mistakes. Lead the way.”

Having already been to my room once, Jenai was able to go there without a single mistake. It had taken me two weeks to be able to find my room without directions so that perhaps spoke to how capable Jenai was as a spy. I watched in dread as her hand moved up and knocked on the door. There wasn’t an answer although I didn’t expect there to be.

I had informed Min that she shouldn’t answer the door the rest of the night. Denova pushed Jenai to the side and then kicked. The door burst open. I had hoped that Min had already escaped the room as we had planned, but those hopes died when I saw Min in the middle of the room. Worst yet, he wasn’t wearing his dildo. It looked like he had taken off his artifacts and was currently washing his body. He stood naked in the middle of the room, a cute female body at display.

Min gave a shout in surprise, but Denova descended on him too quickly. He grabbed Min by the throat and slammed him against a wall.

“Tell me, where is Aria.”

“… don’t know,” Min said through a strangled breath.

She probably wasn’t lying. I didn’t even know where I was at the moment.

“You lie!”

He continued to hold his neck until his face went blue. I was shouting, but Jenai only looked on helplessly as he squeezed tightly on Min’s neck. When he passed out, Denova let go, and Min dropped to the floor.

“That fucking bitch!” Denova screamed, turned and hit Jenai across the face with enough force that I felt something crunch.

Blood ran down our face, and it was clear he had broken Jenai’s nose at least. Jenai stood back up, putting a cloth to her nose to stop the blood, still not reacting, even when Denova was doing this much. Meanwhile, I was trying to use her eyes to look at Min, praying that Min was still alive.

“Master…” Jenai’s mouth let the words out.

Denova, who looked like he was having a breakdown, started laughing again, his eyes crazed. “She’d fucking hide? That fucking bitch thinks she can hide? Jenai! Get a pen and ink. Leave her a note.”

Jenai continued without resistance. She grabbed a nearby parchment, some ink, and a pen, and immediately started transcribing for Denova.

“Dear, Aria… as you’ve seen fit to abandon your responsibilities, you have left me at a bit of an impasse. I know you’re near. You probably went to that Harvest so you could slut yourself out to every man in the city! However, know that I am a merciful fiancée. I will not kill you tonight. I leave with you this pendant. It will teleport you to the bandit camp. It’s one way, one person, so don’t think you can use it in some way to inconvenience me. You may want to hurry and come home as I’ll be making good use of your elf slut until you do. You clearly don’t know your place yet, but you’ll learn.”

Jenai finished writing what he was dictating, and a moment later he smiled, sitting down next to her. He read the note over her shoulder and smiled.

“Finished… master.”

“Mmm,” He nodded. “Good. Oh, and one last thing. I’m going to need you to deliver the message personally.”

Jenai looked up in surprise, but the look on his face was dark. He smiled and then squeezed his hand. A second later, I felt like I was choking, and Jenai put her hands up to her throat. Denova moved up and pushed her down onto the bed. He leaned over and kissed her as Jenai thrashed. The pain was surging through my body. I couldn’t breathe, Jenai couldn’t breathe. The death curse around her neck was twisting and tightening, more and more with every second.

“Mas… Mm…” Jenai couldn’t speak anymore.

“You know,” Denova sat down next to Jenai as she thrashed and struggled to breathe, “I was going to kill you, anyway. I planned to kill you in front of Aria. It would have been a splendid wedding present. But she’s fucked that up for me. I guess it’ll be her elf friend then. Clearly, she cares about her more than you. I can’t wait to see her face as I cut that elf into pieces in front of her.”

Jenai’s eyes were popping out her head. Breathe, I needed to breathe. The world was growing darker, blurrier. I was dying. We were dying.

“What? Oh, you think she’ll kill me with her ‘powers’? Well, not once I put this ring on her.” He pulled out a ring which he spun in his fingers. “This ring will bind her life to mine. If I die, she dies. If she thinks about hurting me, only she’ll feel pain. If she thinks about seducing me, it will make her love me even more. It cost a pretty gold coin, but she’s worth it. So, make sure to pass on my message. I look forward to having her completely.”

By the time he finished, Jenai was already dead. My vision seemed to float out of her body, ending whatever joining we had. I was now hovering over the scene like some kind of disembodied specter. I watched helplessly as he picked up Min’s unconscious body and tossed it in a bag, then headed out the door, leaving Jenai’s body with a letter and a pendant sitting on it.

The sight began to fade, and I realized my hell was only beginning. I was starting to wake up.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 25!}

{All stats increased by one.}

{You have two skill points.}

Available Special Skills:

{Sphincter Control (Passive): Increases the strength and control of the sphincter during anal sex.}

{Charmless (Passive): Cannot be charmed by an external source.}

{Cum Dump (Active): Draw all semen inside body during cumming.}

I ignored the unexpected level as there were other more pressing matters. When Ricardo took a step forward, moving out of my way, I finally could see the rest of the banquet hall. What? That was, in fact, the entire banquet hall. The curtain apparently only separated one part from the other. On the other side, there was a large group of people, and my throat immediately sank when I realized that it was just about everyone.

The King stood in the middle, glaring down at me with a frown. There was Richard there, but when I tried to meet his eyes he turned away, refusing to see. There was also Mary and Destine, who had shocked looks and their hands over their mouths. Julian looked bored and Gregory looked amused. Devon, he just looked disappointed.

The majority of the other people there had amused looks on their faces. At Sylvia’s triumphant declaration, a few people had cheered or laughed. The reality of the situation was starting to set in. I was the Princess Cornelia, butt naked, with two naked commoner men, on my knees, covered in their spooge. There were no masks this time, so there was nothing I could use to hide behind.

For the first time, I was laid completely bared for the court. Sylvia wore a sadistic smile, puffing out her chest as she stared down at my naked body. The world seemed to freeze for a moment; the sound seeming muffled. I vaguely could hear Ricardo asking in an angry voice what the hell was going on, so it seemed like he hadn’t been let in on it. I started to rise to my feet, not even bothering to wipe away the semen as it still dripped down my chest and ran down my stomach.

Devon turned around in disgust and immediately walked away. He was the first person to move. As the door slammed with him leaving, it seemed to cut into the thick air. My cheeks started to turn red in embarrassment although this was just an act to try to maintain any illusion that remained suggesting I was a princess. In truth, mental fortitude meant I felt no shame or disgust at being naked, covered in semen. However, it didn’t do anything about the fear and dread.

My seductive nature, my overactive libido, I had lost complete control of it. That was the simple truth, and these were the simple consequences of that action. Now, I had to live with those consequences. In a way, I really was just a whore, just like Ricardo had called me. It seemed like my mind wanted to punish me, even where Mental Fortitude deadened all shame.

The person to move out from the crowd was the second person after Devon I least wanted to meet at this moment. It was Melinda Fry, the woman who had gone out of her way to put her trust with me. I had let her down as much as anyone. She took a few steps towards me, but before she had even crossed the line where the curtain had been, I immediately turned and started running away.

“Stop!” the voice of the King suddenly bellowed, causing me to brake at the door. “You will not marry my son. Consider this wedding, Canceled!”

I turned back to look at them. Melinda had a complicated look, her hand half out as if she wanted to stop me, but couldn’t bring herself to. Most of the people in the crowd had smiles on their faces, looks of enjoyment over my misery. The worst was, of course, Sylvia, who had a self-satisfied look on her face so disgusting I would have punched her right there if it didn’t involve running half way across the room naked to do it. My fist shook, drawing blood as I was squeezing so hard.

However, I gave the King a nod, turned around, and left the door. I could hear the sound of laughter behind me although I didn’t know who it was. None of this mattered anyway. I was leaving tonight. The engagement was off? Well, I’d be out of the castle anyway, and they would lose their entire treasury by the end the day. To hell with them. For the first time since I had been there, I was rooting for Denova to succeed in robbing them for every dime they were worth.

I walked back to my room with my back held high. I had no clue if I passed any servants, guards, or anyone else as I went. I hadn’t wiped the cum off my face, it was drying now. So was the lust that soaked my body from belly button to my knees. From dozens of cums, I had lost buckets of sex, which caused my nether regions to glisten with wetness that steadily dried and become flaky.

I opened the door to my room, taking a step in. Min looked up at me. When he saw my naked body, he looked confused, but when she saw the cum drying on my face and the clear smell of sex, his look turned complicated. When his eyes finally focused on mine, they settled for concern. He rushed forward, grabbing a towel, and immediately started wiping me clean. I sat down on the bed, numbly.

My brain kept telling me that nothing had changed. It didn’t matter that I had exposed myself to the majority of the nobility. Either way, they’d run off to their sex club, and I’d help Denova steal their treasury. Then, I’d turn him into my fuck puppet, take the money from him, and escape into the sunset with Jenai and Min. I had absolutely nothing to feel bad about. This was the way things were.

While I sat in a daze, Min fetched a wash basin and started to clean up my body. He cleaned me thoroughly, making sure to remove all traces of sex. I could have used the Freshen Up ability to help, but I wasn’t thinking about those kinds of things at the moment. Min dressed me and began to fix my hair, applying the makeup with the skill of having done it a dozen times already. Before long, I looked the part of a princess again, although I didn’t feel like one.

It was at this point that there was a knocking on the door. I hadn’t expected the guards to arrive and kick me out of the castle so quickly, but with Ricardo and Marvis on the inside, I supposed it didn’t matter if I was present. However, when Min went to answer the door, it was Melinda who pushed her way into the room once again. I gave Min a look as he let Melinda in without a fight, and he gave a shrug.

A moment later, I was surprised to see Mary and Destine follow in right behind her. This was not the conversation I wanted to have right now. So, I stood up, ready to force them to leave by any means at my disposal. But the words that came out of my mouth were n’t a declaration for them to leave.

“This is the real me.” I said flatly, “I’m sorry I’ve deceived you all. I’m sorry you had to see everything.”

I felt some understanding for Devon at that point. I understood why he protested having me come to the sex parties. I understood the difference between your sex life and the life you wanted to show the people you cared about. I understood that fear, and the desire to hide a part of yourself. I understood the looks of disgust and horror.

“The real you…” Melinda said calmly, nodding her head, then her mouth curled, and she struck me in the back of the head. “Idiot girl! Who do you think you’re deceiving!”

“Huh?” I said rubbing the back of my head as I gave her a glare.

“You were drugged!” Mary spoke up, holding something tight to her chest.

“W-what?” I asked, shaking my head in confusion.

“It was Destine who figured it out,” Melinda shrugged. “She thought something seemed suspicious, so while everyone was getting back to the party, she headed straight for the tea and put some in a vial.”

“I took it to my husband and asked him to examine it, and…” she pulled out the vial she had been clinging to and pushed it in front of me, “Well, you look.”

I glanced at the vial of leftover tea and used examine. A moment later, my eyes widened.

{Jerryroot tea – Contains – Honey, Milk, Contents of One Vial of Moderate Sexual Arousal.}

“That is my potion,” I said out loud in disbelief.

“Cornelia made it?” Mary asked in surprise.

“Uh, only one so far. I gave it to Reinhart to sell. He said it sold for a lot, nearly a hundred-“ I stopped my voice as the girl’s eyes brightened. “Sylvia…”

Melinda snapped her fingers. “Exactly. Sylvia drugged you, then tricked you into a private room with two strapping adventurers. With them being called heroes, and talking about giving them knighthood, what princess wouldn’t be swayed, especially when her sex drive goes out of control. As for the adventurers, they’re adventurers… those lot will bang anything with a vagina.”

Destine’s eyes widened at Melinda’s announcement before nodding in understanding. I just gave a wry smile. It was a partial truth, at best. It certainly explained why my charm resistance was increasing. I was under the effects of the drug. However, the drug probably wouldn’t have worked if I was a real princess. I would have likely fled the room embarrassed, or squirmed uncomfortably the whole time in morbid embarrassment. It would work on a loved one who wasn’t in the mood, or a drunk person at a bar, but Sylvia, in all her stupidity, had seriously overestimated the effect of this potion.

That is if it was used on anyone else but me. As a seductress, my sexual libido was already insane. She wouldn’t have known it, but Mental Fortitude would have kept my natural impulses from stopping me, and my extremely sensitive body was driven past the breaking point. In essence, I had made a potion that was most effective against myself, and through sheer luck, it had ended up in Sylvia’s hands.

“But it was Richard who had taken me to that room,” I spoke the last thought out loud. “He was trying to get me to sleep with him.”

The ladies all glanced at each other before giving me sensitive looks. It was likely part of Sylvia’s plan. I wasn’t clear if Richard had known everything or only a bit, but he had certainly been in on it. His part was to bring me there, get me to drink the tea, and then start sexually exciting me so that by the time Ricardo showed up, I’d be practically humping his leg. Perhaps the sexual exciting part was an accident. I couldn’t see Sylvia consenting to have him make out with me. Maybe my own seductress powers overwhelmed him for a bit. Still, in the end, it was the perfect plan to topple a seductress.

Of course, they didn’t know I was a seductress, so it all just fell on extreme luck. Had I left Lesbian Lover on, which boosts charm resistance by 10, I’d have likely been able to resist this potion. As a matter of fact, one of the special skills still dancing in front of my vision was charmless, an ability that would make this never be able to happen again. As much as sphincter control sounded great, charm was simply too dangerous on me, so I picked Charmless. I’d hold onto that other point for an emergency.

“To think, Richard and Sylvia would sink to such lows.” Mary shook her head, “Why, it makes me so cross.”

“This was a clear setup, we need to-“

The girls seemed to have vindicated me completely in their minds, but that didn’t settle right with me. It was a convenient way to throw away all responsibility, but I wasn’t ready to let them continue to live the lie. I’d be gone by tomorrow anyway, so at the very least, I just wanted them to understand the real me.

“The thing is…” I spoke, breaking up the girl’s talk. “I probably would have done something like that, anyway. I’m not so innocent of a girl. I-“

“Like sex? Doesn’t everyone?” Melinda snorted. “I already told you, girl, you’re being foolish if you think we don’t already know.”

“You’re a sex pervert, probably a nymphomaniac, we know.” Destine nodded.

“Huh? What?” I started to turn flustered and the three women laughed.

“You invent sex toys in your spare time, brew up sex potions, talk about the best way to masturbate, and, well…” Mary blushed slightly. “I’ve kind of caught you peeking down my blouse a few times…”

“What?” I said again. “I don’t do that!”

“Plus, you always get a bright expression in your eyes when you talk about sex, and I’ve seen you drool a few times when the stories get really raunchy.” Melinda chuckled.


“It’s okay, we all know you’re a pervert.” Destine patted my back, not making me feel better at all.

“Mm… Vessë  pervert.” Min nodded.

“You too, Min! B-but, if you know all these things, why do you keep talking to me!”

“Ah, well,” Mary scratched the back of her head, “That is… we like our perverted princess?”

“You’ve really helped us with our sex lives. I mean, I actually have a sex life now.” Melinda laughed. “And you’re funny, and friendly, and you really care about people.”

“You listen to things carefully, and you genuinely want to help,” Destine added. “You never judge us, even when we tell you secrets.”

“But everything I’ve done.” I pouted, trying to push of the compliments that were starting to cheer me up. “I’m a bad person.”

Melinda’s look darkened. “Now, who said that?”

“Well, I mean, I have sex with-“

“And who ever said sex was bad? Why does having sex make you bad? That’s just silly talk. The kind of stupid stuff jealous people say. If you like gangbangs, you should be able to like gang bangs. Swap couples? That’s fine. You should have sex with whoever you want, however you want, and no one has the right to say you’re bad for it. Masturbate! Read dirty stories. Tell dirty stories. Bondage, fantasy, none of it is bad. It’s simply sexuality, Cornelia, and you have a right to all of it.”

“I’d say…” Destine readjusted her eye glasses and coughed. “That I’d think Cornelia is a rather good person.”

Those final words did me in. Once again, I found myself thinking the old way. Deep down, I had been ashamed of my sexuality. It was something that stemmed back to my old life. It was so deeply ingrained in my psyche to the point that even Mental Fortitude didn’t touch it. At some fundamental level, even while having sex, there was a part of me that felt bad for it. Like I was some kind of sinner who was wrong because I liked to cum.

With Destine’s words, the realization dawned on me. Sex was just sex. It wasn’t special. It didn’t have any sense of morality. It could be done for evil, in the case of rape or torture, or it could be used for good. It could be done for fun or done for a goal. It was merely an action and performing it, liking it, or embracing it didn’t change the person you were.

I was Aria. I was a seductress, but I was also Aria. I kept blaming my seductress nature for every action I took. I kept claiming I was a victim of my own libido. However, that wasn’t the truth. There is no seductress class that has infected my behavior. I am who I am and being a seductress is a part of that. This doesn’t make me inherently good or evil. I merely am, and after that, it’s up to me to make my choices.

As those thoughts rolled through my head, I had only one thing to say to the three women, and never forget Min, who were supporting me. “Thank you… truly.”

This time, it was the girl’s all looking bashful. However, as expected, it was Melinda who recovered the quickest.

“Alright, Cornelia. We’re here for you. The King’s trying to put an end to the wedding, but he doesn’t know what happened. So, tell us, what do you want us to do?”

I scratched my chin for a moment; then, I gave a nod. They were more concerned about my reputation and how I was going to deal with the viciousness that might spread from this event. That wasn’t my concern at all. As I already accepted, I was leaving this castle tonight one way or another. The thing that mattered to me the most was what came next.

“I need a pen and paper. I need to write a few letters. Can you guys deliver them?”

The girls nodded and started writing. The first was a letter to Reinhart. I told him exactly what was going down tonight. Although I didn’t demand it, I suggested he stay in town today, and avoid the castle, and most of all, his tower. The second letter was a bit trickier. This was a letter to Devon, who was likely already conflicted over what he saw of me.

However, I didn’t need him for any kind of romantic inclinations. What I needed was his sword. I warned him about the imminent threat and informed him that their escape would come from the exit in Reinhart’s castle. If he could lay out a bunch of guards and set up a trap, then we could stop Denova in his tracks.

I was a good person, at least, I thought I was. I wasn’t okay stealing all the money from this kingdom, no matter how awful its nobility could be. I didn’t want to let a bandit like Denova do it either. The risk to myself was greater, but it was the only thing I could think to do. I had to get things moving forward. The plan to defeat Denova would change. It’d all happen tonight! I sent Destine off with one letter and Mary off with the other.

Melinda stood at the door looking at me. “What are you planning on doing, girl?”

I shook my head and gave her a sad smile. “You might hear some bad things about me in the future.”

“I have no doubt.” she responded dryly.

“Just know, that I have my reasons.”

“Hmm… if you say so.” Melinda gave a slow nod. “Anything else?”

“Ah, I have to get things ready. But if the three of you could avoid the castle tonight, that would be best.”

Melinda’s eyes widened, but after a second she gave another nod. “Fine, I’ll let the girls know.”

I gave her a nod. “It’ll be fine. I have a plan now.”

Melinda chuckled and shook her head. “Youth, ah, to be young.”

“You know, you’re not that old. I’d fuck you.” I responded as she turned around and started walking out the door.

She didn’t stop, but I heard laughter as she left the room and headed down the hall. I turned around to see Min facing me with narrow eyes.

“Ah… Min.”


“Ah, Min! Don’t be that way!” I tried to defend myself, only to see that Min didn’t look angry.

Min was looking up at me with a worried look. “Aria… be okay?”

“Of course!” I bumped my chest. “I’ll stop Denova, free Jenai, and the three of us will escape tonight.”

“Three…” Min said flatly. “The girl?”

“Ah, she’s just a friend!” I spoke up.

Min nodded, and I reassured him one last time before I pulled him into a kiss. After kissing him good enough that his legs were wobbly, I took one last look at the room I had called home for the last month and then walked out. When I was done, Denova wouldn’t know what hit him.

I had only walked for about two minutes, making two turns, when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. Something was put over my face, and before I could even struggle, it felt like my energy was being pulled out of me. I fell back, and as I fell, a blurry image came into my sight. It was the image of Sylvia looking down at me with an ugly look.

“You think that was all? I haven’t even started.”

The world went blurry, and I fell into darkness.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 68


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Chapter 68

I was sitting on a couch in an otherwise empty room wearing nothing but underwear while fighting back my own sexual excitement. Then, none other than the adventurers who had saved me when I first came to this world walked through the door. Their companions, Darius and Damus, were now dead. Darius had been killed by Ricardo himself, and Damus was likely eaten by fire wolves. These two men must have survived that night.

I had no animosity to Marvis. I had even wanted to fuck him for a while as a thank you; although, that never ended up happening. The reason for that was Ricardo, who had turned me into his sex doll for nearly a week. Part of it was likely my fault. I had struck him with seduction a few times. However, he was much like Denova without the restraint and brainpower. While I felt like I could manipulate Denova at this stage, Ricardo felt like a wild animal, dangerous and unpredictable, even compared to the monsters I’ve been fucking.

“We thought you were dead,” Marvis said cautiously.

Ricardo suddenly broke into laughter, slapping Marvis on the back. “Well, that isn’t the case. Clearly, she made it back to town and started selling herself in the redlight district. Although, to think the nobles would hire you for us. That King guy is alright.”

“Only one?” Marvis asked, raising an eyebrow to Ricardo.

Ricardo thought about it a second and frowned. “Those cheap bastards. Well, she’s the same girl I plowed in the forest. I’ve got dibs, you’ll just have to whack off in the corner. I’ll make sure to put on a good show.”

“The hell?” Marvis growled. “I’m not going to watch your hairy ass thrust into her. Since there is one, she’s probably adept at two men at once.”

Ricardo’s eyes flashed, and I thought it might turn violent, but then he let out another laugh, “Alright, alright, you saved my ass in the raid, so I’ll tell you what, you can have her ass. But I get the pussy, look, it’s already wet thinking about me.”

“You’re so generous.” Marvis shrugged, and it wasn’t clear if he was being sarcastic or not.

Their talk of having their way with me was stimulating, and my libido was already nearly out of control to the point that I would have leaped on anyone. The room likely already stank of my sex, which was a testament to how wet and turned on I was. I downed the rest of my drink and then put my arms over myself, giving them an angry glare.

“What are you two doing here?” I demanded. “This is the castle!”

The two men looked at each other, but it was Ricardo who spoke up. “Haven’t you heard? We defeated a whole band of thieves. Saved a small village from destruction. We’re heroes!”

“You are not heroes.” I snapped back, taking several steps back while keeping my hands over the parts they kept eyeing.

“You got a lot of lip for a whore.” Ricardo snorted. “But then you always did. Why don’t you put this big cock in your mouth and give it something more productive to do?”

My body was so wound up thanks to Richard’s prepping, that I almost dropped to my knees on command, but instead I turned away, making full use of my role playing ability where my carnal resistance ended. I was a princess, and my deception and role playing would have me act like a princess. Remembering to assemble the mask, it became slightly easier to resist them. Regardless of my sexual cravings, I was a princess, and they were a couple of adventurers.

I picked up my dress immediately and put it over my body while making a noise of disgust. “I am not your whore. I’m a princess.”

Ricardo had pulled his dick out the top of his pants and had taken a step towards me, but when I spoke, he stopped. He looked back and Marvis gave a shrug.

“You wouldn’t be Princess Cornelia, by chance?” Marvis asked cautiously.

I nodded. “That’s right. I’m the foreign princess. I had been captured, but I didn’t tell you earlier because I was afraid you’d extort the kingdom.”

I quickly put together the lie to get myself out of this conversation. If I was careful, I could make it through. The King would likely learn that I was kidnapped by goblins before being kidnapped by pigmen. That’d seemed rather unbelievable, but it’s not like this world lived on a calendar, and the timing matched up close enough I could sell the lie. Even if Ricardo suddenly ran his mouth about fucking a princess that wouldn’t be any worse than the rumors already going on about me. It didn’t matter much because tonight was my last night, anyway.

However, their reactions were not what I was expecting. Ricardo and Marvis looked at each other a second time and then Ricardo chuckled to himself before turning back to me.

“You’re no fucking princess,” Ricardo responded darkly.

With deception, acting, and role playing, I should have been able to trick men as dumb as them, so I was surprised they were resisting. “Well, of course, I’m…”

“You’re Denova’s bitch,” He finished, and my body froze.

Ricardo walked right up next to me, his dick touching the back of my hand. In a state of shock, my mind once again struggled to start working. As if by instinct, my hand turned and gripped his shaft, immediately running my fingers up and down it. He grinned at me, a mouth that was missing a few teeth at this point. After having spent a month with nobles, I was now accustomed to perfumed, cleaned men, although Ricardo’s rugged adventurer’s body touched me in some different ways.

I prepared myself to hit the men with seduction, but first, I had to ask. “How?”

Marvis had moved up to me too, “We are currently, err… employed by Denova as well. The village we ‘saved’ was merely a ruse.”

“Some fucking ruse,” Ricardo spoke out, “We lost two men, and we had just found replacements too. That leader of theirs was seriously trying to kill me. Ah, good, harder girl.”

“Well, it had to be convincing,” Marvis sighed, “And besides, I think the thieves he sent were some clan trying to get in good with him. They weren’t even aware they were being set up.”

As they spoke, I was fully stroking Ricardo’s cock with my hand, although I was focused on them and barely even thinking of what my hand was doing. The feeling of his warm cock in my fingers was like an aphrodisiac, and all the resistances seemed to be falling apart. My other hand dived into Marvis’ pants, and a second later I brought out his cock as he looked on with surprise.

“Anyway,” Ricardo treated me stroking his cock like it was the most natural thing. “We got into the castle. We’re supposed to check and make sure your plan sounds legit, help make sure Denova can get in. When he said their was a fake princess I never thought it’d be you. Ah, you’ve improved. Did Denova make you practice on every bandit in the camp? There were some rumors of some whore princess. I bet that was you.”

“Mmm… yeah… I practiced so hard. I’m just a dirty whore…” I moaned.

The words seemed strange coming out of my lips. I assumed it must be dirty talk kicking in. Suddenly, I found myself immensely turned on by being called a whore. I wanted Ricardo to insult me, I wanted him to have his way with me. The voices that protested in the back of my mind were quickly silenced by my insatiable lust and the shamelessness of Mental Fortitude.

“At least you know your fucking place. God, I’ve missed your ass.” He reached around and gave my ass a slap and I responded with a pleased noise and a smile. “Well, I’ll just have to tell Denova that you’re mine when we get back. After what I’ve done for him, he owes me. That sound good to you? You can be Ricardo’s little slut.”

“Yes, baby, I’m your dirty little slut baby. Do whatever you want with me. Fill me up with your thick, hard penis.”

{Dirty Talk has increased to LVL 2.}

{Technique Unlocked: Subliminal Message}

I didn’t know if I was driving the dirty talk, or the dirty talk was driving me, but it’d suddenly increase now of all times. My body was completely out of control, but for the moment, I could barely care. Both dicks felt so good in my hands, and I was so wet now that the panties could no longer absorb any more. Drips of liquid were leaking down my legs. I just wanted these men inside me. Both of them, either one, anyone… it didn’t matter.

Ricardo certainly didn’t seem bothered by my extremely slutty nature. Well, both men had seen how slutty I could be. Ricardo and I had often fucked anywhere and everywhere, and I wore a smile as he blew a load on my face. I might have thought something about how quickly Denova would murder these men if he knew what we were doing, but those thoughts were honestly lost on me at the moment.

While Ricardo was pawing at my ass with one hand, Marvis couldn’t help himself and reached around with his hand, grabbing the other cheek. Ricardo gave Marvis a sharp look for a second, and once again, just as I was afraid things would come to blows, Ricardo relaxed a second later with another laugh.

“Like I said, her ass is yours, but your balls touch me and I’m cutting them off.”

Marvis gave an uncomfortable shrug, but I already wasn’t hearing what the pair was saying. My seductress ability had completely overtaken my senses, and there was nothing that would stop me from fucking at that particular moment. As both men pawed at my body, each groping a cheek of my ass with one hand and running their hands up my bra with the other, they stripped me of the only clothing I had left.

Somewhere, in the back of my mind, there was a voice telling me that Richard could come back any second and that we could be caught easily. However, by the time the voice reached my consciousness, it only served to turn me on even more, the fear of getting caught immediately being converted into sexual arousal by the strange state I found myself in.

As if I was in a daze, I went down to my knees, taking turns sucking the guys off. I’d go back and forth, each time pulling away with a gasp and a sucking sound before switching to the other guy. My max level Blow Job and my increasingly high-level Deep Throat would have brought these guys to climax in under a minute. By swapping back and forth every thirty seconds or so, I was able to increase both guys sexual excitement without causing any premature accidents.

However, swapping back and forth like that was a messy business. By pulling their dicks out of my mouth so many times, I couldn’t swallow and keep things contained. Therefore, my mouth was covered in spit and pre-cum, destroying the lipstick that I had applied before leaving, smearing it between the two cocks and my face.

I couldn’t take it any longer, though, and so I found myself bringing them down to the couch. With my hands on their cocks, they went wherever I put them, and that left Ricardo lying on the couch while I positioned my pussy over him. I was so wet now that my pussy glistened, and the way Ricardo looked at it with hunger, I was tempted to sit on his face and let him taste me. However, with his dick primed and my pussy waiting, I couldn’t stop myself from dropping down and plunging it deep inside me.

As soon as his warm, hard dick filled me up, I instantly came, giving out a satisfied moan. My body squirted, liquid running down his cock and soaking into the couch under his legs. It wasn’t the greatest orgasm I ever experienced, but the pure need for it satisfied me in ways I rarely felt. It was like a drug addict getting their fix. Never before, even with Min, did I ever see my actions like an addiction, but for this particular moment and time, I was an insatiable nymphomaniac.

A hand on my back pushed me forward before I could start riding his cock. True to his word, Marvis shoved his dick into my butt. I moaned pleasurably as I was filled up by both men, nearly reaching climax a second time with just this. Between the three of us, being sandwiched between both men this way was really the best configuration.

Marvis was smaller dick-wise, and a hairier bear of a man, so having him behind and in my butt allowed me to focus on his perfectly sized dick in my ass. Meanwhile, the more muscular and handsome Ricardo with his bigger dick dominated my pussy. Neither man was as big as some of those I’ve had recently. They sat more in the average and below average range, but they were adventurers, so what they lacked in size they made up for with stamina and vigor.

Whereas most of the men I experienced in the underground meeting lasted an average of around 5 minutes, these men were pounding both my holes for fifteen minutes without losing a breath. It felt amazing. Their smaller size meant that it put less wear and tear on my ass and pussy, and rather than become sore, I felt like I could keep going. For the first time, I realized I had underestimated men with smaller dicks. I was starting to see the advantage of a smaller man and promised myself I wouldn’t always look for the biggest dick around.

And they went hard. Even though this was a double penetration, the men didn’t fall on me to do the work. Using his place over me as leverage, Marvis worked my ass with hard, unforgiving, and relentless thrusts. Meanwhile, Ricardo thrust his hips up into me rhythmically like a piston. Neither man let up, almost like they were in a race to fuck me the hardest, to stick it in me the most times with the most thrusts.

Usually, when a man was on the bottom, he expected me to do most of the movements. Rarely did I experience a man who took the initiative to fuck me from the bottom, pushing against the gravity and weight of my body to thrust up into my juicy honey pot.

I was moaning and screaming, as two men thrust away, one behind me and the other in front. I had long since lost the ability to keep my body up, so I had fallen forward. Ricardo had buried his face into my chest, sucking on my tits one after the other while his hands reached around and grabbed the cheeks of my ass, holding them open so that Marvis could violate me from behind more deeply. Marvis returned the favor by pushing down on my back, keeping my chest jiggling in Ricardo’s face.

It was something I had never really experienced before during sex. It was teamwork. The two men were working together, double-teaming me. As adventurers, they were used to working together, and that same knowledge splendidly blended into their sex. Every other time I’d been with two men, the men had been out for themselves, only trying to gain their own sexual excitement. These two men had fought together in life or death events, and they understood that the most gain could be achieved by working together.

Whether they realized it or not, they worked together to bring me to new sexual heights. Their relentless thrusts were perfectly timed. Both men thrust into me at the same time, every time. The effect was my body being simultaneously filled with two cocks, which would dig deep into me until they slammed into each other, with only my body as the go-between, before pulling out at the same speed and then slamming in again.

Their teamwork and their perfect timing caused me to cum, over and over again, and the sexual lust I had built up was finally starting to disperse. However, in the middle of the act, I was still nothing but their fucktoy, and so I became a cog in their oiled machine, leaking out spurts of sex every few minutes as I came again.

While it felt like we had been fucking for hours, it probably had only been about twenty minutes, which was incredibly long to be fucked by two men at once, the intensity of the sex were euphoric. The two men pulled out of me as fast as they had come in, and for a second I grew confused as Ricardo tossed me off of him and stood up. Both men had their cocks out, and they were stroking them as they stood over me.

I quickly got the message. This was the fabled cumshot where a guy would cum on your face after fucking you. It was very common in porns, but I found it a lot less common in real life. Most guys liked to blow their load inside me, and it was rare that they’d be willing to pull out, especially when we usually wore condoms. In my life before, I was still scared of STDs, even if I couldn’t get pregnant, and they usually lasted longer than when we went bareback.

I wondered why the two men went in this direction when most of the men I had been with usually just came inside me. However, the answer to that came pretty quickly. The men I had mostly been with were thieves, who wouldn’t give a shit if I got pregnant, and nobles, who also wouldn’t give a shit if I got pregnant. For adventurers, though, they were probably used to fucking whores and drunk women, so the cumshot likely was a common way to end sex. I recalled that Ricardo rarely came in me, even from before, usually making me swallow. He seemed to cum in me more for the shock value and had seemed disappointed that I liked it. To a commoner woman of this world, becoming pregnant was likely a grievous sin. All of this worked its way through my head in the time it took me to get on my knees and open my mouth like the dirty slut I was.

“Give me your, cum.” I moaned, already more than sexually satisfied.

Just as those words left my mouth, the curtain along the wall in front of me slid open with a loud noise. A second later, Ricardo came and a streak of white landed across my mouth. My mouth was already closing as I was looking down, but a second later, Marvis came too and it hit me in the eye causing me to blink as I had to wipe.

As I tried to orientate myself, confused at the sudden light bursting into the room, the two men continued to burst semen all over my face and chest.

{Charm Resistance has increased to LVL 2.}

“Huh?” I shook my head wiping the semen from my face as I tried to look towards the wall that suddenly disappeared.

The two men over me seemed confused too, pulling away as their dicks leaked semen onto the floor while softening.

“Behold! Our Princess Cornelia!” A voice declared loudly.

My ears instantly recognized the voice. It was none other than the bitch, Sylvia. While wiping semen out of one eye, I finally was able to look with the other to see her holding the curtain back. However, she wasn’t the only person behind the curtain.

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Ascii of the Day:

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The Power of Creation Chapters

Hey Guys,

I wasn’t sure how dependent you guys are on the recent posts link, but I’m still releasing the Power of Creation. With daily releases of TOAS and two releases a day of Power of Creation I felt I was swamping the recent posts list, so I started putting them as unannounced “pages”.

However, I got the impression people didn’t realize that, so…

Table of Contents

I’m currently up to Chapter 23.

From now on, you’ll just have the check the Table of Contents every now and then. I’ve been releasing daily with Power of Creation, this is not consistent. The release schedule is whenever, although I’m releasing it alongside TOAS for now. No, I do not and will not edit it. I will take suggestions on where you want the story to go though, because it is Machine Sliced Bread’s story and your input matters. You can call it a story written for you guys.

On a side note, I don’t consider TOAS a MSB original story, it’s my original story, and I was just hosting it on MSB. However, Power of Creation, as far as I’m concerned, is the very definition of an MSB original. 

So, yeah, the story can and will go anywhere and everywhere. So, if you give me a suggestion of a sex scene you want, a girl you want, or some other fap material ideas, I’ll try to work it into the story. I do write about 20 chapters ahead, so it might be some time before your ideas see the surface, but I haven’t forgotten either.

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

“Richard? I wasn’t expecting you!” I said in surprise as I opened to door to the knock early in the morning.

Richard stiffened as he looked down at me, and I dropped down my head. A second later, I reestablished the deception and role play. I had opened the door as myself, having spent the last two weeks avoiding the royalty and the need to pretend. However, I was skilled, and by the time I looked back up, I was already wearing the mask of the princess once again.

“Well, be that as it may, we have a special guest tonight. Father has requested that everyone in the castle attend the ceremony.”

“Really?” my eyes widened, “Even me?”

Richard sniffed and turned away, “We may have our differences. The rumors about you… nevermind that, you are a foreign princess. At the very least, you should see how things are done in a civilized court.”

I ignored the slight insult, not feeling like catering to Richard’s prickish behavior. Part of the reason for this was that this would be the last day I’d ever have to deal with him. The Harvest banquet was tonight, and after that would be the underground meeting. While Richard fucked dozens of nameless women, Denova would be coming to rob the kingdom.

To be honest, I had hoped that they would ignore me this evening. I was already very stressed by what I had to do tonight. I nodded after a second, offering my arm, which Richard took without another thing said.

As Richard escorted me to the ceremony, the atmosphere between us was particularly tense. I hadn’t spoken to him since the previous underground meeting. Although, it didn’t feel like the tenseness was caused by the fact that the last time we met, we had sex. At the time, he had acted like my pussy was expected, and despite the fact he was allegedly obsessed with me to the point that he made Sylvia dress in my clothes and call my name, he showed no particular reaction to finally getting what he supposedly wanted.

At first, I assumed it went back to the high expectations in his mind. I had assumed that he had built me up so high in his mind that the real girl could never meet his expectations. For a bit, he had wounded my pride a bit by being so casual about fucking me. However, at this point, I’d consider myself very skilled in the art of sex, and it could go without saying that I found it hard to believe that Richard would find any disappointment in our intercourse.

That then got me thinking that perhaps he takes to the illusion of the mask absolutely. As a woman in a mask, he really did see me as no one. Part of me was tempted to try to seduce him now. I was no longer restrained by magic sense, presuming I could get his penis out. I wondered how he’d react to his wife-to-be if she threw herself at him now.

That was when I realized that we weren’t heading to the main doors of the banquet hall but a side area that likely functioned as a storage room. It was connected to the main hall, but it was cut off by thick sound-blocking curtains. He took me into the room, which consisted of a couch, weaved carpet, and a table to the side that contained brewed tea. It was likely some kind of break room for the servants, at least it looked like one to me.

“What is this?” I asked cautiously.

Richard seemed to jump nervously and then nodded his head. “Yes, right, let’s have some tea. I’m sorry to deceive you a bit, but I really wanted to get a chance to talk to you in private. You’ve been here nearly a month, and it’s come to my attention that we haven’t really had a chance to talk.”

“So, this ceremony of honor thing?” I asked.

“Ah, well, that is happening in a bit, but we still have some time yet. I’ll escort you there… after.”

“After?” I asked as Richard put a cup of tea in front of me and I sniffed it.

The tea was made of a particularly good leaf. I was never a major tea drinker, but in this world, it was either tea or wine for just about everything. Min said she had never heard of coffee before, and I hadn’t had any luck finding it in any of the King’s books. However, that wasn’t what I needed to focus on. The third prince sat next to me, close enough that his knee touched mine, and turned to me with a nervous gaze.

“So, Prince Hyburn, what did you want to discuss?” I asked while taking a sip of the tea, which was only a little bitter.

Richard relaxed for a second and gave a sigh, “That is… I wanted to apologize for how I have been treating you.”

I rose an eyebrow, amused but also a little surprised at his sudden change in behavior. Perhaps I had affected him at the party more than I realized. However, there was still the manner of my mask coming off.

I turned to him. “Richard, about the rumors…”

Richard shook his head. “You don’t need to think about that. It’s honestly ridiculous that father felt the need to punish you so. As if he doesn’t do the same things. A-as if I don’t either. He’s the one at fault! To think, a young girl like that… and you were forced to take all the blame!”

To suddenly hear Richard voicing my thoughts so absolutely, I fought to contain my excitement. For the first time in the last two weeks, I felt a little better about the whole situation. If Richard was on my side, then things would be easier. I started seeing Richard in a new light. He was a very attractive man, and his only fault was his inability to express himself, well, and Sylvia.

I drank down the last of the tea and then frowned. That was, of course, not really important. I was going to be leaving soon. There was really no need to endear myself with Richard. In fact, I had already earned my first-time experience with him, and so there was absolutely nothing I could gain. However, Richard saw me as his wife-to-be, and role play with Min aside, I wondered what it would be like to be with a man who thought he’d be spending the rest of his life with you. Perhaps it was a cruel thought, but the novelty of being with Richard in a romantic setting was enticing to a seductress like me.

I raised up the glass to my lips, planning to start seducing Richard. “Ah, um, could I have some more tea?”

Richard jumped a bit, but then grabbed his cup and pushed it to me. “Oh, fine, here, you can have mine.”

I put my hand out and touched his shoulder lightly, my seduction skill moving forward in full force. “Thank you, my prince.”

“Ah, well, it’s just tea…” He answered flippantly.

“No, about supporting me.” I said, “I was concerned that everyone hated me now. I really only went for you. I had thought that the pair of us could have our first time, but it’s really not the same with masks.”

“Th-th-that’s true.” Richard started to become flustered as I leaned against him, one hand falling on his leg.

The way Richard was acting was rather cute. He was so nervous and uncomfortable that I found myself forgiving the lackluster sex he had given me once before. Part of that was likely my fault. To have great coitus, both parties needed to be invested in their mutual satisfaction. I went into it expecting Richard to fall head over heels for me, and it really wasn’t fair to him.

I leaned close to his ear as his whole body shivered. “So, my love, what did you want to say to me?”

“Ah…” Richard was breathing hard now, my hand was gently stroking his inner thigh.

I was revving to go now, my inner parts wet with lust. It had been just Min and me for the last few weeks, plus a few stinky monsters, so I was missing the polygamy my seductress nature demanded. I meant no disrespect for Min, but I found myself hornier than I had been in some time. If I wasn’t free from pain and confident that Reinhart’s attempt to control my seductress abilities was working, I’d say my seductress powers were still out of whack with how horny I was feeling.

“Richard…” my voice came off almost like begging, and I could already feel his erection through his pants.

“Wh-what I wa-wanted to say, is that I’ve always wanted you, and now-“

I kissed his neck, sucking lightly, “Now you have me, however, you want me.”

Richard no longer held back, and a moment later his hands fell on my breasts, giving them attention like the last time we were together. It wasn’t long until they were popped out of the top of my dress and he was sucking on them lightly. He went from one breast to the next, his tongue flicking surprisingly skillfully over my tits.

Meanwhile, I continued to rub his hard cock through his pants. He was very stiff now, and I could even feel a spot of wetness on his pants that had to be precum. Well, I was maxed in Hand Jobs, even through pants it’d be hard to resist. I wrapped my hand around his cock, which wasn’t small. Now that I had sampled most of the nobles, I found that the average size was around six inches, which put the royal family on the larger size of things.

Our lips explored each other’s mouths, and I appreciated the feeling of intimacy he provided. Most of the people I fucked, the monsters and the other nobles, there wasn’t much kissing involved. Admittedly, I had kissed Min a lot, but there were certain things Min couldn’t replicate, like the course feeling of a day old shave, the less soft lips of a man, and the strong chin. I enjoyed Richard’s taste to the fullest extent, while my libido flew into overdrive.

By the time he pulled my dress off, I was so wet that my panties were see-through from my own lust. As he continued to suck my neck, I made whimpering, moaning sounds. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me. However, he had yet to take off a single article of clothing, so I started moving my hands to undress him.

“Ah, ah… Richard, ah, yes, fuck me.” I moaned as my hands ran over his body. “This is way better than pretend.”

Richard suddenly jerked away from me, giving me a strange look. I had said I was bad at dirty talk, even with the skill, so I was already kicking myself that I had made a reference to Sylvia and his sex games.

“That reminds me…” Richard spoke up, as I gave him a flat look. “I… um… have been wanting to see you wear something forever.”

“Um… you already got me out of clothes, now comes the point where you fuck me.” I pleaded.

He looked genuinely tempted for a second, and then he shook his head. “Please, Cornelia, this is fulfilling a bit of a fantasy of mine.”

After a moment, I sighed. I knew that role play was his kink, so it wasn’t that hard to believe that this was something he’d get caught up on.

I gave him a nod. “Very well, but be quick, I really need it.”

He gulped and gave me a frantic nod before practically fleeing from the room in a rush. I gave a gentle laugh as I sat back up on the couch. I was in nothing but my underwear now, as drenched as the panties were, and it seemed like a waste to put my dress back on, only to have to take it off again as I put on whatever outfit Richard wanted.

As I waited for him, I continued to sip from his lukewarm tea. Meanwhile, I was only growing more and more sexually excited. It took everything I had not to finger myself to completion. Richard was coming soon and then I’d get a nice hard cock. Plus, I had never used costumes in role play if you didn’t count the deception as a princess, so I was intrigued by it. I wondered which one of his costumes he’d bring. Would I be a naughty maid? Maybe a slave girl? The thoughts were pushing me to my limit, so I just kept drinking my tea and waiting.

{Carnal Resistance has increased to LVL 7.}

{Charm Resistance has increased to LVL 1.}

What? I was hardly being charmed by him. Perhaps this was an artifact of increasing carnal resistance. I mean, it made sense. If you could resist having sex, then you should be able to resist being charmed into having sex. It seemed to be just another one of those silly skill affecting skills things. Either way, I appreciated the increases, as they helped me wait for Richard slightly.

The door finally opened after what felt like forever, and I turned in excitement at the prospect of finally throwing all of my sexual lust onto the man who I was forced to call my husband-to-be for the last month. However, there were two men who were walking in, and neither of them was Richard.

“They said that this was the place right…” one of the men with a gruffer voice said, causing a shiver of recognition to shoot up my spine.

“Who knows-“ the second person froze as our eyes locked.

Of course, as aroused as I was, I wouldn’t have been nervous being seen by two strange men. In fact, in any normal situation, I would have immediately shouted like a princess, and acted like I had been caught in the act of changing my clothing. The men would flee from the room, and I would be spared any kind of embarrassment. It’d be their fault for barging in, never mind the fact I had made no attempt to lock the door.

“Well, well, well, you’ve certainly moved up the world, huh?” a rough looking man with shaggy hair said while smiling cruelly.

The surprise had caused me to be unable to make a single sound. This was clearly not a normal situation. That was because I absolutely recognized these two men, but they were not men I had ever expected to meet again. They were…

“How about you, Marvis? What do you think our little slut has been up to?” Ricardo chuckled.

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Ascii of the Day:

                    ░░  ▒░░      ░    ░ ░▒ ▒▒░ ░░                      
                            ▒░░          ░░       ░                    
               ░              ░    ░    ▒░  ░    ░  ▒  ░                
                             ░░        ░░ ░░    ░░  ░░  ░              
                             ░ ░ ░░░   ░  ░   ░  ░ ░                   
              ░░           ░░░░ ░ ░           ▒ ░                      
                ▒▒       ░               ░     ░                       
                ░▒          ░                          ░░              
                 ▒▓░                                 ▒░▒░              
                  ░█▓             ░           ░     ▒▒░                
                    ██                            ░█▓                   
                     ▓█                ░         ▓█▒                   
                      ▒█░                      ▒██░                    
                       ▒█▒          ▓         ▓█▓                      
                         █▓        ▓█▓▒      ▓█▓░                       
                          █▓       ▓▓       ▒█▓░      ░                
                           ██      ▒█      ▒██                         
                            ▓█▒    ▒█ ░   ▓█▓                          
   ░                         ░██   ▒█    ▓█▒                            
                               ▓█  ▓▒  ░██                             
                        ░        █▓ █▓░                                
  ░░                              ▒█▓                                   
                         ░         █░                                   
                                 █▓ █


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

It was another two days before I was allowed to give the monsters another go. Regrettably, I was only allowed in the cellar under Min’s expressed supervision. This dampened a great deal of the fun. I was only able to act so excited by the monsters. She also wouldn’t let me stick anything in my pussy. I was limited to Hand Jobs and Blow Jobs.

Fortunately, the strange pain I was suffering from had completely dissipated. Whatever this duality thing Reinhart had spoken of was, perhaps the battle between my nature as Aria and a seductress was causing issues. Or maybe, the ring wasn’t meant to be worn for all that long, so by pretending to be Cornelia for a solid month, it was some kind of feedback.

The second idea seemed to make the most sense, particularly since most of the nightmares involved violent nights under Denova. The dreams, regrettably, hadn’t gone away, even though they were a bit less lucid. I still felt myself under Denova. He’d be fucking me hard, laughing as he did. He’d bite me, pinch me, slap me… sometimes, the pain felt good. It actually brought me to climax faster. That only added to the horror of it all. Being forced to feel sexually satisfied by a man you hated was terrible.

Min supported me where he could, but there was very little he could do other than hold me in his arms. We’d always make love afterward. I used the words make love over fuck because that’s the kind of feelings I felt when I was with Min these days. I genuinely loved him. I wasn’t ready to settle down and marry him, but I loved staring in his eyes as he held me. He would thrust himself in and out of me, his small nipples flicking over my bigger tits.

We’d hold each other long into the night, far past the point that he had cum and softened inside me. As to why that wasn’t enough for me? Min, in my heart, was still a woman too. He thought like a woman, and he felt like a woman. The kind of man I could see myself with had to be bigger, and more muscular, and more daring, and just a bit selfish. Min would make those changes if I asked him to, but that was the thing, I liked Min the way he was. I didn’t want to see him become burly, or hairy, or selfish.

It was stupid and complicated. I loved Min the way he was, but the way he was wasn’t a man I’d want to marry and spend forever with. However, he seemed to accept me the way I was, so all I could do was accept him the way he was. Therefore, our relationship had reached a standstill. It wasn’t blissful happiness, but I don’t think Min was unhappy. We were both comfortable with our situation with the other.

Which left me under Min’s supervision in a dungeon holding a whip. I was whipping the goblin’s chest at this point. It made a sharp snap as it struck his skin, and he made a sharp scream.

{Whip has increased to LVL 2.}

Part of me wanted to wear the whole leather mistress get up, but it came too close to the mistress woman I had an unfortunate encounter with, and that was something that bothered me. So, I wore a normal princess dress, which made the gap between a pretty princess standing in a dungeon whipping a goblin strange.  If anyone but Min saw this, there would be plenty of strange looks.

Why was it the goblin that I seemed to be picking on? To be honest, the minotaur kind of scared me. I didn’t want to strike him. The same could be said of the orc. The pigman was very noisy, and the sound of a pig like he was being slaughtered was not something I wanted to listen to.

Meanwhile, the goblin was actually most responsive to this treatment. His doorknob cock was rock hard, and he had a smile on his face despite the grunts of pain. As Reinhart had explained to me, the goblins were submissive by nature. They were easily bullied by other monsters, and in the cases that a smarter than average pigmen or orc came into being, they would often recruit goblins as their cannon fodder.

Since he actually enjoyed the abuse, it made the abuse easier for me to endure. I needed to increase my experience with using a whip, and for what it was worth, I was improving steadily. I could now make it crack every time. Two out of every five strikes actually landed where I aimed. Once I had sliced the tip of his cock and another time gashed his leg, but it mostly landed somewhere between his face and stomach.

If you asked why I concentrated on his front and not his back, the answer was simple. I healed him using cat’s meow, and I had no intention on licking his butt. It wasn’t really that it bothered me on a fundamental level. Mental Fortitude worked there. It was more about my pride. I felt like the goblin was beneath me, and it was already my generic concern for life than insured I healed him.

How this paralleled what Julian used commoners for at his parties wasn’t lost on me. Other than the fact that they were monsters, I really had no excuse as to why it was acceptable to do this while what Julian did was wrong. That was good enough excuse for most of the people of this world. It didn’t seem like they had developed any form of PETA here, or at least PETM, I guess. Would this world eventually reach a state where “monster abuse” was a thing of concern? I was just glad I wouldn’t have to deal with those kinds of questions down in this dungeon.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 24!}

{All stats increased by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Perfect Bondage (Passive): Always tie perfect knots, escape is much more difficult.}

{Containment (Active): Secure someone in a nearly unbreakable barrier for 1 minute.}

{Slash Break (Active): Slash of a Whip can cut through just about any material for 30 seconds.}

“What?” I nearly dropped the whip in surprise.

“Mm?” Min asked.

“I leveled again…” I said frowning.

Almost every time I leveled was punctuated by some kind of event. I just finished up sex, usually, and it was clear where the experience came from. However, the last two times I had leveled seemed almost random and considerably faster than I expected. Admittedly, I had given every monster here at least four hand jobs, and with 9 plus Min this morning, I’d be earning about a 90% boost in experience, so nearly every time I jacked off a monster, it was closer to two times with Town Bicycle equipped. However, that still didn’t account for another level.

There wasn’t much I could do about this strange event though, and so I mostly just focused on finishing up. I had accumulated enough semen that I could continue to run experiments, and I had managed to gain the last level I was looking for. I should just count my blessings and continue on.

Of course, this level didn’t seem to do anything for me. These special skills seemed nice, but nothing popped out as game-changing. Perfect bondage didn’t seem necessary. It was a supplement for something that could be accomplished with skill. In fact, I had already acquired the skill. I had gained level 1 bondage the previous day as I practiced tying the goblin to the bars.

{Bondage has increased to LVL 1.}

So, Perfect Bondage seemed like a way to just pass getting Bondage to level 10 on its own. That left Containment and Slash Break. One was a defensive ability, and the other was an offensive ability. Did I want a powerful attack with my whip, or did I want a powerful barrier? Neither worked long, but I knew 1 minutes could be enough time to escape, and 30 seconds was all you needed to kill a man. I also noticed the ‘just about’ and the ‘nearly’. Those words made all the difference and suggested these skills could fail awfully at the worst times.

In the end, I picked nothing. I didn’t have a good reason. I just didn’t have any ability to fight yet. Having attack or defensive skills when I couldn’t think of a single situation I could use them made them useless. I was hoping for a skill that augmented potion making or turned me poisonous. Those skills were still beyond me.

That’s how I ended up spending my last week in the castle. I was in the lab improving on my potion making, which increased another two levels, regrettably coming short of my goals. I practiced my magic daily and practiced with Min as well. I would work on the monsters, practicing my whip. I eventually convinced Min to let the monsters fuck my tits, and so I was finally able to increase Titty Fuck. With 9 monsters to sample, even if two of their dicks were so large my tits had no hopes to contain them, I went up two levels.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 8.}

{Magic has increased to level 6.}

{Whip has increased to LVL 3.}

{Titty Fuck has increased to LVL 3.}

Of course, he wouldn’t let me be fucked in the ass by monsters, so my ass was Min’s alone. That was regrettably not enough variety to increase a level. On the up side, Masturbation increased a level, although I was quickly realizing that it might not actually be a core ability. If it was, I should have maxed it ten times by now. You’d like to think seductress means all things sex, but I guess self-satisfaction didn’t count.

{Masturbation has increased to LVL 8.}

Although I tried to practice a lot of other things, I had no luck increasing any of my other skills, whether it was role playing, acting, dirty talking, or sleight of hand. However, I could tie a cherry stem with my tongue now, so I was excited that I had managed to jump over that hurdle.

The week passed by too quickly, and as each day passed into the next, I only became more worried. I checked over the plans with Min a few dozen times. I would go to Denova while she packed up and fled the castle. We’d meet up in a nearby village. By that time, I’d have turned Denova into my sex slave. I’d leave him with a death curse and force him to remove the ring, and then I’d take the treasure and Jenai.

It wasn’t a complex plan, but I wasn’t particularly good with complex plans, so this seemed to fit into my nature. I was practicing multitasking, which involved me working a dildo in my pussy while stroking Min’s cock and trying to tie a knot with my tongue. That was when a knocking came at the door.

Of course, just in case we were disturbed, neither Min nor I were indecent. It took only a moment to slide the dildo out of me, push my underwear in place, and toss it in the drawer. Min quickly put his cock back into his pants with a cough. We checked each other’s bodies quickly to make sure there was nothing amiss, and then Min went to answer the door. After seeing who it was, he gave me a look, so I approached the door and he took a step back. The person at the door was Devon.

“Ah, Devon, what are you up to?” I asked cautiously.

It had been nearly two weeks since we had last had any conversations. The night I had dropped the naked girl in his lap was the last night we had spoken. It wasn’t that I was particularly angry with him, it was simply that the situation was awkward, and I didn’t want to put myself into an uncomfortable situation. Devon could have sought me out sooner himself. Although, I understood how silly it was to expect him to chase after me while I did nothing.

“I… I’m just here to let you know that I received the letter from the illusion. He had disappeared about a week ago, but his letter only arrived today.”

“And?” I asked cautiously.

“The girl is safe. He found her a family. A man and a woman who couldn’t have children of their own. They were happy to take her in.”

I breathed out a sigh of relief. However, after telling me that, he didn’t leave, so I had the feeling that there was more that he wanted to discuss. After a brief period of silence, I decided to break it.

“You know, they’ll just find another sacrifice.”

Devon winced. “Yeah… I know.”

“Devon, you know what they do at these things.”

Devon turned his head away. “I don’t want to hear it.”

“Not the society in the light. The one in the dark. They rape women. They kidnap women and they tort-“

“I said, I don’t want to hear it!” He shouted, and it only caused another surge of anger to rise in me.

“Then who will hear it? You’re the prince.”

“And Julian’s the heir. And my father is the King. What could I do?” Julian demanded.


“Something?” He sneered, “There is nothing. If there was, I’d have done it.”

“Bullshit! You’re just a coward!”

“I know how you may think that but…”

“How long do you plan to sit there with your head in the sand, refusing to see this country for what it is? This country is dying. Julian… his views… it’s a cancer on this city.”

“You’re one to talk.” He shot back.

“You’re right! I’m a hypocrite. But you don’t have to be. You can be better!”

“Well, I’m not! I’m only me! There is nothing I can do!”

The pair of us were shouting now, and it was to the point a nearby guard had peeked around the corner. Upon seeing the fourth prince shouting into the princess’ room, he turned around and found something better to do.

“I thought you were a Knight… a hero…” I said. “But in the end, you just want to hide your eyes from the truth.”

“Are we done?” He asked darkly.

“Yeah, I think we are.”

He turned and walked away, and I shut the door behind him. Min went to comfort me, but the truth was that I didn’t need very much comforting. I had already had all of these arguments in my own head before. I was hoping Devon would be someone he simply wasn’t. I wasn’t upset, just disappointed.

The next day came too quickly. It was the day of the Harvest Festival, and my last day in the castle. This was the day that everything would come to an end. They say that all the best-laid plans fall apart after the first shot is fired. There was a knock on my door in the early morning, and that was the start of the collapse of all of my plans.

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Ascii of the Day:

                               787  48 78                              
                          7788888888888882 5                           
                        82  0588        788887                         
                       8  88787   17487   888                          
                      78 82888 7 257    777887                         
                      8 00088  18808888  28888                         
                       48888    7   77788788887                         
                        8888787         884888                         
                        88888            888888                        
                       88888              888888                       
                       88888     88 882   888888                       
                        88888   77    72  0888888  089                 
                        88888            7874884781   89               
8887                      7188          887548588      7               
488888888                  88484  2   78888575808888877                
     708882              28888878    8888 8882884  88888               
        2888      74888888      277887      27   7 887 88         588888
884      7888    88888897 22  77   7                88  88     48888857
 887       7887 8895777   288077     777527          88  7   7888887   
7  8         788872221             7777      7       78888 788887      8
7 78            88580              7          5782  82    88857      88
 88887           88               2 7          8887 88  7887        27 
    787           7 8884          8 7    7885   87  88 88          88  8
     88            8888           80       88   8   788           888885
      82            88       88  7884           8   87           2882787
      85 7           8     8887     882       787  8            788    
      28              88888    757    888888888  48             887    
       8               88827827         4488888 7              188     
       88               88888      87 7     888               288      
        87               8885  7 27     7  88                488       
        587               888           4888                2884       
         77                888         7888                0888         
         5                  888        888                2888         
        885                 78888477  888                7888          
          88                 888      88               724887          
           88                 88                      7778877          
            88                                          88  8          
             887            78  24  787            77 788   7          
        18   788885            187  88            7 1888    8          
        887   88888847         88 482           7748888    088         
       8885 78   88057         88775887        78888778857 7888        
      48882 7    788887       88     87       588888    8 7  888       
      44578888     78888  728887     7888827188888      877748888      
    7880   888        2888888887    788888888882        8884  77888    
   0887     887          720881758888     52            888       088  
  08847      88                                      7  984  77 7  788 
  8027       28          88                     788888   88   7 7 0  788

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Of course, my extreme sexually cravings had been met my Min, whose stamina had improved steadily. Although, even he wasn’t capable of keeping me up and going indefinitely. I had used my All Nighter skills to recover his energy, and I could make stamina potions easily now so even without it, stamina was never a problem. However, Min wasn’t invincible, and after 18 hours of continuous sex, he had to bite his pride and return to the old strap-on, the one that never softened.

My pussy was slapping up and down on Min’s strap-on, I was on top of Min and my pussy was soaked with our combined lust. Min and my moaning sounds filled the room, and while my mind was only concerned about my own sexual satisfaction at the time, the noise I was making could have easily gotten me into a lot of trouble if the wrong people had walked by the room.

When the pain started, it only hindered my sexual excitement a little at first. But rather than dissipating after a day or two, it steadily grew worse. When the ring started shining, with only about a week left before Harvest, for the first time in what felt like forever, I didn’t feel like sex. After putting Min through a week of hell, he gave me a worried look when I didn’t suddenly push him to the ground and have my way with him.

The discomfort and pain weren’t typical for me. It didn’t simply just target my abdomen. It felt like my back was on fire as well. My arms hurt, my legs hurt, and my breasts hurt. It seemed like gradually over the last few days, my body had turned on me. However, it wasn’t simply the pain that made things strange and left me without craving for sex. It was also what I felt down below.

My pussy suddenly started to tingle one night, and I thought I was starting to grow sexually excited. However, before I could bug Min for a quickie, the feelings grew and before I knew it I found myself panting. My body twisted and turned as I started feeling sexual pleasure, which only culminated when I miraculously came.

The first time I had one, Min had given me an accusatory stare, blaming me for touching myself when I should have called Min. He seemed oddly determined lately to be the source of all my sexual gratification, and with me grounded from monsters and in trouble with nobles, he basically had been. As my libido grew, he almost took it as a personal challenge that he could meet me head on sexually, although that week had seriously worn him out, and he had bags under his eyes for the last couple of days.

However, the spontaneous orgasms started to occur with surprising frequency. They often occurred at night, but would occasionally hit me during the day as well. I had explained the oddity of my spontaneous orgasms to Min, and he had given me a questioning look. It was after he had witnessed one himself that his looks started to turn worried.

I usually hurt the most after one of these spontaneous orgasms. It was like a catalyst. First, I’d feel an orgasm, and then my body would feel like it had been struck with a mallet. At the worst time, I didn’t even get out of bed. I took potions of minor healing, but they didn’t seem to do a thing.

“My seductress class, maybe this is some kind of problem with it?’ I offered the opinion.

Min had shrugged at that, unsure of how to respond to my strange and growing problem. However, when the next racking of pain struck me, Min finally pulled me out of the room I had been held up in all week and dragged me over to Reinhart’s tower. By the time I arrived, my body was flushed, both with arousal and a feeling of pain bad enough to cause me to keel over. It was at that point and time that the strangest thing yet happened.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 23!}

Available Special Skills:

{Numbness (Passive): Reduce all pain, sexual stimulation, and touch by 50% permanently.}

{Enhanced Rape (Passive): 2X Experience when someone is forced against their will.}

{Sanctuary (Active): Claim a home as a seductress. All abilities are enhanced. Leveling is increased 2X within home. Can only select a home once a year. Must reside in sanctuary one month a year.}

Although the sudden level was surprising, I was still inclined to glance over it. If this was something akin to my seductress powers going out of whack, the free leveling seemed almost worth it. That said, none of the abilities looked like things I could use right now. However, it was Sanctuary that held the most appeal to me. It seemed like some kind of magical marker that allowed me to mark a home. It had some setbacks, but the appeal was too great. I selected it.

Min had been watching me with a confused look and I gave a shrug before following her up the last flight of stairs into Reinhart’s laboratory.

“Ah, Aria, I see you’ve finally taken the time to show up. However, you’ve brought your elf companion. What is-“ He stopped when he saw my condition.

I was barely able to stand at this point, pain and pleasure both simultaneously rocking my body. As I was panting with a pained expression on my face and red in my cheeks, he ran off and grabbed a chair, easing me down. He immediately began checking my vitals, which I found surprising for this world.

“You know healing?” I asked

As Reinhart took my pulse, he nodded. “A little. Before I ended up in alchemy, I was interested in first aid. You see, healing really only takes the form of spells, potions, and adventurer’s first aid. I thought to combine the three disciplines and was laughed out of the room. Priests always focus on spells, alchemists always make potions, and neither care for the slash and sew of first aid. However, I think if they were combined… say, someone drinking a potion while receiving a spell, we could save more lives. It  well, never mind. I still think first aid has its uses, but I’m one of a few.”

Min sat quietly in the corner as we talked, staying out of the conversation. Meanwhile, Reinhart did most of the things I recognized doctors as doing, although Min stiffened when he put his hand up the back of my dress to listen to my breath with a stethoscope.

It was events like this that reminded me that this was another world. In the middle ages, what Reinheart calls first aid would not be something that exists. Although, the way Reinheart told it, what he was doing was considered pretty rare. Perhaps he had been an adventurer at some point, but he didn’t seem open to talking about it so I didn’t pry. After about five minutes of examining and asking questions, he gave a sigh.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You said you’ve been having Nightmares?” Reinhart asked.

“Yeah, um, dreams of a man I hate.” I nodded, and Min tensed at what I said. “Do you know what it is?”

“No,” Reinheart shook his head, and I started to lower mine until he spoke up again. “But it seems similar to a problem demons suffer from.”

“Huh? Demons? You mean, like the half-monsters?”

Reinhart stiffened for a second, “That is- well, a lot of humans just see them that way. When a demon is created, they usually take a few generations of prodigy before their demonic nature stabilizes. Once a demonic line is stable, they all come out with the same basic traits.”

“Is that like how the goblins always make goblins?”

Reinhart shook his head and twisted his mouth. “Goblins are not demons.”

“Ah, I never meant to say they were-“ I tried to defend.

“Goblins are monsters that changed to be more like humans. They were initially a monster, but years and years caused them to change with each generation until they eventually look like they do now. They also somewhere along the line lost the ability to breed and thus use humans. Demons are a monster and human bloodline combined. It stabilizes over several generations, and the demons are just as human as humans, regardless of how they came into being.” Reinhart seemed a little angry as he spoke.

“So, goblins and other hominid monsters are like coevolution, and demons are more like hybrids.”

Reinhart blinked, and then he shook his head and muttered something before looking back at me. “I’m sorry, I know your knowledge is a bit different from most. If you met a demon, what would you do?”

“Ah? Me? Um, I guess it depends on the demon. I mean, if it’s a vampire, I’d definitely fuck him. A werewolf, definitely sex. Dryads? Totally. Centaur… well, I might not go with a centaur.”

Min’s appearance was darkening, while Reinhart wore a shocked look on his face. A second later, he burst out laughing.

“That is…” Reinheart wiped a tear from his eyes with an amused look on his face. “Please, never change.”

“Oni, def-“ I stopped, “Oh, sure, yeah, I guess.”

“Anyway, the point I was trying to make,” Reinheart seemed to have returned to his old mood. “A demon’s demonic side can become unstable for various reasons.”

He stood up and headed to his room. A moment later, he walked back out with a vial in his hand. He handed it to me.

“And this is?” I asked.

“Ah, well, it’s a duality potion. The conditions you’re describing is what happens when someone’s demonic blood battles with their humanity. It causes similar things, nightmares, pain… the arousal is new, but you’re a seductress, so we have to expect strange things…”

“If this works, does that mean I have demonic blood?” I asked cautiously.

Reinhart shrugged. “I don’t know. The only thing like your powers I’ve ever seen is in a succubus which are just nasty monsters. It’s possible that you descended from a family line of succubae. The only thing I know is that some of your symptoms seem to be what happens during a duality surge. It can occur when two natures try to occupy the same body. Usually, this is performed with magic, except in the aforementioned demonic bloodlines. Your magic is solely unique, so we don’t know how it might go out of whack.  It overwhelms the system. This is a potion that might help.”

I picked up the potion and examined it. It was completely as he described. I shrugged and took a swig, downing the whole thing in one drink. A minute later, the pain started to diminish, and by five minutes, I was already feeling completely better. I gave a smile and stood up, stretching. As I stretched, Reinhart leaned over and dropped a bag of coins on the table next to me.

“Ah, eh, what’s this?” I looked down at the bag.

“That’s your profits from the vial of sexual arousal. It went for top price on the market. If you can coerce any more out of that troll, and we can figure out the recipe you performed, it would be quite profitable.”

“Ah, really?” I counted through the coins, there was easily 100 gold coins. “That’s enough to buy 1/3 of Min! Who would pay that much for 15 minutes of sexual arousal?”

Min didn’t look amused, grimacing, but I was more focused on the incredible pouch of riches coming from one measly potion. The topical lubricant was only going for less than a tenth that price, and it seemed to me like they both did essentially the same thing.

“Who knows?” Reinhart spoke up. “I sell these things through a broker so I never see who buys them. Maybe it’s a gift for those adventurers they’re planning to knight.”

“Adventurers? Oh, right, I heard something about that.” I heard it from the three girls, and I didn’t find it important at the time.

“Yeah, well, it’s just bullcrap ploy they do to push aside unrest among commoners.”

I let out a laugh. “You sound a lot like Melinda.”

“Huh? Who? Is it that the angry woman who sent me a note demanding I gather the supplies to mix your bloody sex potions?” Reinhart shivered.

“Hah, well, speaking of which. I’m feeling a lot better now, so I’m thinking it’s about time I take on the monsters again.

“Really, the pains all gone already?”

“Yup!” I spun around. “I’m ready to harvest. I need to at least gain another level before the harvest.”

Min frowned at me, but after I gave him some begging eyes, he finally submitted to taking me down to the cellar. Reinhart was happy to differ to Min on this particular issue, likely because he had punched Reinhart in the throat once before. However, when we made it down to the cellar…

“This is…” I said with a wry smile.

The monsters were screaming and shouting, slamming their bodies against the bars like they did when I had activated the pheromones. Except, I wasn’t using the pheromones.

“What is going on with the monsters?” Reinhart asked. “I’ve never seen them like this.”

I had never seen them act like this either. They were just going wild although I had the distinct feeling most of the eyes were on me. I had already seduced them, so they should be under my control, so why did they act this way? Wait… I glanced down at my ring to see that it was still lite. That was right, I was on the last day of my period. The last time I had started my period, I had caused every monster in the forest to try to rape me. I lucked out by being eaten out by a slime. Now, I was in a castle, far removed from the forests.

Luckily, my period didn’t seem to affect humans. This might have something to do with the sense of smell? However, it was clear that while I was on my period, I was a magnet for monsters. Once a month, if I ever found myself outside, I’d immediately end up being raped to death. That was good information to know.

While Min and Reinhart stared at the monsters in wonder, I finally explained the theory I had put together based on the last time I had a period. The two nodded thoughtfully, but then Reinhart said what I was afraid he’d say.

“I’m sorry. Until your period is completely over, I just can’t let you do anything with these monsters.”

Min gave a confirming nod, and I found myself once again being dragged away from my experience train. I was only a week away from the Harvest, and now I was back on the bench.

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Ascii of the Day:

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