Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

“What is this?”

“Your mask, my dear.” Julian gave me a subtle smile.

After fuming over my words with Devon for an hour or so, I started getting ready for this underground party that Julian had been building up for the last two weeks. Of course, I couldn’t get ready for it without explaining things properly to Min. I had feared Min would be angry or call me a cheater again, but she merely nodded and told me to do my best. I was hoping this meant that Min was starting to understand me better. This was the only way I knew how to get stronger.

As a result, my interactions with Min started to feel more like preparation for battle. If you encountered a nest of goblins, and then started preparing to fight them, your wife might help you put on your armor as you got ready. This just happened to be my battle. My war paint was makeup. My weapons were an outfit that made my body sexually appealing. I would attack and keep attacking until I had reached my goal. That goal, of course, was freedom from Denova.

That was when a knock came at my door. I feared it might be Devon coming back to argue more, but it ended up being Julian holding a parcel. I opened that package right in front of Julian and pulled out a mask. The mask had a strap that would wrap around the back of my head, only covering the front. It was similar to my dresses, plain with streaks of white, green, and brown. When worn, it would leave my mouth and chin exposed, only covering the upper part of my face from my cheeks to my forehead. It ended with two pointy cat ears although the mask itself was form fitting and didn’t have any animal characteristics other than the ears jutting out the top.

“This… won’t really cover much at all?” I frowned.

I had expected something more obscuring. If the idea was that no one could tell the appearance of anyone else, I imagined that the mask would cover the whole head and the hair. Something like those leather S&M masks, maybe. However, this looked like a gaudy costume mask you might wear at Mardi gras, merely covering the eyes.  Ultimately, my hair, my ears, and my mouth… basically, everything was obviously revealed. As if my body and voice weren’t enough, there was no way I could hide my identity with this. This wasn’t some silly Cinderella story where slight physical differences was enough to hide.

“What would be the fun if you didn’t know?” Julian laughed and then continued when he saw I was still confused. “I’ve said it before, but everyone knows who everyone else is. The mask blocks analyze, but it doesn’t really hide you. I mean, if we were wearing body suits covering up our faces, what would be the fun of exploring each other’s bodies?”

“So, what does that-“

Julian waved his hand, stopping my question. “See it this way, my dear. Your goal at this party is to have fun and fulfill your darkest desire. Meanwhile, everyone else will hold the same goal. We will all try to find the partners we had always wanted but never dared to have in polite society, and then we’ll do every dark fantasy to them. They’ll know who you are, you’ll know who they are, but the mask is what is important.”

I started nodding, the information starting to click in my mind. Like with the King, it was all about the illusion. It could be said that nobles were the best at self-denial. Devon was absolute proof of that. I was still angry when I thought about how much of a hypocrite he was being.

“And speech?” I let out the question before I could help myself.

“You can talk all you want. People will recognize your voice, but when you wear the mask, it doesn’t matter, because you are not you. Some people like to be silent, won’t say a single word until they’re moaning and give it all away, anyway. Did you know that every man has his own unique little moan? Why, Gregory has the tendency to whimper, like a cute puppy dog, but when I stick it in his-“

I nodded but didn’t really pay attention to the rest of what he was saying. Instead, I was kicking myself for having wasted the last week trying to disguise my voice. Half of me already knew that the party was half an illusion made up by pretense, but I still had the desire to hide. Of everyone there, I had the most to lose if I was exposed.

A snap in front of my face brought my attention back to Julian, who wore an annoyed look. “But pay attention to this, my dear girl, you absolutely must hide the mask. No one may see you put it on, no one may see you take it off. Your mask is your admittance to the society. Lose it, and you will never get another ticket. Show your face underneath, and you will never live it down.

“I’ve known girls before who would fall in love with one of the men they enjoyed and would reveal their masks, wanting to deepen their relationship by making love with their true selves. I’m not saying it never worked, but more often the girl is shunned publically, and she either gets married off to some distant kingdom or forever becomes an outcast locked away in her family’s estates as an embarrassment. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I gave a nod with an apologetic look. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

Julian broke into a smile, then snapped his fingers again. “That’s right, I don’t think you’ll need them, but here is one.”

He handed me a coin. They were not the coins from the kingdom, it was a bit larger, and it had a strange intricate pattern of a beautiful naked woman. In one hand, she held a handful of wheat. On the other hand, she held what looked to be a man’s genitals.

As I admired the image, Julian spoke up again. “Ah, that is the image of our Goddess, Qetesh, queen of sexual enlightenment and fertility. She oversees the Harvest festival and all of our other activities. That token is an insurance. It’s mostly for the older, fatter men. If someone hands you that coin, you must perform for them sexually. Some men would have no fun if it was left to the women to only choose the sexiest of men. And then those men would stop going, taking their attractive wives with them. It’s really in everyone’s best interest. You can earn one token a month. Some men save them up for the harvest and then have every woman they can, others use them as soon as they get them.

“You can use the token I gave you to make a man yours… although I doubt you’ll have that problem. There are two other ways the coins can be used. First off, each person can only use one coin per partner. No monopolizing here. You can use it to block any consummation. A husband that doesn’t want his wife to sleep with a certain man can use his coin to block their coupling. This came into being after a few uncomfortable assassination attempts, far before I joined the society, I can assure you.

“Furthermore, if you are forced into a sexual act you despise with a coin, you can use another coin to deflect it. However, since you don’t have many coins, you won’t have much of a choice for the first few.”

So, basically, anyone who wanted to have sex with me could toss a coin at me, but I only had one coin to either deflect or pick someone myself. Thus, women seemed to collect coins in order to be choosy about who they sleep with, and men collected coins in order to pick the girls they want.

“Of course,” Julian continued. “People know how to work the system. The ugly men target the vulnerable girls near the end when they are likely out of coins. Naturally, no one has to use coins at all, we encourage people to enjoy themselves, but the coin game adds some amusement. Oh! That reminds me, perhaps the best part. During the meeting, you can also trade coins in to buy various rare magical items. Aphrodisiacs, potions, enchanted jewelry… At the end, the one who earned the most coins will become the guest of honor for the Harvest festival, and that will have certain benefits to be revealed. Not saying you have to compete, but you will be rewarded for not being too stingy, yes?”

My eyes turned bright. The idea of a sexual orgy having coin collection triggered the gamer girl in me hard. With mental fortitude, I wouldn’t be bothered no matter how ugly the guy was. I did fuck the devil looking orc, a cowman, and a pig-like creature only a short time ago. Experience and coins made this feel even more like a video game. In a game, killing a monster caused coins to drop from him. If coins erupted every time I had sex, I’d never have money problems again. I ignored how close this idea came to prostitution, it wasn’t the same!

The reality was a coin exchange system. I could earn coins by sleeping with men, and then use those coins to buy items. Julian had further added that while those were the rules, most people did not use the coins to force others into sex. The girls who only slept with men after getting a coin were typically called “Slot Girls”, and they were often shunned by everyone except the desperate ugly men. Instead, coins were more often gifted to women. Men would give the coin to the woman whom they considered his best that night. This further added to the women’s competitive nature, as receiving a coin from him was equivalent to a seal of approval. As a result, the winner wasn’t the woman who had put out for most of the ugly men, but who gained the sexual approval of the most men period.

After Julian had left, leaving my head swimming with this information that rivaled any lecture Denova had ever given me on etiquette, I finally pulled myself together and started the preparations. I had made a few hundred potions by now, and Reinhart told me that since I made them, I owned them. I told him he could sell most of it, which left me about ten percent of the remaining vials. I pocketed a vial of male enhancement lubricant, three vials of sexual recovery, and a vial of minor heal just in case.

I also covered my skin with the vial of skin restoration. It immediately started to work, soothing and softening my skin. By the time I was done, most of my body felt as silky and smooth as the orc semen, thankfully with none of the stringiness.  Min gave a weird look like she was uncomfortable but not trying to let it show. With Reinhart, he thought with an analytical mind. The idea of using semen as a product in potions didn’t disturb him much at all.

“Crushed bugs, tree sap, animal feces… These are all ingredients for some of the highest end potions. There is no use getting squeamish about it. We alchemists make the products, and the nobles and adventurers consume them. They don’t want to know what went into it. They just care about its effect. I wouldn’t worry about you selling people stuff made with semen, we’ve been selling them worse for years.”

That was Reinhart’s opinion on the subject. Regrettably, Min wasn’t quite as enlightened. She accepted that I gathered the ingredients and made the potions, but she was very squeamish about using them. It took nearly two days to convince her to use the male enhancement lubricant. Natural, her dildo couldn’t be “enhanced”, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like to lube things up every once in a while. My own body was often enough, but the feel of my natural lubricant and the feel of the oily slippery pigmen lube led to two completely different sexual experiences, and thankfully Min agreed after the first time she tried it and came hard enough that her juices ended up squirting out of my snatch through the dildo’s tip.

I had cleaned my body from head to toe, softened it with lotion, decorated with makeup, did up my hair as fancy as the days with Jenai, and put on a new dress. It seemed like it didn’t matter what dress I wore. That didn’t factor into this illusion of Julian’s. However, I still had a brand new dress made. I was going to have another seamstress do it, but Min wouldn’t hear of it and so I ended up with a gaudier and flashier version of the dresses she usually made. It was still noticeably her designs, but it was different enough that no one would connect it with the plain dresses I usually wore.

Although Min knew this was for an event where I would be “cheating”, she seemed to have come to terms with it, understanding my own needs. In that respect, she used everything she had learned from our own sexual experiences to modify the dress. Simply put, she had made an outfit designed for sex.

The dress had a button on the front and the back that could tie up my dress, bearing my naughty bits without the dress falling in the way. My usual panties and thigh high socks had been replaced with a garter belt. This world did not seem to have garter belts, but when I described one, Min seemed determined. She even managed to replicate the thin filmy nylon, giving my legs an appealing darker tone, which was held up by a strap around my back.

The garter built wrapped around my stomach, and in the back, it had a handle which would allow someone who was grabbing on to me from behind to pull up. The underwear was held on with a button, and could easily be torn away, but also had a flap and a line of buttons that could quickly convert it to crotchless. The dress itself included two strategically placed belts. One ran across my hips and dropped to either side, the other was sewn into the fabric, wrapping around my breasts like a bra. It served to hold up my breasts, accentuate them, and it had another function.

If someone were to grab the straps of my lower belt, they would gain control of my hips, pulling them to drive their dick deeper into me during a Doggie or a Ben Dover. If they grabbed at the back, the belts would softly squeeze my tits as they gained control of my upper body. By grabbing both straps, my body could be used to a man’s sexual delight.

Yet, despite the dress being in the form of a dominatrix dress, it all blended into the design, with nothing eccentric visible to the casual observer. Both the lower dress and the sleeves were pull-away, which would leave me wearing nothing but the tight upper bodice, the leather straps around my tits and hips, and the garter belt. The bodice had various pockets, a soft place that protected my vials, and another pocket lined with six handkerchiefs, should I need to do a quick cleaning. There was even a way to split the bodice down the middle, exposing my chest from the breasts to just below the belly button. The bodice would still push together from the sides and squeeze on my tits, pushing them together for some nice cleavage and prepping them perfectly to be played with or have a cock stuck into them. As I looked in the mirror with the dress in its dressed-down state, which is just the garter belt, and a bodice that squeezed on my bare tits, I had to say that my body never looked hotter. If ever there was a uniform designed for the seductress class, this outfit designed by Min would be it.

She created this, despite knowing what I would be doing in it. I once again felt a swelling of love for this woman who had entered my life and cared for me so much. I would seriously need to make this up to her later. When I was finally done dressing back up into the full outfit from what I started calling seductress mode, I looked like a princess. However, past plain sight, I was a girl primed for sex, every inch of her exuding the need and methods for sexual contact.

“So… how do I look?” I asked, spinning in the dress, trying to alleviate my nervousness.

“Mm… mask.” Min held it up.

I looked down at the mask which surprisingly matched the dress perfectly. Admittedly, Min always chose green, white, and black, so it wasn’t terribly surprising that Julian chose the colors that matched the outfits I usually wore. But of course, I was procrastinating from nervousness. I reached out, grabbed the mask, and put it over my head. There was no feeling as the magic took effect, but I trusted that it did its job as Julian promised. Sliding the Qetesh coin into one of the hidden pockets Min had prepared, I took a deep breath and headed out. With luck, in just a few hours, I’d be several levels higher and that much closer to thwarting Denova. I wasn’t going to have sex, I was going to war.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Punishment turned out to be rather brutal. That is to say, there was no physical punishment at all. As soon as Min got me back into the room, taking side hallways where we were unlikely to run into anyone who could see me so messed up, she immediately collapsed against my chest and started crying. She held me tightly, and I found myself stroking her head.

She must have been worrying about me all night when I didn’t come home, and I had been busy fornicating with a bunch of monsters. For perhaps the first time, I actually felt guilty about sex. Not the act of sex itself, but guilty that I worried someone who cared about me. It was a tough punishment, indeed.

“It’s alright.” I found myself soothing Min, “I’m alright.”

“Thought, maybe, found out,” Min mumbled into my right breast.

“Even if that’s so, I’m tough.” I tried to show my bicep, but my arms were still putty from a night of hand jobs and my arm dropped before I could.

Min tightened her grip. “…burn traitors.”

“The nobles do? Well, if they burn me, you’ll just wipe away the ashes and I’ll come out good as new!” I rested my cheek on her head.

“P-promise?” she muttered.

“Promise… I’m not going anywhere. I’m not so easy to kill, you know?”

That wasn’t just blind bravado. I really couldn’t imagine how I’d survived until now. I could have just as easily ended up in a ditch with my neck broken, just like the princess I was replacing. I had been living in this world with my neck in a noose since I’d gotten here. Monsters and men, although it was hard to say which was worse, and I had survived it all. I’d like to think it was something in me, but part of me feared that it was just blind luck. Still, my tendency to survive relatively unscathed had started to inflate my ego; it was something I’d need to watch in the future.

After holding Min for some time with the feeling of her hot breath on my neck, I started to feel horny. I went to make some moves on Min. If the leveling up hadn’t healed my vagina, Reinhart’s potions should have. Either way, I wasn’t beyond enjoying Min a little. I had just woken up, and I needed a morning quickie.

“Mmm… No… smell.”

“Ah…” I was rejected on account that I smelled like animal cum.

It was a pretty good reason, so instead of the usual wash basin, Min left and prepared a bathing room. She brought me there, and I was finally able to immerse myself in water once again. They didn’t have a big tub like the inn we went to. Instead, this was just single copper tubs more like the western style I was used to. It had to be filled by hand as well, lacking a water stone, or I supposed if you knew water magic like Jenai, it would be easier.

“Do you know water magic?” I asked Min.

Min shook her head. “Only forest.”

I assume she meant forest magic, but that wasn’t one of the eight, so I was confused. However, even with how close we came, Min never talked unless goaded, so I instead enjoyed my bath. Min scrubbed my body down, very thoroughly cleaning me up, and I enjoyed the feeling of being cleaned and rinsed, which was especially enjoyable after I had been covered in nastiness the night before. Two fingers found their way into my snatch, and I was surprised to find it was Min taking the initiative.

She never did before, so seeing her willingly fingering me, I spread my legs in the water, leaned back, and let her do what she wanted. She had improved a bit from those first nights, so her fingers moved with more skill. My masturbation skill was getting very high though. I could finger myself from nothing to completion in under two minutes. She didn’t have that kind of skill, but a mixture of the clean feeling, the warm water, and Min’s hard work allowed me to climax comfortably.

Two days later, I was back in the laboratory trying to experiment with the vials of semen I had produced. I tried various techniques. I mixed two semen together. I heated them. I mixed them into some of Reinhart’s cheaper potions. I even tried to add sugar and freeze the Minotaur semen. Although I thought the Minotaur pops tasted good, I couldn’t get Min or Reinhart to try them. After eating three of them, I started feeling a little nauseous, so I also quit, but I considered sending a box of them anonymously to Sylvia.

In the end of my experimental phase, I had ended up gaining two more levels in potion making, and three never before made potions.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 3.}

{Magic has increased to LVL 5.}

{Vial of Minor Sexual Recovery – Grade D – Restore stamina, reduce frictional damage, and restore lost fluids after sexual intercourse.}

{Vial of Minor Skin Restoration – Grade D – Softens and hydrates skin.}

{Vial of Moderate Numbness – Grade D – Numbs area under contact with potion.}

The Vial of Minor sexual recovery was made from the satyr’s seed. It required heating slowly over hours while keeping it from evaporating. The vial of skin restoration was actually that sticky silky seed from the orc which needed to be diluted with water before inserting magic in it. The numbness potion actually came from the troll. You had to strain out the black flecks, dissolve them in ethanol, and then dilute it with water. Reinhart was especially impressed with that last one, especially after I explained the idea hydrophobicity and detergents.

The Vial of sexual recovery seemed like a replacement for my Rejuvenation and All Nighter Skill. Skin restoration sounded nice as a simple lotion to improve my skin, and the numbness potion could have many uses. Prolonging sexual intercourse with a man, easing the discomfort from anal sex, and deep throating without activating the gag reflex. Reinhart pointed out that there were many nonsexual reasons a numbing solution would be useful as well, and I reluctantly agreed.

I spent the entire day making potions, and by the end, I had well over 200 potions mixed up including the three new ones, and the pigmen potion I had made from the beginning. After watching me methodically trying out different concoctions, Reinhart had promised he’d start training me to make the more classic potions as well.

This is how I ended up spending the next week or so. Either I’d be in the lab with Reinhart, straddling the King in his study, chatting with the girls, or gaining experience with Min. The girls usually talked about sex toys and boys, but eventually, our conversations went to more mundane tasks like tastes in clothing and shoes. Not even Melinda was too comfortable talking about her experiences with her sex toy, so other than the fact they all had them, I was spared from those kinds of talks.

Reinhart continued to teach me potion making, and after successfully generating my own healing and stamina potions, regrettably at a grade C as opposed to Reinhart’s Grade A, I went up another level in potion making.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 4.}

Along with that, I continued to practice in other areas too. Except for my time with Denova, I had really left leveling up to fate. Whatever I experienced naturally is what ultimately led to level gains. I wanted to do a little more controlled work, so I started seriously training myself. I would have liked to have worked out with Min and the guards, but at as a princess, I was restricted. As a result, the things I practiced were role playing, sleight of hand, magic, and the sex arts.

However, the books in the King’s study had suggested that skills increased faster with variety. This is why some skills would take hundreds of repetitions, but others would suddenly spike without warning. As the books stated, a person who practiced swordsmanship with one other person would level slower than someone who practiced with a different person every day. The reason should have been obvious. You can only truly understand a skill after seeing and performing all its variations. For me, that meant my sex skills thrived on promiscuity. Different dicks from guys with different kinks in different positions. Having the cocks from nine different species of monster likely contributed to my massive spike in hand jobs and blow jobs.

This realization led to an increase in my masturbation skill from an unlikely source. While I masturbated daily, the lack of variety was part of the reason I didn’t level very fast. I only had one pussy after all. However, after a meeting with the girls, I had decided to ask them how they masturbated. Only Melinda was forthcoming with her techniques, but a few drinks later and I had heard all their techniques, which turned out to be a lot different from my own.

I had assumed all women lied on their back, using their pointer and ring finger to insert while their thumb rubbed the clit. As it turned out that wasn’t the case. Mary masturbated on her knees. She liked bending over in doggie and then fingering herself as she lied on her arm and pressed her face into a soft pillow. Destine used her middle finger, squeezing her outside lips with the side fingers and thumb. Meanwhile, Melinda liked to use a mirror. She said she couldn’t get off unless she watched herself masturbate. In the end, I went back to my room and tried each of their methods. I still considered mine the best, but a few minutes later…

{Masturbation has increased to LVL 7.}

Unfortunately, for the moment, most of the sex arts left me with really only one person as my test dummy, so Min became my practicing partner every night and every morning. My next real leveling opportunity would be the underground sex party, especially since Min and Reinhart had banished me from the monsters for a while. So, I wanted my skills to be as sharp as possible. The only weapon I had was my body, so I wanted it to be at its peak physical condition.

I tried practicing dirty talk although I found myself really poor at it despite my increasing seduction skill. I was surprised to find that even after numerous attempts to talk dirty to Min during sex, I hadn’t seen an increase in skills. I would have trained titty fuck as well, but after pushing my size C breasts together and asking Min to stick the dildo between them, she touched her own chest, far too small to perform this act, and then wouldn’t do it. Boy or girl, it looked like I had stumbled on a sensitive issue for Min.

Therefore, I focused on role playing with Min. Sometimes, she’d be the princess, and I’d be the slave. Sometimes, I’d pretend to be an adventurer coming home after a long journey to his wife. These were Min’s favorite fantasies. I’d tell her stories about slaying dragons, while she ate me out. I practiced anal sex, as silly as that sounded, letting Min stick it in my butt while I took turns tightening or releasing in order to adjust friction and comfort. I also practiced hand jobs and blow jobs on Min, always smiling when her dildo concentrated and squirted her juices at me. I was very used to Min’s taste by now, and while I wouldn’t say I loved the taste, it was quickly giving me a nostalgic and safe feeling whenever those familiar juices hit my tongue.

{Anal Sex has increased to LVL 4.}

{Kegels has increased to LVL 3.}

{Role Play has increased to LVL 3.}

{Hand Job has increased to LVL 7.}

{Acting has increased to LVL 2.}

{Technique Unlocked: Emotional Manipulation}

I had finally worked out the difference between acting and role playing. Role playing was fulfilling a role. Acting had to do more with voice inflection and creating a believable narrative. In essence, role playing made you fit the part, and acting made you sound the part. As a result, the new technique Emotional manipulation was an interesting skill. Through the use of my acting, I could make someone change their attitude.  With Min, simply by altering the tone of my voice I could make her feel slightly sadder or happier. Then, when I tried to make my voice cause her to become horny…

{Seduce has increased to LVL 5.}

Of course, I didn’t just play with Min in her male form. I practiced cunnilingus on her too.  At first, my stubbornness convinced me that since I had a pussy, I knew pussy well. After Min pointed out that my masturbation ability had improved when I took other women’s advice and that even though she was a woman, she had to improve fingering me, I finally was willing to listen to her pointers. It seemed to do the trick because I leveled shortly after. A week of practicing had done wonders for my skills.

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 6.}

*Kegels in Level 3 in status.

There was a knock on my door. At the moment, I was practicing with magic. However, I was not practicing with a dildo, but a special device Reinhart had given me. It had numerous interlocking parts, and the goal was to weave the magic through it in a particular way. Reinhart said that if I wanted to improve beyond 5, I’d need more complex magic practice than making a stone vibrate. Thus, I was feeding magic into this device in what felt like threading a needle.

After the third knock, I remembered Min had left to go cook. She’s usually quiet, so when I was focused on stuff, I sometimes forgot whether she was there or not. I sighed, stood up, and opened the door. The person on the other end was a surprise to me. It was none other than the fourth prince, Devon. Since our fight a bit over a week ago, we had not talked. However, my surprise didn’t last long and I already suspected why he stopped by today. Tonight would be the underground meeting.

“Hello, Cornelia.” Devon gave a respectful nod.

“Devon,” I responded curtly.

“So… how is your day going?” He asked.

His obvious attempts to try to awkwardly move into the conversation he wanted were tedious, and I wasn’t in the mood. Instead, I decided to speed things along, as I had better things to do.

“I’m getting ready for the party tonight.”

Devon’s eyes immediately narrowed with a flash. “That event, you’re seriously going to go?”

I sniffed. “Of course, my husband-to-be is going. It’s only natural that I see what happens at these things.”

“Cornelia… please, reconsider.”

“Are you going?” I demanded.

He winced at that. “I… I have to.”

“Then I am simply doing the same as you.”

“That is…”

“What is your problem with me going anyway?” I demanded.

Devon shook his head before answering. “I don’t want you to see…”

“See what?”

“That… side of me.”

I frowned at his words. “What’s wrong with that? Why am I the only one who doesn’t get to see the real you?”

“You’re the only one who has!” He spoke fervently. “That… thing… that’s the mask… the real me is the me right here, with you, now! I don’t want you to see that fraud and confuse it for me.”

Wasn’t that just more convenient interpretation? He could act however he wanted as long as he hid behind the mask. How was that any different than any other noble here? In the end, the hypocrisy of Devon was showing again.

The anger started to surge back in me again. “Then bring the real you!”

He took a step back. “I can’t… I’ve made an oath…”

“Then break it!” I snapped.

“Damn it… why can’t you just understand!” he started to become angry as well.

“Because you aren’t telling me!” I shouted back.

“It’s not so simple.”

“Not simple?” I growled. “Then how about I make it simple. If you want me, I’ll be there. But you’ll have to hold me down if you expect me to just sit quietly and not enjoy myself.”

Devon’s face was starting to scowl. He wore a stubborn look that had already told me what his answer was going to be. He had made his choice, and I had made mine. That’s why I didn’t want to waste time retreading this same conversation again. After a few moments of staring at each other in silence…

“If I don’t go, will you still go?” I asked.

“I have no choice,” He turned his head angrily. “Will you consider staying?”

“No,” I said blatantly, and when he didn’t say anything, I turned away from him. “Then there is nothing to discuss.”

When he didn’t respond after a minute, I turned back to find that the entrance of my doorway was now vacated. He had left without saying a single word. I bottled up my anger and then slammed the door. I had to get ready to go.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

“Aria, oh gods, are you alright?”

I stumbled into the laboratory. There were six buckets of semen, three in each hand, that I plopped down before collapsing. Reinhart ran up to me, looking me up and down with genuine concern.

I hadn’t worn my dress during my time in the dungeon, so it was still pristine. Min had sewn it for me, after all, and I didn’t want to destroy it. However, the rest of my body had taken the brunt of the attacks. I was covered in dirt and numerous other fluids. My body was the worst for wear.

The goblin and the pigmen had gone as expected. Those collections were easy, although the goblin was too small to satisfy, especially after the Minotaur, and I still had negative opinions of the pigmen that hadn’t dissipated with time.

The lizardman was as uncomfortable of a fuck as he was to suck. In the end, I just kept the head in enough that I hoped I’d get the full sex bonus, and then I rubbed up and down his scales until he released more of the slimy gunk.

The troll was strange. As soon as I walked into the cage, liquid started shooting out of his dick in a fine mist, wetting me from top to bottom. It smelled musty, and it took me a bit to realize that he was marking me like a dog would do. That put me in bad humor although I still rubbed my snatch against his lumpy thing until something clear and speckled came out. The experience did nothing for me, so I got out of there quickly.

Most of the scratches came from the apeman of all monsters. Other than feeling like I was fucking Chewbacca, there was nothing particularly exciting about him. He had a small dick relative to a human, and he was a quick cummer too. This was a good thing since he made a lot of monkey screams, and constantly thrashed and used his nails on my arms and back, scratching me dozens of times. It was a bit odd that the monster that felt most like bestiality was the monster that you’d expect to be the most human.

Compared to the apeman, the Kobold was actually gentle. He was very single-minded, once in me, he thrust methodically, pumping away in short thrusts until he came. His semen wasn’t much different from human semen or the apeman. If I had to pick a difference, it might have tasted saltier and was a little opaquer.

I had thought the satyr would be a good lover since they are always associated with nymphs. He wasn’t bad, but I really struggled to get past the hairy hooved legs. They kept making clicking noises on the ground every time he thrust, and it was a bit distracting.

That left the other hard hitter of the group, the orc. I was honestly a bit scared of the orc. His face was scary. It was wrinkled and harsh looking. He had been one of the more violent monsters while under the influence of pheromones. Furthermore, he had a similar physique to the minotaur, but his dark skin looked anything but human. As I trudged into his cage, it felt like I was bedding the devil himself.

At this point, my pussy was so worn out that I couldn’t put another dick in there if I wanted it. Instead, I mounted him pressed against my asshole, and let his dick slide into my backside. He was as big if not a little bigger than Denova, so it hurt a bit. However, I didn’t want to sacrifice the town bicycle just as the numbers were getting high. I’d get a 100% bonus since I had slept with Min this morning, where Rough Rider would only get me 50% bonus.

But the situation was different from then. My pain resistance was a little higher, I had a lot of lubricant, particularly from my pigmen encounter, and he was in my control. Therefore, I put my hands behind me, my feet on his legs, and I used my arms and legs to push up and down as I rode his cock in and out of my ass.

{Position Unlocked: Italian Chandelier}

I kept the position going, switching briefly to doggie and cowgirl. I realized that positions were not specific to the hole being used. If I thought of using doggie with my asshole, his dick would end up in my asshole. If I thought of using doggie with my pussy, his dick would be in my pussy. I had figured that would be the case when I first discovered that I could choose which position I was in, but it was nice to confirm.

His spooge was silky like velvet. It was also very stringy. It stuck to me like crazy, and even after pulling out of him and walking away several feet, there were still several strings of spooge running from my ass to his dick. It ran between my legs and became even more of a mess. As soon as my legs closed and opened, dozens of strings of semen ran between my legs like a spider web. Fortunately, it washed away easily.

After having earned my first-time bonus with each of the monsters, already completely exhausted, I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t enough to level. Stubborn, I decided to start doing the semen collection now. I settled for hand jobs this time, one monster at a time. I used All Nighter to recover myself and kept going until my hands were as red as my pussy. My arms were like jelly and I stroked each of them to completion innumerable times. I was collecting the seed in buckets, just like I had done with the pigmen back in the day. However, this time, I was going to do stuff with the product.

When my arms became tired, I cautiously used my mouth as well. However, I was determined not to have my mouth used as a sex toy again, so I was very cautious about which monsters I blew and what position we’d get in as I did it. However, when the familiar text popped up, I couldn’t be happier.

{Blowjob has increased to MAX.}

{Tongue craft has increased to LVL 1.}

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 4.}

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 5.}

{Lip Reading has increased to LVL 1.}

I looked at the wave of incoming skills. Blowjob was another skill where I wouldn’t guess what Tier 2 skills I’d get. They seemed to be Lip Reading and Tongue Craft. Then, Tongue craft further amplified cunnilingus. I supposed it made sense, being good at BJs and being good at cunnilingus both involved similar acts. I had always wanted to read someone’s lips, but I had no clue how much a level 1 skill would benefit me. Eventually, I went back to my task at hand.

The minotaur was easy, he filled the bucket half way in one go. The troll who sprayed me again when I approached, took nearly an hour and I had only collected enough for two vials. Hours upon hours of jacking monsters off had done wonders for my skills. I had gained three levels in hand jobs, which is probably the fastest I gained in any skill. I wondered if sleight of hand and masturbation helped accelerate hand jobs. That kind of synergy was possible, like with tongue craft, maxing one skill could accelerate the learning of another skill.

{Hand Job had increased to LVL 6.}

{Stamina has been depleted.}

A familiar text started flashing in my eyes. It was words I had not seen in a very long time, which only served as a testament to how large my stamina was when I had sexual endurance active. I was in the apeman’s cage, jacking him off for the tenth time when my stamina suddenly gave out and I collapsed to the floor. Just before my eyes closed, I saw the familiar text of a level up popping in front of my eyes.

I woke up to something hairy and itchy pressed against my back. It took me a while before I realized I was lying on the ground in the cell. The apeman was on top of me, wildly thrusting his dick into my ass. Apparently, when I had collapsed face first on the dirt floor without finishing him, he had decided that it was an offer to finish up that way. I tried to get up while the stupid ape was digging is fingernails into my back. I tried to kick him off, but before I did, the familiar feeling of something erupting in my ass occurred. He pulled out as I elbowed him in the ribs and stood up. Another spurt of semen landed on my butt and he jumped away, still shooting out streams of seed, another hitting my side as he passed by and ran into a corner.

I sat up on my knees and gave him an angry glare, but shrugged after a bit. He was just a monster. I really didn’t need to expect anything from him. I crawled up although I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I shook off the pain and nausea and decided to distract myself by taking a look at the new skills from my level up. However, when my eyes focused on the text, I let out a loud noise.

{Due to the failure to select a skill, your point has been automatically allocated into the most suitable selection: Possession.}

“Huh?” I let out the noise so suddenly that it startled the apeman.

He started jumping around the cage, screaming loudly while I slammed the door in his face. I finally pulled on my dress, grabbed the buckets I had accumulated, and worked my way up the ladder. Bringing six buckets full of liquid up six flights of stairs was almost as exhausting as the sex, and so I collapsed as soon as I entered the room.

“Yo-you didn’t have to collect all of this in one day!” He exclaimed. “I sent you down there yesterday! I thought you had gone home last night!”

“They’re… all seduced… and-“

“Girl, stop talking, here, drink this potion. Health and stamina. Worth a lot of money, you know?”

I tried to push it away, but he shoved it down my throat. This potion certainly did have a kick. Immediately, my stamina peaked. The wounds immediately started healing and my body seemed to immediately recover. My sore asshole started to become more comfortable, and the scratches started to go away. Of course, I still smelled like a literal zoo, but from the moment before, I felt leagues better.

As my mind started working better, my mind immediately went back to my stats.

So, I had leveled. Now I’m a level 17, but I wasn’t able to pick my skill. Instead, I automatically got one picked for me. It said due to my failure to select a skill. However, this wasn’t the first time I had passed out. The first day I was here when I made level 2, I woke up sometime later. However, I didn’t know how long I was out. It could have been only a few hours. So, the level up screen has a time limit. It could be anywhere from an hour or more. Usually, that won’t be a problem, but it seemed like I had been unconscious for too long.

I didn’t even get to see the options. They could have been great, they could have been useless. However, right now I was stuck with this skill called Possession. But I didn’t read the explanation. So, what is possession anyway?

{Possession (Active) – Perform ritual during sex. Upon completion of the ritual, assume complete ownership of target. Their life is in castor’s hands. Target must give knowing consent to ritual.}

Basically, it’s a slave contract? Except, it’s a little weaker because the ritual required us to have sex and for the ownership to be consensual. The word that caught me off guard is life. If owning someone’s life means I literally have control over their death, did that mean that this ritual could overwrite a death curse? Then… that means… Jenai! I can perform this ritual and remove Jenai’s death curse.

This is the first time I’ve received a skill that genuinely made me see the light at the end of the tunnel. I now could death curse Denova the next time he touched me and save Jenai the next time I get with her. I was starting to see a way to escape from this. All I needed now was a way to remove my own death curse, then I’d finally be free of Denova’s clutches. I supposed I couldn’t possess myself with masturbation, huh? That was probably not possible.

“Aria?” A voice came from down below.

There were steps coming up the stairs, and Reinhart gave me a worried look before moving to the door just as it opened up.

“Excuse me, there is no one here by that name.” Reinhart said sternly, “You’ll need to, Gah!”

Reinhart collapsed to the floor, holding his throat. However, before I could panic, a familiar face came running into the room.

“Vessë!” Min shouted as she came down next to me.

Reinhart struggled to his feet, holding his throat and coughing. “Why, you…”

Min shot him an angry look and started reaching behind her back. Before this could go further, I grabbed her arm and pulled.

“No, Min, he’s fine… this is Reinhart!”

“Stole love, ravaged, must kill,” Min growled.

“So, this is the elvish slave I’ve been hearing about.” Reinhart rubbed his throat, putting on a bemused look. “Your… love did that to herself. I was trying to help…”

At that last line, she looked down at me. I gave her a reassuring nod and a smile, but suddenly her look turned even darker.

“Ow! Why are you pinching me?”

“Aria, cheating, punishment.”

“What?” I protested as she really twisted her fingers on my ear.

“Take to room, punish.” She said, standing up and dragging me with her.

“Yes.” Reinhart nodded. “She should rest. And next time, she must be properly watched. I don’t think she can be trusted with her own safety.”

“Hey! What does that mean?” I snapped but was already being pulled out the door by the ear like a child. “Wait, what about the specimens?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I have an enchanted cold box, I’ll seal them in some sterile vials and refrigerate them. They should last until you come back.” Reinhart waved as I went out the door.

“Wait, no, you traitor! Demon!”

I heard some chuckling as I was dragged down the stairs by my own slave and brought to my room for punishment.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

A few days had passed after the incident with Sylvia, and so far everyone had kept their distance. I had a few chats with Gregory in the garden, but nothing interesting ever came from talking to him. I also spent some time with the King. He mostly had me sit on his lap while I read from his library. I used role projection on him, and while the sexual deviance shining through his good father routine became slightly less obvious, there wasn’t much improvement, and regrettably, I hadn’t made any leeway with him sexually, as our interactions rarely went beyond light groping.

Fortunately, I still had Min to fulfill my sexual needs at night. After asking her, she admitted to helping the kitchen staff in exchange for lessons. She also was apparently working out with the guard patrols to increase her stamina. When I asked her why that was necessary, she blushed and turned away. However, I did find that she was able to go longer at night, so I had no room to complain.

My biggest fear, that Sylvia would run to the king, her father, or Richard, did not seem to pass. In a way, I had emulated the King here and assumed that she would not admit to sexual assault. Even if she got people to believe a princess five years and an entire tier younger than her made her cum, it would only serve to hurt her own reputation. From then on, she would be thought of as tainted.

This was something that I had become certain of by now. Most of the nobles were sexual deviants, just as that knight had suggested that first day and Julian had attested to. However, it was only the illusion that mattered. Those noble girls would fuck and suck, and slut around with hundreds of men, but as long as it was done behind closed doors, no one would notice. Everyone would continue to pretend to be innocent.

This suited my tastes perfectly and made this a great environment to thrive. However, the biggest setback came in the form of Devon. He bugged me, perhaps more than anyone else. Gregory had assured me Devon would come to the underground society meeting just like everyone else, so I decided I would confront him then.

Early that day, I had run back into the three ladies. They had all received their “toys” now, and they were doing a pre-use discussion while showing off the designs that they had paid to have made. Melinda had created the largest, a 9-inch-long, 3-inch thick monstrosity that spoke to a woman’s dark desires. No one would ever believe size didn’t matter to Melinda. Destine had a more average seven-inch model and Mary had opted for a smaller vibrator she planned to use with her husband. It even included a small leather strap where she could attach it to the top of his dick.

“Speaking of which.” I frowned. “I’ve found out that these are becoming quite popular…”

The girl’s chatter froze, and when they looked at each other, it was Destine who broke. “It was me! I’m sorry. I was talking to the girls, and it just slipped. I swear, I swear I didn’t mention your name!”

Before I could respond, Melinda waved it away. “No matter, don’t hold the girl responsible. I stopped by the store a few days ago in person and found Sandor and Pratter had a prototype on display. I think the cat is out of the bag now. I even found a merchant trying to sell a knock-off… it was really just a penis-shaped rock, but someone was buying it.”

“Ah, well dildo’s don’t have to be as fancy as these enchantments…” I said in relief that the girls weren’t spreading bad rumors.

“Let’s just be glad the name ‘dildo’ stuck.” Melinda sighed. “I don’t know how I’d feel about pleasuring myself with a Sandor or a Pratter, or no offense, a Cornelia.”

The four of us broke into laughter at the idea of rubbing ourselves with a device called a Cornelia. Since it wasn’t my real name, I could appreciate the humor of rubbing myself with a device named after someone else a little more.

This lead to me talking about the sensory attachment. Melinda explained that similar things existed for arms and legs, so making a prosthetic penis probably wasn’t that hard. In fact, there probably was some unfortunate soul who had lost his penis in an accident and had a custom replacement at some point. The idea of feeling what it was like to have a penis interested Mary slightly, but the other two girls were disinterested. I also explained my ideas for modifying the dildo with even more enchantments.

“I can see the appeal of making it look like a penis, even more, I certainly would appreciate a stronger base, maybe something like a handle on the end? Not sure why I’d want it to go soft. Going soft is the biggest problem with sex!” This was, of course, Melinda’s response.

“Wh-what would you be doing if you needed a handle on your dildo?” Destine asked incredulously.

“When you get my age, you need to put in a lot of work to get things going.” Melinda shrugged. “It tired my wrist, I’d really like a good grip for that hard pounding motion.”

There were more giggles, but that reminded me of another idea that I came up with shortly after I violated Sylvia. I started describing my next masterpiece, which was basically the description of a Sybian. It was an exceptionally strong vibrator, usually controlled remotely, attached to a saddle. You wouldn’t need to hold it because you’d be sitting on it, and the saddle itself could be made to move up and down. Melinda’s eyes were bright as I explained that all she’d have to do is hold on and ride.

“You must be some kind of sex goddess!” Destine declared.

“Eh?” I responded sheepishly. “It’s just some ideas… Ah! That reminds me. Reinhart managed to get the ingredients for that male enhancement potion. I’m going to try to make some soon…”

The girls all exclaimed in excitement. We only talked for a short time before Melinda ended the meeting and insisted we’d meet again in a week. We had been talking for a while, but she also wanted to send me off to Reinhart’s to make some more enhancement formula. She had apparently run out in only three days and was quite desperate at this point.

And that left me where I was at the moment, sitting in Reinhart’s dungeon, a dildo sliding in and out of me with a light vibration going. It wasn’t part of any sex play. This was purely business. I needed the sexual endurance to be able to seduce. Every few minutes I’d cast Seduction or Eye of the Beholder. I started on the stronger, scarier monsters like the orc and the minotaur, then slowly switched to the weaker ones.

It seemed to always work the same. They’d start out by looking at me more and more until their eyes wouldn’t stop staring at me. After about five seductions, they’d start to grow restless, shouting in some monster tongue or reaching out for me. Another five seductions and their eyes would start to turn glossy. By fifteen seductions, they’d start to look at me like loyal dogs. I’d examine them until I saw beguiled state and then stop.

Even while taking it easy and using my stamina boost, I ended up drinking two stamina potions that Reinhart had made. His potion was a cheap “light” stamina potion which restored 50 stamina. As he put it, the same potion made by someone else might only restore 30. However, if I stopped sex and removed sexual endurance, my stamina dropped to one-fifth. Then, if I drank the potion, and started sexual endurance again, my stamina would be boosted five times. In that way, I found a cheat that boosted myself 250 stamina with a weak potion. So, if I used the same potion while engaged in sex, I would only gain 50 stamina, although I didn’t want to waste a potion testing it.

In the end, I had 9 monsters all staring at me adoringly. I had also worked myself up into quite the sexual frustration from almost continually masturbating for the last three hours without release. However, I gained a level in masturbation and kept Gang Banger equipped, so I didn’t suffer any damage.

{Masturbation has increased to LVL 6.}

I couldn’t even guess what Tier 2 skills would come from masturbation. Maybe they wouldn’t have any. I had taken for granted that every max skill so far has unlocked 2-3 tier 2 skills, but it was perfectly possible that I wouldn’t gain anything. Some of the books from the King had suggested some skills just didn’t have a Tier 2.

Deception and Conceal were common enough abilities that there was some stuff written about them. I was right in guessing that Acting and Role Playing came from Deception, Conceal was Stealth and Disguise, and it was a combination of the two that generated the useful sleight of hand. However, maxing Deception could have also gotten me Truth Detection and the rarer Story Fabrication, while Conceal could have gotten me much cooler sounding Shadow Walk and Hide among a few others. Apparently, how you maxed your skills affected what tier 2 skills you unlocked as well.

The point being that skill allocation was a messy topic, and I was only contemplating it to prolong the inevitability, which was to pick a monster and start earning experience. In the past, I had always been forced into the situation. The spider, the pigmen, the goblins, and the slime were all situations where I didn’t have a choice. This was the first time I would freely have sex with a monster. The thought of doing it didn’t bother me, and ironically, the fact it didn’t bother me terrified me. I felt like if I took this next step, then nothing would hold me back.

In the end, it was the thought of Min and Jenai that got me to step into that first cage. I had to grow stronger. Not only from the experience but if I gained certain potions, it could also make my mission easier. All in all, I had to push forward.

The cage I selected was that of the Minotaur. It wasn’t simply the fact that he was packing the largest dick. When I had struck him with Pheremones before, and when I struck him with Seduction a short while ago, he had been one of the calmest of the monsters. He seemed slow to provoke, and while some of the animals like the troll had latterly slammed themselves against the bar, the minotaur was considerably tamer. He also had the highest intelligence of the bunch. Although I didn’t know how intelligence compared to humans, his read above average where most of the other monsters were poor or very poor.

I instructed him to lie down on the ground. He obliged, seeming to understand what I wanted even when we didn’t speak the same language. Once again I found myself wondering if all monsters spoke English, or if Beguiled created some kind of psychic leak. I pulled off my dress and underwear, dropping it on the dirty floor before opening the cage.

I was still wearing my shoes and two long socks that reached up to my thighs, but other than that I was completely bare. That was in more ways than one as I felt at my bald pussy, still having no hair from the point Danielle had shaved it. At least it sold the fantasy with the king who was treating me like a little girl.

I moved up to the minotaur while setting the Town Bicycle title. He was nearly eight feet tall, but he looked a lot less intimidating lying on the ground. As he lied down, his massive cock, erect at the sight of my naked body, sprung straight up. It was a marvel of ten inches, the biggest I’ve ever had, but it came up almost like a pyramid, thickest at the base and thinnest at the tip as if it had been perfectly designed to pierce deep into my pussy.

He had a manly oiled chest that reminded me of the servants Julian and Gregory liked to use. That also might have contributed to my choosing him. Although he had the face of a bull, complete with an earring through the nose, proportionally, he had the shape of a man. The hair only started at his neck, and the rest of him looked like a fantastically proportioned manly man, certainly well in my strike zone. If his dick didn’t have that peculiar shape, you’d stick a bag over his head and he’d just look like a tall, muscular man.

I stepped over him, and positioned my legs on either side of his hips, his dick reaching almost up to my knee from where he was lying. I reached down, spread myself open, and then squatted down. After lining his meat up with my pussy, already gushing from sexual desire, I slid the tip in. I worked my way down, letting out satisfied moans as his hard dick continued to fill me up.

Finally, I was almost two-thirds of the way down the shaft when I felt as full as I could be. His dick was getting thicker and thicker, and it was to the point where I was really feeling the stretch on the outside. Putting my fingers down, I felt at the entrance between his hard dick and my stretched pussy. Then, I slowly pushed up with my legs, pulling his big cock out. Starting out slow, I started bobbing up and down on his cock.

As his cock soaked on my dripping pussy, I steadily started to increase the pace. Although he kept his hands to the side as I had instructed. I leaned forward, putting my weight on one hand against his chest, while my second hand kept his dick and my pussy aligned as I rode his meat. After a few minutes, I already felt like cumming, but I used my kegels skill to resist. My pussy immediately tightened with the strength of a level 16 around his cock, and it only served to make him feel even bigger, and for me to feel tighter.

As I raised my body up, pulling his dick out, I released the kegels, and then when I drove him in, I tightened. The effect was extreme for the both of us. My soaking pussy immediately tightened on his cock, stroking it with extreme prejudice. He felt like he was splitting me apart as my muscles desperately tried to squeeze his shaft.

Although he was just lying there, the minotaur was making panting noises, his breath rushing out with enough force that I could feel it blowing on my face. It did not smell sexy, so I made him turn his head. However, I concentrated on his hard chest, my hand working its way up to his pecs. I started playing with his nipples, which immediately hardened to the point where I was betting if they could cut glass.

However, at this point, my legs were getting a little tired. Even if my stamina was up, my legs couldn’t keep going forever. Getting an idea, I ordered the minotaur. He finally brought his arms up, two big hands grabbing my left and right thighs. His hands were so big that they could almost wrap around my inner thighs in a single grip. Like that, he pushed my butt up. He was fast about it, and my entire body lurched forward. Immediately, I had to put both hands on his chest to keep myself from falling chest-first into his face.

With both my hands on his chest and the majority of my weight being held up by his hands on my thighs, he immediately pulled down. When I say pulled, I don’t mean he let my weight fall, I mean he literally yanked on my legs, pulling me down roughly on his cock, all the way to the bottom.

I let out a scream, but it wasn’t from pain, not really. He rammed deep into me, and I was stretched past my limit, but it felt really good. I started to cum, but he wasn’t the kind of lover to let me cum in peace. He immediately pulled my thighs up again and then slammed them down. He was doing it as fast as his hands could move, and while I came in ecstasy, my body was used as a minotaur’s fuck toy. Liquid from my body squirted everywhere, being fucked out of me by a massive cock thrusting away at my pussy.

As I squirted, he’d thrust up, causing it to spurt in any direction, then he would pull out, then thrust again. I was driven into a sexual ecstasy, much like I had done to Sylvia, although where she fought it, I let it take over, letting my body lose all control as I was pounded by this massive cock. Although he never once lifted his hips to thrust into me, with his arm strength, he didn’t have to. Each time he pulled me down, his dick ripped into my body. My pussy would slam down on the root of his balls, making a gushing thwack as my skin struck skin.

This continued on for minutes, me letting out screams and moans of pleasure that I only hoped Reinhart couldn’t hear from the top of this tower. However, those thoughts didn’t even cross my head at that moment, as the only thing there was pure sexual pleasure. As orgasm after orgasm raged through me, the monster could have literally fucked me to death and I probably wouldn’t have even resisted. If there was an edge, I had stepped over it and fallen into a realm of pure sexual bliss.

However, all things had to come to an end, and even the Minotaur with his strength and power couldn’t resist the feel of my tight pussy forever. He slammed me down for one last time, causing me to cum for about the hundredth time when his already massive dick swelled another few centimeters until I felt like my hips would break. Warmth exploded inside me as he came. However, he kept coming, and more and more filled me until the point that is started gushing out.

The waterfall that was my own fluids from immeasurable sexual pleasure was completely overwhelmed with white sludge. It was slightly more liquidly than semen, but it looked and felt very similar. The problem was that there was just too much of it. It kept shooting into me until the point I was sure you could see it bulging inside. Finally, I made him let go of my legs and as I pulled out of him, white liquid just fell down from me. As it was falling down, more shot out from his tip, covering me from my crotch all the way up my butt in stick white stuff.

When he was finally done, there was white seed all over. He was drenched in our lust from his belly button all the way to his knees. It was almost enough to fill a bucket in one go that’s the amount. It covered my legs, snatch, and butt in his white sticky stuff. Of course, I licked some, and my eyes widened in surprise.


That’s right, not only did he cum literal buckets and give me possibly the best fuck of my life, but his semen had a sweet taste to it. It wasn’t candy, but if you mixed it with sugar and froze it, It would probably make a very tasty dairy treat. I wondered at the strangeness of the gods of this world, creating a cow monster that comes buckets of creamy sweets.

I went out of the cage and closed it back up. After using a towel on myself to clean up, I tossed it through the bars to the minotaur, who did as he was told like a proper sex slave. When I was done, I examined the gaping hole that used to be my pussy. Even a seductress like me struggled to walk that off. With a 3-inch thick cock, my pussy was ripped open, the muscles having been stretched and weakened to the point that it couldn’t close easily. I was red and swollen down there. My pussy almost looked bruised, my thighs had two red hand prints from his tight grip, and it looked like someone had taken a hard board and slapped me right between the legs for fifteen minutes. Well, more or less, that was what had just happened.

In all the excitement, I hadn’t even managed to do a three-position shift for extra experience. However, after that, I couldn’t even find myself bothered by the wasted experience. Instead, I just took a deep breath and looked at the rest of the monsters, eagerly waiting for their turn. What I just experienced was somewhat dangerous, and this was the monster I considered the tamest of the bunch. I let out a deep breath, then opened the cage to the goblin. Baby steps. We’ll start here.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Dear Betrothed,

I’ll need some help getting around, so I need directions to your room. Perhaps a map? I’d like to know where people like to go, and also the best places to visit. Don’t be too flirty, but do what you must. I don’t like distractions. We can meet up with a party just before the Harvest. Be ready. I’ll send a friend in a week or so to hear your answer. I trust it will be mutually beneficial.


Your husband-to-be

Of course, at first glance, this merely looked like a letter written from a man to a woman. Of course, in my hands, it would generate a few questions, like why would the third prince need directions to my room. However, even then it didn’t say what it meant. It took me a few dozen reads before I understood it fully.

Basically, he wanted a map of the castle with the position of guards, particularly around the treasury. If I had to seduce the guards ahead of time so that they went along with my plan, Denova would probably kill them after, but he wouldn’t blame me as long as the mission was done. They would be coming just before the Harvest festival, so I needed to have a plan within the next week or two.

I showed the letter to Min and explained to her my interpretation of the letter. Min nodded as she read the letter, but didn’t give any other input except encouragement that I should do my best. She was now wearing clothing again. It was the livery I had bought her, but she had modified it to have more masculine properties. The skirt was sewn up into pants, and the blouse was much more like a jacket. With short hair, Min looked like a pretty boy if you didn’t know any better.

Still, she couldn’t wear the strap-on with clothing on, so I thought I might use it. Even if Min wasn’t interested in me using the strap-on with her, at the very least I wanted to try to give myself a hand job, just for the experience of trying it once. However, it wasn’t in any of the drawers. Frustrated after looking for several minutes, I turned to Min and asked her.

“Min only…”

“What?” I gave her a questioning look. “What is that supposed to mean? It’s our toy together.”

Min put on a stubborn face which only made her look cute and stimulated my desire to possess her. “Only Min wear… Min is Aria’s penis.”

I frowned at that but didn’t pursue the issue further. It wasn’t like I didn’t enjoy last night. She teased me a little hard, but in the end, it was very satisfying. It wasn’t like I only wanted her for the toy, so she didn’t need to be so concerned. However, it seemed important to her so I decided to let her have it. The strap-on would be Min’s toy for me. I didn’t know the effect of gaining a penis, it might even be dangerous in the hands of a seductress if my sexual senses went out of whack from an unanticipated penis prosthetic.

Therefore, I cleaned myself up, gave Min a kiss on the lips, and left the room once again falling into the role of Princess Cornelia. Min left at the same time, but I hadn’t gotten used to her frequent trips and didn’t want to pry. I went to kill some time fulfilling Denova’s mission, although I had also asked Min to help too. A princess would be watched a bit harder than a servant, so she might be able to see areas I couldn’t see.

I was examining the movement of guards when I suddenly felt eyes boring into my back. When I turned around, I let out a sigh. The person standing behind me was none other than Sylvia. What in the world was she doing here now? Of all the people I would not want to see when I was snooping, she was perhaps one of the highest on my list.

As soon as our eyes met, her back straighten, jutting out her bigger breasts as she stalked towards me with a nasty look on her face. I remembered what I had seen of her with Richard. He saw her as nothing more than his sex toy. As Julian said, she was using her body to cling to him from the second he was old enough to be interested in her body. It was kind of a sad story, but I still struggled to bring up any sympathy for the girl.

Instead of feeling sorry for her, I more felt like she was just an idiot. She spent all this time obsessed with a man who to me, simply wasn’t worth it. Julian and Gregory might be gluttons, but Richard was more full of himself than anyone else in this castle. He legitimately felt he was better than everyone else. There would be a day Sylvia would realize Richard saw nothing when he looked at Sylvia except an object to stick his dick in, I just hoped I was long gone before that day occurred.

“Sylvia, I’m surprised to see you here,” I spoke up.

Sylvia gave an annoyed sniff. “I just felt like someone needed to set you straight on appropriate etiquette.”

“Etiquette, is it?” I gave a wry smile, sure that proper etiquette was far removed from Sylvia’s intentions.

“Yes, you see, Richard told me he left a note on your door to come to his room and you never visited him. He-he’s quite upset about it, in fact.”

Her deception skill was clearly only at a 3 or 4 at most. Watching her struggle to try to lie to me was embarrassing. I now knew how Denova must have felt the first time I started spinning lies with my meager deceptive abilities. However, I had long passed simply pretending and now had the ability to assume the role I wanted. I’m not even sure Denova could tell when I was acting as long as I didn’t explicitly lie to him.

“Oh, did my husband-to-be do something as such? I didn’t see a note on my door?” I tapped my finger on my lips in thought.

Sylvia’s insulting look immediately turned confused. “Eh? But I… but Richard I mean… Th-then your filthy elf must have snatched it! See? She can’t be trusted.”

Sylvia stumbled along to that conclusion, still trying to fault me. It was silly and amateurish, and her continued prejudice towards my trusted friend, someone she had only seen once, was quickly pissing me off. If I wasn’t certain she had magic sense of some kind or another, I’d have broken her already. She certainly brought the wrath out of me.

“But to think.” I ignored her. “The prince wanted to meet me in his bedroom. How scandalous! To think he wanted me so much before our wedding vows. I wonder… should I satisfy my future husband?”

Sylvia’s eyes widened and her mouth twisted. “NO! No… don’t even think-“

“Ah… you’re right.” I snapped my fingers interrupting her. “Only a fool would give up her chastity to a man before marriage. Why they might not even marry at all, then she would forever be tainted.”

Sylvia’s face nearly turned purple at those words as she visibly shivered in anger, or fear, or pompous righteousness. It was probably a mix of the three, but I didn’t care to work it out. The idiot couple was seriously bringing me to the end of my rope. Sylvia was an idiot beyond idiots, so I didn’t really want to deal with her anymore.

“Never mind that!” Sylvia responded tightly. “I just came to talk to you today because I wanted to warn you that your elf is disturbing the staff. She’s been begging servants to teach her to cook, and it’s bothering them from their own jobs.”

I frowned at the unexpected attack. So, Min had been leaving recently so that she could go cook? She already could cook a bit. I had eaten a few meals she had prepared for me. Of course, they didn’t compare to the chefs of this castle. I had never criticized her cooking, but I did mention how much I liked some of the stuff they made. Shortly after that she has stopped making meals and started taking off more. So this is what she was doing? She was always such a hard worker. Rather than feeling angry like Sylvia clearly wanted me to, I felt a surge of fond feelings to my little wife, glad I could come home to her every day.

Then, my face gave a twist. No, she’s a friend, not a wife. Stop thinking like that. I needed a strong handsome man with muscles and a tight body. I remembered Min thrusting into me last night and my feelings grew a bit complicated, so I put them aside.

Meanwhile, Sylvia was watching the expressions laid out on my face and decided to make her own interpretations. “See? Elves are just beggars. No matter how much you think they care, they’ll just wag their tail at anyone, so you might as well put her out. Richard will never tolerate an elf, so it’s better just to get rid of it now.”

“I’m gladdened that you care so much of Richard and my continued relationship.”

Sylvia went rigid at those words. It had been an angle that was bothering me for some time. Richard hated elves, so she wanted to get rid of the elf. At least, that’s what I thought. But, getting rid of the elf would only help bring Richard and me together. So, what was Sylvia’s aim here? I was quickly coming to the realization that perhaps she just didn’t think that far ahead. A smart woman might have secretly tried to strengthen my relationship with Min to the point that when Richard put his foot down, it’d help tear us apart. However, Sylvia wore everything on the surface. Two D-sized tits, a flat ass, and nothing in her brain but Richard.

“W-well, be that as it may,” Sylvia tried to recover. “You should be more concerned about what people are saying about you!”

“And what is that?” I asked flatly.

A piece of her cruel smile returned, her empty brain thinking she was regaining a foothold in our conversation. “That you sold your body to pigmen to be safe, that you spread your legs for Devon as soon as he saved you, and that you’ve been trying to seduce the King as well!”

She said this triumphantly although I imagined she was probably the source of most of those rumors. The pigmen I was well aware of, and Devon seemed an inevitability. I wondered if the King rumor came from Richard. It wasn’t particularly far from the truth although I imagined the King himself would nip any dangerous rumors in the butt.

“Thank you for looking out for me.”

Anger broke across Sylvia’s face, the conversation where she intended to humiliate me turned into me thanking her for helping me. This was my intention, to turn her intent upside down.

“Thanks!” She snarled. “Yo-you… you know you’re not wanted here, right? All the nobles think you’re just some country bumpkin. This place is too nice for you and you don’t deserve to marry the prince. You bought a slave elf so that you can pleasure yourself with them. You’re sick and disgusting! Just leave!”

Her noble cloak and veil collapsed under a little pressure, and she finally started saying what she really wanted to say. However, I was role playing right now, and the me now was the Princess Cornelia I had built for myself. The mask I wore looked on in shock, a hurt look on my face while tears welled in my eyes.


“So, take that slave elf,” Sylvia snapped with a cruel smile. “And ride her back to your kingdom like the animal she is.”

Although my mask was that of a hurt princess, my mind was still my own, and she had reached my limit by once again insulting my friend. Enough was enough. The anger welled in me, and I shut down the role play. I was done dealing with this idiot. Once she was satisfied with the hurt look, she saw on my face, she turned away to leave. I used the swipe technique which was amplified with sleight of hand, and a second later something slipped out of her belt and dropped to the floor with a clatter.

“Hmm? What’s this?” I asked leaning down.

“Wha- ah no, don’t touch that!” She lunged down.

However, I was a step faster than her, and the object ended up in my hands as I turned to the side, dodging her attempt to snatch it away from me.

“Ah… I wonder… doesn’t this look kind of like…”

The object in my hand was a small cylinder device, and I had already used examine on it.

{Dildo – Grade C – Maker: Pratter Enchanter: Sanders – Handheld device used to provide sexual pleasure for a man or woman.


  • Skin Surface – Softens the surface of the item to the consistency of human skin.
  • Vibration –Inserting magic can cause the shaft to vibrate.

It was a bit simplistic and a bit small compared to the one I had used with Min the night before. Probably only 5 inches long with a 1-inch thickness. It didn’t even have heating. It had only been a few days since the girls had found out about the dildos. It seemed like these things were spreading like wild-fire. That’s probably why this was a simpler model. They just didn’t have the time to make anything fancier. Or perhaps she couldn’t afford something fancier.

“That’s not something for the likes of you!” She snapped. “You probably lack the culture to even know what it is.”

“Culture, is it?” I said nonchalantly as I looked it over. “Isn’t it a bit small?”

“Give it! I just bought that with father’s allowance. You’re just a stupid commoner!” Sylvia lunged at me in a surprising way, grabbing at the dildo with one hand and latching onto my hair with the other.

As she put her hands on me, something inside me snapped. I lost my mask of deception as all of her abuse finally pushed past the limit. I equipped Rough Rider, and with my sudden surge of strength, I pushed Sylvia back. Although she was trying to pull my hair, it didn’t affect my movements. The amount of pain hair pulling did was minimum for a girl like me. She wasn’t pulling my hair any harder than I would expect from a man riding me from behind. If anything, I liked it a little harder.

I shoved Sylvia back into the wall to the side of the hallway, a surprised look broke out on her face when she realized that I was stronger than her. Having lost all propriety, I decided to just use examine on her.

{Name: Sylvia Marionette

Sex: F

Age: 22

Title: Daughter of Duke Marrionette

Total Level: 40

Class: Merchant (Noble)

Class Level: 10

Sexual Partners: 1

Sexual Preference: Powerful Men

Sexual Kink: Rape

Relationship: Complicated

Breast Size: D

First Time: Richard Hyburn

Last Time had sex: 48 hours

Favorite Sexual Position: Doggie

Status: None}

Her mouth opened, possibly in anger over my magical violation. I didn’t care. Before she could speak, I reached under her dress and pushed the dildo hard up against her clit. Immediately, I started feeding magical power into it, and the dildo started vibrating in my hand. Whatever she was about to say turned from words into a gasp.

I grabbed the back of her hair with my hand, and leaned into her, my breasts pushing against hers. Unlike me, she wasn’t as used to her hair being pulled. And her head went the side where I guided it with my hands as a pained look showed on her face. I rubbed the dildo against her clit, using my magical skill and practice to cause it to change and pulse, so even though I wasn’t moving my hand much, the vibrations waved and ebbed against her in a very sexually stimulating way.

“Stupid commoner, you say?” My lips went to her ear. “We seem to have some misunderstandings.”

“S-s-stop…” she begged.

“Oh… but you like this, don’t you?” I said, biting her ear, “You like to have your betters doing what they want with you.”

“Y-you’re not my bett-“

I went up and slid the dildo down past her bush, in a single movement slipping the dildo past her underwear and deep inside her. She let out a gasp stopping what she was saying as tears started to fall down her face and she wore a shocked look. My sleight of hand seemed to help with that, making my hands move with extreme skill and precision. I also noticed that she only disputed that I was her better, not that she didn’t like being put down.

“Bullshit, I can do whatever I want to you right now. You’re my little toy. Don’t you get it.” I started to move the dildo in and out of her.

I dumped all the magic I had into it, causing the vibration to increase massively. It made a loud brrring sound, and it vibrated so aggressively that my arm was shaking. The vibrations were so aggressive that even her breasts started to shake against my chest, waves moving from inside her all the way to the surface and the upper part of her body.

{Magic has increased to LVL 4.}

“Oh, gods, yes… oh god… no, stop, please.” She tried to push me away, but she was weakened considerably now.

I mercilessly poured my increasing magic into the dildo, the vibrations moving to the point that I had trouble controlling it. Her legs gave out, and I held her up, pressed against the wall as she squirmed helplessly to resist me. My hand on her crotch kept her from collapsing to the ground.

“Listen carefully, Sylvia,” I whispered into her ear. “I take whatever I want. Your little crush on Richard? Yeah, I know that you fuck him. But he’s just a little boy who hasn’t had a good taste yet. He’ll leave a cheap imitation like you in a second once he tastes the real me.”

I moved my hand, while I held the vibrator deep inside her, causing it to undulate with my magic, I also rubbed her clit with my thumb. She was already soaking wet and dripping, far more aroused than she had ever been in Richard’s care.

“Nnn… nn….” Sylvia was trying to fight back, but words couldn’t even form, and she was like putty in my hands desperately holding back moans.

“So, I’ll tell you what I’ll do.” The anger ruling my voice now. “I’ll take him from you. I’ll make Richard mine. You think he’ll want you after I’ve had at him? I’ll make him never want another girl again. Now, for you?”

I moved my hand rapidly and with the extreme precision of my increasing masturbation skill. Her eyes were closed as she desperately tried to resist, but a second later her pussy erupted. She squirted over the dildo that was shaking at levels no cheap vibrator could, liquid flowing out of her onto my hand without restraint. She was squirting, and it didn’t seem to have any end. This was her true sexual nature as she lost all bladder control and everything exploded out of her in an orgasmic eruption.

She finally let out a roaring moan, but I immediately slapped my other hand over her mouth, stopping her from making a noise. The moan was muffled against one hand while the other held her up by the snatch as waves and waves of liquid poured out of her like a fountain.

A moment later, I pulled out my drenched hand from under her dress and pulled away, leaving the dildo still inside her, even though I stopped feeding it magic. She collapsed to the floor, her clothing making a wet sound, completely soaked in her own sex and loss of control. I shook my soaked hand, flecks of her own liquid dropping onto her face and body.

“I hope you get it now. Basically… back the fuck off.”

She couldn’t answer, her breathing still ragged. A moment later she fell to her side, crawling on the floor while she was trying to stand up. It seemed like her legs weren’t quite working. I turned and started walking away, abandoning the scene I had caused.

“TT-this isn’t over! Ah ah ah ah…” I turned back as Sylvia started talking.

She had used the wall to climb up, but she bent over and grabbed down below as another orgasm racked her body, still coming in waves of aftershock. I heard that if a woman orgasmed hard enough to squirt, she could still experience orgasms up to a half an hour after, although I hadn’t experienced it myself. I gave her another examine, and a look of fear showed on her face. She knew I used magic, but she didn’t know what magic it seemed. Her sexual partners had increased to 2.

“Go clean yourself up.” I turned and walked away.

“I-I won’t stand for this. I’ll make you pay… I swear it.” She yelled as I left her in the hallway.

Unfortunately, I agreed with her, this wasn’t over, but at least I won some respite. With luck, I’d be gone before her revenge ever came. If not, I didn’t think an idiot like her would be able to come up with anything I couldn’t handle. Time would tell which one of us was right…

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Ascii of the Day:

                                   iiiirrL    i                         
                                  iLi iiiiiiiii                        
                                  ir   Lr   iiii iu                    
                                 iiL iii     rivi o                    
                                 v i i        Liv Ji                    
                                vivrr      UPLiiYrri                   
                                Pi o PVJi  ri   iiir                   
                               iFi M    i       vrii i                 
                                vL vq           Ui riri                
                                 uv vr  iiiii  iP  irvuiiiiki          
                              iJIu iiiri irr  iIi     i    rB          
                             rMiiiiiiiivr      i    iiji    kY         
                             B   uiiiirivvii  ii v    vv     B         
                            Bo   rEi riioi       iii vir     B         
                           iB     vSiri iY        io vjvvi   Bi        
                           Gi      iuLiiv u          r iir   Oi        
                           B     iiivi     i             i   Su        
                           M      i                     ii   Bi        
                           B      r                      v   B         
           ijUFuoBo        Oi     r i                  iri   B         
         PBMv     GBu      Gi     i L                    i   B         
       iBN         iBBi    Mi     u                      i   M         
       Gv            uBB   Gi     X                      i   B         
      iM               LBJ Xi     v                      i   B         
      oY                 BIZ      r                     iL   M         
      IM                  BB      r                     ri  Vv         
      uZ        i          ii     i                     j   Bi         
      uY         L          ir   ii                    iL   B          
      uv          v          ir  v                     u   rM          
      Vv          ri          ivr          ii          J   vu          
      JV           v           iL                      u   Bi          
      iE           j             i                     F   Bi          
      iB          ii             ii                    P   Zq          
       B          M               v                    ri i Bi         
       B         XBL              i                    ir    PGL       
       B        iO B              ii                    r      ir      
       SJ       iO rB             ii                    Yi iv iYi      
       uj       iN  kMi           r   i               o  ri M i        
       JJ       vG   iBZ             jr               Lqvqr            
       iG       EX     MBi          io                   iNv           
        M       Bj      iBo         ii                     FN          
        B       B         BBi       L                        Oq        
        Pr      J          iBEvii  iL                         Gq       
        vk                    vIYii i                          VX      
        iB                           iii                        Gq     
        iB                              i                        MG    
         B       i     iJNUvNr                                    SB   
         B         ivLGLi    Bi          vUMBGouviri               PB  
         B     iqJNSri     i iUJJUuUIoYJjr         ri              iB  
         B      i         i                         i               B  
        iM                                                          V  
        Bi      i                                                   o  
        J      i iiiiiiiiiiri                                     iX   
         iiii r            ii iiriiii                            Lq    
          ii ii                              i   i            iLvi     
                                                    iiii  i ii

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

As soon as I opened the door to my room, my eyes widened at the sight of the person who was standing in their without wearing any clothing on. He was an attractive boy with smooth white skin and a tight, near-perfect ass from what I could see. He wasn’t muscular, but he had a delicate appearance that was appealing in its own way. His short blond hair was cut in a way that gave it that messy boy band look, and as he turned around I saw that he had a cute face that I just wanted to kiss.

His face which was petite and well-formed with small pouty lips and rosy cheeks. He was an elf, with both ears ending in points barely noticeable through the blond hair. That was when I noticed that he wasn’t completely naked. He had something wrapped around his hips, and a second later I realized it was the strap-on dildo I had ordered the previous night. That was when his facial features came slamming home.

“Min?” I asked, suddenly realizing that this fuckable pretty boy was actually a pretty girl. “Y-you cut your hair.”

“Mm…” Min nodded, “Min wishes to make vessë happy.”

“Ah, but what’s with…”

“Aria likes boys, Min must be more boyish.”

“Yeah… but Ar-I like girls too, you know?”

However, the truth was that while I had admitted I was bisexual, it wasn’t like my bisexuality was fifty-fifty. So, while I was attracted to women and had little issue sleeping with them, I think Min realized that deep down I had a bias towards men. For example, Min aside, I still didn’t see myself marrying a woman over a man, not that I was thinking about marriage at all. In that respect, Julian and Gregory likely leaned towards men but had no qualms about being with women. However, Min was a demi-human, so, would that make me pansexual? As these thoughts worked their way through my brain, Min put on a determined face.

“Mm… Min… both… Min, become best wife!” As she said that, she put out both fists in front of her chest and pumped them in a pose.

The act caused the strap-on, fully erect, to bounce up and down like a spring. It was very cute, and I couldn’t help but have affectionate feelings run through me as I saw Min there. Plus, the brief moments I had seen her as a boy had caused a stirring deep within me. It was a sexual desire for Min that came from my heterosexual side. A part of me wanted to taste the boy Min, not even talking about my sexual frustration after my time with Reinhart. I’m glad I had cleaned up the mess the best I could at the lab, so I was nice and clean for Min.

I took a few steps forward and wrapped my arms around the sweet girl who I considered my closest friend. Of course, her dildo was poking me, so I reached down and grabbed it. She let out a sudden gasp, and I stopped moving it. I looked back up at Min, whose expression had turned expressionless once again. Curiously, I started to gently caress the dildo. Min suddenly shivered, her whole body responding to the touch. I activated my examine skill on the strap-on.

{Strap-On Dildo, Grade B, Maker: Pratter Enchanter: Sanders – Wearable device used to engage in sexual intercourse with man or woman.


  • Skin Surface – Softens the surface of the item to the consistency of human skin.
  • Heating – Naturally absorbs heat and magic to remain at body temperature.
  • Vibration – Inserting magic can cause shaft to vibrate.
  • Sensory Attachment – Wearer feels the equivalent feeling as if they had the extremity.
  • Lube Conversion – Expels wearer’s natural lubricant from tip.}

Those last two enchantments were not things I had discussed with Pratter and Sanders. It seemed like Sanders had gone a bit above and beyond when he got into making the dildo. So the dildo actually provided you sensory information as if you had a working penis. Which meant that this soft, warm, penis-like thing in my hand was stimulating Min sexually.

I had genuinely stroked the head while Min stood there and I read the description, and true to its word, I felt a little liquid leak out the tip. I brought it up to my face, sniffed, and then licked it. Min turned away, blushing cutely again. It definitely tasted and smelled like Min. I had done enough with her that I could tell. So, as she got wet, the dildo magically collected it and transferred it to the tip. Does that mean that when she came, it’d squirt out the tip? This was genuinely something I wanted to have fun with.

I wondered if the sensitivity was a little high, as Min didn’t seem quite herself. It could be simply that penises were more sensitive than vaginas, and so what she was feeling was the incompatibility between her female body feeling the sexual stimulation of a male penis. Either way, every touch was causing her to shiver and shake. I could go down on her for an hour and finger her with all my might, and while I was certain she came, she never reacted all that much to my simulations. However, she responded to every touch from this toy.

Min was not the type of woman who got really wet. As I had played with her more, I came to realize that she was the kind of girl who would need a lot of foreplay to be ready. If I had a penis, it’d take making her cum at least three times before she was wet enough for penetration. Normally, even getting fingers in her required a lot of kissing and play. However, the dildo pooled all the liquid and shot it from the tip, so even the relatively dry Min had obviously wet results.

I didn’t simply want to play with her though, I also really wanted to try it on myself. Well, it was on Min at the moment, and despite the fact that she called me her wife, she was playing the boy card today. With the exception of her dick being just slightly harder than you’d get from a real penis and the lack of balls, if I closed my eyes I wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference.

I wanted to go back now and order another one that was even better. This was a mark I version, and I was betting they could make something virtually indistinguishable from a real penis. I was already imagining a flesh colored strap on with balls and perhaps even an enchantment that causes it to become erect or soft based on the person’s mood, a prosthetic penis in every sense of the word.  Magic was wonderful, and I was quickly running through all the fun things we could do if even this much was possible.

“Min, can you please fuck me,” I begged.

Although I had always taken the lead in our play, she seemed determined to present herself as a boy. I figured that my same old behavior might upset her in some way, so I decided to give her the reigns for a day. Min nodded, her face back to the expressionless face, although there was a slight shaking in her movements that betrayed her nervousness.

Of course, I wasn’t nervous. To me, it was testing out a new toy. However, I was also good at role play, and without thought, I became an expectant woman at the mercy of her man. It was a role I hadn’t actually taken in a long time, and it was surprisingly refreshing to be the bottom for once.

Min laid me out of the bed, and I gave her begging eyes, attempting to coerce her in exactly the same way I would with a man.

{Seduce has increased to LVL 4.}

{Roleplay has increased to LVL 2.}

{Technique Unlocked: Role Projection–While performing a role, improve the performance of counterparts to the role played.}

I nearly ruined the moment with a shout of excitement, but my advanced skills held me in control. I had finally gotten a tier 2 technique worth something. Techniques were sort of like skill-attached special skills. They usually weren’t as game breaking, but they made things interesting. This one seemed relevant, so I immediately activated it. If I understood it correctly, this was a skill that would improve the performance of anyone I was role playing with. So if I was playing the role of a woman, then Min playing my counter as a man would improve her performance.

In fact, as I looked up at her with begging eyes, shyly exposing myself, Min’s eyes took on a more aggressive look. To my surprise, she moved forward and took the initiative to take my clothing off. She was still gentle with it, they were clothing she had sewed after all, but she also didn’t shy away from bearing me until my skin was naked. She then moved up, giving me a kiss on the lips before positioning the dildo against my waiting womanhood. Of course, she was shorter than me, so while in that position, her head only reached the bottom of my breasts.

“Ready?” She asked the tip of her cock pressed and waiting.

I gave an enthusiastic nod, and then she thrust into me. Like that, the dildo went in. To its credit, it felt remarkably like a dick. It was warm and soft with an inner hardness. I moaned in pleasure. Min, on the other hand, closed her eyes, her body shivering slightly.

“You’re inside me, Min,” I said coyishly.

“Mmm…” Min made a noise, her eyes still closed. “As vessë wanted.”

I wondered what it felt like. Min was currently feeling what it was like to have the walls of my vagina pressed against her sex while inside me. It had to be tight, and wet, and warm. I really wanted to enjoy the same experience. It sounded so interesting. As I looked up with just a bit of envy that Min got to try it first, she started to move her hips. She started moving achingly slow, the dildo sliding out of my wet pussy very slowly. It was almost tortured, and I started to move my hips to thrust against it but realized that Min had her hands on both hips and was preventing me from doing so.

Instead, I had to wait until Min’s dildo reach all the way to the tip. Then, in a single thrust, she went all the way in again. It felt so good that I let out a whimper. However, then she started to pull out again, once again taking time and moving extremely slowly. After the fourth time she did this, I was going crazy. She was teasing me too much, and I just wanted her dick inside me.

“Please…” I begged. “Please fuck me. Harder baby, fuck me hard.”

Min continued to thrust slowly. All the way out, then one hard thrust in. Each time it felt so good, but the slow withdrawal was torture. Min was truly the sadist. She was being so mean. I tried to take control, but Min held me down fast and she had a no-nonsense way of doing things. I, of course, could have swapped positions, but that wasn’t part of the role play, I was a docile woman at the mercy of my man… and thus it didn’t even cross my mind.

I was nearly in tears, begging Min as my pussy practically throbbed for her. Then, without warning, suddenly the pull out was fast, and then back in, and then out again, moving much faster. She had worked me up so badly that it was only ten thrusts before I was cumming. My legs wrapped around her waist, driving her cock into me, and my fingers entangled in her short hair while pushing her head into my cleavage.

“Yes, ah, yes…” I moaned as she thrust into me, my body tightening around that hard thing thrusting inside me.

She was breathing hard now, and her body was slick with sweat, the active role clearly putting a lot more strain on her body, but she seemed determined to keep up, and soon her hips were thrusting forward with enough force that a slapping sound occurred at the base of her dildo hit the surface of my womanhood.

“Fuck me, Min, Fuck me, oh, god, you feel so good! Ah… I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” I moaned in pleasure.

“Mmm… Min too.” Min gasped.

As my pussy started clasping down on her dick, I felt something warm spurt inside me. It wasn’t as obvious as the thick spunk I’d receive from a man. It was more watery, and as soon as it came into me it mixed with my formidable already existing juices. In the end, it felt like I came wetter than normal, becoming wetter than I ever would have normally. However, I knew that sloppy wetness leaking out of me wasn’t all mine. In it was a mixture of Min’s natural lust and lubricant as well. Her sex and been injected deep into me, and now it mixed and leaked out with mine.

Since our fluids weren’t so different, they were indistinguishable except perhaps for the smell. It was strangely satisfying. Not only was Min inside me, her juices were mixing with mine so that they became indistinguishable from mine. In a way, it was like Min and I became one. I sloppily kissed Min’s face and neck as she panted, her dick still inside me. Her dildo didn’t become soft, so my pussy still clamped on the hard member inside me, but I didn’t try to coerce Min to do me more. Part of the reason is that she looked tired. Perhaps this also was a result of the tactile sensations between men and women being different. The other reason was because I was looking at the new stats in front of me.

{Vaginal Sex has increased to MAX.}

{Kegels has increased to LVL 1.}

{Dirty Talk has increased to LVL 1.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 16!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have two skill points.}

Available Special Skills:

{Monster Lover (Passive): Having sex with monsters gains a 2X experience.}

{Voyeur (Passive): Watching sexual participants is the same as engaging in sex. Can use all abilities as if in sexual intercourse, including a reduced experience gain.}

{Frenzy (Active): Releases a pheromone which bewilders and sexually excites everyone in range, inciting nonspecific sexual engagement. Can be used once a day.}

Immediately, I was glad I had passed on the previous round. Now that I had two points, I felt like a lot of the pressure was off. Unfortunately, all three of the abilities sounded good to me. I also didn’t have to use both points although not buying something when I could was difficult for me.

I was also excited about maxing vaginal sex. I had no clue what the two tier 2 skills I’d get would be, but I was amused at the selections. To be honest, I never really played around with Kegels. I let my own natural orgasms do all the squeezing and tightening on their own. The idea of being able to tighten at will sounded interesting, so it was a good time to practice. I also wasn’t a big talker during sex although I had tried more with the king. Both skills sounded like they could enhance sex, which I supposed was the point.

Considering the Monster Lover experience boost, even with all of my other experience boosts, leveling did seem to be slowing down. Admittedly, if I used 3 positions and Lesbian Lover, every time I slept with Min counted as the experience of six normal times.  I did have 8 monsters sitting down in Reinhart’s cellar. With this ability and three positions that could be 24 first times. That could be enough to at least get me half way to my next level if not all the way.

However, the other two abilities seemed to have even better benefits. Frenzy sounded like Pheromones that didn’t target me. It was always very scary when everyone just came at me at once. This seemed like a less focused version that would cause everything to fuck everything. It’d probably be hilarious at parties. I could imagine already releasing Frenzy inside the ballroom. All those snooty nobles who were looking down at me suddenly ripping off their clothing and fucking each other. And the best part, with Voyeur, all I had to do was lean back and soak in the experience.

Of course, I remembered those parties had other people too. Devon, and the three women I had a sex toy party with, I couldn’t embarrass them. And of course, after the dust settled, someone would end up getting the blamed, and if they found out, it was me I could blow everything.

I still selected the last two abilities. Frenzy might be a last resort escape ability for me, and for voyeur with this orgy party coming up, I thought it was more likely I’d be seeing a lot more people fucking than monsters. I might get more experience on those 8, but there could be several hundred party goers and I could watch them all. Of course, I got more experience by participating.

After selecting those two, I looked down at Min to realize that she was already asleep. Her dildo was still deep inside me, our juices leaking out the ends. Her eyes were closed and her head was snuggled up on my breasts. I thought a tier 2 like her would have more stamina, but we’d have to work on that. I snuggled with my elf lover, letting her stay inside me while she used my body as a pillow. Shortly after, I fell asleep and thankfully, it was free of Denova. That was until the morning, when a note was waiting on my bedside, his orders having finally arrived.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                           7485 77 77                  
                                         58802 782  7  7               
                                       8888      85 7  88               
                                       888        8  7  8              
                                      5877    77  78  7 77             
                                      82  57  072  52 7 57             
                                      877 77 77    7277777             
                                      827  7 7      777774             
                                     48 2 72777      7 778             
                                     87 4  77 7     77 1 77            
                                     8  74         777 8 2             
                                     87   77  777   777777             
                                     78    87       7 7 777            
                                      88   58       7  77 7            
                                      78   28      7 777777            
                                      28   70     777 7 772            
                                    7587   28  7    79724              
                                    80    787     77     727           
                                   84     87      7        88          
                                  87     87                 288        
                                78      82                    98       
        05488444582            78  770088                      88      
       88777      85           78888088                        787     
      77 77 77     88         5878         47            88      84    
      8  7 777      78        8  8         7 7            887     87   
      0 7  7 7  7    85     585  82                       8487    82   
      4  7 7     4    88272147    88                     88  88   787  
       7 77       8    80         588          7        78    887  787 
        8          8     87      7  8                  78      887  787
        08         72     8    77  87                  87      885   98
         8      7 7 8     78 77   78                  78       888    8
          87     7  27     58     87                  8        0887   87
          78     8  24      88    8                  08         88    28
           87    7 7 1       88  10                  8          81    87
           87        4        87 87              27  8         28    88
           78        4         888       7        7 78         87   78 
   777 455778772777778777777   88      7877        787        88    87 
  7 7                      77777277777777            8       788    85  
7                                                   78      787   485   
7                                                   55     282   88     
7                                                   82    88    08      
7                                                   45   88   788       
7          11                                      877788   887        
7           727                                 78457      08          
87            74                            705828  9     58           
 74            78777              7777277727277           2            
   47           70  777777777777777 717 777777   77 21 7                
    57           8     777777 7     77777       8  77 77 8             
     57           0   77 777777777777777       7077  7  84             
      57          27777777772777777777777251401778  777 8              
       27          87       7 7777777777277     27 8 7  4              
        22         79                                   5              
         75         0                                   77             
          70        79                                  75             
           75        0                                  77             
             9        0                                 7               
             70       9                                 77             
              77       8                                77             
               8       74                               77             
               77        7227              7           75              
                4           27             7 7     77787               
                5            0   7777 777772777427787 8                
                 1          747 7757 97777  7  7   2  4                
                 2          1 7   7  7         7   77 4

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

“How can you tell when a skill will work or not?” I asked Reinhart as he gathered up a couple of things.

He was going to take me down to the basement. He wouldn’t tell me what he had down there, but he told me it was a job that he needed me to do and it’d be easier if I just saw it.

“Huh? Ah, right, your knowledge about skills is a little lacking, right?” Reinhart sighed as he pulled out a lantern and lit it. “What brought on this question?”

Of course, I was thinking about mental fortitude, and how it worked towards certain sex-related activities, but would unexpectedly fail in some of the odder situations. Of course, I hadn’t really discussed my other world situation with him. The only thing Reinhart knew was that I had a lot of special skills and a strange class.

“Ah… it’s just like, I see a lot of skills that seem simple, but they seem to have strange rules about when they work and when they won’t.”

Reinhart gave a nod. “Well, there are a lot of books about skills. Skills beget skills. Skills supplement skills. Do this, this, and this and you’ll get this skill. It’s all kind of a lie though. Skills are simply you. You are your skills. Every skill you gain is a reflection of you. How skills work is the same way.”

“What does that mean?” I frowned.

“What do you want it to mean?” My frown deepened, and he chuckled before continuing. “What I’m saying is that you influence how your skill works. How your skill works is based on you yourself. For example, if you had a skill that made you tell the truth if you became convinced of a lie, then your skill would allow you to tell a lie because you thought it was the truth.”

“Really?” I pondered over his words a little more, trying to understand what it meant to me.

“That’s how it works. In fact, I knew a man once. He was smart, but he really struggled to read and write. He used to always confuse the words ‘site’ with an i-t and ‘sight’ with a g-h-t whenever he wrote them. He was a hunter, and he finally unlocked a tier 2 skill called Far Sight. It’s always Far Sight with a g-h-t. But, for him, it was spelled Far Site, i-t-e. It was the same skill, but it renamed itself to him.

“There are other examples of this. Skills that have different names depending on their country of origin. Some also have different functions too, but I believe that’s a symptom of people’s expectations and not a limitation of the skills themselves.

“I believe skills can be opened up or weakened by your own imagination and beliefs. If you had a skill that could, I don’t know, cut down trees… could you use that skill to cut down a post? That depends on you. If you can convince yourself a tree was a post, or that post was close enough to a tree… then the skill would work. If you didn’t, the skill would be useless.

Or… coming from my own seductress powers, I could use skills if I was engaged in sex, or if I convinced myself something was associated with sex. For example, my mental fortitude worked or didn’t work based on how I interpreted the situation. I approached the two craftsmen with the intent of creating sexual toys for my own sexual fulfillment. That met the criteria of mental fortitude. However, the girls came in and played with my sex toys, but at no point was I thinking of engaging in sex with them, or having our conversation related to my sex… so mental fortitude did not work as thoroughly. At least, that was my working hypothesis from what Reinhart had said.

We didn’t have far to walk. The cellar was part of the abandoned complex this tower once belonged to, and at the bottom of the stairs was a small trapdoor with a ladder that we ended up climbing down, although Reinhart told me there was another entrance that went outside the castle walls. He explained this as we climbed into the darkness with his lantern lighting the way. If I ever needed to escape, this was a path I could take. He also warned me that if I did something to threaten the kingdom, he’d immediately tell the guard to head off to this spot first.

It came to my awareness that this was probably the exact kind of information Denova would want too, and I was a little regretful Reinhart had told me, as there would be a point I may have to betray his trust. We were in a damp, dark hallway now, and without saying another word, Reinhart starting lighting a bunch of torches along the walls, bringing light to the darkness.

The first thing I noticed was the gleam of bars, and I realized that we were standing in a hallway lined with jail cells. The second thing I noticed was that there was some movement behind the bars. I started squinting into one of the cages and then jumped back as a monster crashed into the bars, barking a sound. It was a creature with the face and body of a reptile.

“Ah, watch out, that one is a lizardman.”

I glanced over at the next cell and saw that there was a different creature in that one. I quickly noticed the creature slouching in the corner was none other than a goblin. I had been made all too familiar with their kind.

“What is this?” I asked.

Reinhart chuckled. “Well, after you mentioned how you’ve spent time with monsters, and showed me the results of your seed potion, I was curious what other potions could be made. I went out and requested hunters from the guild catch a couple of monsters, and I secured them down here. As you can see, I have a pigmen over here, so you can make more of that potion you gave me, and we can see if you can generate any other potions with your talents.”

“So, the job then, that only I can do…”

“Well, I figured that you are uniquely talented for collecting specimens. You can consider this your own personal seed farm. It seems a little severe, but I’ve heard there are farmers who collect bull semen to inseminate cows, so I thought we could keep this clinical. Although, if you have other uses for them, I will… ahem… look the other way.”

I stared a bit in surprise and wonder at this. It wasn’t just a treasure trove for potion making, but also for leveling. I wouldn’t need the king’s piddling sexual advances or the glory hole if I could take on these monsters.

“Which ones do we have? Did you have any of the spiders?”

“Ah, right, you mentioned that it might be a good adhesive, but spiders are kind of tough to handle. I picked mostly hominids. I don’t really have much experience in this department. These are the top races known for raping women. I figured they had the most likelihood of being compatible with your… harvesting methods. I’ve got one pigmen, one kobold, one lizardman, one goblin, one apeman, one orc, one minotaur, one troll, and one satyr. Nine in all. I’d have to acquire demons if I wanted to get you a better selection.”

“How about a slime?”

“Slime? They don’t really have sexual parts…”

“Still… I think they could have some interesting advantages in potion making.” I deflected his criticism.

After a moment, he nodded. “Well… if you’re feeling confident, we can acquire other monsters with a less… humanoid qualities.”

Even I wasn’t ready to start moving down a route that felt like bestiality. For the moment, I felt that Reinhart had made the appropriate selections.

“Ah, no… for now, I think this would be fine. It really is a shot in the dark with this, right?”

“I suppose so…” Reinhart shrugged, “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Um… be careful, these are monsters and they are dangerous. If you can coerce one over to the bars and get it to… well, stick it through the bars, that’d be ideal.”

I nodded at his advice. Likely, I’d need to seduce these guys enough times to turn them all into my sex dolls, much like I did to the pigmen before. Then, there would be no more danger. Reinhart started climbing back up the ladder. I supposed he didn’t want to remain for the show. As I walked up and down the cages, some of the monsters growled at me, but they didn’t make any particularly scary movements. Of course, I remembered the seemingly innocent looking pigmen quickly eating each other, and the trauma from that day allowed me to gain some distance from these monsters. I’d use them and then kill them when I needed to.

I looked at each of the monsters. A few of them, like the orc, the apeman, the minotaur, and the goblin all wore their dicks on the outside. Most had loin clothes, but the minotaur in particular seemed to be packing quite a shaft that swung only half covered by his loincloth. Meanwhile, a few of the others seemed to have no visible dick at all. It was likely that they extended out from somewhere when the animal was sexually excited.

I used examine on them but didn’t gain any useful information. Most of them seemed to be in their teens or younger. It seemed like monsters grew quickly and died young. I knew at this point I was really just stalling. The idea of getting nine first times on monsters, as well as the potential novelty of some of them, did excite me, but it also left me wary.

Deciding that I needed to know what I was working with before I started working, I decided I needed to give them a test run. With them locked in cages, there was really no danger to myself. So, it’s not like there was anything holding me back. I released my pheromones. I could feel the eyes of all the monsters suddenly turn to me. Each animal surged forward, almost at the same time, and the lust in their eyes became fervent. The sudden surge of monsters racing at their cages caused a racket, and even after telling myself I was safe, I still lept back a few steps at the surge of monsters.

I was out of their reach, but at least one monster, the orc, had come dangerously close to catching a grip on my hair. My heart was beating rapidly as the spike of adrenaline shot through me. Meanwhile, the monsters had turned feral, banging on the bars and screaming. There was a creak in one of the bars, and I desperately prayed that they’d hold.

As the monsters let out rather loud roars, sounds deafening enough that I had to cover my ears, they rammed themselves at the bars. Although, more specifically it was their hips thrusting out. When they found they couldn’t reach me, they started humping at the bars, their now erect dicks thrusting through and bobbing out towards me as if they felt like if they just thrust hard enough, they’d cover the dozens of feet of distance between me and them.

Trying to keep the sudden orgy of monsters blindly thrusting at me in order, I started walking down the line of cages carefully, examining each of their penises thoroughly like I was walking through an art gallery.

The pigman and the goblin I had seen before. The familiar half-sized green doorknob cock of the goblin and the pink and black corkscrew of pigmen were expected. The orc’s penis resembled a large black dildo. The tip had a diminished mushroom head compared to humans, and with the dick being pure black it might have well been smooth obsidian I was looking at. It was very large though, and I looked forward to checking it out more thoroughly. The apeman’s was dark brown and splotchy, but otherwise about the size and appearance of an uncircumcised smaller-dicked man. It wasn’t impressive compared to the orc, but it was still about twice the size of the goblin.

The troll’s dick was very interesting. It seemed to substitute length for thickness. It looked kind of like a giant mound. It was easily four inches thick, but only about two inches long. They say thickness is what matters, but I had some trouble imagining a way I’d be able to effectively enjoy it. The entire thing was rounded to the point that it looked like a strange lump coming from between his legs rather than a phallic object.

The minotaur and the satyr had similar dicks although the minotaur’s was considerably larger. They had a very hairy base, but the hair thinned as it approached the shaft. The dicks looked like human dicks, albeit splotchy like the pigmen. The minotaur’s head had a sharper looking tip, which might actually help with penetration as it seemed to have the largest dick of the bunch, and might I say the largest I’ve seen. Over 3-inches at its thickest, and s massive 10-inches long, it was definitely one that both feared and excited me.

That left me with the last of the bunch, the lizardman. His prutruded dick was light green, and the easiest description is that it was ribbed and bumpy. It had various bumps on it which surrounded the dick in concentric circles. While not quite scaly, it seemed to be built up of interlocking sheaths one fitting in the next which made up the shaft.  It looked very hard and dry, not the kind of dick that would slide in easy. I could see it generating quite a lot of friction.

As I was bending over, contemplating the lizardman, my body was suddenly shoved forward. I let out a cry as my head came into the lizardman’s grasp. His claw-like hands grabbed at my head, and for fear that he might break my neck, I moved in the direction he indicated. Without a second to prepare, he shoved his dick into my mouth. At first, I had my teeth closed, and his thrust shoved against the outside of my mouth with enough force that my teeth hurt. However, I quickly opened up and the let his dry dick slide into my mouth.

While this was going on, something was also behind me, my dress was hiked up and my underwear was pulled own as hands groped at my ass. One of the monsters must have escaped and snuck up behind me. That was the only thought that went through my mind. His dick immediately slid into my ass, completely missing the pussy. I let out a gagging cry, the hard dick in my mouth hitting the back of my throat as I let out a shout.

Knowing I had to take control of the situation, I first swapped my title to Rough Rider. I’d have preferred Gang Banger usually, but I needed the pain resistance and strength to try to fix myself. As one monster thrust into my mouth with a grip on my neck, the other thrust into my ass from the other side. I grabbed onto the bars to the lizardman’s cage, resisting the thrusting from behind so that I could get better control of the dick in front of me.

{Position Unlocked: Standing Spit Roast}

Now, I had to seduce the monster behind me. Since he escaped, I had to beguile him if I wanted any hope to get out of this safely. I was just about to do so when I suddenly heard the mutter behind me.

“Ah, you’re so tight!”

My eyes widened, but I couldn’t look back as long as the lizard man was thrusting into me. However, the voice from behind was instantly recognizable. It was Reinhart’s voice. He must have been hit by my pheromones although I would have thought he would have been out of range. He must have come back or something. Either way, his built up sexual desires all exploded in one go.

I also didn’t have any other threesome positions with two males to switch to, and even if I did, the likelihood that I would release the lizardman inadvertently was high. Therefore, that meant I had no choice but to ride this one out. As Reinhart worked my ass, moaning with each thrust, I used my hands on the bars to thrust back. I loosened my butt, spread my legs, and eased his entry. I twisted my ass each time he thrust, grinding his dick into my ass. It felt really good, and I was starting to get wet from the feeling as well.

Meanwhile, I continued to take the lizardman from the front. Regrettably, he had a hold of my head and was maddened in the state of pheromone lust. My face was just a hole to fuck for him, and he thrust into my throat with reckless abandon. His claws were wrapped up in my hair, and he had my face pressed up against the bars as hard as he could, to the point that my cheeks were pulled back and my mouth was inside his cage. He then slammed his hips into the bars, shoving his dick into my mouth as hard as he could.

Although I was coughing a bit, the level 4 deep throat was enough that things didn’t get too uncomfortable. With Lover’s breath, I didn’t even attempt to breathe while he abused my face. Of course, with my mouth as his fuck toy, I probably looked bad. He was hard and cold, and there wasn’t a single ounce of softness or warmth. His dick had a consistency of sandpaper, and my mouth quickly became sore. The damage would probably be pretty bad by the time I was done. The only reason it was tolerable was because of Rough Rider.

That’s when Reinhart’s hands, one on each butt cheek, squeezed tightly. A moment later, I felt a familiar throbbing. It wasn’t as easy to feel the cum deep in my ass as it was in pussy, but I could feel his throbbing dick pushing into the tight hole of my anus. He pulled out of my ass a moment later with a pop, and while I didn’t feel the cum inside me, as some leaked out and ran down into my wet pussy, I could feel the cooling droplets.

{Anal Sex has increased to LVL 3.}

The lizardman’s grip tightened until I felt like my hair was about to be ripped out. He pushed himself deep into my mouth, the dick down my throat and well past my gag reflex. I reflexively tried to pull away, but it was no use with the grip he had. Cold fluid shot deep into the back of my throat, although I couldn’t control where it went with the cock so far down my throat, and half of it ended up going into my trachea.

{Blow job has increased to LVL 9.}

{Deep throat has increased to LVL 5.}

There was a sudden flash of light followed by a buzzing sound, and the lizard let go of my head while making a loud cry. He fell back several feet and landed on his tail, scooting back until he entered a corner. Meanwhile, I collapsed to the floor and started coughing. It was painful, and a slimy pond scum taste came up my throat and out my nose and mouth as I tried to desperately spit out the spooge.

At this point, I wasn’t even thinking of potions or swallowing, although half of it probably ended up going down my esophagus. Instead, I just wanted to spit out. After a minute of coughing and sputtering, I finally managed to get the point where breathing didn’t hurt. A hand rested on my back, and I almost turned with a swing. That was how wound up I was at the moment. However, when I noticed it was Reinhart, fully dressed and giving a worried look, I dropped my hand.

“I’m sorry. Aria, I’m so sorry.” He looked genuinely upset.

“It’s… it’s not…” My voice was croaky, and it was still difficult to speak. “I used pheromones.”

“I can’t believe I’d succumb to my monster nature like that.” Reinhart tightened his fist angrily. “I thought that even if you used some kind of pheromone, I wouldn’t be tempted. That is why I didn’t take precautions. This is my fault. I almost got you killed.”

I let out a coughing laugh. “Hah… the situation was a little crazy, but I could get things under control.”

He frowned as he looked down at me. I probably looked quite the mess. My hair that Min had carefully donned was messy. My dress was ripped in many places. My mouth was sore, my makeup was ruined, and I didn’t even want to see what my face looked like. It felt like I had been hit by a bus, at least.

Reinhart still apologized profusely although he seemed more disturbed by it than me. He made me promise not to use the pheromones again and instead seduce all the monsters until they were under my control before attempting any resource gathering. I was okay with that, but I more than hinted to him that it would take a very long amount of time to seduce the monsters without my sexual saint boost.

“You can activate that with masturbation, yes?”

I frowned when he missed the not too subtle offer for sex. After the pheromones had worn off, he went right back to the old Reinhart and his complete lack of interest in sex. Although he took my butt with vigor, and I was still feeling liquid leaking from my ass as he sat me down in his lab and fed me healing potions to remove the physical trauma I suffered, he seemed happier pretending it didn’t happen.

I had hoped this experience would have sparked a sexual relationship between us, but in the end, I would just have to settle for my monster companions. I tried to return the dungeon, having not cum with my last sexual foray. Perhaps I could seduce the goblin, something safe, and at least get off with a dick in me for a change. Reinhart stopped me from going.

“You should go back to your room today and clean up. You can pick up where you left off in a day or two once you’ve had some rest.”

I grudgingly accepted his advice. It looked like I’d have to use my toys tonight, but there were still eight monsters with a first-time bonus and I intended to earn my fill.


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Ascii of the Day:

    iF  u                                                              
  rPv    B                                                             
 B       uB                                                      ii    
B         BI                                                  i    iZF 
G         oB                                                 j         
rB        MB                                                v          i
 iv       jE                                               ii         i
   i       X                        OBBEu                       iv     
   Ii  ii  i                      rBB    OG                        i   
    i      i
    v       i                    uBrNMBIi UB                i    ri    
    i       i
     i       i                   B     rNPqBU              i   vE      
         Si  ii                 BB  Iv i   BB                  B       
               Li               MB  J   i   Bi              r iE       
         i      iJr             IM          Bv                 B       
          Pi      iGr           iBB   BB   BMJ                 Bi      
          iB          i          iBB  OB  iBOiB       iv       MF      
            u          iv  ivrii  Eo               YkoI        Bi      
             Y           BBL           r             BO        B       
                       i                                       BB      
              vBk    Lk             rvjiiJviiii N      ir      BB      
               iMB           iiXqZBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBi      vvi  iM       
              NBq           BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBB         rBP       
            iBE         Yv   BBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBr i       OBj      
           BB         Xv      BBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBM    uG        VU    
          VB        BBJ        LMBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBB       M     YB   qi  
           i         M           MBMBBBBBBBBBBBi        v     BS    rZ 
      i     BBP      i            BBBBMBBBBBBv          ii    M       ui
              LMBu                 BBBBBBBBM            ii   OBi  iii  i
           i     JOki              MBBGBMBB             i   iBi      ir
            iF      JB               BBG                   iB         iP
  i       O        BMB                                    PM           
ij      ii          MBM              i                  iBJ            
        i            IMi            iSri               iB              
       LY             LBi          MI  jN             OO               
       F                BZ        iB    B           iBi                
      iB                 BB       Mi    B          BB                  
      VB                  iBBv          Mi      iMBX                   
      Br                    MBBXSGG     GBriYFGBBBi                    
      B                      iM  iB     vBiii  rE                      
      B                        B  O      k    rM                       J
      Xr                        ErG      M    q                       iB


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I was woken the following morning to banging on my door. I nearly leaped out of the bed. That night, I had been dreaming of Julian endless taking all the men I tried to seduce. It might have been a nightmare except that what Julian did with the men was incredibly graphic and left me wet enough I wouldn’t be surprised if the bed was damp this morning. My dream might have cuckolded me, but I didn’t hate it.

However, my mind was in a frantic state, and for a few brief seconds, I was convinced that my identity had been found out and it was a guard at my door. Min was mysteriously absent, so I went to the door to open it. Before I opened it, I did a quick check to make sure nothing was amiss.

Min had done a very good job de-pinking the room, using the materials the king had sent to us to completely redecorate. It was clear that her favorite color was green although any earthy colors seemed to do. As a result, the bed, sheets, and canopy now gave off a forest like vibe, making the room feel like it was full of life. I was a fan of green myself, so I did not protest Min’s choices. I also noticed that I was once again wearing one of the night dresses Min had made for me. Of course, I had fallen asleep in Min’s arms still in my previous night’s dress. It seemed like Min continued to change my clothing while I was asleep. I wondered if my wife ever slept. Not wife, best friend, that was a weird thought, clearly, she’s just a friend, no matter what she thinks.

As soon as the door opened, someone shoved themselves right in. Even if it had been a man, I probably wouldn’t have been flustered to be caught in my night clothes, but the Princess Bartrum I concealed myself as would be flustered, so I needed to act the part. However, before I could put on an act, I finally realized who was in my room.

“Where on Earth did you find that potion you gave us last night?”

It was an older lady, with a couple of wrinkles, graying hair, and a straight back that showed she was a force to be reckoned with. Of course, it was Melinda Fry, the Duchess I had encountered the previous night. And surprisingly, right behind her were the two younger women Destine and Mary.

“Oh, that outfit is really cute, I’d love for my husband to see me in something like that,” Destine said, reaching out and touching the dress. “Oh, wow, it’s so soft. Mary, you have to feel this.”

Mary came forward too, and both women had their hands all over me. As a bisexual who just woke up from a sex dream, I had to reel in my sexual drive or I might have taken their hands as an offer. Instead, I was mostly just flustered, unsure at the sudden morning onslaught of the three women.

“Never mind her dress, that potion…” A strange expression came over Melinda, and she gave a shiver. “I had the opportunity last night and… well… my dry spell is over.”


“Destine! You too, right?” Melinda demanded.

Destine pulled her hand away from my dress and stood at attention, then when the question caught up with her brain she broke into a massive blush. “That is… I put some on my husband, last night… and…”

Her face continued to get even redder until I was sure she was about to pass out.

“I-is it that good?” Mary asked questioningly. “C-can I get some as well?”

“Well, that is, I gave you guys the last of it. Really.”

In fact, without a source of orc semen, I was going to have to find something else to be my lubricant. Between the pair of them and Reinhart, I had given away all the potions I had brewed. It made me wish I had brought that bucket of semen I had left in the barn. That would have been nearly a year’s supply.

“That doesn’t matter!” Melinda dismissed my words. “Just let me know your supplier!”

“I’m sorry…”

“Three times!” Melinda put up her fingers. “That man kept going three times. Show some mercy on this old lady!”

I gave her a wry smile, knowing that she really wasn’t as old as she pretended to be. She was only about the age of my mom; however, that might be considered old in this world. At the very least, it genuinely looked like Melinda had been suffering during her dry spell. To think that even a proud noble like her would succumb to lust so completely.

“Oh, what’s this?”

Mary had been looking around the room as I spoke to the other girls, and she had come up to my nightstand. There was a box on my nightstand, freshly opened, and in that box was something very dear to me. I had completely forgotten about it in the morning rush. I nearly leapt across the bed to snatch it, but Mary grabbed it first, turning and dodging my hands.

“Give me that!” I pleaded.

“Ah… it’s soft and velvety.”

“What is that?” Destine asked. “Ah… doesn’t that look like… well, a penis, kind of.”

“Hmmm… give that here girl.” Melinda was now taking interest in it too.

Rather than handing it back to me, Mary handed it right to Melinda, like a girl in class handing in a note to the teacher she intercepted between two lovers. Melinda picked up the dildo in her hand and started squeezing it too.

It was horrible enough that I could die. I hadn’t even gotten to use the toy yet and not only was it found out by three gossipy girls, but now they had their hands all over it. While one would think this would be blocked out with Mental Fortitude, it seemed to be failing me. Although my feelings could be said to not be embarrassment. It was more a buildup of dread, frustration, and fear. I was afraid that if these girls knew the real me, they would run.  Playing with it out in the open without a care… it seemed to fly right past my mental resistance.

“Ah, it seems to be able to accept magical power,” Melinda said, her fingers running up and down the shaft.

The dildo suddenly started vibrating, and Melinda let out a cry of surprise, dropping it. The dildo hit the floor, bouncing a few times before rolling under the bed.

“Ah, there are others in this box!” Mary declared.

I collapsed on the bed, covering my face as I listened to the girls pulling out my new toys one by one. I felt like a criminal who had just been caught with the evidence in his hands. They started by pulling out the larger dildo. All three made noises of excitement while seeing it.

“Oh, that’s bigger than my husband!” Destine said in wonder.

The others weren’t as obvious as the first one. A small vibrating stone, a string of beads of increasing size, a strap-on, and the craftsman’s attempt at a two in one rabbit-like dildo. Even though the girls didn’t know what they did exactly, they had knowing smiles on their faces and intrigued looks on their eyes.

“You… Cornelia, what are these things. Fess up!” Melinda tapped my head.

“Noth-ow don’t pull my hair…” As I tried to deflect her, she got a bit physical until I finally raised my hidden face.

A little more awake now, I re-instated my conceal and deception to school my face and hide the dread.

“It’s… um… toys.”

“Toys… for sex? That’s what you mean, right?” Mary said although she seemed to be drooling a bit.

“Ah… for sex… and sometimes, for alone time.”

Destine’s eyes seemed to widen as she looked down at the big dildo in her hands.

“But what do they all do?” Melinda asked although she didn’t hold disgust in her eyes, merely a curiosity. “Like these!”

She held up the anal beads in her hand, waving them back and forth. She had to ask about that one first! Although, I didn’t know if it’d be easier to explain that or the strap-on. I’m not sure how I’d get out of telling them about lesbianism if we went down that path.

“That is when you’re having sex… you put them… in your bum.”

The two younger girls immediately tightened their sphincters, their eyes popping, but Melinda nodded. “Hmmm… I used to have a lover who would stick a finger in my ass while he ate me out…”

“She said it…” Mary barely managed to speak out, feeling dazed.

“I feel like this is too much.” Destine winced, using my dildo as if to block her vision.

“Oh, relax ladies.” Melinda dismissed their embarrassment. “I think we’re way passed being too personal. You’re even rubbing her sex toy against your face.”

Destine jerked the dildo that was almost resting against her cheek away and she barely managed to toss it into the box while giving a grossed-out look.

“Ah! I haven’t used any of them yet. I-I just got them.”

“Who’d you buy them from,” Mary asked with an intent look, but then suddenly turned away shyly, “That is… um… if someone was interested.”

“Ah… that is… Sandor and Pratter.”

“Those guys? I’ve been to their shop, I’ve never seen anything like this.” Melinda frowned.

“Um… I ordered them custom, for my personal… ah… use. That is… we had them in my home, but the pigmen that attacked my carriage…”

Melinda finally gave a nod. “Right… well, I can’t blame a girl for wanting to release stress.”

“Ah… it feels good on the shoulders.” Destine had pulled the big dildo back out now that she knew it was clean and was now putting magic into it while it vibrated on her neck.

“It feels even better when it vibrates down there.” I offered.

Her eyes popped wide, but she let the vibration stop while she put two hands on the 8-inch cock like it was a fragile item.

“S-since I haven’t used it, Destine, you don’t by chance, want it?” Destine was cradling the dildo and nodding before I even finished the sentence.

“Eh?” Mary spoke up, “Why does she get it? She has a husband. If anyone needs it I do!”

Upon realizing what she said, Mary’s face exploded with red. Meanwhile, Destine pulled the dildo up between her breasts like she was protecting it from being ripped from her hands. The four of us broke into laughter at the silliness of it all.

They hadn’t rejected something I might have seen as shameful, and they were rather interested and curious about it. This lead to me finally giving them a run through of the sex items I had purchased. When I reached the strap-on, Melinda jumped to fucking guys in the ass, so I didn’t have to try to explain any of my lesbian tendencies. I was just glad that the double dildo hadn’t come in this shipment. Sandor had written a note stating he was still trying to get the enchantments just right.

Of course, this lead to a brainstorming session, and discussions about other potential sexual toys. In my previous life, I was rather tame when it came to the second department. I had a waterproof bullet and a single dildo, and that was it. However, I found myself telling them about nipple clamps, butt plugs, restraints, and cock rings… basically, everything I could remember ever being sold at the occasional adult store I’d been to. I’d, of course, already thoroughly given Pratter and Sandor the same ideas, but they had yet to implement them.

“So, you’re saying my husband could… tie me up, to the bed?” Destine was asking.

The women, even Melinda, seemed to sit on every word I said. Although, while Destine and Mary wore startled and surprised expressions, Melinda was more pragmatic. A few times it seemed I’d stumbled on something she’d already discovered on her own, or something less aggressive than her own ideas, but we still ended up discussing all the ways to have sex for several hours.

“I’m going to get one twice that big. Now that Pratter and Sandor are making these things, I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“T-twice!” Mary exclaimed, eying the already large 8-inch dildo.

Destine saw Mary’s looks and squeezed it to her body as if she still expected Mary would leap over the bed and take it. Each girl said they were going to put in their own orders, and I merely shrugged at that. Eventually, I had to bid them farewell. However, the girls wouldn’t leave until I promised to get more of the potion. They were a little surprised to know that I had made the potions myself. However, when I had explained that the ingredients were exceptionally hard to come by, Melinda had an answer for that too.

“Just tell Reinhart to get the ingredients. If he drags his feet, let me know and I’ll set him straight.”

I was bidding them goodbye as Min returned from wherever she had been although she made no comment on the sex toys being passed around. For that matter, the nobles more or less treated her like she wasn’t there. Well, she was my servant or even my slave, so I supposed that nobles wouldn’t pay her much mind. At least, they didn’t wear any disgust on their faces.

The girls left, and I finally put away all the remaining toys including the one lost under my bed, feeling exhausted. Min was curiously examining the strap-on dildo when I started boxing the toys, and I swiped it from her hands and put into the box.

“That’s for us later.” I winked at her.

Min didn’t say anything. She just turned away to start picking up the room a bit. Before I could start teasing my cute little Min, I suddenly remembered what day it was.

“Ah, crap, I promised to work for Reinhart today. Ah, shit, what time is it?”

I nearly ran out the door in my nightgown before Min stopped me and forced me to put on a dress. She helped me with my hair and reassembled my princess look. By the time I was gone, I was very late, and Reinhart ended up berating me and providing a long lecture about how noble he was for accepting me as his apprentice. By the time we got to work, I was feeling pretty down on myself, but then he showed me a little gift he prepared, all my depression was blown away.

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Ascii of the Day:

        7  7                                                            
     887 7    248827                                                   
    801 72      77888                                                  
   88777  89807     887                                                 
  782  887421777087 18887                                              
  78  88      7   5 5  8887 77                                         
   8 58     188     8772     7807                                      
   0888              77        788                                     
   58488 780   7 87 7            28                                    
   78 7880     788  98           7 85                                  
    8  778847  72  788           2  08                                 
    84     8887   782  2          0  28                                
    8788777287     27  97          8   2                                
    7  880977      28   82         02   7                              
                   44    45         87   7                             
                   84     84        88    8                            
                   87      52        88   78                            
                  78        87       787  7789                         
                  8     77   0        82     8847                      
                 85     07   72       7  7     7084877                 
                 8      87   27      78   777        2889               
                 8     787   5       87      728227     2887           
                 785777  8  72      47            7487    7780         
                    7    78 75     72                787  57 787       
                           772     8                   88  88  88      
                                  87                    84 487  78     
                            77    9                      8  8    8     
                            17   87                      87 8    82    
                            7    8                       77 7    88    
                            4   0                         27    785    
                               7                          8     88     
                             7 7                        782    48      
                            2 7                       784     787      
                              2                      587      87       
                           7 0                      987      80        
                            87                     84       88         
                          778                    082       28          
                         7771                   887       28           
                          717                 788        58            
                          02               77184        88             
                         28              780757        88              
                      7818              887 07       787               
                      578             787  07       88                 
                      728           7888  8       784                  
                       07          78885 87      587                   
                      88          04 82  87     58                     
                      78888427   84 787 07     28                      
                      75 7288888888888888771098857                     
                      87       78   4  78 20888  88                    
                     287       87       847  27   08                   
                     80        87       84    44   58                  
                    788        85        8     75   28                 
                    08         82        02      87  81                
                    80         87         87     78   8                
                    87        78          78      77  8                
                   78         58           54      4  70               
                   04         87            8       2  8               
                   87        88             78      72 97              
                   87       58               84      7 77              
                   8       88                 8       722              
                  28      28                  44      748              
                  58      87                   87      88              
                  807    88                     8      98              
                 884    28                       5      88             
                 887    87                       7       87            
                 88  7 78                                18            
                 28    87                               4  47          
                 78    57                         7        28          
                 787    7                        7      24017          
                 00    78                        7   78177  87         
                 78277887                      727   2778   8          
                571  58                        2 7448 787  72          
               7878  88                      87      788    5

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Julian wiped the tip of his cock off on the young man’s ass, smearing semen across his ass cheek while I finished enjoying the show as well, reaching another satisfactory climax of my own. Before the boy could make any response to Julian’s comments, there was a sudden interruption.

“What are you doing?” An incredulous voice asked a few feet from me.

Devon’s voice caused me to nearly leap out of the bushes, immediately pulling my hand from up my skirt, but fortunately, the voice was not directed at me. Devon immerged from the path, barely missing me concealed a few feet away as he stepped out into the garden clearing while giving a dark glare at Julian.

“Mm… brother, it’s good to see you.” Julian gave a smile, acting like he wasn’t standing in front of a bent over a man with his cock hanging out.

Devon’s eyes turned to the boy who did react to Devon. He quickly grabbed his pants and pulled them on without wiping up, immediately looking down as embarrassment flushed over his face. He looked absolutely flustered.

“You… you’re the Kree Ambassador’s son, right?”

The boy looked chastised, he was even more embarrassed that his identity had been found out. Even I could understand the potential for a horrible scandal the boy could face.

“Ah, yes… I was merely opening the boy up.” Julian chuckled. “That is… to new possibilities.”

Devon ignored Julian’s jabs, concentrating on the boy. “What you have done here… boy… is perfectly fine.”

Both the boy and me looked up at Devon in surprise.

“You have nothing to be guilty about. Go to your father now. You simply tried something out, an experiment. It need not be any more than that. You can let your life be up to you on what you want to do in the future.” He said. “I… have seen nothing.”

The boy relaxed a bit, giving a relieved smile before running off, not even sparing a backward glance to his former sexual partner.

“Oh… you’re no fun.” Julian whined, finally putting his softening cock away in his pants. “You’re supposed to make him feel terrible for it. Chastise him. Tell him he’s been a bad boy. Make him feel like he has no other choice… and then he’ll rush into my arms, the only man who supports his depravity.”

“I know how you operate, Julian, to try to corrupt them one after another. You’ve already destroyed our brother. When will it be enough?”

“Gregory is fine. He practically worships me.” Julian waved his hand.

“He does worship you. And that’s all he does. You scooped him out, removed his identity, and only left yourself inside.”

Julian laughed, walking over to pick up his drink. “Well, I must admit, I did put something inside our dear brother. But I’d offer you the same.”

Devon grimaced. “We… aren’t children anymore. You’re days of… taking advantage of me… are long gone.”

“Of course, I remember.” Julian grimaced. “You ran to daddy, and he beat me for a month straight with a belt. It was a shame with you two. I was never able to entice Richard either. He had that little harlot spreading her legs for him almost as soon as he was able to get hard. She was letting him put his hands up her skirt by the age of 8, I never had a chance.”

Devon frowned. “I’ve put our past behind us, brother… but we are speaking of the now. One day, you will be king. Using your special skill to rape the children of our dignitaries could cause an incident.”

Julian gave another chuckle. “Oh, I forgot, you’re still convinced that I’m using special skills. Did you never consider that most people are sexual deviants, and I only bring to the surface what already exists?”

Devon shook his head. “I believe people are inherently good. You must be using some skill…”

“Oh, I don’t argue it takes skill, but even you have a certain darkness in you. I’ve seen it at our special parties.”

Devon stiffened at that. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Julian leaned closer with a grin on his face. “Oh come on, you may wear a mask, but you and I both know you frequent our monthly underground parties… with the king, and all your brothers. So why is that?”

Devon turned his head away. “You’re family, I feel duty-bound to-“

“Ha! Duty? Honor? So, it is honor having you stick it in half the nobles in this kingdom. Is it honorable when you cum on the Duchess of Soven’s face? Is it Duty as you plow the visiting princess from Renmere?”

“Stop it!” Devon growled. “The people at those things are supposed to be anonymous. I don’t want to know their identity!”

“Don’t play dumb, brother. Deep down, you’re just as bad as the rest of us. Get off your high horse once in a while, it’s fun down here.”

Devon had a scowl on his face, but he didn’t say anything more as Julian glided past him. As Devon looked away, Julian’s eyes suddenly centered on the bush I was hiding in. He gave a wink, and I practically fell back in surprise.

“Oh… by the way, I’ve invited our new sibling, Princess Cornelia. When she comes, and she’ll come, I hope you provide her some extra attention. Eat her pussy? Give her a good ride? You can count on your brothers doing the same.”

He walked from the courtyard with a big smile on his face while Devon continued to stare vacantly in the other direction. Meanwhile, I was trying to recover from the blow. He had known I was there in the bush, but I wondered how long he had known. Was it right away? Did he know I was watching him and the boy the whole time?

Suddenly, my thoughts were broken as Devon stiffened and reached down towards his belt. He pulled his sword from his scabbard, immediately drawing my attention to him. A second later, another man, his face obscured in shadow, took a step out from behind a tree. Just how many people were watching this scene tonight? However, before I could think about it too much, I realized that the other man had a sword too. Was this an assassination attempt? Fear suddenly wracked through me.

Devon bellowed with an extreme degree of anger, lunging forward at the other man. The other man was calm and silent, taking his sword with ease and side stepping. Devon stumbled forward, right past him. He surged forward a second time, swinging his sword wildly at the newcomer who seemed to casually discard his thrusts with ease.

As he went, Devon seemed to reel in his anger, his sword strikes becoming less wasteful and finer. He seemed to remember his sword training and took a deep breath before rushing forward and attacking the new man with steady movement unlike before. The man met every attack stroke for stroke. It was clear that he was as good as Devon, if not better, and he also seemed to be able to fight without letting emotion cloud his judgment.

What was I doing watching this? I should be running to the palace guards. Someone was trying to murder the prince in the garden. However, just as these thoughts fell into my mind, Devon jumped back for a second.

“Flash strike!” He yelled.

A second later, his body almost seemed to vanish in a flash of light. The flash was blinding in the poor lit night, and I had to cover my eyes. When I looked back up, it looked like the invader had been blinded too. Devon was standing on the other side of him, his word being held to the side, and the assassin was standing with his back facing him. Suddenly, his body separated, falling in two halves.

However, his body did not spurt a single drop of blood. Instead, it simply fell apart and as soon as it hit the floor, it exploded in shadows that faded away. It was something similar to a monster disappearing in an RPG. However, the pigmen didn’t disappear when I killed them, so why would this assassin?

“Still can’t beat them without using that…” he muttered to himself.

A moment later, another similar looking assassin rose up behind Devon with a knife raised. “Devon, look out!”

I shouted without a thought. Instead of spinning to stop the assassin, he spun to look at me, who was now standing out from a bush, having completely exposed my location. Before I could worry about the assassin, he suddenly exploded into black smoke, the shadows quickly falling to the ground before they dissipated.

“Cornelia? What are you doing here?” He asked with a confused look on his face.

“There was… you were being attacked?”

He looked around in confusion, but then suddenly, a panicked look crossed his face. “You didn’t see earlier, did you?”

“Ear- ah… I saw Julian walking away and then I heard swords…” I quickly worked my deception.

After getting that out, he turned his head now and started to look sheepish. “Ah… that’s what happened… I-I’m sorry, I was just letting off some steam.”

“Eh? What happened? There were assassins!”

He shook his head, still looking embarrassed. “No… um… I have darkness magic. Those are just… illusions, I made up.”

I gave a surprised look. “Illusions? Th-that felt so real!”

“Ah.. heh… that’s… um… I guess it’s fine if you know, everyone else does. It’s a special skill of mine. I can, sort of… program illusions to follow a certain routine and have mass. So, they can act without me needing to do anything.

My eyes brightened. “So, that’s why you went to save me from those pigmen alone? Cause you can like, create an army of ninjas in a second?”

“Ah… wait, what’s a ninja?  No, Nevermind… It’s not that good. Only 3-4… but they all seem to be at my level of ability, so yes, if I had run into a half dozen pigmen, if push came to shove I could summon illusions and overwhelm them or escape if I had to.”

I nodded, thinking about what a cheat ability that was. Then again, if everyone had their own sets of cheat abilities, and no one wanted to reveal their abilities unless they absolutely had to, then I could easily see how so many abilities can exist that no one ever notices. However, fights to the death might be a horrific thing to behold as everyone pulls out their trump cards.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I think I need to be getting back to the party.” I tried to prevent the awkward silence that was starting to occur between the two of us.

“Wait… Cornelia.” Devon held out his hand although I hadn’t turned to leave yet. “Are you… that is… Julian mentioned he invited you… somewhere…”

“Yes, he did. Why?”

“That place… it’s not good. The things they do there. I… don’t want you to become part of that society.”

“Don’t you go?” I asked.

A flash of irritation crossed his face. “That is… I have to go. I don’t have a choice. But you, you don’t… Cornelia, you can’t go!”

“Can’t?” My eyes darkened a little at those words. “Doesn’t my husband-to-be go? I need to see what he’s up to, after all…”

“Th-this isn’t about him!” He protested.

“Then what is it about?” I snapped back.

“Just don’t… please… listen to me.” He reached out to grab my hand.

“Why should I?” I pulled my hand away and drew back.

I didn’t know why I was so angry. Something about the fact that the prince was going to these things really bugged me. The fact that he wanted to keep me from going to these things too just added icing to the cake. All the princes were messed up in one way or another. Devon was just a giant hypocrite.

“If you… care about me at all, you won’t-“

“I’m not your wife-to-be…”

He lowered his head. “I know that. But if you go, I can’t protect you.”

“Who asked you to? I’m not some innocent princess you think I am. I am a woman, with needs, and desires, and feelings!” I yelled at Devon’s surprised face. “What are you surprised about? That I’m not some untouched virgin? Well, here’s another newsflash for you, those pigmen fucked me.”

He turned green, and it looked like he had been punched in the gut.

“You came too late, obviously, some knight you are.” I knew the words coming out of my mouth weren’t fair; he didn’t even know me at the time, but they kept coming, “So I’ll tell you what. I’ll do what I want. I’ll go to that event. I’ll have as much dick as I want. And if you’re so determined to “protect me”, then you’ll just have to claim me for yourself and keep me from any other men.”

I turned around in a huff, storming from the garden. Devon watched me in silence, his eyes held a hurt look. He was such a hypocrite; why did he have to look at me with eyes that held such care? Worst, why did it hurt my heart so much?

I ditched the party and was already almost back to the room when I realized how much I’d given away. I might as well have just stamped a note on my forehead that said “Aria the Gang Banger!”. No, it was alright. All the nobles were like this. I mean, I was even straddling the king’s knee and calling him papa. I was the normal one in this group. Devon was the outcast.

Then… why did I hurt so bad? Sexual Fortitude should be functioning, so why was there so much guilt now? That night, I told Min everything, and she listened with the same expressionless face she always did. When I finally broke down crying, she held me to her chest while stroking my hair. I ended up falling asleep like that, my arms wrapped around the woman who called me her wife.

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Ascii of the Day:

            GVi    ii  rBv                                              
           Miiiruriii   vBi                                            
          Miri      ijr   B                                            
         iMo          Nv  kM                                           
          Lk       ii  or  Bi                                           
          BriLkJ vPukr  Pi  B                                          
         iB iSjL  qIVi  YJ  BL                                         
         vB    u        iI  rG                                         
         rML  iL iu     rU   B                                          
         ZiY  irv ii    IiP  M                                         
       vMF Pi  XkGii   vJiIiiBB                                        
    iYvFGr riGr         rrMi iBBi                                      
    V         J  iir     i     iMB                                     
   Li                            PBE                                   
   N                               GBBi                                
   q                                 rBB                               
   E    i                              PBu                              
   Z    B                                BG                            
   uv   iX                                MU                           
    B    Gi                        Bi     iBu                          
    Vv   iE        i               LMi     iBv                          
     B    M        vi               rBv     vMi                        
     iq   G        LN               BBMOi    iBM                       
      Nr iS         O              O uBqMBi    GBuiiriiiiiiij  rirLi iii
       B  v        iZ             Ui  rBriBB    BBMBBGPBMBMBSiuo PiiuL 
       YL u         I            rB     BJ EB   v          r YGi MiiBiu
        E BL       iL            BB      BBiiBOr         vZBNvU iFi iqrN
        r kB       GB            Bi       iMBviuBBBBBBBBBIrFi i u iviiM
         i BBY vi iBBY          BB           BBi   ii     u    i      ii
         iv  GBBBOBiiBi       LBB             iMM        G             j
          ko   rZN   iBBBZGBMBMG                Br      B              
           SS    B    vBBBBBL                   BB     Br              i
            oo   UL   Ii    i            ZF     BB    vB              iF
             Ov   B   Bi   iBMBMBBBXv  BBBr     Bo    Bi          qLiri
              B   Or  BF          ivBBBu        M     N          ir    
              vP  jv  GB            VM         oB    vi          r     
               Gi  G  MB            SB         Bi    N           q     
               iB  M  BM            NM       iBU    vi           k     
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

“Ah!” The first girl made a surprised noise.

She was a small pretty girl, a little older than the girls I had such an unpleasant experience with earlier. She had rich blond hair and a small face. The other girl had a darker complexion, with very long legs. She was probably as tall as most men. Her face was framed with glasses which gave her a mature look.

At that point, the emotional blows of the night had put me on edge. The idea of pretending to be civil to these women as they insulted me was out of the question. Therefore, I let the mask slide for a moment.

“I’ll have you know,” I sniffed. “That it’s not the number of cocks you suck, but the quality of the right cock.”

The girl’s eyes opened in surprise at my direct admission, but before they could respond there was a cackling sound coming from down the hall. It was a considerably older woman, with slightly grayed hair, yet she still held herself high with a strong back and a noble gaze.

The two other girls immediately fell into curtsies in a fluster when they saw her. “Duchess Melinda, Good evening.”

The taller girl then spoke. “Ah… we were just-“

“Gossiping… about each other, as girls tend to do… I know how it works.” The woman dismissed her words with a curt nod before looking at me. “So, tell me, Princess Cornelia, tell me about this special cock you sucked to find all those orbs.”

The two girls burst out into blushes, but I currently had my deception down and thus forgot to act out the part of being embarrassed. “Well, it was eight inches from head to shaft, warm and veiny, pinkish in color, and tasted a bit salty.”

The other two girls, who were almost staring in reverence towards this incoming woman had their looks turn to shock as I twisted her words. I admitted I was a little angry from earlier, so in some ways, I was vindicating my embarrassment, although I hadn’t thought of exactly who I was talking back to.

However, the woman’s eyes flashed with a twinkle of humor. “Mm… eight inches now, that does sound special. My husband was rather small. I imagine what these old bones could do with eight inches.”

“I hope he was good with his tongue,” I responded back.

“Well, I kept on hoping, but gods bless the man he did try, I’ll give him that.” The lady laughed, “Let us walk and talk. It has been some time since I’ve talked with anyone here who seems to have any brains in their head. Feel free to throw out the analysis skill you kids love using these days.”

Although she was speaking specifically to me, somehow, she had managed to grab the other two girls and dragged them with her, although they were shooting each other glances as if they were begging for help while looking on the verge of fleeing at any second.

Taking her advice, I gave the three women an examine. My magic sense did not detect them using any magic on me. This might be because none of the three women had analyze, or they didn’t want to use analyze, or possibly they had already used it when I had entered the ballroom initially.

{Name: Melinda Fry, Sex: F, Age: 52, Title: Duchess of Rin Total Level: 55, Class: Magician, Class Level: 25, Sexual Partners: 6, Sexual Preference: Nice Butt Sexual Kink: Teasing, Relationship: Widowed, Breast Size: D, First Time: Jerick Still, Last Time She Had Sex: 7.2 years, Favorite Sexual Position: Doggie, Most Sensitive Area: Back of Neck, Age Lost Virginity: 16 Status: None}

{Name: Destine Psi, Sex: F, Age: 25, Title: Weaver Total Level: 35, Class: Arts Craftsman, Class Level: 5, Sexual Partners: 3, Sexual Preference: Muscular Sexual Kink: Having Neck Sucked, Relationship: Married, Breast Size: C First Time: Braun, Last Time She Had Sex: 6 months, Favorite Sexual Position: Doggie, Most Sensitive Area: Side of Neck, Age Lost Virginity: 18 Status: None}

{Name: Mary Warren, Sex: F, Age: 26, Title: None Total Level: 38, Class: Harp Player, Class Level: 8, Sexual Partners: 1, Sexual Preference: Pretty Boys Sexual Kink: Blowjobs, Relationship: Engaged, Breast Size: B, First Time: Bree Stack, Last Time She Had Sex: 1 year, Favorite Sexual Position: Reverse Cowgirl, Most Sensitive Area: Armpit, Age Lost Virginity: 17 Status: None}

Mary Warren was the taller woman while Destine Psi had the smaller form. I noticed their sexual partners were significantly less than the previous three girls. Given my sex count, I felt a tad hypocritical judging women by that, but I still felt better knowing these three women were not the typical party goers. Given the last time they had sex, these women likely did not go to Julian’s parties at all.

“Your dress is very lovely. I, for one, hate the frills that are in right now. It just tears and gives the seamstress a headache. This is very fine stitching, I can tell. Hand stitched? A lot of the seamstresses that make dresses for nobles these days use magical stitching. It creates perfect seams, but their artificial and lack any true detail. They’re just laziness and cheapness. To find something handstitched like this is truly enviable.”

Melinda was a bit of a force, continuing to talk as she felt my dress. She had the other girls feeling the seams as well, and Destine, in particular, had an interest in the fine hand stitching of my dress, although the honest truth was that I knew very little about the making of the dress beyond the fact that Min did it for me.

“It was done by my servant, Min,” I explained.

“Ah, that would be the “elf slave” I hear about so much.”

“She’s not a slave, she’s family!” I protested before I could help myself. “That is… um… she was a servant I was taking, and the slavers captured her after the pigmen attacked…”

Although I didn’t have the same power in my words when I came up with the lie, Melinda gave a hard nod.

“Yes, I know how those slavers function, snapping up any demi-human they can lay a crime on. Since you can only enslave those guilty of crimes or born into slavery here, the slavers really push the law to the extreme, and use local prejudice to enslave a lot of innocent demi-humans. It makes me sick!” Melinda looked like she was about to spit, to the point that Destine jumped to the side to avoid it, but at the last second she didn’t.

“Th-that makes sense!” Mary spoke up. “You-you’re very lucky you were able to save your family servant from being enslaved. I have a girl at home. A b-beastman girl with cat ears. We used to go fishing together in a pond on my father’s estate. I would be devastated if I found out she had been turned into a slave!” Mary still seemed nervous, but she seemed to speak passionately from the heart.

As she talked, we found ourselves in a small receiving room, and servants ran by and made us some tea. This was all done with a few flicks of the wrists from Melinda, who seemed to be setting the pace of this conversation with ease.

Destine suddenly spoke up although she looked like she was about to cry. “I-I lost my virginity to a beast man!”

“What?” Mary made a noise of surprise. “You never told me that!”

“Ha! Now it’s getting good.” Melinda laughed.

“W-well… it was when I was 18. It was a stable boy. He had the c-cutest dog ears, and well… you guys never did anything like that?”

I felt bad for her as her cheeks started to turn bright pink in embarrassment, so I spoke up. “Bandit.”

The three eyes turned to me while I wore a wry smile.

“Wh-what happened with that?”

“Ah… he was really sweet. Told me he was a former Knight. So, one thing led to another… but then the next day the king cut off his head.”

The two younger girls gasped while Melinda merely nodded as if she understood. “I had a similar experience once. An adventuring bard who used to sing the sweetest tales. Then one day, he didn’t come back from an adventure.”

I gave her a nod of understanding. Losing someone who you were intimate with was always a blow. Of course, I left out a lot of details around that event but left just enough so that it wouldn’t be boring.

“So… while we’re talking,” Mary spoke up. “What is it like… being engaged to the third prince? I mean, you guys looked pretty close from what I saw.”

“Ah… that…” I gave a grimace.

“Is that silly Sylvia girl giving you problems?” Melinda inserted with a knowing look.

“Huh? Who, Sylvia?” Destine asked.

“Yeah, that girl was giving quite the hateful stare. I heard the two had grown up together. I would bet a gold necklace that he is her first, at the very least. Sorry, girl.”

“No… well, as to that…” I stuttered out.

I didn’t know whether it was the tea, the comfortable atmosphere, the motherly charm of Melinda, or what, but my mouth seemed to slip open. I ended up telling them about my first encounter with Sylvia, even going so far as to mention the letter, and as they hung on my words, I found myself revealing my unfortunate catching them together, and before I knew it I was even mentioning how they were going at, it only an hour ago just down the hall from where I met these women.

The girls gasped and gave openly shocked expressions while also providing me words of encouragement and sympathy. Melinda merely nodded, taking in the story thoughtfully.

“I-I admit, I never thought the princes were like that. Well… I mean, I know the first two are a little funny, but I thought the third was normal. To think he’d make her wear your dresses… and that girl… ooo, I just want to punch her in the face now. Just last week she had told Destine and I a nasty rumor about you. Now, I know where they were coming from.”

“What? She’s spreading rumors too?” I gave a wry look.

The two younger girls looked at each other and then suddenly both bowed their heads down towards me. “We’re sorry! We had gotten the wrong impression about you from her. We were wrong, please forgive us!”
It was a sincere apology, and I ended up growing flustered as well. It was Melinda who stepped in.

“What’s done is done. The best you girls can do is try to make your own impressions of people rather than following rumors!”

“Yes, Duchess…” The two women responded, looking properly chastised.

I felt a welling of happiness in my heart. These women were more genuine than anyone other than Min since I had been here. Perhaps Devon, maybe… but Julian said that he wasn’t so innocent either, even though I wasn’t sure I believed it.

“Well, as punishment, I say both of you girls must tell us your most embarrassing secret!” Melinda suddenly declared.

“Wh-what?” Destine gave a surprised noise.

“Well, Cornelia here has told you something personal. Now you have to tell her your shameful secrets. That’s how bonds of trust are formed. None of you will share the others secrets, or feel disgusted by the others because you share a mutual bond of trust.”

“Ah… okay…” Destine was the first to reveal how she lost her virginity, so she seemed to most open to revealing stuff about herself. “Um… how about… um… I haven’t had sex in almost six months.”

“Six months!” Melinda laughed. “I haven’t had sex in six years!”

“Ah… well… that… but the reason I haven’t had sex is that my husband, he’s been having trouble staying hard. I’ve been wondering if it might not be me. Perhaps, I am not sexy enough.”

“Not at all!” I protested, “You are absolutely beautiful, if he’s not getting it up it’s his problem!”

“Yes, absolutely!” Mary agreed, the pair of us trying to comfort her.

As we did so, the handy vials in my pocket flashed in my memory once again. Deciding to just go for it, I brought out a vial and handed it to Destine. She stared at the vial blankly.

“It’s err… a special potion. Um… it enhances male performance. Put some on his penis… and it will improve things, I think…” I explained as eloquently as the occasion called for.

“Male enhancement potion? I’ve never heard of that. Why do you just have some in your pocket?” Mary hit the question right on its head.

“Ah, well… you never know?”

The three girls fell into laughter, and I joined them a bit, but it was Melinda who finally spoke up. “Well, do you have any more vials? I think I might like to try some of that.”

“Ah? Melinda too?” Destine asked.

“Well… I’ve been having a bit of a dry spell, but there is a man. His equipment hasn’t worked for a long while, but as she said, you never know.”

As it was, Mary’s secret was that she once peed herself during a banquet. Her husband-to-be wouldn’t let her go even though he knew she had to pee. He had a big smile on his face while she squirmed and twisted in her chair until someone suddenly bumped into her and she lost control. She was furious with him and wouldn’t talk to him for months after, partially from embarrassment. However, rather than be disgusted, he seemed to become more invested in pushing their marriage forward, which only served to further confuse her. I smiled inwardly at her tale. I had my suspicions, but I didn’t want to say anything alarming so I kept myself quiet and provided generic sympathy.

We continued to talk for quite some time. I didn’t know how long we talked, but we ended up discussing all kinds of things. We talked about guys. I mentioned how the 4th prince seemed much more stoic than the 3rd and they teased me about coming on to my future brother. We talked about sex, the girl’s even going so far as to mention which Knight they thought about when they masturbated. It seemed like the longer we went, the dirtier our minds got, and soon we were sharing naughty stories, both real and imagined.

Eventually, the night had gotten old. Melinda had informed me that I didn’t need to worry too much about the party. After the dance, people would drift in and out, and it really was no big deal if I didn’t show up again, even as the guest of honor. I took her word for it.

However, after a night talking about sex, I was a bit wound up and decided I wasn’t ready to go back to my room. Therefore, I walked into the garden, taking in a breath of fresh air.

This was when I started hearing noises coming from a nearby veranda. I approached carefully, for no particular reason activating my sneak ability. I had only a handful of opportunities to use it, and it seemed like an ability I might need when Denova came calling, so the wide-open gardens at night seemed like as good a place as any.

As I snuck up from behind a bush and peered through the openings, I saw Julian standing there. As usual, he was wearing flamboyant clothing, a fancy and colorful shirt and a long robe that nearly went down to his ankles. He had both arms against a wall which he was leaning into, and it took me a second to realize that there was a person within his arms.

That person was a young-looking boy. He was maybe a few years younger than me, still having baby fat on his face. He also appeared to be breathing hard as Julian was gazing intently at him.

“So, my young sweet child,” Julian spoke up. “What shall we ever do on such a boring night to spice things up?”

“Prince Julian, I…”

“Shh…” Julian put a finger over the boy’s mouth, stopping him from talking.

A moment later, he dropped the hand down and placed it on the man’s crotch. It was clear, even in the shadows of the night, that he was vigorously rubbing the area between the boy’s legs. The boy’s hard panting started to grow more severe. Their two lips met, a Julian lightly kissed the boy while fondling him with the other hand.

As Julian pulled the boy’s shirt off, and I considered how many virgins he’d claimed, I brought myself to a good vantage point. Of course, my fingers found their way up my dress, as there was no way I wasn’t going to enjoy the show.

<Disclaimer: I hate having to write this since my story contains dozens of lesbian scenes that don’t need a disclaimer, but yes, the following scene is BL interspersed with Aria masturbating to it. If that doesn’t sound appealing to you, end the chapter here and start at the beginning of the next chapter. You won’t miss any plot, but you may miss some “plot”.>

Before long, the boy was completely naked, his clothing in a pile on the ground while Julian looked him up and down with a smirk on his face. The boy was a little scrawny compared to the likes of Devon and definitely Denova, but he had the starting of a six pack, and it looked like he had spent some time training his muscles. He had darker olive skin, much like Jenai, and in some respects the way he looked reminded me of her enough that I wondered if they came from the same country.

While Julian didn’t kiss the boy much, he liked to tease him with his lips, running them across his face and breathing slightly to cause goosebumps to form on the boy’s skin. He reached down and delicately put the boy’s dick, a modest six inches, in his hand. Julian had long lacquered nails, and as a result, his fingers were flexed back and gripping his dick gently. He could never make a fist for extra tightness with those nails.

He used his fingers and palm, running them up and down the boy’s shaft while still keeping the boy pressed against the column. As Julian’s hand worked his cock, he sucked on his lover’s neck, eliciting sharp gasping. His hands moved deftly, and I was almost certainly he must have some kind of skill with the way he handled that cock.

It wasn’t like me at all. I liked to grip tightly, running it through my fist as I gyrated the fingers and altered the pressure on each thrust to create a tightening gradient. With Julian’s nails, that wasn’t an option. Instead, his hand moved deftly. He’d cup the head of the boy’s cock into his palm, then bring his fingers down, pulling out with five fingers surrounding the dick. Then he’d give a twist, suddenly running the back of his hand down the boy’s shaft, then another flick and his palm was running back up the length.

His methods were mesmerizing and as strange as it sounded, it felt like watching a master perform their task. The boy was responding strongly to his machinations, his throaty noises turning into a whine as he legs started to struggle to stay standing. Of course, Julian had an answer for that as well. Julian pulled away suddenly, causing the boy to open his eyes. While holding the tip of his shaft with a thumb and forefinger, Julian pulled the boy away from the wall, guiding him over to a nearby bench.

“Have you ever felt it in your ass before?” Julian asked.

The boy shook his head, but then still bent over, preparing to receive Julian’s cock.

“No, sir.”

Julian chuckled. “Well, no matter. You’ll come to like it with time. Just reach back and spread your cheeks for me a bit.

The boy complied. As he leaned his chest down on the bench, he reached both hands back, cupping each cheek and pulling them apart. Julian leaned back a bit, eyeing his butthole like he was surveying the land, while I leaned forward for a closer look of my own. My fingers were diving in and out of my pussy now, and my maxed conceal was the only reason I was able to keep quiet in the bushes.

Julian pulled down his pants just enough for his cock to spring free, but he kept the red and black robe on that he always seemed to wear. He was circumcised surprisingly, which was actually the first cock I’d seen in this world without the foreskin. Before now, I had taken it for granted that this world simply didn’t do that. I wondered what had driven Julian to have it done, but my place in the bushes held no answers. I curiously examined his cock and compared it to his younger brothers. He was a bit thicker and a bit wider than Richard, who was already at the cusp of average becoming above average.

While I admired him, Julian bent down, and literally spat on the boy’s asshole. He rubbed one finger into his crack, spreading around his makeshift lubricant, all before positioning himself behind the boy. In a single motion, he grabbed the boy’s hips and pushed himself in. I couldn’t see much now, with Julian in his cloak, it simply looked like him standing in front of a naked, bent-over boy. However, I could see the pained look on the boy’s face. Finally, Julian’s hips were moving as he thrust into the boy’s asshole slowly and carefully.

He was way gentler than Denova when Denova decided to take my ass, so I had to give him a little credit. The boy, on the other hand, must not have had high pain resistance. He made several pained noises, his mouth open in a grimace as Julian continued to move his hips without mercy.

“Ah… ah… it hurts…” the boy said with tears in his eyes.

“Keep it up, it’ll feel good soon,” Julian said, but I almost could see him rolling his eyes with the amount of concern in his voice.

However, after about four or five minutes, the boy started to relax again. With that, Julian started picking up the pace. The boy’s pained noises started to turn into panting. Julian’s balls were starting to make a light tap tap sound as they struck the boy which for me was a welcomed sound to cover up the wet noises my pussy made as I fingered myself to climax.

After about ten more minutes of thrusting, Julian, who hadn’t been breathing hard at all previously, finally let out a single moan. He had a little bit of sweat on his face, but he otherwise didn’t wear much expression beyond mild amusement. He might have been painting a portrait or writing a letter for all the sexual satisfaction he showed.

“Ah… yeah… good.”

That was all Julian said as he came. A moment later, he pulled his dick out and a gush of white spurted from the boy’s gaping butthole.

“So, that was fun.” Julian chuckled. “What’s next?”

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