Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

After a little while, I swung my leg over and straddled Min’s lap. I leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. While Min’s expression did not change, and she showed no response that would have suggested she was sexually into this, she did purse her lips and kiss back, so I took that as confirmation. However, I didn’t become more aggressive. I had already experienced a fairly satisfying threesome earlier, so I wasn’t exactly desperate, and something about Min being my friend made me want to treat her gently.

Thus, I only lightly kissed her for a while. My hands wrapped around her small body as I held her letting our relatively cool skin meet against the hot water. I didn’t progress sexually at the moment. You could simply call this skinship. I was familiarizing myself with her body. Still, I made sure Lesbian Lover was selected just in case.

Of course, I also gave her a princess kiss. After looking with examine, this did not seem to remove the status “slave”. I had expected as much, but I was a little disappointed at how weak princess kiss actually was. Afterward, I carefully examined her, using Cat’s Meow on any area of her body that seemed like it might be bruised or scratched. She had numerous cuts on her body that I hadn’t noticed before, at least one looked to be infected. However, a few licks later and it closed up and disappeared.

Min watched me expressionlessly as I licked her body. I licked her arms, her legs, and her back. Everything that didn’t seem like perfectly clean skin got a piece. This was simply called tongue ship. I was just familiarizing myself with her body. What? You don’t believe me? It’s a thing!

Furthermore, as I tongued her pussy in the name of tongue ship, my tongue did strike a surface that could be called the tattered remains of her hymen. I was underwater at the time, making use of Lover’s Breath to clean her while immersed in the soothing bath water. I know her pussy had taken some abuse, so I wanted to make sure she didn’t have any lingering problems. It was purely done out of concern for my friend.

There I found it. It wasn’t complete, there was a hole, but she remarkably wasn’t broken all the way through yet either. For some girls, the first time isn’t always a one and done deal. Sometimes, you bleed the first few times as the hymen steadily gets broken apart. With only the lackluster dicks of goblins, which were admittedly only long enough for the head to just poke past the hymen unless they raised up the legs and really tried a deep stick, they had yet to remove her hymen in entirety.

Certainly, if she was the type to bleed after the first time, a normal sized dick would gain that effect. This is why the slave trader probably felt comfortable treating her as a virgin. If she bled and was tight, he could get away with it.

Perhaps more shockingly, as I continued to lick, the hole started closing up, and after a few minutes of cat’s meow, her virginity had been complete restored, at least in the context of vaginal integrity. This was likely only because she still had some of her hymen intact. I had used Cat’s Meow extensively on Jenai’s pussy and there was absolutely no sign of a re-growing hymen. People like her and me had undoubtedly rubbed our hymens away until nothing remained.

I emerged after restoring Min’s virginity and gave her another kiss on the lips. This time, our lips parted a bit, and she offered a very modest amount of tongue. I was clearly the aggressor in our kissing, with Min simply allowing me to.

“Do you feel better?” I asked.

“Mm…” She gave a small smile, one so subtle I wouldn’t have seen it if my concealing ability hadn’t been increased.

Of course. me being me, I couldn’t just leave it at that. I lied back next to Min and started fingering myself while also rubbing the outside of Min’s clit. I kept it up for a while, gently moaning until I came. Min was infinitely trickier. Jenai gave nothing away from her face, but she was always forthcoming when she reached climax. However, her actions were the result of conceal, and the more skilled I became, the more I was able to read through her deception.

Min, on the other hand, merely wore an expressionless face. She gave no indication when she was close and she said nothing if she did climax. In the hot tub, I couldn’t even truly feel how wet she was, giving me no indicator if she was sexually aroused at all. She merely watched me curiously as I rubbed her clit and came in turn.

Now for me, I was obvious about it. Besides the fact that I gushed every time I came, my eyes also closed, my back stiffened, and my entire body convulsed. If I was coming without concealing myself, you better believe you knew about it. So working with a girl like Min who gave no indications of her sexual engagement could be considered a bit frustrating.

There it was, she came, I could feel it. It wasn’t anything exciting. Simply put, if I had a finger inside her, but not so far as to compromise her hymen, when she came her pussy tightened. For the span of about three seconds the walls of her pussy would clamp down on my fingers, and then they would release. If I listened really carefully while watching her face, during those three seconds she wouldn’t breathe. Then she would let out a slightly larger than normal breath. Her eyes didn’t change, her face remained the same, but that was Min cumming.

Once I found out the trick, I started getting a little more aggressive. I used both hands to play with her pussy, and even my tongue for a while. She came three more times that I could tell. Once it clamped down right on my tongue as I sent it up her unbridled womanhood. After a while, she started to look dizzy from the heat in the room. It was probably the heat, and not my machinations, so the pair of us left the tub all pruney and grabbed towels to dry up.

When I opened the door, still wearing my towel, Danielle almost fell over. She had been apparently kneeling at the door, trying to listen to us shower while panting to herself. Fortunately, her husband was busy downstairs and unaware of her acts bordering on perversion. She fell to her knees with the door open and looked up at me like a dog begging for a treat.

“Are you going to…” Min left the question unfinished as she joined me at the bathroom entrance.

However, I knew what she was asking. She was asking if I was going to award Danielle now like I promised her. In other words, was I going to have sex with Danielle?

“Is that okay?” I asked.

In truth, I was sufficiently satisfied, but it’s not like I couldn’t go another round, and honestly, part of me was worried how Danielle would act to more denial. It was as much to keep from torturing Danielle further as providing me any sort of satisfaction. Any piddling amounts of experience I’d gain didn’t even factor into my mind.

“Need… your measurements.” Min said.

“Okay, well if you need me to stay up, I have more stamina during… those things.” It was a flimsy excuse, but Min merely nodded and walked by, ignoring Danielle who was still on the floor, trying to lick my foot at the moment.

I pushed Danielle away with a foot and sighed. “Fine, you have one hour to satisfy me.”

Min and I didn’t have anything to wear yet. Of course, Danielle would have given us anything, but her clothing was far too small on Min and didn’t quite fit me right around the hips. That’s what lead to me lying on my back in the bed, my legs spread open as Danielle eagerly feasted away on my snatch.

Min was sitting in a nearby chair, working on cutting fabrics. Occasionally, she would walk over with a measuring tape and wrap it around my arms or legs, working around Danielle, whose tonguing sounded like a gluttonous person eating their fill. I watched Min work, showing a complete disinterest in Danielle down below.

It wasn’t like the experience wasn’t enjoyable, but compared to Jenai or my own LVL 5 masturbation, she was just sloppy. I felt sorry for her, really, just desperately licking me, enjoying every inch of my taste, her tongue thrusting in and out of me, twirling around in that – oh, damn, well I just came. I was a seductress, after all, the second I focused I could cum on anything. This seemed to renew Danielle’s vigor, as she was undoubtedly in my splash zone and was thus well aware of the creaming me.

As the night droned on and I watched Min work with a drowsy look that even my stamina boost didn’t defeat, I finally kicked Danielle out of the bed. She tried to protest, but I ordered her to go to her husband and give him the best fuck of his life.

“Oh… and also, tell him he can stick it in your ass if he wants. Make him keep going until you cum.”

Danielle bowed her head enthusiastically, “Yes, mistress, anything for you mistress, can I lick your feet mistress?”

I don’t know where the feet thing started from, but I kicked her out of my room and shoved the door in her face before heading back to the bed and sighing.

“Vessë… is sadist.”

“Eh? Me?” I made a silly voice as Min gave me a look while shaking her head. “It’s just that girl is so damn annoying. Plus, I need to keep her husband distracted. I promise I’ll remove her status problems tomorrow.”

Min didn’t say anything more, so I finally lied down, and without the stamina boosts Danielle was giving me I quickly drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking on my door. I didn’t think much of it, so I stood up and walked to the door, swinging it open. I half expected Danielle to be their begging for more attention.

However, instead of Danielle, it was Devon standing there. His eyes looked down and widened in shock, and then he turned his head away uncomfortably. At that moment, I remembered that I had gone to bed the previous night butt naked. I looked down at my body and was shocked to see I was actually wearing something.

It was a white nightie, a long silky dress with various strips of alternating see-through and non-see-through material. As lingerie, it was incredibly sexy, hinting at the form underneath while tempting the imagination. It covered my entire body but still managed to accentuate my breasts, and my hips, making all the curves of my body pop. Plus, it was so comfortable it felt like I was barely wearing it. This dress was something I would never have worn in my previous life, not because I didn’t want it, but because I couldn’t justify the high price tag for such little fabric.

As I admired the night dress Min must have put me in last night, Devon was stuttering in a desperate attempt to maintain decorum. “I-I see that Min has finished some clothing for you. I am glad.”

While he said this, he kept staring down the hall, avoiding looking in my direction at all.

I gave him a smirk. “Yes… she did a good job, do you like it?”

Without looking, he nodded, “Yes, it’s… erm… good. I’d like to leave soon, if possible, so if you wouldn’t mind getting ready?”

“Of course, and… thank you.” I reached out and just lightly touched his shoulder.

He stiffened, nodded, and then gave his farewell. As he walked away, he seemed to walk with a slouch which told me all I needed to know about the effect of my nightie. He was being so cute, I couldn’t help but tease him.

“Send Danielle if you see her!” I shouted down the hall.

He raised his hand in an acknowledgment without looking back and I chuckled as I turned around and shut the door. I glanced over at the small desk Min had made her seamstress station. She appeared to be asleep, still sitting in the chair at the desk, cut pieces of cloth lying all around her. She must have stayed up late into the night making dresses.

I went over to the nearby chair where she must have been placing the finished dresses. They were absolutely lovely. Rather than being frilly and full of pointlessly gaudy lace, the dresses had a minimalist appeal. They were slimming, low enough to show just a bit of ankle, and they had interesting folds and wraps which made them appear like a cross between a business dress and a one-piece Asian kimono. One was green with purple accents, another was a lighter green with white accents, and the last was white with black accents.

“Oi…” I tapped Min, and after a moment, her eyes opened up and she turned to give me a questioning look. “Where are your dresses?”

“All Aria’s,” Min said after a brief moment.

“I can see that, but what about you?”

“Wear this.” She gestured to what she was wearing now.

What she was wearing now was the loose-fitting slave clothing. It was a loose beige shirt and beige pants with unhemmed edges. It was really only a step above a burlap sack. As I was saying this, there was a knock at the door and Danielle entered. She wore something infinitely more common, much like what she had worn the night before, especially compared to the fantastic dresses Min had prepared. Her eyes sparkled with desire at the look of me in Min’s exotic nightie.

“But you need something nicer to wear…” I stated, “Danielle, give her a dress.”

Danielle nodded and immediately started stripping. I didn’t mean the dress you were wearing, just like one in the back of the closet or something. I barely stopped her before her breasts were bared. It was morning, and I hadn’t had my daily experience session, so if Danielle got too far I probably couldn’t help myself but to enjoy the feast.

“No… too much… slave.” Min poked her collar nonchalantly.

“She’s right, master,” Danielle spoke up. “While mistress deserves to only be drabbed in the absolute finest as befitting her magnificence, a woman such as… this… cannot be seen in nice attire. It would cause an uproar anywhere you took her.”

I didn’t like how she talked about Min. It was clear she was still bearing a fair amount of resentment and jealousy from the closeness I shared with Min. However, I considered her words. At this point, she didn’t even know I was a princess, at least in disguise, and so she probably wasn’t even talking about nobles. If nobles got involved, I’m sure the expectations would even be greater. My servant can’t look as nice as me. I let that reality sink in.

Finally, after being convinced, I sent Danielle out to bring back any makeups she had. She returned with a pail of warm water, makeup, and other beauty tools from her own personal stock. I washed the sleep and sweat from the night away and then started to prepare myself as befits a princess.

It had been over a week since I was last in Denova’s care, and thus it had been nearly a week since my façade as a princess had been torn apart by three pigmen and an overactive libido. I started rebuilding that façade now. It wasn’t just my physical appearance. It was also mental as well. I took what I had observed from the prince, and all the “expectations” he had for me and started to recreate my face to meet this idea of an ideal princess.

Min and Danielle worked on my hair, fighting over whether it was better to braid or tie it up. In the end, Min seemed to win the fight and Danielle pouted in the corner as Min tied it up. They donned up my hair, and while it wasn’t at the level of Jenai, who could create curls with a flick of a comb, it was nicer than I would have probably worn my hair back home before going on a hot date. Danielle became a little too enthusiastic to help so I sent her down below to clean up a bit. I had meant for her to eat me out, but before I knew it, she was taking a blade to my landing strip. Now, I was bald down below. I guess I would be going with that look for the immediate future. Please grow back! Nothing else seemed to, so it left me a bit worried.

After my skin was made baby smooth with the addition of a topical potion that Danielle had been saving for the perfect night, I finally began putting on makeup, using all the tricks of conceal. Danielle’s complexion more closely matched my own compared to Jenai’s rich olive skin, so the makeups she had available seemed to be more effective. And before long, I had turned my face into that of a princess.

My chin was slightly raised, my eyes were wide open and sharp, I carried a slight tweak of a smile at the edge of my lips that emitted a kindness edged with confidence in my own way. It was perhaps the most work I had ever done in maintaining my conceal, taking in everything Jenai had ever taught me on the subject. A moment later…

{Conceal has increased to LVL 8.}

As I put on my dress, my smile widened a bit. I straightened my spine, concentrating on moving my body like a woman with strength, good upbringing, and proper manners. As I compiled the effects over those two minutes, to the naked eye it’d almost appear like I was changing into another person entirely. When I finished, I looked down at Min and Danielle.

The two girls were staring at me with their mouths open. Even Min had a startled look on her face although she recovered much quicker.

“By the gods… is mistress an apostle of the gods?” Danielle whispered through her shocked stare.

I sniffed, maintaining my atmosphere, “I’m Princess Cornelia Bartrum, 1st daughter of King Bartrum, lord of the nation of Drophe.”

That had an effect, and Danielle nearly tripped over herself. However, in the end, her behavior really didn’t change. She was already beguiled with me. Finding out that someone you thought was the greatest thing ever was truly great only reinforced your beliefs, not change them.

Min packed up all the things in the room, including the two dresses I ended up not wearing today and my nightwear she had prepared. The three of us left the room and headed out to the tavern portion of the inn. We walked down the stairs and immediately saw the prince standing near the door. George was also there, standing behind the bar while cleaning dirty glasses.

The second the three of us walked into the room, the conversations stopped. This inn wasn’t particularly busy, catering to rich merchants and the like more than rowdy commoners, but the six to seven people eating breakfast that morning suddenly broke their talk. I ended up walking across the room in silence. There was a clatter suddenly as George saw me, dropping his glass to the counter. It didn’t break, and he grabbed it to stop it from falling to the floor. However, he didn’t pick it back up again, his mouth wide in shock as he stared at me.

The effect didn’t just touch the common folk. The prince himself had a slightly gaped expression with eyes that couldn’t take themselves off of me. Using all the lessons I accumulated at this point, I walked like an aristocrat, filling the surrounding space with my presence. As soon as I reached the prince, I gave a delicate curtsy. I have curtsied so many times while training that I’m shocked I didn’t have the curtsy skill now.

“My prince…” I said while lowering my eyes only enough to show respect from a princess to a prince.

“Oh.. ah… Princess Bartrum, I… you’ve… I mean…”

I put my finger up and stopped his lips from moving. “Thank you.”

He stared at me in complete silence, unable to come up with anything to say. However, the silence was interrupted by a sudden word.

“Princess?” The word was spoken in surprise from George, who was now barely able to keep himself standing.

“That’s right, honey!” Danielle spoke up, trying to quelle her husband. “Didn’t I tell you it was important that we showed these guests our compassion? Aren’t you glad you listened to me, even after you complained about it all last night? And after I let you stick it in my ass?”

All of it was said out loud except for that last part, which was muttered under her breath with a little bit of spite in her voice. Fortunately, she was quiet enough that I and maybe Min were the only two who could hear.

“Th-that’s right!” the prince finally snapped from his stupor, turning away from me and taking any distraction he could focus on. “I forgot to introduce myself. I am the fourth Prince, Devon Hyburn, and this lady is the Princess of our allied nation, Drophe. I promise you, your generosity will not be forgotten.”

“B-b-bu-but Princess? But we, and she, we ha-“

“We are humbled to be your hosts, is what my idiot husband is trying to say.” Danielle interrupted him just in time, stopping him from saying something that would have been a serious problem.

For the first time, I was genuinely thankful to Danielle, who was smoothing all of the disruptions I had caused with her husband with great finesse. After that, we bid our farewells, and Danielle wore a teary look like her soul was about to be ripped out of her body. I grabbed her hand and made a show of thanking her for her “talks” and generosity, and then I leaned forward and kissed her. It was a kiss directed at the side, in between a kiss on the lips and kiss on the cheek. I had to use the lips for Princess Kiss… but it would look weird if I suddenly plopped one on her lips, so by being noncommittal, I hoped it’d get a pass on both fronts.

At that point, I released Princess Kiss. This should have cured the beguiled, but I confirmed it with examine before I nodded. On the other hand, Danielle jerked as if she was goosed. She started looking around like she woke up from a fog for the first time in days. Before she had time to sort her mind, we took off. With Min, we no longer could fit on the horse, so the horse’s new job became to carry my dresses and the various other goods we had collected. And like that, we left the village of Stine and finally made the trek to the castle. Even though it would be a very long time before I could follow up to find out what became of Danielle and George, the lives I all but blew apart with my own selfishness, I hoped the pair of them could reconcile.

However, there were many things I didn’t know at that time, and by the time I did know them, I had long since moved on. The main thing was that my skill, seduction, was, in fact, a charming spell, but it worked on a fundamentally deeper level. People who were slowly hit with seduction wouldn’t become beguiled, and seduction’s fundamental purpose is not to put people into a beguiled state.

The beguiled state, by the way, was a zombie like obedience state, as I had seen on the pigmen as well as Danielle. The state would have worn off on its own in a few days. Even if I hadn’t used Princess Kiss, she would have just shaken herself awake as if she had been having a dream. That’s not quite right. That suggests that people who are beguiled aren’t aware of what they are doing. No, they retain full memory of it. This can lead to states of great shame and embarrassment as people remember how they acted while beguiled.

This does not, however, take into account the full skill of seduction. Seduction is a skill that changes someone into liking you. The charm aspect of it is merely icing to smooth the transition. Thus, while being woken from beguile had seriously confused Danielle, once she had all her emotions sorted out, she was still seriously in love with me. This put a great deal of strain on her relationship with her husband. However, a short time later a very large sum of money had arrived at the inn. The 4th prince had wanted to reward them accordingly, and true to his word, he had sent them enough money that if they had wanted, they could sell the inn and live the rest of their lives on just their savings.

Instead, they kept the inn, and with money no longer a strain, they attempted to reignite their relationship. They accomplished this by becoming sexually promiscuous. The pair became swingers, experimenting sexually with select guests that struck their fancy. After engaging in about every kind of erotic play they could conceive of, George eventually hired a girl who resembled the age and appearance of Aria when she had visited, hoping to fulfill the void in his wife’s heart.

It worked for a while, and the pair certainly had their fun with the young 20-year-old servant girl, but no matter what she did, Danielle could never completely satiate her aching heart. Ten years after their meeting with Aria, the couple split. This happened for a few reasons, the main one being that George had gotten the serving girl pregnant during one of their sexual forays. For whatever reason, the two had never thought of having children before this event, and with the serving girl bearing his child, it seemed like it was time for the two to part.

Danielle decided she needed to go on a journey and find herself. She bid her loving husband farewell, and parted on good terms, including a last three-some between the three close friends. After she left, George settled down and married the serving girl, putting behind the promiscuous life he had started a decade earlier with his former wife. Meanwhile, Danielle searched for her Mistress, hoping she could serve under her once again. Whether she ever met up with me, or whether I accepted her if she did, that is a story for much much later, long after my tales as a Seductress ended. I’ll say it once again, seduction is scary.


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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

After those sexual exploits, her husband couldn’t say another thing, so he just nodded his head, still regaining his breath. I stood up, threw on my clothing, and headed back down in a rush. That had ended up taking a little longer than I had planned. I initially was just going to flirt a little, maybe suck a guy’s cock… I did not expect it to turn into that.

Either way, I jumped down the stairs and crossed the tavern lobby. As soon as I reached the door, I ran face first into Devon. Min was standing just behind him. I almost felt like she was giving me an accusatory stare, but that must have been my imagination. I didn’t feel guilt for sex, but I did feel flustered like I might have some cum stringing from my nose or something. I hadn’t really checked to make sure I was presentable after the wild sex moments ago. Worse off, I probably smelled like sex too.

“There you are!” Devon said with exasperation, “I take off for just a little while and when I come back your servant is alone and saying you came in here an hour ago and never came back! I thought someone might have kidnapped you!”

I let out a forced chuckle, “Don’t be silly, I’m fine, see?”

Please Min, stop giving me that look, you’re my servant? Right? You’re supposed to be on my side!

The prince pinched his nose. “Fine… fine… I guess you didn’t wander off too far, but what are you doing?”

“Ah… first, did you have any luck with the inns?” I skillfully deflected his question with a question.

He winced at the memory. “No… none of those places seemed trustworthy. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t find any place with enough cleanliness that I’d trust them.

“Well, then…” I stated, holding out my hands. “I secured us a spot for the night, see? That’s what I was doing?”

He looked at me suspiciously, “Really?”

“Of course, really!” said a voice from the stairs. It was Danielle, she had a rich smile on her face, and was quickly straightening out her clothing as she approached. “I offered Aria our rooms. After hearing about your plight, it’s the least I could do!”

“Oh, um… are you sure? I… uh… can’t pay now, but I can pay la-“

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she beamed, “Any friend of Aria is a close friend of mine. Please, stay, relax, my home is yours.”

“Hey! We’ve been waiting the last thirty minutes to be served, are you guys going to do anything?” A voice shouted from one of the tables.

“Just a minute,” she chimed back, not even taking her eyes off of me.

Yeah, even though she was talking to Devon, her eyes kept being drawn back to me while she beamed with a bright smile. Min was also staring at me, her face unreadable. Why do I feel like you’re judging me, Min?

Her husband also finally made it down, back in his clothing.

Danielle immediately shouted to her husband. “Husband! Do what you can for the other hosts, I’ll be making sure Cornelia is happy.”

The was an odd inflection when she said Cornelia, which hinted at the extreme obsession hidden in her eyes. Fortunately, Devon didn’t seem to notice. He seemed to be more apologetic, promising he would send money later. I also didn’t tell her my name, so she must have analysis. Eventually, I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Can you get us something to eat now and then keep your distance for a bit?”

“Yes, my beautiful mistress.” She whispered back, bowed, and then walked away.

After she left to the back kitchen, Devon let out a breath in relief. “Ahh… well, we have a nice place to stay, it seems, the hostess seems really nice, but doesn’t this all seem a little odd to you guys? I know there are nice people in this world, but it seems almost too good to be true.”

Min said nothing, but she was still staring at me. I simply smiled and shrugged.

“I… simply talked to her, told her about my situation. It… turned out we had a lot in common, so we hit it off. I’m sorry we ended up spending so much time… talking… we were just… enjoying ourselves… just the company of another woman… that is… although her husband was there too…” I stumbled towards an explanation that was an approximation of the truth.

{Deception has increased to LVL 8.}

Min sniffed and turned away finally while Devon nodded. My deception skill should get an award after this. With those accusatory eyes off of me, I could finally take a deep breath. The innkeeper and his wife, neither one exactly held up a calm front. He kept glancing between his wife and me, then shaking his head as if trying to convince himself what just happened actually happened. Meanwhile, his wife was staring adoringly at me from across the room. Fortunately, I had my back to the wall and Min and Devon were seated across from me, so they didn’t get a chance to see those looks.

True to her word, Danielle brought out a complete feast. It was roasted pork, these incredible vegetables that were sautéed splendidly, soft baked bread, and more. She brought out wine freely, and I got the sense she was using the really expensive bottles. Her husband had gone stiff when he saw her pouring it. However, after getting the threesome of his dreams, he was no place to argue with his wife or the other woman that helped fulfill that fantasy.

Thus, we ate our fill. The finale was strawberries with whip cream. There was sugar in the cream, but I didn’t know the source of the sugar. Not wanting to draw Danielle’s attention and have her stare longingly at me, I decided not to ask.

After I was stuffed with as much as I could eat, Danielle came back to the table and while staring at me with hearts in her eyes, gave us our room arrangements. Devon nodded and took the key to his room, which was adjacent to ours. As a prince, he was probably used to being treated like royalty, so her overzealous behavior and generous offerings probably didn’t set off his radar as much as it might have a normal person. Her finest wine is probably what he normally drinks, and the biggest room is probably cramped by his standards. At least he didn’t ask questions and took the offerings graciously.

“Alright, I’m heading up. You stay in the inn, in the morning, we’ll set out.”

“Yes, sir.” I gave him a smirk.

He hesitated, sighed, and then gave a nod before turning and heading up the stairs. Oh come on, I wasn’t that exhausting of a person.

“I’d like to get a bath as well before bed,” I told Danielle.

“Of course!” Danielle nodded excitedly, “I’ll be happy to wash your back for you as well. Let us-“

“I’m Aria’s… my job.” Min suddenly spoke up.

Danielle looked aghast, but I tried to deflect the situation once again. “Ah… she needs to take a bath too, and she’s my servant so you don’t need to put yourself out.”

“Oh…” Danielle’s lips tightened a bit.

When Min turned away, Danielle stared daggers at Min’s back with an ugly expression until I elbowed her in the side.

I leaned over and whispered in her year, “If you’re a good girl, I’ll treat you later!”

Danielle bobbed her head enthusiastically while drool was coming down her mouth. This satiated her enough that we were finally able to get towels and enter a private bathroom. As it turned out, this bathroom was much different that I was used to. Although it held similarities with Japanese bathhouses, I had only seen in passing from the one or two anime I had watched.

I wasn’t big into anime, but one or two RPGs I played had part of the story as anime, and thus I felt the need to watch them from time to time. Thus, I found myself sitting naked on a small little stool with a bucket of water and a bar of soap while Min washed my back.

As a girl who grew up in the west, bathing with others was something you stopped doing when you were four, and that didn’t suddenly become more comfortable now. It was a bit odd because if Min had been eating my pussy right now, Mental Fortitude would have scoured away any shame or uncomfortableness. Apparently, being bathed wasn’t covered by Mental Fortitude as sexual enough, and for the first time since I came to this world, I felt a little embarrassed.

Eventually, my body was covered in suds, and then I dumped the hot water over myself to wash away the soap. Then, there was a very large tub, although it was basically a hot tub without the jets. Min and I hadn’t spoken since we got into the room. I probably should have offered to wash her back too, but I was already feeling uncomfortable. The silence was deafening, and all I could hear was the sound of Min scrubbing herself with a brush as I submerged myself in the hot tub.

After a moment, she dumped a bucket over her head and then submerged herself in the bath across from me. The uncomfortable feeling continued on, and I finally reached a point where I had enough. If Mental Fortitude wouldn’t kick on and make me feel completely a-okay, then I would just have to put myself in a position where it did work.

I slid to the other side of the hot tub, putting myself right next to Min. I reached out, just about to pull no stops in seducing Min and bringing the both of us to a satisfying conclusion, but suddenly I stopped. I dropped my hands and I let out a deep breath. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested, but for the moment, I suddenly felt the intense need to confess. Min was… in some ways, my closest link to the past I had. One of the few people that saw me, even if she never really talked or acknowledged me, before I truly started to change. In that way, Min was very important to me.

“Min…” I started. “I have something to tell you, a lot of somethings, actually. I’ve told no one else this, but you… I feel like I can speak.”

“Mm… trust.” She said simply.

“I’m from far away. Really far away. I only came to this… place… about two months ago. I’m… how do I say this… I’m from another world.”


“My world… there is no magic… no monsters. So, what do I do the first second I get here? I get kidnapped by goblins. But then something happened. I had sex with the goblin… I took charge… and somehow, that caused me to get this strange class…”

I started explaining everything to her. I explained the seductress class, and why I wanted to have sex with her that first time. I told her about first-time bonuses, and about how my abilities worked based on my sex. I told her about the bandit king and his ridiculous mission that turned me into a princess. I showed her the ring that I couldn’t remove. Then, I finished by explaining what I did to the innkeeper. I didn’t get into gory details about our threesome, I simply left it that I seduced her and made him go along with it.

“I just… I just needed someone to know. You’re the first person I met in this world… and… and I just don’t want you to hate me. I want you to understand me, more than anything… and… and… please just don’t leave me…” I suddenly broke down crying.

I half expected her to stand up and walk out of the room without saying a single thing. However, just as my tears started to fall into the hot tub, an arm wrapped around my shoulders. The elf girl pressed her nonexistent breasts against my arm, and she put her head comfortingly on my shoulder.

“So, it was that,” Min said. “What done… is done. Won’t leave… Aria…”

I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek upon Min’s head. A moment later, my hand landed on her thigh. I pulled it back, turning to give her an apologetic look. It really was a habit.

“If Aria… okay.” Min nodded, as if to herself. “Please, gentle.”

My hand went back to Min’s thigh, and I slowly traced my fingertips up and down her body. We sat there for a bit, sighing as warmth seeped into our bones. But before long, my hands started moving over Min’s body. I was a seductress, after all, and I could never leave it at that.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“We could have gotten her for a third of that price,” Devon stated when we were out of earshot of the tent.

“Huh?” I asked dumbly.

“Your servant. He was giving us an over the top price. Extorting the royal family, the gall. I could have talked him down, but you brought out that strong box… where did you even get that stuff? A large family could have lived a year on that amount of money.”

“Ah… I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking. A-are you mad?” I looked up at him innocently, an apologetic look on my face.

{Seduce has increased to LVL 3.}

That’s a damn lie! I was not trying to seduce the prince, I wasn’t! However, the prince was scratching the back of his neck and blushing, which was an odd action for someone that was supposed to be angry at me.

“Well, no, it’s fine. I guess. It’s not like you’ll need money in the castle. But those 20 gold you spent is most of the money I had. I’m not sure I’ll be able to buy an appropriate dress that befits a princess.”

Min wore a questioning look on her face and so I pulled her to my side and whispered in her ear. “Long story. For the moment, I am Princess Cornelia Bartrum, I’m engaged to the third prince of Nidia, and we’re about to go to the castle.”

Min simply nodded again. It was nice seeing how well she could take a secret. I didn’t think I’d need to worry about her. I was still afraid she might slip up and fail to act like an appropriate servant. That could end up threatening my mission. On the other hand, having someone on my side put me in a much better situation that I was before.

“You… certainly get along with your servant.” Devon stated as I spoke quietly in her ear.

I pulled away from her as if I had been shocked. “Oh… ah… is that weird?”

“No! No… don’t get me wrong. It’s nice. I just didn’t expect you to treat… someone common, with so much concern.”

“Ah…” I simply made a noncommittal noise, wondering when I could see a real princess so I would know how to act.

As I was thinking that, I felt a tug on my shirt. I glanced back to Min, and she went to whisper in my ear.

“Clothing… I make… cheaper.” She said lightly.

I gave a nod and then walked next to Devon. “Well, if it’s a problem, my servant is a decent enough seamstress, so if we can just get the fabric she could probably make it.”

“Ah, well… I was hoping to be in the castle today. There’s no way she can make a dress that fast.”

“One night…” Min suddenly spoke up.

“Eh? One? The seamstresses I hire usually take two weeks, are you-“

“One night,” Min said firmly.

Devon glanced at me, and I gave him an innocent smile. A moment later, he threw up his hands.

“Alright, I suppose after what you’ve been through, a night of decent rest would go a long way.”

I giggled and showed him my brightest smile. He seemed to react to it, becoming somewhat awkward and scratching the back of his neck again. It was kind of cute and I was starting to like that innocent side of him.

That’s how we found ourselves in a tailor. Except, instead of picking out a dress, we were grabbing fabric, cutting blades, and thread. Min seemed to know exactly what she needed, so I left the shopping to her. I attempted to pick out some fabrics for a bit.

“Mm… too flimsy.” She said when I showed her one I liked.

I found another one off the same rack she was looking at and showed her, “Mm… you look better in green.”

“Eh?” I spoke up, “I thought I looked good in black, it’s my fa-”

“No… green.” She cut me off firmly.

After that, I let her pick out everything and stood around with Devon in an awkward silence. A few minutes later, she was done and my prince paid the bill. Even though we were only buying fabric and not clothing, it turned out that the price just about wiped out Devon.

“Ah… I didn’t think the fabric would be that much,” Devon sighed, “I don’t have any left over for a meal or an inn.”

I tapped my finger on my lips in consideration. “How about the cheap inns on the other side of town?”

The other side of town was the downtown area. He had taken us to the expensive area of town, full of jewelry stores, boutiques, and upper-class purchases. I had wanted to warn him that we could probably get the same fabric cheaper if he was willing to go to a cheaper area, but that didn’t sound very princessy of me. Of course, that got us in this situation.

“That area… is not clean…”

“It has to be cleaner than the outdoors.” I offered.

He grimaced at that, “Debatable, but if that’s what you want.”

“Just check and see if any look like they’d be good enough to sleep in.”

“Alright,” he said, “But I’m not comfortable taking the pair of you to that side of town until we have a destination. I’ll go, but you two stay put here.”

Min put in, “Start working…”

She found a bench near the seamstress shop and immediately began pulling out fabrics and measuring them with her arm. I let out a sigh, realizing I was going to be bored for the next hour or so while he went, but also realizing I didn’t really have any other choice.

“Alright, be quick,” I said.

“Two hours tops.” Devon nodded and turned around, walking out of sight.

This kind of sucked. It was my first time in a city from another world, and we were already out of money. The worst part is that I had put us in this situation in the first place. If I had just kept my mouth shut, Devon would have probably worked down the price. I’m sure on a purchase such as a slave that the King’s word would have gone a long way. Min might have been held overnight, but we would have had the money to return to the castle properly.

It was frustrating. I had all of these various cheat skills, but not a single one of them could help me get a place at an inn. I had nothing to offer to get a night… oh… well, there is that, after all. There was an inn on the corner that looked particularly nice. It had a fairly large entry way, and it seemed slow at the moment. I considered my options for a few moments. A seductress takes what she wants… right?

“Min… can you wait here for a bit, I’m thinking I might be able to sweet talk the innkeeper into giving us a night and a meal.”

Min looked up at me for a second, and then she turned away looking down at the floor. Her eyes held a look of disappointment. I didn’t say I was going to do that! I mean… if I could convince him without doing that, I would, but how did Min know that was what I was thinking. My situation with the adventurers was a little different from this. This was closer to an exchange of services. No, that made it sound like prostitution. This was closer to exchanging favors… helping each other out when we’re in need.

I felt bad that she for some reason felt disappointment, but I hoped she’d appreciate it anyway when we had a nice bed and food to eat. Thus, I worked my way over to the inn. Despite being a seductress with innumerable amounts of sexual experiences on my belt, this was actually the first time I had ever tried to seduce someone in such a way. Never before had I specifically wanted something, and then went into the situation attempting to convince someone to give it to me, especially when the situation wasn’t already somewhat sexual.

The man standing behind the counter immediately caught my attention. Thankfully, he was only thirty-something and not particularly unattractive. Certainly, in the upper 20% of those I’ve had, although that list included goblins and spiders. I was just starting to approach him with the most seductive smile I could muster when an arm suddenly wrapped around him.

A smiling woman about the same age as he gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, “Husband, would you be a dear and go get some more wine from the cellar.”

He gave a nod, turned around, and started heading to the back. Then her eyes turned to me. It was clear as day that she saw me approaching and intercepted. Never before I had been so caught off guard! She had narrowed eyes, and she raised one eyebrow.

“Well, what is it you’ll have?” She asked.

“Ah… um… I guess some of that wine will be good.”

“That’s three silver.”

“Ah… Um… I don’t have it yet, I’m waiting on…”

“Well, wait in the corner, girl, you’re in the way of other customers.”

There most certainly was no one else waiting behind me. But the look on her face told me she didn’t believe I had a man coming. Her behavior was so aggressive that it made me shake a second with anger. I wasn’t one quick to anger, but she was being such a bitch. Suddenly, I wanted to pay her a lesson. I wanted her to suffer. I went to the corner, just as she said, and sat at a back table.

It was a little dark, and this actually worked in my favor. As I sat there, the woman watched me for a few moments before getting back to work, but she did keep an eye on me. Her husband finally returned with a cask as well, but with her watching me like a hawk, there wasn’t much I could do.

Well… at least there was nothing I could do that she could see. Using conceal, I was secretly fingering myself. I had one hand down my pants, and my fingers ran concentric circles around my clit. I was not doing that as any form of self-satisfaction. At least, not yet. Rather, masturbation was sufficient to activate my Sexual Saint. I needed that stamina boost because I was now spamming seduction. However, I wasn’t targeting him. Sure, I could get him so horny that he plowed me right in front of her, but that wouldn’t get me a night in the hotel.

No, she was the key to everything I wanted, and I was about to become everything she wanted. So, I kept activating seduction after the minute cooldowns. I occasionally alternated it with Eye of the Beholder. By the time, I had cast Eye of Beholder once and Seduction twice… she was already fleeting glances over at me. They weren’t the hawk-eyed glares previously delivered, but they held tinges of lust and desire. By the fifth seduction, her eyes didn’t leave me, even when a customer was talking to her.

After eight Seductions and three Eye of the Beholders, even my enhanced states driven by Sexual Saint weren’t enough and I was started to feel exhausted. Fortunately, the bitchy innkeeper came over to my table at that point.

“Yes?” I asked innocently, pulling my hand out of my pants and fighting remaining lucid with the 1/5 stamina I now had.

“I-I love you so much… mistress… please, let me do anything for you.”

“Ah, is that so?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Yes… mistress… please command me. I’ll do anything for you.”

Fortunately, we were far enough away from all the other guests that they couldn’t hear her. Her voice held so much desire and lust and that it started making me wet. Suddenly, I started feeling a little bad. I didn’t know how seduction worked. Did it wear off, or did I just turn her into my sex slave? Would she be able to function after I left? I wanted to make her pay, but I didn’t want to destroy her. For not the first time, I realized how scary my powers can be.

First, I decided to use examine on her.

{Examine has increased to LVL 6.}

{Name: Danielle, Sex: F, Age: 34, Total Level: 33, Class: Barmaid, Class Level: 3, Relationship Status: Married Sexual Partners: 6, Sexual Preferences: Large Dicks, Sexual Kink: Pulling Hair, Sizes: 5’4’’ tall, 30 inch waist, D-sized Breasts, First-Time: Jack, Status Effects: Beguiled to Aria the Solo Player}

Where to begin… the information of my examine has grown substantially since the orcs. She has the status effect, beguiled. Is that a result of Seduction? Would a princess kiss remove this effect then? Knowing relationship status is nice. In this case, I was already aware, but that might not always be the case.

I glanced across the room at the innkeeper who was now giving a questioning look our way, curious as to what his wife was up to.

{Name: George, Sex: M, Age: 38, Total Level: 42, Class: Innkeeper, Class Level 12, Relationship Status: Married, Sexual Partners: 2, Sexual Preferences: Big Butts, Sexual Kink: Threesome, Dick Size: 6.2’’ long, 1.8’’ thick, First Time: Danielle, Status Effect: None}

Man… this kind of snooping dug up some pretty interesting information. She’s had a lot more sex than he has, but she was his first sexual partner, while his number is two. That sounds like a scandalous story if I’ve ever heard one. Perhaps, she was willing to engage in a threesome once before.

“Did you ever have a threesome with your husband?” I asked.

Danielle shook her head ‘no’, eager to please. Ah… then it was a juicy piece of information.

“Do you know if you husband every cheated on you?”

Danielle, “Him? No, I don’t…”

“Since the first time he slept with you, he’s slept with another woman…” I stated.

I was hoping Danielle would get upset.

Instead, she shrugged. “I don’t care about him anymore, you’re the only one who matters to me.”

“What’s your nicest room available?” I asked.

“It’s 6D, on the second floor. Does mistress want it, I’ll go…”

“No.” I stopped her. “Rather, why don’t you convince your husband to go up there. Then give him a very hot blowjob. The best you’ve ever given.”

She twisted her lips, “I don’t do that with my husband.”

“Do you want to please me?”

“Yes, mistress,” she shivered.

“In your mouth, go wild, suck him like crazy. I’ll be up to join you.” At that, her disappointed look turned excited. “You can introduce me. Tell him you want to give him that threesome he always dreamed of.”

After a moment, she nodded, then turned around and walked away. She tapped on her husband and then started whispering in his ear. He had a questioning look on his face which showed some doubt, but eventually, he headed upstairs. After a minute or two, I stretched and stood up, leaving a little wet spot on the seat behind. What? I just got myself started while she was prepping her husband for me.

I walked upstairs to the room she had indicated. When I put my ear to the door, I could hear the sound of moans as well as a loud slurping sound. Then, I opened the door and walked in. His eyes were closed, his pants were down on the floor, his cock sprung to attention. Meanwhile, his wife was on her knees, servicing him with great vigor.

The door closed behind me with just enough noise that his eyes opened. “Oh shit… I mean… wait…”

He grew flustered, trying to grab a pillow to cover himself. His wife, on the other hand, turned her head towards me and a giant smile broke out on her face. She stood up and practically skipped over to me, her gaze appearing like a loyal dog looking for a treat.

“Ah… Danielle, what’s going on? What’s… um… what?” He was still flustered, still reeling from being half way to orgasm.

“Well… husband… I knew you always wanted to try a threesome, and so I thought it was a good time to make your wish come true.”

“A-a-a-a-a-a threesome, is it?” He was still shocked, but his curiosity has certainly peeked.

“This here is my good friend…”

“Cornelia,” I finished the word.

“Yes… Cornelia, such a wonderful name,” The awe leaked through her voice for a second, “Cornelia here is very important to me and I was hoping that she could be very important to you too.”

That wasn’t exactly the wording I would have used, but fortunately, her husband was thinking with his dick and not his brain. His wife’s strange behavior was being selectively ignored in exchange for the chance to finally satisfy his lifetime kink.

“Is-is-is that okay? Really? Are you really okay with this?”

Danielle, being in close proximity to me, had already started losing control, she was rubbing her nose against my cheek, and she started raining kissing on my neck. “Yes… mmhmm, of course, dear.”

She was barely acknowledging he existed. He was staring in wonderment as his wife rubbed up against a woman ten years younger than she like a cat on catnip. I gave him my best smile, using seduce, the skill, rather than seduction, the special skill.

“I told her my situation. I had lost my money pouch and didn’t have a place to stay the night. She’s letting us stay here, so I felt like I had to do something to exchange her generosity. Then she mentioned how you always wanted to be with more than one woman, and I thought I could be good. Am I not good enough?”

This was said so sweet and innocently that I might have well shouted that I was trying to seduce him. Meanwhile, his wife glared daggers at him, angry that he might imply I wasn’t suitable.

“No… no, I’m sorry, I’m just surprised. You-you’re absolutely beautiful.”

“Isn’t she?” Danielle said excitedly, her hands wrapped around me as she turned back and started sucking on my neck.

Watching his wife make out with another woman moments after having her mouth all over his dick, he was already starting to drool.

“Hmm… thank you.” I said, “But you haven’t seen all of me yet?”

With that, he started moving forward like a zombie, unable to control his desires. If it was true that this was one of those too good to be real moments, then this man’s soul was already damned. He started kissing the other side of my neck. I smiled and leaned back as the married couple took over my body. Their hands roamed aggressively over me, squeezing and teasing my breasts, feeling my skin. One of their hands pinched a nipple, and I moaned enthusiastically.

Feeling motivated now, I brought them over to the bed. The three of us kissed and touched each other. Actually, to be honest, Danielle only really had interests in my body. If I spared her much attention, then her husband, who wasn’t under any beguiling, would have started to feel left out. As our clothes, all hit the floor, and the three of us ended up naked, I took George’s dick into my mouth. We were in a 69 position, except we were lying on our sides. As opposed to my pussy ending up in George’s mouth, Danielle got between us. While she enthusiastically licked at my pussy, George spread her legs and ate hers. I was worried she was going to push him away, but fortunately, she accepted his attentions, even moaning, sending pleasant vibrations through my crotch. All three of us were moaning as we ate and blew each other.

{Position Unlocked: Daisy Chain.}

I continued to enjoy the Daisy chain for a while, but it got to the point where I really wanted him inside me. However, changing positions seemed like a pain, especially when you had to orientate three people, so I did a position shift instead. A second later, my pussy widened as penis slid right in. I was lying on my back now, and Danielle was on top of me. She was kissing my nipples enthusiastically. George was down behind the pair of us as he was sliding it in and out of my pussy. As normal, neither one had any awareness of the position shift.

With a thought, his dick popped out of me and slipped into his wife. She let out a satisfied moan, and I was pleased that she found satisfaction with his dick too. The two of us kissed, our tongues combining and wrestling between our mouths. Meanwhile, every thrust pushed her head up a bit, causing her tits to rock back and forth over mine. Our nipples were passing back and forth over each other, and they had become quite erect as a result.

I reached up and grabbed her bobbing breasts, manipulating the nipples with my fingers. She started to convulse a bit, her tongue losing its vigor as a moan escape her lips. A moment later, I felt a bit of liquid dripping on my pussy and realized that she must have just cum. Not wanting to be left out, I switched her husband’s dick back to me. His dick instantly disappeared from her convulsing kooch and immediately filled up mine. It was much wetter now, slick with her lust, allowing it to slide in and out of me with ease.

This time, It was my head bobbing, while she continued to desperately kiss my body. Eventually, she reached down and started fingering my clit right between the pair of us. Along with her husband’s rhythmic thrusting, I was quickly brought to a quick climax. My convulsing pussy must have pushed her husband past the limit too as a moment later he exploded inside of me.

I did a position shift, putting myself on top. However, George’s member was soft now. I sent him a little stamina with my All Nighter and then made him lie down. I positioned his wife over his face, and he started graciously eating her pussy. I then lied down between his legs and started sucking him off, working to bring his dick back to hard. His dick, slick with my spit, both of our wet pussies, and of course, his own spooge, did not take long before it sprung back to action in my mouth. As I bobbed down on his dick, taking it in deep enough that my lips touch his balls with each thrust, using deep throat to its fullest potential, Danielle gripped my hair like handlebars while riding her husband’s face.

{Deep throat has increased to LVL 4.}

{Position Unlocked: Bobbing for Apples}

Just out of curiosity, I did a position shift. I remained in the same position but switched Danielle and myself. George was now eating my pussy, drenched with his own semen. Well, he dirtied me up, he can clean me up too. I started cumming again as he ate at the contents of our sexual lust from moments prior. Meanwhile, his wife choked on his dick. I had taken his dick all the way down, using the deep throat ability to maintain absolute penetration, and then switched. I was curious what would happen.

It looked like it transferred her to the same distance, his dick jammed deeper down her throat than she was used to. As a result, she was choking without the deep throat abilities I had. Once she recovered, she started enthusiastically sucking his dick. Apparently, even her beguiled state wasn’t enough to overwhelm the power that is position shift. She took on the role I was fulfilling, sucking his dick with enthusiasm, even though she was completely fascinated with me. I grabbed her hair with a hard grip and pulled. She let out a gasp and took a deep breath as I pulled her away from his dick. She was looking up at me, his dick in her hand, her mouth drenched in seed and spit. He must have cum again while she was downing him, and she swallowed like a good girl.

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips while pulling her hair back to force her to look up at me. She had a look of complete sexual satisfaction on her face. It was complete ecstasy. I yanked her hair up and she let out a cry mixed with a moan until I forced her by the hair to move up and straddle his dick, letting it slid inside of herself. While I continued to ride his face, she began to ride his dick, all the while reaching out and fondling my breasts.

{Position Unlocked: Face to Face}

I swapped positions with her a few times, and we took turns being eaten out or riding his cock. Eventually, I position shifted to the double oral, and Danielle and I half made out, half sucked him off. He eventually exploded for the third time. I had generously increased his semen load so he could keep up, and as a result, he exploded magnificently over the pair of us, our faces and bodies covered in semen.

While George watched, Danielle, and I licked each other clean. I smiled and gave Danielle a hug. Finally, I turned to George, who was more exhausted than anything.

“I’ll be right back with my friends, okay? Which room should I have? I… probably don’t want to bring them in this one. Plus… I need a bath.”

“Ah… yeah… that’s fine. You can have the second best room.”

“Um… I’ll need two rooms.”

“Eh?” He started to question, but his wife slapped him on the shoulder.

“That’s fine, isn’t it dear? You can have any room you want, my love, and I’ll cook you guys the biggest and best meal I can make. I’m quite the cook, I’ll have you know.”

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Ascii of the Day:

                                                           ;##-    +######         
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                       ############x    ####x,                                    





Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

That night, I slept by the fire, finally drying myself off. We had only ridden another hour… but I was covered in slime juice and we were still concerned that more monsters might attack. It was chilly, and by the time we stopped I was shivering very uncomfortably. The prince didn’t have another change of clothing, but he promised me that as soon as we got into the outskirts of the next town, he would personally buy me a dress and a bath at an inn before we entered the castle.

He also implied he’d make sure no one knew about the things we had experienced. It appeared like what happened in the woods, stayed in the woods. I considered making a move at that point, he could certainly warm me up better than the fire, but part of me decided that it wasn’t the right time, especially considering the fact I was covered in dried slime juice.

I asked him about the slime, and he informed me that slimes have a magic core that keeps them together. He defeated it by striking the core while avoiding my body. Apparently, if I had known about the core, I could have reached out and simply crushed it in my hand. It’s why slimes are not considered considerable threats to humans. Unless they’re magma, poisonous, or in some way caustic, slimes are quite weak. And the stronger slimes typical reside in very inhospitable dungeons anyway, and would never show up on the surface. The big issue with slimes was the mess. He didn’t make any comments about a history of slimes raping women, and I decided there was no normal way to bring it up so I let it pass.

“Still,” he added. “I have never seen them go crazy like that. I’d swear someone released a monster attractant on us.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I was surprised too.”

I decided ignorance was the best policy here. The monsters weren’t attacking now, and that was what was important. However, the prince still insisted on staying up and keeping watch. Not really considering his lack of sleep, I quickly snuggled next to the fire in one of the blankets he had kept nearby and went to sleep myself.

The next day, we continued to make progress unperturbed. At this point, my cramping had stopped, and I began to regain my vigor. I also managed to gain some experience while we were on the road. Regrettably, I did not have a toy, unless the saddle counted. That’s right, I masturbated on the horse while we were riding. I was sitting behind the prince and while I pressed my face up against his back, my fingers worked their magic. My conceal had improved considerably at this point. Either he didn’t suspect a thing, or he was being way too polite.

I suspected the former because I decided to do it a second time, and as I came, I squeezed on his side, getting a nice feel of his yummy abs.

“Is there something wrong?” He asked.

As I casually slid my hand out of my pants, I lied. “Sorry, I thought I was going to fall off for a second.”

“Oh… well, be careful, hold me with both hands.”

“Yes, sir.” My eyes twinkled as I reach out and grabbed his other side with my hand still dirty with my womanhood.

The cat-and-mouse game we were playing that he wasn’t even aware of was starting to turn me on, and I was starting to think of doing even more absurd sexual things just behind him when he suddenly spoke up and broke my poorly made plans.

“Ah, we reached the farmlands, we’ll hit a small village shortly and then we should reach the city by evening.

As we trotted forward, we emerged from the forest into an area that clearly looked cultivated. I couldn’t tell what more than half of the things being grown here were, but I recognized farmland at least. As we headed down the road, more people started showing up, many of them smiling and waving as the prince passed by. It was enough people that even I wasn’t comfortable with my conceal enough to get away with doing naughty things behind the prince.

Instead, I grinned and bared it, simply waving and smiling back to anyone who met my gaze. I certainly didn’t look like a princess in the prince’s garb, and my hair had spent literally two days in a barn and then was drenched in slime gunk. I probably looked more like a straggly adventurer. The prince didn’t look that much better. The boars had managed to rip his shirt in a couple of places, and at the very least he looked like he had been in a fight. Certainly, no one had called him out as a prince or lord, and we both kept things simple.

“This is a fairly big village. A lot of commerce comes through here. Just stick close to me.”

“Yes, I will,” I said, snuggling up closer to his back.

He didn’t stiffen like he once might of. In the last two days of riding, he seemed to have grown used to me snuggling up against his back as we rode. No matter how much I knew he was conscious of my boobs pressed against his back, he never openly reacted to it, so I continued to do it until my boobs just felt more comfortable against his back, then it was just second nature. The third prince probably wouldn’t be happy if we kept doing that, so I’d need to stop when we reached the castle.

The village… as he called it, looked more like a city. It had its own city wall and everything. I mean, compared to a city from my world, everything was incredibly crowded. The streets were smaller, only needing to be large enough for a carriage. There were people walking around numerous buildings. None of the buildings reach over two stories, and they seemed to be built of stone, thatch, or whatever was available at the time. It certainly gave off the vibe of a middle-aged city.

“Let’s go to an inn. You can get cleaned up and I’ll get you a dress.”

I nodded behind his back and didn’t say anything as we trotted up to the city gates. The gates were open and there seemed to be no form of checking as we passed by. A guard simply waved us along and we kept moving forward. I had thought we might have to have some identification, but it turned out that identification was only necessary if you were transporting goods.

I was finally in my first city in another world, and my excitement was palpable. It was the regular kind of excitement for once, the same kind of excitement you’d have visiting another country for the first time. All I wanted to do was go exploring. First, I’d go to a jewelry shop and unload the goods I had swiped from the orcs. Using my new-found fortune, I would hit up the armor and weapons shops, buy the best I could afford. Maybe I could get something better than I could afford, a few sexual favors covering the gap. Then, the adventurer’s guild, the place that holds the hopes and dreams of every gamer who ever found himself stuck in another world!

But… I couldn’t do any of that. I was a princess now. Fortunately, the prince was in front of me and couldn’t see the wide-eyed wonderment on my face. However, the city did give me a few disappointments as well. Elves, dwarves, and beastmen all existed in this world, but there was not a single one in this village. I was expecting the city to be full of all kinds of strange monster-like humans.

When I asked the fourth prince this, he barked a laugh. “You certainly have some strange ideas about Nidia. I can’t imagine your country is much more diverse?”

“Oh, ah. Yeah, I guess not…” I mumbled, trying to cover up yet another slip of mine.

“You’d probably have to go to the demon continent to see that kind of diversity. A lot of humans don’t see elves, dwarves, and beastmen as much better than them… so they keep to themselves. There is an elf village a few days travel from the castle, it’s a popular tourist attraction… that is… um… might not be suitable for a princess.”

His voice dwindled at the end there, and I gave him a questioning look. “What about an elf village would be inappropriate for a princess?”

He winced at that question. “That is… err… I’ve heard their celebrations are quite… um… scandalous. Elves are considered… erm… sexually unrepressed… and…”

“Oh, there are some beastmen right there!” I interrupted his train of thought excitedly.

There they were, it was a large shouldered man with cat ears on his head. Oh, he even had a tail. And there was a dwarf! And an elf. It was like a parade of demi-humans, all up on stage. They seemed to be wearing fairly baggy plain clothing, I wondered if they were in a show.

The prince made a noise. “Tsk, it’s best if we move on. That’s not something for a princess either.”

I leveled an annoyed glare at his back, he certainly had one too many opinions on what a “princess” should be exposed to. Then, I glanced back at the parade of people coming up on stage, and I let out a gasp. A second later I slide off the side of the horse and started running towards the stage, dodging through the crowd of people.

“W-Wait! Pr–Ah Cornelia! Ah, damn it!” The prince was cursing at my sudden outburst, but I ignored him.

Instead, I was focused on the person who just went up on the stage. She had long blond hair, which was a bit straggly. Her form was so small that she bordered on delicate, with smooth white skin without any hair. She had very small breasts, to the point of being flat, and she might have the appearance of a young child if not for a certain amount of maturity seen in her face. Her face was expressionless as always, hiding the darkness she had experienced deep within her. She also had pointy ears, the trademarks of an elf.

“Min!” I called out as I pushed through the crowd.

My first foray into lesbianism, and the girl who had shared a portion of my month of hell, Min was standing up on the stage next to numerous other various demi-humans. I had already reached the stage by the time my eyes started to focus on the things that were important. Specifically, everyone up on the stage were in chains, Min included. Each one also had an odd collar wrapped tightly around their necks.

“Min!” I called out again.

This time Min heard me. Her eyes went to mine and there was a flash of recognition, but then she looked away as if she didn’t want to see me.

“Min…” this time I said her name much quieter.

“Woman, you’re getting too close to the merchandise, stand back.” A brutish man grabbed me and pushed me back.

I stumbled back into the crowd, and the push would have sent me to the ground except that I collided with a particularly sturdy person, who caught me in their arms. I regained my balance and tried to run back towards the brutish man although I couldn’t say if I had planned to attack him or just try to dodge past him.

Before I could though, the arms from the man behind me wrapped around me and stopped me from moving forward. I turned around, ready to punch whoever was holding me back when my eyes focused on Devon. I stopped abruptly, my senses somewhat returning.

“What are you doing?” he asked, “This is a slave auction. They’re showing the… the people. Soon they’ll start the bidding.”

“M-min… they have Min!” I said.

The prince stared at me in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“That girl, the girl on stage. She’s mine!”

I don’t know why those particular words came out. I was probably trying to say she was my friend, but I was a bit caught in the moment. I had said the words loudly enough that everyone in the immediate area heard. Min’s eyes seemed to widen, but strangely, they narrowed into a pleased look. Meanwhile, the slaveholder on the stage waved his hands exaggeratively before jumping down from the stage. He walked towards us with the bulky guard in tow.

“Yo-you… need to keep your woman silent!” He barked, “We run a legitimate business here. We purchased this demi-human fair and square.”

The prince was just trying to keep up. “What? That elf on the stage? I.. didn’t know that you owned a slave. So, you lost her when the carriage was attacked?”

The prince seemed to jump to the conclusion that I was asserting ownership over her. He looked somewhat disappointed at the idea I owned a slave. As a person from a world where slavery was considered immoral, I saw his issues, and it earned him a few more brownie points in my mind.

But I was a princess, so I guess it wasn’t impossible I owned a slave. I quickly weighed the cost of pushing forward the lie or coming up with a new one. The truth was certainly out of the question.

“No… not that… she’s um… a servant… of sorts…” I lost some steam there, my deception skill not really coming out with strength.

As Min heard this, the pleased look on her face disappeared and turned expressionless once again.

“You can’t be serious.” The slave trader laughed. “As if we’d believe…”

“Well, let’s ask her,” The prince said, “Do you know this woman?”

Without a second beat, Min spoke up, “Mm… I’m her woman.”

I noticed the odd wording of that, but the two men didn’t seem to notice.

Meanwhile, the civility on the slave traders face was quickly melting, “You can’t possibly expect me to believe a slave. Or you for that matter. I don’t appreciate people threatening my business, or making up ludicrous stories. I’d ask the pair of you… what is it, adventurers, to leave. We won’t have a problem, will we?”

The man nodded to his side and the large man stepped forward, attempting to usher the pair of us. The prince looked down at me, but I was busy staring at Min with worry in my eyes. After a second, he let out a sigh. Casually, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. I recognized the card, it was a guild card like the one Denova had me bleed on. Except this one was real and had an insignia of two swords crossing over a gray background, which Denova had told me was the royal insignia.

“Perhaps… we can come to some kind of arrangement.” He said.

The slave trader recognized the card immediately. He jerked suddenly as if he had been shocked and then put on an ingratiating smile completely unlike the angry expression he had a moment prior. He slapped the guard’s arm and kept slapping until the man backed up a few feet behind. Then he came forward while rubbing his hands.

“M-m-my apologies. I didn’t realize you were royalty. I hope you can excuse my earlier rudeness, in all fairness, you look like you could use a seamstress, although I apologize for not seeing the fine cut of your wear.”

“Er… yes… we were on our way to freshen up, but then my… companion noticed her friend. I trust her absolutely, so you can understand why we felt the need to present ourselves. If I recall, the king has made it illegal to enslave demi-humans who haven’t been convicted of a crime.”

“Of course… as I said, I run a clean business here. I purchased her from the stockade a town over. She was caught stealing food from a farmer. She created such a commotion that she made the farmer knock over a lantern and the whole barn burned to the ground. I have the paperwork here. I purchased her at great expense to myself, she has substantial debts that must be paid.”

He had snapped his fingers, and a man came up, putting a piece of paper in his hand, which he then handed to the prince. Devon looked through the paper and after a moment looked back up at me. I was following along with the conversation well enough. It seemed like Min had escaped and was pilfering food. That can’t be that expensive in the end, right? I gave him a pleading look. He sighed again before turning back to the slave trader.

“How much is this debt?”

“Oh… of course, I’d be happy to give the royal family the chance to bid first. I could recoup my losses with just 300 gold coins.”

“300 gold…” The prince said too loudly and then caught himself and shot the man an annoyed look. “You could buy ten slaves for that price.”

“Oh yes… of course, but you see, this woman here is a young elf woman. Elves are very popular right now. Very sensual. If I put her on auction, I could easily make 300 gold. Many men dream of owning an elf girl to please them. Plus, she’s a virgin, that alone doubles her price.”

I gave him a glare. I knew as a personal fact that she was not a virgin. That was a boldfaced lie. Well… I mean, I ate her out, I never put anything in her. But goblins undoubtedly raped her. Then again, their dicks are so small… maybe they never broke her hymen? I mean… it’d be possible that it’s intact. Either way, the seller probably wouldn’t be too happy if I spread the truth, that her vagina was used as a goblin congo line… except that I couldn’t say that. Not here, as a princess, trying to recover her servant. Also, without mental fortitude like me, Min probably wouldn’t appreciate airing her dirty secrets.

That’s when the small strongbox I had taken from the goblins popped into my mind. Without a thought, I pulled out the box and flipped it open.

“Would this cover it?” I asked.

When the slave trader’s eyes fell on the box full of gems and various other coins, they flashed with greed and then he gave a big smile. “Ah, so you can pay. Let’s go in the back and finish the paperwork, shall we?”

He ushered the prince and me into the back of a tent. The prince had a surprised look on his face, and when I gave him a questioning look, he returned a wry smile.

An appraiser, or should I say a person with the appraise skill came out and began moving through the items. Afterward, he gave us the total. I had two necklaces and a bracelet that were appraised at 30 coins each, another 60 gold coins worth of currency, a ruby that was appraised at 20 gold coins, and an enchanted ring that shockingly went for 110 gold by itself. That came to 280 gold.

“That is a shame, and you were so close.”

I gave the prince my most desperate beg, and he grimaced, pulling into a pouch at his side and counting out the last 20 coins. The slave trader smiled like a cat, but we filled out the paperwork and the slave ownership was transferred to me.

It apparently involved chanting something while touching the collar. I asked him to just free her and remove the collar. The slave trader looked at the prince questionably once I said this. It seemed like he didn’t like dealing with a woman, but I sided the borderline sexism for the moment to focus on what was important.

The prince leaned to me and whispered. “While I wouldn’t say it’s mandatory, it’s considered bad practice to free slaves as soon as you buy them. Most are criminals, so it’s considered standard that they remain in the collar for at least a year. It would… look bad for the royal family if we didn’t follow custom.”

I grudgingly gave a nod, and the smile returned to the slave trader’s face. A moment later, they brought Min into the tent. She was one of the first faces I had seen in this world, and thus I had grown attached to her.  As soon as I saw her, I raced up to her and threw her into a hug. I held her tightly in my arms, and a moment later tears started to fall down my face. I was just being silly at this point, yet I couldn’t understand why I was so happy right now.

“I’m glad I found you…” I said.

I gave her a kiss too. Just one on the cheek, although I wanted to princess kiss her too to make sure she had no lingering status effects, I resisted for the moment. Making sure she was perfectly healed with cat’s meow might come on a little strong, so that might take a little finesse first. When I pulled away, I was shocked to see Min’s face was completely red. She had never shown much expression, so the obvious look of embarrassment came as a shock to me.

Min seemed to mutter something under her breath. It was so light I could barely hear it, but it sounded like “so you did care for me this much…”

“From now on, you’re going to stay with me, is that okay?” I asked her.

Min nodded after a moment. Even my increase skills in conceal and deception couldn’t show any expression on her face, but I’d like to think she had the hint of a smile on her lips. Still holding onto Min like I was afraid she’d disappear if I stopped touching her, I looked back at the prince.

He had a strange smile on his face, and then after a second he said, “You really aren’t like I expected.”

I gave him a questioning look, but he didn’t respond. After another twenty minutes, we finished the ceremony, and I left the tent while holding Min’s hand, Prince Devon in tow. This was the first good thing to happen to me since we made it to this world. I hope this was a sign of things to come.

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Ascii of the Day: 
                                   i,  E,077r,2:         uM q                    
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                                UM, 00i B00j v, Y07   B0  r0                     
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                        JMF07M,;U:5 :LL 5B0      JMi  0,Z;,  v                   
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

{Carnal Resistance has increased to LVL 4.}

That came a few hours into the trip when I realized that one of my hands had dropped down to his thigh. My fingers may have been unconsciously feeling him up a little. When I came to the realization that I had been touching him for the last five minutes while his muscles continued to stiffen uncomfortably, I activated deception and let out a soft, princess-like snore. His muscles seemed to relax a bit, and he grabbed my hand in his and pulled it away from his crotch. Well, how did it get down there? Either way, you can’t blame a sleeping girl if her hand slips, right?

Now, I wasn’t going to throw myself at him like I might have done in the past. I had to keep my eyes on the bigger picture. If Denova had planned everything, including this meeting, then I needed to consider that I was being watched, even now. I couldn’t afford to betray him. My life was on the line, and so was Jenai’s. That meant I needed to act like the perfect princess and wife-to-be for the third prince. That meant no sex with the 4th prince… at least until I knew he’d keep it on the down low.

He reached down and grabbed my other hand, pulling it away from his crotch. What? I was sleeping, accidents like that happen when you’re sleeping. Plus, he was acting like such a gentlemen, I couldn’t help myself. Instead, he held both of my hands in his own, using just two fingers to control the reigns. Since I’ve been to this world, I’ve had sex uncountable times. I’ve had every hole violated and have been touched everywhere. However, riding with him through the forest was the first time I truly felt comfortable.

In some ways, I wanted to hold onto that feeling. However, he twisted his back, trying to wake me up. He had taken my hands and put them carefully back behind him before doing so. I resisted chuckling as he desperately tried to maintain the appropriate decorum.

“Princess Bartrum…”

“Mmm… oh… you can call me Cornelia. We will be family soon.”

The man coughed a second, “That’s right, family. Umm… Princess Cornelia… I’m going to rest the horse for a bit. I don’t want to push him hard after I pushed him to find you. Let us eat some lunch.”

“That’s good!”

I was genuinely hungry, and the last thing I had to eat was some scraps of pigman. Although, he apologetically handed me just a little bread, meat, and cheese… I didn’t complain. Once again, he looked surprised that I lacked the delicate stomach he believed all princesses must have. I’ll admit, I’d eaten fairly well under Denova’s care… but I had also spent a lot of time eating monster scraps. Besides those times, the normal human dishes weren’t much different from what I was used to back home. It was a meat, a vegetable, and some kind of bread. Fruits were exclusively considered desert here, and I had not had chocolate or sugary cakes since I had transferred to this world.

I had gotten the impression sugar wasn’t common, although if I ever did get some, it would likely be now that I was going to be in a king’s castle. While I didn’t know if this world had some form of chocolate or cocoa, sugar is a fundamental part of the human diet, so glucose had to exist in one form or another. Fortunately, I was the kind of girl more into vanilla as opposed to chocolate, so I guess it’d be the vanilla bean I’d need to find. I realized I’d need to learn more about the food of this world… among many other things. Now that I was going to be interacting with this world normally, I truly lacked common sense.

As I nibbled on the cheese, which tasted enough like cheddar that I was going to just call it that, I started to feel a sore pain in my lower region. The prince was tending to the horse, putting hay in a basket in front of it and giving a once over with a comb, surprising actions I thought, coming from a prince… isn’t that what servants were for? Or what did they call them, squires, I guess? Knights in training? It was just hard to believe that a prince could be so… self-sufficient.

Either way, while he was tending to the horse, I untied my pants and felt down there quickly. When I checked on my finger, there was a bit of blood on the tip and I cursed.

“Shit… now? Really?”

Of course, I was infertile, which meant that the eggs coming out never fertilized, but that, unfortunately, did not spare me from the very female time of the month. I still bled and had soreness. I had been taking the pill to regulate them, and they had actually stopped… that is until I was taken to another world two months ago. Perhaps the stress had delayed it, but even my body didn’t stop biology. I eagerly would await a special skill that turned my period into a thing of the past.

Perhaps that explains why I’ve been so aggressive the last week. Apparently, I could look forward to that once a month as well. I haven’t had a period in a year or so, but when I used to, I’d be horny for about the week prior, and then light pain. After that, the situation would quickly grow from mild spotting to the river Styx in less than a day. That meant I’d be wrecking his pants soon too. I needed to do something about it pronto.

I turned to ask the prince to rectify this situation, the mental fortitude preventing even this from making me uncomfortable. I suppose it was closely associated enough with intercourse to count. However, without warning, a goblin burst into the area we made our stop. It was so sudden that I didn’t even react. Meanwhile, it looked around wild-eyed, and when its eyes dropped on me, they suddenly widened with fever.

The goblin leaped at me, and I barely had room to scream before it barreled me to the ground. Perhaps even more insane, it was wildly thrusting at me, seemingly dry humping my body. Unlike the previous goblins I’d met, this one seemed to lack the sense to remove clothing, or even pull out its dick. It simply humped at me like an overexcited dog. It got ripped off of me and tossed to the side. A moment later, its head left its body.

The prince had yanked it off of me and tossed it to its side. Then finished the deed with a swipe of his sword. The two of us stared at each other, equal confusion in both of our eyes.

“Well, I’m sorry you had to see that princess, but you’re sa-“

An animal burst from the nearby brush and struck the prince. He barely managed to get his arm up to block the strike. It was a rat. Well, this wasn’t simply a rat. It was nearly the size of a tiger. I did let out a scream when I saw that. I absolutely hated rats. The strange thing was that upon taking the prince, the rat immediately disengaged as the prince took a defensive stance. Instead, its eyes zoomed to me without reserve, and a moment later it leaped at me.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” both of us said that at the same time.

The rat was on me trying to hump his little heart out, but he didn’t get far before his head left his body too. The prince hadn’t pulled him away first this time, and some blood splattered on my shirt.

“Why is everything trying to kill you?” he said exaggeratedly.

“That’s what I’ve been saying!” I whined.

Although I knew that everything wasn’t trying to kill me… but I guess the rat died fast enough that his actions were a little less obvious. I had felt a certain hard thing pushing up between my pants, so I was under no fantasy that he was doing anything less than trying to fuck me.

Could it be? No… that’d be ridiculous. I shook the thought from my head because I didn’t want it to be true.

“Let’s get out of here.” The prince stated. “Somethings got the local monster life riled up and we need to get moving.”

I nodded and he quickly re-saddled the horse. Just as I finished mounting the horse there was a large roar from behind. A large monster popped out. It looked like a completely bald man, except its entire face looked smooshed and its arms and legs looked boxy.

“Gods… an ogre?” The prince shouted and then kicked the horse. “They’re slow, we can outpace it on a horse.”

As the ogre’s eyes met mine, its face suddenly lite up and it started stumbling forward. Yes, let’s go, let’s go. That thing is ten feet tall, its thing might very well tear me in half. The horse raced off at a gallop, and the ogre quickly lost pace, slowly down with a cry as we rounded a tree bend and moved out of sight. I let out a breath of relief as I lost sight of it.

We maintained the full gallop for about a minute before he finally let it slow down. “I don’t know what they were suddenly attracted to, but I think we need to keep moving for the moment. Hopefully, we will leave it behind.”

And I hoped that my prediction was completely wrong. I’m a seductress, after all, and my powers have worked on monsters in the past. I figured it was my seduction ability that had driven the fire wolves to attack the adventurers that night. I wasn’t using seduction, but I was the equivalent of being in heat. They say that monsters can smell it when a female of their species is in heat. It was possible that this was an unfortunate consequence of my class. But, I mean, as long as we keep moving, there shouldn’t be any proble-

Something struck the side of the horse, and I fell. I awaited the pain of my head striking the ground, but it ended up hitting something else entire. I felt like I landed on some kind of soft gel mattress, except that the gel kept on sinking. Before I could even react, the gel got into my eyes and oozed all over my body. I kicked and tried to get out, but the strange ooze seemed to be everywhere. I just sort of sank into it. It had the color of cool blue, and it felt like being encased in grape jelly if grape jelly fought back. My vision turned wavy, and I realized my head was now encased in goo, seeing the outside world through the gel. The noise was deadened too, and it was like I had entered a closed off environment, completely submerged in slime.

At that point, the name came crashing home. That’s what had happened. I was looking at the outside world from within a slime. I was holding my breath, and my lover’s breath skill would give me 30 minutes. However, once you were inside a slime, didn’t they start eating you? I felt powerless to fight back, and the slime seemed to roll away, with me on the inside. I couldn’t see what was happening outside, the view just looked like indistinct shadows, especially since I couldn’t orientate myself in the slime.

So now I was going to be slowly digested by a slime? Was I going to die from suffocation or being eaten alive first? I had no clue how long it’d take a slime to eat a person. I also didn’t know if I’d rather be eaten or suffocate to death. Neither prospect sounded ideal.

However, as I was awaiting death, something else happened instead. As I suddenly felt gel-like liquid being forced up into me, I let out a noise of surprise that was completely muffled with gel. The gel was cool to the touch, and with my cramps, it actually felt like a cold compress… one that was being shoved up my pussy. And back out and back up again. I rolled my eyes. God damn it, every single monster. Before I knew it, I was getting fucked by a slime.

He wasn’t hard or pounding, he simply was everywhere. I was literally inside him, and he was literally inside me. Every ounce of my skin was being touched by him, although I don’t think the gentle way the gel flowed over my body was intended to be sensual, my nipples had certainly become twin peaks under my shirt. Gel-like fingers explored my pussy, in and out, letting a gentle cold feeling reach deep inside me. It was rhythmic and cycling.

While I say in and out, it doesn’t properly describe the experience. Slime’s gel protrusions entered inside me and then circulated. At no point did the gel exit and then return, instead, it seemed to circulate with a rhythmic pulse, stimulating every nerve in my pussy at the same time. The new liquid was being pumped into me, while old liquid was cycling out, bringing out my womanly juices with it.

The slime-filled me up completely. Where a penis was a cylinder rod that entered, and stretched, the slime conformed to the shape of my pussy. Every spot of my pussy, inside and out, was being stimulated at once. Its size was indistinct. It wasn’t “big”, it was everywhere. It was impossibly deep, touching the farthest reach that nothing has ever touched before, but it also circulated against my most sensitive areas, caressing everything at once with a cool and steady touch.

I quickly found myself reaching a climax in the most unexpected way. As I came, I could see my more liquidity discharge leaking from my pants and mixing within the slime, it looked like bubbles of clear oil within a glass of liquid blue water. Those bubbles of my sexual desire slowly dissipated into the surroundings.

While the slime didn’t seem to be eating me at the moment, or I suppose it was eating me in a difference sense, he had no qualms about digesting the fluids coming out of me. In some ways, I felt lost, trapped in a gel-like abyss, cut off from the outside world. On the other hand, the experience was something very gratifying, an experience completely unlike anything I had ever felt before. My body was being ravaged more completely than anyone else could do. A slime had smothered me, engulfed me, devoured me, and sexually satisfied me in ways unobtainable from normal means.

As I came a second time, the slime also exploded his load everywhere. His liquids exploded all over me, covering me from head to bottom in slime jizz. No, wait, that’s not what happened. It was as if every particle of gel suddenly turned to liquid at the same time. My body suddenly fell and landed hard on the ground. The gel deep inside me squirted out of my pussy, but since I was already drenched from head to toe in slime juice, it was just a drop of water to my soaked pants. It felt like a water balloon had been popped. Hearing and sight returned, and I let in a breath. I still had probably fifteen minutes before I needed to worry, but first I looked up to see what was going on.

It was the Prince. He was holding the sword and breathing hard, looking at me with worry in his eyes. He had numerous rips in his shirt and looked like he had just come out of a fight for his life as well. A moment later, he fell to his knees and bowed his head. I was completely shocked and could not think how to respond.

“I’m sorry…” he said, “I can’t believe I let you get eaten by a slime. A boar rammed my horse, then the next thing I know two of them were on me and you were being dragged away by a slime.”

“It’s okay…” I said after a moment, “I had… I’m alive.”

I was about to say I had fun, but I realized that would be an insane thing to say, normally. The horse turned out to be okay. He was a strong warhorse. He had been spooked enough to rear and then he ran off a few hundred meters down the path, but after the monsters were dead, he came back. We got on the horse and rode for a few more hours in silence. I was sexually satiated for the moment and was more concerned of the cold breeze that pierced through my slime soaked clothing. Strangely, no other monsters attacked.

I found out later that the slime juice was blocking whatever heat scent I was releasing. And not that you probably wanted to hear this, but the slime had eaten me out very thoroughly. So thoroughly in fact that he had consumed most of the lining that was shedding from my uterine walls, and as a result, I had perhaps the lightest period of my life, just a few drops, and some cramping. I wondered now if you could get slimes as pets.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

“I should have saved my points.” I looked at the screen in front of me.

I killed the sleeping orc too. It wasn’t nearly as violent as the first. Just three hard swings before his head was no longer attached to his body. Now, I was standing in the middle of barn, naked, covered in blood, holding a sword, and staring vacantly at the level up screen in front of me.

{Sword has increased to LVL 1.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled up to Seductress LVL 14!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Marked Man (Passive): Anyone you have intercourse with becomes “marked” and you know their physical location.}

{Cursed Kiss (Active): When kissing a subject, have a 50% chance of poisoning them. Uses SP.}

{Black Widow (Active): Can only activate while engaging in intercourse. The person will acquire a counter. Death will occur in 14 days.}

I wasted a point because I thought I could sell orc semen. These are the kind of things that happens when you push a girl to her breaking point. I’m not saying I’m not keeping the vials of male enhancement I made, but if I had just saved that point… My goals now are simple. Kill Denova. These are three skills that could help achieve that goal.

It was clear to me my baptism in blood is what led to the more violent options. It was a tough call though. I didn’t know how poisonous poison was. After all, I had been poisoned by that spider, and all it took was a level up to get rid of it. Admittedly, I would have died without the level up, but I’m sure antidotes exist, especially if health potions do.

Meanwhile, Black Widow seemed too good to be true. Most RPGs that had a death spell usually made the death spell have some really bad setbacks… like it’s impossible to cast, or it only works in a very particular time. I suppose if you’re close enough to be having sex with someone, to a normal person Black Widow would seem unattractive. I sort of wished Marked Man was an active skill. As a passive, I’d be knowing where every man I ever fucked was. I imagine I could quickly go crazy with that many awarenesses.

So, if I poison him, he’ll almost certainly be aware of it, and kill me. But if I black widow him, there is a chance. It’s a sure kill ability, even if it is delayed. I supposed it was too much be some OP’d ability like you read about in the web novels that let me absorb all their abilities or something.  Ah well, Black Widow it is.

“Alright…” I said out loud. “Now the status.”

With the exception of my special skills, I was now about average for my age and position in this world according to Denova. I moved away from the corpses. I thought about throwing them in the corpse pile, but I didn’t plan to be there long enough. Instead, I pulled water from the well, restarted the fire, and boiled it. I cleaned myself, slowly and carefully, removing all the blood and sex from my body. I then wrapped the blanket around myself, although it was also covered in the dried juices from hours of fun.

I picked the sword up one more time, let out a deep breath, and turned to leave. “Ah…”

“Oh, my apologies, I…”

There was a guy standing at the entrance to the barn. He was wearing rather nice clothing, at least compared to the adventurers and bandits I have met so far. He had a cloak on and a sword strapped to his side. When his eyes met mine, they turned away in embarrassment, but they quickly turned to shock when he noticed the naked, dead orc lying near the weapon rack.

He let out a gasp and looked back at me. I hadn’t bothered to wipe the blood from the sword yet, and a look of realization quickly formed on his face. He gave a concerned look and took three steps towards me. He undid his cloak and swung it around my shoulders. Part of me wanted to swoon at how chivalrous he appeared, but he did have his hands on my shoulders without permission, so I gave him a lukewarm glare.

Oh, well, the old Aria would have jumped his bones, but I’m Aria the Seductress. I won’t be swayed by a pretty boy with manners. But he did smell nice, and I wondered how big his dick was. I used the examine skill on him.

{Name: Devon Hyburn, Sex: M, Age: 20, Title: 4th Prince of Nidia Total Level: 70, Class: Swordsman, Class Level: 10, Sexual Partners: 2, Sexual Preference: Large Breasts Sexual Kink: Analingus Erect Dick Length: 7.3‘’ Erect Dick Girth 2’’}

Ah… it was that big. Wait, the prince? I-is this the guy I’m supposed to marry? No, that’s right, Denova said I had to marry the 3rd prince. So, this guy’s older brother? On a side note, level 5 examine is nice. Definitely important information. So, he likes big boobs and licking ass? Nope… don’t know what I can do with that information. Although he’s still quite vanilla. I’m about his age and I’m too scared to see how many sexual partners I’ve accumulated by now. The night I examine myself will require copious amounts of booze.

“I’ve been trying to track these pigmen for the last two days. Three days ago, a caravan was heading towards Hyburn castle and was attacked by monsters. The pigman… their trail led me here. I was thinking this was just a farmhouse… but these…” He nodded to the orc. “These must be the pigman.”

“Uh… yes.” I answered nervously. “Um… aren’t they orcs?”

“What, orcs? No… orcs don’t look like that, they’re bigger, although stupid adventures and less knowledgeable people might call them orcs. I guess because it rhymes with pork or something. Wait,  there was a girl!” He suddenly spoke intensely, “There should have been a girl! Farmgirl, did you see any other women?”

I mentally berated myself for trusting my web novel lore. Tolkien orcs it was. I set beautification back to human, realizing the last few days it had been set to something that wasn’t here. So apparently, I had just been fucking pigmen… somehow the downgrade in status hit my pride slightly. As I berated my misdemeanor, the prince took a step past, looking around the farm as if a princess would pop out if he stared hard enough. His eyes narrowed on the second headless body, the pile including the third or-err pigman, and then back to me.

I gave him a wry smile. “Um… yes?”

Although I knew I had to play the part of this Princess Bartrum, I was immediately dismissed by the first prince I met, so my confidence further fell to an all-time low.

“Then, where is she?” he asked, his voice panicked.

I attempted to rebuild the mask, the conceal and deception that had driven my life with Denova. “Th-this one will have you know sh-she will not be talked to like this!”

Ignoring the stuttering, this was exactly textbook how Denova told me to talk.

The prince’s eyes widened and a stupid look formed on his face. “Yo-you’re the princess?”

“I’ll have you know, this one is none other than Princess Cornelia Bartrum, so please don’t act so familiar.”

I stared my eyes down at the prince as haughtily as I could.

“Pfft…” The sound burst from his lips as he started laughing. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just the way you’re talking. It reminds me exactly of this play they show commoners where the nobles all act like snooty miscreants. You talk exactly how commoners think nobles talk.”

“Eh… but he told me that the Hyburn nobles are supposed to talk like this.” I let out before I could stop myself, my disguise immediately breaking.

He chuckled, “Who said that?”

“My steward, he said, when you’re in Nidia meeting your betrothed, you must talk like this or they’ll all think you’re disrespectful.”

I made that up on the fly.

“Eh?” he made a noise.

“Eh?” I responded back.

“Yo-you’re really Cornelia Bartrum!”

“Of course, I am!” I say indignantly, straightening my back and incidentally causing the sword to swing up.

“Ah! Okay, princess… let’s just…” He reaches out and pinches the tip of my sword. “Let’s just put that somewhere safe… er…”

He pulls, and I let him take the sword from my grasp. He then tosses it away like he’s tossing away a dirty diaper, letting it clang to the floor a few feet away. Well, it was covered in blood after all.

“Well, it’s not like I have the Analysis skill.”

“Analysis? Is that like Examine?”

“Eh? Examine?”

I shrugged, deflecting his question. I sort of answered the question myself with a quick thought. My special skills are sometimes named based off of things that someone from this world wouldn’t understand. So, it’s likely that some of my skills might have similar names. What they call analyze, I might have just thought of as examine. I was growing convinced that this world possessed no hard and fast rules about skills, and that there were many potentially overlapping skills that did the same thing with different names.

After a moment of silence, he looked at me uncomfortably and scratched the back of his neck, “Um… err… I don’t know how to ask this. The Pigmen, they didn’t… um… well… your clothes are off, so it’s kind of obvious. But you’re not looking too shaken, which is why…”

“I killed them,” I stated.

He flinched at that, “No… yeah… I mean, I suppose you did kill them, but before that, it must have been horrible.”

“Nothing happened,” I stated.

“I… yeah… that kind of thing can destroy your reputation, right? So, I didn’t see anything. However, I do think we need to get you in some clothing.”

I nodded, confirming nothing of his assumptions. “Fine, then, let’s get me dressed. Those pigman tore my dress to shreds, then I killed them with a sword, and then you came. I wish I knew why monsters kept doing that. Maybe it’s something about me?”

The prince was nodding, his face showing he didn’t believe me, but his eyes suggesting he was going to help propagate any story I made up, no matter how unlikely. However, he stopped at the last sentence.

“Eh? You don’t know?”

“Know what?” I asked.

“Oh… err… I guess princesses don’t get out much. How do I put it? I guess when an animal acquires magic, it becomes a monster, right? Well, monsters have some strange urge to, um… copulate with human beings. Particularly females. No one knows why. It’s at least one of the reasons female adventurers are so rare because men would just be killed, women always get kidnapped and then… yeah.”

“So, all monsters are like goblins?”

“Oh, well, you know goblins.” Devon widened his eyes a second. “Well, no, goblins are considered half-breeds. But since all goblins are male, they spread their seed in human females. They can also use other demi-humans like elves, beastman, and dwarves.”

I stared blankly at him. “Demihumans?”

He raised an eyebrow, “What education did you get? That’s, like, world history right there.”

“Sorry, just focus on monsters then.”

He gave me a strange look, but I hid my feelings behind the conceal ability. Inside, I was kicking myself. I never told Denova where I came from and he never asked, but he probably assumed I at least had the common sense of this world. I learned the names of every noble in the surrounding ten nations, but I don’t know simple things like “what is a monster.”

“Right… well… I mean, monsters… errr… do what they do… to women, in order to create demons, obviously. It’s rare, like a 1 in a 1000 chance… but if a monster copulates with a human, their spawn creates a half-breed. All the demons on the demon continent, every stabilized line, the dracons, the vampires, the devils… they were all once the children of rape. That’s why most humans hate them so much.” Suddenly he put up his hands. “Not that I want to make a statement about it here. I mean, I don’t care if your propeace or war with demons, there are people who hate them as monsters pretending to be human and those that think their humanity makes them like us… can we not have this conversation anymore with you naked here?”

I shrugged, “Fair enough.”

However, on the inside, I was fangirling like crazy. I had heard one or two offhand remarks about a demon continent, but now I knew what it was. Demons! Or at least, devils, dracons, vampires, and the like. Basically, anything half monster with a human side. That would be a lamia with a snake monster, perhaps a half spider arachne? But a one in a thousand chance… that means there was a lot of raped women on the monster’s hands. I can kind of see the point of view of the humans, except that these weren’t the rapers, these were basically the victims, the byproducts of an unholy union.

I walked out past him, finally leaving the barn I had fornicated in like a pig, with apparently pigmen. I gave a wry smile as I finally left the place. It wasn’t particularly chilly out, but I was in nothing but a towel, so I shivered even with his cloak over me.

“So, how did you know about the attack?” I asked, “You said you had been tracking them for two days or so.”

“Right, about four days ago a horse from your carriage came running into the city riderless. There was a note left on it. One of the guards must have written down a warning. Perhaps he fell off the horse, or perhaps he sent the horse off while he guarded the rear. Either way, I came out with a contingent to check. The third prince sends his regards… he, uh… was not able to come.”

That sounded a little strange, I was wondering why it was the fourth prince after all. It seemed like there was probably more to it than that, but I wasn’t going to turn it into a deal. However, the truly strange part was that the horse entered the city before we were even attacked. I remembered the guards talk before I became distracted, and Denova’s assurance he handled it. I didn’t think it was too far a stretch to believe that Denova always planned to have orcs attack and murder everyone in the caravan except me. In other words, I could owe my breakdown in the barn to more of Denova’s actions. One more reason to murder him.

“You’re here alone?” I asked.

“Ah… well… most of the pigmen were dead, I only tracked a few. I sent the rest of the guards to fix the carriage and bring your things to the castle. I’d expected to find the princess dead… or… in a shape I didn’t want the knights to see. If that got out… it could damage… well… you’re here and you look well enough?”

That last part came out as more of a question. There was no doubt he expected me to be half starved, perhaps raped bloody, and maybe a pigman demon growing in my stomach… or were pigman demihumans too? I didn’t know.

“Well, are you going to offer a girl clothing, or should I stand here naked all day.”

The second I brought that up, he turned red with embarrassed and gave an awkward cough. “That’s right, I didn’t bring any of your dresses…”

“Well, then, do you have any change of clothes for yourself?”

“Mine? I mean, they’re a shirt and pants…” He fumbled with his words kind of awkwardly, it might have been cute in certain circumstances.

“Women can wear pants, you know?”

He seemed to blush harder, “Yeah, that’s right… of course.”

He apparently seemed flustered as I tried to maintain my princess aura. I had dropped the haughty speech and had supplemented it for something a tad demanding, like an overbearing girlfriend. Since Denova’s “teaching” had been completely misleading, I had to wonder if he did it just to attempt to embarrass me, I had to cobble together an appropriate noble personality. However, I just went through a “traumatic” experience, so it wouldn’t be strange if I acted strangely initially. Perhaps, that was Denova’s intention all along. Yeah, Denova had planned this whole thing from the start, that bastard.

While I was thinking this, Prince Devon lead me to his horse, working through a saddlebag before finally pulling out clothing. It was very fine clothing, the shirt was silk, while the pants seemed to be something double layered and reinforced like a noble’s form of riding pants in the pre-jeans era. I graciously took the clothing, and a moment later, my soiled blanket fell to the ground.

“Are you going to keep staring?” I asked him mischievously.

I was on the other side of the horse, so my bits and pieces were hidden behind his view unless he peered over like a lecher, however, the sudden dropping of my towel had flabbergasted him into staring at my barely concealed form with widened eyes.

“Oh, sorry…” He turned around like a gentlemen, and I couldn’t help but make a soft chuckle.

I picked up the clothing he had put over the saddle of the horse and I smelled it. It had his manly scent on it, sending a few shivers to the right places. I sighed, preparing myself to show restraint. The way I acted in the carriage and prior is not the way I could act anymore. I had to reign in my urges and take control of my body. An out-of-control seductress was dangerous to herself and everyone around her.

“You’re… not what I expected.”

I bent over and slowly brought up my pants. He was clearly facing away from me, yet my hands softly glided up my thighs, bringing my pants up slowly, like I was doing a performance. I wasn’t even aware of the actions myself at the time. My body simply moved more sensually, as if by habit. If anyone came upon this scene of me dressing, they likely would have thought I was reverse strip teasing a boy I had spent the previous night fucking. This is one of many small changes I was not aware of. As I leveled, my body adapted to the class of seductress, and my eyes, voice, and body changed accordingly outside my control.

“And what didn’t you expect?” I asked, although even I was unaware of the sultriness that ended up in my voice.

“Well… I mean, you’re so…” he shook his head and changed what he was going to say. “You killed two orcs with their own blade after being held captive for nearly a week. You… take off your clothes in the wilderness without any concern of anyone seeing your innocence. You have no problems dressing in boy’s clothing…”

“Why? Do I look like a boy?” I smirked as I put the shirt over my head, finally covering up any indecent exposure.

He hesitantly turned around, but when he did, our eyes met and I gave a sweet smile. “N-no… not at all.”

“So!” I moved out from behind the horse and spun around like I was showing off, “What do you think, do I look princely?”

The surprise in his eyes gave way to a genuine laugh. “I wouldn’t say a prince, maybe a lucky woman who has recently bedded a pr- uh… I mean, I’m sorry, no… you look fine.”

He became flustered, but I responded with a giggle of my own. “It’s okay… don’t be afraid of being honest. I’m not so innocent as you assume.”

“I… see.” He said after a moment, considering me as he went, finally he let out a sigh. “The sooner we get back, the sooner we can alleviate my brother’s concerns. I do not have a spare pair of boots, it seems, so you can ride my horse and we can head back to the castle. It’s about a two days ride, but a five-day walk.”

“Then it’d be faster if we road together, right?” I offered.


“You in front, me behind. Don’t worry, I won’t fall off.”

His eyes seemed unsure, but after a moment he nodded. “I suppose that would be best.”

He jumped up onto the horse with finesse and I followed closely, sitting firmly behind him. This was one thing in this world I was actually familiar with. My uncle owned a ranch and when I was younger, we’d head out during the summers. I got to do quite a bit of horseback riding. I wouldn’t say I could handle a horse at a gallop or do jumps, but I could do horse cares, mount, and turn enough that I didn’t look completely ridiculous.

As he kicked the sides of the horse and we started leaving the abandoned barn that had been my playhouse, I tucked the jewelry box and a few vials of “potion” into my pockets. I’ll leave it to your imagination where I had hidden it while I wore nothing but a towel and a cloak.

I wrapped my arms around the prince and rested my head against his back. He stiffened, but since he didn’t resist I got comfortable. He smelled really good, even compared to the Bandit King. Denova was a bit heavy on the perfumes, but Devon had it worked to a science. He was clean smelling, with just a hint of sweat and musk from a two day’s ride.

As I pressed myself against his strong and warm back, and the horse started bouncing my crouch up and down on the back edge of the saddle, I realized this was going to be a long trip indeed. I immediately started training my carnal resistance.

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Ascii of the Day:

     -#  #XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXX#####Xx==+x######x,               +##,                
     #X  #XxxxxxxxxxxxxXX##X=,                                  ,##;             
     #+  =#xxxxxxxxxxxX##=                  +                      =x            
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           ##+                                  #,                             #X
           -##=                                 #.                             #,
            -##,                                #=                            #x

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

That is how three orcs became two orcs. I had been so wrapped up in turning them into my toys; I had forgotten the truth… these were monsters. He waited patiently until I took the… arm from him. Then he turned around and bent over, he bit into one of the legs of the fallen orc without any reservation. The other orc wasted no time, falling next to him and taking another bite, like zombies in a zombie film. I gagged, and fell over, immediately vomiting next to the fire as the arm fell to my side.

Every time. Every time I felt like I was getting a handle on things like I could do this… something reminded me of how violent and horrid this world could be. While I’m playing at sex and the city, death is literally all around me. The pile filled with animal carcasses in the corner that I had been ignoring; it didn’t just contain animals. I just didn’t look hard. I didn’t want to see it.

I started hyperventilating. I could hear the chewing and crunching sound behind me. Orc or not, he was my sex partner an hour ago, giving me stupid grins and wanting to please. Now, the other two were tearing him limb from limb. They were covered in the gore of their comrade. It was too much. I can’t… I can’t do it… I can’t…

My body was shaking, I was too close to the fire, and the heat felt like it was burning, but I couldn’t do anything else. I was frozen, unable to breathe, unable to move. The fire burned, but I was frozen solid. I have to… I have to do…

I switched titles from Gang Banger to Solo Player. The heat increased to near pain, and I pulled away from the fire. However, my body instantly calmed.

{Mental Resistance has increased to 16.}

By changing titles, I lost my damage resistance. However, in exchange, it increased my mental resistance by ten. That’s a trick found shortly after Dox died. That night, I wasn’t in the mood to gather my masturbation bonus, but I found out that after selecting Solo Player my body calmed down. It was not like a drug where I would stop caring, but it took the edge off and allowed me to think rationally. More specifically, it forcefully cut the mental damage in half. At 26 levels with solo, the mental stress I experienced would be cut down to 1/5 what someone else would experience.

Make no mistake, I knew I would have broken ten times over already if not for this miraculous mental protection. The fact that I kept finding enjoyment from this shattered life was a testament to that. In a way, perhaps my high mental state was a part of being broke. This world, even to this point, just didn’t seem terribly real. It was like my mind and body became numb, unable to truly feel anything. The only time I experienced any happiness was with the surge of sexual pleasure induced during orgasm.

I looked over at the two orcs, munching away on the third like the monsters they were. They were not my playthings. They were just monsters. And me… I was using them to level, just like any adventurer. Maybe not exactly like every adventurer, but it was the same thing. I was done playing. I was going to use them up and then send them to join their friend.

I grabbed the arm and put it over the fire. After roasting it until it was sizzling. I took a bite, and then another. The taste… was obvious. They tasted of pork. When I had my fill, and they had tossed the orcs remains into the pile of decaying corpses, I made them get some more water from the well. I washed myself up, and then I made them wash themselves up. I made a clean area with hay and an old blanket that had been lying around, lied down, and then opened my legs, beckoning one of them over.

The orcs did as I gestured and were only too happy to fuck me. I let them, but I didn’t cum. In fact, I felt nothing as they thrust away. I didn’t even let them cum in me. Instead, I forced them to pull out and do it in a bucket. I didn’t have any more vials, but maybe I could take the bucket back and make more potion later. I made them take turns. The entire time I left Solo Player on. Even with the potential for extra experience, I just couldn’t cope without that extra mental boost.

It became a grind, down to the very meaning. Five minutes of thrusting, cum into the bucket, switch. Lover’s Endurance when they got tired, Rejuvenation when they stopped filling the bucket. I kept going and going, like a machine… an orc was still thrusting into me when I finally passed out.

I woke up feeling very sticky down below. I may have made the orcs release in a bucket, but even without cumming, six hours of sex generated a lot of juice… especially from a seductress like myself. I rinsed up using some boiled water. Then I looked over to the orcs. They had collapsed and were still snoring on nearby haystacks. I shivered from the morning cold but refused to allow it to affect my naked body.

Denova had yet to come save me. We were coming in on the third day. I wasn’t going to wait for him any longer. My leveling farm was going to have to come to an end. There was no food here, and the sight of the place… and the company was making me sick. I picked up a bowl of cold water and tossed it at the orc’s faces. The orcs awoke with a snort. Looking around in confusion.

“Get up, you stupid monsters… You have work to do.” I said flatly.

I walked over to a nearby wall, bent over, and spread my legs slightly. I was tired of being on my back. I didn’t feel like being on my knees today. The orcs didn’t waste any time. They stumbled over, the first one who reached me immediately stuck it in. His curly corkscrew dick slid right in with ease. Not even an ounce of resistance. Why did this body have to be so damn wet all the time, even for someone I hate?

Flashes of that last night with Denova came into my head, and I only felt anger. To hell with monsters, and to hell with Denova. The orc thrust into me from behind enthusiastically. I reach my hand down and touched my clit, lightly rubbing it from the front as he thrust into my cunni from behind. He blew his load without taking his dick out and using the bucket. I didn’t care. I ignored him.

The other orc took his place and once again started enthusiastically ramming it into me. His oddly shaped member was doing nothing for me today. I continued to rub my clit more aggressively… perhaps too aggressively. Without damage resistance, it hurt a little, but that was fine. The second orc came after only five minutes. I shot them an annoyed look.

“Again!” I demanded.

The orcs looked at each other with confusion, but I grabbed the first one, forcing him back behind me and recovering his stamina and seed with my skills. The sounds of thrusting became incredibly wet, each thrust causing their seed to drip out between my legs. The liquid was continuously dripping down my legs, each time the orc came only producing more and more. It was dropping out of me almost in a steady stream.

And still, I rubbed my clit, hard, rubbing it harder and harder until my fingers were sore and I felt rubbed raw. Furthermore, their dicks were starting to chaff, my entire cunt was starting to feel sore and overused.

{Damage Resistance Increased to LVL 4.}

{Vaginal intercourse increased to LVL 9.}

I couldn’t tell you why I was hurting myself. I suppose it was because I couldn’t cum. I just wanted another orgasm. I couldn’t feel anything else. These fucking orcs were too small. That’s the problem, they’re too small. If only I had my toy… or maybe a man… but not Denova… never him.

I was moaning as the orcs thrust into me, but tears were falling down my eyes as well. The tears kept falling, and I couldn’t stop them. My mental resistance is as I high as I can get it why… why am I crying? I lost my grip and fell forward. I landed on the ground, my face immediately was shoved into a pile of straw and manure. The stupid orc behind me didn’t even stop, he just bent down, taking his dick where my pussy was and continuing to plow into me. And I lied there, in the shit, crying…

“I’m not an adventurer…” I muttered into the hay.

The orc cums again, stands up, and leaves. The other one sticks his back into me. Even crying on the floor, I continued to cast the endurance to keep him going. Each thrust just grounded my face in the dirt. Even this didn’t make me feel any shame or guilt… I can’t even feel shame. I cry even harder, meanwhile, my fingers work frantically over my sore clit.

“I’m not a princess…”

I let out another sob.

“So… what am I?” I barely whisper.

I remove the Solo Player title. Like a flood, the pain gets even worst, but in my heart. My body was breaking. My mind was already gone.

I didn’t know how long I lied there, endlessly swapping the orcs one from the other, face first in barn refuge, while they continued to thrust into my dripping cunt, each thrust also grounding my face into the dirt. However, eventually, the thoughts started to rise into me once again. It was feeling… emotion. It was anger and hate. I just wanted to die.

Let it happen.


Give up.


You have nothing.

I have me.

Then you are alone.

I can take what I want.

What are you?

I will take what I want.

Who are you?

I am Aria, and the world is mine.

Then, what are you?

My eyes open up. “I’m a seductress.”

Then what will you do?

I change positions to cowgirl. A moment later I’m on top, the orc that was behind me is now under me.

“Rock A Bye,” I commanded out loud.

He fell asleep immediately. I slid his member up out of me and then moved to the other orc. He seemed a little confused, backing up until he pushed against the counter where they had stored their weapons and goods.

“You don’t know me orc, even though we’ve spent so much intimate time together. Perhaps that is partially my fault. However, I am Aria. I am not Aria the Gang Banger, Aria the Town Bicycle, or Aria the Solo Player. I am none of this. I am only Aria… the seductress. I take what I want, and what I want right now is your experience…”

I grab the orc, throwing him to the ground. A second later I’m on top, riding him for all his life. The orc was frightened and confused, but despite the tenseness of the situation, his small brain quickly got over it after getting sex.

“Yeah… you like that orc….” I moaned, “You killed the thieves escorting me. Yeah… you kidnap me? Want to rape me… didn’t you?”

I spoke in a voice that was soothing and sexual, like dirty talk. Not knowing the words I was saying, the orc only became more turned on, grinning stupidly and thrusting up into me.

“So, then you murder your own orc buddy, right? Because why have honor, even amongst your own kind? It’s simple, right? The strong eat the weak? That’s how it works, right? And look at you now, enjoying my pussy, it’s all wet and tight and your cock gets all wrapped up in there, you get all that free sex, you can just cum literal buckets, but aren’t you a little conceited?”

He nods dumbly at my question, having no thoughts but the pleasure of my pussy.

“But let me tell you a secret, orc…” I lean over, so my lips are right next to his. “There is always a cost, and I’m about to take mine from you.”

I reach over my hand landing on the nearby table. Using the table, I raise up, extending his cock out and then plunging down, letting the full length of his cock slam into me. He’s making ecstatic oinking noises, and a second later he cums, literal waves of stuff pushing up through his cock and shooting into me.

“So, just do one more thing for me orc…” I say, smiling down at him as he grins wildly up at me. “Die!”

My hand pulls a sword from the counter, and in a single somewhat sloppy motion, I slam it down on his chest. As he’s in the middle of cumming, I stab, and stab again, and keep stabbing. His face didn’t even have time to turn to horror, he died with a smile on his face. I rode his still cumming cock, shoving the sword down to push myself up and down his shaft.

“Die, die, die, die, uh, ah…. Oooo…” I drop the sword as it rings off to the side and then I collapse naked on his bloody abdomen, the pooling warm blood dripping everywhere.

I moved my lips up to his ear, although the orc couldn’t hear, I whispered anyway. “Ah, I just came.”

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Ascii of the Day:

                         .,vUP8BM@M@S                                   M@       
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

This became the cycle of things. As I used seduction on the guys three to four times, they started getting territorial and bickering in a grunting language I didn’t understand. Had they not been sexed out, they might have come to blows. However, I kept using the seduction skill, over and over again. I’d feed one orc stamina at a time, fuck him until he collapsed, then picked the next one. When my stamina got low, I used the All Nighter to keep me going. We had been going at it in an endless cycle of fucking.

As I used seduction on them about 10 times, their eyes started to gloss over. I didn’t know if it was the constant cycle of sex or my Seduction ability, but their brains seemed to shut down. They didn’t seem to understand English, but they did everything I told them to do. There seemed to be nothing there anymore. They had become brainless sex dolls.

I told two of them to sit, and they just sat there, I brought the other one fucked him, then put him back and he waited for his turn again. I have to say it one more time, seduction is scary. However, in this way, I had achieved what I wanted to achieve… experience banks. At this rate, I could keep them going in an endless cycle, farming experience points endlessly to my own desires.

At least, that’s the hope. This was really the test to prove if this works. My masturbation skill only worked once a day. The fact that this was noted in my solo title either meant that sexual intercourse was different and should work more than once a day, or it was an echo of the rule that you can only gain experience from sex once per person per day. Since I’m one person, naturally, I could only gain experience from myself once.

I hoped it was the former so that this sex farm I set up worked. Otherwise, I was working my pussy sore for no reason. I remembered to do 3 positions for the experience boost in my future tangles. I was a little annoyed at myself that in the novelty of orcs unique features; I had tossed away the potential 3X experience stacked with a first-time bonus. I also lost my toy in one of the bags left behind, so there went my masturbation bonus. Well, even if farming didn’t work, I could level skills.

{Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 8.}

{Blowjob has increased to LVL 7.}

Still, even with magic, I couldn’t keep them going forever, and by the third cum, they were starting to lose it. I could still bring them to orgasm, but there was nothing coming out.  I had dried up the orcs libidos until there was practically nothing left. I still cycled through them a half dozen times before I finally gave the orcs a break, massaging my sore muscles. I switched up the positions a bit… doggie, cowgirl, sidewinder, and even Asian cowgirl whenever I needed to stretch, but without a level up yet, even I couldn’t go six hours without a break. Although my vagina seemed like a never ending fountain, still dripping wet even hours later. I wonder if I’d get dehydration from too much sex?

I began walking around the barn, looking at the environment they had kidnapped me to. The orcs were panting on a nearby haystack. Whenever I looked their direction, they raised their head, appearing like an expectant dog. I gave one orc a smile. And then he grinned dumbly back. He had an ugly smile with broken dirty teeth. My smile turned wry for a bit. Whipped or not, they’re still orcs, although I did wonder how far they would go for me. Could I create a devoted army of monsters? It probably was harder than it looked. Fucking an orc is one thing… fucking a literal army of orcs? No matter how tempting the experience sounds, I’m not looking to die here.

It looked like the barn had not been used for some time. Although I had gotten used to the smell of the rotting corpses in the corner, believe it or not, the rank smell of sex can overpower anything with enough of it, I still stayed some distance away. The orcs seemed to have collected other things too. They actually had weapons, armor, and treasure. They appeared to be smarter than goblins at least and understood the value of things.

Other than a couple of weapons and armor, only a few large enough that they looked like they’d fit the broad shoulder orcs, there was a small box with coins and gems in it. Next to the box were a couple vials, most of them were empty. These would be potions, wouldn’t they be? Most of them looked like single use vials. I used examine on a red looking substance In a vial.

{Vial of Minor Health, Grade D}

It worked, it worked! I used it on the other vials. There were four vials with green stuff in them and a vial with purple stuff.

{Vial of Minor Stamina, Grade D} X4

{Vial of Light Poison, Grade D}

I grinned, looking at the stamina vials before turning towards the orcs, “Well, well boys… it looks like break times over.”

My toys got right to work satisfying me again. I used the empty vials and collected the orcs ejaculate as well. That’s right. Natural lubricant. Even after the stamina potions, they were back to dry orgasms by the second round, so I collected it into vials as my own personal lube. It works really well, is all I’m saying, and with the orcs shooting dry a few drops of it before every fuck really made things just perfect. It wasn’t the sloshy, drippy sex from before, but I still managed to cum a few times.

The sun was setting, and I had already used up three of the stamina vials before the level up text popped up in my vision once again. When I looked at I had to let out a laugh. I was so happy that my experience farming worked that I barely noticed it when the orc inside me finished, pulled out, and went back to his waiting space.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 13!}

{All stats increase by one}

{You have one special skill point}

Available Special Skills:

{Group Therapy (Passive): It becomes easier to engage multiple people in intercourse at the same time.}

{Cock hold (Active): Target cannot achieve orgasm for ten minutes.}

{Rejuvenation (Active): Increase the targets seed quantity.}

The first thing that popped out was that there were two active skills. Was this because I was a more active participant in the sex? In the previous cases, I was more or less being held down and fucked. This is really the first situation where I called the shots. I had no clue, it could still just be random, but I left it as a possibility. If I wanted more active skills, I’d need to aggressively be in control during sex.

However, nothing else really popped out at me. What does easier mean? Does it mean they won’t fight over sharing me? Or that I can sweet talk a threesome with less effort? With my other seductress powers, it just didn’t seem necessary. I mean, I was not going to turn every guy I meet into a sex slave, but I’m sure if I wanted a threesome, even with two guys, I could probably make it happen. Even before I came to this world, I was convinced most guys would be up for a two guy threesome, although they’d never admit it.

Anyway, cock hold seemed tempting, but wouldn’t that just blueball the guy? I’m sure the sadist in me could make up a fun little punishment game, but since finishing sex is what brings in the experience presumably, and I can bypass some of my sexual disappointments with All Nighter. All in all, it sounded dangerous… a little too tempting. The old me might have jumped at the chance to know my boyfriend could go ten minutes before he blew his load, that’s almost a guaranteed orgasm for me, but alas, I’ll reject it.

And rejuvenation is just a commodity. Although… if I wanted to market semen… I mean… that spider semen was basically a glue. These orcs are the opposite, they’re lube donors. Maybe there is a market for that kind of thing. A little spider semen to close up a wound, some lube for sex. It could work… although I might just end up making a bunch of monster babies, that lube wouldn’t work on anyone but me. Unless…

My hand slipped out and selected rejuvenation. Damn it… why can’t I just save up a point? My next level choices could be awesome. Oh well… done is done. I had to think about the future, after all… and if anyone was going to market and sell monster spooge, a seductress would be it. I’m not crazy, I’m not.

And thus I’m back on my knees, milking orcs for orc spooge. After using the skill on each of them, I jack them off. Can’t be getting my juices mixed with their juices here, I’m running a professional business. There were about eight empty potion bottles, and I filled each of them up, including the four stamina potions from before. My arm was pretty sore after yanking on them for about an hour. I eventually got them to do it themselves. After filling up the last vial I let out a sigh.

“Alright,” I said, forming a fist, “Let’s make a fire.”

It took a while before the orcs understood what I meant, but eventually, they ran around gathering wood. They luckily had some flint and steel, and I was able to get the fire going after twenty minutes of fiddling around. First, I tried to hold a vial near the fire, but I couldn’t get close enough without burning my fingers. I could ask the orcs to do it, they would, but that seemed like a cruel abuse of my power. Instead, I placed the vial on a battered up sickle and then held that over the fire. The result… was burnt spooge.

Instead, I had the orcs go fetch me water. Thankfully, there was a well nearby. It was an abandoned farm after all. I boiled the water and then stuck a vial in the boiled water. The result from that was far more interesting.

“Oo… it coagulated,” I said out loud.

In probably the first ever experiment on orc spud, I found that boiling it turned it into a jelly. I opened the vial and sniffed. The jelly no longer had a fishy smell. In fact, it smelled like nothing, which could be said to be a major improvement.

“But… most of these vials are made with magic… what if I…”

I recapped the vial and using my limited magic, I poured magic into the vial. Suddenly, there was a flash… and the brownish color turned sheet white.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 1.}

{Magic has increased to LVL 3.}

I let out a cry of excitement. The orcs looked my way, giving happy grins, but I ignored them. Well, just 7 levels to go and I can finally cast some spells! That… decreased my excitement a little.  But now I know potion making… sort of. I mean, it’s a skill I have now. I’d still need recipes. I need someone to teach me. I was a chemist before all this crap went down. You could say that my knowledge from the previous world would make me an ideal, what did Denova call it? An Alchemist. Still, this new vial, I wanted to examine it. What did I make?

{Examine has increased to LVL 5.}

{Vial of Minor Male Enhancement Lubrication, Grade D – When applied during sexual intercourse, male erectness can be more easily maintained, even after orgasm.}

Shit! I just invented magical Viagra! Did it turn out this way because my magic is seductress magic, or because orc seed is potent? I had no clue, but I decided to make more. I reexamined the monsters with my new examine ability and was disappointed to learn that no new information was given. Maybe humans would give more, I hoped.

Using the remainder of the vials, I boiled the orc semen and then used magic on it. At level 3, the magic flowed easier, and it took half the time to create the potions. After finally finishing the last potion, I picked up a glass of boiled water that cooled down and drank it. It was at this point I realized two things.

First off, I was completely naked. It was the middle of the night, and I was standing next to a fire making potions out of spooge while wearing absolutely nothing. Even the orcs had thrown on loin cloths as the night set in. The second realization was that I hadn’t eaten anything but orc spooge in almost two days. As soon as the water hit my empty stomach, I realized how hungry I was. Up until then, sex and leveling up had kept me full, but a girl had to eat!

I looked over at the orcs and slapped my hand down. I pointed to my mouth and slowly talked.

“Feed me, I want something to eat.”

Given our prior relationship, I hoped that by pointing in my mouth, they figured out food and didn’t think I was inviting their cocks for another visit. Not that this wasn’t a likely inevitability in the near future, but food first, fuck later.

The orcs looking around dumbfounded, but after a second they started arguing with each other. One pushed another, and then their oinks and grunting became even louder. I tried to mediate, but since we didn’t speak the same tongue, my waving hands were ignored in the orc’s anger. The highest level orc made a loud grunt and then walked over to the weapons stand and grabbed a weapon. I guess they’ll need to go hunting, well, I’ll make them leave one behind for me while the other two bring us dinner.

That’s what I thought, but before I could react, he took two step back to the other orcs and swung down. The lowest level orc took the hit. He let out a pained shriek as blood splattered across the room, even splashing against my naked body.

The other one was yelling too, but he took a few steps back, dancing on his legs like he was deciding between bolting and defending himself. The orc struck again and the dying orc let out his final sound. Without missing a beat, the high-level orc bent over and started hacking away. Two chops and he freed up an arm. He walked over to me who was standing in complete stunned silence and held out the severed arm, smiling like a pet waiting for praise.

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Ascii of the Day:

             ░██▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓████▒           ▓██████▒                       
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

As the pig-faced orcs dragged me off into the forest, I cursed my mind-bogglingly awful luck. Although luck didn’t appear to be a stat with a tangible number, if it existed, mine had to be low. Why the hell would the orcs attack the carriage now? The sight of the thieves cut up on the ground was certainly disturbing. At least one of them I remembered sleeping with before, and except Denova, there was no other former lover I really wanted to see die. This world was simply too brutal and savage for me.

One of the orcs had tossed me over his shoulder, and the three of them were now sprinting through the forest. They were remarkably fast, able to run at a speed close to a horse at full gallop, even through the densely-packed foliage all around us. I wanted to put up a fight, but right now the only thing I could do is Pheromone. That would turn them feral, and with me in one of their hands, I didn’t see myself getting out of it without being hurt.

Of course, that left Seduction and Eye of the Beholder… I could make them attracted to me, then possibly knock them out with Rock a Bye. Seduction still scared me, the effect on people had backfired a lot recently. And Eye of the Beholder… likely contributed to Dox being killed. Seductress powers were too dangerous when I tossed them around willy nilly. As these thoughts ran through my mind, I decided to check on the orcs with my Examine.

{Name: Grg, Sex: M, Age: 8, Total Level: 55, Species: Pigman warrior, Sexually Compatible: Yes, Kills: 22, Rapes: 2 Intelligence Level: Low}

{Name: Ga, Sex: M, Age: 6, Total Level: 40, Species: Pigman warrior, Sexually Compatible: Yes, Kills: 10, Rapes: 1 Intelligence Level: Low}

{Name: Grkaa, Sex: M, Age: 9, Total Level: 56, Species: Pigman warrior, Sexually Compatible: Yes, Kills: 28, Rapes: 4, Intelligence Level: Low}

I blinked when I read through the information. Are those even names? This is completely different from when I examined humans. That means monsters are different from humans. No class, just a species… which appears to be pigman, or more specifically pigman warrior. I guess that means race and class were not distinguished in monsters? Is pigman like a second-tier orc, or are they not orcs at all? I mean, the LOTR orcs are still something that might exist in this world. I’m still going to call them orcs for now.

They’re also really young… but they’ve killed and raped before. At over six feet tall, they were not child orcs despite their age. I don’t know if those kill stats mean humans or just things in general. If they’re killing another pigman, I couldn’t care less. Same with rapes. Given how this world has been so far, I feared those rapes were humans, and those kills probably included those rapes. They’re surprisingly high levels also explained how they were able to destroy my escort of thieves. I only had the one bandit defending me.

If this went like every other encounter I’ve had so far, then rape and murder were the only future these orcs or pigman or whatever had planned for me. Which meant, as a seductress, I had only one choice; I had to go on the offensive. The orcs ran on with me bumping along one of their shoulders, Grg as it turned out, until the point that my hips were rather sore. This wasn’t exactly princess carry, so the run wasn’t without its discomfort.

I worked on a plan in my head. The first thing I did was change beautification to orc. Then I started targeting them with Eye of the Beholder. I spaced myself out, using it only once every five minutes. All the levels I recently gained had not only brought increases to my stamina, but also my stamina regen, so at this rate, I didn’t find myself getting tired. I held off striking them with seduction. It used a bit more stamina, and I was afraid that using it might cause one of them to try to take me now, thus inducing a scurry. They ran for quite some time, and the sun was already starting to set when they finally stopped. I had the time to put Eye of the Beholder on each pigman at least 5 times. By now, I should be looking very fuckable… if that was something they didn’t see me as before.

As night fell, they ended up bringing me into an abandoned looking barn. I didn’t know if they had murdered the previous humans who had lived here. There was a pile of bloodied animal carcasses in the corner rotting. It was not a pleasant smell, so I tried not to look at it. No, I couldn’t think of how disgusting this was. With Mental Fortitude, I could fuck on top of that pile of corpses and not be too bothered by it, but my body at least had the good sense to feel disgusted even if my mind was broken.

As one of the orcs threw me on a haystack nearby, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Okay. I needed to get started. I had to take control of the situation from the start and keep them in my flow. The one thing I needed right now, more than anything, was more levels. If I was ever going to free Jenai and kill Denova, I needed to be stronger. I wanted him dead, and the only way to do it was to get the right special skill. There was only one way I knew how to level and now is the only time I had.

Even if I used Rock a Bye and knocked all of these orcs out, then ran away, all that would happen is I’d be captured by Denova. He knew where I was thanks to the ring after all. However, there was a window of time right now. A few days where I could increase my strength free from his clutches. I looked at the orcs in front of me… and the predatory look that I had spent the last few weeks suppressing had taken over my face. It was enough that the orcs were hesitating, taking a few steps back, looking like they were about to run.

I began the offensive. I released the pheromones while simultaneously using seduction on the highest level one. As expected, three hungry looks appeared in the pig-like eyes, and they began to reach for me. They immediately grabbed at my fine pink princess dress, and with snorting noises, tore it to shreds. I’d never had clothing literally torn from me before while course hands grabbed at my body. With my overactive seductress libido, it was already enough to bring me ready for action.

I grabbed the first orcs pants and whipped them down, throwing away any formality, concealment, or deception. I was leveling now. However, what I saw when the pants hit the ground immediately caused me to give a wry smile, and my face to twist uncomfortably. That’s…

“They are pigman, I guess…”

The pigmen had a long furry penis, but the strange thing is that it was twisted into loops. The shaft itself was pink and very thin, but the length was easily nearly two feet long… that is if you pulled the dick out. The problem was when engorged, the dick didn’t stick out straight. Instead, it was twisted around and around in three loops, ultimately pointing randomly in one direction.

I tentatively put my mouth on it, thinking maybe I could straighten it with a little work. Just as I got the tip in, the orc grabbed the back of my head and thrusted forward. The dick went in like a corkscrew…

So soft!

Upon entering my mouth, his dick immediately tried to twirl back into a circle, and the second his incredible length struck the back of my throat, it just folded in on itself, not even triggering my gag reflex at all. In fact, it didn’t really feel much like sucking on a dick. It felt more like sucking a tail in the shape of a slinky. However, the orc thing let out a growl followed by numerous oinks while looking up in ecstasy… so I guess he liked it. The other orcs had taken their clothes off and were playing with their dicks as well.

Basically, they pulled on them until the dick spread out a foot from the body, then let it go. The dick would spring back into a round shape, only for them to do it again. This is the method the orc seem to use to masturbate, springing their dicks. They had no balls to speak of, those seemed to be farther up in their bodies.

Despite all that, if you put a bag over their obvious piglike faces, their bodies were finely toned. Rather than giant potbellies, they looked like muscular warriors. Is this because they’re pigman warriors and not just pigmen? Well, I didn’t hate their bodies. They were a little hairy, but not hairier than some of the men I’ve been with. The pinker than normal color and the black splotches were a little odd… but that was something I could ignore.

As I sucked the highest-level orc off, each of my hands worked one of the other orcs, well, I guess I should call it their penis, even if it looks like it should be called a whatchamadoodle. I wish I had some way to delay their orgasms. I wasn’t even half done when suddenly something shot from the penis tip into my mouth. I swallowed it on instinct and ended up coughing.

I can’t say the taste was gross, but it tasted really oily. It had a really fishy taste. A second later, the two other guys erupted too, spraying their seed on me. As the orcs orgasmed, they made a sound in between a bark and an oink while bobbing their head in a way that might have been cute in something that wasn’t a monstrous abomination of nature. The semen itself felt oily on my skin. I felt like I had just taken a bath in fish flavored bacon grease. It was shiny, brown, and considerably more viscous than I was used to.

After the orcs finished, they looked at each other in confusion, like they didn’t quite know what had happened or how they had gotten there. Meanwhile, I was genuinely frustrated. I’m not even sure if BJs and handjobs gave experience, or if that experience had a first-time bonus. I probably didn’t get the gangbanger bonus either. Fortunately, throughout the entire exchange which probably lasted less than five minutes, I had cast seduction two more times, once on each of the other orcs. I wanted to take advantage of sexual saint while it was active.

The orcs started to turn away, and I put on an annoyed look behind their backs. I was not going to level just with this. Therefore, I activated pheromones again, the predatory look returning to my face.

“Did I say we were done?” I growled.

The orcs turned back, seemingly dazed. I grabbed the one closest to me, the one I had sucked off, and played with his corkscrew dick until I managed to get it up against me. I was already long past wet enough, even for something as odd as this. He thrusted in as soon as he was lined up.

“Ah… inside me.”

I let out a little giggle. It felt as strange in my pussy as it did my mouth. It certainly took some getting used to. In a way, it was very thin, so it wasn’t exactly the most stimulating experience, except that it curled up too. As its length hit the back of my vagina, it folded and starting coming back up the front. In the end, it felt like I had two dicks inside me. The way it twisted also caused the dick to move in strange places, touching me in areas a normal dick usually missed. I rocked my hips, fucking the orc. After a few moments of encouragement, he was back to thrusting inside me.

With the sexual saint stamina boost back on, I did seduction some more. Another orc cock went into my mouth since I really wanted that two-hole bonus. I kept gang banger equipped. In this particular situation, I could benefit with Rough Rider, Gang Banger, or Town Bicycle. However, Town Bicycle would only give me 10% experience on the third orc, and I didn’t think it would compound with the same lovers multiple times. The orcs were so soft I didn’t think I could get it in my ass, but even if I did, that would just be 50% experience on 1 orc. Whereas gang banger gave 50% experience on two people filling two holes, so it was the ideal experience. I wasn’t sure it worked that way, but that’s why I stuck with my first title, which even now was one of the most useful.

The third cock was in my hand again. However, this time I didn’t move my hand at all. I didn’t want to inadvertently initiate my handjob skill and waste a cum… so I kept my hand there like a dead weight as he thrust himself against it. He didn’t seem to mind at all, not even seeming to notice.

The orc came inside me and I let out a cute little gasp. A normal dick kind of just throbbed when it came. The orc dick was different. It was like… a tiny bulge, that shot out, moving through the loop like a glob moving through a drain until it suddenly burst out the tip. It felt like his dick was crawling inside me, I can’t really explain it another way. There were three more bursts moving, causing the dick to twist and readjust inside me until he was spent.

I kicked the orc off me, my hand tightening around the shaft of the orc to my side. I pulled him by his dick, and he let out a loud snorting whine. However, the orc went where I guided him, and a moment later he was happily thrusting into me as well. Meanwhile, I continued to attack with the seduction skill. The orc in my mouth finally erupted, and I swallowed down his greasy seed while continuing to suck him. The orc started making a whining grunt sound as I sucked him way past the point of release. He was stomping his feet, but I wouldn’t let him pull out, having complete control of his dick. Suddenly, a glob of seed shot through his dick that was large enough to see with the visible eye. My eyes widened, but before I could spit his dick out of my mouth, it reached the tip and erupted inside.

“Ack, gah, cough… Ah… it went up my nose!”

I coughed as oily liquid went up the wrong hole, and I ended up having to wipe some from my nose. The other orc exploded inside me while I was still trying to clean myself up. They really did not last very long. I only did the one position, which means no enhanced position bonus either. I grimaced… I needed more experience. As the orcs went to rest, I didn’t let up. I kept firing off seduction.

Seduction was scary and had some pretty unexpected side effects. It usually backfired stupendously, but that was when I used seduction conservatively. I’d use it once, maybe twice, and I would let it slowly build up. This lead to the feverish looks and the obsession. However, was there a point beyond that? I didn’t know… but I planned to test it on these orcs.

And so, I launched pheromones again. A wave of exhaustion overtook me, letting me realize I had reached the limit of my stamina. I used All Nighter on myself. I have no clue how much I used. Hp bars, sp bars, and stamina were not numbers I was given in this fantasy world. However, I no longer felt tired. Unfortunately, my orc companions didn’t make it. They were under the effects of pheromones certainly, but their penis wasn’t protruded. That’s right, it seemed to shrink back up in there. There was only a little tip which would spring out into the whole shaft when they were ready.

One tried to stick it in me, but there was nothing to stick. They were horny, but the equipment no longer worked. Wait… the All Nighter skill said it converted sp to stamina on either of us, so… I grabbed one of the orcs and attempted to use All Nighter, this time imagining giving it to him. A second later, his corkscrew popped out, alive and ready. Thankful, his attempt to touch himself was considered close enough to intercourse to work. He slipped it inside of me.

Tired of lying on my back, I switched to cowgirl. As I did so, I watched the other orcs to see if the sudden change would affect spectators. They didn’t react at all. Instead, they continued to watch us with a bit of drool running out of their mouths while they rubbed the nub hoping to get an erection. ED must be awful, I’m sorry guys, grin and bear it until you get your turns!

Meanwhile, I put my hands on the orcs hardened muscular chest, about the only part of him that resembled a human. I blocked out everything else and focused purely on the feel of his leathery skin, and the corkscrew dick twisting around inside of me with each thrust. Deciding to have a little fun, I put my feet up on the haystack and pushed up. With his nearly two-foot dick, I was able to get halfway to standing before dropping down and having it slide right up in me. The feeling was incredibly good and unlike anything else, I’ve tried.

{Position Unlocked: Asian Cowgirl}

Each time I dropped down onto his hips, there would be a sloppy slosh sound. It was a combination of the oily semen they had already deposited into me as well as my own juices. Their semen actually worked as a lubricant although I’m not sure if it’s condom safe. However, my lubed up pussy was so soaking wet that his cock just slid everywhere inside. I was literally dripping on him, and a puddle of our juices was falling down his thighs in thick droplets.

He started to cum, another lump of fishy lube climbed up his two-foot shaft just as I plummeted down. The result was a pressure differential. Just as I struck bottom. It popped out. It felt like a bubble popped inside me. My body chose that moment to cum as well, and my pussy, despite better judgment, swelled and tightened in the throes of an orgasm. The combined momentum resulted in on inevitability. The dick shot out of my pussy, oily spooge combined with my juices literally exploding out of my vagina and erupting across his stomach.

I broke into laughter at the sight, snorting. The orc made snorting noises too, letting out a satisfied oink sound, although I don’t think he appreciated the humor. I straddled the orc, and his cork dick wrapped between the lips of my slit, the head of his cock lying haphazardly on his own stomach. I felt more globs of semen run up between my slit before gushing out onto him. He didn’t seem to mind at all as he finished coming.

I considered licking his stomach clean. What can I say, the oily discharge was starting to grow on me. However, there were two other orcs present, and I was just getting started.

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Ascii of the Day:

     BB  M  B   uBO     vi         BL                                            
    BB  i  B  NBv                    F                                           
   BB  J  B  BB                       SV                                         
  jB  i  B uB                           B                                         
  B       BB                       iB    Bu                                      
iBI     B B                  BMii    Bu   MP                                     
BBi    iB P                BBi        BB    Z                             i      
MB     G i               iBB           BB   rB            jBEBBBBBMBMBuOviiiiu   
BB     M                MMB     MEMU    FBi   Bi     BBBriML        iuiBB BBMP XBM
BB     B i              BI   uMBNMBq     GMi   Bu   BB   iriiivvLi        LBBv   v
BB     M r                  BBB  VX       BB     vB ii             YEMBBE    iSNu
BB     u r              B  Bk   r          Bu    orBM                     vBo    
BB     i    rBBBBMF     BM                  B     EBB                       SBGi 
 B    i   qBq            BB                  B      BBBBBGLi                  YLi
 Mv      ii     NBBBY     BMJ                vB        iLNBBBBBBBBu             i
 BM       F   GBMBZ         BBZ               B                 iMBBBBBi         
 MB       Bi BBB i           BBFBi            jM     PErFBZi          BBBi       
  v     u  M P                  UB             B     iivPB B   i        MBB      
   B    M  B                  BB               B     ri  BiM              BB   i 
   Mq   YI vBi             vN                  kB     MN  rB               BB    
    B    B  BBB                                 BM   i LBUiM                BB   
     O   Ni  BBB                         i       Bi   vii IB                 BM  
     M    B  GBMBr                N BMBu iB       BB      BM                 YBB 
          Li  B SBBi           Ovv    i   BB       UuJr   FB                  BB I
           B  iB  oMBB        P            B  rB     BBii  B Bq                Mi
           ii  Yi    BBBBr   ji        rBii   BB  BJi  ii  B  vZi           i  BM
           iU  r  i     NBBG            irB   riGNB    Br jB    BB           U  B
           LM  B         LB               r v  B       Bo UB      OY            B
           i       i     Bi               BME i        MB  B       BS           B
                        BB                i         ii BO  B        OB         BB
            B          qB                          iu  uB  G         Bu        Bu
            uo   i     BM                              OB ir                  BB 
             N   r    BB                 vv iBB        rB i                  BB  
j             BB      BB                BP  UBBBB        i i                BB   
MB             i      B                 Bi     iBB       iOXFq             MI   BM
  B                  BB                BM         r  ZMBr i              uM   GBB
  iBi                Bq                B               i           rBMv BO  BBB  
    Bv              iB                 B             iF      VXOBBMr   BMSBBB    
     BJ             BE                OY             v   L           MBMBBi      
      ML            B                 B                iv         UBMBBM         
       Br          GB                ri               i         MMBBBi           
        B         LB                iB                        iBBBr              
        UB        BB                B                  ii   irBr                 
         BS      YBi                                  iBBBBFi                    
         iB      BB                Y                 BBBL                        
          BB    LB                iM               BBB                           
           BB  rB                vrMi            MBv                              
            BGiM                 B uBi         BBi                               
             ir                  kv iBr       B                                  
              qk                 iB   B iB                                       
              iiqN                i   PBBB


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The carriage was perhaps not the most comfortable ride around. At first, I had tried to treat the bumpiness like an unbalanced washing machine, using the bumps to satisfy the sexual lust I’ve been deprived since my dildo was jammed into one of the bags. However, an hour later I hadn’t been able to get even my overactive libido to climax and my butt was becoming numb. There were cushions, of course, but they were not enough to truly protect my butt, or get me off, I’d have taken either.

I eventually switched to Rough Rider to relieve some of the discomforts. My butt hurt less, but the numb feeling wouldn’t go away. I just wanted to move my butt a bit, maybe stand up and stretch. However, the carriage did not give enough room to stand. I shouted twice for the thieves to stop the carriage for me.

The first time, the guy on the horse riding alongside just looked at me with a disgusted glare and barked. “Shutup!”

A second later, I realized I recognized him. “Oh, that’s right, you did me doggy style two nights ago. I came with you. That was a good one.”

The guy turned completely red, and his horse fell back. Why was he suddenly being all shy now? He wasn’t at all shy when he was slapping my butt and saying I was his, what was the word? Oh yeah, ‘Dirty Little Fuck Princess’.

Of course, that got me the idea of fucking these thieves. I mean, Denova depended on what they’d tell him, but they’re likely not going to tell him they fucked the princess before she got there. Plus, even if he found out, he’d be more likely to take it out on them than me. Six guys at a time. With my new found love of anal, the gangbanger experience will be much easier to earn. I kind of wanted to try anal again, especially with someone a size smaller than Denova. Especially double penetration. I think I could handle it now.

The second time I asked them to stop, intending to try to seduce them, they didn’t say a word to me. Ignoring me is painful. If they kept treating me so poorly, then I’d just release the pheromones. Let’s see them keep their reason with that. A flash of Jenai’s face kept me from doing that. If my obsession with fucking somehow prevented us from getting into the castle and thus risked Jenai’s life, I couldn’t live with myself.

On the other hand, she said no dildo until we got to the castle. She said nothing about no dick… and the faster I leveled, the more powerful and more likely I could overwhelm Denova. In a way, fucking these guards was in Jenai’s best interest.

As I danced back and forth over the release of my pheromones, the guards started talking. I pressed my ear up against the carriage door listening to the conversation outside. I guess even the guards would get bored on a long journey like this.

“I don’t like this.” One of the guy’s said.

“Like what?”

“Well, we got this whore in the back whose been stuck more than a pin cushion and now we’re walking right into a castle?”

“What of it? Denova says he’s already made the appropriate bribes and it’ll be no problem. Plus, he offered us a cut.”

“Yeah, well, it seems risky to me, can that girl even be useful? Only thing she seems useful for is putting up her legs.”

I frowned at the rude guy’s comments. I know I’ve done a lot of sexual deeds, but I don’t really see myself as a slut. This is just how I level. It’s how my class was built. Do you call an adventurer who goes out and kills a bunch of goblins to level up a mass murderer? No, he’s just doing what adventurers do to level. Same difference.

“You’re just pissy because you thought you were nail’n a princess, and it turns out she was just some common girl like the rest.”

I gave the other guy a thumbs up. Totally, he’s just jealous.

“No… I’m just saying… why us? We get a cut of the biggest heist of the century.”

“Like he said, we’re his most trusted!”

“Yeah… but we’re all thieves. Only one bandit in the bunch and I’m sorry Bree, but I find it hard to believe you’re his most trusted after you got drunk and talked shit about him for half a night.”

“Hey… that was months ago, we’ve long since buried the hatchet on that kind of stuff.

I was already starting to get bored with their talk. They were supposed to be talking about that smoking hot princess sitting in the carriage and how they wished they’d fuck her.

“Oh man, you see that sexy bitch in the carriage? Man, I’d like to fuck her.”

“Yeah man, you and me both, we should totally pull over this carriage and take her on the side of the road.”

“Oh, but we can’t, Denova would totally kill us.”

“Naw man, what Denova doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.”

“You’re right, man, let’s do this.”

“Alright, I feel like filling up that princess ass.”

“Alright, I’ll take the pussy.”

“Yeah, we’ll fuck her till she’s full of cum.”

I was not listening to their actual conversation, but the pretend conversation in my head. Meanwhile, my dress was hiked up, and I was fingering myself. Dammit, why do these have to be the only cautious and honorable thieves in the entire fucking forest? I was ready to reach a climax when the carriage suddenly slammed to a stop. Being as I was not exactly sitting correctly in my seat, this caused me to sprawl forward and hit my head on the adjacent wall.

“Ah, damn it!” I swore.

Although it’d be hard to guess whether I cussed at the strike to my head or the cockblocked orgasm. Maybe I really did need to work on my carnal resistance. As I leveled up my abilities, I think it was sending my libido overboard. I vowed to work on resisting my sexual urges… right after I just squirt this one out.

Regrettably, or perhaps thankfully, the side of the carriage swung open before I had my hand back under my dress. As is, it just looked like I was readjusting my dress after the sudden fall.

“Shit…” the guy growled, “You got a cut on your head.”

I lifted up my hand to my head and noticed it for the first time as well. It wasn’t a big deal, except for the fact I was pretending to be a princess.

“What’s going on?”

Distantly, I hoped my dream was about to become a reality, but fortunately, my delusions were not so advanced that I didn’t know something else was going on.

“It’s a monster up ahead. We’re going to go take care of it. You stay here with the driver and one ‘guard’ and we’ll start moving once it’s been dealt with.”

I nodded to the guy and tried to follow him out the carriage door. The guy blocked me and pushed me back down onto the seat.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“My butt is sore from riding in this carriage, I want to stand and stretch my legs for a bit.”

“No, the boss says you stay in the carriage until we get there. So, you need to stay.”

“But my butt is sore!” I whined a tad petulantly.

“Shut up or I’ll give your ass a reason to be sore!” He cursed.

My eyes brightened at that. “Is that a promise?”

He coughed, suddenly not quite sure what to say. Not wanting to waste the chance, I slowly rose up my dress. A moment later, I revealed my underwear, which I pulled to the side, effectively giving him a clear look at the glistening pink lips of my pussy. I couldn’t have made a come on more obvious if I yanked down his pants and sucked him off right there.

He stared at my pussy, the desire very clearly on his face. He reached out and then seemed to catch himself. He shook his hand, pointing at me.

“Y-you… damn, they said the whole camp, but…”

“I don’t want the whole camp, I just want your cock inside me.”

He unconsciously reached down and grabbed his own nuts, which were already springing to life at the appearance of me spread wide and open for him.

“I-I can’t… the guys, they won’t wait…”

“It’ll be real quick, just two minutes,” I gave him a pouty face as I spoke. “You can just tell the guys I was panicky, and you had to tie me up. You… can tie me up, if you want.”

{Seduce has increased to LVL 2.}

“Uh, uh… uh… g-g-guys!” He turns outside, “The princess is being a little panicky, just give me a minute to calm her down.”

He got the rest of the way into the cart and a surge of happiness shot through me. Not just because I leveled up in seduce, which is a lot safer than the seduction special skill, but also because I’d finally get some sex. And the best part was that I didn’t recognize him from my night of debauchery. That’s an experience bonus right there!

He quickly fiddled with the string of his pants as he closed the carriage door behind him. Meanwhile, I scooted back, sitting in the middle aisle between the two carriage seats. I put up my feet on either seat, ready to accept his hard member into me.

He got down his knees in front of me, stroking his cock a few times as he lined it up for entry. There was a thump on the door and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He looked around nervously.

“Just a minute, we’re almost done.”

“Yeah, yeah, stick it in me, baby.”

He listened for a second and then nodded. He put it back down, the tip of his head touching against the entry into my womanhood. Yes, dick, I need your dick inside me. There was a sudden shout, like a yell from outside. Once again, he jumped, and his perfect head pressed against my vagina was once again denied entry.

“I-I have to go see what that is.”

“No… it’s fine, they’re just, whatever, come on.”

“Just a minute…” he put his hand out as if he was settling a horse.

He went to the door, then turned back and blew me a kiss with a grin before turning and jumping outside. I rolled my eyes. Jeeze, I wanted some sloppy sex in the carriage, not a boyfriend. I dropped my head back, sighing at the inconvenience of it all. Of course, I was still lying with my legs spread open like a whore. Oh god, the guard was right.

I pulled my dress down and sat back in my seat. Damn it, I’ve just been nuts lately. I can’t believe I’ve grown this desperate. That has to be full blown nymphomania, right? I mean, what did Jenai even think of me. I was feeling her up every chance I got. It was almost the same way Denova would do it.

We’re a lot alike.

I shivered at those words. No, Denova and I were not alike. He was insane, a sociopathic psychopath who murders people and doesn’t give a shit about anyone. I cared about Jenai. I cared about Min. The fact I only care about women didn’t make me a lesbian. I just hadn’t found any good, reliable men yet.

Okay… I will resist my urges.

{Carnal Resistance has increased to LVL 3.}

That’s right. I am calm. I am in control. When that bodyguard comes back in here, I’ll just say it was a lapse in judgment or something. I’m betting his buddies wouldn’t even believe him. It’s called plausible deniability.

However, the guys were taking a while. Other than the shout, there wasn’t much going on. There were some sounds like metal clanging on metal, but that was already gone. So, what the heck was going on. A shadow showed in front of the door and I gave a sigh as I moved to open it.

“Look, I’m sorry, that was…” I opened the door and my mind seemed to freeze. “… A mistake…”

The thing standing in front of me was not one of the thieves at all. It was large, it had a build larger than Denova and stood at almost seven feet tall. It also had a face that was unmistakably that of a pig. A body of a man, but the face of a pig. That only meant one thing.

“An… orc?”

The orc grunted and reached out, grabbing me. A second later, I was tossed over its shoulder like a rag. As I was pulled out of the carriage, I realized there were two other orcs rummaging around. There were bodies on the floor, including the guy I fucked two nights prior and the one I almost fucked two minutes ago.

In an instant, I was back alone and in the capture of orcs. The orcs started running off into the forest, abandoning the carriage and taking me with them.

Well… shit.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                 BOM        rMO2uML                              
                                BO            2OBOM                              
                              LBq               GOOBOv                           
                             UB:             O    EOBO                           
                            OB        vZv SujBi    2OBO                          
                           OU      MMBMFZOF, Ok     .OBO                         
                         BOi     :E:          GB     ,OB0                        
                       iBO:     B,             PB     rOB                        
                      OBOX     B                5B     BO                        
                      BOB     Bj                 OL    iB:                       
                      OB7    uO                   O     OE                        
                      BO     PB     ,:            5O    BO                       
                      OO     XB   ,iviO    :2i     B    OB                       
                      BO     O,  JrBBM     OZOBOZ  O7   :O7                      
                      OB     Xr                    B:    BO                      
                      BO      B                    Oi    OB:                     
                      OB      q    2u       O      B     1OO                     
                      BO      B   BO   jBO  .O8O  5O     rB8                     
                      OB      O.  PMi.       Oq   OM     :OZ                     
                      BO      iO     .r,,    5   XB       BG                     
                  ,,. OO       BO      BOB      PB        Oq                     
                qOOOBOBO        OF             jBO       OBOjOMBr                 
              ,OO7    ,OOBr.   ,OB  ,.      B. MOBOBOBGOOBOr7:.7OBL              
              BO         :OOB. :.. r, jOBOBOBr.      u:,         OBB             
             kO      iEB                ,                          BO            
             OB    vBOL.                                            BO           
            OB    OB:                                               OB           
            BO   BB                                           ,     BOM          
            OB   BO     u:                                    :B   .OOO          
            B5   7O  vOOO.                    7Or      qBOi   Bu   .BO7          
            Or   :O0OBO                        8O:       :;  GM     OB           
           rB7   OOOBO                          OO7          O.    1OO           
           7OG  ;B.                              JOBOBO2     20    2OB           
           rBO  :Or     i                             .kBOBu  B    iBO           
           rOv  OBOOJOOOOG                                 i  OF    OM           
           rB   BS,OOOBOF                                     OM    OM           
           XO   OJ                                            O5    OO          MO
BG         OB   BO                                            B0    BM       7BOF
ZOO        BO   Oq                                            UB    OM     ;OB:  
  BOE      OO  :B:                                             O    BO   8OO.    
    OOOi   BO  8O                                              BL   OE 7OB       
      ZOB  OB  OB                                              qB   BOBO:        
        uBOBF OB                                               .OB.MO8           
          .OBOB.                                                BOBS             
                                       k  .O                                     
                                O      S    B                                     
                               B      u. BF  B                                    
                              O      Z  O    O                                   
                            U G     .u ,.    j.                                  
                            Oi      O   :B    u                                   
                            ,,      O   B.,O  5                                  
                             ..     O.   v    v      .                           
                             r     .2    O     Z    :                            
                              u    GL N  Z   N O    O                            
                              B    k .   O  .Z O5   M                            
                              Z    O.    X  r  B    O                            
                              uZ   OB.   u    B.   O.                            
                              jB    OOO     iB    Bq                             
                              Fv     Xu   iOB     0                              
                                     EL iu  u                                    
                                     GBqOBO  P  i                                    
                                       B i  OO;:                                 
                                        8   :                                    
                                        EBv  B                                   