Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

{Position Unlocked: Eating Out}

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 2.}

“This thing, it really works.” Jenai said in surprised.

“Uh huh,” My voice came out muffled from below, my face was about nose deep into her snatch. I was vigorously using the Cat’s Meow, trying to get every part of her body.

“Ah… you just made me cum.”

As if on cue, some womanly juices just suddenly flowed up into my nose. I sputtered and coughed, pulling out.

“Hey there, this is serious.” I remonstrated her.

Jenai was now boosted up on her elbows, curiously looking down at me. At first, I had just licked the outside which only had a small amount of tearing. Then I steadily had worked my way in a circle, slowly getting deeper and deeper. It was hard to see down there, so I mostly just licked everything I could get my tongue on, and gradually as I worked, I lifted her legs up more and worked on getting deeper and deeper.

{Position Unlocked: Rockin’ Rockette}

Of course, Jenai tasted like blood, giving me a vampire vibe and the fear my next level would include some kind of vampire deal. However, surprisingly enough, I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. That is, eating pussy. I had done it the one time with Min, who even now I wondered what happened to. However, that was during a pretty stressful situation.

You could call this one pretty stressful too since her healing depended on my licking. However, we were on a comfortable bed, and ever since I started, she was acting more and more lively. I had started with a Princess Kiss, our lips meeting in a surprisingly soft kiss. Girl’s lips were pretty soft, I think I started to understand why lesbians liked it. In truth, if Jenai got any livelier, I might put her in 69 to give her mouth something more useful to do.

“Ah… once again.”

I sighed as more juice dropped into my tongue. Most of the blood was gone at this point, so I swallowed and got my first real taste of a woman. I didn’t mind it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say she tasted sweet, but it was sweet when compared to semen’s salty taste. It was like drinking juice versus drinking a smoothie if that made any sense.

“You sure cum a lot…”  I said although I wasn’t really one to talk.

“It is your fault for being so good with your tongue. Seductress is a skill that is not lost on you.”

“How so?”

“Can I tell a secret?” she asked coyly.


“I came six times while you were using the dildo.”

“What? Six? How… You were being hurt!”

“Well… it was quite large, and you handled it so well. Perhaps I am a bit of a masochist now. Even now, as you work down below, I just want you to bite me…”

Curiously, I cautiously bite down on her clitoris, just a nibble.

“Ah… harder…”

I press down more.


I bite as hard as I can without breaking skin, and a second later a squirt hits my chin.

“Yes… definitely a masochist… I came again.”

“I could tell,” I said flatly, wiping my chin.

“It also seems like the damage and repair have made that area more sensitive, perhaps. Either that or you Aria, are exceptional.”

I gave her a wry smile and then went back to work. The strange thing was because her concealing was so high and she was so used to using it, every time she came she just said it. There was no real inflection on her face. A slight popping of the eyes, but she didn’t moan, she didn’t squirm, she didn’t make any noises or facial expressions. Her cumming was completely silent. If my face wasn’t at ground zero receiving the brunt of her attacks, I’d only have her word to go by.

I continued my machinations in earnest. By the time I was convinced I had licked, I mean healed, every part of her I could reach, both inside and out, she had received three more cums. Out of curiosity, I position switched to 69. My body was now over hers and she immediately starting eating me out without a word.

Even though I had finished, we kept going at it for quite a while afterward. So, I have to accept the harsh truth of it. I’m officially bisexual now. I wouldn’t have considered myself bisexual before, even with Min, but being with a girl… was fun. I could even get behind tits. I played with hers and let her play with mine for a while, and then we ended up cuddling. She smelled so nice and she was so soft, it seemed to activate the more aggressive part of me.

When we were cuddling naked in Denova’s bed, I asked her about the position shifts. She had no clue what I was talking about. When I asked her why, or when, did she decide to start eating me out, she didn’t have a clear answer. Thus, I tried a few lesbian positions with her and then practiced switching positions.

{Position Unlocked: Scissoring}

{Position Unlocked: Sultry Spooning}

As the name suggested, sultry spooning was when I held her from behind, reaching around to play with her clitoris and breasts with my hands. Meanwhile, scissoring was classic. Although rubbing our parts together was stimulating, without a double-sided dildo or something between us, I just couldn’t cum. Eventually, we settled back into a 69, which seemed to be my favorite position so far.

“Ah… I saw it that time. I was on top, but now I am on the bottom.”

That was a new trick I just learned. When I did something like a 69, I could swap between top and bottom. It wasn’t a different position, and it didn’t come up as anything like a reverse 69 or a 96 or whatever they’d call it. It’s just the way I call for the position puts me in either place. I can choose which person I am in the position at will. However, for her to realize the switch, it took getting her to acknowledge our position, tell her as I’m changing it, and then reminding her of the position just to get her to realize it happened. Even then, she sounded unsure. Whatever Denova had as a skill was such a cheat, then again, so were most of my abilities.

I did try to move in heterosexual sex positions, but if they weren’t positions that “worked” because of the lack of a penis, then they wouldn’t trigger. This could be rectified with the attachment of a strapon. Not the monster, but Jenai also had a more reasonable one in Denova’s stock. I was shocked when Jenai confirmed that the sex toys were NOT normal in this world. Denova had created these as part of his sexual torture, and until I started using one for my own sexual pleasure, Jenai hadn’t even considered they could be used that way.

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 3.}

“Ah… you’ve suddenly improved.” Jenai said.

So, it appeared that she noticed. Well, if she was bad before, improving only made Jenai cum more often. I was a little disappointed that fingering also did not show up under my skills, but when I checked my status, I noticed that the position “fingering” had lost the (self), so I guess that meant I can change to a fingering position on anyone I wanted now. Maybe the act of fingering others was covered by the masturbation skill, but it hadn’t leveled up so I wasn’t sure. Eventually, we finished experimenting as it was getting late, and Jenai got up to start cleaning the sheets and repairing the room.

“Are you sure you’re okay to do this?” I asked worriedly.

“It hurts a little deep down,” Jenai touched her stomach, “But I believe it is just soreness that your tongue could not reach. Perhaps a kiss will make it all better?”

I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out my arm and grabbing the naked Jenai. I pulled her towards me and I kissed her stomach. Although Princess Kiss only works on the lips, I activated it anyway. I then looked up and brought her lips to mine, giving her another Princess Kiss.

As our lips slowly party, my eyes looking up at hers, I asked, “Better?”

She closed her eyes for a second, “Mmm, better.”

I still watched her closely as she moved around the room and picked things up, but I wasn’t able to detect any issues, at least through her level of concealment.

After she finished changing the bedding that was now drenched in our lust, as much of it more recent as from earlier, she finally let out a sigh.

“You’ll be leaving tomorrow. From then on, I will be contending with Denova alone.”

I winced at those words. In many ways, it felt like abandonment.

“I-I don’t want to leave you. You’re my close friend. I love you.”

To be clear, I did love her as a friend. We were friends who were comfortable exploring each other’s bodies. It wasn’t like I wanted her or something. We’re just friends.

Jenai nodded. “Love… yes… I think it is love too. I love you, Aria, as well. I do not wish for you to go… but in some ways I am relieved.”

I cocked my head questioningly. “How so?”

“You will be out from under Denova’s clutches. He may still have your guild card and know your skills, but he doesn’t know what your skills mean. He can only guess, and if these skills use this slang like Hershey Upway… he won’t even be able to do that. I meant what I said, I believe you will become stronger than that man.”

I move up to her. “Just wait for me, I will come back. I will save you from him.”

“What… do you plan to do?”

“One day… I’m going to kill Denova.”

Jenai nodded. “I hope… I am alive to see that day. You… sound just like a hero. Be careful, or you may steal my heart and soul.”

“Let’s… go to bed, it’s getting late now and I don’t want to be awake when Denova gets back.” I shook off her words ineloquently.

Hero? I didn’t see myself as a good person. I was just trying to survive. As to the other thing, I didn’t see myself marrying a woman anytime soon. Fortunately, Jenai agreed with me and dropped it. The pair of us lied down and went to sleep, holding each other. Regrettably, Denova did not leave us alone sleeping. He was a little surprised to see Jenai back in tip top shape. He did manage to get the contents of the skill of Cat’s Meow out of me. He found it hilarious that I had spent half the day licking Jenai’s girl parts in order to fix her up.

He then took turns fucking the both of us, not sparing Jenai any leniency from previously being hurt. I didn’t use any position changes on him, and Jenai and I held and kissed each other as he switched back and forth between us. He didn’t seem to care that we spared him no intimacy. I also unlocked my first two threesome positions, so that was something to get excited about.

{Position Unlocked: Double Dip}

At one point, while he was pounding me from behind doggy style, I started eating Jenai’s pussy, and that got me the second position.

{Position Unlocked: The Doggy Deluxe}

{Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 7.}

We both went down on him and he finally came on both of our faces. We then licked the semen off of each other, which was an event that Denova seemed to have no complaints about. Denova laid down in the middle of the bed and went to sleep. He didn’t mind that neither of us girls cuddled with him either, the pair of us holding each other on the other side of the bed.

{Position Unlocked: Double Oral}

{Blowjob has increased to LVL 6.}

When the morning came, I awoke to my ass being slapped by Denova’s calloused hands. Jenai was no longer there. She was an early bird, already up cleaning, sewing, making food… basically, everything Denova demanded before Denova demanded it. When I got up, I saw that she was back in gaudy wear that barely left anything to the imagination. Although I didn’t have room to talk, it had been nearly three days since I had last worn an article of clothing, unless a strap-on counted.

Today, I had to return to being a princess. That put me back into the hot tub, with bubbly water produced by Jenai. She was back in servant mode, and I was regretful that I couldn’t get her in the bath with me. I did give her another princess kiss, which ended in some pretty heavy petting before she pulled away and huffed.

“You’re incorrigible,” She pouted with a blush in an incredibly cute way completely unlike the first time I had seen her.

After she left, I bathed myself properly, including some experience with Solo Player. When I was out and dried, Jenai properly dressed me as a princess, redoing the hair I had destroyed. I applied my own makeup as Jenai grudgingly admitted I was better at it than she. Afterward, I tried to enjoy Jenai a little more, and she ended up slapping my bottom before I’d stop.

Perhaps my behavior was getting a little out of control. I was acting like a teenager on prom night, except I was the one in the prom dress! I closed my legs and carefully thought of not sex. Restraint, restraint… I needed restraint.

{Carnal Resistance has increased to LVL 2.}

That’s right, that’s the skill I needed. I continued to think sage thoughts, but as I waited for Denova to finalize whatever the hell he was doing before I got in the carriage, I had to use my toy again. Look, I’m not that bad. I just need it when I get up. And about 2-3… 5 times tops a day. That’s it, and then I’m cool as a cucumber. You know… maybe I should just… you know, leave the toy inside me, channel magic whenever I’m having trouble.

That ended up working really well. I needed underwear to hold it up in there. I hadn’t worn underwear since I met Denova, so it felt somehow constricting… but walking around with a 1-inch thick tube up in there took some finesse.

{Conceal has increased to LVL 7.}

And there you go! Level 7 conceal and all I had to do was satisfy my lust. I regret nothing. Well… I did get carried away with turning it on, and my panties were so soaked that they started dripping down my dress. But I’m a fighter, I will persevere!

By the third time I asked Jenai for new panties, she found out what I was doing and literally reached up my dress and yanked my toy out.

{Masturbation has increased to LVL 4.}

{Magic has increased to LVL 2.}

“Hey! I need that!” I whined.

I was on a roll today. I was eager to test out if masturbation truly improved and if another level of magic would allow me to increase the vibrations strength and complexity. I wanted to see if I could just vibrate a part of the dildo, or possibly send it running through the vibrator itself like a undulating wave. Oh, that sounded awesome. I was wet just thinking about it.

“You can have it once you reach the castle. Until then, you must go without. I will not let my friend become a sexual deviant.”

My experiments would unfortunately have to wait. She ended up putting it in to one of the bags of luggage being loaded on the carriage. The bags were full of Denova’s finest. Dresses, fine jewelry… most of it had been owned by the previous princess and fitted to my measurements. I vaguely wondered if there was a bandit seamstress running around camp doing this kind of stuff.

Without my toy, I was left to awkwardly cross my legs and bear with it. After what felt like ages, it became time to go. It was Jenai who had come to fetch me. She simply gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Come, we must go now.”

I nodded, and we left through a hidden flap in the back and continued out to the carriage which sat a mile or so outside of the bandit camp. It was a carriage fitted much like the one the bandits had attacked when they  captured me in what felt like a lifetime ago. I lifted my head, the concealing and deception in full gear.

“So, the time has come that I set you free,” Denova said to me.

I sniffed. “This one does not think she is truly free.”

Denova smiled. “And don’t forget it. Everyone in this carriage is my closest allies. I have inserted over a dozen eyes and ears within the castle. You will be watched, and remember, I know and see everything. Put on a convincing show, and when you come back, I’ll make you my wife. Betray me, and there are more blades in the dark than you can count.”

“I got it,” I said wryly, dropping the princess act.

“And remember,” He smiled grabbing Jenai. “You’re not the only one who can be punished.”

I simply nodded at that, then moved into the carriage.

“Any questions?” he asked, moving up to the door as I sat down inside.

“Who is my contact?” I asked.

“They’ll contact you.” He responded. “Just integrate yourself into the noble society. When we need you to do something, you’ll be contacted. Oh, on that note, here is a little engagement present.”

He held out a ring to me. I looked down at it like a viper, not reaching my hand to take it. Instead, I used examine on it.

{Cursed Ruby Ring – Grade A –

Effect 1: The wearer gains the identity of a target. Target is selected by blood ritual. Current target: Cornelia Bartrum.

Effect 2: The wearer will die instantly if the appropriate key phrase is used. Current Keyphrase: [Hidden]

Effect 3: Ring cannot be removed from the wearer without an appropriate key phrase or after death. Current Keyphrase: [Hidden]

Effect 4: Tracking: The location of the target is always known.

Effect 5: Once worn, the ring will hide all status effects.}

“Oh, come now, don’t be rude. This cost me a very large sum of money to procure. Put it on.”

I grimaced and then slowly reached out and grabbed the ring. As I grabbed the ring, Denova put his hands on mine, stopping me from withdrawing.

“Also, I can use the key phrase from anywhere, all I need to do is utter the words and you’re dead. With this, you’re officially mine.”

“Yes, I am completely yours,” I said with a helpless look on my face.

{Deception has increased to LVL 7.}

He grinned. Maybe he was so full of himself right now that he wasn’t using his lie-detecting ability. Maybe he knew damn well I was lying and just didn’t care. Either way, I thought about every way I wished he’d die as I put the ring on my finger. It flashed a moment later.

I used the Examine skill on the ring again.

{Ruby Ring – Grade A – Effects [Hidden]}

Slightly suspicious, but nobles likely kept all kinds of hidden tricks up their sleeves, so I didn’t think anyone would be surprised a princess had a ring with some kind of protection charm she didn’t want to reveal. Like it said, I was unable to pull it off again. It just felt stuck on my right hand’s ring finger.

“What about your men… are their stats hidden too? I wouldn’t want the nobles to see me in a party of bandits.”

Denova chuckled. “You don’t need to worry about that. I have that figured out.”

As the carriage started moving away, I looked back. I saw Jenai in the distance, her face completely unreadable. I felt both relieved and sad. I was leaving my best friend, but I was also leaving the hateful Denova. One day I would kill him and save her. That was my promise. I had never killed anyone before, but this was already a violent world and I had already done many things I would never have done in my previous life. I would summon the capacity to kill him, I swear it.

As I left, my identity as the princess every bandit got a taste of remained secured. It was spread throughout camp that Denova eventually got a ransom from a noble and most of the thieves just accepted it. I had actually been snuck out of the back of the camp and taken some distance away where the carriage had been collected in secret. Except for the six thieves escorting me, no one but Jenai and Denova were aware of my involvement. However, I was soon reminded once again that Denova never does anything without a reason.

Status: (Hope it’s right!)


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Ascii of the Day:

     B                        vOMBN           BB                   r        BNPXPX
     rB                       IBM            iBB                   vB       MNSXSX
      OB                      BBO            vBB                    B      XMPXSXS
       B                      BX             SMB                MBuBB      BZqkXSX
       Bi                    GY              BBM                BB        BBMNqSPk
       UM                   B  Bi            BBk              vBBi       B  jBGNXP
        B                  Bv Br             BB           P   BG        BL    BMGN
        Bi                Mi  B              BB           BM           BU       MB
        rB               iB   B              BB            M          BB         u
         B              MB   uM              BF            jB       uBr          
         Bi              iGqiM               Mi             OMFoVBBu             
         iM                  Bi              Bu                                  
          Bj                 B               BB                                  
           B                 B               BB                                  
           Mr                B               MBB                                  
           iB                iBi             kMBZ                                
            B                  Bo             BOB                                
            Bj                  Bq            BEMi                               
             B                   iB           BuMF                               
             Bo                   iB          BiBB                               
              B                   oM          B vBB                              
ZZNv          B                 BG Bi         B                                   
    vGBN      Bi              iB   Bi         i                                  
        uMMk  vB             vB    EB                                            
            PEBBV     iii    Mi    BB                                            
                             B     BM                                            
                             Br    BB                                            
                             BU    rB                                            
iiii                          B     BBi                     BBBMr                
     vvvVNqOENF               ki    BNB                    BS    GBV             
                              MBr    MMB                 iB        SBXBPi        
                              vBiMBvYB MJ               BN          M   vB       
                               Gv    L  B              B            B     Ji     
                                BN   Iq LM           iBr            M       rBi  
                                  uBB Bi MP     iBZOML              ME        iBk
                                    BB  B  PBGGBJ                   BJ           M
                                     iB  M  Bi rB                   qG           
                                       BEr   B  B                    B           
                                  IB     YBk EB oB                   B           B
                                    BBi    iMB   B                   iB          B
                                      iNBv       B                    B         ZV
                                         rBq                          B        rB
                                            MB                        B        B 
                                              B                       Bi      Bv 
                                               B                      Bu      B  
                                               iMBEk                  Bu     iB  
                                                BMMBB                OB      LB  
                                                 BMMBM              BB       B   
                                                  SBu              BM       iB   
                                                   Eq             Bi        BN   
                                                    Bi          BB          B    
                                                     B         Bv          iM    
                                                     M        Bj           Bk    
                                                     B      BB             B     
                                                     B    qBi              U     
                                                    MBiLMO                 v     
                                                    BN                     u     
                                                    Br                     B     
                                                    B                      B     
                                                   iB                      B     
                                                   B                       B     
                                                 LM                        BY    
                                                 Bi                        GM     
                                                MB                         LB    
                                               BZ                           B    
                                             MM                             B    
                                           BBi                             iB    
                                         NM                                iB

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

What I saw when I entered Denova’s room caused me to stop. Jenai was standing on his bed. Well, more specifically, she was hanging from the canopy posts of the bed. One arm was strapped to the right post, the other was strapped to the left. Her height was short enough that her feet could barely touch the bed itself. Her mouth was gagged with a cloth, and there were tears dropping down her eyes.

There was a smack, and her body fell forward. Her feet fell from the foot of the bed and for a second she hung by the restraints, two chains digging into either wrist. After a second of kicking and struggling from her, she managed to get her feet back onto the bed. The source of the smack was her butt being impacted by a large wide paddle held by Denova.

I swallowed another gulp and decided right there and then to let Denova win this round. I would do what he wanted. I could take any abuse he delivered. I kicked myself for taking so long to clean myself in the tub. For some reason, I had convinced myself that he wouldn’t take it out on Jenai… that it was just between him and me. However, it seems liked Jenai’s fears had been correct. He would use Jenai as a way to control me. This entire scene was a statement, even if I could resist him, Jenai couldn’t.

“Alright, I’m here now, you can let her down and do whatever you want with me.”

It was the closest I could muster to an admission of defeat. Even though I wanted to punish him, Denova could do anything he wanted to my body tonight. My conceal and deception abilities were at least enough for that. However, when Denova put on a dark smile, I realized that he wasn’t going to let it go with that.

“Oh! Aria? I didn’t see you there. Well, I did check out your guild card and it seems like you’ve made it all the way to level 11. However, level 11 isn’t quite good enough. I need you to at least be 12 before we send you off tomorrow…”


“Yeah, you’ve made so much progress so quickly, way more than this dumb bitch.” He grabbed Jenai by the face, his fingers digging into her cheeks.

Roughly turning her mouth, he gave her a violent and sloppy kiss. It looked like my little childish display had affected him more than I thought. His eyes had taken on a crazed look. It bordered on madness. No… but… they were the same eyes he always had. Had the madness always been there? Why had I never noticed before? Perhaps it was because my conceal and deception weren’t high enough… but now that I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it.

He was a man on the edge, a blade just about to strike. The fact I had wagged my ass in front of him and taunted him could be considered insane. I could see the reality in his eyes. He wanted to possess me so bad. I was like a shiny gem to a jewel thief, or a glass of water to a man in the desert. He had to possess me, all of me.

“O-okay… I’ll do everything I can to fulfill the mission.”

Denova gave an annoyed look as he pulled his tongue out of Jenai’s mouth. “You’re not listening, dear, you need one more level. And that got me thinking, you haven’t gotten a taste of Jenai yet. Therefore, Jenai will be your experience partner.”

My eyes flashed, but I didn’t make any other reaction. Instead, I moved up to the foot of the bed and without another word, I put my hands on her hips and started kissing just above her hairless clit, my tongue flicking over her olive skin. At the same time, I switched my title to lesbian lover. With the experience gains from a same sex, the first time bonus, and making sure to take her in three different positions, it might not take very long at all to level up to twelve. Denova may think he’s trying to get one over on me, but this only worked to my advantage.

As my tongue worked its way to her clitoris, Denova grabbed a fist full of my hair from the base and pulled back. My head was forced away, a trail of saliva streaming from my tongue to her hairless parts.

“Wait, wait, wait, doll… we don’t know everything about how your leveling works. For example, is the quality of sex important?” Denova asks.

I look up at him, my face hidden in conceal as well as Jenai ever could. “I gain experience each time I have sex, although I get a bonus if there are three different positions.”

“Uh, huh, uh, huh… but do you get experience if there is no penetration?”

I frowned, not sure what he was getting at. “I’ve… 69’d before and leveled… with a woman.”

Something flicked across Denova’s face, but his smile quickly returned. “Still… you can’t say for certain that the experience you gain from licking is as much as you gain from penetration.”

“I… I suppose.”

“And you gain experience from using toys as well?”

I flinched at that. So he knew about the dildo I had taken too. His smile grew into something like a grinning cat. There was some kind of trap, but I didn’t know what it was. I had the growing feeling like I was walking right into something that I wouldn’t like. I didn’t explain to him that the extra experience relates to setting titles. I still didn’t even really know if people from this world had titles or knew about their function.

“I don’t know, I guess I do.”

“Great!” He slapped his hands.

It was sudden enough and close enough that Jenai jumped. She might have fell off the bed if I wasn’t holding her hips.

“So, it’s settled then. We’ll use THAT! Don’t you feel lucky, Jenai?” He grinned and slapped Jenai’s ass before jumping off the bed and walking over to a hidden drawer.

Jenai’s eyes opened in realization. For a second, I thought I could see fear. Then a moment later, they fell into a form of acceptance. She gave me a look, a tear forming in her eyes, and then she nodded towards me. It was a nod of acceptance. It said “do what you have to.”

Whatever it was, Denova had to move a dresser to access it. A moment later he pulled something out. It was a large strap which was attached to a massively large cylinder-like rod. The rod resembled the one I had taken from the hot tub, but whereas that one was about 3 inches long and an inch wide, this one was two feet long and almost a twelve inches wide.

“I had these tools specially made on a whim. You and me, Aria, we’re so much alike. We think alike. Anyone else who looked at this would have no clue what it is, but you’re different, aren’t you?”

I turned away, not wanting to answer his question. Of course, I knew what that thing was. However, that size was ridiculous. It was as big as Denova’s muscular arms. It was a strap-on, a massive strapon. However, this dildo wasn’t made out of elastic skin or plastic, but a polished stone. That meant it provided no give. It’d be like jamming two fists into her at once. Jenai was already a small person herself.


“Huh, excuse me?” Denova asked, turning his ear to me mockingly.

“Can I get something a little smaller?”

“Of course not! The more penetration, the more experience. You’re going to use Jenai until you reach level 12, and I’m not going to waste time.”

I didn’t even know if experience worked that way. I didn’t think the length of time affected experience at all. It needed to be different sexual encounters. I didn’t even know if I gained experience from the same person twice a day. If I fucked Jenai… let her rest a few minutes, and did it again, maybe that would work. Or, if I fucked Jenai, then switched to Denova, then back to Jenai again… maybe that could create some kind of experience farming, but I’ve never done anything like that consistently enough for it to prove it worked. But with that, I’m not sure she could take a second time, let alone a first. Therefore, all I had was this first time.

I couldn’t remember how many guys I’d been with since I reach level 11. Maybe twenty? How many of them were first timers? A couple repeaters came in there near the end. I also got Denova plus some anal bonus. Lesbian Lover gave twice the normal experience, three positions will get a 3X experience. So, one time with her is like six first-times. I tried doing the math in my head, but I had no clue if I would level with this alone.

Denova was waiting with a cruel look in his eyes. After a pause, I grabbed the straps with a flat look, and started putting them on like I was dressing for a funeral. They wrapped around me, numerous leather straps and buckles. They were all necessary and even once I had them all on I had to use a hand to hold up the dildo. If I could do this lying down, it’d be okay, but Jenai was strapped up and Denova had no plans to let her down.

I got up onto the bed, although I was very precariously at the edge of the bed. I looked into Jenai’s eyes and touched her face.

“I’m so sorry…” I whispered.

I knew this wouldn’t kill her. I mean, you can push a baby out of that thing if you needed to. However, it would hurt like hell, and I doubted Jenai’s pain resistance was as high as mine. I wasn’t a sadist or anything, so the thought of hurting my best friend was unsettling. However, I just needed to get this over with.

Jenai shook her head and just kept looking at me. After a moment, I picked up her legs. With the help of the chains tying her up, I managed to get her legs up in my arms so that I was holding her, the bicep of each of my arms sitting in the bend of her knees. It was surprisingly easy to do. Every level I gained a point in every stat. I never really had the privilege of paying attention to it before now, but if my normal strength was five, then I was just over three times as strong as I was back in the old world. As a result, Jenai’s light frame wasn’t difficult for me to hold up.

Still, positioning the pair of us was difficult. After a bit of finagling, I finally got the tip for the cylinder pressed against her. It just didn’t look like it fit, any way you see it.

“Here, here, let me help.” Denova suddenly barked.

He jumped up onto the bed and got behind Jenai. Without a second of concern, he reached down and stuck four fingers from each hand up against each lip of her pussy. He then pulled it open roughly. Jenai let out a muffled scream. I cringed as I thrust my dildo forward, it dug into her pussy, splitting her open. She continued to make noises that were broken by the gag sound. As soon as the dildo struggled to enter her, Denova started pulling down on her lips, like he was trying to tug on a shirt that was too tight.

I pressed my forehead against Jenai, and under my lips I kept whispering. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

“It’s in!” Denova happily announced.

Tears were running down Jenai’s eyes, and mine as well. Conceal, I needed to conceal. The hate was surging to the surface. Damn you, Denova, I fucking hate you so much right now. I looked down and saw that Denova was right. Nearly half the length had been inserted into Jenai. It was so large, I could hear her hips creaking. On top of that, the stone tip pushed out from the skin of her stomach, so deep this was jammed into her.

I steadily and carefully brought the dildo up, I could see a streak of blood as I pulled. Yeah, there was definitely tearing, no doubt about it. Then, as careful as I could, I slid it back into her. She made shouts and screams, all muffled by the gag over her mouth.

Suddenly, she started convulsing, her eyes rolled up into her head as her body shook in my arms. What the hell was going on? Was I causing her to have a stroke?

“Oh, I forgot to tell you the best part!” Denova laughed. “It’s the punishment game. You should have a look at my toy, it has some interesting side effects.”

I quickly used examine on his toy as I tried to keep her from injuring herself as she shook.

[Cursed Giant Phallus – Grade B –

Effect 1: Increase Damage when used on a recipient.

Effect 2: Inflicts pain, random status effects, and magic attacks on recipient inversely proportional to thrust speed.]

“So, you see!” He grabbed onto Jenai’s hips, from which I had no control, and then lifted and dropped it, moving he ass up and down on the dildo as fast as his hands could move.

Like that, the massive dildo was bouncing in and out of her. Each motion made creaking sounds, her entire body looking like it was about to break. However, the convulsions seemed to stop, even though her eyes started to roll up into her head, and I couldn’t even tell if she was in pain. This was horrible. A situation of complete helplessness. But after reading the item’s description, I got the idea.

The harder I fucked her, the less the dildo would hurt her. However, fucking her with the dildo itself also hurt her. So, I had no real choice but to keep going forward.  I grabbed onto the base of the dildo, and took a deep breath. I have to get this over with, I have to level or this was never going to stop. The dildo was starting to heat up to an uncomfortable level as my hips started to slow their thrust.

I did a position switch. A second later, we were on the bed. Her restraint fell to the sides, jingling against the bed posts. The dildo was still in her about the same length as before, but now we were both on our knees and it was pushed in from behind. I let out a breath in relief. I had no clue if it’d work. First, I didn’t know if restraints would prevent it. Second, the positions I knew were usually me as the receiving end. I didn’t know if it’d move me down behind, but it seemed like the position ability came through.

The dildo was to the point where it was starting to burn my hand. I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable it felt for Jenai. Without anything else I could do, I started thrusting my hips as hard as I could, shoving the massive dildo into her. The dildo started to cool down, while Jenai continued to whimper.

“How did you do that?” A voice came from above.

I looked up to see Denova standing there, in the same position he had been in before I did the position shift. It looked like my position shift didn’t include him in the procedure… and more, he was aware of it.

“It’s part of my abilities as a seductress. But how do you know? Noone else is aware when I do it.”

Denova smiled, “You’re full of so many surprises. Just like me. We’re two of a kind. I’m in love. I never thought I’d see the day, but I think after this heist, I’ll settle down and marry you.”

“We’re nothing alike.” I snapped back, “You’re cruel and hateful… and…”

Denova’s cruel smile turned into a laugh. “Is that so, yet you’re the one tearing your friend in half.”

“You’ve given me no choice!” I growled while thrusting into her from behind, trying to ignore the pained squeals as I went.

“Perhaps…” Denova shrugged. “Or perhaps you’re just as cruel as me. Perhaps you wanted to feel, just a little bit, what it was like to tear a woman up like this. You were curious, and it made you excited, and you didn’t waste a heartbeat sticking it in. No, you’re a monster to your instincts, just like me.”

I wanted to shout that he was the crazy monster, but fortunately, my body had the good sense not to. Instead, I gave him a flat look, a concealed look that told him nothing.

I thrusted my hips steadily. It was exhausting. Not only had I been up the entire night having sex, only to then have to pleasure Denova anally, but now I had a twenty-pound dildo I had to force into a girl that was tiny in comparison. No matter how much it pained her, I had to push it past her tight pussy’s resistance, forcing it in. This exhausted my hips, but the second I let myself slow down, something else would happen.

The device seemed to respond in four different ways. It would either heat up until it was blistering hot, cool down until it almost stuck to her skin, send out an electrical current, or another option that gave no physical effect that I could see, but caused Jenai to start bucking with muffled screams from the pain. Yet, I continued to work, inflicting pain on my close friend with this sadist’s monster cock. I had to finish this, quickly.

“Switch.” I didn’t need to say the word, but it helped me focus.

A second later she was turned around. Jenai’s face was a mess, it looked like she had been biting on the rag in her mouth for all it was worth. I continue to thrust into her using the strap-on in missionary, but I brought my hand out and rubbed her clit too.

“Come on girl, we can do it.” I said out loud as I worked.

As if my words had a calming effect, she started to quiet down. I summoned up the rest of the strength in my hips to keep going. The feeling of my machinations starting to turn the tide. And then, quite suddenly, she exploded. I could feel it under my finger. She had cum, perhaps harder than I ever did. Juices, slightly reddened with blood, squirted out from every side of the dildo.

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 12!]


[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:

[Hershey Highway (Passive): Ass releases a lubrication during anal sex.]


[Sadist (Passive): Give mild bursts of pain to partner during sexual intercourse.]


[Cat’s Meow (Active): Repairs damage to any area you can lick.]


“There, I leveled!” I breathed in relief and pulled out.

The giant dildo made a sickening pop as it came out, and a load of juice and blood spurted from Jenai’s pussy. It remained gaping open, even now, bruised and wrecked through my own machinations.

Denova frowned, picking up the guild card with my information and glancing at it. After a second, he put it back down.

“Fine…” He said, “I have work to do. Clean this… mess… up.”

He pulled on his pants and a shirt and left without saying another word. I stared daggers at his back as he left, although I knew if he had turned back, I would have put on a completely innocent face. I was scared of him. Scared… and so angry. How can someone like him exist? I ripped the straps off of me and threw that hateful dildo to the side.

I moved up to Jenai, pulling away the mouth gag and putting Jenai in my arms. “Oh Jenai, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”

Jenai gave me a weak smile. “It is okay, I am… glad you leveled… with me.”

“No, Jenai… you might be really hurt.”

Jenai nodded weakly. “I… am not angry. I feel like I deserved this.”

“How could anyone?”

Jenai raised a finger and put it over my mouth to stop me.

“Denova… he has broken many women in the past. It was usually me wearing that item. I’ve been in your exact situation, thrusting into nameless women, cracking their bodies open. Given your… proclivities, he probably realized you would adapt to it and…”Jenai laughed. “You’d probably enjoy it. So he… switched things around. Not… every woman who has had it comes away from the experience healthy… bleeding out is common. At least one died. It is suiting that I receive the payment I delivered on so many others.”

“No Jenai… it’s Denova… he’s responsible for all of this. He’s a bastard.”

“Perhaps… but I went along with it. I never resisted. Not once. What you did… I’ve never seen Denova like that. I feel… peaceful… knowing that one day, you will overpower that man. I think he realizes it too. It’s only a matter of time. He’s… afraid of you now. I saw it in his eyes. He is obsessed with his power… and you can strip him from it at your own whim. I… admire you the most.”

I put a blanket down, trying to stifle her wounds… although I admit the chance of infection was high. However, I had the Princess Kiss now, so if she got an infection, I’m betting that would be a status ailment I could cure. The problem was bleeding out. If I could just stop the bleeding, she’d be fine… but she just did the equivalent of giving birth, except her body wasn’t gunning for it, and there is no ob-gyn doctor to sew her back up.

“Could you… tell me what your new skills are? It is so interesting, choosing.”

When I finally realized what she was asking, my eyes refocused on the leveling screen. I hadn’t really paid it much attention, instead choosing to ignore it in lieu of aiding Jenai.

“Well… the first one is the stupidly named Hershey Highway.” I said, hoping to keep her mind distracted from the pain and discomfort.

“What is that? Those names are not familiar to me.”

“Well… I think the name comes from things in my hometown. Hershey is a type of chocolate and highways are a road.”

It was the first time I really thought of it, but the names did seem to be geared towards individuals. Skills and special skills were likely infinite, arbitrarily given by some higher god with an atrocious naming sense.

“So, a chocolate highway?” Jenai gave a confused look.

“Oh… err… it’s actually slang for… um… butt sex…”

Jenai barked a laugh, followed by a grimace of pain.

“What does a special butt sex skill do?” She asked with a wry grin.

“Uh, creates lubricant in the butt during… err butt sex.”

It was strange having this kind of conversation with anyone. I never really talked about my skills, and the fact I was desperately trying to comfort the woman I just fucked half to death, well… my mood was complicated at best.

“I would likely pick this skill.” Jenai’s eyes were bright.

“Well sure, from a girl who likes butt play!” I retorted.

Jenai’s eyes twinkled. “This I do. I could bypass much discomfort with this skill.”

“Eh… You might want the Rough Rider title then.”” I scratched my neck as she looked at me questioningly. “Never mind that, the skill… I already get so wet in the first hole, I really don’t want things to get any messier. Especially if it’s, I don’t know… butt juice.”

“What about the next skill?” She asked.

“Sadist, it gives mild bursts of pain to my partner during sexual intercourse.”

“Well… that would certainly be a deterrent towards sexual intercourse from all but a certain special type of man.”

“Yeah, I could kiss my leveling up goodbye with that one. I don’t think any guy would want to get sudden headaches or the feeling of being electrocuted or something every time he stuck it in me.”

“I suppose not, I certainly did not enjoy it, and there is a third?”

“Yes, the third…” My eyes suddenly lit up, stupid, stupid me, there was of course the third.

I instantly picked it. “It’s okay, Jenai, you’re going to be fine… it’s just going to be a bit, unorthodoxed… but I’ll have you cleaned up in a jiffy.”

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

As I stared at his head, I couldn’t help but let out a scream. The other people around camp ignored it. A few chuckled at my reaction, but the majority refused to look at the head with the spike jutting through it. My knees felt weak, and I collapsed to the floor. The head had been placed there, right in front of the tent I had ended up in that night. That was no accident.

Time and time again, I was reminded of how cruel this world genuinely was. Denova was sending me a warning. However, I didn’t understand what the warning was. Was he asking me to never escape? That didn’t seem right. Maybe he was a little angry that I spent so much time enjoying myself. Was I supposed to hate a night filled with passion? That didn’t seem right either.

These thoughts were going through my mind because I didn’t want to face the reality that I was seeing. My breathing had quickened, and I was starting to feel like I was hyperventilating. This blow… it was too much. Even I couldn’t…

[Mental Resistance has increased to LVL 15.]


As soon as I gathered my wits enough that I was sure I wouldn’t vomit, I turned away from the deadly scene. The high mental resistance was the only reason I wasn’t in a ball crying at the moment, although part of me still wanted to weep. As Jenai had explained to me, every ten levels of resistance cut the effects in half. That meant that when I came to this world, the 10 mental resistance meant I felt half the mental stress a normal person would feel in that situation. At 20, it’d be 25%, at 30 it’d be 12.5% and so on. Right now, the mental blow of finding Dox dead was cut down by around 2/5, but it didn’t feel like enough. It just didn’t make sense to me. Dox was one of Denova’s most loyal minions. He didn’t hear what Dox told me the previous night in confidence, did he? In the end, Dox hadn’t done anything. We didn’t escape nor try to escape. The man slept the night away.

Then an even more painful thought struck me. Perhaps he was killed in his sleep? I had incapacitated the man, just so another could kill him? In a way, I was directly responsible for his death. I think that hurt me more than anything. However, the mental resistance still worked, and by the time I reached Denova’s tent, my emotions were under control and my features were hidden behind the conceal ability.

When I entered, Denova was sitting on the throne. He was completely naked, his legs spread open, and Jenai was sitting on his lap facing away from him. Well, sitting wasn’t the right word. His cock was inside her and she was bent over his lap, moving her buttocks up and down, riding his cock. As soon as her eyes met mine, she looked away but didn’t stop rotating her hips.

Before my conceal and deception abilities had increased, her face would have looked bored and uncaring, but now I could see a slight hint of shame in her eyes. Although even my skills wouldn’t have been enough to see it if I hadn’t come to know her so well. Meanwhile, Denova had a slight grin on his face, and when his eyes met mine, they didn’t look away.

I moved toward the pair with quick steps, my face using every attempt to hide my intent. As soon as I reached the pair, I grabbed Jenai’s arm and pulled her off. She hadn’t been expecting it and made a little noise as she stumbled a few steps away. A second later, I threw out my hand in a full blown slap with all my strength, intending to remove that damn smirk from his face.

Like lightening, his hand caught my wrist an inch from his cheek. Without a pause, he pulled and I stumbled forward. He pulled me down and without wasting a motion, his dick, still wet from Jenai, pierced right into me. I found myself on his lap now, both arms held in his grip and the entire length of his shaft deep inside me. Why was he the thickest guy in camp? It felt good, even after a night of fucking, to finally be stretched to  the point that he had made me accustomed. It only made me angrier.

“Careful, girl, you may be useful to me right now, but that doesn’t mean I can’t change my plans.”

“Why?” I demanded.

“Why what?” Denova looked at me like a toy he was particularly enjoying, “And if you’re going to pull away my other toy, you better take responsibility, start riding.”

“Dox, you bastard, Why?”

His eyes started to turn dark as he stared at me in silence, his hands tightening until my arms started to hurt. I gave him an expressionless look and then lifted by butt, gyrating my hips and rocking his cock up and down into my pussy. After a moment, his look calmed and his grip relaxed slightly, but he still didn’t let me go.

“Insubordination, of course, I know everything that happens in this camp. Did you not think I wouldn’t know if he tried to take something that was owned by me.”

He let go of my wrists and put them down onto the armrests of his chair, then sat back and closed his eyes. He never did anything by accident. It was no accident that when I came into the tent, he was fucking Jenai. He did that to make a statement to me. It was also no accident that he put his hands down. He was showing me how hopeless it was. Even here, this close, there wasn’t a thing I could do. I couldn’t slap him. I couldn’t leave him. The only thing I could do was gyrate my hips, and feel his cock going in and out of me.

“What did he try to take?” I asked after a brief moment of silence.

Denova opened one eye in surprise. “Why… you of course. Don’t act like he didn’t have a plan to sneak you out of camp, to take you from me.”

“I’m not your thing.” I spat back.

Denova opened his other eye, and both narrowed. “Is that what you think?”

He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me off his cock. Standing up, he turned around, bringing my body in front of the chair before shoving me back down. Although I wasn’t resisting, even if I had, the force he was using was not something I could fight against. My hands fell on the armrests of his throne-like chair, and a second later he slammed into me. However, he stuck it higher up than I expected, and his wet dick slid into my asshole.

I let out a cry of surprise, a spike of pain shooting out as pressure suddenly exploded from inside. Even with pain resistance at six, anal sex without any warning or for that matter, lubricant, wasn’t pleasant. Although my seductress class left me capable of being quite wet, and his dick didn’t lack in the drenching of my sex which eased the entry a bit, it was larger than average size and mixed with the roughness it at least caught me off guard.

He began to thrust into my ass with reckless abandon and all the stamina a bandit king could muster. I let out cries, desperately trying to gain control of the situation, but I was completely at his whim. It hurt, and it hurt in an unexpected spot. My thoughts were lost as he thrust so hard that each thrust caused my head to fall forward. I could barely keep myself properly in his chair. If he wasn’t being so rough, maybe, just maybe I could get back into control. However, he never did anything by accident, and this was all about his dominance too.

“So, tell me, if I don’t own you, why can I do whatever I want to you, huh?”

He slapped my ass painfully, his dick thrusting in and out of my ass with a pop. Each time he thrust in, I felt like my ass was split in two, a deep and thick pressure inside. It might have felt good if done with some tact, but right now I didn’t have any of that. He was taking my ass as his own, and for the first time since my first encounter with that first goblin, I started reaching a breaking point. However, just as the tears started to form in my eyes, a boon appeared before me.

[Position Unlocked: The Fan]


[Title Obtained: Rough Rider]


[+5 Strength, +10 Pain Resistance, +50% experience when you climax with anal sex.]


I let out a sudden laugh. It was so unexpected that Denova thrusts stopped. I quickly equipped Rough Rider. The pain and discomfort went away almost immediately. I gained a sudden surge of power as my strength boosted by nearly 50%. I grabbed onto his throne, my concealment once again hiding my face. The deception twisted my face into a condescending look and I glanced back at him.

“What you want?” I sneered, “I get what I want. And right now, I want your cock in my ass. Faster.”

Denova narrowed his eyes at me. He lifted his hand and slapped my ass as hard as his brick arms could. I let out a cry, but it was a cry that ended in the sounds of moaning. It’s not that it didn’t hurt, even with my current 16 Pain resistance he had an arm on him. However, it was a pain that only served to turn me on.

“Harder, do it harder. Come on, you know you want that tight asshole, it’s all yours.”

I shook my ass, giggling it just enough that his cock still resting in me was stimulated. He gave a wry smile, but after a second he started thrusting into me again. This time, the pressure building up inside me had none of the pain. My added strength helped me stand my ground. Instead of his thrusts causing me to lose balance and fall forward, I pushed my ass back with my enhanced strength, taking each thrust deep and hard.

The pressure deep inside my behind pushed against other parts of me, and I reach down and fingered myself to add to the pleasure. Each time he thrust in, I could feel his dick moving inside me through the fingers inside my pussy. The feeling of my pussy being push around by his dick from behind quickly started to drive me crazy. The pain wasn’t completely gone, there was a dull soreness to all of it, but it was a soreness from sex, which only served to bring me to new heights.

As my fingers touched me in the ways I did best, he thrust into my butt, filling me up in ways I was not used to. It felt so invigorating. I was sexually satisfying a man, and he was inside me, filling my body with his hot, hard dick. However, at the same time, I had the satisfaction of having full access to my own pussy, which my fingers danced and swirled around with the extreme precision of my masturbation skill.

I came, letting out a very satisfied cry. Of the orgasms I’ve ever had, it probably ranked the top five easily. Coming from a literal night of nonstop sex, where my pussy was already exhausted from hours of continuous use, and as the result of a man I currently hated, you could imagine how good it would have been if I had been in a dry spell or abnormally horny. Although perhaps if that was the case I would have cum before I was driven to this point. I decided at that point that I rather liked anal sex, and I’d be sure to have more of it in the future.

For the moment, I did something I’ve only done twice before. I squirted. The first time I ever squirted involved a vibrator and a synthetically molded dildo used in tandem while watching some hot porn. The second time had involved a guy with a rather big dick and a love of cunnilingus. This time I exploded all over Denova’s throne-like chair, gushy female spunk shooting out with enough force that it hit the back of his chair. As wave after wave assaulted me, and Denova continued his assault on my asshole, more shot out like a faucet until it finally settled out to a couple of drops. Either way, the result was undeniable, I had dirtied the bandit king’s throne, smothering it in myself. The bandit king, who attempted to satisfy himself with my ass over his throne, had instead satisfied me until I came all over his legacy.

I turned around and gave a look back at Denova. He wore a slightly opened mouth as if he wasn’t even understanding what was happening. I rotated my hips backward, causing his dick to slide in and out of my butt with a pop. I made a pleasurable moaning sound as it did.

[Anal Sex has increased to LVL 1.]


“Oh, Denova… You haven’t finished, here, I’ll help you out.”

I did a position switch… and his dick disappeared from my ass and instantly appeared in my mouth. I was on my knees, performing the kneeling blowjob without any separation of time. Denova’s eyes had popped open for a second. Does that mean he was aware of the switch? No matter, it was better if he realized it, realized how much control I had.

If Denova had been in control, the kneeling blowjob might have been a demoralizing and humiliating act, but before he could even gain the advantage, I had changed the situation myself and sucked his dick under my own volition. His control was nonexistent, and from my knees I pleasured him because I wanted to, sucking on the dick that was in my ass.

I’m not going to make up stupid little lies like his dick tasted great. Ass tastes like ass… but my mental fortitude meant that something like this wouldn’t make me hesitate. It was dirty and degrading, but it was truly Denova in this situation that was being degraded. Part of me worried about how far I could actually go. Before I came to this world, the idea of participating in a gang bang was unreasonable. Maybe a threesome, but even that would take fairly unique circumstances and copious amounts of alcohol.

I went from a girl with a dozen some sexual partners in only three primary positions, to someone who had sex with hundreds of men, and even a woman, in dozens of positions. I liked having more than one guy at a time. I liked it in my ass. I liked being watched. I didn’t mind sucking his dick. Bukkake, a hundred men in a single night, strangers, friends, family…Where would it stop? Golden showers? Reenacting two girls and a cup? No, I’d never do that kind of stuff, but I feared mental fortitude would make it so that if the occasion occurred, I would display no limits.

These kinds of thoughts went through my mind. However, even though I was distracted, at level 5 blowjob and level 3 hand job, with a little deep throat thrown in for good matter, I quickly found myself swallowing his load. Taking the hot spunk globs hitting the back of my throat and guzzling them down.

“Mmm… you liked my ass too, that’s more cum than usual.” I smirked up at him from my knees.

As Denova’s member went soft, perhaps the first time I’d ever seen his stamina give out when he had me naked in front of him, he wore an indescribable look on his face. After a moment, he pulled his dick from my hand and turned away, walking toward the hall. Before he reached it, he stopped.

He spoke without turning back. “These games of ours are fun. You are the best I’ve ever played. However, I always win in the end, remember that. Clean yourself up for me, and then meet me in my room. Jenai, come, you will get me warmed up.”

I stood back up and looked over at Jenai realizing she had stayed in the room the entire time. She gave me a look that I interpreted as worry before she followed behind Denova back towards his bedroom. The look she gave seemed to say that although I had won, there would be consequences.

I swallowed a gulp, for the first time realizing that I might have gone too far here. I was still furious at Denova, and even though it was just the three of us, in anger I had embarrassed him by taking control during sex. It was the only weapon I could use to attack Denova, and so I used it.

I left the throne room and moved to the bathroom. There had been a tub full of water Jenai must have made earlier, but it was already cold. I entered to cold bath anyway and began to wash myself, cleaning off the sex from half the bandit camp, topped off by Denova himself.

No luck that I would have given Denova a disease, I suppose, his disease resistance was probably high. Either way, I cleaned myself thoroughly, removing the smeared paint that had decorated my face like a princess, and the numerous bits and pieces of flair in my hair. Now that I wasn’t having sex, I no longer had a stamina boost and thus the exhaustion hit me a lot harder.

Part of me feared what Denova would have planned for me. Yes… it wasn’t excitement this time. I only felt dread for the man. As I took a piece of cloth and ran the cold water down my breasts, forming goosebump along the path of the droplets, I began to feel less comfortable, and more like I was preparing for war.

I stood up and dried off my body. The face of the abused princess was gone. I didn’t bother to put on any clothing. Without any dresses or deceptive masks, I approached Denova’s as myself, naked and alone. This was round 2 of my battle with Denova.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of A Seductress – Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

After Dox had fallen to sleep, I waited another minute before I pulled away from his embrace. Compared to all of the other men I’ve been with, this encounter had been one of the sweetest. I studied his face and naked body for a while, putting this moment into my memory. After a few minutes of quiet, I let out a sigh. It was time to start grinding levels, I couldn’t waste any more time pretending to be in a dream world with this sexy man I barely knew.

“Oi!” a sound came from the other side of the tent. “You’ve been quiet for a while? You’re taking forever! Let the rest of us have a turn!”

It was one of the other men. I shook my head, rustling up my hair. I reactivated my deception skills and thought about the saddest things I could to generate tears. I debated how I could let the men know he was passed out without making it look suspicious. A proper princess, after all, wouldn’t be jumping the next man in line for sex. Fortunately, a head peeked into the tent before I had to come up with a better plan.

As soon as his head barged in, I let out a desperate cry, my feet pushed on the ground and I scuttled away on my back, pushing myself into a corner while I desperately tried to cover my body. A cruel look formed on the man’s face at the sight. So, he liked the me that was desperate and scared? I made note of that. I’d have to give him a good show.

When he noticed Dox, he made an annoyed look, then dragged two other guys with him. They pulled Dox out of the tent, and I silently bid my temporary lover goodbye. Now that my experience with Dox was finished, I had work to do. The next man advanced on me as he released his belt. I let out a scream as he roughly grabbed me and dragged me forcefully back onto the blankets. Before long, I had his cock being forced into my mouth.

It was actually a bit of a challenge. With my blowjob techniques, I could make him explode in a minute, but what respectful princess would be a master of blowjobs. I had to make sure that he got a bit of teeth with each thrust. It wasn’t the worst head I had ever given, but it was sloppy enough that he pulled it out of my mouth a short time later and now he had my ankles up on his shoulders.

[Position Unlocked: Leg Up]


Of course, sticking it in my mouth wasn’t for the pleasure anyway. He wanted to humiliate me. He was the kind of man who wanted to see me cry. With my deception skill getting better every moment, I think I put on a pretty convincing show. Tears ran down my cheeks, with each thrust I struggled just a little, forcing him to have to hold me tight.

Before long, he had my legs pushed up and out in a V with a hand on each of my ankles, effectively making it very difficult for me to fight him. I slowly struggled less. Of course, it felt amazing. His penis wasn’t as big as Denova’s, but he was about Dox’s size and he knew how to thrust. Too bad I already had that position, the Valedictorian. Sorry, lover, Denova beat you to it.

After a bit, my legs were feeling a bit stretched. I really wanted to fuck him in doggie style. I found my mind wondering and I imagined the feeling of his dick coming in from behind in a classic Doggy Style. I don’t know if I thought the word, or said the word out loud, but suddenly I was bent over on my knees and he was thrusting even deeper into me from behind. The suddenness caused me to let out a gasp. The guy thought it was caused by his machinations, and thus he began to thrust more aggressively.

It wasn’t like I moved. He didn’t suddenly pull out, put me in another position, and then start fucking me. There was no gap where we shifted or moved. Simply put, one second, I was on my back, my legs spread open in a V, him slamming his balls against my snatch, the next second, I was on my knees, those same balls slamming between my butt cheeks into the same snatch at a different angle.

I decided to try again. This time I thought of cowgirl. As soon as the thought formed in my head, I was on top of him. He was thrusting up into me without losing a single ounce of momentum. His dick never even left my pussy. Meanwhile, I almost got tossed off of him because of the sudden change of direction. I looked down at his face in surprise. He was looking at me with a dark smirk, laughing at my flustered appearance, but the look held no awareness that our positions had changed.

It was as if for him, we had always been fucking with me on top. It made no sense if you spent a second thinking about it, why would I be on top if he was trying to dominate me? Yet the dumb look on his face seemed to suggest that no matter how I manipulated the situation, he was left completely unaware.

Is that what positions mean? I can just change to whatever position I want, whenever I want it? I reaffixed myself on top of him and started to ride his cock graciously, but after a few moments, his eyes started to hold a little bit of confusion. That’s right, in the surprise, I had let the deception leave. He was starting to realize I was on top, riding his cock with vigor, unlike a princess. I switched position to missionary, and a second later I was on my back with him over me. I put back on a crying, scared face, and he started to grab at my chest with a nasty look that made me so hot I nearly came again.

I didn’t get to because a moment later he exploded inside of me. After cumming, he collapsed on top of me. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my head, forcing him to grab my mouth and force his tongue in. I loved every moment of it, but of course, he’d never know that. I let out a sob as soon as he released my face.  As he pulled away, a trail of saliva pulled from our mouths. This was rough the way I liked it. Too bad he blew it a minute too soon. He stood up, his dick already going flaccid.

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 9!]


[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:

[Size Matters (Passive): Gain no experience when penis is below the average, gain double experience when penis is above average.]


[Lover’s Endurance (Passive): Automatically converts your spell points into your stamina.]


[Princess Kiss (Active): Kissing a target on the lips removes all status misalignments from target.]


Already! I nearly jumped in excitement. I had learned so much from this man! I could control positions at will. That meant that basically, I had control during sex. I could have sex the way I wanted, whenever I wanted, and the man not only would follow through, he would never even question it. Imagine that… as soon as I unlocked a position, I could put any lover into it at will, and he’d think it was normal. As soon as I unlock cunnilingus, I wonder how long I could get a guy to eat me out!

Of course, I didn’t know all the facts. Do they remember? Is there any awareness of the fact that positions changed? What else could I use this for? I felt like there had to be more to these positions than just instantaneous rearrangement. Then again, could I use it outside of sex? Let’s say instant standing position? Instant ducking? Not that I’ve gotten any combat experience thus far, but I assumed it was an inevitability.

That aside, I now had abilities to look at. Size Matters almost made me lose my poor deception face with a laugh. I was still waiting for the man tie up his pants and leave, and he was still giving me looks, enjoying the show of me crying while groping my breasts a tad painfully. As I stabilized my deception and let it run, I ignored him and weighed the advantages of Size Matters. I couldn’t necessarily always choose who my partners were. Plus, what’s average in this world anyway? I was getting an idea, but I wasn’t exactly going into sex with a ruler here.

Lover’s endurance sounded good, but with my already existing stamina boosts, I felt I was fine. I wanted to use spell points, so I was excited by seeing some spell orientated skills coming up, but this one seemed to be counter intuitive. If I turned all my spell points into stamina, then I wouldn’t have spell points! I wanted to learn magic, and this seemed to be a skill that would make magic a dead end.

Thus, I had the last ability, and I took it. That sounded useful. I was going to pretend to be a princess, and a princess’s kiss was magic. It fit. As I selected the new ability, a new man was walking in. He was pretty fat, and when he took off his clothing I found he wasn’t that particularly big either. However, he put out a good effort, so I gave him credit where credit is due. Unlike my previous man, he was concerned about my crying. It seemed to bother him, and so I didn’t do it.

He also seemed oddly concerned about the cleanliness. The last guy had shoved it in while I was still dripping out cum from Dox. This guy made sure I was wiped clean before he stuck it in. He didn’t touch my mouth, or me, at all. He slipped his dick in and started thrusting away. After a minute, he looked hard up for breath. I wanted to help finish him off, but I was in a bit of a pickle, needing to keep up the abused princess act. Fortunately, my pity didn’t go far, as he was also a quick cummer. He even thanked me before he left. What a sweetie.

And like that, I continued as man after man entered my tent to have their way with me. A few men were tough customers. I had developed an act, directly coming off as resistive and crying, then steadily becoming more and more sexually enthralled, until soon I was practically hyperventilating. I’ll admit, I faked a lot of orgasms, and it wasn’t usually the ones I expected that made me cum. One guy just tossed me down the second he came in, turned me over, and plowed me like a machine. It was mechanical and impersonal, and in only a minute we both ended up cumming together. What? It was kind of hot.

[Deception has increased to LVL 6.]


Another guy came in and finally unlocked the cunnilingus sex position. Dude, you’re tasting like half the bandit camp’s cum in there. Oh, well, for me it was kind of hot. I wonder if he swung that way. With him, I tested out the positions limits by keeping him down there. Whenever he went to change positions, I would just reset to cunnilingus and his tongue went right back into me for another minute or two until he tried again. As a result, he continued to eat me out nonstop and after an hour and cumming three times, the other guys got annoyed, barged in, and dragged him out without his dick ever once entering me. I wasn’t sure if I got experience with just that, so I decided to no longer use the position for the moment. On the upside, my snatch was thoroughly cleaned.

[Disease Resistance has increased to LVL 2.]


That one kind of annoyed me. It popped up after I got fucked by the second guy after my cunnilingus buddy. It looked like another guy with an STD, although I don’t know which one. He had just popped his dick out from the top of his pants and stuck it in, so I didn’t get a good look at his dick. Naturally, I couldn’t get an STD thanks to my Immunity, but apparently having sex with men who had them still affected my disease resistance. At least, I could level disease resistance now, which probably resisted other diseases too. I continued on, man after man… I had lost count of how many men I had fucked when my next level finally came.

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 10!]


[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:

[Obsession (Passive): Ensures partner focuses completely on you during sex.]


[Enhanced Positions (Passive): Add a multiple to experience gained based on the number of positions. Limit 3X]


[Mood Killer (Active): Remove sexual desire in target.]


I was practically foaming at the mouth after this level up. Obsession didn’t seem all that good to me. I could already increase my desirability and attractiveness in a cumulative way. Plus, with my position ability, I didn’t need to worry about keeping my partner focused on me. No, what got me excited were the other two abilities. I couldn’t even tell you how many crappy situations mood killer could have gotten me out of. With that final ability, I could truly control sex.

However, I had my worries. Remove sexual desire… is that permanent? I don’t want to be neutering guys I like. Plus, how do I restore sexual desire? Just because I want him to be a dead fish now, doesn’t mean in three or four hours I don’t want him revving to go. So that left me with enhanced positions, and it was a doozy. So basically, not only can I switch positions, I’ll be able to get more experience by keeping things varied. So if I have sex with someone in three different positions before we are done, then I’d gain three times the amount of experience. That’s incredible!

I selected it, and as soon as the next guy came in, I made sure that our positions varied using the position switcher. After a while, I got sick of being on my back or knees and moved to my side using the previously unlocked sidewinder. Of course, I also managed to add a few new positions as well. Later on, I used a pillow to prop up my ass while the guy wasn’t looking, apparently, that’s a downward dog. Later on, I was with a really rough guy who thought he could bend me like a pretzel. I didn’t even know I was that flexible, but he had my legs up almost to my head, and he was getting in real deep. I came with that one just as the Deep Stick unlock popped up.

[Position Unlocked: Downward Dog]


[Position Unlocked: Deep Stick]


[Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 6.]


[Blow Job has increased to LVL 5.]


[Deep throat has increased to LVL 3.]


[Disease Resistance has increased to LVL 3.]


Also, after a night of fucking, my sex and blowjobs had increased. A lot of sadistic guys liked to try to choke me with their dicks, although my Lover’s Breath kept me from ever feeling my life was threatened, and as it went up, my gag reflex was suppressed even more. My disease resistance increased another level too, so I was guessing STDs were pretty rampant in this camp. I couldn’t exactly be surprised, seeing as I was the very product of their sex ethics. I probably wouldn’t have made another level with the remaining guys, but with my 3X boost by making sure every guy did three different positions, I was able to hit yet another level.

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 11!]


[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:

[Nymphomania (Passive): People who taste your pussy become addicted to the substance.]


[Virgin Killer (Passive): Gain massive experience bonus when deflowering a virgin.]


[All Nighter (Active): Restores some stamina to yourself or sexual partner using spell points. Only works during intercourse.]


Nymphomania seemed like an ability that was too dangerous. Seduction already had several kickbacks that scared me. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if people became addicted like a drug. The fact that it was passive simply made it too deadly. Maybe if I could control who got addicted, but Denova never ate my pussy anyway so it probably wouldn’t work on him. Virgin Killer seemed like a strange ability to suddenly spawn. How much is massive? Either way, I decided it wasn’t worth it. Instead, the greedy girl in me chose All Nighter. Throughout the night, there were plenty of men that couldn’t last more than a few minutes. The goal was quantity over quality, and even though Denova had no limitations in stamina, I didn’t plan to depend on him for my sexual needs in the future. At some point, I’d have a hot guy, and I’d want him to last.

And at this point, even my enhanced stamina was giving out, so I used all Nighter right away to give me a boost. I didn’t know how many more men there were, however, there were fewer people shoving their way in, and most of the men now had probably been waiting for hours. I also noticed a trend. The men were getting younger and lower leveled. I made sure to Examine every man that walked in, and while the first five or ten were bandits, the levels and age seemed to drop in tandem. A couple of the most recent fucks were barely stable boys. The boy who just finished up on top of me right now couldn’t be much older than 18. He still had a baby face without any stubble. Based on how stumble-y and nervous he was, I bet he was why I got the virgin killer! I went on and gave him an examine.

[Examine has increased to LVL 4.]


[Name: Jeffry, Sex: M, Age: 17, Total Level: 15, Class: Thief, Class Level: 15, Sexual Partners: 1, Sexual Preference: Older Women, Sexual Kink: Being insulted]


I congratulated myself on leveling examine, then raised an eyebrow at what it told me. So now I could tell how people like their sex? I supposed it was about time. That seems like it’d be a number 1 ability for a seductress. Wait, sexual partners was 1, wasn’t it? Does that mean I really was his first time? So that did explain the Virgin Killer ability upon level up. I wasn’t anticipating deflowering too many virgins, even if I felt a little bit flattered that this boy had his first time with me. I’m sorry you only got me in this state, naked, red, puffy, tired, sore, loose from a night of nonstop sex, and even a seductress like me was fairly dried out after that much friction. Without damage resistance and the frequent leveling, I’d certainly be rubbed bloody by now.

After the young boy left, another man entered. I was tired of the deception at this point and really didn’t put up an act. Apparently, not putting up an act also looked like an act at this point. Even a princess, after a night of man after man, would look like they just didn’t give a crap about anything anymore. They’d lie there, virtually immobile, a dead look in their eyes. I didn’t have a dead look, just an exhausted one, but it was good enough.

The guy didn’t mind how messed up I looked. He pulled out a hard dick and slid it in anyway, a glob of semen plopping out as he went in. Guys, that’s how you get STDs. Even with my STD immunity, it ain’t going save you when you stick it into that mess. Oh well, more experience for me.

[You have gained the title, Town Bicycle]


[+5 endurance, +10 disease resistance, Gain an additional 10% experience per sexual partner beyond 2 in one day.]

I felt a little angry at seeing that. The insulting name aside, I could have really used those abilities 8 hours ago. Although I supposed I had to experience it before I needed it. It sounded like every sexual partner beyond 2 in a day increases experience by 10% each. So, If I have sex with 2 guys, I get the normal experience, the third guy would have plus 10%, the fourth guy will be plus 20% experience. With that mixed with Enhanced Positions, I could have probably made another 3 levels tonight. Oh well, it’s in the past now. I still leveled and learned a lot, so I had no room to complain.

A few more men drifted into my tent. It was nothing remarkable, and at this point, I was starting to feel like the very definition of a cum dumpster. I dared the title giver to try to give me that name… but nothing popped up. I started seeing some repeat customers who had had me earlier and decided to come back for seconds. As it started to look not so dark outside, I found a guy who looked relatively comfy.

[Name: Carber, Sex: M, Age: 36, Total Level: 25, Class: Thief, Class Level: 25, Sexual Partners: 15, Sexual Preference: Blondes, Sexual Kink: Cuddling]


Cuddling didn’t sound like a kink to me, but I took it. Just as he came, I used my Rock A Bye until he went to sleep, then passed out, cuddled in his arms, his dick still inside, just how I liked it. I only slept an hour or two, he was right on top of me and I felt a little bit smothered. I did a position switch to cowgirl, and I found myself on top of him. He was snoring now, so I gave him a kiss on the head and stood up as the last dick of the night slid out of me.

The sheets were absolutely stained with the fluids of innumerable men. The fur rug that once looked soft and fluffy was now wet, matted, and nearly covered head to toe in one various fluid or another. I had been using an edge of a blanket to wipe after each man, but after the fifty or more men, I had slept with in the last 8 hours it had been absolutely drenched in white stuff. I shrugged at the scene of the naked man sleeping on a semen soaked sheets of all the men before him. It kind of started to turn me on again in a kinky way, so I turned away.

I checked my status, to see where I was at after my night of debauchery.

Not bad, not bad at all. Three levels in one night, that had to be pretty impressive, right? Now I had one thing left to do. That would be the walk of shame, of course. I had no clothing, it seemed like at some point during the night one of the thieves had taken my dress as a trophy. So now that it was daylight, I had to walk back to the Denova’s tent butt naked, battered, and covered in dried sex.  I picked up Carber’s shirt and used it to clean myself the best a dry rag could. Then, I put on the concealment, giving a false face of abject shame, horror, and emptiness.

The second I took a step outside the tent, my concealment shattered. Standing in front of me was a bloody severed head shoved into a spike in the ground. The worst part was that it was ahead I recognized. It was Dox’s head on that spike.

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Ascii of the Day:


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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

As I entered the tent with Dox, I controlled a surge of excitement within me. The tent wasn’t filled with furniture like Denova’s. It was just a floor covered in rough animal furs. In many ways, it felt even more erotic than using a bed. He lied me down on the floor, while tears continued to fall down my face. He looked at me, and the pity in his eyes didn’t diminish.

“Please…” I begged.

He probably took it as me begging him to not touch me, although outside of my deception, I was really begging him to ravish me right there on that animal fur. Dox was not particularly unattractive. He had a bigger build than Denova, but he wasn’t as muscular. If Denova had the muscular, clean shaved model-like physique, then Dox had the rugged scoundrel good looks. Whereas Denova gave me a noble-like impression, Dox really came off like the king of thieves. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, a hard, rugged body with thick hair and deep manly scent that could drive a woman wild.

“Denova…” he spoke up. “He was supposed to send the ransom by now. I don’t know why he didn’t. He’s become too sadistic. The way he treats you…”

I looked up at him, my eyes still pleading with him to come down and fuck me, but he probably interpreted them another way. I felt an ounce of guilt for deceiving him.


Dox gave a decisive nod, “I might be able to help you escape. If we cut a hole in the back of the tent, we can sneak out. With a cloak, I might be able to get you through the towers before anyone knows what happened. Then we can run. If we’re fast and lucky, we can reach nobles before Denova catches up!”

I was startled by Dox’s words. He was really willing to betray the thieves to save me?

“You can’t…” I begged, feeling even worse now.

“Don’t worry about me! I’ve been a thief a long time. I’m good at disappearing. If I want to, even Denova won’t be able to find me.”

I slowly stood up, looking at him hesitantly. “He’s skinned people. He’ll kill you even for saying this.”

There was a flash of fear on Dox’s face, but he recovered immediately after. “I couldn’t call myself a man if I continued to let him do this to a woman. I only regret that I waited so long to try. I can’t imagine the things you’ve been through.”

That last part was pretty true, but I really believed he couldn’t imagine how I didn’t mind most of the things I’ve been through. For a bit, he had me feeling guilty for being content. I mean, yeah, I was stressed and scared, and everything, since I’ve been to this world, has permanently changed me, but at the moment, the me right now was a person who could laugh in the face of challenges that would break another girl.

Is that strength? Or just insanity?

I shook the thoughts away, “Dox…”

I leaned forward, and a moment later kissed Dox on the lips.

“Princess?” He asked confused.

I started to touch his body in earnest. This wasn’t about the experience. This was purely about desire. Dox was the first man in this world who had seemed to give a damn about me. Even if it was only because he thought I was a princess, he was willing to put his life on the line for a woman he barely knew. For that, I was willing to give him all of me.

I kissed him more aggressively, and after a few moments his hands cautiously moved forward and began touching my body as well. I didn’t drop to my knees and put his dick in my mouth. I didn’t drop to all fours and hike up my dress. The pair of us simply kissed, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies, getting a feel for each other.

His hand pushed my skirt up to my knees. He grabbed the edge of the leggings, and one corner at a time he folded them down my leg, slowly offering one kiss after another on my knee and thigh. After he pulled the sock off, he moved to the other, raining gentle kisses down my other knee.

Goosebumps formed across my thighs at the feeling of his tongue dancing across the skin. As he pushed my skirt up, the lace undergarment pushing as well, he quickly exposed my womanhood, wet and waiting for him. He grimaced for a second, and I gave him a questioning look with just a little bit of hurt in my eyes.

“Err… Denova has forced you to be indecent, I didn’t realize he forced you to go without underwear… you don’t have to do what that man says…”

I put my finger over his lips and gave him a reassuring look buried in deception and conceal. Although my mental fortitude prevented me from feeling ashamed toward any sexual exploits I committed, I did feel a little bad that he felt bad. This was our night together, and I wanted him to be satisfied.

“If it’s with Dox, it will be okay.”

The words sounded hollow in my ears. It wasn’t technically a lie, but if I had been with anyone, it would have been okay. However, at this moment, it was Dox I wanted to be with the most. Dox gave me a sigh that turned the whole mood somber. He sat down next to me while I laid on the furs, my dress hiked up to my waist, my legs open, and my knees bent. He was slowly stroking my inner thigh with the tips of his fingers, but he seemed to be lost in thought and thus unaware of what his hand was doing. After a moment, he broke the silence.

“You know girl…being with a princess…” Dox gave a small reflective sigh. “I used to be a Knight… before all this. The Queen of Restonia knighted me herself.”

I kept silent, listening to him as he talked. After a moment, he continued.

“I didn’t start out that way, though. I grew up on a farm, with my mom, dad, and little sis. After mom died, dad started drinking more than he farmed. I tried to pick up the slack the best I could, but I was only twelve at the time, so the hell if I knew what I was doing.”

He leaned forward. “And then one night he came home particularly drunk. He decided my little sister resembled his former wife close enough. Started to rape her. I was out getting wood. I came home to the sounds…”

He stopped to shiver for a moment, and I put my hand on his shoulder as he continued on. “I grabbed his sword… and kept stabbing. When I got his corpse off of her, my little sister saw me, covered in blood, and ran away…. and then, I ran the other way. You see… I abandoned her there. I fled the village that night even, joined the military, and didn’t look back.

“Seven years later, I rose to the rank of captain, and eventually was knighted. It was your classic fairytale story… a soldier rising the ranks and gaining land. I didn’t forget about my sister though. I had sent money home once or twice… but I never knew if it made it, and I was too scared to check.

“And, of course… I was a typical soldier. Drinking, bedding women, that’s how I spent my nights. Well, not exactly… there was only one girl. One day, while I was still new to the knighthood, I found myself in a high-class brothel exclusive to nobles and the like. Well… nobles are rumored to have peculiar tastes, so this brothel catered to their depravity. As a knight, I was able to get in after a noble took a particular liking to me. Wanted to do a threesome with another man, I guess, and decided a young strapping knight would perform well and keep his mouth shut…”

“And then I saw her, the girl he picked, I fell in love at first sight. Started going back there after, spending all my money on her company. I did every depraved act I could with that girl, and she’d always just smile and thank me when it was all said and done. One night, after months of this, I asked her for her story.”

As he continued, I started to get a sinking feeling this was not going to go well. I didn’t understand why he was telling me this story, except that maybe this is something he needed to get out. Since his sexual partners says one, this is the only girl he ever slept with. Perhaps a threesome didn’t count as two partners? Or maybe there was no male on male penetration? Either way, if I was about to be the second, this was his reasoning as for why there was only one previously.

“As she told her story… “He continued, “I was horrified to find that it was quite similar to mine. Too similar… in fact.”

“Oh… no…” the words popped out of my mouth before I could help myself.

Dox chuckled lightly. “She dyed her hair, you know. And she developed so much. I didn’t realize… I don’t know if she did or not. I didn’t tell her that she was my sister. Instead, my only thought was rescuing her from the brothel. It happens from time to time. A noble takes a liking and buys a girl from the brothel. I didn’t have the resources of a noble, but I started saving up. I was… going to be her knight. I couldn’t even tell you if it was because she was my sister, or because I loved her so damn much.”

“Of course, you nobles probably don’t think so much of it. I hear you guys keep it in the family quite a lot. I mean, you’re engaged to what, a third cousin?”

“So… what happened?” I asked, ignoring the odd question, I personally wasn’t related to anyone from this world, so Princess Batrum’s genealogy really didn’t affect my actions.

“Nobles happened…” Dox grimaced. “One, in particular, fell for her. And while I was saving for her, bought her out from under me. It took nearly a year to find out which noble it was, and get myself into his manor. You… you’re a princess. You’re probably sheltered from it… but nobles… they’re not content with just this.”

He squeezed my leg, and then let out a sigh. “I killed him. Defiled the oath, lost my knighthood, and fled. And now I’m here.”

“And her?”

He gave a wry smile. “There was nothing left to rescue.”

So, stories like that happened in this world as well. For some reason, I had thought that the people of this world were simple, at least in a fashion. Part of this world having so many game elements, I tended to think of this world as a game. NPCs didn’t have particularly enlightening backstories. Certainly, not lives from before.

But this explained why Dox acted the way he did. He likely saw the ways Denova was using me as similar to the ways his sister was used by a noble. Being humiliated, embarrassed, abused, and eventually wrecked. I didn’t know the nobles of this society, and I can’t say I’d experienced the darker S&M parts of society back home, but I was at least aware of it. I’d heard stories, and my imagination was enough to cause me to gulp.

Eventually, tentatively… I reach out and touched his knee. “Then show me kindness… please.”

Dox’s eyes snapped to mine, and after a moment he let out another sigh. “I don’t know how…”

I reach out for Dox once again, putting his face into my hands. “I trust you.”

He didn’t stop me as I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it to the side. Then I grabbed him, my hands wrapping around his hard muscles, and I pulled him down on top of me. He moved forward and our lips met once again. Our tongues intertwined, exploring each other’s mouths. Meanwhile, Dox hands finally started to move on their own again. He carefully removed my clothing. It wasn’t done in haste. He wasn’t just trying to get into my pants. He was cherishing each inch of exposed skin. He lifted up the dress and dropped it away.

My entire nude body was exposed. Without the fine clothing Denova put me in, I was no longer a princess. I was merely a naked woman. As if by nature, the deceit kicked in and I started to cover myself in mock shame. No… I stopped my hands before they covered my breasts and femininity. I didn’t want to pretend with Dox, I wanted all of Dox.

Dox had a hairy chest with course brown hair that trailed down his stomach and started to thicken at the outline of his pelvic region. As he sat over me, my naked body completely at his whim, I boldly looked back, wanting him to enjoy every inch of my body. I reach down and pulled at his pants, playing with them as I felt for the hard rod within. After a moment, it finally popped out from the top of his pants.

He was a decent size, although perhaps not the size of Denova. I quickly lined him up with myself, and a quick tug later he pushed it inside of me. I let out a moan that wasn’t an act at all. It felt great. We kissed again and slowly, gently, he started to thrust into me. I let out a moan of pleasure as his warm dick filled me up.

His hands started to more aggressively caress my body, and my hands worked their way to his hips, grabbing at his ass. I feel the tension in his ass as he rhythmically moved his hips, providing pleasure with each thrust. Although I let him take charge, I ground and shook my hips just a little at the bottom of each thrust. I am a seductress, after all, you couldn’t possibly expect me to just lie there. My LVL 5 Vaginal Intercourse upped the level of pleasure and intimacy without any conscious effort.

I rested my head on his shoulder, and has body continued to thrust into me over and over again, I listened to the quickening of his breath near my ear. Meanwhile, I let out little-satisfied moans as I grew closer and closer to climax. He nibbled at my ear just a bit, and I squirmed under him, the fur rug shifting under my body. His masculine muscles pressed up against my soft body, and I could feel his skin against my skin in a way more intimate than anything I ever experienced with Denova.

I was so wet now that each thrust made an incredibly wet and sloppy noise as his balls collided with the outside of my cunt. His panting increased, his warm breath caressed my skin while his day-old growth rubbed against my cheeks causing just a little bit of irritation.

“Oh, god, fuck me harder.” I cried out.

My façade as a princess had completely broken. I wasn’t using deception anymore. I wasn’t hiding anything behind conceal. He gave me a surprised look, but I grabbed the back of his head and started aggressively kissing him before he could think about it. Already in the middle of the throws of passion, he didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. I then bit the side of his neck, sucking hard as a wave of pleasure overtook me. Meanwhile, his dick pumped away, his stamina showing no sign of slowing down, digging deeper and faster into my wet cunt with each thrust.

As I reach climax, my nails dig into his back and I let out a satisfied cry, my eyes shut closed. He didn’t stop as juices gush out me, splashing his dick and the rug underneath and immediately soiling it with my lust. His calloused fingers continue to tease my soft skin, running up and down gently, occasionally stopping to fondle.

“Oh god, fuck yeah, keep going!” I moaned, no longer caring what I looked like, only caring about this moment right now.

The wet sounds, his hot breath, the feeling of his skin on mine, I was going crazy. Denova would not be happy if he saw me now. Right now, I wasn’t practicing conceal or deception, I wasn’t leveling up, I was fucking a man because I wanted him to feel good, and I wanted to feel good too. In that moment, I needed him more than anyone since I had been to this new world.

“Please, cum in me baby.”

The dirty words that spilled out of my mouth were purely Aria. I didn’t know if people in this world used dirty words, or if my talk was appropriately dirty by this world’s standards, but I liked to think that they had the appropriate effect. A moment later, he gave one final thrust inside me, pushing his weight and pulling my legs apart to thrust in deep.

His dick convulsed deep inside me, throbbing. I could feel it, the warmth exploding inside me as his sticky seed erupted. The feeling of his dick throbbing far inside me was enough to push me to edge. My pussy started to clamp down as well, as his swelled with each throb, releasing another hot gob of sticky fluid, my pussy clamped down, convulsing in time with his dick, our body parts working in tandem to milk all of his seed deep inside my body.

When he was finally done, collapsing on top of me, his dick started to soften. I let out a sigh of pure pleasure as I tried to regain my breath, my chest rising and falling alongside his. After about a minute of rest, my senses started to come back into me. Reality came crashing home, and I realized that this moment I wanted to last simply couldn’t.

That’s right, this wasn’t playtime! I had to level. There was a line of men outside waiting for me. I picked up Dox’s face and looked into his eyes. He looked back at me and started to smile sheepishly. I wrapped my legs around him, forcing his softening dick deep inside my pussy drenched in both of our fluids. I brought his lips to mine and kissed him, and he wrapped his arms around me in a loving embrace. And then I activated Rock A Bye. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he collapsed to the side while still holding on to me.

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Ascii of the Day:


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Some Information on Tales of a Seductress

Hey, this is Whizzer. I was originally just responding to a comment, but I ended up writing so much I decided to just make it an FYI post. I’m just explaining some information to dispel some confusion in the comments, mentioning my future plans, and kind of giving you an idea of where I’m coming from as I continued to release this series.

First things first, I’ve been releasing this every day, but if “Ascii of the Week” is any indication for you, this was a temporary thing. I wanted to get the story going and I planned initially to release daily, until enough released that people who read it could start to form an opinion on it. That has been accomplished. However, for the moment, I’ll keep releasing daily. If you want an idea of where this story is going, I’ve completed 34 chapters to this date, and I hope to wrap the story up in ~50 chapters. So I’ll probably release daily until I catch up with my writing speed, and then switch to weekly…

That being said, my writing speed is very dependent on comment feedback. I love reading your comments, and to be honest, the few loyal readers have already sped my writing up like crazy. Believe it or not, I was only at about chapter 19 when I started releasing chapters three weeks ago, so I’m writing almost as fast as I’m releasing now (although I hope the quality is still up to snuff). I know where the story is going, so it’s just a matter of being motivated to write, which is why I put this online in the first place.

I actually wrote this to self-publish on amazon, and I hope to be able to do so, so any feedback you have would be great. I geared this to be tongue and cheek, but also sexually explorative. If there are any gamer girls in the reading audience, I’d love to hear your opinion on it, as I’m hoping to target a demographic that I think hasn’t been represented in the Amazon Romance Novel scene enough.

Alright, so now I’m pushing into the territory of spoilers. You’ve been warned.

For those of you wondering about the fact that “Tales of Seductress” will be an incorrect title come our beloved MC’s class up… I’ll simply say this is titled as Book 1: Tales of a Seductress in a potential set of four books (although that depends on a lot of things, such as if it achieves any success on here and amazon.)

And to remove people’s confusion… Seductress is a tier 1 class. 1-30 is a tier 1 class, 31-60 is a tier 2, 61-90 is a tier 3, and 91-120 is a tier 4. It won’t come up fully explained for a while, so like I said, *spoiler*…

Most villagers would reach a lvl 30 in their lifetime, adventurers, craftsmen, and the “white collar” would reach lvl 60, while only the elites and masters would reach up to level 90. Those that exceed 90 are very few, and for humans, LVL 100 is considered the pinnacle of a human existence. The greatest hero of a century might just achieve lvl 100… those last ten levels are a doozy.

No human has ever exceeded lvl 100, and if one did, they would be considered no longer human. Certain monsters are over lvl 100, and are considered existential existences bordering on god-like. A lvl 120 could be said to be the pinnacle of any existence… and if something were to pass lvl 120, it would no longer be considered a mortal being.

While there are 8 “known” classes in the 1st tier:

thief, adventurer, craftsman, merchant, sailor, soldier, servant, magician

And 3 extra classes which are considered “tierless”.

Noble, Villager, and Slave

That doesn’t mean there are no unknown classes, especially given this came from a playboy adventurer trying to impress a girl with his knowledge. This certainly didn’t come from an educated person, is what I’m saying. I tend to rely on the “unreliable narrator” form of writing. Aria herself is telling the story, and just because she heard something from someone does not mean it is true!

Hope that helps as you follow the story.

___________________________________________________ end spoiler!

All of that said, what are your thoughts on the story so far? It’s not a pure sex novel. I do and will continue to depict many things, some of them might come off as disturbing. It’s certainly going to run the gambit of sexual perversions. On one end, it’ll have something for everyone, no matter what does it for you, on the other hand, there are bound to be the scenes that turn you off because you just don’t find that particular kink sexy. I try to keep it funny and actually give it a story running in the background.

What are your thoughts on the daily/weekly Ascii’s? Most of them I generate myself, although I’ve borrowed a few from other sites (and given credit accordingly when I have). I wanted something to set me out, especially since I’m not an illustrator and won’t be attaching pictures, but if you guys get nothing out of them (not even a chuckle), then I can spare myself the hour it takes to generate these guys.

I look forward to your comments, and you can look forward to the next post sometime tomorrow. Thanks readers and watchers, silent or otherwise, you’re great!


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 8!]


[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:

[Liar’s Caress (Passive): People become more susceptible to deception regarding sex-related topics.]


[Truth Love (Passive): The more affection a person has for you, the harder it becomes to lie.]


[Eye of the Beholder (Active): You become more attractive to the target.]


I whistled as I read through those skills. They were all good skills, although none of them sounded great. Liar’s caress would help my deception, but only related to sex? Is that like lying about how many people I slept with? Trying to pretend to be a princess, this might be a really good skill. Of course, the spurned woman in me was really attracted to Truth Love. If that combined with seduction, then I could weed out liars real quick. However, that wouldn’t work on Denova, who was the big problem I was facing right now.

Then there was Eye of the Beholder. I had several active skills already. The main one I used was, of course, seduction. However, seduction’s affect could be said to be a little too scary. I already had beautification, which made me attractive to all humans in general. Since attractiveness was superficial, if I could target and make certain people find me just a bit hotter, that could have effects similar to seduction, particularly on men.

In the end, I picked Eye of the Beholder. I wanted a few more skills in my repertoire. Denova could resist seduction as a charm, but I was really curious if simply finding me hotter was something he could resist. I didn’t think he could. I was also starting to better understand how these special abilities worked. It seemed to me like they weren’t as random as Jenai thought. They were directly relatable to what you did your last level.

I suspected that is why I haven’t gotten any spells. Every skill so far uses stamina, because I haven’t used a spell yet.  If I wanted special skills that involved combat, I’d need to fight. If I wanted skills that used spell points, I’d need to use spell points. Since I spent a lot of time working on conceal and deception, my special skills this round were all supplementing conceal and deception. I caught a disease last time and thus got a disease stopping skill. It all seemed to fit.

Another week flashed by in a wink. I used Eye of the Beholder on Denova cautiously a few times. He didn’t show any signs of having caught me using the skill. However, by the second or third time I used it I started to notice his eyes would linger on me a lot more. He also didn’t get bored of my body, still going after me as aggressively as the prior week. I had heard some complaints from some of the bandits walking by the tent that Denova had been held up in the tent a lot lately and was neglecting work. In the meantime, we’d be fucking five to six times a day. A level 72 really did have unbeatable stamina.

Of course, I hadn’t forgotten what Jenai had told me. Underneath this bandit king’s lustful exterior was the sharp mind of a murderer, bandit, and criminal who likely had no real affection for anything but himself. Not that I’d ever feel shame for taking pleasure from him. Mental Fortitude did pop up at the strangest of times.

Throughout that week, I also got closer to Jenai, despite the fact that I was likely falling into Denova’s plan. She started to teach me how to feel for magic. It wasn’t easy, and it involved feeling for energy outside myself and then trying to treat it like an extension of my body. I was motivated, however, and three days later I had the dildo vibrating with magic. The first time I had used it, just as I was climaxing I lost control of my magic and the dildo shook so hard that it fired out like a rocket, shooting through the flap and landing in the hallway. Jenai was passing by at the time and had to duck from a shooting vibrator. She had burst into laughter after she found out what happened. It was the first time I had seen her genuinely laugh without the influence of alcohol. Even with Mental Fortitude, that situation was almost enough to make me blush. Almost.

[Masturbation has increased to LVL 3.]


[Magic has increased to LVL 1.]


“How does magic work, anyway? Like how do the skills match up with what kind of spells you can cast?”

Jenai nodded carefully. “Magicians are typically considered very learned. While Magic is a tier 1 skill, if you want to do anything with it, that is, erm… beyond controlling your dildo… you need to gain a tier 2 skill.”

That made me pretty depressed. It turned out that magic only allowed you to control magic. This meant you could use magical items. As magic increased, your control of magic increased. However, being able to control magic, and being able to cast spells, were two entirely different things. Once you had magic up to level 10, you’d be able to learn any of eight different spellcasting skills. Those were divided into three groups. You had the elemental skills, fire, water, earth, and air magic. Then you had the light and dark skills, otherwise known as white magic and shadow magic. The final two types are enchantment and brewing magic. Enchantment magic allowed you to create magic weapons and armor, which really top blacksmiths would learn. Brewing magic allowed you to create magical potions, which was a magic to improve alchemy.

Most people only learned one or two types of magic. The comprehension level was considered incredibly high to gain the spells. I wondered, given my knowledge of the elements, energy, and science, maybe I’d be able to pick them up real quick. With that, I excitedly practiced magic whenever I wasn’t in lessons with Jenai or Denova. Although the only tangible thing I could use magic on with visible evidence was my vibrator, so I practiced adjusting its strength and even managed pulses and waves just like personal massagers at home. No, it wasn’t in me when I practiced! Well… at least half the time.

That was likely because with the Eye of the Beholder ability, every lesson with Denova involved me bent over on his bed, but he still did lecture me on everything he could about how to be a princess. I didn’t know how he knew how to act like a princess, but I took his word for it. Furthermore, my increases in sexual skills were clearly having an effect. Where Denova used to have a seemingly endless supply of stamina and only came after I was already sore, now I could get him to cum in just fifteen minutes or so. I’m not even really sure how I moved my body differently, but the sex was amazing, and even with Denova in charge, he was already panting with streams of sweat running down his chest as he thrusted into my naked body, my butt raised in the air. Suffice it to say, many skills were gaining practice.

[Etiquette has increased to LVL 1.]


[Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 5.]


[Blow Job has increased to LVL 4.]


[Hand Job has increased to LVL 3.]


One of these skills is not like the others…

“This one enjoys the cock of Denova.” I moaned.

Denova barked a noise of contentment. Immediately after, he let out a moan, collapsing on top of me as his dick throbbed, releasing hot seed inside my body. I was talking the way nobles talk in this world. A princess would always refer to herself as “this one” as opposed to I or me. They also referred to everyone else in the third person. It was a haughty way to talk, but it was kind of fun, especially during sex play.

Along with that, I was wearing a dress now, which was hiked up over my butt. The dress was white and frilly. I wore two long, thin, white leggings. It was the kind of thing some of my exes would have killed to see me in while tearing it off of me. Denova insisted I needed to get used to this kind of thing, so now I always wore dresses, even when fucking. Of course, after tearing through my underwear three or four times, I didn’t bother to wear it anymore. After hitting him with the Eye of the Beholder so many times, his lust would just suddenly take over at the strangest of times, and he’d toss me to the ground.

He started to take me out in front of his men too. During meetings, he’d suddenly toss me over the table and start fucking me in front of Dox or the other men. They were quite surprised the first time they saw it, but they got used to it real quick when he gave them a dark look and demanded they continue giving reports.

This was part of the training too. The thieves all thought I was the princess. When I was brought in front of the men, I had to act the part. I had to act snobbish, spoiled, but most importantly, abused. I was a poor princess who had her innocence ripped away by this bandit, and despite my noble heritage, was being mortified and embarrassed.

Concealing was to a stage that I could hide my perversion and predatory nature, preventing it from showing in my eyes. On top of that, I needed to learn to cry on command. I’d cry in front of his men as he smacked my ass. I also had to blush and fidget in mock embarrassment, a feeling I was starting to forget even existed. I’d pretend to be flustered and terrified whenever he looked at me while shooting him hateful looks when he wasn’t. The role-playing was intense, and it made the pleasure even more unbearable. I came harder during those moments than any other time. I’ve likely become a bit of an exhibitionist now. And the worst part was that I couldn’t let any of it show on my face!

[Conceal has increased to LVL 6.]


[Deception has increased to LVL 5.]


It had the effect, and by the end of the week, one of the bandits stood up to the bandit king, insisting that he stop treating a lady like me in that manner.

He was taken out and beaten. He wasn’t killed, thankfully, but I felt really bad about it. He was defending me, the princess, not me, the seductress. If he knew I was having this much fun, he’d have probably worn a look of disgust on his face. That night, Denova was quite happy with the outcome. His men were absolutely convinced I was a noble princess at his whim. He sat me down with a pleased smile on his face. While he talked, I had his enormous cock in my hands and was kneeling in front of him, stroking it with my developing Hand Job skill.

“You’ve developed splendidly. I expected it’d take months to get you to this point. I had planned to fake letters and a kidnapping in order to give us enough time. However, with the you now, I think it’s almost time to begin our plan. The only issue is your level. The princess was a sheltered woman, this is true; however, no one would believe someone who is a mere level 8 would be the princess. Nobles have special privileges, and you’d be hard pressed to find one below a level 10. Therefore, I’ll need to take you out to power level.”

“Power level… that is… monsters?”

The bandit king nodded. “That’ll take about a week. I wish I could take more time and get you up to 13 or 14, but if you don’t make it to the castle by the end of this month, people will grow suspicious of you. I wouldn’t even take another week if I could avoid it. However, this is the fastest way to level.”

I coughed, holding my throat for a second and considering. “Um… I might have a faster way to level.”

Denova raised an eyebrow. I decided I should tell him. I really didn’t know how he’d act. With the Eye of the beholder, he may not let any other men touch me.

He let out a surprised noise when I informed him that sex gave me experience, but after a moment he muttered, “So that’s how you made it to level 8, then.”

He still had my status plate, so he knew my stats as much as I did. But that didn’t necessarily mean he knew that they were. Particularly, he new how many skills and special skills I had, but the status plate did not reveal their names or functions. People kept the function of their special skills very close to them in this world, and it seemed almost taboo to reveal your special skills. It was so ingrained in their culture that even the usually cautious Denova wouldn’t demand it by force. However, I had revealed a few of them to him, and I could tell he made a special note of them. Now, I was revealing one more. Once I told him about the first-time bonus, it took him only a few seconds to realize what I was suggesting. His eyes darkened for a moment, and I could see the stubbornness on his face.

“It really is the quickest way to level!” I explained quickly, “And it’d be practice as well, for my deception and conceal. I’d use it on every guy in your camp once.”

“Every guy… in the camp?” The casual way I suggested sleeping with over 200 men was enough to even make him raise an eyebrow. “You really are one of a kind, aren’t you?”

“In one night, two, maybe three levels,” I added, still trying to convince him, using conceal to hide my excitement, my hand still sliding up and down on his member.

He scratched his chin for a few more minutes and finally sighed. “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

I finished him off, swallowing his seed as it erupted, and then I ended up spending the next hour and a half cleaning myself up, applying makeup, and putting on my best princess dress. As I prepared, I examined myself in the mirror. I looked considerably different than the girl I remembered from before. The continuous destruction and restoration or my body through leveling had changed me. A month of eating scraps had caused me to lose weight, several weeks walking through a forest had built a little muscle, frequent bouts of sex bordering on hardcore exercise with first Ricardo and then Denova had shaped my body into something more sensual, and the time I had spent with the bandit king gave me all of the daily necessities of a princess: daily baths, soaps, and oils to treat my skin.

As a result, my body had reformed itself. I had achieved the ideal hourglass figure. My hair was groomed, braided and decorated in a way I hadn’t seen since my senior prom. My breasts were perfectly rounded and smooth and were just as perky as when I was sixteen. It almost seemed like my body had been purged of imperfections. That one faded scar I had on my wrist wasn’t there anymore. My nipples that I might have once thought were a little colorless were now vibrant and erect. My perfectly flat tummy spread out into well-rounded hips, and my once substandard legs were now shapely, long, and perfectly smooth.

My skin was soft to the touch in a way only a girl can be. Even my womanhood, for all the abuse it’s taken in recent months, had tightened, brightened, and more closely resembled the unbloomed rosebud romance authors were always going on about. I finally understood how a vagina could look appealing. I left a small perfect little patch of light brown hair just above, although I had considered once or twice going bare. I didn’t really know what guys in this world found attractive, but if I looked like this back on earth, I’m sure I might have been offered modeling positions.

As I admired by own body, I hummed as I worked, quite excited at the prospect of tonight’s feast. Jenai watched me, helping when I needed it, her expression concealed as always. I wondered if she was jealous, concerned, or just creeped out.

“Are you alright, Jenai?” I asked.

Jenai stayed silent for a moment before she spoke. “If… you do this thing. If you keep leveling… do you think there will be a point when you can even wrap Denova around your finger?”

I thought about it briefly before I nodded. “Every level gives me special skills. Eventually, I’ll get one that even Denova can’t resist!”

Jenai gave a nod. “Then do what you want. However, protect your body. If you cause harm to the body of my best friend, I will not forgive.”

I didn’t mention to her that I already possessed the Eye of the Beholder that he wasn’t aware of because it didn’t seem to work in the way I expected. I did figure out why Denova wasn’t able to detect the skill. I carefully observed casting it and came to the realization that rather than a charm, it was more akin to an illusion spell. Denova refused to be manipulated, but a girl he spent time with gradually becoming more attractive after he pampered her seemed to fall under his radar, and I gradually became a girl that hits his perfect strike zone.

Focusing back on the now, I gave Jenai a hug, holding her for a minute before taking a breath, and heading outside the flap. I was back in Denova’s throne room. We had fucked countless times in this room, and every other room of this tent. After being trapped in here for 2 weeks, this was the first time I’d be outside of that tent. The place was starting to feel a bit cramped.

Denova looked at me woodenly. His eyes didn’t hold concern, but there was something heavy about them. My guess was that Denova didn’t want to share, as simple as that.

“Ready.” He frowned.

I activated my deception, starting to cry. He reached over and ripped open a sleeve. His face turned violently angry, and a snarl came from his lips. I jumped back in fear. Even though I knew it was his own part of the deception, it was convincing, and ultimately resulted in me playing my part even better. He grabbed my arm and immediately started dragging me outside the tent. I started fighting back, tears running down my cheeks.

“No, please, Denova, don’t!” I shouted.

A moment later we were outside the tent, and with a roar, Denova threw me. I took several steps forward before landing on the ground, my nice dress ripping a little bit more, and becoming covered with dirt. I immediately turned back to Denova and started crawling back.

“No! No… I didn’t mean it!” I begged him.

Denova snorted, and when I got close enough, he slapped me across the face. It was hard enough that my eyes lost focus. My deception almost broke and I almost gave him an angry glare, but with the strike causing my eyes to water even more, and my hand covering up my face, I was able to keep it going. I began to bawl loudly, and only some of that was acting. He hit very hard.

“You despicable whore!” He shouted.

The scene was enough that tents were spilling out and all the bandits and thieves in the area, women or men, were gathering around to watch. I didn’t approach Denova again, not wanting him to hit me, but I still gave him begging eyes in between indiscernible sobs.

“Since you’re going to take my goodwill and throw it in my face, you need to be taught a lesson,” Denova snarled. “Listen men! New orders! Ruin her. This precious little princess, turn her into nothing but the little whore she is. Have your fill men. I want every one of you to dump your load on her. Teach her how little power she truly has!”

The men were surprised by this. Some of them looked excited, eager expressions on their faces. Others looked confused. One or two looked at me with pity in their eyes. If I had a choice, it’d be the men with pity that I’d fuck first. There seemed to be a silence in the air after Denova’s declaration. The only sound was my sobbing and pleading, all deception of course.

Everyone seemed afraid to move forward, not quite sure what would happen. Denova had previously made it clear that the Princess was his girl. Taking me in front of them was nothing if not a sign of his ownership. Admittedly, some of the men who had watched him give it to me had looks of envy, wishing for just a taste of my body, but they never actually thought they’d get their way.

As the silence drifted on, Denova turned his gaze to Dox, one of the few men who had some pity in his eyes. “Since you brought her in Dox, you break her in.”

Dox was startled, but after a moment of looking into Denova’s vicious eyes, he gave a panicked nod. “Err… I’m not an animal. I like my privacy.”

Denova barked a laugh. “Then toss her in a tent. Men, make a line, first come, first serve. She’ll be open all night!”

With that, there was a cheer. A tent was prepared and a line started forming. Dox moved over to me, picking me up in his big, strong arms. I finally would get to be Dox’s second. I was absolutely elated that Dox would be the next man I’ve had after weeks of monogamy. I had to focus once again to keep my deception mask on. This was going to be a very long night.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“Concealing isn’t simply a skill used to blend into shadows or hide your steps,” Jenai explained. “Concealing also includes hiding your emotions from opponents and hiding your face in plain sight. With a high level of concealing, your thoughts will never show on your face, even to the most skilled face reader. With the right mask, you can make yourself look ten years older or ten years younger. You can make yourself beautiful or ugly. You can change your race or even your sex when necessary. That is truly the power of the conceal ability.”

I nodded very slightly, not wanting to cause her to make a mistake. She was currently applying a powder to my face, covering up blemishes with a large kit of paints and makeup. I had never considered before that conceal meant anymore more than hide. To think that even hiding pimples under makeup could be considered a concealing skill.

That morning, we had spent the day playing around with makeups and dresses. I had dressed as a stable boy, a maid, a thief, and now she was helping me dress like a princess. I had thoroughly cleaned my body after spending the previous night with Denova and was now wrapped in a towel as she did my hair and makeup. I wondered if hair stylist was another skill that one obtained, or if it all fit under conceal.

While I called it playing, we were actually training. Denova was out on business for the day, and he demanded that I level up my conceal with Jenai’s help. I’d already increased two levels in conceal, just with what we were doing today. I was quite happy with myself, and even Jenai was impressed. She explained that with my Seductress class, concealing and deception might be core attributes.

With my seduction skill, Jenai had opened up to me a lot more than she used to. The number of times, I had to use seduction on her might be a testament to how little she thought of me initially. It hurt to think about that since she was quickly becoming the closest thing I had to a friend in this world. Eventually, I just asked her to flat out describe how skills and classes work. She gave me an odd look that said this was something that even a child should know, but she explained.

“Anyone can learn any tier 1 skill. They have no perquisites. The max level of any skill is 10. At 1, you have the basic knowledge to perform the skill in question. At level 5, you’re a competent in it enough to be able to find work, if applicable. By Level 10, you have complete mastery over it. Complete mastery over a skill does not necessarily make you the best with that skill. Skills are always augmented with other skills. For example, if I had Level 10 with a sword, and another person had Level 8, they may still beat me with other skills, such as a dodge skill, magic, agility, or strength.

“Leveling up a skill is not easy. While most actions have a skill, most people do not earn the skill just for performing an action. For example, although even a child can perform arts and crafts, he won’t necessarily gain a crafting skill. To gain a skill, once must not only have experience with that skill, they must also have an understanding of the fundamentals behind that skill. You must know the concept of a skill, as well as have experience, in order to learn that skill. For commoners, it’s not uncommon to only have four or five skills in their entire lifetime. Although skilled craftsmen might have ten to twenty. Nobles and adventurers may have twenty or more skills. This is why you surprised me. You have so many skills, it is hard to believe you are a commoner.”

I realized at that point why it was so easy gaining new skills. I was brought up in a modern world dedicated to knowledge. Children spent almost their entire youth in school, and I had been learning about the fundamentals and gaining problem-solving skills for the last 15 years. There are actually very few skills I couldn’t get with just a little bit of experience. However, public education wasn’t a thing in this world. People learned what their parents knew, and only the rich and nobles had the money for schooling. Even with that knowledge, magic aside, my schools understanding of the natural world was leagues beyond this world.

“There are exceptions.” Jenai continued. “Depending on your class, certain skills become easier to learn. These are called the core skills. The knowledge comes more readily, and they require less experience. Most core skills are tier 1.”

In other words, if you’re a warrior, you might be able to more easily learn to use the sword. A villager could learn to use a sword just like a warrior, but it would take twice as much work. In my case, that was probably why my sex skills were skyrocketing. However, it seemed like any skill that helped with seduction could be a core skill. These skills were well documented with most tier 1 classes, but for me, an unknown class, there was very little information.

“Tier 1, you mentioned that before?” I asked.

“Tier 1 skills are common skills anyone can learn. Tier 2 and Tier 3 skills have perquisites for learning. Some call these common, silver, and gold skills. Some of these are known, others are not. Usually, they require certain Tier 1 and Tier 2 skills respectively. They also sometimes require certain stats, hidden techniques, or even classes. Class specific skills are rare, but they are known.”

“So… that’s what class does for you? Core skills, and a few specific skills?”

“That, and special skills, of course.”

I nodded excitedly, “That’s right, so everyone has special skills!”

Jenai frowned, staring at me with an indescribable look. After a minute, she opens her mouth.

“How many special skills do you have?”

I checked my stats quickly, having been a while since I last looked. I hadn’t leveled in quite a long time, but a lot my stats were higher than they used to be.















The positions were certainly going up quite rapidly. Denova had twisted and turned me into dozens of positions now. If only I had any clue what they did. I counted the special skills. Eight so far. I’d have more if I could level. The burden of only being with one man hit me hard at that moment. Clearly, my first-time bonus was exemplary, a week of daily masturbation and nearly continuous fucking and I still had yet to level.  For a moment, I considered testing my seduction on Jenai and seeing if I might be able to level with her. It wasn’t that I was into girls, but I really wanted to reach the next level.

“Nine…” I stated out loud.

Jenai showed more expression on her face than I had seen since I met her. It almost looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. A moment later, her conceal kicked back in motion and her face was flat once again.

“Nine… that is…” Jenai still seemed to be in disbelief. “That’s one more than the number of special skills Denova has… Special skills… are only given after so many levels as well as upon accepting a new job… Have you been given orbs of Raimer? No… do not tell me.”

As Jenai spoke, I started to get a little bit excited. This was the first time I realized that I really did have some cheat powers. According to Jenai, a normal person gains about 1 cheat ability, I mean special skill, every 15 levels. They also gain another one when they accept a class. For Denova, that meant he’s earned 4 from leveling to 60 and would earn his fifth at Level 75. He had 3 more skills, first from being a thief, then a bandit, and finally bandit king.

While it wasn’t unheard of that someone acquired special skills faster, certain geniuses received a special skill every 5 levels, and there was once a rumor of a legend from a man who gained a special skill ever 2 levels. In comparison, I didn’t gain 1 skill every 2 levels, I gained 3 skills every level. To the point, I had to choose. No one else got to choose. It was a random chance skill every time. Yet every level I got a new skill and could pick the one I liked the best. Forget cheat, that was downright broken.

Of course, I didn’t explain this to Jenai. I just said there were some strange circumstances.  With my increasing deception ability, I was able to get half-truths passed her bullshit meter, so she accepted my story. That got me thinking about the skill points we earned. That’s when I learned another shocking secret.

“You do not have to spend your skill point on a special skill, but special skills are almost always worth it. Everyone gains 1 skill point per level. If they aren’t buying a special skill, then they put them into other skills. This is how blacksmiths, merchants, and other common classes become masters of their trade. Naturally, they lack the resources to truly comprehend their arts, so they can force comprehension by using skill points.”

“However, everyone must be very careful with how they use their points. It’s a waste to use points on your first five levels of a skill since you could probably learn them with a mentor and experience in a few years. And simply reaching 10 with a skill does not make you a master. At 10 of blacksmithing, you may be a competent in making a horseshoe, but the skills sword smithing and armor smithing, tier two skills, become unlocked. And of course, there is the tier three Arcane smithing. Add to that the need for sufficient stamina and strength to ply your craft, mercantile skills to sell your wares, and it can quickly become clear how few 1 point a level is.”

That hit me with a really strong blow. To me, that meant two things. First off, that I could level up other skills. The question becomes, why would I save skill points for that when compared to the cheat-like special skills? The answer was, of course, to get other special skills. If I saved a point from a round of special skills I didn’t like, I could potential buy 2 special skills in the next round. I had already predicted this was true, but this confirmed it. But thus far, I never could say no to the list available.

Jenai and I talked deep into the evening. After she applied makeup, I checked it out. It wasn’t bad, but I had learned a few tricks of my own watching Hollywood makeup artists on youtube. After cleaning it off, I tried to apply some myself and ended up impressing Jenai with a few techniques she hadn’t thought of herself. By the end of the night, my conceal had already raised another level. With a Level 5 conceal, I was able to hide my emotions a lot better. We played the deception game again, and with my poker face, it became easier to deceive Jenai.

As the night continued on, at some point, one of us had gotten into Denova’s liquor cabinet. Both of our conceal abilities were lost, and for the first time, I saw Jenai with a smile on her face, even if she was glowing red from the alcohol.

“Jenai… how did you get your conceal ability up so high anyway?” I asked, assuming Denova had some involvement with it.

Jenai shook her head reluctantly, putting on a look almost like a pout. “As soon as I was born, my slave mother had to give me up and I was branded. A pretty girl like me? I was trained from a young age to be someone’s sex slave. Every slave must learn to conceal. If we showed our true expressions, we’d be beaten to death. You could say that conceal is every slave’s core skill.”

Although it seemed like something painful, Jenai didn’t wear a single expression of shame or fear. It was like ancient history to her. The concept of slavery was still shocking to me, but if you grew up and all you ever knew was slavery, then perhaps it was something normal in this world. That didn’t mean I approved of it, but for the moment, there was little I could do. I wore a serious expression for a second, deciding to ask an even more intimate question.

“Do-do you want to escape?” my voice was slurred, even while my mind was fighting to think things through. “From Denova, I mean.”

She gave me a sweet smile, with sadness in her eyes. “I don’t have a choice. He’s not a good man. He’s murdered and he steals and he doesn’t really care about me. I’m just something he can use. However, things could be worse for me. I envy you, though, you could still escape. I wonder why you don’t.”

I blinked at that. “How can I escape? I’m here just like you!”

Jenai shrugged, pointing at my neck. I frowned, touching my neck. A moment later she reached to hers. The pulled the collar down that she always wore around her neck. My eyes widened when I saw that behind it was a tattoo. The dark ink was drawn like intertwining vines that wrapped their way completely around her neck. Each vine had numerous sharp looking thorns on it.

“I may be a servant class here, but I ended up trading one form of slavery for another. If I escaped, this rune would activate, and I’d be dead in minutes.”

I stared awkwardly at that. “Did Denova do that to you?”

Jenai nodded. “Heh, the funny thing is, he could have left me as a slave and it would have been the same. He chose to remove my slavery, and then bind me with this death curse. It was his original plan to sneak me into the castle as a servant. Then you came along and he changed the plan. Suddenly, I’m no longer useful to him.”

I let out a cry, moving over to her and holding her shoulders as tears started to well in her eyes. “No, that’s not what I wanted! You’re still very amazing. He’s not going to just throw you away!”

Jenai looked up at me, her eyes lost and hopeless. “You don’t know Denova like I do. He’s very nice to you right now, but it’s only because he needs you. As soon as he decides you’re no longer important, he’ll throw you away too. He’s smart. Smarter than both us. Even today was part of his plans.”

I frowned, not quite understanding what she meant under her drunken slurs, “Wh-what do you mean?”

“Obviously, he can’t put the death curse on you. It’s too noticeable and he needs you to pretend to be the princess.”

“Ye-yeah… but once I’m declared the princess, then I’d be in hot water too once I confessed.”

Jenai nodded, her face tightening. “Do you think he’d leave things like that? Please… use your deception skill and tell if I’m lying.”

I gave Jenai a clear look, doing as she wished.

“Denova wants me to get close to you, so he can use me as a threat for your obedience (truth). I tried to fight back. I really did. I tried to give you the cold shoulder. However, the more time I spent with you, the more I started to like you… and now, and now… I can’t lose you (truth)!”

Jenai burst into tears, every single hint of concealment gone to pieces. She cried, pressing herself up against my shoulder, which quickly became drenched in tears. Tears were falling down my eyes too, quickly ruining the not water resistance makeup of this world. Denova probably knew. He knew I was using the seduction ability on her. We had both fallen right into his trap. I had made this girl care about me, and for the first time, I was realizing the true consequences of my actions.

I stroked her hair, and the pair of us clung to each other deep into the night until we fell asleep. Denova had returned late in the night. He had seen the alcohol, the both of us holding each other with red, puffed eyes as we slept on his bed. He gave a dark grin before turning and leaving. I swear I heard the haunting laugh as he walked away.

When I woke the next morning, my head only hurt a little bit. Poison resistance increased to Level 2… so I could have been worse. Jenai was already up, and when I found her, her conceal had been reinstated. The scantily clad beauty was back in servant mode, working her butt off for a man who put a death curse on her that was as bad as slavery.

Even though I wasn’t in the mood, I found some privacy and pulled out the dildo. Experience and leveling up were the only ways I knew how to get one over on Denova. Even he doesn’t know how fast I can gain skills. Plus, Jenai had told me last night that if I put magic power into the stone, it’d vibrate, making me once again wish I knew magic. After setting my title to solo player, I did a morning quickie for the experience. Once I came, the Level up screen appeared. I had finally reached level 8!

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“Your dick feels so good in my ass.” I moaned in pleasure.

“No, see, I can still tell. Your inflection changes when you say ass.” Denova sighs, and gives me a hard smack on the ass.

Of course, I had told a lie. I was on my hands and knees, moaning quite enthusiastically, even while Denova was lecturing me. Of course he was thrusting into me quite roughly, and the feeling of each thrust hit me in just the right spot that my brain could barely work. However, he was undoubtedly thrusting into my vagina, not my ass. I had thought the little lie would work.

It had already been a few days now. Since that first night with Denova, we had been going at it like rabbits. Meanwhile, he didn’t waste a second to shove as much information into me as he could while he also shoved as much of his dick into me as I could take. He really was big, and I was happy it wasn’t my ass he was fucking at this particularly time.

The lessons changed periodically based on the mood he was in. Sometimes, he would drone on about politics, the names of people I’m supposed to know and the way the upper class worked. He’d talk about land masses, kingdoms, and such. When I started to drift off, he’d twist my nipples particularly hard, always eliciting a moan and yelp from me. When he wasn’t talking politics, I’d ask him questions about skills, which he’d answer amongst huffs of breath.

Right now, we were practicing my Deception ability. I’d tell lies, truths, and half-truths. If he caught me lying, I’d get punished. The current punishment was a smack on the ass, but that was only after my nipples had become too tender from all of his abuse. It sounded bad, but I wasn’t hating it. My butt was getting a bit sore though, and I was motivated to not get any more smacks, less he comes up with a new form of punishment.

“My name is Aria…” I moaned biting the pillow my face is in as I did.

“Of course, if you’re giving obvious truths, don’t even bother.”

“I went to Gilten University to become a Chemist!” I let out a cry as his dick hit me in exactly the right spot.

“What are Universities…,” He pants, “And what are Chemists?”

“U-universities, oh god, yeah, they’re places of education where you learn how to do your future…mmmm… your future, oh, please there, right there, yes… keep it up!”

“Future what? You need to be able to think even under mental duress!”

I didn’t know if this was exactly the same kind of thing, but I didn’t want my butt to be smacked so I hurried with an answer. “Future jobs… and chemists, we mix things… to…. To make other things!”

I finally got it out before letting out another cry. I could feel my pussy clamping down on his cock, my body convulsing as pleasure shot up and down my body. I came, breathing hard into the pillow, little moans coming out, my knuckles white from squeezing on the edge of the bed.

“Is that like an alchemist?” he asked.

Denova had slowed down his thrusts, leaving his cock inside of me, but only moving in and out at a far more reasonable pace as I recovered. Even with my 5X stamina, I couldn’t compete with Denova. A third tier had unbelievably high stamina. It was almost unfair. Despite that, he still said I could go longer than any girl he’d ever been with. I didn’t know if it was flattery, but he said if he’d treated any other girl like he treated me, they’d be a wreck right now. Was it wrong to feel a little pride with that statement?

“Y-yeah… I guess.” I let out a sigh, my pulsating womanhood finally getting under control.

The tent flap was pushed to the side all of a sudden, and someone walked in. “Jericoi is here to see you for the meeting…”

This was Jenai. As always, I didn’t feel any embarrassment at Jenai seeing me bent over on top of a bed, with Denova balls deep inside me, my face flushed from a recent orgasm. She came in and out of the tent freely, even in the middle of our sexual encounters. She showed no expression of concern, either sympathy or jealousy, over Denova giving me attention. In fact, she basically ignored me unless Denova made a direct order.

I used the seduction power on her three times now. Either Denova didn’t know I was using the power unless it was on him, or he didn’t care. Either way, I still wanted to learn magic from her if I could. Plus, having a friend wasn’t always bad. These last two days, I had basically been confined to Denova’s room. If she hadn’t been regularly bringing us meals, I’d have starved in here.

“Jenai, practice deception with Aria here. Make sure to punish her if she makes a mistake.” After he says that, he gives me one really good slap on the ass, the sound echoing in the small room.

“Ow! What was that for?” I whined.

“You forgot to tell a lie last time!” He shook his head in disappointment, although the edge of his lips were curled upward in enjoyment.

Jenai gave a low bow to him. He moved up to and grabbed her. He aggressively molested her body, squeezing her ass as he thoroughly kiss her, his dick wet with semen and my womanhood rubbing her bare stomach. Even if she didn’t react, I had to admit it made me slightly jealous. Finally, he released her and threw on pants and a shirt before leaving the room. I let out a sigh, rubbing my red behind before sitting up.

“Telling lies, and catching lies, are both parts of the deception skill,” Jenai stated, giving me a nod and sitting next to me. “I will tell you two lies and one truth. You must pick out the right one.”

I nod excitedly, ready to start leveling up my deception with someone a bit less aggressive.

“First off, I lost my virginity when I was only 12. Second, I became a servant of Denova unwillingly. Third, I admire you greatly.”

I thought about the three questions. Even though I had used seduction on her several times, I doubt she admired me. Even when seduction did work, it always came off more like an obsession. I also really doubted she’d become Denova’s servant willingly. She had to be coerced, the same as me. On top of that, losing virginity at 12… it just seemed too cruel, which really fit in this kind of world.

“The truth is your virginity!”

The girl twisted her mouth and raised her hand. I winced, preparing to be struck in the face. When the strike didn’t land, I opened one eye. Jenai was lowering her hand back down.

“Mistakes happen,” she said coldly, “Now you try.”

I was a little shocked that she didn’t strike me in the face. Was seduction really working like that? It occurred to me that if her deception skill was really high, maybe she really was seduced, she just was very good at hiding it.

“Okay! I lost my virginity at 17! I once had sex with a girl! And I stole your dildo!”

Jenai frowned. “Those are all true.”

I grinned, “Does that mean I pass? One of them was a lie, I passed!”

[Deception has increased to LVL 3.]


Jenai shook her head for a second. “That was good. I almost believed it. All three were the truth though. Saying one was a lie was in fact the lie. What is a dildo?”

I froze. I’m not sure why I told the truth there. Mentioning it like that seemed to be a way to get it off my conscious. Even with Denova riding me hard, I still tried to equip solo player and use the dildo once a day for the experience.

After a moment, I decided to fess up and describe the item, even taking it out where I hid it in a drawer in Denova’s room.

Jenai shrugged. “I did not know that this thing was this sex toy, dildo, you speak of. That item Is Denova’s. He likes to violate women he takes with it. I do not think it was designed for that purpose, but it is interesting that you use it in the same way he did. He has not noticed it is gone. Do not worry, I will not tell him.”

I let out a breath of air. I wasn’t embarrassed, never embarrassed, but other feelings of shock, concern and fear gave me an almost embarrassed feeling to the situation. In order to get passed it, I decided to concentrate once again, putting all my effort into deception.

Jenai started talking again. “Now listen carefully and focus your deception ability, two lies, one truth (lie). First, my father beat me when I was very young (truth). Second, I’m jealous of the attention Denova gives you (false), and third, I like buttplay (truth).

“You’re really not jealous?” I said in surprise.

Jenai also seemed to be taken aback at my sudden statement. However, it seemed to suddenly kick in and work. If I focused on the deception ability, as soon as the words were said I got kind of a strong flash on whether it’s a truth or a lie. This must have been a result of the increase in Deception ability.

“Um… you lied two. Two of those were true and only one was the lie.” I finished.

Jenai nodded cautiously, “That was good. I will start having to be more careful with the lies I give you.

We continued to go back and forth like this. My Deception, unfortunately, didn’t level again that night, but I was able to get away with a lie about half the time now, and with lvl 3 I could catch every lie she told as long as I was focusing. When I was wrong, Jenai never attempted to strike me. While her demeanor was still pretty icy, I started to get a better sense of her personality. The kindness she showed wasn’t in her attitude, but in her choices.

After I started catching the lies, she started being more careful about what personal information she let out. I found that she did lose her virginity at 14. She was a slave, whose slave caravan had been raided by the thieves. Denova had taken a liking to her and put her under his wing. He got her status turned to servant, and she’s been loyal ever since.

By the time Denova returned, I was quite proud of my progress. I could catch any lie as long as I concentrated. However, I realized that concentration was the last thing on my mind while he was pumping away. As soon as his dick was inside me, my mind turned to mush.

He was quite aggressive that night. It turned out the talk he had really wound him up. After a while, he pushed me away and lied down on the bed, an annoyed look in his eyes. His rock hard chest was only a little sweaty after already thirty minutes of thrusting into me. I had cum twice, but he hadn’t done anything.

I didn’t know him personally very well, and I really didn’t know what to say to him. He was a bandit king that certainly fell out of my range of knowledge. I feared anything he was upset about might lead to more uncomfortable talks about skinning people and the like. I tried to ignore all the bad stuff and just focus on the luxuries. It dawned on me that this might be the kind of behavior for a mobster boss’ wife or something.

I shrugged moving up close to him cautiously. Like a bomb that might suddenly explode, I very cautiously touched his body. My hand touched his smooth chest and ran down his pects and chest, while I leaned over and lightly kissed the side of his neck, taking in the earthy scent his body gave off. He didn’t resist, glancing off as if in a daze, so my hand continued to lower down his body, eventually settling with a grip around his dick. He wasn’t completely hard, but he was already half there.

It only took a few movements of my hand before he was ready to go again. His dick was still a little wet with my own juices from the pile driving he had given me before, so I used it to help stroke up and down on his cock, while my tongue continued to play against his neck. Eventually, I licked my palm and brought it back down, adding a little more lube to the motions. When I got it right, I had a fist around his cock. I say fist, but with his girth, my fingers couldn’t touch all the way around, no matter how tight I squeezed.

As one hand worked its way up and down his shaft, the other calmly stroked his hard chest. The movements weren’t hard enough to be called a massage, but they were firm enough that they pressed against his skin and made their presence known. After a minute or so of this, he finally let out a satisfied moan, closing his eyes.

[Hand job has increased to LVL 2.]


As I moved my hand, I put my head down on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat with one ear and the sound of his ragged breathing with the other. Meanwhile, my hand worked up and down his shaft, moving faster and faster. The increased level seemed to refine my movements. It was hard to describe, but my fingers seemed to work in a way that both tired my wrist less, and improved the act itself, leading to a greater effect on him. I kept listening as his breathing quickened. Just as his breath started to turn rough, and I was certain I was going to bring him to orgasm, I was pushed to the side.

A moment later, the bandit king was on top of me. His hard body was pushed up against mine. He pushed his large dick up against my womanhood, and I spread my legs open to welcome him. My hands grabbed onto the sides of his abs, only just a little slick with sweat from the day. His scent was intoxicating, an aroma of smoke and earth. He grabbed the bottom of my chin, and slowly brought my lips against his, my nose becoming filled with his rich scent.

Just as his lips pressed against mine, he thrust into me, and his enormous member slid into my body, filling me up to the brim. His dick size probably sat at the limit of what I could take comfortably. It made me a little regretful that I hadn’t picked up that skill that would have let me adjust my size.

The pair of us continued to wrestle with our tongues. Meanwhile, he thrust in and out of me. Unlike my experiences with Ricardo, I wasn’t attempting to power struggle with him. In fact, I let Denova have my body entirely. I was lost in the rhythm and orgasmic pleasure that racked through my body. He took every ounce of my body, touching, teasing, kissing, sucking, and fucking, and I gave it all to him.

His dick thrust into me over and over again, and even after I came, he kept going, showing no signs of slowing as my juices squirted out and ran down my buttcrack. We occasionally broke from kissing. He’d suck my neck, giving me hickeys. I’d kiss his neck, digging my nails into his back as I came another time. Still, he never slowed down.

That night, I didn’t give up though. I used every ability I had to pleasure him. My body was his thing, and I did everything I could to bring him the pleasure he wanted. In the end, the pair of us exploded together. I erupted in a mindblowing orgasm, my pussy clamping tight just as his cock began to throb in climax, hot seed entering deep inside of me. He seemed to cum for minutes, and he was still shooting his load deep inside me as some of it fell out and streaked down my thighs and butt. I had already came four or five times, and I was sure the bed under us was drenched in my lust.

[Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 4.]


When his cock finally shot its last bit, his hard muscles finally relaxed a bit. He let out a sigh and collapsed on top of me. I pressed up my naked body against his hard, warm muscles, and fell asleep with his dick still deep inside of me. For that moment, I was glad I had ended up with Denova. If things could stay like that, I could live happily. Of course, I was a fool. What did I expect when I followed after a man known for his ability to lie?

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Ascii of the Day:

                          i@  .Br:                ..  rBi iB1                    
                          U@.LL@BkuUuvL2F0XX122r       @B MF                     
                         ;@M7.      :rO@@JGG@B@B@@GPNX5M@B7                      
                      .P@G              B.  0J           i2@7                    
                    iO@L                 B5B                MB:                  
                   @@i                    BU                 ,@B                 
                 u@Y                      1Y                   L@                
                S@E                       GY                    r@               
                @L                       F@B                     L@              
               @i                        G.P.                     i@             
              @Z                         v@L                       Y@            
              B                          FB,                        B.           
              @                        B:   ui                      Y@           
              @                      1B@5Zk:u@                      .@           
              @:                    iB@BL..G0@B                     .@           
              :@                    B@i      0Bi                    M5           
               B@                  .@8        @@                    @.           
                1B.        B:                   iB      
                 iB                 .@.        @7                   Bi            
                 @:                @Br        B@B                 BY             
                 P@7             k@iOJ        @rr@v             :@@:             
               ;BS MBU         vBq  G8        ML :B@7          ::, 8BU            
               Bi    v.iJi..i5@B:   kB        OM    LB8i:,..rM@v     u@E         
             rB:       :JXSjuL.@@   .@         @;    :BBN0q0Ji         @B        
Ur,  .      u@.                OG   7B:         @O:    7L               Z@.      
25FP8BB@B@B@B@JF2Sur,.    jr::.@M  Y@.           iUMB@, v@BqJirvvLvL7u2jv@BOZOEZOM


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It was alright. I could fix this. It was a simple matter of telling a convincing lie while getting him to like me enough that I was no longer in danger. This was admittedly a little easier said than done with a knife to my throat. I started by activating the seduction ability one more time. His eyes flashed angrily and his knife increase in pressure. I felt liquid running down my throat, and I knew he was drawing blood.

“Your little charms don’t work on me. I have a high-level charm resistance item! So why don’t you start talking!”

Items could bestow resistance? Charm was a form of resistance too?  Wait, he said resistance, does that mean others knew similar fantasy game terms? All of those questions popped into my head at the same time, tumbling all over each other like a giant mess.

[Fear Resistance has increased to LVL 2.]


That wasn’t helping! However, I needed to come up with a story, and he wasn’t giving me the time. That meant stalling…

“How did you know?” I asked, my mind trying to come up with a believable story.

He let out a harsh laugh. “Your deception skill is probably, what, level 1, level 2 at max? You’re hardly skilled enough to fool someone like me. However, even if your deception was level 5, I could see your charm attempts failing. What is the skill called, Seduction? I suppose that’s a special skill? Does that make your class a spy? Clearly a low-level one. Not sent from the royal family. Probably one of the small local lords. Which one sent you?”

“No one!” I protested.

My mind was reeling from the onslaught of new information. He was talking about levels, skills, and classes. He even knew about my special skills. It felt like all of my secrets had suddenly been exposed. I no longer felt as special as I had previously. I had gotten used to the thought that maybe I was the only one aware of things like levels and skills. To find out they were commonly used terms was a little disheartening. The only thing Darius ever talked about was adventuring, raids, and questing.

The man frowned, “One of my special skills is I can detect liars. It’s one of the only ways I can make it as a king of bandits and thieves, I always know when they lie… but I didn’t detect a lie there. If you weren’t sent here by anyone, then why did you come here?”

“It wasn’t by choice. I stumbled into your little raid on the caravan, or noble transport, or whatever, and the other guy just grabbed me!”

Denova’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “You really have nothing to do with this? You’re just some random commoner?”

“Yes!” I nodded as enthusiastically as I could with a knife to my neck.

Denova refocused, and the smile on his face turned back to a frown. “Alright, last question, and you better not lie! Why were you trying to charm me!”

My eyes looked away, not quite able to meet his own. Was he really going to make me say it? Isn’t it natural for someone to want to protect themselves? Of course, in reality, that wasn’t the true reason I used it on him so aggressively, but it was close enough to the truth.

“Speak! If you don’t I’ll throw you outside and let every man, one after another, have their way with you until your body is wrecked and useless!”

I couldn’t stop my eyes from flashing from excitement.

Yes! That option! Thank you, bandit king, you’ve given me a way out.

Before I could come up with a suitable lie to get me punished, his flashed in confusion. For the first time, he looked generally flustered and he lost his grip on his knife just a bit.

“You… you…” He shook his head in disbelief. “You’re either a genius at deception and I haven’t realized it yet, or I am seriously missing something… I just got the sense that you became happy at that suggestion…”

When he looked at me with those eyes that seemed to contain a bit of pity, suddenly I felt really bad. I’m not a complete pervert! It’s for the experience, the experience! Please don’t judge me! I abandoned the thought of lying and decided to give him the truth. I wasn’t really ashamed to say it, my Mental Fortitude made that impossible. However, old habits die hard.

“I…thought if I seduced you’d I’d be safe. Plus, you’re handsome and it’s been a while for me so I figured we could have some fun.”

Denova put the knife down, backing up a step before looking me up and down. I stood, unashamedly, only hoping my beautification made me pleasurable to his eye. I never considered myself bad looking from the get go, but I had no clue how universally well the beautification ability worked. In a mirror, I looked exactly like I always had, so that was no indicator. After what seemed like minutes, Denova finally spoke.

“I sent you to take a bath because afterward, I was planning on aggressively having my way with you,” As he looked at me, he grimaced. “You need to do something about those perverted eyes, they tell me that you graciously took that bath expecting the same. However, I also planned on cutting your throat after, so you can stop being excited now.”

He had taken a step away from me and I now wiped the blood away from the nick on my neck, taking another gulp. If he’s telling me what he planned to do, I held on to the hope that he no longer had that plan.

“Do you have an adventurer plate?”

I shook my head. “I come from… very far away, and well, I don’t get a lot of things here.”

I said that to cover my butt in case I say more suspicious things. I’d rather he assume that I was stupid rather than assume I was trying to deceive him. He walked away, heading to a drawer next to his bed. He pulled a small silver plate out and walked up to me, handing me the plate.

“Don’t get excited. It’s fake. However, I want you to use it.”

I used examine on the card, and a moment later it popped out.

[Adventurer’s Plate (Forgery), Silver Rank, Unattached]

I didn’t really know what he wanted me to do with it, so I closed my eyes and tried to put… something into it. Didn’t you need to use magic or something?

After a moment, Denova lets out an annoyed sound and reached out, grabbing my hand. He pulls the dagger and pokes my finger. I let out a little shout, but of all the things I’ve been poked with since I’ve been here, this wasn’t all that bad. A drop of blood formed on my finger, and he let it drop onto the card.

“You really don’t know anything, do you…”

The card shimmered and a moment later, information started to appear. Before I could read more than my name, Denova snatched the card from me and looked at it. He stared at the plate for a solid minute, a frown forming on his lips.

“What is a Seductress?” He shook his head.

“Eh? I was hoping you knew!”

Denova scratched his chin, and then he started talking. “There are said to be as many classes as there are people. New classes are discovered all the time, but those are usually 2nd or 3rd tier classes. For 1st tier, there are only about 10 classes. Those that don’t take on a class are automatically given Villager, Noble, or Royal based on their birthright. These are considered the classless jobs. To gain a class, it involves two things… knowledge, and determination. Most people gain their first class around their teens. If you fight beasts, you might become a warrior or adventurer. If you practice magic, a magician. If you practice crafts, you become a craftsman. That kind of thing. I’ve never heard of anyone becoming a seductress. To obtain that, I assume you’d need to be knowledgeable about sex at a very young age, and then commit… well…”

Suddenly Denova started looking sheepish. Meanwhile, I was trying to keep up. I had reasoned out some of this already. The class system sounded like a catch-22. You became the class that you practiced skills in, but you got the capacity to practice skills by becoming a class. Most people in this world started out as babies protected by their parents, gradually growing into whatever field they wanted to do. While teenagers may think about sex, few of them would be incredibly knowledgeable about sex, while also wanting to use sex as a means of survival.

I chose sex, not as a way to make money, but as a means of survival. If I had attempted to stab the goblins with the sword, I’d have probably become a warrior or something like that. This meant that I was in completely unknown territory here. No guide books, no skilled mentors to show me the ropes. I spoke up before Denova could continue.

“Goblins. When I got here. They took me. For an entire month…”

For the first time, Denova looked genuinely sympathetic, and I found myself thinking he wasn’t all that bad of a guy. “Still, I don’t understand what half of these abilities you have are. However, seeing this, I’m even more certain…”

He handed the card back to me before nodding to himself and going on. “How should I put this? I need someone with your particular talents. It’s been something I’d considered for a while now, and the timing is basically perfect. Had I known a class title existed that literally represented everything I needed, I would have searched for that. In fact, I’ve been slowly training Jenai for this purpose, but it’ll be years before she’s ready.”

“I don’t understand,” I asked suspiciously. “What is it exactly you want?”

The Bandit King gave a dark smile. “Well, you know that you got grabbed today in place of another. The other would be Princess Batrum. She was a beautiful princess, currently unwed. Her father is a small and insignificant King of a small kingdom to the west. However, thirty years ago, during the war of succession, he had saved the King Hyburn’s life. The two agreed to marry their children, and thus, Princess Batrum was on her way to Hyburn castle to meet her future prince.”

I nodded. “But you ended up with me instead…”

Denova shook his head. “Not exactly. You see, there were two carriages. I sent a party to both. Dox’s party came back with you. The other party returned three hours ago.”

“You managed to catch the princess?” I asked in surprise.

I had never seen a princess before, maybe this would be my chance. Admittedly, these were poor circumstances, but I had to take what I could get, considering. However, as soon as the question left my lips, he was already shaking his head, a look that resembled rage flashed across his face.

“I overestimated my own men. Maybe Dox is one of the better ones. Maybe your poor deception skill made the men nervous. I don’t know… You made it back here. She didn’t. Some of my men, they got excited by the thoughts of a princess. Had their way with her, and an accident happened. Her neck was broken, so I’ve been told.”

I gasped audibly, putting my hand over my mouth and giving a silent prayer for the woman I’d never meet. In a lot of ways, that could have been me a hundred times now. I had to remember how dangerous this world was.

“The men are dead.” He threw this out as an afterthought. “Or at least they should be. I had them skinned alive.”

He said it so unpassionately that I involuntarily let out another gulp.

“So-so… what is it you want from me.”

He let out a smile. “Well, you’re about her height, her weight. Your hairs a little darker, but that can be fixed. The Hyburn family hasn’t seen the princess since she was a baby. “

“Oh…” I took a step back, already realizing where this was going.

“The Hyburn castle has one of the largest treasury rooms on the continent! You’re going to help me steal it all!”

My body felt numb after hearing that statement. It sounded exciting, but also sounded very dangerous. I would have preferred another cave full of goblins. Plus, weren’t nobles in these fantasy settings always corrupt and evil? In that way, this man, Denova, I could imagine he is a bit like Robin Hood. However, I was no thief!

“Yo-you said so yourself, my deception skill is limited!”

Denova waved his hand. “Oh, I’m not saying we won’t have to get you up a few levels. I’ll personally train you in the skills you’ll need to succeed as a princess. We can work out a surefire plan of success!”

“I-I don’t have a choice, do I?”

Denova laughed at that. “Of course not. And the best part? If you even told any of them, they’d kill you for impersonating a princess! So I know you won’t betray me.”

After a moment, I finally let out a sigh, my shoulders relaxing. I was going on in this world so far completely carefree, and now I was wrapped up in a conspiracy against a kingdom. It was a bit much for the simple girl like me to take. After collecting my thoughts for a bit, I looked up at him. Denova was extremely knowledgeable about this world.  If he was going to teach me, then I could learn a lot about how things worked here. If I got nothing else out of this, at least I’d get a lot of information.

“So, what’s the next step?” I tried to put vigor into my eyes.

Denova chuckled while he moved over and flopped back into the bed. He tossed the loincloth that was covering him aside, and a second later his very large manhood sprung to attention, causing my eyes to glue to it with desire.

“The next step is to get you out of those sexy clothes I put you in, and start teaching you how to be a real woman.”

Now that was something a girl like me understood very well.

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Ascii of the Day:

        B        Bv              B                        BMBBBBBBBMBBBB     
        Mr       iM              ZB                     JBBBMBMBMBBBBBBBBE     
        BJ         BB             vMu                 rBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBrBPL    
        Mv          MB              BM                BBBBBBBBBBBBBBi    qi    
        Bi           vBN             JBBr            iBBBBBBBMBBBBv  ii   ki   
        Bi             BMX             iNBB          YBBBBBBBBJBi    tt   Z    
        BX               qBBL             JBi        BBBBBBBB  i         BB    
        BBB                iqBBF           iBj       BBBBBBBBii        iikB    
        BiiB                   oBMqvi        BZ     PBBBBBBBBv           ii    
        Bi OB                     vBBBF       BZ   NBBBBBBBBj      iVGEGEN     
        Bi  Bv                        BB       MBMBBBBBBBPi              iZr   
       iB   iB        iLqNZBNMqi       B         iGBBBY                    Bi  
       OB    Bo iPBBBBMkviiiiivUBBBBBBBBL    iY    iBN                      B  
       Br    iBBBIi            vBN      JBM  vB      iBi                    Bi 
    i  B     BG           kF  BX          B  rBNBBi   VB                    Bu 
    BLGB   iMS          vBMr BU          iBr ZN  iBB   B                    vS 
    uBNEBBBMu          iBvBBOB            iBvMM    vB  GM              r    iN 
     B    iNBEvi       Sv Nio               Yj      BJ jB            uOi    iE 
     Bi      iNMBBBBBMMGNBBB                        rB  B           BN      iP 
     BM                    rB                        BP Bv        iFB        V 
     iB                     B                         BYBM       iB ii       u 
      M                    BB                          irBZ      BB  i       k 
      B     vPBBBBBMBGBOMEBM                              BM     Bv  r       Ni
      Bi  LBBvi     MBi iBMB                               BO    B   V       Vi
      BMiBB          Mr  vBi                                B   uB   B       Jr
      SBXi            M   B  Bi                             ZB vBv   B       qO
      iB              rBi    kB                              MBBi    Nr      BZ
       Bv              iBB    kB                              MJr     q      rB
       FB                YBBMZEBBv                            LBi     Bi      Bi
        Bi                 BN   iBO                            B      iB       B
        OB                 iB     Bi                           NBI      L      N