Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Now, it came to my attention that, yes, if I really wanted it badly, I could have used pheromones. This would have driven at least a couple of the men to come at me. Likely, a fight would have broken out. Some would have died, and the ‘winner’ would have rewarded himself with me. However, so far, my pheromones only really worked on stupid goblins and people who have already had the seduction spell on them a few times. I really didn’t know if it’d work on everyone, or if some would resist me like Dox did earlier.

Plus, if I did things that way, I wouldn’t be getting very much experience. I needed to prey on every guy, not just one. For that, I was already forming a plan. The plan depended on them taking me back to their hideout, so I went along with them without any struggle. I also saved my stamina for when I needed to use seduction.

As we walked along, I used the examine skill on each of the men. Their ages seemed to range from 20 to 50. Their levels also ranged from 10-30. Fifteen of them were classified as thieves. The lowest level was a level, 10 bandit. Dox was the highest level bandit at 22. Based on who deferred to who, I reasoned out that bandit is likely a second-tier job, whereas thief was first-tier. That meant that level 10 bandit was a level 40 in reality. Even after examining 20 thieves and bandits, my skill still didn’t level. I wish I had examined the merchants before they dragged me away.

They dragged me for at least two hours before we entered the camp. It looked like I was being dragged through a thick brush. That awarded me a few cuts and scrapes. As soon as the brush gave way, there was a small wooden fort with two towers. I say fort, but it looked like logs that were piled up to resemble a wall. The towers were built into trees, a small wood platform tied at the top of each tree, allowing a man to stand on each one.

These thieves had enough sense to have a lookout. Surprisingly, they didn’t have enough sense to blindfold me. Did they think that I didn’t have any sense of direction? What if I was a princess and they did ransom me back. I could just lead an army to their doorstep. A single torch could burn the place to the ground.

We entered between the two trees into a small clearing that was lined with tents. This was hardly a small group of thieves. There were at least 200-300 people living here. It also wasn’t all smelly men. There were a few women and even a baby. As I passed a tent, I heard a slapping sound and the combined voices of a man and a woman moaning.

Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Dox, the guy whose been leading me jerked the rope. I had been veering off towards that tent inadvertently. I got back in line but also gave an unsatisfied frown. The other men around me didn’t notice. They had heard the noises and were making lewd jokes. A few let out a jeer or two aimed to embarrass the people in there. They didn’t stop, so that left me guessing these guys didn’t mind public displays of affection too much.

At the end of the camp, a very large tent sat. I called it a tent because that was what it technically was, but by the size, it looked like a mansion. It covered the size of about ten or twenty tents, with several tents placed on the side and connected with other hallway-like tents. The front flap was high enough to walk through without bending over, and Dox dragged me right through into the tent.

The tent was built up like a miniaturized throne room. A seat was sitting at the end and there was a man on it. He reminded me a bit of Ricardo, with thick arms and a strong build. He was considerably more attractive though, with a strong stubbled chin, and long curly brown hair that fell down his back. He was wearing a fur cloak, even though it wasn’t that cold, and he had a full leather plate mail with interlocking metal in it. He had a commanding air about him that immediately made me wet.

I struck with the seduction ability. I only intended to use it once. After that, I’d try seducing him the old fashioned way. The effects of seduction were still scary. I wanted him to like me enough that he wouldn’t kill me, not like me enough to keep me locked in a cellar and punish me whenever I looked at another man.

“Boss,” Dox fell to one knee briefly before standing back up, “I brought you the princess, as promised.”

The man he called Boss looked at me with doubt in his eyes. I began to panic a bit. Maybe he recognized what the princess looked like. Thus, I decided to use the power of reverse psychology.

“I keep telling him, I’m not this princess you speak of. Unhand me!” Despite saying that, I used the haughtiest tone I could muster.

The boss seemed to grin at that, the caution in his eyes turning into surprise.

“Who is this “princess” you speak of, anyway?” I asked.

It was pushing it. I was pretending to be a princess pretending to not be the princess in order to gain information about the princess. As he leered at me with upraised eyes that made me want to tear off his clothing and ride him right there, I took the time to use examine.

[Examine has increased to LVL 3.]


[Name: Denova, Sex: Male, Total Level: 72, Class: Bandit King, Class Level: 12, Sexual Partners: 23]


Yes! I finally leveled it up! So I was right, there was a total level and then a class level! That made things easier to understand. However, if he’s level 72 that means he’s a third tier? Gulp! He could rip me apart. It looks like I’m starting to observe sexual information too. Given my tendencies, I expected this. It’s just another theory of mine, but I’m betting what skills do affect the kind of person you are. Someone who was a fighter using examine might gravitate towards weaknesses, strengths, weapons… since I’m a seductress, my examine focuses on the information I need.

I gave Dox a quick once over with examine as well, just for clarification.

[Name: Dox, Sex: Male, Total Level: 52, Class: Bandit, Class Level: 22, Sexual Partners: 1]


Just one? Oh, poor Dox. We’ll need to spend some time doubling that real soon.

“What have you done, Dox?” Denova barked.

I was giving him a lewd look out of the corner of my eye just as Denova said this, so Dox jerked to attention, quite flustered.

“I didn’t touch her! It must have been from a fall during the initial attack. I checked and she has no wounds. I think the blood is from one of her guards!”

At the going rate, this guy was going to execute Dox too. That would be really unfortunate, especially before I raised his partners up to two.

“He didn’t touch me! I-I thought I could pretend to be dead by covering myself like this and destroying my clothing, but he caught me before I could!” I threw out the lie.

I hit him with the seduction skill a second time as well. If he was into me enough, he’d start to believe me, I hoped. So far, the expression in his eyes wasn’t changing. If the ability was working, he was very good at hiding his feelings. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, his face broke into a relaxed grin.

“Is that so? Well, I can’t have a princess looking like this! They’ll think I’ve been abusing her, and that means less money!”

His voice was very jovial. There was a sharpness in his eyes though. Talking to him was a lot different than all the previous men I had talked to in this world. He seemed very aware of himself. It was a keenness that made me feel uneasy. In fact, the entire situation kind of felt odd, like his eyes didn’t quite match the expressions on his face. Dox seemed to catch on to the unusual atmosphere as well.

“So… then… we’re good?” Dox asked cautiously.

“Of course!” The bandit king laughed. “You’ve done your part marvelously. Jenai, come!”

With the bark of a command, a curtain was pushed aside and a woman emerged. She was a few years older than me, very pretty, and wearing an outfit that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. She had dark olive skin, to match her dark eyes and dark black hair. She exuded exoticness, her short stature and small body felt completely displaced by large breasts that seemed almost impossible on a girl that small.  She had a strange choker around her neck, and despite wearing a string bikini that only just covered the bulk of her breasts and a stringy thong that would have shown pelvic hair if she had had any to speak of, the outfit still managed to look gaudy, adorned with gold and jewels.

“Yes, my master?” she went down, prostrating herself in front of him until she was practically lying down face first.

There was a twinkle in his eyes as he gazed down at her. It was surprisingly devoid of any kind of lust. Even Dox’s eyes wondered from her breasts to her thighs and back, but this bandit king treated her like she was nothing special. I fought the urge to use the seduction skill one more time. Was it even working? Well, he hadn’t killed me so far, so it had to be doing something. Maybe he was gay…

“Rise.” He ordered, and she lifted herself up.

Immediately, he grabbed her and pulled her against his body. She offered no resistance as he kissed her roughly, his tongue exploring her mouth, his hands groping her basically naked body, fingers casually moving under the strips of cloth that would have kept her privates private. So much for gay. It was clearly a statement. He owned her. Her body was completely his. There was nothing she had that wasn’t his. It was kind of hot. It only reminded me of how long it had been since my last release.

“Orders, master?” She asked once again, her face not reacting as his hands groped her openly in front of Dox and myself.

After a moment, he sighed and dropped his hands. “Get this one cleaned up. Make sure she is fit enough for a princess. I plan to take care of her very well.”

Denova went back to the throne, dismissing the group with a wave of his hand. As Dox turned to leave, breathing a sigh of relief that he wasn’t in some kind of trouble. The girl, Jenai, approached me, putting out her hand. Before I took it, I used examine, clearly curious about the kind of woman this Jenai was.

[Name: Jenai, Sex: Female, Total Level: 12, Class: Servant, Class Level: 12, Sexual Partners: 3]


I couldn’t wait until my Examine went up and I could get more juicy information. It seemed like Jenai was treated very well. I imagined servants like her might get passed around throughout the bandit camp. I expected her sexual partners to be in the hundreds. Since she wasn’t, it meant this Denova treated women well. That gave me a better impression on him, although my darker inner personality was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be given the rounds. A hundred unique cocks, imagine the amount of experience. That could be 2, maybe even 3 levels.

She led me to a large basin that was empty. She muttered some words and water began to flow from her hand into the tub. I almost exclaimed in surprise. That was magic. That was legitimately magic! I had suspected magic existed from the moment I had run into a goblin. Really, I knew it existed from my talks with Darius. However, this was my first time actually seeing it.

The stream of water that flowed from her hand seemed to come from nowhere. It fell at about the same speed as a facet, and the tub, large enough that it’d go up to my chest, took about fifteen minutes to fill. I had no clue how spell points worked. She seemed to be able to cast the spell continuously. The thing was she was only level 12 too! I’m only 5 levels away from that. Will I be able to learn magic too? I mean, she’s only a tier 1, right? So if a servant can learn magic, then anyone can, right?

I wanted to ask her a million questions, but in the end, I kept my mouth shut and my chin up. I was pretending to be a princess. She seemed loyal to Denova, and I couldn’t expect her not to tell him anything. I used seduction on her once. I had never used seduction on a woman. Perhaps it would work differently than men. When the time came, perhaps seducing her will get her to help me escape if that was necessary at all.

She glanced at me and gave a warm smile. Her eyes did change a bit. A moment prior, when she looked at me, it was like she was looking at a rock. Now, she actually looked at me and had the decency to smile. That seemed like a pretty big effect. Since I used it twice on Denova, is he really craving me right now? Maybe he wants me to clean up so he can ravage me in bed. The thought sent shivers down my spine, which I tried to not show in front of Jenai.

After she was done filling the tub, she stuck her hand in. It took a while for me to realize what she was doing. It wasn’t until steam started rising from the bath that it clicked home. She was heating the bath! That had to be, what, fire? Or was heating water just another kind of water spell? I wanted to learn magic, I really did! I almost attacked her with more seduction. However, I was still worried that if I used seduction too frequently, people could tell their mind was being tampered with. I should stick to once a day. I already kicked myself for using it twice on Denova. I already felt my stamina was a bit low as a result.

Once the bath was sufficiently steamy, she moved over to me, reaching to pull off my clothing. I flinched at that but immediately stopped resisting. Mental Fortitude meant that it didn’t really bug me. It was really just a habit. A princess would have someone dress them. That should be obvious. I let her put off all my clothing until I stood naked in the room, steadily becoming warm from the steam.

Once finished, she gave me a bow, a much smaller one compared to the prostrating she had done to Denova, and then walked back out. I eagerly worked my way into the tub. It was so hot and comfortable. She had also put some kind of flowery scent in it. There was a soap bar on the side, a rag, and what was that? I hadn’t seen it before, but when I realized what it was, I got even more excited.

Lying down near the soap, knocked on its side, was a small smooth cylinder with rounded edges. It was made of some kind of rock smoothed to the point of being practically glass, and it was undoubtedly shaped like a penis. It was a sex toy! I couldn’t think of any other identity for it. I casually swiped the object, switching my title to solo player.

[Masturbation has increased to LVL 2.]


About five minutes later, Jenai returned, laying out what I thought were a change of clothes and a towel. I was already done, of course. It had been a while, and with a hot steamy tub and a toy to boot, I was satisfied very quickly. After that, I took to trying to clean myself. To my surprise, I didn’t need to shave at all. After last shaving nearly a week ago, my legs remained perfectly smooth. I wondered if this was an effect of my class, and if so, why did it only take effect after shaving for the first time?

I scrubbed thoroughly, not wanting to let Denova down. If my little seduction ability worked, then tonight might be a role-playing event I could only dream of. The poor innocent virgin princess gets violated by the bandit king. After Jenai left, I went a second round with the toy. It was probably her toy to begin with. Sorry Jenai, I’ll be taking it with me! I don’t know how long it’ll take to find something else that would work and the experience bonus is important to me!

After thoroughly washing my body, and smelling better than I had since I’ve been to this world, I got up and dried myself. When I picked up the outfit, I almost grabbed the dildo again for a third round. This outfit was not something a princess would ever wear. It left a bit more to the imagination than Jenai’s outfit, but only a little. It was a top piece that bared my belly button, and a bottom piece that barely went low enough to cover my butt cheeks. It was made out of silk, and could only be described as sexy lingerie.

With him dressing me like this, it was very clear what he wanted to do with me. I hum excitedly as I put myself in the outfit. The only thing that was missing was some makeup and a couple of accessories. After two hits of seduction, it probably wasn’t needed, but a seductress had to bring out her A game, after all.

Jenai came to get me a few minutes later. As for the dildo, you probably imagine my outfit left very few hiding spots for it. I’ll leave it to your imagination on how I was able to sneak it out of the bathroom. I moved across the tent towards another tent-like hallway. At the end of it, Jenai looked through a curtain before turning back and giving me a small bow.

“You may proceed.”

Her face was fairly emotionless. It didn’t offer any concern for the princess whose about to be violated. Perhaps her eyes held a tenseness that they wouldn’t have had before my seduction. I’ll have to use it on her a few more times. I hoped I might be able to turn her into a confident.

I entered the flap, and a moment later my eyes popped at another room the size of the throne room. This one had a full king sized bed sitting in the middle. It was filled with red and gold and was easily as gaudy as the outfit he put Jenai in. The man himself sat in the middle of the bed. His chest was bare and he only wore a small loin cloth which covered all the best parts.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed as I came in and an excited look flashed in his eyes. “Well, hello princess. I must say, you are far more beautiful than the rumors suggest.”

I tried to blush, despite not feeling embarrassed, but I didn’t know if I succeeded. Instead, I decided to continue to play the damsel in distress.

“Oh my! What are you doing? What do you plan to do to me?” I asked excitedly, hoping it came off as distressed.

He smirked, standing up and approaching me with a swagger. “I’m going to interrogate you.”

“Me-my, what questions? I’m just a princess, I don’t think I’d know anything.”

His eyes flashed and at that second, I realized that I had made a mistake. A knife flashed out from behind him and a moment later he had his arms wrapped around me from behind, the knife pressed hard against my throat.

“I know you’re no Princess, so why don’t you start by telling me exactly who you are!” he gave a dark smile, and I let out a little gulp.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                            BBBBPii iiiOMBi                      
                                          JMBMi          BB                      
                                          BBi             qBi                    
                                          Bo         rvi    Bo                   
                                          B             rr  iUSu                 
                                          Mu   ir    iBMN     rXsg                 
                                          iB  rFrSF           iGshj                 
                                           qB  ZOM    ii      rrdhsjj                 
                                            iP  i   ukii      vjjhjhg                 
                                             kL       rYYr    rIgjgjh                 
                                              EZi    iBEF     iBijhggjkiiiiii   
                                                Fi      i      BBjhgj vu     vr  
                                                  ir      vr   iMrjjY        vv 
                                          iBBki   BBB vvjNM     riJqi          iu
                                        uEBBBBBBBBBBB            BU             ir
                                      iLv     i  uEBBj                           i
                                     oi                                    r     
                                    I                                      X     
                                   P                                       B     
                                  iJ                                      vB     
                                  F       F                                 E    
                                 ri      vv                                 rB   
                                 u       Bu                                 iVEu 
                                v       rBF i                               J  BU
                               i        MBr                                MY   Go
                               Y       BB   ZBBB                           Br    G
                              v       BBM   iBBi                   BB      B     
                             v       OM Bi       iJXB        iV    LN     Bi     
                            ii      iB   MBBBMMOMBuv          BBi        rV      
                            v       Bi    Bjrir               LMBBBBBBqBkuv iirivr
                           Yi      FO   uBi            i  iv iiiiiirivii         
                          ir      iZ   BB             iviI  i                     
                          u       v   Bu             Uvii  oi Gr                 L
                         M       i   Bi             iJ UMii ii i       UOONurirv 
                        LF       BBIMo                  rBvv  i  rr iBBBBB       
                      iBi       OBOi                      rBMY iBOi BMF          
                      vM       BB               VB          ivri   BB            
                     iB       PB                rB                iM             
       i             FL       M                                   BB             
rriiiirMjiiiiiiiiii  G       vB                                  FBi             
              iiii iMo      iB                                  SBi              
                   iB       Bi                                 jBB               
                   YB      BB                                  BB                 
                   ML     BM                                  BB                 
                  SB     BO                                 jBB                  
                 iB     BF                           iiii iBBMi                  
                 BM    iB                           rBBBBBMBBv                   
                 Mj    BV       iBB                      iBBBB                   
                 Bi   iB        MBM                         rBMi                 
                MB     B       BBYB                           JBBi               
                Br     B     XMBrrB                             OBBBP            
BBBBBBMYLi     MO      B    IBBiBBv                                iBB           
   iivPGBBBBBBMB       B  iOBBBMMB                                   BB          
             iBi      iBBBBBBBBBBMi                                   PBBi       
             Bk       MBBBBBBBBBMBB                                     IBBi     
            iBi    MO BBBBBF     MBMr                                     uBJ    
            uBi  iBBB OBU          NMBBGU                                  NB    
           F    BBBBB Br             iqBBBBMBi                              XBi  
          ii v vBBMBBiB                    rXBBBu                            BB  
          ri S  BBOiqBL                        jBBBGr                         BO 
           qiiBBi                                 vOBBBu                      uB 
             irB                                      iMBBi                   BM


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I glanced at my status as I made my way back in the direction of the camp. I had to know if Min was alright. At the very least, the pheromones would have worn off. If I’m lucky, Ricardo would be dead right now.

I seemed to have come a long way since I came to this world. It’s a shame almost none of these abilities would help me in the slightest outside of a bedroom. Inside the bedroom, however, I’m a fucking goddess. Maybe I shouldn’t be getting excited by a bunch of level 1 and level 2 skills. Even if the max level was 10, that was still failing miserably.

There was one oddity I was starting to notice, though. I gained only 1 point per level. So why were endurance, charisma, and strength larger? Unlike the other skills, I received no notice for stat increases. I could guess. Perhaps stats increased based on use just like skills. That meant I had been using the hell out of charisma, a little bit in endurance, and strength, and nothing in the other areas. I guess sex was technically a human interaction, and I’ve had a ton of that, so is that why my charisma is so high? What will high charisma get me? I wouldn’t know until I spent more time with other people.

It did not take particularly long to return to the camp. It really wasn’t very far from the spider’s den. To think that we were choosing to rest that close to a monster was a little surprising. How many other monsters did we pass on our way through the woods?

Min was not at the campsite. I also found no trace of Shay or Darius’s body either. Damus, Marvis, and Ricardo were absent as well. However, someone survived. Most the packs were gone. The only one remaining was Darius’s.

He had no additional outfits to wear. There was a canteen that allowed me to drink and wash myself a little. I was still covered in dirt and blood, but at least my face was slightly more smudged now. He had some hard bread, which I also ate graciously. It also contained a belt, scabbard, and a knife, which I tied around me. The few strips of cloth that managed to partially keep my pants up had a little bit more support.

With the exception of a few toiletries, it was otherwise completely empty. I tossed it on my back anyway and continued walking in the direction that I thought we had been moving before. I should be a day or two out of some kind of village. It was close enough that I shouldn’t starve to death before making it. Not that I had any money to use once I got there. Even if I wanted to sell my body, who’d pay in my current condition?

My high mental stats kicked in and I merely gave a sigh before heading off into the woods. After a few minutes of walking, I pulled the dagger out, giving it a look. After staring at it for a minute, information popped up.

[Iron Dagger E-class Condition: Poor]


So my examine skill works on objects too? I stare at a tree for half a minute, frowning when it didn’t work. Then I stared at my backpack. A moment later…

[Ruck sack (Small) Condition: Moderate]


So was it only items that I could examine? Items, monsters, and people? How about animals? Why not the tree? I stare at a tree off in the distance. Still nothing. I was hoping I could examine every tree in the forest and get my examine ability up a few levels. I still took everything off my person and used examine on it. It still wasn’t enough to reach level 3, unfortunately. I considered going back and looking at the dead spider but decided it wasn’t worth the detour.

As I walked and considered things, I swung the dagger a few times. This was a poor dagger. Even I could tell. The edges were not particularly sharp. It also had several dents and cuts. It looked like the side had been hit with a hammer repeatedly. Forget dagger, I don’t even think it’d make a decent enough letter opener.

[Dagger has increased to LVL 1.]


Dagger? I had a dagger skill now? I got really excited. With the dagger skill, that meant I could actually fight back for once. It was the first offensive skill I had unlocked. I continued to spring the dagger around, but after an hour of doing it, my arm was getting tired and I had yet to get dagger level 2.

Maybe there was more to it than that? Most of my skills were stuck around level 2. Only my blowjob skill and my resistances were higher. I wasn’t sure what that meant. All of my time with goblins did not affect my skills, but it did affect my experience. Meanwhile, I had more vaginal sex than anything, yet my blowjob skill reached level 3 as well with less performance. Did my blowjob skill level more quickly because I was good at it? Is there a certain degree of knowledge involved? For example, I know how to perform a blowjob, so my skill increased quickly, yet I don’t know how to use a dagger, so will I need to be taught how to use a dagger before I’ll gain more levels? Will there become a point where I’ll need to be taught how to give blowjobs to increase that skill higher?

I was just guessing here. I never really talked to Darius about the aspects of leveling. Since I saw they had levels, I assumed they were aware of it, but it was possible levels wasn’t even a thing in this world. Maybe I’m the only one who sees things in levels. For everyone else, it’s just normal progression.

My steps quickened. I needed to get to town quickly to answer my questions. A few minutes later, I didn’t hit the town, but I did reach a road. This lead to even more confusion. Which direction should I head? The right direction would take me to town. The wrong direction could mean I end up dying on the side of the road. That didn’t leave a lot of margin for error. Do I go left or right? Which side of the city am I on? Looking at the sun, it’d be north or south.

I chose south. It seemed to me like the more south you went, the better off you’d be. I half expected to unlock some kind of gambler skill, but alas, I didn’t. Then again, even level 1 of a skill required repetition. I pulled out my dagger and swung it a bit. Once again, I received no further leveling. Maybe, I needed to learn from using the dagger. Maybe I needed to use the dagger on something.

I was getting hungry and there were no more rolls. My mental resistance made it so that I probably could kill something for food without feeling too bad about it. Maybe if I stabbed something, I’d make it to level 2.

My eyes wondered to either side, waiting for the opportunity to attack. I apparently would make a very bad hunter. The one time a bunny shot across the path, I barely could fumble my dagger out of its sheath before it was gone from sight. The truth was, even if I did kill it, I know nothing about skinning, let alone making a fire to cook it.

I really wished Min were here. She had cooked some of the meals on the way. Her class was an archer, and she was an elf. That had to mean she was probably very good at living in the woods. Wait, was I being a racist there? Was racism even a thing in this world? Or I guess you’d call it speciest since she isn’t human.

While moving through these thoughts, there was a shout in front of me and I lifted my head. There was a group up in the distance. I had been so focused on irrelevant crap, that I hadn’t even realized I’d approached some others. It was a caravan of sorts. It was a large wagon complete with horses, and there were a bunch of people running about in a frenzy.

I continued on my way, walking closer to the group. As I approached, the voices became clearer and it became apparent that they were in the middle of a life or death struggle. They were trying to hide around the wagon as arrows rained down from both sides of the forest. A few men in front were fighting with swords against another group of men. The defending group was well groomed and well dressed. The offenders wore much more common clothing and had a menacing aura. Were thieves raiding a merchant caravan? That was the image that had the most similarities to this one.

Before my brain could inform me of how dangerous this was, I was already running forward into the thick of it. A man got struck by an arrow and collapsed a few feet in front of me. I kneeled down to his side, immediately trying to cover his wounds. He glared up at me fiercely.

“You missed her. She’s in another carriage, you bastards…”

I blinked, not quite sure why he was glaring at me with hostility. Then I realized that I was holding a dagger, covered in dried blood, and not someone in his caravan. That meant I was a thief to him. No wait, he said this was a carriage, not a caravan. In retrospect, it was pretty fancy looking. They looked more like nobles than merchants.

There was a thudding as footsteps came from the other side of the carriage. A man leaped out from the side, brandishing a sword already died red with blood.

“I’ve found her. We’ve got the princess!” He shouted.

What? A princess? They found a princess? I want to see! The dying man who was glaring at me suddenly popped his eyes open in surprise. A moment later his breath stopped, unable to give any last words. Meanwhile, the thief approached with the sword pointing at me.

“Don’t even try to run, little missy. You’re worth a lot of money to us.”

I stared at him blankly for quite some time before it came crashing home.

Oh, I’m the princess?

“I’m not a princess!” I declared.

Since they wanted to keep the princess alive, that probably wasn’t the smartest thing for me to say, but I was so surprised that I sort of just blurted it out. The man gave a sneer that clearly showed he didn’t believe me. I started weighing my options. If they realized I wasn’t a princess, they’d probably kill me. On the other hand, if I claimed I was a princess, and they found out I lied, they’d definitely kill me. However, until they found out I was a princess, my life was 100% guaranteed.

“Oh, no, what will I ever do!” I tried to add an accent like I thought a princess would make.

The thief grabbed me, knocking the dagger from my hand, and roughly pulling me up. I tried to force myself to cry, however, with my extreme mental resistance, it was surprisingly difficult, even when I thought about bad or upsetting things. I barely managed to squeeze out a single tear.

[Deception has increased to LVL 1.]


The tears began to run a little easier. Thank you deception skill! He shoved me against the side of the carriage. His hot breath was on my neck and his body was pressed against mine. You probably imagine a thief to be filthy and disgusting. However, you have to remember that my only reference to cleanliness was three men who had been traveling for a month without taking a shower and goblins who never cleaned, ever. I was also very filthy myself.

Comparatively, this guy looked like a saint. His hair had actually been combed at some point in the last year, his body smelled of a thick, manly scent that sent shivers across my mind. My last partner had been a spider, and since I’ve been walking I hadn’t done anything, this reminded me that I was pretty damn horny. Plus, from a role-play perspective, a thief kidnapping and having his way with an innocent princess. That’s pretty hot, right?

“Well, look at this pretty thing we have here. I bet you…” his eyes shown malevolently for a moment.

Yes! Perfect! Ravage me! Fuck me! Right Here! Bring your friends! +50% experience bonus, here we come!

He seemed to hesitate a bit, his hand reaching out towards my chest. Then he pulled away.

Eh? What the hell!

A moment later two other thieves came around the carriage. He spun me around, and before I could get excited that he was going to go in from behind, he was wrapping up my arms. Did he see something in my eyes? I really needed to get those checked. I’d have to work on the deception skill, I kept scaring away potential prey. It didn’t occur to me that maybe I should stop seeing them as my prey. As he pulled me out from the side of the carriage, a group of twenty men surrounded us, talking amongst themselves.

“We’ve caught the princess. Boss was right, she was right where he said she was going to be.” The man who tied me up explained.

“She looks pretty messed up, Dox, you haven’t been breaking her in, the boss will be real upset about that.” Another man chuckled.

“Of course not,” the one holding me, Dox, protested, “She’s bosses, of course. Plus she’s worth a lot of money. If they knew we raped her, we could lose some profit. Remember gentlemen, no sex!”

“There’s our Dox, always thinking about the money!” Another man laughed.

This broke the tension in the group as they grabbed me and started dragging me off into the forest. My wrists were tied up in a rope as they dragged me along. Tears started to fall down as I cried harder and harder. I’d like to say I was working the deception ability, however, in reality, I was just really upset.

No sex? We’ll see about that!

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            Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Those words seemed to hang over the group like an ominous cloud. It was true. Since she was wearing Marvis’s clothing, she had been covered up quite well and no one could previously tell. Now, with her belly laid bare, she had an obvious bump. It wouldn’t have been as shocking, except for the fact that when I had washed her only ten days prior, she didn’t have any bump. If it was growing at that speed, it only meant one thing.

“The goblins knocked her up.” Darius frowned.

“No!” Shay gave a cry.

Damus nodded. “What are we going to do?”

Darius shrugged. “What can we do? By the size of it, I’d say she’s got another week. We hand her in, let her be someone else’s problem.”

“You think they’ll be happy if we bring home a whole liter of goblins to their doorstep?”

“Okay, okay… we could wait here. Let her give birth. Kill the little bastards as they pop out, and then we can send her the bill.”

“No! Don’t hurt my babies!” She clutched her stomach.

I wasn’t going to start a pro-life argument right here. She seemed to want to protect the children, although it was almost certain they were goblins. However, I moved over to her anyway, grabbing her hand in support. When she thought I was being abused, she tried to support me, the least I can do is try to support her.

“Can a woman survive having a goblin child?” I ask.

Darius looked back at me. “If she’s a high enough level, maybe with some damage resistance, sure. However, a low-level villager like Shay? Those babies will eat her alive from the inside. Even if she could survive, the medical cost would be extraordinary.”

“How about an abortion?”

“What the hell is an abortion?” Darius frowns.

Before I could explain, one more person walked into the small little clearing. It was Ricardo, and the second he walked in I suddenly got a sinking feeling in my gut. He didn’t do anything to Marvis, did he?

“I came back here to find the mute alone, and now I see you all here.” His eyes turned on the naked Shay, “Spotting for a bit of fun, are we?”

“She’s pregnant,” Darius responded scornfully.

Ricardo’s eyes flashed and narrowed on the protruding stomach. He approached the girl, standing over her. His eyes looked like they held regret. Maybe Ricardo was a sympathetic human being after all.

“That is a shame.” He sighed.

A moment later he plucked off his axe and raised it up. Before anyone could react, he slammed it down. Shay barely let out a sound as her head rolled away. Blood shot from every side, a bunch splattering against my shirt. I was frozen, unable to make a move.

“What the hell, Ricardo, we were discussing it!” Darius only seemed a little upset.

For me, the sight of the headless body in front of me was too much to bare. Her lifeless hand was still gripping my own! I struck Darius with seduction again. Anger was welling up in me, and I wanted to vent. Darius looked over at me, a hint of lust in his eyes that seemed completely out of place in the current atmosphere.

“She was damaged goods, forget her.” Ricardo waved his hand, not seemingly aware of Darius shooting me looks. “Besides, there are more important things right now. We found a cave. It’s close, very close. A pack of fire wolves lived there at some point recently. It seems like they got kicked out by something even better!”

His eyes seemed to shine. Meanwhile, I was spamming the seduction ability. It didn’t work during my cooldown period. I was trying to find out how long that period was. It appeared to be only a minute. I was saving it as a once a day thing, but it could be used much faster than that. There were limitations, though. I had only used three now and was already starting to become very exhausted.

Meanwhile, Darius was watching me with pure desire on his face. I just hoped I had enough for this. I let out the pheromones, and like that, all three sets of eyes were locked on me. I was lying back now, without the energy to even pick up my own head. Ricardo dropped what he was saying and immediately started heading towards me. At the same time, Darius took a step forward too. When he saw Ricardo stepping in front of him his face turned ugly.

Ricardo dropped down to his knees, beginning to pull down my pants.  I didn’t really have the strength to stop him, even if I wanted to stop him. Personally, I just hoped that I gave him genital warts. Moments before sticking it into me, a sword swung down and struck him in the shoulder. It hit the side of the leather shoulder piece, digging into the side of his arm. He let out a roar, Turning and pulling out his axe.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ricardo roared.

“She’s mine!” Darius shouted back, holding his sword.

Damus cowered in the corner, although he stared at me with wanting eyes, he was too scared to make a move. Instead, he was simply rubbing his dick through his pants while panting and staring at me. For me, I couldn’t even move. I couldn’t even lift my head to see how the battle was going.

I heard the sounds of metal clanging against metal. I heard grunts, I heard yells and shouts. It went on for about five minutes. There was a final grunt, followed by a thud. A moment later, a body flopped on top of me. It was Ricardo, and he was covered in blood. He started kissing me, the taste of blood on his lips and the sticky liquid smearing all over my body.

No sooner did he stick it in than did my endurance bonus return. It was enough to snap me from barely awake to completely awake. That didn’t make things better. The hot blood from the man he had just slaughtered was already covering my shirt. He was being very aggressive this time, the lunacy of pheromones overtaking what little brain cells he had. He was having his way with me and for the first time since I had been to this world, I felt like I had lost complete control. He was a bloody, terrifying monster, and he was taking my body.

He had become a feral animal, thrusting into me without care. His hands were tearing at my clothing and skin.  My clothes had already ripped several places, baring my breasts, and it looked like he was a second from ripping the rest right off my body. As he pawed at me, his nails dug into my skin, causing cuts of their own. The thick scent of death overwhelmed any other sense, destroying anything erotic I could take from the scene. I started to give up, to lose hope.

Just as was starting to panic, there was a scream, but it came from neither of us. Damus was screaming, and when I looked to the side, there was a massive red colored wolf. It had a jaw latched onto Damus’s ankle while another one was biting at his neck.

Even Ricardo could overcome lust in this moment. He leaped off of me and picked up his axe as a third wolf leaped at him. He struck it with the axe, and the monster fell down. Another wolf leaped from the woods behind me. Before I could react, he bit into my skin, grabbing on of my ankles. I let out a scream.

“Ricardo, save me!” Damus screamed as they dragged him off into the forest.

Ricardo ignored him, running over to me, who was being dragged in the opposite direction. He swung the axe again, and another wolf fell to his mighty blade. For the first time since I met him, I was actually glad he was such a brute. I struggled to my feet. As three more fire wolves cut Ricardo off, I started to run with a significant limp.

I could hear howls, growling, and grunts from behind, but I ignored it and fled. I didn’t know what happened to Min. It would have been nice if I was a stronger person, strong enough to turn around and find her, but I wasn’t. So as a result, I fled. I ran, limping the entire way, not really caring what direction I was heading, as long as it was away. My body pushed through brush, getting more scratches and turning what remained of my clothing into shreds. I was a tattered mess, my body covered in blood. Most of that blood wasn’t mine.

My hand slapped against a rock. I had found a cave. My mind was foggy with exhaustion. Ricardo had mentioned that the fire wolves had fled from the caves. That meant that the fire wolves weren’t in the cave. I limped forward, and you know what happened next. I found myself stuck to the webbed floor as an eight-legged spider monster crawled over me.

No, no, I won’t give you all the gory details on what it’s like to fuck an eight-legged creature. I will tell you his cock was interesting. It was only a little jagged, with random parts that were soft and hard, almost like shells. It felt like fucking a holey glass dildo filled with jelly if you can imagine.

Yes, he bit my shoulder and I ended up getting poisoned. Eight hairy legs were wrapped around me while I was getting pumped with a hard, jagged, dildo-like phallus. At that point, I was delirious, and I found it difficult to remember the details of the event. When he finally came inside of me, it had a jelly like consistency and it was really sticky. Like sticky enough I had trouble getting the hole back open later on. I hope that spider got genital warts.

[Poison Resistance Increased to LVL 1.]

It was a painful experience too. My pain resistance went up to level 6 by the time we were done. So it was less painful than birth, more painful than fisting. Probably. I lacked the reference for either of those things. I remembered pain with each thrust, and the scratchy feeling of its legs wrapped around my arms.

I also was thankful that I had damage resistance up to level 10 from my gang bang title. If not, the creature would have probably torn me to shreds. My damage resistance still raised up to 3 even with the title, and my mental went up 2 levels as well. There was actually a time there while the poison was setting in and the spider was finishing up where I was convinced I would die.

However, something very lucky occurred just in the nick of time.

[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 7!}

[All stats increase by one.]


[You have one skill point.]


Special Skills Available:


[STD Immunity (Passive): Immune to all sexually transmitted diseases.]


[Sexual Regen (Passive): Health restores during sexual intercourse.]


[Train (Active): Increases sexual obedience.]


That’s right, I leveled! And what’s more? Leveling cures all status effects! That means that I no longer have genital herpes. I know I’m only saying this in retrospect, but I considered spider sex a fair trade for instantly curing an STD. I was also no longer poisoned, which is probably more important between the two, although I was so near death at the time I was infected that it ended up not traumatizing me as much as it should have.

On that note, my infertility remains… which means it must function differently somehow. I wondered if there were high level curses that skipped the leveling fix. It seemed awfully convenient, although I also recognized most people couldn’t level as fast as I did. If a high-level person or someone whose settled down caught an STD, it could be years before their next level.

On that note, there’s a skill that’ll prevent me from ever having to get another STD again. Combined with infertility, it basically makes sex consequence free for me. However, it was tied with two other equally tempting abilities. Thanks to my level up, all the damage the spider did was already cured. With sexual regen, if I was able to cure myself during sex, I wouldn’t have to deal with something so scary again. However, preparing to be raped by more monsters with scary dongs felt wrong to me.

If the Train ability was what I thought it was, then it meant I could take control of the next person I got a lot easier. Just train a guy, and he’ll get on all fours and bark like a dog. I certainly wouldn’t have struggled with Ricardo if I could train him. However, it felt a bit like cheating. I mean, where is the fun in instant submission? Meanwhile, STD immunity is nice, but every time I leveled I could cure anything I caught. Plus, if this is a fantasy world, they usually treat all status misalignments as being the same. I’m sure magic could probably cure anything I caught, right?

I let out a long sigh and finally made my selection. It was STD Immunity. I know, I know, I’m a sucker. I just want to live the worry free life. Temporary condition or not, if I was going to be using sex to get by in the future, I didn’t want to be perpetuating disease, or worrying about my health. In the end, I had to bid sexual obedience goodbye.

What? Oh, you’re still worried about my spider lover coming back for a second round? No, he died. Shortly after injecting me with that obnoxiously sticky seed, he curled up and turned gray. He was now half his original size and curled up with his feet in the air. I guess there are some spiders who only breed once before dying. Sorry spider lover, you wasted your seed on an infertile girl.

It took me almost a day to work my way out of the sticky webbing. I finally walked away from the cave, covered in webs, blood, and the torn remains of an adventurer outfit. I probably looked like I had been through hell. After all, you could probably say that the last month would have been hell on earth for any normal woman.

For me, although the spider was a fairly traumatic event, and I spent nearly a day recovering from that torment, I still found myself in surprisingly high spirits. Mental fortitude prevented me from finding any shame or humiliation, and thus I could only feel the relief I had survived and the spider was dead, plus the renewed vigor of a level up removing all negative status and repairing all minor damage. I was just excited to see what would happen next. Finally, I could start my life in another world! I think it would be safe to say that I was sufficiently broken at this point.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“Rise and Shine! It’s time to give me a little more appreciation.”

I was woken by the pain of someone slapping my ass with all their might. No sooner did I bring my head up then my pants were pulled down. I was lying on my stomach at the moment, and someone was behind me, grabbing at my ass. He grabbed the side of my hips, so I got up on my knees to help him out.

A second later, he was sliding his dick into me. Of course, I was already wet. I was wet every morning these days. After weeks of being woken up like this by my goblin lover, one could consider these actions as downright polite. I was no stranger to doggie style. I knew who it was behind me. Of course, it was Ricardo. And of course, he did this in a pathetic way to establish dominance. It was kind of cute how he thought he could break me. It was like a puppy growling at you. You just wanted to kiss it.

He had barely slammed his cock in three times before I was already working my hips. My body rocked on his cock and I was pushing myself back onto his dick as hard as he was thrusting. At first, it caused him to lose balance. He fell back on his knees, but rather than letting his cock fall out, I back up too. This put us into a brand new position with me on top. However, before I unlocked the position he realized he was losing and slapped my ass again, shoving me back onto my arms.

He began to slap my ass a lot, five, ten times. Each slap resounded through the morning. If the others hadn’t woken already, they were certainly woken now by the resounding noise of my ass being slapped. Each slap was accompanied by a pleasurable squeal from me. There was no doubt in the sound of my voice that I wasn’t loving it. Of course, it hurt. That guy has big arms, and he was slapping it hard. My ass was glowing red, numerous handprints clearly shown.

[Pain Resistance has increased to LVL 3.]


However, the pain was useful too. It kept me focused. It kept me from succumbing to pleasure. It kept me moving my hips and riding his cock just the way I liked. He seemed to realize while he was focusing on hitting me that he was losing control again. He stopped spanking my ass and grabbed my hips, trying to bring things back to how we started.

Before he could manage, I changed my hip motions again. I pushed back hard on his cock, grinding my pussy into him. A moment later he blew his load, a warm feeling bursting inside of me. A flash of irritation showed on my face, I was barely getting started, damn it! But fortunately, he couldn’t see me in this position. That was one of the benefits of doggie.

After he blew his load inside of me, nearly collapsing on top of me in extasy, he made a deep breath, pulled out, tied up his pants, and walked away without saying a single thing. I used one of the blankets to wipe up, then pulled up my pants as well. When I finally stood up, Shay moved over and gave my hand a tight squeeze, sympathy marked on her face. I was just disappointed I didn’t cum. However, the moment was gone and with everyone up now, I couldn’t even quietly finger myself to satisfaction.

We had breakfast. Ricardo was whistling and looking chipper. I kept my face flat and nondescript. Everyone else tried their hardest to avoid looking at us. This kind of mood seemed to fit Ricardo fine, and he happily ate breakfast while ignoring the tense atmosphere.

We started walking again, and we had only gone about an hour when I suddenly got struck from the side. I was shoved down onto the floor. Ricardo ripped my clothing off, and yes, he even tore the pants getting them off.

Only a few seconds of floppy fumbling, and he was inside of me. Of course, those few seconds were more than enough for me to reorientate myself. Everybody was shocked and Marvis protested, but Ricardo gave them dark looks and then continued to thrust away with me under him. He was trying to surprise me. He wanted me overwhelmed. Maybe he wanted me crying and flustered.

He failed. By the end, both of us were moaning, my legs were wrapped around him, and I was sucking his neck. I ended up giving him a hickey. When he exploded inside of me, I started to climax, and thanks to the false start that morning I was so excited that my face broke into an ecstatic smile.

I realized I had messed up at that point. Everyone but Ricardo had seen the look on my face. They had all been trying to look away, but near the end, they couldn’t help but peak. And what they saw was me moaning, a look of pure pleasure on my face, my eyes excited and lusty. Before, they had convinced themselves I was a victim, being pushed down by a monstrous man they couldn’t do anything about. Now, they were no longer so sure.

After that, Ricardo’s three party members stopped complaining. I was saddened to see Shay stopped sympathizing with me either. She had a look on her face that looked like a mixture of amazement and disgust. She couldn’t quite understand what she was looking at, but it repelled her sensibility. The only person who didn’t start treating me differently was Min. Her face remained completely devoid of emotions. She’d stick right next to me except when I was being pushed down. Then she’d merely watch, her face wooden and unchanging.

And I was pushed down a lot. At least five times a day. I seemed to have awakened something in Ricardo because his sexual appetite was growing. It didn’t matter where or with what. He’d suddenly throw me at a tree and take me from behind as I clung to the trunk. That one unlocked a new position.

[Position Unlocked: Ben Dover]


As he thrust his dick into me aggressively, each move making a loud, wet thwacking sound, and I moaned accordingly. My hands were wrapped around the trunk and which each thrust my upper body was pushed against the rough bark. I was earning a few scratches from the experience, but I didn’t really mind as his dick was feeling really good.

It’s not like he ever tried to make the experience enjoyable for me, but at this particular moment, he was hitting the right spot and was making me crazy. I shook my ass as he plowed into me, and even came a second time before he blew his load into me.

However, he usually wasn’t that creative. It was mostly down to doggy or missionary, based on whether he approached from the front or the back. He’d occasionally make me go down on him. No matter how he came, I still ended up cumming too. Well, at least half the time. I had to help with my fingers a few times too. He didn’t exactly last very long. Every encounter took only a few minutes, then I’d wipe off, pull up my pants which we now accumulating a few rips and barely stayed on, and we’d walk on. I didn’t compliment him. There was no dirty talk. It was just random instances of being tossed to the floor and fucked. I couldn’t say I hated it, even if he had a short fuse and continually blew his load early.

[Blow Job has increased to LVL 3.]


[Deep throat has increased to LVL 2.]


[Vaginal Intercourse has increased to LVL 3.]


Of course, my stats kept going up, which only meant I was getting better at it. With the increases in blowjob and deep throat, I could get him off twice as fast. The first time probably took close to five minutes. Now I could do it in two or less.

The one thing I didn’t do was use seduction anymore. The seduction skill scared me. I was afraid to see what he’d do if I increased it anymore. There were two things I could say about my berserker lover. The first was that he never stuck it in my ass. If he had, I’m sure I’d adapt, but for some reason from which I never asked, he left that hole alone. The second was that he never attempted to cause damage. Oh, he’d bite me, or slapped my ass, although I did the same to him, although the difference in our size and levels meant my attempts to slap his ass could barely be felt, but at no point did he ever try to seriously hurt me. He could have slapped me until my ass bled, he could have bit my nipples, or taken a knife. He could have seriously caused harm. Instead, he chose to keep everything in the realm of just rough sex. It made me feel a little bit better about him, but only a little bit.

“Tracks…” he said, leaning over and looking at the ground.

I couldn’t see anything, and today did not appear to be the day that I gained a tracking skill. It was the ninth day of our journey. It had been five days since I had become Ricardo’s lover. We had already done it twice that day, and it was getting about time for a third. I found myself anticipating it. I longed for the moment I’d suddenly be shoved to the dirt ground and plowed.

“Marvis, you and I will go ahead and check to see where they lead. It is fire wolves. If we’re lucky, they might have a lair we can ransack, recover some of our lost income from this trip.” Ricardo nodded to Marvis. “The rest of you, stay here and shut up.”

The two other men nodded and Marvis and Ricardo walked off. That left the three girls under the watch of Davius and Damus. They started setting up a small camp. Shay helped too. After she stopped feeling sorry for my predicament, she started becoming desperate to prove her usefulness to the party of men. The problem was that every action Shay made was being perceived differently by the men. To her, she was desperately helping so that they wouldn’t sell her to slaves. To them, it looked like she was making excuses to be closer to them. I could see the hunger in their eyes, and I feared she’d get into a situation similar to mine. Not that I hate my situation, but I’ve already accepted I’m probably not a gold star example anyone should take after. At least, I hadn’t lost the capacity to empathize.

“You, Aria, go off and get some wood for the fire.”

I blinked in surprise as Davius commanded me. Since Ricardo claimed me, he hadn’t made a single attempt to talk to me. I had seen him watching me and Ricardo very closely during our very public spouts. He also had envious eyes as he watched. Since Ricardo had started treating me like a sex doll, he had kept me close. Therefore, it seemed strange to suddenly let me go out and collect wood alone. I shrugged and moved off.

“Hey!” he shouted before I disappeared into the forest. “You better not run.”

It came off as a threat, which isn’t really the tone you should take with someone you saved, but it didn’t bother me. It had never even occurred to me to run. Admittedly, we were supposed to be only a day or two out from Marxville. I suspected that once we reached the town, there might be some issues. I doubted Ricardo was going to be willing to let me go freely. At least, I’d avoid being sold as a slave, but I knew something was going to happen eventually.

Still, I really only had the vaguest idea of how to get there. I could speak the language, but could I read it? I didn’t have any money, what would I do? No, prostituting is not an option for me. Sorry girls, I do have my standards, and while I’d have sex for experience points, sex for money seems to go outside of them.

As I was contemplating what to do once I reached Marxville, I continued to pick up sticks and logs. It wasn’t long before I had as many as I could carry and started heading back. Before I was halfway back to camp, Davius emerged out of the forest. He looked me up and down nervously.

“Y-you trying to escape?” he demanded.

I looked at him like he was being an idiot. It was clear that I wasn’t. It was also clear he just made an excuse to meet me in the woods. Personally, I had no loyalty to Ricardo, and for a moment the greed of a first-time bonus flashed in my eyes. Given how much Ricardo had used me, I should be leveling soon. That kind of thought flashed through my mind.

I dropped the sticks to the side. “Oh, you want this then?”

I opened the top of my shirt just a bit, jutting out my chest and making it very clear I was referring to my body. Davius lost his composure for a second, gulping before shaking his head in recovery.

“Yo-you’re Ricardo’s,” he said nervously.

I barked a laugh. “I’m not Ricardo’s. He said it himself. I’m just showing my appreciation. I could show you some appreciation too?”

At that moment, I struck him with the seduction skill. I was formulating a plan now. I could get out of this.

I removed my clothing and stood there in the middle of the forest completely naked. Of course, this was barely a drop in the water compared to my time with the goblins or even my time with Ricardo. Davius’s will broke down and he raced over to me, taking me up in his arms. I finally got to run my hands through his hair as we kissed and went to the ground. He stuck his dick inside of me and I was immediately a bit disappointed. He was small. So small! Damus and Ricardo were about even, but he was even an inch smaller than Marvis, who was really a bit below average if I’m being honest, although I admittedly didn’t know what average meant in this world.

He also barely lasted a minute. I barely did anything, just 10-20 humps and he was panting and a moment later he wore a strained, red face. I quickly realized that looks aren’t everything. So far, the best looking guy was the worst lover.

[Disease Resistance has increased to LVL 1.]


[You have acquired Genital Warts.]


What the fuck? I shoved him off of me and he fell to the side. STDs! STDs exist in this world? Not just that, but I just got one! Just like that? And to probably one of the least satisfying fucks yet. I had sex with twenty goblins and I’m fine, and one handsome guy later I have a disease now? Oh, but now I have disease resistance. As if you fucking helped earlier!

All the rough sex I’ve been forced to deal with, and this is the first time I’m actually genuinely pissed. He seemed quite pleased with himself, not even realizing I was staring daggers at him. I was just about to berate him and let him know how pissed I was when there was a scream. The pair of us looked at each other in surprise before tossing on clothing and running off towards the scream. We ended up a little to the right of camp.

We came across Damus, he had his sword out and was pointing it down at Shay. She was on the ground. Her shirt was ripped open and her pants were pulled off. Damus hadn’t tucked his dick back in either, so it painted a very clear picture of what was going on. With Shay in tears and panic in her eyes, I grew even more furious. I already fucked Damus, and now he’s trying to rape another girl? However, before I could berate him, he spoke.

“She’s pregnant!”

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Ascii of the Week:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 9

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I’ve attempted to redo the status menu. It ended up kind of a mess, so hopefully it is right and accurate now. Please note that certain stats are drifting up and the next time she checks her status she’ll be aware of it.


Chapter 9

I was a patient girl, though. Every morning and every night I’d take care of my needs under the blanket, even though I only got experience for one of those two. I also desperately searched for a toy but decided a wooden stick just wouldn’t cut it. Even I had some places I wouldn’t go. I didn’t exactly have anything to polish it with and I wasn’t about to get splinters in my yahoo.

[Conceal skill has increased to LVL 2.]


Unsurprisingly, after our little sexual romp in the spring, Damus was keeping his distance from me. He’d occasionally glance, blush, and look away, however, he never made any attempt to approach me. I suspected he was frightened of Darius. It turned out that they had brought Damus along as a sort of apprentice adventurer as some sort of favor to one of his relatives. He carried all their bags, did the cooking, the cleaning, and the grunt work, and they’d help him level to a second tier job. It was a common thing in this world, apparently.

As it turned out, level 30 is the point in which you changed tiers. An average male adult of about 18 would be between level 20-30 whereas a sheltered villager tended to be about ten levels lower. A skilled worker would gain a tier and spend the rest of their life approaching level 60. The masters of their crafts sat at around level 60. Most higher nobles reached over level 60, but only the best of the best reached a 90. Those in this country that exceeded 90 and reached the 4th tier could be counted on one hand. At over 100, someone would undoubtedly be called a hero of legend and there might be one every century.

The first girl finally woke up after another day of travel as it was nearing evening. Min demanded she be allowed to walk, and Darius held no complaint. She traveled right alongside the rest of us. Now that she was awake and moving, I thought that the escape would put fire back into her. That didn’t seem to be the case. She still wore dead eyes and a face that was extremely expressionless. She didn’t talk, even when the men tried to get her to answer her story.

Ricardo became very cross, almost hitting her in the face. It was Marvis who had prevented this from happening. Marvis, I’m going to give you the ride of your life. Throughout the entire commotion, Min remained impassive. I had grabbed her and pulled her over to my chest. For a moment, her eyes flashed with something indescribable, but she gave no other signs of acknowledgment. After that, Min seemed to stick closely with me, rarely going more than a foot or two from my side. She didn’t say anything, nor did she touch me, but whenever I glanced to my side, she was there. This was unfortunately very frustrating because it meant it was impossible to get Marvis in seclusion. At least her dampening mood also kept Darius from flirting as much. Even he seemed to remember how traumatizing this situation was when he looked at her emotionless face.

The other girl, Shay, woke up shortly after that. She showed a little bit more emotion, but she wore a haunted look in her eyes like she was a second away from collapsing in horror. She tried to hide the look with a smile. She thanked all four men profusely, reminding me that I hadn’t done the same. It didn’t matter; I’d thank them all individually in my own special way. Well, I might just say the words to Ricardo. His behavior was still no better than my first impression.

Shay explained that she was the daughter of a merchant and they were transporting goods out of Marxville. Min was a traveler who had agreed to travel alongside them in exchange for protection. It was just them, her father, and three other male guards. A pack of fifteen goblins overtook them, killed her father and companions, and then took the pair of them.

“Thank you, thank you so much, you saved me. I’ll do anything to repay you!” She said almost pleadingly.

“How big of a merchant was your father?” Ricardo suddenly asked. “Did he have more assets in Marxville? Do you have any other relatives?”

Shay was dumbfounded for a bit but finally regained her composure. “Um… my mom, she passed away when I was little. My dad sunk everything into his merchant caravan. We might be able to recover some of it, I know where we were attacked…”

Ricardo made an annoyed noise through his teeth. “So nothing. And mercs aren’t going to get me shit either. What about you, girl.”

He glared at me next, but there was nothing in this world for me, so I merely shook my head. “No, sorry.”

“Damn it. Three useless twats. Here I thought there might be an award so…”

“Come on, we still might…” Darius tried to speak up but Ricardo slapped his hand.

“I guess we’ll just sell them to the slavers. That’ll make a decent profit.”

“Wait!” that was Damus protesting, “You can’t just…”

Ricardo backhanded Damus with barely a movement, not even bothering to look towards him. “Listen well, boy, I may have agreed to take you along, but you certainly don’t have a say. I don’t do this to be some fucking hero. I do this for the money. Now, here are three useless girls. They’re eating our food, wearing our clothes, using our supplies, and we aren’t getting a single thing back from them. Don’t act like you guys haven’t realized it. At this rate, this expedition will be at a loss. Even if we dumped the girls now and just took care of ourselves, we’ll still have lost money. Everything those damn goblins hoarded was trash. They didn’t bother to take a thing from that merchant caravan other than the girls, so we didn’t earn a damn thing on this raid.”

Damus was holding his face in shock while lying on the ground. Darius and Marvis had lowered their eyes, a guilty expression on their faces.

“We can be useful, we can be useful!” Shay begged tears in her eyes. “Whatever I have to do, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll pay you back, I swear!”

Ricardo eyed her up and down, and then a dark grin popped onto his face. He took two leisurely steps forward, reached around and grabbed her, pulling her towards him. She let out a shriek, struggling to get out of his grip, and it was immediately clear that they both had different ideas on how he ought to be paid back.

“Very well. You can pay me back, but I collect a high interest and you better start now. If you three girls show us enough appreciation, I might be able to waive some of your fees.”

Although Shay was trying to pull away from him, he grabbed onto her head painfully, trying to shove his tongue down her throat. Damus looked away, a look of shame on his face. Darius wasn’t looking either, but Marvis was, his hand clenched with barely controlled anger.

Before he could violate the crying Shay more, I reached forward and grabbed his arm. Holy crap, those things were hard and humongous. The second I made contact with him, I released the Seduction skill. I didn’t need to touch to do it, but I wasn’t going to take any risks. I was also afraid that Seduction would show some kind of physical manifestation that the men could see, but it didn’t appear to be the case.

His eyes suddenly snapped over to mine. It was a look of curiosity as if he was playing with a puppy only to notice a cuter puppy on the other side of the room.

“I’m happy to show you my various uses.” I state, trying to sound provocative, “Perhaps we can go someplace private and I can thank you thoroughly.”

[Seduce has increased to LVL 1.]


So seduce was a skill and a special ability? Well, I guess seduce is the act of trying to increase someone’s affection for you, while Seduction is a special skill that uses stamina to instantly increase someone’s affection for you. Was it something like that? I didn’t have time to dwell on it, though.

“No, give me your appreciation now, or I’ll take it from her.” He threatens menacingly.

He probably thought I’d choke up at that point. However, this guy was a certain kind of man. He liked to be in control. His rage was used to keep everyone else imbalanced. As long as they couldn’t guess his actions, he’d have them wrapped around his finger. He was a berserker in every respect. There was only one way to deal with a berserker like him. I had to make sure that he was absolutely convinced he was in charge, and that everything I did was reacting to him.

Even so, he probably thought I’d squirm and cry. He probably thought I’d say ‘thank you’ and then beg. He probably thought he’d strip and torture her while making me beg him to stop. Maybe he felt I would perform for him while resisting, only reluctantly performing sexual acts to protect her. Whatever he thought would happen, he probably didn’t expect me to drop to my knees, pull out his cock, and start sucking. I’m sorry, Marvis, I’ll have to break my promise.

There was a brief period of quiet when the only sound that could be heard was the sound my slurping as his cock slowly sprang to life in my mouth. When I glanced to either side, I saw shocked expressions on all the people watching. The only exception was Min, who watched expressionlessly. Except there was a slight difference in her eyes. It was almost like fire burning in her eyes. Was she really that angry for my sake? Maybe I was just pretending.

[Blowjob has increased to LVL 1.]


Oh, finally, a new skill. I felt a surge of excitement and happiness that was completely inappropriate for the current situation. I’m glad I had a cock in my mouth, or people would have realized I was smirking.

The moment of silence was followed by a cruel laugh from the man with his cock in my mouth. “Well, aren’t you a good little girl. I guess I’ll need to break you in then, huh?”

He grabbed the back of my head and thrusted in. I panicked and barely got my teeth out of the way. His dick pushed past my tongue and struck deep into the back of my throat. I tried to cough, but he didn’t really let me. Instead, he started aggressively slamming his cock into the back of my throat, striking my gag reflux immediately.

For a moment, I grew scared. My face was slamming into his body, still covered with clothing, his dick the only thing sticking out. I had lost complete control of the situation, each thrust causing me to choke on his dick, the urge to throw up, and the feeling that I couldn’t breathe overwhelming me. My body felt horrible like I was being abused, like I was a victim. My mind rebelled against the thought.

No, that’s not right. I volunteered for this. This is just one more cock. This was more experience, new skills, and another monster to seduce. Ricardo was my goblin lover replacement, and just like him, I’d make Ricardo mine. I realized that I don’t need to breathe. That’s right, I can do this for a half of an hour without needing to take a breath. My body finally started to calm down, and the feeling like I was suffocating went away. It was weird willing myself not to breath, but the urge to take a breath didn’t jump back at me. Instead, I only felt pleasure. Perhaps not sexual pleasure, but the pleasure of a predator preparing to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. I slowly willed myself to regain control of the situation.

My hands wrapped around his hips, and I immediately got a grip of his ass. I immediately pushed my head forward, plunging his dick deep into the back of my throat, widening my teeth for his entry, bringing him down all the way to the balls until even those ended up in my mouth. I shook my head left and right, sucking and moaning, letting the vibrations in the back of my throat play on the head of his cock. He let out an involuntary moan. The grip on my hair tightened, but it also lost the force that was shoving his dick in.

I pulled my mouth and before he could even react, I plunged him back in deep. I continued to work his cock aggressively, gobbling it up without bothering to take a breath. It wasn’t exactly easy. I was continuously choking myself, and even if I didn’t have the urge to breath, his head was blowing right over my gag reflex. My eyes were watery and I kept making very unpleasant vomiting noises. I gagged a lot, bile rising up and sputum dripping out, and even though it burned the back of my throat, I didn’t let up on his dick a bit. I fought for every drip.

[Deep throat has increased to LVL 1.]


Deep throat and blowjob were different? I didn’t feel much of a difference when blowjob reaches level 1, but when deep throat did, I felt a reduction in my gag reflex. So there was no gag resistance, but at least I could reduce it with the Deep Throat skill. It felt a little easier keeping it in my mouth. I’ll take whatever advantage I could get.

Even though I was aggressive, the battle wasn’t won. He fought back aggressively. He’d try to get his hips moving again, going back to slamming his balls on my chin. He’d grab and pull my hair, painfully enough that pain resistance suddenly increased to level 2. He also tried to force my head down, but since every inch of his cock was down my throat, all it served to do was push my teeth up against his pelvis.

It really was a battle between the two of us. This was a fantasy world, and I was in a fight for my life. However, instead of swords and monsters, it was a battle of dominance over this man. I was so focused on the battle at hand, that I had basically forgotten we were doing this in the middle of a forest, surrounded by numerous other people.

[Blowjob has increased to LVL 2.]


[Position Unlocked: Kneeling Blowjob]


However, in the end, the victor was clear. His legs were starting to buckle, his moans coming out loudly, and a moment later hot liquid shot into my throat. I started swallowing it, trying to keep any from going down my trachea. To my benefit, I only ended up coughing up a little. Shortly after, he shoved my shoulders and I fell away his softened cock leaving my mouth with a slurp.

He fell back, landing on his butt, and I merely leaned to my side, supporting myself. Although I had been in complete charge, it might not have appeared that way to everyone else. Marvis was looking at me with sympathy in his eyes while Shay had terror on her face. Although I won, it was still a hard battle and the state of my face probably helped sell the victim card.

Although the entire act probably didn’t take more than 5-10 minutes, it felt like an hour. Snot was running down my nose, my eyes were red and puffy, just like my cheeks. Tears were running down my face, my hair was all over the place, and there were cum and sputum dripping down my chin. To the outside world, it looked like I had been brutalized by Ricardo. Only he and I knew truly what went down between the pair of us.

He wasn’t angry, though. It’s probably hard to be angry at someone for sucking your cock too good. I looked him right in the eyes, wiping the evidence of our actions from my chin.

“Thank you, so much, for saving us,” I said flatly.

It left a chill in the backbone of everyone there. Finally, Ricardo stood up, putting his dick away.

“We-well, I’ll expect more appreciation later. I-I did save your life, after all.”

“Oh, you can count on it…” I couldn’t see how predatory my eyes looked, but the effect caused Ricardo to retreat for the moment.

Once he left, the other three men walked away, clearly wearing a mixture of guilt and discomfort on their faces. The two girls immediately started caring for me. Well, Min only picked up a towel and handed it to me, but Shay desperately fawned over me. To her, I took a blow that would have been hers otherwise. I saved her from sexual assault and allowed myself to be brutalized for her sake.

“It’s okay.” She tried to comfort me after seeing the frown on my face. “We’ll all be okay, I promise.”

She didn’t really understand. I didn’t even really understand it myself. To me, that was incredibly fun. I was frowning because he took off. That barely used any of my endurance. I was up for another round or three. However, it was clear that nothing else was going to happen that night. It looked like it’d just be me and my hand again. I enjoyed myself quite a lot, taking advantage of level 2 conceal to its fullest.

Of course, I hadn’t been aware at the time of the effect it had on him. I didn’t see the obsession in his eyes, nor the feverish look he had adopted in lieu of our time together. If I had, I might not have been able to sleep so restfully that night.


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Ascii of the Week:



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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I returned to the camp with a confident stride. Three men were all staring at me as I approached. Giving them a nod, I moved to the campfire and sat down. I didn’t give any impression of what I had been doing with one of their party mates just a half hour before. They also seemed to have their eyes locked on me, rather than their friend. This was good because while I wore a straight face, he had his head down and was blushing considerably. If they had noticed him slinking around behind them, they’d have immediately figured out something was up.

“Beautiful…” one of the guys muttered under his breath before catching himself and coughing. “Uh, what I mean, is you cleaned up well!”

The man seemed to be flustered, His words seemed to echo in all three of their faces and they all turned their heads away awkwardly, realizing they had been staring at me. Thanks to my Mental Fortitude, I felt absolute no shyness at their looks. I could have been sitting there naked and I’m not sure if their looks would have embarrassed me. I’d have to be careful of this sudden confidence I had; it could get me in trouble.

“Is that so…”

I tried to give a nondescript answer, making an attempt to look embarrassed. In reality, I was wondering how much my beautification skill was working. I’d only used it on the goblins, so I couldn’t say I really knew the effect it had on others. They all looked at me with bright eyes, filled with lust and desire. Stuck in the woods, surrounded by four strange men, all looking at me with lust. If it was the former me, I’d have been terrified. The current me only started to get excited once again.

As a result, I started watching the men in return. As they feasted on my body with their eyes, I measured them as well.

[Name: Unknown Race: Human Sex: Male Level: 22 Age: 27]


[Name: Unknown Race: Human Sex: Male Level: 21 Age: 30]


[Examine has increased to LVL 2.]


[Name: Ricardo Race: Human Class: Berserker Sex: Male Level: 28 Age: 36]


The sudden rise in level of Examine caught me off guard. Now I could determine names at a glance? That almost seemed like cheating. Being able to determine class was also important. I wish I knew what other classes entitled. However, knowing that other people had classes too was important. Maybe Seductress wasn’t that unique in this world. For some reason, I didn’t think that was the case, though.

I glanced at the other two men with Examine again. With the exception of the boy I had already had, all three of these men were older, higher leveled, and considerably more muscular. The boy I had already fucked was named Damus. His class was apparently an adventurer. The 27-year old’s name was Darius. He had long, curly blond hair which I kind of wanted to run my hands through. He was a warrior. The 30-year-old was named Marvis, and he was also a warrior. He was the big, hairy man I had already seen in all his glory. Ricardo was the one I hadn’t seen before. He was tall, with thick arms that only served to make Damus look even more pathetic in comparison. He had a very large axe strapped to his back and a nice well-kempt beard on his front. All three of them wore armor pieces except Damus.

“So, miss, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you and the other girls end up with the goblins,” Darius spoke first.

“Ah, yes…” I turned to look at the two girls I had spent the last month with.

[Name: Min Race: Elf Sex: Female Level: 10 Class: Archer Age: 72]


[Name: Shay Race: Human Sex: Female Level: 4 Class: Villager Age: 22 Status: Pregnant]


I fought the shock that shot through my heart. The girl I had laid with was an elf? Now that it was mentioned, I had never seen her ears, they were always covered by messy hair. On top of that, the cave was always dark and we typically kept our heads down. So my first time with a woman wasn’t even a human? On top of that, 72? I slept with an old lady! Yet, her body looked as young and youthful as mine. I tried to remember everything I could about the fantasy genres.

There was two kinds of elves. The short, fairy-like kind who could use magic, and the tall warrior kind. Her small stature made me think she might be the first kind, but she was also an archer and a much higher level than myself or Shay. Still, she was less than the 19-year-old Damus. What had she been doing for 72 years? Or was it harder for elves to level? There were just too many questions.

I focused on worrying about Min because what I saw in Shay’s stats was a little unnerving. She was pregnant. That either meant she was going to pop our goblins, or that a poor pregnant woman had to go through that while protecting her growing fetus. Either thought was a little too horrifying for my mind to process now. Even if these were goblin babies, she should survive, right?

I realized that the men had been waiting for me to answer while I was pondering all these facts. Any story I made up using the girl’s identities would be destroyed the instant the two girls woke up. Therefore, I decided to speak the truth instead. Or at least, as close to the truth as I was willing to get.

“I… um… was walking through the forest and was captured by a party of them. These girls were already there. They had been there a lot longer than me. I don’t know how long.”

Darius nodded. “By the looks of it, you had just gotten there. Women don’t last much longer than a month or two in these camps.”

So they assumed I had just made it there? I guess the fact I was already up and cleaned probably suggested to them that my experience couldn’t have been that bad. While it’s true my experience wasn’t bad, per say, I think I was there for almost a month. However, the other girls looked to be about a month too. They were probably captured a few days before me. The one who died might have been caught before that.

Marvis spoke up, interrupting my thoughts, “Regrettably, we don’t have a healer in this party. We’ll have to get you back to town before your wounds can be healed. Mind healers are expensive, but…”

“But nothing… we’ve already saved their lives, I’m not going to give them our reward money.” Ricardo snapped.

Marvis blushed and lowered his head. “Still, that kind of experience is mind-breaking. If you need the money, it can come out of my share.”

At that moment, I decided I was going to fuck Marvis. Admittedly, Darius’s chiseled chin and long blond hair were much closer to my strike zone. Marvis was hairy, brutish, oversized, and smaller where it counts than the 19-year-old Damus. However, he also cared, so I decided that was worth a special thank you.

I continued to talk to the men as the sun rose. They made breakfast, which turned out to be some kind of roasted meat. I didn’t ask what. I ate whatever slop the goblins tossed at me for the last month, I was way beyond caring about what went down my throat. It certainly tasted leagues better than what I had eaten before, so it was a feast.

It turned out that I had been unconscious for the last 24 hours. The other girls were still awake when they rescued us, but passed out shortly after they made it outside. We had all been unconscious since then. I had the men help me carry the girls to the hot spring, then sent them on their way. I made sure both girls were thoroughly cleaned. No, I’m not particularly inclined towards women. This was purely to get them cleaned up and smelling a little better when they woke. Cleaning out gobs of dried goblin jizz from a girl’s unwashed snatch was hardly what I considered fun.

With the exception from a few murmurs, both women remained unconscious. I did check and found Min to have pointy ears, which caused the fangirl in me to squeal a little bit. I wasn’t an LOTR nut like a few of my exes, but it was still exciting to see an actual elf. She had a very modest chest and very smooth skin. She didn’t have much hair on her body at all like she had been through a whole body shave everywhere but her head and a small patch above her groin.

It made me even more self-conscious of my own hairiness when the two of us had been together, even though I had already used a knife that Damus had given me to shave the best I could.

Sorry, I gave you such a crappy experience.

It was a strange feeling for me. I guess you could call it my pride as a Seductress. However, I realized how ridiculous I was being and decided to give it no more thoughts. It turned out that Damus only had the one pair of extra clothing he had given to me. Now that I wore it, he didn’t even have a change of clothes. As a result, I put the other girls back into the oversized shirts and pants, which turned out to be Marvis’ clothing. Once again, Marvis’ behavior affirmed that I was going to be giving him a very good time in the near future.

Since the girls didn’t look like they were getting up anytime soon, Marvis ended up carrying one of them while Darius carried the other. Ricardo wanted to wake them up and force them to walk to the nearest town, but Marvis insisted that they needed to wake up once they had been rested. Despite Ricardo clearly being strong enough, he refused to carry anyone. Darius ended up reluctantly carrying Min, declaring that “elves were lighter”.

As we walked through the forest, I was finally able to start answering some of my questions. We were in the country of Nidia. It was a monarchy under King Hyburn. We were located in the Bironian forest and were currently traveling towards Marxville, which was a ten-day journey west through the forest. The technology of this world seemed to be somewhere around 12th-century earth, but with the inclusion of magic. Magic was rare, although a lot more present in nobility. Any peasantry that could use magic was snatched up by a nearby local lord to help them sustain their power.

Monsters existed, obviously, and the answer to that seemed to be some mumbo jumbo about magic. There were also non-monster animals, the difference being the addition of magic. Not all monsters were aggressive, but typically, the more magic, the more aggressive a monster. This forest was considered a lower magic zone, so it had fairly weak monsters. The closer someone made it to the forest core, the stronger the monster would get. Goblins were usually from level 8-15. I wondered about the level of my goblin lover. Did his bigger size mean he was a greater level?

It turned out that once monsters gained a certain level, they’d evolve into stronger monsters, restarting at level 1. As Darius explained it, humans do something similar. Once their class reaches a certain level, they can switch to a new, more powerful class. Adventurers were the base class for warriors, fighters, and the like. Therefore, Damus was actually quite a lot of levels below the others. It also explained how Min was only level 10. How much stronger was an archer class versus an adventurer class? What about me? What would I evolve into?

I asked Darius, who was giving me flirtatious looks while we talked, about the seductress class. Sorry, Darius, you’ll have to wait until after Marvis has his fill. He thought it was a form of flirting back and laughed. He’d never heard of Seductress, but he suggested it might be a third tier class after prostitute. Every evolution was called a tier, I guess. A 1st tier would be an adventurer, a villager, or something simple. A 2nd tier would be more specific. A 3rd tier was considered rare, for the high nobility, leaders, heroes, and devastating monsters.

“Is there a 4th tier?” I asked.

Darius laughed, reaching a hand out and touching my shoulder unnecessarily. “Only heroes and demon kings reach that level, sweetie.”

I didn’t stop Darius from touching me, even though it did bother me a little. I knew it was a common practice for guys like Darius, ie players. You keep giving a girl touches, seemingly innocuous. It’s conditioning. The more you touch, the more used to your touch the other party becomes. Then, when you move to inappropriate touching, the second party is less wary and more receptive to it. I’d need to get around to Marvis soon because if I didn’t satiate Darius soon, I might cause some trouble.

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Ascii of the Week:

       .1Mj7u1L.qU.                         :            ,                  . 7.
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Despite my incredibly lame attempt to come on to the first man I saw, it was surprisingly easy to get him into the spring with me. He asked if I was being serious, I said yes, and a moment later he was out of his clothing and jumping into the spring.

He was shockingly modest, attempting to hide himself to the point I had to really look to get a view of the equipment he offered. It made me feel a bit like a pervert. However, once I got a look I knew I wanted it. If the other guy was just average, then he’d be modestly above average. Maybe part of the reason he looked so big was because his body was so scrawny.

Yes, it’s true, he had fair skin, a flat stomach with only the traces of muscle, and thin scraggly arms. He had hair, but not a lot. Very little on his chest, with just a nice little brown patch above his uncut dick hanging out in front. He was probably just over the legal age, if this place even had a legal age. If he wasn’t acting so shy and cute about it, I might have dismissed him entirely.

[Examine has increased to LVL 1.]


[Name: Unknown Race: Human Level: 12 Sex: Male Age: 19]


Oh, there you go, finally a skill that could help me. I wondered if I kept watching people, would my Examine skills increase? What would I be able to tell just by seeing people? If this world is like a game, then will I see their names? Maybe there class and their statistics? Or would it take a more sexual edge to it? Would I see their sexual orientations? Relationship status? I realized none of this information would have mattered to me before.

However, I was reborn now. I was the seductress, and the only thing I could do when I saw something I wanted, was to make it mine. So that left both of us in the spring. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I might have been a little embarrassed over my appearance. Haven’t shaved in a month, haven’t used soap or conditioner, and certainly not wearing any makeup. In my old life, any one of these things would have caused me to flee in shame. The new me seemed to have no shame anymore.

Which is exactly why my foot was floating up between his legs, my big toe tracing up and down his inner thigh. The guy was giving me shy looks too. However, when our eyes met, I knew there was desire in them. He was glancing at my breasts, which floated just at the edge of the water, my nipples barely visible through the clear water. With just a look, I could also see his dick, now fully erect and jutting out from between his legs. I could tell he was glancing down at me too.

I don’t know how much of my hair showed, but it didn’t seem to bother him a bit. It was dark out, with only the stars giving us light, so it’s not like either of our bodies were on display or anything. I moved forward. The spring was quite small, just moving forward from my seat on to my knees already put my chest up against his, and my face next to his.

I looked at those big, brown eyes of his while he couldn’t look away. I could see the desire in them. He cautiously brought out a hand and timidly touched my chest. I immediately let out an exaggerated moan. My breasts were more sensitive now than they were before, but it was more just the feeling of having someone give them attention, as it has been so long. My goblin lover always ignored my breasts.

He put one nipple into his mouth, and sucked lightly. Then the other. I let him fondle my breasts while my hand went down and grabbed his shaft. He let out a moan into my chest at that. I smiled, lifting his head away from my chest and kissing him on the lips. Meanwhile, my hands began to do their magic, moving up and down his shaft with a decent speed.

[Hand Job has increased to LVL 1.]


[Position Unlocked: Ol’ Fashioned]


Handjob was a skill? I mean, I expected another position to pop up, but it’s actually something I can level up? This wasn’t my first hand job. I’m not saying I was some kind of hand job queen, but I never had any complaints. On that note, masturbation was only level 1 too? I know I wouldn’t call my handwork a level 1. So what does level 1 mean? I don’t really know how levels work comparatively, but I should at least be a level 8 or a level 9, right?

While I was thinking this, I wasn’t paying attention to my hand. I was stroking his dick very enthusiastically, and he already had his arms wrapped around me. My chest was pressed up against his, and he was panting into my ear in between sloppily kissing the side of my cheek. Well, I’m not finishing him off this way.

I climb up onto the rock he’s sitting on, positioning his cock right up against my clit. I moment later, I slide his dick right into me. It felt incredible going in. That was definitely something that had been waiting for too long. Admittedly, his dick was about twice the size of a goblin dick, but that was only part of it. Goblin dicks were shaped differently. They had a big bulb on the end and it sort of resembled a lollipop. Human dicks, on the other hand, were much thicker all around. It felt considerably more filling. Plus, he was already deeper than I’d had anybody in me in what felt like months.

Even in my original world, it had been a bit of a dry spell, so this would have been appreciated even if my libido wasn’t in overdrive lately. He looked at me with a slightly a gaped mouth, pure bliss on his face. Not wasting a moment, I start to ride him, rocking my hips and using my knees to get his dick sliding in and out of me.

Riding someone on top was another thing I’d been without for a long time. Being in control of the motion was absolutely great, and this adventurer was purely happy to be taken along for the ride. Therefore, I obliged, taking his body and riding his dick. For right now, for this moment, this adventurer was my sex toy. At this moment, I was using him to get off. His penis was there to make me cum. Every move, every touch, and every slide was there to bring me to a climax.

As I stared into his eyes with an intensity I didn’t realize on my face, we both came into an understanding. This act of sexual intercourse was mine. It was for me. And since it was for me, I mostly ignored him. I didn’t know if I was pushing him under water, if my breasts were smothering him, if I was hurting his junk every time I jumped down on it, or if he was bent in an uncomfortable position. I didn’t know anything, and I didn’t care. I fucked him and I continued to fuck him. It was only the moment that I came, my hands grabbing two chunks of his brown hair fiercely and my breasts splashing on the water each time I drove his dick into me that I started to hear again.

The sounds coming from him were hoarse panting and moaning. A few moments after I came, dropping down against him, my breasts pressed into his face, I felt something warm explode inside me. I could feel his dick pulsate inside of me, releasing satisfaction deep into me.

Neither of us had said anything to each other since the words that got him into the spring, but we communicated completely with our bodies, taking what we wanted from each other without reserve. I left his dick inside me, staying on top of his body. He played with my breasts for a bit, we kissed for a bit more, but I left it inside until it went soft. Only then did I pull away and lie back down into spring.

Warm water permeated my body, and a trail of semen and lust dispersed into the water from my parts. I let out a satisfied sigh as he continued to catch up his breath, his eyes half closed and a content look on his face.

[Position Unlocked: Lap Dance]


[Skill Unlocked Vaginal Intercourse lvl 1]


[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 6!}

[All stats increase by one] [You have one special skill point]


Special Skills Available:


[Higher Pleasure (Passive): Increased sexual pleasure from breasts.]


[Lover’s Breath (Passive): Can go without breath during sexual activities. (30 minutes maximum)]


[Mother’s Milk (Active): Produce breast milk]


Lap dance? Is that what that position is called? I had no clue. I guess it doesn’t matter. Since I don’t know what positions do, they can be called anything for all I care. On the other hand, I leveled, and that is something to be excited about. Apparently, intercourse is a skill too. If hand jobs were, I guess so was intercourse. Why did I not earn it earlier? Does it only work on humans? What other skills are there? I already imagine anal sex and blowjobs are a skill, how about titty fucking and foot jobs? Either way, this round didn’t get me anything I’m too excited about.

I don’t really want my breasts being too sensitive. Sure, it’d be cool if I could climax just by having my breasts played with, but that’s still kind of overkill. I can see it being detrimental too. If a guy can make me come easier, then that just takes away the fun and the buildup. Meanwhile, I’m not looking to cater to people whose fetishes would strike on the other two. If the guy is excited about breastmilk, I’d be a little creeped out. If a guy wants to suck on my nipples, that’s fine, if he wants to suck on my nipples because he’s expecting a meal, I draw the line there.

Meanwhile, anyone who gets their rocks off through strangling… is probably a dangerous person to be sleeping with. There is no guarantees I won’t end up in those kind of situations. I never thought I’d be congo line fucked by goblins either, but things don’t always go the way you expect. However, after thinking about it for a bit, I realized Lover’s Breath isn’t just about strangling. What about underwater sex? Even right now I could give the adventurer a blowjob and be able to stay under there for 30 minutes. That’s pretty impressive.

I went with that one right away. Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking I tried out the Lover’s Breath and went down on him right away. It was the perfect opportunity, after all. However, while I was making my new choices, I had already sent him off to get me some soap and a pair of his clothes. I already imagined his stuff fits me a lot better than wherever I got the clothing from in the first place.

By the time he got back, he was already dry and dressed and I was starting to get pruni. The soap wasn’t great nor did it smell like much of anything. I used it anyway, then used his towel, then got dressed in his clothing. Yeah, I didn’t make him go for another round. I already had the experience bonus, and while I was sure I could unlock plenty of new positions and titles with him if we played around, I really needed to focus. Play time was over, and I needed to get some answers.

After getting dressed, the pair of us headed back to camp. There were three other men there now. More, the sun just started to peak, starting the new day. It was finally about time to start my adventure in another world. It was too bad that I didn’t know my adventure was about to get disrupted once again.


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Ascii of The Week:

                                             :0O .ZBjqj :                        
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                              vZOP             72EqM17:             @@BBkv7r


Tales of a Seductress – Prologue

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***I realized some parts of this chapter were not displaying properly as a “page”, so I rereleased it as a post.


My hand slapped against the bare rock, the cold already etching away the remaining heat my body possessed. I let out a gasp, desperately trying to take in a breath. It was difficult, and each breath brought pain to my body.

Damn them.

At least, those were the thoughts going through my brain. I stumbled forward. There was a wound on my leg, it kept me from walking forward properly. Blood also covered my skin, my tattered shirt, and the torn pants that used to make up the adventurer’s outfit I had borrowed. It looked worse than it was; I figured. Most of the blood wasn’t mine.

I groaned, stumbling to the ground, a sharp pain spiking through my leg. That wasn’t to say I wasn’t in particularly bad shape that was only a testament to how bad I was looking right now. I vaguely wondered if anyone who had been in the same situation as I would have survived this long. It seemed like everything in my life had just turned into a slog of sex and pain.

[Pain Resistance has increased to LVL 4.]


The words danced across my vision. As if on cue, the pain did subside a little. Using that little boost, I brought myself back up. I heard the howls from behind me. For a second, I shivered remembering the look on her face when her head was suddenly removed from her shoulders. It doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t feel pity right now, even if she didn’t deserve it. The guys, though… they all deserved it after what they did to me. My only regret was that I didn’t have to power to do it myself. After all, if I had done it myself, I wouldn’t be on the run right now.

I moved into the cave for cover. This cave could have its own particular brand of monsters, but for the moment, I’d rather the monsters that might be, rather than the monsters outside. Besides, they had said something about the monsters being chased out.

A moment later I slipped on something, and my body fell onto a soft cotton like surface. It felt almost too comforting for this harsh and deadly world. My comfort did not last long. When I glanced to my side, I saw a skull. I barely stopped myself from letting out a shout. I couldn’t let the monsters outside know that I was in here. Instead, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves once again.

[Panic Resistance has increased to LVL 1.]


I ignored that one. I wasn’t panicking at all! I was calm. I slowly tried to get up, to move my way into a place of hiding. I couldn’t move. The calm burst like a bubble. So much for Level 1. I struggled, my vision dancing furiously around the room as I fought against my restraints. I was stuck against something. Rather, I was stuck to something. Although it was dark, the cotton-like substance I was lying on came crashing home. It wasn’t cotton; it was a web. The skull itself had web wrapped around it. Everything in this cave did.

I was stuck to some web attached to the floor, my arms were stuck to my sides. I tried to pull away, but given my current strength, I just couldn’t move. Why did I think a cave was a good idea? In this world, I was basically asking to be killed. This wasn’t how things should be, this wasn’t how my life was supposed to end.

Then I heard the noises. It was the sound of something moving slowly across the darkness of the cave. My eyes turned to focus on the object emerging from the darkness. First, I could see the eyes, dozens of them all plastered to the same face. Then the pincers came into view, red and menacing. Finally, the legs started to click forward, all 8 of them.

It was a spider. Not just a spider, a spider monster. It was easily twice my size, moving across its own webs smoothly as it approached me. The blood drained from my face, and the realization that I was going to die flashed across my mind. I stopped struggling. I could no longer move. All I could feel was fear.

[Fear Resistance has increased to LVL 1.]


That didn’t help much at all. This month could only be defined as a month of hell. First, I ended up in this world, confused and alone. Then the goblins, those bastard adventurers, and the fire wolves. Now I was going to be eaten by a spider. A tear ran down my cheek as the spider wrapped its legs around me, its entire body pressed up against mine.

That was odd, the spider seemed to be making itself cozy. A second later I could feel something hard forming near my leg. I shot a look down the body of the spider, to see a phallic shaped black thing jutting out of its body. Using two of its many legs, it spread me open, baring my womanhood for penetration. It’s not like I had underwear on anymore, not after the events that preceded this.

I looked up in horror as the spider looked down at me with its beady eyes.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…

A moment later, a large, hard object was thrust into me and I let out a scream.

Wait! Wait! I know what you’re thinking. Spider rape? I thought this story was about the tale of a seductress? I wanted some sexy girl seducing a bunch of men and turning them into her sex slaves! I didn’t sign up for evil monsters penetrating helpless girls. What is this, Japan?

Well, what can I say? This is a monster rape woman world I was put into. I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. However, this is just the beginning of my story. Let’s just say, the path to becoming a sexual goddess involves pushing your way through a lot of nasty shit. Before I could turn sex into a weapon, I needed to experience it in all its nastiest flavors.

However, let’s move away from this mildly disturbing scene for a bit. I’d like to jump back to the true start of this adventure of mine. I think we’ll both find the scene a lot more enjoyable. Like all of my best stories, it starts with me on my knees and nice hard cock in my mouth.

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Ascii of the Week:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I was no longer in the cave. I was staring up at a star filled sky that was perhaps clearer than every sky I had ever seen before. The only thing obscuring my vision were the presence of numerous branches from nearby trees. I appeared to be in a forest, most likely the one I had sprouted in some time before.

The second thing I noticed was that I was wearing actual clothing. I was lying on a blanket, on a much comfier floor than the cold rock. I appeared to be wearing an oversized shirt and trousers that looked like they came from a guy’s spare clothing bag, and I was covered in a nice warm blanket. A glow to the right caused me to turn my head, seeing that I was near a fire pit that someone had made.

The images of a goblin being run through came to my mind. It looked like some knights or something had saved us. Well, I had no clue, but it was typically knights that rescued women from goblins in these fantasy settings, wasn’t it? However, the feelings that swelled up in me weren’t normal. I didn’t feel very much relief over being saved. I mean, I was happy that the other two girls were safe, presumably, but I didn’t have any particular feelings of happiness myself.

In fact, if I felt anything right now, it was a little bit horny. I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but in the height of my seduction over my goblin lover, I was getting it 4-5 times a day. I was used to being woken up to my legs being lifted over my head and some goblin meat being stuffed in me. Waking up warm was nice, but I’d rather be woken up to something being stuffed into me.

I cautiously looked from side to side. The other two girls were similarly covered in blankets and appeared to be fast asleep. There was a man, presumably one of the men who had saved us. He was facing away from me right then, looking off into the darkness like he was keeping watch for something. He hadn’t noticed I was awake, and probably assumed I’d be asleep for a while along with the other girls. Without my frequent leveling immediately restoring my health, I’d probably be in as bad of shape as them.

Perhaps there were other things I should have confirmed first. This would be the first person I could talk to someone who wasn’t traumatized to find out more about this world, after all. However, I had certain priorities. My hand slipped into my pants and immediately found my womanhood, already wet and warm.

Maybe my brain was broken by the goblins. Maybe it was whatever the effects of being a seductress had put on me. Either way, I needed it first thing upon waking up. What? The alternative was jumping that guy’s bones. While I’d be appreciative of the experience, I’m not sure about the rules and etiquettes of this world. In some ways, having sex with brutish goblins was way safer than interacting with other humans. At least, that’s what I thought.

I tried to keep my voice down and my movements sparse. It was one thing being perverse, it was quite another letting other people know you were being perverse. To my credit, I don’t think the blanket moved all that much, just in case someone out in the darkness was looking my way. I also don’t think I breathed too hard. About halfway through…

[Conceal has increased to LVL 1.]


I barely prevented myself from laughing. The text had just been so sudden and so adequate. Even this was considered a skill? It seemed like one I could use right away. My body didn’t really feel different at all. I continued on and found that I was able to move a little more aggressively without moving the blanket anymore. I didn’t feel like I was doing anything different, and yet those movements had less of an effect on my body. I was so fascinated by the concealing effect on my blanket that I wasn’t paying attention to keeping my voice down. I let out a little sound as I climaxed. I immediately put my head down and pretended to sleep, opening one eye just a bit and glancing at the man on the other side of the campfire.

He had turned his head this way and was squinting, but it looked like he couldn’t see through the flames. The sound must have not been much louder than the fire, since after a moment he shrugged and looked away. I let out a low, deep breath as the final wave of my much appreciated orgasm took me. It’s been a while since I did it myself, and I don’t mean to brag, but I know me well. Then…

[Position Unlocked: Fingering (self)]


[Masturbation has increased to LVL 1.]


[You have gained the title: Solo Player]


[+5 Wisdom, +10 Mental Resistance, +25% experience when using toys (Can only collect experience from masturbation once per day)]


Oh, haha.

I gave the new text in front of my eyes a glare. was fingering even really considered a “position”? I mean, there are a lot of ways to do it. The new title did give me a clear idea of how titles work. It looks like every title gives you a small stat boost, a small resistance boost, and an experience boost for special circumstances involving whatever the title name. Unfortunately, it’s hard to predict what will give you a title.

One thing for certain was that I needed to get my hands on a toy for that extra experience. I guess every world has toys at some point. As if reading my mind, the title also confirmed that I can only gain experience from masturbating once a day. That’s a shame. If I could just rub out orgasms until I leveled, that’d be a bit game breaking and also very unhealthy for me. It looked like I’d still need to level the old fashioned way. This left me staring at the back of the adventurer. I still get a first-time bonus for new guys, it was a reward for promiscuity…

Just as I was about to say something, another guy came walking into the light. He was soaking wet, but more notably he was completely naked. The other guy made a load noise of disgust and turned away.

“Ugh, man, what are you doing, prancing around naked.”

Oh? So they speak English. I did have some concern that my language differed from my time in the caves. Min hadn’t said anything but her name, and she could have figured that out just by the circumstances.

“Oi.” The naked man laughed, “What’s wrong with naked, it’s how God made me!”

He walked up to the fire, still dripping, then shook himself like a shaggy dog. He wasn’t as hairy as a dog, but still hairier than your average man. As he shook himself, his dick shook back and forth too. My mouth fell open at the size of dick. No, that wasn’t right. A month in a cave being fucked by goblins, I had lost perspective on the size of man’s junk. He was only average, but that still meant bigger than my goblin lover and the biggest dick I’ve seen in months.

“Seriously man! Cover yourself, you’re getting me wet!”

I agreed with him, but we probably had entirely different meanings.

“There’s a natural hot spring down that way.” The naked man pointed behind “It’s a nice night for it. Been traveling for weeks, we could all use a bath. The girl’s we rescued too. We should drag them over there and wash them up.”

“Those girls were being used as goblin breeders for months. How do you think they’ll act if they wake up and see you standing over them naked? Let alone if they’re naked too, you want to traumatize them for life?”

“Traumatize them? We saved their lives. When they wake up, they ought to suck our cocks in appreciation.”

The other man just shook his head irritably. “Just get your fucking clothes back on. Some of them might be worth awards. You can get one of these damaged goods to fuck you for a night, or you might get paid and take home a different barmaid every night for a week.”

I found myself nodding at the naked man’s words and shooting the sitting man an angry glare. Then I realized that was probably backwards. Normally, you don’t want strangers to push you to the floor. Normally, you don’t want a man to expect sex in return for helping you. Even I didn’t think like that before becoming a seductress. Was this just my high mental resistance mixed with that Mental Fortitude? It was like my inhibition unit was on the fritz.

The naked man dried enough and walked over to a pack. The other man stood up and walked to the edge of the forest, muttering something about taking a piss. I decided that the other two girls would probably be safe for now. For me, that spring sounded like exactly what I wanted. I mean, I wanted to have sex with one of those guys. If they got a little “appreciation”, it might help me later when they found out I didn’t have any award coming. At the very least, I’d keep them from acting out sexual frustration on the other two girls.

I also decided I wasn’t going to use seduction for a while. Increasing someone’s appreciation for me was all good, but with that goblin, it quickly grew to a terrifying degree. Love was scary. I’d be much happier keeping it as lust.

On that note, I wasn’t going to get very much lust smelling like goblin sex and looking like dung. I remember I had changed my beautification to focus on goblins. I set it back to human before I snuck through the forest as quietly as I could, trying to hide myself. Although the guys had probably all seen a good portion of me, I still had hopes of putting on a better first introduction.

[Sneak has increased to LVL 1.]


I guessed conceal and sneak are two different things. Maybe concealing was the non-moving form. Something like hiding. Meanwhile, sneaking would be producing no sound while you move. So conceal made me hard to see, and sneak made me hard to hear. At least, I imagined it as something like that. I wished they’d give you a manual for all this stuff.

I could smell the hot spring long before seeing it. There was a sweet dampness in the air which immediately gave me a really good feeling. Soon after I made it to the spring. My clothes hit the ground and I almost dived into the spring.

The spring was neither large nor beautiful. It was just about a meter. While I call it a hot spring, the water was only mild and there certainly weren’t any bubbles in it. However, the water was surprisingly clear, and it looked cleaner to wash in than a pond or something. No pond scum or nasty looking growth.

I washed down my body, but as I went, I started to regret not alerting the people who had saved me. At the least, they probably had something that constituted soap. Not to mention I was unfortunately hairy right now, and it left me a bit embarrassed. Don’t get me wrong, after a month as a goblin cum dumpster, the relief of cleaning up was extreme. The bath felt amazingly refreshing.

So refreshing, in fact, that I decided to practice my solo abilities once again. It was the same night, so I wouldn’t get more experience, but what could I say, this one would be a freebie. We could say I was just being extra thorough in cleaning myself. I raised one leg up onto a nearby rock. One hand braced me from behind, while the other slide in and out.

I was just getting into it, my eyes closed, my body surrounded in beautiful warmth, when there was a sudden gasp. I dropped my legs and closed them in a second, moving my hand away. When I looked over there was a guy standing there looking away from me. He wasn’t one of the two guys I had seen talking earlier. He actually looked a bit young, maybe even a year or two younger than me.

His face was blushing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize one of the girls was taking a bath in the spring.”

The way he said it made it sound like he was embarrassed walking in on a naked girl. It almost sounded like he wasn’t aware of what that particular naked girl was doing. Maybe he didn’t notice? Although, it didn’t really matter if he did. With Mental Fortitude in effect, being caught naked and masturbating barely seemed to affect me. When did I become so shameless?

In fact, the only thought going through my mind was how I was going to get him into the spring with me.

“So are you joining me, or what?”

Smooth Aria… smooth.

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Ascii of the Week:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I won’t go on to say my first time with a woman was magical and opened up my world to new tastes. We were both filthy and smelled. We’d been pumped full of so much goblin seed over the last month and on top of that, we haven’t even shaved. She lied on the cold, rocky ground, and I got over her. I began to stick out my tongue and lick her vagina, and surprisingly, she did the same to me. I had half expected her to not hold up to her end of the bargain. All the trauma might have caused her to freeze up.

However, this felt completely different than the times with the goblins. For starters, she had soft skin. Her body was pressed against mine, and for those few minutes, I felt the warmth of another human being pressed up against me. Even my seduced goblin lover never cuddled. He’d just pick up my legs, thrust in until he came and then walked away.

Just the feeling of a warm body against mine after a month of naked hard cold ground was enough to drive me crazy. Her tongue wasn’t bad either, and the more she got into it, the more I got into it too. I initially thought it would be very awkward. I’d rub her into an uncomfortable orgasm and then we’d both go our separate ways.

It wasn’t like that at all. After a month deprived of human contact, we both needed this desperately. I grabbed her legs, surprised that they were hairless and smooth.  I heard some girls didn’t grow as much hair as others. I fought down a slight sense of jealousy at that. She grabbed my considerably hairier legs, and we fed on each other, moaning and gasping. I came harder under her machinations than I ever did with my goblin lover. When we both came, the familiar ring sounded and the text reappeared.

I ignored the level screen for a bit. Instead, I turned my body around and pressed myself up against Min. The pair of us sat like that for a while, our naked bodies intertwined. It wasn’t anything like lust or love.  It was a simple and primal need for human companionship. That was it. It was something I had almost forgotten since my life went to hell. She pressed up against me and cried soundlessly.

I lightly patted her head, not wanting to fill the silence with any empty words. Instead, I finally acknowledge the text floating in my vision.

[You have gained the title, Lesbian Lover]


[Skill Unlocked: Cunnilingus lvl 1]


[+5 endurance, +10 charm resistance, 2 X experience when with a woman]


[Position Unlocked: 69]


[Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 5!}


[All stats increase by one]


[You have one special skill point]


Special Skills Available:


[Sheep Counter (Passive): After sex, you have a 50% chance of putting your partner to sleep.]


[Wet Dream (Passive): Sex can replace the need for sleep, fifteen minutes per hour of sleep.]


[Rock a bye (Active): 80% chance of putting partner to sleep during sex, consumes stamina]


Great, I can be Aria the Lesbian Lover or Aria the Gang Banger. I decided to leave Gang Banger on. Although I didn’t know if the 50% experience bonus did anything, I did know that the endurance and damage resistance sounded better. I didn’t anticipate being with that many women, although even if the situation arose again, I could always just equip it immediately before.

With regards to my own level, wet dream sounded amazing, if I was in another situation. Stay up all night having sex and starting the next day feeling fully rested? Who wouldn’t want that? However, it’d be useless here. In fact, it’d be even worse. This is a dank and miserable cave. Even though my goblin lover has been sneaking me extra blankets, it was still a cave floor and I was still barely dressed. Did I really want to be up 24/7?

So that left sheep counter or rock a bye. They both sounded like skills I could use. Used correctly, I could bring down half of the goblins with just one more pheromone round. However, this ability felt like it’d be troublesome later on. I knew I was making my choices for immediate survival but did I really want every time I have sex to knock out my partner half the time? Therefore, active was the better choice. Rock a bye it was. After selecting it, I checked my stats one more time.

Name: Aria
Class: Seductress
Level: 5
Titles: Gang Banger (selected) Lesbian Lover
Positions: Missionary 69 Cowgirl
Statistics: Strength 9
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 9
Endurance 9+5
Agility 9
Charisma 15
Resistances: Concussion 1 Damage 0+10
  Pain 1
Mental 12
Carnal 1
Special Skills: Sexual Experience (Passive) Beautification (Human, Passive)
Mental Fortitude (Passive) Sexual Saint (Passive)
Pheromone (Active) Seduction (Active)  Rock a Bye (Active)
Standard Skills: Throwing 1
  Flee 1
Cunnilingus 1
Status Effects: Infertile 50% Experience when using more than one hole during sex.


I still didn’t get the point of unlocking positions. So, cunnilingus is a skill, not a position? Either way, that wasn’t important at this point. Right now, we needed to escape. That meant I needed to use my goblin lover. I moved back to my place and waited for him to make his conjugal visit. As he walked in, I used seduce on him for the seventh time. His eyes only seemed to grow more feverish as they looked down on me. I gulped down the lump in my throat and decided to go for broke.

“Hey! Lover! If you love me, can you break this chain?”

I pointed to the chain, touching the wall, and then making a breaking gesture. It was so obvious what I wanted that even an idiot could figure it out. However, the goblin still gave me a look like he had no understanding whatsoever. Oh, my poor idiotic goblin lover, it was not the size of your brain that led me to pick you. It wasn’t the size of a certain other thing, either, so stop giving me those cold looks!

After a moment, I started pulling on my chain, doing the motions that I wanted him to do. Come on now, pull the chain out of the wall, just pull…

He grabbed my shoulder and pushed. I immediately fell to my knees, and before I even had a chance to recover, he was already sticking it in from behind. I didn’t hate it. After lying on my back for a month, this new position worked well for me. It did scratch my knees and elbows a bit on the rocky floor. Still, that big knob on the tip of his cock hit me in just the right spot, and even though I had just been with Min an hour prior, I still found myself cumming shortly before he did.  The only thing that would have made it better is if he had pulled my hair and slapped my ass, just a little bit.

[Position Unlocked: Doggie Style]


That was satisfying. No… that wasn’t satisfying! I didn’t pick him for his satisfying dick! He was supposed to be helping me escape! I activated my new active skill, Rock A Bye. He was still finishing cumming, and as soon as the skill struck, he shivered and then fell. A second later, his body fell on mine, pushing me down to the ground. Sadly, this was the most cuddling I had ever gotten from the big lug. Only a little regretfully, I shoved him off of me. He was definitely sleeping.

So, Plan A failed, but it looked like Plan B went off without a hitch. The fact that Plan B wasn’t so much a Plan as it was a last ditch effort didn’t stop the fact that it was underway. I pushed my goblin lover to the side, then activated my pheromones, getting ready for round two. If I systematically knocked out all of the goblins, one of them had to have the key on him, right? I just hoped my stamina could hold out.

As each goblin started to do his business, I’d activate Rock a bye. If it didn’t work, I’d do it a second time. Another goblin collapsed on top of me, snoring like a baby. No sooner did I shove him aside than a new goblin jumped on. These guys didn’t even think for a second about why their friends were all mysteriously passing out unconscious. I didn’t know if It was pheromones or if they were really just that stupid.

However, the act was putting a toll on me. I wished I had gotten that soul essence when I had the chance. Then I realized that this ability wouldn’t work since they passed out before they came. I also wondered if I was getting experience for these, since they weren’t finishing. It’d be pretty upsetting if I didn’t get anything for all my hard work.

By the time I had knocked out the twelfth goblin, I was already losing a great deal of my stamina. I had to keep going. Thirteen goblins out now. My eyes started to close, the stamina bar was flashing. It looked like one more level wasn’t enough. I was feeling bad about it. I had promised Min I’d get her out of here. Fourteen goblins down. Please just keep going.

[2nd Wind Increased to LVL 1.]


My stamina suddenly jumped a bit. What a useful skill! However, it wasn’t enough. Fifteen goblins down. I can’t… I can’t any more. There was no way I could knock out 5 more goblins. The entire room was already covered in unconscious goblins. I didn’t know how long they’d be asleep, but I knew I couldn’t manage another second.

My eyes were blurry, another goblin stood up in front of me. He had his pants down around his ankles as he rubbed a below average dick, grinning stupidly and ready to shove it in me. Suddenly, his face turned into one of surprise. There was a sword jutting out of his chest. There was a sound. Someone was yelling. Another goblin fell. A man started moving from unconscious goblin to unconscious goblin, stabbing them in the throat in a swift kill.

I fell back to the floor, turning to see my goblin lover lying there. His eyes started to open, but before he could move, a sword slammed into his throat as well. His looked turned over and glanced at me, and then the light left his eyes. I guess that was the end of my fiery goblin romance.

A moment later, my eyes closed, and darkness overtook me.

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Ascii of the Week:

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