Women’s Pleasure Dungeon – Chapter 25

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The next morning, I finished up my morning routine of inscription. I made another pair of boots to replace the pair they took. It left me anxious seeing the other pair picked up. Of course, the girls were returning, so there was still a chance they could be defeated and I’d get my items back, but it still left an empty place in setup.

I didn’t put the new pair back yet, as it’d be a real shame if the girls somehow raided the same spot twice. I was just comforted in knowing that if the girls left the dungeon, I’d be able to replace them. I thought about changing locations though. I had put them in the final put expecting everyone to pass them. After all, I had already three previous pits to make them extremely cautious, and with the pit before it, the item couldn’t be seen from the pit edge.

The only way someone would see it is if they put a bridge across and happened to look down right at the end. Of course, there was a thought that they might suddenly see a treasure and stop causing their friends behind to run into them, or they’d lose their balance in the excitement and fall. Either way, I never would have guessed someone would have just jumped right on top of it.

In the end, there was no better spot for them. The 1st level was simply too simple in design. I’d have to redesign it if I wanted to be able to hide treasure better. It was fine thought, the boots were the cheapest of armor pieces in my dungeon store, mostly because they faced the greatest wear and needed to be replaced the most often. It was supply and demand. So, I had left it on the cheapest piece on the first floor on purpose, but it sounded like leaving a treasure of that value on the first floor was still unexpected. I’d have to consider changing it, but there were few things cheaper than leather boots.

As the Unbroken Bond passed the entrance into my dungeon, they still spoke excitedly about their find while talking of eagerly finding more. The next stop would be the 2nd floor. After marking each of the previous pitfalls on the map, they were able to pass them without too much trouble. For the final one, they used a rope, climbed down, climbed up the other side, and then back down and up instead of taking any risks jumping.

Either way, the group finally made it to the second floor by about noon. After taking a break to eat and celebrate, they continued to the second floor. They walked forward, only a slightly bit more mindful of pitfalls. They had torches and were taking a step at a time forward into the darkness.

“What was that?” One of the girls asked. “I heard something.”

“I-it’s nothing.” The leader tried to reassure her, although there was fear in her voice.

There were scurrying noises in the dark. It was causing these girls to grow more and more panicked. An animal was letting out a squeak. The four girls cried out, nearly jumping into each other’s arms.

“What’s that!” One of the girls pointed into the darkness ahead of them.

A pair of beady red eyes opened. Then more eyes, and more besides. Soon, over a dozen beady eyes were gazing at them.

“T-t-t-to arms!” The leader tried and failed to pull her sword twice before finally succeeding on the third try.

The archer fumbled to an arrow in her bow. Meanwhile, the one in black started to chant something under her breath. The women let out screams and then charged the eyes which turned into oversized rats. Each rat was nearly the size of a cat. The archer let loose her arrow, and the leader swung her sword. Soon, a ball of fire shot out, nearly hitting the leader before exploding above the heads of the rats. Even the healer had a staff which she was wildly swinging around without regard.

When the first rat fell, the remaining rats let out squeaks of rage and then attacked. Thus became an epic battle.

“Die! Die you filthy creatures!”

“Ah! It bit my finger! It bit me!”

“Stay away! Stay away! Eeek!”

The girls fought the rats valiantly, but even with the rat king not participating, the rats held their own. The rats didn’t fight that aggressively, and the four heroines were hurting themselves and each other as much as they hurt the rats. The archer missed an arrow and it thudded into the armor of the leader, The healer wildly throwing her staff ended up striking the mage who cast the fireball. That fireball had blinded the girls in front, preventing their initial charge from being as effective. After everything happened, the girls ended up fleeing.

I tensed slightly, a bit worried as the girls fled up to the first floor, and passed the pitfalls which they jumped over a bit more aggressively, narrowly falling in a few times before making it back out to the dungeon entrance. I feared I had pushed things too far. If they fled, then their extra points would come to an end. Sure, I had made enough in the three days they had been here already to make up for the boots two times over, but I still needed a lot more if I was going to start redesigning my dungeon.

The healer used her spell to heal the leader who had been shot with the arrow. Only the tip had gotten passed the armor and into her shoulder, but now she had a small hole in her armor around the shoulder. The rest could only patch up and use balms for the innumerable mouse bites. They ended up making camp. I expected them to leave come the morning, but the next day I awoke to hear them cutting down logs.

I could only watch helplessly as they brought logs into the dungeon and used them to make bridges across each pitfall. When that was done, they continued to the second floor. I considered things for a bit, and an idea struck me. I ordered the rat king to send out a few fewer rats this time. The fight between them occurred again, and once again the girls were forced to flee. However, they were a bit more practiced this time and didn’t cause as much friendly fire as before.

The rat king was at a point where his colony could self-sustain. However, he could also still come to the surface and recruit passing rats. These rats weren’t as oversized as the ones bred in the dungeon, but they still could be added to his horde. Thus, a pattern began. Every day, the girls would cross their homemade bridges and battle the rats, and then every night the rat king would replenish his numbers recruiting.

However, even though his number of rats wasn’t going down, I had him send out less and less every day. Thus, it appeared to the girls like they were slowly culling down his colony.

“Soon, we’ll be passed the rats.” The leader was saying. “I bet then we’ll find a treasure for sure!”

“Such a large rat colony… is this an F-rank dungeon?” The black mage asked.

“They’re not so tough… it’s just there are too many of them. If there were only five… we’d be able to defeat them.” The archer declared.

Five? Did she want equal numbers with rats? Doesn’t that say their fighting strength is a little better than a rat? From the very beginning, I had never sent the full colony. The most they had faced at once was twenty-five, a mere fourth of the current colony. After three days, they had managed to kill fifteen of them. After defeating the final ten, they finally defeated all of the remaining rats. Even then, they decided not to continue, since they needed to use the mage and the healer’s spell slots to do it.  

“Just give them five tomorrow,” I told the rat king.

I wanted to drag things out, but it was clear by their exhausted expressions that they’d need something to keep them going. The next day, they challenged and defeated the rats without any injuries. Their once shiny, new clothing was covered in various holes and rips. Their once bright expressions seemed to be replaced with serious expressions. If one didn’t know that all they had been fighting were rats, they would have come off like some seasoned team who had just fought through hell.

“Finally! The third floor!” The leader nearly broke into tears as she ran up to it.

“We found the stairs! Ah… but no treasures?”

“Eh? Where did Spring go?” The healer finally asked, looking back in confusion.

The girls let out cries finally realizing that one of their own had disappeared. It had been nearly fifteen minutes since their mage had disappeared, and these girls hadn’t even noticed. They had been walking in a single file line silently, and the mage was sitting at the rear. So, when she was soundlessly snatched, they continued without even looking back. The girls began to panic and first, but eventually, the leader remembered her role and settled everyone else down.

They took a quick break, and after talking about it for a while, they decided to head back slowly and look for their missing teammate. Only ten minutes later, they found her walking toward them. She was in a haggard condition. Her clothing was ripped in several places and was hanging off her body, but in her hands, she gripped an item tightly.

When they finally got her to reveal it, she lifted a helmet. In other words, it was their second magical item. The girls returned with great cheer, although the mage had a complicated expression on her face. When they asked her what happened, she was insistent nothing happened. She saw the helmet at the end of the alcove and went to retrieve it. When they wanted her to show them where, she refused vehemently, claiming he was tired. Since she looked fine, the girls didn’t argue and returned to their camp.

Meanwhile, in a dark alcove somewhere, there was a tentacle monster with numerous limp tentacles dripping with various fluids. Going back thirty minutes, the group was passing the second level quickly and I decided to try to slow them down a bit. Thus, I took control of the tentacle monster and when they passed, I threw a small pebble, ending up hitting the last girl in line. She turned and immediately locked eyes on the helmet. Much like the trap on the hand wall, it was just an alcove with a helmet, and if you entered you’d be completely at the mercy of the tentacle monster. I changed things a bit. Originally, the tentacles came out from the alcove, but this made the tentacle monster too obvious and the risk of being attacked too great. Thus, I pushed the monster back, forcing someone to enter the alcove where their body would be restricted. They couldn’t swing a sword. With the added temptation of the helmet, it had become another trap, one the mage fell directly into.

She glanced at the others moving on, but then entered the alcove on her own. Perhaps she was hoping to acquire and hide the helmet so she could get all the rewards for herself. Her greed was her undoing because as soon as she entered the alcove, I was able to grab her and cover her mouth with my tentacles. She became silently trapped as the rest of her team moved on. I had intended to catch them all up as they tried to free one of their own, but instead, I got one of them all to myself.

I was glad it was the mage too. Since she had no weapon, as soon as I covered her mouth, she was helpless to fight back. Furthermore, with raven black hair, dark eyes, black eyeliner, and pale skin, she had the appearance of a goth girl, although maybe she was going more for a witch in those black robes. During my long exile as a NEET human, I had often fantasized about doing a goth girl. If I didn’t get my chance to play with her, I knew I’d regret it.

Thus, with my practice controlling my tenacles, I began to slither them up her dress and inside her underwear. She tried to cry out in fear, but all that came out was a muffled cry from the tentacles covering her mouth.

She struggled, but since she needed to focus on breathing out of her nose, she couldn’t struggle for long. The tentacles quickly reached their destinations. One was the wet opening between her legs.

I slowly slid one of the smaller tentacles into her pussy, and watched her struggle, trying not to show pleasure, but unable to completely stop herself. I also had two tentacles slide under her top and find her tits. They began to gently squeeze the soft mounds, and then tease her nipples. She was small-chested, although not as flat as Diamond. I couldn’t grip them like I could Misty’s giant chest, but I could just manage to squeeze them by wrapping my tentacles around them.

Her eyes were wide in shock as her clothing was torn off and tossed into the hallway, causing her naked body to be trapped within my grip. She had a petite body which gave me plenty of room to experiment within that alcove. Unable to help myself, my tentacles grew even bolder.

I began to slide the tentacle into her pussy deeper inside. I had to work it past her hymen, which caused her to moan in pain. Her eyes widened in shock as her virginity was stolen just like that, but it only left me more aroused. She began to struggle, but I held her tightly with the tentacles that were wrapped around her arms and legs. She tried to scream out, but she was helpless in my grasp.

I kept working my way deeper into her until I was in. Then I began to slowly fuck her with my tentacle, swelling it up inside her like a balloon until it started to push against the walls of her vagina.

“Gllllfffhmmmmmm!” She cried out, although it was impossible to hear what she was trying to say as I stretched her pussy with my tentacle.

After that, I started fucking her with my tentacle in earnest. It was slow at first, but it didn’t take long before I was plunging it into her faster and faster, while also playing with her boobs with the other tentacles. I could feel the heat coming off of her. Her teenage body was wet and hot in my grip. I loved the smell and taste of her. This was the best.

“Nnnnhhh!!!” She cried out.

Then her pussy contracted around my tentacle and a light spray of clear liquid erupted. I could tell she was orgasming. Her eyes rolled up into her head, her body no longer fighting against me at all. Her hips were starting to move against me, aiding me as my tentacles continued to violate her.

I used two tenacles to pull her legs apart and slid my tentacle deep into her pussy again. Then I began to slide it in and out, pumping her like a machine. It didn’t take long before another orgasm ripped through her body. This time it was bigger, and I was surprised when her pussy erupted in a spray of juice, soaking the floor beneath her. I could feel her tongue even wigging against the tentacle across her mouth like she was kissing it. She seemed completely lost in lust.

She was now a slave to her body. All she could think about was how good my tentacles felt sliding across her body. How they squeezed and tugged her boobs, and how they filled her pussy. She was no longer concerned about escaping, only the pleasure of my touch.

She began to pant, and then her pussy contracted around me as another orgasm hit. She was still squirting all over the place. I felt the urge to ejaculate rising. My tentacles were swollen like balloons. She was panting and sweating, and moaning like crazy as she rode the tentacles. Her mind had shut down, and her body was just enjoying the feeling.

I could tell she was close to another powerful orgasm, and I was reaching my limit as well. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I thrust my tentacle in and out of her as fast as I could, and I was rewarded with her body beginning to shudder in pleasure.

“NNNGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” She cried out.

As she cried out, her pussy began to spasm around my tentacle. That was all I needed. As she was cumming, I unloaded my seed into her, filling her up and letting her feel every last bit of my hot spunk. I injected her with tentacle monster jizz. As her clear fluids splattered on the ground. At that moment, I remembered that this stuff I was shooting out was pretty valuable and could be used as a treasure, but it was already too late. I already released my load inside of the mage.

Well, such a mistake could be rectified. For someone like me who went a whole life sexlessly, I could easily get aroused again. The tentacle monster had a lot of stamina, and the size and rigidity of the tentacles had nothing to do with sexual arousal so I could continuously stay hard. I was just about to push her into a second round, but I became aware that the team was starting to head back to look for her. With a sigh, I withdrew my tentacles. The naked girl collapsed to the ground. She was gasping on the cold floor as white and red stuff leaked from her gaping pussy, a perfect image of her loss of innocence.

After a minute or two, she seemed to snap out of her dazed state. She grabbed her clothing and put it on to begin her walk of shame. While getting dressed, her eyes caught on the helmet. She hesitated for only a moment before reaching out and snatching the helmet. I let her have it. She had already earned it. The puddle of fluids on the ground included enough white stuff to fill a vial. Sure, it probably had other things in it too, but what heroines who found the award didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.

I watched as she met back up with her friends, but how was she going to admit what happened to her? The girl kept quiet and didn’t say anything. Thus, the expedition would continue.

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