Did I just translate 4 chapters in a day? Oh yes! Feed me coffee my people!
Author: Pun
Class Chapter 3
H scene for now.
Class Chapter 2
Class Chapter 1
I’ll try to release all the prologue chapters today. Heh. As usual, thanks for the coffee people.
Asuka Chapter 43
Charm Chapter 60
Author mentioned about the second volume of the novel on sale at 4/28, that means, we expect novel illustrations of Shizuku and Elena Ria soon. If someone found illust, then please contact and send me the link by all means, You can contact me through Discord that’s on the menu on the header. Just below the Kashima Images.
Tiny Manko Chapter 9
You can join the fresh Discord Server I created. Just click it on the menu above.
FIT Chapter 65
Yay, it’s the latest chapter from the author as of this date.
Let’s celebrate with coffee!
Anyway, I do plan on chasing Tiny manko first before doing Asuka as it’s longer but it has less chapters before we catch up with the author.
This is the second novel that reached the current chapter,
Just for reference:
Finished novels: Cheatman.
Latest Chapter: Charm and FIT.
Dropped by Author: Succubus Imouto
Chasing: Asuka, Zombie emperor, and Tiny Manko