Good day:)
Today Hilda teaches Tetes how to give a blowjob and Laila comes up with a plan to have sex freely. Will Dianne agree to it.
Good day:)
Today Hilda teaches Tetes how to give a blowjob and Laila comes up with a plan to have sex freely. Will Dianne agree to it.
Good day:)
Today Andy is once again a guinea pig for Hilda´s medicine and some of the girls dont like that Andy is now without any body odor.
Good day:)
Today the girls announce their relationship with Andy towards the ace knight corps. Lets hope Andy will be fine.
Good day:)
Today Dianne´s special force arrives in Catalina, before continuing towards the demon territory to find Kalwin.
Good day:)
Today Andy and the four Gauntlet Knights have some great sweet time together.
Good day:)
Today Andy gets to know Tetes´s intentions and they will face Sir Buster together with Laila.
Take Up the Cross:
Chapter 97: Art and the Beholders
Things are still rough, but yet I pursue glory in writing. Rape next time!
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~ nonothing
Good day:)
The group finally arrives in Rennesto, but will stay only a short time before going to Catalina and then towards the demon territory.
But for Andy he needs to face Felios and Sir Buster for the sake of Sharon and Tetes. And for sure next chapter facing Sir Buster will reveal Tetes real intentions.