The Power of Creation – Chapter 179

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“Ah? What do you mean the cook is still unconscious? I thought we were going to eat?” Tiana asks with a frown.

“It appears that she fainted after the beast did something to her and now won’t leave her room.” Belle explains.

“Did you purposefully word it in a way people could misunderstand just to piss me off.” You growl as walk in on a large group of women talking amongst themselves. “Besides, what are you all doing here so early in the morning?”

After spending a vivacious night with Medusa, combining your tongue and dick until Medusa’s eyes showed not even the slightest pigment of red, you had gotten up early in the morning only to find this large crowd of women waiting around the dining room. This particular dining room was large enough to seat 30, and the numbers were rapidly swelling to the point where the room could be considered quite active for so early in the morning.

“My sister is fine. She’s just… eh… relishing over a certain kiss. She said something like ‘if I see savior now my heart might burst, or something…” Elena explains before turning to you. “Eh… sweetheart, it’s 2 pm.”

So early in the afternoon…

Who could blame you? A lot happened the previous day, from impregnating Moana, the birth of your twins, defeating Florian, or fucking a planet… so you were hoping to spend most of the day relaxing. However, managing a harem appears to be a lot of work, and already your girls are wanting more from you. You give a sigh as you sit back in the master chair at the head of the dining room. Immediately, one of the maid girls starts to rub your shoulders while a second one gets under the table and rubs your feet.

“So, what’s up?” You finally break the silence.

“My lord, Ariel told me that you almost made Mulan pregnant! You must never do that…” Mushu speaks first.

“I know,” You role you eyes, “Mulan is a bit young.”

“No, I mean, never do it without me! To think… I almost missed out on this event! How can I call myself her big sister if I can’t even be there to watch her conceive! It’s my duty to carefully make sure it all gets in there and also to clean up the mess with my tongue!”

“Sister, sister, did you here that? My face is messy.” Anna innocently points to her lips, where she has a white stain of milk.

Elsa nods, leaning over and licking Elsa’s face.

“Girls, can you stop tonguing each other.” Aurora says with an exasperated look.

She had only given birth a day ago, so naturally she is exhausted, with a cold cloth on her head as she leans back In her chair while watching the twins and wearing a gentle smile.

“Mushu, please be careful what you say around our impressionable children.” Merida adds.

With a warrior’s body, Merida has recovered a bit quicker than Aurora, but she also shows signs of fatigue.

“Twin sisters,” Mushu nods her head to them. “If you truly love each other, it’s not that kind of mess you lick. You should make sure to also thoroughly lick her vagin-“

“Okay… Mushu, new plan, just don’t talk to the kids in general.” You interrupt her ill-fated advice.

After things start to quiet down once again, it is Aurora who speaks again, turning to you with a gentle look.

“Hero-san, as it is, our daughter’s age and creation are not normal. They were rapidly grown to this age using the ‘life’ energy produced by you and your army. I shouldn’t have to tell you the implications of that. Given the unique… lifestyle within this… home… I think it’d be better if you properly educate our daughters now rather than later.”

“Properly… educate?” Your eyebrows raise. “Are you talking about giving them the talk?”

“Mm.” Merida nods. “Our daughters are so strong that without proper guidance, they could make many regretful mistakes. That’s why we need daddy to properly train our girls early.”

“T-train… right… that is… about what a penis is… and what a vagina is… and how the two, interconnect.”

Aurora nods. “You have more experience in these matters than all of us.”

“Ah… well, I guess that’s true. In the case, I’ll make sure to give our girls a good talking too. Anna, Elsa, come with me, we need to talk a bit about biology.”

Your two daughters obediently follow your hand gesture while giving you a beaming smile in between trying to lick each other. They seem to have fallen into licking war that ended up with both their tongues tied together and wrestling aggressively with the only winner in sight being you. Immediately, certain dark impulses inside you roar to life once again, however, you have to be pure. If you are to do something like this, what would the rest of your women think?

“Oh, and hero-san, make sure after you break their hymens that you take their asses as well.” Aurora casually calls out just as you reach the door.

You spin back with a fluster. “I-I—I’m sorry, what?”

Merida and Aurora cock their heads with confused looks before Aurora continues. “Make sure to properly educate our daughter’s on anal as well? They need to be trained with ever hole. Mouth, ass, and pussy, leave nothing out, hero-san.”

“Haaaaaaaaah…” you suddenly lose focus for a second as you deflate like a balloon. “Ah, shouldn’t I just be telling them about sex. Maybe some visuals if needed, but, to actually… you know… you’re saying I should fuck my own daughters!? Isn’t that wrong?”

Aurora gives you a strange look. “I don’t understand the problem. You’ve made me have sex with my daughter many times. How is this any different?”

“Ah… that… but… she… huh…” You suddenly find yourself unable to make an argument other than the fact they were your daughters, and you are you.

“Daddy, it’s just that these girls are very curious and will likely be losing it soon… They might just grab the first guy they see or some big toy.” Merida gasps. “They could end up as some kind of pervert like Belle!”

“Hey!” Belle shouts.

“And besides. “Aurora adds. “There is no man better than hero-san, so isn’t it best if their father is the one to take it? They can live a life knowing that all of their virginities were taken by the best man in the world. They can only lose it once, after all.”


“It’s okay, master, we knew when you impregnated Aurora and Merida that you’d be sleeping with your daughters when they came of age, it just happened a bit faster than expected.”

“You guys… about that… I mean… I did… but… taboos…”

“Hero-san!” Aurora suddenly rose her voice, using all of her authority as a former queen. “Stop your silly childishness. You get in that room and you deflower your daughters thoroughly and properly like a good father should! You need to train your girls to be properly obedient! By the time your done my daughters better have only thoughts of daddy’s cock and no one else on their mind! I won’t have my daughters fucking around with anyone but their father, understood?”

“…” You find yourself completely suspicious, but after looking at the dead serious look on your children’s mother’s face, just how could you say no? “Yes, sweetie.”

You turn away, heading over to your daughters, but stop once again, speaking without looking back. “It looks like our daughters aren’t the only ones that need to be trained on some obedience.”

The queenly Aurora puts on a seductive smile. “I look forward to my lessons. Please take care of this queen. I’ve been a bad girl.”

The once uptight and reserved Aurora has truly come out of her shell. She’s the same person as always, caring about family above all else, but she has also grown more sensual, more sultry, and in many ways more erotic than ever before. She was… one hot piece of MILF!

You continue on, touching the backs of your two daughters as you guide them over to your room. First you’ll train two daughters, then their naughty mother.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 178

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“No… shit…” You collapse to your knees as you realize you committed the worst taboo.

Not fucking Jasmine, you were totally going to do it eventually, you were simply waiting for Patreon to earn the maximum amount before cracking that golden egg. No… it wasn’t popping little Jasmine itself  that bothered you. Rather, it was how you did it. Anonymous, unknowing, and roughly, giving no text towards enjoying the deed.

You see, there is a distinct method towards popping a tiny. Perhaps she accidentally pops out of the bathtub while forgetting to put on her clothes, and then accidentally opens your door while you’re changing. Her eyes will snap to your penis, the first one she’s ever seen, and her eyes will open with wide-eyed wonder. She’ll ask you what that big thing is that makes her feel funny and as you sit her down on your knee you tell her about the birds and the bees. As you explain that it feels really good when a girl (like her) touches it and puts it inside her, she’ll declare unabashedly that she wants to try it out and will do everything in her power to make her big brother feel good.

Her little hands will wrap around your massive member, but her childish impatience will lead her to quickly climb up to the top of your cock wearing a brave face while telling you that she wants to feel what it’s like to be a grown up too. However, she’ll be shaking with nervousness until you pat her on the head and sooth her. As she calms down, she slowly lowers herself down, impaling herself on your cock while she tries to hide the pain behind a brave façade.

But no matter how much it hurts, she makes sure she gets it all in like a good little girl, a single tear dropping down her cheek as she breaks her hymen on your giant cock and impales her tiny body. Then, she’ll throw her arms around you, hugging tightly against your abdomen, her head pressed against your chest while she tells you how much she loves you. With a bright smile and teary eyes, she asks you to start using her tight little hole even if it hurts, because she wants to make you feel good no matter what. That’s the deluxe tiny experience, only $99.99 on Patreon.

Instead, Jasmine was broken abruptly, roughly, and unintentionally, and you weren’t even aware at the time! People will want their jerkoff back! It’s a downright travesty!

“Ah, my beloved, that’s why I grabbed you, you seemed like you were a bit out of control. I’m sorry I put you into this situation with such temptation. Had I known you wanted to deflower Jasmine so badly…” Medusa turns away, not finishing the sentence.

You had made a mistake. You had gotten overtaken with your own lust and overindulged on your harem. Now, Jasmine was behind that wall right now. She was possible cold, her nether regions broken open, cum leaking out of her torn crack, likely crying giant tears as she realizes that she got the man she wants most, but not in the way she wanted him. You already imagine her now giving you a gentle smile with tears running down her eyes, telling you that it is okay, even as she fights the pain both between her legs and in her heart. Like that, your own heart shatters at the thought.

With a wave, you dispel the illusion, freeing your poor misused tiny from her sexual captivity. Even if you have to raise a baby with a 12-year-old girl, you will take responsibility for Jasmine! First, you’ll pat Jasmine on her head and tell her it is alright. You might even kiss her thoroughly. At the very least, Jasmine deserves to be kissed on the lips after you did this to her.

The spell dissipates and you reach out your arms. “Jasmine, my poor sweet Jasmine, come here!”

“Ah, hah! I got you! I fucking got you now!” Immediately, a much larger clearly not tiny naked woman tackles you to the ground and puts her knee in your back so that you can’t get up.

“Ah, what the fuck is going on!”

“LPD! You’re under arrest for violating the tiny code!”

“Fuck that! Get out of my way, I need to check on my poor Jasmine!”

“You’ll never check on Jasmine again where you’re going!”

“I’m fine, my savior.” You hear the words just before you get rid of the person in your way, glancing up at the source of the voice and coming face to face with a bare-naked little pussy.

The young Jasmine has crouched down in front of you as Moana has you in a armlock from behind, and thus when you look up, her little pink flower is the first thing in your vision. You quickly realize that Jasmine looked like her regular self. She was blushing, and slightly nervous, but she seems happy and not at all hurt. Her cat tail is gently swaying back and forth between her legs in slight embarrassment. More than that, your front row look at her bare pussy shows it to be in a perfect virgin state, neither full of semen nor leaking blood.

“If it’s savior, you can keep looking.” Jasmine noticing you staring intently at her flower looks away with a blush and her eyes closed while she reaches down, touching the outside of her lips and spreading…

“Don’t look!” A hand hits the back of your head, forcing your face down on the ground.

“Damn it! Medusa, you said it was Jasmine I fucked!” You stand up, using your overpowering strength to fling the woman off your back.

“It is! I mean… it was… I swear as a demon lord I put Jasmine in that spot!” Medusa waves her hands defensively as you glare at her.

“Oh ho… angry that I disrupted your plans?” A voice suddenly comes from behind you. “As if I’d allow you to violate a tiny.”

You look down to see the gloating Moana on the ground naked, her legs wide open and exposed, but without even the slightest bit of awareness as to the position she is in as a naked, exposed woman. Furthermore, it is very clear that her pussy has recently been abused, with white stuff and a bit of red leaking out onto the floor between her legs. There was little question as to who you had fucked.

You raise your hand to your forehead. “Moana… it’s Moana right?”

“Of course! You should know the name of the woman who finally caught you!”

“Please don’t tell me you swapped places with Jasmine.”

“Oh, hoh… impressed by how clever I am? Of course, any tiny lover would put their body on the line of duty for a tiny!” Moana immediately stands up, puffing out her big boobs proudly, completely oblivious to the semen now leaking down her legs. “Now, kindly let me arrest you!”

“But… I didn’t touch a tiny.” You respond matter of factly.

“Of course, you did! You stuck it in… in…” Moana’s eyes widen as if realization suddenly dawns on her.

“I stuck it in you…”

“But… you were going to… and…” Her voice suddenly looses all steam as her head lowers, her eyes turn tearful as she starts to give off a depressed aura. “M-my virginity… lost… like that…”

Did this idiot seriously not even consider she was getting fucked while it was happening? Was all her focus on the tiny and none on her own self-preservation?

“And well, you’re now pregnant with my child.” You add.

“Bu-bu-bu Pregnant!” Moana screeches, only now truly looking at the state of her body before closing her legs and covering herself desperately. “I c-c-c-can’t be pregnant!”

“I thought I would have a goblin little baby sister, but I’m happy for any new sister and a new baby!” Ariel says excitedly.

“I grew up thinking I was a boy, but I could have ended up being a mother just now.” Elena responds blushing. “Well, if it was sweetheart, then I wouldn’t mind.”

“This great one is too bursting with youth to have a baby right now, but is always satisfied when master uses her.” Mulan responds proudly.

“This is… for the best.” Snow White nods, her eyebrows only slightly furrowed. “A weak woman like this is better for being laid up with a baby.”

“Rats… why couldn’t he have lost control and impregnated me.” Megara sighs before muttering in a low voice only you can hear. “I could get him on the child support alone!”

“Is darling still impregnating women? It was one of my former soul’s desires to have a baby as well.” Cinderella adds.

The only two that seem to have nothing to say as they gather around the panicky, semen-soaked Moana are the two demon lords, whom had been in the front lines and got the most attention, only to have to wait cold, dirty, and cum-soaked for the longest. They merely hold each other as if they are victims of some kind of violation and were seeking comfort from each other.

Jasmine comes up and pokes Moana’s naked body while Moana continues to panic. Moana instinctively looks down at the little innocent tiny, perhaps expecting her to thank Moana for a job well done. Thinking such a thing, she gives Jasmine a reassuring smile even while trying to hide her shame from the growing group of onlookers.

“Wh-what is it, sweet girl?” Moana fights back her own tears to put on a brave face for the innocent tiny she coveted so much.

This was the girl that she had put her body on the line for afterall. As long as she could make this tiny happy, then her sacrifices would be worth it, even if…. even if… she had to have a baby!

“Welcome to the family!” Jasmine declares.

“F-f-f-family?” As it turns out, it is the tiny that delivers the killing blow.

Moana’s eyes roll up into the back of her head and she collapses to the floor. Of course, she’s carrying your baby, so you use a little magic so the fall is gentle. You wouldn’t have even called her part of your harem before, but this is fine. She did have a nice virgin pussy (now lightly used), and you enjoyed it immensely. Plus, her dark Polynesian skin and perky breasts were the best. She had a body to be played with, and your only regret is that you haven’t gotten to play with it more. You’ll make great use of her!

“Boooo…” A voice interrupts you as you look down fondly at the freshly impregnated newcomer, mentally adding her to your growing list of lovers.

You turn to Jasmine, who is sitting there with puffed out cheeks and a disapproving look. “You tried to make me pregnant!”

“Hah, well, to be fair, I didn’t know…”

“Well, if you’re sorry, then take responsibility! Let’s do this, make me a mommy! I will be a good mommy. I already take care of Elena and Rapunzel!”

“Eh? Jasmine! I take care of you, you have it backwards.” Elena interrupts tearfully.

“Aren’t I only supposed to take responsibility if I do make you pregnant?”

“Please, savior, give it to me! I have been waiting all this time! I’m even naked and your pants are off. That dreadful policewoman is unconscious. Have me! Have me now!”

You give a gentle smile, kneeling down in front of Jasmine so that the pair of you are roughly the same height. All the girls watching suddenly hold their breath as you look at Jasmine for the first time, not as a little girl, but as one of your women. She gives a little gulp, finding herself unable to talk as she shakes nervously. You reach forward and grab Jasmine’s shivering body, and pull her towards you. In a single brief motion, your lips find hers and you give her a single peck on the lips before pulling away and dropping your hands.

Jasmine touches her lips lightly. “A k-k-k-k-k-k-kiss!”

Suddenly, Jasmine’s eyes roll up in the back of her head and she collapses too, landing on Moana’s tanned naked melons to break her fall. Both girls lay there naked, sprawled out on the ground, unconscious but with their eyes still open and rolled up in a faint, their bodies slightly convulsing as if in extreme shock.

“That was… um… Jasmine’s first kiss.” Elena explains.

Her first kiss? In the future, you’d be taking all her firsts, but well, it has to start somewhere. This appears to be all Jasmine is ready for at the moment, and that’s fine too.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 177

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“It seems that I worried you…” You say sheepishly, patting Medusa on the head.

After holding each other for a long while, Medusa finally pulls away, wiping her eyes and shrugging. “Worried? Of course not. This is merely expected of my beloved. To expect him to be so lustful, even after you mounted a planet I underestimated your resolve.”

At that moment, you notice something different about the Medusa in front of you.

“Were your eyes always blue?” You ask curiously.

Medusa frowns before her eyes widen and she looks over at a hand mirror that she seemingly pulls from thin air, staring at her blue irises in surprise. “Oh my… to think… my eyes have never turned completely blue before.”


Medusa gives a silly shrug. “My eyes turn red when I’m horny. Even my second husband who was quite a master of bedroom fun only managed to turn them half blue. To think, on our very first try, with just your tongue…”

Medusa gives a shiver and blushes, remembering the event only a few minutes ago where you pushed her down and had your way with her. As if to punctuate it, the slightest tinge or red returns to the edges of her snakelike irises, betraying the kinds of thoughts in her mind.

“As much as I’d like to take all the credit, I used magic as well…” You admitted, not wanting her to have unrealistic expectations.

Medusa shrugs seemingly unperturbed by the addition of cheating. “Still…”

Despite this world being part of Pun’s domain, sex magic is not part of the preexisting spells of this world. Therefore, there is no stigma against simulating someone magically. Therefore, to her, your capacity to induce sexual pleasure magically is no more miraculous than your giant cock or anything else that makes you sexually appealing to her. Furthermore, if you thought about it, even your penis and high stamina are just a product of magical manipulation, so it seems silly to be satisfied by your endurance and endowment while not considering your magic as well.

The pair of you stare at each other for a few seconds until the thoughts of pushing her down again start to surface and then you cough, turning away. “On that note, my girls have been sitting like this for nearly an hour now, they are probably quite cold and uncomfortable.”

“Mm… I think it should be no surprise to my beloved that you lost this game, however, I think that in hindsight of the end results you’ve already paid your due…”

“I keep my word!” You insist. “Tonight, I will keep your eyes blue for a week, and we shall make a baby as requested!”

“Oh my…” As if the words were a trigger, more red returned, and the blue-like color was almost gone now.

Considering how fast Medusa got horny, it was no wonder her husbands could never keep up. Had you not delivered orgasms at a ludicrously fast rate, you would have never managed to fuck the red right out of her eyes. On that note, before now she always has deep red eyes, which means that she is always incredibly horny!

“So, prepare me before I free my harem, who are the girls whom I enjoyed?” you change the conversation casually to keep your excitement in check.

“Oh, yes! The 1st two women were my sister’s Ursula and Maleficant!”

You merely nod, a bit happy that your guesses are spot on, however, then a thought cames to mind. “How did you ever get either of those women to agree to expose themselves in this way?”

Medusa sniffs. “You act like I gave any of the women a choice. As to how I paralyzed them, are you really asking how a snake-like woman named Medusa known to have hypnosis powers with her eyes is able to immobilize a group of ten women?”

“So, they weren’t here by choice after all.”

“I explained it to them…. After I froze them. I heard no complaints.” Medusa responds mischievously.

Of course, no one would be able to complain after she froze them!

Alright, so this one right here,” You continue, tapping the third girl’s butt, “Is Kida?”

“Hm? No… I played the game fair, that is Snow White. When you suddenly pushed me down, I thought you had already figured it out and were simply enjoying yourself after. Before you entered a lustful state, I had thought you were giving me a consolation prize since I wouldn’t be ‘winning’ tonight.”

“Snow White!” You snap your fingers, “To think, her ass is still so tight. Clearly, she needs more anal training.”

You had clearly mixed up your reasoning. Of the two women, it’d be Snow White whom had tasted the painful penetration of your ten-inch dick that would pucker her asshole tightly in response to your machinations. If anything, Kida might be more loose. Desperately wanting to feel your touch while concious, she would definitely have her guard down and be much more open to penetrative attacks. Even the light lciking you had given Snow White would have filled Kida with joy.

However, as it turns out, Kida has suffered even less attention than you thought! After working over a certain suspicious pervert and having to let her go without charges, Kida actually fell asleep at her desk in the Adventurer’s guild while doing paperwork. Had she been in the mansion during Medusa’s recruiting period, she would definitely have been picked, having a physique most similar to the Goblin Queen, at least when it comes to her ass and thighs. Had Kida known this, it’s possible she would have pulled her hair out in frustration.

Meanwhile, you ground your teeth, frustrated that you would be wrong on one, and the most important one in the game at that!  You are still too naïve to call yourself a harem king. More practice is surely required! However, for the moment, you hold yourself back so to avoid another “lustful state” as Medusa calls it. You have more important questions as you assess the consequences of losing control.

“Did I… with my daughters?” You ask, with a slight gulp.

“Haha, no. You still haven’t committed that taboo.” Medusa chuckles, and then mutters under her breath so that you wouldn’t have heard it without your super hearing. “Unfortunately, like their father they aren’t affected by my stare.”

You give a breath as a knot in your chest comes untied, but you don’t really know if it is a knot of relief or regret. “Then who else?”

“Ariel, Mulan…” Medusa pointed to the top and middle of your pussy stack before pointing at the rest of the girls you hadn’t gotten to yet, “Daisy, Elena, Cinderella, and Megara.”

“Ah, well, you were kind afterall. Making me think I might impregnate my daughters or an animal… such a cruel tease.”

Medusa winces as her finger goes back to the last girl, the bottom of the pussy sandwich and the one who got the big creampie ending. “Ah… so you don’t know?”

“Know what?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh the girl I placed in that spot… that would be Jasmine.”


Oh… shit…

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 176

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After lustfully crippling the demon lord Medusa, one pussy at a time is no longer enough. Your breath becomes haggard and uneven. Your eyes dilate as you watch over the wall of pussies on high. You are their king! All of these pussies are yours, and you will have your fill of every one of them! One at a time? Hah! You demanded more!

Waving your hand, the next three women are shifted in the wall. You don’t break through the illusion that was set up by Medusa, however, the holes, and the attach butts are moved into a new position of your choosing. You carefully make sure as to not hurt the women behind those asses, but at the same time you aren’t gentle in rearranging them either. You stack the next three women on top of each other while turning them over to the front, tilting their hips in the air so that their pussies are even more exposed.

Using invisible restraints, you pull their legs apart and spreading them in a V against the wall, essentially creating a pile of three pussies lined up in a row, or three stacked vertical V’s. You immediately slide your dick into the bottom pussy, which unlike the resistant demon sisters, takes your cock gleefully. This was a girl who was begging to be fucked, so you obliged without restraint. While you penetrated the girl on the bottom, your mouth found the woman on top. As to the woman in the middle, your fingers ran down her thighs which were now pressed against the wall and spread open, and immediately began to play with her cunt.

The woman who accepted your cock turned out to be a virgin. You dick came out red as you broke through a hymen that had been begging to be broken. She was very tight. Although she didn’t possess the “micropussy” of Maleficant, it was clear she was unused to being violated. She was also very wet, which meant she was someone deeply aroused by your penis and being fucked by you.

As to any other details, those were something you’d bother with later. Other than that her pussy was tight and that she was a virgin, you couldn’t tell her dimensions at all with just your penis. Your hands were already too busy with another pussy while your mouth tasted a third. You vaguely considered that the virgins in your harem are Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, and Jasmine. You are almost certainly engaging in incest, underage boning, or bestiality, and you can’t even bring yourself to care anymore, because it just feels too wonderful!

Are you fucking your daughter? Are you eating out a tiny? Who cares? All these women are yours, and you’ll taste them all! The virgin under you will taste your seed and become the next woman to have your child! Then you’ll impregnate the woman you’re fingering right now. Then you’ll impregnate the pussy in your mouth. You’ll impregnate them all!

The taste, the feel, the smell… all of these pussies! You just can’t get enough! Your hips move harder and harder, giving the virgin woman no mercy as you claim her pussy as your own. Vaguely, you get a feel for the middle pussy. Tight and small, it clearly belongs to a tiny girl. You can feel the lack of any pubic hair. The pussy in your mouth is more worldly. She’s a woman who has been widened by your cock many times. She’s still tight, youthful, and pert, but also very versatile with her pussy. In fact, she seems to use kegels to squeeze against your tongue, squeezing herself to enhance her own pleasure and your enjoyment too. Your expanded tongue penetrates deep inside her, getting a good taste, and you realize your recognize this women easily when you consider it.

Of course, this is Ariel, who has had your cock many times and knows just how you like it. You wouldn’t mistake that taste or scent anywhere. It is flowery and rich, a scent only your bitch gives off. It is a scent that reveals the lewdness of her inner nature mixed with her background as a princess. It was both eloquent and dignified while slutty and erotic. You ate your bitch’s snatch while you pounded a virgin and fingered a tiny, thus going for a trifecta of entertainment.

Your load erupts deep inside the virgin’s pussy. Laced with your magic, it was an instant KU. Which, rather than a knockout, it means that she is instantly knocked up. You made sure the baby batter is delivered in massive quantities, each spurt of cum bursting out of her fuckhole and leaking down the wall. Had you fucked Ariel’s pussy first, the runoff of semen would have instantly impregnated the girls under her, creating a pregnancy train. Perhaps that is what you should do with your next cumshot? How about you line them up, all ten remaining women, and as you creampie the top, let it run down each woman in turn. Of course, there would be no transferring of powers or anything like last time. These babies will be normal, and they won’t look alike.

You pull out of the freshly impregnated former virgin and adjusting your height slightly, now aim for the tiny. It is time to make baby number 2! All you have to do is-

A force suddenly slams into your back. The first feeling you get are hard erect nipples which are pressed against your back, and then two pale white arms that are wrapping around your body. A head is pressed against you back, and you look back in confusion until you realize it is Medusa who is hugging you as tightly as possible, her face pressing against you. There is also a dampness forming against your back, and you realize she is crying again.

However, it isn’t the tears of sexual satisfaction and pure bliss like before, but frustration and worry. Your ears finally start to work again and you realize she is muttering something while pressed against your back.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… that’s enough. Please, come back to me.”

You shake your head in confusion as you mind started to focus again, . Your cock, having just expelled numerous loads into the pussy under you finally starts to soften, the moment having been dispelled by the desperation of the woman behind you. Her thin, colorful snake-like tail is wrapped around your waist from behind, her body pressed desperately against your own.

What you had been doing for the last couple of minutes suddenly starts to dawn on you. It isn’t necessarily bad, but it isn’t necessary good either. It is like… you had lost all control. Your mind had gone on an extreme tangent, and you had gotten lost in the consumption and lust of the moment.

Nothing you did was too regrettable or outside the realm of what you’d do any day, but most of your actions in the past, even when spontaneous, were grounded in your own particular brand of reason. For a bit, you started to lose all reason, and Medusa must have picked up on that. Now, you had made one of your newest harem members cry while you unreservedly fucked the others without care.

This… wasn’t your way. Yeah, you used your girls as fuck toys. You’d rape, impregnant, or enjoy them to every extent regardless of their permission. However, they weren’t “faceless” fuck toys. One pussy was not equal to another. Every girl had her own identity. You always cared which girl got what, and it mattered who was who. You wouldn’t just impregnate every one, or fuck them all indiscriminately. They aren’t just a lineup of pussies. They’re your women, your harem.

First, you had suddenly become overwhelm with an insatiable desire to have your harem, unwilling or unable to stop from enjoying as many as you could take. Then, as if a switch was triggered in your mind, all you could think about was fucking and impregnating as many women as possible.

You turn around slowly, still in Medusa’s embrace, her tail still tightly wrapped around you like she was desperately trying to hold you back but allowing just enough room for you to twist in her grasp. You didn’t know how long she had been there before you noticed, but in the end, you noticed… and you noticed because it was Medusa. You slowly raise the woman’s chin. She’s slightly sniffling as she can’t hide the emotions in her face. You had thought this woman was a conniving vixen without loyalty? You even felt jealousy over her former lovers? No, she belongs to you. They all belong to you.

You raise her face up and give her a gentle kiss. It isn’t lustful. It isn’t erotic. It is a little salty from her tears. However, it says more than any other kiss ever could. It says, ‘always be mine’. Medusa melts into you, giving herself to you without reservation. Without even knowing it, you conquered lust.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 28

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I pulled out a hand full of herbs, stuffing them in my mouth and chewing it akin to chewing tobacco as I waited for Peers to return. After chewing for a few minutes and sucking out the juices to swallow, I spit the rest out in a bin. This was the best method of birth control I had access to at the moment. “The herb” as it was called is used by most women who wished to prevent themselves from becoming pregnant. It was this world’s version of the pill.

There is also a magical enchantment in this world, but it involved going to a church. The enchantment lasted for roughly one month. I had sought out a birth control enchanted item, but alas I had never heard of one. I never was able to ask Sandor and Pratter if they could make something like that, but the second-rate enchanters I’d met on the way from the human continent to the demon continent seemed unable to manage something like it. I’d imagine it’d be pretty common if it existed at all.

I was always looking for an alternative though, as I wasn’t fond of the current type. Such as when I was captured by the slavers, I had been off the herb for a while. I could have become pregnant during those sexual encounters or even the ones I faced with Peers. Peers said it was impossible for a Cambion to impregnate a human woman when he was gathering life, but the unique skill Fusion that had regrettably been granted to me with my class up made me deeply nervous of any unprotected sex.

So, even though the herb had negative connotations, often being associated with this world’s sex worker trade to the point the herb’s unique flowery scent on a woman was virtually a scarlet letter that marked her as ‘easy’, I had chosen to take it regularly. Unlike a world with medicine, the herb had no particular dose, and drinking it as a tea was considered ineffective. Thus, I had to chew the herb and spit. It reminded me of my great uncle, who used to chew tobacco before he ended up having half of a jaw removed. It was one more reason I generally disliked the herb. It’s just… I liked sex more. So, the herb was one of the many requests I had made on the list for potion making, even though it was for my own personal gratification. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.

Peers poked his head inside my tent after I finished rinsing my mouth out with salt water and what I was pretty sure was baking soda to remove the herb’s distinct smell. As I wiped my face, triggering the immaculate spell just in case, I glanced up eagerly at Peers. After a second he gave a light nod, and I broke into a smile, running up to him.

“You convinced them?” I tried to confirm, waiting for a nod before continuing. “You’re the best!”

I wrapped my arms around Peers and kissed him thoroughly. It was a passionate kiss, and if I had been in my bedroom instead of the lab, I might have pulled him on my bed for a quickie before we left. Instead, I pulled away and blushed as he made a regretful sigh. Then I turned to leave the tent, grabbing his hand as I went. This news was exciting for more than just getting my equipment upgraded. Other than my tent room and my lab which sat right next to each other, I hadn’t been out of the tent for more than a few minutes and hadn’t seen any of the rest of the Cambion colony.

It only consisted of the sixty people, so I didn’t think there was much to see, but even a third tent would break up the monotony of seeing the same things every day. Once we left the tent with myself in the lead, I immediately realized I had no clue which direction this enchanter was. Peers gave me a wry look as he passed me and took the lead. I followed behind, my excitement only slightly diminished for the moment.

As I suspected, the distance wasn’t far, and the tent we came to was no more remarkable than my own tent. Peers poked his head in and made a quick greeting and I quickly followed in behind him.

“So, Peers, this is the human woman we’ve taken on as our guest recently. I see she is as beautiful as the rumors have suggested.”

My mouth fell open the second I walked into the tent. For whatever reason, I had certain expectations when I considered the “enchanter” of this colony. I imagined someone like Reinhart. They’d be more haggard, with a sense of maturity and knowledge in their eyes. It certainly would have been an older man who had experienced much of the world. Rather, the person I saw didn’t look much older than Peers. Like Peers, he was incredibly attractive, with a fine physique and soft lips.

I shot Peers a look and breathed easy that he had been looking in another direction when I first saw the enchanter. I feared my eyes might have betrayed some arousal towards this man. The Cambion policy of one sexual partner per foodstock strangely had ingrained itself into their entire culture. As a result, despite being sex demons, the Cambions were perhaps the most monogamous group of creatures I had ever met. The idea of cheating on your mate was unheard of. Those that fed not only fed on one target until death, they refused to have any emotional relationships with any other Cambions for the duration of being a feeder.

During one of Peers stories, he had suggested that when the colonies were larger in size, there had even been periods of prejudice where feeders were considered the lowest forms of Cambions exactly because of their tendency to have multiple sex partners. Even if every sex partner lived a couple years, and they only had 2-3 their entire life, they might find themselves rejected by the monogamous nonfeeders. At least, that might have been the case if the population of Cambions wasn’t so dangerously low.

The end result of this was that Peers had been designated not simply as my assistant, my guardian, and my watcher, but also my life partner. Of course, for him, this was a blessing. He could be useful to the colony without continuing the acts as a feeder. As feeding still held slight negative connotations, it would seem like everyone struggled to find a useful job within the colony, and only if they failed to make themselves useful enough were they given feeder jobs.

Furthermore, while I hadn’t been told this directly, if I were start chasing after other Cambions, it would create quite a scandal. Even the sultry seductress herself Mary only every maintained a flirtish atmosphere. I might have been less enthused had I known her for what she actually was, a complete cocktease! Therefore, one couldn’t blame me for worrying if Peers caught me looking at another man.

Someone who knew me poorly might think I was disheartened to find myself in a monogamous relationship amongst a colony of top-tier beauties. While the rewords I obtained for polygamous relations in the way of experience bonus would be missed, the truth was that the colony provided safety for me. I didn’t need to get any more powerful as long as I could remain here safely. So what if my levels stagnated? The idea of becoming a hero died with Min.

In truth, when Peers absorbed lifeforce from me, the act created a euphoric druglike feeling, and when I absorbed back, it created a loop of pure sexual bliss. That’s to say my sex life was very satisfying, thank you very much, and I had very few qualms about remaining with Peers for a long time. In another life, I might have even been happy being with Denova the bandit king had he not turned out to be such a sociopath, so of course I could find happiness here with Peers. My eyes might occasionally wander but I had no plan to “cheat” on him.

It isn’t like I’m beyond regrets. Part of me wishes I could make more of a difference, but I believed I could make a deference to the sixty beings here. I could help revive a species that is near extinction, and even if the demons and humans will never love me for it, it’s the best someone like me can manage.

“Hey, Crish, I see you’re still trying hard to finish that rune.” Peers was speaking casually with the enchanter while I worked on schooling my face.

“Of course, Mary says if I can show myself with enough aptitude then I won’t end up a breeder.”

“Don’t you believe all that crap the elders spout about heirachies.” Peers responded. “Mary did away with that shit, and It ain’t coming back.”

“I’m sorry, mate.” The one he called Crish raised his hands. “I got nothing against the breeders. However, Cecelia says she’ll only marry me if I become a respectable man and breeders don’t fit her ideas.”

“Cecelia again? Really, man, you’re still hung up on her.” Peers turns to me and gives a week. “This girl Cecilia grew up with Crish. They were childhood friends for years. It was always assumed they’d end up together. Suddenly, one day, she started ignoring Crish, dressing nicer, and talking about big dreams…”

“Peers! Can you not in front of the new girl?”

“Ha ha!” Peers only laughed as Crish glared at him.

It was exactly in Peers nature to speak so openly and not really care about the consequences. That was the kind of guy he was. For a Cambion who art involved illusion and deception, he was shockingly open normally. As to my thoughts on this Cecelia, she was being a cocktease and trying to make Crish work for her. Before becoming a Seductress, I might have hated girls like that. However, the current me found the situation as entirely within expectations.

“Anyway.” Crish shot Peers one last warning look before turning to me. “Peers here tells me you were interested in enchantments. I’m afraid the best I can do is make warming stones and coolers. I’ve only reached Enchantment level 2, and the book I have has a sudden jump in complexity that prevents me from figuring out the trick behind the more complex running system.”

Although I only vaguely understood some of what he was talking about, I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes and lean forward, looking over his shoulder at the book he had pointed to.

“May… I look at this?” I asked cautiously, already reaching for the book before he even gave a nod.

“Be my guest.” Crish said before looking up at Peers, who only gave a shrug before finding a place to lie back and relax as always.

As for me, I curiously read the first chapter of the book. It looked like a incomplete book with many various pages ripped out or degraded beyond reading. I must have been spoiled by all the finely written clean cut books Reinhart and the King had. Among the more common people, books were much rarer and books with desirably skill information in them were rarer still.

However, the first few pages simply detailed the process of enchanting items. I already had a level of the Enchantment skill, but I had only obtained it by leveling my basic skills and it merely stood for imbuing something with a magical spell. That spell could easily be temporary or permanent, and I knew little about the difference between the two.

However, as I read the book, I was starting to see a pattern. In essence, it was simply an act of coding. There was a magical language which was known as runes, you inscribed a rune into an object, and then you activated the program through an initiation code, otherwise known as magic. I had once help a guy friend set up a website. Basically, all we did was download a preexisting code we liked, and then swapped out pictures and stuff, slowly making alterations one code at a time until we had the website we liked. The website never launched, but I quickly realized that this was the same way. You could pick a base rune, making small alterations and see how they effect the overall programming.

The first rune, this was a heat capturing rune, which essentially did the equivalent of imbuing a substance with thermal properties. More specifically, it allowed it to retain heat and hold it for a long period of time, only slowly losing it.

“Yeah, that’s where I was stuck.” Crish responds sheepishly as he looks over my shoulder. “I can replicate those runes on certain materials, but not on others. It seems to work best with soft earths, while I haven’t successfully been able to enchant any cloth per Mary’s request.”

“Ah, isn’t that because you haven’t changed the angle for resonance?” I muttered half-consciously as I flipped through the pages.


My eyes widened as I looked up at the shocked look Crish was giving me. A second later his eyes grew thoughtful, and then he pushed an object before me. It looked a bit like a stone tab, but the tingling on my skin suggested that it resonated with magical energy.

“This is a rune I’ve been working on. Show me what I’m missing.” Crish responded carefully.

Although I had never seen a rune before, the book I had been looking at didn’t seem that hard to figure out. Rather, the entire book was dependent on something I had learned in seventh grade. It was essentially geometry. The book used equations to plot magic along an x and y gradient. Although there were indeed some pages missing, a basic understanding of math probably could have carried you the rest of the way, right?

“Ah, don’t mind me,” I waved my hands, immediately discrediting those thoughts. “I know very little about this.”

It was more than likely I was missing something really obvious that made this far harder than it looked. While I could account for my Chemistry knowledge adding to alchemy and potion making, simple geometry being able to solve enchantments seemed unlikely. Even if the language seemed to be based mathematically, it couldn’t be that simply, right?

“Please, humor me.” Crish insisted.

His eyes didn’t hold any malice or ferventness, he genuinely just wanted to see what I’d do. So, I grabbed the crayon-like marking device he had been using and glanced down at the rune pattern in front of me. It looked something like the rune drawn in the book, however, Crish seemed to have changed a few lines. As Crish said, the problem wasn’t that the formation was glitched, it was that the material didn’t match. So, we were considering it that way, then… I instinctually erased a few of Crish’s marks and made a few changes of my own.

I was immediately concerned Crish might suddenly grow angry when I changed his work, but he merely looked intently as if he was waiting for something. After making the marks that seemed right while comparing them with the book a few times, I reached the point where I wasn’t sure what else to do. If the rune worked, it should work at this point. However, most magical success in this world seemed to be accompanied by a flash of light, a puff of smoke, or some kind of tangible change. Even when making potions, this was typically true. In the cases it wasn’t, my analyze skill always did the trick instead. So, without any flash of magical flare, my only assumption was that I didn’t do anything.

I shook my head and gave him a shrug as I handed the rune back to him. “I’m sorry, that’s all I can do.”

Crish didn’t seem upset. Instead, he pulled the run up to his face, looked at it for a few seconds, and then placed it on a quilted blanket that had been lying on a near bench. He casted magic into the rune and a second later there was a blinding flash that forced me to cover my eyes.

“Ah!” Crish exclaimed as he looked down at a the glowing blanket. “It worked.”

I was going to respond with a question but all thought left my mind a moment later when I saw a familiar flash of words pop up in my vision.

{Rune Creation has increased to Level 1!}

{Enchantment has increased to Level 2!}

My class was called an Enchantress after all, perhaps this opened a new path towards creating enchanted items. My eyes began to burn as I stared at the blanket emitting a light magical aura. Whatever the case, it seemed like I had discovered another route towards becoming useful.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 175

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“Hah, hah, hah…” Medusa gasps as your tongue invades her womanhood.

Medusa’s pussy is surprisingly warm and delicious. You might have assumed from her snake-like eyes and tail that Medusa would be a cold woman, but it was quite the opposite. As your tongue flicks inside her, the warm feelings transmitted from her wet, welcoming crotch are enough that you simply can’t get enough! A magical spell later and your tongue gives Gene Simmons a run for his money.

Although she has some of the properties of a snake, your tongue was the most snakelike thing in the current situation. As you hold her legs apart, your tongue slides deeper into her than most men’s penis could reach, flicking around inside and tasting her warm, inner depths. Medusa couldn’t even respond in surprise, the intense pleasure she hadn’t been able to enjoy in nearly one hundred years overwhelming her. Her hips are gyrating as she moans orgasmically, attempting to facefuck your mouth even though you’re on top and have control of her hips with your hands.

You laugh at her desperate attempts to rock her hips against your face while feeling your tongue violating her needy snatch. Medusa’s entire body wriths and slithers, and even with your hands grabbed tightly onto her hips, she unconsciously tries to twist out of your grip, while trying to rub her pussy against your face. Every ounce of her being is dedicated to trying to move your tongue around her pussy with the enthusiasm as a cat against catnip.

Medusa’s eyes are closed, her lips partially open as light moans escape her lips. It is almost like as soon as you started to tongue-fuck her, her entire brain fell into hibernation and now she only moves instinctively, animalisticly to your erotic machinations, lost in her own intense sexual gratification… her previous manipulative game and the seven remaining untouched women forgotten as she relished in the pleasure provided by your tongue.

However, you were on a mission, and Medusa was only a stepping stone on your path to pussy. Your nose deep in her crotch, your tongue deep in her surprisingly tight convulsing hole, you smell and taste her, bringing in Medusa’s essence and memorizing it. She tastes warm and sweet, not like berries, but a bit like honey.

However, as much as you enjoy her warm honey pot, she is only the first of many you need to devour today. Every second you spent eating out Medusa was a second you could use on the seven other women waiting on your service. No, not just seven, you had an entire harem of women that needed to be tasted. Naturally, this speed of consumption won’t do! Your tongue begins vibrating, instantly attacking her g spot with out care. The woman herself suddenly contracts, the strength of the sensations causing even her abdomen to tighten forcefully as her back arcs in uncontrollable pleasure.

“Oh, Pun!” She screams as her hands that lack anything else to grab onto immediately attack her own nipples, pulling desperately on her tits as she erupts in a powerful orgasm that prevents her from even uttering any other sound.

Of course, you’re using a bit more than your tongue. A modified version of the spell you first used on Ariel all those months ago, the “best orgasm ever” spell, was currently being used on her too. This one was a little safer, replacing quality with quantity. The name of this new spell was… “rapid wave orgasm!” In essence, she came, then came again, then came again! For the duration of the spells effect, it causes her to face a mild orgasm, only to force a rapid recovery, followed immediately by another orgasm. Like this, she is erupting in thirty orgasms a minute. The result of which, is the silently screaming as her eyes remain shut and her mouth remains open, unable to utter a sound as her already mushy, lustful brain is smashed to bits, any coherent thought long gone as she arrives into a world of perpetual bliss, her body no longer being controlled by anything my wave after wave on sensual pleasure being delivered by your tongue to her pussy.

As she starts cumming, it quickly becomes apparent she can’t stop. Every few seconds, another wave of liquid spurts out, her pussy turning into a fountain of lust, erupting over and over again in step with the rapid waves of orgasm, quickly covering your face with her cum. Each cum is stronger the last, as her body becomes weaker and more sensitive with each orgasm, the erotic feeling more aggressive until the point where her body and mind would break.

After two minutes of this, Medusa dropped into an orgasmic hell that became more intense with every passing second, and roughly sixty orgasms where she came enough that you were pretty sure she’s suffering from dehydration, you finally remove your vibrating tongue from her pussy, which seems to still be twitching in the aftershock of the orgasmic pleasure you caused.

“Ooooooooooooooooooo…. Gods! Ooooooooo….. oooooooo…” Tears started to fall down Medusa’s face as she started sobbing, the feeling of extreme satisfaction throwing her emotions out of wake to the point that she could do nothing but cry in happiness.

As soon as the spell lets up, her body finally collapses, the arc in her back that had forcefully triggered to the point of pain finally relaxing. She moans and cries while she desperately gasping for breaths, her body which was pushed to a point where death and perpetual death almost met ending while her mind tries to restart and her body struggles to return to normal. However, her eyes are still closed, and her body seems locked in a sexual coma of pleasure, with no sign of recover in the immediate future.

You stand up, abandoning the cumming girl writhing in a puddle of her own lust, then turn back to girl number four. Now that Medusa has been taken care of, it’s time to enjoy the rest of your harem!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 174

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Always the gentlemen, you tackle the next butt by immediately falling to your knees. Not wanting to repeat Maleficant’s rough treatment, you decide the next girl will get the lick down first. Like with your last girl, you go for the fuck first, ask questions later approach, diving yourself face first into the honeypatch of your mysterious harem member.

At this point, you truly show how much you love your harem as you unabashedly plunge your face in between her buttcheeks. With the illusion magic, you could never truly say for certain what you are getting into, but even if you plunge your nose into her butthole and your tongue into her snatch, that’s just a way of showing your love. You trust and crave the women of your harem so much, that there is nothing to hide and no reservation between you and her pussy.

Although you typically have dominated your women, putting them into submissive roles as they suck your cock or are desperately used like sex toys to meet your sexual satisfaction, you aren’t a man above licking pussies, playing with assholes, or getting on your knees to please your women. Although you quickly licked at Maleficant to get her moist enough to fuck, this time you take the initiative to position yourself and lick that snatch from behind until it’s good and wet.

Medusa seems slightly surprised as you shake your face enthusiastically against that wet snatch, slobberingly munching out of your girls’ lunchbox, your face smothered with asscheeks and so far into your girl that words like carpet muncher and brownnoser seem adequate descriptions. The woman on the menu today is definitely a bigger girl, with thick muscular buttocks of a warrior. Your tongue didn’t have to taste her for long before you were convinced the snatch belonged to Kida. It could have also been Snow White’s cunt, but you don’t think it is.

The reason for this is simple. You have never anally violated Kida before. Snow White has been anally pounded a few times, and you must have loosened up her butthole quite a bit. Meanwhile, your nose is pressed against a pert, tight butthole right now and showed no sides of opening up for penetration. As far as taste, Kida is less sweet and more salty. Eating her pussy is like tasting a salty snack rather than Maleficant’s berries and cream. She has an alluring fragrance, musky but distinctly feminine. Her internal lubrication is thick and mucusy, not wet and watery like Ursula.

It was at this point a realization shot through your brain. You grab onto Kida’s muscular buttocks with one hand to keep yourself from falling. Immediately lowering your head, a deep feeling of shame and embarrassment shoots through you. Whatever Medusa’s intentions with this game, after you’ll need to properly thank her. She has helped you come to a realization.

“And… I called myself a god… and I can’t even answer this much…” You have failed all of your women.

You formed a harem of women. They are your lovers, your sex partners, and your family. However, in all that time, you only knew them so well. You had been so caught up on the “looks” of these women, that you rejected the chance to truly “know” them as women. What did Aurora’s pussy taste like? You had tasted it before. In fact, if you were to find her pussy in this lineup you might snap your fingers and go, ‘aha, that’s the mother of my child’… however, do you really ‘know’ it.

This game, even without cheating, should have never been a challenge. Even touching these women was a cheat. You have the abilities of a god, yet you can’t tell each pussy with a single sniff? You should know the taste of every woman! With your other senses restricted, it was only now that you found out Maleficant’s pussy is sweet, and Kida’s pussy is salty? If you had enjoyed both pussy’s together your have the perfect sweet-n-salty snack all along! It was inexcusable that you had neglected these details!

You work your way back up to your feet, giving Kida’s backside a reassuring squeeze and pat. You mentally give Kida a silent apology. You have responsibilities. You need to know what every pussy tastes like.

“So, she doesn’t pas-“ Medusa starts to comment as she sees you move away from Kida, only to stop dead when she sees the fiery look in your eyes. “Um… my beloved, are you okay…”

“I must determine what the pussies all taste like!”

“Eh? What? You can? They are all right he-“

“And I will start my tasting you!”

“Oh, my!”

Before Medusa can resist, you push her down, ripping off her clothing, she tries to defend herself for a brief moment, but soon her tattered panties are roughly discarded. You look down as her private pink slit. While it’s not small and tight like Maleficants, it’s cute and slightly engorged from arousal. She is quite wet and you had even noticed that the panties you had ripped off were darkened with wet stains. Medusa has been suffering in silence, watching you fuck other women while she could only watch and fantasize.

This is a pussy that birthed dozens of children. Would it taste different from the virgin pussies you are used to? You don’t know. Clearly unprepared for your aggressive attacks, Medusa seems to lose all resistance; her teasing, mature, dominant demeanor is ripped away like her panties. All she can do is let out a cute little moan as you plow face first into this snake’s furry patch. Let the feast begin!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 173

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Having shed your pants now, you move on to the second girl, abandoning the wet, orgasming Ursula behind. As you stare at the next girl’s behind, you consider your last interaction. You had first determined it was Ursula and then you began to change how you handled her as a result. In a way, it feels like the fun was ruined a bit by knowing first.

Grabbing hold of you dick in its decapenis 10-inch state, you immediately line it up with the next girl’s pussy. This will be a trial by fire. You’ll take this girl Russian roulette. The number of intact virgins in your harem consist of only a few girls, so the chances are rather low that you’ll accidentally take someone you’d rather take later. However, you sense a little bit of exhilaration as you push up against an unsuspecting pussy. Not allowing yourself any time to guess who it is or give them time to prepare, you slide it in.

Unlike the wet and horny virgin Ursula, this woman hasn’t gotten wet first. You force your way in, and she provides a great deal of resistance. It takes almost a minute to roughly push yourself into her tight hole, and you have to use your hands to spread her cheeks open in order to accommodate your mass. It isn’t just because the girl lacks arousal, but also because she is incredibly tight. The woman herself shivers in much the way Ursula had, and she probably would be kicking and screaming as you reamed her pussy with your penis had she not been frozen by Medusa.

Well, it’s her fault for not having properly prepared herself for your cock. As you pull your cock back out, there is a little bit of blood on your cock, causing you pause. Had you defiled one of your virgin harem members? You won’t feel bad if you have, but you don’t want her first experience to be too shitty. Bending over for a minute, you stick your tongue in her crotch, eating her pussy for a little bit to add some lubrication. Although detective magic would ruin the game, Medusa said nothing about other magic, so you clean the damage and remove the blood before sticking your tongue inside her.

Even your tongue feels her extreme tightness which doesn’t match the nice round body and tasty glistening pussy on display. Once again, you close your eyes to fight against the illusion, using your hands and tongue to get a feel for the woman’s true form. You immediately realize she’s a lot smaller than you initially had thought. The illusion made it look like you were touching a tight, rotund ass, but when you actually used your feeling of touch, it is actually quite a small and pert butt.

Her body is skinny and small, her pussy appears to feel hairless, and the tightness of her small canal is obvious. She smells pleasant, a little like candy, and she tastes sweet and innocent. Your eyes widen right away, your tongue still stuck deep into her pussy canal as she shivers silently at your enthusiastic machinations. Did you finally defile Jasmine? It wasn’t your intention to violate the little girl in such a rough manner. What had come over you?

Wait a second, you needed to think about this a bit first. Although Jasmine is young, she is still starting to reach that age where she thinks about sex. More than that, Jasmine is highly motivated and possesses a stronge desire to have sex with you. Therefore, had you slide it into Jasmine, Jasmine absolutely would have been moist and ready. Even if her biology lacked the necessary lubricant, she’d make sure to have properly prepared if given the opportunity.

The more you worked the taste of this pussy in your mouth, the more you realized that you recognized this unbearably tight hole. Yes, there was only one pussy as tight and resistive as this one. There was only one tiny tiny who would smell like candy and taste like strawberries. Of course, it was none other than Maleficant!

You stand back up with a sigh. Her tight hole hadn’t been stretched enough by you yet. Clearly, various distractions had kept you from properly breaking her open as Pun intended. However, with her pussy properly wetted now and the taste of her sex on your lips, you slide your dick back into Maleficant’s waiting pussy. She is still resistant and tight, but you manage to work your ten inches into her tight cunt in only thirty seconds this time. Without her cursing and struggling, it’s actually a lot easier to fuck her. However, her shivering takes on a new meaning as your realize the vulgar words that would probably be flying out of her mouth as she accuses you of being a pervert.

She is so tight that there isn’t much room left, and you can’t pull out or the tightness of her pussy will push out your entire cock. It looks from the outside like your cock gets suddenly sucked into a pink hole, crushing your girthy cock in her tightness. As to how this compares with the last time you enjoyed Maleficant, then you had shrunk your penis to the modest 7 inches, with 30% less girth. The size you were now would never have been able to penetrate her. Therefore, Maleficant was truly making progress, and with her unable to resist your cock, your continued to work on spreading her micropussy with your giant cock.

She felt good, really good, and the shuttering of her body without any other movement in conjunction with her enormously tight snatch stimulated your penis erotically. It seemed like in the absence of the woman being able to say or do anything, the slight reactions, shudders, twitches of her pussy were easier to grasp and let to more subtle but somewhat erotic feelings being transmitted to your cock.

“Ah, shit, I’m going to cum…”

“So, beloved has chosen?”

Your eyes widen, suddenly remembering the game you are playing with Medusa. You immediately pull out, Maleficant’s tight hole clamping shut and forcing the last two inches out herself just as the first shot of cum erupts. It shoots across Maleficant’s ass. You immediately wipe Maleficant’s shivering pussy, and you can feel that apparently she started cumming too. In fact, it is probably Maleficant’s cumming that saved her from a creampie and impregnation. As her tight pussy clamped down even tighter than normally, it successful popped your cock out just in time for your cum to avoid being injected inside her.

Of course, she would clearly be aware of the hot streaks of stuff dripping down her ass, but she is powerless to do anything but stand there bent over as cum drips down her ass and legs. You carefully take several more wipes to make sure nothing remains around her entrance hole, and then sigh before looking up at Medusa, who is watching you with an amused smile.

“It doesn’t count.” You state as a matter of fact.

“Of course,” Medusa doesn’t protest. “But can you keep going?”

You laugh at Medusa’s vote of no confidence. You are already erect just looking at the next woman. Even your old body could go a hundred times before feeling drained. This body could fuck all day without remorse! You head for the next pussy to conquer.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 172

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You look down at the ten behinds temptingly spread out before you. Of course, you’ve had a harem of girls for ages now, and it isn’t the first time you’ve had more than a few of them at once. However, having them all lined up and so completely devoid of freedom or choice aroused you in new ways. Furthermore, the complete mystery of which girls were behind which ass and pussy is exceptionally tempting.

You quickly realize as you look from booty to booty that Medusa has done her illusion magic well and no matter what angle you look at you can’t get a peek at the woman in front of the ass. There are no cracks and holes to reveal a hint at the women behind. It looks like the more traditional kinds of cheating are no allowed in Medusa’s game.

“I’ve also had the girls all remove their collars for the next hour, so you won’t be able to cheat that way.” Medusa adds with a wink.

You give a cough, ignoring her knowing glance and avoiding revealing that this sort of cheating had been exactly on your mind. It slightly bothers you that all of the girls are without collars right now. That includes the girls not lined up before you. One of them could be off fooling around and you wouldn’t even know it! You fought back the jealous anger that swelled up inside you. All of the girls are yours, none of them would dare leave you. You had to repeat that yourself a few times before you calmed down.

“Go ahead, touch… smell… taste… find your precious Snow White.” Medusa gave a smile like a cat who caught the canary.

You aren’t sure whether Medusa is playing fair, but you don’t see how you’d have too many regrets no matter if you fell for her trap or not. Therefore, you have only the choice to step up and start to use the three senses that aren’t blocked under Medusa’s rules. Yes, you could have instantly crafted a spell and known every detail about every girl in the lineup. However, these are your women! If you can’t tell who is who, then how could you call yourself a harem king! Not that you’ve ever called yourself that… but you wouldn’t be able to if you failed such a simple challenge.

You casually lift your hand and reach for and touch your first butt. A warmth and softness is immediately transferred to your fingertips. Your fingertips appear to touch the butt you can see, but the shape of the butt you feel doesn’t seem to match your eyes. As you realize your eyes are only confounding your senses, you shut them and immerse yourself in feeling up the person in front of you.

Her butt isn’t hard, muscular, or tight, so she isn’t one of the fit or young girls. That rules out the fit girls like Ariel, the muscular women like Kida and Snow White, and small or bony girls like Mulan and Tiana. The lazy baka maids have softer butts like this, however, this girl has much wider hips and a rounder butt than them. Perhaps it is Belle, who has one of the biggest booties in your harem, but you’ve tasted that ass plenty of times and this one didn’t feel as familiar.

As your fondled the person aggressively, you could feel their body slightly shivering. The paralyzation seems to prevent any big movements like shaking or rocking, but the small responses to your fingertips are still functional. So, as your fingers worked their way between her thighs, you could feel the microspasms of sensation as you stimulate the girl, even if she can’t respond in any obvious ways. Compared to your other girls, these thighs are a bit thick, and working your way between them and up to her pussy seems to afford some difficulty. She seems to slightly clamp as you move your fingers up to her snatch, and you can feel a great deal of resistance from the woman herself.

Of course, there is only one unfit girl with a big butt that would resist your machinations. That would be Ursula, of course. You grin at finding yourself placed in front of the helpless Ursula. In all likelihood, she would never willingly put herself in this position in a million years. You wonder a bit how Medusa managed to get her in this position. Your finger continues to rub her pussy, working its way forward until you start to run your fingers in circles around her clit. The woman herself shakes at your touch, her pussy is clamped tight, desperately trying to deny your fingers. However, her body betrays her, producing great amounts of lubricant to aid in penetration, so soon your fingers work your way up and down her slit, invading her private parts. She produces lewd smells but not a single sound as her body shakes and shutters at your touch.

A cruel look forms on your face as you pull out your erect penis. Immediately, you slide it down her butt cheeks. The girl herself suddenly freezes, the little bit of shaking stopping like she is a deer just caught in headlights.

“Yeah, you know what that is, don’t you?” You give a little chuckle, sliding into the crack of her pussy.

The head of your cock pushes open her pussy lips, and no matter how hard her limited paralyzed body tries to keep her thighs tight and her pussy clamped, her wet lewd desires have moistened the area to the point where your head pops in with ease. The girl shudders, as the head slides into her pussy. You press up against an area of resistance, and quickly realize you’re pressing up against her virgin cherry.

You push slightly, rubbing the head of your cock up and down her slit, just giving enough pressure to force her to be consciously aware of the virginity you’re threatening, but not enough that you’ll break it just yet. Her body shivers and shudders, and you can imagine the woman on the other side cursing and begging at you to not take her like this. After a minute or two of rubbing your head up and down her clit, you’ve had enough fun.

“Will my beloved be cumming in this woman?” Medusa asks excitedly.

“What are you talking about?” You snort.

You pull the dick away, with your hands on each cheek spreading the woman’s behind open by force. You raise a hand and slap her rump hard. As if this was a signal, the accumulated stimulation of being played with for the previous five minutes, having the head of a cock rubbing her clit while in the constant jeopardy of having her virginity taken, liquid immediately spurted out of the girl, running down her legs as the slap seems to trigger her body to cum uncontrollably.

You could even see her pussy, the lips spread open by your dick’s head, her virgin cherry still intact, and the muscles around it contracting forcefully like a gaping fish, desperately wanting to gobble up your cock and take your semen as she cums for a minute straight. As her leaking fluids and throbbing pussy slows down, you finally let go of her cheeks, allowing the exposed cunt that she no longer could resist being spread shut closed once again.

You turn to Medusa with your dick still at full mast and chuckle. “Cumming? I’m just getting started.”

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 27

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“Two parts blood, one part semen, three parts oil… failure…” I muttered to myself as I scribbled into my notes.

My joyous morning with Peers had to unfortunately come to an end. It wasn’t like I had a particular schedule to abide by. However, for the moment I was still treated as something akin to a flight risk. Other than Mary and Peers, I had been cut off from the rest of the Cambions. As Peers had mentioned, he had become my secretary and bodyguard, however it was more accurate to call him my parole officer. He was my only contact with the outside world, and he was under pressure to get me to produce a product. Although his laid back personality prevented him from pressuring me directly, I could see a bit of the strain in his eyes.

I looked down at the product in my hand, using examine on it a second time to make sure I didn’t overlook anything. Although my manipulation ability had consumed the standard skill of examine, it still functioned in the same exact way. That is to say that the information I gleamed from it was not particularly subject to change and was typically very accurate.

{Vial of Seed – Rank B – Creator: Aria – Life in a vial – Quantity – Small}

Of course, this wasn’t the only information I obtained from examine. As the creator, the vial revealed the contents I had put in when making it. I also knew something of it’s duration and effectiveness.

“A Rank B, you’ve already made an improvement. I think Matriarch Mary will be very excited by these results. How is this a failure?”

I smiled wryly as the bored Peers was glancing over my shoulder with interest. He had an examine ability as well, although his skill was called identify. Apparently, whether the skill was called examine, identify, or analyze was a bit of a regional thing. It also appeared that those with magic-associated classes injected magic into something when they identified it, and it was thought that they were able to glean more accurate results. Looks can be deceiving, so while I could tell a high-quality sword from a low-quality sword, it’d take someone with a more discerning eye or better magic to tell the difference between which of two high quality swords was the better. The world of analysis had these kind of rules. For me, my examine skill was geared toward manipulation, so I learned more from people than from objects.

“It has moved from very small to small. This progress will be insufficient for the future of the colony.” I explained lightly.

“The fact you were able to reproduce it at all was the original worry. Not to say we didn’t trust your word!” Peers raised his hands defensively. “Even with the original stuff, we could expand our population to thousands before we’d need to start taking lives. That alone would be enough to properly defend ourselves and keep back the local raids.”

“Yes… but if the raids came and failed, do you think the humans and demons will give up?” I asked before shaking my head. “A thousand Cambions isn’t enough to survive a war, especially if half of them are children.”

Peers gave a carefree laugh. “Well, I’m sure the council has thought of that. It’ll be fine. You should be proud in what you’ve accomplished. We didn’t expect you to be able to produce anything for a week yet. We haven’t even managed to gather all the supplies you’ve requested.”

If Peers had any particular flaw, it was that he wasn’t much of a thinker. He blindly trusted in other people figuring it out. He lived a relatively care free life and rarely thought much farther than his sword. Sword being both the one he held at his hip, as well as his penis.

I gave him a comforting smile until he leaned down and kissed me. Finally, he pulled away with just a tinge of regret in his eyes. One thing I was set on with Peers was no sex in the lab. I still wasn’t quite sure how my Enchantress powers worked and having sex while in the proximity of potions slightly concerned me. Other than the basic lab safety protocols that had been forced into me in college, I also worried that some kind of sex magic might be emanating from me. I did keep a couple bottles in the bedroom as test samples, but I wasn’t willing to risk the entire stock just because I got horny.

Peers finally pulled away, casually lying back on a pile furs with a content look on his face. I looked down at the young man who seemed so innocent. Mary had casually mentioned that the population of Cambions would explode to over 1000 in just a decade from current group of sixty. That likely meant that Cambions had very short periods as babies and likely grew up fast. I was a little worried as to how young Peers actually was. Although demi-humans couldn’t be compared to humans as far as life-spans, maturity, and knowledge… I had examined Mary. The so-called Matriarch of this family was only 30, just a decade older than me. I told myself her young age had to do with the human and demon raids and not because Cambions had a very short lifespan. Either way, Peers was selected as my fuck buddy for the moment, so Peers’ age was just one more thing I decided to be willfully ignorant of.

The other thing I tried not to think too much about was the people that they consumed. As harsh as this world had shown itself to be, the Cambions were still undoubtedly a culture of rapists. Yes, they had to do so to survive, but that didn’t stop the fact that they regularly raped and murdered human beings in order to perpetuate their species. Even if the humans were partially willing, I still recalled my cell neighbor Eva. I couldn’t even pretend that at least she enjoyed it. I had been their listening to her cry and struggle as her Cambion mate forced her down and took her lifeforce unwillingly. I couldn’t pretend it was anything but brutal, systematic rape.

Yet, the Cambions weren’t particularly at fault either. Was a wolf at fault for killing and eating a bunny? They did it because they had to, and even if their callousness was severe, even the naïve Peers thought nothing of absorbing the life away from someone until they died, I still wanted to make them change.

What Peers didn’t know was that the rise in rank from C to B was almost purely a result of Lifebringer, the skill I gained after making those semen potions when I classed up. I had personally not perfected the recipe at all. In fact, the recipe I used this time involved more materials of a higher grade, and in the end only netted me a slight gain. That is why I wrote fail on the sheet.

When someone is developing a new drug, whether the drug works or not is meaningless. It doesn’t matter if the drug works so much as it matters whether the drug works better than the current form of treatment. No matter how many B class potions I made, unless they were cheaper to produce or more effective in life gain, they were a complete waste to me.

I wasn’t looking for a slight boost in potion making, I was looking to make a replacement to the current Cambion way of life. Mary had said that once their population had a few thousand, they would be able to capture humans for meals without worry of repercussion. I wasn’t so sure about this. However, even if they could manage to protect themselves, that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to Cambions to no longer have to eat people at all.

Mary imagined a world where they could break free from their restraints imposed by humans and demons, freely taking from the world as they pleased. I imagined a world where they were free from the constraints of Cambions, free to live their lives as any other demihuman could. They never imagined I could produce enough potion to sustain a population over a thousand, but I came from a world with manufacturing where we could produce enough product to serve millions. First, I’d perfect my recipe, and then… I’d create the first potion factory this world had ever seen.

As for ingredients, sperm banks were already a thing in my world, and without the needs for genetic testing or STD concerns, it’d be very easy to pay commoner men to jackoff for a few coppers. Hell, in a world with limited pornography, simply providing men with a place where they can view sex acts induced by illusion magic while touching themselves and they’d be willing to pay us! While the Cambions merely wanted to survive, in my mind I had already given them a place in the future porn industry!

However, for the moment, I couldn’t even get a moderate strength life potion. Every day, Eva and people like her were being raped, and there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn’t that I didn’t care, it was just that there was nothing I could do. For a world that existed so much like a game, its harsh realities were sometimes too bleak, even for my mental resistance.

“Like a game…” I muttered, an idea suddenly starting to form.

“Hmm?” Peers jerked up from his half-sleeping position at the first words I had spoken in some time.

“It’s… like a game.” I said, the excitement in my eyes growing.

“What is?”

“No… that is to say… there is a sort of… a trick, an alchemy trick…”

Peers furrowed his brows in concentration as he tried to follow my line of thought. “A trick?”

“Yes! Um… how do I put this, let’s say I enchant a ring that improves my alchemy.”

“A ring that improves alchemy? I’ve never heard of such a ring…”

“Just go with me on this.” I interrupted as I stood up and paced. “If I created a ring that helped me do alchemy, I could then perform better alchemy. I could then use that alchemy to produce a potion that improved my enchantment.”

“Enchantment?” Peers seemed to be having some trouble.

“With improved enchantment, I make a better ring to improve alchemy, and with the better alchemy, I create a better potion to improve enchantment. Round and round it goes, until I have the best ring to make the best alchemy, and the best potions to make the best enchantments.”

Peers scratched his chin thoughtfully for a second. “It sounds unbelievable. I’m not aware of either a recipe that improves enchantment nor an artifact that improves alchemy.”

I nodded at Peer’s words. These kinds of things were to be expected. Spells and enchantments in this world were not like special skills, where they enhanced and multiplied specific abilities. A few boosted stats and resistances, while others created environmental effects like warmth, vibration, or a skinlike texture. If I only had Sandor and Pratter here I might be able to come up with something with them.

“Do you have anyone who can enchant items?” I asked.

Peers’ eyes widened for a second before he shrugged. “One of ours tries his luck at enchantments. He was trying to replicate something that has been spreading through the human nobility lately. They call it a dildo. He thought it might be able to be used to enhance our extraction of life force.”

Although my eyes flashed a bit in surprise at first, they narrowed a little as I realized that he couldn’t even make a dildo. Well, I had taken Sandor and Pratter for granted. I had no idea how difficult it was to create my sex toys. I had heard that they were an expensive commodity, but I never saw the price tags. Either way, a novice enchanter would have to do.

“Can you get permission to take me to him?” I asked.

Peers frowned at the question before slowly nodding. “I don’t think it’d be a problem if I show the improve potion as collateral, but I already said, something like an alchemy enhancing jewelry sounds like the stuff of legends. What are you talking about enchanting?”

I gave him a simple smile, pulling the man over for a simple kiss to dispel his worries, then picked up one of my alchemy beakers. An enchantment that prevents the dissipation of heat, or immediately cools a sample, or sonicates the sample to break apart molecules, or puts the sample into a high-pressure environment. These were all things possible with enchantments.

I simply remembered that this world was a game. When you couldn’t get your character up another level, the best way to make him more powerful was by getting better equipment. I just planned to up my alchemy game, that was all.

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