Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 10

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“Are you sure you can keep up?” Dirk asked suspiciously, “You look pretty flushed and tired.”

“No,” I tried to give him a reassuring smile as I looked over the saddle of the horse. “I’m doing fine. This is just how I rest.”

Of course, he couldn’t see anything behind the horse, but the words were enough to calm him and he shrugged and went back to removing stones from his boot. In the meantime, my horse was turned so that it blocked the view between me and the adventurers. My pants were tugged down, exposing my buttocks to the world behind me.

Fortunately, no one was behind me to see this indecent scene. Min was standing by the neck of the horse. In one hand, he had a brush which he was using to stroke the hair. In his other hand, he held to a large dildo, which he was using to slide into me from behind. While his right hand soothed the slightly distressed horse, his left hand thrust up in a rhythmic fashion, providing me intense sexual pleasure.

I used one of my hands to grip onto the saddle to keep me standing upright, and the second hand rubbed my clit from the front while he violated my canal from the back. I had already cum twice, and liquid was gushing down his hands and dirtying my underwear, but I wouldn’t be satisfied with just one or two orgasms. Both of us knew this by now, so Min continued to work on me with vigor.

Of course, my art of manipulation shone the greatest during these unfortunate periods of time. Although Dirk has been wary, he likely would never have guessed what was happening on the other side of the horse. None of the men could have guessed that I was getting plowed by a nine-inch object by my elf companion so casually. Then again, they didn’t know much about me to begin with.

While I couldn’t stop my face from turning flush, my features looked perfectly fine. You’d never suspect that I was being racked by orgasm after orgasm, and I even managed to control my body enough that my head didn’t look like it was bobbing up and down with each stroke. It was a simple trick that involved letting my hips remain slightly looser. In which case, as he thrust up, my butt bounced down and thus I road Min’s hand as much as Min plowed my pussy.

Min gave me a look that suggested that we needed to stop soon and seriously get a little rest. Well, my endurance during sex was leagues higher than it was outside of sex, and Min has spent months endurance training since he met me. The truth was, we could both go all day if I had wanted to. However, despite my horniness, it wasn’t like I had lost all reason. I tightened my legs around Min’s hand as he thrust one more time a bit deeper than he had been. I held the dildo inside me while my fingers whirled around my clit. My hand tightened until my fingers were white against the harness, and I waited until all the guy’s heads were turned until I let out just a little bit of the sexual pleasure I was actually feeling. With that last bit I released my legs and allowed Min to pull the dildo out.

I held my hand up against my clit as the aftershocks of orgasm racked my body for another minute before I finally raised my pants back up. I had ducked my face behind the horse’s saddle, thus allowing myself to take a few deep breaths and express the sexual lust I had been hiding and enjoy the end of my orgasm.

Meanwhile, Min smoothly took the dildo, cleaned it, and slid it back into the saddle bags, moving away like nothing had happened. Of course, Min hadn’t always been this proficient at public intercourse. The first few times he had blushed crazily and been extremely paranoid. Thanks to my continued lewdness, however, he had been forced to adapt accordingly. Deep down, I understood that in my old world, these actions would be closer to the acts of a Nymphomaniac rather than a normal girl, but that knowledge didn’t bring me to stop. I’ve stopped blaming it on my unique seductress class. Being a seductress may have kicked up my capacity to fuck, but the base stuff had to already be there.

Still, I hoped every day that my next class would take the edge off this insatiable horniness. It isn’t unprecedented. First class warriors that became Berserkers reported feeling more rage and anger during fighting. The class augmented their emotional states. So, the inverse might be true. Whatever my new class becomes, presuming it’s not whore monger, will likely be less associated with sex. Therefore, I should be better at controlling my sex drive.

“Alright, let’s get a move on again.”

I nearly made out a noise of protest, only just keeping my mouth shut. I only just managed to get my pants back up. They were completely wet from my own ministrations. I used freshen up so that I was cleaner, but that didn’t removed all the stuff that leaked down my legs. Min gave me a look between amused and sympathetic, which turned innocent when I returned a dark look. He knew this would happen when he went along with my shenanigans.

Therefore, I found myself walking uncomfortably for the next ten miles in soggy underwear. I had to use Freshen Up two more times along the way just so I didn’t smell like a sewer, and I was quite sore by the time we finally got to a point to stop for the night.

While we were prepared to have our own campfire, Tark insisted on keeping it as one to attract less notice. They made no attempts to put up any kind of covering from the elements, but Min had bought a small tent that was big enough that I could change in privacy. I didn’t think the guys would try to look, but they seemed a little disheartened that the opportunity couldn’t present itself.

By the I pulled off those soggy panties and put on something dry, the relief was unbelievable. Well, knowing that Min and I likely wouldn’t be able to do anything tonight anyway, I rubbed myself to orgasm again before wearing clean ones, but a fresh orgasm and dry panties is definitely the way to go.

We ate our own food which Min prepared at the campfire. The men seemed completely accepting of Min, and thus far hadn’t seemed to mention the fact he was an elf so far. For me, they still seemed to keep their distance. Dirk always met me with an open smile, but nothing more. Giff wanted nothing to do with me, and while Tark kept shooting me looks, he never moved to something more than just talking.

After the meal, Min whispered in my ear, “Must stay up, whole night.”

It only took me a moment to realize why. This was our first night outdoors with these relatively strange men. Even if they wanted some kind of rotating schedule, during one of their shifts if both of us were asleep they could just cut our throats or something else. That was a risk neither of us was willing to take.

“You’ll take half.” I declared back to him. “Go get some sleep. I’ll wake you around midnight. Alright?”

Min looked like he wanted to argue, but I put my foot down. Finally, I got him into the tent to lie down. Once he finally accepted that, I headed out to the fire to stay warm. Although there was no snow on the ground in these parts due to an abnormal heat wave a week or so ago, it was still an icy cold night where my breath could be clearly seen.

Two of the men wrapped themselves up in warm looking animal furs while I curled up as close to the fire as I could without burning myself. On the other end of the fire was Dirk, the one selected to stay up on this particular shift. Even he wasn’t crazy enough to go shirtless in the cold, so he wore animal skins. In fact, all of their animal skins looked a lot warmer than the clothing we had bought, most of which were cloaks from Nidia. This place could get a lot colder than Nidia ever did.

The pair of us sat in silence, no other sounds but the crackling of fire. Although, it didn’t take too long for this sound to be joined by snoring. Both men seemed to quickly fall asleep outdoors. For me, it took quite a while. I could be stuck an hour before I could finally get myself to fall to sleep.

“I have the watch, miss, you can head to bed if you’d like.” Dirk stated softly.

“Mm…” I responded noncommittally. “I think we’ll keep watch just in case. But you can head to sleep if you’d like.”

Dirk responded with a warm chuckle. “You got me there. I guess trust takes a little longer to build than a day.”

“I guess…” I responded back, shivering.

“Cold?” When I nodded he stood up and sat right next to me, draping the animal blanket over the both of us as he sat.

I might have called this too presumptuous in another time, but his muscular body seemed to have a high body temperature, and the warmth under that blanket was lovely. I wasted no time cuddling up to him and his warmth. He let out a surprised chuckle.

“Well, you’re not the shy type, I see.”

“Hey,” I laughed as I held his warm arm, “If you keep me warm you can do whatever you want with me?”

Dirk rose an eyebrow, “Is that so?”

As if to test the waters, his hand slid under the blanket and ended up landing on my inner thigh. His hand was warm compared to my thigh, so I didn’t complain at all. He seemed a little surprised at my lack of resistance. However, it really had nothing to do with trust or the like. I wanted warmth and he wanted to snuggle and fondle a woman. Neither of us would leave this situation feeling unhappy. Just because I said he could do what he wanted as a jest, it didn’t mean it wasn’t the truth. My opinion of him improved though as he didn’t press his luck, only choosing to leave his hand on my thigh.

“I have to say…” he spoke up after a bit, “You’re not the kind of girl I’d expect to see this far out in the wilderness. What’s so important that you’d risk your life to get it?”

“I’m just after something I want.”

“Something you want?”

I shrugged, not wanting to give him a clear answer. “When I want something, I take it.”

“Is that so?”

“Besides, it’s not that dangerous. I have Min…”

“Ah, right, that one. Is he your boyfriend?”

“My companion.”

“A companion, eh?” Dirk gave a wry smile, “How close is that one?”

“As close as they come.” I said frankly, but when Dirk started to look disappointed I added. “But we’re not exclusive.”

Dirk frowned. “Eh… exclusive, not familiar with that…”

“Well, let me put it in way you’ll easily understand.” I said, grabbing his wrist resting on my thigh, and then moving his warm hand up to my crotch.

Dirk’s eyes widened magnificently, and he gave a gulp. Even this giant strongman could blush and look embarrassed, it was quite cute.

“You really aren’t shy at all…” he said nervously.

“I told you… if I want it, I take it.” As I spoke I moved my hand into his pants and freed his member.

“Oh, it’s so big.” It wasn’t that big, but it didn’t take a seductress class to know that guys liked to hear it was.

In truth, Min’s phallic strapon was probably about twice as long and thick. Overall, this guy was about 4 inches with a circumference that didn’t impress. That didn’t matter for my requirements tonight. Tonight, I wanted a warm body and hard muscles, and those he delivered fantastically. As my hands kept his shaft hard, he finally brought his mouth to mine and our tongues tangled together.

He was an Adventurer who believed in hygiene, so his breath had a sweet, meaty taste and his body order was natural and manly. As his fingers slipped into my underwear and slid into me, I gave little gasping noises. This encouraged him, and he became increasingly more aggressive. Despite his friends being only a few feet away, all his previous nervousness seemed to melt the second he confirmed I was on board.

I spread my legs and let him dash two fingers in and out of me while my tongue roamed his mouth. Soon, he pulled away and started kissing my neck. I gave hard breathy noises directed at his ears. He was sucking on my neck hard in the kind of way that would leave hickies for weeks. However, my neck was cold and his tongue was hot and wet, and it felt good.

“Ah, ah, eh?” Just as his finger started to move fast enough to quicken my breath and I started rocking my hips, they stopped and he made a moaning sound into my shoulder.

Warm jizz shot over my hand as his cock constricted and released. A few seconds later, his body relaxed as he made gasping breaths. He pulled his fingers out of me without even asking if I wanted to be finished as well. I continued to hold his dick as he softened in my grip. Finally, he pulled away from me, taking the warmth I wanted from him.

[Manipulation has increased to level 16.}

If Dirk had looked at my face even five seconds earlier he might have seen an upset and dissatisfied women, but in my attempts to look satiated, a art level up I hadn’t seen since I unlocked the arts appeared, and thus he saw an ecstatic smile on my face that had convinced him the experience was mutually enjoyable. I put on the mask immediately, pretending to be sexually satisfied.

“Thanks.” He said, his dick already having lost all vigor.

“Yeah…” I responded, pulling out my hand and wiping the jizz on a nearby log before tossing it into the fire.

I was colder now with wet bruises on my neck. Whoever said that it was better to be loved and lose it than to never be loved at all clearly had never dealt with premature ejaculation. Although he continued to let me cuddle against his warm body, the moment was anti-climactic, at least for my vagina.

“Vesse? Okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I growled, waking Min up two hours later.

I was going through the saddlebags until I found where Min stashed that particular toy. Once I found it, I shoved him out while he continued to wear a cute, confused look. At least the toy could keep up with me.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 82

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Tentacles burst forth appearing exactly as you imagine them to be. Some men like fleshy, elongated penises, some men like like octopus tentacles, some men like gooey slimy tentacles, and some men like the vine-like floura. You, of course, have your own tastes, and those tastes are being delivered upon your harem.

“Oh, Kida has returned.” You make a surprised remark before your eyes narrow. “But she sure is a heavy sleeper.”

Your tentacles make their way into every girl’s room, attacking them in their beds, their showers, or in the case of the maids, chained up in the basement apparently already earning punishments. In Kida’s case, she had moseyed her way into her room while you were busy dealing with the new guests. Her time in the guild must have been exhausting because she collapsed unconscious on the bed.

Tentacles slide under her underwear and immediately began violating her pussy, but while she made a few murmurs and her face made a lude look, she otherwise remained asleep. You added more tentacles, one probing her butt while two others held up her legs, and yet another opened her mouth and slide in. All of that, and her eyes remained closed.

“Hey… Kida… you wanted to enjoy things awake.” You frown.

She wasn’t even on her bed anymore. Two tentacles had her legs up in the air while one particularly large tentacles slide in and out of her pussy. One tentacle slide in and out of her mouth, wet with her saliva, and of course there were several other tentacles wrapped around her back and tight around her tits. You even turned two tentacles into form 2 “mouth-type” tentacles which latched on to each boob, sucking and pulling on her breasts. They pulled hard enough that those mountains had become peaks. Although, she was moaning and muttering your name, it was entirely in a state of sleep.

Ah, well, at least she’ll have pleasant dreams. You leave the tentacles on autopilot as you check on the rest of the girls. Of course, the tentacles are quite capable of delivering your seed, and the greedy Grimhilde already desperately trying to satisfy as many tentacles as possible to swallow her semenic drug. She has one in each hand, a third in her mouth, and a forth slid between her breasts, desperately trying to squeeze her breasts around it in order to receive the cum of just one more shot.

You add a tentacle which slides up into her vagina, although she barely reacts to her pussy being violated. Rather, all of her body is focused on swallowing cum. Just to tease her, the load you release first is the one in her vagina. Feeling herself be creampied, she panics and drops the other tentacles, spitting the one out of her mouth as she desperately tries to bring the cumming tentacle up to her mouth.

It stops cumming just as it reaches her mouth and as she desperate sucks on it like she’s a baby trying to get her mother’s milk, it disappointedly releases only a few teasing drops. She has a frustrated look on her face and immediately goes to dig the cream out of her crop when just as she bends over one of the neglected tentacles erupts, shooting streaks across her hair.

“Ah!” She shouts as she looks up in surprise, taking another shot right in her eye.

She responds immediately, opening her mouth wide, waiting for the tentacle to send a third wave of cum into her mouth, but it never happens. A moment later, the tentacle between her breasts erupts, and cum shoots up her chin and into her nose, causing her to cough and spit. Before she reacts, the other tentacle erupts on the other side, hitting her in the ear. Like this, her body turned into a white mess of cum while she sheds tears desperately trying to get them to blow loads into her mouth.

There wasn’t a single girl in the mansion that was in much better shape. There were screams and shouts of surprise at first, but they quickly turned into moans. Every girl got her own personal self-service towards your own perverted delights.

Even Cinderella’s mouth was filled when twenty tentacles attacked her, violating every hole. Snow White chose to lie down and merely choose passive inaction as her resistance of choice. Therefore, mirrors appeared all around her and you temporarily made her eyelids see through. She had no choice but to watch herself be violated by your tentacles and listen as her body made lewd erotic noises. Her body flushed yellow as she muttered “Will my shaming never end?”

Belle took the tentacles without a hitch, the pervert that she is. Lesbians are such hypocrites. They go on about how much they hate men but at the end of the day every single one of them couldn’t get by without sticking something phallic shaped inside them. You consider making her pregnant just so she’d admit that she likes doing guys.

She isn’t the only one who takes to tentacles without issue. Ariel could be considered a resident expert. During your first night where you broke her with everything you had, naturally tentacles were included with that. She took to tentacles like she took to everything, which is to say she held two victory signs on each hand while wearing a shameless orgasming face while she dedicated two or more tentacles per hole. While Grimhilde had become a hopeless white mess that was cute in its own way, Ariel’s shamelessness and the sheer determination, despite being just as filthy, came with infinite more sex appeal as her raw sexual energy met your tentacles head on.

Aurora is treated a bit more gently as she has your baby, while Mulan is handled a bit more roughly because she is being obstinate. Tentacles offered none of the competition nor any treasures, so Mulan wasn’t in a mood to be violated. She tried to fight against the tentacles and even damaged several. However, you wouldn’t have it, and the more tentacles she cut down, the more tentacles swarmed her. Soon, she was wrapped from head to toe in tentacle, the only bare spots open were the spots you violated, plowing with enough force to even get a dragon a hard time. She was cursing while begging forgiveness from master for stepping above herself as a lowly dragon.

Merida became a milking cow… not exactly, but your tentacles latched on those juicy tits just like Kida’s mountains, and unlike in Kida’s case, they released sweet substance. You hear that if women don’t give milk frequently they lose the ability. The more they use it the stronger it gets. You’re merely promoting her proper development as a milk maid, that’s all. Why did she make such lewd noises from her nipples being sucked? Ah, and she started touching herself too.

A pregnant mother being milked while touching herself and moaning your name! The attack is super effective! It seems that her breasts are very sexually stimulating for Merida. You wonder how awkward this would become once the children are born.

Meanwhile, a tentacle slides into Elena and Jasmine’s room. It works its way up the bedpost and slides up the sheets. A second later the bedsheet is thrown to the side and Jasmine is standing there wearing absolute nothing.

“Finally! I hid sister, so you’ll have to have me! Take me savior! Take this body and make it your woman!”

The tentacle rises up as Jasmine closes her eyes preparing herself for penetration. It keeps rising until it’s up over her head. Her mouth open, her legs spread, she finally opens an eye and looks up at what the tentacle is doing. It pats her head three times, and then slowly slides back out of the room. The door closes behind it.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 81

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“That is…” Sebastian shook his head while eying your member. “Perhaps I can start to see why so many women have gravitated towards you… however, despite the vulgarity, I’ve seen something I didn’t expect. All of these women seem happy. Even the green one looks at you with burning eyes of passion.”

Snow White’s face turns ugly and she looks away before fleeing the room. She seems upset, but someone who knew her better would have seen the shame and embarrassment on her face.

“I guess so…” You respond, not sure what to say.

“My daughter… she hasn’t smiled since the day her mother died. That moment you showed her Arianna, it was the first time she had even allowed herself to cry. If you can bring my daughter happiness, even the smallest amount, that’s worth more to me than anything. I… will train these inept maids for you, and manage your mansion with all of my power.”

“Thank Pun!” Sylvia cries, holding on to her three sisters. “We’ll be under the care of a normal noble.”

“No more rape punishments.” Dinah cries out.

“No more debasement!” Daisy adds.

“Our lives can finally be normal.” Minnie beams.

“Just so you know,” You casually add as Sebastian rounds up the crying maids. “You are free to discipline these women however you want. Just keep them pretty and fuckable.”

Sebastian doesn’t even blink at that comment. “Of course, my lord, this isn’t my first mansion. It’s expected for the maids to be the lord of the mansion’s personal playthings. Properly satisfying their lord will be part of their intensive training.”

As Sebastian speaks, he pulls something out from his pocket. When the contents unfurl, it reveals a long, thin whip. He suddenly lashes it out, striking the ass of Dinah and causing all four girl’s to cry out.

“Move it, you stupid maids! It’ll be my pride as a butler that you make the perfect maids. Your tea tastes like shit, your asses are flabby, and etiquette is lax. The one in last place spends the night chained in the basement!”

The four girls run from the room ahead of Sebastian as he chases after them while whipping their asses. The girls are now crying for an entirely different reason.

“He’s even worst!”

“We’re sorry boss! Please punish us with your dick instead!”

“Waa, my ass hurts!”

“Ah, well, it looks like I made a good choice.” You nod, only a little surprised that Sebastian is part sadist. “Anyway, I guess I’ll wake up this noble elf bitch and accept my payment.”

“Ah, if it’s blowjobs, my love, how about me?” Grimhilde licks her lips, gulping at the thought of receiving her drug.

“As the mother of your child, Hero-san, I’d be happy to lend my services!” The Queen smiles seductively.

Merida forces her way forward. “I’m a mother of your child too, daddy, that means it’s my duty!”

“Oh? Has my loyal Knight turned on me?” The Queen’s voice was mocking but jovial.

Merida has her hands together as she looks back and forth between Aurora and you as if she is conflicted. “That is… um… Daddy takes precedence in these circumstances. As your loyal knight, I must be your right arm, and even your mouth if the occasion calls for it! That’s right, I’m taking on the dirty tasks for my Queen!”


“This lowly Dragon will pleasure master!” Mulan shoves them aside, immediately being fired up by the competition in front of her.

“This body is programmed to satisfy darling the best. Please fill this body up. Insert your love here.” Cinderella speaks up.

Her mouth opens, and then continues to open. As it were, her jaw could dislocate and she could expand her mouth to just about any size, so at the moment, her mouth appeared like one of those ghosts in the grudge, open about three times wider than normal and forming an oval appearance like a scream mask.

“Jasmine will fulfill savior’s dark desires!”

“Enjoy your women, beast, I’ll make sure to break in this sexy little elf.”

“Shut up, Belle!”

You grab Tiana off the floor, and then flee from the harem as they all start fighting and arguing over your dick. Finally, you get her into a room, locking it from the outside. There is some pounding on the door.

“Please, my love, I need your seed! I’m thirsty!”

“Please insert penis darling, fill this body up until it breaks!”

You let out a sigh as you move to drop Tiana on the bed. However, you freeze when you discover the bed is already full. Lying on the bed is a naked woman, her legs spread open as she looks at you and Tiana and touches herself.

“So, are we doing this hero or what?” Ariel asks innocently, as if her participation wasn’t even in question.

You use magic to levitate Ariel.

“Oh, this will be fun!” She says excitedly.

That excitement dies as you open up the door all of a sudden and use a burst of force to push her and all the other thirsty bitches out the door before slamming it closed. It isn’t that you aren’t up to pleasuring all of these girls, but sometimes you want a little room and privacy. With your self-enforced ban on Elena, this was the first real demi-human you’d get to enjoy, Snow White, Mulan, and Grimhilde fitting more on the monster side of the fantasy spectrum.

And while they certainly have some appeal, this girl is different. She is dainty and delicate. You want to enjoy some time with her, just like you had with Merida.

However, with the harem growing daily, you are starting to realize the limitations of one penis. The flesh is willing, but it is time that is the issue. Now… how to remedy this.

You could always just slow down time outside, so that you could spend all the time you wanted with each girl, but that would slow down the plot to crawl. No, you need something a little more pro-active. A way to satisfy everyone at once… or at least keep them sufficiently distracted. With that, you found yourself trying to remember every book you ever read on machine sliced bread. What would protagonists in an adult novel do? Ah, well, of course it’d have to be that, wouldn’t it?

The door suddenly blasts open. The few girls that had still been banging on the door jump back in surprise. Not everyone was so ineloquent as to chase after you. Ariel was there. Grimhilde was naturally addicted and couldn’t help herself. Cinderella had no sense and Mulan was driven. The rest of the girls had likely gone back to their respective rooms once the teasing went to deaf ears.

“My love?” Grimhilde seems to step back with a worried look as she sees you darkly staring at her.

“Let the day of the tentacle commence.”

With those words, an innumerable number of phallic like objects shoot out from a glowing sphere in front of you, each one immediately aiming for a girl.

“Let my tentacle inside you.” You declare. “Or don’t, it’s going there anyway.”

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*I wrote this before the Christmas Special, by the way. That was just a joke, but I do listen to you guys a bit in the comments. You wanted some tentacles, so here’s your fucking tentacles. It won’t go as badly as the last one.


The Power of Creation – Chapter 80

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“Tiana, you don’t know what you’re saying.” Sebastian protests.

“No, father! You have sacrificed so much for mother and I. Your respect, your status, your money… for the last eighteen years you have done everything so that mother and I could have the noble life, despite having elf blood! You always wanted me to give myself away to some noble so that I could continue to live a rich and fulfilling life in high society!”


“And… and… Ariel and Aurora are legitimate nobles, but they don’t look at me like I’m a freak. And Grimhilde is even a demonlord!”


“They’re all kind to me and proper high society. I’ve never had friends before. All the other girls were so cruel, but if I stay here I can be their friends!”

“Even if you say that…”

“P-plus… Ariel told me about something called a blowjob and said if I do it to that filthy commoner he will let us stay here and won’t throw us away!”


You turn an eye to Aurora and Grimhilde, who shrug with a look as if this couldn’t be helped. You din’t particularly mind Ariel having another aristocratic girl her age. It is good to have friends, and there are only so many ways she can connect with a monster like Mulan, or a streetrat like Elena. However, even now she keeps calling you a filthy commoner.

“You know, if you really want to get in my good graces, it’d be nice to stop calling me a filthy commoner and looking your nose down on me.”

Tiana cocks her head to the side. “Ah, but you are a dirty commoner, right? I’m naturally your better. I was simply born that way? I might sell goods to a merchant, but a merchant is still a merchant even if I gain from that transaction? If anything, a lowly commoner should be thankful that the situation allows them to be in the presence of my greatness?”

This fucking bitch. You can almost cry at her extremely warped sense of logic. You shoot Sebastian a questioning glare and he straightens his spine and clears his throat, avoiding looking at you.

“Just how did you raise this woman, gramps?”

“Ah, well, I feared my daughters place. The nobles would push against her presence, so I needed to instill her with the pride of a noble so that no one could push her down.”

You shake your head. Pride of a noble, is it? It looks like this old man had created a girl who is unrealistically full of herself. And in the end, no matter how prideful she is, she was still harassed by the other nobles. Perhaps this is what allowed her to cope with the years of abuse, but it still didn’t mean you’d forgive her insolence.

You look over at Ariel who gives you an innocent nod and then sigh. “Alright, sure…”


“What did you say?”

You shrug again. “I said fine. You give me a blowjob and I’ll let you and your father stay. I don’t know, you know proper court etiquette right? How about being the butler and training my idiot maids so they act proper?”

“Outrageous! You so casually suggest you violate my daughter and demote me to a servant?”

“Father! We must! If you can bear with it I’m sure we can both find happiness in this new life!”

“But Tiana…”

“Enough father! You like training staff anyway. You told me yourself that you liked to run a strict household. You will be in charge of this beautiful mansion where you and your daughter can live peacefully…”

“That’s true, but…”

“Meanwhile, all I must due is provide this dirty commoner this blow job, and then our futures are secure!”

You clap your hands, causing the pair of them to turn back to you. “Then it’s settled, you better get to work right now!”

“Ah? Here? Ah… of course.” Tiana looks flustered but when Ariel gives her a thumbs up it seems to relax her and she nods.

“… you do know what a blow job is, right?”

Tiana suddenly stiffened. “What are you talking about? Of course, as a noble, I know all of these things. A blow job… it is… you see… where you… um…”

Her eyes shift to Ariel, who makes a fist and opens her mouth, rocking the fist in front of her mouth and simulating the actions.

Tiana nodded. “That’s right, it’s where… I use my mouth… and um… my hand… and…”

You sigh and reach into your pants, letting the monstrous snake flop out. Tiana’s eyes good wide as her eyes lock on it like she has just seen a viper jump from your pants.

“You take this in your mouth and you suck it hard and good.”

“Eh? EH?” *thump*

“Oh, she passed out.”

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The Power of Creation – A Christmas Special

This chapter does not occur canonically. It’s a Christmas joke to bring a little cheer. Enjoy this Christmas Special with the theme “Be Careful What You Wish For”. 

“Cinderella, what are you doing there?” Ariel asks as she walks out into the living room with Tiana in tow.

“Decorating tree…” Cinderella nods.

“We can see that, but why are you putting this shinny stuff all over a needle-leaf tree?” Tiana asks.

“Darling said… Christmas.”

“What’s Christmas? Some commoner holiday?”

“Darling said… day to give presents.”

The girl’s eyes grow wide and they get excited at the prospect of presents. The news spreads quickly across the girls of the mansion. You, the master of the household, would be giving each of the girls a personal present on the holiday of Christmas, which happens to fall tomorrow. Well, that is the way Tiana explains it to everyone else.

All of the girls are getting excited. The sex dolls who you made with part of your memories in their programming became invaluable sources of information about Christmas. In fact, the goblin army in the basement is already full on celebrating. They had made something called Goblin Nog, and even the superiors are drunk off their gourd, making full use of the sex doll serving staff as they party nonstop.

Your official harem has a bit more patience, and instead decide to celebrate the holiday right by decorating the whole mansion. Jasmine bakes various Christmas cookie recipes while Elena and Kida string up decorations. Ariel and Aurora sew socks for each person that they hang from the fire place.

It isn’t without some problems. Snow White has gotten into the Goblin Nog and come out butt naked, demanding a refight with you before passing out on the couch. Belle carries her back to her room, but seems to disappear in there with her for a few hours before there is a sudden shout and sound of flesh hitting flesh. Belle eventually stumbles out of the room with a black eye and broken glasses as well as chapped lips. It is anyone’s guess what happened in there, but it probably rhymes with money linguist.

“This holiday has many shiny things. This great dragon approves! But… where has master gone off too?”

Yes, as the place becomes very active with Christmas cheer and the girls laugh, chat, and mess around, the guest of honor, you, are mysteriously absent. The girls all watch the clock anxiously as they wait for you to appear. Jasmine is in the process of cooking the Christmas dinner and they are starting to worry you’ll miss it.

That is when the front door suddenly kicks open. You stumble in, dark lines under your eyes, your hair messed up, and various stains all over your shirt.

“Daddy? What happened?” Merida looks on in shock.

All of the girls except Snow White who is still hiding in her room come up to you with worried looks. You look in really bad shape.

“My love, where have you been? What could have done this to you?” Grimhilde asks.



“Pun’s website…”


“I… went to the comment’s section for this story and saw that the fans were saying…”

“My love! You must never do that!”

“Rookie, don’t you know those things are filled with garbage…”

“I…I… must…”

“Hero? What must you do?”

“I… must… fulfill… their… Christmas wish!”

“Wasn’t there some talk of presents earlier?” Ariel misinterprets excitedly.

“… Master’s eyes are starting to look scary.”

“Perhaps my love should lie down for a bit.”

“No!” you shout.  “I must give my fanbase what they want!”

Tentacles appear out of nowhere. All the girls scream as they are suddenly caught up in the waves of tentacles as they wrap around them and tear apart their clothing. They immediately find their ways into every hole, Tiana especially, who gets violated in her ass and pussy by slimy tentacles. Before she can protest, another tentacle plows down her throat.


“What are you doing to my daughter!” Sebastian storms into the room and shouts.

“What the fans want!” You shout back. “They also want this.”

You stab Substation in the eye.


“Now, I’m going to skin you alive and wear your skin and rape your daughter while wearing your skin!”

“You monster!”

“You were slightly mean, so naturally I must murder your horrifically!”

You continue to stab Sebastian as he cries and begs for his life until he’s nothing but a bloody mess on the floor as all of the girls look on in horror.

The tentacle finally leaves Tiana’s mouth and she cries out in balling wails. “You monster! I hate you, I hate you forever!”

“Yes! My fanbase is increasing!” You shove the tentacle back in her mouth to keep her from biting off her tongue and committing suicide.

“Hero-san. What are you doing?” Aurora cries out.

“Ah, about that!” You point at her stomach.

A second later she bends over in pain as red starts to drip out from under her.

“Wh-what did you do!” She cries, landing to the ground in extreme pain.

“I aborted the baby! People don’t want you pregnant! They want you getting pregnant. Over and over again!”

You explode semen all over her, and a second later she becomes pregnant again. Then she aborts, then pregnant again. You laugh as you place her in an existential hell from which there is no return.

“Daddy, no!” Merida covers her stomach protectively.

You laugh again. “You’re just a milk bag anyway, so give me milk!”

You cast another spell and her tits suddenly shoot out milk like faucets. She let’s out a cry desperately grabbing onto her breasts as milk flies everywhere, covering the nearby Kida and the baka maids.

“How about we make it chocolate?”

You flip a switch and the milk turns a darker brown color. You pull a glass out and catch some of the milk in it. Taking a sip, you look at the Merida still desperately looking at you.

“Mmm… does the body good!”

“Please, Daddy!” You shove a tentacle in her mouth to cut off what she is going to say.

“I don’t understand… hero, what’s going on?” Ariel still looks at you with a hopeful gaze, having grown to love you unconditionally.

“Ah, that reminds me.” You wave your hand and a second later the King that summoned you appears.

“What is going on? Oh my god, Ariel… Aurora, you’re still alive! My wife, my child…” The man tears up as he watches the pair.

Ariel is caught up butt naked in tentacles while his wife is crotched on the ground, being impregnated and then aborted over and over again. As his eyes focus, he takes a step forward.

“I’ll save you my family!”

“No, He’s gone crazy. Husband, just kill me! Please kill me!”

“He, wh-“ his voice stops as a sword suddenly slides through his chest.

A moment later he collapses to the floor.



“Should have done that in the first chapter!” You laugh maniacally.

Ariel starts to tear up while Aurora makes long wails on the floor.

“Hero… why…”

“Because everyone who fucks with me dies! Speaking of which.”

You summon that guy from high school that you didn’t like. You know that guy.


You send him into a realm of infinite torture and death. Oh, I’m sorry… you guys want details.

His head is slowly cut off every day, blood and viscera and puss dripping down his desiccated neck as birds tear apart his balls every night. Then his head is skinned alive while he feels it, each strip of skin being separated by the muscle slowly over hours. Stick you hand into a jar of mayonnaise and just shove it in and out. Yeah, that’s the sound of it. Over and over again, all eternity. Balls torn apart seminal vesicle by seminal vesicle, causing unimaginable torment and pain. Are you happy! Are you fucking happy yet!

You’re not, because suddenly Ariel, Kida, Grimhilde, and Elena have dicks. “I said I’d give you all a gift!”

You laugh as the girl’s dicks all get hard, unable to stop the pleasure from the tentacles that are continuously raping them. You bring Elena and Jasmine over to you. While grabbing Elena’s dick and stroking it, you start feeling up the little girl Jasmine.

“Savior… this feels wrong.” Jasmine says.

“It doesn’t matter, I casted magic. You’re 18 now. Even though you still have the same exact body. And the same exact mind.”

“That doesn’t sound right?”

“Shut up and take my massive cock!”

The little girl screams and her brother protests as you continue to molest and rape the pair of them. Jasmine breaks about half way through so you throw her away. You are now raping Elena in the pussy while stroking her cock.

“I thought you weren’t into boys or kids?” She cries.

“I’m into whatever the comments section wants!” You shout back, blasting a load all over her ass just as she blasts a load onto her stomach.

“Whose next?” You ask, tossing Elena on top of Jasmine’s broken body.

“Ah, how about the dark elf over here!”

“Wh-who are you?” Belle asks a dark elf woman who is being violated by tentacles.

“I’m Pocahontas. I haven’t been introduced in the story yet!”

“Isn’t this a spoiler!”

“It’s all for my loving fans!” You shout, “Now, Belle, cum for me!”

You use the orgasm spell on her.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah! That feels so good. I love it!”

“You’re a pervert, of course you’ll love it! Okay, again!”

“AH, AH, AH, AH!”

“Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Again!”

The screaming had stopped about twenty agains ago as bubbles were coming out of Belle’s mouth, her eyes lifeless and a puddle of all her fluids expelled on the floor under her.

“Rookie, why?” Kida cries, tentacles wrapped around her dick while penetrating her pussy.

“I already told you, this is what they want!”

You grab Kida and start raping her. It keeps going on, hour after hour. Eventually, she breaks, so you toss her into the pile with the others.

“You’re killing us!” Grimhilde cried, “Please stop hero!”

“Never! I’ll just make more!” you grab Grimhilde as she desperately struggles for her life, but it’s soon forfeit to your penis. “Barely lasts five hours, pfft, some demon lord you are.”

You toss her in the pile with rest. The tentacles continue to violate the elf and half elf until they two are nothing by white gunk, holes, and broken dreams. They go to the pile too. Before long, the broken corpses of seventeen women lie in a pile. Snow White had held out the longest. Her ass was completely obliterated by the time you were done with her.


You laugh, checking the comments and hoping that your fans were finally happy now that you finally gave them what they insisted “they’d really do” in that situation.

“Hero, wake up.”

You don’t feel bad at all. After all, this is what you want! Plus, your stats are like infinity. And you have a Sword of Awesome with Infinity +2 damage and it is also Awesome. And like, you’re perfect, and have no faults, and never make mistakes, and will never find yourself in a precarious situation, because naturally, if “they” had written, they’d always have thought of everything. Which is what you are! PERFECT. Nothing bad will ever happen, ever!

You blow up the planet, laughing as you do! If you don’t have a world, you don’t have to worry about world building, or characterization, or… a story No weakness! With another wave of your hand, you summon boobies and pussies. Just boobies and pussies as far as the universe exists. Everywhere, every size, all over the place, at every point in all of time and space. The universe is now just pussy and boobies… it smells a bit like fish.

“Hero, wake up, it’s Christmas!”

Your dream has finally been complete. No story. Nothing interesting live diversity, just the oneness and you. Just boobs and pussy everywhere. You skip through the endless fields of disembodied girl parts, occasionally grabbing one or sticking your dick in one. Ah… true happiness.

“Hero! WAKE UP!”

You wake with a start, and the beautiful face of Ariel is glowing over you. Next to her are all the other girls. Ariel, Mulan, Aurora, Grimhilde, Merida, Elena, Jasmine, Kida, Belle, Cinderella, Tiana, and even Snow White are all present.

“I had the weirdest dream.” You shook your head. “You were there, and you were there, and you were there. It had something to do with Pun… argh, I can’t remember.”

“Well, no matter hero. Guess what! It’s Christmas day! Just like you wanted. Santa even left presents in our stockings!”

“Eh? He did?” You remember casting a little magic, but creating “santa” gifts must have been something you did while you were asleep.

You and the harem all head out into the living room, where in each stocking is very clearly a present. The girls all laugh and chat as you sit around the fireplace passing out presents.

“Ah, let’s see, first, Ariel!”

“Yeah! A present. Hmmm…”

“That is…”

“I love it!” She laughs and gives you a hug.

It was a collar. Not a girl collar. A dog collar. With her name on the label complete with a “If lost, please return to your mansion’s address.” Well… if she likes it, that’s what is important.

“Next, Mulan…”

“These are shiny, I like them.” Mulan said.

“Ah, they’re Ben wa balls. I’ll show you how to use them later.”

To sum things up, Aurora got a knitting set so she could knit blankets for the baby. Grimhilde received a phone that connects to her father so she can more easily communicate with him. Merida got some custom support bras that helped her keep her balance. Elena got thongs, and watching her blush as the other girl’s showed envy over how sexy they were was worth it.

Jasmine got a kitchen apron with a heart on it. Kida got a comfortable pillow. Belle got some yuri books. Cinderella actually wanted a maid outfit like the baka maids, apparently wanting to help clean the house. Meanwhile, Snow White…

“What is with this long string of beads that gradually get larger?” She asks.

“Ah, well, I’ll show you that one later too.” You laugh.

Although this holiday was just a random thing you set up, this looks like it would be a fun Christmas after all.

“Eh, but what did hero get from Santa?”

“Oh, me?” You aren’t expecting you got yourself anything, but just to humor them you reach into the stocking.

Then you feel it, your hands wrap around it, and you have no choice but to give a sigh. When the girls realize you’ve gotten something, they all get excited.

“What did you get, master? Is it shiny?”

“Ah, well, I got the only thing someone like me could get for Christmas,” You laugh.

“What’s that?”

You pull out the lump of coal that was sitting in your stocking.

“Eh? What’s that, a rock? Can you eat it?” Merida asks.


“Then what does it mean, hero-san?” Aurora asks.

You chuckle, throwing it into the firepit. “It means I already have taken everything I’d ever want for Christmas.”

“M-master… your face is starting to look scary again.”

“Ah, that’s right, I needed to acclimate you girls to all the Christmas customs. Now, if you’ll observe, this little green plant I’m holding in front of me is called a mistletoe. You must kiss whatever you find under the mistletoe.”

“Ah? My love’s penis is under the mistletoe.”

You smile. “I see you’re a quick learner. Line up ladies! And Merry Christmas, to each and every one of you, and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 9

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“Ah, so you did show up…” A voice called out as Min and I approached.

We had packed up all the supplies we could carry and had them in side saddles on the two horses. Although I still had yet to gain any kind of horse riding skills, I wasn’t too worried. However, none of the men before us had a horse, so that was a bit disconcerting.

“Who are these?” Another man pushed forward and gave the pair of us a glare that seemed less than welcoming.

The party consisted of three men total, including the man I spoke to the night before, Tark, there was a greasy looking guy with long straggly hair that was wearing a robe-like outfit that denoted him as a mage and a bald guy with some pretty impressive muscles that he didn’t seem to mind showing off, as he wore nothing covering his upper torso at all. The sight wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but for a body as nice as this, his face had seen better days. He looked like his nose had been broken a few too many times and there was a wicked scar over his eyes. None of the men in this formation would be called pretty.

It was the greasy mage that was giving the glare, while the bald guy appraised my body in an obvious and dirty minded way. However, I was long past being bothered by men appreciating my body as eye candy. I had gotten used to these stares, and even came to appreciate them when the situation called for it. In this case, if my sex appeal softened his willingness to allow us to come along, then I would happily use it.

“The girl knows some magic. The guy can take a shift at night. Eight gold.”

“Greedy…” The mage wrinkled his nose.

The bald guy laughed and slapped the mage on the back. “Hey, at the very least, things go south and we can eat their horses.”

I gave a sniff. “We’ll handle our own supplies. You don’t need to worry about us.”

“They’ll be a pain to protect…” the mage gave Tark a look.

“We can look after ourselves.” I gave them a frown, a little angry that Tark hadn’t already settled things with the rest of his party.

“Giff’s talking about the horses,” Tark explained, lifting up his hands as if to broker a peace. “Up north the paths get narrow, a horse might not be able to make it. Add to that their skittishness around monsters, and, well, most Adventurers go by foot in these parts, right, Giff?”

Giff’s eyes flashed for a second and then he settled down letting out a sigh. “You’re always greedy, Tark.”

Some unspoken words seemed to be shared between the two, as Giff’s hostile demeanor loosened a bit. The bald one only gave a shrug to the pair of them, and then gave Min and me a smile.

“Ah, should we sell the horses then?” I tried to redirect the conversation.

“Won’t be necessary. We’ll manage.” It was Giff that spoke up first. “I’m sorry for earlier. My friend doesn’t always inform his party members of everything, especially when he’s drunk. My name is Giff. I’m a mage.”

He spoke the words simply, as if being a second-class mage lacked any grandness. His eyes still looked distrustful, but at the very least he seemed to have settled down a bit.

“They call be Dirk.” The bald man spoke up next, looking considerably friendlier as he stepped forward with a hand outstretched.

Min kept his distance, but I took his hand. He shook it with a laugh. His grip only hurt a little bit.

“He’s a skill-less…” Giff spoke up as my hand was being squeezed of blood by the muscular man.

“You know, Giff, if I wanted her to know that, I’d have told her.” Dirk’s mouth tightened for a second as he shot Giff a glare. “No matter. It’s my strength, after all.”

I cocked my head to the side, unclear about the terminology used. “Skill-less?”

“Each level gains skill point. But need not use on skills.” Min interjected.

“Ah, what he said.” Dirk went to shake Min’s hand, but he rejected it. “I’ve never used a skill point on a skill. I instead put them all into Strength and Endurance. I’m a berserker by class. My fighting might not look pretty, but I can hit harder and last longer than any other Adventurer in these parts.”

I grimaced at Min’s rude behavior and gave the man an apologetic look, but he didn’t seem to mind it and only shrugged with a smile as he pulled his hand back.

“And you’ve met me. I’d call myself the leader of this party…” The two other men shot Tark a look and he lifted up his hands. “But that would be a lie. We work together because we’re strong that way. Knifefall is a B class party.”

“Third class.” Min muttered.

Tark made a noise of surprise. “Ah, you noticed? Yes. I’m close to maxing third class, Dirk recently made third, and even Giff is a maxed second. He’ll reach the requirements for third by summer for sure.”

Before Min could respond, Gif spoke up. “As much as I love small talk, we have a few weeks of travel, and I’d prefer to get started.”

Although the situation was just starting to lighten up, Gif seemed to douse it with cold water. At the very least, the tension seemed to be broken. I handed four gold coins to Tark.”

“Half now?”

He nodded as if the money wasn’t of any concern, but still made sure to stuff it in his pocket. Giff watched this and snorted before turning away and muttering to himself. Meanwhile, Dirk was making sure all of their stuff was packed properly.

Min had gotten up extra early and everything was already squared away and packed. I simply bid the innkeeper farewell, offering sympathy as she complained that this night had not been as eventful as the previous, handed in my keys, and then joined Min who was holding the horses out in front.

Knifefall wasn’t as prepared to leave as we were, and thus they took an additional fifteen minutes. Since they used no horses, everything had to be partitioned between them to carry. Dirk seemed to carry twice what the other men did. As I admired his strength, he gave me a smile and a wink. I returned it, only to find Min watching me with dark expression. I gave him a questioning look, but he responded with a light shake of his head. He wanted to talk about something, but not in the presence of the adventurers. Well, if it was something dangerous, he would have already said something, so I assumed it was minor.

The group started heading out of the city. The sunlight was only just starting to crest the horizon and I yawned unflatteringly as I guided one of the two horses while Min took the other. Min’s frown seemed to deepen as we continued walking down the road. The village was only just out of sight when he spoke up.

“Going West?”

“Good eye.” Tark laughed, “Since this is the most northern village, there are no roads heading north. However, if we head west a bit, there is an old hunter’s trail. It’s quicker than pushing through the forest.”

I hadn’t even realized we were heading in the wrong direction until Min said something. He seemed surprisingly on edge, so I moved over and went to give him a kiss. He turned his head and I only ended up landing one on his cheek. I wasn’t hurt so much as surprised. However, Min wore a guilty look and leaned cautiously over to me.

“Don’t trust them.”

I let out a sigh, but I wasn’t going to berate him for being cautious. The pair of us had quite a lot of bad luck over the last six months, and to be honest, I wasn’t exactly filled with trust either. They seemed fairly normal for Adventurers, but so did Ricardo’s group, and that situation hadn’t ended smoothly either.

We both gave a breath of relief when about an hour later, the hunter’s trail appeared. The roads up until this point had been deserted this early in the morning, and the farther we got from civilization, the more isolated we began to feel. However, knowing that they had spoken truthfully about the hunter’s trail made me feel at ease. I gave a glance over to Min for confirmation and he gave a nod.

“A bit northwest, but expected. The Cambion colony over human border.”

I nodded trying to recall the maps I had seen of the area. This human territory was only a small part of the continent. While the borders were currently shut down from the declining human and demon relations, this far into the wilderness you could cross unhindered. It ran the risk of being attacked by wildlife and facing tough terrain, but we were already planning that in the first place.

“Getting close…” Although Min muttered that to himself, I managed to catch the end of it.

“Huh? Close to what?”

Min jumped at my question as if he didn’t know he had said the words out loud, and then turned away with a blush on his cheeks. However, when I continued to stare at him, he finally showed a bit of resignation on his face.

“Parent’s home…”

“Your home is near here?” I asked in surprise.

“No…” Min shook his head. “Home… Aria. But grew up… there.”

“It’s sweet of you to say that… but your parent’s home is your home, right?”

The look on his face suggested it wasn’t. I decided not to pry farther. He wasn’t upfront with the talk and I wasn’t willing to pry. I hadn’t even used Analyze on him since that first time in what felt like an eternity ago. As I became closer and closer to Min, it never felt right to pry into his life. Yes, I wanted to know without a doubt what his sexual kinks were, his turnoffs, his first lover… but these were not things I should discover with magic.

Likewise, his past seemed painful to me, particularly given the look he had right now. It probably wouldn’t be easier now that he identified himself as a guy. I wasn’t sure how transgenders were received in this world, but I got the sense it was uncommon for all except perhaps some aristocracy. I could imagine friends of Julian catering to those kinds of inclinations.

“If you ever need to talk about it.” I spoke up. “I’ll be here.”

Min and I continued to walk for a bit in silence before he responded, “Being here, enough.”

I wanted to give Min another kiss, but he was still likely perturbed by being so close to home. Whatever his story, it bothered him enough that I came to understand a lot of his behavior lately must have been due to the closing gap.

“Would you ever… want to… renew our wedding vows with your parents?”

Min suddenly choked and started coughing. It was a sound loud enough that the three guys leading the way looked back. Dirk chuckled before turning back, while Giff’s look was still mostly sour. Min finally recovered, giving me a wide-eyed look while a blush covered his cheeks.

“Ah… well…”

“Is that not possible?” I tried to give him a light smile to break the tension.

“No…” Min shook his head, but when he saw I had a disappointed look he added, “Not sure… parent’s alive.”

Before Min could stop me, I had already stopped and grabbed his shoulders. “You don’t even know?”

“No.” Min looked a little flustered as I shook him with my hands.

“That won’t do! As soon as I reach my second-class, we must go to your village and see your parents and have a proper wedding in front of everyone!”

“Everyone!” The colors on Min’s face started changing white as she looked in the fervent determination in my eyes. “V-v-vesse knows… elvish weddings…”

“We’ll put on a show so grand that everyone in your village will hear out consummation!” I declared, holding my fist up to him as a show of strength. “Ah, you’re crying!”

Min wiped the tear and turned his face away before I could say anything. “No, would like. But… small, quiet.”

“No promises!”

I’m not sure what I said, but it seemed to cheer Min up a bit, as he was now smiling even with tears welled up in his eyes. I was being a little mean. To elves, the ritual for marriage was a mutually consenting consummation. In essence, people who wanted to be wed engaged in intercourse in front of a crowd of witnesses. This, furthermore, occurred when they were most fertile, and it was considered good luck to conceive on that day in front of witnesses. Although I hadn’t heard the details from the normally shy Min, for some couples this desire led to some interesting weddings using special positions to ensure fertilization or when all else fails, repeated acts over and over again.

While I’d feel no shame in conducting myself in front of people, this event could be pretty embarrassing for a normal person, especially someone like Min. To my surprise, he seemed a little bit interested in conducting the ceremony in an official manner. I vaguely wondered about what it’d be like to have sex in front of my parents. I didn’t have to worry about that in this world, but I tried to empathize with Min a little bit.

Unfortunately, my broken Mental Fortitude skill was in full effect even with those thoughts, and I had to give a sigh as I realized I wouldn’t hesitate to do something in front my parents if the occasion called for. It wasn’t like I lacked common sense. I knew it’d make my parents feel awkward. However, if I was something like someone threatening to hold a gun up to our head, I could unabashedly spread myself and satisfy myself regardless who was watching.

“We’re going to stop for a bit.” The voice came from Tark.

I let out a little sigh. I had been walking awkwardly with my knees pressed together. All that thinking about sex was starting to rile me up. Min who was walking next to me had already become aware of it. Whether it was the smell of my aroused sex, some kind of silent pheromones, or simply the horny look on my face, Min knew what I was thinking.

“We could take five minutes…” Although I said it out loud like I was responding to Tark, my eyes were glued to Min.

Min rolled his eyes and gave a sigh, a hand sliding into the saddlebag where he pulled out a large phallic looking object which he kept hidden from sight. He had even packed it so my favorite toy was easily accessible. My wife was the greatest.

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Merry Christmas!!!

On the first day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

A Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the second day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the third day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the fourth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the fifth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the sixth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the seventh day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the eighth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Eight Boobs a Milking

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the ninth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Nine Ladies Stripping

Eight Boobs a Milking

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the tenth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Ten Snatches Stretching

Nine Ladies Stripping

Eight Boobs a Milking

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the eleventh day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Eleven Whores Whoring

Ten Snatches Stretching

Nine Ladies Stripping

Eight Boobs a Milking

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree


On the twelfth day of Christmas

Machineslicedbread released for me:

Twelve Cummers Cumming

Eleven Whores Whoring

Ten Snatches Stretching

Nine Ladies Stripping

Eight Boobs a Milking

Seven Sluts A Swallowing

Six Girls Ahegao

Five Golden Showers!!!

Four Thirsty Bitches

Three French Maids

Two bouncing titties

And a Megalomaniac’s Rape Spree

The Power of Creation – Chapter 79

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“Of course, she’s not really your mother.”

“You…” Sebastian growls.

After the group of you sat down, you decide to explain things a little more specifically.

“He speaks the truth, husband. I’m just a remnant.” Arianna says gently.

“I-I’m confused, father.” Tiana has a pained look on her face. “Is this filthy commoner toying with us?”

“For someone used to being harassed by aristocracy, you’d think you’d grow up with a little more respect for so-called commoners.” You mutter.

Tiana looks like she has a biting response, but Sebastian stops her with a raised hand. “Please explain the meaning of this. Tiana was young when we lost Arianna, you don’t simply look like her, your voice, your smile, the way you move…”

Arianna’s smile turns a little sad. “Your cruel brother held me here as spirit after murdering me. He wanted me to watch while he did the same to our daughter using your own body. The vile things he planned… they were stopped by none other than the gentleman in front of you.”

She gestures to you. Tiana sniffs and raises her nose, while Sebastian remains focused on the woman who was once his wife. She continues on with a sigh.

“My spirit, and the spirit of all those that perished left an imprint behind when we were finally allowed to pass on. This man once again rescued that imprint, grafting it onto a homunculus that continues to live on.”

“Not possible…” Sebastian mutters in disbelief, his mouth falling open. “I’ve met some of the greatest magicians that ever lived, and the things you described were but a pipe dream…”

“When you arrived, he used magic to probe into your history, and then he combined what you remembered with the remnants left behind to create me. But I’m simply a temporary creation. A ghost to help you find some closure.”

“I…” Sebastian starts to grow tears in his eyes as he shot you a look. “I don’t know if that is incredibly thoughtful… or incredibly cruel.”

“I would just like to let you know that I have found peace thanks to darling.”

“Darling?” Tiana frowned.

“Ah… well, that is to say, he makes me feel loved, and I want him to fill our daughter up the same way he filled me up!”

“Eh?” Tiana asked.

Sebastian stood up, his glare jumping between his wife and you. “What did you say? What is the meaning of this.”

Arianna looks flustered, and her body seems to me changing a bit, molding into a different form. Meanwhile, her voice is also changing. The once fluttery voice is becoming flatter and more emotionless. She looks at you with hopeless eyes.

“Darling, it seems like the remnants are failing faster than expected.” She then turned to the flustered nobles. “I won’t be with you any longer, just know that it’s your mother’s dying wish for you to accept darling’s love! All twelve inches! Over and over, every night.”

By the time she finishes, she already turns back into the sex object known as Cinderella.

“Thanks, Cinderella, that will be all.” You sigh.

Sebastian turns to you with a hateful glare. “What is the meaning of this! How can you be so cruel!”

You raise your hands. “Hey! Everything I said is true! So, I couldn’t bring Arianna back from the dead! I actually tried, you know!”

Of course, when you had tried the first night you were in the mansion, it was in order to make them into your undead gangbang bitches, but even bringing back the dead seemed to have limits. It wasn’t that you couldn’t compile the spell, it was that the spell required more mana than you had. Even being able to rise your numbers up, your body had limits. It’d be one of those things that may break the universe. There was a big difference between healing someone who was dead for a few minutes and someone who is just a skeleton whose spirit has already moved on.

“Just… what are you…” He shook his head in disbelief.

“He’s a hero with the Power of Creation magic.” Ariel blurts out before I could respond.

“Power of creation! That’s… that’s…”

“That’s how he rescued me and mom from my overprotective father. I am the princess Ariel, I swear it!” She declares. “Tell him, mom!”

Aurora gives her a smile and then touches her stomach which now shows a noticeable bump. “Yes, I was once with the King. But I left him because I believe hero-san can provide this world a better future. His behavior may be crass and lecherous, but if you are willing to drop your preconceived proprieties, you can find happiness under his care.”

“Hmph, Master… master is strong. This lowly dragon can acknowledge as much.” Mulan spoke up as the rest of the harem emerged from a nearby room.

“My love is as cruel as a demon lord, but that’s why he’s worth my love.” Grimhilde shrugged.

“Daddy works hard so all of us can be happy.” Merida nods.

“He has treated my sister and I-“

“Savior saved us!” Jasmine interrupts, and Elena provides a weak smile and a nod.

Belle pushes her glasses back up on her nose. “He’s a beast… but I can say being with him has been interesting.”

“Only Darling may ruin this body.” Cinderella nods.

Snow White only snorts and shakes her head, refusing to be a part of this discussion.

“Even if you all say these things.” Sebastian finally speaks up, shaking his head. “I couldn’t-“

“I’ll do it.”


“If mother’s last wish was that I give myself to some filthy commoner, then… if my body is acceptable, please protect my father!” Tiana went down in a bow while keeping her eyes shut tightly.


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The Power of Creation – Chapter 78

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“Ah, but aren’t you here because you have nowhere else?”

“Excuse me?” The old man tightens his fist as anger rises on his face.

“Well, you faced a great deal of discrimination in your home country which is why you moved out to these parts anyway. Having an elf for a wife must have been difficult. But after she disappeared, you had hoped your half-elf daughter would be sufficient, so you tried to move home and teach her noble etiquette.”

“I don’t see the point in-“

“But you were wrong.  Oh, the nobles appeared to accept her on the surface. They treated you with respect, meanwhile harassing her behind doors. She’d never admit as much, but she faced all of the discrimination on her own while you pretended things were fine.”

“That’s not true, she never-“

“Mentioned it? Why would she? She was a good daughter, and just wanted to do her father proud. She knew how important it was for you. So, she tolerated the private abuse while putting a brave face in public, absorbing all the mannerisms of her aristocratic origins. She’s about marriageable age now. Did you find out the truth when you tried to find her a suitor?”

The old man’s lips tighten as he turns his head. “I was informed that my daughter was undesirable. They… they demanded an extremely large dowry… Of course, I wanted her to have a better life. I paid it…but…”

“But they never intended to marry a half-breed daughter, right? They took your dowry and said something like ‘this is just enough payment for us to tolerate you marrying an elf and having a half-breed daughter’, right?”

“What of it!” he raises his voice angrily.

“So, when the uncle you had trusted sent his will, penniless and with the aristocracy you trusted making fun behind your back, you headed to this little city where no one looked twice at a half-elf as your last chance to maintain your family line.”

“I’m not saying your right.” The old man calms his breath, “But even if you were, that changes nothing! You still have no right to be here.”

“No, Sebastian, that changes everything.”

“H-how did you know my name?”

“Ah, well, when I came to this place, as it would turn out, your brother‘s ghost still remained. He was a necromancer, you see!”

“What!” Sebastian almost stands up at that comment, but then turns his head. “I’d thought my brother kept secrets, I never realized it was something like that…”

“Papa?” Tiana took a step into the room.

She looks significantly more refreshed now that she had a bath. Ariel, Grimhilde, and Aurora come out with her, their hair still damp from their bath.

“I’m sorry to say this, but you brother wasn’t the savior you has thought. He had a very dark history.” You try to explain tactfully.

“What are you saying?” Sebastian only gave his daughter one look before turning back to you.

“He was a rapist, and a murderer. We found the left over remains of many women he had lured here, raped, and murdered. There was an elf among them.”

“M-mother!” Tiana takes a few steps forward while the other women give her sympathetic looks, but Sebastian holds up his hand to stop her as his eyes locked on mine.

“You can’t possibly be suggesting…”

“He killed your wife… and he plans to take you and your daughter, even after death.”

Tears ran down Tiana’s cheeks as she shakes her head in disbelief while Sebastian clinches and unclinches his hand.

“You’ll excuse me for remaining skeptical.” He responds darkly.

“Oh, not at all.” You wave your hand. “In fact, don’t take my word at all. Perhaps it’d be better if you took hers.”

As if on cue, a woman walks in. Her skin is a bit darker than her daughters, but the comparison between the two is undeniable. This is an elf woman. She looks only a year or two older than her daughter.

“Arianna!” Sebastian let out a cry of disbelief.

“Mother!” Tiana shouts.

Tiana runs, letting out a sob as her hands wrap around the woman who just appeared inside the room.

“Perhaps… we should sit down and talk for a bit.” Arianna responds kindly.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 77

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You are saved as Aurora and Grimhilde suddenly appear. They had been sitting back in the other room listening to the development here. Each girl grabs one of Ariel’s arms.

“We’ll handle it.”

The old man’s eyes widen when he sees the horns on Grimhilde, but he otherwise remains silent as they take his daughter and a confused-looking Ariel away to the bath. One disaster is averted, at the very least.

You end up sitting uncomfortably in front of the noble while being served tea by Daisy and Sylvia. The old man’s lips tighten when he sees the crass pouring techniques of Daisy and how she handles her tea. Well, it’s not like even you knew what aristocracy of this world considered etiquette or not. Even if you loaded them up with the etiquette of your world, it would be as strange as the etiquette of any foreign country, perhaps more so.

Still, from that standpoint, even you can tell the girls are unrefined. Sylvia snorts up a logy to spit on the floor, but then swallows when you give her a glare. Meanwhile, Daisy walks with her legs apart slightly, likely choosing to saddle walk to relieve some discomfort from the rough anal you gave her the previous night under Cinderella’s trap.

You give the old man a sympathetic look. “I just hired them.”

“Then they should be fired.” The man sniffs, “I’ve seen more refined movements from my horse.”

Daisy takes a step forward as if she plans to hit the old man in the face, but you cast a spell that stops her cold. It isn’t anything malicious. Just a quick refresher of the things you had done to her ass under the spell. To be honest, those things are rather vanilla. You’d probably do more creative things than that if you weren’t under a spell.

Fortunately, the old man doesn’t see any of this, as they are behind him at the time. It succeeds in controlling their behavior, so you are fine with it.

“I prefer to train my staff from the beginning. Rather than find one stuck in their ways, I find it more satisfying to mold someone untrained to my tastes.” You explain your philosophy on women as much as staff.

“Hm. I suppose so.” He looks like he wants to say more but doesn’t, leading back to an uncomfortable silence.

“So, you see…” You start to explain, “Eh, actually, I don’t believe I caught your name, Mr. Rhysemen?”

“Mr. Rhysemen shall suffice.” The old man shook his head. “Shall we not pretend these pleasantries any longer? As far as I’m concerned, you are a squatter on my property. I find it unlikely that you have any nobility here. Your maid staff are clearly just people you pulled off the street.”

You scratch your cheek. He isn’t wrong.


He interrupts you, “Claiming to house the Princess Ariel and Queen Aurora is in poor tastes. I happen to know that the King is a widow, both died in a freak magical accident.”

Ah, you recall casting a spell that made people think that. You worried it had misfired when Merida was still aware of their existence, but it seems to be in effect. That created some problems, but it seems like a lot of work to address them so you’ll wait it out until it becomes plot relevant.

“About that…”

“I would even question the possibility you are an inexperienced Knight that happened across some money. I suspect instead you are some kind of thief who robbed a noble, just as you are trying to rip off my family. I’d advise you to move along before I alert the proper authorities. Even if you are honest, and I doubt it, with money in the right pockets that can change quickly, can’t it?”

What is this guy even saying? He accuses you of being a thief and in the same breath suggests bribing people to have you illegally convicted? Ah, well, your patience has just reached an end.

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