The Power of Creation – Chapter 155

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You barely have time to think by the time the hole has finished expanding about to the size of house, and almost immediately a form floating out of the hole enters into your world. As the light fades and you finally can get sight of the person, your face turns into a frown.

“I… was really thinking that the demon god was going to be a cute girl.” You sigh, getting some dangerous looks from your demon lord companions.

The person is a fully armored pretty boy. He is more muscular and intimidating than Florian, but he has the same kind of feel to him. He wears complete white, and besides two horns on his head that denote him as a demon, he gives off a holier than though vibe that quickly raises your hackles.

“Demon God?” The man asks curiously with a deep voice, and then laughs. “You think this meager follower is the Demon God?”

“Oh, you’re not?” You ask, growing hopeful again.

“I’m his apostle. His horseman. I lead the way for his coming.” The man looks around until his eyes lock on the leech-like creature you dropped on the ground. “Oh, I see Yokohama has failed. In the end, he gave his own life to open this portal, but failed to acquire enough life force to summon our god.”

“His name was Yokohama? Wait, if this portal isn’t the demon god summoning, who the hell are you?”

“Excuse me for failing to introduce myself,” The man gives a bow while floating in midair. “I am Sapporo, apostle to the lord. This hole behind me leads to my dimension… my universe. It’s a universe where the demon god already reigns supreme. A good world, a demon world. When Yokohama failed, he managed to open this portal to our world. Never fear, where he failed, I will succeed. We have gathered every remaining human in our realm. If we sacrifice them all, it’ll just be enough to bore a path for him to travel from our world to yours. Then, your realm too can shine under his glory.”

“Uh… how about no.” You float up, taking a spot opposite of this guy.

Unlike Florian, or you guess Yokahama, you didn’t feel any trickery from this guy. He seems like the time who prefers a straight on battle. Therefore, you don’t want to disappoint.

“Ah? A resistor? They exist in every world. I don’t get why you resist so. The Demon God merely wants to shape your world to his desires, yet you resist at every turn. He’s already touched your world, made changes. Do you think Pun brought you to this world? No… it was the one true God. He brought you here, hero.”

“Yeah, yeah… I already heard that story. I weaken the dimensional barrier to facilitate him coming or some shit.”

Sapporo gives a nod. “True, that is one of the reasons he summoned a hero to this world. However, it’s only the tip of his plans. You would be better off following his script and to stop whining. You’ll find that when the people have free reign to do what they want, they only screw things up. Trust in the higher power. Trust in our God!”

“Yeah, that sounds way too creepy. I’d rather just kill you and crush your god!”

“Crush God? Kill me? Your kind are as suicidal and self-destructive as always. You’d rather burn what you have to the ground than have one little detail not meet your expectations! God has bestowed me with all his glory. My status is maxed. Do you honestly think you can face off against a being blessed by God himself?”

“Then we’ll see! Die!” You race at the gloating demon.

You don’t do anything fancy. Just an insta-death demon spell. Why make things difficult. Just as the spell reaches Sapporo, it melts.

“Ah, shit, don’t tell me more anti-magic crap!” You growl.

“Hm?” Sapporo tilts his head and grins. “Anti-magic? I’d use nothing so barbaric. I simply cut down your spells before they reach me. I can see that you have the so-called power of creation. The ability to make any magic spell. It’s truly an amazing ability, but do you think God would have given you the ability if he thought it would make you be able to kill him? In the end, magic is simply magic. If you can stop magic, it doesn’t matter how impressive a spell you make, it is easily defeatable. Oh, you didn’t realize? The power of creation is nothing but smoke and mirrors. It makes you look powerful, but it’s truly nothing amazing.”


“Well, let me show you true power!”

As he started to glow with golden light, you spam through your lists adding every ability or perceived ability you could while sweat drips down your face. You can now see magic and see how to cut magic as well. However, what he said it true, magic is magic. You can’t use magic to make magic itself stronger. The Power of Creation, in the end, is only as strong as magic. It’s like building a bomb. No matter how big the bomb is, if someone cuts the trigger it won’t cause any damage. It was laughably easy mistake on your part, but one you only truly realized now.

He had maxed status, but so did you. With magic being negated, that meant you’d have to fight this out brawl style. Once he finishes glowing like a fairy, he immediately charges you. You tighten you fists, download every karate and kung fu ability every conceived, and raise your hand to meet him head on.

“Wh-what happened?” you moan.

A moment later you’re lying in a crater. The impact has thrown sex dolls and goblins aside, leaving nothing but your body in a massive hole. You aren’t mangled, but it feels like you were just hit by a bus. Disorientated, you struggle to stand up and look at Sapporo. He is flying in the sky completely unharmed in the exact spot the pair of you met fists. He hasn’t been pushed back a single inch.

“Tsk… you’re even weaker than I expected.” Sapporo doesn’t look like he’s gloating, rather, he looks disappointed.

“Y-you bastard.” You couldn’t come up with anything else to say.

You don’t understand. You raised your status to the maximum this world allowed. Your body literally couldn’t be stronger, faster, or better. You knew every ability that this world had, both real and imagined. You are, for all intent and purposes, the strongest human being alive. When you met fists with him, you expected to be on about the same level. However, he seems to completely dominate you!

“There is no point in dragging this out.” Sapporo sighs. “I sense two other heros in the vicinity. You won’t be needed for the summoning, so you might as well be sent on your way. Allow your life force to contribute to his coming.”

“To hell, I will!” You shout, but he moves too fast, appearing in front of you like magic.

Despite all of your abilities and counter attacks, his blade still slides into your gut while you’re powerless to do anything about it.

“My love!”




“So much for the next demon king…” Ursula adds on top of the other girl’s protests, sounding slightly disappointed.

“I don’t understand, how can I fail…” You moan as blood leaks out of your mouth.

Sapporo leans close to you. He’s not smiling or gloating like Florian might have. Rather, he seems almost somber, like this was merely an displeasarable duty he had to complete.

“You still don’t get it?” Sapporo looks down on you and shakes his head with a sigh. “Well, in the end, you are only human…”

He pulls the sword out of your gut, and swings it, separating your head from your shoulders. The last sight you see is your head falling to the ground in front of your horrified harem, and then death.








Just kidding… but you are dead though :O

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 154

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“Florian…” Your eyes narrow as you wipe the tip of your cock off on Snow White’s ass.

“You’re as classy as always, I see.” Florian gives a condescending look as he glares down at you. “But even your abilities won’t be able to stop me now. I think… once I summon the demon god and he kills you, I’ll ask for your harem.”

“You trying to NTR me, man? Like any decent writer would dare do that to his audience!”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Florian’s face grows more condescending. “But don’t you worry, I won’t fuck them. After what you’ve done to them, let’s just face it, you’ve already ruined them. They’re all gross little perverts now. I wouldn’t touch your disgusting pervert harem if you forced me. No, I’ll beat them. Maybe have them serve my army. They’d probably like that. A congo line of men fucking them day in and day out. Hey Grimhilde, a sperm buffet to service your addiction? All the cock you can eat, how does that sound?”

“Fuck you!” Grimhilde snaps back.

“Hahaha… not in a million years, you nauseating skank.”

“Megara, or Florian, or whatever you call yourself these days, I will make you pay for what you did to my country!” Maleficant shouts.

“What I did? Your country was falling apart with or without me. To let a country be run by a girl with the mind of a child… your mother must have been as stupid as you are.”

“Be careful with your words…” Medusa gave a sharp look as she glares at the gloating Florian.

“Oh, and if it isn’t some of the other demon lords. But I only count four of you, so it looks like you have no Demon King to shelter you yet.”

“I won’t need a king to kick your ass!” Ursula snaps.

“Oo… big words… from a big, fat bit-“

“Enough!” You bellow, stopping this petty squabbling. “My army has already sucked up your life juice. I have over 1000 pregnant women and the goblin gestation period is weeks. With a bit of magic they could be popping out babies in hours. My goblin horde can attack you, and even if you kill every last goblin I’ll have a new army waiting for you. You’ve lost, Florian.”

Florian gave a hateful look at you before spitting through his teeth. “Even if I’ve lost, I won’t let you win. I’ll kill you myself!”

“As if I’d let you!” You immediately teleport in front of Florian.

“My beloved, wait!” Medusa holds out her hand.

Perhaps she wants to ask Florian what his goals are or something, but you don’t really care. This worm has been an annoyance for months and you are completely fed up with his bullshit. You swipe a sword. Not a magic sword, a legitimate one made out of real metal and everything. After the crap with Snow White, you made sure to have a proper sword created. You were told it was a decent quality sword too, but you had no eye for those kinds of things. Rather, it just needed to be sharp.

“I didn’t want to do things this way, but even if I have to give my own life, you can die!” Florian screams.

“As if you could kill me!”

With a single wave of the sword, you lopped off Florian’s jackoff hand, sending it spiraling off into the indecently fucking goblin army under you. Perhaps one of the goblins would pick it up and use it as a goblin ass scratcher for the remainder of its existence. The anti-magic barrier around Florian dissipated with that. He must have been wearing some kind of special ring that prevented you from targeting him with magic. It was by total chance, but a dark grin forms on your face as his only protection is easily stripped away.

You already prepped yourself to fight him without magic, but now that magic was on the table, you decided not to delay things any longer. You reach out and pierce Florian’s chest.He looks at you in complete surprise as your hand goes through his body, but before you finish him off a light smile starts to appear on his face. At this point, you remember Nala, likely still chained up in your mansion’s red room, and sigh. Keeping your bitches happy is a full time job.

You grab the slug inside Florian and then pull it out. If Florian is half the hero he claims to be, this shouldn’t be a fatal kill. Florian’s body loses its flight and he plummets to the ground, landing on top a pile of writhing goblin flesh and his unconscious body soon becomes an addon to the goblin / homunculus orgy below. Did one of the goblins confuse him for one of the sex dolls? He was a white pasty pretty boy after all, and to goblins humans probably all look alike. What happens to Florian after this will be left to your imagination.

You look down at the slug like leech in your hands. In the end, this little creature that caused you so much issue was truly pathetic in appearance. He destroyed Riun the first time, made your tiny demon lord cry, and interrupted your attendance on your children’s births. Medusa shouts something up at you, but you ignore her while you slowly squeeze, taking pleasure as you crush the leech slowly until it’s eyes pop out of its head.

At this point, there is a shudder as if the world suddenly lurches forward a bit. In the distance, you can swear you hear a gentle laughter. Frowning, you discard the worm and land down next to the demon lords, glancing at Medusa with a confused look.

“What’s happening now?” You ask.

Medusa gives you an exasperated look. “As I was saying, the leech creature has lived for possibly thousands of years, moving from host to host. It’s absorbed the life force of every single one of its victims. Killing it might release a massive amount of life force, enough to…”

Medusa looks up and sighs. You follow her vision only to see a bright light form in the sky. Suddenly, the light starts to widen until it eventually forms a massive hole.

“A massive sky hole! What do they think this is, a Hollywood movie?” You shout.

“It’s too late!” Medusa cries, “They’ve made a hole into our dimension. It’s only a matter of time until the demon God comes!”

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Tales of a Seductress/Enchantress – A Guide

Well, given the length of this story I’ve found people forgetting what stuff does, myself included. So, here’s a quick guide of what Titles and Unique Skills do. I figure that normal skills are usually self explanatory. Clearly, I’ve written these novels by my teeth and occasionally things don’t work out as well as I hoped. Skill names, for example, has become a bit of a runaway train. I’m trying to rectify it this book with the introduction of arts which consolidate skills and advanced skills.

I’m still not sure how I want techniques to exist within the story. They still exist, I just haven’t been referring to them. I might need to make a list of all of her techniques, many of them haven’t been revealed after all the skill levels she gained between book 1 and book 2. However, I think a technique list will need to be added eventually. Also, let me know if you guys want/need a sexual position list.

I try to use the most common names for sex positions I can find, but even so, some positions end up kind of abstract. A time will come when she starts adding more positions and referring to previous ones, so let me know if I need to add positions to this list. It will definitely be a page NSFW, and as I’m not an artist, it’ll likely involve “borrowing” images. Let me know if you want it.

Warning: This list assumes you’re up to date with Tales releases. It may contain spoilers. 


Gang Banger: 5 Endurance 10 Damage Resistance 50% experience with two or more holes.
Lesbian Lover:  5 Endurance 10 Charm Resistance 2X Experience With Women
Solo Player:  5 Wisdom 10 Mental Resistance 25% Experience When Using Toys
Town Bicycle:  5 Endurance 10 Disease Resistance 10% extra experience per sexual partner beyond two in one day.
Rough Rider:  5 Strength 10 Pain Resistance 50% Experience when climax with anal sex.
Dragon Layer: 5 Wisdom 10 Damage Resistance 2X Experience with Dragons and Lower Lizards.
God Killer: 5 All Stats 10 All Resistance 50% Extra Experience
The Reborn: 50 Charisma 100 Mental Resistance 2X Experience on Beguiled Targets

Unique Skills:

Absorb (Active) During sexual intercourse, you can absorb a part of your partner’s lifeforce. Lifeforce can be used to restore mana, heal wounds, gain experience, and increase overall health.
All Nighter (Active) Restores some stamina to yourself or sexual partner using spell points. Only works during intercourse.
BDSM (Passive) Replaces (Masochist): allows you to ignore, redirect, or convert 75% of all pain into pleasure.
Beautification (Human, Passive) Increases level of attractiveness towards humans and demi-humans. Can only be set towards one species at a time.
Below the Belt (Passive)  Skills and spells activated during sex cannot be detected. Both castor and target must be engaged in intercourse with each other.
Black Widow (Active) Can only activate while engaging in intercourse. The person will acquire a counter. Death will occur in 14 days.
Cat’s Meow (Active) Repairs damage to any area you can lick.
Celestial Whip (Active) Summons a powerful otherworldly whip. Scaled to your level. Consumes sp continuously.
Charmless (Passive) Cannot be charmed.
Control (Passive) Your commands are more likely to be obeyed. You can ignore other’s commands at will.
Dreamer (Passive) Remain in control of your dreams. Easy lucid dreaming. Can earn experience in lucid dreaming equal to challenge.
Dream Walker (Active) Wake up and sleep at will.
Enhanced Positions (Passive) Add a multiple to experience gained based on the number of positions. Limit 3X
Eye of the Beholder (Active) You become more attractive to the target.
Fragant Passage (Passive) Always emit a pleasing smell.
Frenzy (Active) Releases a pheromone which bewilders and sexually excites everyone in range, inciting nonspecific sexual engagement. Can be used once a day.
Freshen Up (Active) Uses SP to clean butt and pussy. Improves smell and cleanliness. See Immaculate.
Fuck Buddy (Min, Passive) Select one person. Gain more experience with that person. Can only change selection once a day.
Fusion (Passive) You can breed with any species successfully.
Immaculate (Active) Replaces (Freshen Up): Can Clean Entire Body of all dirt and debris.
Lifebringer (Passive) Potions made by you with semen are more potent and have higher grades.
Limit Break (Active) Break the limits of your abilities. There is a price.
Lover’s Breath (Passive) Can go without breath during sexual activities. (30 minutes maximum)
Lover’s Trust (passive) During sexual intercourse, a lover is more likely to believe what you say.
Magical Accentuation (Active) Use mana to temporarily increase Charisma. Proportional to amount of mana used.
Many Titled (Passive) Can set a secondary title. The effects are half of the primary title. See Title Holder.
Masochist (Passive) 50% of all pain is converted to pleasure. See BDSM.
Mental Fortitude (Passive) Large Increase in mental resistance to embarrassing, debasing, and degrading events.
Monster Tamer (Active) Tame a monster. Chance is based on level of monster and level of charm.
Pheromone (Active) Releases a pheromone that can attract monsters and the opposite sex. Sexual stimulation increases during this period. Duration and strength dependent on level.
Phoenix Down (Active) Restores a lover to perfect health during intercourse.
Phoenix Rises (Passive) Rise from the ashes. (Appears to be one use only)
Possession (Active) Perform ritual during sex. Upon completion of the ritual, assume complete ownership of target. Their life is in castor’s hands. Target must give knowing consent to ritual.
Princess Kiss (Active) Kissing a target on the lips removes all status misalignments from target.
Rejuvenation (Active) Increase the targets seed quantity.
Restoration (Passive) Wounds heal twice as fast.
Rock a Bye (Active) 80% chance of putting partner to sleep during sex, consumes stamina.
Sanctuary (Active) Claim a home as a seductress. All abilities are enhanced. Leveling is increased 2X within home. Can only select a home once a year. Must reside in sanctuary one month a year.
Seduction (Active) Increases a target’s affection and loyalty, effects can be stacked.
Sex Paralysis (Active) Activating during sex will prevent other party from moving for duration of sex.
Sexual Experience (Passive) You can gain experience through sexual intercourse. New partners provide an experience bonus.
Sexual Saint (Passive) Endurance boosts x5 during sexual intercourse.
Stalker (Active) Watch a previous sexual partner. Can only use for 30 minutes once a day.
STD Immunity (Passive) Immune to all sexually transmitted diseases.
Title Holder (Passive) Replaces (Many Titled): Allows Three Titles to be set.
Voyeur (Passive) Watching sexual participants is the same as engaging in sex. Can use all abilities as if in sexual intercourse, including a reduced experience gain.

Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 23

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“Are you good, we need to go,” Peers stated.

“Huh?” My eyes focused on what appeared to be Peers’ knees.

I glanced up at his face. He was watching me with a troubled look, but his eyes also seemed to hold a certain level of impatience. I tried to focus on Peers’ face, my eyes seemed blurry and distorted. When had I fallen to my knees? My hand went to my head, trying to wipe the obstruction from my eyes. It was moisture, tears that were blocking my vision.


“I’m fine…” I said. “I’m fine.”

{Panic Resistance has increased to LVL 5!}

Peers looked down at me doubtfully.

“I’m fine!” It was more like I was trying to convince myself of that.

My body felt numb. There was a dull pain in my heart, but it was somewhat easy to ignore. Perhaps because, somewhere in the back of my mind I didn’t accept this reality. Min had survived too much for me to assume she died so easily.

You could use Stalker and remove all doubt. My mind whispered.

I shook my head from those thoughts as Peers cautiously held out his hand. I reached up and took it as he pulled me up to a standing position. I depended heavily on the Manipulation Art and its integrated deception and acting skills in order to keep my face from showing any thing else.

“A-are you sure it was her?” My voice barely cracked as I pushed down all emotion into a tiny corner of my mind.

“It was an elf. We’re not too far from their colony, we occasionally run into elves. It’s rare, but not impossible.” Peers explained uncertainly.

I nodded in understanding. Peers had never met Min before. It was unreasonable to expect anything clearer from him. As far as her death, I didn’t believe that they intentionally killed Min. Part of me felt that Min died the second the arrow struck her. Part of me wasn’t convinced she was dead at all. Perhaps I thought I might have been angrier at them for ‘feeding’ on her, but at the moment I couldn’t bring myself to have those feeling. I had started to form such an idea of kinship with the Succubus that accusing them of killing Min felt wrong. Although, in the end, I’m their prisoner, which meant my actions were likely the thoughts of an insane woman. Well, I already knew that I was no longer sane, so this came as no surprise to me.

“Why must we leave?” I asked as I allowed Peers to lead me out of my cell for the first time since the succubus took me.

“The council has grown suspicious of my interactions with you. I had to hide our relationship as much as possible.” Peers shook his head as if talking to himself. “They won’t understand… no, if they know what you really are, they’ll take you away from me! They won’t accept us! ”

My eyebrow raised in surprise. “Us?”

Peers turned back to me, grabbing both of my hands as his face moved closer to mine. It was a sudden act that showed a tinge of desperation and desire. I had been with the man for about a week, and although at times he could come off as downright amateurish in a cute kind of way, I had never seen him act so emotional.

“Aria, I… I love you.”

You barely know me… While those were the thoughts that came to my mind, I was smart enough not to voice them.

“I love you too.” The lie came with ease; I didn’t even feel any guilt as he reacted with a glowing smile of relief on his face.

“Then, the council might tear us apart. They might… they might decide you’re too much of a danger and put you to death.”

“Then… save me, my love.” I put a hand gently on his cheek and in a swift motion took his lips.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but as he pulled away, he seemed slightly regretful. However, the exposure lasted the exact amount of time I wanted it too. I didn’t feel too bad that I had to manipulate him so. If my life was in danger, I was willing to do anything. How I left the slave traders had shown my resolve. Furthermore, throwing myself at him as if we were a couple eased some pain in my heart left by Min’s absence. Her death, no, I didn’t know if she was dead or not, was something best pushed aside until I was in a safe place.

Peers nodded and continued to pull me along as I followed him closely. I took a quick peek into Eva’s room as we passed, but her form was hidden under a blanket and so I wasn’t able to make out the girl I had shared this last week with. I could barely protect myself, so the idea of trying to save her was out of the question. No, I was no hero. That childish aspiration Min had put in my head was dead now.

This world was too cruel and too evil for me to even attempt to try to fix. It was far better to live selfishly and move by my own path. Heroes didn’t have the abilities I had. Trying to live up to some imaginary standard I had set for myself is the very thoughts that got us enslaved and Min subsequently killed. I would never be as naïve again. This world ate up the idealistic.

We turned a corner, passing rows and rows of cells. More of them were empty than full, and while some seemed to contain demi-humans, there were a couple that contained only vaguely human-like monsters as well. It looked like the succubus were not selective when preying on life. We approached a cell that was particularly noisy. I could hear the rhythmic squeaking sounds of a dilapidated bed being used hard.

Peers raised a finger up to his lips and I gave a small nod. The pair of us crouched, moving forward slowly. As we passed the cell, I couldn’t help myself but glance over. There was a woman butt naked bouncing up and down on her knees while riding a man lying under her. Fortunately, her back was to the cell door, and so she was looking the other way. I couldn’t see her face or the man. He had two very hairy legs sticking out and a rather large cock the occasionally flashed from between her thighs. The woman’s ass was near perfect, and she shook it as she bounced up and down on his cock with enthusiasm.

It was likely, for all intent and purposes, the scene of a succubus feeding on a prisoner. As I focused on the scene, I could almost see something rising out of the man and entering the woman. Was this some embodiment of life? It didn’t look the same as magic, which as my magic sense rose started to take on a physical thread-like appearance. This rather looked like a cloud.

{Life Sense has increased to LVL 1!}

I nearly tripped over myself. It had been ages since I had last added a skill to my abilities. The “life” being pulled from the man became even more tangible as I gained the skill. To a small extent, I even felt like I could get a grasp for how much lifeforce was being taken. Perhaps this ability could be used along with my new skills?

There was a tug on my arm as Peers shot me a look. I shrugged shyly and continued forward. It was a scene I would have continued watching in earnest or even offered to join during normal circumstances. Now was not the time. I sighed that I’d not be able to play with my newly earned skill a little more.

We had finally made it out of the cell area. The location, despite being a prison, seemed surprisingly free of security. There appeared to be no second lock keeping prisoners from leaving. Well, one could consider the illusions and dream magic to already be the prison. In that respect, the cells were merely there as a formality. People like me who could break the illusion were few and far in between. If anything, this prison was more like a mess hall then a means of keeping people prisoner. It was no wonder they didn’t try to make the place any bleaker than they had to.

Lost in my thoughts, I ran smack face into Peers back before I stopped my steps. He had stopped just as he took the step out the front door. His hands reached behind and grabbed me, holding on tight as he took a step back before stopping with a sigh. As, I tried to get a look around his back to see what had stopped his movements, someone in front of him spoke up.

“Well, Peers, it seems that you have decided to go against the council’s will after all.” The voice was female, a smooth, attractive voice that seemed curved with seduction.

“Mary, f-fancy meeting you here.” Although Peers’ voice tried to come out casual, it broke, displaying the reservation and fear buried underneath.

I looked to the side, peaking out from behind Peers and finally getting a look at what I had to work with. There were five people there. It was a woman and four men that were dressed in armor. It wasn’t the fine armor I had seen on knights. Rather, it looked like a makeshift of random crap put together. It looked like it had been looted. Some of it was rusted, some of it was fine, and it was all held together with strings. Yet, for all intent and purposes, their blades were still sharp, and it didn’t matter to me how well this militia was dressed, I didn’t have a chance either way.

The woman standing in the middle was wearing very erotic clothing, or perhaps it’s better to say she was wearing an erotic lack of clothing. Her enormous chest was barely covered with a top that looked like a leather bikini. Her bottom had two sheets of dark brown cloth, one in the back and one in front, tied together around her hips with a single string. As to her hips, they were completely exposed, the sheets only just covering her nether regions, the roundness of her ass and pelvis visible from the side.

In short, she was dressed like an erotic depiction of a savage or wild woman. However, where women in her garb were typically depicted as darker skinned, with deep tans, she had extremely fair skin that seemed impossible in this sun. As to the sun beating down on us right now, it seemed like the snow was gone. In the week or so I was locked up the weather must have started changing to spring. I was a little surprised at today’s warmth and wondered if her erotic garb was weather specific or not.

The woman herself was incredibly beautiful. She had large ringlets of golden blond hair that ran down her back and chest. They seemed to outline and bring attention to her breasts even more. Her face was doll-like. Her lips were red and pursy, her eyes a deep purple that I’ve never seen on a human before. In short, she was exceptionally attractive. Had I seen her before I had accepted my own bisexuality, she’d be the type of girl I’d talk poorly about behind her back, making spiteful comments that she must be a slut while secretly being jealous of how she managed to pull of that appearance. Of course, that was the old me. The current me merely appreciated her body and wanted to get more familiar with it.

Her guards were also incredibly attractive men as well, although they all had various discrepancies, too many muscles or too large a chin to the point where I’d call Peers more attractive. These men were merely supermodel hunks where Peers felt like he was carved just for me. I distantly thought whether this had something to do with illusion, but right now I had more important things to focus on.

In particular, the incredibly attractive leader’s eyes snapped to me the instant my head came out from behind Peers. She gave a smile that looked predatory. However, I couldn’t tell if it was threatening look or seductive one.

“Well, aren’t you a pretty one…” She said to herself.

I didn’t know how to respond. Given her supermodel physique, I couldn’t tell if this comment was meant to be complimentary or derogatory. Without any more options, I took a step out behind the flustered Peers, straightening my shoulders and pulling on my deception, seduction, and every other skill I had acquired since coming to this world. The only thing I knew for certain was that I couldn’t show weakness at this point. I had to be strong. I had to go on the all-out offensive.

“You’re not so bad looking yourself,” I replied with a smirk. “Perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere more private?”

Well, I attacked in the only way I know how.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 153

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“Snow White!” you snap, causing Snow White to stand upright. “Why aren’t you keeping these men in order?”

“Th-this… what are you even saying? The men are just fucking! This isn’t a battle I can control!”

“Of course it is! What kind of general are you? Look at the men, they’re a complete mess. That man over there is barely even getting it in her. That man is fucking her asshole, he’s not going to get her pregnant that way! We need efficiency. We need order!”

Snow White looks like she’s about to cry. “I didn’t prepare for this at all. I don’t even know what to do about it. This is just too much of a mess!”

You sigh. “The men are falling apart. What we really need are drums. Something to keep the rhythm!”

“A drummer? I can get one!” Snow White declares happily.

“No time! Besides, we already have one! If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself.”

“Huh? Already have what- ahhhh!”

You grab Snow White, tossing her to the ground and ripping apart her leather armor around the pelvic region like it is tissue.

“Men! Look on to me!” You declare, causing every eye to turn to you, standing behind Snow White who is bent in front of you in much the same way the homunculi are in front of each of the goblin men. “Do as I do!”

As you say that, you thrust yourself into Snow White, your cock sliding deep into her pussy until the balls shove against her clit.

“Ahhh!” Snow White gives out an ungeneral-like screech. “You… to deflower me in front of my men this way, hah, hah… I forgot how cruel you are.”

“Pull! Thrust! Pull! Thrust! Come on, put your backs into it.” You plow Snow White while ignoring her crying as you bark out commands.

Within a few thrusts, the entire army follows suite like a well-oiled machine, the sound of sex becoming a single overpowering sound. Balls slap into pussy in perfect timed precision, ball slap, slide, ball slap, slide… a noise loud enough to be heard all the way back in Riun.

“You! Get your dick out of her ass. Wash it and then stick it in her pussy before I demote you to fluffer duty. By Pun, man, we’re getting women pregnant, not riding the hershey highway! I’ve unlocked their wombs, knock these women up, men!”

“Kn-knocked up! Don’t get me pregnant warrior!” Snow White cries.

“Hmph… don’t you think I can decide when you get pregnant and when you don’t? Don’t make me laugh!”

“Ah… this is so wonderful! Our beloved is truly domineering, it makes me eager to enjoy him for myself.” Medusa says excitedly as she watches the armies of fornicators.

“Sister! How can you say that when he’s plowing some woman against her will right in front of you?” Ursula argues.

“But he does it so resolutely! Look at the way he claims her, it’s so manly!”

“Why did I come here with such a crazy sister?” Ursula starts to cry while Medusa looks on with hearts in her eyes.

The sounds of sex fill the battlefield. Life energy starts to pull into your army like a syphon. Moans even start to come in unision. Grimhilde only gives a wry look like this is expected while Maleficant covers her eyes, unable to look at the scene. Ursula actually pulls out a chicken wing from Pun knows where and is chewing on it while muttering and shaking her head in disgust.

“Premature cummers! You know who you are! You’re finished! There is no one to impress here! Pull out and switch. Pregnant homunculi, move to the side so the fresh homunculi can get some action!”

Like that, the ranks rearrange themselves as men finish up and recover and women became pregnant. Other than turning on the homunculi pregnancy incubation switch, you also allowed the women to have an deep understanding of their own bodies. They can tell when they are finally impregnated and will act accordingly.

“Men, increase speed! Spank her ass like this!” You spank Snow White’s butt while plowing her, the woman herself moaning and shrieking as she takes your cock.

You can’t see her face, but the face she’s showing her army as they glance back at her to make sure they’re doing this right is extremely shameful. Drool is falling from her lips and her eyes are unfocused and euphoric. Being shamed in front of her soldiers like this again, why did it excite her so?

Plus, having never had her pussy stimulated so, she had never anticipated how good it felt. Although it hurt a little at first, it wasn’t as bad as anal, and she had even cum when she was fucked in the ass, so of course being raped in the pussy would be even better! In fact, being fucked in the pussy was causing her to go wild. Soon, her mind was feral, and despite herself she was imagining what it’d be like to have a baby with the warrior after all.

“Making her cum also increases fertility!” You declare, “So do well to make her cum!”

“Warrior… you’ve already made me cum! You can cum now!” Snow White moans as she claws at the ground in front of her.

“Don’t you want to lead by example?” You ask, the hand that is grabbing her ass moving over until a thumb slides into her ass hole.

“Ahhhh! That feels so… even though you’re fucking my pussy my asshole is still so sensitive. Stimulating them both is making me grow crwazy!” Snow White bites her lips as she moans while you plow her and finger her asshole with your thumb. “Oh… gods… I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Please, don’t look men, ah, don’t look, don’t look!”

However, the more she calls for them to not look, the more curious several goblins become until most of the army is watching as Snow White’s body writhes in orgasm. Just as the audience reaches the max, you choose to release your load as well, injecting massive amounts of white seed deep inside Snow White.

Having never had you cum in her pussy before, the sudden warm feeling shooting deep in her womb acts as an aphrodisiac, and as you hold her pelvis with a finger in her asshole, you fill her up while her body kicks and writhes under you.

“It’s inside me! So warm!” Snow White shouts before collapsing onto the dirty ground, her ass still in the air while white stuff leaks from her gaping pussy hole.

You sigh, seeing the soldiers taking after you and continuing to work. Some of them were fingering their dolls butt, while others played with the tits or something else.

“Did you really impregnate Snow White?” Kida asked, slightly worried, slightly excited.

“Hmmm… I wonder, why, do you want me to-“

“Yes!” Kida suddenly leaps forward excitedly.

“Ah, well, if you don’t mind bending over and having me.”

“Anything, as long as I’m awake!” Kida declares, surprisingly more fervent to join the ranks and do her part in battle than you might have expected.

Your mouth twitches. Apparently, Kida had been suffering a bit on her own as the odd woman out on the harem. She already lost her virginity, but had yet to get any of the benefits of enjoying sex. Plus, as a warrior, not fighting is a problem. If she can absorb just a little bit of the light energy by becoming pregnant and thus contributing to battle, Kida would feel like she’s done her part.

“In that case…” You reach over to strip the expectant Kida who is breathing excitedly.

“Hey! You bastard! Do you think your little trick will stop his rise?” It is Florian suddenly calling out.

He is in front of your army, floating a few meters above the ground while calling out to you. It seems like your sex event had brought him out of hiding. You give one last sigh. Cockblocked again. Well, this was the last cockblock Florian would every give. Time to die!


*FYI: In case you forgot Ariel, Merida, Aurora, and Cinderella are handling the Merida and Aurora being in labor right now. Kida, Snow White, Maleficant, and Grimhilde are with you handling the war, and the other girls are in the Mansion, presumably tending to the birthing room.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 152

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“Wait, wait, wait. A demon god? Isn’t that something you girls would be pushing for?”

“Only an idiot like Florian would want to wipe all of existence.” Grimhilde explains. “No, the Demon Queen tasked her daughters as defenders of this realm. We keep the demon god at bay until the Demon King comes. Then, the Demon King fights the Demon God in a final battle over the fate of this world.”

“Man… all of that sounds tedious as hell, but since there is no Demon King, then can this prophecy even be fulfilled?” You ask.

“Well, if Florian succeeds, yes. Without a demon king, the demon god will be free to rule this world and crush all of us!”

“I suppose just throwing a mountain on top of the army wouldn’t help?”

“The faster people die, the easier it will be for the portal to open!”

“Fuck… why did Florian decide to open his portal right here near Riun?”

Medusa steps forward. “If I may, this particular area feels slightly… weak. The dimensional space seems thin. Particularly… around you. I feel another “thinness” in Riun and a third in Florian’s army. It’s like… I don’t know…”

“Like we were summoned from another world?” You sigh, connecting the dots between you, Florian, and Megara still at your mansion in Riun. “So, since I don’t come from this world, I create some kind of thinness and he’s exploiting that?”

“You come from another world? Like the heros…” Medusa seems slightly surprised at that while Ursula only glares silently. “If this is true, then yes, three heros in one spot… the thinness here is maximized. This is why demons hate summoned heros! You guys only try to stop us and aid in the summoning of the Demon God. You act as a gateway, weakening this world and making us more susceptible. I thought you might be him, but knowing you’re a hero… sister, are you sure our love is in the right place?”

Grimhilde lightly patted Medusa with a smile. “Just watch…”

You cock your head to the side, a little worried that maybe Grimhilde has some ideas about you that are a little out there. However, the immediate problem is this demon god guy.

“So, we can’t fight our way out of this… what can we do?”

Medusa shakes her head, giving an apologetic look. “I don’t know. Every time someone dies, they release life energy. That gets siphoned into the portal, continuing to cause it to grow. The only way to stop the life energy from summoning the demon god is to soak it up. You can channel it into some other use.”

“Use it up? What uses up life energy?”

“I’m not sure. Life energy is essential part of life. It helps seeds grow into trees. It helps bees pollinate. It infuses all creatures and leads them to create offspring.”

“Create offspring?” Your eyebrow raises.

“Y-yes…” Ursula butts forward. “However, the amount of death occurring right now amongst our camps is extreme and it’s only going to get worst. To soak up that amount of life energy, you’d need to grow an entire forest!”

“Hmm…” You scratch your chin. “Very well. Snow White!”

“Y-yes, warrior?”

“May I speak to the men for a second?”

“Of course!”

“My soldiers!” You create a magic that amplifies your voice and carries it out to the entire army. “Today… today, we fight a force that is unusual and dastardly. As it turns out, the very fate of our world and our very way of life depends on this! You all must give it your all in the battle to come! Fortunately, you have been training for this. In fact, I’d say you’ve been training for this since you’ve joined me!”

You wave your hand, issuing out some summoning magic. A moment later a marching sound could be heard, steps in unision which cause the goblins to look around in confusion. “Men! It is time for you to show your grit! We will fight! We will win!”

“I-I-I don’t understand, what’s going on?” Ursula demands in confusion.

At this point, the goblins formed rows in a line, creating a perimeter of defense. However, a second group appeared and is now marching between them. The new group of people appear a bit smaller than the goblins. They are fully robed with hoods hiding their face. The marching continues until a robed person stops in front of a goblin. Soon, every goblin is paired with one of these mysterious strangers standing in front of them.

“An elvish army?” Ursula tries a guess.

“Ready!” You raise your hand. “Discard!”

The rows of stranged people immediately pull away their robes, throwing them to the sides in a single swift motion. Like that, they reveal row upon row of very naked women. The goblins immediately become excited, having become very familiar with these particular girls over the last few weeks. These are the Cinderella Homunculi army that had been performing as the goblin sex toys up until now.

“Bend over!” You order.

The women all bend over, putting their asses out in front of the literal army of goblin men. The men all respond immediately, grinning as they reach forward and grab the bare hips of their sexual partners. A few goblins already have their dicks out and are working on getting them in.

“Wh-what is this!” Ursula cries as Grimhilde only shakes her head with a sigh.

“Oh… my…” Medusa looks on excitedly as the scene in front of her instantly turns indescent.

“Warrior! What are you doing with my soldiers! Th-this isn’t the battle I had in mind!” Snow White cries out.

“As you said, as a general, you should have prepared for every eventuality!” You drop your hand as the fluster Snow White sputters. “Start fucking!”

And like that, hands grabbed hips and dicks slid into holes, and soon the entire field was filled with the sounds of balls slapping, men grunting, and women moaning. The battle for this world begins!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 151

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“Man the front lines! Don’t let them get any closer. Keep your distances! Use the archers!” Snow White bellows as she points out various flaws in the army defense.

“Snow Whites a little sexy when she’s acting like a general.” You say out loud.

A yellow tinge hits Snow White’s cheeks as she turns to you. “Warrior! I’ve already accepted my place as your woman in waiting, but please do not demean this general’s authority in front of her men again. It took many beatings to knock the insubordination out of my men last time you embarrassed me in front of them.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You fight the urge to snicker. “In that case, report general!”

“Y-yes!” Snow White nearly solutes you before stopping herself. “Florian’s army sent a couple of peace officers into the camp only to have them use some kind of magic to explode. After that, they started sending wave after wave of men into the camp to explode. Their fighting is erratic. They strive to cause as much damage and kill count as possible.

“We’ve managed to keep them at bay for the most part. Casualties have been minimal. However, the demon camps were attacked in the same way. They aren’t fairing as well, and Florian has seemingly switched most of his focus on them. They clearly lack the training of a goblin horde.” Snow White gives the two new demon women a gloating look.

“That’s because we’re stuck here and our armies don’t have leadership!” Ursula growls.

“Neither of us are as battle centric as our eldest sister.” Medusa admits. “I doubt our presence would change much. Rather, our armies were never trained for something as insane as suicidal runs. Why would goblins train in this manner?”

Snow White snorts and raises her shoulders. “Of course, serving a man like the warrior, I had to prepare this army for every eventuality!”

“What kind of guy to you think I am!” You respond with a sigh.

However, you don’t have much room to talk since this form of Spartan training seems to do the trick.

“Is there any suicide squads still attacking us?” You ask, changing the subject.

“Yes, a squad is being shot down with arrows right now from our right. Strangely enough, even though they’re failing to reach us, they’re still tossing men away. It’s quite strange.”

You use a little magic and a second later a man appears in front of you. He’s a nondescript demon with horns and a tail, although he lacks the attractive looks that dominate the demon lord sisters’ appearances.

“Tssk! Back up! It’s one of them!” Snow White shouts.

“It’s fine!” You raise your hand. “I’ve rendered him inert. I just wanted to get a look at the enemy.”

“This man…” Maleficant growls, cracking her joints as her hand tightens.

“You know him?”

“He used to be in my army! I thought he was one of the loyal ones. To think he worked for Florian. I’m truly shocked that Florian’s coup ran so deep.”

“Hmm… I wouldn’t be so sure sister.” Grimhilde takes a few steps forward, looking into the eyes of the man.

You had the man frozen so he couldn’t really do anything but stand there. Other than prevent him from exploding, you didn’t do anything else like lock his expressions or anything. Rather than shouting or looking afraid, he just stood there staring blankly at nothing. His eyes lacked any light at all.

“Wh-what do you mean?” Maleficant demands.

“He’s braindead.” You explain, probing the situation with some exploratory magic. “A puppet like the ones your sisters use… well, except made of flesh. Florian had brainwiped him and used him as a pawn. It’s possible most of his army are braindead pawns.”

Snow White snorts. “Good, that is why their strategy is so primitive. Florian will easily be defeated by us. Yet, I get a sense things are not right. I can’t help but feel like this is a trap.”

“You’re perceptive for a goblin.” Medusa states causing Snow White to snort derisively before stepping up to the soldier and pushing against him close enough that her breasts smooch against his chest as she presses her hand against his forehead.

The guy is braindead and it isn’t like you had marked Medusa as yours yet, but you still have a complicated feeling as you watch her with her hands all over this man. While Medusa seems like an incredibly easy fuck, you’re starting to realize that as a harem member, she might be a bit more trouble in other ways. As a free and lustful woman, her love and loyalty to you is likely skin deep. Once you’ve had her, you’ll have to take some precautions. Perhaps the collar you gift her will need to be modified.

On that note, Snow White’s collar is white and made with ivory, taking on the form of a slightly spikey collar that matched her aggressive appearance. Grimhilde’s collar is made completely of obsidian, a black glass color that surrounded her neck in a single ring. Kida’s collar is more necklace-like, sporting a single Malachite gem. You are still steadily making collars, and Maleficant hasn’t received a collar yet. Now, you are going to need to make two more as well.

“Some kind of energy scythe. So, what is it they’re trying to do?” You mutter, trying to make sense of the analysis magic coming back from your scan.

Medusa looks over at you appraisingly, impressed that you deduced this much. “You don’t see what they are doing? These aren’t just suicides. They’re sacrifices.”


Medusa presses a hand against the man’s chest and a rune suddenly appears there, as if it is buried within the man’s skin. “This whole fight. It’s not about defeating you. Florian is trying to sacrifice his entire army and as much as yours as possible. He’s trying to cause as much death as possible, using every one of his soldiers as a siphon of freshly released life energy.”

“I’m sorry… this seems to be a little out of my depth here…” You mutter, scratching you head.

“You don’t mean…” Grimhilde seems to get it first receiving a confirming nod from Medusa before turning to you with a worried look. “He’s killing people and using the free life force to open a portal.”

“What? He can’t possibly…” Ursula growls. “Here? Now? It’s too soon! The demon king hasn’t even been selected yet!”

“This is happening now!” Maleficant cries. “He’s using my former army to bring about this crisis now? Ridiculous! Stupid! Stupid!”

“Girls, Girls…” You hold out your hands. “Please, explain a little clearly. What’s going on?”

Grimhilde is the one who answers. “Florian is trying to summon the Demon God. Demon lords exist in this world to stop that from happening. We are the gatekeepers that hold him back. However, we’re not ready yet. If he’s summoned now. This world will be destroyed. He’ll remake it as his own! My love, we have to stop this before the Demon God is summoned!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 150

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Boom! Boom!

The ground shakes as several explosions occur in the distance. Medusa and Ursula turn back towards their camp with a worried frown.

“That bastard Florian!” Ursula growls.

You sigh returning your clothing with a wave. Florian is starting to become a major cockblock. No matter how much of a Nasty piece of ass Nala proved to be, the temptation to just do away with him is increasing. Well, you can’t pull the leech out with some easy spell because he seems to be using some kind of antimagic barrier. You could easily just drop a nuke on him or his army but considering Florian’s ability is to spontaneously create anything that exists from your world, it’s likely he’d have taken measures to negate your nukes just as you’ll negate his.

“I’m sorry, honey, my beloved, we’ll have to consummate our relationship at another time.” Medusa looks genuinely disappointed as she pops her boobs back into her dress, which had popped out during the previous explosion.

“It’s fine. We’ll just have to work extra hard. Maybe even Ursula will have to join in.”

“Excuse me! I’ll never touch the likes of you!”

“You know… for a porker she’s pretty choosy about her love interests…” You mutter softly.

“What’s that! Did someone say they want to die?” Ursula shouts.

“Perhaps I can tempt you with a banana cream pie.”

“A ba-banana cream pie? You have pie?”

“Of course, I’ll give each of you sisters a creampie after we’re done.”

“Why does this not sound like food?” Grimhilde looks over suspiciously.

“Not food? A trick! This cream pie not something I can eat?”

“… What are you talking about? Of course you can eat it! But you can’t eat your own, you’ll have to eat your sisters.”


“I don’t know what’s confusing. It’s a creampie where you can’t eat your own, you can only eat each others. Isn’t sharing fun?”

“Suspicious.” Grimhilde mutters.

“Cheeee…” Maleficant adds.

Ursula looks undecided but after Medusa nudges her she growls. “Fine! We’re in agreement. Once this crisis is adverted and you deliver to my sister and I this creampie, I will consider joining you, but it better have bananas!

“Oh, it will, big ones.”

“Very well… but understand I am not as easy as my sisters.” Ursula snorts. “My chastity is perfectly preserved.”

“That’s not surprising…”

“So did want to die!”

There was another boom in the distance and Medusa interrupts the pair of you. “I regret my beloved, but my sister and I must be going now. We must deactivate these dolls. Wha- eh?”

“Huh? Sister? My doll, it’s not deactivating, why am I still here?”

“Oh… yeah, I switched you guys with your dolls.” You wave a hand.

“Wh-what?” Ursula cries out.

“Well, it’s not like I’m going to fuck a puppet. You were using some magic to control those dolls, you’re probably somewhere hidden in the back of your army outside the anti-magic shield, so it was easy to find. I just used some magic and swapped you and the doll. I mean, I’m not going to talk to the doll when I’d rather be talking to you girls.”

“You…” Just as the angry Ursula starts to try to berate you again, a soldier goblin runs up to you and solutes.

“My liege… Snow White has requested your presence on the front lines. Things are getting dicey.”

“Before that, could our beloved please return us to our armies?” Medusa asks with a pleasant smile.

“Uh… no time! Let’s head to the front line. I’ll keep you girls safe.”

“Excuse me!” Ursula snaps. “You can’t just kidnap me! I am a demon lord! I will have you know that I’m in charg- what are you doing?”

Grimhilde approaches Ursula and pats her on the shoulder, stopping Ursula’s rant and then giving her a tight hug. “You just don’t understand yet…”


“The second you walked into his camp, he already claimed you. You’re his now.”

“What?” Ursula shoots an exasperated look at Maleficant. “Your sister is speaking crazy, what is…”

Maleficant lowers her eyes and looks away, not willing to meet Ursula’s sight while silently confirm the reality of the situation.

“His? His… I like the sound of that.” Medusa blushes while holding her cheeks and twisting like a girl in love.

As a teleportation circle forms under the feet of all four women, Ursula looks at her three crazy sisters. Why is she the only one who hasn’t lost it? What kind of trip did she agree on and just who is this man she is now confronting? As the world around her disappears, Ursula looks on with a concerned look. A very concerned look.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 149

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The snake-like woman takes a step forward, eyeing you up and down in a particularly brazen way. “I am the great demonlord Medusa, ranked third among the realm. I see that you seem to be in possession of my seventh and fifth sisters.”

“Hey… Grimhilde…” You say, leaning back to the demonlord behind you. “I thought it was a fluke with Maleficant… but it seems like you and all of your sisters look nothing alike.”

Grimhilde makes a tight smile. “Of course, my father isn’t their father. We all share the same mother, the Demon Queen, but you could call us half-sisters”

“So, there is a demon queen too, huh?” You muse, while ignoring the tinge of regret that these are half-sisters and not full. “No demon king?”

“Mother has been gone for ages.” The chubby girl steps up. “And don’t act like you aren’t aware of the legend of the demon king after trying to keep two of our sister’s captive.”

“Huh? The girls are here by choice… sort of…”

“I am not! He kidnapped me and mmphmmmph!” Grimhilde grabs Maleficant and covers her mouth, preventing her from finishing her sentence while pulling the impetuous little girl back.

“Is that so…” the fat one narrows their eyes while ignoring the struggling Maleficant.

Grimhilde whispers something into her ear and she immediately calms down. You sort of wish you heard what she had told the little tiny to calm her down. Usually, you’d need to give her candy to get her to so easily relax.

“As you can see, I haven’t kidnapped your sisters. They are in perfect health and so there is no reason to have an animosity between us.”

“Mm… no, in fact, I hope we can become best of friends.” Medusa purs. “This is sixth sister Ursula, by the way…”

Your eyebrows twitch as you hear the name of the forth of the supposed seven sisters. Their names really are going in this particular direction, huh?

“Well, I don’t particularly mind friends…” You respond.

“Exactly!” Medusa closes the distance between the pair of you, leaning forward until her tits are about to spill out of her dress as she stares at you with wide eyes. “You understand, don’t you? Let’s be lovers!”

“Huh? What?” You suddenly feel a little uncomfortable the way the girl is looking at you as she reaches out and grabs your hands, pulling them against her chest while her snake eyes glow like stars.

“We must celebrate our first meeting! Do you prefer missionary or doggie style?” Medusa asks.


“Medusa! What are you saying?” Ursula coughs as she speaks, grabbing Medusa and pulling her aside for a quick scolding. “He’s already taken two of our sisters? Why are you throwing yourself at him so?”

“Hhmm?” Medusa looks over in confusion. “If two of our sisters have come to favor him, then doesn’t that suggest he might be worth our love?”

“N-n-no! That’s… he’s clearly a swindler! He’s tricked them!”

“Little sister, I would know best if our sisters were being tricked the easiest, yes? This man has clearly conquered them. It’s only right that I experience his… conquering as well.”

“D-don’t tell me you decided to come here and check up on your sisters as an excuse just to throw yourself at this man!” Ursula protests.

“But didn’t I?” Medusa puts on a pouty look while pursing her lips before snapping her fingers as if an idea just occurred to her. “You should give your love to him as well, Ursula!”

“What? A-absolutely not! Please, sister, don’t be so lustful! There is an army and this is hardly the place!”

“What can I say, this is the so-called… love at first sight?” Medusa tilts her head and speaks as if this was an obvious conclusion.

“Love at first my ass! Grimhilde, please do something about our sister. Her lustful nature is out of control!” Ursula shouts, looking back at the three of you. “Ah! Why is he naked!”

“Huh?” You ask standing their naked while pulling out your dick. “I heard sex. Are we doing this, or what?”

“Oh my…” Medusa smiles. “Let’s!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 148

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You wipe the rubble off of your shirt as you glare at the former delegation that was sent to “negotiate”. Well, now all there is left is a smoking crater. A few seconds prior, they had been approaching you, Grimhilde, Maleficant, and Kida only for them to suddenly explode. Your stats and the status of your harem are to the point where a simple explosion won’t even be able to push you down, but several villagers and low level adventurers nearby appear to be somewhat injured.

“What the hell was that?” You demand angrily.

Grimhilde sniffs. “Some kind of suicide magic. To think my sisters would resort to clumsy suicidal assassin’s to try to hurt us.”

You walk up to the crater, putting together a quick information ascertainment magic, and immediately learn the details of the magic used.

“Not your sisters, this delegation was sent by Florian.”

“Florian? But the delegation came in from my sister’s armies direction.”

“That’s exactly what Florian wants you to think.”

“My love, are you sure?”

You snort, dusting off your pants as you stand up and pointing at a pair of people coming in from the distance. “Would you sisters send a second delegation after just trying to blow us up with the first?”

Maleficant’s back immediately straightens as she sees the two people on horseback riding into town. She recognized the two of them immediately. When Grimhilde gets a look at them, her face goes white and she turns away.

The two women ride right up to the four of you before dismounting. Noone tries to stop them. It seems like the security in Riun is really lax right now. You never created any kind of bodyguards or protective service, but still, maybe that was something you had to do now.

“You must be this lord of Riun I’ve heard so much about? Good morning…” A sultry looking woman immediately bows, her chest nearly spilling out of the top of her dress.

She has a snake like tail that ends in a rattle, slightly snakelike eyes of red, and you wouldn’t be surprised if she had a forked tongue either. She is very attractive, but she also had the air of danger, like a viper about to strike. She looks at you with a level of predation you haven’t seen since you gave Arial a dick.

“Hmm… is this all? I thought he’d be… a little more filling.” The other woman next to her spoke up.

“!?” You couldn’t help but have a surprised reaction when you laid eyes on the other girl.

She was, for all intent and purposes, a chubby girl. She’s actually the first overweight woman you met in this world. Perhaps in a world run by Pun, that shouldn’t come as any surprise towards you. However, this girl was a pretty attractive looker as well. Definitely in the plus size model bracket. The utter lack of women in the chubster bracket turns her into something akin to an exotic beauty.

“More cushion for the pushing… huh?” You mumble the words to yourself as you imagine how soft her body would be as your plow your dick into that big behind, but are inadvertently overheard by everyone else.

“L-l-tiny pervert!” Maleficant accuses.

“My… oh my… “ The viper seems enticed by your words.

“Excuse me!” The chubby bitch looks at you with dark, hateful eyes.

“My love… do we have to go there? I thought at least I’d be spared from the fat sister…”

“Haha!” You laugh, scratching the back of your neck.

If you pursue this path, wouldn’t that make you the so-called chubby chaser? Ah, well, you’ve been called worse. Demon lord get!

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