The Power of Creation – Chapter 34

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The cat girl walks into a building that must have been her base of operations. There are many other undesirable looking thieves and bandits walking around the building. You seriously worry for her safety. She is far too pretty and delicate to be dealing with that crowd, although you suppose that with her dirty clothing covering up her hair and her youthful age, she probably pulls off looking like a boy.

The problem comes when she enters a room with a guy that looks to be the head of the group. At least, he is about ten years older than everyone else, who all sit in their teens, and he has a condescending air about him. The cat girl has handed over your pouch without complaint, and the man has fingered through it. Then, the man grows angry and suddenly has a knife out at the cat girl’s throat. You add sound to the spell, but you already suspect you know why he is angry.

“Have you been pilfering coins?” The man demands while shaking his knife angrily.

The cat girl is shaking her head desperately, “No, no! Not me, Nya!”

Of course, you saw her reach into the bag and pocket a few coins, so you knew that to be a lie. Unfortunately, the boss man isn’t buying it either. He shoves her to the ground with his foot and gives an order. Two men start grabbing at her pockets while she tries to resist. However, they manage to empty out a pocket, coins dropping to the floor. As the man nods angrily at the look of the coins, her hat is knocked to the ground and her cat ears sprout up.

“Oh, she’s a cat girl!” Ariel says excitedly.

“Why did you think you could steal from me?” The guy shouts. “And you’re a filthy cat monster too!”

“Here, take all the money. See? You have it all! I was just trying to feed my sick little sister.”

“You think that’s enough now? We need double the amount because you tried to steal from us!”

“D-double? I can get it to you in a week, just give me a week!”

“No, I want it now!” He says petulantly, making it clear he never intended to give her a chance in the first place while she looks on with a scared look, “But perhaps, you can work it off other ways.”

The way his filthy eyes glare down at her, it is obvious he meant for her to become his sex toy for the next week.

“No!” She shouts, “I’m a virgin! I’d never give it to a bastard like you!”

He frowns. “You have quite the mouth on you, don’t you?”

“Uh, boss, you know virgin cat people sell for a lot on the slave market.” A crony speaks up.

“I know that!” He gives an annoyed glare.

It appears like he is weighing the cost of deflowering the girl over the cost of selling her, and he doesn’t want any of his men knowing it. After a moment, he gives a shrug.

“She’ll sell a little less, but not more than a good prostitute, I’ll tell you what, after I’m done with her, I’ll pass her around and everyone can have a taste before we sell her.”

The men start to advance on the girl. As you watch, suddenly two soft pillows press against each of your arms. On one side is Ariel, and the other side is Aurora.

“Hero will save the girl, please!”

“Yes, hero-san, you must!”

“Is that really what you all want? She’ll be joining the rest of us from here on?”

The five girls all nodded excitedly, fully consenting to another girl being added to the harem. Of course, you plan to save her regardless and add her to the harem, but it is a lot easier if all of the girls think it is their idea. You put on a show about thinking about it while the girls stare at you with begging eyes.

“I… suppose. But you’ll owe me big!”

“Yes, master!”

“Of course, hero-san.”

“I’m always yours, hero!”

You smile to yourself as you open a portal to the thief’s hideout. You swear girls aren’t this easy in your old world, but these girls were just like putty in your hands. Not that you’re complaining. You move off to add the sixth girl to your harem.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 33

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Wait, so you are currently missing your money pouch. Likely, it has been taken by some kind of purse snatcher. Isn’t that one of those flag events where you meet a female heroine? This is exactly what you have been waiting for. You recast the simple spell that gives you a new money pouch and then pay off the vendor for the food as he was starting to look at you badly.

As you walk back to the table where the girls are being noisy talking and eating ice cream, you create a spell that scans for your money. You find it instantly, and with a bird’s eye view you can see a girl walking down the street. Yes, it is exactly the person who had bumped into you earlier, and now she’s walking away with your money bag.

You don’t really care about the money. It’s not like you earned it, but this seems like a good opportunity to con her into- you mean, encourage her to join your harem. The biggest reason for this is that on closer inspection you can see two great things about her. Under her cap seems to be two things moving on her head, and another thing seemed to be wiggling from her backside. A spell that makes the clothing see-through immediately reveals that she is, in fact, a cat girl who has been hiding her ears and tail. More than that, she is a tiny girl, her body no older than thirteen.

Of course, you aren’t a complete pervert. You check her out with Age of Consent magic too, and even though her body looks like she hasn’t hit puberty yet, she is actually sixteen years of age, the same as Ariel. So, by the laws of this world, you are in the clear.

“What is master looking at?” Mulan wonders out loud, and the other girls notice that you are staring off vacantly into space.

You wave your hand and the view in your vision becomes visible for everyone. The girls make noises of excitement at the sudden screen appearing before them. The show catches a few eyes from the crowd, but the five hot girls already drew attention so it was really just more of the same.

“This might be another girl for our little group.” You say absent-mindedly.

The girls all watch the new girl curiously as she enters a derelict looking building.

“I-is… that the kind of thing my love favors?” Grimhilde frowns as she looks down at her D-sized chest.

Mulan has a very pleased look on her face, jutting out her flat chest with excitement. Meanwhile, all the other girls who have much larger chests are all frowning and looking insecure about it.

“It really is just fat anyway!” Mulan declares, rubbing it in.

Of all of them, it was Merida that takes the news the hardest. She looks about ready to cry.

“A true man,” You speak up, “Loves women of all shapes and sizes. I love small breasts, but I love big breasts too. I can say without any reservation that I will thoroughly enjoy Merida’s breasts when I get home.”

Merida looks very happy about it, which is strange because she literally just joined your group. You just openly say you are going to sleep with her tonight, but her face is glowing excitedly. The one you expect to be a giant pain in the butt turns out to be one of the easiest girls yet.

However, you can’t dwell on Merida’s sudden transformation because something dangerous starts to show up on the screen. Your next target looks to be in some trouble!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 32


I didn’t really feel like I needed to keep the survey up. It was an overwhelming majority that was pushing to just keep things the way they are. I’m surprised, I thought you guys would get a kick out of choose your own sexventures. Anyway, here’s my next chapter.

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Five of the hottest girls in the kingdom dressed in the prettiest dresses you can imagine are all lined up and waiting for you. Although Merida is treating it like guard duty, you notice that she really took to the dress you gave her while wearing a blush, so you suspect that she is simply pretending. That night, you will make her pregnant just like Aurora, so you have that to look forward too.

Grimhilde is hungry, so while the other girls were still playing in the bath, she came out and gave you a sloppy blowjob, making sure to swallow it all up like a good girl. You actually pat her head when you are done, and she gives you a glowing smile while cum dribbles out of the side of her mouth. It was safe to say that the Demon King was a bit too easy to train. Your abilities truly are cheats.

“So, we’re going to Riun, huh?” You wave your hand absently and a portal forms.

Ariel hooks on to one arm and Grimhilde grabs onto the other. Mulan, driven by her need to compete, grabs onto the back of your shirt. The queen seemed content holding a basket, looking glowingly motherly now, and for the moment Merida is content staying close to Aurora. However, she shoots you looks too. You’ll be the future father of her child, so it is normal that she’d be taking notice of you.

You all step through the portal, and you find yourself in the first village you’d ever been to. Your eyes dart around excitedly as you start seeing your first real view of another world. Elves, dwarves, and beastmen make up over half the population. However, they’re not all as sexy as the five women you brought with you. There were a few fuckable girls, but it was starting to become clear that you had lucked out when you had found this batch.

Of course, a single spell could turn any girl here into a knockout beauty, so what you really needed were enough variations in style to be worth it. As you looked around, Mulan sniffed and turned away. It was clear that she was a Tsundere, but her competitive nature made her succumb to peer pressure very quickly. Ariel was simply a deredere. The queen was more of the mature motherly type. That means you need a Dandere and a Kuudere. Would a Yandere be worth adding? That seemed like it could get a bit dangerous, not that you couldn’t heal anyone she killed, but that seems a bit wrong…

Your presence is not going unnoticed, as a man escorting five beautiful women is shot constant jealous looks. A few scary looking men might have bothered you guys, but you fear they’ll ruin your girls’ moods so you secretly send them on their way with magic. As you consider this, your group of girls run around dragging you along as they enjoy the city and talk with each other. The girls all seem to be getting along well. However, instead of ending up in the slave auction, you end up in a clothing store.

The girl’s try on various outfits as you watch. You end up placing a big order for clothing for all of the girls. You discuss all kinds of outfits with the tailor. Of course, there are swimming suits. You also bought dresses, maid outfits, nurse outfits, and every other costume you ever wanted to see a girl wear. You could have made everything with magic, but the girls looked so happy that you decided it is worth the extra trouble.

It is a lot of money, so you use a spell that creates a coin purse. In the end, it is magic that makes it possible anyway. It cost nearly half of the coin purse to pay off for all of the outfits. Plus, it turns out to be far more clothing than you could possibly carry on your own. Therefore, you create a storage ring too.

The girls all gasp as you bring out the ring. As it turns out, storage rings in this world are considered exceptionally rare. Therefore, you create five more and give them to each of the girls. They blush a lot as you hand each of them a ring. It’s a bit silly to you. This is hardly like some kind of marriage thing. If you wanted to mark them as yours, you could think of various better ways to do it. Perhaps a tattoo or a collar or something. You’ll think about it more in the future before you decide.

Each of the girls store the clothing you bought them. Each girl having her own ring will make it a lot easier when you guys move. You’ve been scouting out the city and you’re still not convinced this is the place you want to set up base.

As you’re thinking this, some small person bumps into you. Before you can even consider if it’s some kind of flag event, the person turns and walks away. You didn’t even get a look at their face. Well, every random person you bump into isn’t going to necessarily affect your life.

The girls start complaining about how hungry they are, so you bring them up to a food stall that is set up in a town square looking city center. You buy all of the girls meat on a stick and a bowl of ice cream. As they go to the table, chatting happily, and you contemplate all the things you plan to do to them tonight, you reach to grab your money. However, your purse is gone. It looks like you’ve been robbed!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 31

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“Rejected!” You say, and Ariel puts on a sad look.

You’re pretty sure that the food Ariel cooks has dark Miasma floating out of it. You didn’t want to risk eating it and dying. Ariel has graciously jumped at the chance to show you her cooking ability, only to show you how little she knew how to cook. Aurora, as a Queen, at least had the confidence to admit she had never done any cooking, it was always the servants. Grimhilde was always fed by her father or servants, but there was only one thing she wanted on her diet these days, your cum.

Mulan tried to show you her cooking, but her idea of cooking was charbroiling meat until it was black with her dragon breath. She looks dejected as you reject her cooking too. You have some hope that Merida might have some cooking ability, but she is apparently a muscle head who trains all day. You have managed to get her awake with some bread and provisions left over from the magic that made the house, and she is now stuffing her face with anything in the kitchen that looks edible, so you’ll be officially out of food by the end of the day.

Of course, you can create a make food spell that would create the most beautiful meal ever, but that wasn’t the point. You are stuck in another world now, and you want a meal made by an attractive woman who created it for you with all of her love.

“There are five of you now and not a single one of you can cook!” You growl.

The five girls were now sitting on their knees in front of you, giving you wet looks like they were about to cry in shame.

“What can we do? I’ll starve to death!” Merida whines, having already polished off everything.

Apparently, her body could take a lot of calories, as she ate enough for three men. The other girls seemed to have similar thoughts in their minds, although by the dark look Mulan gives her chest, you can tell where she thinks the calories are being put away.

“So, what can we do about the situation?” You demand of the five women.

“Ah, well, we had servants in the castle. Perhaps you can hire servants?” Ariel offered.

“Mm… servants are good, but we won’t be staying here long.” You sigh. “Most servants have lives outside their job, so they probably wouldn’t appreciate it when we up and move to another country.”

“Then, how about a slave girl?” Aurora suggests.

“Ah, you have slaves, huh?”

Although on the surface, the idea of slaves seemed kind of bad, it did make things convenient. You could buy the slave you wanted instantly without any problems. In your case, you could just buy someone who could cook.

“Alright, everyone get ready!” You declare, “We’re going to the city to buy a cook and some food!”

First, the girl’s all decided they needed to clean up. You create your idea of a date outfit for each of the girls using magic. Regrettably, you have to sit outside while the girls play around in the bathroom. You could hear all kinds of sexy noises. Ariel went around grabbing the girl’s chests and comparing them at some point.

You weren’t invited because Merida hadn’t been initiated yet. Well, it is better if she is clean before she is initiated, so you don’t mind it. Whether you use a spell or not to watch in on the bath, that is something you had no intention of telling anyone.

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Tales of a Seductress – Finale

Hey Guys,

Before you read the final chapters of Tales of a Seductress, I wanted to stop you for a bit and just give you a thank you for reading my whole story. I can say without a single bit of embellishment that I could not have finished this story without the support of commenters and the incredible community at this website.

That said, the big question everyone wants to know is whether there will be a second book. I will release a preview for the second book sometime after the finale. However, that’s where things get a little fishy. I have a couple of options. I originally wanted to edit up and put TOAS on Amazon as a self-published. If that’s the case, I would basically not be writing on here for a period of 3-6 months as I fix up and clean up the book to make a finished manuscript. If it’s successful on amazon, I’ll then start working on the next manuscript.

An alternative option is to start doing the patreon for chapters thing a lot of other people are doing on here. I’m thinking $5-$10 a chapter, but I guess I could do a monthly thing instead. Either way, the point is, I wrote a 200k word book for free, and I’m not going to keep doing it unless I start getting money for it. Let me know what sounds good to you.

In the meantime, if you like this book, let me know what you thought of it. Is there anything that can be improved? Reread the book, I think you’ll find a lot of fun foreshadowing. Comment on every chapter. But if you really want to see the next book, Share this book with friends and help drive up its popularity… facebook, reddit, I don’t know… whatever you think works for these kinds of things. Vote high for it on novel updates and make it seem worth it to start writing the next book.

Thanks to all my loyal readers, I hope you had fun reading it as I had fun writing it. It’s been a great couple of months. See you in the next book… Tales of an Enchantress. Now, enjoy the last two chapters of TAOS. Thank you!


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 79

Tales of a Seductress – Epilogue



Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

“His… heart,” the King slowly muttered in disbelief.

I was watching the scene unfold the next day. I was actually spying on Devon, who was in the throne room with Richard as a Knight explained what had happened the night before.

“Yes, my lord. Some… thing… ripped out and consumed Julian’s heart. It would appear based on our best guess that Gregory had found his body in this state. He dragged the body into a nearby bathtub where he… where he slit his wrists sir and bled to death while holding the first prince… n-naked sir…”

The King didn’t look surprised. He merely scratched his chin in thought. Richard had a mildly worried look, but it likely had more to do with his concern for himself. This sort of action would make Richard the next in line to be the heir. After a moment, he noticed Devon with his eyes squinted, deep in thought.

“What is it, Devon?”

“Father…” Devon paused for a second, but then stared ahead resolutely. “I believe I must finish pursuing the Bandits.”

“Bandits! The first prince has been assassinated, and you talk of bandits?”

“Father, I believe the two are connected. This Bandit King, Denova, he sent a spy to our castle for a month. This Cornelia Bartrum was merely one of his spies. We know those adventurers found dead in the treasury room were likely his as well.”

“Yes, but as you just pointed out, they are all dead.”

Devon’s lips tightened, suggesting he wanted to refute part of that, but he shook his head instead. “Either way, Denova might have had her spread some kind of curse or monster. If I don’t seek him out now, we might lose the chance of ever capturing him. I will morn more comfortably once I see that man dead.”

The King made a fist like he wanted to berate Devon but quickly found himself at a loss for words. A moment later, he let out a breath and collapsed back on his throne, looking about ten years older.

“Very well, my son. I think it will do no good, but I will give you permission if it brings you peace of mind. Bring me the head of Denova.”

“Yes, father!” Devon bowed.

It was likely that Devon had been making this argument with the king all the previous day. Having finally gotten his permission, he immediately went to carry out the orders before the King could have a chance to change his mind. He quickly bid his brother and the King goodbye with a bow and then left the room.

He immediately headed to his own room where he already had a set of armor and weapons prepared to go. I watched him quickly dress, preparing himself for a battle. With the amulet, that battle would start the second he used it. In fact, he might appear the middle of the camp. I also considered that Denova might have designed it to summon me directly into a cage, but that didn’t seem to be his style. At the very least, Devon should have no trouble creating an illusion outside the cage to free himself.

He checked over his equipment nearly three times. Once he went, wherever he went, he’d be heading back alone and on foot. Therefore, he needed to be ready for anything. He took a breath, drew his sword, picked up a sack of provisions that he was ready to drop at a moment’s notice and then poured a bit of magic into the amulet. It exploded with light, and a moment later the surrounding scene changed.

I gave a breath of relief when I saw that the scene had changed into the one I had expected. It was the camp I had remembered, and Devon had popped up right in front of the Bandit King’s tent. It was only a few steps away from where Denova had left the disembodied head of Dox long ago to make a statement to me.

Devon’s sudden appearance in the middle of the camp was only seen by a few men. They stared at him absently, unable to understand what they were looking at. For Devon, the suddenness of the transport only took a few breaths to get over. He immediately raised his sword and screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Bandits! On order of the King! You are under arrest! Surrender, and you will not be hurt!”

Of course, it would have been considerably better not to announce his presence, but that was never Devon’s way. Just as many men began to flee as turned to fight him. Two illusionary men suddenly appeared beside him, and the bandits gave pause as one suddenly became three. This gave Devon the time to finish his ordering, and the two illusions moved forth, fighting with the precision of a third tier.

He created only one more illusion a moment later before joining in the fight himself. As Devon had explained, the more illusions he created and the more commands he gave them, the weaker her became. These illusions only had one or two commands. They were likely something along the lines of capture or kill all bandits. That’s why he could make so many and still fight himself.

This was opposed to the illusion he had once created to rescue the previous Harvest sacrifice. He likely had to install hundreds of commands onto it to get it to function properly. Keep her fed, keep her safe, find her somewhere safe, if you’re attacked by soldiers, do this, if you’re attacked by bandits, do that, and so on.

The four Devon’s ended up creating a blood bath. I had figured Denova would have come out before long, but he had stayed hidden away. I pulled out of the Stalker ability for a bit and checked on Min. The summoning circle Reinhart had developed for us had not been triggered. Therefore, Denova had not fled using escape magic. It was instrumental that he ended up using that magic. Could he have seriously abandoned the camp? I knew that he was cold and gave little care for the life of other bandits, but would he really let the camp be ransacked by Devon?

When I went back into my special sight, a fire was spreading among the tents. The three illusions were finishing up running down escaping bandits and thieves. No one had surrendered although since the penalty for thievery in this country was death it wasn’t very surprising. There was no way to tell if people got away, but he had killed nearly two hundred men. Although it had been a long time, I did recognize a few of them as former lovers. I didn’t feel particularly bad about it.

The real Devon had approached the Bandit King’s tent and entered inside. I tensed, expecting Denova to burst out of a corner and try to strike Devon down. I really wished he had used an illusion for surveillance. This was far too risky. However, he moved forward anyway and eventually found himself in a bedroom I was only too familiar with. I had spent weeks in that bedroom, although smoke was starting to fill it now, as even the Bandit King’s tent was starting to catch fire.

Devon was looking around until his eyes suddenly caught on to something glinting on the dresser. He picked it up and glanced at it, and I tensed as I recognized the thing he had found. Of all the things he could find, this was perhaps the worst of them. It was my guild card. The one I had openly given Denova without question, not realizing I was basically giving him a full view of my abilities for all time. It was absolutely one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made in this world.

Devon looked down at the card as realization crested his face. “Aria…”

The words left his mouth, and I wished I could reach out and take the guild card from his hand. It was permanently connected to me, and that made it dangerous. However, a second later, he surprised me by droping the card to the floor. With a shout, he swung the sword down and the card broke in half with a small magical crack.

The text faded away on the card, and Devon gave a nod. I took a breath of relief and realized at that moment that I now owed Devon one. Well, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to pay him back. I did give him my second virginity, so perhaps that counted for something.

The smoke was starting to become too much, so Devon turned around and left the room behind. The place I might have started to call home once continued to burn behind him. However, when he took a step out of the tent, there, standing in the middle of the camp, was Denova himself.

Devon readied his sword. “You! You look like the wanted posters. You must be the one called Denova. You’re under arrest!”

“How did you get…” Denova started, then noticing the pendant around Devon’s neck, his eyes darkened. “Aria! That bitch! Burn to ashes, from which you came, die!”

Those last words were not meant for Devon, they were likely the phrase that would activate the death curse. I chuckled at that. He was of course too late. The curse was changed, and if he tried to trace it, he’d find I was still in the castle, exactly in the spot of Sylvia.

“Aria? You do know Aria, then?” Devon said.

“Knew…” Denova chuckled. “Her sweet little ass got me in the castle and helped me take your treasury. Of course, then her elf bitch forced me to use a special skill that sent me days out of my way. And I get back here only to find my entire camp burned to the ground. Well, no matter, you did me the favor of not having to do it myself. With this money, I’m thinking about retiring.”

“You seem confident you can resist me?”

“Oh… I’ve killed tier 3 prince cunts like yourself before.”

“I just have one question for you,” Devon demanded. “What was Aria’s involvement in all of this?”

Denova laughed. “She was nothing but a giant pain in my ass. If I could only get her out of my head! Perhaps, I can start by killing you!”

Denova lept at Devon, slashing his sword wildly. Devon danced back three steps before giving his own slash, forcing Denova to jump back as well. This was a battle between two tier 3. As I was settling down for the show of a lifetime, my vision suddenly went out. Ah! My Stalkers thirty minutes were up. I shouted in aggravation, sending my next skill out.

For two minutes I wasn’t able to see a thing, and they were some incredibly frustrating minutes. Then, the view returned again. This time, rather than seeing just over Devon’s shoulder, my view was a little more distorted and a little higher up. It was a better view, even if it occasionally felt like I was looking through water.

The two men were battling wildly. Their swords swung and with each strike magical sparks flew. Denova’s sword often glowed blue or purple, infused with whatever magics he liked to use. Devon’s sword often made red flashes. Their fighting seemed almost like a dance. The swords would strike each other in a steady rhythm as the two men moved back and forth. For a while, Denova would be making ground, and then Devon would be making ground.

Both men were covered in sweat, dirt, and ash. A cut formed on Devon’s shoulder. Another struck Denova’s arm. The fighting was fast and aggressive, neither side letting down an inch. Blades of grass suddenly emerged from Denova’s feet and he jumped away before they could pierce his legs. A spike of ice shot from Denova’s hand and Devon had to dodge it as the icicle shattered into pieces and rammed into a nearby tree like shrapnel.

“It is time we end this!” Denova shouted.

His sword started to glow a deep purple, and he swung it down. Devon jumped to the side avoiding it, but then Denova let go over the sword and spun in the direction Devon had lept. It was a feint, and a moment later a dagger slammed into Devon’s chest. I let out a scream as Denova’s blade pierced Devon. Devon looked down at Denova and then smiled. His body suddenly turned to smoke and dissipated.

Denova’s eyes widened, and he immediately dived to the right. The blade passing where his head had been narrowly missed.

“Fucking illusion? I’ve been fighting a fucking illusion!” Denova shouted.

Devon walked out from a nearby tree. Unlike Denova who was breathing with some difficulty, covered in sweat, this Devon was in remarkably good shape. Denova suddenly whipped his hand, and a dagger flew out. Before Devon could react, it struck him in the chest. I couldn’t even become concerned as his body immediately started to dissolve, and he disappeared as smoke too.

Another Devon stepped out from another tree, and then two more followed, one on every side of Denova. Denova’s mouth twisted in rage.

“What kind of fucking cheat skill is this, you bastard?”

All three Devon’s smiled and shrugged. However, none of them had talked, so even I didn’t know which one was the real Devon, if any of them were. Denova could barely keep fighting one Devon. If three of them attacked him now, he wouldn’t have a chance.

As the three men started advancing on Denova, he cursed one more time. He immediately used his escape ability, and his body suddenly vanished from this certain trap. All three Devon’s dissipated as a fourth Devon stepped out with a frown, but my eyes turned and started rushing back. I’d need them for what came next. After too long, I was finally going to end this.

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Ascii of the Day:

▒ ▒▓ ░█ ▒░  ░▓   ▓█       ▓█                    ░▓      ░              
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██    ▓▓ ░███  ███   ▒█▒  ▒▓ ░█▓  ▓▓▓█▒▓▓ ▒█░█▒ ▓▒█▓▒  █▓░░            
 ▒▒▒  ███▒ ▒▒▓▓██▓░        ▓▓    ▒▓░ ░▓░▒  ▒  ▒ ▓█ ██  █▓▓             
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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 77

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I watched as Gregory sucked on Julian’s dick. It wasn’t like it wasn’t obvious that the two men were sexually active with each other, but this was the first time I had seen it first-hand. Gregory idealized Julian, and as his lips stroked Julian’s member, he looked up adoringly at his big brother. Julian, on the other hand, wore a disinterested look. It looked mostly like he was humoring Gregory.

Of course, this was the reality behind Julian in a nut shell. He felt nothing. I didn’t know if his penis literally lacked the ability to feel sexual pleasure, or if he was dead inside for some other reason. I simply knew it for what it was. Julian experienced no joy, ever. The feeling of sexual pleasure did nothing for him. He could cum, but it was an empty feeling for him. That was the truth behind Julian.

As a result of his nonexistent sexual drive, he overcompensated. That would be an understatement. He completely saturated the world in lust. Perhaps it took extreme sexual perversion to get him to feel even a little bit of happiness. I didn’t know that either. I just knew that he hated himself for his sexual perversion in the same way that I had hated myself for my sexual promiscuity.

For me, I was always secretly guilty of the sex I enjoyed. I didn’t see myself as a good person. However, the same guilt manifested itself in a wildly different way for Julian. He decided to make everyone as perverted as him. If everyone was a sexual deviant, then Julian was simply one among a crowd. I suspected that was the reasoning behind Julian. He wanted to paint the world in his image, and his image was a self-hating narcissist determined to gain any satisfaction he could, no matter to what extreme he had to go.

Julian finished up, having Gregory swallow down a load. When he finished up, there was an unexpected knock on the door and Gregory quickly got off his knees and wiped his mouth.

“Who do you suppose it is, brother?” Gregory asked with a smile.

Julian sighed. “Likely fourth brother. He has it in his mind to pursue the stolen treasury. He seems to think he has a way to head off the Bandit who robbed the castle and ‘murdered’ the princess. On that note, the last I heard, our body had been stolen, but father informed me today that he’s having the body placed in the tomb until Daphne comes to take it. Where did you come up with a spare?”

“I didn’t need to go far, brother. A slave woman, er, not the elf woman, was found dead in Cornelia’s room. After burning the body, the difference would be difficult to make. Of course, I took care of the servant who found her.”

“What of the elf girl?” Julian asked.

“Vanished the same night as Cornelia died.”

Julian nodded. “Keep searching. If you find her, send someone to kill her. I don’t like loose ends. However, to think Cornelia would so quickly take to torturing and raping. She would have been great.”

I nearly gagged on that if I had a mouth to gag on. Julian was back to reaching his own conclusions. I supposed it was simpler to believe that after seeing the underground sexual torture, that I became enamored and bought a slave girl to test it out on. Since nobles barely saw slaves as people, I guess Julian assumed I was starting to make the jump into complete depravity. On the up side, they still knew nothing about my identity.

The door knocked again, and Julian have a sigh, moving to go answer it. However, instead of the expected Devon, it was Richard standing at the door. Even Julian seemed somewhat surprised by the unexpected guest.

“What a surprise, brother, what is it?”

“Ah, 1st and 2nd brothers… I, see you’re together,” Richard peered around uncomfortably for a second before continuing, “I, uh, need your help.”

Julian’s eyebrow rose and he looked surprised and amused at once, “Really? Brother has finally come to ask us for help. What kind of help does brother need?”

“That is,” Richard was very stiff and formal with the two flamboyant men, as opposed to Devon who was openly antagonistic. “Let me just take you to my room.”

“Oh, I’d never take a refusal to come to brother’s room, of course.”

Richard ignored that, immediately turning and leaving. Julian and Gregory looked at each other. Julian gave a shrug and followed after his third brother. Their rooms were not far away, and it only took a minute before he opened the door and let the two men into his bedroom. As they entered, their eyes immediately fell on a woman who was sitting on Richard’s bed.

The woman looked haggard. She had big black pillows under her eyes, messy hair, and seemed to lack any dignity or presence. She was still shaking and when she saw Julian and Gregory enter she made a small yelp before turning her head away, looking down like an abused animal.

“What is this, brother? I’m not against foursomes but perhaps I should pick the girl next time?”

Richard gave no reaction to his prodding, instead, shaking his head. “Sylvia has been like this since last night. I’d have just ignored her, but there is something odd when you analyze her. Try it.”

Julian frowned, but a second later he squinted at Sylvia. His eyes opened big and his mouth fell. Gregory was only a few steps behind.

“By the gods,” Gregory whispered. “That, how?”

“Cornelia did it to me last night.” Sylvia let out in a whining voice, holding up the ring, “She did this to me.”

“That’s the answer she gave me,” Richard sighed, “Of course, I told her that Cornelia died two nights ago. Perhaps she is in shock. I knew the two women were competitive…”

That was an understatement, but I was focused on Julian, who wasn’t waving away her claim as easily as his brother. He stared at her with narrowed eyes as he moved up and looked at the ring. He went to pull it off, but the ring wouldn’t move. After a few seconds of pulling, he finally let go.

“A… cursed ring.” He said softly.

“It must be!” Richard responded, “Is there any way to remove it.”

Julian nodded slowly. “Maybe, but I have to wonder why there is a cursed ring that makes her identify as Cornelia Bartrum.”

“But don’t you recognize it, brother,” Gregory spoke up, “That is the ring Cornelia Bartrum wore.”

“Wait… you’re right, I thought it looked familiar.” Richard moved up and grabbed the ring.

Julian scratched his cheek, “The woman named Cornelia Bartrum was perhaps not Cornelia at all. Her identity must have been faked.”

Only Sylvia gasped, apparently the only one in the room who hadn’t been able to jump to that realization on her own.

Then Gregory spoke up, “But how did it end up on Sylvia.”

Julian looked down at Sylvia. I could almost see his mind working. The body went missing, now the ring was on Sylvia. I couldn’t be alive. That didn’t even register in his mind. That must mean that she probably stole it to be more like me, just like she stole the body as some kind of trophy. It might have been an appropriate conclusion in another situation.

“I’m telling the truth!” Sylvia shouted. “She came to my room last night. But her face was different. It was pale and otherworldly. B-b-beautiful. The ritual succeeded. Don’t you see? She’s Qetesh’s now… and she’s come back… to punish us all. This is only the beginning! In two weeks, she says she’ll kill me in two weeks! I have to run! We all have to! She’s coming, oh, gods, she’s coming for me!”

Julian slapped her as she started to grow into hysterics. Even I was surprised by how much I had terrified her. Of course, she wasn’t entirely wrong, but I never expected her to actually convince herself of that.

“I’m sorry, brother, if it was simple, I wouldn’t have come to you.” Gregory apologized to Julian, even though it was Julian who slapped Sylvia. “Do you know what she is talking about?”

“I do not. The girl must be…”

“Cornelia!” Sylvia shouted at Julian’s irritation, “She was the sacrifice. We killed her! We raped her!”

“What!” Richard’s eyes widened and he turned his eyes to his two brothers, “Is this true?”

Julian hid the displeased look on his face and gave Richard a smile. “Well, it seems like your beloved Sylvia pulled a switch on us. The girl who was sacrificed was indeed your betrothed.”

“Oh, gods…” Richard bent over, looking like he might throw up for a second, “Will this… will this hurt the royal family.”

Of course, that was the selfish Richard I expected. For a brief second, I thought he might show some concern, but that concern seemed to be more about his station as a royal. Would the nation be threatened by them raping me to death?

“No, all third brother needs to know is that we took care of it. She died in an unfortunate accident. That is all.”

“Right, a-and what of Sylvia?” He looked down at Sylvia with as much concern as the mud on the wall.

“She has given me something to think on. I’ll look to see if I can get the ring removed. I’m sure if we pool our resources, we can find an enchanter who specializes in curses. We’ll get this sorted out.” Julian patted Richard on the back and then turned to Sylvia, “In the meantime, I’ll increase security on you, and if you’d like to escape to one of my private villas, I’ll offer it to you.”

“N-no… I must stay by Richard’s side!” Sylvia demanded. “But thank you! Thank you for helping me!”

“It’s fine. This is what family does for each other.”

While Sylvia cried and thanked Julian, he quickly bid her farewell and left the room with Gregory in tow. They were only a few steps from the room when Gregory started talking.

“Do you believe what she’s saying about Cornelia returning? I mean, her body did disappear.”

“Of course not,” Julian laughed, “You’re too quick to believe superstition, brother.  Besides, you said you saw dragging marks. Clearly, the woman took Cornelia’s body, tried on the ring, and is too embarrassed to admit it herself. However, after using me to get her revenge, she has already pushed her luck too far.”

“What does brother have in mind?” Gregory asked.

“An accident. Removing an active curse can be dangerous business. Perhaps for a few extra gold coins, our curse remover might fail to save her. That will spare us one more problem.”

“Mm, does brother want me to go find one yet?”

“No, first go to father and let him know that I do not condone the marriage of Sylvia with dear brother. I have some letters to write, so I will see you later.”

“Yes, of course, brother.”

Julian entered his room alone, sitting down at his desk. As he started writing down his thoughts on a parchment, I came to the realization that this was the point I had been waiting for. I had one more thing to do, but it wasn’t something I was able to do by myself. I began to concentrate, and the temperature in the room started to become colder. Julian didn’t notice it at first, but after a moment, he frowned, putting his head up.

At this point and time, the door opened, and a woman stepped in. She wore a completely white robe. Her face was obscured by a hood and veil, but anyone who saw her could tell she had an ethereal beauty to her that could captivate any man with her eyes alone.

Julian’s eyes locked on hers, “I… didn’t send for any servants.”

She didn’t say anything, taking a few steps towards him. Her body shined in the light. My skill was working at full bloom, and as a result, she stood there as solidly as anyone could.

“No-no… have we met before you?”

Julian was staring cautiously but started backing away until his feet hit the bed. Meanwhile, she only stared at him, her head cocked to the side as she watched him carefully. After a moment, she took another step towards him, carefully moving forward.

“No… Cornelia?”

She took another step forward. He flicked his wrist, and a knife flew out from his hand. The knife was aimed perfectly for the woman’s heart. However, despite her solid appearance, the knife kept going and it slid through her body and thumped into the door behind with a solid thud.

At this point, Julian’s breath was starting the quicken. “What are you?”

With a panicked look, he turned and grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it. She pulled out her hand and caught the pillow in the air, dropping it to her side. Her approach continued on in complete silence, not even the footsteps could be heard.

“You can’t be… Qetesh?” Julian’s voice was tight now, but he had already grown afraid.

She took the next step. He fell back onto his butt, looking up at this mysterious otherworldly beauty approaching him. It might have been pride that kept him from shouting for guards. Perhaps, his brain just couldn’t process what was happening. Or maybe he already knew it was too late. She finally reached the foot of his bed. Then she reached down, and pulled back the veil, revealing what was hidden underneath.

He stared blankly at her with his mouth open. There was no recognition on his face. This woman was not someone that he knew. Furthermore, there wasn’t a single scream that touched the air as he died.

I released the power after we were done. That night, Min and I fled the city in a merchant carriage filled with generous donations from Pratter and Sandor, who were fleeing in the opposite direction. I didn’t know if we’d ever see them again, but I did know that I was finally done with this city. Now I just had one last loose end, Denova.

Our cart passed the gates just as the bells started ringing, signifying the death of someone in the royal family.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                               88805888   887          
                                             2888885480   7888         
                                            5887         77888          
                                           88884909158857  588         
                                          88887  7088888888088         
                                         5887               88         
                                         888    88872    2 888         
                                        288     888882    888          
                                       8884       7887 2888            
                                       7288       84  5881             
                          7            82882  78488   887              
                        907         78207588   78882888                
                      288          7888   48872888982                  
                      887     77     088  4888877                      
                     0887    788      757  28877                       
                     888      8887     788  78487 7                    
                     888     78887     7 48   7887                     
                     888     08     8857   8227 7782 7                 
                     888     88     88887 78 2852288288                
                     088     888    8857  8    7    888                
                     788     888         8888   2     7                 
                     788     888077    75888    887      77            
                     882     8888888888881       888   2884            
                     88     788888888847         788888884             
                    08  7   780                   888888               
                   08   8   287                    8887                
                  88    7   780                    88   2              
                 287         88                     88  5              
                 88          882                    88  2              
                788         888                     87  8              
                884        887                     82   8              
                88        88                      782   87             
               288       28                        88   78             
               885       88                   97    887   87           
              788       88                    88    788    8           
              888      888                           88    08          
              88      485                             82    8          
             884     788                              787   28          
             88      882                               88    85        
            884     888              7                 888    8        
           788     7887          77  2787               888   28       
           888     888                78807        08    885 7787      
          188     7887              75   7887    7788 48 78818878      
    7588 7880     888               2887     7479285  88  28878972     
    758848888    0887                0085         57 7882  98858425    
        77777    880                   72    27  188   88   88888887   
88882           288                  897     87  888   788   888888    
88888888777     888                  7887   78  488     888   88888  7 
  78887        7887                   288   47 784       288   88882  74
           7228888                     882788078          7887  08884 2
      785888887888                      8882 80             788  7888888
    788888887  88887                    7882787              788775 74 7
288887  2888   88887                     888888                 0477 04
         84    88887                     7884887                 787 70
47             8885                       84 882                  88 772
888888847      5882                       788888                   7 888


Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

*I added the status because some asked for it, but I didn’t update titles because it’s tedious and I don’t want to.

After checking my status thoroughly so there were no more surprises, I went to my next destination. The next task was a bit of a gamble, so I found an appropriate room and went inside, preparing everything the way I wanted. I sent the guard out to fetch my next target. They would have to be brought to me. There couldn’t be any mistakes this time. I moved to the corner of the room, putting everything just right. I felt downright criminal, but it was a criminal act I planned on committing, so it seemed like a fitting situation.

I felt like a monster hiding crouched in the corner, waiting to attack the next person who came into the room. Of course, I had no plans to murder this particular individual. Simply put, I was fulfilling the promise I had made. That was it. That’s not to say I wouldn’t have fun doing it, but this was all business.

The door opened, and a woman stepped in. “In here, you say? What is going on?”

She took a few steps into the room, looking around in confusion. It was a bed with various candles lit around it. And the woman, she was none other than Sylvia Marionette, the woman who had pushed me into a corner, threatened and rubbed it in even as she had gotten me raped and tortured. I merely intended to break her in the same way she broke me.

That’s not to say I would go about it the same way. No, the tools at my disposal would break her in completely different ways. Which is how I slid out of the corner behind her. Like she had done to me, I came from behind, forcing her down to the bed. Before she could get any look, I had her eyes covered and her mouth gagged. Finally, I started tying her arms and legs. She made several cries, but they were muffled and the only person who might be able to hear was the guard outside who was beguiled.

I tied her hands behind her back and her ankles and legs, forcing her into the doggie position she so craves. Then, I pressed the knife against her skin. Her struggling slowed down, and she shivered at the feeling of cold steel against her. With that, I started cutting away the dress. One strip at a time, I bared her body until she was naked. It was easy as Sylvia was much weaker than I was now. As a level 30 further boosted by titles, Sylvia couldn’t resist even if she wanted to.

She was very responsive, and by the time I revealed her underwear, it was soaked with her own wetness. Yes, this was her sexual kink, wasn’t it? Whether she could deny it or not, this kind of treatment turned her on the most. However, I wondered what she was thinking at this particular moment and time. Did she think it was Richard suddenly trying to meet her desires? Did she think it was some dignitary from the sex parties looking to have his way with her?

Either way, she didn’t struggle at all, instead, she was nearly wagging her butt in anticipation, only a single tear falling down her cheeks as she practically leaked in anticipation. Of course, I had come here exactly for this. I pulled on a strap-on just like Min’s. It wasn’t Min’s. I didn’t want to disrespect Min by wearing his, but I did acquire a second one while I was at Pratter and Sandors. I’d finally get to experience the feeling of a cock sliding into a pussy. Today would end up being a lot of firsts for me.

Now, the dildo was not the perfectly illusional one, but it did have tactile function and balls, so with her eyes covered as they were, Sylvia wouldn’t know the difference. I slid myself into her, and her pussy accepted my dick without any resistance. In fact, she let out a little sexy whimper. Being raped only seemed to turn her on as she had no clue who was the one doing it to her.

The feeling was incredible. I could understand a little more about why Min liked it. A pussy certainly felt tight and comforting. It felt nice to grind my dick into her and feel the skin of my balls warmed against her throbbing clit. I slapped her ass, and the stimulation only made the slut under me even wetter. The fact that I was tricking her only served to make me more excited, and there was at least a small part of me that was disgusted by that fact.

However, now that I started, I wouldn’t stop. So, I grabbed the back of her head, a large chunk of her hair in my fingers, and pulled up. She made out a sound of pain and pleasure as I continued to ride her ass aggressively, the balls of my dildo slapping against her cunt. I had never been on the giving end of some ball slapping sex, and I had to say that it wasn’t completely pleasurable. The balls actually hurt a bit when I thrust too hard. I started to realize that guys likely did it on purpose.

Maybe all guys were a bit masochistic, but it seemed to me like guys needed to hurt themselves just a bit or they’d cum too fast. It was very easy to bring yourself to climax as a man, so it seemed necessary to pinch and cup and slam the balls in order to set back the inevitable release. Meanwhile, it seemed almost the opposite for girls like me. We hurt the first time it went in, and whenever the guy fucks up and slides it in wrong, hitting the wrong spot, it can create discomfort and pain which has the same effect of delaying our orgasms.

So, guys needed to stress themselves during sex so they didn’t cum early, which was a bit difficult to do, and women needed to avoid discomfort during sex so that they could achieve orgasm before than man was finished, which could also be difficult to do.

Of course, I knew it also had to do with the mindset of the woman. Some women liked it rough. They associated the pain they experienced during their first time and the roughness they experienced later with the pleasure of sex. Therefore, they liked having their asses slapped, their pussy tore open and bruised, and their skin bit. I knew that I enjoyed it to a certain extent. Now, I had a skill that literally made it impossible not to enjoy pain. In fact, I was thrusting into her hard enough that my balls were sore, which my Sadistic skill only converted into more pleasure.

Of course, I came inside her, but it wasn’t the typical semen, it was my own female juices filling Sylvia up. Since my dildo would never get soft, and my extremely high endurance caused by the Reborn title further boosted with sexual endurance meant I could probably last for days, I simply kept thrusting into her right through my own orgasm. Of course, Sylvia was orgasming too, so she couldn’t really tell that I was ejaculating into her pussy.

I roughly squeezed her ass as my balls slapped away, listening to the moaning sounds. She was in absolute ecstasy. Her favorite position and her extreme sexual Kink being met with all the skills of a seductress, it was no wonder that she was squirting out as she lost all control of her own faculties. Her body was putty in my hands and had I wanted to, I could have brought her to the peak of sexual delight. The true peak, not the disgusting thing Julian had decided was the peak as an excuse to torture women.

However, it wasn’t my goal to pleasure her, it was my goal to break her. This little slut with her butt in the air giving her pussy to my cock had given me a day of unspeakable hell. To be honest, I wasn’t that angry at her. I had already released all of my anger. However, this was something far rawer than any thought of revenge. This was merely payback.

I undid the rope on her arms and switched her to Missionary and immediately started thrusting into her from the front. She reached out in orgasmic pleasure, and her hands landed on my thighs, holding them as she kept her legs up and I plowed into her with steady, hard relentless thrusts. Her steady moaning through the gag faltered, and I could see the first line of doubt on her face. I could practically read her mind. These aren’t the hard abs of a man, but the wide hips, and impossibly soft skin of a woman. But, that can’t possibly be the case.

Before she could ask more, I initiated the Sleep Paralysis. I hadn’t thought much of the skill when I selected it, but the more I went, the more I realized it had a hundred and one skills. I plowed into her for another minute as I watched the girl’s frown deepen. She was starting to realize she couldn’t move. This is when the fear would start to rise up in her. Her legs were stuck up, spread open for my entrance, her hands were glued to my waist, the touch of soft skin pumping into her pussy.

Of course, she started cumming again. Even the things that seemed off couldn’t stop her from feeling the pleasure of my cock, ramming into her over and over again. She might have been uneasy, but as long as the world was dark, she probably could convince herself of anything. I was just some pretty boy who was too shy, whatever excuse she could make.

So, I pulled back the blindfold and removed all doubt. When her eyes finally focused on mine, I thought they’d pop out of their sockets. She let out a shrill scream, and it was so loaded that even with the gag I considered covering her mouth. Instead, I slapped her across the face. Her head fell to the side, and the horrified look on her face was satisfying. However, she couldn’t resist me, she was literally frozen spreading her legs open, welcoming my dick into her.

Her head shook from side to side, trying to resist the feeling, trying to resist me, but I continued to slam myself into her, making sure she could hear the wet noises of our sex as I plowed away. Her face was covered with fear and confusion, mostly, so I decided to break the silence. Well, there was the continued sound of slapping skin and wetness shared between us, but at the very least, I decided to talk.

“You’re probably asking yourself how did this happen?” I chuckled. “Or perhaps you were wondering before why it felt so good. Was it Richard having his way with you? No, of course not, Richard isn’t that good. But if some man can make me feel this good…”

I smiled as I leaned down and sucked on her oversized breasts. My tongue craft was up very high now, and I only had to play with her tits for a few moments before there was a sudden gush of liquid between our legs.

“Well, I survived,” I said as I pulled away from her tits, meanwhile, she stared down at me with a scared look. “You thought you could just betray me? Betray Qetesh?”

I didn’t know why I threw Qetesh’s name into it. She was stupid, and it seemed to me like she might actually buy into the supernatural. If she thought I was Qetesh’s champion, then it only would serve to screw with her mind more.

“Mmmm, Mmmm…” She tried to talk through the gag.

In response, I grabbed her legs and thrust harder into her, making sure my penis slid in deeply. She let out a shout and a moan.

“Well, I’m here today for a simple reason. I wanted to be inside you. To put something inside you. Well, you should feel joy, though? I’m going to give you everything you ever wanted.”

“MMM? Tears were running down her face, as her stupid brain thought she might be fine.”

“But it’ll cost you. Everything else.” I said, “You see… I don’t really blame you. And you’re just someone not worth hating. What’s done is done though. You’ll lose everything. So, in my infinite fairness, I’m going to give you something in return. A part of myself, it’ll be something you can remember me by.”

As I continued to thrust into her, I pulled out a ring. Picking up her hand, I slid it on, and a second later, there was a flash.

“This thing…” I said. “Has a death curse on it. I guess I couldn’t get it removed. However, I was able to change the phrase. Only I know it… however, I won’t say the words. Why would I? In two weeks, my revenge will come for you, anyway. Ah… yes, I’m cumming again. Tell me, Sylvia, can you feel it? Can you feel me getting inside of you?”

Sylvia had stopped thrashing her head and only stared at me while shivering. I sighed, pulling the gag out of her mouth. It was just no fun if she couldn’t respond.

“Yo-you’re insane!” she shouted.

“Ah, shout all you want, no one will hear.” That was a bluff, but Sylvia didn’t have any room to doubt me.

“Wh-what will you do now?”

“Now? Well, nothing really…” I laughed. “I’m really done here. However, I’ve accumulated a lot of stress these last few days, and Sylvia’s so wet and willing, I suppose I can enjoy you some more. I have so much endurance these days, I’m really curious how long Sylvia can last before she breaks.”

“Huh.. mmmmph….” I cut off what she was about to say by leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

For next few hours, I took everything I wanted from Sylvia. I fucked her in the ass which was her first time, and then I made her suck my dildo. She dripped the entire time, the embarrassment and complete lack of power only bringing her to new sexual heights. I didn’t even need sexual paralysis after the first hour. Not once did she question or resist. Neither of us had realized it, but I had seduced Sylvia entirely with just my dick.

So even as she cried, she did whatever I wanted, and as the hours went on and she begged me to stop as I continued to plow her over and over again, she finally collapsed with my dick still thrusting into her. I finally left the bed, staring down at the naked Sylvia, covered in hours of sweat and lust. There was nothing beautiful or endearing about her. She was merely a piece of trash I enjoyed for a time, and now I was ready to toss her away.

The ring that once sat on my finger glowed mysteriously on hers, and I gave a smile as I dressed and turned to leave the room. “Goodbye, Cornelia.”

I shut the door behind her. I nodded to the guard and had him guide me back to Reinhart’s tower. I gave the guard a kiss as a thank you and then left the castle. Of course, after being with Devon, I had realized I had one more task. There was one man that was more dangerous than anyone. I couldn’t wait for him, so things would be finished tomorrow.

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Ascii of the Day:


               80B00LvLri,                       ,5G0B0BB:             
           XB0BMr                                      ,50B7           
         i0Bi                                             vB0BMr       
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  57,                                OB                            iui 
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 LP:,                                0B                             :S,
 uY,,                                B0                             :7,
 uv,                                 0q                            ,iJir
 2U,,                                Bu                             :0Z
 kE:                                 0v                            ,r00
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  05,                               00u                            ,j0,
  BOi                               00v                            :0B 
  ,0Y,                              B0,                           ,u0, 
   u0;                              0M                            r05  
    M0,                            7X0                           iBM   
     BS,                          Y8 ,Ei                        iBB    
      OF,                        :1:  uj,,                     vB5     
       kX:                         v,                        ,XBi      
        iji,                      :EU,                     :JPL        
          :i,        :FM0B0u,   ,i7:::,,,    ,rSEq01i   :r11r          
            :,     ,r::,  ,v0Er:,,     ,,,,i7qE: ,:;r72UL;,            
            7LqB0O0B        ,qr    ,        ;2                         
              ,700Bi          u, ,,, ,,,    v          :S,             
                ,20           Y8L,     ,:, :P          :M              
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                  ,X:,           uB7    Lq              r              
                  :0:            i0u   LS           ,,, ,              
                  :v              qO  S0          ,:   :J:             
                  Zv  ,       ,,   F  0:      ,,,       0:             
                  Bi   ,   ,       u LE                 B8             
                  0,  ,i  r:       ,uO,7i,         iii2O0i             
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                  0Bv,          iF;  i    5Bj , 700LSB1                
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                   ,0, :,    :0O     ;i      uvBYi                     
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                      YBi :7P:       00B2uL;r                          
                        BU,       , :L                                  
                        JJNBJ, :X00u0L                                 

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

The castle was not difficult to enter. At least, heading through Reinhart’s hidden passage proved to be no problem. That was until I ran into a familiar spot. That spot was the dungeon area which held the nine monsters that had been my beguiled companions. The cages were open, and the monsters weren’t there. That wasn’t exactly the case.

There was a pile of charred remains, and the scent of smoke still permeated the air. Reinhart hadn’t mentioned doing anything about the monsters. Although, I supposed this was a better way to go than to slowly starve to death in these cages. I wasn’t sure what I would have done if I had seen them there, so I was glad that he had decided to tie up loose ends. That was, of course, until I tried to push up on the hatch leading into the tower, only to find out it was latched closed.

It would have been nice if Reinhart had informed me of this little detail. Well, he was distracted and busy trying to flee the castle. Part of that reason was likely caused by me. I wasn’t angrier about it because this gave me the ability to try out a new skill. I focused my mind accordingly, and then my sight appeared on the other side of the door. A moment later, the trapdoor was unlatched. I pushed open the door and moved up into Reinhart’s tower. There was someone standing there waiting for me.

“Thank you.” I gave them a smile before they dissipated like smoke.

I headed out of the tower. There was no particular reason I needed to sneak. At least, as a princess, I didn’t think there was a reason. Still, I hid in the bushes nearby a pair of guards and listened in on their conversation just in case. They were stationed where guards normally weren’t stationed. It was likely that the entire castle was on high alert after their robbery.

With my endurance expanded with The Reborn, I didn’t even need to finger myself as I struck both men with seduction. It was slightly different from normal because the men weren’t even aware I was there. Usually, when I did this, they’d be looking at me, and their appearance would change with excitement as they craved me more and more.

If anything, these men started to look more and more depressed, until they looked like they were about to cry. However, a quick examine showed that they were beguiled, so I took a step out from the bushes.

“Hello, boys,” I said, using the seduce skill as natural as breathing.

“Mistress! You’re alive!” The two men shouted, and I immediately put my finger to my mouth to quiet them.

The two guard’s expressions turned ecstatic like their lives had suddenly found meaning, and they stared at me while nodding dumbly like a pair of expectant dogs. I moved up to the men, touching them as I walked up.

“Tell me, what do you mean by that?”

The men were so busy spilling over each other to talk that they showed no restraint. “That is, mistress, we were told earlier today you were killed.”

“Killed?” I asked.

“Yes!” The other spoke up. “Bandits broke into the castle last night. Robbed the treasury. According to what we were told, they had a magic user who struck you with a fireball. You were burned alive!”

“Ah, well, at least that was partially true,” I patted the two men on the cheeks as they nodded happily at me. “So, that’s the official story? Is there anything else?”

“No ma’am, nothing!”

I nodded. So, it seemed like Julian had spread a rumor that I had been killed in the robbery.  Gregory burning me alive suddenly made more sense. However, my body went missing, so I wondered what they had done about that. I supposed one charred body looked like another.

The two guards stared dumbly at me. When I seduced them, they had fallen in love with me, however, they believed I was dead, which was why they had started to grow depressed. I might have enjoyed the two men for a bit although there was nothing particularly exciting about either of them. They were cleaner than adventurers, but a little less toned than I’d like. Either way, I was busy and had to get things done quickly.

“You, wait here and continue to guard your post. You’ve never seen me. You. Escort me into the castle.” I put up my hood as I did this, “Make sure no one sees me.”

The two men nodded excitedly, only too pleased to do as I commanded. I followed the younger looking one into the castle, although in their beguiled state, the one who was left behind showed no animosity. He smiled on as I abandoned him to his post and entered into the castle.

The other one guided me skillfully through the hallways, and I was glad he did. There were many guards around, and I quickly realized that there would have been no way I could have breached this castle a mere day after it was attacked without my unique set of skills. Fortunately, no one asked after a woman being escorted by a guard, and I found myself in front of a door.

“Wait and guard here for me. I have another place to stop before the night is done.” I said, and the guard nodded.

I checked inside using my new ability, only to frown as the Stalker skill unexpectedly failed. That was not expected. A moment later, my view shifted inside, and I gave a breath of relief as she watched Devon sleeping there. It was unusual that my ability would fail like that. However, did it mean what I thought it meant? The door was locked, but a second later the lock quietly clicked open.

My mind was disturbed slightly as I quietly opened Devon’s door and slipped in. Seeing Devon sleeping there, my mind further started to bend. At first, I had considered Devon one of my loose ends. It was my plan to use him, but upon looking at him, my heart wasn’t so sure. Still, there was only one way to find out, so I slipped under the covers quietly. I moved softly and quietly, my hands had worked their way down his pants.

I played with his dick for a few minutes, and in his sleeping state, the sexual pleasure caused his dick to spring into action. Pulling back the covers, I swung my leg over him, lining his dick up and then sliding it into me. The feeling of my wet pussy meeting his hard cock caused his head to jerk and his eyes to open up. He might have raised up and attacked me, but I already use Sex Paralysis to lock him in place.

He looked up at me in sleepy shock while I lowered my hips, slowly letting his dick fill me up. I could feel it inside of me. It pushed on the walls of my vagina, which has been restored to all of its sexual lust. His dick suddenly struck some resistance, and I frowned as I pushed down against it. The dick ripped into me, and a sudden surge of pain and pleasure racked me. While Devon stared wide-eyed at me. I looked down at my pussy in wonder, rising up and inch to see a bit of blood on his cock.

“I felt it…” I said in wonder. “You’re not the one.”

“What is happening?” Devon finally spoke.

Apparently, sleep paralysis froze his body, but he could still move his head. If he had wanted to, he could have shouted for the guards at any second. That was not something I had known, but I’d have to keep it in mind for the future. Still, I gave him a smile.

“It’d appear like I just gave you my virginity, Devon.” I laughed.

Apparently, Rebirth had a few more side effects that I had not realized. I hadn’t had a chance to truly test out this body, so I was still figuring things out. My hymen must have been one of the things reborn. Min would not be happy if he knew he lost the chance to break me in. Well, my lovely little elf wife didn’t need to know everything. Suddenly, I found myself a bit happier that I didn’t waste it on the guards.

“Why do my dreams tease me so… I know you’re not a virgin…” Devon sighed.

“But can’t you see? I rotated my hips, showing him my pussy, a little redder now that it was stained with the breaking of my own hymen, “Can’t you feel the tightness of my virgin pussy?”

“In a dream, perhaps…” Devon laughed. “But I could only wish I lost my virginity to a woman I cared for so much… but Cornelia is dead. You are dead, and my mind wishes to torture me so.”

As he said this, I pushed his cock back in and started rocking my hips, feeling Devon inside me. For whatever reason, he decided he was dreaming. Well, the brothers had faked my death, and he was now paralyzed after being asleep. I supposed it was easier to pretend this was a dream.

“Yes, when your brother’s faked my death, I’m sure they told you many lies.”

“M-my brothers… faked? No, what?”

I grabbed his hand, intending to bring it to my breasts, but it resisted movement. Apparently, he was stiff in every way now that I had activated sleep paralysis. Well, either way, I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the lips. Even though he was confused, his tongue still danced with my own, and as my hips rocked on his cock, he moaned pleasurably.

I pulled away from the kiss and gave him another smile. “For a while, I thought you were just as bad as the other nobles. A hypocrite.”

“That is… you hate a right to think that.” Devon had a complicated look. “But I don’t know what else to do. I’m not the hero you thought I was. I’m just a man. Cornelia, I love you. Even if this is a dream-“

I put a finger over his mouth, stopping him. “Aria… my real name is Aria.”


“Mm, and this isn’t a dream either. What you’re feeling…” I squeezed tightly on his dick with my Kegels, my freshly broken virgin pussy tightening even more on his large, hard dick, “That is what is real.”

“Then, that means…?”

“Well, they tried to kill me, but I lived. I snuck back into the castle because I need your help.”

“Just my help, or are you planning to get revenge…” He stared darkly, although he was still panting as my ass bounced up and down on his cock, moving even faster now.

“What has been done, has already been done?” I shrugged. “I can’t change what happened in the past. What was done to me, and what I did… There are only a few loose ends I came for tonight. One of them is you.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Can it simply be because you’re the man who took my virginity?”

“Stop teasing…” he panted but wore a frown on his face.

“Then perhaps it is because you are a man. And sometimes, just being a man is enough. Ah, I’m cuming, you’ve made this body cum for the first time. How does that feel?”

“You feel amazing.” Devon sighed. “But whether it is real or not, I don’t want it to end. Stay with me. In fact, leave with me. We can leave this place, together.”

The pace of my pussy riding his cock slowed as I stared at him in wonder. For a brief moment, I was genuinely tempted by his offer. A prince asked me to run away with him. That was not something I could take lightly. Perhaps…

“No…” my words came out, and I started moving my hips again. “I can’t do that. However, if you’ve ever loved me, I need you to do something.”

I pulled out a pendant from my back pocket and placed it over his neck as I still rode him.

“What is this?”

“That is a teleport crystal. It will take you to the camp of the Bandit King, Denova, the man who robbed this nation and forced me to pretend to be the princess.”

“That is… it was Denova who was behind this? And you…” He shook his head in agitation, “With this crystal, we can finally destroy him for good!”

“There’s a catch.” I spoke up, “It’s only one way, and it will only teleport one person.”

“How can one person make a difference?”

“Ah, that one person would need to be able to summon an army by himself, don’t you think?”

Devon frowned for a moment and then nodded. “The illusions. That’s why you gave it to me…”

“A one-man army, 5-6 third-tiers should be able to handle it. You could become the hero I knew you’d always be, or at the very least, the prince I gave myself to.”

“You’re so convinced I’ll do this.”

“You might get some answers about me from him. I was going to force you to do it. I entered this room expecting to seduce you and force you to do my bidding. But now… I just want you to be safe.”

“You don’t call this seduction?” His eyes went up and down my body as I bounced up and down his cock.

“This is… a thank you. I wasn’t fair to you, at all. If ever there was a guy I’d want to spend the rest of my life with, he’d be like you.”

“Then… ah, I’m cumming…”

“Yes, fill me up with your seed.” I purred.

I could feel the hot liquid squirt inside me. It was the first time I had cum inside me in this new body. Something about it felt right to me. Of course, a moment later I had realized my mistake. I was in a new body that restored my virginity. I quickly checked my status and gave out a sigh, the status of infertile was now removed. I thought that might be the case. That meant that I could become pregnant as he came inside me. That was a worry I didn’t have before. I’d have to ask Min about the existence of morning after pills or something. Suddenly, I had to worry about being a mother.

However, in some ways, the risk made it sexier, and as I felt my womb filled up with his seed, I felt a whole new sense of eroticism filled with potential. I had never even considered the thought of having children before, but now that I knew that I could, something about his seed made it feel hotter, sexier and more penetrating. His little semen were now swimming around inside me, trying to find the egg. I was actually not at that particular time of the month, so it was unlikely I’d get pregnant, but the possibilities turned me on none the less.

“Cor- Aria…” Devon corrected himself. “I swear to you on my life, I’ll find Denova, and I’ll kill him.”

I gave him a smile as I felt his warm seed inside me and his dick starting to soften as I placed my hand on my abdomen in thought. I leaned forward and kissed him again on the lips.

“That… just drive him into a corner, and I’ll end it.” He stared at me with a confused look. “This might be the last time we ever see each other. I’m sorry to fuck and leave, but my night has only just begun.”

“Wait, don’t go! Please, just stay with me, we can work out any-“

“Goodbye, my Knight, Rock a Bye.”

As he protested, it took two Rock a Bye’s before he went rigid and fell to sleep. I slid his dick out of me, dyed slightly pink by the mixed color of blood and semen. My first time with Devon… that’s what this had been. I understood that now. The other times, they weren’t real. The man at those parties, he wasn’t the real Devon.

I cleaned myself up and walked away from Devon once again. I didn’t cry this time. I had already accepted my fate. I was a seductress, and right now I had work to do.

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Ascii of the Day:

                 OB i OLvuBIBiNIBI                                     
               jMBi         v viBBN                                     
             BBBiY   ENvi   r Bu  qMr                                  
            BOov L IMBBBi  qBBBB   iB                                  
           MB iV  iMB   iiiioBBrB   BB                                 
          BB  BBjZBY    OBi   jBMBM  ioi                               
      iPBBBr rBBBBBr    ij    BBBJ NBvBBBBBBBGu                       BB
     vNIri   iuUMBvj        NBB   SBB iSLvrvvBBBi                 ivEBBM
 iIOBBi               BBBBBBBkv   i            PB               vBBBi  
MBMBF                  BBBBk                    jBi           FBMB     
BBBN                 roLi                        rBB       OBBBMr      
 iP      iUFXBBBBBGBMBv                           iMqLvi  rBBBu        
    YSi BBBBBBBMi                                     iSBBBBv        rGG
    YBZ  iVBBq                                    iYri   vi  i   iBLBBBB
        r        rXkJUv              SMi          BBBBBMBi  BB   Bo  i 
Jii    Iq        iiVBBBBi         rYBBBBr i        BMBBM   iBB   i     
EBBBBPJv    iBBN  F   BBBBBULi  PSBBBMBBBVBii      NBMB    LBi      i  
   rBBBBMB   IBBB  ZF    NBBBBi  vFrBBBOLUJvB       BBMv   FB          v
      iOk           vBBoi  iPBBi    iGBMBGYBi       BBBB   FO         BM
MBv     jO           iMBBr    EM       BBBBBi       MBBBBuYk         rBU
iii      BBi           BBBi    B       NBBBMBU      XBBBBMB          BB
          ri   v        JBBi  kBv   iiFBBBBBBBY     MBBBBBX         NBY
BVLBV       i  BB    i    BBr iBBu      vujBBvi     BBBBBB          BB 
BBM  YJJ iMi i  NBi        BB   BB         J        MBBBBN         BM  
irBPBBOi  iqrSi   BBY i     NS   BBGiiv             BBBBBY        vBj  
uEBNiI      BBZ    IMI       iBBiFBUiLBB   Jr   iL   BBBMB        BB   
BBBB  Xi     BO     iBi        BBMBBBi MB BBBi   Si  JBBBO       BBG   
 iMBOiEi     iBv Li  iBk        BBBM   ii BBVv        MBBO      OBBJ   
i uBBBv       uBBkBi  YBBB      iBBMi     BMVB        BBBE     uBBk    
    qB         XBBBv   BBBM      BBBv     BBBF  u     XBMv     BMr     S
     BI   i     GBv     BMv       BBv    XBBv ui vvii MBBE    BBB     BB
 iBSBBM          BBV    iBB       ZBBOrrOBB   BBMki iiBBMBJ  iBB     BBB
BMj OBBB          BM     BBB       BBBBMiiS    JMB   ikBu    BBY   oBBBB
     iBBB     Uii  B      BBBi     qBIUi      VUvi     Bi   BBB   MBBBV
       BBM  iFM     B     iBBMi  v  Bi         BBv      MivoBBi vMBBBU 
        uBBBBBGi   vBBj    iBBBYii  BBk  rrBi  iBiv   LuuPBrBv   BBBZ  
          MBBo   BGi BBI    BBBi    GBv  NBG    BvBJ BBvBBL B     ivBBr
           iMB  B     LBFIiNMBBBi   PJi    BL  qMBviMB OBB  BM      iBBB
             OBBB      iM   MBBBBBBBuLqMo  iLIBBB  iI vBBi iB        LGj
              UBBB          BBBBIBBE  uBB    Siii L NiBXv  vi          
               BBBBv  EBqSr  ik        OBM       iBBBIBF  iI           
                 vBBBoZBBVi             jBv iv   BBBMBOv  M            
                                         rBu B  XBNBvrLi Li            
                                          iBi  rB  Bq   ii             
                                          iiii    BBM  i               
                                             BI BBMNv  vi              
                                             rBBrBMB   i                
                                          qZr         LMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
                                       NBu                       vuLvUJr

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

The pain, the suffering, the burning… those kind of dreams plagued me for eternity. The heat kept increasing. It kept burning. From the inside to the outside, every sense was on fire, and then it stopped. I sat within a realm of blackness for what could have been an eternity. Then the feeling started to return. I felt cold, ice cold. My body was being dragged. I could feel the pavement as my naked skin was moved over rock and stone.

Time seemed to move on. That cold feeling lasted for a lifetime, but then it started to warm. The smells changed and became familiar. The feeling of warmth, instead of causing me to be afraid, caused me to feel comforted. I could feel touch. The touch felt like it was separated from me by a film, but tiny fingers were ripping away that film. They worked over my body, peeling away the barrier, digging towards the true me underneath. Besides these tactile sensations, it was my hearing that returned first.

“Can’t possibly be…”

“Mm… alive.”

The feelings continued, the sensation of comfort, always touching me. The smell of comfort, always around me. I wanted that comfort, I couldn’t get enough of it. The pain didn’t seem to return. Instead, more and more of the fake me disappeared, and it was replaced with more and more of the real me. Finally, I was able to open my eyes. And they snapped to the first person in the room, and of anyone in this world I’d want to see, it would be my absolutely top pick.

“Min…” Min had some soot on his cheek, and he was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

“Mm!” Min said, water starting to swell in his eyes.


“Mm!” Min said again, tears starting to follow.

Before I could say another thing, he threw himself at me with a tight hug. Before I knew it, he was sobbing into my chest, his body weeping harder than I had ever seen before. I weakly lifted my arm and patted him on the head.

“I’m home…”

“Iltriwed…itwed.” Min’s muffled voice was in my chest.

I lifted Min’s face and looked into his eyes. Even though he had the tears in his eyes, he had a smile on his face.

“I tried… I did as vessë said, I wiped away the ashes… just as vessë said,” He said in between sobs.

“Mm, Min did good!” I smiled, then brought his lips over to mine and kissed him.

It ended up being a weak kiss since I had no real energy, and after a moment I flopped back down, fighting from letting out a groan that would worry Min farther. However, with my 2X recovery speed, I seemed to be getting better rather rapidly, and it didn’t take long before I felt good enough to sit up.

It appeared like Min had been peeling away a layer of ash that was around my entire skin. When he had found me, I had been encased in head to toe in burned ash, looking more like a corpse than a person. I didn’t understand how this had happened, so I took a look at my skills.

“Phoenix Rises…”

Under my special skills was a greyed-out skill called Phoenix rises. The description merely stated “Rise from the ashes.”  I didn’t need to read the description to know what it did. I had played video games enough to know that phoenixes died in fire, and then came back to life. If that was the case, then that is what happened to me. I had died in a fire, and thus, I was reborn.

I also had gained the ability limit break. The description read something like “surpass your limits.” That was certainly something I had done the previous night, but I had no clue how it functions as a skill. In video games, it’d be some really power attack ability where a hero could move faster and hit harder than should be possible. I had no clue how that translated to a seductress’s power set.

I also had several new titles that had accumulated from this single action. I had not gained this many titles this quickly since the first week I had been to this world.

{Title Obtained: Dragon Layer}

{+5 Wisdom, +10 Damage Resistance, 2X Experience With dragons and lower lizards.}

{Title Obtained: God Killer}

{+5 All Stats, +10 All Resistance, +50% Experience where experience is earned.}

{Title Obtained: The Reborn}

{+50 Charisma, +100 Mental Resistance, 2X Experience on Beguiled target.}

What was with those last two titles, they seemed to be completely overpowered. The Reborn title just amplified by seductress powers up to eleven. Meanwhile, God Killer seemed to just overall make me stronger. Dragon Layer made a little bit of sense, but when did I kill a god?  I seemed to remember them attacking me with Bahamut’s cock so did I really just get experience for sleeping with a dragon god?

“Dear me, she’s actually waking up!” I voice came from the door.

I looked to the side, realizing for the first time that we weren’t inside the castle. In fact, I wasn’t familiar with the room we were in at all. However, I was familiar with the person in the doorway. It was none other than Sandor. Pratter poked his head in after Sandor talked, and the two men looked excitedly as I gave them a weak smile.

“When he brought you in, looking like a burnt corpse, and him not doing much better, I had feared the worst.” Sandor shook his head. “I’m glad to see you’re okay. We owe you everything, so stay as long as you need, and if you need any help leaving town, we can get that arranged.”

I gave them a nod and assured them I was doing alright, and they, thankfully, didn’t ask any uncomfortable questions. They almost took it for granted that a princess might find herself being burned alive. Finally, I couldn’t take the lack of questions and needed to find out the truth.

“Ah, well, you’re not a princess, right? Some kind of spy or something? That’s Pratter’s guess.” Sandor dropped that mine as an answer.

“What do you mean? How do you know?” I asked flustered.

“Ah, well, we make artifacts for a living. You couldn’t say we wouldn’t recognize a cursed ring if we ever saw one. That, and your frank attitude, we just kind of figured. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like we knew, we only suspected.”

I shook my head in annoyance. Once again, my ring had completely failed to hide me. Denova’s supposedly great ring had been completely seen through my two different people in the city. It was incredibly frustrating, but I supposed I should count myself lucky that both decided to keep their mouths shut until the end of the mission. Speaking of which, I went to touch my ring, reminded of Denova’s death curse, and a second later there was a click on the night stand as Min put it down.

“The ring, the death curse is gone.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“How can that be?” Sandor looked surprised. “A death curse can only be removed by… well, death…”

“Before that, how did I even make it here?” I asked. “The last I saw, Min was collapsed in the forest!”

Min made a noise of surprise, and I had to end up explaining my latest ability that allowed me to peak on people for 30 minutes a day. He seemed surprisingly shy when I mentioned what I saw. I told him he looked really cool when he forced Denova to retreat, and he turned beet red. Even Sandor and Pratter were excited by the story of a 2nd tier bringing a 3rd tier to retreat. However, after embarrassing him enough, he filled in the blanks, which just like Min, were short and succinct.

He had woken up and managed to make his way back to the castle around 2 in the morning. He had went into the room where he had found Jenai’s dead body and the note. He used the mask I had taken from Reinhart to get a trip to the party on a return carriage, and then snuck in and found me. When I asked him how he possibly knew I was at the party, let alone found me in the back, he merely smiled and said ‘secret’. I suspected it was some kind of skill. He did seem to oddly know where I was any given time. If I had an ability that could spy anyone I’ve ever slept with for 30 minutes a day, it seemed to reason he could have a skill that could find me.

So, he took my body, and remembering what Sandor and Pratter had said, brought me to their place. When he finished his story, he put the letter and amulet on the nightstand next to me. Upon hearing of my friend’s death, Sandor and Pratter patted my shoulders.

“Does… vessë want revenge?” Min asked.

I looked over at the ring, no longer on my finger. I was no longer under the death curse, and with Jenai gone, every hold Denova had on me was gone. For all intent and purposes, I could just run away, and never have to face the man again. However, after what he’s done, could I just walk away? He had more tricks up his sleeve, and I was just a tier 1. Of course, my powers were much stronger now, but would that be enough to beat someone even the kingdoms struggled to catch.

There was someone banging downstairs, so Sandor went to tend to the store, and it was just Min, Pratter, and me now.

“Pratter, can you guys… remove the death curse from that ring without affecting it?”

“Wha-oh… yes, I believe my husband can do that. Would you like us to remove the no-remove and the detection spells as well?”

“No…” I said slowly. “I have other ideas.”

Pratter cocked his head, but before he could ask, Sandor poked his head in again. “Ah, you have a guest. Um… he says he knows you’re here.”

I shot Min a look, but he shook his head indicating he didn’t think he was followed. Why did it feel like I had absolutely no secrecy at all?

“Did you get a name?” I asked.

“Yes… Reinhart.”

I nodded, thinking that he’d be the only person who could know I was here who wouldn’t burst into the place with the intent of putting me under arrest. I moved to sit up, some of the ash still cracking as I started to move myself.

“Tell Reinhart, fifteen minutes. Tell him, Min orders.” There seemed to be a spark of a smile on his lips when he said that.

Sandor and Pratter nodded. “There is a back stairway here, we had a dinette you can use. Come down once you’ve cleaned yourself up.”

I still felt a little weak, but my energy had recovered marvelously. As a result, I was able to clean myself mostly, with Min only helping a little bit. It turned out to be a lot more work than we had estimated, needing nearly three wash basins and nearly a half an hour before I was clean of ash. I threw on a dress Min had brought with him, and the pair of us started walking down the stairs.

“You took enough ti-“

Reinhart stood up as soon as I came down the stairs, but when his eyes met my face, he stopped, and his mouth hung open. He wasn’t the only one. Sandor and Pratter where staring at me too, seemingly in shock.

“What is it, is there more ash on my face?” I said, putting a hand up to my cheek.

“That is… how?” Reinhart asked.

I gave a confused look, then turned back to see Min who was watching me with a relatively expressionless face.

“Vessë… beautiful.” Min simply remarked.

Of course, Min would think I was beautiful. As my wife, she was sort of obligated to see things that way. However, what did everyone else mean? There was a mirror at the bottom of the stairs, so I turned and looked at it, and my eyes widened too.

“If I wasn’t gay, I’d be tempted,” Sandor said as he watched me. “Heck, I’m still tempted.”

“Sandor!” Pratter gave a hurt look.

“Oh, hush, Pratter, you know you’re the only one for me.”

What the men were seeing was that my face was perfect. That didn’t have anything to do with my own pride. My face just had absolutely no flaws. The nose was perfect, the skin was white and flawless, everything. It was like my body after plastic surgery, but with none of the side effects of plastic surgery. It was just my face, optimized to the best my face could ever possibly look while still being my face.

I reached down and touched my body, realizing that my body had done the same. The seductress class had molded me into possessing an alluring body, but my body now lacked anything wrong with it. The skin was softer than it had ever been, the curves were perfect, my scars were gone. The fire had burned away my old body, and in its place, I had been reborn in my idealized form, a seductress literally grown from nothingness.

I explained to Reinhart an abridged version of what had happened to me. It was the first-time Min had known the extent of what had happened. No one here truly understood the words Sacrifice, and I didn’t share the gory details of what had happened, but considering it had ended with my body covered in blood, my hips broken, and my body burned, they didn’t have to guess all that much.

“That is… I’m sorry girl. Humans…” He stopped himself. “There are good and bad among all of us.

“What are you doing here, anyway, Reinhart? I thought you would be a day’s travel from the capital?”

“Ah, well, I planned to, but then I realized I had something else I needed to give you before I left.” As he said this, he handed me a letter; I looked at the letter with confusion.

“That is, but if you can find me…”

“Don’t worry about that. I found you through certain… extraneous circumstances. If anyone who wanted to find you thinks you’re still alive, they probably won’t be able to use the method I used.”

“It seems like everyone has a skill to locate me these days.” I frowned, then held up the letter, “What is this, anyway?”

“Ah, well, I’m guessing your previous deals, whatever they are, went belly up, so if you need a place to stay low… I thought I could help.”

“For…” I read across the letter, “Distropia?

“Ah, that is a letter of introduction. Take it to the local lord and he should be able to help you get situated.”

“Distropia? That’s not one of the seven king-“ Sandor started.

“On the demon continent… the port of Nevier secretly runs a trading line with the demon continent. Show this to the port authority and he’ll get you on a boat across the sea.”

“Demons? Why would you have a letter of recom-“

“Let’s not ask any such uncomfortable questions.” Reinhart smiled faintly, “I just wanted you to have that. The demon continent could use a capable person like you, certainly more than, well, let’s leave it at that.” He was already turning to leave, but I reached out and grabbed his arm.

“Wait! I have one last thing I need from you.” I somewhat demanded.

“That is, I really should be going.” Reinhart seemed to be mildly uncomfortable as I pushed myself forward in front of him.

My appearance had never put him off before, but the way he nervously twisted seemed to be like what someone sexually attracted to me might act like if they were nervous. My body was better, but it couldn’t have that much of a different effect, could it?

“Please! You have some way to track me, right? I need to find someone. Someone I hate.”

“Hate? That is…” Reinhart leans closer. “What are you planning, girl? Do you plan vengeance on the noble family? It’s not like I can say anything against it at this point, but-”

“What has happened, has already happened.” I shrugged. “I can’t change the past. What they did to me… that’s not important. I’ve cut off my ties with them. I am no longer Cornelia. However, I have a few loose ends I need to tie. One of them is Denova.”

“The bandit king, he’s the one who put that ring… I supposed something that expensive, it’d have to be someone that notorious…”

“I’m thinking it might be a good time to plan to visit our new opening store in Raiven.” Sandor said worriedly, “But what are you planning?”

After explaining what I needed from Reinhart, he started to shake his head. “I’m afraid I might not be able to help you…”

“Really, is there nothing?” I asked.

Reinhart snapped his finger. “You said that he has some kind of magical escape spell, right? It’s always concerning when you put magic against an unknown special skill, but I think there might be away. If you can get him to use that ability again, you won’t be able to track him, but you might be able to bring him to you. I’m… not sure if that would be helpful at all.”

I thought about it for a few moments and then nodded. “I can work with that.”


“I’ll need to get back into the castle. Pack your bags Min, we’re leaving after tonight.”

“What do you plan to do in the castle?” Reinhart asked.

“I already said. I’m going to be tying up loose ends.”

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Ascii of the Day:

       288   7  889                                                    
      7878   877  48                                                    
      88 2727 7     88            77777                                
      787 75 72 787 7887              887                              
      728      485    887   7      77   14                             
      8 58     7      88887         77   78                             
      87 88        78                72   78                           
     782  87     2887                  50   87                         
     08   82288177   47                 787  87                        
     887  4  52 7857                      88  27                       
     877  8   7   887                   7  287 77                      
    78 7 787  7 778                     8    80 7                      
    78 7 22  72 787                       77  82                       
    78 8 75 772780                  77  7 7    85                      
     882 28 7788                        7       84                     
       87807201                                 48                     
        88 72   57          47    77 7           7                     
         7      77          7   772              77                    
                22    80488   2054               54                     
                74    87  58577                  45                    
                 2    24    12                   41                    
                 57   78     5                   77                    
                  2    8     7          78         7                    
777777722150400800      8885            77         788               722
548242287157777778      888                         48          71880527
                 88      87                         88 7988827         
428              587 77 78                          08847              
  787        70887  777   789                    72752                  
 7 78     78887            7887                 88 28                  
  2 8    887                7888   777     78  87 78                   
    884758                   52287       751  85778                72484
787 77 787                    8 58 4  7       87  8             78702  8
 87   48                      8 87 1 7287 787 8  787        72588847   7
 7    87                     888   7847224    948 78    72952777 18    
  7  87         787787772427827   787    78    78078888477        87   
 28788         587    28    0872887   7   78727   7               78   
 77 8          8       08   78 78       7  788                    78   
   72         87        82   878  9  8   4 788                     8   
   8          8         78   884  7 77    8 75777                  8   
  07         84          84   52 707   7     9912777772   777277 588   
  8         98          77807  77 7    7 7777          77777577     728
 8         788       77277                  77          778            7
87       7897 77   247            282       77            87 777       
        88               7   77              722           7447        
       80                    78                5             7         7
     587    77       7557     10                7            5   7774040
    88              72        22              7  27           848447   
   84                          7                  8      7    70       
 78272441777      7777277                         78  777      1       
 87      777777402177777085      77        7                    8      
87                        787    7            7   7577  7       08820087
7                           447   7                  7   721882477    77
                              88                     8275277    7      
                               777            77     787      7        
                                  07                 87          57    
                                   12                8      78  72     
                                    8               88     48  27     75
                                   28           2    8  4772  47