Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 64

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Chapter 64


That was the sound of a paddle smacking into the tight ass of an attractive pretty boy. The last few days I had been insatiable, I took out most of that on the boy before me. Usually, it wasn’t something so violent, but today we needed to try something new. He let out a low moan, half pain, with a possible little bit of pleasure. I winced at the act until he looked back and nodded at me again, giving me the go ahead to give it another go. I pulled back my paddle and then brought it back down on his butt.


This cry seemed more pained than the last, and his butt was completely red. Part of me was very turned on by this, and the other part of me was a little disgusted that this would turn me on. I put the paddle down. The boy looked back again and gave me another okay, but he had tears running down his eyes and I shook my head no. He frowned, pushing his chest off the bed as he turned around. His dick popped out and wagged as he turned, still fully erect and ready to go. Apparently, even spanking him was doing it sexually for him, unless, maybe something else was going on…

“Your, um… penis, is it functioning right?”

Min looked down at his fully erect penis before giving a familiar cute blush and nodding as he turned his head. “Mm.”

That previous morning, the next shipment of sex toys had come in fresh from Pratter and Sandor. According to the letter, they had completed my toy whip, but my weapon would likely take a week or more. The toys had also included the paddle and a full set of bondage stuff. This arrived just on time, because the previous night had given me another idea on how to prepare for Denova.

It was pretty simple. I needed to level more. However, the special skills I got with each level were often dependent, at least in part, on what I did that level. Therefore, if I wanted more violent skills, I needed to practice violence. I couldn’t go out and kill monsters, and I couldn’t practice with guards. Therefore, there was only one way I could work on both increasing my skills and getting relevant special skills in my next level. That was to practice bondage and pain on Min.

Min was not naturally masochistic like Jenai, and despite popular belief, I was not a sadist. I had started with the paddle because I was afraid of hurting him with the whip since I didn’t know how much damage it could do. However, if I wanted my whip skill to reach level 1, I’d have to at least use it on him consistently.

Min became surprisingly supportive of this play. I had thought he would reject it, but surprisingly, he had used the opportunity to make a demand of me as well. He pulled out his own order which he had slipped into mine. It was a little jewel that attached to his slave color. A moment later, it had shimmered with illusion magic and took on the form and feel of an adam’s apple.

“With this… Min boy now.”

His voice was a little deeper now. The inflections and behavior of his speech hadn’t changed, so it had a slightly feminine charm to it, and while I say deeper, it wasn’t significant. Where Min’s voice was once obviously female, the addition of this artifact had obscured it, so that if you only heard his voice, it’d be difficult to determine his sex.

Furthermore, the condition he set for allowing me to paddle and whip his bottom was that I must accept him as a man. For some time now, Min had been pushing the envelope, and with short hair, a deeper voice, and a fake penis indistinguishable from a real one, it was not difficult to imagine Min as a boy. He was a pretty boy, certainly, with nearly hairless arms and legs and nothing but a small patch above his penis, but he looked enough like a man that when we fucked, I was starting not to notice.

His body had grown shapelier since we first met. His delicate features had been toned by a daily workout regimen. His tight ass was muscular now, and when he tensed I could see his butt tighten, just making me want to squeeze it. He had the hints of a six pack of abs, although with his hips he still had a distinctly feminine body. His chest still had a pair of small A breasts which he had no desire to diminish. If he wore loose clothing, he’d pass for a boy, but anything tight would give away his fit female body easily. He sat somewhere in between, and it served to meet all of my sexual interests. Either way, I was sexually satisfied with Min.

Part of it was because Min was simply Min. I cared deeply for Min, and it didn’t really matter what he identified as. He was my Min. Strangely enough, despite declaring himself a man, Min held strongly on to certain things. As mentioned, he was still very sensitive about his breast size, and still wouldn’t stick it between my breasts for leveling up titty fuck. I also asked him about how he wanted to address each other now.

“So, should I call you husband then?” I asked jokingly.

“Mm…” Min shrugged. “Min happy you accept marriage, but vesse is vesse and wife is wife. Only gender changed.”

I gave a stupid sound, and Min chuckled at that. I didn’t mean to suggest that I was accepting him as my husband. Part of what bothered me about that was the fact that it suggested I was only accepting him because she had become a he. When I explained this with a fluster, Min smiled gently and put me in his arms, which despite the fact he was smaller than me, felt a lot more comforting and manly than they once did.

He kissed me on the forehead and leaned over. “Min love you…”

With that, I started to become even more flustered, and suddenly I found Min swapping the dynamic, pulling me into a deep kiss until I was out of breath. I didn’t hate this side of Min at all, but as we discussed things, I got the feeling that he took his role as my wife seriously. To him, we had married as two women, and thus, to him, it was important that it remained that way. Min was a man, and my wife.

“Will female Min ever show up again?” I asked, as Min held me tightly and I breathed in his fresh scent.

“Mm… Aria has all of Min. Any time she wants. But only Aria.”

I nodded, but had already decided I’d be unlikely to ask that of Min unless he requested it himself. I had too much respect for Min to put that on him. However, after that heavy conversation, I had to push forward with my training. Which is how I ended up with Min bent over a bed while I paddled his bottom. For his benefit, he took it like a man.

Since his dick was hard, I supposed that I wasn’t being too violent, so I finally nodded and had Min bend back over. However, after looking at his nice ass from behind, I couldn’t help but bend down behind him. I reached up between his legs and touched his balls. As I played with them, feeling the elastic skin, which was indistinguishable from real and sent the appropriate sensations to Min, I playfully kiss his butt.

He bent over a little more, giving me the room to reach up and grab his shaft. With my face nearly in his butt, I decided it was time to test out a theory I was running. That is to say, I licked Min’s asshole. His body shivered pleasurably with one lick, so I went a step farther and stuck it in. His ass was tight, and I could only manage to get the tip of my tongue in, the tightness of his sphincter stopping me from going farther with the current level of force. Still, I wiggled my tongue on his button, listening to the sounds of him moan in front of me. Of course, my hand was working his shaft now while I ate his butt.

Analingus, Devon’s favorite past time, isn’t that bad at all. It wasn’t like Min hadn’t cleaned himself up ahead of time, so he was clean back there as he was up front. It wasn’t any more disgusting than eating pussy. Yeah, he pooped from there, but every guy pees from their dick, yet it’s not considered odd at all to put his dick in your mouth and swallow anything that comes from the same hole he pees with.

The reason analingus gets a bad wrap probably has to do with the fact that it isn’t a direct sexual stimulation. Even in the case of anal sex, at least one party’s penis or prostate is getting pleasured. The feeling of having someone’s tongue in your butt isn’t direct, but it is an act that sexually excites and enhances the experience. I knew this because as my tongue flicked across his butt, one hand keeping his cheeks spread while the other reach around his hip and stroked his cock, he was quickly moaning hard, his legs no longer working and his body only being held up by the pillow his upper half was dropped into.

A moment later, I could feel him cum, a spurt of liquid coming out his dick. As he came, his sphincter tightened, and I felt a tightening on the tip of my tongue as his body tensed just like when I stuck it in his pussy before.

{Cunnilingus and Blow Job has evolved into Oral Sex.}

{Oral Sex has increased to MAX.}

{Tongue craft has increased to LVL 6.}

{Technique Unlocked: Flicker}

I gave a surprised look as I examined my skills. I hadn’t known what would happen, but this is the first time I’d seen a skill turn into another skill. I thought analingus might be another skill, but doing it seemed to cause all three skills to evolve into the category oral sex. It made sense, except that now I had one generic skill. Not only would I not get any tier 2 skills that might follow maxing cunnilingus and analingus, but the three types of oral sex were radically different. Could you really say a skill for sucking cock fit in with a skill for eating pussy?

As I was scowling at the confusing new ability, Min looked back with a questioning look. I shook my head and gave him a reassuring smile, letting him know I wasn’t disappointed this his performance. As if to accentuate that point, I licked my finger, wet with his cum. Of course, it was the liquidity clear taste of Min’s pussy juice, not some strange artificial cum or cum illusion. Min had told me that they might be able to do that, but I put my foot down there. Min was Min, and the taste of Min was not something I wanted to change.

In the end, my need to level by abusing Min failed miserably. He wasn’t a masochist who enjoyed it, and while role playing would allow me to play the role of a sadist when needed, I didn’t take pleasure in hurting him. So this put us back at square one, with me needing to level and no one available to practice S&M on.

I explained to Min the issue, and he blushed again, wearing a girlish expression on his face. Come on, Min, saying I don’t get off on spanking you is hardly flattering. However, a moment later he made an off-hand comment that gave me pause.

“Know someone,” Min said.

“Huh? You know someone I can practice S&M with.”

“Mm…” Min nodded. “Nine someones.”

I frowned, but then it clicked and I immediately felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner. Of course, the monsters in Reinhart’s basement could take any abuse I threw at them, and not even bat an eyelash. To some, like the Minotaur, I could whip as hard as I wanted and I probably wouldn’t even leave a mark. I was hurting my beloved Min, and I had nine perfectly available monsters that I didn’t give a shit about.

I apologized to Min profusely, but he shrugged it off. “Would mention earlier, but wanted to try.”

My eyes widened as Min answered peevishly. He had certainly come a long way from the woman who barely talked or expressed herself. Now, he excitedly engaged in sexual activities and wanted to try new things. I didn’t know if my perverted nature had rubbed off on him, or if this was finally the real Min expressing himself.

However it went, I ended up throwing myself at Min again, enjoying some more sexual play. I was rubbing Min’s cock against my snatch, trying to keep him hard as his member started to soften when the familiar text popped up in front of my vision. I gave a pleased smile as I looked at the text.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 22!}

{All stats increased by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Hermaphrodite (Passive): Have both male and female sex organs.}

{Below the Belt (Passive): Skills and spells activated during sex cannot be detected. Both castor and target must be engaged in intercourse with each other.}

{Squirter (Active): During oral sex, increases sexual pleasure to guarantee a squirt.}

“Mm… you leveled?” Min asked as I looked over my selections.

“Yes. Thanks to my sexy Min.”


“Perhaps, the best I could hope for.”

Below the belt was a skill I hadn’t realized I needed until I saw it existed, but now that I knew that it existed, I couldn’t even think of living without it. This was the thing that would finally allow me to defeat Denova. I could seduce him as my slave and he’d never even realize it. I’d Black Widow him, and then turn him into my own personal sex slave. He’d give us all of his riches, send us on our way with a smile on his face, and then die a week later. The next time he touched me sexually would be the last decision he ever made.

Either way, I leaned over and gave Min a kiss as he watched me with a cute look on his face. I wanted to continue to level up my skills and gain experience with Min. Then I would tackle the monsters the next day. With luck, I could gain another two levels before the final night.

However, our night was cut down prematurely when I started to feel some severe cramping. It was a bit early for my next period, but a few days later the ring on my hand changed colors, indicating that my time of the month had come.

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Ascii of the Day:

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 18

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“A-ariel, have your boobs grown bigger?” the Queen is flustered when she get dragged into the bedroom all of a sudden by Ariel and you.

“Mm, yes, they are as big as mom’s now, do you want to touch them?”

“T-touch them? You’re my daughter, what is wrong with you?”

“They feel good to touch, I just want mom to make me feel good too.”

Aurora turns to you. “Hero-san, what have you done? Why is my daughter acting this way?”

You shrug. “I haven’t done anything. She’s been sheltered her whole life. By the time I took her away, she was so desperate to experiment, that this is how she ended up.”

I say this as Ariel tries to rip off her mother’s clothing. She is pulling up her dress while Aurora is trying to maintain her modesty by keeping it on.

“I have already figured out that you plan to violate me, hero-san, but can we do this without my daughter present. I’ve already given my body to you, so you can do with it as you will, but my daughter…”

At those words, Ariel puts on a pouting face and gives you a pleading look. It is clear that she doesn’t want to be left out of the fun.

“Actually,” you say. “I have my own plans. I don’t plan to violate you at all. Can you go lie on the bed? I won’t touch you.”

“R-really?” Aurora squares her shoulders, a confused look on her face, but she does as she is told.

“Now, Ariel, strip and get in position.”

As Ariel rips off all the clothing you made for her, Aurora gasps and put her hands to her mouth. “Hero, what are you making my daughter do.”

“Well, you wanted to know what I’ve done to your daughter. I’m going to show you.” You pull out your dick, and the massive thing springs loose from your pants fully erect.

“By the gods, that is humungous, you can’t possibly expect that to fit in a woman.”

“Just watch,” You smirk as you line your cock up with her pussy.”

It slips right in, and within five strokes you manage to get it all the way to the balls. In front of her watching mom, you start plowing Ariel from behind in the doggie position that she adores. Her mom can’t turn away, her eyes glued on your dick as it slams into her daughter’s pussy.

“Ah, hero, yeah, look at me, mom, see, I made it all fit!”

As Ariel goads her mom, Aurora’s mouth is slightly open, and she is stunned speechless as the sound and smell of sex starts to permeate the room.

“Harder, harder, hero, I can’t have enough of your cock!” Ariel screams.

You oblige, grabbing a fist of hair from the back of her head and pulling it painfully. You slap her ass several times. The first resounding slap causes her mom to jump in surprise, but as you spanked her and she moans pleasurably, her mom’s worried expression finally starts to calm down.

The queen is silent during this event. The sound of balls slapping against ass was the only thing that could be heard. However, if you listen closely, you’ll hear her breathing slightly ruggedly, watching her daughter get plowed by a giant dick from behind is doing something inside the queen, and she is becoming sexually aroused.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 17

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Of course, leaving things like that would cause the King to likely chase after you for the rest of his life. That’s why you hit him with a spell that makes him think both his wife and daughter have died. The rest of that act was not really done for him, it was done for Aurora, the mom. She left with you willingly, sacrificing herself for her daughter. She also left knowing her husband wasn’t willing to do the same. It may not be love, but it is a good enough start towards bringing her into your harem.

She makes a surprised noise as the group suddenly leaves the throne room, and ends up back in the forest next to your faithful cottage. You stare at the cottage a minute before Ariel leans against you.

“That cottage is starting to get a little small. Should we make it bigger?”

“Naw, it is just a temporary home anyway. If I want to start changing this world for the better, I need a more public base of operation.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’d like a nicely-sized town. Perhaps with an adventurer’s guild if this world has them. The more variety of species the better. I’d like to find elf girls, catgirls, dog girls, dwarf girls… I want to collect everything this world has.

“Um, excuse me, hero-san, our country does not have many demi-humans, but if it’s diversity you want, Riun would be the best city for it.” The Queen spoke up while sticking close to her daughter who was still holding your arm.

“Riun, huh? Do you know how to get there Mulan?”

“This lowly dragon knows the way.”

“Ah, good, then could you fly us over there?”

“No… I am happy to fly master and the bitch, but I will not take some random woman.”

“Did you just call my daughter a bitch? I’ll have you know, I am a queen!”

“Don’t care. I only carry those that master has broken.”

“B-broken? Wh-what has hero-san don to my innocent daughter?”

“It’s fine, mom, I’m fine. She means it more like house-broken.”


“Well, I’m the hero’s bitch, mom.”

“Th-the hero’s bitch?”

“Mmhmm… and I’m happy that way. That’s why I asked hero to bring you with us. I know you’ll be happier too.”

“I, I don’t understand what you’re saying…” The Queen looks confused.

“It’s okay mom, you’ll get it soon. Can we get mom ready?” Ariel begs you.

“Well, I don’t think we have any other choice. I was hoping things would move forward a little slower, but it looks like the queen is going to have to go through Spartan training.

“Mmm… the lowly dragon will wait out here for you.”

“Wh-what are you going to do to me?”

“Don’t worry mom, it only hurts a bit.”

The pair of you grab the Queen and drag her into the cabin so that she can get the royal treatment.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

“Given the rumors currently going on about you, I’m expressing some concern over the continuation of my son’s arranged marriage.”

The following morning, two days after the event with my mask breaking, I had received a morning summons to stand before the King. He sat on his throne now, a stern look on his face as he stared down at me. Richard was in the room as well, but he held the same disinterested look her always had. When his eyes met mine, there was absolutely nothing that indicated his acceptance of the fact we had sex a few nights prior.

As the King spoke, I recalled having straddled his lap on that throne at least once before. It wasn’t typical since the throne room didn’t offer the same privacy as his study, but once sitting in the king’s lap while he fondled your breasts and bounced you up and down on his knee was enough to diffuse any intimidation that throne gave. That wasn’t to say I was free of fear. Even after spending the previous day with the girls, I still feared what would come of this.

“I am sorry, father.” I didn’t shoot him a smile like I might of once, my role play skill telling me that this wasn’t the time.

“Ahem,” The King cleared his throat like he had swallowed something distasteful. “That’ll be King Hyburn, for the moment.”

I winced at the words. It certainly felt like a step backward. All the goodwill I had earned with the royal family seemed to dissipate in a puff of smoke. I certainly couldn’t expect Richard to step up and defend me, and of course, Devon was nowhere to be found.

“What would my lord have me do?” I asked, lowering my head in mock atonement.

The King gave a long sigh. “I owe your father my life. Therefore, I am not ready to annul the engagement based on simple rumors.  However, you will be watched very closely. I suggest you spend some time becoming the perfect wife for you husband-to-be. In a month, we will consider setting the final date.”

I tried to look chastised while also looking grateful to the King. Naturally, I didn’t feel grateful at all. He had hit me, breaking my mask, and now he wanted to act like it was my fault. The audacity of that old man. Of course, had I actually been Cornelia, his statement would have been a huge relief. I’d still have a chance to not embarrass my entire family and nation.

However, I was not Cornelia. I didn’t care about that engagement, and I didn’t care anything about the majority of the people in this castle. After a little less than two weeks. I would be out of there. It looked like the King was pulling his lap privileges. Well, that was just fine. I couldn’t level up sitting on his lap, anyway. I had less than two weeks to gain as many levels as I could, and simply put, Richard, the King, Devon, or even Julian weren’t needed. I had wasted tons of time with them, and they hadn’t given me much experience.

I let role play run on autopilot, saying all the formalities of a polite, boring, and stupid princess while the King nodded like he had successfully chastised a child. When I finally left the throne room, I was ready to punch a wall. However, at the very least, the wait and see approach meant I had enough time to finish up what I came here to do. I had let the glamor and excitement of the noble life rule me for the last few weeks. Until the harvest, I simply needed to work on myself. That’s what brought me back to Reinhart’s tower.

“You want what from me?” Reinhart asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I need you to teach me as much as you can. I plan to flee the castle on the night of the Harvest.”

Reinhart winced. “I wish you hadn’t told me that.”

“It doesn’t matter.” I shrugged, “ I trust you, and right now I need people I can trust.”

After a moment of thought, Reinhart gave a shrug. “Fine, I’ll teach you everything I know, but work as I talk, if you can listen you can move your hands.”

That’s how I ended up working on experiments as I listened to Reinhart lecture about magic. Previously, he had always been more of an active teacher, demanding that I find books and only ask questions when I didn’t understand something. However, I didn’t have the time to work my way through the half-dozen tomes he wanted me to read. Instead, I needed to focus on what was important, and that was something I could only get from an experienced mentor.

On top of making several of the recipe’s Reinhart had pushed me to make, I also continued to run experiments on the animal semen I had accumulated. Thus far, I had absolutely no luck in coming up with any other potions, when suddenly a certain batch came back positive with my examine.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 5.}

{Examine has increased to LVL 9.}

{Vial of Moderate Sexual Arousal, Grade B, Maker: Aria – Increases the sexual arousal of target considerably for fifteen minutes.}

“Oh, a grade B potion, and another recipe. Absolutely incredible. Many alchemists will go their whole lives only discovering or improving upon one or two recipes. For you to have created four never before used recipes, it is simply amazing.}

“Ah, well, I just lucked out.” I shrugged.

“No, no, it’s your skills as an alchemist. You’re clean, methodical, and think of changing conditions in ways I’d never had guessed. Speaking of which, what is the recipe for this? It seemed to be a nontopical version of the pigmen lubricant.”

“Ah, that is…” I started looking through the notes and then realized that while listening to Reinhart I had forgotten to take any. “I, um… didn’t take the notes.

Reinhart sighed, shaking his head. “Well, my ability can tell it was made with the troll semen.”

“Uh!” I winced. “That’s right. I used the last of it today.”

Reinhart shrugged. “You’ve mentioned it is harder to get. That seems to hold true in all of life. The harder something is to get, the more powerful it is magically. That’s probably why this is moderate. Well, until you can get back down there to gain more sample, this is the only vial. Do you want it?”

I shook my head,” Just sell it. Maybe someone at the Harvest can make use of it.”

“Right, you mentioned that a lot of the stuff I sold was showing up at these underground sex parties. I was invited to one of those once. Never went, but I still have the mask sitting around somewhere.”

“You have a mask?” I asked, “Ah, would you mind if I had it?”

“For entry? They say the masks allow entry. Don’t lose it, don’t show anyone you have it. However, would it work if you just showed up with someone else’s mask on?”

“Well, I don’t know about that,” I shrugged. “By the time of the next meeting, it’ll already be too late. The mask might help me escape, is what I was thinking…”

Reinhart thought about it for another moment before letting out another sigh. “I think it might be a good idea if I fled around the same time, too. So, by all means, have the mask.”

“You’re going too? Ah, not because of me?”

Reinhart gave a wry smile. “No, this one has more to do with me. I suppose there is no risk in telling you. I received a letter yesterday from Julian. It was odd to receive it, but it hinted at some things, and made it abundantly clear that Julian might overlook those things if I attended his little sex party.”


Reinhart gave a single nod, and I let out a sigh. I suspected that Julian had fallen back on these kinds of methods many times. I wasn’t convinced he had any kind of special skills, but he wasn’t above manipulation, trickery, blackmail, seduction, or flat out lying when it helped him obtain his goals. The problem was that his goals weren’t particularly clear. To me, it seemed like Julian just wanted to force the entire world to act as perverted as him.

“C-can you tell me what you need to hide?” I asked coyishly.

Reinhart chuckled, and then turned away, not providing me with any clear answer. Well, I hadn’t expected him to talk, anyway. I continued to listen to lessons from Reinhart while making more potions. I made potions none stop, using every resource he had available to create one potion after another. This was the conclusion I had come to early that today. I had to get my potions maxed as quickly as possible.

However, there was a reason to my madness. After you finished the first tier of potion making, you’d unlock the next tier, poison making. My class had given me advantages when it came to sex, but chemistry would be my second strength. If I could just create a deadly enough poison, I could create another way to kill Denova. Black Widow was simply too slow, and I didn’t think Jenai could wait that long. Plus, there was always the worst possibility, that Denova detected and healed the curse before it took effect. Of course, even if he didn’t heal the curse, he could still murder me and Jenai if he found out I had cursed him to death.

The problem with simply buying a poison is that this world mainly depended on two types of poisons. The first was the kind you coated on your blades. For that, I’d need to get close enough to stab Denova. That didn’t seem likely, even in the middle of sex he was always on edge, ready to burst into action. The second poison was the kind you drink. The possibility of getting Denova to drink a bottle without analyzing it seemed near impossible.

That meant that I needed to do the same thing for poisons that I did for potions. I needed to create one that was topical. Something that I could rub on his skin, or my own. I could drink the antidote and insert the poison in my snatch. As he stuck it in, he’d become poisoned by me. Perhaps I could make a poisoned lipstick and provide him a kiss of death. However, before I could do any of that, I had to max potion making.

So, I made potion after potion after potion all while listening to Reinhart drone on about every trick he could think of. The sun was already starting to set, signaling one day closer to the Harvest, possibly my last chance to murder Denova. When my skill suddenly went up another level, I gave a sigh of relief.

{Potion Making has increased to LVL 6.}

I left Reinhart’s tower sore and stiff. However, now that the day was up. I managed to make it to my bed and collapse asleep once again wearing the clothing from the day without changing. That was when the nightmares began.

The nightmares were relentless and dogged, but they all had a thread of commonality, that was the fact they were about Denova. Denova would be fucking me hard, his satisfying dick thrusting into me. Except, I wasn’t sexually aroused by Denova anymore, so I was uncharacteristically dry and thus it was rough and uncomfortable.

His face hovered over me, laughing maniacally, practically dripping drool on my face. He’d bite me, often hard enough to draw blood, but my body seemed frozen and unable to resist his sadistic whims. He’d hit me, punch me, slap me, and all I did was lie there and take it. He was stronger than me, bigger than me. I didn’t have any choice. The thoughts of using my skills were completely beyond me in these moments.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I made whimpering sounds. The worst part was that despite the brutality of it all, I was still being ravaged by a man, and that meant it sexually felt good. However, everything was wrong with it, and the fact that I enjoyed it, even at a fundamental level, caused me to hate myself even more.

That was when I woke with a start. Min was holding me and wiping the tears from my cheeks. I was breathing hard and covered in sweat. I wasn’t at my most attractive, but Min still held me close, despite my unflattering appearance.

My body ached all over as if all the abuse I had received had been real. I hurt, yet felt sexually excited as well. With Min next to, and my turmoiled heart needing comfort, it seemed like a no-brainer. My hands went up Min’s shirt as I felt her body. Her work with the guards had actually caused her body to grow fit. She was considerably more muscular now, and her hands had grown callouses on them where they had once been soft. They were still soft, but they were different. More manly.

It was when my hand slipped into her pants when I found something surprising. She was a he. Instead of the expected vagina, my hand ran into a pair of balls and cock. As if responding to my touch that cock started to harden in my hands. I was still half asleep, so as I played with Min’s cock, my mind tried to make sense of the situation.

I finally remembered that the previous day, Min had acquired the synthetic cock from Pratter and Sandor. That’s right. Min was wearing the device, even in the middle of the night.

“You’re wearing it even when you go to sleep?” I asked.

“Mm…” Min nodded. “Whenever vessë needs it, I’ll be ready.”

I gave a smile, and for a brief second I felt like crying again. However, this time it was oddly not from fear, but a surge of love and happiness.

“Min?” I asked.


“I need it right now.”

As I started straddling Min’s cock, which was around seven inches, a perfect size for her body. Any larger and she’d start to look disproportioned. The pain in my chest and back hurt, causing me to realize I must have thrashed pretty badly in my nightmare. As I ignored the pain and enjoyed my lover, an idea popped in my head.

“Min, we’ll need to start seriously training tomorrow,” I said, and then grimaced, “But I don’t know if you’re going to like it.”

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Ascii of the Day:

                              Bu          iBBr                         
                             Ni iFNOGOSi    rBBG                       
                            iBEBBMXjISGBBGi   iBBi                     
                           iVui          uMBI   uBi                    
                          vFi              ijNo  iBi                   
                        iBNiiiivrvLJLi        FBi  Br                  
                       MBLirJNOvvqui ijii      vBi  B                  
                      OBirN             iFi     LBi iB                 
                      BIiMi               oi   iOBG  BU                 
                     vBLiB                rji iEi k  iB                
                     iBvoE                 ivvGi iG LiBi               
                      OBBj ii    iiiii       PBB    BiMi               
                       oBBvUBO  rqBBUiri     XSB    B Gk               
                        oB  ii  i ivXOMr     iiMB   Y MM               
                        LB                    iiBi    Bq               
                         Oj i   iri          U  Yi   BBv               
                          BBL  uri          BM  ii   BB r              
                          MB  i    rqi     BSi   YMB  BXv               
                          BMB irivVui    LBi ii  ikN  BB               
                          BrqB          BB   i    iX  B                
                         iBrBBU      oBGj   i      iFBi                
                  iILSqENv  jBMBEjvNGj     i      ii iIvii             
               iGOorr         rOBk    ruJLi      iu     iioBBqZv       
              uBi   IGkrLBBBGIPqBE     irv       iL     v    irZBMr    
             IB       vGBBqIvii  ivi     VUi     YS     iE       iSI   
             Bi        i                    ii  iMV     ri         j   
             B                               vi iBi                vi  
            iB                          ivYv  YMBr                iSi  
            iB                               LBB                  rqi  
            iB     Zv                       rBr                   LSi  
             B     vB                       i                     vk   
             B      MP                                 iB        iJG   
             B      iB                                 BZ        rBr   
             B      iB                                BM        iBP    
             B      uB                               vB         uB     
             B      BU                               Bi        iBr     
            BMPG    B                               rB        ikB      
           BB  VB   MiBB        ii                  Bo        vBj      
           Bi   BB  ZB          i                   B        iBB       
           Bi  OBuB vBY       LN             uOi   Bv       iZBi       
           BvUBM  vNoS MBSJvLMBi    iv       BBi  FB        jBS        
           iBi     BBi NBiYEMN       BM          NM        iBB         
           jBi ii  GB   B             uBBjLrjuGXqBv        ZB          
          vB Bii   iB   BX              iUSFLi  iG        LBr          
          B  Bi     B   BP                      B        iBB           
          B   Si    BB  FG                     vM       iOB            
         MBii   i   UBZ iZi                    Bi       LMv            
        vM  vBOiBi  UBi  Nii                 iBS       i v             
        uX    rMG   BB   Oii                iMO        iLr             
        iB i       iBi   Ni                iEO         jG              
         Ov        vB    ri                ri          V

The Power of Creation – Chapter 16

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Silence seems to follow, partially because the gloating of the priest can’t be heard. He seems completely unshaken by the fact he murdered the princess. He is waving his blood dagger at you as if to suggest that you’ll be next.

You raise your hand. You originally came here planning to not kill anyone, but this priest is seriously an asshole. You imagine him spontaneously combusting, and his face suddenly turns to horror as flames explode from his body. Other than the weeping of the King and Queen, the only sound heard is the priest running around as flames shoot out of him. Without the ability to scream, that turns out to be splendidly quiet, as his death throes are heard by no one.

You then craft a spell to bring Ariel back to perfect health, because her sexy ass is not something you are willing to give up. Ariel is your bitch, after all. She suddenly gasps, and her body sits right up. The two worried parents let out cries of relief.

“A life, for a life.” You say, suddenly sparking an idea.

“What is that?” The King demands.

“I have brought your daughter back to life, but in exchange, I need a life.”

“Why you..”

“How about the King’s life?” you ask, “If you give me your soul, then the exchange will be fair.”

“No!” The King shouts. “I never agreed to anything like that! Take her life back away.”

“So you won’t give your life for your daughters.”

“I’m the King! I’m the most important man in this kingdom, of course, I wouldn’t give my life.”

As Ariel recovers, her face falters and she wears a sad expression as she hears her father’s conviction. However, he isn’t the only person in the room.

“Take me then.” The Queen steps forward.

“Wife, you don’t have to listen to this man!” The King shouts. “We can just sacrifice some criminal.”

“The sacrifice has to come from someone of the same blood, and it must come within the next fifteen minutes!” You make it up.

The Queen nods and takes a step forward, but the King grabs at her, “Let the girl go. She’s already broken, we can just make more!”

The Queen gives him a hateful stare and shakes his arm off before walking over to you. “My life is yours, as long as my daughter remains safe.”

Ariel’s eyes tear up and she gives her mom a hug.

“Very well, the trade is made,” You give a nod.

“Alright then, give me back my daughter.”

“Ariel, you are free to go wherever you want.”

“I want to stay with the hero!” she practically shouts.


“Well, you heard the lady. Ba bye!” you wave with a smirk.

“Why, you son of a b-“

You had already crafted a spell and teleported the four of you away.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

“Hello, Aria…” the voice of one of the people I cared about most in this world said.

I froze in the door, not quite sure how to react to seeing her in the room with me. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned back to see Min standing next to me. I had explained to her my situation, so she knew who Jenai was. However, before my brain could start fearing that Jenai might come too close to “the other woman” in Min’s mind, Min spoke up.

“For tonight, busy…” Min said, “Be back in morning.”

Min turned away and walked down the hall. My eyes followed her admiringly. Once again, Min had put my feelings first. The amount I was owing Min was starting to grow astronomical. While feeling once again how incredible it was to have a wonderful woman like Min in my life, my eyes turned back to the issue at hand, the presence of Jenai in my room.

“Denova?” I guessed.

Jenai gave a curt nod. “This is truth. Denova has sent me personally to learn what you know.”

I nodded and walked over to my bedside. Pushing the sex toys to the side, I pulled out several papers. Jenai didn’t move from her spot at the foot of my bed, so I moved over to her and handed her the papers. She grabbed them and gave me a nod.

“I wrote down everything. There is a map as well.” Although I said I wrote it all down, it was Min who had created the map more skillfully than I could. “The best time to move would be the night of the harvest. The majority of the nobles leave the castle and the security is focused there. As I state in the documents, if Denova took a small group of men and put on masks, the guards will let them walk right on by. They can escape with the treasure through an underground passage in a nearby tower. This event is kept very quiet, so it should be easy to infiltrate at this time.”

“Then that is likely what Denova will do.” Jenai gave another abrupt nod before turning and walking away.

“Wait! Is that it?” I asked in surprise as Jenai was already half way to the door.

“That is all,” Jenai said. “My mission is finished. I must return to Denova as ordered.”

“No, wait, but…” I reached out and grabbed her hand before she could make it out the door.

I frowned as my hand wrapped around her wrist. There was something coarse and unpleasant on the back of her wrist, so I reached out with my other hand before she could pull away. I pulled back her sleeve and let out a gasp. The top of her hand going up the entire length of her arm were various cuts and bruises.

“Jenai? What is this?”

“This is not important. Simply an accident (lie).” Jenai was averting her eyes.

Once, I had considered Jenai an expert in deception. However, I had maxed out deception and had been playing the role of a princess for several weeks. Her once expressionless face now gave away loads of emotion. She was confused, scared, exhausted, and pained. I could see it written all over her. It was a Jenai I had never seen before.

I pulled her to me aggressively, and then immediately pulled back her hood. There were several bruises on her neck. A few of them looked to be hickeys, but several of them were too wide to be done by any mouth. As I dropped the cloak to the floor, I could see more cuts and bruises hidden under her clothing. I could quickly see what had happened.

“Denova? He did this to you?” my eyes turned dark at the thought of the man.

“This is… none of your concern.” Jenai tried to turn away from me, but I grabbed her arms and pulled her back.

“No, this is my concern. You are my concern.”

“This thing, just leave it!” Jenai tried to deflect, her eyes refusing to meet mine.

“Why are you trying to avoid me? Just look me in the eye!” I demanded.

“No, I cannot do this…” Jenai struggled to pull away, but I was a greater level than her now and she couldn’t resist.

“Do what? What is wrong?” I tried to understand why Jenai was acting this way.

“You are!” She snapped, and suddenly she did something I hadn’t seen since the night she was drunk, she cried. “You are what’s wrong… He beats me now. He hurts me. Cuts me. Burns me. I used to be his first. I used to be the girl who was going to the castle as his spy. But you took it from me. And now I’m just useless leftovers.”


“Don’t use my name! You broke him. You broke him by making him want you. And every day you’re away, he takes it all out on me. You broke him, and so now he breaks me. You ruined everything! He put the collar back on, you see?” She grabbed at the collar still on her neck, very similar to the one Min willingly wore.

“That is… Denova-“ my eyes narrowed at the state Denova had put her in.

“It’s not Denova… it’s you!” Jenai shouted. “You did this thing. You took everything from me. I should… I should hate you. I want to hate you, but I can’t. Tell me, Aria… tell me why I can’t hate you!”

My face went white as she hit a nerve, the reality of the situation suddenly striking home, “I-“

“I know what you did. Denova told me.” Jenai interrupted. “You used some kind of skill to manipulate me. You made me like you. You took everything… even my own emotions from me. You made me care for you so that you could take everything away. You manipulate people as easily as Denova. You two deserve each other! No matter how much I want to… I can’t… I can’t stop it. I love you. I want to hate you, but I love you more than anyone, damn you!”

Jenai broke into sobs, clinging to my chest now as her hands useless struck my arms. I was stunned to silence, unable to come up with an appropriate answer. At the time, I had been throwing seduction around without really understanding what it meant. I was simply desperate to live, and so I didn’t consider the consequences of changing people’s minds. Back when I first met Jenai, this whole world still felt like a video game. I had been dancing from one situation to the next, barely keeping it together.

It wasn’t until my time with the pigmen that I finally started to get a grip on reality. Even then, it took the support of Min, a woman I hadn’t seduced who still chose to love me, that I was finally able to start caring again.

However, I did care about Jenai. It wasn’t in the same way I cared about Min, but at the very least I wanted to protect her too. That was something I had decided before, and it wasn’t something I had forgotten. As silly as it sounded, every time I had sex, I was concerned about the experience and strength needed to save the both of us. This woman in my arms mattered to me, even if her concern for me was only a fabrication of my skills.

I slowly put my hand on her head and closed my eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I did this thing to you. But I will take responsibility, I will. I promised I would save you from Denova. I’m sorry, so sorry, that I couldn’t protect you until now.”

“How?” Jenai looked up at me, wetness still in her eyes. “What can you do against a Bandit King?”

“I’ll do exactly what I said I’d do. I’ll kill him.”

I knew I could do that. If he touched me enough that I’d consider it sex, then I could activate Black Widow. As Reinhart had suggested, I simply needed to rearrange my definition of sex. He may be hesitant to stick it in me, but if I could convince myself that simply touching me was sex, then I could activate my skill. That was the trick I had up my sleeve. However, first, I needed to take Jenai away from Denova.

If I freed Jenai tonight, Denova won’t know what happened. He might think that she was caught or something. It would spread enough doubt at least that I could meet Denova in person. At that point, my skills of seduction were leagues beyond the first time I had met him. I didn’t think he’d jump to killing me. I just needed to get him into bed, and then he’d be mine. Jenai was looking at me doubtfully, but I gave her a reassuring look.

After a moment, she spoke up. “You do look different. More beautiful, if that was possible. More confident. When you say it, I almost believe it.”

“I have a new skill,” I spoke up. “I believe I can use it to free you tonight!”

Jenai made a noise of surprise, but shortly after I explained the new skill to her she spoke up. “If this possession works the way you think, I will become your slave?”

“Ah, well,” I gave a wry smile. “I won’t ask anything of you, and as soon as we can free you-“

“No! That is fine.” Jenai held out her hands and gave a smile. “If I were Aria’s slave, I think I could find happiness.”

I frowned at the idea of taking on another slave. It’s not like I wanted a bunch of slaves. The fact they were all women also led to a bit of disappointment. I hoped the next person I enslaved was a handsome guy. Although, I then realized I was admitting I’d be enslaving more people in the future and decided to end that direction of thought.

“Alright, so we have to do a ritual involving sex.”

Jenai wasn’t bothered by that in the least. In fact, at the mention of having sex with me, her eyes seemed to brighten considerably. I watched her nearly bipolar change in personality worriedly as I considered how devastatingly powerful seduction was. Jenai had come into the room wanting nothing to do with me, but my mere presence was like a drug for her. Her desire to be with me overwhelmed all sense and within a few minutes, she wanted nothing more than to be by my side, instantly forgiving the hell I had inadvertently caused her. It certainly wasn’t normal.

I wondered vaguely if this was what it was like for girls in abusive relationships. Did the highs in their relationship and the hope for a better tomorrow override the horrors? That was a line of thinking that made me out to be the abusive husband, so I dropped that as well.  I only wanted to best for Jenai, and that was the truth. For the moment that meant freeing her by any means possible.

The ritual wasn’t much. I had to draw a rune under the place we would have sex. Then, near climax I would ask her if she wanted to be mine, and she’d have to say yes. The way to perform the ritual had appeared in the back of my head from the moment I had accepted the skill, coming into my brain as soon as I thought to use it.

As soon as I was done tracing the rune, I began to pull off Jenai’s clothing. I winced in shock and horror as I looked at her shirtless back. It was clear that her back had taken much of Denova’s rage. She had been whipped recently and there were clear strips across her back. She had several noticeable burns and a large gash in her shoulder that must have been a knife. This was simply hateful and abusive for no reason.

Of course, I knew why Denova did it. He did it because he could. It was another message to me. I could do nothing but follow his orders. He could hurt Jenai even more, or hurt me if he wanted to. To a man like Denova, it was all about the control.

I used Cat’s Meow, and for at least this night, I stripped Jenai of his marks. I couldn’t do much about the bruises, but as my tongue worked its way up her back and along her arms, the worst of her cuts disappeared like mist. My tongue flicked its way across her entire body, and I could see the tension in her forehead dissipate as I pulled away from the discomfort and pain. Before long, she only had a few mild bruises, but otherwise looked like the Jenai I knew and remembered.

I took Jenai down onto the bed that Min and I had shared. Min likely knew that things would go to this, and I felt like I had already received her consent earlier. Therefore, it didn’t tug on my conscious too much. Jenai was another woman I cared for, and Min understood that there were some things I had to do.

It seemed like no sooner had my lips touched Jenai’s pussy than she exploded like a fountain. I licked her up and then continued to eat her pussy, but I found her squirting out more a minute later. I didn’t stop, and soon she was making some rather loud moaning sounds. Meanwhile, her feet kicked and squirmed around me until I held them down, and then they still tried to kick out of my grip every time she orgasmed.

She was completely different from the last time I had eaten her out. Then, she had been very quiet and reserved. Each time she came, she merely gave an affirmation. She squirted each time, but it never occurred with the extreme force of this. I could feel her body buckling as she was racked with sexual pleasure. At one point, she came so hard that her body arched, and her pussy bent at an angle I could no longer reach with my tongue.

The second time that happened, I picked her butt up and went down under to keep eating her out as she came. She was quickly making the bed wet in ways that Min and I only accomplished on the raunchiest of nights.

It took me a bit to realize what the difference was, she wasn’t wearing her mask. I mean, she originally tried to wear her usually deceptive mask, but the second I started touching her, the deception broke and she became a wild woman. I wondered if this was the effect of seduction, distance making the heart grow fonder or something like that. I asked her what was going on, and she gave a light-hearted laugh.

Jenai was panting as she answered, “That is… you really have changed. I cannot believe you are the same woman as before. The way you touch me is incredible. I’ve never felt like this. If I did not already love you, I think I would have fallen for you.”

“That good?” I asked with a smirk before going back down to lick her clit.

Jenai gave a smile which turned into a moan as she came a second later. Simply put, my increased skills were so good that Jenai was no longer able to show restraint. This showed a reality about people I had suspected for some time. A married man might be dry and boring with his wife, but become explorative and domineering with his mistress. A woman might be sexually reserved with one partner, but a total kink when given a partner she wasn’t afraid would judge her. The same person can react radically different given the sexual situation they were placed in.

Although Jenai wasn’t just different from herself before, she was also a considerably different lover from Min. Min was slow to arousal, slow, and decisive. Whether she was wearing the toy or not, Min kept a strong control of her body, and never wasted a motion. Jenai was much more exotic. She would squirm, kick, and buck at any touches as if her body had a mind of its own. Her orgasms were loud and expressive. Without her mask, sex with Jenai was a satisfying yet demanding, unlike the cool and collected Min.

As Jenai was building up to one of her stronger orgasms, I finally asked the question. “Will you give your life to me?”

“Yes!” Jenai said, half moaning, but a moment later light shot out and surrounded the pair of us as she orgasmed.

I finished eating Jenai out, and then the pair of snuggled together as I checked her over. I frowned when I noticed that the slave collar was still wrapped around her neck. After a moment, I used examine on her, and my frown only deepened.

Jenai gave a sad smile. “No effect, yes?”

“This… shouldn’t be.” I said darkly.

“I suspected this would be the case.” Jenai shrugged, “It was a hope, but it was perhaps too much to hope for.”

“I don’t get it, we did the ritual correctly. The death curse should be gone.” I started to grow agitated, trying to run through every step.

“The skill likely worked.” Jenai shrugged. “But Denova is still stronger. With his higher level, his death curse takes priority. Your skill might work if you were a third tier, but right now, you’re simply too weak.”

She seemed to be comforting me, but it was Jenai who had to suffer. Denova had enslaved her and put a death mark on her. He was abusing her, and once again I was left feeling completely useless. I still wasn’t strong enough to even do this much. My hand was clenching to the point it was shaking when Jenai put her hand out and touched it.

“I’m… sorry that I blamed you.” Jenai said. “I know that you were only trying to survive. I know that Denova is the one to blame for all of this, not you. Denova just has a way of getting into people’s heads. He made me doubt myself. He made me doubt you. However, I’ll say what I said once before. I know that one day you’ll defeat him. I just won’t be around to experience it.”

“You will be…” I looked up at her, a tear falling down my face, “I swear it.”

“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.” Jenai still wore that same sad smile. “When I die… please, just make Denova pay.”

I moved up to Jenai and gave her a hug, holding her close to me. “When I kill Denova, you’ll be right there with me. We’ll make him pay together.”

Jenai didn’t look convinced, but her face still loosened and she gave me a kiss on the ear before finally pulling away. “Thank you, Aria, for reminding me what it feels like to be a woman. However, despite our best efforts, I’m still Denova’s, and I must return with the news.”

“You can’t go back to him,” I said in a pleading voice.

“I have no choice. And neither do you. In only a few weeks, he’ll have robbed the throne, and you’ll be back in his clutches. Become stronger before then, it’s your only chance.”

Jenai stood up and reclothed herself. Under the cloak she was wearing, she still wore the thin, barely covering undergarments despite the fact that it was fall now and the weather was becoming quite chilly at night. I helplessly watched her go as she gave me one last smile, blew a kiss, and then turned and walked out the door. There was nothing else I could saw. My best option had failed miserably and now the woman I had sworn to protect was in the hands of a torturous bastard.

I pulled out a dagger from the nightstand and let out a blood-curdling scream of frustration. I immediately started hacking at the pillow in front of me. I imagined that it was Denova’s face, and I struck it hard enough that the dagger hit the back of the headboard and caused my fingers to vibrate. No matter how hard I struck, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of absolute failure.

A few hours later when Min returned to the room, the bed had been torn to shreds. Feathers from destroyed pillows were sitting all over the room, and I was lying naked in the middle of the mess, a dagger in my hand as I slept with tears still running down my cheeks.

She began to clean up the mess and dress me, the same as she did every night.

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Ascii of the Day:

                28  7      8887                    888887              
                87         888                   787 7887              
               09  77 7   7887     7208427       4   7882              
               27     7   888    4888408888     28   8882              
               2     7    087   87     7884    7888 28884              
               1     7    88            7888   7888708885              
              12          788     788888  817     98   887              
               7         788     788888452             87              
              71         4887       777                85              
              27 7       0884               2          87              
             72          02887             87788428    87              
             0   7         782              888027     8               
            85  77  7   7   227                       78               
           787  2  7    742888                7278778548               
           88   2  7    7772887            8889       88               
           82  77 77    77  7887          788277757  788               
           8   7  7     7    7887              777   887               
          88   7       77     7082                  888                
       7288   27       7       7888777             5888                
772888888887  84 77    7        7887 7227557  78888888                 
88885        787 27        7    7787          78888888                 
            728 72     77777   77 87           888888                  
           0878 777   7888558488187             788887                 
           7888 7777  75 488888888                788888427            
            828 77277 2                                98888888888889  
            848472277                                      777248888888
            48747447                                                2888
            17 759884                                                  2
            007 748882                                                  
            887   88888                                         77     
           284 7  788888857                                    588     
           88      58884888                                    88      
          88887       727                                      88      
         88888                                                 88      
        08880                                                  88      
       8888                            88                      88      
      8888                            788                      88      
     8887                             080                      887     
    8888                              887                       88     
   7888                               88                        781    
   888                               788                         88    
  8887                               288                          80   
  887                                288                          78   
 887                                 488                           88  
887                                  888                           78  
80                                   8887                           8  
8                                    8880                           8  
87                                  88880                           8  
8877                               788888                           8  
8897                               788888                          28  
 877     777777                   788 788                          88  
  887  084827728827              288   88                          87  
   88780777    75880            882    88                    7777 88   
   88822          757         888      78                  77788078    
   78288  72        42      7887        887             705   74788    
    8  888880 7    722    2880           885           5477  77288     
    87   7488888888882758882              8887        057  747488      
    82        77777225997                   58888847888859888887       
    88                                           74084088887

The Power of Creation – Chapter 15

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It isn’t long flying before Ariel recognizes where you are. It is a forest on the border of her nation, so once you orientate yourself it is a straight shoot to the castle. The flight only takes thirty minutes before you land right in the courtyard of the city.

A dragon flying into the capital city might cause an uproar. Even the wyvern riders that this world possesses would not prepare the capital to see a magnificent red dragon flying right at the castle. However, that was resolved with a magic spell. You didn’t know what the magic spell did. You simply compose a spell that would make it so the red dragon isn’t detected. It might be an invisibility spell, or some kind of mind block that alters people’s perception.

You don’t know. All you do know was that you are in the castle. Mulan shrinks into her human form, and you give her a kiss on the lips as thank you. She looks upset that you kiss her, but the blush betrays her tsun personality. However, after kissing Mulan, Ariel demands a kiss too, so you have to give her a thorough one before the three of you can finally head into the castle.

Since guards don’t usually look for intruders from inside the castle, you meet no resistance until you reach the throne room. Before breaking in and causing hell, you decide to listen at the door.

“We haven’t had any luck locating your daughter so far,” a female voice was saying, “But we will widen our-“

There was the sound of a slap and a cry, and then the priest spoke. “You useless twat! My King, let me use the dark magics. I can channel the power of Parthios, and immediately reveal your daughter’s location.”

“Finding my daughter is top priority, I must-“

You get bored of listening, so you push open the door and walk in. Ariel and Mulan follow closely behind, worried looks on their faces.

“You! The Heretic has invaded the castle!” The priest shouts.

“Never talk again!” You snap, waving a white light.

It strikes the priest before he can react. He glares at you and opens his mouth, but a moment later he realizes no sound came out. Confused, he starts trying to speak, but as the words are completely absent, he settles for glaring angrily.

“Ariel, my daughter!” The queen shouted, trying to race forward to her.

The King blocked her advances. “Hold back, woman! Keep your distance. Don’t you see he’s done something to her? Her body is different and she’s wearing some kind of twisted demon outfit.”

“I will stop him!” a woman races towards you with her sword drawn.

She looks to be an attractive wyvern knight, so you decide to just teleport her away with magic. A second later she disappears with a flash. You didn’t really think of a destination though, so you hope she’s safe.

“Hey, I think that outfit’s kind of hot.” You defend it, already forgetting the girl.

“You… you kidnapped my daughter, now you have penetrated my throne room. What is it you want?”

“Your throne room isn’t the only thing I penetrated.” You laugh.

Ariel blushes, but moves up to your arm and holds it in hers, putting her body against you.


While the King is stunned to silence, it is the priest that starts running towards you. As if by instinct, Ariel shoves you out of the way. A moment later, a dagger slips out of his robe and he stabs forward. The blade strikes into Ariel.

The King and Queen shout in horror as blood gushes from her stomach and mouth. She turns to you as blood drips down her chin. She mouths the words that sound like ‘I love you’, and then she collapses to the ground dead.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Melinda’s destination ended up being her own estate. She had summoned a carriage, and it took about ten minutes before reaching a small mansion on the outskirts of the capital city. Min gave me desperate and confused looks, but I merely shrugged and smiled. It was strange to have Min along with me in public, but after spending so much time with her, I found her presence to be very soothing and calming. I felt happy knowing that she would have my back.

The mansion of the Fry estate was impressive, and I found myself marveling at the way nobles lived as we were taken to her study. Although compared to the mansion I had gone to the night before, it’d be considered small, it had a decadent and simple form, and it looked a lot more livable than the sex mansion.

As Melinda offered Min and me refreshments, Destine and Mary were brought in as well. When their eyes met mine, they whitened a little, and the pair turned away, looking nervous. Melinda stared at the pair’s actions with falcon-like eyes and a small frown.

“You two girls wouldn’t be succumbing to rumors again, would you?”

The two girls stiffened at her words, and after a moment they let out sighs and faced us again. It ended up being Mary who spoke up first.

“That is… the rumors this time seem to be reputable, and…”

“And they’re true.” Melinda shrugged. “Cornelia told me herself what happened.”

The two girls made surprised noises and gave me a look until I turned my head in mock shame.


“But, wouldn’t you want to hear the truth from your friend, rather than silly rumors?”

“Ah, that’s true…” Destine said like she was letting out steam.

“We were going to! It’s just, we haven’t had the time to think about it-“ Mary started

“And that’s probably a good thing!” Melinda interrupted. “Less you end up forming conclusions.”

“Right…” The two girls lowered their heads and sat down, properly chastised by the force of Melinda once again.

“So, now that I’ve got us all here, why don’t you explain yourself?” Melinda gave a nod to me, giving me the opportunity to talk.

Part of me was thankful that she did this for me. I understood that she was supporting me in her own way. She wanted me to be able to get over it and to do that, I needed the support of other women my age. As fondly as I thought of Destine and Mary, we’d only known each other a few weeks and they had no real incentive to want to stay my friends, they had no reasons to doubt some of the things they heard about me.

However, I also understood that I was a bit of a sexual deviant, and if they truly knew what I had been up to that previous night, I might lose more than just their respect. However, as I looked into Melinda’s eyes as she gave me a reassuring smile, I couldn’t help but speak honestly. Well, at least as honest as I was willing to go.

Simply put, I admitted to going to the party. Julian had invited me and insisted my husband-to-be would be going, and after seeing my future husband with Sylvia, I told them I wanted to see what he was up to. I didn’t want to feel apart from the rest of the royal family, so I took on the offer.

I didn’t give details on how many men I’d been with, but I mentioned the dungeon and how I ended up seeing the little girl. They laughed when they heard how I had sent Sylvia crying. And when I revealed to them that the king was planning on de-flowing a ten-year-old girl, they made the appropriate noises of disgust. I didn’t mention Devon, but I did tell them I had found someone to help the ten-year-old escape. When the story was done, Min and Melinda merely nodded, both having heard most of it before.

However, the other two girls remained silent for a bit until Mary broke the silence. “You’re a hero!”

“Eh?” I made a stupid noise as she suddenly looked at me with adoring eyes.

That was not what I was expecting them to say. Although their expressions seemed to suggest I was being silly for thinking they would reject me that was a far cry between looking at me with admiration.

Destine nodded as she spoke. “To think that is what happened. I can’t believe the King would strike his own future daughter-in-law, but I am glad to hear I picked you well as a friend.”

I tried to protest the girls, to let them know that my behavior was far from admirable. However, they seemed to be focused on the wrong things. The fact I was at the party and engaging in sex with unknown men seemed to be lost on them next to the story of me standing up to a king and saving a young girl. As I tried to get them to realize the truth about me, Melinda pinched my side and I turned to look at her with a pained expression.

“Ouch! What?”

“Just let the girls see things their own way,” Melinda whispered. “They’ll work things out on their own, but at the end of it, you’re still you.”

I sighed as I looked at Min nodding in agreement next to her. When did Min and Melinda suddenly end up on the same team? Either way, I relinquished and allowed the girls to come to their own conclusions about my actions, even if they seemed to be twisted into some kind of action figure saving a young Maiden from a cruel King. The fact that the man was their King seemed to be lost in the fantasy of it all.

“However!” Melinda suddenly spoke up. “I didn’t bring you all here to discuss the rumors surrounding Cornelia. No… we are here for a much more interesting purpose.”

I looked up in surprise, and so did the other two girls. We had all assumed that we were simply here to support each other even while the rumors were flying all over the castle. Besides enjoying some tea, cookies, and talk, I had no clue what else we ever did.

“You, elf girl, they call you Min, yes?” Melinda’s finger suddenly pointed at Min, and I had to fight the urge to put myself between the two as Min’s eyes widened.

“Mm…” Min responded simply.

“You’re also the one who makes all of Cornelia’s dresses, right?”

Min’s eyes furrowed, but after a second she nodded a second time. Meanwhile, Melinda nodded while the rest of us merely wore confused looks.

“Would you be willing to make the rest of us dresses? We’ll pay you, of course… but I’m bored with the local seamstresses and was hoping to find something new.”

“Melinda!” I said in an admonishing tone.

I wasn’t sure if I was upset or not. I saw Min as something closer than a slave, so having someone treat her like a servant for hire bothered me slightly. However, she offered to pay so I guess that was more like asking to hire a craftsman. Before I could decide how I felt about it, Min gave me a look and then nodded to Melinda.

“Oh, I wanted one of those nightgowns, a sexy one like you make for Cornelia!” Mary spoke up excitedly.

Before I knew it, Min was taking measurements of the three women, who were dressed down in their underwear. I admitted to taking a few peeks before Min noticed and threw me a dark look. I spent the remainder of the time turned away from the women although they couldn’t understand why I was looking the other direction.

In the end, I had to listen to three almost naked women giggling and talking while I pretended to be interested in the artwork Melinda had hung on the wall. Min had it wrong though. It wasn’t like I was sexually attracted to my friends. I’m more interested in men anyway, and while I can enjoy a female body, it’s not like it would turn me on by itself like a male body could. If they were three men in their underwear talking and laughing, I’d find it considerably more tempting.

Don’t get me wrong, if one of the girls was naked and fingering herself while moaning my name, yeah, I could see myself growing excited, but I could look at myself in my underwear any day, and being attracted to women as a woman didn’t necessarily strike me in the same way as a man might find a woman attractive. Simply put, my sexual attraction for women didn’t work that way.

No, the reason I wanted to peek was more for the sake of comparison. I could guess how our bodies compared, but I never really got a good view of them and if I wanted to understand this world’s standard of beauty, I needed more examples. Min treating me like a horn dog was just completely unfair.

When the girls finally finished placing their orders and being measured, I finally turned back around and moved over to Min. I moved close to her as she continued to scribble on some paper with a pen and ink that Melinda had provided for her.

“Are you sure this is okay?” I asked Min quietly.

Min looked to make sure no one was listening in before whispering back. “Mm… need money for after.”

I stared blankly for a moment until I understood what she meant. She was, of course, correct. I wouldn’t remain a princess forever, and when Denova was finally defeated and the pair of us were free to go our way, we would suddenly find ourselves in the need of money. In those few words, Min had suggested she was saving money in order to support me once we were out of this situation. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I lived in a world where both the man and wife worked, and I didn’t feel great about being supported by Min. I then realized those thoughts were accepting Min as my wife, so I pushed them away and joined the women as they chatted.

“… saved the entire village.” Mary was explaining.

“Who saved what?” I asked, joining the conversation a bit late, but needing the distraction.

“Ah…” Melinda spoke up. “Mary was just suggesting you might not be the only hero in the kingdom.”

“Hero? You mean like the one who defeated the Demon King?” I asked, suddenly very interested in what they were talking about.

“Oh, no.” Mary shook her head. “Nothing so grand as that kind of hero. However, there was a band of adventurers who protected a village that was attacked by bandits.”

“Bandits? Like the Bandit King Denova?” I frowned, taking my experience with Bandits.

Melinda barked a laugh. “As if adventurers could have repelled a Bandit King. That village would have been ashes if it was anyone so organized. Just a random grouping of bandits. Probably trying to get in good with one of the Bandit Kings.”

“The King may honor them.” Destine broke in.

“Ah, yes… another knighting perhaps.” Melinda shrugged. “Classic move to push aside unrest. Raise a commoner up to lower nobility, hand him some farmland, send him away, and the people have a hero and the belief that they too could become noble if they fight hard enough.”

“Eh?” Mary had a tight face. “My family became nobles this way…”

Melinda sighed. “I mean nothing by it, dear, I’m not speaking badly against the nobles who rose the ranks. Just ignore my silly meanderings.”

That seemed to be enough to satiate Mary, and her face loosened. I was considering what they were talking about. Being a noble seemed to put you in a hard place. In the end, you were basically dependent on the decisions of the King, but you didn’t always agree with them. For example, these girls knew that most of the nobles in the city went to these sex parties, and every day they had to pretend that this sort of thing didn’t happen, feeding into the illusions they didn’t agree with.

Either way, another person being knighted had very little to do with me. I still didn’t know where I stood in the royal family after this day. Would the king still treat me the same way even after hitting me? I assumed that my relationship with Julian and Gregory was basically over, but how about Richard? Would he continue to treat me indifferently after we had sex? How would he react after having seen me the previous night?

“There was one last thing I brought you all here for,” Melinda spoke with a smile, then waved a hand at a servant who was attending nearby.

She bowed and then left the room. The rest of us voiced our questions, but Melinda merely smiled like a cat in the cage with a bird until the door opened again. Two men suddenly walked into the room, and I instantly recognized the pair.

“Sandor! Pratter!” I spoke up while standing before I could help myself.

“Ah, there she is!” Sander spoke up, holding his arms out, “The genius that revolutionized our business.”

I went up and gave him a hug. He patted me on the back affectionately. I went and hugged Pratter as well, although he acted considerably more shyly, holding his arms around a box to his side and only giving me a nod and a smile until I pulled away.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“That is…” Sandor gave Melinda a nod. “Your friend here has been using your name. You haven’t stopped by our place recently, and we’ve been meaning to speak with you since our last meeting.”

I turned back and gave Melinda a look, but she shrugged unapologetically. “Well, it seemed to me that you basically invented the sex toy industry in this nation, you should be privy to some of the benefits.”

“Benefits?” I asked.

“Ah, right!” Sandor snapped and Pratter put a box on the tea table, which the servants had quickly cleared. “Our business was always decent, but after you gave use the idea of selling sex toys, the business has exploded. We have requests left and right, from dozens of nations. We’re going to be opening up stores in the capitals of other countries. And perhaps most importantly, we have been offered seats in the Merchant’s Guild. That’s the highest honor for a merchant to achieve! And I must say, it’s all thanks to you…”

Melinda waved her hand. “Get on with it. We’re not growing any younger.”

Sandor shot Melinda a wry look and then turned back to me. “Well, if you ever need anything from us, we’ll be happy to help. Orders, transport, you name it. However, the reason we came out today, upon Melinda’s suggestion, we wanted to show you some of our next generation sex toys!”

“So that box then…” I looked down at the box on the table and twisted my mouth.

“Ah, yes, well the stuff we sent you was just our first-generation stuff. We figured we could do better, so we wanted you to see what we came up with.”

He began reaching into the box and pulling out small vials of stuff. I glanced down at the vial pressed into my hand. Since everyone else was uncorking it, I popped the lid off of mine and smelled it. It had a sweet fruity smell.

“These are?” Destine asked,” It smells like a peach.”

“Ah, those are lubricant. After I heard tell of the male enhancement potions going around town, it gave me the idea to use a nonmagical lubricant that tastes and smells pleasing.”

The girls all made surprised and eager noises, “This would make it taste a lot more agreeable when I’m…”

Mary couldn’t finish that line, turning into a pile of blushes.

“You know,” Melinda chuckled. “Those potions are made exclusively by Cornelia…”

This time it was Sandor and Pratter’s turns to exclaim in surprise. “You created the potions too? Incredible! If you could give me the recipe, I’ll pay you handsomely!”

“Ah, that…” I gave a smile as I corked the lube and handed it back. “Family secret?”

He seemed to want to push more, going so far as to sign an exclusivity deal, but eventually, a word from Melinda got him to back down.

“Those lubricants are oil, aren’t they?” I asked.

“Yes, I do use oil in them,” Pratter confirmed with a nod.

“That means when they experience friction they can create heat. It can be uncomfortable during high friction and can even cause your condoms to rip. That’s why most lubricant where I come from is water-based.”

“Ah… a water-based lubricant, you say?” Pratter scratched his chin.

“Wait, what is a condom?” Sandor demanded.

This is how I ended up explaining condoms to the group. I believed that the old day condoms were made from sheepskin or something. I said everything I understood about the process.

“Hmm… it’s an interesting idea. Prevent pregnancy and the spread of disease during sex.” Sandor nodded. “But magic can already keep a woman from getting pregnant and any healer could take care of most diseases. The priestess even offers free birth prevention spells at the local temple once a week. They last for a month. However, if a woman misses her spell, she’d have to wait for the next time. I know a lot of pregnancies that occurred because the woman forgot or couldn’t wait until the next time the temple opened. Perhaps I could find a market for these. Of course, we’d have to develop them first.”

We finished passing around and tasting the lube. Mary was the most interested, actually tilting the vial and drinking some instead of just sticking her finger in, leaving us all laughing at the look on her face.

The next item turned out to be the one I was most interested in, the prosthetic penis. Although it didn’t look much different from the standard strap-on, they claimed that it could be put on and would ultimately emulate a penis perfectly for the wearer. It used illusion magic to make it look real and even became erect or softened based on the arousal of the wearer. However, before I could grab the thing, Min picked it up.

I asked him if I could buy it now, and he waved his hands. “I wasn’t lying dear, you could order whatever you want. Take the whole box with you if you want, it still wouldn’t be enough to even out how much you’ve done for us.” Sandor smiled.

“In many ways.” Pratter’s eyes twinkled.

Fortunately, the other girls were distracted playing with magical restraints he had brought out and didn’t notice our conversation as Min pocketed the fake penis. However, I was getting the sense that the introduction of sex toys had done more than make the couple rich. I think their own sex lives had improved as well.

The magical restraints were interesting simply because they were magical. That meant they could change length, tighten, or strengthen based on the will of the user. This reminded me of Min’s sexy dress which I had abandoned at the meeting. I mentioned the dress in part to Sandor and Pratter, and before long they were also placing an order with Min to create a few prototypes, although they’d be a lot tamer than mine.

We were also shown a dildo that could lengthen and widen based on the user’s will, which included a throbbing mode that certainly tempted me. I ended up adding that to my collection. The box also included a prostate stroker, a specially made vibrator that could easily reach that certain area. The girls didn’t get it, but by the way Pratter and Sandor looked at it I suspected they had gotten quite a bit of use out of one just like it.

There was a ring which told the user when they were starting their period. All four of us demanded one, but as their benefactor, I got the only one they had brought with them. I put it on my finger as the other girls gave me jealous looks, even Min. They also had some nipple clamps which shot out a little electricity. I had seen the things at the sex club so they must have already been selling them. The other girls were not even remotely interested in it.

The last item was the equivalent of a vagina pump. They had a penis pump as well. I hadn’t suggested the existence of either of the items earlier, so Pratter had come up with this design on his own. Essentially, it was a cup you put over your sexual organs, and it would create a sucking feeling by vacuuming out air. Many people had the belief that penis pumps were there to increase the size of a guy’s penis, however, they didn’t likely work that way. Instead, they existed mostly to fulfill a sexual stimulus that some people must enjoy.

I had forgotten these existed in my world, and frankly, I struggled to see the appeal. However, Melinda had quickly shown interest in it and had forked over several gold coins to buy the one they had. Unlike me, the other girls had to pay.

The evening drew to a close as we went through Pratter and Sander’s mobile stock of toys. I had taken Pratter aside and discussed a few more ideas, including the creation of a whip. I didn’t sugar coat the fact that I was not only looking for a toy whip but also a weapon. He said they usually wouldn’t, but because it was me, they’d look into it.

As our night wore on, our tea had transitioned to wine, and we joked, told stories, and played around until the evening. Min wasn’t really part of most of it, but like when we were in my bedroom, she stayed off to the side and watched after me. Surprisingly, she had also managed to get Pratter’s ear, and the two had discussed something in private.

However, when I tried to get her to talk, she merely put her finger to her mouth and said. “Secret.”

Her look was cute enough that I couldn’t bring myself to force it out of her, so I figured I’d have to wait. As it started to get dark, I finally got over the fear of going back to the castle. Spending a day away from the castle after the previous night had been a good idea. I felt rejuvenated now, and I felt like I was more equipped to deal with whatever the King and other nobles threw at me. I still had Min and Reinhart, and even to an extent Devon, so I could make it.

Melinda gave me a reassuring nod, and I felt relieved that I had run into a woman as caring and supportive as her. I had never gotten along well with my mother, so in a way, she felt like a mom to me. I gave each of the three a hug and got back into the carriage with Min, who had also taken enough wine that her cheeks were glowing red.

The trip back to the castle was uneventful, but when I opened the door into my dark room, I saw a figure standing there. They were cloaked and immediately suspicious looking. I almost turned to call for a guard, but when they turned I saw under their hood and gasped in recognition. I knew the person in front of me.


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Ascii of the Day:

                MBBBBBBGFLi iOMBBBBBi                                  
               kBBBBB          MBBBBB                                  
               BMBBB            NBOBBB                                  
              rBBBBB         i  iBZBBBE                                
              ZBBBBB    ii  vBBBNkMBBBMi                               
              MMBBBB  iJBu    i   BZBBBi                               
              kBBBMBJ SPJi        BBBBBN                               
              jBBBBBB         L  iBOBBBMi                               
               BBBBBBo        ii rBGFEkMB                              
               jBBBBBBU       ii NBBvvILBqi                            
                BBBBMBBV         BBBV UOBBMY                           
                IBBBBBBBE iii  IBBBBB iBBBGBv                          
                iBBBBBBBB   vZBBvMBBBqYBBBBGBOi                         
                 BBBBBBBS         i iikMBBBBBMBL                       
                 BBBGi                 GB iBBBBBE                      
                ii               i      OM  XBBBBBi                    
              iii                         i    ivBBk                   
            i                 JEqi                 LS                  
           i                 ivuULi                  B                 
           i                         ir           iMO B                
           V      iBBUBN       rXOr  iBi           qM Bq               
           oG     oBBBBB       OBMBM  Bk    ii        BBr              
           iM      iBBFB        iBBNiBB      OBOi   iGBBB              
            Bi      BBL u           BBV       iBBBBBBBBBBS             
            Br      MBS  Y         MBB          ivBNBBBBBB             
            Si     uBBB  iBMXVINBBBBr             F  BBMBB             
            Vi     ZBiBBv iPBBBBXr                r  BBBBBi            
            Ei     MB  MBE                           jBMBB             
            Fi     BB   XBU                       rv  GBMP             
            Pi     BB    oBj                      vi   BBJ             
            Gu     BM     GB                      ii     v             
            Xr     BG      BB             LY       i      i            
            i      OB      LBj            BB         j                 
             i      B      UBv            GBi        YM                
             r      Bi     BB             LBi       BrBk                
             V      BM    iMJ            iii        v  Bu              
             L      uM    Br         i   i           i BBE             
             Gi      B   Br         ii              uGBMBBY            
             IB      BJ NM                        iqBBBBOBBM           
              B      rB B                       vBBMBZGXJiNS    Ir     
               M      MrBSiIkZNEBBBOFLirrvLIVMBBBBBBBBFuB  irrvi OU    
               iE     XBBMBBNii rNBGMBBBBBBBBMBBBBji  YvMBLB PBB Gv    
                B      BBBMBGv   iYUZBBBBBkYYGkNr    ui  oMj  iiLBB    
                ik     BB    iivFii    BBjiB       ZBi    BBBj vBBM    
                 MM    LBi     iB               iiBB       BBB iY      
                  Bi    BBi     BP oErri         MB        JBMv        
                  rB    vqo   i kBi    oBBB     NB          MB       i r
                   Br     vrirGL BS     vBBBrvXOB            B  FMBBBBEj
                   iB       Mj E  B      rBvBBBP            iBBGSBBBMBBB
                    B         iL  BB     rL  XL            MBii  jBBBMBk
                    BN      i  S   Bi    ivirOo          EBI      BBkjYi
                     BM    i ri i  BBri   NBBBBU       jBM        vBjri
                     iBBk   EVirBVi jrrEEIMBNPEBO     BBi          BUri
                      i BMBLGvii         rBFriirNMVikBv            IXii


The Power of Creation – Chapter 14

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The three of you are clothed once again. Ariel and you return to your outfits. You conjure up an outfit for Mulan. She complains that it is too slutty, but it is exactly the sexiest outfit you could imagine her in, incorporating her natural red hair and eyes with black. She blushes when you tell her how hot she looks, so you figure she is just playing tsun.

It is evening now, a total of about 36 hours since you have been summoned to that world. You’ve spent 24 hours of that time balls deep in one of these two girls. However, you are the hero, so you suppose you have certain other responsibilities. You need to build your harem, and create a home for yourself, but you figure you’d also need to start by squaring things away with the King and the Priest who summoned you here.

Your magic is so strange and abstract, you probably could simply cast a spell that takes care of everything without the need to return to the castle, but some things are better done in person. Plus, you need to pick up her mom, and you figure it’d be easier to do that with some finesse.

“Mulan, can you change into a Dragon now and fly us back to… ah… embarrassing… I don’t think you guys ever told me the name of your kingdom.”

While Mulan gave you a strange look, it was Ariel who spoke up, “Ah, you’re not going to just teleport us back?”

You shrug, “I’m not familiar with the place. Plus, I don’t want you to grow too spoiled expecting me to always change things magically.”

“Oh, okay.” Ariel puts on a sulky face but relaxes once you explain things.

“Master, what do you mean when you tell this one to turn into a dragon?” Mulan asks with a confused look.

“Ah, well, you’re a red dragon, right? I didn’t permanently turn you into a girl. This is just your girl form. You can still turn back whenever you want.”

“What?” Her eyes narrow and she glares at you. “But then… I could have turned into a dragon any time? So, while you were violating this little body with your big dick, I could… I could…”

You pat her on the head. “It was a good bonding opportunity. Plus, you needed to be tamed a bit. I could have made it permanent, so you should be thanking your master for letting you choose.”

She still wore a sullen look, but she says, “Yes, master… I’m sorry, master. Thank you.”

“Now, you don’t mind if we ride you? You can fly, right?”

“Mm… I can fly. To let you ride me… only because it’s master and his bitch…”

“Mm! I am!” Ariel says proudly, pointing to herself.

Mulan makes some room, and then she spins, her body growing as she does. Suddenly, she explods into the size of a magnificent red dragon.

“You’re beautiful.” You say, more in the awe of seeing fantasy creatures, but the dragon has a pleased look on its face.

The pair of you get up on Mulan’s back with minimal effort, and with a flap of her wings, you are airborn. Although it is probably simpler to create a dozen different types of flying spells, there is something awesome about flying through the sky on the back of a dragon.

Ariel sits in front, so you have your arms wrapped around her delicious body. As the novelty of being in the sky wears off, your bad habits return. You start fondling her oversized breasts, your hands moving up under her clothing and caressing her body.

You finger her for about two minutes as her body starts bucking on the back of Mulan. It took a while before the dragon caught on to what you were doing up there. Mulan suddenly arches her back, nearly launching the pair of you off of her and into free fall. However, the exhilaration of air travel, being tossed into the air by a dragon while being fingered for two minutes straight is enough that Ariel cums in midair.

You land with a thump while Ariel makes ectatic moans and wears a flushed face. As the dragon girl glares back at you, you decide to be good for the remainder of the flight.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 13

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“Ah, ah, yeah, keep it up, it feels so good!” That was Ariel’s voice filling the room up with her moans.

Mulan actually passed out in round three. She is cuddled up at your feet at the end of the bed while you thrust deeply into Ariel, her tight pussy quickly becoming familiar and soothing. You had taken it back to the bedroom, your original plan to kidnap Ariel’s mother apparently being pushed back to the afternoon.

Thus, your morning is filled with sex. Ariel is insatiable, a horny teenager to her core, and while Mulan claims she hates it, she is certainly sleeping with a big smile on her face that could only show on someone content, not disturbed.

You are plowing into Ariel with nice, rhythmic thrusts when there is a light tap on your shoulder. You turn back to see Mulan. She has woken up and she is now sitting on her knees at the end of the bed, watching as your dick slides in and out of Ariel, who likes to take all 9-inches with each thrust.

“M-master…” she mutters under her breath, but she won’t meet your eyes.

You pull yourself out of Ariel, who gives a sigh as she looks up at Mulan with a reassuring smile. Your dick, still wet with the lust of both girls, wags in front of Mulan after you turn around on the spot. She eyes your dick cautiously, her eyes lock on its bulging form.

“W-will master violate this lowly dragon again?”

“Does Mulan want it?” You ask.

“It is… as Master wants.”

You shake your head. “That won’t do. Even though I’m your Master, I want you to be happy. I know it sounds like an oxy-moron after raping you, but at the end of it all I’m mostly concerned about your happiness.”

“My happiness?” The dragon girl looks up with a strange expression.

“Hero, can you lie back down, I’d like to suck you off.” The princess interrupts while asking innocently from behind.

“Again? You are my hot little bitch.” You laugh and lie back on the bed as Ariel adjusts herself so she’s back between your legs.

“Mmm… I’m the hero’s bitch.” She says pleased. “I just like the taste of your cum so much.”

You prop your head up on a nice comfy pillow and watch as the sixteen-year-old girl services your cock. Mulan still sits on her knees at the corner of the bed, watching as Ariel sucks your cock while making pleased noises like she’s enjoying a tasty treat. Ariel is on her knees and wagging her naked butt in Mulan’s direction as she works. It is probably a nice view, but you enjoy the ectatic smile on her face as her lips slid on your cock too, so you don’t have it in you to get her to turn around.

A few moments later, Mulan begins to move. It starts slowly, but she edges her way up until she is right next to Ariel. Her face is half way to your cock by the time Ariel notices her. Ariel pulls your cock out of her mouth and makes a gasping sound, then strokes it with her hand. Nearly two days of nonstop fucking was starting to turn her into an expert. Or maybe you magically turned her into an expert. You don’t always think about it, sometimes magic just makes things happen.

“Eh? Does Mulan want to taste the hero too?”

“Mm… Master…”

Ariel pulls your cock to the side, and Mulan cautiously brings down her face and wrapped her smaller lips around your cock. You make a pleased moan that causes her to jump for a second, but then she eases her lips back on. You encourage her, exaggerating the feelings that her mouth makes, which successfully encourages her and makes her more excited to perform. Soon, she is savagely slobbering all over your cock like it was ice-cream.

The girls go back and forth with your dick. It started out as sharing, but as the time wore on, they become more competitive until they are fighting over your dick. However, there is enough dick to share, and the girls spend as much time tonguing each other as the dick they battled over. Eventually, you reach climax as Ariel works the shaft and Mulan sucks on your balls.

You came all over the two girls. You don’t cum quite as much as you did that first time with Ariel, but your larger dick size certainly increases your capacity to spooge too, and there is enough spooge for both girls. Ariel happily swallows every drop, and not to be outdone, Mulan tries too, although she ends up coughing and loses a load down her chest. When she is done licking it back up, the two girls stick out their tongues at each other to show the last load of semen deposited on their tongues before they swallowed them in unison, the formerly prideful dragon girl was giggling and laughing as she did this.

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