The Power of Creation – An Easter Special

“Is this another one of master’s strange holidays?” Elena asks, nervously touching her animal ears which had turned white and stretched out to a longer length.

“The tail is so tiny…” Jasmine grabs Elena’s tail, causing her to jump and squirm.

“This is so.” Cinderella nods, her bunny ears bobbing up and down. “It is the holiday of Easter.”

“Easter! Why did Easter turn a goblin queen such as me into a bunny!” Snow White snorts.

“I’ve never seen a green bunny before.” Kida responds while touching her own ears. “Besides, I think it’s nice to live as a demi-human for a day. As expected of Rookie to have a day to celebrate being in the shoes of an oppressed group.”

“Actually, being a demi-human bunny isn’t part of Easter. I think this has more to do with Master’s sexual proclivities.”

Grimhilde sighs. “As expected of my love…”

“Well, I found a basket in my room full of candy!” Jasmine says excitedly. “So, I’m happy with this day.”

“Huh? Candy? I want Candy.” Tiana immediately starts peaking in Jasmine’s basket, causing her to wrap her arms around it protectively.

“I’m actually in the mood for a carrot.” Merida pulls a carrot from the kitchen and starts chewing on it.

“Mm. I got candy too. That tiny-pervert clearly wishes to bribe me.”

“This great dragon was given candy as well. Clearly candy was given to those who master likes best!”

“Hero wouldn’t do that! There has to be some reason you guys got candy baskets and no one else did.” Ariel defends.

“Mm!” Cinderella nods. “It is true. Specifically, candy…”

“They give candy to the kids.” Megara cuts in.

Jasmine, Mulan, and Maleficant all look at each other.

“That bastard!” Maleficant chucks her basket down. “He’ll pay for daring to look down on this demon lord. I’m as adult as adult can be. I drink wine every night with the rest of the ladies!”

“Darling actually makes yours a nonalcoholic grape juice.”

“Geh!” Maleficant is dealt a fatal blow.

“Master still sees me as a child, even after we officially mated.” Mulan says in depression.

Mushu pats her head while Mulan’s arm rests in Mushu’s impressive cleavage. This further drives Mulan into an even greater depression.

“Yo-you all should be lucky!” Jasmine shouts, pointing at the other two women. “Despite having the status as tiny, Savior has enjoyed both of you to his full discretion. Meanwhile, I, his most loyal tiny piece of ass has received no affection at all! Do you know what it’s like every day being the odd-girl out?”

“If it’s any consolation, I haven’t been with him either.” Nala says helpfully.

“Oh, go fuck a carrot!” Jasmine snaps at a shocked Nala. “Didn’t think I’d notice you taking my carrots and using them as sex toys, did you!”

“Eh! No! That’s not me! That’s not me, I swear!”

As Merida’s lips twist while she chews on the carrot in her mouth, Jasmine snickers. “I threw them out. Only Nala thinks she can just put them back and no one will notice.”

“That’s not true! If you wash them after, it’s fine! Right?” Nala looks around at the icy stares of all the women present. “R-right?”


“Nala is biggest pervert.” Merida looks away.

Nala’s eyes break into tears and she runs away. “Waaaah! It’s not true! I’m not a pervert!”

“I don’t even get it. All Nala needs to do is ask her big sister Belle and I’d be happy to lend her an assortment of dildos.” Belle sighs, and then her eyes brighten. “She doesn’t even need to wash them after.”

“Correction, Belle is biggest pervert.” Mulan adds.

“Guh! Don’t talk about your big sister like that!”

“You are not her big sister!” Mushu says indigently.

“I’m older than you!”

“Who got the gift for children?” Belle asks slyly.

“Ugh….” Mulan looks like she took a blow while Mushu shoots daggers at Belle.

“The point is, it’s time I get treated like an adult, maybe I should vote yes on the Union.” Jasmine sighs.

“Yes!” Megara exclaims. “One more to my list!”

“Actually…” A voice suddenly came from the door, turning all of the girl’s heads. “I’ve decided that it’s time.”

“Huh? Time?” Jasmine looks over at you as you walk in the door.

“The fans have been bickering for months wanting it to happen.”

All the girls take a step back and Grimhilde speaks. “You’re not going to go on a rampage again, are you? They don’t like that. They fear anything different. You should have seen them with Belle’s musical.”

“Noone likes Belle anyway, it’s fine.” Mulan snaps.

“I’m right here…” says a crying Belle.

“No! Rather… I’m going on a tiny rampage. It’s time for us to have sex, Jasmine!”


“It’s probably fine. You can use magic to increase her age.” Grimhilde offers. “And even if you didn’t, in this world, there is no official legal age limit. As the ruler of this place, you set the age…”

“No! No excuses. No defense. I’m going to have sex with a minor. No question about it. No legal limit. This is going to happen.”

“R-really, for me?” Jasmine asks teary eyed.

“No… for the fans.”

“Good enough!”

“Then… let us begin.”

You approach Jasmine, slowly pulling off her apron. Your lips move towards hers. Her breath stutters as you’re about to kiss her, you’re arms reaching around her tight, youthful body.

Knock. Knock.

“Hello, I’m Moana. I got a report of a tiny violation.”

“He’s right over there, officer.” Maleficant points in your direction.

“Ah… shit.” You cry as the police drag you out the mansion.

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Happy April Fools!


P.S. Where I live it’s April 1st. I don’t care about the “post time” on this site.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 137

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“What’s this? What’s this?

There’s porno everywhere.

What’s this?

There’s white stuff in her hair.

What’s this?


I can’t believe my eyes

I must be dreaming

Wake up, Belle, this isn’t fair.

What’s this?


What’s this? What’s this?

It’s a massive phallic dong.

What’s this?

A girl shooting ping pongs.

What’s this?

The rows are lined with women fucking.

Everybody seems so happy, have I possibly gone daffy?

What is this?


What’s this?

There’s a hot girl licking pussy instead of giving head.

Their busy with their toys taking it every which way in bed.

There’s cum on every widow, oh, I can’t believe my eyes.

And in my cunt I feel the warmth that I’m sliding on inside….


Oh, Look.

What’s this?

They’re hanging from a wall, they fuck. Why that looks so unique.



They’re gathering around to bukkake dropping white nut in her face.

What’s this?


What’s this?

In here, they’ve got a giant cock. How queer…

And how’d it ever fit… And why?


They’re riding it, what tiny little things

It’s got electric lights and pully strings, and there’s a smile when they’re done

So, now correct me if I’m wrong!

This looks like fun.

This looks like fun.

Oh, could it be I got my wish?

What’s this?


Oh my, what now?

Can’t he tell that she’s asleep, but look, there’s nothing underneath.

Not clothes, nor panties to get in his way and stop him, or ensnare him, only skimpy sheets for ease to plow her dreamland…


What’s this?

Taboo is not rejected!

And any porno can be found.

And in this place there seems to be ero feelings all around.

Instead of disgust, I swear I can hear moaning in the air

The smell of lubricant and pussy are absolutely everywhere.


The sights, the sounds… they’re everywhere and all around.

I’ve never felt so good before…

This empty cunt inside me is filling up I simply cannot get enough.

I want it, oh, I want it, oh, I want it all for my own.

I’ve got to know, I’ve got to know.

What is this place that I have found.

What… is… this?”


You sigh scratching your head. Well, that just happened…

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The reference?

The Power of Creation – Chapter 76

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“Ah, who are you?”

“A commoner like you doesn’t even recognize my greatness? Well, perhaps you are a bit a dullard? I am the noble Tiana Rhysemen.”

“Daughter? What is the hold up? Is the help going to bring in the bags or not?” Another haughty voice spoke from behind her.

“This help is uncouth, father, perhaps we shouldn’t have depended on your brother to leave behind help. We really should fire them and buy slaves with a proper pedigree.”

You were staring at her, confused, trying to remember what was familiar about her name other than the trademarked reference when you realized that Rhysemen was the name of the former owner of this mansion. Kida gave you an apologetic look as she left squeezed out the side while Tiana impatiently tapped her foot.

Meanwhile, you scrounged up the memory taken from that busted ghost. You recalled something about him writing a letter to his relatives. So, this was the daughter that he was trying to lure as his next victim, and the brother he planned to possess. She was unaware, but her mother was also a victim of this uncle.

There was a sudden tap on your shoulder and you look over to surprise. Cinderella is standing there, you lean over and she whispers in your ear.

“Let them stay, please.”


Her face was still emotionless, but she still looked up at you with a look that seemed to beg. Now that you thought about it, her mother’s spirit may be a part of Cinderella as well. You give a sigh. Kicking them to the curb now was a little… well you still wanted to clear up any misunderstandings.

“Actually,” you finally answer her as her look grew darker and darker. “I’m the owner. I bought this place fair and square after it sat vacant for months.”

“That’s impossible!” the man barked coming up next to his daughter, “We inherited this mansion from my deceased brother. Your city sold this mansion in error. You shall vacate the premises immediately.”

You eyed the pair of them. The father did not have elf ears at all. He wore typically fine noble attire. He had a beard and mustache which was only starting to grey, and while I’m not a good judge, for his age he might be considered handsome. His daughter, if she lowered her nose for a second, looked like your typical beautiful Ojou-sama. She had long blond hair, bright blue eyes, a very fancy dress, and pure white skin. Her boobs were Cs, an average for the real world but below average when comparing your harem. However, they didn’t look too modest because she was very skinny. She didn’t have a nice curvy body like most of the girls you knew. Instead, delicate would be the word, like she might break.

“So, your mother was the elf then?”

She immediately covered her ears and gave you an angry glare while her father harrumphed and stuck out his chest. “What of it? I loved my wife until the day she left us. Many despised interspecies relationships. That’s why we moved out to the borderlands. If you take issue with elves, sir, then…”

“Not at all!” You shake your hands, “In fact, there is a pair of catgirls living here now!”

You defended yourself while feeling slightly better about them. A half-elf noble and her loyal father, they may be snobbish but they didn’t seem to be completely awful people. They likely been through a lot.

“Well, your catgirls will just have to leave with the rest of you. We’ll put all of you up in a hotel for one week so that you can find a new place. You can use that time to get the city to refund you your mansion costs.”

“Huh? But I already live here though? So, shouldn’t you go to the city and see if your supposed will has any merit?”

You suspected he didn’t. The necromancers plan was to keep the place vacant until his brother showed up and then once he had his body reclaim the home afterwards.

“You…” the pair of them were sputtering angrily, “We’re nobles. How dare a commoner like you think your mild inconvenience take precedence over ours!”

“Well, it’s not like nobles don’t live here?”

“You couldn’t possibly be a noble.” The scorn on Tiana’s voice raises your hackles a little bit.

“Me? No. But I cater to a lot of known people.”

“Hello!” Ariel showed up just in time to rescue you. “I am Princess Ariel!”

As she spoke, she gave an incredibly graceful curtesy that showed an elegance you’d never seen on the sex-craved bitch before.

Tiana’s eyes seemed to brighten a bit, but her father’s narrowed cautiously as he spoke. “You say nobles stay here?”

“Yes, in fact, we’re about to have dinner, so why don’t you come in and we’ll work out some agreement. In the meantime, you can make use of our maid staff.”

“We should take a bath together!” Ariel announced holding Tiana’s arm.

Tiana smiles as well and looks up at her father. “Oh, yes, father, please. We’ve been traveling for a week straight and I feel filthy.”

He was still cautious, but he started to nod slowly and Ariel grabbed Tiana’s hand, pulling her into the house. It seemed like while Tiana lifted her nose at you, she was far more pleasant when it came to a princess.

“Ah, Ariel.” You grab her arm and whisper into her ear before she leaves the room. “Um… you already had a bath. Perhaps your mother should escort her?”

Ariel’s eyes furrowed. “I can take her, baths are fun!”

“Yeah… that’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Hero, I’m capable of restraint.”


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The Power of Creation – Chapter 136

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“Good morning, Beast, I’ll be your date for the day. I expect even a beast with a mansion like you can afford to buy a woman like me plenty of nice things.”

You groan, opening your eyes and looking up to see Belle standing there. She is wearing a summer dress that is a very un-summerlike black. She also has on sunglasses. Her long black hair is tied into a pony tail in the back.

“Isn’t it still Pocahontas’ date today? In fact… I seem to remember going to sleep with my dick inside her…”

Belle snorts. “Pocahontas seemed quite content to finish her date last night, even in the state you left her in last night. I made sure to take care of her.”

“Take care of her? Is that a black eye you’re sporting?”

“I do not know what beast is talking about.” Belle covers her eye and readjusts her glasses. “Now get up. I have many expensive boutiques I’d like to visit. Don’t be lazy like you always are and think your penis will just solve every problem.”

You give her a condescending grin. “I thought you liked my penis.”

“Hmph!” Belle turns away just as a blush pops up on her face. “Just because I found satisfaction with your penis doesn’t mean anything. It was merely a lucky chance.”

“Is that so?” You put on a fake disappointed look. “And here I was planning something special for our date. I was really looking forward to it.”

“Re-really?” Belle turns back with a surprised look. “I-I was under the impression you didn’t like me very much.”

“What are you saying? Your part of my harem. You’re mine.”

Her face turns completely red as she looks down. “S-spoken like a true beast.”

She barely gets the words out, the power no longer in it.

“Well, anyway, I guess it’s about time. You ready to go?”

You step out of the bed and use magic to assemble your wardrobe with ease.

“We’re going now?”

“Yup? You coming?” You already walk out the door to your room.

“Ye-yeah!” Belle immediately follows after you.

You leave the mansion with Belle, heading down to the merchant street which is lined with stores and vendors.

“I-I was thinking of some place a little higher class than this.” Belle responds snobbishly.

“Shh… we’re not there yet.”

You end up passing the market until you end up at the river dock. Of course, Riun didn’t have a river until you made one a few days ago. You guess people were complaining about water shortages so you just made a new river leading through the city. Trade is quickly exploding in Riun as a result. The previously mentioned market will be a commerce hub within a few years, or so you are told.

“The docks… wh-what kind of girl do you take me for? Taking me to some kind of brothel?”

She doesn’t have to breath harder and look so excited as she says that. You roll your eyes as the perverted Belle imagines enjoying some ladies of the night. If that was the direction you were going, you wouldn’t hire anyone. You could just summon a ton of hotties without effort. Heck, with the amount of money you have, you could afford to pay normal women for sex. How much money would the butcher’s wife take before she’ll cheat? Well, given your experience with the city thus far, the butcher might offer you his wife for free. The town seems to love you unconditionally.

Well, you saved their lives and gave them conveniences of the modern era. Plus there was that think about making all the women hot and reversing the age of women. In fact, was that a ten-year-old with double D boobs? You might need to go back and tinker with the magic a bit before Moana returns. The pair of you continue on into a dark alley.

“B-beast… this is a little… to lure me into a dark alley and have your way with me…”

“What kind of guy do you take me for?” You shoot the words back at her.

“True…” Belle nods. “You’d just have me in the middle of Townsquare while even the children watch.”

“That’s an even worse assessment!”

“Well, what do you expect? You should win women over properly by wooing them and gradually falling in love.”

“Isn’t that a romance novel!”

“Or better yet, focus on me as I woo the women over and have them all fall in love with me.”

“Now it’s yuri!”

“Well, it’s certainly better than having your way with woman after woman in hardcore illicit sex! Who’d want to read something like that?”

You scratch your cheek. “I can think of four or five guys that would read that.”

“Hmph. Well, some of us more sophisticated girls are repulsed by shameless smut.”

“Is that so? That’s a shame. We’re here.”

“Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-what is this!” Belle’s mouth drops open as she stares wide-eyed at the hidden shop in the back alley of the docks.

Like the other buildings in Riun, it had been updated when you remade it and had full power and electric. Lights were flashing in the front of the place. It had colors of red, pink, and white.

“Ah, this? It’s a building I brought over from my world. I thought you might appreciate it. They call it… the adult book store.”

“A-a book store?” Belle says in surprise as she looks at a erotic poster of a naked woman in one of the windows.

“Well, they don’t usually sell books.”

“What do they sell?”

“Hope’s and dreams for girls like Belle.” You say. “Otherwise known as smut. Do you want to enter?”

Belle looks at you excitedly and shamelessly nods. “Mm!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 135

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Thwack. Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

Pocahontas is riding up and down on your cock hard, her boobs bouncing up and down each time she drops her pussy down the length of your cock. It took a little bit getting it to slide in, but after she took to your cock and your brief explanation on how babies are made she was quick to work it. Of course, originally, you had wanted to be on top, but the dark elf had some domination issues.

I mean, you could have dominated her, but this way you get to lay here and do nothing. She is basically doing all the work. Besides the whole anal thing, the dark elf men have it surprisingly easy. Apparently, the matriarchy has been so gung-ho about ensuring a female dominated society, that female dark elves practically do everything now. Men stayed at home and lounge around the house while women cook, clean, and work.

The setback is of course the sadism. The women likely take out their anger, jealousy, and aggression over the men’s easy lifestyle, and thus it fuels their sadistic bedroom tendencies. However, that isn’t important right now. What is important is that a brown dark elf booty is bobbing up and down on your cock while you get to lie there getting your dick wet. Well, it isn’t completely perfect.


“Ah! Sorry…” The dark elf lowers her eyes and loosens her hands on your nipples.

Bad habits are hard to crack, so you have a ruler in your hand. When the dark elf steps out of line, you flick her bouncing butt with a smack. At this point, she is playing with your nipples and is starting to pinch them hard. She is very handsy like Elena. However, where Elena seems to unconsciously scratch at your back in ecstasy, Pocahontas wants to dig in to see the pained look on your face.

“Ah… I feel strange. Something hot and tingly is growing inside me.”

“You’re going to cum. Go faster.” You explain.

“Ridiculous. Matriarch says women lost the ability to climax. It’s a myth. She said it is because of the spitefulness of ma- ah, what are you doing!?”

You have enough of her stupid talk and reach up, grabbing hold of her butt cheeks. Using the leverage, you start thrusting up into her pussy. While her bouncing is rhythmic and hypnotic, your thrusts are violate and hard.

“Ah, ah, ah. It feels good! I’m so hot! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

As if you would! You plow that pussy from below. Your hips have maxed stats, so there is no such thing as getting tired. She’s still bouncing up and down on your cock, but your hips move faster. For each stroke from her hips, you thrust into her deeply twice.

“Ah! I feel like I’m going to explode! I can’t take it anymore!”

Goaded by her moans, you pick up the past, your hips practically a blur as your slam into her harder and harder.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

“I’m cccccuuuuuuuuuuuuming!”

Of course, you don’t stop as she starts to come, her legs shoot out to the sides as she loses her balance. She’s no longer able to support her own weight, but your hands grip her brown buttcheeks firmly, keeping her pussy hovering over your hips about five inches, just enough that your can keep plowing your dick into her hard. Her pussy drips all over your dick, her eyes roll up into her head as she starts to convulse. Seemingly unconsciously she squeezes her own nipples as her hands find themselves unable to find anything else to do.

“ooooooooooOoooooo.” She let’s out a long running moan which reverberates in tune with your rapid thrusts.

“I-I can’t… it’s too much… too much…’ she managed to force the words out as her hands spasm over her body and her entire body falls into a sexual coma.

“I’m not done yet!” You laugh, moving your hips like a jackhammer into her. “It’s time to make your pregnant!”

The words pregnant seem to work their way through her sex coma as her eyes flutter open and she looks at you with a scrunched-up whimpering face tight in sexual euphoria.


“I’m cumming!”

You declare, releasing your baby-making sperm deep inside her. Your hands release on her buttocks, and her body falls without any strength, your cock impaling her pussy as deep as it’ll go. She falls forward too, landing on your chest, her naked brown melons pressing your chest as her face instinctual hustles between your shoulder in neck. Spurts of hot seed shoot deep inside her, filling up her womb.

As she gasps for breaths, she barely can get out any intelligible words. “It’s… hot… I feel it… inside.”

You rock your hips a little, stirring the baby maker up with her sexual fluids inside her, mixing her fluids with yours using your cock as the spatula.

She doesn’t move, holding onto you tightly without letting go, her naked body clinging to you much like Elena does, although where Elena is tiny, Pocahontas is a tall, busty vixen. Elena feels like a small kitten curling up against you. Pocahontas feels like a tigress who has you in her clutches, threatening to consume you with her curves.

“So, how does it feel to be a mother.”

Pocahontas finally raises her head from your shoulder and your eyes widen in surprise at the sight. There is a tear running down her cheek.

“Thank you, my benefactor.” She says glowing with a smile. “You’ve fulfilled my purpose. I’m yours forever and always.”

“Well, that was a given.” You snort. “Ready for round 2?”

“Why? I’m already pregnant, right?”

“Ah, this one’s for me.”

“I don’t mind. My body is my benefactors in entirely. As long as I can have a baby, do with me what you will. Ah, you’ve pulled you dick out and now you’re lining it against my butthole. Didn’t you say that this was bad?”

“No, it can be really good for women. Isn’t it good to try it.”

“Mm… I’ve always wondered what the guys found appealing about it. After the incredible feelings I felt in my pussy, I can’t wait to see how anal feels.”

“Haha, we’ll see.” You scratch your neck and answer nonchalantly.

Sometime later…

Pocohontas is in the corner of the room crying for a completely different reason.

“H-how have we been doing that to men all these years. That’s too much pain.” Pocahontas whines.

“Well, you’ll acquire the taste after a while. Let’s try for round 3.”

“Is my benefactor a sadist?”

“You’re one to talk!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 134

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After finishing supper, cleaning yourself, and heading to bed, you find Pocahontas standing near your door.

“Oh, hello, Pocahontas.” You say, not quite sure how to deal with the woman you haven’t really formed any kind of relationship with yet.

“Mm.” Pocahontas merely nods with a stoic expression.

Supposedly, she wants you to save the elves somehow, although you have yet to hear the details. Still, you want to enjoy some chocolate elf, and that means you need to fulfill her wish. Speaking of wish, Megara seems to have included Pocahontas on your list as the next person.

“That’s right. With Florian gone, I wasn’t sure how you would feel. So far, I’ve mostly just been giving the girls whatever they wanted. Is there anything you want to do tomorrow?”

“Mm.” Pocahontas nods again. “My ‘date’ can be fulfilled tonight if my benefactor is willing.”

“Oh, so you can say more than a few words.”

“I only speak when necessary.”

“Ah… alright. So, what do you want me to do.”

“Impregnate me.”

“Sorry?” you cock your head in surprise. “What did you say?”

“Put your seed in me and make me with child.”


You open the door and let Pocahontas in. Deciding to have a baby might be considered an important decision, but your first two children were created with not much more thought than this. Pocahontas is an attractive elf, and you don’t have any half-elf children. Of course, the baby will be a half dark-elf hotty like her mother. You can’t wait to meet the child you just concocted in your head.

“Take off your clothing and lie on the bed.” Pocahontas orders.

You’re a little surprised by the firmness in her voice, but you decide to do what she says, because it’s kind of hot. Then she pulls out rope ties. Perhaps Pocahontas is surprisingly kinky. She straps your arms to the head of the bed.

“Then, let us begin,” Pocahontas declares as she fiddles with something from her dresser.

She pulls back her robe, and the clothing falls to the floor, unveiling the backside of her naked form. You eye her curvy brown ass excitedly. She finally turns around and starts approaching the bed. Her brown nipples and round breasts are perfect. But wait, what’s the between her legs? She seems to be wearing a large black strap-on. She immediately gets on her knees between your legs, holding the dildo while coming towards you.

“Uh? What the fuck is that?”

The back of a hand slaps you across the face. You aren’t hurt, but it is so sudden you’re a little confused.

“Shut up, you bitch.” Pocahontas speaks in the same emotionless droll she usually speaks. “Take my dick.”

“Hey! No! Why are you lifting my legs. Hey! Get that fucking thing away from my butthole!”

“Shut the fuck up, you whore. This mistress is going to turn you into her little bit—-aaaahhh you’re twisting my nipple, you’re twisting my nipple!”

You easily rip through the restraints with your maxed stats and grab her chest and twist. “I said, get that fucking thing away from my butt, bitch!”

“I’m confused!” Pocahontas truly looks confused a she grimaces in pain, her nipple twisted 180 degrees in your fingers. “I’m supposed to be the one delivering pain. You’re backwards.”

“Aren’t you just a sadist then?”

“But my benefactor said he want to have sex!”

“This ain’t sex! How are you going to make a baby this way?” You growl, finally letting go of her nipple as she pulls away.

Pocahontas rubs her sore nipple with a pout, “I don’t understand. I was trained properly by the matriarch herself. Dark elves are a female dominated society. They say the more pain a man feels, the more likely a woman will become pregnant.”

“What the fuck? How are you going to get pregnant if I don’t stick it in?”

“Huh? Stick what in?”

“My dick!”

“You mean that useless thing on men? How would you even accomplish this? It’s all soft and flabby.”

“It gets hard!”

“The female phallus’ I made is harder. It’s custom for every woman when she reaches fertile age to make her own. We model them after this phenomenon you speak of, but dark elf men are never hard for women.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.” I respond in disbelief.

“Well, you’re not even hard, right?”

“That’s because you were going to stick it in my ass!”

Pocahontas cocks her head to the side. “I don’t understand. We’ve seen dark elf men get hard for each other and stick them in each other’s butts. So, we crafted this erect dicks and do the same. But they show no interest in their wives. It’s why we must be so forceful.”

You put your palm on your face and sigh, “Pocahontas, please don’t tell me the problem the dark elves are facing that will wipe them out is…”

Pocahontas nods. “We struggle to get pregnant. Ever since the matriarch went into power, pregnancies have been lowering, and now only one or two babies are born a year. In a few decades, all dark elves will be gone. We have heard the seed of heroes are strong. Even if you could just impregnate me, it would go a long way to saving our people.”

You feel like banging your head on a wall as you figure out this incredibly stupid predicament. So, basically, a matriarchy came into power that debased and emasculated the men. Their fertility decreased, causing the women to become more aggressive to the point of sadism. Eventually taking enough abuse, the entire male dark elf population turned homosexual. Eventually, the population completely forgot how to even have proper sex to make babies. The few babies made are probably by accident. The guy cums in another guys ass right before his wife takes him and a little bit of semen gets in from the dildo, or maybe some guys can cum from anal and then it drips onto her. The point being, it’s a rare accident.

“Hey, Pocahontas, I think I understand things now.”

“It is good that you understand my people’s predicament. Now please bend over.” Pocahontas says while grabbing the strap on excitedly.

“No! I mean, rather, I have a surefire method to make a baby, but you’ll need to do things my way!”

“Very well, I will try anything to become pregnant. Please do so.”

“Okay then! First!” You stand up, letting your cock come to full attention.

Even the threat of surprise anal wasn’t enough to permanently kill your erection. She is still hot and naked and even the strap on has a lesbian appeal that arouses you to erection. Pocahontas gasps in astonishment

“It’s erect! The other women living here suggested this was possible, but I thought it was embellished. Truly it must take a hero to be able to become erect at the sight of this naked body.” Pocahontas pushes her tits together as she says this, a sight that only engorges your dick and excites you even more.

Still, Pocahontas shows a surprising humility, seemingly unaware at the extreme sexual appeal she has considering the past failure of her fellow dark elves. Being surrounded by gay dark elves, she had gotten the impression she wasn’t attractive.

“Mm… and for this, I will penetrate you.”

“That tiny thing? I won’t even feel it.”


Pocahontas looks away. “I’m sorry… those are the lines the matriarch tells me to say. But that things is humungous, I can’t belittle it with a straight face. I’m afraid it will tear me apart.”

“Those are exactly the words I wanted to hear.”

“I-is that so? Pocahontas put a slightly cute shy look for the first time under your hungry eyes. “None dark elves are so strange.”

You scratch your chin. “I’m not so sure about that, but I can guarantee you one thing.”

“Yes, my benefactor.” Pocahontas looks up at you with pleading eyes.

“I’m going to stick a baby in you.”

“I will happily receive it.”

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 22

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“You’re leaving already?” I asked, stretching out my naked body seductively on the small bed.

The sheets were rough against the skin, but for someone who had been sleeping on the dirt for the last couple of weeks, even this bed was comfortable. My eye’s peaked around the room once again. It was smaller than before. I could see bars across one wall. The toilet had moved to the corner of my room and was no longer made from porcelain, but cheap iron. Despite those changes, the floor still looked like carpet, and I could still see my stuffed animals and a window leading to the outside.

As I slept with the dream demon, enjoying another bout of amazing sex, the illusions started melting away. They hadn’t dissipated entirely, but it was enough that I got a good idea of the living conditions I was in.

Meanwhile, the man I had slept with was hastily putting his clothing back on. “I, uh… shouldn’t have come back here. The elder’s said…”

“The world is melting.” I casually interrupted him.

I didn’t use any of my skills consciously on him. I could have thrown seductions and Eye of the Beholders at him. He, just as likely, could have deflected them. However, I didn’t feel like this was necessary. Something deep down inside me told me that control wasn’t so simple as forcing absolute loyalty or magically manipulating someone’s mind. I remembered what forcing control got me, a Kappa with his brain splattered on a tree trunk.

“Huh? Oh, yes, the illusions. Without mastery over dreams, the visual and auditory hallucinations we gave you start to break down.”

“Is that so?” I asked, having guessed most of that already. “I would have thought illusions were quite deadly.”

“That… depends. Few species are as good with illusion magic as the cambions. We pride ourselves on that, but even we have limitations. We can alter our appearances. We can change perception. But, a trained mind can push through those setbacks. That’s why we have to keep our guests in a half-sleeping state. Trained warriors could break the illusions instantly.”

“But, couldn’t an illusion at just the right moment be a powerful weapon? A sword being two inches to the right of where you see it can be the difference between life and death.” As I spoke, the man was already shaking his head.

“The mind is very good at resisting changes. While someone is experiencing something, illusion magic can’t affect it. For example, if I wanted you to see me taller, I would have to leave your view or somehow make you look away from me. When you looked back, I’d be taller. However, even then, you remember me being shorter and the illusion will quickly break. For it to work best, you’d never see me before, having no reference for my appearance. Then, the illusion magic would continue to work.”

I nodded slowly. None of this was new information to me. Illusion magic had been one of the things I studied when trying to figure out how to class up. I had read about it’s many many limitations. He had only touched the tip of the iceberg. There were various other issues. For example, resistance items for illusion magic were relatively easy to make, and any adventurer worth using illusion magic on likely had a means of resisting it. Furthermore, most warriors didn’t depend on sight to fight. Even if you could alter his perception, most warriors fought on instinct.

Knowing all that, the reason I asked him had little to do with wanting to know more about illusion and more to do with keeping him talking. He seemed freely willing to discuss things when I asked questions. Asking questions kept him in the room. It allowed me to continue to gain his trust and comfort.

“Hey, Peers.”

“Ye-yeah…” He suddenly blushed, lowering his head.

I looked down as well, forcing myself to ask the question I was avoiding. “My friend. The elf. Is she… alive?”

There was a brief silence before he spoke. “I’m… not sure. I need to go.”

I had suspected that asking that question would lead to a quick end to our conversation. As Peers walked to the cell door and opened it, the illusion magic completely dissipated. He likely had released whatever magic was affecting my vision. I was now undeniably in a cell. For what it was worth, I could locate the wash basin now. As the cell door shut and he walked off, only glancing back once before he was out of sight down the hallway, I laid back in my somewhat itchy bed and sighed.


I had decided to let Min go. She was too good for me anyway. However, letting Min go didn’t mean I didn’t want to know she was safe. Of course, the answer to that question was simple. Min was a previous lover of mine. The Stalker ability could quickly and easily ascertain her situation. If it worked, she was alive. If it didn’t work, she was dead. So, why didn’t I use it?

If I used the skill and it didn’t work, what would I do? I’d know for certain that Min was dead. Would I sink into despair? Would I spend the next month barely eating and crying every night? No, the thing I feared the most wasn’t how I would react. I feared that when it was all done, I wouldn’t react. What if I felt nothing? This world broke me. My high mental resistance made the horrors of this world palpable. Any normal woman would, at the very least, suffer from PTSD if not become a gibbering mess. I recognized this. I recognized my thoughts were no longer normal.

So, how did I truly feel about Min? Had I just used her all of this time to escape any personal responsibility. Would I truly care when she was gone? Those were answers I didn’t want to find. Those were thoughts I didn’t want to have.

“Is she a friend?”

The words weren’t my own. They came through the wall. It was a lot easier to tell now that there was a cell next to mine, and this woman appeared to be in the neighboring cell.

“She was… someone who was left behind.” I hesitantly responded, not wanting to explain myself.

“I understand.” The woman through the wall responded.

I breathed a sigh of relief. At the very least, with this stranger, she understood the desire to keep to yourself. At the very least, I had someone to talk to. We didn’t speak of anything  of much importance. She told me of how she had come to this place. She had been out picking herbs when an monster attacked. Her protective brother told her to run. He had promised he would find her. He didn’t.

She had become lost and nearly starved. Upon collapsing after a week of exposure, it was then that the cambions came. At first, she had thought they were her saviors. She had shouted for them to come to her. Then she had realized they were cambions. At that point, she was too weak to resist. She ended up being dragged back to their village.

She hadn’t said the cambion colony was a village, but I quickly gained the understanding that cambions were just as capable as demons or humans. It was clear by the way she and Peers talked that they had built a small secluded village in the forest, only feeding off scraps they could catch nearby. Scraps being people like me and her. Nearly dead, unconscious people who might have died in the wilderness if we hadn’t been saved by them.

Did that mean Min was also being fed on at the moment? No, I couldn’t think about that. The temptation to use Stalker returned when I thought about it. How would I react if I saw through Min’s eyes as she was being ravaged by some incubus? Well, as long as there was doubt, I didn’t have to face that dilemma.

Instead, I decided to simply worry about myself right now. Of course, I tried to provide the woman in the wall Eva some emotional support as well. At the very least, she staved off some of the boredom I was feeling trapped in this cell. But talking to her sometimes made me feel a bit like a sociopath. As she cried about the horribleness she endured, I struggled to empathize with her. The acts she depicted as horrifying were the same acts I enthusiastically enjoyed. It became difficult to understand each other on a fundamental level when we saw the world so differently. In the end, I realized I was only acting sympathetic. The feelings just weren’t there.

At some point a man came to deliver food. The food wasn’t particularly impressive. The illusion likely improved on it greatly. It was some thickened soup made to fill someone up. I decided one of my next steps here would be improving my food situation. Like Peers, the man was extremely attractive to look at. Unlike Peers, when I gave him a flirtatious smile he only responded with a snort.  It seemed like he was aware that I was no longer under the affects of the illusion.

When he headed to the cell next to mine, I heard the rattle of keys and the door being opened. For me, there was a slot he slid the food into, so the difference immediately caught my interest.

“No, no, no, no, no!” A woman was screaming.

It was of course Eva. I couldn’t see what was going on, but I could hear the ruffle of sheets and ragged breaths as she kicked and resisted. There was a thump as the bed was forcibly shoved, and then all I could hear were her whimperings. It was hardly the hard-thrusting sex I was used to. It was quiet, muffled, and reserved. It was the sound of an unwilling woman being raped.

I fell down to my butt, my food untouched. Missing the bed, I ended up landing on the dirt floor. Tears fell down my face as I silently cried. However, I didn’t cry because of the trauma. I cried because I felt no trauma at all. Rape is horrifying? Mental fortitude stole that away from me. I cried because a woman nearby was being raped, and I felt nothing. No, feeling nothing would be considered a blessing. I felt excited. People next to me were having sex, and my impulses responded with sexual excitement. I was wet, and horny, and I wanted to touch myself while listening to the ragged breathing being shared by the two people next to me. The only reason I didn’t was because the thought disgusted me too much. At least, I hadn’t crossed that line yet.

However, I wasn’t horrified by these acts in the slightest. In fact, I felt sympathy for the monsters who needed the sex to live. That was what horrified me. I frightened myself.

“That’s right… I’m no longer human.” I whispered to myself.

I spoke to this woman. I tried to sympathize with her. However, I wasn’t like her anymore. I was like the cambions. I was like a sex demon. Even speaking to her had only been to satisfy my own boredom. Nothing I did came from compassion or love anymore. I had sex more than anyone, but at this moment, I realized I had lost the capacity to feel love.

“I hate this world.” I muttered as the man finished up and the cell door creaked open and locked shut.

This world had broken me. I had accepted that since the first week in the goblin cave. However, the extent of my broken nature was starting to come crashing home. It only reinforced that this village might very well be the place I deserved to be. This was my home.

A few hours later, Peers had returned. I wore a smile on my face as I greeted him and the pair of us fell back on my bed. I ignored the reality that I was extremely turned on by the time he arrived because of the noises of sex I had to listen to. We had incredibly sex again, and he left. This started to become a routine.

His visits continued on for nearly a week. I occasionally asked him more about the village and he spoke reservedly. He didn’t mention Min and I didn’t ask. He also started to come with better food. Vegetables, fruit, and decent stews that made me look forward his visits for more than just good sex. He started coming three times a day, and the worry that furrowed his brow the first couple of days started to disappear. Instead, his lips started to match my smile.

Occasionally, I would talk to Eva. However, she seemed to grow more and more silent as the week went on. Every day during the handing of lunch, she would face the rape from that man. It seemed like each succubus fed from the same person. As I could hear their acts, she could likely hear me with Peers too. The difference between our encounters were so vast, it was a wonder that she hadn’t grown more suspicious earlier. Clearly, we weren’t the same. Did she think I was insane? However, she didn’t ask me about my behavior, and I didn’t ask her about hers. It was a place where everyone kept their secrets, and it suited me just fine.

Then one day, Peers didn’t come. I had been dumping my gruel soup away and had been depending on Peers entirely for meals. So, as a result, I hadn’t eaten all day. My stomach growled uncomfortably as night started to set in. My neighbor cried herself to sleep without talking to me, and I was pacing back and forth in the room, a little concerned that the last week with Peers had amounted to nothing. I had hoped the trust would build to the point where I could leave my cell soon.

That was when the door suddenly opened and Peers walked in. He looked haggard and messy, his expression slightly panicked. I looked on in shock as he ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

“What? What is it?” I asked worriedly.

“We have to go.”

“What?” I was surprised my thoughts so closely matched what he said.

“I’m helping you escape. We have to leave now.”

“Now? Why, what happened?”

“We’ll talk later, here take this.” Peers pushes a robe at me with a hood that would cover my face and immediately starting pacing impatiently. “Put it on.”

“Alright.” I responded, starting to put the robe on over the raggy clothing that they had provided me. “But, if we’re leaving… Peers, is Min okay?”

Peers’ pacing immediately stopped and his expression fell. “The elf? We… we found an elf not far from where you were picked up. She was badly wounded. The council decided to feed on her before she died. Aria, I’m so sorry. The elf didn’t make it. She’s dead.”

I froze. “Oh.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 133

Oh, and I forgot to announce it. My 1st book is free right now on Amazon until tomorrow (Saturday). If you want to support me for free, buy it, read it, and then put up a review. Be… reasonable. Every review put up so far as been deleted by amazon because they think you’re a bot or a family member or something.

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“So… anyway, that’s how Mulan’s sister ended up moving in with us.” You explain.

“Mm!” Mushu says in agreement as she rubs herself against Mulan.

You’re all back at the mansion eating dinner together. Mulan’s date ended rather abruptly, but she seems happy enough. Well, right after the date, things got a little uncomfortable for a bit…

“Master… if you really loved me you’d get rid of my sis-“

“Hey, Mulan, if you really loved me you’d have a threesome with me in your sister!”

“Guh!” Mulan looks like she’s been struck in the stomach. “Using my clever argument against me.”

“I wouldn’t call it clever. I gave you one because it was our day. Every bitch gets one.”

“I’m sorry master, I thought you’d kill father and I was desperate!”

“What kind of person do you think I am?”

“I was reading the comments section and-“

“Don’t you know not the read those!” You explain and then sigh, completely understanding why Mulan would carry such worries about your personality. “Besides, where did you come up with such a cliched bullshit line anyway?”

“Well, Megara told me-“

“Nevermind, the white-hot flash of rage that just shot through me tells me you shouldn’t complete that sentence.”

“A-are you mad?” Mulan asks, her head lowered.

“At Megara? That fucking girl doesn’t know the difference between bad attention and good attention as long as she gets attention. The best course of action is to just ignore her… for now.”

“I-I meant me…” Mulan says quietly.

“Well, there is one way to make amends.” You glance over at the person sitting next to her, who is current rubbing her chin on Mulan’s thigh.

“Hm? Me?” Mushu straightens with a confused look.

“is incest the only way to satisfy my master?” Mulan asks tearfully.

“Is he suggesting we should have sex? Here? Now?” Mushu perks up immediately, drool starting to come out of her mouth.

“It’s incest when it’s just the two of you. But if you both fuck me, then it’s just a threesome with sisters. Not taboo at all.” You explain.

“Don’t say those things to my sister, she’s very trusting and easily manipulated.” Mulan growls, but curiosity overtook her sense and so she asks suspiciously. “Does it really work that way?”

“The internet doesn’t lie.”

“I don’t really get it,” Mushu speaks up. “But are you saying if I sleep with you I can do this and that with my sister and no one would thing me weird?”

“There is nothing strange about two sisters enjoying the same man, so sayeth the porn hub.”

“V-very well.” Mulan mutters, “I suppose if it’s masters want, then I can’t fight it.”

You smile as you remember that incredible night with sister dragons. However, it’s now morning and you are enjoying breakfast, and if anyone else think it’s a cop out so the author doesn’t have to write a sex scene he doesn’t feel like writing right now, no shit Sherlock. You’ll get a hot one next chapter, just hold your dicks.

“Psst…” Someone is crouched next to Mushu, taping on her shoulder. “Psst…”

“What?” Mushu looks over to see Belle standing there, staring at the pair of them, Mulan wrapped in Mushu’s embrace.

“S-so… it seems like you are someone whom also likes women. Perhaps, you’d like to talk with a like-minded strong female type or maybe if you feel like it we can enjoy each other’s company.” Belle says with lustful eyes.

Mushu’s expression goes completely cold as she stares at Belle like dirt. “Go die!”

“Guh! Why do you say that? You’re rubbing that woman in a sexual manner right now!”

Mushu rolls her eyes like the answer is obvious. “This is my sister. I love my sister. It’s not about male or female, it’s about someone who shares a part of me! A pervert like you wouldn’t understand!”

“I understand, I do! Mulan is a very attractive woman. Sometimes, I imagine her, gah, my eyes! Why did you just poke my eyes?”

“Unsee my sister with your filthy eyes you creepy tinycon.”

“Tinycon! You’re touching her privates right now as we talk!”

“This is sister love. Why are you too stupid to get this! Sister love transcends age. It transcends sex. You on the other hand look at my sister with nasty lecherous eyes. Be gone!”

“You bitch! What about that beast? Shouldn’t he get the same treatment?”

“M-my lord!?” Mushu looks away with a blush on her cheeks. “He’s an exception.”


“My sister smells beautiful, and feels soft. No one but her closest sister should be allowed to touch her-“

“Mmm… she does smell good and she really is soft!” Ariel says in agreement.

“Eh?” Mushu looks to the other side of Mulan to find another woman sitting against her other arm.

She was just as close to Mulan as Mushu was, rubbing her face against Mulan with an extreme familiarity.

“This reminds me of when I helped hero pop her cherry, she squirmed and cried but in the end she really liked it.”

“Wh-who are you!?” Mushu asks in a fluster.

“I’m your sister Ariel!” Ariel gives a beaming smile.

“Si-sister? What is this?” Mushu looks taken aback.

“All the girls here are my sisters. We’re all heros, and we’re all each others. We’re family! Mulan has been my sister the longest!”

“Wh-what? Well, Mulan has been my sister the longest too!” Mushu responds defensively.

“Really!” Ariel looks extremely excited, reaching across Mulan, who seems to have sunken into her own little world of despair in a desperate attempt to escape reality, grabbing onto Mushu’s hands.

“Then we must share! You must have some wonderful stories about Mulan. I really want to hear them!”

Mushu puffs up her chest. “Why… of course, I know her best.”

“Mm!” Ariel nods. “Isn’t it crazy that she’s really sensitive right under her elbow?”


“And she doesn’t like you to stick your tongue in her pussy, she prefers it if you flick it in a circle around the clit.”


“But you know all that, right! Right, Mulan?” Ariel turns to the dead-eyed Mulan who doesn’t respond. “Oh, she gets like this. Keeps trying to escape reality. You got to touch her right here-“

“Ergegegger!” Mulan sudden twitches when Ariel reaches down and touches her some place between the legs, “What? Oh, Pun! What am I looking at? Ariel and my sister are holding hands! Did I die and go to the bad place? Why has Pun forsaken me?”

“That way, she remains aware of everything you’re doing and can enjoy every second!” Ariel finishes excitedly, ignoring Mulan’s existential crisis.

“By Pun, all along I thought I truly knew my sister, but in the end, I am but the disciple.”

“Th-this can’t be happening!” Mulan starts crying as she stares between the two star-eyed girls.

Mushu leans forward too, her boob slugging Mulan in the chin. “Ariel… no…. big sister Ariel! Please, teach me about every nook and cranny of my sister!”

“What? You treat your big sister Belle so poorly and then let Ariel do whatever? This is bullshit!” Belle cries out. “You know what? Fuck all you bitches, I’m going to go to my room and rub one out. You all can go suck a dick!”

Belle storms off into the other room, but Ariel and Mushu barely acknowledge her in their own excitement.

“Let’s get started now!” Ariel says. “Come, Mulan, we need you as the reference so I can show your sister all the things that make you go crazy.”

“What? What! Unhand this mighty dragon! No! Stop!”

The two girls grab Mulan by either arm and start dragging her back into Ariel’s bedroom. Desperately, Mulan struggles against the two women. Eventually, she turns back, shooting you a look of despair.

“Please, master!” Mulan gives a desperate cry to you. “If you ever loved me, save me from this!”

Everyone turns to you a second as you sit their drinking from you cup in silence.

Finally, you speak several cold words in a light tone. “Mulan… what did I tell you earlier?”


“Say the words…”

Mulan looks down sadly. “… bitches only get one.”


All the life went out of Mulan as the pair turned away and drag her back into their room, the door shutting behind them.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 132

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“He killed the dragon king, kill him!” shouts one of the young dragons.

“What the fuck! That was a match! Were you always going to attack me no matter who won?”

“This is this and that is that!” Another says as all of the remaining dragons turn into their dragon forms. “He was protecting Mushu who you attacked to kill!”

“Mushu attacked me first!” You shout back.

“You’ll burn for this!” The dragon roars, fifteen dragons suddenly launching at you.

“Mulan, what the hell is this?”

“They’re frenzying! It’s the shock of seeing father hurt!” Mulan responds, her body exploding into a dragon form.

“You bastards!” You turn back into your dragon form just as fifteen dragons leap at you.

Mulan grabs one by the back of the leg and tosses him into the side of the crater. “Damn it, you idiots, listen to this great one. Get off my master!”

However, she can’t stop it. You are going to have to start hurting her dragon colony. Oh well-

“STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” A high-pitched voice explods with enough power to shake the very ground.

The dragons immediately scatter, parting ways for the source of the voice. That voice is surprisingly Mushu’s. He is still in dragon form too, his father having absorbed the hit from your attack. Still as he approaches you, you can see one leg limping, so he must have been hurt. His eyes are unreadable as he watches you while approaching. He is large and powerful, easily as big as you. It is clear that he outpowers all the other dragons here, including Mulan.

“Mushu, don’t do this!” Mulan cries out, trying to block Mushu despite her worry.

Mushu stops, lifting a single clawed hand up, and patting the smaller dragon on the head. Then he takes a few more steps before you, and bowed.

“Huh?” You say in surprise of the golden dragon bowing on the ground. “What?”

“Please.” The dragon looks up at you with tearful eyes. “Please save daddy!”


“Mushu, don’t lower yourself to this man!” One of the dragons cries angrily.

Mushu ignores the dragon, immediately grabbing onto you looking up with tearing eyes. Please, it’s my fault. I’ll do anything! Save my daddy!”

“Anything?” you let the words out in surprise.

“Mushu, don’t make those kind of promises to this man, he’s devious!” Mulan declares.

You shoot Mulan a dirty look. What is she talking about? You can make this brother go away forever and never have to deal with him. It isn’t like you’ll torture him or anything. What kind of guy does she think you are? However, as you stare at Mushu, he suddenly backs away covering his chest and gasping.

“So, you want… that…” Mushu finally sighs and lowers his hands. “Very well, I’ll give myself to you if you save my father.”

“Outrageous.” One of the dragons calls out.

“No! Mushu! He’s mine! You can’t have him!” Mulan shouts.

“Just what kind of guy do you think I am!” You voice out. “Look, I’ll fix your dad. We’ll worry about the details later. Can you do something about your brother?”

“Huh? Brother?” Mulan gives a confused look.

Mushu lets go of you with a flustered look of his own. He really is clingy. You turn yourself back into your normal human form and the others follow suite. Upon walking the distance to where Fa Zhou’s body is, you kneel down next to him. He looks bloodied and beaten.

“I’m sorry I killed you. I’ll make it better.”

“I’m not dead, you idiots!” Fa Zhou’s eyes open and he gives an annoyed growl.



The two children of Fa Zhou run up behind you. He looks over and rolls his eyes, looking even more tired.

“Ugh… you two idiot children think a weak blow like that can take out the great dragon king! Just give me 10 or 20 years and I’ll be back to peak fighting condition!”

“He calls being laid out for 20 years a weak hit?” You mutter wryly.

“Haha! Well, it’s not as if I wouldn’t appreciate being healed though.”

“Yeah, yeah, here you go!” You wave your hand, and in an instant the color starts returning to his face.

You even clean off the dirt. Speaking of which, you’re still very naked too. You wave your hands again, cleaning your own body and Mulans, putting you both into your respective clothing of choice.

“So cool!” Mushu mutters as he looks tearfully down between you and his dad.

Fa Zhou stands up a moment later, brushing himself of while eying you and his children before sighing. “You so casually use magic that normal people would consider impossible. You truly are a hero.”

“I don’t really see myself as any kind of hero. I’m just doing what comes naturally, I guess.”

“Is that so?” The man says thoughtfully while stroking his chin. “In that case, I see no other choice than to leave my children in your care.”

“Father!” Mulan says excitedly, then the color drains. “What do you mean, children! Both? No! No, not Mushu!”

“Yes! I get to be with my sister and the man I gave myself to!” Mushu suddenly realizes you’re looking at him incredulously and he straightens and bows with a blush on his face. “Please accept me.”

“Accept you! What the heck are you talking about? I don’t want him.”

Fa Zhou nods. “That’s why I know you’re the right one for her.”

“Ah… master… uh…”

“P-p-perhaps this will answer your question.” Mushu declares, leaping at you.

Before you can even react, his lips touch your own. Frozen in your own horror, it takes a second to realize his lips are really soft. And he smells really good. And that’s not the only soft thing. A warm, soft pillow is pressed up against your chest, creating a barrier between you and him. You’re confused, so you pull out a hand and squeeze.

“Ee…” A very feminine voice moans as the lips leave yours and Mushu’s form pulls back, covering her chest.

Except it wasn’t Mushu standing there. Yeah, she had some of Mushu’s feature like long golden hair, but it was very curly now. She had golden reptilian eyes like all dragons. She also had a pair of tits the size of Kidas. Although where Kida was very tall, so the boobs balanced her size, Mushu was just all curves. Her looks were absolutely stunning, the kind of looks that would make any chin drop at the sight. Although Mulan was also beautiful, her body was very flat. This was a body made to be played with, but unlike the Cinderella sex doll, was proportioned as if a deity had made her to perfect specifications.

She blushed, giving you a look that made your heart race. “You already wish to touch those. O-our future husband, sister, is very forceful… It’s cool!”

“It’s not cool! You can’t share him! He’s mine!”

“Wait, what the heck is going on here?” You demand.

“Ah… I was going to mention it earlier.” Mulan snaps her fingers. “I thought you already knew, but I don’t have any brothers.”

“What Mulan means is that she is my adorable, sexy sister!” Mushu declares, grabbing Mulan and immediately hugging her tightly while rubbing her cheek on the top of Mulan’s head.

Mushu is about a head taller than Mulan, and her massive chest engulfs Mulan’s head.

“I’m in my own personal hell.” The muffled words come from Mushu’s chest.

“It’s okay!” Mushu pulls Mulan out of her chest. “I’ve got big enough boobs for both of us!”


“You’re still my beautiful sister. Please make love to me!”

“Get away you creepy siscon!”

“Why is Mulan always rejecting my love!”

“Shut up, you cow sister!”

“Y-you know, maybe if you suck on my breasts you’ll grow big breasts too.”

Mulan stops for a second, the temptation overriding her sense for a moment, and then looks at Fa Zhou.” I-is that true?”

Fa Zhou gives the same tired expression and shakes his head. “No, of course not.”

Mulan turns back to Mushu. “You liar!”

“Rats! Daddy, can’t you just lie once for your daughter!”

“I hate you!” Mulan punches with all her force into Mushu’s chest.

Her massive boobs take the entire impact and reflects it. Mulan ends up going flying into the crater wall.

“Oh, sister. Come here, I’ll fix you!”

“Stay away!”

The pair end up racing around the crater while the onlooking dragons all scratch their necks and avert their eyes, clearly used to this kind of behavior.

“I don’t get it,” You say to Fa Zhou who is standing right next to you. “I thought you said you couldn’t find her a suitor.”

“I can’t.” Fa Zhou laughs. “You’ve seen her personality. The only guys who would take her as a bride only want her for her body, and those are the guys I’m not okay with. Plus, she’d be miserable that way. I had hoped as soon as her sister matured I could send her off for marriage. As soon as I started considering marriage partners for Mulan she started using glamour magic to look like a guy and claiming she was the best fit to marry Mulan. In the end, Mulan ran away, and rather than distance helping, it only made Mushu more desperate.

“To be honest, I didn’t know what I was going to do. You’ve really help- I mean, ahem, it would be my honor to hand my daughters over to you.”

“Aren’t you just dumping your problem children on me?”

“Haha. Speaking of which, as you are the hero, our clan will be happy to follow you in the future.”

“You’re just trying to avoid the issue!”

“Do you mind if our colony relocates to your territory?”

You finally give a sigh. “Yes, I guess. Everyone is welcome in Riun. Just don’t go around scaring people in your dragon forms.”

Fa Zhou nods and holds out his hand. “Very well. In that case, please look after my daughters.

You grab his hand. “Can you at least not look so relieved as you say that?”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 131

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Boom! Thud! Crack! Boom!

The sounds of a horrific battle echo throughout the land. Nearby monster flee in terror as the sounds shake the earth and fierce surges of magical power threaten to overwhelm the very air itself. However, anyone who saw the fight would call it incredibly one sided.

A powerful looking old man leapt 100 meters into the air, hitting another man directly in the face. He then grabbed the man’s foot, tossing him to the ground with full forth, creating yet another of the dozen or so craters that lined the mountainside. He lands with his fists out, propelling his body with a magical surge that creates an avalanche. He manages to jump away just as a thousand tons of rock and dirt falls, burying the newly formed crater and the man at its epicenter.

“Hah, hah, hah…” the old man gasps for breath, sweat running down his face.

There are a few moments of complete quiet once the avalanche settles. Then, a fist suddenly punches out from the rock, and a form pulls themselves from the dirt. That form is a very naked you. Of course, you are covered in so much dirt and mud now that it could constitute as clothing.

“We done yet?” You ask arrogantly.

“You bastard!” the line came from Mushu who was waiting on the sidelines. “You dare humiliate father like this! I’ll kill you myself.”

“It is clear that your defense is top notch.” The old man regains his demeanor, once again holding up a hand to silence Mushu. “But is your offense enough to defeat me?”


“Liar! No one can be so strong in defense and offense simultaneously!” Mushu insists. “You must have put all of your efforts into defense magic to trick us!”

“No! Father, it’s true. Master is truly strong. That’s why…” Mulan stops for a second, but then steps forward with a pleading look. “That’s why father must stop this folly.”

“If you can so easily defeat me.” The old man asks. “Then why have you held back?”

“It’s simple. I told Mulan today was her day. Mulan asked me not to fight you.  So, I won’t.”

“I was expecting you to not budge when he hit you! Why are you flying all over the place!”

“Because it’d be meaningless if I didn’t struggle. This is Mulan I’m fight for, I can take at least this much for her.” You shoot Mulan a thumbs up.

“B-b-baka!” Mulan calls, turning away in a blush. “I-it’s not like I think that’s really cool or anything.”

“She totally does!” Mushu shouts, “She smells really excited right now!”

“Quit smelling me you creep!” Mulan shouts back.

You hide a grimace at your little lie. Well, it was a partial truth, at least. You didn’t want to admit the real reason your body was flying around. It was because the so-called dragon king was really really strong. Even with maxed stats, you’ve found some issues. Specifically, you’re a human. Humans have a limit. Well, all creatures do, it’s just that a dragon’s upper limit is higher than your own. True, you could block Fa Zhou’s strikes, and not move an inch. However, if you did that, you’d be absorbing 100% of his blow. It wouldn’t kill you, but it word hurt like a motherfucker. Like a car’s crumple zone, you’ve found flying back and embedding yourself into dirt diminishes the force of impact far below your defensive ability. Standing still, you could take maybe twenty minutes of punishment before you collapse, but being tossed around didn’t hurt a bit.

“Even for love…” Fa Zhou broke off the bickering siblings. “Do you think you can keep up with this forever?”

“Well, I have been draining your stamina, so the question is, can you keep up with it?”

The old man gave a laugh. “I thought I was running out of steam quickly. Was afraid I was just getting old. Tell me young one, why would you tolerate such abuse, just for this young dragon?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Since I came to this world, she’s was the second to join me. I love her.”

“You bastard.” Mushu growls.

“L-l-l-love! M-m-m-master…” Mulan is fidgeting and looking extremely shy.

“Why are you being shy now?” You ask. “We just confessed are love earlier.

“I-in front of father, it’s so embarrassing, but I must say it too! I love master too.”

The old man scratches his chin with an interested look. “What do you mean by ‘came to this world’?”

“Huh? Ah, well, I was summoned here from another world.”

For the second time, a surprised look covers the man’s face. Numerous other dragons also start whispering excitedly. Fa Zhou shoots a look at Mulan, who nods in confirmation.

“And I suppose, you’ll bump heads with the demon lords?”

“Well, more like bump uglies, but yeah, in a way you could say I’ve succumbed two of them.”

“A true hero…” there is a whisper among the dragons.

“It can’t be.”

“Father! You shouldn’t listen to this, he’s clearly lying!” Mushu declares.

“He’s not! I’ve seen the defeated demon lords. He made them bow on their knees before him!”

So, they could give you head…

“And, he’s punish them brutally if they step out of line!”

You do like to spank them.

“And, they’re forced to act like dogs in front of him!”

Doggy position is Grimhilde’s favorite position.

The muttering grew louder with each declaration until everyone is talking excitedly.

“What does that have to do with anything?” You ask, slightly irritated at your confusion.

It is Fa Zhou who speaks up. “Few know this, but our particular dragon colony are the direct descendants of the great magic dragon Puff.”

“Puff the magic dragon?” You reply dryly.

“The one and only! He gave up his freedom and became a servant to the hero from another world 1000 years ago. The hero rode him to battle and stopped the summoning of the evil god. I only saw him once as a small child, but that moment I’ve cherished my entire life. Our entire line is devoted to stopping the resurrection of the evil god and serving the hero. If you’re the hero… then that would mean…”

“Th-that’s right!” Mulan interrupts like she just thought of something. “That’s why I became master’s dragon! He will ride me into battle against the forces of darkness. T-that’s why I had to run away, to find the great hero!”

She ran away and became your servant so that she wouldn’t get violated by her incestuous sibling! Now she is trying to spin it like she had planned this from the beginning. You consider what punishment games she’ll face later.

“I won’t believe it!” A shout cut through the excited discussion.

The voice was, of course, Mushu’s.

“Mushu!” Fa Zhou tries to cut him down with a glare, but he ignores his father.

“I won’t believe you’re the supercool hero! You won’t take my sister from me! It’s no fair she gets to travel with the hero and I don’t! No, rather, I don’t believe you’re the hero! Father is just getting old! We’re ten times stronger in our dragon form and father didn’t even try!”

“Enough Mushu, you embarrassment of a child, it’s considered rude to fight outside of the form your opponent takes, especially when you’re the challenger!”

“I don’t care!” Mushu cries out. “I’ll prove once and for all that this guy can’t be that cool!”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore!” You shout.

Mushu explodes into a dragon form amongst all the human shapes, and with a single jump he launches himself at you.

“You can kill that bitch all you want!” Mulan points at Mushu.

“Don’t mind if I do!” You jump at the dragon, planning to meet him in the middle.

“No, you can’t! Mushu is still my child!” Fa Zhou leaps in the way, clearly not aware that death is a relative term for you.”

You stop just short of hitting Fa Zhou, but the sheer strength of the blow carries through the wind. His scales shatter and Fa Zhou goes flying back, hitting Mushu and taking him with as they both slam into the mountainside.

“No! Father!” Mulan screams as the shattered man collapses to the ground.

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