The Power of Creation – Chapter 4

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“Ah, Pun, Parthios, and Nymphriel, this is absolutely incredible!” the princess was moaning while tightly squeezing on her naked breasts.

Your eyes furrowed looking at her. It was a bit odd, but it seemed like calling out the names of the gods of this world during sex was common place. You furrowed your brow at the thought of hearing their names as she writhed in sexual bliss.

“Ah, Ah, yes, ah… hero… oh gods, hero! I’m cumming, by Pun! It’s coming out! I can’t stop, it’s cummmmming!” the princess was breaking down.

She was on her knees, unable to stand from the intense sexual pleasure being delivered to her. You gave a frown as her body bobbed up and down, her hands rubbing all over her skin. Finally, she came.

“Ah, Ah, Ah, gods, by Parthios, hero… oh my gods, hero!” Her pussy started convulsing, and a few drips of liquid fell out of her as she made one last convulsion before collapsing on the floor.

You let out an annoyed sigh. You were, of course, nowhere near her. You had taken a single step towards her, thinking that you wanted to give her the best orgasm of her life. Then, the familiar glow occurred, a spell was assembled, and it struck the princess, providing her with the best orgasm ever. The problem was, that orgasm didn’t involve your input at all.

Magic had stimulated her pussy and brain, racking her with extreme sexual pleasure, while you were metaphorically left standing with your dick in your hand. Admittedly, it was pretty hot. She was still writhing on the ground in the throes of orgasm, her soft skin being dirtied by the forest floor while she made very sexy moans. You were incredibly hard, and all 9 inches were pushing your pants to the point that they couldn’t contain your mass.

When her moaning finally started to settle down, you give a sigh and took a step up to her. “Are you good now?”

“Th-that…” You winced as she stood up pointing at you.

What you had done was something you probably never would have done in the real world. You weren’t the type of man to sexually assault young women, although you didn’t know if using magic was called sexual assault, you also knew that if you hadn’t accidentally misused your creation magic, you’d have done more to her whether she wanted it or not.

Part of it might have been because you were still wound up from all those translations you had been reading. The men in those situations took whoever they wanted whenever they wanted. Why couldn’t you do the same? However, now that you did it, you felt a little bad, and as the girl was stuttering to talk while pointing at you, you were ready to face her accusations and wrath.

“I’m so-“ you started to apologize.

“Th-that was great!”

“Huh?” You make a dumb noise, completely caught off guard by her sudden approval.

“That made me feel so good!” The princess cried out, “I’ve never felt so wonderful before. My parents always keep me so sheltered, so I never got to experience anything. If you can make me experience more, I swear to Pun I’ll forever be yours!”

At first, you didn’t know what to say, but a sexy, naked princess was looking up at you with pleading eyes, her body still sweating and her breath still rugged from experiencing an orgasm. The effect is more than you can bare.

“I’ll show you everything you want. Shall we get more comfortable?” You suggest.

She nods excitedly, her sexy curls bouncing and her eyelashes fluttering as a smile flutters across her face. Alright, so the creation magic will allow you to create any spell you want if you but think of it. It appeared to have no limits. You put your hands out towards an empty space, trying to visualize your wants in details.

A second later, the familiar white light appeared, and as if from nowhere, a small house shimmered into existence. It was exactly like you imagined. It was literally your dream cottage, the ideal house in the woods if you ever had the money to afford one. It was almost like all of your dreams were just coming true. Now it was time to educate this sixteen-year-old princess on everything you knew.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 3

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“If you were telling the truth, then you have creation magic.” The princess explained cautiously, still keeping a few steps from you.

“Yeah, but what is creation magic? I don’t even know what that means.” You demand with a confused expression.

“Ah, well, creation magic is the ability to create magic.” The princess said, “In this world, magic must be crafted into spells. Those spells are finite, and were all provided to us by a god of this world, Pun.”

“So, it was Pun who sent me here?” You asked.

“Ah, you know Pun?”

“I guess you could say that,” You shrug, scratching your cheek, “I supposed this world doesn’t have a Nymphriel or a Parthios.”

“Oh, so you do know the three gods that make up our world?”

You wanted to face palm, but you decided to hear her out first, since you knew nothing about this world. However, it did seem like in alternative realities, truly anything could happen.

“Anyway, continue on.”

“Well,” Princess nodded. “Only the gods can create spells. Creation Magic is something that no mortal should possess. However, if the power you received is true, then you have a power that is taboo. That is, the power to make any spell you want.”

“Any spell I want? Wh-what does that mean?”

“Ah, well, if I have to remember from my magic lessons as a small girl, then you can literally do anything. Since you’ve been to this world, you must have created a spell that creates clothing. Then a spell that teleports you and me away, and then another spell that instantly kills dragons.”

“Ah, what about mana?”

“As a hero, you should have no shortage of mana. But as someone that can create spells, you could throw the balance of the world into chaos. You must promise me, hero, never teach anyone the new spells you’re creating. The gods carefully made this world balanced, and if you were to teach mortals those spells, you’d break the balance that has existed for a thousand years.

You give her a shrug, not particularly caring about this world. You wouldn’t teach anyone your spells, but that was more because you didn’t care to. Instead, you were more interested in what you could do with the spells for yourself. For example, you’ve always wanted to have a big dick, so was there a way…

Almost as soon as the thoughts came into your mind, there was a glow coming from your pants. A second later, you felt a massive snake between your legs. Your dick was now about 9 inches long, and several inches thick. It was large enough that it was actually a bit distracting since you weren’t used to it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to make it go away.

The princess had seen your groin glowing, but she was confused, “Ah, what did you just do?”

“Ah, well, you might be too young to know about such things.”

The princess sniffed, straightening her shoulders. You thought about it before, but she really did have a pretty face. She had cute curly brown hair, a button nose, delicate features, and nice D sized breasts. Her dress gave a little cleavage. Her mom was bigger, but what she lost in curves she made up for in youthful exuberance.

“I’ll have you know, that I am sixteen years old now. That is considered an adult in our realm, so don’t think I’m too young to understand things.”

As she ran her mouth, you were busy staring at her heaving breasts. You found yourself wishing you could see her naked body. Suddenly, her clothes just disappeared.

“Eh? Ah!” She screamed as she realized she was naked now, covering up her breasts with one arm and her snatch with the other. “What is the hero doing?”

“Showing you how to be a woman.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 2

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Your first instinct as the guards approached you was to escape. You had to escape. Although you wished you could take that sexy princess with you…

Light burst forth from your body, and a moment later.

“Eh?” You said.

“Ah, ahhh!” That was the voice of the princess.

The pair of you were standing in a forest. Of course, you were completely lost and had no clue how you’d gotten there. The princess seemed to be confused too, but when she noticed you, she screamed and fell back on her butt.

You tried to approach her, but she turned around and ran away. You sighed as you took off in a run after her. However, you weren’t terribly fit. Even in heels, the freaking princess was starting to outrun you. It was seriously embarrassing. How were you going to be a hero when you couldn’t even catch up to a woman in heels in the forest. If only you were faster…

Your legs suddenly started to glow, and a second later it became easier to move your legs faster. Whereas you were trailing behind the princess before, you were now moving incredibly fast. Just as you were thinking you’d catch her soon, she stopped short and you ended up running right into her back.

She fell over, and her dress went up, showing you what was underneath. She wore tight, sexy lingerie that was unbecoming of a princess. Her ass hung out from a g-string like covering that only just hid her snatch. She quickly covered up with her dress, standing up with a blush, but it didn’t last as her gaze turned to whatever had stopped her.

It was a monster! Not just a monster, it was a dragon. There were very few stories you’ve read where dragons were weak monsters. Why did you have to end up coming up against one of the strongest monsters on your first foray into another world?

The dragons raised up on its legs, spreading out massive wings as if gave a roar that spread out heat hot enough to cause the princess and you to cover your faces. You were about ready to piss yourself and run. This monster needed to die. You didn’t have the ability to kill the monster, but either way, couldn’t it just die?

Magic exploded from your body, and a moment later, the dragon made a sudden whimper just as it was raising a claw to strike you. Its eyes rolled back up in its head, and then it fell to the side with a loud thud.

“A red dragon… dead in an instant…” the princess said in disbelief before turning back to you. “You really are a hero.”

“Huh?” You demanded, “What the hell is going on?”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 1

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“Creation Magic.”


“That’s what it says, creation.”

“That… cannot be…” the priest in robes was taking several steps back and shaking his head. “You lie!”

This was the exchange of words you experienced after you were brought into another world. You were simply sitting in your chair, reading sexy rape stories from machineslicedbread, when suddenly a white light enveloped your vision.

You suddenly found yourself falling onto your butt, and the world around you had changed into a medieval fantasy setting. There was a King sitting on the throne, watching you intently, and a priest, standing in front of you with his arms up in the air like he was splitting the seas.

Having already been worked up sexually from reading naughty translations, your sight immediately fell on the King’s wife and daughter. While the King himself was a pudgy, old man, his wife was easily half his age, only in her mid-thirties, although her sexy smooth skin made her look like she could be in her twenties. She had very large breasts that nearly popped out of her dress, and they were pleasant to look at. Her daughter, who looked more like a younger sister, looked to be in her teens.

As you stared at the two sexy women, who were actually holding each other as they looked down on you, they became flustered and turned away with blushes. A second later you became concerned that you might have an erection, and when you glanced down, you were shocked to find that not only was your dick at full staff, but you were also completely naked, giving these two women a good look at your privates, spread open as they were.

The priest was looking down at your erection with a raised eyebrow. The King was giving you a stiff look, clearly a little bothered that you were exposing yourself to his wife and daughter.

Immediately, you started thinking about covering yourself. Why would this world dump you here naked? You needed to have clothes on. That was a given. As soon as the thoughts entered your head, there was a glowy light that covered your body, hiding your nudity. A second later, you realized you were completely clothed.

It was a pretty cool setup of clothing. It looked exactly like the cosplay adventurer outfit you’d have worn if you ever had the time, money, or energy to assemble something like this. You thought that maybe it had teleported a bit late. It seems like the god of this world was a bit lazy. However, the priest looked as surprised as you.

This is how your introduction to another world came. The priest immediately explained the standard story you’ve come to expect from other world novels. A demon kingdom, a country in jeopardy, and a hero summoned to the other world.

“Do I get your daughter if I beat the demon lord?” you joked.

It really was intended as a joke, but the wife suddenly held her daughter away like you were naked again, even though the daughter had shown a slight look of interest. The King put on a dark look, seeming to lack all humor, and the Priest shook his head with a twist of his mouth.

“Ah, no, that kind of thing… The Kingdom will support you, but you are here to help us, chosen by the gods, it is your duty to protect us, not our duty to support you.”

What the hell was that about? It seemed like this world had no shame when it came to summoning. Since their god sent you over, you owed them? To hell with that…

“Well, anyway, let’s see what your ability is.” The priest picked up a stone and handed it to you. “Hold this and insert magic into it, and it’ll tell us what you were brought over with.”

As soon you touched the stone, the magic seemed to pore into it like you had been doing this all your life. The words of your magic popped into your head.

“Creation Magic.”


“That’s what it says, creation.”

“That… cannot be…” the priest in the robes was taking several steps back and shaking his head. “You lie!”

“No, it’s very clearly creation magic.”

Not really able to sense the thickening mood, it came as a complete surprise to you when the priest suddenly pointed and said “Guards! Kill him! Kill the heretic!”

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

As I made my way into the main hall, I did not see the brother and sister right away, and before men noticed I was unattached and started tossing their coins my way, I decided to head straight to the right hallway that I had been advised against. With Town Bicycle, I was likely earning ten first-timers for every new guy I fucked, so it was still likely I could make another level tonight, and if that level had some battle skills, all the better.

However, I peeked into the first room in the hall, looking past the curtain. What I saw was not what I had expected. A woman sat on the floor in the middle of the room butt naked. There were several naked men standing around her. I almost thought it was a bukkake, but a second later a stream of liquid shot from his dick and started hitting her in the face. It was not white, and neither was the puddle of liquid at her feet nor what was making her hair drenched wet.

As another man started peeing on her, she opened her mouth while making moaning noises, and I closed the curtain, forever walking away from this event. It was not completely unexpected. As I said, the internet had exposed me to many things, and something of that caliber was not enough to scare me. However, my body thankfully did not see it as sexual, which meant that sexual fortitude did not kick in. I found myself immensely relieved near to the point of giggles as I stood in front of the golden shower room.

Of course, my relief came from the fact that I finally found a limit to sexual fortitude. If I didn’t see it as sexually stimulating, then it could still bother me. Scat play wasn’t sexy to me, so my fear that I would descend into the darkest realms of sex looked like they could be avoided. As long as I never saw being peed on as sexually stimulating, I’d never be okay with it. That didn’t seem like a hard commitment to make, so thankfully, I found my limits.

The next door almost caused me to run as I thought I was looking at the aforementioned scat play, but a moment later I heaved a breath of relief as I realized it was two naked women fighting in a pit of mud while men shouted and took bets. I was actually tempted to jump in there and join them, but it looked really messy and I only had about another hour before this thing ended. I had already wasted time on Richard, I really couldn’t afford to dally.

When I entered the next room, I found what I was looking for. There was a naked man strapped to a wall. He wore a mask, but he had a blindfold on over the mask. However, there seemed to be no one else in the room. It was like he had been tied up there and suddenly abandoned.

On a table in front of him was all the pseudo S&M items that experimental couples treated like S&M. Of course, I knew that it wasn’t true bondage, but it was a close approximation. I looked at the tools at their disposal. There were a few clamps, a feather duster, a chain, a whip, and a stone that after examine was revealed to create a mild electric shock.

I picked up the duster and glided it over the skin. He immediately reacted, letting out gasping sound as he twisted in his restraints.

“Ah… I’m glad you came back. I was worried when you didn’t come back, but I’ve been a good boy and waited.” He said.

I picked up a clamp and immediately clamped one of his nipples.

“Ah!” He made a pained noise. “Not so rough. Take it off!”

I rolled my eyes at him as I pulled it off. If he didn’t want it rough, he probably shouldn’t have let himself get blindfolded and strapped to a wall. I picked up the whip and then tried to give it a lash. It made a cracking sound on the first try, and I wondered if it had some kind of magical enchantment that made this thing easier. The guy jumped at the sound of the crack, a worried looking creasing on his face.

“Wh-wh-what are you going to do with that.”

It wasn’t a real whip, but I still didn’t want to cause him any damage, so instead, I folded it in half and just gave him a good smack on the thigh. He gave a loud cry as there was quite the decent sound of whip on flesh.

“Ah, fuck… that hurts! Don’t do that.”

In annoyance, I reach over and grabbed a second clip, then clipped down on his balls. He made a horrible scream and started shaking in his restraints.

“Ah, no… stop, no! Banana, that’s the safe word, right? Banana!”

As he was having a mental breakdown as I barely touched him, I noticed a woman standing in the door watching me work. She was wearing black leather and had black hair. She was pretty, but quite a bit older than me, perhaps only a few years younger than Melinda. When she noticed that I saw her, she waved me over. I left the man with the clamp still on his testicles as he made cries and pleas. When I got outside, she looked me up and down.

“Aren’t you a pretty one for practicing some pain and pleasure?” Then she gave a nod into the room. “I see you met him. You can see why I gave up on him. He said he wanted to experience pleasure from pain, but it’s clear he has no clue what he wants. However, I can see you’re interested. Giving, or receiving?”

“Oh, well, I’m still just looking too, but giving, I guess,” I spoke up.

She nodded and immediately started walking, taking me with her. “Well, then you’ve come to the right place. The party out there is just a small part of this society. It’s what the local nobles do for sport. However, if you want to know what we’re really about, this is the place. People come far and wide to experience it.”

As she said so, she tapped on a wall at the end of the hallway, and then it peeled back, opening to a stairway that went down. Wait, so the secret underground society had a secret underground society? This was truly started to become strange.

As I followed her down the stairs, the smell of leather, sex, and body odor wafted to my nose. The sounds of whipping, screaming, crying, and moaning could all be heard. To be honest, this was what I had imagined when Julian first started talking about a sex club. This underground room which felt like a cellar was the true sex dungeon.

“Many of the rooms are taken this late in the night. I’ll take you to someone who has been used lightly. I hope you don’t mind that it’s a she. There are more girls taken in.”

I nodded in understanding. It made sense that more women would be open to sexual domination and bondage while more men wanted to take on the pain causing role. At least, it made sense to me. She came up to a door, and I frowned a bit when I noticed that unlike the doors above, this one was closed and locked. She brought out a key, unlocked and opened the door, and then gestured. I gave her one of my princess smiles and then took a step in. The door closed behind me, and it felt like I was genuinely walking into a cell.

That atmosphere was certainly thick, and now and then I could hear the resounding crack of a whip followed by a scream. It felt like one of those medieval dungeons from the dark ages. There was a girl strapped to the wall, and she half had her eyes closed as she hung from two ropes. As soon as my eyes laid on her, I started to get an uncomfortable feeling.

She was not wearing a mask. That was the most obvious thing. The clothing she was wearing was in tatters, but I could still tell that it was not as fine as most of the nobles. In fact, it looked drab and devoid of color, much like the clothing I had seen on a few passing commoners. Her body had a sheen of sweat, and she seemed to be breathing hard. Her clothing had numerous gashes in them, and upon closer inspection, I realized that the skin beyond them was gashed open as well.

I approached the table of tools. They immediately made me feel sick. It was not the nice, silly toys I had seen up top. These things looked more like items from a horror movie. There was a mallet with spikes on its head. Various knives of various sizes were set out, and what looked to be a hot poker was sitting in an apparatus which glowed orange with heat.

At this point, the girl had noticed I was in the room, and even though she was half-delirious, she started fighting against her restraints. “No, no, no… please… no… don’t… not again… please… gods… please…”

She was begging loudly, nearly in a state of panic, and I had to fight back the urge to vomit. I had meant to land in a place of sex, whips, and bondage… and I had sailed right past it into a world of rape and torture. There was nothing sexual in it for my mind. I turned and grabbed a knife and started heading towards her. She immediately began crying.

“Nooo… please… I just want to see my husband… please, don’t hurt me…”

My lips met hers, and that immediately shut her up as her eyes widened. I wasn’t kissing her to shut her up, I had activated my princess kiss. Her mind started to grow more lucid, and my guess was that she was on some kind of drug, which was why she had previously had such a dazed look.

“Look, I’ll try to get you out of here.” I said, “But let me heal your wounds… it’ll be a little weird.”

She didn’t say anything, instead looking down at me with silent and focused eyes. I licked the biggest wounds, and while she twisted to pull away with a disgusted look on her face, a moment later when she saw the wounds closing and the pain fading, she started to relax. I licked the biggest wounds I could see closed using Cat’s Meow, then I pulled up the knife and immediately cut the leather straps holding her.

It was only after she fell off the rack that she suddenly grabbed onto me and started crying. “Oh, thank you… I’m sorry… thank you…”

I stroked her head for a few minutes, wishing I had a way to attach my solo player to her mind. However, without mental resistance, she merely had to cope with the horrific experiences she had seen here.

After a few minutes, I started thinking up an escape route. Basically, as a noble, I could walk right out of here. If I took off her clothing and perhaps covered her head, then everyone would assume she was a noble too. With luck, I could march her right out of here.

When I checked the door, I was relieved to see that it only locked one way, and I was able to leave this awful place. I snuck a look down both hallways, and once I saw the exit was clear, I waved her to me, and the pair of us left the room. She was naked now as well, but unlike me with my mental fortitude or the nobles with their shamelessness, she covered herself and her face was bright red. She showed an extreme amount of embarrassment, and she probably would have been frozen on the spot if I wasn’t pulling her.

We nearly made it to the stairs, and I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when we ended up running face to face with the woman that had brought me down earlier as she was walking back down. Her eyes held a smile until they turned on the woman in my arms, and then they went dark.

“What are you doing?” she snapped.

I immediately grabbed the girl and turned back the other direction. I didn’t know if there was a way out behind us, but the way forward was blocked. However, I barely made it ten feet when a giant burly man took a step out, blocking the hallways beyond. The girl in my arms let out a cry, and I glanced both ways. The burly man was approaching us on one side, and the woman was approaching us on the other.

Rather than cowering, I stood tall. I was a seductress, and the hell if I’d be cowed in a sex dungeon. Even if the contents of that dungeon was deranged, this was still my domain. If push came to shove, I’d seduce them, or possibly use my new frenzy skill.

“Well, well, trying to violate our society’s edicts.” The woman snarled.

With her dark black hair, black leather dress, and pale white skin, she was literally the textbook definition of a dungeon mistress.

“I have my right–“ I started.

“You think you have rights?” She snapped. “How about I shove you on my rack for a while, we’ll see how you talk about rights.”

I’d seen her racks, and even a seductress like me didn’t like the look of them. That was not the kind of thing I expected to survive. Therefore, as the two descended on me, that left only one choice. I had to-

“What is going on here?” A voice suddenly cut in from the stairs.

There was the soft tap-tap of sandals and a man emerged from the top. I immediately gave a breath of relief as Julian emerged into the light.

“Ah, yes…” the woman whom I called mistress seemed to defer to Julian. “There is a woman trying to help one of our crop escape.”

Julian’s eyes flashed to me, although it was difficult to read what emotions were hidden there. “No, no, no, that won’t do.”

The mistress nodded. “I agree. I was just about to throw her on a rack and torture the answers out of-“

Julian’s hand moved out so fast that the mistress couldn’t even register as the back of his hand struck her face. The slap was hard, echoing in the dungeon-like hallway. She fell to the side, completely off guard, her head striking the wall. The other guard, who was still advancing on us stopped in his tracks, a dumbfounded expression on his face.

“You stu-“ Julian’s expression was violently twisted, but a second later he took a breath and the expression faded as he looked up at me with a smile as if he’d never been angry at all. “Ah, my sister, I’m sorry, it seems like a mistake was made this evening. You were not supposed to be brought down here.”

“Ah… that is, I was curious.” I said grudgingly, although I was still a little shaken up by the event.

Julian let out a carefree laugh. “Ah, of course, I knew you would be. I knew your wants would be hard to satisfy. However, this place might not coincide with your particular perversions. Perhaps, we should head back up, and I can introduce you to some interesting men whose company you may enjoy.”

As he spoke, he walked up to me and put his arm around mine, immediately pulling me away. As I started heading for the staircase, the woman I was trying to save let out a cry and grabbed at my arm.

“Julian, wait!” I pleaded. “I promised this girl I’d see her home.”

A look flashed on Julian’s face, but when I looked up at him pleadingly, he put on the same old smile. “Ah, who can say no to my cute little sister? It’s a little unorthodox, but I expected great things from you and you delivered. You’re the talk of the party. I think we can grant you this one little boon. But just this once.”

I nodded eagerly, ready to do anything, even jump on the rack, in order to protect her.

“You,” Julian pointed at the Mistress, who had finally gotten back on her feet, holding a cloth to her mouth to hold back the blood dripping from her cheek. “Process the girl early. Return her to her family.”

Her eyes widened, and she looked like she was about to protest but Julian gave her a dark stare and she immediately quieted. He then turned and pulled me along back up the stairs.

“It’ll be okay, they’ll let you go now,” I told the woman, getting her to let go of me.

She stared up at me with hopeless eyes like her salvation was being taken from her. However, Julian had given the orders. I heard him. However, there was one word that bothered me.

“What do you mean by processing?” I asked.

Julian laughed as we took another step. “Ah… that is what we do with all of our guests. I know you may not approve, but I believe every man has a right to their kink, do you agree?”

Those words so closely reflected my own mantra that it seriously hit close to home. However, this and that were two completely different things. Rape and sexual torture went way beyond butt sex and group orgies.

“I’d normally agree, but…”

Julian waved his hand again. “Then you need not worry. Yes… these commoners are pulled in against their will, and nobles are allowed to have their way with them. I won’t lie to my cute little sister. But after they are done, we process them. That is, we heal all their wounds, we use magic to wipe their memory of the night, and then we return them. It’s a victimless crime.”

“Ah, but… what they’re doing…”

“The commoners get healing by our best doctors. Sometimes they heal diseases or conditions the people couldn’t afford to heal themselves. They’re returned in better shape than they left.”

It still unnerved me, but my brain was shaken I couldn’t seem to come up with a good reason to argue with him.

“And you promise that they don’t remember anything?” I asked. “Oh, and that she will be returned to her family safely and alive?”

We had reached the curtain that returned us back to the main room. He spun around in front of me, taking both of my hands in his. He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. It was the first time since I had been to that world that he had openly shown me this kind of affection.

“I swear it, my dear, my oath as a prince.”

I finally let myself relax. My deception had not detected any lies in his voice, so I could only choose to believe him. This event had caused a great deal of stress, and now that I knew the woman would be safe, I wanted to get past it. Of course, they were still doing the same torture, likely to many other women, but as Julian said, it didn’t hurt them in the long term. I didn’t approve of it, but I wasn’t in a position to change things either. The only thing I could do was accept it and grow stronger until I was powerful enough that I didn’t need to accept it.

“Ah, and speaking of which…,” Julian said as he led me back into the main room. “I believe you have met these siblings. You didn’t hear it from me, but they are foreign diplomats that came in a bit early for the Harvest, and I’ve heard they’ve had their eye on you.”

The familiar mustached man and the exotic dark skinned woman approached, and I gave a smile, starting to feel normal again.

“Ah, we have been looking for you, has our promised fun come?” The man asked.

“My sister found herself in an off-limits area.” Julian spoke up, “Perhaps you two would like to calm her mind and alleviate her doubts?”

“Ah, yes, that area. My sister and I spent a little time down there earlier, but we prefer to bathe in the sun rather than trudge into the dark. And you my lady, are the most radiant sun, please let me bathe in your lust.” The man laughed as he took my hand and kissed it.

He kissed my wrists, and then my arm, the kisses working their way to my shoulder. The woman also grabbed me by the other arm, and I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face as the two people dragged me away to a nearby pillowtop. I glanced back briefly at Julian, who merely smiled and nodded to me. Well, it was alright if I just continued to enjoy the night, wasn’t it?

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Before anything, I needed to check on my status.

I was developing nicely, and I hadn’t even noticed many of the new skills while I was busy with five at a time. I finished up with the guys inside me, quickly using my now maxed Hand Job to finish off the last guy in thirty seconds flat. I freshened up and finally stood, stretching my tight muscles that had been bent out of shape for the last hour and a half.

There were still one or two men lingering nearby, but as they approached me I held up my hand. They nodded and backed off to find someone else. No one present would accuse me of not giving it my all. No matter how sexy I looked when I first started, I could only continue to exude so much sexiness after fucking over half the entire sex party. At best, I’d look worn out, and nobody wanted to be someone’s sloppy hundredth.

Although I wanted to acknowledge my level up menu, first I picked up my clothing. A servant ran out and handed me a towel, and I actually needed three towels before I managed to clean up most of the spooge. And that only picked up the stuff that wasn’t dried and caked on. I hadn’t realized it, but I had ended up getting a lot of it in my hair, and it now had a wet greasy appearance, hanging around my face in sticky threads that clung to my cheeks and mask.

My only choice was to wash up in a shower, so I picked up the coins I had accumulated before leaving. I didn’t know how many coins I had, but they were more than could fit in a single bag. Fortunately, my first lover wasn’t the only guy who just gave me his whole bag, so once I consolidated it, I had four bags filled to the brim with coins and a dozen other loose coins I put into various pockets of my seductress uniform.

Throughout all the sex, Min’s dress had been stained dozens of times. I hadn’t even thought to free my breasts yet, having performed all the sexual acts while still wearing a garter belt and bodice. Of course, the garter belt had actually ripped during my last sexual exchange, so it was less a garter belt now and more just some straps hanging from my body. I stripped it off, and another servant came out and fetched it. I guess that besides serving drinks and removing the unconscious, servants also collected all the discarded clothing. That was likely where my skirt and arms had gone as well.

As I walked down the hallway leading to the showers, I could hear moaning coming out of various rooms. Some couples had their curtain pulled back and were out visibly fucking so I watched for a bit, but I didn’t think I’d gain any voyeur experience without watching the whole thing. I admitted I was too distracted earlier to gain any extra experience with voyeur.

I found the showers and activated the water stone. I didn’t even bother to remove my bodice, letting the water rinse away its stains and my own at the same time. Finally, with the soothing water pulling the dried cum from my hair, I finally glanced at the new level options.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 20!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Two in One (Passive): Vagina can be split into two, separating both cocks during sexual stimulation.}

{Frictionless Sex (Passive): Skin will not break down from friction during sexual contact.}

{Shared Experience (Active): During intercourse, target will experience the same sensory as castor.}

I grimaced. This wasn’t enough, and it certainly didn’t look like something that would help me against Denova.

In the end, I selected nothing. Two in One sounded weird and freakish. I didn’t want to grow a second vagina, even temporarily. Shared experience just sounded like a pain. I supposed it could enhance a couple’s intimacy, but that just wasn’t me. I might have picked Frictionless sex, but with my damage resistance, it seemed unlikely to be useful. This situation right now was not one I planned to be in a lot, so the points in which I experienced enough friction to need it were few and far in between.

As I finished my shower up, I pulled out a vial of minor health and another vial of minor stamina and took a swig. The damage started to heal, my energy returned, and I found myself able to walk normally again. That was just one more reason why Frictionless was useless. I needed to get at least one more level tonight. And that level needed to be filled with useful skills. Skills seemed to be influenced by how you acted since your last level up.

That meant, that if I wanted violent skills in my next level up, I needed to act violently. The only way I could achieve that goal here lied in the hallway Julian had told me to avoid. I suspected there might be a fair amount of S&M going on in there. If I was able to bring out my sadist’s side, perhaps sexually stimulate someone with pain, then perhaps my skills would have a bit more bite to them.

I had just about decided on that course of action when a familiar voice caught my ear. In a side room to my right was the recognizable sound of moaning. If I hadn’t already heard these noises before, I wouldn’t have noticed, but after three times I knew the sound of Sylvia moaning and could pick it out of a crowd. Just as I was considering resorting to sadism, the true sadist in me bore to the surface.

I snuck a look into a small room. The room itself had no furniture. It was just a few dozen pillows and blankets lying across the floor and propped up on walls. Sylvia was still wearing her slutty dress, but the breasts that had nearly popped out the top had long since been released to the world. Her dress was scrunched down and scrunched up from both sides so that the only thing it covered was her stomach.

Meanwhile, there was a man with dark skin and a mustache plowing her from behind. Well, doggie was her favorite position, so it should have come as no surprise that I kept finding her in it. Of course, she also liked to be dominated and raped, but I assumed Richard wasn’t comfortable with that kind of stuff.

Richard was in the same room with her. He was currently lying propped up by a pillow as a girl sucked on his balls. By the matching skin color, she was likely the mustached man’s companion. That would make this a couple swap. Julian had warned me that there were couples who stayed as couples, only swapping partners but never going off on their own.

I pulled open my bodice, finally making the last conversion to full seductress mode, and then I opened the curtain loudly. When Richard’s eyes went up to see me standing in the door, he immediately jumped in surprise, the girl going down on him making a muffled surprised noise as he unexpectedly pushed his cock up into her throat. That was the reaction I had wanted from him when he first entered the receiving room. Shock, awe, and sexual excitement mixed on his face. I had just showered so my hair was wet, and while I had abandoned my garter belt and crotchless panties, leaving my lower half completely bare, I still had a sexy leather bodice that was open to expose my breasts. Like how Sylvia’s dress propped up her oversized saggy breasts, my dress squeezed my pert breasts together, so they appeared larger, with some very clear cleavage.

There was a sudden outcry as the thrusting and moaning stopped. Sylvia was rudely trying to kick the guy off her as soon as she noticed me in the doorway, and the guy who was previously in the middle of thrusting into her pussy looked around confused as she suddenly closed her body off from him and pulled away like he had just become undesirable. His hard dick still hung erect, only gleaming slightly from her lust.

At this point, the mustached man and the woman noticed me, and I noticed the girl was eying me with sexual lust just as much as the man. I seemed to know that she was the type of girl that swung both ways.

“I’m sorry to break up your little swap, but I want dibs on him next.”

I flipped a coin in the same way Devon did, spinning in the air with a ringing sound until in landed on Richard’s chest. While Richard was giving a dumbfounded look, the woman stood up and started walking towards me. She pulled out a coin of her own.

“I saw you earlier, but you looked busy.” She spoke was a strange accent that put emphasis on the z sound, which is one of the first accents I had heard in this world. “Perhaps we could-“

I reached and grabbed the coin, pulling it out of her hands as she gave a grin. A second later, I tucked it back in the pouch hanging at her side. As her smile started to shrink, I grabbed her and with a spin pushed her up against a wall. It was similar to what I had done with Sylvia, but rather than resist, this woman broke into a pleased look. My lips met hers, and with my tongue craft, I kissed her thoroughly. I was aggressive, demanding, and with Lover’s breath, I could literally go for half an hour. I settled for a minute before I pulled away, a trail of saliva tying our mouths together. She was completely out of breath, her naked breasts heaving as she wore a smile on her face.

I moved up to her ear and whispered. “Give me some time with this one, and I’ll give the pair of you the ride of your lives before the night is done.”

The girl’s smile widened even more, and she gave me a wink before I let her go from the wall. She immediately turned to the door and snapped her fingers.

“Come, brother.” She said, “Sometimes, if you let the small fish go, it opens up room to catch the whale.”

The man who turned out to be her brother, not her lover, gave a nod with only a bit of disappointment. Although he had been stopped pretty close to orgasm, he couldn’t hide the excitement as he looked at me. It was pretty clear that Sylvia was the small fish, and I was the whale. I wasn’t particularly excited about being called a whale, but given the context, it seemed desirable. He followed after her, and within moments it was just me, Sylvia, and Richard, all three of us at one level of undress of another.

I started to take a step towards Richard, but then Sylvia reached into her dress and pulled a coin out from its folds, immediately waving it at me with a look of triumph.

“You won’t get Richard. I have a coin.”

“Then I’ll just use my coin on you instead.” I leaned over and snatched the coin off his stomach, turning and immediately trying to hand it to her.

Sylvia shrieked and took a few steps back, covering her chest like I was already trying to take her chastity like she had any left. I gave her a smile and a shrug.

“Richard!” She turned to him suddenly. “Please, do something about this!”

Richard looked flustered, but it was me who spoke up. “Who is this Richard you speak of? All I see is a mask and man behind it who wants to be satisfied.”

I covertly chastised her for breaking the etiquette since it didn’t seem like Richard was going to call her out on it. I sat back without looking. From standing position, I bent down into Richard’s lap. Like a magnet, his upright cock lined up and slid right into my pussy. I had noticed this earlier, but my skills had advanced to a point where my pussy just seemed to know where the cock was, and I didn’t even really need to waste time on carefully lining things up, as the skills took care of it for me.

As a result, I went from standing in front of Sylvia, arguing with her, to sitting and having his cock slide into me in a single motion that neither of them could even follow. As my tight pussy, further tightened with my increasing Kegels, wrapped around his cock, Richard couldn’t help but close his eyes and let out a satisfied moan. By the time, Sylvia’s slow brain caught up with the fact that I was already fucking the prince, I had bobbed my ass up and down on his cock three times.

The change in expression on her face was especially satisfying. She was originally angry, but as the realization set it, suddenly it was confusion, shock, and then horror. Finally, as I leaned back and started using my hands to seriously start riding his cock, both of us facing forward towards Sylvia, I gave her a perfectly clear view of my pussy, and more importantly Richard’s cock, sliding in and out of it.

Her mouth twisted and tears started to run down her eyes. She suddenly made a sobbing noise before shooting me a look of pure hate and then turning around and running away. Like I had predicted, as she fled the room, Richard didn’t make a single noise of protest. He had me now, and so he didn’t give a single crap about this childhood friend who clung to him desperately.

In fact, instead, he reached around to the front of my body and cupped my breasts. As I rode his cock, he played with my nipples from behind. This was truly the Richard I had expected, he was a man who only cared about himself.

{Position Unlocked: The Libido}

As I rocked my hips on his cock, feeling him inside me, the excitement of the catch started to fade away. To be honest, Richard was pretty boring, and I quickly realized he was lacking in many departments as a lover. Although I switched to the Valedictorian and Woman on Top to keep things interesting, Richard was a bit inept.

For example, he continued to rub my nipples, but he didn’t do anything else. I even leaned forward, putting myself so my ass was practically wagging in front of him as I slammed my pussy on his balls, and he just kept his hands on my butt cheeks and squeezed occasionally. He didn’t slap my butt, he didn’t spread it and play with my pussy as it slid on his dick.

{Position Unlocked: Aries}

I kept giving him opportunity after opportunity to ravage my body, but other than light touching, he mostly left me to do all the work. I finally decided to finish him off by turning around in his lap. I hadn’t unlocked a position yet, so I actually just got up and turned around. He looked up at me with excited eyes, but they weren’t the excited eyes of a man who just got to fuck his dream girl.

I had said it before, but of the four brothers, I had realized he was the most conceited. The way I interpreted the situation was that he felt like he disserved this. My pussy and my body was nothing if not his well-deserved treat. He was a man who did nothing his entire life, became mediocre, but felt like he should be handed life because simply put, he thought he was better than everyone else.

{Position Unlocked: Gemini}

For a second, I was tempted to see if I could earn all the constellations, but I had no clue if every constellation had a silly sex position, or even what those positions would dictate. Either way, I knew I wouldn’t be making that exploration with Richard. We sat, facing each other, his dick inside me. There wasn’t a lot of leverage in this position, so I couldn’t get anything hard slapping going. Instead, I focused on my Kegels, tightening and releasing it on his dick.

It was a different experience, having sex without the hard thrusting, deep throbbing fuck. To simply have his parts in mine as we held each other, it would have been nice with another man. With Richard, I worked my Kegels for about three minutes as he didn’t kiss me or touch me romantically, and when he came inside me, I gave a breath of relief that I could go do someone more fun.

Of course, the memory of Sylvia breaking down and crying I would carry with me forever. I’d probably steal him again if the occasion ever arose. However, by himself, Richard lacked the romance, the sexual lust, and the drive. I got more enjoyment from my dildo.

Still, I went and gave him a kiss on the lips, although he didn’t even attempt to kiss me back, looking on curiously with a haughty attitude like he was waiting for what I would do next. I wiped the bit of seed he had deposited in me, stood up, and looked down at him.

“Thank you. I will… um… see you later.”

He gave a nod, seemingly content sitting in the room by himself. I shook my head in disbelief as I left the room. How could someone make sex boring? Perhaps I would look for the brother and sister, now they looked fun.

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

“You first!”

As I said this, I lept off the podium. The man who was approaching me nearly stopped in his tracks in surprise. He was a middle-aged man about ten to twenty years older than me. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and about a seven-inch cock. He looked somewhat muscular and certainly stronger than my last lover. However, none of these were the reasons I picked him first. The reason I lept to him was simple. He was closest.

His arms flayed out in a desperate attempt to catch me, the force of my body hitting his enough that he took a step back. However, I was not so heavy, and I was a bit higher up than him. In a single motion, one hand grabbed his shoulder for balance. As I fell down, the other grabbed his cock and lifted it. A moment later his dick slid into my dripping pussy, which I used Kegels to tighten on. My other hand returned to his shoulder as my legs wrapped around his hips.

From the podium to his cock, the entire thing was done in one single smooth movement. It was a move certainly impossible without vaginal intercourse up to max. It took the full skills of a seductress to pull it off. However, in a brief moment, I had flung myself on him and put him in me. A moment later I was riding him. There were no walls or seats, my body writhing up and down on his cock with reckless abandon.

For a brief moment, he and the rest of the crowd seemed confused as to what had just happened, but the feel of my pussy tightening around his cock as it stroked it up and down quickly brought understanding to his face. He brought his arms around and put a hand on each butt cheek, aiding me in rising and falling on his dick. As soon as the crowd seemed to catch up with the fact that I was now riding his cock, there were a few disappointed men who wanted to be first and a few people clapping like the whole thing was a performance.

{Position Unlocked: Workout}

While his help wasn’t particularly necessary, the position did not lie with its name. It was a labor-intensive position, and I needed to be more conservative if I wanted my stamina to last for the rest of the night. I had let my excitement at the moment get the better of me. There were several dozen men already interested in my time, so I needed to focus on efficiency. I would just do it after this one cock.

I switched to the Ben Dover position while keeping an eye on my spectators. I didn’t notice surprised looks on anyone’s faces when my body mysteriously shifted from being up on his body to having my feet on the floor and being bent over. The new position gave me a less active role as he grabbed my hips and thrust into me from behind.

Thus, as I was bent over, I focused on using Kegels, tightening my pussy muscles as he thrust in, and releasing them as he pulled out. He quickly figured out the use of my belt, and before long he had the straps wrapped around me with one hand while the other grabbed onto my garter belt, effectively putting my lower body under his completely control as he thrust into me deeply.

However, after about two minutes of thrusting, I was starting to feel a little light-headed while staying bent down, so I switched to a deep stick. Instantly, my back was on the cold tile, and my legs were being pushed up to nearly my head. His dick got even deeper now, each thrust filling my pussy up, his whole seven-inch shaft disappearing to the balls with each thrust.

With more leverage, he started to increase the pace, and I started finding it difficult to tighten and release my pussy muscles fast enough to time it with his thrusts. Instead, I just tightened continuously, and his thrusts slowed a bit as he had to force his way into me with more effort. However, the effect was that I felt considerably tighter as my muscles clamped down on his dick.

{Kegels has increased to LVL 4.}

{Technique Unlocked: Waveform}

The strength of my pussy muscles were becoming quite powerful now. If I had lacked the naturally lubricated wetness of a seductress, a dick his size would have struggled to push into me like the tightness of a virgin girl. In a way, performing Kegels felt like a workout. Tightening my muscles to the point that he fought to penetrate, the tightness of my pussy being forced open by his above average cock. However, the side effect of this was that tightening my muscles also kept me from having an orgasm. Had I not been using it, I likely would have already cum twice now.

In fact, my body had become so hot and bothered from denying myself an orgasm that I was starting to lose control. If the man didn’t have me in a deep stick position, my entire body being folded up on the ground and under him, likely I would have thrown myself at him without thought or reason.

However, before I gave up on the Kegels, I wanted to see what the heck waveform was. It certainly sounded more useful than the grab ability. Techniques were an odd thing. The knowledge to perform them seemed to flow into your head as you leveled up, and you simply were able to do things now that you might not have even thought of before. So, while I didn’t know what waveform was, I knew how to do it.

The effect was immediate and fascinating. I began the waveform and the clamping of my pussy released. His speed started to increase again without the interference of my muscles holding his dick back. However, at the same time, my pussy began to twitch. More specific, it felt like a spasm that shot through my pussy over and over again. If someone ever put electrodes on their muscles and ran electricity through it to cause them to involuntarily tighten, it felt something like that. However, it didn’t feel bad. It was merely a rapid tightening and loosening occurring in rapid succession.

The result? My pussy was doing the equivalent of vibrating. It didn’t do it to the effect of injecting magic in a vibrator, but it happened with a fast enough frequency that it could be felt through the dick inside me. My recent lover recognized the feel as the entire length of his shaft was massaged by the walls of my snatch.

His thrusting seemed to stop and remained deep inside me, his body convulsing a bit. Suddenly, I felt the familiar spurt of liquid shooting deep inside me.

“Ah, yeah, oh, gods you feel good. I’m cumming,” He moaned.

He was a tad late on the info his dick already making its third swell as the remaining liquid was deposited, my waveform milking out every drop of spunk that the man possessed. He collapsed on top of me, my body still folded nearly in half in a rather uncomfortable way. He had let go of my legs so I could straighten up a bit, but he otherwise looked like he was content lying inside me for a while, his dick enjoying the aftereffects of my waveform.

Although it was a bit of my fault that with all of my kegel play I had kept myself from cumming, I was still a little upset he hadn’t finished me off. However, truth be known, I was more upset that he thought he could waste my time snuggling after. If it had been someone like Devon, I would have loved to snuggle after. However, this was not someone I cared about. I position shifted, so I was back on top, and then I pulled his dick out of me and looked for the next available guy.

The next guy was a dark-skinned man who was likely a foreign dignitary as neither his dress nor exposed facial features seemed similar to most of the people I knew from this region. However, I grabbed him aggressively by the dick and immediately moved to my knees to pull off a kneeling blowjob. It was actually easier to get into a kneeling blowjob and position shift than to waste time getting him to lie down or line up. As soon as his dick was in my mouth, I could summon it to my ass, pussy or anywhere else I wanted.

As soon as I felt like I had sufficiently drenched his dick in my spit, I positioned shifted to doggie. I let him pound me from behind for a bit, my knees only becoming a little sore from being on the tile. This was another thing I had been too hasty to do. If I just had spent the time to reach some of the laid-out sheets and pillow, I could do a lot of this more comfortably.

However, after a few moments, I switched to Rough Rider and the pain on my knees was subdued with the pain resistance increase. Now that his dick was sufficiently wet with my own natural lube, I teleported his dick to my ass. It was less obvious than a lot of my position shifts, but still a necessary part of my control. Ultimately, my plan was to go with Rough Rider now for the 50% bonus. Eventually, I would switch to Town Bicycle.

At the moment, I had already had three men. That meant as my third, town bicycle would only net me a 10% bonus. I’d have to sleep with four more men before town bicycle started giving me more experience than anal. Therefore, I’d simply have to sacrifice my ass for a while. My anal was not particularly high yet, so I knew that four men would probably be about my limit. Hopefully, with Rough Rider, I’d still be able to sit down come tomorrow.

However, my plans were thrown out the door when a coin was suddenly dropped in front of my face and I looked up to see a naked Gregory standing in front of me, his cock sitting somewhere between hard and soft, glistening from the wetness of whoever he last fucked.

“You don’t mind if I have her mouth, do you? She seems so lonely with only one hole filled.” Gregory gave a smile and the guy behind me gave his consent.

Suddenly, I felt like an idiot for not considering this sooner. This was an orgy after all, and there certainly were plenty of group sex going on. Why was I limiting myself to one guy at a time when I could be earning experience much faster than that? I switched to my trusted gang banger title, and with very little egging on, I put Gregory’s softening cock into my mouth and brought it back to life.

{Position Unlocked: High Five}

{Tongue craft has increased to LVL 2.}

{Cunnilingus has increased to LVL 7.}

{Technique Unlocked: Helicopter Swirl.}

I immediately activated the new technique. My tongue did just as the technique would suggest. With a speed I never thought my tongue even possessed, it swirled around his dick with extreme precision, swirling around the head and shaft with a tight clockwise motion. Gregory went straight to moaning, my maxed blowjob and tongue craft being too high level for him to handle.

“Gods, girl, I never would have thought… big brother must hear of this.”

“Bring him,” I gasped as I pulled his dick out of my mouth with a sucking gasp. “I want to taste all of you.”

My fingers caressed his balls lightly playing with him. However, a moment later another coin dropped down next to me, and a man who, I didn’t recognize kneeled next to Gregory while holding his dick out expectantly. I tried to shoot him a sexy look, but the effect was altered as I looked up from the cock inside my mouth. I wouldn’t say it was a worse look, it certainly did cause the man’s eyes to brighten as mine met his. Shifting myself so I balanced on one arm, I lifted up the other and started stroking his shaft.

{Position Unlocked: Three’s a crowd.}

I had to agree with the position name again. While two cocks at once was manageable, I was having a hard time focusing on pleasuring Gregory, while moving my hips to grind against the guy coming in from the back, and also keeping my hand moving on the third cock, all while keeping my balance. I was almost about to give up on one of the three when my mind suddenly cleared a bit.

[Multitasking has increased to LVL 1.}

It had been some time since I had last acquired a tier 1 skill. Multitasking was a skill I had read about in the books. It was a skill usually earned by very skilled blacksmiths who had to keep track of hammering iron, maintaining temperature, and threading magic at the same time. Not every skill felt like it made a difference when I got them, but Multitasking seemed to have a genuine effect. I found it considerably easy to manage all three tasks.

A few moments later, the man behind me’s thrusts became more frantic. While he started cumming in my ass, the man I was providing a hand job also looked about ready to cum. With Min’s help, my hand job was getting close to max, so my machinations, even while shuffling between three men, were enough to quickly do him in. Using position shift, I immediately shuffled the men around. After I felt like the man coming in my ass was about done, I sent him to my hand. I sent Gregory behind me, switching his dick to my slightly cleaner pussy, and I finally sent the cumming man I was giving a hand job to into my waiting mouth.

I might have ruined the guy cumming in my asses orgasm a bit, but my hand continued to fiddle with his dick while it softened and he seemed happy. Meanwhile, I swallowed down the other guy’s semen. I didn’t want to be struck in the face and have to clean it off, so the position shifts were intended to keep everything contained. My mouth with tongue techniques had already brought Gregory to the limit though, and with the other two men spent I was able to use Kegels on him. He did not last long before he came into my pussy as well.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 18!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Groupie (Passive): Eases insertion when in suboptimal positions.}

{Many Titles (Passive): Can set a secondary title. The effects are half of the primary title.}

{Forget (Active): Causes party to forget the act of sex shortly after climax.}

The new level made me happy and my first foursome ended with each man cumming in a different hole, every entrance leaking out a fluid from a different man. After glancing through my new optional skills, I could see the advantage of each. However, the one that would help me be more powerful was the Many Titles. Title usage was already so important to me, so having two titles would allow me to level faster, have more resistances, and of course the stat boost. I selected it immediately and back to see Gregory watching me curiously.

“I’m glad we brought you here.” Gregory laughed. “You were even better than I imagined. Brother has surely missed out. He’ll be so jealous when he finds out I had you first. Especially when I tell him how tasty you are.”

I gave him a sultry smile while the other two guys took a few steps away, recovering from their recent sexual release. After complimenting me like I had just done something remarkable, Gregory skipped off to tell Julian about me. One of the other men, the dark skinned one who had violated my ass dropped two more coins while telling me I was worth more. The other man nodded in agreement, but he selfishly held on to his last coin as he ran off to find another woman.

Of course, this was not the end of my night. This was merely the beginning. I set Town Bicycle as my primary and Gang Banger as my secondary. My record foursome was immediately demolished as I ended up with five men at once in something that could only be called group sex. While one man lied on the ground and I mounted him cowgirl style, another man went in from behind and stuck it in my ass. That left my mouth and two hands. The multitasking skill quickly became necessary as I worked both hands and my mouth.

{Multitasking has increased to LVL 2.}

{Position Unlocked: Fully Loaded.}

Regrettably, this position had its setbacks. In particular, my lower body was mostly at the mercy of the two guys below and behind. Any attempts I made to try to rock my hips would cause one dick or the other to pop out, forcing the guy to have to reposition it back in there. I was capable of using Kegels on my pussy to speed the guy under me along, but it quickly became more than I could handle as I also dealt with my mouth and hands.

This level of multitasking slowed the speed, after all, I could drive a man to cum considerably faster one on one. Now, I had to abandon my techniques and skills or my stamina would have failed too quickly, but overall I still found myself moving through men faster in fives than I ever could in 1s. Of course, it wasn’t like I fucked five guys, then five more guys, then five more guys. Instead, I had turned my body into an insatiable conveyer belt of sex.

Whenever the guy under me or behind me came, I’d swap him out with one of the standing guys. I tried to send the guys I was blowing to my ass so that the spit could help with the lubricant a bit while the handjobs went down to my pussy. However, it didn’t always work that way and after an hour of sex, I was already so full of cum that all but the largest dicks just popped into my ass without resistance.

As men came and then wandered away, new men would take their place and I’d grab their cock next. Many left coins, and while I didn’t have the time or spare hands to pick them up, the end result was that we were fucking over a consistently growing pile of Qetesh coins. Many men left more than one as an added tip, and so the pile was rising quite rapidly.

After about three guys had deposited a load in my ass, one of the men finally discovered the existence of my leather straps and thought to use them. He hiked my hips up to the cock I was riding, giving him the leverage to thrust into my ass even better.

The largest dick I had experienced so far was a beastly man with a 9-inch cock. I probably should have kept him as a handjob to not over stretch my pussy, but I couldn’t resist the urge to send him down below. His cock was so thick that my pussy was stretched aggressively, almost pushing the dick out of my ass as it dominated its presence inside me. My Kegels activated by nature, fighting against the cock that threatened to tear me open. With two cocks inside me at the same time, I never felt more filled in my life, and with the one in my pussy being a giant monster, I felt like I was being fucked apart.

Of course, it felt incredible, and I came three times before the man exploded inside me. It was so good that I would have given him a tip, but he actually handed me ten coins. Apparently, his dick scares a lot of women away, and I was the first girl who had taken in his whole dick without reserve. While he was giving me three incredible orgasms which were enhanced by the man fucking my ass and playing with my tits, I was letting him feel what it was like for the first time to erupt with his entire shaft smothered with a tightening pussy.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 19!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Available Special Skills:

{Simultaneous Pleasure (Passive): Makes it easier to obtain simultaneous orgasm.}

{Tasty Cum (Passive): Changes the taste of cum to taste of choice (Strawberry, Banana, Chocolate, Vanilla.)}

{Freshen Up (Active): Uses SP to clean butt and pussy. Improves smell and cleanliness.}

I was a little busy at the moment, but after having a level snatched from me once I was a little apprehensive about waiting for too long. So while juggling five cocks, two in my ass and pussy, and the rest in my hands and mouth, I tried to read and decide on what I wanted next. The simultaneous orgasm was great with one lover, but it might delay orgasms or in some way impede my sexual progress, so it was rejected. Although I had already swallowed at least ten loads of cum and the taste was starting to make me slightly nauseous, I didn’t know how I felt about it suddenly tasting like some kind of desert. It was tempting, but it was ultimately ruled out by Freshen Up.

As the guys thrust into me from both holes, my body was making some very juicy sounds as a result of the dozens of men who came into me before. I was gushing from both holes, and it probably wasn’t all that fresh. As a seductress, my pussy should always be appealing to men. It should smell good and taste better. In that way, Freshen Up was the only ability for me. I activated it as soon as I got it, and suddenly the friction increased in both my ass and pussy.

It felt uncomfortable for a minute or two, but my pussy quickly made up the difference. I guess Freshen Up had the bad side effect that when it removed all the mess, it also removed sex liquids that was keeping everything sliding around smoothly. From now on, I’d have to remember to use it between sexual partners, and not during one.

My endless cycle of fucking continued on as the night continued on. I didn’t know how long I sat in a group sex circle, sandwiched between a half dozen cocks. Occasionally, a woman would approach sheepishly, and I would finger her or eat her out, not really being in a good position to refuse the next customer in line. While switching things around, I accidentally assigned two cocks to my pussy. I thought nothing would happen, so I let out a gasp when I felt two cocks in me at once. It was a new experience as both shoved in at different rates, causing my pussy to twist and turn to their machinations. As each cock rubbed the alternating sides of my pussy in tandem, I quickly found myself climaxing again.

{Position Unlocked: Two in one.}

Of course, I had lost count of the times I had cum. My voice was hoarse from moaning, even though most of those moans were blocked by the cock or pussy that always sat in my mouth. Julian eventually approached, but by the time he got to me, I had already serviced well over fifty men and at least five women, so even with Freshen up, my body was red, swollen, chaffed, and sore. I’d have been worse without the combined benefits of damage resistance of both Town Bicycle and Gang Banger, but without added pain resistance my body was starting to lose out.

{Pain resistance has increased to LVL 7.}

The pain wasn’t bad, but it was constant, so I took anything I could get. Furthermore, I had long since given up on trying to keep all the spooge inside me. Hand job after hand job had emptied on my shoulders, arms, neck, face, and even my back dripping down as they did. My entire upper body was subsequently covered in dried semen from earlier, and wet semen from more recent. Julian did not join in. He merely watched me curiously as I continued to function as a fuck pin cushion to cock after cock, my entire body acting as an unstoppable sexual force. Even he wouldn’t guess why I was so driven to fuck so many men. He wore a small smile on his face as he continued to watch me work, but as men finished off and deposited more sperm on or in me and left, he never went into a vacancy.

A clock chimed 12 times, indicating that it was midnight. The sex party was supposed to go on until about 1 or 2. So I still had a few more hours. However, even with my extreme stamina boost, I couldn’t let it go on forever. I was losing steam fast, and I might have dangerously approached passing out if I didn’t reach my next milestone a moment later as two men came into my pussy at the same time.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 20!}

*These are the other skills that increased this chapter. She was distracted, so she doesn’t notice most of them until she next checks her status.

{Anal Sex has increased to LVL 7.}

{Deepthroat has increased to LVL 6.}

{Handjob has increased to MAX.}

{Sleight of Hand has increased to LVL 3.}

{Climbing has increased to LVL 1.}

{Tongue Craft has increased to LVL 5.}

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Ascii of the Day:

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

As I moved past the curtain, my eyes were delighted by the scene in front of me. In the main chamber that housed this sex party, nearly 200 naked, writhing bodies were spread out before me. I didn’t know how long I needed to watch for Voyeur to take effect. I suspected that I had to watch to completion for it to count under the voyeur skill set, but just in case I didn’t let my eyes linger too long on any one scene.

The room was filled with naked people, and while the ratio leaned a bit towards men, Julian had done a good job ensuring that there were more than enough women to choose from. Most people were completely naked now, even discarding the robes they had been wearing earlier. A few still had robes on, and a few continued to wear socks. A few men wore sandals, and a few women wore their heeled shoes, which I assumed was likely a fetish for some of the men here.

The butt plug tail I had seen a woman wearing earlier was part of the offerings for Qetesh coins, and I saw at least two other women. A girl with a fox-eared mask had a bushy fox tail wagging out of her butt, and a fellow cat eared mask wearing girl had what looked like a cat tail. I nearly ran up to her and touched her tail when I saw it wagging back and forth as she happily sucked a guy’s dick while sitting on her knees. I assumed it was controlled by magic, and I wondered if it also offered sensory information too. Once again, magic was so cool. To think that we’ve barely scratched the surface of what could be achieved in the realm of the sex market. Leave it to nobles to turn the idea of a butt plug into a functional tail that you stuck in your ass within a week of learning of their existence.

Part of me wanted to go and get one, but I only had two coins for the moment, my own and the one Devon gave me, and those tails cost 30 coins or more. That also must have meant some of those girls had been very busy while I was being held up by Devon. In fact, the girl with the cat tail had already finished and swallowed, and another guy walked up and she was already starting to go to town on his cock.

The rest of the room was a mishmash of tantalizing sexual opportunities. There was a girl in the corner with three guys, one in each hole: mouth, ass, and pussy. There was a group session going on, with at least eight people linked by mouth, genitals, or hands between each other. Three were women, five were men, and the men didn’t seem to be squeamish about pleasuring each other. At least one guy had his hand wrapped around another guy’s cock and was stroking it. Another guy was licking balls and pussy between a girl and guy as they thrust into each other.

There were some people going one on one, several groups of threesomes of both two male and two females. There were girls in missionary, cowgirl, and doggie. A few more exotic positions existed, but those seemed to be the primary three. Some used furniture, some used pillows, and others just plopped down on the cold tile. People would move up to someone who wasn’t in the process of fucking, offer their hand, and then the pair would run off to a side room, or just pull it out right there and start fucking.

I heard the clinking of coin as men handed coins to women, who seemed to hold them in these little purses. The purses were sold at the Qetesh coin exchange for 5 coins. The most aggressive girls already had 10-20 coins in their position by the look of it, while some of the more modest, older, or less attractive women had anywhere from 1-5. If I had any desire to win the competition, I’d have to get started.

Standing there in full clothing, I was the odd girl out in this room of sex, and that quickly drew the notice of many. So while I was wide eyed staring at the scene in front of me, a man was already approaching me. He was an older man, possibly as late as his sixties, with a very small and wiry frame. He had graying hair and was a bit thin in the face, but he was already pulling a Qetesh coin from his pocket.

Having sat for the last hour listening to the sounds of people having sex had certainly already done a good job working me up, and the scene before me had pushed my libido past the stage where I thought about anything else. My time with Devon was put aside, for now, the role of a seductress emerging from within me.

He barely reached me when I reach out and immediately grabbed his robe, pulling him up against me. He wore a surprised look as the coin fell to the ground, clinging away. I ignored it and instead kissed the man on the lips. As a girl, a third his age in her sexual prime, it did not take him long to spring to attention. I immediately grabbed at his dick through the robes and began to stroke it with my palm and fingers. I was emulating the method I had once observed Julian on the night of the banquet. The effect was imminent, and the man quickly fell under complete control of my machinations.

However, I was wound up and felt a bit rushed after wasting almost two hours sitting in the receiving room, so I was in no mood for foreplay. I aggressively shoved the man back, causing him to gasp and give a look of surprise as he fell over, landing on a couple of pillows. I probably shouldn’t have been so aggressive, I didn’t want to break his hip, but I had already past the realm of reason.

The man’s face started to scowl, but a second later I leaped on top of him in much the same manner of the cat my mask emulated. In a single jump, my feet rested on either side of his hips, his erect penis still bouncing from the momentum of my attack. I reached under my dress, my movements containing no reservations, and unsnapped the fold in my panties, tossing them away. Instantly, the panties were converted to the crotchless variety, and I squatted down, grabbing and guiding his dick on the way down so that it swiftly plunged into my pussy.

His scowl quickly turned ecstatic, and I was already bobbing up and down on his cock before he even had a chance to recover. I cut out all noise and distraction, focusing purely on the purpose of sexual gratification. I had maxed vaginal intercourse, and I worked my kegels which were now level 3, the muscles of my vaginal walls tightened hungrily on his cock, squeezing him as his dick plunged deep inside my wet, waiting cunt.

He was lost in the moment, barely able to move as my ass bounced up and down faster and faster, sloshy wet sounds becoming audible as my pent up sexual frustration was taken out on him. Thus, I immediately guided his hands to my tits, and he started squeezing them through the leather and the cloth sloppily, already wheezing with each pant.

A moment later, he exploded inside me, sloppy white streaks of cum spilling from the tip of his head. However, I didn’t stop riding him as his semen filled inside me. It squished around as his dick slid in and out, some leaking out the sides, the rest adding to a gushing feeling with each bounce of my butt.

I slapped his hands off of me and spun around. I didn’t use a position switch, instead, I merely rotated like a top, using his dick as a pivot point. He let out a moaning noise as my weight pushed him deep down to the root of his balls, which forced another rush of semen to leak out. Now that I was facing away from him, I reach back, grabbed his hands, and put them on my ass. He still was too flustered to move on his own, so I simply used him as my own little sex toy.

I started bouncing again, this time giving him a nice few of my ass, bouncing up and down on his cock. His hands were spreading my cheeks open, so I knew he got a nice view of my ass hole and pussy with his cock sliding in and out of it. I moved fast and fierce, using my increased endurance and strengthened leg muscles to slap my ass hard on him with each motion. As my butt cheeks fell down on his hips, they made a loud thwacking sound.

I didn’t realize it in my own sexual euphoria, but I rode him exceptionally hard, and the force of my pussy slamming against his balls created the loudest noise in the room. Adding to that his ecstatic moans had long lost any modicum of volume control, and our sexual interactions were starting to be noticed by those around us. A few people stopped to curiously watch the show of a young woman rode an older man. Others watched us while using the image to further increase their own sexual delight as they fucked their partner.

“Ah… I’m going to cum again!” He said in a rasping voice.

With warning this time, I immediately pulled out and moved to my third position, which was to say I gobbled his drenched dick with my mouth, using the full abilities of my Blowjob and Deep Throat without any reserve. His load blew, weaker than the last one, but still enough to shoot down the back of my throat. I took his cock all the way down, sucking up his balls too as I shook my head aggressively on his cock and sucked it for all it was worth, gobbling ever thread of semen as soon as it shot out.

“Mmmm mmmm…” my throat hummed against the tip of his cock.

I was sucking so hard that his hips were arching and I grabbed onto his ass to hold his hips to my mouth as he thrashed, his mouth wide open in a silent scream of orgasmic pleasure. His parts were so far jammed into my open mouth that my lips rested on his patch and perineal area. As I sucked it like a vacuum, suck and swallow, suck and swallow, another shot erupted in my throat, and I realized either he came continuously for a minute, or he just had multiple orgasms, which was not something I thought happened to men usually.

When I felt like I had swallowed most of this third cum, I finally released. The pressure releasing made a very wet and sloppy thwap sound as his balls and cock popped out of my mouth. I pulled away, a stream of liquid semen and spit connecting us even as I dropped his ass and let him drop back down to the pillow. His voice suddenly started working again, and he let out a strangled yell that sounded a bit like a gasp.

“Ooooh… gods… oh, fuck… holy fuck…” The guy was desperately trying to get his breath while spitting out a nonstop wave of expletives.

Meanwhile, I ignored him, having already gotten what I wanted from him. I hoped that despite the fact that he came early, that because I did three positions without stopping, it would still be counted. However, I had many men to go. I selfishly kept things going a little longer than I needed to for my own sexual wants, but that meant I wasted nearly ten minutes on this one guy. I needed to go faster if I wanted to make the appropriate levels.

I pulled out a handkerchief from my hidden pocket, immediately cleaning up my body. I first wiped my mouth, which had spit and sex from one cheek to the other. Then I wiped out the cum from my snatch quickly and efficiently. They supposedly had showers here, which used the same water stones from the magical bidet, but very few women showered between every partner. That would simply be too much of a pain in the butt.

When I finally went to stand up, the guy still had not regained his breath, but there was a sudden chink and something hard struck my ankle. I looked down and saw that it was one of the coin purses, and more, it was full of coins. I picked it up and looked up to the source which was the man in the robe I had just been fucking. He was up on his elbows, his dick only now starting to soften as a few left over spurts of cum fell out the tip of his cock.

“Ah… just one?”

“Take it all. It’s yours. I’m yours.”

“Eh? But-”

“That was the best… hah… experience of my entire life. If I died now, I’d die happy. You earned those coins.” He was finally starting to catch his breath. “Just, remember the generous old man who was your first, and I can rest in peace.”

“You’re not dying… I wasn’t that rough.” I mumbled, counting the coins in the bag.

He let out a breathy laugh. “Hah… then why do I feel like I’m in heaven? Go have fun, I think you have a line waiting. This old man is going to rest for a bit, contemplate the universe.”

He fell back and closed his eyes, looking like he was going to fall asleep right there. He had ended up handing me ten coins. I never expected my pussy to drive a man into nirvana, but the satisfied smile on his face told me he was doing exactly that. He looked like a man who had just reached enlightenment. With a wry smile, I finally turned away from him and froze.

The room was abnormally quiet, most of the sex having ceased as innumerable eyes were watching my interactions. Not everyone had stopped doing what they were doing, but at least a hundred people had stopped their interactions to watch my own. Some had curious looks, others had open mouths and widened eyes, and every eye whether it was from man or woman held envy or desire.

I gave the room a glowing smile. It wasn’t the princess smile I had spent so much time perfecting. Instead, it was the smile of Aria, sultry, seductive, mischievous, inviting, and sexy. In a motion, I ripped the sleeves from my dress, coming undone as the pull-away Min had devised. A few women gasped as I tossed them away, but as what was left looked like a sexy bodice, their eyes widened in excitement as they realized it was intentional.

I took a running jump and leaped up onto a piece of abstract furniture that simply looked like a white box. I spun, my dress swinging up and revealing the garter belt and crotchless panties underneath. With a single motion, I unsnapped the dress as I spun, and it floated away, fluttering in a spin and landing several feet from my impromptu stage near a naked man’s feet.

There I stood at the top of the party, almost every eye was on me now, including a few I recognized. In a cat mask, a sexy leather bodice, a garter built, and crotchless panties, I stood in front of over half the nobility in the city. Some people clapped, others nearly tripped. One man who was thrusting into a woman suddenly fell over, causing her to fall to the ground with a cry. However, his eyes weren’t on her, and he stood up, pulling out of her without giving her another thought as he started walking towards me like a zombie, his dick still dripping and wagging erect.

“I hope you’re all having a great evening!” I shouted it out loud enough that everyone in the room could hear. “Now tell me. Who’s next?”

As I said so, I put on a cute look, touching my finger to my right cheek, fidgeting my legs and twisting them together, causing the hole in my crotchless panties to close and hide my womanhood. My hand ran up my bare thigh, and I put on my sultriest look full of the desire that was building inside me.

The effect was immediate. Coins were pulled from pouches, and men and even a few women surged forward desperately shouting to gain my attention. Many of them abandoned their current groups in the rush, and I received a few angry looks, although even most of them seemed oddly compelled by the force I exuded.

I gave another smile, to myself this time, and started to get to work.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                   irSY iVBO i  VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM    
                            B           vBB  rj  BBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBB    
                            Bvivi      rvi   YMv BMBMBBBBBBBBBBBMBBV   
                            UB   ii          O   BBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBoruu
                             BG  q          iIu U uBMBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBB
                              BoBi            vuF  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBB
                             iG r                   BBBBBBMBBBMBBBBBBBq
               JMBBPi        BF BJ                    BBBBBBBMBMBX     
             BBNrivMMVi      B   Br                     ii             
           vBi       MJJBi   q  rXur                                   
Fi       iBBr      i rJ  uBEjLBBBi  i                                  
UGBBF   qBZ r  rj   BvBi qBuLriiSvvvoi                                  
   iMBMi i  Z   N  iv  E BN      kj  M                                 
 kG  i  LN  rF  MM  Li  ii        VB  N           FBBSUr               
Br  v iZ  ur Ii  BM US             rM o r        Br MMiFBBMBui         
   iiLX    M  Bi Jr Y               ji  uBi    iBi  U  i iBMBMBNi      
   vvi     Lv Vi                     O SBFVJGNXBk   Ou Yv  rBX  FM     
                                      ZBi            Bi vL   Bv  GP    
                                     X              Oivi Bi   BB  i    
                                     BIMJu          B  Ei q N  PB      
                                    BiiMiM           B  B jr j  VB     
                                   ZB  Mi            ui ku i Mi  Br    
                                  rB  EBi            iB  B jr     B    
                                  B   BB  Bi          B  i B      EU   
                                 B io Xi Bv           Oi  rPi      B   
                                Bi B  G vB             B   iS      uB  
                               Vv B  L  B              vB  ii       BP 
                               XJBi    Bi               rBi          Bk
                                O  UBIS                   BB     i    Bj
                              ISiPBBZ                      OBL         O
                           iLrZBBBL                         BBZ        
                          iBr  B                           kBBBM       
                         rL   BB                         iMv iGBBBGi   
                        Bq   PB                          BB      rGBS  
                      EBv    BG                          B         iBB 
                    iBB     BB                          BY           BB
                   MBr      BN                         iM             Bk
                 iBB       BB                         iG               r
                BBi        BZ                        OB                
              MMP         BB                        rB                 
            EBM          iBO                        B                  
          rBB            BB                        IX                   
        rBBr            iBX                        B                   
       NBi              BB                        SL

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

“Ah, Devon…” the words leaked out of my mouth.

Part of me felt hurt to see him there, the other part of me was surprised. Given his behavior earlier, I wondered why he even bothered to show up. Of course, he always showed up to these kinds of things, right? He simply didn’t want me to join him. He probably liked being seen as the good guy and felt like his image would be ruined with me after I saw him banging other women.

“Ah, brother!” Julian shot me a warning look before letting out a grin as he saw the coin in my hand. “Reserving her early, I see. See, my dear? What did I tell you? Everyone has their dark side. Brother just won’t express his without the cover of a mask.”

Devon grimaced at Julian’s words. He reached out and his hand grabbed my wrist, ready to pull me somewhere. My emotions were conflicted at this point. I was excited to try Devon since I had wanted it for some time, but something about the whole thing being in this environment irritated the hell out of me and I couldn’t figure it out.

“Silent as always, brother? He never speaks at these things. But I’ll bet you can make him sing, dear.”

He stopped and turned back, a glare on his face, “These things are supposed to be confidential.”

Julian’s eyes widened in surprise, and then he broke into a grin. “Why they are!”

“Then stop calling me brother.”

“Don’t be that way,” Julian laughed, then he turned around and spoke extremely loudly. “Everyone is my brother here!”

There was a cheer from a few people and the sound of someone clapping their hands a few times. Devon stiffened, but otherwise turned back away, subsequently ignoring Julian from that point further. As he pulled on my arm, I pulled back and gave Julian a questioning look.

“Don’t look at me. He bought your time. You can block him with your coin if you want, although brother is one of the hottest commodities here. He’s never turned a girl down, but he’s also never put out for free. Many women have dumped all their coins to spend time with him. Oh! But, make sure to give dear brother a good ride!”

Devon’s hand tightened on my wrist as Julian talked, and I could see that he was bothered by Julian’s words. Well, Julian was spilling all of Devon’s secrets, so I supposed that it made sense.

My emotions regrettably were still a jumbled mess. As I let Devon drag me away from Julian, I tried to make sense of my feelings. Devon had been a spoiled hypocrite earlier, but now he wanted my body the first chance he got. This made me angry, yet he was also being uncharacteristically very forceful, which I found somewhat sexy. Could I be angry and aroused at the same time?

However, I quickly noticed that Devon was not taking me further into the main room, nor towards any of the side rooms Julian had shown me. Instead, he was pulling me back out the curtains into the receiving room. The curtain flaps fell back down, blocking my view of the gathering crowds. A few people had passed second base, and I could see a girl giving a guy a handjob in the corner, another guy with his hand up a girl’s skirt, and a third girl with a drink in her hands had her tits hanging out, a guy sucking on each one.

In some ways, this was preferable. If I understood correctly, I earned more experience with my first-time bonus than I earned with voyeurism, so if I saw all these people having sex, I’d be kissing a potentially large amount of first-time bonuses away. Although Devon didn’t know it, he was doing me a favor by keeping our sexual activities in a secured location.

He grabbed a drink with his other hand from a passing waiter, then gulped it in one go. I frowned at the action, which seemed to hurt my pride a bit. If he needed a drink to build himself up to the point of fucking me, then I felt like I had failed in one way or another. Like that, he moved to sit down at a table in the corner. He pulled me down and a second later I was sitting on his lap.

The familiarity of this with how his father liked me to straddle his lap was not lost on me. Once again, I felt a strange spike of anger. The fact that Devon had tricked me into thinking he was some normal guy, even though he seemed to have just as many perversions as everyone else, bothered me a bit. Like father, like son.

Of course, even his sexual kink was perverse. I always treated it as every person could have their own kink. Just because you had a kink, didn’t mean you ever did that kink. People liked what they liked, and there are many people who go their whole lives never figuring out what they genuinely liked. I figured he was one of those people who just didn’t know it because he never tried it. However, I was beginning to realize that those kinds of people didn’t exist among the nobility. The nobles had all explored their sexual kinks to their fullest.

Analingus; that was Devon’s kink. I wondered how many girl’s asses he had stuck his tongue up. Probably a lot of them. Then again, I didn’t know if analingus meant to offer or receive. For all I knew, it was the girls sticking their tongues up his ass. As he straddled me on his knee and wrapped his arms tightly around me, my brain drifted across these thoughts. Just as I was wondering if analingus would be a skill like cunnilingus, I realized that in the last few minutes, Devon had done nothing but leave me sitting on his knee.

Even the king would rock me like a child, or feel me up accidentally. The entire time I sat on the King’s lap, I’d feel his rod pressing up between my butt cheeks. However, I felt nothing hard coming from Devon’s lap. Well, his legs were muscular and hard, but that wasn’t the kind of length I was looking for. Furthermore, Devon himself wasn’t breathing hard or anything. He merely had turned to his side, his face wearing a stubborn look.

Perhaps he was shyer than I gave him credit for? Julian said that he didn’t give out coins or seek out company that it was always the girls handing him coins. He did take a drink, so maybe he was just really nervous sexually. Despite my ranting anger, his shyness touched something in me and at least for the moment, I was less angry.

At the very least, he had given me the coin, so I should fulfill my role as a mask wearer. Although his arms were tight around me, I could rest my hands down on his thighs. Pushing up a little on his thighs, I started using the leverage to grind my hips. My movements were very subtle, and someone watching might not have seen I was doing anything, but I ground my butt seductively in Devon’s lap. If I had done something similar to this on the overly-excited King’s lap, I was confident I could make him cum in a few minutes. On Devon’s lap, the effect was palpable, and a smile broke on my face as soon as I felt something hard poking me from the bottom.

“Stop that!” Devon growled.

He tightened his grip on me, grabbing my arms to keep me from having leverage. He closed his lap and seemed to hold me down even harder, keeping me from doing anything. I found myself confused at this point, wondering if he was doing some kind of sexual denial play. It wasn’t something I was truly used to, so I didn’t know how to take the situation.

As I tried to figure out Devon’s game, more people strolled in, wearing various forms of garb. Many wore the fancy dresses they wore at balls, but I wasn’t the only one who thought to dress in a more sexually minded way. There were a few leather wearers, likely because the cleanup was easier. A few girls wore nothing under their jackets but a corset.

As I watched more people stroll in, my eyes widened at a certain couple who just showed up. Devon saw them at the same time I did, and his grip suddenly tightened on me even more. Even though his grip was tight, I didn’t hate it. His body was warm, and he smelled good. I felt comfortable in his arms, which is why I wasn’t fighting to escape. The couple that walked in were none other than the third prince and his bimbo, Sylvia.

Richard wore his typical garb, fine clothing that resembled something you’d expect on a nobleman. Meanwhile, Sylvia wasn’t dressed emulating me for once. Instead, she wore a very slutty low cut dress. Her tits were barely contained in her dress, and… did she stuff her underwear? Her butt was not that nice normally. Perhaps it was an illusion enchantment that gave her a rounder ass. Illusion or not, I had to admit that she looked pretty sexy in the dress.

“I’m… sorry…” Devon whispered in my ear.

I realized that the reason he had stiffened was that he thought I might be upset at seeing my husband-to-be here. Of course, I had expected him to be there. I was there too, so you could argue that he had the right to be just as upset.

However, Richard’s eyes crossed right past me as if I wasn’t even there. I know we were supposed to pretend anonymity, but I thought there might be at least some reaction to seeing his beloved in a situation where he might genuinely be able to release all those sensual desires on her, or perhaps instead a reaction of jealousy from me being with the 4th prince first. Unfortunately, I received nothing.

On the other hand, Sylvia reacted as I would expect. As soon as her eyes locked on me, sitting on Devon’s lap, they snapped away. Her face wore the expression that was a mixture of anger and fear. Of course, she immediately recognized who I was, but she wouldn’t be allowed to acknowledge it while we were at this club. She was still clinging to Richard, but I knew that both of them must be swapping partners. Even if she wanted to cling to him the entire night, Richard wouldn’t stay with her.

The pair quickly left, and I once again looked at them in envy as they slipped into the room beyond the curtain. I could hear some moaning now. They were light and muffled sounds, only when a particularly loud moan came out was I able to hear anything. At this point, I had been sitting on Devon’s lap for nearly a half hour, and I had yet to earn a single point of experience.

“What are you playing at?” I leaned my head back, resting it on his shoulder and bringing his head next to mine.

He didn’t speak for a minute, but finally, he muttered. “I’m not playing at anything.”

The curtain slid open, and a man walked in. He was a hairy man, hair running all the way down his stomach down to a hairy patch around his dick. I knew this, of course, because the only thing he had on was an untied robe and his mask, a red mask in the shape of diamonds over each eye. The rest of his body was completely naked. He looked around the room, and when his eyes met ours in the corner, he grinned with excitement.

He started walking in our direction, his naked feet slapping on the tiled floor as he moved up to us. As he did so, he pulled out a coin as he walked, twirling it in between his fingers.

“Well, it looks like you two are about done. How about if your lady and I…”

Devon suddenly flicked his hand which was resting on the nearby table, and a coin flew out. The man wasn’t prepared for it and had to lean back, the coin ended up landing on his chest, sticking to his chest, which was a step below being called boobs themselves. He peeled the coin off and looked at it with a surprised look on his face.

“Denied,” Devon said.

The man looked flustered for a second, but finally, he straightened his back while I gave him an apologetic look. “Well, I see I’m not wanted here. Thanks for the coin.”

He turned around and walked away. Although Julian hadn’t mentioned it, I was starting to see the genius in this method. Even if a man faced rejection, the result was that he would acquire more coins, and then he could use those coins to get other women, or if he really did strike out, enchanted artifacts, to help mend his wounded pride. In essence, women earned coins by putting out, and men earned coins by striking out, creating a strange kind of sexual economy.

A few minutes later, another man walked out. He was considerably better looking than the first. He was younger, taller, more fit, and a lot closer to my sexual interests. He was actually covered with a towel, so he showed a bit more modesty, and if Devon could see my eyes he’d have seen them brighten in expectation. Similarly, he ended up walking towards us, but before he even spoke there was the familiar cling as a coin flew up. The coin landed on the floor in front of the man.

The man stopped, his smile stiffening, but after a moment he bent down, picked it up, sniffed, and walked away. I watched him leave with a very disappointed look on my face.

The next one was a girl. She was a few years older than me. She was pretty, but only just pretty. She wore a robe like the first man, but she had it wrapped around herself. As she approached us, she gave a gentle and friendly smile. Devon did not flick a coin at her, I saw.

When she stood next to us, she looked past me like I wasn’t there and directly at Devon. “Shall we enjoy each other again tonight? I always appreciate my time with you.”

Devon’s muscles stiffened, and I gave him a wry look. So, this was one of the girls he had been fucking at previous events? There seemed to be a hint of guilt on his face, so it was probably true. However, he didn’t say anything to her, and after a moment she sighed.

“You always play so hard to get.” She purred, pulling a coin out. “You know, I’d be a richer woman if you’d stop making me beg.”

As she brought the coin to the table, there was a resounding click. In Devon’s fingers was another coin. He pushed his hand forward, the coin scrapping across the table until it was next to hers, and then he pulled his hand away. Her eyes widened and her mouth almost fell open. Then her eyes narrowed, and she finally gave me a look. After a second, she turned back.

“Fine, flatter your new playmate, but you’ll need to make it up to me at the Harvest.” She winked before turning around and walking away.

As she walked, she wagged her behind. I found myself critiquing the movements. She was doing it all wrong. With her height and the shape of her butt, it would be way hotter if she brought her legs in front. She should also be in heels and- and that wasn’t important right now. Devon was rejecting everyone right now, and he still hadn’t loosened his grip on me a single bit. He only loosened his tense muscles after she had left through the curtain beyond his sight.

“So, a former lover?” I said curtly.

“So, it would seem.” Devon sounded tired as he said this, and I could only shake my head at his strange behavior.

“Although I guess you two will be at it again in a few weeks, right?”

“That depends on if you’re there.”

I nearly reached up and slapped him, but instead, I shook my head in aggravation. “How long do you plan to keep this up?”

“As long as I have to, all night if needed,” Devon said.

“Why?” I snapped.

“…” He turned his head away, avoiding the question.

“I’m not your woman, you said it yourself.”

“I paid the coin, you are tonight.” He said.

Once again, a surge of anger swelled in me and fought the urge to slap him. He was seriously pissing me off. I don’t think I’d ever been angrier. So why was there this strange feeling deep inside? Despite the anger bubbling up, I also felt impossibly happy. How did this stupid man keep making me feel conflicting emotions that don’t fit together? Even Richard and Sylvia weren’t this aggravating.

As the night moved on, a few other people walked in and out of the room. Not all of them went for us. A few were just wanting to chat with each other, or get a drink from the bar. The later it got, the less clothing the people wore. Before long, finding someone in clothing was rare. The latest girl who walked out wore nothing but her mask, except that she also had a tail. It was long, black, and ended with a spade, giving it a demon tail vibe, at least from an RPG point of view. I got excited that we had a nonhuman in the bunch until I realized that the tail didn’t go to her back, but went straight into her butt. That’s right, she had inserted a butt plug with a tail attached to it.

Two weeks ago, sex toys didn’t even exist in the capital, and nobility not only picked it up, but they’ve already integrated them into their underground sex clubs and started making tailed butt plugs. I didn’t know what it said about their society. Was it more alarming that they took to it so quickly, or that they didn’t have it prior?

The curtain was pulled back again, the sound of moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin drifting into the room. I looked longfully into the room of experience grinding I was denied, but the familiar person entering the receiving room immediately caught my eye. It was Julian, who was shirtless and once again wearing his favorite robe and a pair of tight pants. When his eyes landed on us, he gave an annoyed look and approached.

“There you two have been. I was expecting quite the show from our dear sister, brother, you can’t keep her all to yourself.” As he approached and noticed that we were fully clothed, he let out a sigh. “I heard that you were sending everyone away with your coins. I had hoped it was because you two were so wrapped up in your play that you didn’t want any interruptions, but what boring thing is this?”

“He won’t let me go!” I complained, trying to alleviate his disappointed look.

He looked back at Devon’s expressionless face with a twist in his mouth before pulling a coin from his robe. “Very well, then-“

Two coins slid across the table, stopping just short of the edge.

“Denied.” Devon almost snarled.


“For when you try to buy me next.”

Julian let out a laugh. “You know me too well brother. But you know you can’t win this. I can persuade quite a few to come throw their coins at you. Do you think you can hold out?”

Devon gave a flat look before reaching to his side and pulling out a large purse and dropping it to the table. It landed with a clang, falling open as an avalanche of coins slid out.

“Try me.” He growled.

Julian’s lips tightened, and I looked on at the bag with conflicted emotions once again. Devon was my age, which means that if he started going when he turned 18 as Julian has said, the most coins he’d have gained were less than 36. However, there were well over a hundred coins here. If he took a coin, each time he slept with a woman, this showed the reality where my Examine didn’t. Although there were sure to be repeat customers in subsequent months, it meant he at least slept with four other women continuously, but my gut told me it was considerably more.

I didn’t know why this bothered me so much. I kept calling him a hypocrite, but I was just as bad. No, I was worst. This all happened before he knew me. Now, he hadn’t touched a single woman but me tonight. Meanwhile, I slept with the King, Reinhart, Min, and even nine monsters. As I considered this, Julian shook his head.

“Very well, brother, have your way. But as you’re being selfish, have you even considered asking the one you’re holding what she wants? No… of course not. This is all just your own selfishness.” Julian turned and started walking away, but he stopped and glanced back at me, “Coins are all good, but as I mentioned, he can’t keep you there. If you want to enjoy yourself, join us, the night is still young. He can block any ugly men all he wants, but a woman like you would be every man’s pick, and consensual sex cannot be blocked.”

He continued to walk away as I sat there dumbfounded. He was, of course, absolutely correct. Devon could block me from earning coins, but he couldn’t block me from having sex. I’d been held in his lap for nearly an hour, and there was no need for it. While I could say I was afraid if I tried to fight him he’d fight back, or that I didn’t remember the rules, that wasn’t the truth. The truth was that I sat in his lap because I wanted to.

Just like when I rode behind him on the horse, when I was pressed up against Devon’s body, I felt safe. I felt like even if my secrets were revealed, I’d still be safe. Devon would protect me. Although it was more than that too. I was a tad possessive with things that I saw as mine, and somewhere in the intervening few weeks, I started seeing Devon as mine. While Devon didn’t want anyone to have me, the feeling was mutual. This whole time, deep down, I knew as long as I sat on his lap, no other girl could take him.

“Wh-“ Devon stopped and then swallowed before continuing. “What do you want?”

My mind was buzzing, these new thoughts driving all the anger into a corner as I started to come to a thorough realization of my own thoughts and desires. I wanted to survive. I wanted experience. But I always wanted happiness too.

“You… I just want you.”

“Then why?”

“I wanted you to follow me.” I answered, “To meet me in a place where we didn’t have to follow the rules.”

It wasn’t a lie, even if it was only a small part of the truth.

“I-I can’t… I can’t fight this… I think I’m in lo-“

I put a finger on his lips, stopping him from saying the thing I couldn’t hear. “Just… tonight, let it just be you and me. Please? I just want you, only you.”

Devon stayed silent for a moment, and after a bit, he nodded. He released his grip, and I rotated around so that I could face him. Slowly, delicately our faces moved to each other and my lips pressed against his. His lips were incredibly soft, and my entire body seemed to tingle at his touch. His hands started to touch my body, and sparks seemed to jump from his fingers, causing my body to shiver in ways I didn’t recall experiencing before.

We continued to kiss, and his lips moved to my neck, slightly sucking there, and while this could be considered vanilla compared to the things I’ve done in the past, it aroused me more than any of that. My heart seemed to be beating a mile a minute, my breath was quickening, and my fingers only worked for Devon.

“Devon…” I moaned as he sucked my neck, “I want you inside me.”

Devon kissed me on the lips as we fiddled with his pants, working to free his cock. “I’m yours, Princess Cornelia.”

I froze, my hands having only just managed to get their way into his pants. The realization struck me like a bolt, and I stood there, my lips only a few inches from Devon, him looking at me with eyes of love. Cornelia. That’s right.

My hand gripped around his cock, now hard, and as my fingers moved up and down it slightly, I leaned forward and put my lips next to Devon’s ear. “I’m sorry.”

As Devon shot me a confused look, I activated Rock a Bye. It worked on the first go, and suddenly Devon rolled back as his eyes closed. I closed my eyes, the urge to cry suddenly overtaking me. I let out a sob, but after a quick breath and a switch to Solo Player, I got my emotions back under control. I pulled my hand out of his pants and stood up.

“I’m sorry, Devon,” I said in a voice quiet enough that no one awake could hear. “I’m not the Princess you think I am. We’re just from two different worlds. Trust me, this is for the best.”

Fortunately, there was no one in our particular corner to see what happened. I waved over a servant who came with a bow.

“My lover drank a bit too much, and he’s fallen asleep. Can you please send him back to the castle?”

Part of it was fear he’d wake up while I was in the middle of doing what I was about to do. The other was my own hypocrisy. I didn’t want to risk some girl coming in and taking advantage of him in his unconscious state. It was common for the servants to bring home unconscious nobles, and a second later two strong looking men came in and carried him out the entrance.

I let out a sigh, pushing the pain from that event deep down, and letting my seductress nature reassert itself. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had become the person from back home, Aria the college student, a scared girl who just wanted to be loved. That wasn’t what I needed to survive this world. I was Aria the Seductress, a woman pretending to be a noble as she leveled and grew stronger.

I pulled open the curtain and marched into a world of sex.

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Ascii of the Day:

             MBBBGBBBBBBBMBMBBBBGN                iBB                  
           GBB BMBM   PBB  v     BBr          OBMBBBBMVNNEGBBBi        
          BBi   iMBMB   oBB       iBB    YBBBBBBBXi          iBBB      
         BBBMG     vBBBM  iBi     BBBB  BBBBBBL    iBBBBBBBBM   FBBBr  
       NBMBBBBBBBO     ZBNFBS      uBBvBBM      BMBMq     UMBBB    YBB 
      BB   oi   uBBBN  Y                      iBBF           BBv     BB
      BBMBii        BBBB        EMB  MBY MBB                         iBi
       BMBBB                 iBBBBL  iG NBBBB              BBBBBMBMBBBBo
     iBMB                    BBB IB  M   BBBB              LFNqi iBBBMB
   rMBBB                    iBBr ZB  B   GBBMO                     BBBM
  BBBBr                     BBB  BB iB    BMBB                      BBB
UBBBMr                     rB   BB  UB     MBB                      iBM
BMBV                       Bi   BB   B     iBB                       MB
BN                             LBi   B     BBB                       iB
                               B     B    BBBF                        B
                             vBB    BB   vBB                         uBi
                            YBBB    BB   NBu                          ZB
                           iBBBB         iMB                           
                           BBBB           BB                           
                          BB              MB                           
                         BB               IBN                          
                       NBB                 BB                          
                      UBB          BBM      BF                          
                    vBMi                     B                         
                  vBBP                       GB                        
                BBBv                          BBi                      
             MBBBBBi                           vBv                      
           iBBBB  BBM                            BB                    
           BBBo   SBBB                           BBB                   
         iBBB     iBBBB                          BMB                   
       GBBBM       BBBBB                          BBk                  
      FBMBr         BBBB             Ei           MBB                  
    rMBBB           uMBBBBB         OBBu          rBBB                 
  jBMBB              LBBBBBB       PBB             uBBO                
 BBBBr                     jBBBMBBBBBv              BZBB               
BBBG                       PBBiiiiBBBBr            BB  Br               
BB                        BBN       BBBBY     UBBi     MB i            
                          MB   iBB  Bi       BBBBBB  L OMB             
                           MBBB    uBMXMBq    BBBMBBi  VBBu            
                           ZGBB     BBBBBi   iB  BBBMS  FBBI           
                             GXBBF  Lu       i   rBBBBB  BBBN          
                         BBBBBBBMB               BBBMBO  uBBBB         
                         BBBB   NN               BBBBM    BMBBi        
BBMk                    BBBBB   ik  MBN          BBBBBv    BBBB        
BBBBBBBBGvr            MBBBBFU   BBBBMBB         BBB  Bv    BMBu       
    iqBBBBMBB        BBBBB        BBiLBB  BBB    BBB  kB    iBBBU      
        NMBBBBBBBBBBBBBMB         B  rBB   BB   BMB   BB   i vBBB      
            iBFuLuvvrZBBG        BB    iGBJBBivBMBB    BB  Bi oBMB     
                               MBBBMBPMi   MBBB  BBMi  BBi OB  NBBu    
                             NBL      iiii   BBL BBBBBiOvi   i  BBB    
                            BMBB i   r                          uBBB   
                            vBBBBBBNBBBBi                         MB   
                             MBL iZMBB                             BB  
                              BL   BB                              iBB 
                            L iB  iMi                                MB
                           B   B  MBi                                 Bv
               iJNkuMBBBBBBB  NB  BB                                  iB
          BZBBBBBBMBBBMBBBBBBBBB  ZBi                                  F
           BBBBr           vFBBMBLBBBL

Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Nervousness shot through me as I headed out into the hallways and started walking towards the exit to the castle. I was in the mask now, but I felt more exposed than I ever had before. Of course, the celebration did not occur within the castle. The location actually wasn’t known to anyone, but those that set it up, which likely included Julian.

We were instructed to stand outside our homes. Those in masks would be picked up by carriages and brought to our final location. At the end of the night, we’d be returned the same way. Although I passed several servants and guards on my way out, they completely ignored my presence. This wasn’t in the way that they kept their distance out of respect. Instead, it was more like I was a ghost, wandering through the hallway.

This was not an effect of the mask, regrettably. The servants were instructed that under no circumstances were they allowed to look at or acknowledge someone in a mask. It was part of the illusion of this night. We were not nobles at this moment. We were simply spirits, seeking out the sexual gratification with our night queen, Qetesh. The ritual that seemed to permeate this strange society raised the stacks in my mind, causing me to feel anxious even when I told myself it was just a bunch of nobles fornicating to alleviate their own boredom.

I passed the gate guards, moving to the front of the castle gates. The castle housed many dignitaries and upper nobles. It was never a location lived in by only the king and his sons. Many had been given rooms in the castle which was a sign of trust and unity. This included Sylvia’s father, and various other Dukes, Earls, and Marquees. Although most only used the rooms occasionally when they had to visit the castle on business, a few allowed their future heirs to stay in the castle for a year or two to expose them to the political landscape.

Of course, the king, the princes, and I were housed in a different wing, but some of the wings were known to house quite a few men and women around my age. Many of them had shunned me at the ball two weeks prior, but tonight I wore the mask, and thus I had no identity as far as they were concerned.

There was a large grouping of people outside the gate dressed up in their finest clothing. Each person wore a mask of their own although identifying them was likely not hard. Some of the masks were very gaudy, full of bright shiny beads and diamonds, others were more modest. Many of the men went for a jet black tuxedo mask that made them look like secret agents although a few weren’t afraid to have something a bit more eccentric.

Then again, I didn’t have a choice when my mask was made. I wondered if it was common for members to have their masks prepared for them. If that was the case, I imagined there were a few people who had been handed ridiculous masks as a practical joke or something.

I quickly tried to blend into the crowd, but as I moved out into the moonlight, several people gave me lingering looks. Instead of the veiled hostility, I had felt at my welcoming banquet, these looks had more consideration. They looked my body up and down. It was mostly my body they were examining, perhaps considering if I was worth one of the Qetesh coins.

My dress certainly stood out from the pack. Every other dress looked like it was made by the same seamstress. It was likely the best and most expensive seamstress in town, but the result was that everyone wore similar designs. Meanwhile, my dress looked completely different, incorporating leather straps, fine cloth, hand stitching, and nylon stockings, my dress was made for my body not simply from measurements, but personal experience. It was made by a woman who intimately knew the ins and outs of my body. The effect showed, and I saw some women stare with jealous glares, while others looked on with awe. A few looked like they wanted to approach me, but they were too scared to.

I didn’t meet them half way. After the treatment at the banquet, I no longer felt like I owed these people anything. I had no want to endear myself to these women. If a few left me some experience, that was great, but mostly I planned to take as much experience as I could from as many men as I could. The main reason I planned to target men tonight was simple. Men came, and they came easy. As long as he shot his load, I knew I had earned my experience, and I moved on accordingly. While I could tell with women sometimes, it was never as clear, so I decided to maximize the use of my time, it would be mostly men tonight.

Therefore, I stood aloof among the crowd, wrapping my arms under my breasts, accentuating them sensually and unintentionally as I put on an aura of superiority. I’d be the hottest girl at this event, and I knew it, at least that was what I kept telling myself. I filled up the surrounding space, raised my chin, and built myself up emotionally. Although I wasn’t aware of it, my charm was very high at this point, and simply by being me, my body seduced those around me.

{Seduce has increased to LVL 6.}

I didn’t really understand why my level suddenly increased, but I had no complaints with increasing skills. I was also wrapped up in my own thoughts, so I didn’t realize how most of the conversations had turned towards hush whispers as people eyed me. Before any of the people waiting with me worked up the courage to approach me, a line of carriages suddenly approached. There was about fifteen of them. Each one was pulled by a team of horses and coachman dressed all in black.

The coaches were also completely black with gold edging. Each one was completely sealed off, with no visible windows. As I understood it, the nobles were taken to and dropped off from the party within these coaches so that even after going, the location would remain unknown. They were perhaps large enough for six people if they squeezed in there, but it seemed like the people only went four in each.

As I was about to step into a carriage, there was a sudden call out “Sister! Oh, sister! How about joining us?”

I looked instinctually down the line of carriages, and at the very end was a brightly dressed man who seemed to glow even in the darkness. He wore an eccentrically sparkly diamond encrusted mask with numerous spikes and bobbles. Despite the mask, he still wore the instantly recognizable black and red robe, although he was at least fully dressed for the moment. It was, of course, Julian who waved his hands without any care for discretion. I stepped down from the carriage and quickly walked down the line of carriages, hearing whispering as the eyes still followed me.

As I approached Julian, I could see that Gregory was by his side. His mask was, of course, white, but it had two horns coming out the top. His tendency to wear all white included this night, which, alongside the secretive mood and dark atmosphere, gave the feel that he was dressed as loudly as Julian in his own way. Julian whistled as I approached, looking me up and down with appraising eyes.

“You have dressed quite well tonight, my dear, but it won’t stay on you long. All that leather might make it difficult to take off?”

I was tempted to spill the secrets and show him the deceptively magnificent dress, but it was a pain to put back together and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise later. When I switched into my seductress mode, he’d just have to be amazed with the rest. Gregory gave me a kiss on the hand, and I provided a light curtsey to the pair. Then they ushered me to their carriage.

Their carriage, as it turned out, was not black, but completely white. I winced and lowered my eyes as I stepped into the carriage. While heading to a secret underground celebration on a dark night, I couldn’t think of a more flamboyant and obvious way to travel. On the up side, the carriage was bigger, with six horses pulling it, and thus I had more room to stretch my legs. In the end, it was only the three of us that boarded before the carriage took off into motion.

“What of the rest of the family?” I asked.

Gregory put his finger over his lips. “Who? We have no family. We’re nothing and no one but devices of Qetesh.”

Julian rolled his eyes. “What brother means to say is that the King has his own carriage. Your betrothed will likely escort that trollop, and Devon always finds his way to these things, eventually.”

“Brother!” Gregory looked on sternly. “But the masks…”

Julian laughed. “You take these things too seriously, brother. If we kept propriety like they did before I joined, these events would still be ten old farts and the prostitutes they cleared out of the local brothel.”

Gregory shook his head and sighed. “One of these days, brother, you’ll find yourself in some trouble.”

The pair chuckled mischievously towards each other, but my mind was focused on the answer he had given me.

“I-I don’t think Devon will be coming,” I said quietly.

Julian smiled. “I have notice that you have been eyeing our youngest brother quite a lot. I know you want to sample him. Perhaps even before you sample your own husband-to-be. I don’t blame you. Although he’s tough to catch. You might need to drop your coin for him. But he’ll be there. He always comes. Perhaps this time you’ll be the one to make him do so.”

I still didn’t believe him. After our fight earlier today, I had a distinct feeling that he would avoid this event. Although I put a lot of blame on Richard, he was at least honest with himself, even if he spent his life living in a made-up daydream. Devon seemed normal, but I was quickly seeing that he saw the world in a way that was convenient for himself.

As the carriage rocked along, the boys continued to talk, laugh, and flirt with each other. After about thirty minutes, the carriage finally came to a stop, but I found myself unable to keep track of any turns. It would be very difficult to find my way back now without a carriage. Fortunately, I had no plan to try to walk home.

As I went to open the door, Julian stopped me while wearing a severe face. “While I teased my brother, I will say this. Once we get inside, you may want to avoid using names. If the wrong ears hear, you and I both could be in trouble. I am the one who brought you here, so it will be me who faces the most wrath. So, in all seriousness, my dear, don’t let me down.”

I nodded with a gulp. His serious side had an edge to it that made my skin crawl. A moment later, he gave a laugh and his face was back to normal. But for these brief seconds, he actually felt like he might be a scary person. Rather than assume the worse, I took my interpretation as nervousness. I needed to start treating this trip sexually so that mental fortitude would kick that discomfort away.

I stared up in wonder as we exited the carriage. The mansion in front of us appeared to be deep in a forest, but the front yard had been well groomed. Various fountains, hedge shapes, and gardens gave the place a decadent feel. The carriage pulled away, allowing a new carriage to pull up and deposit even more people.

I could already see dozens of people filing in, and it looked like the number was only going to grow. I stared dumbly at the mansion in front of me, which was artsy and beautiful, unlike the castle which despite its décor still held the trappings of a functional military base. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Julian there.

“Gregory, go on without us. I’d like to give our new recruit the tour.”

Gregory nodded, his eyes already focused on whatever remained beyond the door. He practically skipped ahead of us, giving a single nod to the servant that I could only describe as a bouncer before heading in. Julian held up his arm, and I grabbed it, allowing him to escort me into the room. The way Julian was putting so much effort into making me feel comfortable, I wondered if this was something he did for everyone, or perhaps it was because I might be joining his family.

We entered the room, and I frowned at the sight in front of me. It looked like a bar or a club. It certainly didn’t have the underground sex party feel. There were tables, chairs, and even waiters and a bartender. A few people were sitting in chairs, talking with each other, and many were getting drinks. There was a girl sitting on a guy’s lap, but what I walked into wasn’t anything more exciting than you’d see at any bar on a Friday night.

Julian was observing my expression and then he gave a chuckle. “This is just the receiving room, my dear. A place to talk in quiet. We actually arrived a tinge early, but as the night rages on, the need for a quiet place to retreat to will become obvious. The drinks are free, of course, but don’t get so drunk that you lose function. The waiters are ordered to take anyone passed out home.”

I nodded, concealing the eagerness that made me want to tour the rest of the mansion right away. He walked across the room and took me to the other side. There was a doorway covered by a thick curtain. He held his hand to the thick curtain before turning to me.

“Beyond this curtain is where things get interesting. The room beyond is the main hall. You can meet, jump into groups, whatever you feel like.”

He pushed the curtain aside and took a step in. I followed behind him, and my eyes widened in excitement. There were a few people kissing aggressively, and definitely some heavy petting going on, but the room only had a few dozen people at this point and it seemed like the party was just getting started.

The room itself had a giant fountain in the middle, which cascaded water down ten plates where water poured over the edges into a wide basin. In the back was a giant statue of a familiar naked women holding wheat and a penis that would be Qetesh. The room itself had various sections. In one corner was a grouping of couches in which there were currently six people sitting, all kissing each other. And when I said that, I didn’t mean 3 people were kissing 3 other people, but all six were touching and kissing the other five.

There was another area which looked to be a giant den filled with pillows of various shapes and sizes. A third area looked to be full of abstract art, but a certain piece in the shape of a U had a woman and a man inside it, the man currently kissing the woman’s neck while rubbing her privates, so my guess was that they were functional.

“Most of the activities will occur in this room.” Julian waved his hand. “But there are numerous side hallways. You’ll find this place completely free of doors. You won’t be able to keep anyone who wants to watch out, but, if a wide room makes you uncomfortable, you should be able to find a side room with a bit of privacy. I would recommend you do not go down the right hallway as that involves… certain more extreme perversions. Perhaps in a future visit, but this one would be bad.”

I looked at the hall he was pointing to curiously. I did want to know what perversion he was talking about. I lived in a world with the internet. He’d be very hard pressed to find something that could genuinely surprise me. That said, given my knowledge, I suspected I did know some of the things behind those curtains, and many of them were not the kind of things I wanted to experience.

“And of course,” Julian continued, moving to the side. “There is the coin trade over here. I think you’ll find many items may be worth it but beware… if you give all your coins away, you’ll be at the sexual mercy of anyone here.”

I glanced over the items that were part of the trade in and gave a wry smile. Somehow, my male enhancement lubricant, the vials of sexual recovery, and the numbness potion had found themselves there. The skin restoration was the only potion that didn’t make it. I guess it wasn’t sex-themed enough. I also found various dildos, strap-ons, a rabbit, basically all of my ideas taken and sold for the highest price.

And the price was high. The cheapest dildo ran 15 Qetesh coins. That meant over a year of monthly Qetesh earnings or being offered sex 15 times. I didn’t know how much a prostitute charged, but if you did the math, this was probably thousands of dollars worth of sex. I put that thought away. Thinking about monetizing sex was one direction I was not ready to go.

There was the sudden sound of metal clinging as something colorful flew towards my face. Instinctually, I reached out and caught it, sleight of hand likely contributing to my quick reaction time. When I looked at what was in my hand, I realized it was a Qetesh coin. Right, if you were handed a Qetesh coin, it meant someone was trying to buy your company. I looked up at the man who had tossed the coin, and my body suddenly froze.

Standing in front of me was a muscular man with dark hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a mask that was midnight black lined with silver thread. However, mask or not, I recognized him anywhere. It was Devon.

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Ascii of the Day:

                                       72  48                          
                                7888807   4888888885                   
                                78882       78888888                   
                                788           088888                   
                                788  7502      88888                   
                                888  8884   8818885                    
                                8888        57 2882                    
                                 8888   80     2888                    
                                 9888   87     8888                    
                                 7888  7877   98888                    
                                  887  777274888888                    
                               74085        8888888                    
                    5888888888888787        8888888                    
                   887           7           274880                    
                  88     7                   7    788                   
                 88     77                      75  88                 
                88    72                 7       882788                
               48     88               87             88               
              48      88               87              87               
             88    787 8              78               84              
            88    087  8    5 77      88               08              
           88    88    7 784727 9     88         287   78              
          98   787      882  77 47    77  7778   87     8              
         78    8      8882  727  8       88  727 87    70              
         8728887 71   8577   77  8  7   88  7777 88    27              
        88      72758    88     28  0  78  5724  88    72              
       787         81   7727  942      7877 7    787   77              
        887705727 747  77778207         784      785   2               
         777277       444  2              88      88   1               
                        8                  487     2047                
                        8                   7 1      787               
                       78                   7  87     78               
                       75                   77 281    47               
                       47         7          87  580754                
                      7           97          8    7772                
                     78           78           8                       
                     7                         27                      
                     7                          2                      
                    8                           8                      
                   887 77                    5  87                     
                   87   7507                 8  28                     
                  88      7841             77    87                    
                 88          282         17 7    88                    
                 82           288807 77784        8                    
                74            1     8807          8                    
                74            7    280            8                    
                87           28    88            58                    
               88            8     787           87                    
               80           44      87          78                     
               82          25       87          58                     
              78           8        80          84                     
              48          8         48          82                     
              89         87         78         88                      
              87        78           87       48                       
              85        87           87       87                       
              80       08           787      78                        
              88       8             82      82