The Power of Creation – Chapter 195

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Kida may be a muscle-brain, but she isn’t stupid. As soon as your dick swells to attention, she knew exactly what you intended. She also understood that “exercise” is a loose interpretation of what you were about to do. However, knowing very little about sex, the idea of it being physically intensive wasn’t something she had ever considered before. Your proposal that sex could be used as an exercise invigorated and excited Kida, pushing through her shyness and nervousness.

So, even though Kida blushes and tries to cover herself from your probing eyes as she removes her bikini armor, she still ends up standing in the room naked, curiously watching your massive staff remain at full stock while it waits for the moment in which she joins it. You can’t help but find her nature sweet once again, as Kida covers her breasts with one hand and her nether regions with another.

When wearing her armor, these are literally the only parts covered. Most of her boob, butt, and body are exposed to every man who looks at her, however, those two pieces of forbidden pink fruit, in other words her pinkish, hard nipples and the pinkish labia, are something she never shows anyone. Of course, you have seen them before. She’s fallen into precarious situations where a nipple slip is inevitable, and even her panties have been pushed aside and you’ve enjoyed the view of her pink slit from time to time. However, there is something more perversely enjoyable when she herself tries to hide it shyly from your eyes.

“Let me see your body.”

“Ah! Y-yes. O-only because it’s Rookie.” She says, her cheeks glow pink as she slowly removes her arms. “Is-is it okay?”

Her naked body is revealed to you. Her curly brown fur patch sits over a pink engorged slit that appears aroused after her previous cumshot. Her pink nipples are sharp and hard in response to her current stimulation. You have already used magic to wash away the previous semen, so her body looks fresh, clean, and delicate.

“You’re beautiful.” You say honestly.

“E-even though I’m big?” Her words came out light to the point they sound almost pouty.

You give her a smile. “I want to fuck you. Get up here.”


It appears like Kida still has some reservations because of her size and stature. As a seven-foot-tall woman, she knew she intimidated most men, so that had grown into her own personal trauma. Part of the reason she dresses so lightly is exactly because men avert their eyes from her body normally. If they are staring at her tits, then at least they aren’t staring at her height or her muscles. However, that is the past, and Kida has already surrendered herself to you. Following your orders, she moves over you.

She doesn’t lie on the bed and slither up to you in some kind of seductive manner like Medusa might have. Kida was far too inexperienced and brutish for that kind of finesse. Instead, she literally just takes a step and stands up on the bed. The bed and her height exceed the height of the room, and she actually has to bend her head down as she walks on the bed. Knowing only the basics of woman on top, she puts her legs over you, standing with one foot against each hip. Her pussy is directly over your cock, which is pointing straight up between her legs, the massive thing only reaches about halfway up her smooth calf.

Standing over you like this, you can see Kida’s giant features best. Her boobs rivaled Merida or Mushu, but in far more reasonable proportions to her body. She had a big booty, albeit not as curvy as Belle, which, if you measured from the hips, would be about 1.5X your own width. And then her height, which sent her all the way to the roof and even then, she had to bend her neck down.

“Bend your knees and lower your pussy down. Keep lowering until it’s all the way in. Then you can push up until just the tip remains. You must be careful that the tip stays, or my cock will fall out and you have to start all over again.” You explain simply.

“Very well.” Kida nods, firming her resolve. “Then, please accommodate my body. I’m starting.”

Kida does exactly as you command, effectively performing a squat onto your dick. A squat without anything to hold to keep your balance might be difficult for some, but for Kida, this was a simple maneuver. However, when she hit a certain particular piece of resistance, her ground squat slows for a moment. Kida closes her eyes as she feels the thinking poking from under her, but continues down anyway, forcefully impaling herself on your cock.

“Aaaaaah!” Kida let’s out a moan as it steadily slides into her.

You’ve fucked Kida before, so it isn’t like her pussy isn’t more than capable of accommodating your cock at this point. However, the woman herself never got to enjoy the feel of your cock entering inside her before. As she continues to squat lower, more of your cock slides in. The lower she goes, the fuller she becomes. Never before has Kida faced such a beautiful temptation to force her to squat as low as her muscles allow. Your massive meat feels like it has no end, but Kida is determined to bend her knees until your entire length is inside her.

Even though Kida herself might not have understood it at the time, her previous exercise of sucking and jacking you off had excited her body drastically, Suffice it to say, she is at no shortage of womanly juices, and your dick slides into something both wet and extremely willing.

When her crotch is finally stopped by your pelvic bone, only then did she stop bending her knees and open her eyes. She has squat down on your cock in a naked baseball catcher position, with her body  impaled by ten inches of hard cock. While the running assumption is that a bigger woman had a bigger pussy and needed a bigger cock, the truth is her pussy is no more accommodating than any other. Your cock isn’t ‘just the right size’, it is a beast that fills her to the brink and makes her feel like she is about to break.

“I always thought I was big, but I didn’t understand true size until now.” Kida mutters, not able to keep some tears from her eyes as she remains impaled by your massive beast.

“You should start the exercise now.” You give the command.

Once again, Kida’s resolve returns, and she starts pushing up with her knees, the massive think pulling out of her slowly, leaving her womb gaping open and sadly feeling as if she is lacking something.

By the time she had raised her body until just the head still remaina buried in her honeypatch, she doesn’t hesitate to bend back down, sending your cock careening back into her womb deeply. She went much less carefully this time, and the weight and force of her body causes the bed to creek. If you were a normal man, a few more of those might leave you with a shattered pelvis. However, with your strength, combined with Kida powerful thrusts, it translated to only pure, raw sexual pleasure.

As Kida raises her hips and drops herself back down on you over and over again, she quickly comes to love the feel of your cock plunging into her depths. The lack of your cock each time she pulls up makes her feel a temporary bout of emptiness, and when she drops her ass down, your cock satisfyingly fills that emptiness, making Kida feel whole as a woman. Is this that idea of becoming one? The so-called love of a soulmate?

“Rookie, although I have been your woman for some time, at this moment, we have become one. I shall forever be yours. You not only have this body which you won by defeating me, but you have also conquered my heart.”

You gave a smile to cover up the confusion on your face. Of course, you have no clue the kinds of thoughts Kida is having, or the extreme influence that this “first-time” had on a maiden’s heart during her first conscious sexual encounter. You take what she says as an inevitability, although for Kida, this will be a night she’ll never forget.

To break the atmosphere as she looks down on your lovingly, you speak up. “You call this a workout? You’re not even sweating yet?”

Rather than feeling upset or disgruntled, Kida’s eyes brighten at those challenging words, and a smile crests her face as she immediately starts to quicken her pace. Within a few strokes, she starts seriously giving her all, the pair of you moaning loudly, with Kida being a surprisingly loud lover, bellowing out as your cock plunges in. However, even so, your own voices are lost to the desperate cries of the creaking bed, which is being ridden as hard as you are.

“Ah, ah, ah, Roooooookie!” As Kida succumbs to lust, she loses all modesty and falls into the bliss of both performing a difficult workout and the sexual gratification she herself has never experienced before.

When she orgasms for the first time, she loses her footing for a second, and collapses down on you, her massive weight crushing you underneath. Naturally, you could take it, but what surprises you is she reaches out and grabs your head roughly, pulling you up and squeezing you against her in a bear hug while her pussy convulses on your cock. She has a pure innocent yet joyful expression on her face, her mouth broken into a toothy smile, as her body convulses in ways she didn’t know was possible. Meanwhile, your head has been shoved in between two massive melons, and there is no hope for things like air.

She shows no restraint as she holds you tight enough your bones creak, her boobs becoming the only thing your face is smashed into them tightly. Her body shutters in orgasmic pleasure, cumming on your cock as she gasps in air and let’s out loud moans of pleasure that nearly vibrate the walls.

After she finishes cumming, she pulls you from her chest, kisses you roughly on the face without giving you a moment to recover, and then shoves you back onto the bed, you head hitting the pillow with a thud. Any thoughts of what you want are already long gone. Kida has a look of pure ecstatic bliss as she uses you as her own personal fuck doll. Replacing her footing, she gets back up, and once again starts the pelvic battle, smashing your hips into the bed, while she bounces up and down on your cock with unstoppable force. Sweat is running down her body in droves, and she’s breathing quite hard, yet she shows no sign of stopping.

Soon, the mattress under you is destroyed, and Kida, lacking all awareness except for her own sexual gratification, is moving faster and faster, her hips now starting to have the blurring affect her hands had before. Except, instead of the light schlock of wet fingers over a thick cock, it’s the massive bang as her hips pounded into your hips with the total force of her impressive thigh muscles added to her bodyweight. Like a hammer and anvil, your dick pounded her pussy. Or perhaps it’d be more accurate to say her pussy pounded your dick. Of course, you could survive the strength of a nuclear bomb, and your hips could fuck a planet, so Kida’s power levels were well within your realm.

Unfortunately, the rest of the environment wasn’t made for this kind of thing. There wasn’t a person on the ship who couldn’t hearing the massive noises of a creaking bed and Kida’s thunderous moans. However, she couldn’t be stopped now. If Merida had been a locomotive, Kida was an Earth ending meteor.

“I…. I…. I…” Kida is screaming out louder and louder, her pussy riding your cock in a blur, her body covered in sweat, gulping for breath, and her skin red from top to bottom from extreme exertion, “I… I…. I’m cummmmmmmmmiiiiiinggggg!”

At that point, your cock can’t take anymore punishment, and you release your hot load inside her. However, she’s slamming down on your cock at the same time, and when she says she’s cumming, she meant it. Your flood of semen rushes up, and her unstoppable tide of lust squirts down, and when the two forces meet, they erupt like two tsunamis slamming into each other. A liquid tide of sex spunk explodes from between your two sexual orgasms, covering the both of you in combined sex.

If someone were to enter the room this moment, it’d be a humid sauna thick with the smell of sex so palpable you could cut it with a knife. Kida still has a giant goofy smile on her face, clearly being full of happiness that just couldn’t be contained inside her. As she finally collapses on your body, her massive body embracing you intimately, a sudden last groan emanates from under you, and the bed gives out with a crash. The pair of your fall three feet down as the legs sprawl and every less shred of the bed falls in pieces. However, by the time you hit the floor, the massive Kida had already got her face pressed against your chest, her arms wrapped around your body, her boobs pressed against your stomach, and she had passed out asleep, a smile stuck plastered to her face.

As for bed-kun, no matter what magic you cast, he just can’t be saved. Of the three of you, it is perhaps he who persevered the most, ushering all his strength to survive an onslaught he wasn’t designed to take, and managing to hold on just long for Kida to reach completion. Perhaps, there is a lesson we can all learn from bed-kun. Sometime later, you provide him a proper viking burial at sea. You replace him with a stronger, steadier bed in the future, but his strength during extreme adversity shall never be forgotten. Never forget.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 194

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“L-like this?” Kida asks nervously, her hand sliding up and down the shaft of your cock slowly but deliberately.

She has spit on her hand in order to provide lubricant and her hand is now moving up and down in a rhythm. She still holds the thing tightly. Her larger hands are barely enough to surround the thing at its current thickness, and she squeezes it as if she is afraid it will suddenly slide out of her grip at a moment’s notice.

“Kida, when you’re using a sword, do you grip it as hard as you can so that when an enemy strikes it, you won’t be disarmed?” You ask innocently.

Kida gives you a confused look. “Huh? No, of course not. You keep a light grip, which affords you the flexibility. As long as your technique is right, your sword won’t flee from your hands.”

“Then perhaps you should work on your technique?” You offer.

It takes Kida a moment to realize what you’re saying, but when she finally does, her face flames up into a blush. She immediately loosens her grip, making the feel of her finger strokes much more enjoyable.

“Wh-what do I do now?” Kida demands, although her face looks pouty, her cheeks are red, and she’s looking down, unable to meet your eyes.

“Use your lips, and suck on the head. Move you lips up and down the head and play with it with your tongue. Yes, just like that. Keep moving your hand! Good. Good.”

“Mmm Mmsmsmmm Msmssmsm.” Kida tries to say something, quickly realizing she can’t while she has your cock in her mouth.

Meanwhile, her hand works up and down your shaft quickly. While Kida may be inexperienced, she has no shortage of strength as a warrior. While her hand starts to moves at a blazingly fast pace, she suffers from absolutely no fatigue. Where a normal woman might quickly grow tired and slow down, for a woman like Kida used to spending all day swinging her sword until her arms could barely move, this single action wasn’t one that would exhaust her quickly.

“This is actually a great workout!” Kida pulls her head off the tip of your cock and laughs as she works her hand even more aggressively. “We should practice this regularly to improve our fine motor skills!”

“What makes you think I don’t!” You let out a moan as her hands work your shaft relentlessly.

“So, is this the secret to Rookie’s strength?” Kida gives a thoughtful look. “Then please allow me to keep practicing doing this as well!”

“MmmmMmmm!” You give her a nod, but don’t trust yourself to speak any more at the moment.

As Kida builds this exercise up in her mind, her enthusiasm in performing the act grows as well. You seem to recall once when you and she ran to check on the progress of the goblin army, that her run speed was comparable to an automobile. That unbelievable speed wasn’t relegated just to her feet, it turns out. Her hand has become a blur, the sound of her wet fingers running up and down your cock no longer form a rhythmic squishing noise. Instead, the sound has just become a single continuous squishy note.

Typically, you had complete control of your orgasms, and decide when and how much you cum depending on the scenario. However, Kida’s incredible technique has caught you completely off guard, and you start to lose control under the intense machinations of the innocent Kida who is working your shaft faster and faster as if she’s in a race, all the while growing more excited at her intensive ‘workout’.

“Rookie, your face is becoming flushed and you’re breathing hard, are you by chance growing tired? Shall I discontinue until you recover?”

“Mmm, Mmm!” You shake your head ‘no’.

Kida suddenly shows you a respectful gaze. “I too like to work out past my limits. Please endure!”

You role your eyes at Kida, who seems to be completely misunderstanding the situation now, her former shyness swallowed by her muscle-brained side. However, you don’t have to wait to set her straight, as a moment later an incredible orgasm racks your body. Your cock erupts in Kida’s hand like a volcano.

“Ah!” Kida let’s out a cute scream of surprise as your cock suddenly explodes into a fountain of white.

Her hand had been moving up and down the entire shaft, including the head at this point, and not expecting the eruption, her hand was still moving in a blur even as you came. The rapid movements of her fingers met the volcano of white, and it is like tossing lava into a blender. White stuff explodes everywhere. Some of it lands on your belly, but just as much lands on Kida, giving her an instant bukkake. White sticky stuff ends up on her boobs, her hair, and her face.

The startled Kida quickly recovers, stopping her hand motions as the last few streams of cum lack the force of the first few, and only manage to slop over her hand still gripping the shaft near the head, covering it in thick, sticky waves of white spunk. You let out several long panting breaths as you recover from Kida’s S-grade hand job. Meanwhile, Kida isn’t mad, shocked, or confused. Rather, she merely looks curious.

She finally releases your cock, bringing the hand covered in spunk up to her face curiously. She turns the hand covered in spooge over, watching the warm white stuff drip between her fingers like she’s watching a lava lamp for the first time. “So, this is your semen.”

Without more thought, Kida brings her hand to her mouth and licks a finger, tasting the nutty seed for herself. She wears a thoughtful look for a moment, bu then raises her fist up and opens her mouth, allowing a stream of white stuff to fall from her gripped hand and into her waiting mouth before swallowing it clearly and deliberately.

“It’s smooth…” She mutters as if to herself.

“It’s also full of protein.” You joke, but when Kida gives you a blank look you continue. “Ah, people eat high protein foods to help build muscle.”

Kida’s eyes brighten at that. “Is semen really so marvelous? Very well, please provide me as much semen as you can produce. I will be happy to harvest it myself.”

“Haa?” You let out a noise.

What happened to the cute and shy Kida? It seems like when it comes to her training, she takes it very seriously. The shy maiden has been instantly replaced by this cumsoaked battle junkie.

“Rookie, my stomach no longer feels sick. Your seed is powerful as expected!” Kida says excitedly.

Nevermind the fact her stomach hasn’t felt sick since she’s been in the room distracted…

“That’s great…” You respond, losing a bit of your steam.

“Ah… Rookie.” You look up to see Kida suddenly looking bashful again, an effect that you couldn’t tell if it was destroyed or enhanced by the fact she was covered in your cum, “You’ve already cum. I was hoping that we could, you know, while I was awake…”

Kida couldn’t finish that sentence, turning away with a blush. The shy maiden Kida has completely reasserted herself as soon as talk turns back to sexual intercourse. As long as it is training, exercise, and practice, she lacks all modesty, but when it comes to girly pursuits, it turns out Kida is exceptionally weak.

“I’m actually good to go again!” You state.

“Ah!” Kida makes a surprised noise, but then grows even more demure, lowering her head, her hair hiding her face. “Then, please, teach me.”

“Actually, rather that doing ‘that’, I was thinking Kida might want to try out a new exercise with me.” You say casually, a light sparkle in your eye.

Kida’s eyes light up. “Eh? An exercise?”

“Mm… it’s a tough one. I guarantee Kida will be breathing hard and sweating by the end of it.”

“Re-really! Then… show me! What muscles does this exercise work out?” Kida’s shyness melts away as she looks at you excitedly, even as cooling spunk still runs down her cheeks.

“It exercises the leg muscles, of course. It’s called girl-on-top!”

“Girl-on-top?” Kida looks like she’s trying to recall ever doing an exorcise called that before. “Alright, then tell me how!”

“Well, the first parts easy.” You lie back in the bed, your cock suddenly springing up vertically, already completely recovered from before. “You get on top!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 193

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Kida stands there with a blush on her cheeks while you lie there on her bed, watching her with a hidden smirk. She fidgets nervously, rubbing her arm and trying to avoid looking at you while still shooting you several glances. It’s the kind of scene you’d see when a girl invites her boyfriend to her room, only to realize they’re all alone in the house and he’s expecting to take the next step.

Despite the fact that Kida is a seven-foot-tall Amazoness with large muscles, she acts the perfect part of a virgin high school girl. You may have violated her numerous times, but she was unawake for all of them, so from her perspective this might as well be the first sexual experience she’s ever shared with a man. Naturally, the gap effect of her shy virgin attitude is sufficient to bring your penis revving to go.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” You demand.

“What? Ah, yes… with the… to swallow… for my airsickness. Then, I should take it out?” Kida is looking for you for guidance.

You give a nonchalant shrug, the smile on your face growing. In most of your sexual encounters so far, you’ve taken the lead. You unhesitantly taught Ariel everything she knows. You held down and broke Mulan harshly. You conquered Grimhilde one hole at a time. You’ve instigated a lot of pussy, and you’ve always taken the lead and dominated with your cock. However, here with Kida, the cruel sadist in you decides to try something new. You decide to sit back and see what Kida does.

Although she has the naivety of a high school virgin, Kida is still a warrior who has faced countless enemies in combat. Your penis is just another “monster” she has to conquer. Of course, it is a particularly large monster, perhaps the biggest she could safely handle, but Kida won’t back down from the challenge, now that she has decided to fight. Straightening her back and only swallowing hard once, she moves up to you with determined gaze.

Going down to her knees, she’s still tall enough that she’ll need to bend her head down to reach your cock. With jerky and ineloquent motions, she unbelts your pants and frees the monster within. Now that she sees the one-eye beast, she can’t help but give another gulp. Reaching out, she immediately grabs the shaft at the bottom near your balls.

“It’s really warm!” Kida exclaims.

She didn’t expect the thing to be so hot in her hand. Her face starts to flush even more once the words leave her mouth. However, now that she has a grip on your member, she can’t let go now. When you have a bull by the horns, you have to keep riding the bull until it tires itself out. Nervously, Kida looks down at the thing in her hand and licks her lips. Knowing she’s supposed to use her mouth, she works as much moisture as possible, preparing herself.

Opening her mouth as wide as it can go, she finally bobs her head down. She seems desperate to keep her teeth from touching it, and thus her jaw is open so much that it nearly cracks. Once the head manages to move past her lips, she keeps bringing her head farther and farther down your cock. However, she’s not actually touching your cock. Rather, her lips are opened wide to the point that they are putting as minimal pressure as possible, afraid to disturb your mass. The only stimulation you get is when the side of her mouth accidentally bumps into the cock.

It’s almost like Kida wants to engulf your entire cock in her mouth in one go. It works out at first, she gets a surprising six inches into her mouth all at once. However, her plans end abruptly when her mouth runs out of room, and the head of your cock collides with the back of her throat.

Kida’s eyes widen as her throat clamps down. Immediately, she pulls her head up, coughing as she accidently triggers her gag reflex. She makes a newbie mistake, not accounting for how to pleasure your cock properly given her own capabilities. In essence, she bit off more than she could chew. You consider teasing her about “who the rookie is now”, but when you see her teary frustrated eyes, you decide to go easy on her.

She’s still watching you for any indication of what to do, but your face remains passive and blank. Kida finally steels her resolve once again, this time, with her hand gripping your dick like she might grip the hilt of a sword, she sticks out her tongue hesitantly.  Kida’s act is so deliberate and unpracticed that Kida actually looks extremely adorable. Just as the tongue touches the tip of the head, a little bit of clear precum pops out of the top of your cock. Her tongue touches the liquidity viscous fluid congealing on the head, transferring the taste to Kida’s mouth.

In surprise, Kida pulls back, causing a long stream of spit and precum to connect her tongue to the tip of your cock. Her eyes widen in surprise as she looks down at it, her eyes crossed and her tongue sticking out in a silly expression. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. She closes her mouth, breaking the stream with her hand and smacking her mouth as if she was tasting something unusual while giving you a dark glare. It looks like she’s going to say something, so you immediately grab her head and push it against your cock.

“Ah!” Kida let’s out a noise of surprise as her face smacks into your cock with a slap.

The shaft hits her in the nose and the forehead, and the precum spills into her hair, but fortunately she doesn’t notice that. So surprised she is to find herself face first with this big hard thing that she is still gripping tightly, she can’t think of anything else. Having properly sidetracked Kida, you breath in relief as she once again focuses her attention on your cock, sticking out her tongue gently and touching the shaft lighting with just the tip. If this was a battle, this was the period where Kida would be testing out her opponent, seeing how aggressive they are and getting a feel for their abilities.

The tip of her tongue slowly runs up and down the underside of the shaft, licking along the fleshy bottom area of the shaft and providing a great deal of sexual stimulation. However, she’s distinctly avoiding the head now. Isn’t the point of it for her to swallow your semen? This silly girl is just too inexperienced.

You give a sigh. You’re just going to have to show her how it’s done properly. It looks like you won’t be able to sit back and rest. One more innocent girl needs to be taught a lesson with your dick.

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I’ve hired a new illustrator and practiced some shading and coloring to generate this image. This even occurs in Chapter 12/13. As for the last image so many people slammed, we’re working on making a new one for that as well.

To See This Image in Color: Click Here

Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 31

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Of course, Peers didn’t have any particular problem with this boy confessing his love to me. If anything, he poorly hid a grin behind his hand, his eyes holding back the laughter as I desperately tried to explain the situation that led up to this. I couldn’t help that the Cambion colony didn’t have fine materials like I could find in the human villages. The only things that could act as an undergarment were scratchy wools. This wasn’t a world with breathable cotton and as the heat continued to increase, I didn’t want my nether region smelling rank in a world absent of most feminine hygiene products. Thus, I chose to air out the area by wearing nothing.

However, the worst part of all of this, after being forced to reject the boy while Peers struggled to keep a straight face, was the female friend that chased him around. She no longer possessed a gentle and sweet look. Rather, with me threatening her future boyfriend, she could only stare darkly. Rejecting him only made her glare even more piercing. Now, I wasn’t the woman who stole her boyfriend’s heart, I was the woman who broke her boyfriend’s heart, which was even worse. Sure, that didn’t make sense, but those were the complicated thoughts of a young maiden, and the second I was upgraded to rival, there was no winning her over.

Perhaps, I could make her an enchanted gift. Maybe a weight loss potion or a cute enchanted necklace that emits a pleasant flowery smell. The girl was still a young kid, so any shiny bauble should be sufficient to regain her trust. As I was contemplating how to be liked  again by this young girl, Peers tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up at him and he gestured me to follow him while still wearing an amused look on his face that I just wanted to slap off.

Now was not a good time to have a spat with him for various reasons, so I allowed Peers to lead me back down the rows of tents. It was only when we turned past a small hill that I saw a small building tucked away at the edge of the village surrounded by trees. It was only the second structure that I had seen within the Cambion village. It wasn’t as wide or large as the prison, instead merely looking like a small fishing hut.

When Peers stopped and gestured for me to continue onward, it was at this point I began to feel a bit of the pressure of the situation. This would be my first appearance in front of this so-called council that made all of the decisions in the village. In the end, it’d be their decisions that decided how my future would proceed. Even though they lead a group of beings the numbered less than a hundred, the fear I felt was not insignificant. Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves and stepped into the building.

Taking a step passed the door, I was shocked to find five people lulling around a room with a simple table and a couch. As the door shut behind me, the two that were currently sitting stood up, and five pairs of eyes locked on me. My brain had conjured up some kind of courtroom. I’d stand behind a lectern while a giant desk positioned above me would house five people, partially shrouded in darkness. The reality was far less exciting than the fantasy I had built in my head. The Cambion lifestyle of modesty infected this building as much as everything else in the village.

Five attractive people, the oldest looking to be in their forties, stood in front of me while giving gentle looks with soothing smiles. They wore casual clothing, and other than their exceptional looks, they looked like any other Cambion I’d seen. Rather than intimidating and stern, they merely looked curious. Immediately I recognized one of the five.

“Mary? You’re on the council?”

Mary chuckled softly. “I’m not merely the spokesperson for the council, I’m a member of the council. There aren’t so many of us that we can skimp on positions. I’m sorry for hiding that piece of myself from you, but we needed to be careful. I hope you understand.”

“Enough small talk,” one man suddenly interrupted wearing an excited look on his face. “I’ve heard that you can create enough potion to provide lifeforce to everyone. Is that true?”

“Bermont!” Mary tried to admonish the man.

“I’m actually more interested in the grounds she’s made in enchantments.” One of the other women spoke up. “Especially this idea I heard from Crish called an oven.”

“Shouldn’t we just marry her to Peers and get it over with?” A third woman declared.

“What’s the rush? Why tie her off already? According to Peers, she can generate life inside her body. He said the experience is… exceptional. Should we not further test this ability? Why, my son is still not-“

“You horny old man!” The two women immediately gave him hateful looks while Mary could only provide me with a helpless and apologetic glance.

This was the powerful council that ruled my life? These guys came off more like a group of busybodies and spinsters! The palpable relief exploded over my face, and I couldn’t help but let out a relieved chuckle. This noise caught the attention of everyone present, and just like that, I had five sets of eyes on me again. I cleared my throat and straightened my back. Pulling back to my training on being a princess, I tried to utilize the parts that focused on speech and presence while ignoring the arrogance and unfounded pride.

I immediately launched my speech on mass production. If I could explain to the Cambions that they didn’t need to consume humans, then I could immediately start bettering the lives of this colony guilt free. As to whether my speech was convincing, I had no particular clue. I was so focused on my own words that I didn’t really have much mental power left for seeing how they were responding. When I finally finished talking, I took a deep breath and glanced up at the five of them.

“Well, isn’t she lovely.” One of the women spoke gently. Although it wasn’t said in sarcasm, it was spoken more in the way a grandmother might dote on a child who was looking for praise.

As to the others, Mary and the guy named Bermont seemed to have thoughtful expressions. The other woman wore a slight frown where the last man was looking down at his hands, and I wasn’t even certain if he was paying attention at all.

“So, does that mean we can?” I finally asked flatly.

“We’ll consider it.” Bermont responded simply.

My frown deepened. To me, ‘we’ll consider it’ might as well be saying no. In my old world, it was that kind of response you gave someone just to humor them while you really wanted to do the exact opposite.

“But, you see, if we…” I tried to put my thoughts back together.

“It’s alright, dear, we’ve heard your request, “The one who had called me lovely spoke up. “We will genuinely think on this. However, much must happen before then. Our population needs to grow. Fennis and Patty will be another two months until they become of an age to lay a clutch.”

“I-I’m sorry? Lay?” I asked in confusion.

The five looked surprised for a second before Mary leaned forward with a gentle smile. “Cambions are born from eggs.”

“Ah…” I responded, this news caused me to feel a bit dazed.

I hadn’t delved too deeply into the Cambion breeding situation. In some ways, it was information I was hesitant to learn. Hearing Cambion’s lay eggs, for example, is just one more event that reminded me that I’m not one of them. At the moment, I needed to be moving towards fitting in, and ever reminder seemed to widen the gap between us. Although I was starting to understand why Peers was so unworried that I might become pregnant. It turned out the process might be more complicated than I thought.

“Still, girl, your achievements and what they mean to the Cambions can’t go unnoticed.” The other woman spoke up. “You are our tribe’s benefactor, and in your short time here you’ve proven how much help you can be. Besides creating warm blankets to help us through the winters and potions to help heal the wounded, you’ve given us the capacity to increase our numbers rapidly. We will continue to provide whatever supplies you request to make potions and enchanted items. However, is there anything else that you want from us?”

I was a little surprised by the final question. I hadn’t expected the council to just offer me something. There were several things I could consider asking for. A house instead of a tent would be one request. However, no one else in the colony had houses outside of the jail and council building, and by requesting one, I might be pushing some of the Cambions away, increasing the divide between us, which wasn’t worth the potential comfort. However, there was one other thing I was somewhat interested in.

After a bit of thought, I nodded to myself and spoke out. “I’ve maxed out my basic magic, but I’ve found myself unable to progress from there. Would it be possible to learn illusion magic?”

The silent looks the five council members gave each other immediately caused my skin to crawl. Even though I was planning on living here, part of me still couldn’t help wanting to improve my skills. In that respect, how couldn’t I be tempted by illusion magic? It was a type of magic that fit my class almost too well. However, based just on the look on their faces, I wasn’t too surprised when they started shaking their heads with a ‘no’.

“I’m sorry,” Mary spoke first. “Although we are very skilled with illusion magic, it is a skill we’d rather you did not learn.”

The way she said this, it almost seemed personal, like she was saying she wanted me personally to not know this magic.

“Dear, the illusion magic is a fundamental aspect of our bodies. If you learned it, you would be able to break through it. And nobody wants you to see-“

“What Margarette is trying to say.” Mary quickly interrupted the other woman. “Is that this kind of magic is something we have to keep to ourselves. However, if you haven’t learned anything passed basic magic control, illusion magic isn’t our only magic. “

My mood immediately improved with those words. “You’re saying you can teach me other magic?”

Mary nodded. “I’m familiar with most basic elemental spells. If you’ll have me as a teacher, I’d be happy to show you fire and water magic. Those are the two elements I have some decent strength with.”

“That would be wonderful!” I responded excitedly.

Although illusion magic would be nice, it really wasn’t necessary for me. I’d much rather throw a fireball than being able to case some intangible illusion. This seemed to be the answer the council was hoping for as well, as they all gave out noticeable breaths of relief, the tension immediately leaving the room.

We continued to speak after that. I gave them my account of the progress of the enchantments, and they put in their input as well, even though most of it was baseless and unhelpful. Even though they were the elders of this village, this didn’t lead them to any foresight of knowledge that exceeded my own. If anything, the council members frequently found themselves surprised by my insightful observations.

Soon, we were discussing other issues the Cambions faced with water stores, farming, and infrastructure. I offered my advice when applicable, and the council members often spoke excitedly as they discussed the implementation of my ideas. Cambions typically lacked any formal education even to the level of the compulsory noble education, so my broad knowledge base came as a constant source of intrigue for them.

Even simple suggestions, like rotating crops, digging irrigation channels, and keeping garbage and waste separate from the drinking water seemed to be shocking revelations for the Cambions. Once I started discussing water filtration, road planning, and establishing trade routes, every single council member could only look at me with respect. In truth, I could talk a good game, but I knew very little beyond the names. For example, I knew crops were rotated, but I had no clue which crops were rotated nor when. This didn’t seem to matter much to the Cambions. That would be something for the Cambion farmers to figure out. Simply knowing it was possible was enough for them.

What was supposed to be an hour meeting ended up lasting the rest of the day. The meeting only ended when Bermont’s stomach growled loudly and the group started to realize how hungry they were. The council even offered me the chance to stay and eat with them. I politely declined. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the company. After having only Peers and Crish to talk to for almost a month, having more people to talk to was greatly appreciated. However, after leaving Peers in such a situation earlier, I knew I needed to put on an appropriate performance to regain his trust.


Shortly after I left the room, the council sat around the table while eating from a few plates of food brought in by another Cambion.

“She’s something, isn’t she?” Mary responded with a smile. “The things that girl knows, she could truly bring the Cambions to a new age.”

“But she doesn’t know, does she?” The man across from Bermont stated with only a hint of a question at the end.

Mary’s smile broke and she shook her head sadly. “No. It appears like the illusion holds.”

“She’s an exceptional girl, she’ll figure it out eventually.” The one named Margarette said.

“Should we… remove her before it happens?” the man asked hesitantly.

Mary immediately glared at him. “Of course not! She… she’s too valuable. If you found a valuable ruby, would you toss it away because you’re too afraid it might get lost?”

“If that ruby was dangerous, like say it was being seeked by a stronger party, making me a target. It’d be better to toss it away than die holding on to it.”

“She’s just some simple slave girl, no one will come for her.” The other woman stood up in defense of Mary.

“Is she though?” The man asked cautiously.

The woman could only turn her head away, unsure how to answer.

“For now, let us just keep making use of her knowledge, and pray she never discovers the truth.” Bermont proposed. “If she does. We’ll handle it then.”

The five council members shared a nod, agreeing to the terms. She was too vital to their future to discard. In that short conversation, the council decided to throw their lot in with me. From that day forth, I’d be officially treated like a Cambion.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 192


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As you step outside of Merida’s room to air out the stench of sex, you hear the sounds of somebody throwing up. Curious, you walk out on the deck of the ship to see a tempting butt bent over in front of you. Rather, it is someone leaning over the side of the ship while looking slightly ill to the stomach.

“Eh? Is that you, Kida?” You realize that the large, muscular beauty before you could only belong to the vice-guild master.

Kida nearly falls off the edge upon hearing your voice. After shooting a look of surprise, she immediately tries to hide her face nervously. You can tell through the hair she holds over her face that she’s quite red with embarrassment. Kida is the kind of girl who prides herself on strength. Therefore, finding herself throwing up  with illness is displaying a weakness she doesn’t particularly like to show others.

It’s even worse that it’s you. Kida has yet to even be treated to a proper date. Although she’s been violated several times by you, she has never been conscious for any of those times. Thus, while she has steeled her heart to be your lover, she essentially still has a maiden’s heart. No woman would want their guy to see them in a situation where they are sick and throwing up. Kida desperately fights the urge to flee below deck in shame.

“Ah… Rookie… it’s just the air. I feel better now, I’ll be goin-“ Before she can even finish the sentence, her hand goes up to her mouth and she immediately leans back out over the edge.

While she’s leaning out, you walk up behind her slowly. Pulling out one of your hands, you place it gently on her back. As soon as your hand touches her, she immediately jumps like she was just electrically shocked. However, rather than looking back and showing you her sick face, she continues to stay leaned over the edge in embarrassment. Meanwhile, you lightly rub her back.

“I-if any other man touched me like this, I-I’d break his arm,” Kida says shakily, trying to sidestep her own embaressment.

You stop your hand movements. “Do you not like it?”

“N-no!” Kida suddenly protests, almost turning to you before turning away with a blush. “Please… continue.”

Kida’s entire body feels on fire, and it’s no longer just the airsickness. While you rubbing her back seems like nothing to you, to Kida who has never known a man’s gentle touch, it’s the most intimacy she has ever experienced. She had wrestled with men, including her numerous brothers, many times, and thus showed no problem with close contact. However, that was a far cry from the intimacy of being cared for by the man you’ve given yourself to.

“You know… I was always surprised.” You speak out retrospectively while Kida is frozen and lost on how to act. “Even though I did those things to you, you’ve happily decided to stay with me and support me. You’ve done so much to help me keep Riun going, even though I’m probably a lousy Lord. I’ve never thanked you.”

“No!” Kida denied your claim. “I’m just your follower doing what I need to do. Yo-you’re a wonderful leader. It’s just… my parents…”

You frown questioningly. “Your parents?”

“Ah!” Kida responds like she just thought of something. “My parents, actually, always wanted me to find a strong man. They said, if you ever lose yourself to a man, you must take him as your hu-husband. So… naturally, when I lost our match, it was already so…”

At the end of her explanation, her voice started to lower until you could barely hear the last part. Usually, Kida put on the airs of a confident woman like Snow White. In truth, she is actually pretty fragile in her own way. She has a lot on her shoulders. The guild, Riun, her reputation… she brutally fought to protect and help people. However, the real truth of it is despite her muscles she’s just an insecure woman who wishes to be held and protected like any other.

On the other hand, when her parents said ‘lose herself to a man’, you have the distinct impression her parents were talking about sexually, not in a fight. In other words, they probably were saying that if she found herself falling for a man and slept with him on impulse, she should marry him. In your case, she had lost in a fight with you, but it probably didn’t mean the same thing. When it came to the pair of you having sex, you had stolen it from her without her input! Kida clearly has some kind of misunderstanding with her parents! Of course, your lips are sealed on this forever.

Initially, even though Kida is beautiful, her size may have left you less interested in her than some of the other girls. You initially didn’t plan on putting her into your harem. However, she has shown herself to be reliable, dependable, and even have a cute side beyond her muscle-bound exterior.

With that, you decide you’re going to treat Kida more respectfully and return her sincerity back to her. It is time to be straightforward and to give Kida the sexual attention the poor girl deserves! However, you don’t have the same relationship with her you have with Merida who has already bared your children, so bringing it up feels a bit awkward. As powerful as you are, Kida’s physique is a bit intimidating when it comes to approaching her for sex, which is part of the reason you’ve only taken advantage of her while she’s been sleeping most of the time. As to why you don’t feel the same way with Snow White, that’s because she’s not human, and also because she’s so confrontational and arrogant that direct attacks seem natural.

“Guh! Why does the ship need to rock back and forth like this.” Kida leans out once again, sparking an idea in your head.

As you pat her back, you speak nonchalantly. “You know, I’ve heard of a good remedy for airsickness.”

“R-really? I’ll try anything at this point. What is it?” Kida asks, some of her nervousness lost in her own excitement.

“Ah, well, it’s just something I’ve heard. But according to what I’ve heard, if you swallow the… ahem… the seed of someone you love, it helps remove airsickness.” You say, watching her out of the corner of your eye.

“Really! Then I’ll…” Kida got excited a second until the meaning finally came. “Ah! You mean… th-that!”

“That.” You nod firmly, keeping your face expressionless.

Kida looks away, her face glowing red, but after a few seconds of thought, she gives you a determined nod. “Very well! Can you please give me some… of that…”

“It doesn’t just come out on command!” You lie. “You have to bring it out.”

“O-of course!” Kida panics with a fluster, blushing even more than you thought possible. “Th-then, you’re talking about… we’ll need to… with my…”

“You can do it properly with your hands and mouth.” You explain.

“Ah! You can? I mean, yes, of course!” Kida nods enthusiastically before giving you a bow. “Then, I must make a request of you Rookie. Please allow me to extract some of your… ah… that…”

“I guess if you insist…” You feign an unconvinced look.

Kida’s resolve seems to grow by the second. “I know, Rookie… that I haven’t been a proper lover to you these last few weeks, always sleeping or absent when you want company. However, although I’m unpracticed and don’t know what to do, I promise if you let me I will work hard to extract your seed. Please, give me a chance!”

As Kida says this and lowers her head respectfully, she has tears in her eyes. Her face is completely serious. Your mouth twists as you find your slight joke going a little too far. Kida has always been a person buried in responsibility. As is, she’s been established as your girlfriend and lover for over a month. Thus, in Kida’s mind, satisfying your sexual needs is her responsibility. Beyond Kida’s own sexual curiosity and sex drive, it’s actually her failure to complete this ‘duty’ of a girlfriend that has given her the most anxiety in her relationship with you.

“Very well,” You concede, “Let’s head to your room then.”

As you follow Kida, you realize she’s slightly shaking from nervousness. Although you had planned to use magic to alleviate the airsickness and reinforce the story, it turns out that Kida’s own nervousness towards this ‘first time’ has already caused her to forget about her airsickness completely. As she opens her door, her head lowered, her face blushing, gesturing you to come in shyly, you realize that this event you engineered is hardly sincere. Well, you’ll be sincere next time. This time you’re getting free head!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 191

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“Ah, ah, ah… daddy… it feels so good. Please, don’t stop.” Merida makes cute moaning sounds as you continue to plow into her vagina.

Even though Merida recently had a baby, her recovery ability is top notch. Adding to that your godly healing powers and Merida is as tight and fresh as the first time you fucked her.

You had allocated plenty of time to travel to the Great Empire, so of course, you planned things out to spend a little bit of time with your girls. You already set the speed and course of the airship so that the journey will take about five days and six nights. That gives you one night each to enjoy all of the haremettes. You attacked Merida first simply because out of the six available she is the easiest.

That’s not to say she’s a slut, but rather that she’s the gentlest and easiest to please. Months of close calls have put a lot of pressure on your relationship with Kida. After misfiring and impregnating Moana instead of Snow White, there is some tension there. Enjoying Mushu without her sister present, while possible, still can be a bit awkward, and while Rapunzel has already denoted herself as yours, the fact was she’s still a virgin.

“Daddy… oh… daddy… you’re so big. Keep it up, daddy, yes, yes, right there!” Merida purrs as you continue to plow away.

So, with little coercion, you find yourself piledriving this wyvern knight, your head resting in her significant cleavage. Naturally, too much play against them still results in milk being released, but as long as you treat her breasts gently they make splendid pillows to rest while your hips pounded away. With one ear against Merida’s chest listening to her quickening heartbeat, and the other ear hearing her desperate panting and moaning, your balls deep in her wet pussy, that’s how you decide to spend your night

“Oh, oh, oh… I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

Naturally, you can feel her pussy cum around your cock, but you don’t slow down the pace at all. As soft as Merida is, she’s also tough, stubborn, and strong. Even as she cums around your cock, she holds you tightly, her arms and legs wrapped around your naked body. Her strength is quite high for a woman, and if you were a normal man, you might find yourself struggling for breath as she smothers you in her cleavage while her body convulsing in an orgasm.

As she continues to cum, her lavish tendencies can’t be contained, and she grabs your head out of her chest and pulls you up. She begins kissing you on the mouth excitedly, the orgasms so intense that she’s actually drooling a bit as she wraps her lips around yours. As her moaning mouth takes yours and her tongue plunges into you, she continues to make rapid moaning noises in the back of her throat which travel into your mouth.

“Mm. Mm. Mmmmm. Mm!” She let’s out lewd sounds as she desperately kisses you, her body seemingly losing all reason as she surrenders to her lust.

Her hands grab chunks of your hair, holding your head down against hers roughly. Even if you wanted to pull away from her, her strength wouldn’t allow it. As it turns out, Merida is the perfect blend of gentle softness and absolute strength. To wrestle her out of your grip now would require enough power that you couldn’t do it without hurting her. But with her tongue lashing in your mouth, her large chest pressing up softly against your chest, and her throbbing pussy pulsating around your cock, why would you ever leave her grasp?

Instead, you pick up the pace even more. Your balls slap against her cunt which is still cumming lavishly. Merida is no longer an innocent virgin. She is a mother who has birthed a child. While she has healed completely from the ordeal, the alterations to her body from becoming a mother are absolute. A grown woman and mother in her twenties is a completely different experience from a younger woman.

Your teenage lovers, Ariel, Tiana, Grimhilde, Elena, and even Mulan to an extent are, of course, horny little vixens thirsty for your cock. However, their bodies, pert and youthful and seemingly built for sex are also geared in the ways of instant gratification and extreme emotional highs. In essence, fucking a teenager is like fucking a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, incredibly exciting, noisy, and all over the place. Simply, it’s a thrill ride.

But if a teenager is like a roller coaster ride, then an experienced mother is like a steam-engine. She’ll start off slow, but once she gets going she becomes insatiable, dragging you along for the ride where nothing will get in the way of her unstoppably powerful lust. She will drag you along until she finally goes all the way and there is no force that can stop her. Merida is perhaps in one of these moments, the stimulation of your cock and the feel of your hot body turning her into a sexual powerhouse lost in the perpetual bliss only an adult woman can feel.

Your hips are moving so fast they are almost a blur, pumping away at Merida’s pussy. However, Merida takes your cock and returns a constant stream of wet cum and lewd smells, her body lost in the sexual stimulation you’ve aroused from deep inside her. She hasn’t even finished cumming when she starts cumming again, her voice raising an octave as she continues to aggressively and messily kiss you. Her brain is already mush as her body squeezes against yours, her hands running up and down your back mindlessly. Her pussy cums and cums again until it feels like you are pounding all of the juices out of her.

When you finally cum yourself, you do it abruptly and without warning. With a single last thrust of your hips, you unload gobs of sticky stuff deep inside your lover. However, Merida’s body responds instantly, her lips breaking off, her head rolling back, exposing her neck to you as she lets out a guttural moan. You suck harshly on the light delicate skin of her neck while her hands tighten on your shoulders and her legs push up, trying to push your butt to penetrate your cock as deeply into her as possible.

“I feel it, it’s so warm!” Merida moans, her eyes out of focus and so much saliva on her tongue that her words are barely intelligible.

As her womb is filled to the brim with your seed, her pussy rolls over into the third wave of continuous orgasm. Her back arcs until you lose your grip on her red bruised neck and end up face first back into her gratuitous bosom. With your cock at maximum penetration, you keep it inside her as your two sexual organs throb against each other. After a minute or two, your penis and her pussy start to settle down, the throbbing slowing gradually. Merida’s back finally straightens and she comes to a resting state, even as she continues to breathe hard, her giant boobs heaving against your face with each breath.

After holding each other for a few minutes, you notice her looking down at you and you look up questioningly.

Wearing the most innocent smile you’ve ever seen, glowing with sweat and flushed with lust, Merida finally lets out a single sentence. “I love you!”

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The Power of Creation – 4th of July Special

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Slurp, Slurp, Slurp.

Those are the sounds of the girl softly sucking on your cock as you sit down in your living room. The fireplace is lightly roaring, and you have a cup of warm drink that you occasional sip from. Ah, this is the life.

Suck, suck, suck… she slobbers all of your dick in a rhythmic and constant fashion. Eventually, you cum into her mouth, and she swallows it all up like the good little girl she is. When she’s finally done, the girl rises up and bows to you. Her face is expressionless and pristine. If saliva didn’t wet her entire lower jaw, there would be no indication that this gentle little girl wasn’t just sucking on your cock enthusiastically a moment before.

“Good job, Jasmine. Since it’s the 4th of July, would you like to see some fireworks later?”

Jasmine gives a emotionless nod and so you pat her head before waving her off. She gives you a single blank look before turning and leaving. Her eyes don’t even look at you. It’s as if they are looking right through you and every other object in the room. As she turns and walks away, her light feet beat rhythmically on the carpet as she moves, like her entire body is moving by rote.

“Hmmm…” You mutter to yourself as you admire Jasmine’s little behind before she exits the room while continuing to drink from your cup. “Who is next? How about… Mushu?”

As soon as you say the name, Mushu walks into the room. Just like Jasmine, she is stiff and direct, moving up until she’s standing right in front of to you. She’s wearing an erotic number, and your penis immediately erupts at full length once again, but Mushu doesn’t respond to it. Instead, she merely stands there unresponsive, waiting for your command.

“What does my lord want?” Mushu finally asks, her voice monotone and completely devoid of any emotion.

“Good question! Your titties are so large and inviting, I’d like to fuck them.”

Mushu nods, immediately pulling her shirt open and exposing the exceptional large knockers that Rival Merida in every way. After pushing her boobs together tightly, she spits between, them, rubbing the boobs together to spread the lubricant.

“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” You wave your hand, “Jasmine has sufficiently slobbered on my cock enough. Please continue.”

Without any hesitation, Mushu falls to her knees, lifts up her boobs before dropping them down on your erect shaft. Of course, your cock is massive, so even with Mushu’s massive knockers, it isn’t completely lost in her cleavage. Each time she drops herself down, the massive head erupts between the top of her cleavage, nearly striking her in the chin. Working rhythmically with some difficulty, she works her boobs up and down your shaft, allowing the massive things to slide between her chest smoothly. Whenever the penis penetrates up high enough, her tongue licks the head, further adding lubricant to aid her in stroking your cock.

You lean back and relax as Mushu continues to work. Even though she doesn’t speak, her eyes just as lifeless as Jasmine, her work and effort cannot be denied. Soon, you’re grunting and moaning as you take pleasure from Mushu’s hot chest. They begin to turn red from the friction, but Mushu refuses to slow down. Rather, she starts speeding up, her rack dropping up and down on your cock as fast as her back will allow. The effort of moving those heavy things so quickly starts causing her to sweat and breath hard as well.

After continuing for about ten minutes, finally, your cock erupts, and white stuff strikes the gasping woman in the chin. As she slows down the movements of her titties, a large quantity of cum pools inside her cleavage. She finally lifts her rack after your cumming stops, holding her boobs together to keep up the giant pool of cum on her chest and prevent it from running down her stomach and legs.

“Eat it.” You order.

Mushu doesn’t hesitate to lean down while raising her chest at an angle, bringing your pool of cum to her lips. She immediately begins to slurp it down, swallowing gobs of cum without question. Once she diminishes the pool of cum and licks her breasts clean, you finally dismiss her as well. Like Jasmine, she leaves without question.

You let out another sigh and take another sip of your drink. “Alright… who is next.”

Before you can come up with the next name, a portal of air shimmers and coalesces right in the middle of your living you. Although this has never happened to you before, you knew this was going to happen so you didn’t respond in the slightest. Instead, you remained sitting back in your chair, sipping you drink, your soft dick hanging out like a third arm in preparation of your neck conquest.

The form of a person steps out through the distortion, and they look around the room curiously before their eyes finally settle on you sitting there with your cock exposed.

“Sup.” You say simply.

The person standing there is wearing a long black coat of a particular nice quality. It covers their body up nicely, so you struggle to actually see what their figure looks like. Although they have long, black silky hair, they are also wearing a mask that covers the upper part of their face. Whether they are a pretty boy or a pretty girl, enough of their features are hidden that you legitimately can’t tell.

“I’ve come to see you.” They respond simply.

Their voice was pleasant and soothing to the ears, but like their physical features, it is very difficult to tell if this voice belonged to a boy or girl. If there are only a few words you could use to describe this stranger, it would be mysterious and ambiguous.

“And, who are you then?”

The person cocks their head but doesn’t seem to take offense at your curt words. They walk up to you and even though you didn’t offer them a seat, they create one with the wave of a hand before sitting down right across from you. As to the sight of your penis, their lips tighten for a moment but they otherwise ignore it. Of course, you make no attempt to hide your shame.

“Of course, you know me. I’m many things. A creator, a shepherd, an administrator… but I suppose the name would suffice. I’m Pun.”

You give a sneer. “Pun? You’re Pun? What are you doing in my story, Pun. Don’t you have better places to be, like PLIC?”

“Ah, well, after some Patreon issues,” Pun let’s out a sigh. “It seems like I have a little free time at the moment, so I decided to check up and see how you’re doing. I mean, are you doing alright, buddy?”

You let out a dry laugh. “Alright? Of course, I’m alright! After all, I’ve done it! I’ve given the readers everything they wanted!”

“Oh… not this again. Last time you tried that didn’t you rape your entire harem to death. I still face traumatized commenters from the last holiday special. You know, a lot of your readers aren’t even American so an independence day special is a bit meaningless.”

“Well, it’s not like my girls are going to be celebrating this time.” You wave your hand in dismissal. “Oh, no! This time, I’ve really done it! Everything the commenters ever wanted. I’ve achieved it! I’ve fixed the story!”

“Sigh… how’d you fuck it up this time…”

“You… why are you so certain I fucked something up!” You snap back. “How about this. I’ll just show you!”

“Oh, this is not going to be good.”

You immediately stand up and snap your fingers. “Hey, new girl, get your ass out here!”

Another girl walks out. She’s a wolf girl, with yellow dooey eyes, pointy ears, and a bushy tail. She immediately stands right in front of you at attention. Like Jasmine and Mushu, her eyes show no glint, her body moving as if by command.

“Who is this girl then?” Pun decides to humor you.

“Oh, no… no names. Names just confuse… them.” You say while waving your hands excitedly. “This is just ‘wolfgirl’. All you need to know… wolfgirl.”

“Ah… well, that and I guess what she looks like…”

“No…” You immediately protest. “That’s too much for them. You give her big boobs they claim there are not enough small breasted women, you give her small boobs and they whine there is not enough oppai. You make her a tiny and they fucking lose her mind. Oh, you wanted a blond? Fuck you! That’s why, she’s  all of them at once!”

“All of them?”

“She’s bigbreasted, smallbreasted, tiny, elder sister, younger sister, MILF, pregnant, tall, chunky, thin, short, related, a stranger, small, big, slutty, virgin, innocent, tsundere, dandere, himedere, kuudere, yandere, oujidere,  blond, brown, blondish brown, yellow, pink, red, green, blue, every fucking color, every fucking size… she’s everything, every fetish, everywhere, all at once!”

“That’s not possible…”

“If they can’t imagine her the way they want, it’s because they lack the fucking imagination! Don’t blame me, she’s exactly the thing they wanted.” You shout before turning to the girl. “Now, wolfgirl, get on all fours.”

The wolfgirl obeys, immediately going down to her knees. You immediately kneel behind her, slamming your dick into her pussy, which is either tight or loose, depending on your preference. Immediately, you start plowing her from behind. As you go, she makes noises of pleasure, unless you prefer them silent, in which case she doesn’t say anything.

“Buddy… are you-“

“Do you see? Do you see the beauty of it all? I’ve done it, I’ve finally done it.” Tears start running down your cheeks.

“Uh, I see you fucking that girl at least…”

“Exactly. This is what they want. Fucking, fucking always fucking!” You keep up the pace, your hips thrusting so hard that the wolfgirl can’t keep her balance, and now her cheek is being ground into the carpet.

“What if they didn’t want a wolfgirl? What if they wanted, I don’t know, a dolphin girl?”

“Don’t you fucking start!” You cuss, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that shit. I got this all covered.”

As Pun watches you worriedly, he gestures outside, “Well, what about the world outside. Maybe you just need some sun.”

“There is no world outside! No sun!”

“Wh-what?” Pun immediately runs to a nearby window, opening the curtain.

He stumbles back in surprise. He sees there is absolutely nothing outside. It’s simple, pure, white as far as the eye can see.

“Everything out there is just distractions. Riun? The Demon realm? An actual fucking story? What was I thinking? It’s fucking! Always fucking. Right, wolfgirl?” As you ask that, you slap her ass hard, and she let’s out a yelping howl.

“What happened to the human realm? Weren’t you just heading there?”

“Oh, it’s no longer there. I blew it up.”

“B-blew it up?”

“Yeah, I decided to do a show of force, so I blew up one of their cities. Who would have thought the entire human realm would suddenly declare war on me.” You explain as you grab wolfgirl’s hair and ride her ass enthusiastically.

“Anyone… anyone would assume that.”

“Well, not my fucking commenters.” You respond. “They think mass genocide will bring you respect. I mean, it fucking worked for Hitler, right?”


“So, they start sending their armies, right? And they become troublesome for me, so I just start murdering them all. At first, I used my armies, but they just kept on coming. Did you know there are a LOT more humans in this world than the couple thousand goblins and dragons I conscripted?”

“You don’t say…”

“So, naturally, I start having to personally wipe them out one army at a time. I started by making a magical army, but eventually I found it quicker to just kill them myself. At first it was fine, but then, you know, they start recruiting boys as young as 12. They wanted revenge after I murdered their parents, who’d think they’d act that way? But… you know, in for a penny, so I murdered them too.”

Pun takes a small breath. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but then what?”

“Well, the humans were just such a pain in the ass, I realized I’d just need to get rid of them all. So, I initiated a plan called the Final Solution.”

“You didn’t!” Pun covers his mouth.

“You know, burning down the first school was hard, but after murdering a few thousand children they all start to look the same.”

“Oh, Jesus Christ.”

“Eventually, after even the citizens of Riun started to look at me with revulsion, I said fuck it, and just wiped it all clean. Took out the demon god too. If there is no world, there is nowhere for the demon god to resurrect, right? Wiped out the demon lands. Wiped out everything.” Your face darkens and then you slap the wolfgirl’s ass hard enough that her body stumbled forward. “Then, these women, these fucking women, my trusted harem, have the audacity to start judging me. Me!”

“Wh-what did you do?” Pun asks worriedly.

“Well, naturally, I couldn’t have them questioning me. Doubting me. Judging me. So, their minds needed to go. It’s better this way. I mean, they no longer have personalities, per say, but look how loyal they are!” You gesture down as the wolfgirl, even as a bruise forms on her ass, she raises it back up and helps reinsert your cock into her pussy before using her knees to push her butt back and forth on your cock.

“A-all of them?”

“Well, some were more loyal than others. Pocahontas was loyal to her tribe, so she turned quickly. But even Ariel… my precious Ariel. Oh, she never said anything against me, but I could see it, I could see it in her eyes. So naturally I gutted her out too. Now she only looks at me with love.” Your voice takes on an instability that causes Pun to shiver.

As Pun looks over at the lifeless eyes of all your harem members, he wonders what love you’re talking about. They are all lined up in the hallway in skimpy attire, just waiting for you to call the next one, but they might as well be lifeless drones.

“I don’t know what to say.” Pun shakes his head in disgust.

“Ah, I’m cumming!” You cry, injecting a load into the wolfgirl, fulfilling everyone’s wish to see a girl of her particular kind being fucked. “Look, this is what the people want. No plot. No lip. No distractions. Just girl after girl of every shape and size fucked in the particular way they want to see her fucked. With the dozens of positions and the millions of different permeations of female types, I’ve got a long way to go before I’ve fulfilled every reader’s desire, so if you don’t mind…”

Pun gives a sigh. “I guess I should be going then. If this is the direction you’re heading. I suppose, you’re on your own.”

You don’t even give Pun a look as he opens another portal and flees from the warped world you created. Even he couldn’t stomach it.

“All I’m doing, is giving the readers what they want. This is what they asked for. What they complained about. Alright, who’s next… Oh, that’s right!” You snap your fingers. “How about a part dolphin demi-human, fucked in the ass, and also she’s goth for some reason.”

An attractive dolphin girl immediately steps out from the hallway, wearing dark makeup and fishnet leggings. You pound her ass.

And while other things come up in the future, you’ve already thought of everything and immediately fix it before it becomes a problem, thus it’s not even worth mentioning. Without a demon god, or demon lords, or any other issues, you’re free to keep on fucking in your house as it floats through nothingness for the remainder of time.

You keep fucking… every girl, every permutation, every hole. Eventually, you even fuck the exact girl of your dreams in the exact way you want to see her fucked. Lucky you. And nothing else ever happens that’s interesting or of notable repute, because you’ve thought of everything and your perfect and magic fixes everything. Congratulations. This is the story you wanted. Also, Happy Independence Day.


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The Power of Creation – Chapter 190

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So, as it was decided, Kida, Snow White, Mushu, Rapunzel, and Merida made up the team that would be in the competition. Sebastian was coming along with Daisy and Dinah to be your official servant staff, and Tiana was coming along as your official escort.

Although Sebastian and Tiana had been forced to flee the human realm due to poverty, they still had connections and no shortage of knowledge about the human realm. As much as you hated to admit it, the snobbish Tiana was probably exactly the kind of person you’d need by your side to deal with the royal formalities. Even if you could bring Ariel, her sheltered lifestyle and exuberant personality would only stick out like a sour thumb during formal events.

Up until this point, you had actually not had to deal with all that many people in any kind of social situation. You aren’t even sure how comfortable you’d be talking to people outside of your harem. Is there a spell that will make you a smooth talker? Probably, but you’re not sure how comfortable you are using experimental magic on your own brain. That seems like a dangerous direction to go down. Are you still you after you alter your own mind? It’s also the same reason you don’t mess with your harem’s minds and memories all that much, other than playing around with their reward center and sex drive, you’ve very rarely actually screwed with their brains directly.

After sending out a reply accepting the invitation, you realize there is still a good week before you need to head out. In reality, your invitation arrived pretty last minute, almost like an afterthought. It probably spoke volumes to how much the Great Kingdom saw you and Riun. If you were a normal person, it’d take nearly two weeks of extremely hard riding to reach the location of the tournament. To actually go, they expected you to drop everything and race over there, barely making it on time, sweaty and tired.

Naturally, that was only if you were a normal person with normal abilities. With your stats that allowed you to run faster than a horse, you could probably just run there in a few days, nevermind the instant teleportation abilities you could use whenever you wanted. However, since you were heading there anyway, you decided you had to head there in style. You’d been in a fantasy world for a while now. You’ve already encountered dragons, demon lords, and demon gods. However, there was one distinct staple of certain fantasy stories that didn’t appear to exist in this world. You’ve decided to fix this discrepancy.

The week travels by rather quickly. You spend some time with your girls. You make sure your new countries infrastructure gets set up properly. You help integrate Medusa and Ursula’s armies into your own growing forces. Ursula keeps her distance from you, still upset over being molested sexually by you. You decide to leave it for another time, as you still have plenty of women who are happy giving you affection. That last night you cast a little tentacle magic, and attack all of your girls as a going away present. Naturally, Jasmine, Ursula, and the girls going with you are left untouched. You plan to spend some extra time with them on the journey.

That’s how you ended up standing by a river that flows by Riun the following morning unjoined by the rest of the harem. They were all left too sore and tired after a long night of tentacle play.

The area you’re standing is very close to the area where your army had engaged in a rapid breeding program and where you had fucked a skyhole a few weeks ago. During the battle, certain destruction magic had unearthed a water vein and the result was quite a bountiful river suddenly forming next to Riun. It was bountiful because the excess life energy during your demon god battle, just as it had accelerated the age of your daughters, also made this river excessively fertile with life. It is already full of fish, birds, and more. There are also some rumors that woman who swim in it come out more youthful looking, so it became a popular spot for village women to bath.

Even as you stood there, there are various attractive women of all shapes and sizes playing in the water without clothing on a little downstream from you. Their beauty is top notch, and as they playfully splash each other and giggle, they truly look like mythical water nymphs at play, just asking to be caught and ravaged. Of course, they were being watched by the local men, who enjoy the show of watching their women play in the river naked.

Occasionally, a man would beckon one of the women, and she’d prance out of the water before he pulls her to the sandy ground and had his way with her right there. The sound of moaning, gasping, and the light wet noises of balls slapping against pussy could be heard all along the shore.

Your influence on Riun has become absolute, and even your public displays of affection have infected the people of Riun. Sex as a taboo had been abolished, and it is no longer strange to walk down the street to see a man plowing his wife over a park bench. The local park is litered with couples lying in the grass, fornicating like rabbits. This river beach is also a popular spot to find couples fucking in public.

The women have become incredible attractive and insatiably horny, and no longer mind be ogled at. While many women remain loyal and monogamous to their man, their sex drives that demanded it 4-5 times a day is difficult for many of the men to keep up with. A very large portion, especially among the younger girls, have adopted a free love approach, and no man in Riun has difficulty finding a woman or two to fuck when they are feeling aroused. And since the attitude on public sex loosened, they don’t even have to wait to get home to satisfy their lust.

It should go without saying that the morale in Riun is through the roof. Even with your massive harem off limits, the woman are beautiful, youthful, and insatiably horny… and the men, as long as they show all women proper respect, would never lack for pussy from a woman far more beautiful than their station would normally allow.

Of course, this didn’t prevent the occasional bad apple, but the men are their own greatest enforcers. No man is willing to risk losing this perfect Utopia, and so when a man chooses to act up by taking more than a bite of pie, trying to advance on a woman who isn’t interested, or otherwise acting selfish, the entire male population descends on them with absolute fury, and they quietly disappear never to be heard from again.

You work swiftly, your hands waving as you put together several magics and gather resources, assembling them on the river near a makeshift dock. While you work and enjoy the sounds of playful women and occasional sex, you can also hear the grunts and shouts of five women going at it behind you.

That would be Kida, Snow White, Mushu, Rapunzel, and Merida who are battling amongst each other in practice for the tournament. They needed to work on cooperation and teamwork skills. Kida tries to function as the team leader, but she is often challenged by Snow White and even Mushu, both arrogant women in their own right. However, despite all the infighting, the women are steadily becoming better as a team. The thing that united them the most is you. Even if they didn’t like each other on a fundamental level, they are all your women and thus they have a unity in that respect.

“Rookie, that’s a mighty fine ship, but this river let’s out in the south gulf, it won’t carry us all the way to the Great Empire.” Kida mentions as she notices you putting the last final touches on a massive ship.

The ship actually is almost as wide as the river, so even from a sailing standpoint, Kida doesn’t really understand how it’ll sail. Of course, she isn’t a sailor, so she knows very little about ships and decides to give you the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand, you built this ship sparing no expense, and while the outside resembles a massive classical Galleon, the inside has all the commodities of a private cruise liner.

“It’ll get us there, all aboard!” You respond with a chuckle.

Even though the girls didn’t know how it would move, they are still impressed with how majestic and beautiful your ship is. As they board, they can’t help but be silent in awe. If this ship was sailing on the ocean, it’d truly be considered the king of the high seas.

“What will you call this ship?” Tiana asks excitedly, glancing around over the deck and waving down at the beautiful, naked women bathing a little ways down the river.

“I’ve decided to name it after my second bitch. I’ve named it for you, Tiana.”

“Oh…” Tiana’s eyes go wide as she finds you suddenly standing very close to her. “I-“

Tiana finds herself unable to speak. To think of her and make such a magnificent ship, it is exactly the kind of gesture that touches this woman the most. Her heart starts beating rapidly, as she looks into your eyes, and she finds herself falling just a little more in love with you.

“That’s why I’ve officially named it, Cumdumpster.”

“You…” Tiana’s face went from happiness, to confusion, to a wry look, anger, and finally embarrassment.

However, if her face didn’t become slightly more flush, her heart beat even faster, and a glint of absolute crazed lust appear in her eyes, she wouldn’t be Tiana. You could truly tell she is broken when a beautiful romantic gesture tugs at her heartstrings equally to a severely demeaning insult.

Once everyone is boarded, you make you way to the giant wheel in front. “Ready to embark!”

After calling out, Sebastation stands by your side while all the girls, including the two baka maids, wave down excitedly, yelling out their goodbyes to villagers of Riun. Whether they were naked, clothed, or in the middle of coitus, everyone smiled and waved back. That was their lord’s women, their lord’s ship, and it was being piloted by their lord. They had nothing but the most absolute dedication and love for them, which bordered on worship. Thus, it comes as no surprise to the people bellow what happens next.

“Sir, we really don’t seem to have enough river for this boat. Perhaps you should shrink it a little?”

“Sebastian, where we’re going, we don’t need rivers.” You flip down a pair of sunglasses.

A second later, the entire ship starts to vibrate like a engine is turned on. Massive spikes erupt from various holes on the deck, and as soon as they hit the max height, they spread out into massive fans that spin with a hum. The girls all make alarmed noises as the ship starts to moan and groan, but shortly after it rises out from the river. After realizing this ship wasn’t a boat at all, the girls look back over the edge, continuing to wave excitedly as they are lifted off into the sky.

“Welcome to the first ever airship!” You declare while laughing.

“And to think, you named the first airship ever after my daughter. I’m truly touched.” Sebastian wipes a tear from his eye.


You had said that as a joke. Once again, this guy seems to be happy with you putting down his daughter. Well, as long as his daughter is by you side, Sebastian will be happy. To be the escort of you, the potential King of a new nation, it is already a great honor. Why would he have anything to upset about? You shrug. Well, as long as he’s happy. The Cumdumpster it is! You set a course, your Cumdumpster flying toward the Great Empire. They’ll never know what hits them!

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Fun fact #213 – Even if it was crewed, The Cumdumpster actually contains no seamen.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 189

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“So, what do you guys think about this?” You ask, putting the letter of invitation down on the table you’re sitting at where you gathered all of your girls.

“I think you tried to rape me! You may be a prince, but I’ll never forgive you!” Ursula snaps.

“Tried! He did rape me!” Maleficant adds. “It’s still sore! To think my virginity was stolen by this tiny-pervert!”

“He… made me pregnant…” Moana moaned, still holding her tummy as if she couldn’t believe it, while Pocahontas, the only other pregnant woman, patted her head comfortingly.

“Are you girls still on about that? That was like two sex scenes ago. Get over it!” You bark.

“In that case,” Mulan speaks up. “I don’t like how that squirrel monster is clinging so close to you. You’re my master. Only this great one is great enough to be by master’s side.”

“Oh… Mulan is so cute when she says… ah my nose!” Mushu starts trying to speak but Mulan quickly stops her with a backhanded fist, although even as Mushu rubs her nose she seems oddly happy that Mulan touched her.

“I’ve already explained, your master is now my owner.” Rapunzel acts fairly pompously towards Mulan, even though she’s on the ground rubbing her cheek on your leg as you sit at the table. “Aren’t you just some animal he rides around on? Mounts should sleep int he stable.”

Mulan’s face flashed red in anger. “This great one is a powerful dragon! And the only pet master needs! Well, other than Tiana…”

“Hey! I am not a pet! I am his second bitch! That is totally different from you plebeian animals. Why, he made me a second home where I can go to find my own peace of mind or when he locks me outside the house by accident.”


“It was an accident!” Tiana cries out, “Has he built any of you a house?”

“Is she referring to the doghouse he put out on in the backyard?” Mushu whispers to Mulan.

“Hero made a place so you can play in the backyard, he really does like you Tiana!” Ariel responds innocently with excitement.

Tiana blushes as the two girls hold hand excitedly. In that moment, Tiana feels a little closer to the top bitch and the two girls hug in their mutual excitement. Tiana even quietly tolerated it when Ariel slipped her some tongue and rubbed her ass too enthusiastically. It shows her as a true friend to Ariel when she didn’t even react to a certain something poking her down below.

“In your war against our sisters.” Grimhilde interjects while glancing down at the letter, her serious tone finally quieting down the previous levity. “It would be useful to be in good standing with the humans. Even if you can’t get their support, you at least don’t want them to attack you from behind.”

“Yeah, but is this ‘Great Kingdom’ really so important?” You ask suspiciously.

“Of course, hero-san.” Aurora speaks up. “The country that summoned you, my country is one of four border countries. Two border the demon realm while two border the demi-human realm. The Great Kingdom is the land that glues these border kingdom’s together and makes up the human realm.”

“Errr… realms?” You raise an eyebrow.

Aurora shrugs. “Riun sits in a no man area otherwise known as the outlands. To our east is the realm of demons, that’s all the demon controlled land, broken up into seven countries.”

“My country is one of the border demon countries, along with Gothels.” Grimhilde adds.

“To the north are the demihumans. They don’t have countries so much as tribes. The dragons were up there somewhere. So are the dark elves. Each demi-human tribe functions independently, so the land is considered fairly wild and untamed. And to the west of the outlands is the human realm. That’s where we came from. Besides the four countries that border the wild realm of the demihumans and the dark realm of the demons, there is the Great Kingdom. These five Kingdoms make up the majority of human realm, but make no mistake, the Great Kingdom is nearly ten times the size of the other four Kingdoms. They take advantage of the other kingdoms being at risk of war to profit and grow.”

“Okay… so I’m invited to watch some kind of tournament?”

“Not exactly. You’re invited to participate in the tournament to gain recognition.” After seeing your dark look, Aurora sighs. “Hero-san, it’s like this. Every five years the human realm’s great nation holds a tournament. The outcome of this tournament is what decides the allocation of resources towards protecting the borders. Basically, how much The Great Kingdom will support the border kingdoms. It is exactly this reason that my husband had summoned you. He had hoped to increase his power in the next tournament with a hero. By inviting us, the Great Kingdom is offering us the chance to be acknowledged as a border nation.”

“We’re just one city though?” You scratch you head.

“Errr. not exactly, Rookie.” Kida cuts in. “The area of the outlands is actually quite vast. Since you rebuilt Riun, I’ve been sending out Adventurers on patrols throughout the outlands using funds from your treasury. After the dragons moved here, they’ve also been keeping surveillance while keeping the local wildlife in check. There are in fact three cities and fifteen small villages that have recognized you as their lord. Riun is merely the largest and thus the capital. Based on our performance at this tournament, the human realm may official acknowledge us as our very own Kingdom.”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait… let me get this straight… I have a treasury?”

The girls all look at each other with slightly exasperated looks before Aurora puts on another smile. “Why don’t you let us ladies continue to worry about these kinds of things. All you need to know is that you should accept the invitation. After that, you’ll need to pick out a team to represent Riun and it’s associated territories. The strongest warriors in the land are who you need to pick.”

You puff up your chest and flex you arm. “Well, naturally, that would be me th-“

“You’re the lord, you can’t be one of the champions.”

“Geh!” You breath out like you just got hit in the stomach and then let out a long sigh. “Very well. Hey Kida, who do we got that is strong in the Adventurer’s guild.”

Kida grimaces a bit. “Most of the local adventurers don’t even approach S class. If you want to win this thing, S is a minimum. I wish Guild Master would return from their sabbatical, but in the meantime, I think I would be the strongest in the guild.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess you’re kind of strong.” You chuckle, even as Kida finds herself sighing and unable to retort.

“This championship sounds like my kind of thing. I’m in!” Snow White declares.

“Although I just had a baby, I have recovered quickly and I feel like I would also be able to perform well if daddy allows it.” Merida speaks up as well.

“I’m a dragon knight as well, it’d be criminal if I didn’t fight for my new lord!” Mushu pushes forward, her breasts accidently shoving Mulan forward, causing her forehead to smash into the table.

As master’s pet,” A voice comes from your leg. “I will happily fight for master. It’d take several S class humans to fight one S class monster.”

“Is that enough?” You ask.

“Teams are typically made of five, so yes, that should be sufficient.” Aurora nodded.

“C-commoner,” Tiana suddenly steps forward with a firm resolve on her face. “As a future lord, it’ll be your responsibility to talk with the other kings. Parties, banquets, and such. I can be your escort to these activities. Y-you’ll need me to show you the proper etiquette of nobles!”

“Yeah! I can go too! I haven’t been to a formal party in forever!” Ariel adds excitedly.

Aurora grabs Ariel’s shoulder and shakes her head sadly. “As much as I’d like to join hero-san as well, your father might be there. It might become troublesome if he noticed his long-lost wife and daughter in the company of another man.”

“Ah… that’s right… daddy,” Ariel’s eyes went vacant for a second and then she snaps out of it as quickly as she entered, her usual smile returning instantly.

There was likely a darkness in her heart from when her father chose to discard her. Although Ariel is always upbeat and friendly, a least part of that is a mechanism to push away the trauma of losing her father in such a cruel way. At some point, you might need to find a way to reconcile her with that old geezer, but you aren’t sure how. Memory manipulation and mind alteration would be the easy way, but you’re not in the habit of creating mindless resolutions.

You stand up and pull Ariel, whose eyes only appear slightly wet despite her smile, into your arms. For a second, she looks surprised, but after a moment her eyes close as she holds you closely, the forced smile slowly loosening until it begins to feel genuine. The rest of the girls watch as you embrace Ariel in the middle of the room. Rather than feelings of jealousy or envy, an indescribable feeling of warmth touches each of their hearts. When each of those girls are feeling at their worst, would you embrace them in the same way? They all thought so.

It’s you who suddenly breaks this heartwarming scene when you suddenly growl at Ariel in a irritated voice. “Ariel… I’ve told you before to put that thing away when you’re around me.”

“Oops… sorry… I got excited.” A certain pressure poking your leg quickly vanished.

To ensure this sort of thing never happens again, you cast a spell. To Ariel’s chagrin and every other woman’s relief, this is the day Ariel lost her penis privileges.

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I’ve gotten back the first ero picture. This event occurs back in chapter 4 depicting Ariel shortly after you strip her and hit her with the orgasmo magic. Wasn’t that so long ago? Please note the picture is drawn by a different artist in a different style than the portraits, more inline with a light novel feel.

<Trigger Warning>

I’ve been informed that you guys have a refined J/O pallet, and the only way you can obtain sexual gratification is to view images drawn with soft blur lens involving perfect hourglass figures rounded out like fucking balloons. I’ve been told the artist I use draws in “90s manga” style, whatever that means.  Some of you will be upset and unappreciative that I’m spending money out of my own pocket to enrich the story. I thought we could all just enjoy pictures of naked women, but apparently that’s impossible. Consider yourself warned.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 188

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“You can talk!?” You exclaim.

“What do you mean, I can talk!” Rapunzel shoots back. “You’re the one who told me to stop acting?”

“I meant stop the innocent act after eating out my asshole! Aren’t you just a fucking squirrel?”

Rapunzel started to shout something back, but suddenly froze, realizing only now that she had just revealed herself when she didn’t even have to. After seeing your powers around the house the last week or two, she had come to the conclusion that you are exceptional in every way. So, when you pointed out she was acting, it came as no surprise to hear that you had already determined her identity. It never even occurred to her that you had meant something else.

Meanwhile, you mask your surprise quickly and start to think about it. Rapunzel has been pretending to be an animal all this time when really she has a normal level of intelligence. To you, that means that she must have some other agenda. However, there is one piece of the puzzle that you just can’t figure out.

“Why did you bite my balls?” You ask.

“That’s the first question you want to know!” Rapunzel bulks in shock.

You didn’t ask who she is or why she is there. Instead, you just want to know about the ball thing.

“Well, it’s an important question!” You declare.

“You came in my face! I was startled!”

“That’s not even a good answer! Why were you licking my butthole in the first place?”

“I was grooming you. It’s a sign of affection. You should have taken it as a compliment!”

“That’s an even worse answer!”

“Look, my master sent me to watch over you…”

“So, you’re a spy!”

“I was just a squirrel!” Rapunzel protests before pouting. “You’re the one who made me this way.”

“You… give me a good reason I shouldn’t throw you to my goblin army!”

“AH! Please… don’t throw me away! I can be useful. I’ll work for you!”

“I already have maids.”

“But how about a personal maid? They spend their time cleaning the house, but you should have a maid to personally service you!”

“Service me? How!”


“You… I already have girls that’ll do ‘anything’, you’re just redundant harem member. Get lost.”

At this point, Rapunzel leaps down at your feet, grabbing your leg. “Nooooo…. Please, don’t abandon me. I’m just a little squirrel, all alone in the world.”

“Go back to your master!”

“I don’t remember master!”

“What the hell does that mean!”

“I…” Rapunzel thinks for a second and then sighs. “I was a spirit animal. I functioned as master’s eyes and ears. I was sent to watch you… but I got a little hungry, so I stole some food. Then, you got really angry and cast that spell on me. When I turned human, my connection with master was lost. I only know that she was looking through my eyes, although I don’t remember much about master personally.”

You look down at the girl clinging to your leg with a furrowed brow. “If what you’re saying is true and you were just some spirit squirrel thingy, then why are you talking?”

“Ah… that… well, even as a spirit squirrel, that technically classifies me as a low-level monster. When you forced me into a human form, you did something only S-class high-level monsters can do. In a word, you forcefully evolved up by six levels. With my increase in class, I also increased my intellect. I’ve now evolved into the S-class monster called a Ratatoskr. Ratatoskrs are believed to be extinct now, but we used to messengers of the world tree. Because of my connection to the world tree, I was able to gain all this knowledge automatically when I evolved.”

“World tree?”

“You see, back five thousand years ago, during the age of the fairy, there was magical tree called the Yggdrasil. When man-”

“Woah, Woah, Woah. I’m going to stop you right there. That sounds like way too much lore and backstory for a sex novel and my readers don’t take kindly to that kind of stuff, let’s change the subject. Why didn’t you reveal yourself earlier if you gained some intelligence?”

“Ah? Oh, well, you seem to have some hatred for rodents. I was frightened you’d kill me!” Rapunzel responds tearfully, “But after that dreadful cat took me in I began to realize how powerful you are. In a way, you created me, so I can only be your servant and pet. After observing you for some time, I’ve decided to become you servant. I cleaned your body to show my subservience. You lead, and I will follow. Use me as a soldier, a bodyguard, a knight, a mate, I do not mind anything, just please don’t discard me!”

“Lead yourself, Elena is the one taking care of you, I already have too many girls to give airtime to. I don’t need to add another flat-chested, clingy animal girl!”

“That… girl… she… touches me in places. I don’t like it. I think she is bisexual.”

“Well, she grew up a man, so naturally she probably takes some interest in the same sex.”

“Is that why she does those things to me!”

“You… stop destroying my perfect image of my beautiful Elena waifu!”

“She may be all pleasant to you, but all the attention you don’t give her she takes out on me! Don’t you know that cats go into a prolonged heat? When she gets worked up, she remains worked up all day! She goes feral! Starts hunting me and having her way with me!”

“Hmm… so Elena has that side of herself too. On that note, it seems like she’s coming.”

“Oh, no! Don’t tell me you got her worked up again!” Rapunzel jumps back in fear.

You step to the side and quickly cast a spell that makes you invisible to Elena just as the door opens, watching curiously how your pussy acts when you’re not around.

“Heeeeey…” Elena pokes her head out the door, immediately locking onto Rapunzel, who is frozen on all fours.

Elena is flushed in the face, her breathing ragged, looking both incredibly aroused, but also like she might be tipsy. She stumbles out of her room, giving a mischievous smile as she looks down at the shaking Rapunzel.

“Sweetheart left me again, but its okay… I love him so much, you know? However, Rapunzel, you’ll give me company, won’t you?” She says flippantly, stumbling forward almost like a zombie.

“Squeak!” Rapunzel responds with a clear sense of rejection that Elena completely ignores.

“Come here little one, it’s just skinship, I just want to pet you for a bit. I’ll let you pet me in return. How does that sound?” Elena asks as she continues to move towards Rapunzel.

It’s clear the kind of ‘petting’ she has in mind. With a panicked expression, Rapunzel shoots you a desperate look. You shrug with a smile, and the intelligent Rapunzel already realizes that Elena can’t see you and that you have no intention of saving her. With another angry squeak, Rapunzel turns and flees on all fours. However, a second later, there is a loud cat meow and Elena, also on all fours, begins to chase her, her tail wagging excitedly as her prey runs down the hall.

With Rapunzel’s tail up and on all fours, her pussy is practically presenting itself, and Elena’s eyes lockdown on their target. As a squirrel, it turns out Rapunzel’s major advantage is wide open spaces and the ability to outmaneuver her opponent. Indoors, Elena’s speed advantage quickly overtakes Rapunzel. A few moments later she leaps on Rapunzel and tackles her to the ground. Rapunzel’s simply dress is immediately discarded, and Elena is feeling up the struggling Rapunzel in a way that resembles Mushu when she gets her hands on Mulan.

“Hehehe. Your chest is flat like mine.” Elena mews as her hands work all over the embarrassed Rapunzel’s body while purring and rubbing her cheek against Rapunzel affectionately.

“Squeak!” Rapunzel protests back, although you seem to understand what she was saying, ‘Leave me alone! You don’t even have a chest!’.

“Sir…” the sudden nose breaks you from observing what Elena does in her free time.

Maybe one of these days you should sneak on all of your girls and see how they spend their free time when you’re not around. You’d bet they all had a secret side to them if you explored enough.

“Y-yeah?” You ask, doing your best to hide your erection from Sebastian, who treated the scene of the two women starting to engage in some heavy petting as if this was a common occurrence.

“You have a letter, sir. It’s an invitation.”

“Invitation? By who?”

“The Great Kingdom, sir… the humans, they’ve started to take notice of you.”

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