The Power of Creation – Chapter 171

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The door opens and Medusa pokes her head out. “Your lady awaits.”

As Medusa opens the door, she gives a bowing gesture with her hand held out. Beyond her, the room is somewhat dark, but there are numerous candles lit. As to Snow White, you can’t see the woman herself. A giant white canopy is blocking your view of the room. All the other women are out of sight.

“You certainly are hyping this up.” You sigh as you enter into the room.

“I am a very lustful woman.” Medusa shrugs. “Naturally, I can’t help but feel excited when my man chooses to engage in sexual intercourse. Not simply intercourse! Intercourse… for the sake of procreation.”

“Is there really a difference?” You ask as you look down at Medusa’s excited look, her red snakelike eyes shining as her multicolored, scaly tail whips back and forth behind her.

“Mm! Of course there is. Sex without consequence is meaningless sex. But to be impregnated… oh… to feel your seed penetrating deep inside her womb… to know a woman will be creating life with your seed, half of her, half of you… that feeling is truly orgasmic.”

“Yeah, but childbirth is really painful, right?”

“Mm? Really? But when it comes out, I always orgasm.” Medusa responds cutely.

“I’ve heard that some women can orgasm during childbirth, but… wait, you have kids!”

Medusa puts on a mysterious smile. “Of course, not all of us can be innocent virgins. I don’t sleep around with anyone like Cruella or that slut Gothel, and I’m not a naive virgin like  Grimhilde, Ursula, or Maleficant… despite popular opinion, I’m intensely loyal to those I’ve slept with.”

That is very counter to the opinion you had previous established on her. You had formed the natural believe that Medusa was flighty and whorish. However, you aren’t sure if she’s lying or not. She has kids! That means she has slept around before. She also hasn’t slept with you yet, so where does her loyalty lie at the moment?

“How can you say that with kids? I mean, what the hell.”

Medusa gives a gentle laugh. “You may not have realized this, but us demon lords have very drastic age differences. The youngest, Grimhilde, is only in her teens. However, Maleficant, despite her appearance, is much much older, and I’m older still.”

“How old are you MILF?” You demand.

“To ask a girl her age…” Medusa pouts. “Well, I suppose it can’t hurt. I’m around 3,000 years old.”

“Three thousand!”

“Mm… so as you see, my children, and my grandchildren, and their children… I’ve had 3 husbands in my life, all dead now… but they were all a long time ago. The last by more than one hundred years.”

“You’re not even a MILF!” You cry out. “You’re like a GILF, or a GGGILF!”

Medusa shrugs. “It’s true. I hope that doesn’t make you think less of me?”

“… I’m not sure, it’s a lot to take in, but why are you telling me all this?”

“That’s simple!” Medusa brightens as she gets to the crux of the matter. “I want you to conquer me! I have chosen you as my next beloved. I wish to be impregnated with your seed! I want to bear your children! I will be your loyal bride, wife, and mother to your children. That is my ambition!”

Your lips tighten, not quite sure if you even want to stick in in this aged Gilf woman.

“Actually, I already plan to impregnate a woman today, and it’s Snow White, so will you lead me to her?” You decide to put off her question for the moment.

“Of course, follow me…” Medusa guides out a hand.

You move forward suspiciously think thinking that it wouldn’t be this easy. You still don’t know if you trust Medusa, and even though she’s been the most forthcoming and open, it feels a bit like she might be trying to trick you. You had heard from Grimhilde that she could ensnare people with her eyes. Of course, your body should be immune to that kind of bullshit, but that didn’t mean this snake didn’t have other ways to ensnare her prey.

At that point, you find yourself in front of a large opaque sheet. She moves over to the side, and like a game show girl revealing a prize, she opens the curtain up. Immediately, you frown, because behind the curtain is not Snow White as you were promised. Rather, there appears to be a wall. The odd thing, however, is that there are ten large holes in the wall, and in each hole is a butt stuck through it. They were all women, you could see their horny snatches practically inviting you to take them doggy, however, this was also a somewhat confusing scene.

“What the heck is this, Medusa?” You turn to her with narrow eyes.

“I thought my beloved might be up for a bit of a game.”

“A game? What are you talking about?”

“Mm… yes, of course. This is a game of choice. Behind those walls are ten women I’ve chosen from your harem. You just need to stick your dick into Snow White and impregnate her.”

“What kind of fool do you take me for? None of those asses are green!” You laugh.

Medusa chuckles in response, unperturbed. “As if I would make it that easy. There is an illusion over them. You’ll only be able to tell the difference by touch and feel. Of course, you could probably use your own magic and tell the truth instantly, but that would ruin the game.”

You think about it for a few seconds while rubbing your chin and examining the asses in front of you. What she says appears to be true. You should be able to tell Ariel’s ass with ease, you made that pert thing yourself. The younger girls like Mulan and Maleficant and their small forms should have been obvious. Whether it was Tiana’s small, thin, bony ass, Belle’s heart shaped backside, Kida’s tight muscular behind, the maid’s flabby butts and their color coded snatchfur… you could recognize them all. However, here you had ten basic backsides. They were all round, pert, and pleasing to the eye, but none of them stood out by sight alone.

“What are the terms?”

“If I win, then I get you for the entire night alone. You will give me a child, and keep my nest warm until morning. My stamina is unimaginable, so I expect some… hard pounding service.”

“And if I win?”

Medusa raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t it enough that you’re free of accountability?”

“Accountability?” You frown at her innocent words.

“As I said, it could be any girl. You won’t know until after. So… there is no consequence if you… for example, were to stick it in my chubby virgin sister who I know you’ve been eyeing. You can conquer that fat girl with none of the guilt and impregnate her so that she has no choice but to be yours. Given her temperament, once pregnant she will no longer resist you. Or better yet, how about a certain tiny you’ve neglected who has been begging for it? A certain dragon who has always been more interested in her sister? Maybe even… a daughter or two?” Medusa gives a wink.

“You…” Your eyes narrow. “If I did play your game, I wouldn’t cheat and use the situation to engage in taboo acts.”

Medusa laughs. “Of course, you wouldn’t. And it’s not like you have to impregnate the first one you stick it in either. Play around. Find your right pick. I insist.”

However, the way she said it should have been followed by a wink. Being an omnipotent god, you could figure out who is where instantly. If you chose to do so, you could fuck Snow White as intended and win, or use the moment to engage in some taboo acts, even impregnating those you shouldn’t while claiming ignorance. Or, you could play the game fair, in which you’ll never be certain until after what you did to who. It was exactly the kind of game a demon of lust would play.

“If I win,” you say, “Then there is something I want.”

“Oh? What is that?”

“A certain union has been forming lately, I want it destroyed. If I win, you help me tear down Megara’s influence on the other girls. And if you win, I’ll impregnate you so hard that your grandchildren will come out pregnant!”

Medusa smirks. “Deal.”

And thus you were seduced by a snake, now it’s time to taste some forbidden fruit.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 26

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Creek. Creek. Creek.

It was a simple, rhythmic noise the filled the morning air. Of course, it was emanating from a certain tent that was recently provided to me. My “room” had slowly evolved over the last few days, and I had managed to acquire a simple bed with a feather stuffed mattress, some furniture, and other things. My “lab” was moved to a new tent after I explained that some of the chemicals I had to work with with not conducive to sleeping safely. So, at this moment, I was in my room enjoying the feel of a partner inside me.

“Ah, it feels good.” I let out a little whimper.

I was actually on top, my naked form mounting the man underneath. Furthermore, his role in this particular sexual engagement was mostly passive. I found that any time one engaged in sex with another, they needed to decide on the roles each partner would take. Adjust the level that each party contributed to the movements required for sexual contact was just one more way to increase sexual diversity. This balance almost added as much to the various flavors of sex as my growing list of sexual positions.

For example, right now, I was rocking my hips causing his dick to slide in and out, the length of his shaft slide along my clit causing a great deal of sexual stimulation that quickly drove me wild. The man himself didn’t move much at all. He held my hips in his hands, and I was holding the back of his hands, as I rocked my hips on top of his cock. When I wanted to increase speed, I’d drop my hands to his chest, forcing his sternum to bear my weight as my ass ground hard on his dick.

He could have lifted me by my hips at any time before thrusting up into me turning from passive to active. However, sex today didn’t call for him to take the active role. Of course, I didn’t mind him playing the submissive. Even passiveness could be erotic. I had control of the pace and flow of sex. A simpler mind might have cursed the guy for being lazy and just lying there while I did all the work, but I derived just as much pleasure as him, and there was a certain degree of self-satisfaction in being able to make him cum through no direct act of his own. I was the deliverer of pleasure, the queen of this sexual encounter, and I was mounting my throne quite enthusiastically.

In other days, I would be the one just lying there being passive. I’d lie down on my knees with my butt in the air and he’d grab onto my hips and slide his massive dick inside me. Then, as I only worried about keeping my balance, he’d pound me from behind. Other times, once he slide inside me, I would move my butt, grinding his dick and forcing it to slide in and out of me over and over again as I pushed back and forth with my knees. Like I said, that was simply one more aspect of the flexibility for sex.

“Ah, ah, ah…” I let out little moaning sounds as I started to bounce up and down on his cock.

As my hands held his, I pushed up with my feet slightly before instantly dropping them. The momentum of the force rose my pussy up his cock until only the tip remained inside my body before falling back down onto this cock, allowing the member to slide deep inside me with a slight slapping sound which I punctuated with each little cute moan.

Although his breathing was uneven, my partner underneath wasn’t moaning. Instead, he merely watched me as I played on top of him, constantly changing up the ways I let him penetrate me. Sometimes, I would grind him with my cunt, even letting his dick fall out of me so that I could rub the shaft up and down my wet clit. Sometimes, I would spread my legs to the max, ginding down to try to force his shaft to reach as deeply into me as his balls would allow. Other times, I would bob up and down playfully creating wet lewd noises as the lips of my pussy slapped against his balls.

Sometimes I would cum, my body stiffening until I collapsed on him while breathing hard, his dick still deep inside my throbbing pussy as I orgasmed. Then I’d get back up and start again a few minutes later. However, for the moment, I was merely rocking my hips and whimpering while he looked up at me with a gentle smile. This was sex at its most casual.

The reason for that was rather simple. He’d already cum three times this morning. In fact, we had been fucking since before the sun rose, and the sun high in the sky now. The coolness of the night had dissipated and when added with the body heat produced by the both of us the tent was growing hotter and hotter. I was starting to sweat, the light act of rocking my hips enough to force my body to dispel body heat. I dared not engage in any more aggressive play less I start to turn gross, and as for Peers, he seemed content to sit back and watch me with that smile.

As it got to the point where my hair was matting to my forehead from the humidity, I finally started to feel slightly sheepish at his looks. Although sex acts didn’t embarrass me, I was still a woman being looked at by an attractive man, and thus I started to blush accordingly, despite the sexual position we were in.

“What is it?” I asked finding myself suddenly a bit shy while I pulled my sticky hair back behind my ears.

“You’re absolutely beautiful.” Peers responded simply.

I gave a light snort, “Hm, say that now, a clean naked girl in her prime while she rides your cock. However, try to say that when I’m sick, and I’ve been throwing up, or how about when I’m on my period.”

“Oh, really?” He asked, with an amused look on his face.

“Of course… don’t you know that you only call a woman beautiful when she wants to hear it most?”

“I would call you beautiful any time, any where.” Peers declared. “If you were sick, I would call you beautiful and tend to you, if you were throwing up, I would call you beautiful and hold back your hair, and if you were on your period, I would call you beautiful, and we would make a fucking mess.”

“You… ah!” I couldn’t help but cry out as Peers suddenly raised his body.

In a moment, he was in a sitting position, his arms wrapping around me and keeping me from falling back. He embraced me in a tight and loving hug, and I could feel his rugged breath against my neck. Grabbing his head, I tilted it up and give him a gentle kiss on the lips, meanwhile, I continued to rock my hips, keeping his dick inside me as I fucked him uninterrupted in this new position.

Rather, his words had deeply excited me. Even though he was succubus and likely skilled in such sweet words, I let the words get to me and stab into my heart. Unable to resist his charm any longer, I Grabbed the back of his neck. I leaned back using a hand to support my body. My thighs tightened around his abdomen and I started to move my hips more aggressively, stimulating his cock with my pussy without care for how hot it was. As if responding to my call, Peers woke up from his passive state and while holding my back, started thrusting forward, matching my pussy.

{Position Unlocked: Cradle.}

Had I never done this position before? Well, perhaps not since I’ve come to this world. It was the first sex position I had unlocked in a long time. Once in a blue moon, I’d find my body entangled in a truly unique position, but in truth, most of the time it was missionary or doggie unless I was actively trying to be adventurous. Even being a seducer and Enchantress didn’t make me fall beyond the classics.

However, for this moment and time, I clung on to this man who called me beautiful, and with his hand holding my back, he plowed into my pussy with his dick while my whole body bounced against his sitting form from the side. For another couple, this kind of thing might become exhausting after a thirty second or so. However, for me, I had the sort of endurance that never ran out, and Peers was a man who genuinely could keep up with me, even showing such exuberance after already cumming three times today.

“Ah, ah, ah… yeah, harder, harder…” I moaned orgasmically, and even Peers’ voice was started to grow higher and higher.

“Where do you want me to cum.” Peers’ asked haggardly between his breaths.

“In me, in me… I want to feel your cum!” I cried out.

The first shot of hot stuff entered my womb as his cock throbbed. Like that, I was cumming too, my pussy starting to tighten around his throbbing cock, milking it for as much semen as he could produce. The pair of us came together in unison. My head ended up falling onto the mattress and Peers readjusted himself without pulling his penis out until we were in missionary. He started thrusting again, even as he came and his penis was starting to soften. My legs instinctually wrapped around him and my arms pulled him down on me.

I wanted to feel his warm body, even though it was sweaty now. Our sweaty bodies pressed together as one while my lips found his. My tongue aggressively stormed his mouth while I kept moaning, his softer yet still hard enough to fuck cock still sliding in and out, mixing up the juices in between both of us and continuing to stimulate my orgasming pussy. After a few more hard thrusts, and a bunch of the semen and juices squirting out and leaking down onto the bed, he finally slowed down, his soft member rubbing up and down my drenched slit.

Our moanings quieted as our tongues refused to part deep in each other’s embrace until the aftershocks of orgasm resided and my breath returned to normal. Finally, pulling away, I looked up at the man on top of me. I realized at that moment that he hadn’t absorbed any life force from me, and I didn’t take any from him. We had sex simply for the enjoyment of each other’s bodies.

“What is it?” He asks nervously as I realized I had been staring at him.

“You’re beautiful.” I responded.

He let out a laugh before pulling away. “That’s something a guy definitely doesn’t want to hear!”

“Oh, really, then what should I say?” I responded with a chuckle.

“I don’t know, something like “oh my god, it’s so big!’ or ‘you made me cum’ or ‘I’m in a sex comma’!”

Peers went on, but I ignored him only giving the occasional grunt of acknowledgement as something else popped in my vision.

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Enchantress Lvl 12!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have one skill point.}

Special Skills Available:

{True Sight (Passive): Cannot be affected by visual hallcinations.}

{Lifesaver (Passive) Cannot have life forcibly taken.}

{Illusionist (Active): Increases Affinity for Illusion Magic.}

As I looked at my new leveling choices, I couldn’t help but give a slight frown. The thing that caught me off guard the most was a skill I had already seen before. Never before had I seen a skill appear twice in a row like that. What did this mean? Furthermore, it didn’t make sense to me. The Cambions had put me under a spell that affected dreams and illusions. I broke through both the dreams and the illusions, and more than that, I was no longer under the illusions. I gave Peers a cautious look, but he had his body turned away from me as he was apparently looking for his clothing. I am no longer under an illusion, right?

Lifesaver normally sounds like a good idea, but I’ve been giving my lifeforce to Peers and the Cambions. Although, potions will eventually replace that, it was still an emergency reserve for them. Then again, In theory I had no interest in being a battery for these people. If I could no longer be used in that way, it’d force them to double down on the potions idea. Except… if the potions don’t work and they can’t even use me as a battery, it’s not like they’d let me go. Rather, death was more likely to be the result. If that wasn’t a good enough reason, part of me also didn’t want to miss out on the intense sexual satisfaction it gave me when the pair of us absorbed life from each other.

Finally, Illusionist gave me affinity for illusion magic. This was another ability that was new to me. My class typically dictates my affinities. This is the first time I’ve seen a skill that gives me a new affinity. Learning magic has been a slow arduous process. Gaining an affinity in a type of magic would certainly help, and illusion magic fits me as well as it fits the Cambions.

However, I could always eventually learn illusion magic from the Cambions. I’d have to for the affinity magic to have any affect anyway, and after that, there was really no rush. Plus, Enchantress is a class that likely ties more to magic than seductress, so it’s possible I already have a good affinity for illusion magic. Remembering the warnings of various literature of the subjects of skills, redundancies were not uncommon, and in the event you get a skill that acts redundantly, the answer was basically tough luck.

My thoughts hovered over True Sight. That’s… a really decent ability, isn’t it? So, why didn’t I want to take it? Both of the passives were good abilities. I looked over at Peers bare back, tall, straight, and warm… and then I sighed. These skills had the potential to change the status quo. If I changed things now, I could ruin everything I’ve gained here. I was afraid. Now that I had something even remotely approaching happiness, I couldn’t give it up.

“Hey, now that I’ve been elected as your secretary and bodyguard by the council as a form of punishment, I should probably encourage you to start making potions.” Peers said jokingly.

I jumped as I realized he had turned back and was looking at me.

“Your more like a prison guard.” I snorted as I glanced away, pretending to look for my clothing to hide the previous flinch.

Peers was silent for a moment until I finally looked back up at him, he looked at me with intense and sympathetic eyes. “The Cambions… they will come to accept you… eventually. I promise it.”

I gave him a gentle smile and a nod before he finally glanced away. Finally, I turned back to the information glowing in front of me, letting out a long gentle breath like a deflating balloon.

{Are you sure you don’t want to use your skill point?}


Sometimes, ignorance was bliss.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 170

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“What are you doing out here?”

“Oh, the girls said something about Snow White smelling. Guess she didn’t clean herself after the war, so they’re preparing her for insemination.” You respond before realizing who was asking.“Huh, eh? Florian? You’re back in the mansion?”

Florian scratches the back of his neck and laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, well, I got dragged back to the mansion during clean up and sort of got filled in on a little bit of what happened. It turns out I’ve been problematic for you and your city.”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

Florian suddenly bows down, lowering his head. “I’m sorry! I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but in the end you saved me. Thank you!”

“Hey, the reason I kept you alive was because of Nala.”

“Nala? Right, of course.” Florian closes his eyes for a second before straightening himself up while wearing an apprehensive look.

“Nala, she… stopped by shortly after I had woke up.”

“Oh?” You knew she had stopped by his room and it had caused you some distress, but she didn’t stay long so you chose to ignore the lingering jealousy. She’d be wearing a collar soon and then you could rest easy knowing your girls are faithful. “And what did Nala say?”

“She… uh… told me that she liked me.” Florian laughs. “Uh, don’t give me that dark look. She said liked, as in the past tense. She then told me that you, and I’m quoting so excuse my French here, she ‘likes your big, hard dick and “likes to get fucked hard’, she said my ‘tiny bitch dick’ is no longer enough to satisfy her. Then, she ran out of the room crying.”

You can’t help but break out laughing at his apparent description of the events. Besides being shocking words for Nala to declare, they are also shocking words to come out of the ever polite Florian.

“Yeah, so how’d you take it?” You probe cautiously.

Florian chuckles wryly. “I was really jealous and resentful at first. Then, I was just pissed at how much I missed out on! Fuck, Nala’s hot! I could have been ball’s deep in that filthy snatch for days and I fucked it up trying to be the good guy!”

You let out a breath in surprise. Had you been drinking anything, it would have been spit up all over Florian’s face. This was definitely not the kind of words that you ever would have expected to come out of Florian’s mouth.

“You… are you sure you’re alright? The slug didn’t give you brain damage, right?”

Florian let out a laugh, his cheeks only blushing slightly. “Ah, well, earlier today I woke up on the ground after you removed the slug. I was in a pile of naked sexy women surrounded by goblins who were pounding them aggressively. I was so beat up I couldn’t move, but as I lied there with a goblin’s balls rubbing up and down my cheek as he pounded a girl from behind… my nose was shoved up her snatch with her thighs wrapped around my forehead, by the way… It was a first row ticket. You could say I was in the splash zone… ahem… well… as my eyes were stained and I started to loose consciousness, my life flashed before my eyes and I started to reflect on the path I had taken.”

“Naturally…” You fought to keep a straight face as you nod sympathetically.

“You have so many women, and you take and give with extreme prejudice. In another story, you might even be called a monster or a demon. However, here, you’re a hero. You even stopped a demon god… with your penis.”

Florian sighs and continues. “I spent most of my life thinking I knew what was right. I interpreted the world to my own satisfaction. I was convinced of a certain right and a certain wrong, and before I knew it, I was a 20-year-old virgin who had friend zoned every girl he ever knew!”

“Ah, well…” you find yourself at a loss for words.

“It wasn’t always that way.” Florian continues. “I wasn’t always surrounded by women. At first, I was just trying to be the nice guy, thinking women wanted some guy to treat them right. Soon, women started walk all over me. Back on Earth, I was that guy friend who’d they ask to drive them someplace, only to find out that place was their boyfriend’s pad where they were looking to get dick. Had to pick those bitches up after too, drunk and smelling like sex, I’d drive those fucking sluts home and not even get a kiss.

“So, I started to change. I stopped becoming a nice guy and became self-righteous instead. Suddenly, the women wanted to be around me, but every time a girl got close I remembered those fucking bitches who always used me, and I found myself unwilling to even acknowledge their affection. Once I acknowledged their affection, I always thought they’d then start using me again… at least that was where my mind was at.”

“Why are you telling me this? You’re not coming on to me, are you? I mean, I considered turning you into a girl for plot convenience, but that ship has sailed…”

“Uh, yeah… I like my penis where it is, okay…”

“I could give you a vagina as well, apparently that’s a thing people want.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Alright. Well, is that all you wanted to say?”

“Hah…” Florian gave another sigh. “I know you don’t want me around your harem. I’d probably be the same way if I had so many hot girls willing to suck dick at a moments notice. I’ll be leaving soon. I just wanted to say… thank you.”

You shrug. “Like I said, it was Nala…”

“No, I’m not thanking you for saving me this time. I mean… about waking me up. I got too self-righteous. I stopped thinking about my own happiness and just did what I arbitrarily decided was the greater good. I got off on being the hero. I got off on girls putting me on the pedestal. And I got so afraid of losing my place on the pedestal I never even took advantage of the girls who put me there.  Thanks for giving me a new lease on life. I’ll be going!” Florian gives one more bow before turning and walking away abruptly.

“Hey!” You call as he makes it half way down the hallways. “What do you plan to do now?”

Florian glances back, looking thoughtful for a second, and then laughs. “Head back to the human continent, maybe? Duck those stupid nobles who want to use me, certainly. I think I might seduce a woman or ten. Yeah… become an Adventurer, make some money, buy a mansion, start a harem. Rescue a few damsel, give them six inches.”

“Aren’t you just copying me?” You snort. “Wait, just six inches?”

“Hey, not everyone has a giga penis!” Florian growls back.

The pair of you glare at each other for a few minutes before breaking into laughter. “Hey, at this point you’re probably the closest thing I’ll ever get to a male friend in this novel, so stay out of trouble.”

Florian wipes a tear from his eye and responds indigently. “You’re one to talk! Well, whatever. And hey, in the future, can you not netorare my women, that’d be just super.”

“I promise nothing, but I’ll say I’ve already got enough human girls, so my future women will probably be demihumans, goddesses, and demon lords.”

“Noted. But aren’t you running out of names?”

“Yeah, everyone complains about how the harem is too big, but they don’t realize that Anna and Elsa were the last two big names. The list has been filled. Once I conquer the demon lords the harem is complete.”

“Really? No more women for you?”

“Ah, well, there could always be an Alice, or a Wendy, or an Esmeralda, or a Vanellope von Schweetz…”


“But yeah, with kids now, I’m going to be taking a breather soon. See the sights. Work on training… I mean giving my ladies attention. That kind of stuff.”

“Good luck on that… uh… this conversations turned a little weird, I’m not even 100% sure what we’re talking about, so I’m going to head out.”

“Yeah, See ya, I’m going to go impregnate a goblin.”

“Have fun with that, I’ve… uh… seen all the goblin impregnation… to last… eons…” Florian wears a dark haunted look for a second before shaking out of it and giving a laugh. “Well, to each their own.”

He finally turns away and walks off, only throwing up his hand in a wave as he turns a corner. You give a nod to yourself as you watch him leave, realizing that he and you might not be so different after all. You’re just two guys, thrown into another world, looking to find happiness however they can. And like that, two heroes part ways, forging their own isekai paths to pussy.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 169

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After constructing the last of the collars for the moment, you look on curiously as Snow White approaches you, surprisingly looking a bit shy despite her usual domineering, intimidating nature.

“Warrior. That was, eh… fine work you did!” Snow White declares loudly. “And uh… the goblin army has finished cleaning up the zealots and have returned to their underground bunker with their pregnant women in tow.”

This seemed to be something akin to small talk for her, something she certainly isn’t used to doing. The way she looks awkward trying to be casual is a little cute. However, the Snow White you know wouldn’t be talking to you unless she had something important to say. She is neither an overly affectionate woman nor a particularly social one.

Other than the odd friendship with Kida, Snow White remains a bit of a lone wolf. Most of the other girls have formed cliques as their numbers grow. Despite Ariel’s venerable position as harem bitch and Tiana’s pitiable position as harem whore, the two girls had quickly moved to being quite close, and when Ariel isn’t up to sexual shenanigans she often would be with Tiana and Aurora while Merida stands nearby as a guard. This could be called the noble girls. Grimhilde also seems to drift into that group, but since her sisters showed up earlier, she’s been near them to help them acclimate to their new roles as haremettes. Together, they’d be the demon lord girls.

When Grimhilde isn’t doing that, she is helping Kida with her pseudo-role as mayor of the town. In the absence of any kind of formal government outside your lordship, Kida has used the adventuring guild as the local law enforcement and source of rule until something more official can be determined. Add Snow White who manages the army, and Cinderella who functions as a secretary because of her source of information on the modern amenities you added to the town… and you have the town hall girls.

While Mulan also has the loner attitude, her clingy sister Mushu has kept her company of recent. Naturally. Megara has seemed to catch their ear recently, dragging in Nala and Belle. You could call them the Union girls.

Finally, Elena protects her sister, but Pocohantas has seemingly taken a liking to the sisters as well and sometimes acts as Elena’s older sister. As a former man (fake), she still had some adjustments to being a woman, and Pocohantas has been the most reliable at giving her proper information. Including Elena’s pet, Rapunzel. You could call these the natural girls, or you could also call them the Elena fan club as her cute demeaner and innocence is what ties all of the girls to her.

“What is it? What do you want?” Albeit Snow White’s attempts at beating around the bush are cute, you decide to immediately go for the heart of the matter while shaking away your thoughts on character dynamics.

Snow White suddenly straightens like she has just been goosed before nodding and speaking quietly. “Yes, um, earlier, Warrior chose to claim this Queen’s womb.”

As soon as she says this, she piques the interest of several of the nearby girls. Tiana and Ariel are leaning close in a not too obvious way, but even the demon lord girls are feigning a conversation while they listen to the conversation.

“Yes, and?” You inquire out loud, not really caring who hears.

A blush forms on Snow White’s cheeks before she forces herself onward. “That is, to say… you came inside me, for the first time. The other goblins, their women… are all… pregnant. There gestation period is only a week or two. Therefore…”

Snow White seems to have lost her ability to speak any more of the question, so you simply shrug. “You want to know if I made you pregnant?”

If she was light yellow before, her skin turned a deep yellow now. “That is… of course, female goblins are exceptionally rare, and virtually infertile. It would be very difficult for this queen…”

“Ah, well, I didn’t make you pregnant.”

“Yes… of course.” Snow White tries to hide a flash of disappointment before she puts on a brave smile, nods, and turns away. “Very well, then I’ll be going.”

You sigh, pulling off your blacksmith’s apron, “Well then, we’ll just have to get you pregnant this time!”

“Huh!” Snow White’s eyes go wide as she spins back. “No, Warrior! This is actually best! I do not wish to have children at this time. As the general, it would be bad if I were to become pregnant!”

“Haha! It’s cute you say that like I’ve ever given you a choice!”

“B-b-but… Warrior… this is… why?”

You shrug. “I wanted to have some baby daughter to bounce on my knees and instead I got these incestuous twins who’d rather bounce on my cock.”

“Hey, sister. Father called us incestuous. What is incestuous? Can we eat it?” Anna asks.

“Mmm…” Elsa nods excitedly. “I think it means we can eat Father’s cock.”

“Then we must be as incestuous as possible for Father’s sake!”

“I want to bounce on Father’s knee.”

“I want to bounce on Father’s cock.”

“Can we do both?”

“At the same time?”

You ignore the twins as they talk to each other with such sweet dark words. “Anyway, you said it yourself, a baby in a week. The perfect incubator.”

“I-i-incubator!” Snow White’s eyes were looking dizzy, but after a moment her eyes harden. “Very well, let’s go to my room and use my bed. This Queen will graciously take your seed!”

Snow White wasn’t that particularly shy when it came to sex stuff. Whether it was battle or sex, she took every mission bravely and with resolve. She’d swallow cum, accept anal, or do anything else the Warrior wanted from her. The only kind of thing that ever made her sweat was the public stuff. Even mentioning her previous event in front of the other girls was difficult. So naturally, being violated in front of an audience was dreadful. That’s why the chance to enjoy you behind closed doors made her infinitely happy.

“Hey! Who wants to join me while I impregnate Snow White?” You call out.

“Oh, I do, I do!” Medusa leaps forward only a step behind Ariel.

“What!” Snow White starts to blush again, but is helpless as a half dozen women push her along into her room while striping her of her clothing.

Suddenly, her intimate time with you has become an orgy with witnesses. Even when making a child, the Warrior chooses to demean and embarrass Snow White! She starts crying as she’s immediately stripped of all dignity and turned into your incubating oven.

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Power of Creation Feedback

I was just going to put this in the start of next chapter but I thought it might get more feedback if I just put it here. I’m just looking for Feedback on Power of Creation. I just want to get a feel for how people are receiving it these days. Feel free to fill this out, even if you’re not up to date on the book. It’ll help me provide you with a better story in the future!

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P.S. You can also just write your thoughts in the comments below. If you think things need to change or if you’re happy with the story the way it’s going, that’s really all I want to know.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 168

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You finish tying the apron around your hips, pick up the hammer, and start to work. Sweat drips down your brow as you slam down with your hammer each time, creating sparks and waves of heat. After a long day of stopping Demon Gods and becoming a father to misfit twins, you decide to dedicate the rest of your day to some repetitive and calming work.

So, you stand in front of a forge, your shirt off, sweat dripping down your masculine body. While this was more or less the body you’ve always had in appearance, that’s not to say you don’t have perfect skin, rock-hard abs, and a perfect tan now. Even if you could say your face is basically a perfected form with only mild adjustments to increase attractiveness, it was clear your body appeared to be molded by the gods themselves. Well, it was molded by just one god. You.

“Is-is he really making jewelry for us?” Ursula asks cautiously, not quite sure how to react to the manly scene in front of her.

Grimhilde’s hand raises up to her obsidian collar and smiles before nodding slightly. “This is how he creates the gifts for us.”

Ursula still looks doubtful. “I’ve seen jewelers before, they certainly don’t work at a forge or strike a hammer to create something so delicate as a neckpiece.”

“You lack nuance for artistic magic, sister,” Medusa interjects while shooting her sister a condescending look. “What he is molding isn’t metal or gems, but pure magic itself. He is literally creating something from nothing. This is very strenuous indeed. My beloved has truly shown his might.”

Ursula shrugs. “If his magic ability is truly so mighty, why does he need to form magic in such an intensive and wasteful way. You think he might just be doing it to look sexy?”

There is a sudden bang as your hammer misses the spot. You immediately throw something into a nearby waterbin, hiding your mistake behind the sudden sizzling of rapidly cooling water. Of course, you have no clue how to blacksmith, so you were only playing at what you figured blacksmithing looked like. You could have molded the magic in a way like shaping clay. The temperature could have been cool, you could have just been sitting over a table working like a seamstress or something.

Ursula had ended up hitting reality on the head. You took off your shirt to show off your refined body. Although you wore an apron, your back and shoulders were bare. Your muscles were writhing, and you were giving your harem of girls a good show by performing one of the manliest practices you could, working with molten hot metal.

“Sister, don’t be ridiculous!” You breathe easier as Medusa, Grimhilde, and even Maleficant start admonishing Ursula’s observational skills as mistakes.

The four demon girls aren’t the only ones present though. Your act has gained many spectators since you started working on completing the collars. Other than the two recovering mothers and Kida, you have a full house of observers. The girls who had already received their collars touch at their necks and fondled them as if to unconsciously brag that they had been first to receive them. Their sexual arousal is increasing quite a bit, as you could tell by one of the collars many hidden enchantments, which motivated you to keep on with the manly scene. Even Tiana seems to be happy with her collar despite being a dog collar. You had heard her bragging that you had given her one first and even made use of it to strangle her during sex. That must mean you like her the best! You ignore the leaps in logic that ended up with that conclusion.

Of course, you had made Ariel a black leather collar which angled into a peak pointing down to her cleavage. In the front sat an aquamarine gem. Mulan had a black collar as well, but it didn’t point down (to her nonexistent cleavage) and used a ruby gem instead. Aurora’s necklace was silver and metal, taking the appearance of elaborate jewelry encrusted with diamonds. Girmhilde’s collar was made of obsidian, a black, smooth ringlet that had no apparent means of removal. Kida had a tight neckless, with a single malachite gem.

Merida’s necklace was made of pearls and could be called the classical pearl necklace. Elena received a collar embedded with yellow titanite. The four baka girls received identical and color coded collars only slightly better quality than Tiana which matched their hair color. Sylvia got blue, Dinah purple, Minni yellow, and Daisy green.

Jasmine received a heartshaped green gem with her name written in it, and an extremely thin collar which create a line around her neck. Although the gem was technically a fake plastic gem (you decided a lighter collar would do well on her), she seems to really like seeing her name. Someone in the harem had apparently been teaching her to read, and recognizing her name embedded in the gem gave her great delight.

Cinderella’s collar was a bit more complex, an intricate working of a silver pattern that seemed to infinitely repeat. Belle’s was a very classical diamond necklace that looked expensive. Snow White’s necklace was white with a spiky like appearance suitable for a warrior. Last and definitely least, Tiana has a simple dog collar still, made of blue nylon. Well, this world doesn’t have any material like nylon, so to her it’s a rare and exotic material that further inflates her ego.

Based on those collars, you started making your new collars. However, your newest conquests are all troublesome people. Megara is a hero from another world who is determined to screw around with your harem dynamics with her so called unionization. Maleficant is a spoiled brat who is slightly unstable after losing so much and not attached to you all that much. Pocahontas seems tamed now, but it’s only because she has expectations from you. Nala… Nala fucks the vegetables, enough said.

Then you have Medusa and Ursula, who are acting like they’ve submitted, but that hasn’t been settled with your penis yet. There is Mushu, who only has eyes for Mulan and hasn’t really found her niche in the harem yet. Rapunzel is a squirrel, like, literally, a fucking squirrel. That leaves Elsa and Anna, your two rambunctious pair of troublemakers. That was everyone, right? Yeah, you think you got everyone.

Adventurer’s Guild

“What are you doing, unhand this cop. I’m part of the LPD!”

“Yeah, some of the townspeople complained to the Adventurer’s Guild that a crazy woman was propositioning young children near the newly established school our lord created and they asked us to take care of it.” Kida explains as she ties the woman’s hands from behind while keeping her on the floor.

“What are you talking about? I believe in justice! Clearly, that school was established by the evil lord to make a tiny factory! He even dressed them in these so-called school uniforms! I protect the Tinys from scum like this town’s lord!”

The air suddenly drops particularly colder. Everyone in the adventurer’s guild at that particular time are giving very heavy looks towards the shapely woman with the nice rack. However, rather than being impressed and caught up over her considerably above average good looks, no one shows her any leniency. This strange city seems to have no shortage of amazing beautiful women. In another town, just a look at her cleavage was enough to get her out of any trouble. Here, they instead look at her in extreme hostility. Over the last couple of months, this town has grown fiercely loyal to the one they call lord.

Unfortunately, the woman didn’t know that not only had she stepped on this town’s soft spot, she had done so in front of one of this lord’s women! There is a cracking of knuckles as Kida stretched exaggeratedly.

“Wh-what are you all doing!” The woman asks.

Kida smirks, “Just a little bit of interrogation.”

“Huh? What? Information? My name is Moana, LPD! Why are you closing the door behind you? Why are you grinning like a cat? Why do you keep flexing your muscles as you move towards me menacingly? I’ll talk! I said I’ll talk!”

“Shhhh!” Kida put a finger on Moana’s lips, “We’ll talk after.”

Like most of the harem, Moana found herself getting pounded that night, however, it’s probably not the same thing.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 167

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Using the collars, you check on all of the girls in your harem. In particular, you are worried over some of the casual comments made by your twin daughters about “punishing” Ariel. Aurora was trying to put on a happy face, but you can tell under her façade is worry for her daughter. The twin sisters had just waved their hands and made Ariel disappear when Ariel started getting handsy. You’d need to do something about the twins shortly. If even their own mother’s couldn’t handle them, this would be an unfortunate circumstance.

However, that wasn’t your focus right now. The second you get a grasp on Ariel’s state, you immediately erupt from the room with a frown on your face. It could be described in a single word, agony. Ariel is in absolute agony. Your daughters decided to torture her in some way. Therefore, you race towards the red room at full tilt. Had your mind been in a better state, perhaps you could have just teleported there in an instant, but you’re not exactly used to being a demi-god like being.

As you approach the room, you can hear screaming from the hallways. It is howling of absolute agony and despair. Your poor, precious Ariel is being brutally tortured and it is because you ended up with two daughters who are out of control. As you approach the door, you can hear another sound too. It is a loud humming noise which almost sounds like a car engine. Immediately, you open the door.

Ariel is bound and gagged. You heard her scream because she has actually bitten threw the gag. This is a measure of the incredible torment the woman is facing. Tears and snot are running down her face as her eyes seemed to hold no light. Her hands are slightly red and bruised from where she fought against her restraints desperately. She is still crying and screaming, but she has collapsed, unable to put up any resistance any longer.

The position she is in is on a saddle-like object in the middle of the room. She is forcefully tied to it. In the middle of that saddle is a massive dildo which is now plunged deep inside her. You know this because it is actually a device known as a Sybian which you had made yourself when you created the red room. Its power is ten times that of a standard Symbian. It is to the point where it would tear a normal woman apart from the inside if the knob was turned up high enough.

In this case, Ariel was tied to it so that she couldn’t raise her butt at all for release, instead having to keep the entire mass of the dildo deep inside her pussy while the knob was cranked to the maximum setting. Her entire body vibrated as the massive thing shook like an earthquake inside her pussy. She had already cum, cum, and cum again until the juices had flowed down the saddle soaking it and pooling into a puddle on the ground. Her bladder likely had given out at some point as well. Your Ariel, this beautiful girl, your first harem member, has been reduced into a complete mess by your rowdy kids.

You immediately shut off the machine, but you find Ariel’s entire body is still shivering and spasming, as if the very muscles of her body had been permanently screwed up and she is stuck in a shaking in aftershock. Had you not increased Ariel’s stats, the last thirty minutes she had been subjected to you max level Sybian likely would have killed her. Suddenly, you found yourself feeling extremely angry that you had created this infernal contraption. In the end, this was all your fault. You just didn’t know when to quit when making sex stuff!

As you pull the barely conscious Ariel off the saddle while making the restraints disappear, you hold her closely. The girl seems unable to speak, her body simply shivering from hypothermia and the extreme trauma she had just endured.

At this point, you realize the two twins had followed you and are now staring curious as you as you hold the broken Ariel.

“You…” Your eyes narrow.

“Father is angry with us?” Anna asks worriedly.

“I think he is, I want to cry.” Elsa adds.

“Look what you’ve done to Ariel! She’s your sister!” You snap angrily.

“Hm? What did we do?” one girl tilts her head

“Did we do what?” The other adds

“You tied her to that device and tortured her!”

The two daughters cock their heads as if they are confused. At that point, you feel a tap and you look down at Ariel. She is looking up at you with a pout on her face.

“Why did hero ruin my knots! It took forever to tie myself to that thing so I couldn’t escape!”

“You… didn’t want to escape?” You ask in disbelief.

“Hmph! They locked me in here, so why can’t I have fun! But every time it gets too intense I pull away instinctively, so I had to tie myself down for my own good!”

You frown as you look down at the willful woman and her strange logic. She had apparently put herself into that state! Suddenly, you feel really guilty for yelling at your poor daughters. Maybe you are worrying for nothing. It looks like your daughters aren’t that much trouble after all.

“Is it fun? Can I try?” Anna asks.

“Me first, Me first!” Elsa shouts.

You gasp and have to run, pushing Elsa off the horse. She was already lowering to slide the Symbian into her pussy by the time you even realized it. You only managed to just preserve your daughter’s virginity. You are wrong! They are a major handful!

You throw Ariel back on the sybian to block your daughters attempts to deflower themselves, and then tie her to it before setting the frequency back to max. Ariel returns back to her sexual nirvana as she spasms over the extreme sexual satisfaction the device brings to her body. As she starts orgasm erotically, you cover her sister’s eyes, and back the two curious kids out of the room. Ariel just manages to give you a thumbs up as the door shuts to screams behind it. Well, it is Ariel, after all, she’s the biggest handful of them all, in many meanings of the word.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 25

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“How will these potions change everything?” I asked cautiously as I continued to finger the potion in my hands.

“You said it yourself,” Mary replied. “There are not enough people to feed on. There is a reason we live out here, in the far north. We face harsh winters and sparse summers, sitting in a no man’s land bordered between the humans and demons. We can only take those that are near death, feed for a few years, and then remove the evidence. Our population is small, there are only 63 of us at the moment.”

“S-sixty!” I voiced the words out in surprise. “That’s all?”

Given the amount of fear that humans displayed when writing about Succubi, I had assumed they were a strong presence, but they were basically an endangered species. Upon reflection, the small raggedy village couldn’t possibly support much more than a five or six dozen anyway. A part of me had thought it was an outer town, with the inner city hidden from view. Now, I suspected that what I had just seen made up the majority of what the Succubi… no, the Cambions were made of.

Mary nodded sadly. “Our ways are often feared and hated, even by the demons. Especially by the demons… Whenever we’ve attempted to expand our borders, we get attacked. If the population exceeds a few hundred, a force comes in and exterminates us. Only a few dozen survive each time, allowing us to rebuild. The last extermination was only three years ago.”

“I… don’t know what to say…”

“It’s the people. The larger the population, the more food we need. Once we start taking people, we draw the notice of the humans or the demons. As is, we can live off of scraps and they ignore us. We can never grow a large enough population to protect ourselves because our growth always comes at a cost. The cost of living.”

“Life… in a bottle.” I read the description one more time.

“That source of life, the humans and demons would never be able to predict it. We could grow while hiding our numbers. Cambions breed quickly, within a decade we could have a population large enough where we’d be able to defend ourselves.”

“Just ten years!” I respond in surprise.

“Don’t worry, my dear, when the population reaches that point, we’ll no longer need to depend on your potions. We could conquer entire cities. Perhaps create feeding farms. We could sustain ourselves and repel enemy armies. With your help, the Cambion race can become a dominant species in this world once again.”

After Mary’s passionate speech, I found myself a bit speechless. This was no small thing they were asking for. They were asking me to betray the entire human race. There might have been a time where this would have caused me great concern. However, that was before seeing what the humanity of this world offered. Rapists, perverts, monsters, and mobs have all given me a jaded view of what humanity brought to this world. I felt more sympathy for the suppressed Cambions. Why did they have less of a reason to exist than humans or demons? The decision turned out to not be that difficult, but I was still curious as to why Mary would be so frank with me.

“I have to admit, I’m a bit surprised you’re willing to tell me all this,” I speak slowly and deliberately.

“Dishonesty would only cause trouble down the road. Given the reputation of Cambions, we’ve found humans already struggle to trust anything we say. As a result, we tend to lean on truth by nature.” Mary explained. “Of course, I’m also looking for your reaction. If you looked at my words with hatred and disgust, I would know my answer.”

With my abilities, she likely couldn’t read any of my facial expressions unless Cambions had some supernatural ability beyond my own. I did pick up on the subtle unsaid threat behind her words. I was in a position where I could join the Cambions and help, or be made to help. Even if they couldn’t make me create potions, I could still function as a battery. Of course, she didn’t have to worry that much.

I merely nodded. “I’ll need human semen. A lot of it.”

Mary seemed to break into a relieved smile, and it was only at that point that I realized she had been stressed in anticipation for my answer. I supposed it really would be better for the Cambions if I followed their desires.

“That can be arranged with ease.”

“I’d like other things as well. Many ingredients. Anything you can get. I’d like semen from demons, demi-humans, monsters, even the incubus.”

Mary wore a concentrated expression as she nodded. “I will see what I can do. Can you make a list?”

I gave her a nod and to my surprise, a person, an attractive man I had yet to meet, brought in the paper and pen in an instant as if they had been waiting for this. I immediately started writing down the list, making sure to mark essential ingredients, but also including ingredients I had only heard of and was interested in playing around with. As Reinhart learned alchemy on the Demon continent, he was used to ingredients other than those he used on the human continent. As a result, I had a broad range of understanding on various ingredients from both continents, but there were many I’d never personally seen or used from the demon continent which Reinhart often complained were superior in certain recipes.

Once the equipment and ingredients I could think of were written down, Mary took the sheet and left the tent. In an instant, I was alone. There were two men at the entrance flaps into this somewhat hot tent, so I was still under guard. However, things seemed to have gone better than I possibly could have imagined.

It took asking the men waiting outside before realizing that this tent Mary had taken me to wasn’t intended simply as a place to expose my skills, but would be my living corridors for the immediate future. Behind the small table that held the chemistry supplies was a small roll of furs that likely functioned as bedding. Considering the prison cells actually had a makeshift bed, this actually felt a bit like a downgrade to me.

I dropped down on the bedding anyway and gave a sigh as I stared up at the canvas overhead. The Cambions would be my new home. Perhaps, if I put work into them, my lifestyle could improve as well. Working on chemistry, being safe, food, shelter… these are the things I wanted, right?

Yet, a part of me felt like I was quitting. It was the part of me I had been refusing to listen to for the last few weeks. It was the part of me that Min had put herself inside and it was the part I tried to cut out. I wasn’t fit for being a hero. However, was I any more fit for being some kind of village person? This world had so many game mechanics, you might as well call me an NPC now. Being transferred to another world, only to settle in someplace, this felt fundamentally wrong to me, like I was skipping out on some kind of destiny.

I growled, running my hands through my hair until they fell and hit the bedding with a quiet thud. “I can do this.”

It wasn’t exactly sure what I was telling myself I could do. Have the strength to stay put? To not fuck this up? To lay low?

Perhaps, if I called on Jenai, she could be someone to talk to. For that matter, I wasn’t really sure how good of a state Jenai was in since she had been forcefully dispelled last time. I had kept myself from summoning her because it felt like my trump card while in prison. Even now, I feared that once I used her, I’d be giving up something to the Cambions. With the two standing guard, I saw no way now of conjuring her without revealing her presence, so I staved my hand once again.

That’s when another woman’s face flashed in my mind. That’s right. Min was dead. Min was dead and it was the fault of this colony. Could I just let it go? Could I pretend they didn’t do that and just move on with my life? However, I didn’t know for certain. I didn’t know the truth of it.

You can’t let go if you don’t know for certain.

That was the reasoning that my mind came up with at that moment. It didn’t specifically matter if Min was dead or not. That sounded cruel, and it wasn’t as if I didn’t care if Min was alive or dead. I might feel contentment if she was alive and unhappiness if she was dead. Rather, what I meant was that my future was going to move on without her either way. Unfortunately, before I could move on with this new path, what I needed was closure.

The funny thing was that getting closure was easy. Earlier, I had forced it aside to worry more about my own safety and escape. However, I still had the Stalker ability, and could have easily answered the question that plagued my mind at any second. I really shouldn’t be delaying things out any longer. Therefore, I closed my eyes and activated my abilities.

After a few brief moments, I shut the ability off again. I bite my lip hard for a moment as a single tear ran down my face. Then, I removed Min from the target for my Fuck Buddy skill. While I was at it, I set Beautification to Cambion. I had my answer. It was time to move on.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 166

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“Why-why are my daughters adults!” You demand.

“Sister, sister, is daddy upset?”

“It’s Anna’s fault.”

“Eh?” The one named Anna grows flustered. “It must be Elsa! Elsa did it!”

“No, Anna must be spanked to satisfy father.”

“R-really? If that’s what father must do?” Suddenly Anna looks sheepish, holding a finger to her lip as she turns her naked butt towards you while Elsa grabs her hips as if to present her sister’s rump as sacrifice. “Please be gentle, it’s my first time.”

You turn away from the scene to glare at the two mothers. “What is this?”

“Ah, we were hoping Daddy would be able to answer. You’re the one who used magic to make the babies. Is this perhaps something you made…”


Well, it’s not like you deliberately tried to make them look alike. You just… sort of… though you were thinking about the same things at the same time, so it’s not like your mindset was all that different between impregnations. Whatever, that was like a long time ago. Pocohontas’ baby is bound to look somewhat different. However, what you didn’t do was make your baby into an adult!

“All that energy from the Demon God summoning must have leaked around and resulted in some of these unexpected effects.” You thought the last part out loud.

“Demon God!” Aurora and Merida say at the same time.

“Ah, don’t worry I handled it.” You wave away their concerns. “So why are you ladies crying if the babies are fine?”

“We… just had babies.” Merida whines. “It hurts!”

“We’re emotional!” Aurora adds.

“And now we won’t even get to hold our babies because they are all grown up. I was supposed to breast feed them! What will I do now, they don’t need me- ah, what are you  two doing!”

The two naked twins suddenly were on either side their mother, looking up at her as she sat in the bed.

“Not true, not true.” Anna says reassuringly.

“Mother will always be mother.” Elsa adds.

“My… babies…” Merida suddenly tears up again.

“Ah, plus, when we get hungry…”

“Ah, what are you two doing now!”

The twins each greedily pull a breast out from Merida’s baggy shirt and in unison put the nipples into their mouths. Without reserves, they began sucking on Merida’s breasts, a twin on each one. Merida, not expecting this started moaning and twisting as the twins fed on her with vigor. You had removed all the dirty linen and cleaned up when you got rid of the afterbirth, and as a result the scene only looked like an attractive MILF being accosted by two teeny bopper twins in bed. Suffice it to say the scene is very erotic, and your staff jumps to full attention.

“Hero-san!” Aurora scolds you with a mocking look of shock. “Those are your daughters!”

“Ah, well, if that’s the case, where’s your daughter. At least I can stick it in her.”

“Big sister had to go.” You jump as the two twins instantly are in front of you.

You didn’t even see them leave Merida’s bed! While Anna is talking to you, Elsa is kneeling, her face too close to your penis even if it is in your pants as she reaches out and touches it with the tip of her finger like she’s poking a sleeping animal with a stick.

“Hey! Don’t touch that, and what do you mean, she had to go?”

Elsa and Anna look up but it’s Anna who speaks. “Ariel was a bad girl, so we tied her in the red room.”

“Will father spank her?”

Your eyes furrow as you look over at the mothers. They wince at the look before Aurora finally speaks.

“That’s why we called you in such a hurry, hero-san. Your daughters, they’re a bit out of  our control.”

“Huh?” At that point you look down to realize you’re not wearing pants.

More than that, Elsa is on her knees and has her mouth wide open while going “ahhh” like she plans to take a giant bite out of your cock. You immediately respond by returning your pants and retreating a step with magic, only for the cockless Elsa to put on a pouty look while Anna pats her shoulder consolingly.

“We think… that they inherited your Power of Creation.” The two moms say at once.

You look at the two girls, who look back while holding each other. It turns out your new daughters are going to be a handful.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 165

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With a quick teleport, you take Pocahontas back to the mansion before the demon lords can even respond. A woman of few words, Pocahontas immediately starts navigating you. Of course, it only takes a turn before you realize that you are being guided to Aurora’s room where Aurora and Merida are giving birth. Although Pocahontas is now withchild as well, she hasn’t started to show just yet. Of course, you are only thinking about that to hide your own anxiety over what might have happened to your babies. Maybe Pocahontas should tell you something of what happened.

However, as those thoughts came, you already found yourself in front of the your baby’s mama’s room. You immediately shove open the door. Your eyes fall on the two women in sister beds, there is a great deal of blood on the sheets. The women look haggard, and tears are running down their cheeks as they hold each other and cry.

You immediately search the room in absolute terror, until your eyes land on two red mounds of flesh. They look like red and veiny bags of flesh. Your lips curl in absolute freight. Your babies… they hadn’t come out right. Rather, they ended up as these disgusting lumps of flesh. There was nothing in that pile of flesh that could be considered remotely living.

You fall to your knees. What had you done wrong? Did the magic fail? Did it have something to do with the dark god?

“H-how did this happen… o-our babies!” You cry out, holding your hands up. “Damn it! Damn it all to hell!”

“Uh… hero-san…”

“What!” You snap, but when you see Aurora’s tearful face you suddenly feel very guilty. “Aurora… I’m so sorry…”

“D-daddy… that’s…”

“Why did this have to happen?” I cry out.

“Darling, it’s the afterbirth.” Cinderella interjects.

“Huh?” You turn to the two ladies given you odd looks while they wipe the tears with handkerchiefs. “What now?”

“After a woman gives birth, she must expel the placental tissue. Those are just the after birth.” Cinderella explains.

“Hero-san.. you did realize those aren’t the babies, didn’t you?” Aurora asks cautiously, trying not to smirk.

“Of course!” You immediately stand up, recovering with extreme quickness. “What do you take me for! I’m just wondering why THAT is sitting out here on the table!”

“Some of the information given to me by Darling suggests that eating the placenta is good for…”

“Oops! I accidentally vaporized it. Clumsy me…”

“Rejected so quickly…” Cinderella looks downtrodden at her deliberate suggestion being so savagely destroyed.

“So, anyway, where are my daughters?” You ask, patting off your pants.

The two mothers glance at each other before looking away. Very suspicious…

“Why, Darling, your daughters are behind you!”

“Eh?” You turn around, and that’s when you realize that there are two additional people standing in the corner of the room. “What?”

“Sister, sister, is father somewhat stupid?” a girl whispers while watching you cautiously.

“Mm… sister, don’t know. Perhaps he is funny? So-called dad jokes?” The other respopnds.

A pair of girls are standing naked in the corner holding each other, their size B breasts pressed against each other and their hands in each other’s embrace as if they are scared to split even an inch. They aren’t tiny girls, rather, they have slim shapely bodies of around fifteen or sixteen. However, the most notable thing about these women beyond their pale white skin and extreme beauty is their hair. Half their hair is hot pink, a color that has never existed in this world, and the other half is midnight black. Each girl has a mole under  one of her eyes. The girls are undoubtedly twins. No, that wasn’t the right word. They were exact mirror images of each other.

“Um… girls, perhaps you should introduce yourself to your father?” Aurora sounds slightly awkward, like she’s at a loss on how to introduce them.

“Mm… Anna.” One girl nods and simply says.

“Elsa.” The other girl adds.

The two girls finally pull themselves apart, revealing their naked bodies. Even their pubic hair is half pink and half black. The one named Anna is black on the left, the one named Elsa is black on the right. The two girls, while still holding their arm together, give a slight bow and speak in unision.

“Father, please take care of your horny daughters!”

“Ha-ha-horny!” The word comes out before you could help yourself.

For the first time in this world you’re not 100% sure how to proceed.

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