The Power of Creation – Chapter 62

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“Ah, you’re self-cleaning. As expected of my woman.”

You didn’t know that ghosts could blush, but this one did. You clap your hands as all of the semen inside her suddenly dissolves.

“I hope darling doesn’t mind, but I absorbed your life essence to increase my energy.”

As a matter of fact, she did look slightly more corporeal now. Well, at this point she is completely bare. Her hair has finally removed itself from its role as strategic covering and her breasts, honey patch, and the rest of her sexy naked body, wide hips, and flawless skin are revealed to you. Furthermore, being as her pussy is a ghost pussy, it suffers none of the damaging effects of your whale penis.

“Darling was amazing. This one truly felt master fill her completely. I felt like I would burst at anything. I feared my form would be destroyed.”

“Ah, well, it’s because I wanted all of you.” You mumble a noncommittal response.

Perhaps you went a little overboard, it’d have been a shame had she truly exploded and broken apart from your penis, especially as a new member of your harem.

“Yes, darling, you took all of me. Thank you for fulfilling their wishes.” You didn’t quite know how to respond to that as you scratch the back of your neck, so you change the subject a bit.

“You’re very pretty now that I can see your face better. You shouldn’t hide it behind your hair so much.” Your comment caused her to blush even more, to the point where her skin looked pinkish enough to be human.

As it turns out, while sex is the first request, there are actually a few more things that she needs to be fulfilled before you can make her a body. The requests vary a bit. One girl wants to stand on one of the planet’s moons. You teleport both of you there while still on the astral plane, so breathing isn’t something you need to worry about. While Cinderella is unexpressive to the sight, she insists this satisfies the unfinished business of one of her spirits.

Another woman wants to make sure her children are taken care of. You find her 8-year-old daughter is living on the street. She actually is in some bad shape since her mom left her, and is just about to lose her virginity to some 40-year-old noble for a few silver. He is quite surprised when he goes to thrust, and she suddenly sn’t there. You tweaked his personality a bit and now he can only be aroused by goats. You apologize to all the goats in the world, but they’d need to take one for the team.

You don’t want another trap in your harem, so instead, you find a rich merchant husband and wife and drop her off there. They never managed to have a child because the wife couldn’t conceive, and are quite depressed about it. Then suddenly, a scared, partially naked, little girl appears in the middle of the road. They stop their cart immediately.

“Eh?” The 8-year-old had tears in her eyes at what was about to happen, but now she is mostly just confused.

“Oh, honey! That poor girl must have been attacked by some bandits or monster!”

The woman ran over and immediately threw her arms around the little girl in a comforting hug. The complete shock of being embraced, of having a woman hold her tightly, had been something she hadn’t felt since her mom’s mysterious disappearance. The girl couldn’t help but break into tears, and soon both the mother who could never have a child and the child who lost her mother held desperately to each other as they cried. The husband looks on with a smile like “this can’t be helped”.

You add a few more spells. They may mysteriously stumble on an abandoned treasure box full of gold by the end of this trip. You also alter their minds just a tinge, so the girl can more easily get over the trauma from her past and her new adoptive parents can accept her as their child a little more unconditionally. Nothing like mind-control, just lubing up the emotions a bit.

As Cinderella watches the child be united with her new parents, she displays no pleasure or pain from the event, but a single tear seems to fall from her red eye, which no longer glows with fiery rage, but turns into a more mundane color. Finally, she turns over to you.

“I think it is time. Bring me home and make me a body.”

“My pleasure.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 61

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“Is it… Cinderella?”

The ghosts eyes widen and her mouth drops open. “That’s it! H-h-how would you know?”

You scratch your cheek and smile. “Just a feeling, I guess.”

You had expected her to say something like “I do not know, but you must guess right or your soul is mine!” However, it seemed like your fears were unfounded as she was quick to remember and confirm it.

“Very well, then this condition can be fulfilled now, as we are already naked.”

Although, she initially fled from your advances, it seems like she’s incredibly pragmatic when it came down to it. Well, she should be merely the manifestation of other women’s desires. You could call her a simple Ego without the Id, or something like that.

“Wait, why are you on your hands and knees?”

The ghost immediately got on all fours, her long hair spread across her back and dropping around her hips like a curtain opening up to reveal a rotund behind and a waiting snatch. She turned back and looked at you with a questioning look.

“I was created using the energy produced by all of you last night. I’ve learned well how this is done. Is a second female required to do this correctly?”

You give a wry smile and shrug nonchalantly. That is… well, she doesn’t necessarily possess the memories of having been human. She is just a manifestation of people’s wants, but she’s powered by the energy of your sex. That baptism of spooge and sex last night ended up warping her understanding of normal sex. To the current Cinderella, doggie style was probably about as intimate as two people can be.

You get on your knees and line your dick up. Surprisingly, her snatch is wet and warm. You feared it’d be cold and slimy, so you are a bit relieved that it feels like any normal vagina.

“Before you slide it in,” Cinderella stopped you before you could stick it the rest of the way in, “Make sure you mean it.”

Her voice was very cold, so it was enough to give you a slight pause.

However, after a moment you gave her a smile and said. “Very well, I love you, Cinderella, and I want nothing more than to make you happy.”

She turns away without saying anything else, but there is a distinct blush on her cheeks that reveals the effect. You slide your dick in, and marvel at the scene. Cinderella is a ghost, after all, which means that she is a bit transparent. The result is that you can see your own cock inside her. Well, it isn’t like you could see her inside muscles or anything like that, but despite feeling a tight pussy around your dick as you slide in from behind, her bluish-white round ass wiggling against your hips, you can still see the dick deep inside her as well.

“That would be… pretty far in, right?”

Cinderella is a tight girl with very shapely hips, but your dick is still generously large. You always took it for granted that the girls you slide it in could take all of it. Now that you could actually see it, you realized that, at the very least, some organs were being pushed around to accommodate that size. It went deep into her womb, and if it pushed another few centimeters down it could come out of her bellybutton.

Even though your soul rested on the line, you couldn’t help but be curious over the sensations of a ghost. For example, she has no organs. Her body is, for all intent and purposes, composed of magic. With that being the case, there is nothing there to damage. Furthermore, her warped understanding of sex means that you can have a little fun and experiment.

Therefore, you start to thrust into her very slowly, one thrust at a time, watching as your dick slids into her impossibly far and enjoying the feeling of that wet pot. After a little bit, she looks back at you with a frown.

“You haven’t slapped my ass? Is this because you don’t truly l-l-love me?” Her red eye grew slightly fierce.

You swallow. “Uh, no, I love you long time. Uh, I mean… shut up bitch… and take… my cock?”

She nods after you say that as if that was the correct romantic thing to say. You start thinking that maybe you had been a little too rough with the girls last night, as that is likely her primary example of what a loving relationship looks like. Either way, you give her nice ass a slap watching it giggle around your cock.



“Since… I love you so much. I-I’m going to do something special. I’m gonna tear you apart, out of love.”

“Yes, this sounds correct. Tear my ass and pussy apart, darling.”

“Then, we’re in agreement…”

As you continue to slide it in and out, you start to adjust the size. That is to say that you increase your girth and length little by little. As a ghost, she has no real form, so it’s not like you can really hurt her. Instead, it gets slightly thick and slightly longer each time you fill her up.

At first, she was quite silent with the sex, only making little grunts each time. However, that grunting started to become larger and more enthusiastic that larger and longer you became.

“Ah, so fucking tight. I love you tight pussy.”

She moaned pleasurably even though the comment itself was a little silly. Well, you were so large now that if you stuck it in anything it’d be tight. Now, it was opening up and tearing away inside an ghostly vagina. It had already reached the size you had punished the maids and the slut Belle with, and was still growing.

“Ah, ah, ah! Darling! You’re filling me up.”

“Mm… yes, I’m going to make us one because I love you so much, I gonna fill you full of me.”

“Yes, this is what she wants! Th-this is what I want, take me! Take me! Make me full!”

You dick already filled up half of her abdomen. It would reach past her belly button and nearly to her breasts, and it was about the thickness of a baseball bat. A few more thrusts and it started getting stuck. Ah, you couldn’t move it anymore. Your dick, ripped into her, and although it felt warm and tight, had this been a normal person they would have already been impaled, there vagina ripped in two. However, the unknowing Cinderalla only adapted to accommodate letting out moaning sounds as you dick continued to grow.

You caused the dick to pulsate in exchange for your inability to thrust. Which each pulsation, it grew bigger and longer.

“Ah, Oh by the gods. I’m so full. I can feel your everything, we’re like one!”

She wasn’t far from wrong. Your dick made nearly reached her neck. It’d be coming out her throat soon. It’s thickness made up the thickness of almost 2/3rds of her body. She was more dick than ghost, yet still it grew, her abdomen bloated, her body deforming around your cock.

“I can’t, I can’t take it. I’m full. I’m full of your dick!”

You grab her leg and spin her around. Well, so much dick was in her now that she was closer to a pig on a spit, and thus you turned her around and she looked at you with wide eyes and a blatant Ahegaokin face.

“Cinderella, I love you.”

You blow your load. As mounds of semen jut out, you slowly shrink the cock back down to size like it’s a deflating balloon where the helium is your cum. The cum completely fills the ghost up, leaving hot seed all over her body. Like Ariel after she jumped and played in your semen last night, Cinderlla looked the same, but on the inside. The ghost was dirtied from head to tow, filled literally to brim with hot seed.

“So, did I pass?” You ask the cum-filled ghost.

She looks up at you with a dazed expression and gives two victory signs with each hand.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 60

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“Ah, well, playing hard to get has its limits.” You sigh.

The ghostly girl with the long black hair had started running away shortly after you pulled down your pants. You didn’t take any particular offense. She wouldn’t know she wanted it until you had given it to her, so you can’t blame the unenlightened.

However, as you chase after her she lets out deathly shrieks and bursts of cold air. She was being quite resistant and that was a bit cute too. Well, at the moment, she has crawled into a corner… on the ceiling. Yeah, she is now in the ceiling corner, her red eye glaring down at you through her long shiny black hair draped over her face.

Of course, she is also naked, but the black hair has seemed to grow in a way that just covered up the good bits, which was also a little bit erotic.

“Ghost girl, can I at least get your name?”

“Kill! Kill!”

“Well, if you were capable of that, then you wouldn’t be naked in a corner…. Personally, I favor love, not violence.”

She turns her head away at your comment, and just before you start to lose your patience with her she speaks up again. “So, you’ll rape and kill me, just like this mansion’s old master?”

“Ah, well, it’s not like I don’t plan to sleep with you, but I wouldn’t say I’ll rape you, and I definitely don’t plan to kill the one I’m with after… that’s just morbid.”

The ghost girl puts on a scary face. “Lies! All men are the same. Just take what they want and leave, always taking!”

“Ah, well, I won’t deny that I’ll take what I want, but I won’t leave. This mansion is mine, and the girls that reside in it are mine. That includes you.”

“I-I’m yours?” for the first time the anger on the ghost’s face was starting to subside.

You give her a nod. “Of course. Sex or not, I’ve already claimed you. That means I’ll take care of you. Since I’ve come to this world, I’ve started to realize how much power I hold, and since I have the power to care for a harem, then I will do so. For you, I have the power to craft you a body, to bring you to life, so that I can show you the love and care those girls were refused in their lives. The part of you left over from them has become quite pitiful, but I wish to make their lives worth something. I want you to fullfill their desires. Anyone’s desires. To be loved, and to be happy…”

“A-a body? You wish to give me a body to possess?”

“Ah, not exactly. More like I’d craft your soul into a body? I think it turns out to be something like a homunculus?”

“Is that so?” the girl considers it for a second as she taps her cheek. “I am the manifestation of all the anger and unfulfilled wishes of those girls, fueled by the lust you introduced to this mansion. I am inclined to fill the desires of the women who died here. Many thoughts went through them as they experience torment and pain. Vengeance, this is the only wish I thought I could fulfill as a spirit bound to this mansion. If I joined you, then I may be able to fulfill their other desires.”

“Very well then,” She finally gives a nod. “If you fulfill my purpose, then I will have no reason not to join you and dedicate my existence towards you. Is that agreeable?”

You smile. “Yes, I’d be happy to help you fulfill their desires. Might I ask what kind of desires the woman of this mansion had?”

The ghost lately finally let’s go of the wall, floating down to the ground to stand before you. Her long, black, silky hair still managed to conveniently cover anything erotic. You fought the urge to run your hands through it.

“Of course, the death of Rhictor, the noble who hurt these women was high on their list.”

“Well, consider that one finished.”

“That is a shame, I will be unable to complete their wish. They wished to see his destruction themselves.”

“Seriously?” You say and she shrugs.

“Just witness it? As long as they can see it being done, is that good enough?”

The ghost lady thinks for a second and then nods. “That should suffice.”

You compile a spell which allows you to project images from your memory. In this case, you project the memory of when you burned Rhictor’s spirit away last night. It wasn’t exactly an ideal revenge story, it was done hastily and without any finesse. You were tired, after all, and knew nothing about his evil deeds.

The girl stiffens, her body let’s out a long sigh like she just released tension that had built over a long time, red eye grew a little less red and her hair seemed to shrink, running up her knees until it was barely enough to cover her nether region.

“That is satisfactory.”

“What next?”

“One girl was impoverished, and frequently spent her night cold and hungry. She wished to eat as much as she could until she was full without reserve.”

“That one’s easy enough, but wouldn’t it be easier to fulfill once you inhabit the homunculus?”

The ghost nods. “That is… you are right. I will stick to the requests that can be fulfilled in spirit form.”

“So, what can we do now?”

The ghost girl looks down at your penis and at her own state and then sighs. “Many of the girls were maidens until it was stolen from them. They died wishing they had lost their virginity to a main who loved them. One strong presence in particular, a witch whose energy and emotion compose a great deal of my personality, withed for a man to make love to her gently, and as he came inside her, look her in the eyes, call her name, and tell her he loves her and will take care of her forever.”

“Oh?” You raise your eyebrow. “So, you’re saying you want to have a go after all?”

“It is her desires to be loved, but if you do not convince me of your sincerity, then I will be forced to eat your soul in vengeance.”

You gulp a little bit, but you have no shortage of love to give, so you think you can convince her you mean to take care of her forever. “Might I ask before we start, what is the name I should call?”

“That is the most difficult condition. The memory of her name was lost. You must call me by her name to fill the condition, but I no longer remember what that name is. All I remember is that it starts with a ‘C’.”

C? C… ah… That would be Cinderella then, huh? Well, you had one chance at this, and if you were wrong, she’d eat your soul. Time to roll the dice.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 59

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After you accuse Minnie’s ghost, there is a few seconds of brief silence when a sudden dark miasma explodes out of her mouth and eyes. The other girl’s gasp and take their distance, although Grimhilde, Merida, and Mulan look like they are ready to fight.

“Excuse me, ladies, I’ll be taking this to the ghost realm for a bit. I’ll be back shortly. Don’t worry too much.”

‘Huh? Ghost realm?” Grimhilde asks in surprise.

“I’ll see you soon Hero!” Ariel accepts it while waving without any restriction.

You move into the ghost realm, which looks like the normal realm except there are no people and everything is tinted blue. The black miasma is already out of Minnie at this point and dives into another room. You teleport, heading the Miasma off. The black stuff rising towards you and then stops, falling to the ground.

It starts to coalesce and gather into a human shaped form. Finally, a person bursts out of that form. You eye her up and down curiously. Your magic is given you an idea of what she looks like, but this is the first time you get a chance to see here with your own eyes. She has very long black hair, absolute white skin, and dark eyes. She is wearing a long white dress, and, for all intent and purposes, resembles the typical vengeful spirits from Japanese lore, like from the movie the Grudge. Well, it’s not like you are born in Japan, so these kind of spirits don’t scare you.

In fact, her dress gives a bit of nice cleavage that makes any ounce of fear dissipate. She is staring at you with one eye through her hair. In Japan, that is usually one of those scary things, but for a none Japanese, the wild hair look is pretty hot. She also appears to have two different colored eyes, one blue, and one red. It is the red eye that is shining through her black hair. Her hands are splayed out like she intends to slash at you with her nails, but you aren’t terribly concerned since you buffed all your stats accordingly.

“Hey, what’s your name ghost girl?”

The girl cocks her head like she heard you, but she doesn’t make a sound. Instead, she starts to gradually approach you one step at a time. Well, this might be a little scary in a horror game, but you are pretty powerful now, so it isn’t like she is really a threat. Still, you decide to ease the tension by continuing to talk.

“Let me guess. All of the girl’s tortured by that old bastard moved on, but their broken spirits left something behind. All that sadness and hate and bad energy mixed with all the lust we are generating last night allowed you to manifest yourself into existence. Sound about right?”

The ghosts step falters as you spoke, so you are certain you aren’t too far off the mark.

“You know, I killed that asshole, right? Do you have any memories? I got your vengeance.”

This time the ghost stopped for a second, then it opened its mouth. “Remember pain… Remember suffering…”

The voice that came out contained several tones as if it is many people speaking at once. It seemed to be shed of any emotion, kind of like a robot talking. As you consider this, it continues to talk.

“Kill… kill… must kill. Must kill all men. Men cause pain. Men cause suffering. Kill. Kill. KILL!” she starts approaching once again.

“Ah, about that. I am genuinely sorry that a sick bastard like him has abused all of you, however, I plan for my mansion to be a place where women can indulge themselves. I’m a generous guy, so I’ll help you rehabilitate too, how does that sound?”

“Kill, kill, must kill. Vengeance. Must kill! No choice!” she continues to approach as a knife suddenly appears in her hand.

She finally reaches you as she raises the knife up in a stabbing motion and you give her a smile. “Well, it’s about time your rehabilitation starts. No worries, I’m a pro.”

You snap your fingers and the white dress covering her body suddenly explodes, cloth fluttering away as the ghost is suddenly standing their butt naked with a knife mysteriously absent from her raised hand.

“Eh?” The ghost looks down and lets out a silly noise.

You pull down you pants. “Now, let’s begin!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 58

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“Someone here planted a curse with the intent to deal us harm. One of you!” You pointed out at the harem, causing them all to gasp.

Except for the three maids who were put down to rest, everyone else was now sitting in the living room. You had a light meal of meat, cheese, and fruit and now had brought every woman down in front of you as you stood in front of the fireplace. Of course, the fire was running and when you pointed out, the flames may have busted out just a bit to add effect.

“If the culprit just admits, there folly, they can deal with only a light bit of punishment.”

Some of the girls swallow, while only Ariel seems to hold eager eyes looking forward to it. Well, she’s not bad enough to raise her hand and falsely admit guilt just to have fun… yet.

“Who would do such a thing?” Aurora asks.

“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” You shoot back.

Aurora seems taken aback. “Hero-san, you know that I support you.”

“Do you?” You demand. “Your own husband tried to kill me. Then I stole your daughter and ruined her. That seems like motivation!”

“B-b-but I’m pregnant with your child!” Aurora defended.

“Yeah, mom wouldn’t do that!” Ariel spoke up.

“Oh, and we have Ariel. You’re always so open and loving. Or is it an act!”

“No! Hero, I love you.”

“Love me enough that maybe you’d want me all to yourself?” you shout.

Grimhilde snorted. “She spends almost as much time violating us as she does being violated by you!”

“And of course, a Demonlord whom I captured, subjugated, made an addict? Maybe it was you!”

“I’m the one who found and returned the curse. Besides, if I cursed you, making you horny just seems redundant. I’d do something like make your dick fall off.” She spoke cool and collectively with an amused smile at your antics.

“If my dick fell off, your spooge source would be gone.” You respond.

She swallows involuntarily, but then gives another smile. “All the more reason I wouldn’t betray you. Isn’t Mulan the greedy one here?”

“Eh! This lowly dragon would never steal from master!”

“Who said anything about stealing?” Grimhilde raises an eyebrow. “Did you plan perhaps have two parts?”

“I didn’t steal! The great one is above stealing. This great one already has tons of treasure! This-“

Mulan is starting to rampage. Her eyes turn blood red and reptilian and she is a step away from turning back into her dragon form. She really is a hot-tempered child in a lot of ways. You snap your fingers, giving her an orgasm. The act immediately destroys her rising temperature as she collapses in a puddle of lust. The other girls ignore her.

“The only one here I can know for certain didn’t betray me is Merida, who was with me most of the night.” Merida started to brighten up at the comment until you spoke again. “Unless that’s what she wanted me to think!”

Merida’s face drop to a pout as the happiness drains away. You cough and decide to change the focus of this discussion.

“Or maybe it was Elena!”


“Angry at me for turning you into a girl?” You accuse, and then look at her cute face as she tilted her head innocently. “No, it can’t be Elena, she is too innocent… but perhaps her conniving younger sister Jasmine!”

“Yes, it was me, savior. Punish me however you see fit. Ravish me. Dirty me. Make it so that I can never look others in the eyes again!”

“I refuse.”

“Eh? Bu-but…”

“Isn’t this all a waste anyway?” Grimhilde spoke up again. “Isn’t the most like culprit Belle, after all.”

“Huh, Belle?” You tilt your head.

“She’s the newest. She joined on the most suspicious of circumstances. If anyone wanted vengeance, it would be her!”

Belle readjusts herself in her seat while giving you a look.

“Ah, well, as to it being her…”

You didn’t think that was the case. Well, the reason was pretty simple. That dildo you gave her was still up her ass. Yup, as she is sitting there in front of all the other girls, you could feel the warm, tight entrance and the rhythmic tightening of her sphincter muscles on your cock. When she readjusted, she made sure to ground the dildo into her ass with severe brutality. This was her form of vengeance for what you did to her.

Belle is the ultimate pervert, and sometimes you approve of her shenanigans. Well, you’re still going to punish her for trying to mess with you, in fact, you already decided to execute the punishment. You turn the vibration function on. She gives a little jump, but you make sure to block the sound so only she is aware of it. You then start cranking up the vibration and using magic to forcefully push the dildo up and down into her butt.

Immediately, she starts sweating and her lips part, unable to say anything.

“See! She even looks guilty!” Grimhilde declares as Belle looks away flustered.

Her little perverted joke had turned on her, and now she is afraid of getting caught. You smile at her fearful look as ass induced orgasms rock her body. However, her odd behavior was starting to make the other girl’s suspicious of her, so you decide to end your little inquisition.

You wave your hand. “Of course, I know who did it from the get go. I just always wanted to do this. Sorry guys.”

“Eh?” Belle suddenly let’s out a half-moan in surprise.

“As expected of hero!”

“You mean this was all a rouse, my love?”

“Daddy is so mean.”

“So, master, who is the traitor then?” Mulan states, turning everyone else deathly quiet.

“Ah, well that’s simple, it’s her.” You point to the only still awake yellow-haired maid, Minnie.

“The maid! But she hurt all her sisters too!” Ariel said in surprise.

“How dastardly!” Aurora shook her head.

“You really hadn’t broken the thief out of them after all.” Grimhilde sighed.

“What? No. I mean my newest harem member. The ghost that possessed Minnie and forced her to make that curse. Hey, ghost, we haven’t been introduced yet. You’ve been causing trouble all night, it’s about time I put you in your proper place.”

“He’s talking about his penis. Her proper place is on his penis.” One of the girl’s behind you says, but you decide you’re better off not knowing who.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 57

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“M-master! Master?”

“My love, snap out of it.”

“Hah?” You stop and look down.

You’re balls deep in Daisy’s ass. The other two sisters seem to be unconscious, as does Daisy. You have her bent over a couch as you violate her. However, how you made it to that situation is a little fuzzy.

“What’s going on?” You respond casually, slapping Daisy’s ass once for good measure as you pull out.

As you turn, you realize all the girls are standing at the door looking worried. Only Mulan and Grimhilde entered the room. It is Grimhilde who eyes you up and down first before talking.

“I detected a powerful curse. At first, I thought it was my love playing games on his staff again, you certainly take delight in punishing the maids, but when I looked into your eyes while you were plowing Dinah they didn’t seem cruel enough.”

Right! Dinah. That was the name! And the spared yellow-haired one that was standing over her sisters trying to clean them up was Minnie. Wait, what did she mean cruel enough? And worse, Minnie is nodding! You give Minnie a glare. You’ll definitely give her two-fold what you gave her sisters.

“Yes, that’s the look. I’m relieved master is back.” Mulan says pointing at your face.

You immediately school your features and pretend you didn’t hear anything.

“So, I take it the curse is gone?” You change the subject.

“Yes, I’ve managed to remove the curse. However, who put it here?”

You frown for a second. None of your alarms have been triggered, so who could set a trap? The conclusion you jumped to was a conclusion you didn’t like. Did one of the girl’s here do it? Perhaps it was payback for some slight you did, but you can’t imagine why any of these girls would be angry at you. Beside rape, sexual torture, and manipulation, what did you ever do to deserve being attacked with a curse?

You go over the house one more time with a carefully designed spell. No ghosts. The number of people in the home equaled the number of harem members you had. There was no doubt that someone in the harem was a traitor.

“What’s going on with her?” you ask, nodding to someone outside the door.

That someone is Jasmine, who seemed to be gagged and tied up with rope.

Grimhilde shrugs. “After learning the nature of this curse, Jasmine tried to join you in the room saying something about having you take her one way or another. We didn’t want her to potentially be hurt so we had to tie her up to keep her from jumping in.”

“Good decision!” You give them harem a thumbs up, and they all smile at your praise.

However, you’re secretly sweating at how close things got. You already set off one trap. If you set off two in a row you’d go to places you couldn’t return from.

“Well, things are resolved now. Untie her and have her make a meal. I want everyone in the living room. We’re going to have a family meeting.”

“Ah, fun!” Ariel starts pulling off her dress.

“No, Ariel! Talking. Not those kind of family meetings.”

Ariel looks disappointed as she puts her dress back on while the other girls gave her a wry look. You eyed the girls carefully as they walked down the hallway. Someone had decided to put up a deliberate curse. Of course, no one got hurt and you’ve already added a curse-proof, poison-proof, and illusion-proof skill to your repertoire, so this wouldn’t be a situation that would be repeated, but it still angered you that you could still be taken off-guard in this world.

Of course, given your other skills, you’d have survived easily and kept pounding away until the curse ended, but you could have seriously injured one of the girls in that state. You won’t be able to forgive yourself if you do more than fuck them to exhaustion.

For the first time since you ended up in this world, you are slightly pissed.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 56

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You wake to another shriek. Checking your time magic, you see that it is approaching noon. Well, after last night, it isn’t like any of the girls got any sleep. Jasmine burst in at nine in the morning with a tray of breakfast. She managed to find an apron and wore that as she made her way into your room. However, that was the only article of clothing she wore.

“Would my savior like to have some breakfast?” she asked before putting a finger up to her cheek. “Or would he rather have… me?”

You kicked her out the door, but unfortunately got an eye full of her naked wagging bottom as she left. As she reached the door, she looked back and gave you a wink and pursed lips with a ‘chuu’. You threw a pillow at her and she turned just in time for it to miss.

“How annoying…” you lament over the awfulness of jailbait.

Fortunately, Merida was there to receive all your frustrations. She quickly received all nine inches of stress relief openly and honestly, and you even cuddled with her afterwards. Well, cuddle isn’t the right word. You went back to sleep using her giant melons as a pillow. They were very warm and comfy, and you’d swear they’d grown a size since last night.

You were dreaming of white, sweet nectar when the scream woke you up once again. At that point you realized a couple of things. First, you could hear light moaning noises coming from Merida. Second, you had one of her nipples in your mouth. Third, there was something sweet on your breath. Curiously, you sucked again, and a couple of droplets of sweet flavor hit your tongue.

“Ah, be careful daddy, that’s for our baby.”

You pull your lips from the nipple and smile up on her. “Yeah, but she hasn’t been born yet.”

Merida thought carefully before nodding with a smile. “Of course, I’m sorry, daddy. If it’s daddy, he can share as much milk as he wants.”

You go to take another sip, just because, when you hear another shriek and give a sigh. “This is getting ridiculous. I’ll definitely put up sound barriers next”

This particular scream didn’t seem to be coming from anyone’s room. You also knew it wasn’t from Belle. She actually went to sleep last night with your vibrator in her ass. It was still there at the moment, just sitting there. Belle truly was a pervert without hope of salvation.

You pull away from Merida’s fun bags and jump off the bed. You wave your hand and instantly you find yourself dressed. You didn’t feel like taking your time this morning. Who would have thought that living with 12 women would be so taxing. Merida watches curiously but seems unconcerned. Come on Merida, aren’t you the Queen’s bodyguard? If someone was screaming wouldn’t you want to investigate? Well, now she is promoted to milkmaid. You lick your lips to accentuate that fact. Merida is working hard too, in her own way.

You walk out the door and head towards the source of the scream. “What is with all the noise so early in the morning?”

“But boss… it’s almost noon” the blue-haired baka maid says as she twists around uncomfortably.

You forget the maid’s name and realize you probably should put nametags on them as well. She has bags under her eyes from you forcing her to clean all night. She also has parted lips and seems to be breathing irregularly.

“Oh, hi, um… Min… may…”

“Sylvia!” the maid called Sylvia looks like she was about to cry, her face flushed and red.

“Ah, that’s right. Well, what’s happening here?”

Sylvia winces and looks cautiously at a nearby door. “I’m not sure. We all worked all night for boss likes we said we’d do. We heard a lot of strange moaning sounds and uncomfortable auras all night.”

“That was…” You close your mouth before you admit that you had left the house lively all night. “nothing…”

Sylvia sighs. “Look, boss, we saws a fuc- err.. a ghost last night. You sure you got it? My sister was complaining about a cold spot so she went to light a fire. She fuck-errr she screams and so Daisy goes to check’ers out. Now she’s screaming. I’m too scared to check myself and-and… from my sisters, I’m feeling…”

“Hmm?” You cock your head at her flushed face and hard breathing.

She is still linked to her sisters, so it is likely her own condition was being influenced by something they are doing. You suppose you have to get to the bottom of this.

You listen at the door and hear some muffled sounds before giving Sylvia a wry look. Then you shove the door open without reserve. In the middle of the floor are both Daisy and the purple haired girl, was it Dino? Whatever. However, both girls were hardly in distress. Quite the opposite, both girls had the skirts of their maid outfits flipped up, their underwear pulled to the side, and they were fervently masturbating while making light moaning sounds. Their eyes contained pure lust. Did your magic last night target some unintended audiences?

No, that wasn’t right either, by the puddle under the purple haired girl she had already cum a few times quite spectacularly, yet she was still rubbing herself like her life depending on it. Her pussy was red and swollen like you had been abusing it all day. You and Sylvia take a step in, and instantly your dick goes rock hard. Something… wasn’t… right…

You turn to Sylvia, and she’s popped a tit out the top of her dress and was playing with a nipple while giving you a desperate look. Any thoughts fall out of your head as you shove Sylvia to the ground, pull out your dick and slide it in. Rather than afraid, Sylvia is just as quick to pull her underwear to the side and spread her cheeks as she begs for your dick.

It’d be fine just to have fun a little, right? Right?

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 55

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“Hero-san has been busy.” Aurora suddenly appears from behind as you open the door.

Naturally, the white scene behind you which included her daughter is in full view.

“Ah, well, things happen.” You smile unashamedly.

Aurora rolls her eyes but she’s wearing a gentle smile. “If you must go all night, can you at least keep the moaning and screaming down? If we want the baby to be healthy, I must get some proper rest.”

“Oh, really?” You smirk, grabbing her hand and pulling her over to you.

She blushes as you pull her in an embrace, grabbing her butt and kissing her neck.

“Had my ex-husband been as vivacious as you…” she mutters while looking off distantly.

“Mm… do you miss him?” you ask worriedly.

“Ah, no… it’s not that.” She turns back to you with a loving look. “It was my duty to be with him, and my duty to bare his child. As a queen, your responsibilities are vast, and your freedom is restricted. It was like a prison. However, I feel like I can finally do the things I want to do. You’ve freed me and my daughter from that life. Now I have you, and both my babies. I couldn’t be happier.”

As she speaks, she touches her stomach, which now actually has taken on the slightest bump since you last casted the spell. It seems like the baby is growing faster than you expected. There is suddenly another yell. Aurora gives you a wry look. What? It wasn’t you! Did she think you were fiddling with the girls using your magic while you are here with Aurora? Well, now that she’s given you the idea…

“Ahhhh,” There is another shout from Belle’s room.

“Not me. I swear!” You defend yourself to Aurora with your hands up.

She gives a throaty chuckle. “A shame that… I might have asked for your services later tonight as well.”

“I thought healthy mothers need proper rest.” You say wryly.

“Mm? How do you rest? I certainly can’t go to bed unsatisfied.” She responds coyly.

You put your hand on her bump, and she brings her hands up to your wrist and holds you hand as it presses against her while smiling seductively. You lower your hand slightly and then trigger an orgasm spell.

“Ha, ha, ha…” she gasps and moans. “Hero-san, you’re so mean.”

You smile gently as you walk over to Belle’s room. “No time. Belle could be in trouble, yes?”

“If that were true, I think hero-san would be more worried rather than wasting time wrecking a Queen’s panties.” She responds wryly as she recovers from her orgasm and joins you.

Just as you put his hand on the door, you heard another scream on the other side. You and queen look at each other before you open the door and step in.

“Ah! You beast! What are you doing barging in my room?”

“Perhaps you are right, my queen, perhaps some noise cancelling spells on the walls?” you turn to the queen who had a flustered look on her face.

Of course, you knew this before you came into the room, but catching Belle spread open with a vibrator inside her while she goggles at an erotic picture of the princess was a scene you wanted to savor with your own eyes. The Queen of a nation also getting an eye full was just an added bonus.

She pulls the vibrator out desperately tossing the toys and paraphernalia to the side as she desperately tries to cover herself up. Of course, you had a read on Belle since the very beginning. She is a closet pervert with poor impulse control. As she looks at the pair of you with tears in her eyes, and Aurora gives her a look of shock and disappointment that only a queen and mother could give, you fight the urge to smile.

“So, it seems Belle is getting comfortable. I’m glad.” You say, causing a blush to rise on her cheeks. “But it’s too bad you’re already blowing your load when I went to the effort of bringing a playmate.”

“What is a beast like you saying?” Belle said in shock as she finally got herself covered in sheets.

“Ah, well, the queen needs some relief and I’m tired after working hard all day.” You chuckle.

“Hero-san… I was hoping for you…”  the Queen was trying to maintain her mature façade but couldn’t help but become a little pouty.

“No worries. I provided her with that.” You pointed at the vibrator that was still on and vibrating on the floor where Bell had tossed it in a rush.

“But I’d prefer hero’s…” Queen ended it with a shrug.

“I know. That’s why I enchanted it to feel just like mine. I’m glad to see Belle likes mine the best.”

Belle’s eager smile at the prospect of having Aurora quickly froze as her eyes turned towards the vibrating object to the side.

Aurora gives a chuckle. “I see Hero-san has thought of everything.”

“Mm, yes, and please use it enthusiastically! I can feel that as well.”

Belle starts to turn green as you give a little laugh. That was right. You didn’t need magic to know what Belle was doing in here. She has been going to town with your penis almost since the pair of your separated. Part of the reason you so easily came on command with Grimhilde and Mulan was that you had the feeling of plowing deep into Belle’s nether regions with the reckless abandon that only a pervert could do. You recall you had violated her ass as well, which felt particularly interesting as you felt the simultaneous stimulation of a tight, warm asshole, and the tongues and hands of two competing women. That was about the time you released the flood of cum. You only regretted Belle wasn’t caught up in it as well.

“Th-th-that’s yours, y-yuou fe-felt it?” Belle was turning completely red.

You give a thoughtful nod. “Yup, of course. Belle worked very hard and let me to cum many times. I especially enjoyed it when you licked it after sticking it in your butt. You’re quite the dirty girl. Of course, I only feel the pleasure. So, don’t feel like you can’t be rough with it, as I won’t feel it if you use too much teeth or drop it on the floor or whatever. For all your hard work, I brought you a Queen. Don’t you want to fuck royalty?”

“Qu-qu…” That has an unexpected side effect.

That’s right, you never really introduced most of the harem to each other. All the girls you had gathered today (Belle, Elena, and the Baka maids not including a certain tiny) didn’t know the more experienced harem members (Grimhilde, Mulan, Merida, Aurora, and Ariel) officially. You guys need to have an official meet-n-greet so the girls can meet. Well, Aurora and Belle could just get acquainted a little earlier.

“Anyway, have fun you two!” You say as you step out the door.

Both girls try to say something in protest, but you slam the door shut and lock it before they can. Just in case they wanted to be stubborn, you throw in an area cast spell that steadily ramps up their sexual excitement. Between the queen, whom you had already worked your magic, and Belle who was an insatiable pervert, you didn’t think it would take long.

Ten minutes later, you feel the sensations of your penis sliding in a moist, tight hole. You try to guess if it is Belle or Aurora. You are guessing Aurora. As you walk away, you check on the white room that used to be Grimhildes. You had left a similar spell on her room when you left. It appears like the three have recovered enough and are now fornicating in the dried refuge of your cum.

You nod and move on, checking on Elena and Jasmine, you see the pair of them are sleeping peacefully. You’d wait on Elena just a little bit longer. Instead, you head back to your room where Merida still rests. Your cock rock hard from being thrust into Aurora with all of Belle’s might, you prepare to double things up with Merida. Not a bad way to end the night.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 54

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“Well, that was certainly…”

Two girls are lying on the bed moaning while clutching their slightly engorged stomachs. They are covered from head to toe in white stuff and the bed they are lying on? Well, it can’t be saved.

“And right after I just replaced it…” You tsk.

Of course, you put out the fire and replaced the bed with a spell, but now the bed is drenched. It started out innocently enough. As the two girls worked on your massive cock, which, let’s face it, had room for more than one pair of hands and lips anyway, you paced things to ensure their competitive nature came out.

Ariel, always your wingbitch, took care of their clothing, and even if their sexual excitement wasn’t increasing as they gobbled on your dick, Ariel had plenty of training with her mother on how to pleasure a woman. She also knew all of Mulan’s sensitive parts, and it only took a short time before she figured out Grimhilde’s triggers too. Soon, she was on her knees looking up at you innocently with one hand wrapped under each of the other women. Her fingers moved rapidly, and you could feel the moans bursting out from the lips pressed to either side of your cock.

“Please, master, give me your cum!” Mulan let out a little cry as she orgasmed, her tiny hands tightening on your shaft.

“No! My love, let me taste!” Grimhilde cried desperately and opening her mouth with her tongue sticking out.

Mulan saw her position and immediately imitated it. Both girls had one hand on your shaft, and were fighting to put their mouth in front of your head. As a result, their cheeks were pressed together with full force as both fought to be on the receiving end, their tongues basically touching in preparation for your orgasm.

As if to spur you along, the girl’s fingers had wrapped around each other, each with one hand that when combined just manage to wrap half way around your cock. The pair worked in tandem to move their hands together up and down your cock with great enthusiasm. Since your girls were working so hard, you decided to reward them. You let out a shoot of cum. Immediately, the girls desperately tried to catch it in their mouth, but naturally your robust nature meant you came quite a lot.

The girl’s seemed to devolve into a war, desperately trying to swallow more than the other. They tongued each other’s faces and chest, desperate for the last drop. They even ended up having a battle of tongues when Mulan tried to scoop out some cum from Grimhilde’s mouth when she tried to savor it before swallowing.

“I ate more master, I did!”

“No! She cheated, my love. Surely you have more!”

Grimhilde noticed your dick was still hard and dripping cum, so she immediately gobbled your cock with extreme determination while Mulan gave an annoyed look and grabbed her by the hair and pulled. Grimhilde sucked on your cock in desperation as Mulan pulled on her hair to try to pull her off your cock. Tears ran down her cheeks as she made sloppy sucking noises. Mulan was immature and not above cheating, while Grimhilde refused to yield.

You started to feel bad since your harem was fighting, so you let the passion take you and came again. This time Grimhilde’s eyes widened excitedly as more sweet nectar ran down her throat. However, in that moment of surprise, Mulan yanked particularly hard and Grimhilde’s lips finally slipped from your head. This caused her to cough and semen to go down the wrong hole, ending up in her nose. Meanwhile, a shot of semen flew high and Mulan leapt up with her mouth open in hopes of catching it.

Mulan caught some of it and immediately started licking the streak that had landed on her cheek and arm. Meanwhile, Grimhilde had finished swallowing and taking in the rest of your cum before sticking her tongue out at Mulan with a grin.

“Hah, I win!”

Mulan let out a whine. “Master, that’s no fair! You must have more. This lowly dragon will receive master’s seed!”

She leapt onto your cock this time, her mouth a bit smaller than Grimhilde’s and not even capable of wrapping around your entire head, but she stroked her hands as aggressively as she could while sucking lightly like she was trying to milk you. It seemed fine, so you came again. That was when things started to go south.

You had presumed Grimhilde would have her fill, then Mulan would win, get a treasure, and everyone would be happy. You underestimated both Grimhilde’s gluttony and Mulan’s competitive spirit. In the end, you kept cumming, and the girls kept eating. To speed things along, you created more and more semen, an overwhelming amount that flooded over the girls and drenched the very bed. The two gluttonous women drank it down in the mouthfuls until they arrived at this state.

Meanwhile, Ariel was making snow angels, covered head to toe in white stuff while giggling. For a while before the girls had reached their limit, they had been licking cum off Ariel, who was scooping it up and holding gobs of it between her breasts for them to dive in. However, most of it was started to gum up and dry. As far as their hair, it was sticking in every direction.

Just as you put your dick away, there was another scream next door coming from Belle’s room. This night was going to be a long one.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 53

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Of course, after you were done with Merida, she was unfit for walking. As you throw on your clothing, she strokes her stomach with a silly grin. Unlike the mature and motherly Aurora, Merida has an innocent and immature nature, like a high school sweetheart who wanted to have your baby without really understanding what that meant. Well, whether she understood or not, she’d be having your baby soon.

You run out the room once you finally put on your clothing. You aren’t particularly rushed because none of the proximity alarms you set up in the mansion are triggered. Noone has broken into the mansion and no one appears to be running around the mansion other than the girls. Furthermore, the room that turned out to be the source of the scream was Grimhilde’s.

As a Demonlord, you know that she can take a pounding. You’ve personally delivered several poundings yourself. Other than her mild addiction to cum, she is a surprisingly strong-willed woman, and while she lacks the physical prowess of her father, she’s actually very strong magically. However, magicians can tell the strength of other magicians, and when she found your enormous magical strength she never even considered trying to defy you. However, you are an abnormal case, and she could probably take care of herself against anyone short of an S-ranked adventurer.

By the time you reach the door, you have been joined by Ariel and Mulan, both are curious about the cause of the scream. You finally open the door and raise your eyebrows at the sight. Grimhilde is standing nearby in a red negligee shaped just how you liked it. Well, you’re the one who bought it for her, so you bought something that erotically fit her body in exactly the way you liked. However, she is standing up and her bed is on fire.

“My love,” Grimhilde’s eyes meet yours and she nods her head. “Someone was in my room. But when I moved to attack them they disappeared.”

You scratch your head in confusion. Noone had triggered any alarms, so by all accounts everything looks safe. However, as the household head, it wouldn’t be prudent to toss doubts on your harem. Likely, Grimhilde had just gotten wound up by the ghost stories and started seeing things. You don’t want to tell her that, but fortunately as you glance around the room you see her being somewhat fidgety and come up with a way to change the conversation.

“What’s wrong?” You ask innocently as a cruel smile forms on your lips.

She is somewhat blushy and seems to be breathing hard. “N-n-nothing. That will be all. Just find out who’s in the house.”

“Ah, that’s reminds me, it’s been a while since you’ve had a taste?”

Grimhilde gulped, “Eh…. What do you mean? I-I-I’m fine…”

Mm. Subordination, is it? It looks like Grimhilde was trying to use your recent distractions to kick the habit. Looks like she figures if she can avoid your cum long enough, she’ll stop craving it. You aren’t afraid that she isn’t happy with you, but at the same time, she is stubborn and her pride as a Demonlord likely pushes her to try to rebel, even just a little. Of course, you find this mostly just cute, and magically slightly adjust the cravings a bit. You crank them up, of course. Her eyes start to turn feverish and she looks down at your crotch almost drooling.

“Ah, is my little Grimhilde thirsty?”

“Th-th-that…” She wants to say no, but the temptation is there.

You just had sex with Merida, so the smell of sex was likely strong, and your dick was still at half mast, an impressive size pressed against your pants. You had to magically redesign your pants so that it fit in their comfortably. It’s a hard to resist sight for any thirsty girl.

“Well, I’ve finished with Merida, so you can enjoy some leftovers, yes?”

“Ye-yes…” Grimhilde lowers her eyes in defeat, but the sparkle in your eyes only grow in response.

“Ah, but you see, you’re going to have to work hard.” You point out.


“Well, you see, Mulan is here too!”

“Me? What does Master mean? If she wants you…”

“Ah, but your wonderful master thinks competition is healthy.” You put your finger over Mulan’s mouth before she ruins your fun. “And if Mulan wins by drinking more than Grimhilde, then Master will reward Mulan with a treasure.”

“Tr-tr-treasure!” Mulan’s eyes widen in excitement, and like that her competitive nature is ignited.

Too easy… although in dragon terms, she was likely an underaged child… so it’s a bit like offering candy to a… you weren’t going to think about that. You’re human and this is human logic.

“Hero wants us to compete! I will work hard for a reward!” Ariel clinches her fist with a determined expression.

Grimhilde, on the other hand, is wearing a miserable look learning that not only has she fallen off the wagon, but now she has to battle for her share. “My love is so cruel.”

“Mm.” You nod. “Love is cruel.”

“That’s not what I-“

“Mulan will win Master’s seed and treasure!” Mulan interrupted her unable to to wait any longer and falls to her knees, pulling down your pants.

Grimhilde lets out a scream of panic and jumps to her knees as well. “No! I need it! Stop, give it to me!”

Ariel has already thrown off her dress and clothing, abandoning all shame as she fondles and undresses the other two girls who were going down on you with all their efforts, giving you pleasant yuri action to watch as you sit back. It is already clear Ariel isn’t really interested in the competition, just having fun with everyone.

And thus, opens the curtain on the epic battle between the Demonlord and a red dragon. Spoilers. You win.

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