The Power of Creation – Chapter 12

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Ariel sneaks to the side behind her, and as she backs up, Ariel jumps out and grabs her hands. Even though the girl is a former dragon, she is only about the size of a twelve-year-old. Meanwhile, Ariel is sixteen and about twice her size. Ariel holds her down while she struggles to fight, but it is useless.

“Hero! Make sure to teach her good!” Ariel says with a smile.

Only one night, and she has become quite the ally. You don’t regret bringing her with you from the castle. However, right now, you have a dragon girl who is resisting. In the real world, these kind of acts would be frowned upon, but you aren’t in the real world. In this fantasy world, you are going to show this Dragon girl what it is truly like to lose her chastity. In some ways, you feel like it was your right. After all, you basically created her.

Ariel struggles with the dragon girl until she gets her to the ground, and while she holds her hands behind her back, she wraps her legs around each of the dragon girl’s and forces them apart. Thus, you get to enjoy the scene of Ariel holding a naked girl in her arms, their two bodies close together, while the dragon girl has her legs open, showing you everything.

“Mm… speaking of which, Dragon girl, can I get your name?”

“You dare ask this great one’s name now?” She spat, still trying to escape Ariel’s iron grip.

“Well, if I stick it in, your chastity will be gone, and then you’d want to marry me, right?”

“So, you will marry this one?”

“Ah, no, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take care of you. You’ll be happy as my servant too. However, do you want to lose your chastity without exchanging names?”

The fire seems to go out of her eyes and she stops fighting, her shoulders going slack. “M-mulan… this great one is Mulan.”

You frown and look up at Ariel. “Um… Ariel, what is your mother’s name?”

“Eh? My mom’s name is Aurora. What does that have to do with-“

“Ah, never mind, just a pattern I’m seeing here. Maybe Pun’s joke. If there is anything wrong in this world, it’s probably Pun’s fault.”

“Ah, well, Mulan, it’s time to enjoy ourselves.”

“Make sure to take in every inch,” Ariel gives her a smile that looks more eerie than reassuring.

“You’re pushing it against, it’s so big, I’m telling you, it can’t fit,” Mulan shouts.

You push a little and head pops into her tight hole.

“Ah! It went in! It’s so big. It’s too big. I can’t, don’t, that’s all that can-“

You push it in a little more.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, it hurts, it’s breaking me!”

Ariel pats her head as you continue to push it in. Tears run down her face as she cries and makes pained looks. It takes a lot longer to get it in than it did with Ariel. She really is a tiny in that regard. It is way too tight. It is so tight it is a little uncomfortable for your penis to be squeezed so tightly. In fact, the last three inches are completely impossible.

“Ow, ow, you’re pushing on the cervix, there is no more room!”

“Is that so…” you say.

“So, you really can’t fit it?” Ariel looks disappointed.

You could, of course, use a spell, but that ruins some of the fun.

“We’ll just have to break you in. Might take a few more times, but we’ll fill you up one of these days.”

“Another time!” Mulan shrieked, “Isn’t once enough? Dragon’s only breed once a decade?”

“No, well, we’re going to do a lot more sex than that.”

Mulan starts to cry again. “W-well… at least this time is over. Now pull it out. My chastity is gone. What, why are you two looking at each other?”

“Ah, that is to say…” Ariel was blushing.

“We’ve haven’t even started yet. That was just the beginning.”

“Wh-wh-what?” Mulan lets out a cry of despair as you start moving your hips.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 11

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“Y-yo-you guys are getting married! But I’m first!” Ariel insists.

“Relax, Princess, we’re not getting married.”

The dragon girl puts on a hurt look. “W-we must. As the man who took my chastity, even if you are a disgusting human, you much take responsibility.”

“Well, no offense, but you died yesterday. Don’t you remember dying at all?”

The dragon girl frowns, but after a second turns her eyes up and speaks with a pout. “I might remember something like that happening.”

“Well, I’m a hero from another world, and I brought you back to life so that you could be my dragon.”

Her eyes brighten a bit. “So, you do want this great one-“

“Ah, as my dragon. I’m your master.”

“M-m-master?” her eyes flash like she is dizzy before focusing on you. “You expect this great one to submit to a master? They will not. They will not be your slave.”

You snap your fingers, and she collapses back onto the floor as another orgasm racks her body. She glares up with gritted teeth as her legs rub together.

“Y-you think this one will succumb to your torture? This one will- aaaaaah! Ah, ah… hah… hah… hah…“

You snap your finger again, and she lets out more cute sounds, unable to control her domineering personality under the throws of orgasm after orgasm. You keep sending her another orgasm after another.

“No, stop… I can’t…. Ah, ah, ah, ah… it’s too much. It feels so good. It’s… I can’t. No, not again. Another one, I can’t. Ah!”

The spell you are using is the one that gives her the best orgasm she ever had. Since the first spell gave her the best orgasm she ever had, the next spell, to fulfill the spells requirements, had to be slightly better. Therefore, each orgasm is the best she ever had, increasing slightly each time, becoming more and more intense.

“Will you give up and serve me?” You demand.

“N-ne-never… hah. Hah…. Ah, not another!”

You worry a bit that it might become so good that she’ll never be able to find pleasure again if you keep it up. She was a virgin initially though, so the bar isn’t very high, but after ten of them you’re afraid it would be too much. There is already a puddle of liquid under her as she lost control of her faculties while cuming.

“Still resisting,” you sigh.

“Perhaps, hero should use that?” Ariel suggests.

“Hah, hah, what’s that?” the dragon girl cries.

“Well, you’re just having orgasms.” You explain. “You’re technically still a virgin. I was hoping you submit on your own. However, it seems like I have no choice.”

You pull out your dick, and the dragon girl’s eye widens in shock. “What is that! I-is that a penis? While I’m in this body, that is just too big.”

“I know from experience, it’ll fit. I was surprised too.” Ariel fails to reassure her.

You start to approach her with your dick out, and she starts backing away with fear. There is only one way this will end.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

The girl did not speak, even after I tried to coerce her, so I took her to be in a state similar to how Min had been when I first met her. As I left the carriage and walked in carrying the naked girl, I received extremely shocked looks from all the guards. Seeing a princess carrying a naked ten-year-old girl as she walked into the castle would alarm anyone. Had I been wearing a mask, they might have ignored it, but without, the rumors would spread quickly.

I didn’t head to my own room though. I didn’t know how important this sacrifice was to this Harvest, but I didn’t have the time to screw around. If Julian came right back, he might turn around and take the girl from me. There was only one place I could think to go for safety. It was the last place I wanted to go, but no one else came to mind.

I banged on the door, and a minute later it opened, revealing the fourth prince scratching his head. He was still wearing the clothing he was wearing earlier that evening although it looked worn and wrinkled now. He started to give me a dark look, but then his eyes registered that I was naked and carrying someone who was also naked. His eyes turned to complete shock.

“Wha-“ he started, then his eyes seemed to tighten, “Come in.”

He moved aside, and I immediately moved into his room, putting the cold, naked girl on his bed and covering her with warm sheets. He brought out clothing which was similar to the clothing I familiarized myself with on the journey to the castle. It was much too big to fit on the little girl, but I managed anyway. While I dressed myself and the girl, he started a fire, and then brewed some tea, bringing it over to me without asking any questions. As I drank and warmed myself up, he finally opened his mouth.

“Who is she?”

“The sacrifice,” When he started to wear a confused expression, I added, “For the Harvest.”

He nodded slowly although he still didn’t look completely sure. “So… she was Julian’s?”

“Julian’s, although it was your father who was ready to rape her,” I said a little harsher than I intended.

He winced at the words as if it was a slap in the face. “That is… and you came to me?”

“We need to protect her!” I snapped, “We need to get her out of the city and somewhere safe.”

“We?” Devon glanced worriedly at me as I sat on the edge of the bed and patted the girl’s head, although she had already fallen asleep almost as soon as she got warm. “But father…”

“Your father?” I barely said it without my lips peeling back, “Who the hell cares about your father?”

“Well, if this is his doing then I can’t…” Devon started.

“Can’t?” I stood up, then turned to pick up the child. “Coming here was a mistake.”

“Wait!” Devon spoke up, “It’s just a lot to take in, I’m trying to figure out-“

“You’re just a coward!” I knew I came here suddenly and made demands on him, but I still couldn’t stop the anger. “You know the kinds of things they do at those parties, but you just pretended you didn’t notice. What about the people you represent? Your citizens? I thought of anyone, you’d be the one to care… but you’d rather hide behind an illusion than face reality.”

He looked like he had been punched in the gut, turning away as an indescribable look appeared on his face. Once again, I was treating him unfairly, but I was beyond caring. I picked the girl up carefully and turned to leave. As I made it to the door, he blocked my path with an arm.

“I’ll help!” He said with a panicked voice, then took a breath and relaxed his pose, removing his arm, “I’ll help… I’ll help you with this girl. But afterward, I need to know what happened.”

I let out a sigh of relief. I was only half prepared to walk out that door. I really didn’t know what I’d do if he didn’t help me. I supposed I could run to Reinhart, possibly get her out of the castle following his secret path. However, I doubted he’d take her off my hands, and if I abandoned the castle myself, with Denova at the reins I’d be as good as dead.

“Alright then, what will we do?” I asked.

“You don’t have a plan?” He said in surprise, then mumbled something to himself while shaking his head.

The girl had woken back up at this point and now she was clinging to my shirt, trying to take comfort in my body. I guess, at this point, she had come to the realization that I was protecting her. At the very least, I was glad that she wasn’t still scared of me. A man approached my side who wasn’t Devon and I nearly let out a shout.

When I turned to look at him. The man had a similar build and appearance to Devon, except that his face had a shadowy look. I had nearly punched him, but a moment later I recognized it for what it was.

“Your… ninja clones?”

Devon shrugged shyly, “Ah, well, it seems like it’d be best to move quickly.”

He moved over to his nightstand, opened a drawer, and pulled out a baggy. I took in a breath as I recalled the bags of Qetesh coins I had left behind, but this bag seemed to contain real gold. He reached out and his clone took it from his hands. Then, Devon turned to me and nodded.

“Give the illusion the girl.”

I stared doubtfully at the shadow creature as it reached out its hands. However, without coming up with any better option, I handed her over. The girl did not seem to resist although she did look a bit afraid as the man picked her up. I looked on anxiously as the shadow creature held her. Devon seemed to stare blankly at the shadow creature for some time.

“Girl, do you have a family to return to?” Devon asked.

The girl shook her head no, and he nodded and continued to stare at the shadow creature. Meanwhile, I could only feel sadness for the girl who had no one. These were not the kinds of things a ten-year-old girl should be thinking about. After a minute or two passed with nothing happening, I became restless.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m ordering the clone. He’ll take the girl out of here through a secret entrance in Reinhart’s tower. His orders will be to buy her clothing, protect her, and to find her a home in one of the neighboring towns. With the amount of money I gave him, there would be plenty of families willing to take her. And… I think that should just about do it.”

A moment later, the shadow creature gave a nod like Devon had said something, then turned around with the girl in his arm. He moved to the window and jumped out. I let out a cry of surprise and ran to the window. Looking out, I saw that the creature had skillfully grabbed onto the window ledge and was now climbing down deftly while holding on the girl. He moved quickly, and within a minute he had climbed down the two stories and was running off into the dark.

I gave the girl a wave as she looked up at me one last time before disappearing into the darkness. A moment later, I dropped my hand, feeling empty inside. I had just given up everything for that girl, and in an instant, I had given her up for the mere promise of protection. It felt like the girl in the dungeon all over again. I felt like a coward, so quick to pass the responsibility to someone else. Perhaps my mother was right, I started trouble but never liked to face the consequences.

Then I heard a thump behind me and turned to find Devon had collapsed to the floor. I ran over to him, trying to help him up although it seemed like he could no longer stand. I got him into the bed and he gave me an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry, I wanted the illusion to have as many appropriate commands as possible. Once he leaves, I no longer know what he does, so I wanted him to be prepared for as many possibilities as I can. However, it takes a lot out of me. Until the illusion spell is finished, I’m little more than an invalid. On the other hand, he’ll have the ability to keep her safe. He’s been programmed to write me a letter when the mission is complete.”

I gave a nod cautiously, and after a moment I spoke up. “Thank you… I don’t know how I’ll be able to repay you, especially after earlier…”

He turned his head away with a blush. “That was… I woke up with the carriage already half way back to the castle. I didn’t know you had the light magic sleep spell, but I got the message. What happened between us…”

“My mask broke,”  I said out loud, changing the topic in an instant as his eyes widened. “Your father… struck me, and it broke in front of everyone.”

Devon gave a nod after a few moments of silence. “I noticed that you have a bruise on your cheek, I wanted to ask…”

I raised my hand up to my cheek. It hurt a little now that he mentioned it, but with Rough Rider equipped, I hadn’t noticed the pain much at all.

“I… just saw that girl… and the King… and I couldn’t take it anymore.” My body tensed and I tightened my fist, trying to hold on to the anger I felt in that moment, but right then all I felt was tired and scared.

“You did the right thing,” Devon said. “For what it is worth, you’re a braver person than me.”

I let out a small laugh. “I don’t feel brave.”

Devon gave me a long stare. “It’s true, Cornelia, I’ve admired you for some time. I’ve never met anyone as fearless as you.”

“It only seems to get me in trouble.” I sighed.

He gave an affectionate smile. “That might be true, but either way.”

I gave him a shake of my head and let out a breath. “What do I do now?”

“For now? Head back to your room. This kind of thing shouldn’t be able to hurt a princess too badly. I’ll support you either way. If Julian tries anything funny, come to me.”

I gave a nod, and after a few more minutes, I bid him farewell and headed back to my room. Min was waiting up for me, and I gave her an abridged version of what I had seen that night. I focused more on the underground room and the girl I protected. Min patted my head and held me although I didn’t feel like crying tonight.

“Aria… good.”

“Mm… is that so?” I said nonchalantly.

These days, it was difficult for me to see myself as a good person. I lived in a world that treated sex as taboo, and even though I never really saw it that way, the way society raised me was hard to resist. Deep down, I saw my own sexual desire as bad. As a woman who bounced around from man to man, indulging in my own sexual satisfaction, somewhere along those lines I had started to see myself as, perhaps not evil, but certainly morally ambiguous.

However, those were the thoughts of a culture that had its own issues. I grew up in a culture that glorified violence and would treat sex like something sacred. Homophobia, slut-shaming, and a fear of any sexual act outside of the vanilla sex created a rigid culture. Even as they tried to break from the mold, certain ideas such as monogamy took deep roots. To sit outside the standard was frowned on at best, flat out shunned at worst.

As I considered that seemingly simple question of whether I was a good person, I cuddled with Min. After the long previous night, I was barely able to sleep. My naps were fitful, and Min did everything she could to soothe me from rubbing my back to putting a cold compress on my head. However, I still couldn’t get the previous night’s events out of my head. She had dressed me and cleaned my body, never prying more into what I had done. Of course, I was afraid of what would happen next. It was really only my fear of Denova’s death curse that kept me from fleeing the castle that very night, but morning came despite my protests.

Although I would have stayed in my bed the entire day, staring at the ceiling in a sleepless daze, sometime around noon there was a pounding on the door. Min went to answer it, but I waved her away. It was time that I faced the consequences to my actions. As I stood up, wearing the nightgown Min had changed me to the previous night, I went to answer the door. I had expected guards to be on the other side, but instead, it was just one man.

Julian pushed his way into my room without asking. He immediately began pacing back and forth several steps, showing his agitation. Finally, he took a deep breath and his look locked on me. He wore none of the charm or glowing smiles I was accustomed to. Instead, his face looked severe and held a deep frown. I pulled out all the skills I had accumulated to date and then stood up before him, ready to face the future head on.

“The girl?” although he said the words softly, they held a tone that sent a spike of fear shooting through my spine.

“Out of your reach.”

His teeth clicked and he let out a hiss, but otherwise, his expression remained the same. “Where?”

I squared my shoulders. “I don’t know, ask Devon.”

His hands clenched, and for a second I thought he might backhand me like he did to the dungeon mistress the previous night, but in the end, his shoulders started to relax and he made a vexed noise.

He started speaking, but his voice was soft and slow like he was controlling every word that came from his mouth. “You’ve… disappointed me.”

“I seem to disappoint a lot of people,” I answered flippantly.

I didn’t want to piss him off, but I also couldn’t seem submissive. I was a princess, after all, and I still needed to maintain my part.

“You know, even if it is not that girl, it’ll be another. Without her, I’ll have to find another sacrifice.”

“Is that a threat?”

The question hung in the air so thick that it almost could be seen. The pair of us stared darkly at each other, and it was tough to admit but I was holding my breath. This seemed like it’d be the moment that decided my future. However, he suddenly broke into a smile. It wasn’t as wide and open as usual, just a slight curving of the lips, but his body did seem to relax.

“How could I threaten my own family? Truly, my girl, you are silly sometimes.” He gave a familiar wave of his hand as if he was discarding my bad thoughts. “Devon and Richard have proven to be disappointments as well. It seems only natural that my family doesn’t meet my expectations. Perhaps my Gregory is an outlier. It only serves to make me appreciate him more.”

I finally let out a slow and methodic breath as the tense atmosphere started to leave the room. However, Julian wasn’t done talking just yet.

“But I do warn you, my dear, I won’t be able to protect you from what comes next.”

“What comes next?”

He pointed to his face. “Your mask, my dear, you were seen by everyone. It was destroyed, which was an unfortunate mishap but it does mean that your acceptance to our society has been revoked.”

As I remembered my face being slapped by the full power of a high-leveled king, unfortunate mishap seemed like a massive understatement.

“That’s fine…” I said.

Julian stiffened, but after a moment, he gave me another smile. “That may be so, but regrettably the damage has been done.”

My face started to turn a little white as I considered the possibilities. “Damage?”

“Oh, it’s not as bad as all that. You were seen. Your identity as Cornelia is known. The rumors will fly… every action you took at the party will become the talk of the capitol. I recall you fucking five men at a time, getting plowed from behind, and giving oral to over a hundred men and women. That will become public knowledge. Before long, your title might become Cornelia the Slut, or Cornelia the Whore. These kinds of things can’t be avoided.”

To be honest, I wouldn’t have minded the title. If it gave me good benefits, I’d just set it when I needed it. After all, I was already the Town Bicycle and a Gang Banger. Reinhart had mentioned to me that like a few of my other more eccentric abilities, most people could not change their title. Their most important title took precedence although it was suggested that certain high-level actors and spies could change their titles. This led me to conclude that the need of a seductress to deceive made title selection a native ability of my class.

I still had to act the part of a princess though, and so worry ended up creasing my forehead. “How is that considered not bad?”

Julian laughed. “Well, think of it this way. No one can admit to seeing you. You may have been seen in the underground society, but the underground society is a secret itself. It’s pretty hard to accuse someone of being at something that doesn’t exist while attesting that you weren’t there. The “I heard it from a friend” excuse will go around, but rumors are as far as it will be able to go.”

I gave a breath of relief, and he chuckled. He took a step forward, and surprisingly, he embraced me.

“Thank you, Julian…” I said, my voice muffled against his perfumed chest.

“Well, you are my cute little sister, after all.” Julian sighed. “If my sister didn’t give me headaches, who would? It is a shame though, you were like the flames of a phoenix out there, you shone so bright, but burned out so quickly.”

“Mm…” I nodded. “I wish I could go back.”

“Ah, my dear, maybe in a few years, once you’ve grown. I still haven’t lost hope in you. Perhaps I had pushed you forward too quickly. I never could contain myself. When I am King, things may change. Just please don’t give me any more headaches, please, and do your best, in the future.”

We parted, and he gave me a light bow before leaving the room on a considerably lighter note. As the door closed, and he left, I breathed out a sigh, the smile on my face disappearing.

“Dead eyes, don’t trust…” Min said, moving up next to me.

“Yeah… I know.” My expression turned worried.

Of course, that entire conversation had been a lie. True, my deception hadn’t caught a single misstep. However, I reflected on what Reinhart had told me about skills. Could a skill that detected lying work on a sociopath? I suspected that wasn’t the case.

His eyes, even though his face had changed, and he wore a happy expression, his eyes never changed. That darkness inside, it was not something that he could easily hide. And thus, our entire exchange was fake. It was less a concerned brother, and more a warning.

His word were much like the letter Denova wrote, a spattering of veiled threats and suggestions. He mentioned he’d be King one day. If I crossed him again, he would punish me. He mentioned his brothers to suggest that even they couldn’t protect me from him. He spoke of flames to suggest the ultimate price of being a traitor. In the end, his anger wasn’t diminished, only hidden.

While thinking about the potential difficulties I’d have from enraging Julian, I tried to go back to sleep, but an hour later there was another knock on my door. This time, it was someone else that I didn’t want to see at the moment.

Melinda Fry barged into the room as well. She immediately went to my closet and started pulling out a dress.

“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“We are going out,” Melinda stated.


“A lady’s night!”

“Ah… oh, well, maybe the rumors…”

“Oh, I’ve heard the rumors.” Melinda sniffed. “Another bunch of gossipy women going on with their tales. As they told me this, I asked them to present me one person admitting to seeing you do anything from a first-hand account, and their faces went purple!”

As she pulled out a dress, underwear, socks, and shoes to get me ready to go, a depressed looked showed on my face. Melinda was moving under the assumption that these were more nasty rumors spread by people like Sylvia. The truth was far worse, and I had to set her straight, as much as it caused my gut to clench and my throat to tighten.

“The thing is… many of those rumors are likely true…” I finally spoke out.

“I know…” Melinda shrugged simply, but when I gave her a questioning look she continued. “I bribed a servant to talk. They say those things are all secret, but a few coins will make most servants speak. As he described it, the King slapped you in the face, and then you kidnapped a naked little girl and fled. He said something about the party falling apart and everything devolving into a near riot that I didn’t understand, but I got the gist of it. The King was going to rape a little girl, and you stopped it. I see nothing wrong with that.”

I gave a wry smile, seeing how it being taken out of context could look that way, “Before that happened though…”

She was already pulling my nightgown off over my head as she sighed. “Your husband-to-be was going, as well as the princes and the king. We all know those things exist, those of us that choose not to take the mask aren’t stupid. Every noble in the city has to talk daily with people who go to those things in civil and respectful conversations. You went. So, what? Your private life is yours to enjoy, and frankly speaking, you’re young. Every noble has done stupid things when they were young. I can’t blame a young woman being curious and wanting to explore her body with men before marriage.”

Somehow, I doubted she was truly imagining the extent to my depravity. I wondered if she could say that while seeing a dick in every hole as I jacked off two men at a time while covered in the semen of a dozen or more men.  There was curiosity and exploration, and then there was me.

Still, Melinda was a force, and I couldn’t stop her from dressing me before pulling me from my room and off for an afternoon with the girls. As we headed to the door, she suddenly stopped and turned to Min, who had helped her dress me, but otherwise stayed out of our way while Melinda was on her war path.

“You, servant, you’re the one who made all of Cornelia’s dresses?”

Min gave a respectful but tight nod. “Mm…”

“Then you’ll be needed as well!” She grabbed Min’s arm too and ended up pulling the pair of us out of the room with her.

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Tales of a Seductress – Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

The siblings were almost as insatiable as I was. The three of us collapsed in a heap on the pillows, a writhing mass of sex. My bodice had long since been discarded and now I wore nothing. This was exactly what life was about. It was about bodies, and sexual contact and the feel of a man pressed against my back and a woman pressed up against my front. I was aware that other people might not have the same feelings about life that I did. However, I was sexually satisfied with this couple in ways that no train of bandits, a band of goblins, or giant-dicked minotaurs could achieve.

It was the fulfillment of simply having fun. I was enjoying myself with them in ways that weren’t purely sexual. The girl behind me was running her lips over my ear when suddenly there was a tickle on my side. I looked down to see her using a feather to goose my skin. I turned and put my fingers to her side, trying to tickle her. That tickling turned to kissing, and while I was thoroughly kissing her, my shoulders were being rubbed from behind. When I felt a familiar poke at my back, I pulled away and looked back.

“Ah, again?”

The mustached man laughed. “Ah, what can I say, seeing you have your way with my sister does it for me.”

I pushed him back and immediately got onto his cock cowgirl style. His sister moved up to me and wrapped her arms around me, putting her hand to my breast while she started sucking on my right nipple. Her other hand went down and rubbed my clit as I rocked my pussy on her brother’s cock. That did turn out to be the one limit of this couple. He never stuck it in his sister. Of course, I had seen them kiss, and even rub and lick each other, but he wouldn’t penetrate her. That limit suited me fine because it meant I could unashamedly monopolize his cock.

I continued to ride his cock as his sister fingered and kissed me. As I came, I activated my Kegels to find myself cumming even harder. That was the newest trick I found with Kegels. If I used it as I came, I just came harder. The throbbing of my pussy was enough for my lover and a moment later he came inside me for the third time that evening.

I fell back and his sister ate me out. While penetration was off the table, she had no qualms about eating his cum right out of my box. This time, as I laid back on the pillows with my legs spread for her, he lied next to me, his dark oiled body pressed against mine as his fingers tickled the skin of my stomach and chest.

While we rested, I made use of the voyeur skill, watching all the nearby couple’s fuck. There was a woman with two men on her, one in each hole. She was moaning in orgasmic pleasure as the guy under her violated her pussy and the one over her took her ass. Their dicks weren’t moving fast enough to make a slapping noise, but if I listened closely, I could hear the juicy sounds as they slid in and out of her. Further away was a couple in the middle of doggie. This was two men, however, one sliding his dick in the other as the pair of them panted.

However, it was the group of five people, 3 men, and 2 women, that had linked their mouths to genitals in a circular five-person daisy chain that finally did it for me. That is to say, as the group reached a not completely simultaneous climax, a familiar ring popped in my eyes.

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have two skill points.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Seductress Lvl 21!}

Available Special Skills:

{Fuck Buddy (Passive): Select one person. Gain more experience with that person. Can only change selection once a day.}

{Kinship (Passive): Increased experience when sleeping with siblings.}

{Celestial Whip (Active): Summons a powerful otherworldly whip. Scaled to your level. Consumes sp continuously.}

The new list of skill was very exciting. Well, kinship, whether it meant sleep with other siblings or my own, seemed like a no. I thought it meant I got more experience if I had slept with two people that are related, like the siblings now or the fact I slept with Gregory and Richard earlier, but I wasn’t sure and it sounded vague enough to lose my interest.

However, the other two abilities sounded great. My Fuck Buddy had to be Min. Gaining more experience when I slept with her would make Min happy, however, she might be less happy if she knew what a Fuck Buddy meant in my world. It clearly did not mean married. The Celestial whip sounded like the first skill I’ve ever earned that actually seemed like an RPG skill. However, I didn’t know a thing about whips, and the one slap I had given the guy wasn’t enough to unlock Whip level 1.

I took Celestial Whip and Fuck Buddy, anyway. It seemed right as a seductress that my weapon would be a whip and being able to summon a whip anywhere had to be extremely useful. After the party, I’d ask the king for another visit to town and order a whip from the weapon store. Although, I wondered if it was better to ask Pratter and Sander. They said they didn’t do weapons, but I could explain the other uses for whips, which clearly this world was already familiar with.

The sister had finished eating me out and she came up just as I finished selecting my new special skills. She gave me a sloppy wet kiss, and I smiled and explored her mouth with my tongue, tasting my own sex with a hint of her brother on her tongue. A poke at my hip and I practically rolled my eyes as the mustached brother gave an apologetic shrug. He really did like to watch me kiss his sister. I was just about to jump back onto his cock, possibly in doggie this time, when a voice yelled out into the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests. Now that the night dwindles to a close, it’s time we present you with tonight’s finale!” The person who was shouting into the room was Julian.

He snapped his fingers, and a large item on rollers covered in a big white sheet was rolled into the room, stopping at the base of the Qetesh statue. It was a large rectangular-shaped item standing about twice Julian’s height. Curious, I stood up and went over, joining the gathering crowd of naked men and women watching the new event. The siblings had moved up behind me, and not being able to resist, I ground my ass back on the brother’s cock, which was now poking me from behind.

The guy behind me reached down behind my ass and reached up between my legs to stroke my pussy. A second later, his dick poked the region, pushing against the outside of my womanhood. I leaned forward a bit, and then pushed my butt back, allowing his dick to pierce into me while we were still standing.

His sister moved next to me, holding my chest with one hand while pressing her smaller B cup breasts against my arm. I tried to focus on Julian while being taken from behind with a steady thrust, my breath quickening from the feel of a hot dick inside me.

“As you all know, every year, the Harvest comes, and we must all repent and give worship to our loving Qetesh.“ Julian waved his hand up at the goddess statue. “And every year, we must give of ourselves to fulfill Qetesh’s most fervent desires!”

There were a few cheers. I wasn’t in a position to say anything, my raised voice coming out more like a moan. God, his dick felt so good, and he had so much energy. He just kept coming back for more. I could spend the rest of the night with these siblings.

“Three trials.” Julian continued while holding up three fingers. “Every Harvest, we choose one to brave all three trials. And if they survive, then they become Qetesh’s chosen. The birth of a new god!”

There was some more cheering, and I was started to pant, rocking my butt back and forth on his dick. His sister’s fingers were playing with my tits, and the sexual excitation was so good. There were a few nearby, that instead of watching Julian, were watching me as I performed in the audience.

“Of course, we have made twenty sacrifices, and twenty times Qetesh has denied us. But…” Julian took a step back and smiled. “I have a good feeling about this one!”

This time, the cheering was louder now as more people were paying attention. I used that time to let out a loud moan which resonated through the cheering crowd. I was almost there. His balls were starting to slap against me, and like that, I was starting to cum, my feet buckling in a way that made it hard to stay standing.

“So, without further adieu! Meet! Our! New! Sacrifice!”

The sheets were pulled back, and as I recovered from my sexual euphoria, his penis still pumping away inside me, my eyes landed on the place where the sheet was removed. The sheet had apparently housed a cage. And inside that cage was a girl. The girl was young, maybe only ten years old, and she appeared to be crying as she desperately tried to cover up her naked body. There was clear fear painted on her face, but the nobles all clapped and cheered as they stood nakedly in front of the girl.

At this point, the brother started cumming, but I didn’t even notice. I stood up straight, and his dick fell out of me, the last two or three spurts of semen hitting my thighs and running down my leg as he desperately tried to get it back in me. The sister seemed to understand something was up, and she stopped playing with my body and took a step back with a concerned look.

Meanwhile, the words that Julian has been saying came crashing home. Sacrifices? Failed Twenty Times? The visions of the dark underground place slammed back into my mind. My attempt to block it out by having sex suddenly failed miserably. I had thrown myself at the two siblings just as fast as Julian had brought them to me because I hadn’t wanted to think about the people being hurt.

Perhaps, this was the very thing that Devon was warning me about. But, I had accused him of hiding from the truth. How was I any better? As soon as I saw the dark underbelly of this party, I fled upstairs and started fucking to forget it. I was quick to abandon the woman who was depending on me. I was quick to trust Julian. As Julian opened the cage, reaching in a pulling out the struggling little girl, the truth came crashing home once again.

These were the kind of nobles that put their own sexual perversion about the rights of their citizens. Like that, I was starting to understand what was pissing me off about Devon so much. However, I no longer had any room to talk. I stared helplessly as the surrounding people clapped, bright smiles on their faces as this terrified young girl was spun around in Julian’s hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Julian held up one hand while holding the girl’s wrist tightly with the other, quieting down the group of spectators, “Ladies and gentlemen, in two week’s time, this girl will have the pleasure of being brought to sexual nirvana. Each of you will have the chance to participate and aid in the creation of Qetesh’s avatar!”

There was more screaming and applause. A hand touched my shoulder, and I looked back to see that it was the brother. He had a concerned look, but I had the feeling the concern only went as far as his dick. His sister hadn’t moved forward, and she was watching me warily like an animal that she wasn’t quite sure what would do next.

“But first! I must ask.” Julian continued, and I turned back to the scene, ignoring the man with his dick in his hands. “Does anyone want to break her in tonight?”

There was a break of laughter, and few people started speaking up, but one voice came out louder than the rest.

“I will! I would like to be the first!” A voice came out from the crowd.

Dread crawled across my spine as the voice I heard was familiar. The person came walking up, and it was none other than this country’s King, King Hyburn. The numbness and shock were quickly overwhelmed by a feeling of anger. I had ridden the King’s lap for months at a time. I had pretended to be his little virgin and would have given it to him if he just asked. However, now he was going to rape a little girl?

“Ah, of course! I’m glad you spoke up! Of course, it should be you who breaks her in for us. Give an applause for our volunteer. Our sacrifice should feel truly blessed this year.”

There was more applause, but she looked anything but blessed as a piece of furniture was brought out that resembled a simple low riding table and she was put on it. She tried to curl up but Julian grabbed her arms and held them up while the King grabbed her legs, pulling her struggling figure into the supine position.

“Oh ho, this one is fiery. Perhaps, she will succeed. This one is glad to give his cock on the first step of her sexual journey.”

The girl let out a shout, but no one seemed to do anything. The nobles just stared and smiled. Some of them were even touching each other or themselves, watching as the King fought to spread her legs as she desperately kicked to escape. He reached down and grabbed his dick, and I reached the end of my tolerance.

The king presented his dick to the crowd with one hand while holding up both the girl’s ankles with the other, “With this dick, let us start our journey towards another great Harvest.”

He turned back to stick it in, but he collided into someone standing right between his dick and its target. I was standing there, facing towards the girl, nearly wrapping my arms around her exposed womanhood as the King’s familiar cock once again poked me in the ass.

“Ah…” The King gave a confused noise.

“No!” I said, fumbling with my purse and dropping out a coin. “I block this. Rejected!”

There were a few gasps, a few amused looks, and a few chuckles. However, it was Julian who spoke up first.

“Ah, I’m sorry, my dear, you’re new so we can forgive this, but coins cannot be used for the sacrifice. Naturally…” He looked a little displeased but was trying to keep the smile on his face.

I picked up the coin, and just as everyone starting giving a sigh of relief, I spun around and pushed the coin out towards the King standing right behind me. “Then, I’ll buy you!”

There were a few moans of displeasure in the crowd, and the King’s face turned a little dark. “What game are you playing?”

“No game!” I snapped. “Just fuck me. That’s it. I want your cock. Not her, just me.”

“If it’s not him, it’ll be someone,” Julian spoke up.

“Then I’ll buy everyone!” I yelled out, dropping all three purses I had accumulated.

In the end, I had accumulated nearly 300 coins tonight. A few people’s eyes popped at the sight of the coins spilling out onto the floor. There was easily enough coins to buy every single person in the room twice over. It’d take 25 years worth of attendance to earn that many coins for a single person.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” That was the king.

“It’s fine!” I snapped, pushing my butt up between the girl’s legs, pushing her back as I sat on the edge and spread my legs in front of her spread legs. “Everyone here can just fuck me. I don’t care. Use me, pump me full of your seed. I can take everyone. It’s fine, just not her. Just stick it in, please, please fuck me…”

My voice was pleading, but I also laced it with the skill of seduction, causing it to truly be a temptation to any man.  Although there seemed to be a flash of desire in the King’s eyes as he looked down at my wet and waiting cunt, his face quickly tightened and he gave out an annoyed look.

“Well, it looks like one of our sluttier party members is just a bit jealous. She seems to want all to the attention.” Julian spoke up from behind me.

There was a surge of awkward laughs, and then someone shouted. “Why don’t we make her the sacrifice?”

There were more laughs, a little less awkward now, but Julian spoke up. “Regrettably, my friends, nobles cannot take the trial. But I’m sure someone ought to stuff something in this girl, it would be better if they kept her mouth busy.”

More laughter, but while Julian was feeding the crowd, I was staring the King. His dick was starting to lose a little wood, and he was angrily glaring at me as I met his eyes, although both of our eyes could only be seen through the eyeholes of our masks. He seemed to be growing tense, and the pressure of a king started to press down on me, making me start to feel afraid.

“Move girl, now…” the King said this quietly enough that the laughing crowds still making fun of me couldn’t hear. “I’ll forgive everything now if you drop this silliness and move aside.”

“I won’t!” I raised my voice, and it cut through the laughter. “No one will touch this girl tonight, not now, not ever!”

The King gave a snarl and took a step forward, trying to push me aside. I grabbed onto the girl’s legs, literally ensnaring myself between her legs while the King tried to pull me away. I lifted up my hand to try to push his arms off, but he let out a shout of anger and raised his hand up. A moment later the back of his hand collided with my face hard. I flew to the side, my head hitting the floor was resounding crack.

My arms were still on the girl, and the result was that I dragged the lower half of her body off the table. She was making a crying yelp as she nearly fell down with me. I stood back up as Julian tried to reorientate the girl. I was ready to jump right back between her and the King. However, a second later I realized that the King wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at me, and he had a shocked expression on his face.

I stared around the room as I realized everyone was staring at me like I had something strange on my face. No, it wasn’t what I had on my face, it was what I didn’t have on my face. My eyes snapped down to see the broken remains of my mask, split it two by the King’s hit.

There was nothing covering my face or my body. I stood in the middle of the giant room at the center of the spectators completely naked. Everyone else was naked too, except they all wore the masks.

“Cornelia…” a voice whispered.

Immediately, their faces started turning to looks of disgust and whispering started to fill the room. Most of the words were variations of my identity, ‘the princess’ or ‘princess Cornelia.” Of course, most of them would have known my identity anyway, but the mask was removed now, which meant that the illusion was gone. I was no longer a ghost. I was Cornelia, a woman who had fucked half the men in this room, fucked five guys at once, and even played with a brother and sister. It didn’t matter that many of them had done similar, they were unknown. They were still hidden in their own deceptions. Only I was outed.

Richard was in the crowd, and he wore an embarrassed look as he turned his head away as if he couldn’t even look at me. I turned back to the two men I had been fighting with over the little girl. Julian and the King were watching me two. When my eyes met the King’s, his look was slightly guilty, but he dropped his eyes as if he didn’t want to see me. I was a known, not the anonymous masked girl, or even the fantasy girl I had played with him in private. Cornelia, the slutty princess, was revealed.

Julian wore a complicated expression. It held pity in it, but it also held a coldness that made my skin crawl. At that point, I realized I had made just about the biggest mistake I could. I had performed the greatest Taboo. Even if the King was somewhat responsible, it didn’t matter. Despite that realization, I only spent a few seconds thinking about the consequences. The cat was out of the bag now. My mental fortitude meant that this didn’t even embarrass me a single bit. I was afraid, but not ashamed, even when some of the whispers started to turn into sexual insults such as ‘that slut’ and ‘whore’.

“You are no longer allowed here. Leave.” Julian said simply.

“Not without her,” I said, eying the scared little girl still being held down by Julian, although she had stopped struggling.

“You aren’t in a position to make demands.” Julian sighed. “Just be gone, you whorish woman.”

I looked down at the girl’s eyes. She looked back although she didn’t wear any understanding or acknowledgment in them. She probably barely understood what was going on at all. In the back, they still held the spark of a young girl, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before the dullness in her eyes took over, and she became dead inside.

“Whore, is it?” I whispered. “Fine then, a whore I’ll be.”

I let out my skill. Not pheromones this time, but the once a day backup I had, Frenzy. The effect was immediate. The King’s softening dick sprung to attention. He took a step in my direction, ready to push me down and fuck me right there, his eyes glazed over with lust. I lunged to the side avoiding him and then lept at the table. The whole thing fell to the side, yanking the girl out of Julian’s hands just as he started to try to pull his dick out and stick it in the girl’s mouth.

The King didn’t chase after me, instead, grabbing a nearby woman and immediately bending her over and taking her from behind. It was the same everywhere. The entire crowd devolved into a mess of sex and skin. I picked up the girl while setting Rough Rider for the small boost in strength.

Taking five steps, Julian jumped in my way. His skin was flushed, and he had an erect dick, but he was looking at me with open anger on his face. “Wh-what did you do?”

“What I had to!” I snapped back.

I reach to my side while holding the girl with one hand, grabbing a nearby boy no older than me and shoving him towards Julian. Julian gave me an angry look, but a second later he started to kiss the boy, seemingly unable to resist his taste as the two devoured each other. With Julian distracted, I immediately started to weave my way through the sexual carnage, a hundred people orgy of sex that just spontaneously broke out on the floor.

The girl in my arms writhed and made whimpering moaning sounds as her legs squeezed together and twisted. It was likely that the little girl was hit with frenzy too. However, she was only ten, and thus she likely lacked the knowledge or understanding of her own state. So, while she was sexually excited, she didn’t understand what that was and thus wasn’t able to react to it.

Two more people tried to jump on me and have their way, but I kicked them off, and in their frenzied states they were quick to stick it in someone easier. We made it out the main room and ran across the receiving room. There were people here too that were engaging in fornication, servants along with nobles. My frenzy seemed to have reached the entire building. As soon as I made it outside, I approached the closest carriage.

“Please take me and my friend back to the castle.” I gave the man an order.

“Ah, wait, but your masks?” The guy squinted down at us curiously, not aware of what was going on inside.

I didn’t know how long frenzy would last. Pheromones seemed to wear out shortly after the person came, and assuming some people could cum in a minute or two, there might already be a few men recovering from their sudden frenzy. Therefore, I immediately hit the man with Seduction and Eye of the Beholder.

I used both types of seduction, twisting sexually as I looked at him. As an attractive naked woman, even without the dose of Seduction, my Seduce skill probably could have done the trick on its own.

“Please…” I looked up at him and batted my eyes. “We dropped our masks and we don’t want to get in trouble. If you help me, I’d be very appreciative.”

He barely stopped himself from drooling as he nodded dumbly. A minute later the girl and I were sitting in a carriage heading back to the castle. The girl was shivering in my arms. I gave out a long breath as I held the girl tightly to me, sharing my body warmth with hers during the cold night. There would definitely be repercussions for this.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 10

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“Hey, dragon girl, how old are you?”

The little girl had fiery red hair and red eyes. The pupils were slightly elongated, giving her a somewhat reptilian look to her. Her breasts were only B size, and she had the body of an undeveloped girl. Now, it wasn’t necessarily that you were into undeveloped girls, which is why you had to ask the important question first.

“This great one is 192 years old. How does a mere human know the tongue of dragons?” She spoke in an attempt at a raspy voice that was still unmistakably childish.

“But, we’re speaking my language…” You say, taking a breath of relief knowing that it was okay to appreciate her body.

She may look young, but she was much much much older than you, so there was no problem admiring her nudity. Her small breasts, her bald pussy, and her small form were all just eye candy around an aged and mature woman.

“Not possible. This great one does not speak the common tongue. This great one is a dragon. Tell this great one how you have become so large. Is this some kind of twisted human magic?”

“Ha, well, sort of?” You shrug, “You, uh, might want to take a look at yourself.”

The dragon girl finally looked down. She wore a frown on her face as her hands started touching her body. She grabbed at her breasts, touching them, feeling her arms and legs. She looked at the bottom of her feet. She even took the lips of her pussy and pulled them open, looking down as if she expected something hidden in the folds.

“Ah, that is, obviously, you’re a human now?”

“You despicable human has trapped this great one in the body of a mortal?”

“Are you really so great if I was able to do that?”

The dragon girl gave a hiss, “This great one demands that you return them to their former body. Immediately!”


“This great one will destroy you!” she screamed, roaring in a little girl voice that was a lot less intimidating than a dragon.

“Hero, perhaps you should use the power on her that you used on me yesterday?” Ariel suggests.

“Really? Sure, I guess.”

You wave my hand, the magic that caused the best orgasm of a girl’s life struck the dragon girl directly with a bright light. Her whole body started to shake, and a second later her legs wobbled to the point she collapsed to the ground.

“What is the fi-fi- ah… ah… ah yeah!” she let out cute girly noises belying the gruff, commanding voice she was trying to make, “No, no! Filthy human, what are you doing to this great on… aaaaaa…..”

She was panting as she looked down at the ground, her legs twisted together as her groin was racked by a powerful wave of orgasm that seemed to last minutes. After it was done, she looked up at you with tears in her eyes.

“Th-this one knows what you have done. You have raped this one. Th-this one has maintained her virginity for 192 years because if dragon’s breed, they must forever be loyal to their partner.”

“Ah, but I didn’t really take-“

“This one has no choice but to become your bride.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 9

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“That is a shame.” The princess shook her head.

She was dressed in clothing you had made for her with another spell. Rather than restoring her to the original dress, you had dressed her in a sexy outfit. It was exactly to your tastes, accentuating her body in exactly the way you liked. She was very hot in that outfit, but it did embarrass her a little bit, being something unlike what she was used to wearing.

As you admired her body, enhanced by your magic and dressed in your ideal outfit, she was looking over at the corpse of the dragon, which you had abandoned the previous night in order to enjoy each other.

“Ah, should I have not killed the dragon?” you asked.

“They’re just very rare. It’s said that dragons imprinted themselves on the heroes of old. At least, that’s what I read in one of my books. Stories were all I had when I grew up under my father’s oppression.”

“Is that so?” You consider the waste yourself.

A pet dragon certainly sounded a lot cooler than a dead dragon. However, there was no such thing as bringing back the dead. Unless… you could make any magic you wanted. Was a resurrection spell that could bring the dragon back to life possible? However, you didn’t want some animal-like dragon pet. It needed to be smart, and cute, and even though you wanted to ride it, you also wanted it to be small enough you could bring it along with you.

As soon as the thoughts were pieced together, a brilliant light shot out and exploded on the dragon. This magic seemed to be a bit tougher, as you actually felt slightly winded by the time it was finished. However, the entire dragon was consumed in white light, and then it started to shrink. It kept on shrinking until the glowing turned into the form of a small person.

As the light faded, there was a little girl curled up. She looked to be asleep,

‘Wh-wh-what did hero do!” Ariel exclaimed in surprise.

“Ah, well, I brought the dragon back to life, but she appears to be a tiny.”

“A tiny? She looks about 12… i-i-is that what hero likes?” She touched her size F boobs, which thanks to your magic seemed to defy gravity in their own pertness.

“If I’m going to have a harem, I have to keep things varied.” You explained.

“A harem? What’s a harem?”

“When one guy takes care of many different women, and they all live with and service him, that’s a harem.”

Ariel put on a hurt look. “A-am I not enough?”

You shake your head. “You’re great, princess, but you already want me to educate your mom. Do you think it’s fair that only the two of you get to be taught by the hero?”

Ariel thought about it for a moment before her eyes brightened. “I guess not. The hero is so smart!”

You cross your arms and nod, “Yup, I don’t know how many girls there will be in the end, but I promise I’ll make you all happy.”

Ariel blushed. “I’m already happy as long as I can stay with hero, but I’m not against sharing.”

You nod, finally deciding what you planned to do in this new world. You’d create a harem just like you always read about. You’d conquer girls of every shape and size. And if the species you wanted didn’t exist, you’d just create them.

Speaking of which, your tiny dragon was starting to wake up.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 8

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The next day, you were humming as you made eggs and bacon in the kitchen of your cabin. You were butt naked, having not bothered to put your clothing back on as you walked around. When you finished making breakfast on a tray, you moved off to the bedroom.

Of course, you could have just summoned a breakfast with a new type of magic, but you decided a break was in order. As you opened the door, you stepped into the wafting smell of sex, which absolutely permeated every inch of the room.

Before the night was done, you had compiled a new type of cleaning magic to bring the room back to normal. If not, the princess would have been covered in head to toe with semen, the sheets would have been stained irrecoverably, and even the walls and floor would have been a mess. You had done everything to this virgin girl, showing her every outlet of sex your imagination could conceive.

You didn’t just stick it in her butt, or eat her out, or tie her up. It wasn’t just missionary, doggie, and cowgirl. You went as far as your depraved mind took it. After reading so many machinslicedbread translations, that could go pretty damn far. You brutalized her.

In fact, the reason you went to get breakfast, is that by morning you had discovered the princess couldn’t walk. You put the plate over her lap and she looked up at you with stars in her eyes. The only thing more alarming than what you had done to her, is that she had loved every second of it. When you plowed her ass with a 9-inch cock, she begged for more. When you gagged your dick down her throat, she gobbled it up and swallowed. When you spanked her butt until it was red, she kept wagging it in front of you.

You promised to teach the girl everything you knew, and you honestly struggled to think of anything else you could do to her.

“My hero, I’m sorry I couldn’t…” Ariel tried to apologize for not being able to get breakfast.

You shrugged and immediately thought of a magic that would recover Ariel. There was a flash of light, and suddenly the color restored to her face. The bags in her eyes from a night staying up disappeared and her hair that was starting to become matted returned to its original curly luster.

“Ah, I feel perfect again!” She smiled, her bubbly personality returning.

The pair of you sat down and ate our meal.

“Mmm, this is really good. You called it bacon?”

“Huh? You guys don’t have pigs in this world?” I asked.

“A pig?” the princess looked questioningly, “Ah, sorry, if we did, I wouldn’t know, but I’ve never had bacon at least.”

“Your family really did keep you sheltered.”

“Mm… it was mostly dad. He’s terrified that I’ll get hurt. He’s the same with mom. He holds us both practically captive. The throne room and our own rooms, that’s the only places he lets us be, always with two or three guards at the doors. Everything I know, I know from reading it in books.”

“Ah, then, right now…”

“He’s probably got half the Kingdom looking for me now. I can’t imagine how frantic he is.” She seemed to giggle at this, so it was not something that seemed to bother her.

She must have been looking for an outlet to get back at her father. It was probably why she was so willing to be with you.

“About us…” you start.

“Ah,” Ariel waved her hands, “It’s fine! I’m happy. I said it once and I’ll say it again. I’m yours. H-have I not proven it enough? You can do more to me if you want.”

She looked very bashful when she said it, which contrasted heavily with the writhing naked woman you had spent all night pleasuring. She certainly didn’t look bashful as she begged you to fill her up with your seed again.

“No, you’ve proven yourself.” You try to calm her, and she relaxed a bit.

“But, that is…” Ariel looked conflicted. “I would be happy to never leave this cabin. You can have me all day and night, all the time. But, what do you want?”

You scratch your chin again. “There is much more to the world than a single room. You’ve been sheltered your whole life, but I’d love to show you more of this world. But… I don’t know this world at all. So, we can explore this new world together.”

At first, she started to look sad when you said you didn’t want to stay, but as you suggested taking her with you, her eyes began to swim with excitement. Then, her expression became thoughtful before she turned back to you.

“C-can I ask the hero for a favor?” she looked up at you with her big doe eyes again.

“Anything for my cute princess.”

“My mother, can you take her with us?”

“Huh?” You made a surprised noise, frowning. “Ah… well, three’s kind of a crowd. Is there anything she can do?”

“Please, please, please!” Ariel begged. “She has been kept just as sheltered as me, but I’m sure there is much you can teach her.”

“What do you mean by teach her?”

“Well, she’s not a virgin, but one time when she drank too much wine she complained that dad only does missionary position and he doesn’t last very long. If you can show her everything you showed me…” she started to blush, and your expression turned to shock.

The princess was basically asking you to violate her mom. A smile formed on your face as you considered it. Like mother, like daughter, but why have one, when you can have both!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 7

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She only made a moaning noise as confirmation, so you started to slide your dick back out of her. There was only a small bit of blood from her broken hymen, but it wasn’t bad so you didn’t feel the need to clean up.

Therefore, you started to increase the speed of your thrusting, moving back in and out of her, your hips moving with the extreme precision. Although you hadn’t magically enhanced your stamina, you had improved your legs. Whatever spell you had inexplicably created to be able to run faster had affected your hips, and you felt like you could thrust into her without restraint.

For her benefit, you started out slow, pulling out and in steadily. However, each time you thrust back into her, you picked up speed a little bit. Soon, her cries could be heard, loud, incoherent moans as she felt your dick moving in and out of her tight little pussy. And she was very tight. Probably the tightest you had ever felt. That was probably partially because she was a virgin, and partially because you were so big now.

The result was your engorged cock was in a constant battle against her tightened muscles, each thrust working to rip her open and fill her up with you cock, blood rushing in your throbbing member to make it as hard as a stone.

“Ah, my he… ah… you’re so big!”

“You’re so tight. You like the feel of my big dick?”

“Ah yeah, fill me up with your big dick, hero, make me cum… ah. I’m cumming. You’re making me cum again.”

As she came for the third time, you couldn’t resist the feel of her tight freshly broken pussy clamping on your cock. The feeling was wet, tight, and as the princess said, amazing.

“I’m cuming princess, I’m going to cum in you.”

“W-wait, I might get pregnant!”

“That’s fine, it feels better inside. I can use magic that will make sure you don’t get pregnant.

‘Ah, ah, ah… it feels good. Cum in me. I’m yours, even if I get pregnant I don’t mind if it’s you. Fill me up with your hot cum!”

You push yourself deep into her cunt, and then imagine that this would in no way make her pregnant. As she asked, you wanted your cum deep inside her to fill her up. You wanted something that she’d never forget. The flash of magic occurred, and then you reached orgasm.

“Ah, I can feel it. It’s so hot, deep inside me. By the gods, it’s filling me up. Oh my, oh my, oh, there is so much of it!”

She was absolutely correct, the cum came out in a much larger quantity than you had expected. You had compiled the magic in a rush, concerned more about filling her up. The magic had taken that literally, and so as you came, you kept on cumming. Shot after shot was pumped into her, corked by the 9-inch cock, so that it all burst deep into her womb.

“Ah, ah, it’s deep inside me, there so much of it, ah, ah, my hero has filled up my cervix with his seed.”

You finish cumming, staying deep inside her as you did. By the time you were done, her lower belly looked slightly bloated, like she might have after a large meal. The second you pulled out, your seed burst out of her pussy in nice spurts, her womb finally releasing the built-up pressure.

She collapsed on the bed as your seed continued to leak out of her in torrents. You give her butt another smack, and she makes a satisfied moan. Then you fall down next to her, meeting her eyes. She looks up through her long eyelashes although she had a strange look on her face and a little drool on her lips. She raised her hand and gave you a victory sign before dropping back down, still breathing hard.

“Thank you for the lesson, my hero.” She moans.

“What do you mean? That was just lesson one.”

“Huh? But-“

You thought of your dick getting hard again, the magic immediately recovered your penis. She gasped as the nine inches, still wet and leaking semen, hardened to full length again. You were ready for round 2.

“We’re just getting started!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 6

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“Do I do it like this?” Ariel asked.

She was bent over the bed now, and you were eyeing her untouched womanhood from behind. You pulled down your pants and tossed away the rest of your outfit as you moved up behind the naked princess.

“Alright, let me get behind you. I’ll grab your hips from behind. This is called doggie.”

“Doggie? Like the animal?” the princess asked curiously.

“Ah, yes, I’m going to fuck you just like a female dog.”

“Does that make me the hero’s bitch?” She asked.

Once again, you had the fear that she was going to be insulted, but the idea of being fucked like an animal only seemed to excite the princess.

“Yes, you’re my bitch.” You slap her rear end once, and she makes a squeaking sound. “Ah, did that hurt?”

“A-a little, but I liked it, you can keep doing it.”

“Mm… first let me stick it in you. I’m going to line it up now. You’re a virgin, right?”

“Yes… yes… I am, wow, I only feel it pressed between my cheeks, and it feels so big. I don’t think it’ll fit.”

“Ah, well, a woman can stretch a lot, so it’ll fit, but it might take a bit. Do you want me to use magic so it only feels good?”

“No!” The princess suddenly seemed worried as she looked back, then blushed. “Ah, no, I want to feel everything as hero breaks me open. I want to feel the pain too. I’m giving my virginity to the hero from another world, I don’t want to miss any of the experience.”

“Okay, then,” you nod, pushing your dick up to the entrance of her womanhood, already wondering yourself if the massive thickness could be forced into that small, tight hole. “I’m pushing it in.”

“Ah, ah, ah! It’s so big, oh, it’s pulling me apart. Ah, it feels good.” The princess moaned and cried.

“Ah, well, that was just the tip.”

“The tip? Oh god, I’m already filled up! It doesn’t feel like anymore can go!”

“It’ll fit princess, hold tight on the bed, I’m going to break your hymen now.”

You push in another inch, fighting against the resistance of her tight pussy and hymen. She lets out something between a cry and a moan as you force yourself into her.  You push it in an inch at a time, her tight pussy convulsing and fighting the feeling of your cock as it widens her open.

“Mmm, mmm, ah, ah, it’s too much. Ow Ow Ow…” The princess is crying now and you’re about to stop but then she says, “Don’t stop, keep going. It’s so big, I want it all!”

After carefully pushing into her, you’re two-thirds of the way, with six inches of your nine-inch cock, and it’s becoming harder to push into her.

“I can’t… I can’t… oh, god… I’m cumming hero, your big cock is making me cuuuum!” She shouted, and her already insanely tight pussy clamped on your dick even harder. “You’re all the way in, right? There can’t be more.”

“Ah, still quite a bit more. I’ll go slow.”

“No… no… it aches. Just shove it in.”

“You sure.”

“Yes, oh, yes… ah… ah… I just want all of you in me.” Ariel was breathing hard already while tears were soaking the bedding.

“Alright, here I go!”

You thrust the last of yourself into her cruelly, although it met considerable resistance, with your hands on her nice rump, you were able to pull on her hips as you pushed with yours, forcing your way in until your balls were cupped by the cheeks of her ass.

She let out a scream, her hands slapping on the pillows as she crawled on the bed like she was trying to pull away, but with your grip on her butt, she couldn’t pull the nine inches you had shoved into her out, and she had no other choice but to bare it.

“Now, it’s time to start thrusting.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 5

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“Oh, wow, you’re so amazing!” the princess exclaimed as she saw the cottage appear form nowhere.

The pair of you made your way to the cottage, and you were shocked to find it had all the commodities you imagined, even those that didn’t exist in this world. As you flipped a switch and the light sprung to action, the princess exclaimed in excitement. Even incandescent lightbulbs worked in this world.

You brought her to the bedroom, and she lept into your bed. Of course, you had imagined a massive king-sized bed, one with one of those really expensive mattresses that costs a bundle. As the princess dived into the bed, she laughed as she rolled on the mattress, completely naked.

“This is so soft! Even my parent’s bed isn’t this soft.”

“Is that so?” you humored her with a smile, although you were really just admiring her naked body.

After you gave her sexual pleasure, any embarrassment she had in front of you seemed to have disappeared, so you took the opportunity to look over her entire sexy body. She had a sexy bottom, a tight little pussy, and pert D breasts with delectable little pink nipples. They weren’t as big as her mom’s, which might have been an E or and F, but if her mom was any indication, one day her body would be even sexier than it was today.

However, you found yourself thinking how nice it would be if her body was even sexier. There was another glow that burst forth and struck her. She made a surprised noise, and stared down in wonder as her tits suddenly blew up two sizes. Her hips widened and became curvier, and suddenly she had a body much like her mom’s, except that it had none of the signs of age. It was perfectly pert, smooth, and deliciously untouched.

For a second, you thought she might be unhappy, but as she examined the new body you had given her, she made another noise of excitement and then flung herself off the bed and into your arms. She kissed you on the lips, and not wanting to waste the opportunity, you tasted her mouth, your tongue and her tongue wrestling between your combined lips.

You started moving your hands over her body, feeling the smooth and untouched skin, your massive cock already pushing up against her in a noticeable way. She took notice, pulling away from the kiss and looking down at your hard cock.

“Is that… your penis?” She said giddily.

“Why don’t you reach in and see?”

She did as you suggested, pulling her small delicate hands into your pants. Your dick erupted from its containment, rigid at attention, and she gave a noise of surprise. You were a little surprised yourself, as this is the first time you had seen your penis since you had magically changed it. The monstrous beast that exploded from your shorts wasn’t a sight you were used to seeing, but It gave you a boost of confidence that you could satisfy this young woman.

“Ah, it’s much bigger up close. When I saw it before I didn’t think it would be so intimidating.”

You scratched your cheek and laughed inwardly. Of course, it hadn’t been that size when you had been naked before, but you didn’t want to inform the princess of that. Then, a latent thought occurred to you.

“Ah, before we do this, I never got your name.”

“That’s right!” The sexy princess couldn’t take her eyes off your penis. “My name is Ariel. Ariel Ramsey. What is your name?”

“Ah, right, my name…” You tell her your name, and she smiles as she hears it.

“Do-do you mind if I just keep calling you hero?” Ariel asked, “Ah, you can call me princess too, calling you my hero kind of turns me on.”

“That’s fine with me.” You nod.

“Then, hero, take me, ah… this is where I’m inexperienced. Can you please tell me what we do next? I want you to make me see Pun, Parthios, and Nymphriel. All three!”

“Sure,” you smirk, “Princess, bend over on the bed.”

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