The Power of Creation – Chapter 130

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“Before you die for touching my Mulan, what is this master stuff?” Mushu demands.

“Master is master!” Mulan takes a step forward while shooting Mushu an angry look. “Mushu should but out of it!”

“Mulan is mine,” you explain. “So, I guess she was more comfortable seeing it as a master-servant relationship.”

“I’m masters! See!” Mulan pointed to the ruby collar around her neck, causing several of the dragons to gasp and even her father to tense up.

“A dragon would dare collar another dragon!” Mushu shouts.

“Hey, she asked for the collar!” You defend. “Besides, who says I’m a dragon?”

There was even more chatter amongst the dragons.

“Wait, are you saying you’re not a dragon?” This is the first time Fa Zhou looks genuinely alarmed.

“No. That transformation was just something for fun. I’m human… I think.” Your voice loses steam as the looks from the dragons become increasingly more hostile.

“If he’s not a dragon, then they can’t have legitimately bredlocked! Mulan, come back here! Your loving Mushu promises he won’t punish you too much!”

“No! I hate you! I’m bredlocked now! He was a dragon so it’s official!” Mulan declares.

So, apparently her desire to mate had a second hidden meaning. Only sex between dragons could be considered bredlocked. That meant that her declaration that you must get married originally back in the day was an embellishment, and also driven by her distaste for Mushu. When you first met her, she must have been eager to get into a relationship so that she wouldn’t have to go back home. On the other side, Mushu is looking very depressed at those words.

“Wh-why does Mulan hate me so? You used to think I was the coolest, remember?”

“You started turning weird!”

“I made those changes for you!” Mushu insists. “I wanted to be together with you. That’s why I started becoming a true man!”

Mushu flexes his muscles as if to prove the point. They are certainly impressive. The pretty boy Mushu is an above average attractive man. You aren’t into that kind of thing, but if you had to rate looks he is probably more attractive than Florian. In fact, if it wasn’t for his muscles, with the long golden hair he might even be confused for a girl.

“You’ve always been like this!” Mulan shouts with a teary expression. “You’d sneak into my bed at night and you’d start touching me in strange places and doing this and that! I didn’t like it! That’s why I ran away!”

“Mushu is a tiny-pervert?”

“Guh!” Mushu reacts like he was struck in the gut. “That is… skinship! I wanted skinship. If Mulan wasn’t so cute I wouldn’t sneak in your bed every night! What’s wrong with that?”

“Incest is wrong!” Mulan shouts back.

“Wait… whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” You cry, “What the fuck you mean incest?”

It was the silver-haired dragon who looks exasperated and tired who responds. “It’s the unfortunate truth. Mushu and Mulan are siblings.”

“Listen here, fake dragon. Mulan is my beautiful and loving sister. Only I will have her!” Mushu declares.

Fa Zhou hits Mushu over the head with enough force that he face plants into the ground. A second later Mushu pulls his head out of the dirt and shoots you a glare like nothing happened.

“None of that matters now. I’ve already declared a fight to the death with this young man. No matter how much dragon you possess, you still claim ownership over my precious daughter. Our colony cannot afford to lose her. She’s my last normal child. I’d never be able to find someone to marry Mushu, so Mulan is my last chance to strengthen ties with another colony. With no proper heir, it’s the only way we’ll survive as a colony. Please prepare yourself.”

“Father, no!” Mulan cries before turning back to you. “Please, master, I beg you, if you love me even a little, don’t hurt father. I couldn’t bear to see him hurt. I know it’s an unreasonable request, but please don’t fight him.”

You take a few steps forward, patting Mulan’s head as you pass. “Don’t worry. I’ve already said it. Your mine, and today is your date. I will definitely fulfill your request, no matter how impossible it is.”

“S-so cool!” the words came from Mushu, who immediately covered his mouth and then gave you a hateful stare.

“Alright, old man. Mulan is mine. If you think you have the strength to take her, then test me.”

“I like the look in your eye young man.” Fa Zhou responds. “It’s a shame you weren’t born to our noble colony, decedents of the greatest dragon who ever lived. I might have even given you her hand myself. For that, I’ll end this quickly!”

Fa Zhou immediately dashes forward at a full speed which easily breaks the sound barrier. He arrives in front of you at a speed even the other dragons can’t see. They didn’t call him the dragon king for no reason. His fist flies at your face with enough speed that flames spark in the air. Of course, only you are fast enough to see the fist. Your hands instinctual go up to catch it.

However, after a brief glance at Mulan, looking on with worried eyes, you give a sigh and lower your hands. The fist strikes you in the chin with full strength. Soon, you find yourself flying into the side of the crater with a resounding boom.

“Huh?” the voice is Mulans.

The dragons are nodding as if this was a given conclusion. Only Mulan thought otherwise. It didn’t occur to her for a second, even knowing the absolute strength of her father, that he’d even move you a hair’s breadth. She had such absolute faith in your ability that her brain couldn’t process what just happened.

“It’s done.” Mushu says cockily. “Now, come over here Mulan so I can snuggle you properly!”

“Wait…” Fa Zhou stops Mushu from surging forward with a wariness that comes with age. “He… didn’t even attempt to block…”

The mini-crater on the side of the massive crater starts to crack and crumble, and a moment later you pop out. There is no blood or damage on your body, although you’re covered in a little bit more dirt than you were prior. You simply smile and shrug.

“Wh-wh-what is this?” Mushu takes a step back in surprise.

“Mulan told me not to fight.” You respond simply. “So, I won’t fight. I wonder how long you can keep up, old man.”

You raise a hand, gesturing your fingers to bait Fa Zhou. Fa Zhou watches you carefully with narrow eyes.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing.” The old man sighs. “I am truly sorry, my daughter, but it seems I will have to break your former lover. Goodbye, strange one.”

Fa Zhou comes at you again, faster than before, his fist burning with magic. You don’t lift a finger as the fist connects, creating a massive shockwave that engulfs the crater. It’s going to be a long day.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 129

If you’re wondering where I went this weekend, Saturday was my 10th year Anniversary, so no TOAE. I’m also published my second book this weekend. My first book will be free tomorrow until Saturday if you want to, you know, pick it up. Reading and reviewing it would do wonders for me. Please do so. Just don’t speak too enthusiastically in your review or amazon deletes it and says you must be my relative or something.

Also, it’s getting dangerously close to me finishing my doctorate. I’m looking for a job and so release times are probably going to suffer while I dedicate more time to writing papers and dissertations, so sorry, career first. I might even need to go on a month vacation from the sight while I write it. That’ll be in Fall of 2018. I’ll let you know when it happens.

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You pat off your naked behind as you stand up and look around. “Huh, it looks like we landed on a mountain.”

“It’s not a mountain anymore…” Mulan responds with a tight smile.

She isn’t wrong. The pair of you are in the center of a crater about a kilometer wide. There are traces of the mountain, but the impact has scattered the majority of the mountain and you now sit in a volcano-like divot created by your skyfall.

“Wait… I know this mountain.” Mulan’s eyes start to hold a look of worry.

“Huh? You recognize crater mountain?”

“Well, it wasn’t crater mountain before!” Mulan insists, covering herself up the best she can despite the lack of clothing for either of you. “Wait… we need to go! Master! We have to go now!”


Mulan seems to turn very agitated, grabbing at your arm and pulling while you stand there dumfounded. “Please, master!”

Before you can respond, there is a loud roar that nearly shakes the ground. A moment later, more roars answer, and within seconds you hear a cacophony of monster sounds around you. You look around but don’t see any monsters.

“Those sounds are familiar…”

“It’s too late, they’re here!” Mulan cries out, pointing up into the sky.

You look up in the direction she’s pointing, and that’s when you see emerging from the sky, dozens of dragons that are circling overhead. They start descending upon you. You merely stand there, naked, watching curiously. Mulan seems to cower more and more behind you the closer they get.

Finally, the dragons land in a circle around you. They don’t appear hostile necessarily. It is more like they are trying to put on a show of intimidation. While it’s true they are powerful, you check their stats and make sure yours are better. Suffice it to say, you’re confident you can take them. Just in case, you ready the insta-death dragon spell you made the first day you got there too, the one that killed Mulan.

“They’re dragons?” One of the dragons roar.

“This one… could she be? Mulan?” a silver dragon asks.

With those words, Mulan hides even farther behind you. Several other dragons make surprised exclamations as they talk excitedly among themselves. Mulan’s name comes up more than a few times.

“Hey!” You say casually. “How are you guys on this fine morning?”

You opt for pleasantries.

“You… strange dragon. We heard the sounds. You have taken this young dragon as your mate. That was a mistake, you will die!” A golden dragon shouts.

So much for pleasantries. “Excuse me, why is who I chose for my mate your problem?”

The dragon’s all look at each other, and then in a flash they all turn into human-like forms, landing on the ground softly. The whirling wind immediately dies down. You give a noise of surprise. So, dragons can turn into humans? The one who appears in charge is an older man with a beard. He had been the silver dragon. There also appears to be a cocky young man standing next to him with golden hair. He came from the golden dragon. He took a step forward, but the silver one stopped him by holding up a hand.

“You must be a rogue dragon. It’s rare to find a dragon that isn’t part of a colony. If you had been, you’d have known it is considered taboo to bredlock a dragon from another colony without expressed permission. This young dragon here appears to be one of ours. She is still quite young. Since she had gained the ability to hold a human form, she must have matured early, but she is still belongs to this colony.”

You give a tight smile as you look back at Mulan, who continues to shrink back and lower her head. So, normal dragons could appear in human form when they were adults. Mulan is officially an adult. You certainly didn’t push her into premature adulthood when you resurrected her from the dead. That’s just crazy talk. A-D-U-L-T… confirmed.

“A bredlock… that is to say that because I’m Mulan’s first, we are bound together, yes?” You clarify.

The golden-haired man became angrier while many of the other younger looking dragons winced. However, the old silver-haired bearded elder merely nodded.

“While it is true that you have bredlocked Mulan, this sort of thing can be broken.”

“Oh?” You aren’t terribly interested in the conversation, but you decide to humor him, since he’s been politer than the other dragons shooting you angry looks.

“A dragon can challenge and defeat you from Mulan’s colony. If you win, we forfeit the right to Mulan. If we when, you forfeit the right.”

“Well that doesn’t sound so bad.”

“The battle is to the death.”


“It’ll be me who kills you, bastard!” The goldhaired man stepped forward.

“Mushu! Enough!”

“But Mulan was to be mine. It was all but decided.”

Mulan put a look of disgust on her face when the one named Mushu stepped forward. It was clear that she didn’t like the guy. If you had to guess, he was likely the reason she ran away in the first place.

“It was not decided, Mushu, do not get ahead of yourself.” The silver hair man shot a tired and exasperated look. “It will be me who performs this fight.”

“No!” Mulan said the first words since the dragon had spoken. “You mustn’t!”

“You have done this to yourself, my dear. Running away. Giving yourself to a rogue. You have much to atone for young lady.”

“Hmph.” Mushu shrugged. “I guess you’ll die anyway. Prepare to face the wrath of the dragon they call the Dragon King!”

Mulan turned back to you, tears in her eyes. Was she really so worried? This dragon king guy could hardly be that powerful.

“It’s alright, Mulan.” You give her a smile. “I’ll just kill him and then we can go home.”

Rather than looking relieved, her eyes swell up even more. “Please! No. Master, you can’t kill him?”

“Master?” There was a rumble of unhappy murmuring amongst the dragons at the word master.

You look from the crying Mulan to the silver-haired man questioningly. “What did I miss?”

“Ah? I guess we haven’t been properly introduced. Since we are about to fight to the death, we might as well exchange names. I am the Dragon King Fa Zhou. You can also call me, Mulan’s father.”

“Ah…” That’s problematic.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 128

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“If you wish to keep up master, you’ll have to go faster than that!” The red dragon Mulan roars.

“Is that so?” You ask calmly.

“In front!” Mulan stops as a giant massive black dragon blocks her way.

Immediately, she turns and starts flying to the right.

“You’re still running?”

“I’m not done yet, master!” Mulan roars. “If I was defeated so easily then my pride as a dragon would be shattered!”

“Hi, again.” You appear in front of her again.

“Agh! Master, you won’t even give me the slightest bit of pride!” Mulan roars, but this time a giant fireball flies from her mouth.

You dodge the fireball with ease, but Mulan has already taken off in the opposite direction. You look up into the sky. The sky is covered in dark ominous looking clouds. You don’t know if Mulan is heading into the human territories or the demon territories, but it is clear that you are no longer in Riun. An idea crosses your mind, and you give a little smirk.

“Mulan! Don’t you like shiny things?”

“Gah… master, don’t think you can bribe this dragon into sex! A dragon’s relationship with their mate is dependent on their first mating. The better the fight, the more power the woman has in the relationship. There are even some women who defeated the man during mating and were the dominant in the relationship. If I were to casually give in and let you have me for baubles, that would define you as my absolute master and I would be a servant!”

“Isn’t that already the case?”

“T-that is that and this is this! That’s a matter of humans and human forms, this is dragons!”

“So, even though I’m your master as a human, you think you can be my equal as dragons?”

“I’d never be so vain! Even if I resist just a little, I’d like to at least reach the level of the rest of your harem!”

“Oh, Mulan.” You shake your head. “You already are!”

You once again appear in front of Mulan’s eyes faster that she can flap her dragon wings. Her claws come out to slash at you, you catch her arms with one of your claws, and then fold the other into a fist. Giving one hard punch in the stomach, Mulan’s eyes go wide and she starts to lose cohesion.

“I… no…” She tries to resist, the red dragon being too strong a being to be taken out with a single punch.

However, you don’t wait. Instead, you grab both of her arms and flap your wings.

“Ah! What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

“Up!” You declare.

“Up? Up! The highest a dragon has ever flown barely reached the noctilucent clouds! How far up!”


“Haaaah! No, where are you talking this great one? I’m not going!”

“Up, up!”

“You…! We’ll die! Even dragons freeze to death!”

“Then hold on!” You grab onto Mulan tighter in your massive dragon arms, her scaly form seeming just as small in this form as her human form.

“I won’t. Let me go! Let me-“ The clouds break away and the pair of you plow into the darkness. “Shiny…”

Her voice is taken away breathlessly. Of course, you usd some magic to give you guy’s air , pressure, and a decent temperature, but otherwise you just broke out of the atmosphere. The sky has turned blacker than it ever has before. Brilliant stars shine across the sky, crisper, clearer, and brighter than they ever appeared with light scattering across the atmosphere.

“It’s beautiful…” Mulan whispered lightly.

“Mm…” You nod as the female dragon rubs up affectionately against you, a massive planet below, and starry night above.

That’s when you feel some hard thing pressed between your legs and Mulan’s midriff. You look down and nod impressively. It is quite large indeed. It’s a massive sharp think with a strong curve that is pushing out in front of you. You immediately look for the appropriate part on Mulan, which appears as a pulsating green hole with yellow on the inside. That seems to be the one. You lift Mulan’s leg as she barely seems to even notice, staring wide-eyed at the starry sky.

“It’s in!” You say as the massive thing that looks more like a scythe than a penis goes into her remarkably well.

The feeling transmitted immediately made you gasp. First off, your penis could slide much deeper into her than in any other woman except maybe the artificial Cinderella. The lock and key anatomy of the dragon allowed you to pierce her in a way that went deep into her belly. It felt incredibly warm, like hot magma pulsing around your penis.

Mulan let’s out a roar, and you do as well. That when you bodies start falling back down from the sky. Your penis rocks in and out of Mulan, piercing her insides. Each time you thrust into her, you can feel a hot squishy feeling that causes waves of pleasure to run up and down your body. Your bodies are falling faster and faster. It’s starting to get hot. You wrap your wings around both of you. This puts the pair of you in a cocoon of darkness.

As fire erupts from the very air as you hit the atmosphere at maximum velocity, you use magic to the point you don’t feel any of it. instead, you focus on the inside of the cocoon. The only thing you can feel is the hot, muggy air inside of your wings. There was no kissing. No touching. No gentle hand holding. No writhing. It was just pure, animalistic thrusting.

Her heavy dragon breaths emit hot flames that can melt steal. Your rugged roars can shake mountains. Your talon like legs are wrapped around her, grabbing onto her back, the nails clinging to her scales with enough force to hold her in place. Her entire body is trapped in your embrace. She is literally a prisoner of your cocoon. The thrusting grows faster and faster. Your cock pierces her, over and over again. It isn’t the sounds of balls slapping or wet juices spewing. It is some rawer, something grittier.

It is pure animal fucking. You pound away at Mulan, your dick piercing her over and over, filling up her insides, taking her warmth and adding to it. Mulan says nothing. You say nothing. There are no words to be had. There are no words needed. It is just about the fucking. You don’t think about whether she cums or not. You don’t even know if cumming is the right word for dragon. You roar into her face, and she roar back into yours, and the pair of you are one.

The speed just keeps increasing and increasing, your hips moving faster than a human could possibly manage, her hole taking your thrusts harder than a woman’s pussy could take.

Your bodies strike the ground just when you reach your limit, you don’t give any warnings. She doesn’t need warnings. This is raw free of politeness. It is lust and desire and satisfaction. You are taking her, and she is taking it. Your wings exploded open, letting light in for the first time since you had started mating. You inject yourself deep inside of Mulan. As you do so, you let out a massive roar that shook the world and could be heard hundreds of miles away. Your hands are pressing down on Mulan’s shoulder, pinning the smaller dragon to the ground, and as you roared, you thrust one last time into her as deeply as possible.

When it is done, you suddenly find yourself shrinking. At first you grow worried that you are going to shrink on top of a startled dragon Mulan. However, she is shrinking as well. Both of you grow smaller and smaller, your face changing and morphing. Your dick, still deep inside Mulan, shrinks and morphs with her pussy. Within a minute, you are no longer a giant dragon pushing a smaller dragon down, but a man with his arms on a tiny girl’s shoulders, pushing her to the ground as he shoves his dick deep inside her.

For second, worry shoots through you as your fear you overdid it. But then a smile explodes on Mulan’s face. It’s a smile that rarely ever appears. Something genuine and pure and full of happiness.

“Master!” Mulan says so brightly it nearly causes you to jump.


“I love you! For now and forever! Even if I’m just your servant dragon…” she looks down with a sad look. “but that’s enough for me…”

You grab her chin and pull it back until she looks at you. “Mulan… you will never just be my servant. You’re my girl, dragon and woman, every part of you is mine.”



The pair of you embrace in a kiss, and the mating starts anew.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 127

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“Alright, so what are we going to do today, Mulan?”

“I’ve thought about this very carefully master,” Mulan blushed, her hand touching the red and black collar around her neck with ruby jewel embedded in the center.

After you realized the collars were going to go to more than just the pets of the family, you decided to up the game a bit and make slightly nicer collars for everyone who isn’t Tiana.

“And? What is it you’d like to do today?”

“I’d… like to go flying, with master.”

“Flying? Like, you want fly around the city holding hands like some kind of Superman Lois Lane thing?

“Actually, I was wondering if… if you could fly… side by side with me… while I’m a dragon.”

“Ah… well, I guess I can do that much.”

The pair of you head out to the front yard of the mansion where the eunuch gardener is busy at work planting flowers and doing things you could have easily accomplished with a wave of your hand. Well, your laziness creates jobs, so it’s okay.

However, even he lets out a cry and falls on his butt with his mouth open as Mulan explodes into her dragon form.

“H-have you gotten a little larger?” You ask honestly.

Mulan’s dragon form seems quite a bit larger than she was when you picked her up all those months ago. The dragon seems to wear a pleased look on its face as it shows you its massive wings.

“Yes, master, I’m growing up nicely.”

“It’s too bad all the growth is in her dragon form and I’m seeing nothing where it counts.” You make a gesture around the chest.

“Huh! I didn’t hear that, didn’t master just say something really mean!” even as a pseudo-invincible demi-god, the sight of a massive red dragon rearing up on you is a lot to handle.

“N-n-not at all! Mulan is perfect the way she is!” You respond defensively.

Mulan backs away and gives another pleased look.

“Well, well, well… let’s see, I’ve never done it before, so let’s see how it works out.” You mutter to yourself while Mulan cocks her head.

You cast the spell, and instantly your body explodes into another massive form. Rather than red, your scales seem to be as black as night. You’re easily twice the size of Mulan. You don’t know if that’s because you’re older than her or what. You just made the spell turn you into a dragon, you really didn’t have any preconceptions.

“Oh, wow!” Mulan stamps her feet excitedly, “Masters a dragon, masters a dragon! I knew master was truly great!”

“Ha! Well, how do I look!”

“Master is a strong and powerful dragon. Way cooler than Mushu!”

“Wait… who the fuck is Mushu?”

“Ah! That was a lifetime ago, before Mulan died! Master doesn’t need to hear about Mushu!”


“A-actually, now that Mulan’s sees how powerful and mighty Master is, Mulan is becoming very turned on!”

“You’re side stepping!”

“Never mind that!” Mulan took off with her wings taking into the air. “Th-this lowly dragon wants master to show her how strong he is!”

“Here? Now! Like this? What do you think this is, Pern?”

Mulan nodded excitedly, showing more willfulness than you’d seen on her since the first day you took her.

“Master, it is customary in dragon courtship for the female to run and escape. A male dragon must show his strength by catching and mounting her against her will!”

“Isn’t that like the time we first met?”

“That’s why master is master! But this is different, it’s different! I want master to mate with me so I’ll fight back extra hard. Come catch me!”

“Isn’t that counter intuitive?” You demand.

Mulan ignores your question and explodes into flight. There are distant shouts as people see a dragon flying up over the town. However, she is moving seriously fast. She has every intention of going through with it. Well, it is her day.

“Force her and show her my power, huh?” You muse over the situation.

Well, time to go! You burst into flight and begin the hunt.

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P.S. You guys want a dragon sex scene or not?

The Power of Creation – Chapter 126

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“Seriously!?” You declare as a large grouping of women greet you in the morning. “Why are you all here?”

“The union has a demand to officially make!” Meg responds proudly, putting out a thumb and pointing it at herself.

“A union?”

“Yup! The Harem Union Organization! The HUO is a place where we can guarantee more sex, more attention from you, and more gifts by working together for a peaceful and harmonious at-home lifestyle!”

“More sex? Isn’t it my decision who I want to fuck?” You say back.

“Not after the girls vote for proposition 69, then when you fuck one of us, and you have to fuck all of us!”

“My harem is seriously unionizing?”

Grimhilde and Aurora grab Megara who is fronting excitedly and drags her back behind the group despite her protests. Grimhilde returns and tries to give a flirtatious smile like you didn’t just hear something potentially troublesome.

“That’s still in voting. Nothing my love needs to worry about. She’s been spreading those poisonous ideas to some of the more impressionable girls like Tiana, Jasmine, and Kida.”

“Aren’t they just the harem members I don’t fuck a lot? It’s not that I don’t want to enjoy my extended harem but I can’t always get to everyone! I only have one penis!”

Grimhilde smiles wryly while scratching her cheek. “That’s why they say that a union is important so that it can organize and every girl receives equal dick for an equal clit.”

“That barely makes sense!”

“Hey! I’m not for the union. A lot of the girls in leadership positions aren’t comfortable with this strange new idea called union. It seems to counter our power as nobles.”

“Freaking girl from another world causing troubles…”

Perhaps you are letting the girls run around too freely. If they are having time to unionize, they might have time for other things. Soon they’ll start a feminist movement. Wait, didn’t she say they are voting! Women voting? Oh, Pun, soon they are going to be burning their bras and thinking they have the rights of real people!

“Anyway, the girls noticed the necklace you gave Tiana and they’ve all become jealous.” Grimhilde continued. “According to Elena, you even got one for Rapunzel!”

“What! Are you talking about the collars? Wait, who’s Rapunzel?”

“Ah, right, Rapunzel is the name Elena gave the squirrel girl that you brought home with you. I have to say, my love has some odd tastes…”

“Of course, it’d be Rapunzel.” You slap your hand over your face and sigh. “So, you girl’s seriously want collars?”

“We all thought it might be a good idea. People in town are starting to know the girls in your harem are no touch, but after you made everyone hot, some guys don’t know who’s in the harem and who isn’t. If all the girls had some kind of identification, then we’d all feel like we belong to you just a little bit more, don’t you think?”

“I-is that so?” You look at a bunch of eager eyes who nod excitedly as they all look at you adoringly.

“Yes, my love! You’ve even managed to tame me, the wild and voluptuous demon queen. It should only be natural that you claim your prize with a label.”

“Weren’t you rather easy to tame though?”

“My love… saying things like that hurts my pride a little.”

“Your sister put up a much bigger fight…”

“On that note, she’s still trying to escape the mansion. You seem to have put a spell on her that makes her have to pee uncontrollably when she tries to leave the house so she always ends up running back into the bathroom.”

“Hehehe…” You chuckle at the thought of Maleficent’s tiny body fidgeting as she races back to the toilet on her tippytoes. “Although, the collar idea isn’t a bad one. I could install it with magic so I could locate you guys whenever I want.”

“Surveillance?  My love… that’s hardly…”

“And of course, a light shocking ability for quick punishments…”

“Suddenly, the collar idea is sounding like a poor one…”

“Alright! It’s decided!” You say a little louder so all of the girls can hear. “I’ll get you each a custom-made collar from me to you!”


“Did you hear that, baby, Daddy is going to give mommy some jewelry.” Merida says while rubbing her stomach and blushing.

“And none of this would have been possible without unions!” Megara declares.

“Is-is that so?” Kida asks stiffly. “Can you truly guarantee that rookie and I can have sex while I’m actually awake?”

“Absolutely! Once the union is in place, we can force my childhood friend to sign a legal document guaranteeing that you must be awake and also that it takes place in your vagina. I see you over there eying us, Snow White. Butt sore? Join the union today and guarantee some sweet pussy sex!”

Snow White snorts and turns her head away. “Who said I’d want to have sex with the warrior anyway… even though I am still unbroken…”

“You can finally stop all those mean rumors like them calling you Snow Brown who can only take it in the ass!”

Snow White turns back with a flash. “Who calls me Snow Brown! Who? I’ll stab them with my sword until they’re dead!”

“I wonder?” Megara responds vaguely while ducking the raging Snow White.

As you hear some troubling words, you realize you’re going have to deal with this union problem eventually. However, first you need to make some collars!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 125

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“Sir…” A pretty waitress with large breasts puts your food down in front of you. “And… um… for the misses?”

She looks figity, twisting her feet uncomfortably in front of you. You give her a clear nod.

“Do it.”

“Ah! Yes! Okay…” The waitress puts a bowl down on the floor.

The bowl contains a salad with dressing, but the bowl holding it is undoubtedly a bowl designed with a wide base so that it can’t easily be tipped over. Essentially, it’s a dog bowl.

“Ah? My Food?” The flustered Tiana asks.

The distressed waitress looks at you as you nod again before she looks back at Tiana “Bitches eat on the floor.”

Ah!” Tiana’s eyes go down. “I – I see…”

The waitress mouths “I’m sorry” as she immediately flees from the scene, joining several other nosy busybodies watching the current date between you and Tiana. You had just handed Tiana the necklace, and she is still clutching it in her hands. Her hands tighten on the collar until they are nearly red. Her entire body is shaking. That should do it, you finally pushed her to the limit. She’ll explode on you, you’ll punish her, and then things can reach some semblance of normalcy.


The silence seems to be going on longer than expected. You just want to put her in her place. She’s okay, isn’t she? You look closer, even though her eyes seem to be covered in shadows, you suddenly notice a single tear falling down her cheek. You really didn’t intend to go so far! You mean, you intended to break her, but it is difficult to deal with crying women when that crying isn’t directly caused by your penis.

“D-do you really think I’m some kind of… dog?” her voice is low and unsteady, but she gives nothing away as to how she is feeling so you still aren’t sure exactly what you should do.

“O-o-of course! I mean, technically I had the collar made for Elena’s pet squirrel, but I figured while he was making that one he should make you a collar too!”

“Y-ou… didn’t even make it for me.” Tiana’s head lowers and her shoulders shake.

Ah! Breaking people is truely troublesome. You should just use a spell and make it go away. A single spell and she’ll forget this entire night!

“Hehehehehhehehahahahahah!” Tiana suddenly starts laughing.

“What! Oh, man, I made you lose it didn’t I? You’re not going Yandere like Ariel, are you!?Why am I so unlucky to keep falling for Yandere! It certainly couldn’t be my fault in the slightest!”

“Hahaha! You really think that, right, really?” She asks excitedly, her eyes slightly out of sync and she leaps across the table and grabs you.

“Ah! Oh, Pun, she’s going to stab me! What, think what, stop shaking me!”

“That I’m like Ariel?”

“Huh?” You ask in confusion.

“You said it! You called me a bitch. Ariel’s your top bitch, so you think of me as one of your bitches. To think that a simple commoner would pronounce his undying love and loyalty for me!”


“You’ve finally accepted me. Of course, I know Ariel’s the best and you could never love me as much as her, but even a small amount of your love is enough.”

“Why do I get a sense we’re not on the same page here!”

“I understand what commoner is saying! You see me like you see Ariel! Since she’s a princess, then you see me as a princess too! You see me as a noble!”

“That’s where this was going?”

“Oh, commoner, you’ve made me the happiest bitch on the planet! Mount me! Mount your bitch over this very table! Fuck me like you fuck your noble girls!”

She swipes the plates of the table and bends over on it.

“Uh… okay.”

Well, this is fine too, isn’t it?

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

“Woof! Woof!”

“Sir, can you perhaps not plow your bitch in the middle of our restaurant?”

“Shut up, I’m almost finished!” You snap before turning back and slapping an ass covered in red handprints. “Bark, bitch, bark for your cock!”

“Woof! Woof!”

“Very good, sir…” The Maître D’ immediately turns around and walks briskly away with a fluster.

Tiana is now wearing her collar and leash, which you are holding tightly as you thrust into her, bounding her from behind. Her elf ears look strangely like doberman dog ears right now. That’s probably a coincidence.

“I’m going to cum!” You shout.


As you come into Tiana, she gives a howling noise. This really wasn’t how you were planning this night to go, but this is okay too, right?

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 21

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My fingers ran across the wall of my room. It didn’t feel right. I lived in a traditional home with dry wall and insulation. The walls felt too cold, too bumpy. My eyes wanted to tell me my hands were resting on dry wall, but the feelings under my fingertips fought the lie. It was rough stone, I knew it.

On that note, I opened the window to my room, and found that screen couldn’t be removed no matter how hard I tried. When I pressed against it with enough force, it stopped against a solid surface as well. I sighed and stepped back. I was stuck here, within an illusion of my own home.

“I should have picked the True Sight.” I muttered under my breath.

I had been so convinced that I was stuck in a dream. It never occurred to me that it was all an illusion. They were dream demons after all. What did illusions have anything to do with that fact. Was it some kind of ironic name, the demons tried to fulfill your dreams so call them dream demons? I wish the books would have just spelled out that fact!

I never got a skill for no reason. The experience I gained while leveling and the behavior I exhibited while I gained that experience altered what skills I’d be offered. However, it was difficult to remember exactly what little actions would dictate what skills came through. Still, I should have been cautious when I saw something related to illusions. I hadn’t experienced an illusion before that I knew, so I should have asked myself why it appeared.

To sum it up, I was trapped here, and it was all my fault. No, I would be trapped in here whether it was an illusion or not. The fact that I could see and feel my nostalgic house could even be called a blessing. It was far more comfortable than any potential cell I was lying in. However, I accepted it wasn’t real.

Was that even a bed I was lying on? Or was it just a stack of hay? As soon as I thought it, suddenly the comfortable bed I had been lying in felt a little itchy. I went to the bathroom. Was there really a toilet here, or at the least some kind of commode? For all I knew, I was just peeing on the floor.

Distance seemed to be manipulated as well. I was pretty sure I was in a single-story jail. My mind must have made up the feeling of going up and down a stairway. Depending on how big the cell was, I could be peeing and then sleeping where I pee. It was an incredibly unsettling thought that only started to make me feel even dirtier.

Therefore, I decided to brave a shower. At least, I’d be standing. The water felt real as it ran down my face, but there was something off about it. I didn’t truly feel clean by the time I had managed to pull myself out of the shower. That could describe the feeling of everything here. I felt incomplete. Everything felt off. I used the new and improved immaculate to clean my body. At the very least, I wouldn’t grow dirty in this cage. At the very least, I could trust my own body. I could… couldn’t I?

I slammed my fist against the wall. Instead of making the thud of a semi-hollow modern wall, it made a lighter thump against rock. It was harder too, and the pain immediately began to pulsate through my hnad.

“Shit!” I cursed as loud as I could, rubbing my hand.

“H-ello…” a voice came out that was dull and distant.

I spun around, looking around for the source of the voice. “Yeah?”

“A-are you-“ I couldn’t make out the rest of the sentence.

I narrowed in to find the sound was coming from the wall. More specifically, there was a voice coming from the outside of the wall of my second story room. Of course, this wasn’t my home. I was in a cell. If that was the case, then this person must be my cell neighbor.

“I’m here! I’m Aria. I-I’m in the cell next to you!”

“You are? You’re truly there? I’m not dreaming?”

The voice seemed to have grown a little stronger, and I could now tell that she was distinctly a female. It wasn’t Min though, although part of me wasn’t surprised by that fact.

“You’re not dreaming, I’m really here! They… um… they just imprisoned me.”

“You… can fight their illusions too?” The voice asked.

“Ah… no, actually…” I scratched my cheek and grimaced once again while thinking about the mistake I had made. “Actually, from my point of view, I’m still in my house. I sort of thought this was all a dream, but when I tried to take charge, I realized things weren’t going my way.”

“You can control dreams?” The woman asked. “I see… so that’s how. My name… is Ava”

“That’s how?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

“Th-the cambions… those monsters. Their magic works in two ways. Dreams to trap you and hallucinations to trick you. They need you to be… awake… to do what they do to you…”

Things were starting to click into place. So, in a way, my dream skills were causing a problem. Illusions could only work so far. I had quickly begun to realize I was in an illusion as soon as things didn’t start to add up. However, if I tied illusions with dreams, leaving someone in a half-asleep state, I could get over issues like the location. Someone who could never leave their house might start to ask questions, but add dreams to that and you could lead people around. They’d think they are living their lives, while they’re really only coherent and awake when the demons are seducing them directly.

“So… I take it you’re the opposite of me then? You can see through their illusions?”

There was a long silence to the point you thought something happened before she responded. “Yes… the things I’ve seen… perhaps you’re the lucky one?”

“Lucky? I can’t even tell what’s real. Are we even sleeping on beds? I’m terrified even to use the restroom because I’m afraid I’ll be stepping in it!”

There was a forced chuckle on the other end, and I forced one out as well. It wasn’t laughter that came from true amusement, but it was something we both needed in this scary and dark situation. The laughter ended quickly and the silence returned. I still left my ear pressed against the wall, terrified to end the conversation and the connection the pair of us had created.

“They are… the beds I mean. They are beds.” The voice suddenly spoke up. “And we have… commodes. They clean them, while we’re asleep.”

“What about showers?” I asked excitedly, suddenly feeling relieved.

“Showers? I don’t know what that is.”

“Ah, I mean… a wash basin, I guess.” I winced, once again realizing that despite the illusion around me, this was still another world.

“Yeah… those bastards… they at least don’t want us filthy as they violate us.” You could hear some of the bitterness in her voice, but you didn’t have an answer for her.

I was already broken by a list of strange skills. Sex had ceased to be something that was put on some kind of pedestal. It had simply become an action. There was nothing special or magical about it. Thus, even the concept of rape started to become an abstract idea. Being forced to do something against your will was never a good thing, but I lacked the capacity to glorify sex. I was already being imprisoned against my will. My freedom was being restricted. Choosing a sexual partner or no longer having sex on my terms was no more terrifying than no longer being able to go outside on my terms. Being raped was no different to me than being imprisoned.

As a result, I found myself horribly inept at offering comfort and empathy with the woman on the other side of the wall, who had begun to weep. She had likely been at the mercy of the cambions far longer than I had. They had come into her cell and forced themselves on her. Ava began to talk about her experience. She had been abducted when she had gotten lost on some kind of an expedition. She had been there for two months. As I listened to Ava tell her story in between sobs, she explained how they tried to come for her in her dreams. They would lie, trick, and manipulate her.

The first few times, she fell for it easily, but when the moment of harvesting began, they had to wake her, and she would see them and start to fight. However, she was powerless to resist them. It was no wonder she had begun to see the people here as monsters. Her voice was filled with disgust and revolution. I guess even people as attractive as the cambions would be seen with disgust at the acts they performed.

That’s when I came to a horrifying revelation. Even as she gave the details with a voice laced in disgust, I couldn’t feel the same disgust in my heart. The man who had entered my cage I had given myself to willingly. He had been gentle and kind. I had come to this location in the first place to try to learn from them because I saw a comradery in our abilities. I used sex as a means of survival. I had manipulated. I had lied. I had even killed. The cambion’s were a race of demons or demi-humans that literally needed sex to survive. They had done nothing I hadn’t done myself.

Yet, because it was sex, the cambions were treated like monsters, even by their demon brothers. They were feared and hated while others like the vampires who sucked blood were excused. Even humans lived by killing and eating the flesh of other living beings. That could hardly be called a good thing, and yet no one found humans to be evil. Yet sex… that was the limit. That was the point that seemed to break all people, humans, demons, and demi-humans alike.

Rape was such a hated thing in this world that the humans intrinsically hated the demons, who were created by profane human/monster copulations through rape. The demons, in turn, hated the cambions… at least enough that they had banished them to the edges of their territory and spoke of them as scary stories.

Would they come to hate me in the same way?

The event in the village had come to mind. I slept around with a few men, and the village was ready to burn me at the stake. My powers weren’t respected. They weren’t revered. They were feared. The humans hated me, and it wasn’t likely that the demons would like me anymore.

No, rather, I remembered the face of that Kappa as he killed himself just so that I didn’t gain a little bit of control. He hated the idea of loving me, or me forcing him to feel something unnaturally, so much that he’d rather die. At the time, I had been too shocked to truly process it. But now, I couldn’t stop thinking about the scene over and over again.

I had wanted control, but I lived in a violent and wild world that refused that control. It hated that control. My lies, my manipulation, the love I could give… this was a world that rejected it completely. It rejected me completely. I was just like these cambions. Another monster to the people of this world.

“A-are you still there?” the voice asked nervously through the wall.

Would this woman hate me too if she knew? Probably… I thought bitterly.

She had finally drifted off from her story as I had stayed quiet.

“Yeah…” I responded, having to rework the moisture in my mouth with my tongue.

“The cambions, they’re fake. Don’t believe a thing they say.” She said, her voice trembling.

I turned away, shaking my head. Rather than coming away from the conversation feeling pity for her and hatred for the cambions as one might expect, my emotions were much more complex.

The doorbell rang. I stood up and walked down the stairs, opening the front door. He was standing there, the man I had enjoyed the previous morning with, if it happened to be morning when I had woken up. I realized I didn’t hate this man, and I wasn’t afraid of him in the slightest.

“C-can I come in?” He asked, still seeming nervous, even though the gig was up around his motives and identity.

I grabbed the man and pull him in. Remarkably, there appeared to be no bars blocking us. Perhaps he had already gotten into my cell before ringing the bell. I didn’t really know the linguistics of this illusion. I also didn’t care.

“Aria, I…”

I pulled him towards me and immediately kissed him on the lips, pulling his warm body against mine as I hugged him tightly.

I never should have come to this world. My presence was a mistake, of that I’m sure. However, the cambions, these so-called monsters, they were like me. Who cared if they lied, manipulated, and cheated. So did humans. These guys just happened to focus more on sex. So, did I. Even in this cell, a realization started to come over me. These people… they were my people.

Even if this life was an illusion, even if this world was a lie, it was better than reality.

I pulled my lips away from his as he gasped for breath. “I’m home.”

The man had a confused look on his face, but he still smiled wryly and responded. “Welcome home.”

I took him to my bed and we collapsed in each other’s arms.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 124

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“So, Mulan, you ready for your date?”

“As much as this great dragon would love to spend some time with Master, are you perhaps not skipping a person on the list?”

“Huh? No… I’m following the list to a T. Merida, Cinderella, Aurora, Elena, Jasmine, then some piece of trash is written here we’ll ignore, Mulan followed by Pocahontas.”

“It’s that one, the piece of trash one…”

“Hah, Hah, Hah.”

“Huh? What? That’s just a smudge.”

“I’m standing right here, commoner, but it seems clear you have to continue to be cruel to me.” Tiana whines, although even as she whines her face is flushed and she’s breathing hard.

“You can’t be cruel to a pile of shit, right? Shit is just shit. Until you step on it. Then you wipe it off on the curb by scrapping the bottom of your shoe on the edge and…”

“Please… I can’t take those disgusted eyes any longer, commoner!” Tiana is shivering, but she has a smile on her face.

“Master, may I ask a question.” Mulan is wearing a complicated face.

“Yes, my sweet dumpling, what is it?” You ask gently, patting her head.

“Is the difference in master’s treatment between harem members perhaps a little too extreme?”

“What are you talking about? I like to think I treat you, Ariel, Aurora, Merida, and the rest of the harem who matter with even care and consideration.”

“That’s just it! What about the harem who doesn’t matter?” Mulan declares.

“You said it…”

“I’m still here, hah, hah, hah… this play is too extreme.” Tiana is on all fours with a disgusting look on her face as she pants.

“Fine. What does… Tiana… want?” You ask deliberately, glaring down at the girl.

“Me? Commoner is asking me what I’d like?” Tiana immediately bounces back to her feet, her nose back in the air as if she wasn’t just panting on the floor.

You sigh. “Yes… you, what is it that you want?”

“I want to go out to dinner and the theatre. Even a commoner should be able to afford that much.”

With your fist clinched, you resist the urge to lay out a woman. Of course, Tiana’s snooty behavior initially put you off, so you decided to treat her badly. Then, she developed that bad personality unexpectedly. Thus, you had decided to escalate the abusive treatment. If you ignored and neglected her enough, she’d eventually crack, go crying to Sebastian, and then you could work on setting her straight.

However, she never cracked. Rather, she remained just as snooty as the first day you met her, and rather than being dejected by you treating her like garbage, she’s managed to turn it into some kind of sexual game.  Ignoring her and treating her like trash didn’t seem to be working.

Thus, perhaps a new strategy is in order? You’d treat Tiana exactly how she deserved to be treated.

So, you found yourself on a date at a restaurant. You took her to a nice place. Nothing is too good for Tiana! That way, when you crush her, it’ll be all the more merciless. Speaking of which…

“I got something for you.” You say, casually pulling out a small wrapped present.

Tiana’s eyes widen as she eagerly opens up her present. What she ends up pulling out is a leather belt. However, the belt was far too small to fit around her waist. It also had a tag on it with her name, Tiana, spelled in gold letters.

“Th-th-this is…”

“Ah, it’s a dog collar.”

“Wh-wh-wha-“ Tiana looks up at you with tears in her eyes.

You put a leash down on the table. “A pet shouldn’t be allowed out of the house without a collar and leash. It’s the new law in Riun.”

What? This is perfectly fair treatment!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 123

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“Ooo, can I get this? And this? And this?” Jasmine is running around in a summer dress, picking out various shopping items.

You are now carrying all the items she wants, many of which seem to be various things for the kitchen.

“Isn’t this Sebastian’s job?” You grumble through the pile of stuff now covering your vision.

“Isn’t it nicer to do this with Savior?” Jasmine asks, peaking up at you from a crack in the stuff you’re holding and wearing a golden smile as she twirls in the dress.

It’s very cute, and your heart throbs at her innocent like display of happiness.  After you buy the stuff it disappears into a storage ring immediately and you pat off your hands and sigh. You continue to watch Jasmine run around, looking at things excitedly and pointing. Jasmine’s wish seems to be one of the simplest. She wants to walk around town and buy a couple goods, just as she had said she did when this whole dating thing started.

Of course, for Jasmine, who had been bedridden and poor for most of her life, even being able to walk down the street could be called a miracle. Add to that the money to afford anything she wants, and this shopping day was one of the most exciting things she ever got to do. She is an attractive catgirl, who in six years, would be a very respectable woman much like her older sister. Right now, her charm factor is undeniable, as everyone who looks at her can’t help but smile. Suddenly, she comes running back up to you and tugs on your shirt.

“The creepy woman is doing it again.”

“Just ignore her.” You say as a strangely attractive woman walks up to you while sporting a clearly fake mustache.

“Ho, ho, ho… little girl, you don’t need to be frightened of me. Is this sexual deviant bothering you?”

“You’re bothering me!” Jasmine cries, half hiding behind you. “She just called you a sexual deviant, are you going to take that?”

“I apologize for nothing.”

“He admits it!”

“Ho, Ho, Ho, Why don’t you come with me, I’ll bring you somewhere safe away from this creepy stalker!” The mustached woman declares.

“Who’s the stalker now? You’re the one who has been following us the whole day!”

“Wh-what are you talking about? This is the first time we’ve ever met!”

“You were the girl who sold us icecream earlier and asked her if I touched her in any inappropriate places!”

“And later, you were wearing a wig and gave me a balloon and said pop it if I needed to be rescued!” Jasmine added.

“And after that, you wore a fake nose and said that you were watching me, always watching me and then hid in a bush and watched us while she shopped for a swimsuit.”

“D-don’t act like you didn’t want her to pose in a skimpy two piece swim suit and do poses like this and that.” The girl openly declares while pointing at you accusingly.

“I tried to make him look at me but he was too busy drooling while Snow White and Kida mud-wrestled in the town square!”

“You’re not helping!” You cry out at Jasmine. “Besides, that was really hot… I mean weird, right? Like why were they doing that?”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll show up in a random side story just as soon as someone donates another $10 to Patreon.” Jasmine responds.

“Asking for money right in the middle of a conversation, what do you think this is, a video game?”

“In fact, let’s have them pay for a random chapter and they won’t know what they get until it’s released!”

“You’ve already grown to loot crates? Wait, isn’t that what we’re doing now! Readers give money on Patreon hoping we do sexy times that match their fetish, but instead end up with a silly 4th wall breaking chapter that fails to arose anyone? Oh, Pun, we’ve been blue ball lootcrating the readers from the beginning!”

“Quick, Savior, do something erotic. Here, I’ll pull up my dress and show my panties!”

“Ah ha!” The woman shouts, ripping off her mustache, “Finally, you’re under arres-“

“No time for that Jasmine!” You reach out and grab the suspicious woman’s clothing, tearing it away in a single swipe, revealing the naked body underneath. She has nice, rich, D-sized breasts. She has a distinctly Polynesian appearance, silky smooth brown hair, a tight butt, and light brown skin. A perfectly trimmed landing patch makes an arrow that pointes temptingly at her snatch. Even if she’s a virgin, she has the body of a woman screaming she’s reading for dick.

“Wh-“ Her eyes widen as she suddenly realizes she is in the middle of town, butt naked. “Aaaaaaaah!”

“Ooo, nice. I didn’t realize I had made any other girls this attractive in the city. She’s as good as any of my woman in the harem.”

“You bastard! To do this to law enforcement. If I wasn’t of consenting age I’d arrest you!”

“Law enforcement?” Jasmine asks.

“Arrest? Consenting Age?”

“Mark my words! I’m Moana Rodriguez, LPD. I won’t rest until all tinys in the world are safe!”

“Oh…” You snap. “She must be one of those tiny perverts!”

Jasmine nods in agreement.

Moana looks like she’s about to cry. “I’m not a tiny pervert, I’m protecting the tinys from the likes of you!”

“It’s sad really, and she’s cute too. But I don’t want some creepy pedophile in my harem.”

“Cu-cute!” The blush fades quickly when she registers the second part. “Yo-ou… I’ll be back! Don’t think you can win one over on Moana Rodriguez!”

Moana turns tail and runs away, trying to cover herself as she races through the groups of people.

“First a naked squirrel girl, then a naked catgirl, then mud wrestling, and now a naked islander? Man, I love this city!” Someone shouts in the distance.



“Do… you think this city I built and rule is starting to get a bad reputation?”


“Yeah… it’s better not to think about it.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 122

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“Did you ever think that maybe we are getting too old for this shit?” Philip asks, placing a hot cup of coffee down on the table.

Moana picks up the cup and breathes in the sweet scent of French-pressed beans while sighing. “We’re doing good work, Philip. If we didn’t stop these freaks, who would?”

“I suppose so… it just feels like a battle we’re losing.”

“We can’t lose. For all of the little girls in the world, we can’t lose.” Moana’s grip tightens on the glass and she takes a gulp. “So, what’s this new case the boss wants us on.”

“It’s a world created by Pun, allegedly.”

“Pun, that bastard. We’re having another run in with him?”

“Easy, Moana. That’s the thing, I don’t think Pun’s responsible for this one. It’s happening on his turf, the so-called MSB, but it seems like a new guy is calling the shots.”

“New guy?”

“They call him… Whizzer.”

“Whizzer? Like he’s pissing himself?”

“I guess it’s the name of a nostalgic Roller Coaster at Six Flags – Great America. It’s a coaster where an adult can ride with a child sitting in his lap.”

“That sick fuck.”

“I thought you’d appreciate the implications of that one.”

“So, what has this ringmaster done?”

“He puts you in the roll of the main character.”


“Well, a royal you, the guy actually committing these crimes seems to be someone called “the reader”, although he goes by many names. Darling, Boss, Master, even… tiny-pervert. He is the one who actually carrying out these profane acts.”

“What kind of acts we talking about here?”

“A great deal of rape, actually.”

“Damn it, Philip, you know our division doesn’t work on rapes! Tell me what he’s done that fits in our jurisdiction!”

“Well, many of the girls are sixteen years old.”

“Alright, we can work with that, possibly. Does he live in California?”

“No… the state he lives in, age of consent is sixteen. Plus the age of consent within this world is sixteen as well.”

“Fuck! Are any of the girls younger than that?”

“Oh, yes, quite a few are younger than sixteen in appearance.”

“Hehe… those bastards can’t help but go younger…” Moana chuckles, but then hears the last part. “Wait, what do you mean, appearance?”

“For example, one girl resembles a 12 year old but is over one hundred years old.”

“The so-called tiny-baba. That’s how they all do it these days.” Moana grinds her teeth. “Those conniving bastards.”

“However, she’s implied to be young… f-for a dragon. Underaged even.” Philip adds eagerly.

Moana is already shaking her head. “For a dragon? Come on Philip, you know we can’t make those charges stick. This guys a slippery one. Are there any others?”

“A 16-year-old catgirl who looks 14.”

“What the fuck is ‘looks 14’? These fucking perverts. Pass.”

“Here’s a possible one. He raped her even as she claimed herself to be underage.”

“Well… is she?” Moana leans forward.

“It’s unclear.” Philip sighs. “It’s heavily implied she’s older, even though she does all of the underaged things…”

“How heavily implied?”

“Confirmed by her sister.”

“Fuck, Philip. If it isn’t statutory, it isn’t my problem. Why even bring out this case file?” Moana threw up her hands. “Do you have anything I can use?”

“There is one. She’s a ten-year-old. Catgirl. Looks eight. Confirmed age.”

“Yeah? You should start with that one! Damn it!”

“Sorry…” Philip lowers his head and then sighs. “The thing is, he hasn’t touched her yet.”


“He pats her head. She cooks for him. Oh, here, she’s been naked a few times!”


The Philip reads on and sighs, “But it’s her doing and he ultimately sidesteps or ignores her.”

“Come on, Philip, there has to be something we can peg on him.”

“Well, she’s seen him fornicate with the other women.”

“Just looking! I can’t make an arrest with just looking, or every parent who’s had a kid peak while they’re having sex would be arrested.”

Philip became flustered. “B-but… she’s asked for sex numerous times! The so-called “readers” are even pressuring him for a sex scene involving her. I-in fact, they’ll be going on a date right this moment!”

“A date! An adult man going on a date with a child?”

“Yes, yes!”

Moana’s eyes narrow and she stands up, walking over to a poster on the wall while taking a sip of her coffee.

“Keep a close eye on him. Prepare for a raid, but keep it yellow alert. This might just be the most nefarious pedo we’ve ever come across. The LPD isn’t going to let this one escape, I swear it.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Philip bows and runs out to give the orders.

Meanwhile, Moana pulls out her badge. The words “Tiny Police Department” are written across a shield with a little girl in a summer dress and an x marked over her. Moana then looks up at the poster, a resolved look forming on her face. It’s a picture of man sitting there in a suit. The words under it spell, “Chris Hansen”.

“We won’t let this sick fuck get away with it, I swear it Chris. One of these days, he’s going to pop, and when he does, we’re coming for him.”

You sneeze.

“Ah? Savior, you getting sick? I can make you some hot soup?”

“No, I came to take you on your date while the squirrel girl and your sister take a long nap.”

“And sex afterwards?”


“I’ll get you one of these days, Savior…” Jasmine mutters while pushing her fingers together.

And it seems like she isn’t the only one out for you.  Although you don’t realize it, on that particular day the claws tighten a little more around the local jailbait.

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