The Power of Creation – Chapter 91

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“Being the best requires talent!” Minnie declares.

“So, for round 1, each girl must display her talent for the judges! They will be rated by 1-10, but the audience too is a judge! You get ten points too for the loudest cheer! The most points wins the round!” Daisy shouts.

“So… g-give it up!” Sylvia yells, “For Ariel!”

Ariel comes out onto the stage. “I’m Ariel, and this is my talent!”

Everyone watches carefully as she pulls out a bag that appears to be full of something. She reaches in and then pulls out a small item. Everyone strains their eyes to see that it is a small white ball. Without another word, she puts the ball in her mouth. She reaches in and pulls out another ball, and then puts it in her mouth. The crowd is silent, most people confused by what they are watching, but one after another, she slides ball after ball in her mouth.

“Wow, her mouth can take a lot of balls!” Someone shouts.

This starts people shouting and cheering her on. “One more ball, one more ball!”

Soon, her cheeks are puffed out like a chipmunk, which looks pretty cute. You lose track of how many balls she fit, but shockingly, she turns the bag upside down to show that it is now completely empty, and slides the last ball into place. There is a wave of shouting and clapping. She then opens the bag, and like a flood a stream of pingpong balls burst out of her mouth.

She wipes her face and smiles. “And now, I will take these pingpong balls and shoot them into this cup. Except, I won’t use my mouth!”

“That’s enough! Clap for Ariel!” You immediately stand and start clapping.

“What, Where’s she going to shoot the ping-“ Florian starts to ask.

“Give it up for Ariel!” the four Baka maids rush out and grab Ariel before she can lift her dress and begin to drag her off stage.

“Eh? I’m not done yet?”

“Ariel did great everyone, clap!” You encourage them.

A handful clap with you, a few are still confused, and one or two were even demanding the pingpong trick be finished while wearing perverted eyes.

Ariel: You: 3/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 6/10 Audience: 5/10

“Seriously? You gave her a ten?”

“Ah…” Florian shrugged, “She tried her hardest?”

“Next up! Mulan!”

Mulan moves up into the center of the stage. She opens her mouth and a moment later flames burst from it. The crowd oohs and aws as she shoots the flame over the crowds. The clapping gets to her as she creates bigger and more dangerous flames. Then she accidentally ignites half the crowd on fire. You wave your hand under the table and put out the fire before most of the people even realized it. The clapping for her is pretty excited, but a few people are touching their singed eyebrows with wry looks.

Mulan: You: 6/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 7/10 Audience: 7/10

Aurora comes out next, and her talent ends up being a harp. You don’t even know she could play an instrument! However, it looks like she is quite adept, even with her baby bump keeping her from pressing herself close to the harp, her hands glided over it and create some rather beautiful music.

Aurora: You: 8/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 9/10 Audience: 5/10

The crowd here is a bit uncultured for harp music. You guess it’s a little too noble for them. Sebastian says it was rather fine music truly befitting the talents of a Queen. He seems to be impressed by the more noble talents. On that note, even a demon lord seems too cultured as Grimhilde recites some kind of sonnet and ends up getting boo’ed off stage. Well, you liked it.

Grimhilde: You: 8/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 8/10 Audience: 2/10

Pocahontas went next. She pulls out a bow and arrows and quite accurately lands the arrows on a target even while blindfolded. This audience seems to be more geared towards sex and violence, and for them the arrow shooting is a lot more exciting than the harps and sonnets. Meanwhile, you and Sebastian are less impressed. You don’t really see yourself as having a nobles sensibilities, but shooting arrows just isn’t exciting to you anymore. You could do this trick blindfolded while balls deep in a girl and one hand tied behind your back.

“Good job, Pocahontas!” Minnie declares.

“Mm…” is her only response before she head back off stage.

Pocahontas: You: 5/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 6/10 Audience: 9/10

“Florian… are you really going to give every girl a 10?” You ask wryly.

“They’re just all so wonderful. I couldn’t possibly choose!”

“Typical indecisive harem protagonist.” You mutter under your breath, so he can’t hear.

Merida comes out next. She actually has acquired two batons and starts doing baton twirling. It is pretty cute, but Mulan wants revenge from early, and seems to cause the batons to burst fire from each side. Most everyone thought this was part of the act as Merida became flustered and desperately flinging the flaming batons around. The result was still an enjoyable spectacle. You, of course, make sure to put the flames out before things get dangerous.

Merida: You: 8/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 7/10 Audience: 10/10

Elena came out and did some slight of hand. She is so earnest and smiles so brightly when she gets an applause that you fight the urge to storm the stage and take her right there. Elena’s time is coming tonight, you decide.

Elena: You: 10/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 4/10 Audience: 8/10

Jasmine comes out and sets up a pole in the middle of the stage.

“Rejected!” You declare.

“B-b-but! I’m the entire reason we even started this!” Jasmine genuinely starts crying on the stage.

As a young girl, her crying immediately touches the hearts of all the crowds, who suddenly started clapping to cheer her up. You give a sigh, stand up, and get on stage, going to one knee next to her. You pat her on the head while wiping the tears away.

“It’s okay, you can always make it up in the next round. I promise I won’t leave you behind Jasmine.”

Jasmine’s tears stop and she looks at you with bright eyes.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” That was the crowd.

You went rigid as you stood up, handing Jasmine to Elena and walking back to the judge’s seat. Florian is looking at you with a smile.

‘What now?”

“So, Riun’s hero is a good guy after all.” He says with a chuckle.

Ahhh… this is going to be a long day.

Jasmine: You: 5/10 Florian: 10/10 Sebastian: 2/10 Audience: 10/10

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 90

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After you finish giving Grimhilde a dose of her particular drug, you mosey on over to the table where the hero has a haggard look from filling out paperwork for three different girls. Kida is now taking down information about the women.

“Already, let’s do this in order. First, you, the one with the short hair!”

“Ahh! You see… me… my name is Nala. I’m Florian’s childhood friend.”

“What? He was summoned here six months ago. How does that work?” You couldn’t help but interject.

“Ah, well, actually, Nala had lived on Earth as a child. That’s, uh, the name of my world. Then she had been brought over here. I would never have believed when I got summoned to another world I’d encounter my very important friend.” As the hero speaks, Nala blushes and twists her feet.

“Pass…” You mutter.

“Huh?” Hero asks.

“Nothing, anyway, who’s the rest of your party?”

“I met Pocahontas here two months ago. She needs some help with her tribe. She promised to follow me until we can help them. Sorry if I don’t get more specific, it’s sort of a discrete problem. I don’t even know the details yet.”

“Hey, Pocahontas,” you hold out your hand and Pocahontas looks at it like it’s a strange entity.

“Nn…” she merely responds and gives you a nod.

“Ah, and this girl here is…”

“My name is Meg!” the girl herself gives a toothy grin and immediately poses with V signs over her eyes. “I’m the cutest girl in the woooorlld! So, remember judges, Vote for Meg!”

She immediately switches to another pose with her arm in the air. Sebastion only rolls his eyes at it while Kida tilts her head in confusion.

“On that note, would the hero from another world like to be a judge?” you ask, ignoring the attention seeker.

‘Eh?” Kida nearly tears a hole in the parchment she’s writing on.

“Kida wants to be a participant but then we’d be short one judge, but with you here it solves everything!”

“Ah, sorry, but n-“He suddenly looks at three women all staring at him feverishly. “Ah, I guess… it’d be okay, then.”

The three girls relax, finally entering the last bit of information to sign up. Sebastion, you, and Florian would make up the judges. Kida kisses you on the cheek before turning around and practically skipping off to the area behind the stage. You vaguely wonder if she’ll be alright once she realizes she’ll be on stage. The rest of the girls make their ways to the back area too in order to get ready. Florian is giving you tight-lipped smile.

“What, what is it?” You ask.

“You sure are popular, aren’t you?” he responds.

“Huh? Why do you say that?”

“Ah, well, you have a beauty calling you my love. You have an amazon goddess kissing you on the cheek… I just thought…”

“What about you?”

“EH, me?”

“Three beautiful girls. One of them is even a childhood friend… you bastard.”

“Ah, well, they’re just friends. My quest is something I need to do alone. I am a hero. I can’t be dragged down by worldly relationships. I have to be the hero this world needs!”

“Really, must be tough…” you answer nonchalantly.

“Yes, but it was why I was sent here. It may break their hearts, but I must be a mountain.”

“So, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I took them, right?”


“Shh! No time, the pageant is starting!”

“And now! Starting the first annual Waifu competition of Riun! We’re your hosts, Minnie!”



“And Dinah!”

The four girls in maid outfits pose as there is a wave of shouting. Of course, they were reading lines written by Sebastian, who would provide them punishment if they make a single mistake.


“And Maids!” Another guy shouts.

“Didn’t those girls cut my purse a few weeks back?”

“Naw, they have different hair color.”

“Oh, right, completely different, those girls weren’t this cute.”

Daisy’s smile is faltering as it looks for a second like she might leap off the stage and pummel whoever is shouting, but a second later she recovers her smile after one look at Sebastian.

“Harem Harem! Waifu. GET!” The girls recover by performing another pose while saying something completely nonsensical, but it works as the crowd breaks into cheering once again.

And the curtain rises. Round 1 begins.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 89

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“Did you hear?” The words enter your ears as your watch your harem relish in public adoration. “They say the hero’s party is coming to this event and some of the girls are going to enter!”

“Ah, well, I wouldn’t call them my party, but what you heard is true enough.” You laugh.



“You-you’re the one who helped Kida fight off the goblins, right? No. I mean, while you’re certainly Riun’s hero, I was talking about the hero from another world. He’s over there.”

“What!” At first you think he is just being obtuse, but then you notice a boy walking through the crowd.

He is some sixteen-year-old with a pretty face that shouldn’t be on a boy at all. He is surrounded by three incredibly hot babes. If you saw girls as hot as them in the city before they would have already been snatched up into your harem.

One of the girls is an elf, except she has dark brown skin and jet-black hair. She is a so-called dark elf! Unlike the danty Tiana, she is stacked with boobs the size of Ariels and a round caboose. There is a very cute tomboy with short hair and a small little chest standing next to her with an arm wrapped around the guys. The third girl is a fiery redhead with extremely exotic hair. She was short, with a small body wrapped in a kimono, and had an Asian appearing face with the double-lidded eyes. She looks exotic compared to the traditional western-like faces of this part of the world.

“What the heck is going on with that?” You ask.

Several of the girls move around you after you catch eyes on the so-called hero and his so-called party.

“I forget some of the things my love doesn’t know.” Grimhilde speaks up.

“Well, what don’t I know?” You demand.

Grimhilde smiles gently, “I didn’t know it myself for certain until a few minutes ago, but it turns out more than one hero was summoned to this world.”

“What? Does that old King need more punishment!” You demand, rolling up your sleeves.

“Not at all, hero,” Aurora tries to soothe you. “Word doesn’t always travel fast between the countries and it is easy to keep secrets. We’re a border country, so we’re most likely to go to war if the demon countries attack. However, it turns out another greedy country also summoned a hero in secret a half year ago. My former husband had investigated and ruled it a rumor. Perhaps he summoned you because he found out about this hero and feared our country would lose power in the next war.”

Grimhilde nods. “I had heard this rumor of a hero summoned from another world as well. When you attacked my palace, I had mistaken you for him. He’d been gathering resources for several months. That’s why my father was guarding the throne and I was hiding. I never would have thought another hero was suddenly summoned and infiltrated my castle that same week!”

“D-does that mean he has a special power like mine?” You ask cautiously.

“He was given a power…” Grimhilde responds carefully, “But I don’t know what power it is. I can’t imagine it is on the same level as yours, my love.”

“Hello!” the boy finally reaches your table, giving all the girls a charming smile that makes you a little angry even though it is done so innocently. “I’ve heard about some kind of popularity competition. My friends here said they’d like to join. Something about winning an all-expense-paid date with the one you love? Although I don’t know who’d they want to go with…”

He seems genuinely honest about that statement, even as all three girls glare competitively at each other while shooting him various blushing looks.

“Actual-“ You go to put and end to this.

“Of course,” Kida cuts you off before you could speak while shooting you a look. “We’d be happy to enter these three beautiful women. And of course, that’s the award. An all-expense paid date with the man you want anywhere in the world! All expenses paid by Riun’s hero and benefactor.”

The three girl’s eyes brighten at that while Kida shoots you a pleading look, and you can’t help but sigh. You suppose in the incredibly unlikely event that someone from your harem loses to one of these girls, you could send them off somewhere.

“Oh, hello!” The boy holds a hand out to you suddenly, bringing you from your introspection. “You must be this town’s hero then? My name is Florian. I was summoned here from another world as a hero, but it’s way cooler to become a hero through your own accomplishments! What did you do to become this town’s hero?”

His bright-eyed honesty makes you want to kick him out of the city instantly, but you swallow your pride for the moment. One of his girls might be worth keeping, after all.

“I fought off a goblin attack on the city.”

His eyes seem slightly disappointed. “Ah, just goblins? Yeah… I fought goblins once under the First Knight’s care. I mean, it was just a small group in a cave, but they seemed pretty weak. They were half starved and the First Knight killed the first 5 for me, but the goblin I killed went down real easy. Ah, no, I mean, that’s awesome! Good for you! I’ve been here six months and all I’ve done is train. I’m going to attack and defeat the demonlord eventually, just as soon as they start showing hostility! That’s actually why I’m here, surveying to see if they are doing anything suspicious.”

You’re caught between wanting to palm your face and slap his face, but instead you nod to Grimhilde. “You know, she’s a demon, right?”

“Ah, a girl this beautiful is a demon?” He says in surprise, giving her a bow.” I’m sorry! The demon lord must be oppressing for you. I will one day free your country, I promise!”

She offers a hand and he kisses it while she gives you a wicked smile. “I’ll admit, the title of the demon lord is oppressive. That’s why I left my country to stay with my love for a while… to get a break.”

“To have to abandon your country…” Florian conveniently takes what he wants from what she says, “Ah, wait, love! With the town hero? Does that mean… you two… a-a-are… married?”

“What? No! We’re not married.” You shake your head, “We’re not in that kind of relationship.”

“Ah, well… boyfriend?”

“I wouldn’t say that. What would you call us, my love? Bunk buddies? Let’s just say he’s available?” She shoots the girls behind Florian a look, but they are all focused on Florian.

You glower as Florian nods excitedly. “Ah, well, that’s good, that’s good.”

“Shouldn’t you be helping your party sign up?” You respond sharply.

“Ah! That’s right!” He walks back to the girls which are all now shooting him jealous looks for abandoning them and falling under Grimhilde’s allure.

The tomboy pinches his arm and he shoots her a confused look even while shooting Grimhilde another disarming smile. You turn to Grimhilde with narrowed eyes.

Grimhilde walks up to you and chuckles. “Don’t look at me like that. He’s not my type. Would you rather I say ‘I’m your Cumdumpster Queen!’ in front of his girls? I’m assuming you’re aiming for one or more of them, yes? You probably want to wait to introduce them to all your lovers until after you’ve wrapped them around your finger. Don’t be jealous, you know you have a certain something I can’t say no to.”

“Yeah, but if you weren’t a cum addict, you’d be gone so quick.” You respond bitterly and Grimhilde gives you a sharp look before sighing and shaking her head. .

“Do you think any of the other girls are around you because they have to be? You didn’t give them any addictions.”


Grimhilde interrupts you, “Then I’ll say it clearly so that there is no misunderstandings between us. If all I wanted was your cum, you’ve already dumped enough on and in me that I could have saved it up and had a lifetime supply. I could have stocked it and left. However, I didn’t. Even Snow White, if she truly wanted to, would have ran away. We’re all here because you give us the things we want. I may seem like a simple cum-guzzling bitch, but I had many needs too, and you’ve met every need. You make me… feel complete. I love you. You will forever be… my love.”

She turns and starts walking away. Suddenly her body goes rigid as you reach out and grab her tail, stopping her from making a cool exit.

“Ah, don’t grab there!” Grimhilde goes white.

You rub her tail in your hand, and as you pull back on it as she makes whining noises before moving back to you. Before she can ask why you grabbed her, you wrap her in your arms.

“But… you can’t, the hero’s party will see.”

You wave your hand, “What are you talking about, I can hide our actions behind illusion magic with ease. No one will notice anything.”

You pull her face to yours and play with her tail while you thoroughly kiss her until she’s gasping for breath.

“Hah, hah… my love, thank you for giving me some extra attention.” She smiles before turning as if to leave at this point.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” You ask pulling out your dick. “I said, no one can see us.”


“Drink up.”

Grimhilde drops to her knees as she looks up at you one last time and wraps her hands around your hardening member. “Thank you, my love! Itadakimasu!”

Who the hell taught her that line?

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 88

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“Welcome to Riun’s first official Waifu competition!”

There are shouts and cheering all around you as you shake your head in disbelief. “How did it come to this after all that?”

Kida laughs, patting you on the back. “Well, after the city was nearly obliterated by Goblins, the locals need to lose some stress, so making it a celebration serves as that too. Just think of it as showcasing your harem to your future kingdom!”

“Kingdom? You still on about that?”

“Of course, I think a Kingdom under Rookie would truly be a great country.”

“On that, point, I thought you’d be up there with the other girls. Don’t you want to win a date with me?”

“Hah, right, I’m part of… your harem.” Kida is exploding in a blush, clearly flustered. “Even though we haven’t even… although I woke up last night just as the tentacles were leaving covered in… right… it was my fault for sleeping. That is to say, I have a responsibility to keep the event organized! You and Sebastian are two judges, I’ll have to be the third, so I can’t…”

Kida puts on a slightly disappointed look, although she likely is also afraid of standing up in public. She thinks nothing of walking around in bikini armor, two massive watermelons covered by a tiny string showing 90% of all there is to see, but crowds embarrass her.

Kida guides you to a long table that seems to be your future judge table next to a massive stage. You didn’t use magic to create the stage, so it’s remarkable that someone put it up just like that in the middle of the commons area. This is a spot in the middle of Riun which is surrounded by various food carts. You took the harem here shopping in what felt like a lifetime ago, although your harem was still in the single digits at the time. How quickly things changed.

The crowds of people are being controlled, and it looks like Kida is using the available guild members to maintain order and more importantly keep anyone from touching the harem members. The girls are up front waving and cheering to crowds of men, and it looks like they all have become celebrities overnight. You don’t even know when these guys had seen your harem in which to form fan clubs, but fan clubs formed quite aggressively.

“Mulan!” One group is shouting. “Flat chests are life!”

Mulan seems flustered at the shouting crowds, not quite sure how to take it.

“What are you saying?” Someone from a nearby group shouts back. “You need them massive like Merida!”

“Flat Chests! Mulan!”

“Big Tits! Merida!”

Merida is scratching her cheek not quite sure what to say, but smelling competition, Mulan is already trying to rile up her fans to shout down the other fans, determined to win the battle, any battle. She is giving Merida fiery looks like she is ready for to fight.

“Mulan is greatest!” Mulan shouts.

“Whoooo! Flat Chest!”

She immediately juts out her chest and shoves herself against Merida.

“Ahhh! Mulan!” Merida cries out as Mulan pushes against her like she wants to push her big tits down.

However, the display only shows how ill-equipped Mulan truly is, her small child-like body and nonexistent rack is completely overwhelmed by Merida. As she tries to shove them away, they fall back down, completely knocking Mulan to the ground. Both sides explode in cheers at the sight of Mulan being faceplanted by two massive atom bombs.

She jumps back to her feet, even angrier now, trying to slam herself into Merida with a vengeance.

“Stop… Mulan… they’re sensitive… if you keep doing that…” Merida cries out, but a second later it’s too late.

A nipple slips free and a moment later a streak of white liquid shoots Mulan right in the face. She immediately falls over again covered in milky white stuff. The cheering suddenly takes a moment of shocked silence as Merida covers herself and blushes in horror.

“Ooh… I told you Mulan. They’re only so big because I’m pregnant. It’s not my fault!”

“Pre-pregnant.” the word seems to spread throughout the crowd like a ripple.

Suddenly, numerous Merida supporters shake their head and leave. Others run up into the group. Within moments the entire crowd rearranges itself. Once they finally finish moving, the silence is broken by a shout.

“Pregnant women for the win!”

“Yeah! Merida, Give us your sweet milk!”

“I want to suck on that mommy’s teet!”

Mulan is on the ground covered in sticky white stuff which seems to double the size of her crowd in moments. However, when the flatter chested Elena walks by, some people started calling out her name instead. Soon, Mulan is distracted shoving her chest against Elena’s to the delight of the flat chested crowds.

“Eh? Mulan! What are you doing? Th-th-their touching!” The former boy is quite distraught over a Mulan pressing her chest against Elena’s, and her flustered and confused state only further eggs on the crowd.

Meanwhile, a new group formed a distance away and started shouting. “Big breasted Ariel is the best!”

“Big Non-pregnant Breasts wooh! I don’t even care if they’re natural!”

“Have I just been replaced?” Merida looks out at the shifting crowd with teary eyes.

“No, no… you’re just more of a niche flavor now.” Aurora chuckles, waving to all the boys while stroking her pregnant stomach before grabbing Merida and posing.

“Two Pregnant girls! Oh, I want to lick their stomachs!”

“Queen! Wh-what are you doing?” Merida asks flustered.

“Of course, driving up the crowds? You think it’s the judges that decide who wins? No, it’s the crowds! The most popular girl always wins. I plan to win my first date with hero-san.”

“Eh? Popularity?” Merida gets flustered as she sees all the other girls appealing to their groups, gaining a larger fan following.

“Ah! I must get popular!” Merida pumps her arm in determination.

She immediately tries to smash her melons together to show cleavage. Again, she causes the milk to erupt, this time shooting white streams out into the crowd. There is a giant roar of fans as she turns around in embarrassment. The nearby adventurers are only just able to keep the crowd in control as the milk junkies go nuts.

“Should we tell her if you cater to the niche you’ll end up losing the casual audience?” Grimhilde asks as she makes several poses with her tail out to a screaming group of demonphiles.

“What are you talking about?” Aurora laughs gently. “I already said, I want to win.”

Their eyes flash with the spirit of competition as this day turns out to be a day that makes history.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 11


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The next morning, I threw myself at Min. He tried to object, but I sidelined all objections by spreading my legs and grabbing at his cock. Eventually, he agreed to mutual masturbation. That is, basically what I did with Dirk the previous night, but Min always made sure I finished as he did. He also faced me, our legs wrapped around each other, and as he came, gobs of seed shot onto the surface of my pussy. Although it was a magical illusion, the sight was erotic enough that I also came. I pulled Min’s head to mine and gave him a rough kiss before pulling away.

Afterwards, things started to feel awkward. Min didn’t seem to act any different. He merely packed up and continued about his day as normal. The problem was with me, but I didn’t seem to be able to put my finger on what was causing it. I reflected everything we had done in the last week. Min had remained steadfast and sturdy, yet I kept feeling like I was walking on eggshells every time I spoke to him.

“Trail, leaning east now…” Min stated after we had started moving once again, breaking my thoughts.

“Is that good?”

“Mm.” Min’s face was otherwise expressionless, and so I didn’t push it.

As it were, we ended up traveling along in silence as we tugged our horses up the hunter’s trail. The three men weren’t avid talkers either, so once we were finished packing and started moving, they didn’t contribute to any meaningful conversation. This gave me a lot of time to think. Unfortunately, even while I wanted to ignore the thoughts floating in my mind, I couldn’t.

I struggled to get a feel for what was on Min’s mind these last couple of days. Between the proximity to his family, traveling in this group, and my own sexual proclivity, I just wished I had a better idea as to what Min was thinking. He had always been quiet and closed off, so why had it only been bothering me recently?

I thought about my own actions the last couple of days. This isn’t the first time I had acted like I had this morning. In the past, whenever my relationship with a guy got rocky, I would throw myself at him as if I believed pushing him into sexual contact verified our relationship. Even now, a part of me thought that since Min and I had sexual relations this morning, that our relationship was fine. This growing uneasiness that had started shortly after we fled the last village was perhaps why I’d been so sexually aggressive lately. I felt like as long as the sexual relationship was strong, my partner wouldn’t leave me. Whenever I started thinking this way, the relationship always self-destructed shortly after.

That thought immediately gave me pause. Was that the direction my relationship with Min was heading? Were we going to self-destruct? When had things between Min and I become so weird? I used to just see him as a friend I had sex with. However, over the last few months, I’d started to accept him as something more. This caused me to be overwhelmed with my own insecurities, something that the seductress class did nothing to help.

Yet, I was breaking down in tears, seducing him at night, and I even asked him to remarry me yesterday! I’ve been doing everything possible to cling to him. I’d been making the same mistakes I made in the past. Things were just so much easier when it was simple sex. I never doubted myself when I was gangbanging bandits or fondling kings. Maybe that’s why I gave Dirk a handjob last night. Warmth for sex, it’s a simple interaction. Even if the outcome was less than satisfactory, it was a relationship I understood. I didn’t understand Min. The stakes were high. Min was the first person I met in this world, and he had carried me along to that point. However, what have I done for Min?

He said I saved his life, but as a second-class with the power to fight third-classers, I knew that wasn’t true. He could have escaped that goblin cave with ease. His slavery was also something he could have avoided. No, when I found him, he was there for a reason. He was there to die. He told me something to that effect once. So, at best, my presence prevented him from killing himself.

And now? Wasn’t I just becoming a burden? I got him into trouble one event after another. I’ve allowed him to remain by my side and enjoyed his company. But in the end, I just used him. Part of it was because I needed him to survive. I was in a strange world and so I clung to him for my own sanity. Part of it was quite literal, I used his body. I wanted warmth and a hard penis. Anyone could have filled that role, but it was easier just to use Min.

The pain in my chest reached its crescendo. My behavior the last few days, Min’s behavior the last few days. The reason was that we have reached a point in our relationship. It was a point I’d been avoiding. The point where I had to acknowledge the truth. I ran away from it, just like I run away from everything. I was afraid. Afraid of losing Min. Afraid of being alone.  However, I had to accept the truth.

I don’t love Min.

My feet stopped suddenly when the thought finally formed into words in my mind. It felt like my heart was being stabbed, but as soon as my mind put the words together I knew it was true. As much as Min meant to me, I never saw him as something more. I never saw him as a wife or a lover. I saw him as a friend. I guilted myself into thinking the pair of us needed each other, and then I started to open my heart up to him.

“A pack of wolves crossed this path last night.” Tark’s voice was so sudden that I nearly jumped.

We had been walking on the path for the last few hours and it was becoming less of a defined path and more of a suggestion on the direction to head. At some point, he had kneeled down by the side of the road and was looking at something on the ground I couldn’t recognize. Min and the three adventurers had turned to me when I jumped, but I merely shook my head. Min ‘s head cocked to the side in a questioning look, but I shook my head again to him while failing to meet his eyes.

“Is that something to be concerned about?” I asked to shake away my dark thoughts.

“Animals attract monsters,” Dirk explained, offering me a private smile despite his performance the previous night, only serving to further rile my conflicted emotions. “Wolves crossing a hunting trail may suggest they are in turn being hunted themselves. Could be trouble.”

I nodded without responding. This was just one more event that reminded me of how odd this world was. Wolves could traditionally be called hunters in my world, but in this world, they could be considered prey when compared to monsters. In fact, it’s a bit of a wonder to me that given the existence of monsters, animals thrived in nature at all.

“We’ll proceed a little slower.” Tark finally stood up and patted off his knees.

“Scout, ahead?” Min asked cautiously.

“It’s about lunch.” Tark shrugged and then glanced at me. “I caught a rabbit earlier, how about you skin and cook it while we scout ahead, just in case.”

“Ah, I can’t cook. Or skin…” I responded while holding my hand to my chest.

‘What?” Giff growled turning his eyes to Min. “Your woman can’t even cook?”

Given the thoughts I had just been fighting with, the comment dug deep. That’s right. Min cooked all the meals. He sewed the clothing. He set the campfire. He stayed up on watch. He did everything… and I… I couldn’t even acknowledge him as a man. I was just someone who used him. That was the source of my growing discomfort. The reality I couldn’t even admit to myself until now.

“I’m sorry…” I responded, feeling even more like crap. “But Min can…”

“Actually, I need the elf. Good eyes, am I right?” Tark stated.

“Mm…” Min nodded.

“Giff, I’ll need some of your tricks… come with us. Dirk,” Tark gave me a look and then sighed. “Cook the rabbit, eh?”

“You call magic that can defy the gods tricks…” Giff muttered as the three of them moved off.

Before I could even react, the three of them had moved off into a thicket and I was left alone with Dirk.

“I suppose you can’t start a fire either?” Dirk asked, and when I shook my head he gave a chuckle. “Well, with a girl as pretty as you, I suppose you can get away with making the guys do a lot of things.”

My mood hit an even lower rung. Fighting against my souring mood, I tied up the horses and sat down on a nearby log while Dirk got the fire started. I had been in this world for six months, and yet the only skills I had involved lying to people and having sex. I knew nothing of how to survive. And now that I could admit to myself that Min was a convenience… just how useless I was came striking home.

By the time the fire was started, I was seriously close to crying. What had I been doing in this world? I wanted to call myself an adventurer. I wanted to call myself a hero. The guild was right. I can’t even skin an animal for food. I listened to Dirk work in silence. Occasionally, he’d look up at me while giving a smile, as if to remind me that I’d fondled his dick the night before, but I wasn’t in the mood to return the flirtatious looks. At the moment, I was going through my own crisis.

Afterwards. That was the only thing I could come up with. Afterwards. After I reached the colony and got my class up, I’d start doing the things I needed to do. I’d learn skills that were actually important. I wouldn’t depend on Min anymore… and… and… I’d let him know the truth. I didn’t deserve Min. He needed to find someone better than me.

A crack of the branch was the only warning I got when a cloaked form emerged onto the trail with a sword gripped tightly in his gloved hand.

“Shit!” It was the shout from Dirk that caused me to register the noise and finally look up.

The sword swooped down and Dirk did a jump to the side, losing the roasting bunny into the fire as he rolled out of the way. The sword went wide, gashing across his back but missing a fatal blow. With that, two other figures stepped out into the clearing. I’d like to say I reacted smoothly, but the sight only caused me to scream as I struggled to my feet, only for one foot to catch on a branch and send me flying back over the trunk and landing on my ass.

My screams seemed to be more attractive than Dirk, as three heads swiveled to look at me. I could finally see into the hood of the cloak, although the face I saw didn’t differ that much from the other two uncloaked forms. Each one held the face of a skeleton, dirty yet undoubtedly devoid of any skin.

I immediately started backing up as the three forms started taking steps towards me. I scuttled back several feet until my head slammed into the trunk of a tree behind me. Use Celestial Whip? What was that? Summon Jenai? The thought didn’t even occur to me. I had seen many monsters in this world, most having some humanoid form, but these skeletons caught me completely off guard, especially appearing so blatantly during the day.

My hand dug into the snow and I felt a hard stone. I immediately lifted and threw it. The lead skeleton didn’t even flinch. The stone struck him on the side of the head and bounced away, barely leaving a scratch.  The three continued to move forward until the hooded skeleton was right in front of me, it’s chattering teeth and oddly glowing orbs where the eye should be sat only a few feet from my face. It started to lift its sword.

If I release pheromones, I might-

Even before that thought could be finished, there was a roar and the skeleton on the right collapsed into pieces. A moment later the one on the left’s skull erupted. This time I could see that it was Dirk. He only used his hands, although there were metal gauntlets that covered them in sharp metal. The robbed skeleton seemed a little faster than the other two. He spun around and raised his sword, but before he could do anything, Dirk grabbed his head, one hand on each temple.

The position was too close for the skeleton to swing his sword, but before he could come up with an alternative plan, Dirk flexed his body, his skin turning red from the top of his head all the way to his arms as blood rushed to his skin. The skeleton’s head exploded, two fists coming together and crushing the skull from the outside. It seemed like all power had left the skeleton, but as if to make sure, he pulled one hand out and grabbed the spine, lifting the skeleton like a doll and tossing it with some force as it shattered against a nearby tree.

He looked over at me, breathing hard while the redness on his face only now started to fade. This must have been what he meant when he called himself a berserker. At the moment, his body certainly exuded strength. The shock of being nearly killed got to me, and before I could help myself, I threw my arms around Dirk, tears running down my face.

Nearly being killed by the skeleton might not have been enough to cause me to bawl normally, but it was added on top of the stress of my own mind. I was useless. That was the truth of it. My own fears were confirmed right as I started to realize it.

“Ah, miss… be careful, my back…”

There were heavy steps coming from a nearby thicket and the pair of us spun in preparation. It ended up being Min, Tark, and Giff immerging from the trail, looking around with concern. At the time, I still had tears in my eyes, and my arms were wrapped around Dirk’s side. Tark raised an eyebrow and gave a look while Giff only twisted a smile and muttered to himself while watching Min from the side. To his disappointment, Min’s face didn’t give away any distress. I pulled my hands away from Dirk’s body, although I tried to make it look natural.

“Skeletons attacked.” Dirk nodded to the three piles of bones. “Caught us off guard.”

“I bet…” Tark responded dryly.

Dirk took a step forward and then winced. “Ah, well, he got me bad with that sword. You have anything for that Giff?”

“Don’t look at me,” Giff snorted and rolled his eyes to me. “Doesn’t she have white magic?”

Dirk’s eyes brightened. “That’s right! You can heal us, can’t you?”

“Ah… yes, of course.” I gave an optimistic smile.

That’s how I ended up with the man while Min prepared something else to eat. The other two men were sitting around the fireplace. Giff was using a mortar and pestle to make bonemeal from the corpses while Tark was looking at the rotted equipment to see if anything was worth keeping. Fortunately, they had caught another animal while scouting so we wouldn’t go hungry.

“So, why do I have to take off my shirt? You can’t just chant a spell and heal me?”

“No, sorry. My spell requires a more hands-on touch. You’ll feel a warm, wet feeling, I’m just applying the herb.” I made up some excuse.

“If all she can do is apply herbs, we could have just done that ourselves.” Giff growled to himself.

“Hey, now. She actually did a good job distracting the skeletons. I might have died if she wasn’t here.” Dirk defended.

“And it was Min that was able to see that snake you nearly stepped on while we were scouting.” Tark added.

Giff shrugged. “Alright… whatever. Won’t matter anyway.”


“Yeah, I got it.” Giff doubled his efforts on making bonemeal while ignoring the rest of us.

While using Dirk’s muscular body as a shield, I carefully licked the long gash on his back, sealing it with my cat’s meow. Now that the stress of the moment was gone, I realize could have thought of ten ways to bring down the skeletons earlier. I didn’t think I’d be so prone to freezing up like that. In the end, the only skill I even considered was the one I had sworn to myself I’d stop using. Despite all my best efforts, I still thought to use my body before anything else. I thought to seduce and manipulate, rather than actually stand up and support myself.

I wiped his back with a towel to clean off my saliva. “All done.”

“What, really so quick?” Dirk stretched his back trying to reach for the cut although his bulky muscles made it impossible. After a moment, he broke out into a giant grin. “Hey, that’s not bad! There is no pain at all. Even the white mae spells usually take a few hours. She’s not bad at all!”

Dirk was trying to show his back to the other two men, who shrugged it off as inconsequential. Giff muttered something about the ability being useless in the middle of a fight, but I decided it wasn’t worth fighting, especially since I had embellished my capacity to use white magic since the beginning. I was just glad they were satisfied with that.

Although, it turned out Dirk wasn’t satisfied with just that. After I sent Min to bed in the tent, it ended up just being Dirk and me near the fire like the previous night. Saving my life mixed with the stuff we had done the previous night had made Dirk bold, as no sooner did his friends close their eyes when he started putting his hands all over me.

I wasn’t really in the mood, but he was being exceptionally forceful, and even after taking his hand off my thigh three times he ended up forcing his hand down my pants and fingering me while sucking my neck noisily. At that point, I decided to stop fighting it as he pushed me down on the ground. He pulled down my pants and whipped out his dick like he was in a race to penetrate me.

Soon, his bulky form was on top of me, thrusting away as I wrapped my legs around his hips. The ground under me was ice cold, freezing my ass. His muscles were warm, so I held on to him tightly as he thrust while making rhythmic grunting noises. As he continued to have my body, his course fingers squeezing my breasts with the excitement of a little boy, I laid my head back and looked around.

It was then that I realized that the tent I shared with Min was opened a crack. In that crack was Min, staring out at the pair of us. My eyes met Min’s, my head bobbing side to side with each thrust, but I really had nothing to say. This wasn’t the first time I’d ever done things in his proximity, but usually, I was consumed by some sort of sexual lust. This felt more like fulfilling a sexual obligation.

Min was as expressionless as always, and I didn’t do anything so tactless as smile at him or acknowledge him, but the pair of us continued to watch each other. Eventually, I broke my gaze. I was considering the things I had decided on that day and suddenly felt a stabbing feeling in my heart. By the time I looked back, the tent was closed.

I gritted my teeth and my hands tightened on Dirk’s arms. I’d need to strengthen my resolve. I was not longer the scared little girl just trying to survive. Perhaps this was a good thing. I was reaching a point where I could become self-sufficient.

Dirk mistook this for me orgasming, and a second later gave two last thrusts and gasped as I felt something warm injected between my legs. I opened my lips and applied my manipulation to give him the impression I finished too, and he gave me a happily dumb look as he finally rolled off me to pull his pants up.

The floor was so cold that by the time I got my clothing back in order, I just wanted to moon the firepit to warm my numb ass. I fought the urge and instead sat back down on a nearby log while ignoring the pain and discomfort.

“I’m sorry, Min,” I whispered to myself. “I’ll repay everything you’ve done for me. I swear it.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 87

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Shortly after giving the girl’s a morning shower, you head out for breakfast. Jasmine has already prepared something for you, and you consider how good of a cook she’s been since she started here. She’s also been working on teaching the baka maids how to cook, which is something Sebastian asked her to do. Good idea from Sebastian. Either way, you’d need to come up with some way of rewarding her soon. Of course, it wouldn’t be that, but something that makes her know you appreciate her.

Jasmine notices you watching her and gets excited. “Has savior’s proclivities finally widened?”

“Denied!” You declare and she let’s out a whine. “However, I do want to do something for you. Is there anything ‘normal’ you want.”

“Hmmm… want… you mean like having you stick it in my-“

“I said normal!”

“Poo… fine… how about… take me out shopping! I need to get some kitchen supplies!”

“Shopping? Eh, that’s fine I guess.”

“Just you and me?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever…”

A kettle suddenly drops and there is dead silence in the room. You look up to see eleven girls looking at you with wide eyes.

“Huh? What?” You ask in confusion.

“A-a-a-a date?” It was Merida who breathed out the words in a hushed voice. “Just with the two?”

That’s right. You had only taken the harem on a date once, although that was nearly a week ago, and it involved all of them at once. As far as one-on-one dates go, you hadn’t given any of the girls any individualized attention.

“Ah, is that suggesting you all want to go on dates then?”

“Yes!” It was Kida who spoke first, then covered her mouth with a blush before continuing shyly, “That is, I think it’d be nice to spend some alone time with Rookie.”

There were enough girls in the group nodding that you throw up your hands with a sigh. It looks like you’ll have to fit in a bunch of dates.

“Alright, how about I give each girl a day.”

“A day!” each of the girl’s shouted in excitement.

“Well, yeah… but there are twelve of you, so…”

The girl’s all look at each other cautiously. That’s also right. There are 12 girls, which means that one girl is going to have to wait 12 days. That’s a long gap. Plus, who would go first?

“After that, Aurora and Merida will be close to term, so…”

“That quick!” It was Elena who spoke with surprise.

“Ah, well, they’re magical babies, so to speak. They’re even a little faster than I thought. Aurora already looks like she’s about 4 months pregnant with that bump and Merida’s boobs have already grown two sizes larger.”

Both girls gave nods. “Therefore, the pair of us should be given priority as the mothers of his children and the rest of your will just have to wait until afte-”

“What!” Mulan snaps. “This lowly dragon gets first! Mulan is most loyal!”

“I’m the first girl. I’m his bitch! I get the first date!” Ariel interrupts.

“We should battle to the death. In which case, I, Snow White, should get the first date.”

“You don’t even want to be here,” Merida shoots back. “Why do you want to date daddy?”

“My business with warrior is my own and not for some puny knight!”

“Puny! I was the 1st Wyvern Knight directly under his majesty! You think just because you became a Queen of ‘goblins’ that you’re strong? If I wasn’t pregnant, I could take you any day!”

“Hah! Goblin women wouldn’t be limited by something like pregnancy like some weakling human!”

“None of this maters. Mulan is strongest! I’m a dragon!”

“You say strongest, but all I see is flattest.” Snow White snorted, puffing out her chest, even though her chest is pretty modest for her own size.”

“Why you!”

“Ah, ladies… can we…”

“Darling, please fill me with your love! Doll love is top love!”

“My love, don’t waste time with that dimwitted doll…”

“To rut around the dirty public with commoner… will that make me filthy?”

“Ladies!” A voice calls out, silencing all of them.

The eyes all turn to reveal Sebastian standing there. Somehow since the previous night he had found a butler-like outfit and now had a surprisingly regal expression as he stood there was a straight back and a twirled mustache.

“If I might suggest, if you can’t decide amongst yourselves, how about a competition?”

“”””“A… competition?”””””

And thus opens the curtain on the first annual Riun Waifu Competition!

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 86

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You awake the next morning to warm feelings all around you. You feel the pressure of someone lying on your right. You feel the pressure of someone lying on your left. Perhaps more impactful is the pressure of someone on top of you. Furthermore, there are sloppy wet sounds, and your cock feels like it is being engulfed in something wet, warm, and soft. Your eyes snap open and you focus on yellow pubic hair and a tight little snatch wagging over your face.

“What are you doing, Minnie?” You ask.

There is a popping sound and a gasp as Minnie removes the suction she is applying to your dick. “Ah, boss, Sir Sebastian says it’s proper etiquette for the maids to wake master every morning in this manner.”

“Ah, is that so?” You raise an eyebrow and chuckle.

It looks like Sebastian’s training is already starting to pay off. You raise a hand and tickle your fingers across the adorable little snatch waving in front of you. Her body shivers a bit as she goes back down on your cock, slobbering and sucking with skill she didn’t possess the night before. Sebastian better have been training her on bananas or something.

“Hero, are you just giving her all the attention?” A voice says to your left.

You turn and give a smile to Ariel, who is lying naked next to you. Even though you have a woman on top of you in a sixty-nine position while she noisily and sloppily gobbles your cock and you slide a finger in and out of her, there is no awkwardness at all between the pair of you. She leans over and kisses you, the pair of your tongues entwine and battle back and forth between your mouths, creating even more lewd noises so early in the morning.

When Ariel pulls away, she lifts a hand up alongside yours, rubbing a thumb on Minnie’s clit while you continue to slide your finger in and out. Minnie gasps again, using a hand to rub up and down your shaft while she regains her breath.

“Hah, hah, Boss, please, if you’re so rough I’ll squirt all over master’s face!”

“If you do that so early in the morning I’ll just have to punish you then.”

Minnie let’s out a whining gasp. “Please, boss, I can’t take any more, you feel too good. Ah, stop, stop, I can’t stop!”

Like that her pussy erupts like a fountain, drenching you and Ariel in her lewd juices.

“Oh, please, no, I’m going to squirt again. Please, Boss, have mercy!”

“I’ll just tell Sebastian what you did after.”

“No, that’s even worse! Ah, fuck, It’s cumming out again!”

“No matter, I’ll lick you clean,” Ariel says enthusiastically, licking your face and trying to catch all of Minnie’s lewdness as she continues to wet the pair of you.

“Will help master as well!” Mulan declares.

“Ah, you’re there too?”

“Mm, wanted Master’s warmth.” Mulan declares, being on your other side.

She starts licking the other side of your face, and you stick your tongue in her mouth, kissing her too. The three of your end up sharing kissing back and forth under the fountain of Minnie’s cumming pussy.

“Ah, did another pair of lips start sucking my balls?” You ask, not quite able to see anything outside of a dripping snatch and the tongues of your two enthusiastic ladies.

“Don’t act surprise, my love, you made me this way.” Grimhilde’s voice came from somewhere between your legs, clearly looking for an early morning fix and taking advantage of what Minnie started.

“Grimhilde is here too? Didn’t I give you girls your own rooms?”

“Daddy shouldn’t leave mommy alone and cold at night.” A pout came to your side somewhere.

“Yes, hero-san, while I appreciate the privacy to have my own things, at night I’d rather feel the warmth of my baby’s father.”

“Did everyone come?” You ask.

“No, darling. Elena kept Jasmine from sneaking out. Kida is still asleep. Snow White is in her room training. Tiana is with her father. Belle is behind the wall touching herself as she watches the naked Minnie suck your cock.”

There was a thump on the wall and a shout followed by the sounds of footsteps running away. You let out a chuckle as Belle still couldn’t accept she liked the sight of your dick.

“Alright ladies, I’m ready, all of you on your knees.”

The seven girls that had made their way into your room this morning pulled away and got on their knees at the foot of your bed. As you used the spit and lubrication to slide your hand over your cock and keep it erect, you move around and give each girl a thorough kiss on the mouth. Once you leave each one with stars in their eyes, you straighten up and point your cock out. The seven girls circle around with their mouths open.

“Good morning, my harem!”

“”””“Good morning!””””””

“This will be a big one, make sure to say ‘ah!’”


You paint the harem white using your dick as a paintbrush. All seven of them together made sure to lick up every last drop.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 85

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You certainly enjoy some ass to mouth play as Tiana graciously slobbers all over your dick until you cum all over her face.

“Am… am I filthy yet?” She asks, looking up at you with streaks of come and spit running down her face.

“We could do more…”

“Yes, please, commoner, make me as dirty as any noble!”

Naturally, you take things to the next level. At some point, you literally toss her into mud. You forcd her to lick you from your head to your toes. She gives you the so-called analingus while you sit on her face. The floor isn’t dirty, but you make the floor dirty just so you can push her face in the dirt as you plow her from behind.

She complains about it, but refuses to stop even as she cries. The dirtier things get, the more into it she becomes. At some point she starts to like being made filthy. Covered in mud, cum, and other various fluids, she is extremely wet, desperately wanting more of your cock as you come up with new methods to humiliate and dirty her.

As to how far you went, well, that won’t be described in polite company. You certainly didn’t do anything you’d considered nasty. Whether it devolved into the realm of scatplay or golden showers is something you’ll never reveal to anyone else. Naturally, if you aren’t into those things, you didn’t go to that extent. You only pushed your boundaries, not passed them.

By the time you are done, Tiana smells of cum, garbage, and dirt. She legitimately is dirty in every sense of the word.

“Am… am… I dirty yet, commoner?” Tiana asks pleadingly, now a miserable sight.

“Well, actually, I’d rather you went and cleaned yourself now.”

“Is that so…”

“You’ve done good,” You give her a thumbs up as you wave your hand, removing the filth you had created in this room.

Now, it’s just Tiana that smells nasty. Although, truth be told, you probably don’t smell all that much better.

“Head off to the bath.” You nod. “Ah, I’m not going to kiss you or anything until after you clean up, I know where your mouth has been. Being a filthy noble is something kept behind closed doors, right?”

“Ah, yes… I understand.” Tiana nods thoughtfully and then leaves the room as she wipes tears from her eyes.

You stretch and give a sigh. Every time you accept a new girl into your harem you’re never 100% sure where things will end up. Whether she turns into a sexfreak like Ariel, a BJ queen like Grimhilde, or a motherly wife like Aurora, things seemed to shoot off in unexpected directions.

After a moment you decide to head to the baths too. To your surprise, they are already full! In fact, every girl is in the baths with the exception of the baka maids.

“Ah, you’re all taking a bath right now?” I ask.

“Hmph, after lover dirtied all of us with that tentacle stunt, where else could we go! I was covered all over with more semen than I could swallow!” Grimhilde growls.

Belle looks at your naked body with just a towel on your arm and narrows her eyes darkly, “Well, we were having fun on our own without beast here.”

“What is Belle talking about!” Ariel adds brightly, “We can have even more fun now that hero has arrived!”

“Hmph… I’ve gotten to enjoy the pleasant sight of this taco bar, how could I be happy with the sight of a snake slithering in.”

Ariel tilts her head to the side, not quite understanding Belle’s words.

“This lowly dragon still feels dirty! Can master clean her?” a voice rang out from the crowd.

Immediately, everyone went silent. Now that the words were out there, a dozen women were looking at you with curious looks, even those that had been intensively cleaning themselves previously.

“What is Mulan talking about? I have already cleaned you up!” Ariel broke the tension with her cluelessness.

“Yes, daughter, we all know you can go under water without breathing, you’ve already made sure all of us were clean…” Aurora sighed and then in a quieter sigh. “Even your own mother…”

Mulan erupts in a blush. “That’s that! And this is this! I want master’s touch, err… for cleaning, I mean! Only master can make sure I am properly clean!”

“Yes, Ariel is thorough, but daddy should work extra hard.” Merida responds pleadingly.

Ariel pouts her lips and mutters. “It’s not that I don’t get it… I want Hero to wash me as well.”

“Ah, Jeese, having a harem is a lot of work, huh?” You sigh. “Alright, Mulan asked first. Let’s go!”

There are numerous other shouts as the other girls stand up or otherwise try to protest. Even Kida and Snow White want to be cleaned by your. Snow White mutters something about a warrior’s honor and Kida only nods as if that explains it. You make sure to accommodate all of the girls with a loofah and a very bubbly soap. Even Jasmine gets a thorough washing. Well, little girls tend to be a little lazy, so you just want to make sure she keeps good hygiene, that’s it. Okay?

A quick bath turns into an all-night activity. Your hands are prunes and it is long past bedtime by the time you finished scrubbing up each girl in bubbles from head to toe, making sure to take time to make sure each part of them was clean. Not a single girl protests no matter where your hands go, even Tiana. You are so tired that once you finish drying off, you leave the already sleeping Jasmine with Elena and head to your room, jumping into bed and collapsing asleep without another care.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 84

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“What are you doing, you commoner!” Tiana complains as you roll her over and raise up her butt.

You don’t say anything, instead lining your dick up with her tight little asshole.

“!!” she lets out a little cry. “Wh-wh-what are you doing with that! You can stick it in there!”

“Huh? I thought you said that nobles were clean compared to filthy commoners?”

“Th-that may be true…” her mind works furiously to try to stop you. “But, you see… aah, it hurts, it hurts! It’s going in!”

“Ah, don’t be such a big baby. I barely got the head in.”

“Just the head! Ow, Ow, Ow… it hurts so much, that can’t just be the head.”

“You’re going to even argue with me about that, then how about this much?”

Tiana thrashes and cries as you steadily slide you massive rod into her little butt.

“Owie! It hurts! It hurts! Why are you doing something so dirty! Is this what commoners do?”

“Yeah, this is what commoners do. Are you suggesting a noble like yourself can handle something any commoner could handle?”

“That’s-that’s… owie… I’m a noble! O-of course I can, but it’s so dirty…”

“Are you saying a noble like Tiana is dirty?”

“Stop playing with my words, Commoner, ah, it’s in even more. My bottom is breaking! I can’t take any more! Please stop!”

“To think, this is as much as a noble can take… perhaps nobles are weak?”

“Not true! Not true! I can’t take it!”

“You know, for someone who kept everything in with your dad, you should whine a lot when it’s with me.”

“My butt… Waa haa… you’re making me feel dirty!”

“Hey, all I’m doing is enjoying myself. If you feel dirty, doesn’t that speak more to your true nature than my own?”


“Well, if your butthole is so dirty, isn’t that because you yourself are dirty!”

“AH, ah, please tell me you’re done! It’s all the way in, right!” She tries to ignore what you say as she cries, her face pressed against the pillow.

“Ah, I got it in, now I’ll take it back out.”

“Oh, thank Pun… slide it out of me and we can be, AH, why is it sliding back in!”

“Isn’t that a given? I’ll slide it in and out, in and out… loosening your butt completely.”

“Ah, it hurts so much! Owie Owie!”

You continue to slide your dick in and out of that tight little elven ass. Although you wanted to slam it into her, you realized you couldn’t. You told her it was all the way in, but you could only fit about half of it in her tight little asshole before it just wouldn’t go anymore. Her slender frame just couldn’t take the entire length of your mass. Each time you thrust into her, her ears continued to twitch as she made sobbing noises into her pillow. Finally, after a few minutes of loosening up her butt, you finally pull out. Behind is a massive hole, her ass stretched open to the extent it won’t close back up right away.

“Mmm, now get over here and suck on my dick!”

“Wh-what! You mean, put my lips on it? But it’s been in that dirty place, that’s so…”

“Hey, do you want me to stick it back in your ass?”

“Ah, please, no…”

“Then suck it.”

You wag your filthy dick in front of her, and she looks at it while wringing her hands, her face still covered in tears. After a moment she finally scoots forward until your massive form is wagging in front of her. Her ears twitch and she turns her head as if not quite sure what to do. You resist the urge to grab her hair and just shove it down her throat.

Eventually, she opens her mouth and brings out a delicate pink tongue. Very lightly, she touches the tip of her tongue against the head of your cock. Immediately she grimaces and pulls away.

“It’s so gross. It’s been in my butt. It’ll make my mouth dirty too.”

“Don’t you get it?” You ask. “You’re already filthy, I’m just showing you how filthy you are.”

Tears start to well her eyes, and a depressed look appears on her face. “I… I’m filthy… yes… they all kept telling me that. An elf such as me, we’re just filthy creatures. I… I should have listened to them. I see that now. Elves are just born dirty… they’re…”

“Eh?” You say breaking off her weird train of thoughts. “I don’t care you’re an elf.”

“Huh? You don’t?”

“All conceded nobles are just filth to me. When you look down on people with nasty eyes and call them names, that’s what makes you filthy. You’ve been spewing shit from your mouth since you been here, I’m just shoving some shit back into your mouth so you can get a feel for the taste.”

“All nobles are filthy?”

“Well, Ariel and Aurora are cool with me, but nobles who act like you are just gross. I’d make any cute noble who acting as nasty as you suck my cock like this.”

“C-cute!” Tiana’s eyes widened.

“Why do I get the sense we’re not on the same page here!”

“I… I understand what the commoner is saying!” Tiana makes a fist before grabbing your dick with renewed determination.

“Still commoner…”

“Nobles a-are depraved and dirty! So-so, if I continue to act depraved and dirty, I can be like other nobles!”

“Why do I get the feeling I just broke the common sense of another girl?”

Tiana immediately wraps her lips around the head of your cock, sucking aggressively even while making a gross looking face. She finally let’s go and looks up at you with innocent eyes that cause your heart to rise to your throat.

“I want to be accepted as a noble. Please make me filthy until I’m just like every noble!”

Ah, well, how can you say no to a face like that?

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 83

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Now that all of the other girls are being handled by the tentacles, you can now focus on your elvish conquest. You close the door, cutting off the moaning and indecent scenes from outside. So that you don’t worry Tiana, you further cut off the noise from the outside. You then go about fixing up the room. It’s a spell that makes the room look nicer and more romantic for her, a combination of your ideas of romance and her expectations the spell pulled from her memories.

There is a bottle of wine on ice on the night stand. Candle lighting and of course mood music in the background. It’s the most you’ve ever done for a woman in this world, so Tiana better be worth the effort. Casting a spell, you blow lightly in her ear and eyes flutter awake.

“Hello, Tiana.”

Tiana looks around the room confused for a bit, but then her eyes snap to you and she immediately gives a wary look.

“Commoner… what is… that’s right… I agreed. So… th-the deed, has been done?”


“Good, I already feel filthy. I will need a long bath. Have one of your servants prepare it immediately.”

“We haven’t even started though?”


“Ah, you fainted, so we didn’t do anything?”

“I-is that so…” Tiana looks down as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “Does that mean… we still must…”

“Yes! We must!”

She gulps and closes her eyes, turning her head away. “Ve-very well, do what you must.”

You look down at her with a wry smile, but decide to move forward this this anyway. You push away the covers, revealing her body in a one-piece dress. Steadily you start undoing her dress. Her small tender hands tense into little fists, and the blush seems to explode until even part of her chest is red. Meanwhile, her eyes are closed tightly as if to shut out what is happening to her.

Once her dress is removed, she tries to move her hands to her chest as if to show some modesty. You create a feather and lightly tickle her skin. Even though her eyes are shut tight and she is trying to wear an expressionless face, she can’t help but twitch each time you run the feather down her skin. Most amusing of all, her ears seem to twitch with the rest of her body. You lightly touch the tip of her ear and she lets out a gasping sound.

Rather than sound erotic, it sounds like she’s holding back a sob. A tear starts to run down her cheek. You give an annoyed sigh. Maybe this would be better if Ariel is present after all. You tap Tiana on the forehead in annoyance.

“Ah! Eh?” her eyes finally open and she looks up at you with teary eyes. “Have you finished now? Can I go?”

“I have to ask.” Your voice is a little low. “Do you expect to remain pure after this encounter?”

She shrinks back at the comment a bit. “That is… well…”

“Do you think if you close your eyes you can pretend nothing happened and that you’ll be the same virtuous girl you always were.”

“Well, you’re a commoner, so…”

“HAH! You think commoners don’t count? Or are you suggesting that nobles are somehow cleaner.”

“They are!” She cried, “It’s a fact, commoners are dirty things… so… so… do your dirty things and then I’ll just bath!”

You let out a laugh. “You… have made quite a few mistakes since you’ve come to my mansion. First, I’m not a commoner.”

“You… you’re not dirty?” Tiana asks cautiously.

“Oh, I’m dirty… I’m as filthy as they come. And guess what, Tiana…”

“Wh-what?” Tiana wears a scared look as she backs away.

“I’m going to dirty you completely! I’m going to make the filth a part of your soul, something you can never clean off!”

You rip off your clothing and stand up in front of her at full attention. Her eyes widen as she becomes flustered once again.


“I won’t let you close your eyes or faint this time. I was wondering what I’d do with you, but now I’ve decided. While Ariel is my little slutty bitch, Tiana will become my filthy skank. You’ll do all the nasty things I respect the other girls too much to do. Prepare yourself, you dirty cumdumpster, it’s time for round two!”

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