The Power of Creation – Chapter 68

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She picks up one of your sex dolls and rips the spine right out of its throat, much like you had done to a certain group of thieves the other day. Yikes, she is quite scary. You are glad these dolls aren’t as finished as Cinderella, which is to say that they don’t have any blood or inner parts. So, for the most part, the pile of parts the goblin was tossing the dolls into looks more like a pile of prosthetics rather than any kind of gory scene.

The goblins who lost their sex toys were quickly distracted by another sex toy, although given the growing ratio of goblins to sex toys, many of the toys were taking 2 or more men at a time. One girl in particular was fucking eight men at a time. As to how that is possible, let’s just say during experimentation you added a few extra holes in some of the dolls as an experiment.

“Keep working hard ladies.” You silently give them a thumbs up for continuing to battle the Goblin Queen’s army by putting their bodies on the line.

At this point, the Goblin Queen has finally noticed your approach and stopped bringing down sex dolls. She gives you a cautious stare as her head cocks to the side.

“Is it you, human, who seduced my army so?”

You aren’t sure “seduced” is the right word. Is hanging bait in front of a fish “seducing” the fish if they happen to take a bite? Still, you’re glad the Goblin Queen can talk. It’d be awkward if she could only respond in grunts.

“Your army is meaningless.” You give a shrug and point at her. “You’re mine.”

“Courtship, is it?” The Goblin Queen growls back. “You wish to make me submit and take my army for yourself? Many have attempted to tame this Queen and all of them have lost their heads.”

You find yourself a bit surprised that she is on board. Perhaps this is an aspect of goblin culture. A goblin man has to beat down a goblin woman in order to conquer her. Well, this is certainly more applicable to your way of thinking.

“Very well, if I win, your army leaves, and I claim you as my prize.”

“And what if I win?”

I give a chuckle. “Well, that’s not even possible, but if you somehow win then what would you want?”

The Queen stares darkly for a moment. “You’re a mage, yes?”

“Ah, you could say that. I can use a large variety of magic. I suppose at the core, that’s my strength.”

The Goblin Queen cracks a smile. “Very well. I might need a mage. If I win, you will be my royal dog. You can sit at my feet, licking up the scraps I throw to you, and cast the spells I want when I want them.”

You shrug, “Sounds fine. After all, I’m very confident in my magic.”

The Queen’s smile grows as her eyes gleam. “I’m counting on it. It’ll serve me well as I conquer this world and make it my own. Shall we begin?”

“Ladies first.” You smile.

“Then excuse me if I won’t be polite!” As she says this, she pulls her sword and swings it at you.

At the same time, there is a glow shockwave that shoots from her body. It doesn’t appear to be dangerous, just some kind of supplementary skill, so you ignore the shockwave and move to strike the sword. As it comes down, you go to meet it with your hand. You use a spell that will cause the sword to turn to dust the second it strikes your hand.

The sword strikes your hand, and then keeps going. Pain shoots through your arm. You leap back as the remaining strike barely misses you and strikes the ground with a thunderous roar. You look down at your hand in shock. A long brutal gash has formed, blood leaking out, and it throbs in pain. If it wasn’t for the stats you had modified to make yourself generally slightly OP’d, you’d have died already.

“What’s a matter mage?” The Goblin Queen laughed. “Things not going according to plan?”

“What have you done?” You ask nervously.

She pulls her hair back and gives another laugh as she shakes your blood off her sword. “I have an anti-mage skill. Prevents you from casting magic for the duration of our battle. For a man ‘confident’ in his magic, you could say I am your worst enemy.”

The blood drains from your face. It didn’t matter what spell you could create now, because you couldn’t cast them. So even if you created an anti-magic immunity spell, unless you could cast it first time, then you would never be able to use it. At the moment, your stats are only strong. After Kida, you had scaled them back a bit so that you didn’t overdo it. You also can’t make your magic armor and weapon appear either!

While the magic you had casted in the past would make sure you didn’t die from this match, no matter what, that didn’t speak to being temporarily knocked unconscious. Should that happen, then you’d be stuck as the Goblin Queen’s new dog. The first time since you had been to this world you feel a bit worried.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 67

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Two massive armies converge and…

“I feel like I should be covering my eyes.”

“This is truly disturbing.”

“I don’t understand, master, what are the sex dolls doing?”

You put your finger on your cheek and think about it. Your original plan was to send the army out to fight the goblins. However, as soon as the two armies came in to contact, the woman all dropped to their knees, or pulled up their dresses and bent over, or lied down and spread their legs. The goblins, already prone to raping woman from the lands they invaded, after a brief moment of confusion, went right to work.

As a result, the entire battlefield had divulged into a goblin on sexdoll orgy unfolding directly in front of Riun. Most of the refugees are fleeing in the other direction, so hopefully no unlucky child will look back for a moment and find themselves scarred for life. Well, there is Jasmine, but she seems to be looking on as if she is taking lessons. Is no one going to cover her eyes?

The goblins themselves are a green-skinned people with long ruffled ears. They aren’t short like one might expect. In fact, they don’t look too much different than humans. In fact, except for the long ears, green skin, jet black hair, and ridges on the noses, they look like any other race. Rather than some unintelligent rookie-class monster, the goblins of this world seem to be an entire species not entirely unlike the elf. Perhaps they have a common ancestor? It is no wonder that the addition of a goblin king scares everyone so much. These are intelligent beings capable of forming cities and fighting wars.

Those beings are now balls deep in each of your sex dolls. The sharp cries of war quickly diminish into the low buzz of moaning and the ‘pat-pat’ of skin against skin. Perhaps this incident would go down in history as the great rape of Riun. Although, some one could argue you can’t rape the willing.

At that, you snap your finger and everyone turns to you. “That’s right, I forgot to reprogram them for combat.”

Their base-level commands are general sexbot commands. Had you wanted to have them fight, You’d have to reprogram their protocols to include some kind of combat. Despite your orders, you could say the only thing these dolls know how to do is bend over and take it. So, they are bending over and taking it with all of their strength. In a small way, it is a bit refreshing to see the girls working so hard out there.

“What do you mean they won’t fight! What are you going to do then?” The worried voice comes from Belle.

Annoyed by her tone, you snap a finger. Like that, she loses bladder control and pees herself.

“Ai!” She lets out out a little cry and then suddenly falls to her knees.

Her skin turns a deep red as she refuses to make eye contact with anyone, simply staring at the ground, pulling her shirt to cover the ruined pants as she crouches to hide any indecency. Most of the girls are too distracted by the battlefield orgy to notice.

“You beast…” the voice is very pale, as Belle looks like she is about to cry.

Instead of paying attention, you answer her first question. “They’re distracted right now, so all we need to do is go over there and defeat this so-called Goblin King. If I get him to surrender, they might loose the will to fight. Or who knows, it might be one of those whoever defeats me takes my rank things and I can go order the goblins to stop fucking my dolls and go fuck themselves instead.”

Using a quickly designed magic spell, you scan through the massive army looking for this person who should be called the so-called Goblin King. Ah, you found them there. Rather than raping the girls, they seem very upset at their army’s actions, and are going to great lengths to eliminate the nearby dolls and get the army to charge again. They have already ripped apart a dozen of your girls.

The leader wears a heavy fur armor. They have long black hair tied in the back, were muscular, and about a head shorter than Kida, which was still pretty tall. With physique of a trained warrior, they looked quite ferocious, except…

“I’d guess it’s not a Goblin King, but a Goblin Queen then?”

Yes, the leader is a woman with some cleavage showed up through her fur armor. She hads two long, exposed, green legs that seems to go on for miles and a long flowing ponytail.

“She’s pretty hot. I Guess we’ll have to give up on plan A and B and change things to plan F.”

“Which plan is plan F, hero?” Ariel asked.

“You’ll recognize it when you see it.” You wink at her, and then start heading to the orgy to start your own battle.

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Whizzer Announcements

So, either known or not known, I’ve been working on Tales of an Enchantress (Tales of a Seductress being the first book) and Power of Creation, two of the original novels on machine sliced bread.

After finishing TOAS, I took a bit of a break as I said I would, which continued on even after wetting my feet with a couple TOAE chapters. So, for those of you wanting to know where I’m at. I finished the “Hawtness 1.5” story in the intervening three month hiatus and am sort of ready to start writing again with regularity.

I brought Power of Creation back from hiatus, and a big contributor to that fact was my patreon. Donating a few bucks a month does wonders towards motivating me to keep writing, and I’d recommend anyone who wants to keep seeing PoC and TOAE to do as such. My wife’s alternator broke, and we’re so poor right now that the only way my kids will have Christmas is if I donate plasma, so, you know, no pressure.

As for the official release schedule, it is my desire to release Power of Creation 5 times a week give or take, M-F. This will be a not-so-concrete schedule and subject to how I feel at the time. More reliably, I optimistically hope, would be Tales of An Enchantress, which will get one chapter a week, always falling on Saturday. So expect that.

I’d love to hear more from the TOAE fans, as I’ve not gotten too much feedback on the six chapters released and it’s been hitting my motivation a tad. I know the story has barely started yet, but given the gap in writing I wanted to make sure the quality and expectations were still up to par. I have some heavy plans for the story, but it’ll be a good 15-20 chapters before the story is in full tilt (not unlike TOAS).

Anyway, I just wanted to officially announce the schedules. Now, we’ll see if I can stick to them.


Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 6

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“Vessë is so cruel…” There was a whimper coming from next to me in bed the next morning.

“Hmph, it was my wife that was so rough last night.” I lifted my boob up and licked it.

A moment later, a scratch left on my boob disappeared under the power of cat’s meow. This was only one of many scratches left on my person, several of which I couldn’t reach with my cat’s meow. It certainly left the question of which one of us was the bigger pussy.

This was only the second time I had every frenzied Min. The first time had been during a giant village party. It had turned into a giant orgy, and the pair of us had slipped away in the morning before anyone could get the idea to start blaming us. Well, Min himself had been incredibly territorial in frenzy, and to be honest, any other person who approached me, man or woman, was sent running. I’d yet to experience the so-called threesome with Min to date. That was a small part of the reason I had decided not to summon Jenai during last nights entertanment. Even if I could get Min to engage, he might resent me come the morning.

I leaned over and pulled Min towards me, planting a princess kiss on his lips. The effects of sleep deprivation immediately began to evaporate, curing whatever headach he had been suffering.

“Vessë always feel good to kiss…” Min sighed as the tension left his forehead.

“Because your wife will always takes care of you,” I responded and kissed him again before standing up and slapping his bare ass while I worked my way to my feet. “The plan hasn’t changed, I imagine? We’ll still need supplies, some protection, and a streategy towards invading the succubae territory.”


“Then I’ll just have to sell every potion we got. This far out on the frontier, even cum potions ought to sell. Just need to find a merchant with low analyze skill and maybe some sugar or syrup or something to cover up the taste.”

I finished dressing and kissed Min one more time feeling rejuvenated for the first time since I had almost died a few nights prior. As I headed down, I saw a few maids with bags under their eyes, although some moved with a pep in their step that suggested they enjoyed an eventful last night. The maid who had mentioned a rendezvous with some guy named Edward looked conflicted, her lips seeming perpetually open like she couldn’t stop thinking about what happened the night before and just refused to believe it really happened.

I approached the innkeeper who was fully gussied up this morning with makeup and a dress, a wide grin on her face. When her eyes met mine, she beamed.

“Ah, there she is!” She greeted me like an old friend. “You couldn’t have been more right. The things my husband did to me, why, he hasn’t been that vigorous since we were young and stupid. Ah, it feels like I’m in my teens again.”

I might have disputed that last statement given her aged appearance, but I merely smiled politely. “I’m glad you’re happy. Pink moon, uh… it didn’t cause any.. adverse effects?”

The innkeeper put her finger to her lips and thought about it for a second. “Ah, well, from what I heard, last night one of our maids confessed to one our frequent patrons. And he responded by taking her into a room and having his way with her.”

“Ah, well, that sounds about right…”

The innkeeper chuckled and shrugged. “Unfortunately, his wife stopped by a few hours later looking for him. Found him balls deep in the maid. No matter how much she yelled at him, he wouldn’t stop. In fact, he then threw her down on the bed right next to the maid and had both of them.”

“Oh, wow…” I cringed at that, I hadn’t thought the maid would turn out to be a homewrecker, after all.

The innkeeper shrugged. “His wife was so flustered that she didn’t know what to do, said his eyes were like an animal. Kind of like what my husbands was like. Told her about this pink moon. The pair is having a nice long talk right now about their futures. Is it cheating if it’s a threesome that you’re a part of? And what if it didn’t start as a threesome, but became one?”

I gave a nondescript shrug as the innkeeper seemed to be seriously pondering these questions. It looked like Edward’s wife may have gotten the very end of the frenzy. Enough pheromone to cause her to turn erotic, but not irrational. So, when she was set upon by her entranced husband, the intensity probably coerced her into participating. It wasn’t my finest work, but hopefully, those three worked something out to obtain some happiness. Alcohol had caused these sorts of situations without the influence of a Seductress throughout all of human history, so I didn’t let myself take too much of the blame.

In fact, I had once been the third wheel in a relationship between an innkeeper and his wife. I never really followed up to see what became of those two. I recalled using a lot of seduction on the woman, but since it was so short termed, I’d assume that it would only have short-term effect. That felt like an eternity ago, even though I hadn’t been in this world for even a year yet.

“Um, speaking of which, I need some money to travel, and I have some potions I’m hoping to sell.” Breaking the innkeeper and my own drifting thoughts, I turned things back to what is important.

“If you’re not selling in bulk and you’re looking to maximize your profits, have you considered selling straight to an adventuring party?”

No, actually, that thought had never occurred to me before. However, as soon as I heard it, it made so much sense. In fact, there was no reason I needed to buy a party at all. Trade was perfectly acceptable as well. I could simply trade the potions for services. Any adventurer should be able to see the gain in acquiring potions. Selling it to a merchant always meant markups. By going straight to the user, I could skip that and deal with someone directly.

“Do I just go to the adventurer’s guild then?”

“No! No… you don’t want that. The second you’re in the guild, the guild’s going to want some money. It’d be best to do something… shall we say, under the counter? In fact, I know a team that stayed here last night. They’re trustworthy enough. You can give them a try.”

“Stayed here last night?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

But it was too late as the innkeeper was looking over my shoulder, “Ah, here they come now.”

I followed her eyes and my mouth opened a little as a young man a few years under my age came walking down the stairway. He was surprisingly attractive, with a muscular physic, a strong chin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and wearing typical leather armor with a sword at his side. He wore a polite smile which he beamed around the room, even at some maids, who nearly shivered at his glance.

These looks were brief, as the maids quickly averted their eyes when behind him stomped three other people. Their sight caused my mouth to drop even more. They were three women, all of above average beauty. The woman in front wore armor like the man but had long blond hair that was tied up in a ponytail. The woman behind her wore a long black dress that displayed a fair amount of cleavage. The last girl wore a white robe with a hood up in an attempt to hide her features, although it only served to frame an incredibly beautiful face.

Although I didn’t really know how beautiful I had become since I’d become a seductress, all three of these women could be considered knockout beauties. They were each as beautiful as Jenai or Min in their own particular way. As they reached the common room, the three women each grabbed a piece of the guy, one holding each arm and the white cloaked shy one holding the back of his cloak. They looked like they were afraid he would scamper away at any moment. As he joyfully looked around the room as if he didn’t notice three beautiful women cramped around him, the women stared down every maid or female patron who even glanced his direction.

I didn’t need to be a seductress to understand the dynamics of this group. Those women were, for one reason or another, absolutely in love with the boy, and there seemed to be a fierce competition going on. That’s when I realized that both girls holding either arm were glaring directly at me. Wow, ladies, he may be a little cute but I’m not about to step into your little snake pit and get-

“Hey! Jerard! I have someone here I’d like you to meet.” Failing to read the climate at all, the innkeeper waved the boy over, inviting his snake pit to me.

When the boy called Jerard’s eyes landed on me, they widened for a second and then he gave me an even wider smile and started heading over. Rather than fake, he wore a smile that looking refreshingly honest. Even I found myself thinking he seemed like a good guy without knowing a single thing about him. He moved forward without prompting the women holding on to him, and it almost appeared like he was a dog dragging three women who were desperately pulling back on his leash. The image was too perfect, and I couldn’t help but let a gentle laugh come out. All three women immediately stiffened, giving me completely unearned hostile looks.

“Your team, I presume?” I responded, trying to hide my smile.

“Wha.. ah…” He looked to his side blinking as if he had forgotten he wasn’t alone. “Ah, yes. My team…”

The girl in armor pinched him although he seemed to ignore this as he looked back at me.

“This young gentleman is Jerard. He just reached second class and is a bit of a local hero.”

Jerard seemed to blush at the innkeeper’s words, looking down shyly.

“The girl wearing armor is his companion, Daria. Behind him is a white mage they saved and joined them a few months ago, Mia. And this woman is…” The innkeeper’s introduction was polite but with a slight edge as she gave off their names.

“I’m Rosetta.” The black-dressed woman pushed forward, putting herself in front of Jerard and pushing out her cleavage like it was a weapon aimed at me. “And, you are?”

She spoke with an odd air of superiority, her nose up in the air like she was above everyone else in the room. It was an act, of course. As someone who had spent months living amongst the nobility, her behavior only contained a pale imitation of nobility. She was likely the daughter of a first-generation Knight if even that. I’d dined with Kings and princes; this behavior was so vanilla that she seemed almost cute.

Unable to stop myself, I pulled out the art of manipulation, bringing out the mask of a princess I hadn’t worn in many months. I let out a throaty laugh that seemed to ring throughout the common room, drawing every eye in my direction.

“My, my… what an adorable child. You may call me Aria. I am but a humble alchemist.”

I gave the group a courtesy very much unlike a humble alchemist’s daughter. In fact, despite the fact I wore simple traveling garbs that wouldn’t be considered remotely seductive, my body emitted elegance and beauty with every tick and motion. The part of a princess came as natural to me as being a seductress.

When I raised my head, three women were staring at me wide-eyed with open mouths, and the guy’s eyes practically contained stars of wonder, like he was watching some kind of show.

“I’m sorry. Sometimes, I can come on too strong,” I toned back the manipulation a bit, using one hand to brush my hair out of my face and the other to lightly touch Jerard’s hand. “Forgive me?”

One of the women, although I didn’t know which, made an unintentional gasp, and then the thought suddenly came to me before anyone could respond and I couldn’t help but speak.

“Ah, that’s right. You all came down together. So, you shared a room last night?”

The implication of my innocent words seemed to cut through the group like a knife through butter.

“Ah! No!” Jerard was the first to recover. “I stayed in my own room, and the ladies slept in another. I’d never do something so…”

He seemed to lose his words as I gave him a gentle smile.  Wait, Jerard was by himself last night, and the three girls were by themselves. In fact, now that I noticed it, all three women seemed to have bags under their eyes, while Jerard seemed perfectly fine. Boys will be boys, Jerard probably took care of things himself and then had a pleasant dream… but what of the women?

Their refusal to meet each other’s eyes, and the fact they positioned themselves so all three of them had Jerard in front of them took on a whole new meaning. Oh, yes. These girls certainly enjoyed a pink moon last night.

“Puh!” I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a laugh before covering my mouth.

All three women were in love with Jerard, yet they had spent last night rubbing up against each other for sexual relief. They seemed to realize the look I was giving them and connected it with what I was thinking, and all three women went rigid again, lowering their eyes in extreme embarrassment. Jerard himself only looked on innocently with a cocked head.

It was satisfying in some ways, but I really did need something from this group, so I couldn’t push things too far. I decided to let it go.

“In all seriousness, could we sit down for a bit? I was hoping you could help me.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 66

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“What is happening, hero?” Ariel asks.

“Ah, Kida! What did you do to her, you beast!”

The girls are all waiting in the main hall as you walk in with Kida swung over your shoulder. As you put Kida down on a nearby couch, Belle races over to her and checks her condition. You left Kida presentable. Despite Belle’s declaration that you’re a beast, it’s not like you were just going to leave her on a hill surrounded by goblins covered in spooge.

“It seems that a Goblin King has been created.”

With the exception of Mulan, most of the other girls understood the implications of this and gasped, covering their mouths in horror. Were Goblin King’s truly so frightening?

“What happened to Kida!” Belle demands with tears in her eyes.

“She tried to hold off the army solo. I couldn’t let her give her life that way.” You explain simply.

Belle seems surprise for a second, but then gives a pleased look. Well, you didn’t do it for her, but you suppose it’s good that she’s pleased by your actions. At least she wasn’t walking around with a certain sex toy inserted at the moment, so you’ll forgive her rudeness.

“How long do we have, hero-san.” Aurora asks.

“Ah, by now, about ten minutes.”

You had teleported directly to the front gate once you had finished blowing a load in Kida, but at that point the guards were already aware of the goblin subjugation. They were all actually trying to help with the evacuation, so it didn’t seem necessary to report to the guild. They were relieved the vice guild master made it, but not surprised that the vice guild master was unconscious. A goblin horde must be a truly horrifying thing.

The girls were making noises of disbelief and despair. Did they really think they were honestly at risk with you here? Perhaps you haven’t shown them enough acts of heroism yet, because they seem to underestimate your potential.

“Hey, you guys don’t need to worry. I have a plan.” You explain.

“What is it, master?” Mulan asks, “I was hoping to fight a bit myself.”

“That’s fine,” you wave a hand. “It’s best to fight armies with armies.”

“What army, savior?” This was Jasmine speaking, who seemed much less worried than her older sister looked.

“Head to the city wall and I’ll show you…”

The group headed over there as you cast the appropriate spells. By the time they reachethe wall and see the rows and rows of soldiers, not a single girl could say a thing.

“This is…” Grimhilde wears a complicated look.

“So hot…” Belle says something that wasn’t quite the answer the others were looking for.

“Who are they, hero?” Ariel asks curiously, her eyes bright.

“Well, as to that… when I went to make Cinderella’s body, I wanted the most perfect body possible, so I made a bunch of different variations. I wanted to compare them to each other and pick the hottest one.”

“Okay…” Grimhilde says flatly. “That explains maybe the first hundred.”

“Right, well, once I got started, I thought that it might be advantageous to mass produce them. Thought I could sell them to local nobles, spread the love around… and then things got… well… a little out of hand.”

Before the group were lines and lines and lines of woman. While some of them sort of looked like Cinderella with perhaps a different hair color or a different boob size, there were also a large variety of other types. Some resembled some of the other girls present, while others shot off in other directions.

“Ah, Savior has tinys in there but none that look like me?” Jasmine is pouting.

“Is that so?” You respond nonchalantly without addressing her issues.

There are short girls, tall girls, of every color and combination of colors imaginable. Girls with breasts the size of balloons and girls with flat chests. Green girls, blue girls, cat girls, dog girls, bunny girls… The outfits were just as varied, from dresses to dominitrix-wear to bikini armor like Kidas.

“Well, this is my army, it seems.” You nod thoughtfully as you look over the lines of lines of sex dolls.

“Rise, my children!” you shout as the goblins crest the nearby hill. “Rip and tear, until it is done!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 65

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Of course, for all intent and purposes, there are many forms of Armageddon level magic you can use to level or scatter their armies. It’s not like you can’t make a “kill all goblins” spell and they’d all just collapse. However, this is an army of nearly 20,000 goblins standing before you, and wiping them out with a wave of your hand could potentially cause other issues.

Likely, even if Kida and you just found out about this, others such as nearby Kingdoms may already know more. It won’t be enough to save Riun, but if you simply wave the army away, this could seriously cause complications with your “settling down with your harem” plans. People would want to know who is powerful enough to destroy a 20,000 goblin army.

You could end up a target. They could do something like slip poison in your drink if they wanted to. Perhaps they would slip a spy into your harem. You’d be heartbroken if one of your harem ended up betraying her. The punishment would only cheer you up a little. The point is, an army on your doorstep is troublesome.

You can either kill them in secret, kill them in open, revealing your prowess, or go back to Riun and defend the town. You give a sigh.

“How long do the people of Riun have?” You ask out of curiosity.

“The goblins will decent on Riun in less than an hour. If we race back now we might be able to give the people a thirty minute head start to run.”

She pulls a sword from her belt. “Rookie, if you will, run back to the city and give them warning. I may delay them for only a moment, but at this point, every moment counts. Hurry!”

“Ah, well as to that.” You scratch the back of you neck.

You aren’t particularly down with the whole Kida giving her life thing. Whether she knew it or not, she is one of yours, and you aren’t going to give her up.

“Please, no arguing!” Kida tries to use a commanding voice of a vice guild master.

“Well, you see, the other day when you were knocked out, I made you mine.”

Kida turns back with a confused look on her face. “What?”

“Well, I defeated you in combat, so I claimed your body as my reward. Belle didn’t like that, so she offered her body instead. That’s how you ended up in that situation.”

“That is…” you waited to see Kida’s reaction, but after a second she shook her head. “I’m glad you were the one to take it. As I said, I favor the strongest, and you bested me. It is good I won’t have to die a virgin. My only regret is you didn’t tell me sooner, so we could have spent last night together as well…”

“That’s the thing.” You stop her from turning away. “I keep what I take. When I made you mine, I made you mine in entirety. So, I wouldn’t be okay with letting you die needlessly.”

“We have no choice!” Kida has tears in her eyes, but still turns her eyes away and moves to run down the hill.

You move quicker, appearing behind her and giving a single chop to the back of her neck. She collapses into your arms. She smells good and her large chest is pressed up against your arms.

“How troublesome. And here you are unconscious in my arms again.” You think about it a second and then a warped smile appears back on your face. “Well, we still got thirty minutes. That’s plenty of time.”

You drop her face down on the ground and pull her bikini leather armor down to her knees. There is always time for a quickie.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 64

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“You’re the new guy, right? The one that joined yesterday?”

“Ah, yes?” you are asked that upon going up to the front desk.

You are alone this time, but the new receptionist in place of Belle is indisputably a rather plain looking guy. He doesn’t come off as condescending or hateful, so you have no beef with him.

“The assistance guild manager told me to let her know when you returned.”

“Oh, Kida did? That’s fine, I’d like to see her as well.”

“Rookie would?” a voice comes from behind and you turn around.

A moment later you look up, because naturally the woman behind you is considerably taller. As it is, your head is only a few feet from two massive watermelons that are barely covered with her bikini armor. She has a blush on her face and seems to fidget, which is only a little odd on a woman as tall as she.

“Ah, guild master. I’ll let you process him then.”

Kida’s blush grows larger, “Yes… thank you.”

“So, you were waiting for me then?”

Kida gives a quick nod. “Yes. Usually, once accepting a rookie into the guild, one of the more experience members take them on a mission to evaluate them.”

“Ah, that sounds troublesome.”

Kida laughs as she scratches the back of her neck. “Yes, well, even though you were able to defeat me in combat, we still need to do things… by the book.”

“And you’d be the one take me?”

“That is…” Kida sighs and loosens her shoulders. “To be honest, there is a bit of sensitive mission I was given, and I’d feel more comfortable completing it if I had someone of your abilities as backup.”

“That serious?”

“Well, the guild master may run off regularly, but it’s serious enough that headquarters called me out of the guild personally. As I understand it, there have been a large number of goblin sightings recently.”

“This is a big concern?” you raise an eyebrow.

Admittedly, you haven’t really been a part of this world very much. You only knew a couple of things, enough to help stabilize Grimhilde’s country and live comfortably yourself. The inner workings of this world are something you’ve left for some other time. If you are going to live in Riun from now on, it might be a good idea to establish yourself here.

“Well, a few goblins is usually of no concern. A rank E would be able to handle it. However, given the numbers reported, it might be something bigger.”

“Would that be like a goblin king?”

Kida’s eyes flash in surprise but then she gives a tight-lipped nod. “Mm, Yes. If the goblins have organized under a goblin king, their breeding usually intensifies, they can quickly grow an army of millions if we don’t wipe out the situation swiftly.”

You consider things for a moment, scratching your chin as you ponder. This seems to worry Kida as she immediately waves her hands.

“Although our mission is merely surveillance. We just need to ascertain if a Goblin King has been born and how far along we are from a potential Goblin invasion.”

“Shall we go then?” you ask.

“You’re ready without preparation? The trip would normally take two days by foot, but if I ran at full ability we could be there and back in a few hours.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind for the quick and done. Speed is best, right?” You suggest.

Kida seems to be waiting for you to say that as she immediately smiles. “Try to keep up.”

The pair of you head swiftly out the door. Once you reach the gate of the city, she starts to pick up the pace, and while you adjust yourself so you kept at her speed as she continuously accelerates, it takes a while before you realize exactly how fast she can go. Kida is running about the speed of a car, right? You are certainly moving somewhere around 30-45 miles per hour. This certainly couldn’t be considered reasonable for a normal human. Once again, you are reminded of the discrepancy of specs felt between people in this world. You’re, of course, a cheat exception, but there are A-class and S-class that can move mountains.

However, Kida suddenly stops, and you barely manage to prevent yourself from running face first into her. When you finally stare out in the direction she is looking, you give an involuntary gulp.

“Um… about how far would you say this is towards a goblin invasion?”

Kida turns back to you with a wide-eyed look. “In progress… They’re already moving on Riun as we speak.”

The pair of you are standing out on a ledge, and as far as you can see there is nothing but hordes and hordes of goblins marching in your direction. Looks like dinner is going to be a bit late tonight.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 5

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“Finish up, quickly. We’ll be arriving at Magroove soon.”

I shot Min’s back an exasperated look, but he didn’t even turn to acknowledge it. It wasn’t really my fault, anyway. This had been the second day of our journey since I had awoken and since I was wrapped in blankets with nothing to do but watch the forest pass by, I decided to pleasure myself for a bit. The days where I ground my pussy for levels were behind me, but masturbation was still a part of sexual arts, and thus it was a skill that needed daily practice.

And with manipulation and sexual arts, by all accounts, Min shouldn’t have been aware of anything. I’m pretty sure that my quickening breath was kept under control, and my body shouldn’t have moved around that much. I could have masturbated in a room full of onlookers and no one should have been able to tell. Yet, no matter how skilled I became, Min always seemed to know as soon as I dabbed a few fingers into my sexpot.

In the past, he might have offered to help me. Either he’d casually hang a hand behind himself up under the sheet, his fingers working while I held tightly onto his wrist, or maybe he’d even stop for a twenty-minute break, sneaking under the covers and licking my body from head to toe. However, the strange mood that began since the last village permeated the atmosphere, and he never offered. Even given my own sexual proclivities, I couldn’t bring myself to push him for sexual contact either.

Therefore, I had only my fingers to pass the time, and Min seemed to be consciously aware that I was doing it. Well, I was already close, so I flicked two fingers over my clit quick enough that they moved like a blur. As I came, squirting a little onto the sheets covering me, I let my concealment drop, several satisfied breaths releasing from my mouth and a bit of obvious squirming.

I watched Min as I did so to see if he made any reaction knowing I was getting off behind him but came away disappointed. With his head turned away, I couldn’t see the expression on his face, but it was safe to assume he was still upset. Did masturbating hurt his pride as well? Was I just making him even angrier? Unfortunately, I didn’t know the answer to that.

I did not have long to contemplate, however, as he had been honest about the upcoming town. No sooner had I pulled my hand out of my crotch, straightened my pants, and hastily washed my hands then did we start to pass by others on the road.

Even though I’m pretty sure there was no way they could have seen into my wagon or heard my light moaning, their smiles always seemed to suggest they had known what I was doing. Likely, they were just giving a friendly smile and wave, but something about the endorphins hitting my brain after some public sex always convinced me that everyone nearby saw and knew. It was strange kind of paranoia, since given my broken Mental Fortitude, this became a turn on. I quickly looked for the next chance to perform publicly for my imaginary audience.

I wondered if Min felt the same way the times I had jacked him off under the table at a tavern or sucked him off as we road the wagon down a busy road. A large part of me wished I had the guts right now to move the blankets up to the coach to perform that very act right now. However, lacking shame wasn’t the same as lacking guilt, and I felt uneasy over Min’s recent attitude.

Still, I summoned up my strength and took a step up to the front, sitting next to Min for the first time in the last few days. Min stiffened, but rather than hang all over her like I usually did, I crossed my legs and kept my arms to myself, acting like a respectable lady in the best way I knew how. I finally glanced over at Min and felt my heart flutter once again. For all intent and purposes, except for breaking last night, I’d seen nothing but his back in two days. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the sight.

I was just working on bringing my arm out to wrap around him when the cart suddenly came to a stop.

“Here.” Min finally let out a breath and I looked around in surprise.

We were now in front of a building, and it took me looking around a few seconds in confusion before I realized that it was an Adventurer’s guild. So, we came straight here?

“That is…” I nodded my head, standing up.  “What?”

I was surprised when Min remained sitting in the wagon, looking like he was about to continue on without me.

“It may take some time… for you… to finish…” Min’s head was lowered when he said that, his eyes not meeting my own.


That was right, I was going to put my body for sale. It was simple. I wanted to reach second class. I needed to hire people to help me meet my requirements. Since we didn’t have any money, I’d merely exchange some sexual gratification… for sex. It’s really not that much different from what I always do. I’ve had sex with more men than I could count. I’ve fucked goblins, pigmen, and minotaurs, sometimes just to say I could. Yet, something held me back from prostitution. Mental Fortitude oddly failed me in this particular situation.

Perhaps, it’s because I didn’t see prostitution as a means of sexual gratification? I wanted to earn money, not get someone off. Was that the difference that caused this skill to break? Suddenly, tears started dropping from my eyes. I hadn’t turned away from Min yet, but before I could stop myself, a sob came from between my lips. Min’s eyes snapped to mine and widened like he had seen something confusing and unexpected.


“I-I’m sorry…” I said the words croaking so slightly that Min had to cock his head because he couldn’t hear me.

He stood up in the cart and jumped down in front of me, his eyes still not leaving mine. “Wh-what?”

“I’m sorry…” I said a little louder, and then again. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not gonna enough for you!”

Min wore a blank look, the expression on his face becoming completely unreadable.

“I’m sorry I disrespected you. I’m sorry I made you think that I’ll just fuck anyone. I’m sorry. I don’t want to be a whore. I don’t want any other man. I just want you. I want Min. I love you. Please, don’t abandon me, I need… I need…”

I’m not sure how many words came out before I started blubbering, but that was the state I ended up, bawling in front of a strange Adventurer’s guild in an unknown city in an unfamiliar continent to my wife.

Min surged forward and before I could react he raised my chin with one hand and kissed me roughly. I could taste my tears and the sweet taste as he thoroughly lashed my mouth with his tongue until I was out of breath. I stayed crying for a few minutes on his shoulder. A few people passed by and looked curiously, but besides the fact that I was about a head taller than Min, the scene merely looked like an attractive young couple doing teenage drama, and that seemed sufficient for most people to just ignore the situation and move on.

“Stupid…” Min muttered, holding my head tightly.

I sniffled against his shirt, wiping my nose unconsciously. “I’m sorry.”

Min patted my head, seeming lost in thought. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there, but the sun seemed to be heading the direction of setting now.

“Get room. Find new plan.” Min said.

It seemed like Min always had a plan. I wouldn’t have made it this far if not for Min’s constant vigilance and direction. Now, he makes a simple needed request, and I suddenly break down emotionally. I really didn’t understand how Min could be such a strong person. He could walk off being turned into breeding stock by goblins, being forced into slavery, and not to mention my constant selfishness.

He probably didn’t even see the request as too much. From fucking goblins and pigmen to survive, asking me to grease up a couple of adventurer’s and make them more pliable to our requests is honestly pretty light. Plus, he never said I had to sleep with them for money, it was just a suggestion. I once slept with a merchant for a 20% discount, and I never considered that inappropriate.

I finally started to calm down and realized how right Min was when he suggested I was being stupid. As we got in the cart and headed for a nearby inn, I held tightly to his arm and looked up at him with a gentle smile. He returned the gaze with his own light smile.

“Newlyweds, eh?” Those were the words from the innkeeper as we paid for our room.

“A year,” Min responded simply.

The woman, sitting somewhere in her thirties with the rough skin and the unkempt hair of most commoners, gave a snort. “Yeah, well. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

As she said this, she nodded to a corner. In the corner, a guy perhaps ten years her senior was sitting in a chair clutching a bottle and snoring. As if he noticed the three of us turning to look at him, his grip loosened on his bottle and it slide between his legs, striking the chair with a loud thud. This woke him up as he looked around in a panic, grabbing at the bottle and only having a bit of it splash on him.

“Uh? Margaret? You need something?” he said with a snort.

She gave a sigh and rolled her eyes towards us. I let out a chuckle while Min merely cocked his head. After a second, an idea came to me so I leaned forward.

“Did you know what night it is tonight?”

The innkeeper, Margarette, seemed to be the type to enjoy gossip, and she immediately leaned forward in response. “Hmm? What is that?”

“They call it a pink moon. It’s an event that only happens once every hundred years, but it is said to turn even the stalest of relationships into… well… newlyweds.”

“R-really? I’ve never heard of a pink moon?”

I gave a smile and a wink. “Just be careful. Clean yourself up. Make sure you’re in the bed with the one you want to spend your night with, and I can guarantee it will be a night to remember.”

The innkeeper looked from side to side like she was afraid someone might overhear and then she lowered her voice. “You think? My husband and I haven’t even in… well… I’m sure a young couple like yourselves don’t want to hear…”

“Ah, ah…” I lifted my finger. “Just make sure your door is locked, and it’s just the two of you. On that note, you might want to encourage the rest of your staff and customers to only sleep in the room with the one they love. Pink nights are great for unrequited loves, but deadly for opening up, shall we say, the doorway to alternative lifestyles.”

Min was looking at the pair of us with a confused look on his face, but the innkeeper was soaking in everything I was saying with seeming excitement. When I finally parted from her, Min poked me in the arm.

“What Vesse plotting?”

“Me?” I responded innocently. “I’ve no idea what you mean.”

As I passed the stairway to our room, I could hear a maid talking. “I think I might stop by Edward’s room tonight, perhaps he’ll finally confess on this so-called pink night.”

The rumors were spreading quick, and I chuckled a bit at the thought. No, Edward would be doing a lot more than confessing tonight.

“Vesse… evil.”

“What?” I raised my hands. “I don’t want to make our guests uncomfortable hearing the things we’re doing tonight, so I figure that I might as well spread the joy.”

Min gave a cute frown as I spoke. “What will Vesse do to me?”

I laughed. “Wrong question. You should better ask what you’re about to do to me?”

Min frowned and watched me as I carefully undressed and cleaned myself. He joined me for a bit, making sure to properly wash after a long journey. I waited for a bit as I did all the motions preparing for sex, putting myself in sexy lingerie, and finally spreading myself on the bed for Min.

“Don’t mind sex, but Vesse make nervous.” Min sighed and started to approach me.

Well, that’s been about enough time. It was dark out now and most everyone was in bed. You can’t blame me for not warning them. I released the skill, frenzy. Min’s calm half smile slowly warped into something more feral.

A moment later, his dick was sprung to attention, and he was leaping on top of me like an animal. The negligee that Min had sewn himself was ripped to shreds in moments as he gave way to lust.

Before long, moaning was coming out of just about every room in the hotel. I didn’t know how effective it’d be through the door and walls, but I figured everyone would get a whiff of aphrodisiac. Of course, Min received the largest dose, being the closest. Between a fully frenzied elf and a seductress who hadn’t gotten it in two days, it’d be tough to say which one had more energy, but I can say the race was close, and only gave out once the sun was starting to rise.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 63

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“And, so it seems we have another resident in our home.” You finish explaining over lunch.

The girls had all been waiting for you to return anxiously while you liberated Cinderella of her negative emotions. Yes, that’s the wording you used, and while Elena, Merida, and the other innocent girls accepted your words at face value, the more worldly of the group guessed the nature of your liberation with narrowed eyes. Well, it’s not like they’d get upset now, after all they’ve seen, by simply adding one more girl.

Merida merely nodded while gulping down her fifth helping. Aurora was also on her third. Those two were eating for two, so this could be expected. Besides them, Cinderella came in third. Determined to fulfill another wish from her former souls, she was chowing down.

When it came to Cinderella’s new body… well… there was no easy way to say it. It was a sex toy. Most of the girls you merely increased their shapeliness, breasts size, or smoothed out their already existing features to make their ideal form. Since Cinderella was designed from the bottom up, the natural result was a very unnatural woman. You kept her long, silky, black hair, but otherwise her proportions are the kind you’d more likely see in a cartoon rather than on a real woman. An unnaturally small waist, big hips, and massive curves that went on for miles. You looked forward to giving it a test drive, but after almost nonstop fucking since yesterday you were going to shake things up and not have sex for a little bit.

Besides, there are still a lot of things in this world you needed to do. After the meal, you set out to accomplish several of those things. Namely, you finish renovating the house. Every girl has her own bathroom now, so no issues there. You figure the girls will be getting dirty often and need to be able to stay clean. You also add the infamous bathhouse, coed only, although perhaps it’d be more accurate to call it a hotspring. Either way, it is very popular with the girls and they are all very excited to try it out tonight over their own baths.

You check on the baka maids, whom are back on their feet, even the formerly possessed Minnie. You give them a little punishment for slacking at their duties on the first day, but you go light on them. They are still able to crawl out of the room on their hands and knees by the time you are done, which seems fair to you.

You enchant the walls, so sounds won’t carry nearly as much. Belle was most relieved at this addition, although it seemed Aurora had spilled the beans about your nefarious vibrator. Ariel had flat out begged you for one, claiming she wanted you to be in her ass and pussy at the same time, and while many of the other girls didn’t have the guts to be so blatant, it was clear they all wanted a similar dildo, so you left one on each of their beds.

“These girls are insatiable, I’m going to need to be more proactive in the future.”

As you go around putting up more enchantments, you can tell three girls are currently using them. As to which girls, it’s not something you usually think too closely on, the feel of each pussy, but you suspect you’ll become an expert soon. If you have to guess, Ariel, Aurora, and Belle. Well, at least Belle stopped keeping it in her butt after you provided a little revenge.

Of course, given things like the ghost, you create a “safe word” magic. If the girls are in trouble, they are each given a “safe” word. If they say it, it will immediately alarm you so that you know for certain they are in trouble, as opposed to just having fun with their individual dildo.

By the time you are done making magic improvements to the house, it is still about an hour before dinner time. Jasmine is busy in the kitchen. Fortunately, the other girls have made her put on clothing under her apron for the moment as well.

You decide it’s about time to head back to the Adventurer’s guild. You wonder a bit how Kida is doing.

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Tales of an Enchantress – Chapter 4

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“This is complete bullshit!”


I stood up on top of the bed, my bare ankles straddling Min’s naked body, pressing against his soft hips. I had picked up the sword sitting on the nightstand as I stood. Min didn’t react to me waving the sword over his head as I complained loudly. If anything, he wore a slightly amused look on his face, a slight twist on his lips.

I point the sword down at him. “Don’t you start!”

“Wouldn’t dream.” He responded.

I let out a sigh, the sword falling down to my side, the steel broadside slapping against my naked thigh.

“What the hell is a warrior class anyway?”

Min gave a little shrug, his hands working their way down his hips to my feet, the tips of his fingers gently running up and down my ankle as he continued to watch me.

“Vessë, warrior.”

“You’re damn right I can fight! Remember when I killed that pack of shadow wolves?”

“Seduced, raped, killed while they were asl….”

“Ba, ba, ba… let’s not talk about the details. The point is, I’ve taken out third class bandit kings, and they want to tell me that my class is unsuited for the adventuring? Try again when I reach second class? They never even heard of my class before! That’s discrimination!” As I spoke, I swung the sword to punctuate my point.

“They say… to save lives.”

“Yeah, protect normal people! Not heroes like me! And then you know what they said to me!”

“Was there…” Min’s look twisted in amusement.

“Defeat our recruiter in combat! Like a seductress like me could fight a warrior in fair combat…” I sniffed. “Do you expect a magician to defeat a warrior in close quarters?”

“Magician not allowed until second class either…”

“Don’t you start!”

“Vessë… my sword.”

I was holding the sword down at Min. Of course, I didn’t own a sword. It was his sword I was swinging around. I snorted and tossed the sword to the side as I fell down, straddling my thighs around Min’s hips. The patch of hair above my snatch rubbed up against the bare skin of his bellybutton. Min’s small little breasts were heaving up and down, and I found myself unable to help myself.

Min let out a little sound of protest, reaching for the sword I had callously tossed aside. I reached out and grabbed his arms, pushing them up over his head, and then pressing my bare chest against his own.

“There is only one sword of yours I care about.” I purred, kissing his neck.

“Vessë is always rough.” His voice was slightly pouty as he turned his head and gasped while my tongue flicked along his neck.

“I won though.”

“Disqualified… seduced with mind magic.”

“I’m a seductress!” I bit his neck hard enough that he let out a little moan to punctuate the point. “What do they expect?”

As I pulled away from Min’s slightly wet and now bruised neck, I gently ran my hand over his cheek. He only smiled at me gently, his expression never changing. If I had tied him up and whipped him, rammed things into his ass, slapped him around, he’d still wear the same expression. His brow would be the only thing to change, furrowing in pain, distress, or pleasure.

My hips were already moving, rubbing my cunt and fur patch up and down his entire abdomen area. I was already wet, and if I pulled my butt away his abdomen would have glimmered slightly from feminine lust.

“Do you… fear that I’ve seduced you as well?” I asked cautiously, even though I didn’t stop touching him, one hand now cupping his breast while the other ran through his hair.

“You have…” Min said this as a fact and I frowned a bit. “But don’t care. Like being seduced… by Vessë. Because it’s Vessë. Only Vessë.”

“I love you, Min.” I leaned down and kissed Min on the lips, my hand forming a fist, grabbing onto his hair roughly.

“I… love Aria… always.”

“Never leave me?”

“Never, no matter what.”

As I thoroughly kissed Min, my hips were sliding up and down his body with extreme enthusiasm, generating enough friction that I could find myself orgasming shortly. Well, it didn’t take much in this body to get me off, but it didn’t help that Min always had the smoothest skin possible. Rubbing my parts on him like a dog humping a pillow was exciting for both of us in some ways, but a moment later when I pushed my butt down a bit far, I found something much more desirable.

Min’s erect dick poked behind my butt, showing his own excitement over our intimacy. My eyes brightened immediately, and I moved up and reach behind myself. My hand immediately went for his dick, wrapping my hands around his member as I lifted my butt up a bit, a trail of lust still stretching between my wet snatch and his patch. Pushing the dick up just a bit, I lowered myself onto his dick, allowing the object to slide into me slowly until I reached the base.

Although his smile didn’t change, his brow furrowed a bit, and his eyes gave off the telltale signs of sexual satisfaction.

“Min’s dick is best…” I let out a little sigh.

“Vessë is my life. I’d be dead without you…” Min whispered.

“Hm?” I looked down at him.

As if that was the trigger. Min reached around slapping his petite hands, one on each cheek of my ass. Grabbing on, he pulled, lifting my hips a bit off his hips, sliding my pussy up to the tip of his cock. Using the extra space, he bent his knees up until his feet were sitting on the bed, and then began to push up in a thrust. Immediately, his hips started to rise up into me with the skills and strength of a seasoned second classer.

“Ah, Min, fuck, yeah!”

I let out moans as he hit me in exactly the spot that drove me crazy. I was pushing the front of my body up with both hands on his chest, my fingers squeezing his breasts tightly as his dick slide up into me with a resounding wet slap each thrust.

“Min, I fucking love you! Fuck me! Min, harder!”

“Hah, hah, hah…” Min was breathing hard but otherwise didn’t say anything.

He exploded inside me after a few minutes of hard thrusting, although the feel of semen was purely a magical illusion. Within a few minutes, the runny gobs of white liquid running down my legs would disappear, and I wouldn’t have anything to clean up. Well, that’s not entirely true. Min’s own sexual lust generated from her own pussy would be injected into me. While the dildo caused it to feel and look like semen for a few minutes, once the magic wore off it would thin out and the smell of womanly lust would overtake the room. Our own gobs of sex were sufficient to make both of us need a bath independent of the addition of any semen.

“Min?” I asked her as I cuddled on top of her chest.

Even though his boobs were a bit pink now from all my abuse, he didn’t show any discomfort. “Hmm?”

“I need to obtain my second class. We need to find out a way to do that.”

As I spoke, I ran my hand down his stomach, wet with my lust, and then slid it under the strap-on dildo. It wasn’t easy to do, as illusion magic prevented any seams from appearing, making the dildo appear as natural as a penis. However, if someone had as much experience as I did pulling it on and off, they’d know the trick and thus my hand slid down the strap with ease.

This broke the illusion magic, and his once proud penis still leaking out little streaks of white stuff as it steadily shrank down limply returned to the appearance of a flesh colored dildo attached to a pair of belted underwear. Min almost looked embarrassed as my hands found his snatch, still wet even after being sucked dry to create an ejaculation, and I slid two fingers inside of him.

“Mm… Min will help… as always.”

“Min, you’re the best thing to… ever… hap…” My eyes were already closed and pressed up against his warm body, my mind was lulled into comfort.

That comfort started to grow cold. It was as if all the warmth Min contained was ripped away. It started to feel painful. My body felt raw. It felt burned and sensitive. The discomfort caused me to return back to reality.

When my eyes snapped open, I could feel a cart moving under me. There were many blankets on top of me, but they couldn’t cut through the bone-chilling cold. It was nighttime now, the sounds of crickets and the crunch of wheels on gravel offering a strange form of comfort. Of course, this was the wilderness of another world, and so there was little safety on the road at night. The winter did put most monsters in hibernation, but those that remained active became all the more dangerous because of the limitations of food. However, I felt safe for another reason.

I tried to move my arm towards the man sitting at the coach, and a pain ended up rocking through my entire body.

“Vessë. No move. Drink, ” the reason I felt so safe, Min, brought a vial up to my mouth.

I recognized the taste. It tasted like cum. Not that I had any particular problems guzzling down a bottle of cum if the occasion called for it. This was considerably less viscous than actual semen, so it was really just the nutty, salty taste which was a lot less disagreeable when it didn’t get stuck in your throat. Of course, the thing she was forcing me to drink wasn’t cum, it was a healing potion, albeit a healing potion that happened to contain a man’s cum.

In the world of magic, I suspected that the cum of a magic user might have some interesting properties if I was to craft it. Previously, I had come up with four to five never before seen creations by using various animal semens. Finding a human donor was not difficult, but after many different chemical combinations, only one mixture seemed to have any effect, which was mixing human cum with healing potions.

Some magic books had suggested that mixing human blood into a healing potion can increase its potency. I can attest that semen also had a strong synergistic effect, curing slight nausea and headaches on top of the more typical damage. The problem was, of course, the taste… which prevented it from being something I could sell to any adventurers. Even Min wouldn’t try the potion, and the two sellers I convinced to try it before they bought it kicked me out of their stores.

Therefore, I had twenty bottles of healing cum potion, which worked perfectly fine for the current situation. As soon as the salty taste ran down my throat, the edge of the pain started to diminish. Healing potions existed in all shapes and forms in this world. As my examine maxed, I was able to tell the individual aspects of any given potion.

For healing, you needed to be concerned about the amount of recovery, the speed of recovery, the activation limit, the length, and the analgesic effect. A potion that didn’t diminish pain would often cause a lot of itching and discomfort. A potion that recovers too fast could cause scarring. The activation limit is naturally how much damage a potion can fix. A mediocre healing potion might be able to heal a papercut but might struggle to fix a gaping hole in your gut.

Since I learned healing potions from a potions master, Reinhart, my potions sat between grade A and grade B. The cum potions, in particular, focused on a high activation limit and a medium speed. At the very least, after downing two or three of them, I probably won’t lose any feet. It could be another few days before I could move normally. I have a few combat healing potions as well, although they are much more focused on pain relief and healing minor cuts rapidly. Although, as I understand it, most adventurers don’t even consider these details when getting potions for quests and missions.

I waved away the thoughts and reached out to touch Min’s face. He turned away and left before my hands reached his face and I gave a wince. I recalled the last couple of days, trying to remember what I had specifically done to earn his ire. It likely wasn’t the infidelity. Min had accepted my tendency to use my abilities on those around me. In reality, even now Min still struggled to keep up with my sexual prowess. He had tried, but eventually realized it was best to allow me to burn off stress with others. At times, it could even be called a bit of a vacation for him. So, if that wasn’t the problem, what was?

“M-min?” I asked cautiously.

Min didn’t respond for a while, and it got to the point where I was about to say something again when he suddenly spoke up. “The Cambion colony, north.”

“Mi… ah… you’ve found them…” I let out a sigh which sounded hoarse even after downing the third health potion.

I laid my head back down and gave a sigh. That was about what was expected. Min and I had fled from the country of Nidia in a rush after finally bringing Denova down. It was at that point that I had decided to become an adventurer. We took a barge that crossed to the Demon continent. This was the only human nation on the Demon continent, Tridis. The country itself was less an individual sovereign, and more a territory established to filter trade between the human and demon world should the need arise, as well as provide a place to launch an invasion. As a location in threat of being invaded by the demons at any time, it definitely was a less developed human territory, sporting less info-structure and more monsters, an ideal place for adventurer’s guilds.

The awkward atmosphere returned. After thinking about it, the only thing Min should be mad about is that. I had outed him to a village of people. I had never really thought about it too much. Since I had been to this world, my inclinations had steadily loosened to the point where sex and race were meaningless. Even species barriers were unlikely to give me pause. As a result, Min’s sex should be meaningless to me. Yet, something inside me snapped after seeing all those girls constantly gushing over him, and thus I had done something very rude. Min wanted to be seen as a man, and yet I frequently reminded him he was a girl. For me, it was just the fun of being able to play with both parts, but for him, the illusion of being a man perhaps mattered a bit more.

“Min… I’m sorry.”

Again, the silence lingered before he responded. “Nothing to be sorry for.”

However, his words were cold and stiff, making the reality of that truth suspect. My heart hurt for a second, and I couldn’t help as an ice-cold tear fell down my cheek. However, I stopped myself from talking, as I didn’t want him to hear the waver in my voice. If I just seduced Min again, accidentally used my charm to brush over this issue, then I wouldn’t be happy with the results. I’d just be pushing off the problems, not resolving them.

Once I finally got control of my emotions, I finally spoke up. “What’s the plan?”

Min didn’t pause to answer this time. “Last town, Magroove. Stock before go.”

“So, we’re getting close. That’s good. If anyone knows how to get me to second class, it should be the succubae. Rhinehart said our abilities are similar.”

“Yes.” Min responded without turning back, then his voice took on an angry edge, “Must hire adventurers. Dangerous place.”

“Ah, well, can we afford them?”

“Perhaps…” Min’s hands were tightening on the reigns. “If Vessë uses abilities.”

I lifted my head before I could help myself, causing a stab of pain to run down my stomach. “You want me to seduce some men into following us?”

Min turned his head away, so I didn’t see his face. “Or sell body for money. Either way…”

Never before had Min ever suggested I use my abilities. In fact, in the past, he was often vehemently against it.  It made me incredibly nervous to hear Min so casually suggest I use myself in that way. In fact, many of our difficulties so far had been from Min’s constant disapproval of me accepting gifts from generous men. Well, so far I’ve never done anything that made me feel like a prostitute, but that was precisely what Min suggested now.

I probably wouldn’t have hesitated much to suggest this myself, but for some reason, it felt a little painful coming from Min’s lips. It was perhaps the first time in our relationship that I had ever felt… trashy.

“Mi-min?” I couldn’t keep the waver from my voice this time.

Min’s back stiffened and he suddenly snapped the reins, causing the wagon to move faster. “Sit back. Must recover. Long journey.”

I fell back into the bundle of blankets and stared up at Min’s back. He didn’t once look back at me as we continued to ride on into the darkness. The longer I stared, the worst I began to feel. Reflecting on our relationship up to that point, part of me felt like I might have been taking our relationship for granted.

Deep inside, I made a promise to myself. I would shed this personae as a seductress, gain some kind of combat class where I could protect Min, and remain loyal to Min and Min only. I will become a woman good enough for Min.

You’ll be the only man in my life, Min… I swear it.

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