The Power of Creation – Chapter 42

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Of course, adding a girl to your harem always needs to take a certain degree of finesse. However, this particular girl was barreling down at you at full speed. With the snap of a finger, you could turn her into a writhing mess desperate for your dick, but doing that would involve scooping out most of what makes her her.

Admittedly, you don’t know her, but when you have the powers of creation, you need to take individuality where you can. You could easily create a million mindless, identical sex dolls, but that just kills the fun of it.

Spiderman’s uncle was right, great power does come with great responsibility. If you used it wrong, you could quickly turn this entire experience into a borefest.

So instead, you decide a meatbrain like her properly admires strength over all else. Therefore, if you show yourself to be stronger than her, you’ll have already won her over and it won’t take all that much effort before she’s smothering you with those massive boobs.

They were larger than Merida’s even, although that’s a bit unfair. Proportionally, Merida’s boobs overtake her chest in a comical fashion that dwarfs the rest of her body. So, for her size, Merida’s moves are giant.

Meanwhile, this Kida’s boobs fit her body rather well, but her whole body is big. You wonder if that means her pussy is also big. Well, it will be a tight fit no matter how big she is, you’ll make certain of that.

Of course, while you talk about Kida being large, muscular, and single-minded… you wouldn’t even be a little interested in her if she was ugly. She’s not like a pro-wrestler large. Her body is well proportioned even. She’s muscular, but not like weight-lifting muscular. More like tennis player muscular.

However, she’s also seven feet tall, perhaps suggesting that she has some giant in her. Although, you don’t really know if giants exist in this world or not. Well, a giantess was right in front of you, so you are going with what your eyes tell you. Perhaps a dwarf girl will be in your future?

The best part of Kida was that she really had no shame. Her clothing was the best kind of exploitative. The kind of thing you’d dress Ariel and her mother in for nighttime fun. It was the Conan the barbarian type garb. A flimsy piece of cloth kept her massive boobs in check, but she had cleavage for miles. Similarly, the underwear covering her nethers was barely a step above a thong, her ass totally exposed. The most clothed part of her body was two fur armbands which covered her from wrist to elbow.

Ah! You spent too much time thinking about the giantess, she’s already sending those arms down in a bashing motion. She’s not using a weapon at all, so it’s likely she’s some kind of martial artist or pugilist. You hastily scramble together some magic that temporarily enhances your physical attributes by one hundred times. The blow hits and your feet buckle. You end up flying into the nearby wall.

Ouch, that hurt! Well, it’s not like you were exactly a powerful adventurer before you were teleported to this world. So, it seems like even a hundred times your power is still not powerful enough. However, the girl is looking at you as you stand up. You already used a healing spell to repair all of the damage, so even though it makes you look tough, you’re actually not struggling at all.

“Impressive.” Kida gives a grin as she sees you still standing. “Most adventurer’s don’t choose to fight me straight on.”

As you ramp the spell up to give yourself a thousand times your previous power, you make a mental note to create some kind of magic that will allow you to look at your status later. You honestly never sat around long enough to find out if this world was more classic fantasy or if it had video game mechanics, but with your magic, you figured you can artificially create game mechanics if you wanted to.

“So, how about this then!” She gives a shout and comes at you again while you are considering other things.

This time, you keep your hands out and prepare. While she speaks like she plans on doing something different, it appears like Kida is mostly just used to brute strength, so her attack is really just the same attack again. As a result, it is really easy to read, and as her hands fall down on your head with enough force to explode your skull if it had been pre-powers, you catch them with a clunk.

Her eyes widen in shock as you stop her attack in mid-flight. Not the kind of woman to come up with a contingency plan, she gives a grin and tries to force her arms down with her weight. However, 1000 times your original strength does the trick, and you are now far stronger than she is.

As she realizes that she really can’t barrel through you, her face starts to wear a confused look as she strains. Her breasts are heaving, beads of sweat running down that significant cleavage. Ah, you are caught staring! Well, let’s get out of this situation before she realizes you started to get an erection. You dive to the side and do a single strike.

With a thud, Kida goes flying across the room, crashing on the ground with a tumble. You wince at the result. One thousand times the force is apparently too strong. Even Kida couldn’t take that punch. Before you can walk over to check on her, the sight of her crouched over form causes you to freeze.

Incidentally, Kida has fallen down in a way where her butt is up in the air in your direction. Her flimsy body armor has been pushed to the side, and so you have a full view of Kida in all her glory from behind. Furthermore, she isn’t moving, which likely meant she is knocked out cold in that tempting position.

Well… something about lemons and lemonade, you suppose. You pull out your dick.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 41

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“That is so.” You respond. “Should I show you my abilities?”

The receptionists sniffs and raises her chin. She actually has the audacity to look down on you. This bitch… Well, you aren’t just going to break and enslave her like the thief girls. You’re not a complete asshole. She probably has some place in this community. You aren’t jumping to make the entire adventurer’s guild an enemy just because of one bitch.

“I don’t care about your abilities. But if you really think you’re capable, then you need to be approved by our assistant guild master.”

The tone of her voice suggests that she expects this so-called “guild master” to school you. Her voice is also a little funny when she says his name. Perhaps she has some kind of crush on this guy?

“So, who is this assistance guild master?”

Although she still watches you with disdain, her eyes brightened as she talks about the guild master. “A warrior and swordsman. The strongest in the guild! A true tyrant in battle. You won’t be able to face Kida’s might. Kida could squash your whole body with one muscle! Are you sure you won’t turn back?”

Your mood sours even more at the thought of having to fight some muscle-brained idiot. Ah, well, you’ll squash this Kida, and then you’ll return and put this receptionist in her place. It might be good to fight for a bit. You have the urge to just punch something.

“I’m fine, go get him for me.”

The receptionist’s eyes narrow, but she finally turns away and leaves without another word.

“A-are you sure you want to fight Kida? I’ve heard about Kida, truly ruthless.”

The person who spoke was, of course, Elena, who was unconscious when you had slaughtered all of the thief minions. The other girl’s gave you worried looks as well, but having seen what you could do, they are more worried for this supposed Kida.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill him.” You give the girls a smile and a thumbs up.

Elena looks on with disbelief, but the other girl’s know better. Even Elena’s little sister seems to be very good at reading the mood and doesn’t show the same concern as Elena. In some ways, Elena’s foolish innocence and concern makes him feel like the purest of the group.

Mulan was a monster, Aurora had a large range of sexual experience, Ariel had become completely corrupted almost the second you touched her. Grimhilde was a Demon King, enough said, and Merida, while untouched, was still an experienced warrior. Even his little sister clearly knew what she was doing when she pushed the pair of them into your harem, continuing to shush her brother up whenever he attempted to make protests.

If only he was a girl, she would be fun to corrupt… perhaps you could just… change things a bit? That wouldn’t be so bad, would it? It would be so easy.

As you consider changing Elena’s sex so you could take those lips without reservation, he is squirming uncomfortably while you stare at him, but even that looked cute.

“Kida will see you now.” The voice breaks up your thoughts.

Elena’s sexual fate would have to wait for another day. Right now, you have some muscle-brained you have to fight to join the Adventurer’s guild.

The bitch receptionist leads you down the hallway and took you to a large set of double doors.

“On the other side of this door is our gym. Kida is waiting for you inside. Kida attacks, you try to defend and stay alive. If you don’t die too much, Kida may let you join the guild.” She snorts.

You give a shrug, and although she throws you an annoyed look at your nonchalant attitude, you ignore her. She opens the door and you step into a large stadium-like room. The benches are empty, but a room stretches out before you with various mats and training equipment.

“Time to see what you’re made of!” A voice shouts from the other side of the room.

Immediately, a form starts barreling towards you, each foot landing with a heavy thud as a giant comes at you. However, the person charging like a tackler wasn’t the kind of person you expected.

They tower over you, nearly 7 feet tall, with long curly hair. Kida is truly muscular and imposing. Kida is also a woman. An amazoness… with massive boobs that bounce with each step, despite every desperate attempt to bondage them to her chest. They were simply too large to be contained… which were words to describe this woman in entirely.

The second you see her, you start to change your plans. Whatever else you know, you know that this woman is your new prey.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 40

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You pile out the door with a growing group of 5 beautiful women, 1 tiny, and 1 trap. Although isn’t the tiny a trap in her own way? You mumble at your poor luck. You had been in this world for a few days now and everything up until now had gone splendidly. Pussy was practically falling into your lap. But suddenly, the pussy well went sour, and you had a useless brother/sister combo.

Furthermore, you never did make it to the slave auction and the sun was already starting to set. You really had your hopes on finding a few slave women. It was true you had already more than doubled your harem… but enslaving women just wasn’t the same as owning a slave woman. The distinction is important. Anyone could put a collar on a woman and lock her away. It took a man of status to afford to (legally) buy a woman like you were picking out a pet at the pet store.

As your group walks down the street, the eight of you make quite the impression on the small city of Riun.  With night coming, many were going home from work, and not a few were hitting up the bar. You considered walking into one of the bars yourself. Perhaps you’d trigger an event where some drunk guy hits on one of your girls and you could put him in his place. Or perhaps you could just get the five girls drunk. Jasmine could just watch and learn as you violate five drunk women. Ah…  well four, pregnant women shouldn’t drink.

Either way, you didn’t expect the bandit-turned-maid girls to have already cleaned the place within a half an hour, so you had some time to kill.

“There is an Adventurer’s guild in this city, right?”

“Yes, Savior,” Jasmine was the first to speak up.

She seemed incredibly eager to please. Although your bodily real estate was mostly consumed by Ariel and Grimhilde… Jasmine had managed to nuzzle her way in front, her short stature putting her head very close to your crouch as she hugs you.

You’d think this would prevent you from being able to walk forward, but with Jasmine’s cat-like reflexes, she always seemed to move perfectly with you, so that her clinging never interfered with your movements. The other girls seemed to find this adorable, but the rubbing was starting to stiffen certain areas, and she kept looking up at you with a knowing smirk. You had thought her brother was the trap, but he was centuries behind her conniving mind. A sadistic part of you considered putting her in her place.

In the end, you pull the retinue of girls off to the Adventurer’s guild with Jasmine leading the way, never really considering for a second if the guild could even be considered a safe place for women of their caliber. Well, it’s not like you wouldn’t be able to handle it if anything happened anyway.

As you step into the building, you find basically what you’d expect from an Adventurer’s guild. It looked like a cross between a bar and a DMV. There were many tables with patrons noisily drinking, and a job board that a few people were perusing through. There was a cute receptionist in glasses at the DMV side of things who seemed to be the one to approach.

You approach the cute receptionists, the group following behind. “Well, hello. I’d like to sign up as an adventurer please.”

The look the girl gives you instantly puts you in a bad mood. It is the kind of appraising look that says, “You don’t look tough enough to be an adventurer.”

Well, you weren’t wearing the magic armor you had created, so you suppose it could be expected. However, it is so dismissive and snarky, that the only word that goes through your head is ‘punishment.’

“Is that so?” She sneers.

Aw… why couldn’t the Adventurer’s guild receptionist be sweet and kind like the books? Well, after your previous difficulties with the trap siblings, you have a lot of stress to relieve. Let’s see where this leads.

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TAOS / Power of Creation Announcements


Whizzer here! Don’t know who I am? Eh… well, I wrote Tales of a Seductress, Power of Creation, and edited the first 6 chapters of Inma. For anyone interested in any of those, I just wanted to give an update.

  1. I’m mostly moving back to my blog,
  2. TOAS and Power of Creation will remain on this site, but if you noticed they aren’t labeled ‘original’, I moved them to their respective lists, TOAS is completed and Power of Creation is dropped.
  3. Oh, yeah, you caught that. Yeah, I’m dropping Power of Creation. The project was a stress reliever while I was finishing TOAS, but frankly, it quickly stopped being fun to write for various complex reasons. It’s not you, it’s me. Or something. But who knows, if I get stressed writing TOAE, I might return to it.
  4. I’ve started a Patreon to fund my writing. My wife just lost her job, so any help is appreciated. This will not be related to my translating work for the reincarnated villager. The link to patreon is on my word press.
  5. Tales of an Enchantress will start posting on my blog, not here. So, you know, if you want to hear about it, you might need to go there. Its release speed will also be directly associated with my patreon success. I’m not saying I need a full-time salary, and I won’t work on a per chapter basis, but I’m the kind of guy who if I’m funded, I feel very responsible for putting out decent content, so do that if you want content.
  6. Inma no Hado will still slowly be edited. Slowly… Slowly… Sloooooooowly.

Tales of an Enchantress – Preview

This is a preview chapter of Tales of an Enchantress, the sequel to Tales of a Seductress. This is not an official chapter. Just a preview. A sampler, if you will. Like a movie trailer, it may or may not appear verbatim in the book. It just gives you an idea of where the next book is heading. Let me know what you think.


I felt an aching pain in my stomach, the stress of the last few days had started to catch up to me. The chains rattled as I tried to readjust myself in a more comfortable position. I was simply waiting at the moment. I was waiting for the end.

I was dressed in a black and red dress. Perhaps it was a suiting dress to bring me to this end. I tried to consider all of the events that had lead me to this point. I had simply wanted to class up and succeed as an adventurer. Then there were the succubi, the adventurers, the rape farm, the invasion, the attack on the capital, and now I was here.

The flap to the tent opened up, and a skeletal looking man in a black robe peaked in. “It is time.”

I gave him a nod and moved to my feet. He checked the chains around my ankles and then put his hand on the chain hanging from hands, lifting me up to a standing position. Immediately, he started tugging me, pulling me along while keeping his distance.

We emerged into the early morning. There was a massive crowd of people around the tent, separated just enough to create an aisle for me to be walked down. People screamed and shouted, trying to reach out and grab a chunk of my dress or hair, to rip it out as a keepsake of this event. However, the guards surrounded me and made sure no one touched my body. The guards also made sure to keep their distance, putting weapons between us as they escorted me warily. Even here and now, I could see the fear in their eyes. While the crowds didn’t know, these people did. Touching me was death.

Of course, calling them people was a gross misrepresentation. These were monsters, not people. They were demons that came in all shapes and sizes. Their differing colors from red to blue to black created a chaotic cacophony that spread across either side of the aisle.  I didn’t particularly hate demons, but the effect of so many of them was palpable. The roars were enough to shake even the sturdiest heart. An orchestra played as I was dragged down the row, giving me music as I was brought up to the unholy altar.

At the foot of the altar was a giant beast dressed in a black cloak. He held a long and massive axe, and he watched me expectantly as I approached. His skin was absolute red, and he had two massive ram horns. He was nearly eight feet tall and was the very idea of a devil. I was finally brought up to the front, and he grinned down at me with sharp teeth. I starred vacantly back, knowing that there was no way I’d be able to escape from this one.

Another man stood up in front of us and raised his arms, causing the crowd of screaming demons to quiet down. This man was actually a skeleton, his face devoid of skin, a hood I wish he had up failing to obscure his monstrous features. When the crowd of monsters finally silenced, he began to speak.

“Demons of Dragus, you have all been waiting for this event to arise. This woman… she has brought devastation, ruin, and destruction in her wake. It is about time that she was stopped.” There was more screaming, along with shouts and clapping, but the man quickly silenced them all with a single wave. “When a creature such as she comes into this world, there is but one option to restrain her.”

The demonic looking man put on a wicked smile, taking a step forward as he readjusted his hand on his axe. Once the yelling finally settled down, the skeleton put on a look that seemed like a smile.

“Aria… titled the Mother of All Monsters, the Reborn, and the God Slayer… Kree, The Demon King and Lord of Dragus, titled the Keeper of the Lost… we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the Union of these two powers in holy matrimony!”

There was more screaming and my face began to grow more flushed. I looked off into the distance. We were on a hill overlooking the main city, but I was looking beyond that point, towards the western shore. The clouds seemed to be raining with enough force that fog draped down to ground and carpeted the land beyond, almost like the horizon was being swallowed. It looked like a storm was coming.

I idly wondered if he had made it alright? I didn’t know. The only thing I knew was that I was about to be betrothed to the monster that called himself Demon King. This wedding had come as a complete shock. He had wanted to possess me, but feared my powers if he was to give in before wedlock. I could barely hear the words as the skeletal priest continued to drone on, reciting passages that were from no bible I had ever read.

“Do you, Demon King Kree, take this bride to be yours until the darkness consumes us all?”

“I do!” Kree’s voice was a low and deep baritone.

“Do you, Mother of Monsters, Aria, take this man to be yours until the darkness consumes us all?”

I turned to face the man that I was being forced to marry. There was a palpable growing tension as the priest finished those words. Of course, there was the possibility I could say no. Not that I really had a choice in the end. Kree readjusted his hand on the axe. This day could just as easily end with him cutting me down on the altar. I had to do what I was told, or I would face the consequences.

“I…I…” A horn blasting in the distance blocked the answer that I gave.

There was a stir of confusion and a low mumble of voices. The storm in the distance was growing closer, but it had now arrived close enough that even I could tell that it was composed of rising dust, not clouds and rain. A low rumbling sound could be felt through the earth, and some of the more sensitive demons who had missed the abnormal vibrations in their states of revelry started to get uncomfortable looks.

The demon king looked over my head, which wasn’t difficult, as he talked. “What is this? Who is daring to disturb my wedding?”

“It’s an army, my lord, a human army! They’ve started their invasion.”

“Devon…” The words came out of my throat before I could stop myself.

Of course, that was absolutely crazy. It couldn’t possibly be Devon in charge of that army. I had already broken all ties between the pair of us. He wouldn’t build an army and try to take me back, would he? He couldn’t…

Kree shot me an irritated look before moving off to the side. “Postpone the wedding, retreat to behind the walls. I want to know how an army of humans got 600 miles deep into demon territory and show up nearly on our doorstep without us knowing it.”

There were several cries of surprise and protest as the wedding was ended in a flash. At this point, the army could be seen in the distance, a long line of men on horseback that stretched a mile in either direction crested the hill. Things were starting to go into motion as Kree grabbed my chain and began to yank me towards the city wall. If I pulled and ran, there was a chance I could make it to the human army, although I was just as likely to be killed by Devon as I was to be rescued. I had no clue if this was a rescue or an execution.

We were heading down the long line of people fleeing from the party for safety behind the city gates when another man came riding up in a hurry. He immediately saluted, but he seemed nearly in a panic.

“My lord! There is an army approaching the city!”

“I’m aware…” The Demon King snapped, “You can see them from here.”

He pointed out to the cloud of dust, which was starting to show the silhouettes of men on horseback during their approach.

“No, my lord, not the humans. Th-this… is an army of monsters!”

“An army of monsters? Monsters don’t form armies.”

“These do… my lord, I’ve confirmed it three times. The monsters have gathered into a massive horde, and they’re heading this direction. They’ll be at the city by tonight.”

The Demon King’s advisors all wore surprised looks on their faces, but the man himself thoughtfully scratched his chin, then he suddenly froze and his gaze fell on me. “What… have you done?”

I shrank back at his stare impulsively, but then took a breath and met him face on, squaring my shoulders as much as my shackles allowed. “You’re the ones who named me the mother of monsters. Tell me, Kree, what did you think would happen when you take a mother away from her children.”

“You…” His eyes began to narrow, and for a second it looked like he might swipe me away with his scythe, but then he relaxed. “It seems like you are the most valuable person here. By the time the sun sets, there will be a river of blood at your feet.”

“If you let me go, that can be avoided.”

“No…” he said slowly, then gave a laugh. “Let them break themselves on the walls of our great city. Demons, humans, monsters, the supremacy of this world can be decided tonight. I will keep you, Aria, you are mine, and I won’t let any army or horde take you from me.”

He turned and continued moving on. I was ushered on by his guards until we were inside the city gates. They closed just as the army crested the hill and started to make their final approach towards the city.

The Demon King was instantly surrounded by retainers, and with a shout the crowds split and he and his men moved on towards the castle. They likely had much planning to do. The guards pulled me along in tow, but the agitated and fearful crowds closed up faster than expected and my guardsmen were quickly cut off from the retinue following the Demon King.

They continued to pull me along by my chains, trying to keep a continuous separation between me and the panicked crowd as the pushed through. With demons running around desperately trying to find family and seek shelter, even the bulky demons who made up my guardsmen struggled to do this.

“It’s you!” A voice cried out as I was dragged on through the frantic crowd. “You’re the one who brought the humans upon us!”

It was a haggard looking woman with certain features that resembled a fish. She was pointing at me with webbed fingers and shrieking. Many people started turning towards me and the crowd of panicked onlookers started to turn around and whisper to each other. The guards held up their weapons immediately, forming a circle around me.

“That’s right, this is her fault!” A man with a snout shouted.

“It’s the monster’s whore! Burn her!”

“The Demon King has ordered you all to stand down. She is under his protection!” a guard bellowed back.

However, his voice quickly became lost in the shouting. The people of this city were already driven to the brink with fear, the normal fear they felt from the guards was lost in this moment. Something came flying past the guard and struck me in the temple. I fell to the side, the chains catching me before I landed on the ground.

More stuff was thrown, and the crowd started surging forward, pressing against the helpless guardsmen. One of them swung a blade, cutting down a shifty looking man. This seemed to be the catalyst, and with that the guards became overwhelmed. A surge of flesh shoved through the remaining guards, grabbing towards my body with a more violent purpose this time.

Of course, they didn’t know. How could they? As soon as a hand grabbed on to me, I released the power I had been holding on to. There were three men who had grabbed me first, including one of the guards which had fallen back and grabbed me inadvertently as he stumbled. Their bodies stiffened and their eyes seemed to dilate. Their jaws went slack, and all thought seemed to leave their brains.

More grabbed at me. I was being scratched and torn, some of the grips were very hard, the force of a demon behind those hands. However, I waited for more to grab on. When I felt like my body would be ripped apart, I released the power again. It was six this time.

This crowd which numbered well over a hundred hadn’t caught on to what was happening. In their anger, they pushed aside the men who had gone limp, leaping at me with their anger and hatred. When nearly half of the crowd had turned, that was when some started to notice the trend.

“Wh-what is this bastard doing?” Someone shouted.

The crowd broke up and separated in a circle around me. I slowly stood up. My dress had been ripped in a dozen places. Blood dripped from the corner of my mouth. I had earned several new cuts and gashes that would likely scar. However, I gave the crowd my best smile. I didn’t know it, but that smile had turned into something that chilled the bones of even the heartiest demons.

Half of the crowd looked down on me with fear and hate. The other half looked on with slack-jawed looks of adoration. To those that had gone slack-jawed, a few in the crowd snapped their fingers and tried to bring their loved ones back, but no matter what they did, the people I had touched continued to have eyes only for me. There was no coming back from that.

“My loves…” I spoke up. “Capture them all, bring them to me.”

The crowd broke into chaos as the affected suddenly turned on the rest, grabbing and dragging the closest people over to me, forcing their skin against mine. Although there was nothing to say that one demon was stronger than another, the demon’s that fell under my command would complete any action, even if it cost them their lives. They would carry their commands absolutely. They would die for me. And so, no normal demon could resist.

I changed more of them. At some point, a key was found and I was freed from my shackles. Within twenty minutes, everyone in the vicinity had been converted. A few had escaped, but they likely didn’t understand what was happening. There was a statue of the Demon King in the center of the square. I headed towards it while passing through my crowd of loyal followers. Every eye was on me, waiting for my next command.

I sat up on the statue’s base, which put me up higher than anyone else, taking the pedestal like a queen taking her throne.

“Commands… mistress.” The person who asked was one of the guards who had previously been my escort.

“Recruit. Bring me more. Women, men, children. They will all fight for me. Break into homes, drag them all out. Bring them to me. Build me my army!”

There was a shout, and immediately, the group of a hundred followers moved off, kicking down doors and breaking into the nearby buildings, effectively ransacking their own city.

“The Demon King will fight back…” the guard remained by my side as we watched my army break into the nearest buildings and drag out the demons nearby.

“The Demon King has his army. I have mine. Which of these four armies will win? I wonder…”


The first of the newly captured demons were dragged to my feet. It was a young blue skinned woman who was holding tightly to a child no older than six.

“Please… let us go.” The woman was openly crying.

“The demon king thinks that there will be a river of blood at my feet by the time this is all over.” I stated nonchalantly as I approached them. “But he’s wrong.”

The woman shook as she looked up at me. I reached down and touched her forehead with a finger, releasing the magic. The fear dissipated and the only thing left in her eyes was adoration. Her hands dropped, freeing the child of her grip.

“Mom? Mom?” The child looked up and tried to get her mom’s attention and failed.

I moved down to my knee, and then put a hand on the boy’s shoulder as he glared up at his mother who was now ignoring him.

“By the time I’m done, the blood will be an ocean.” I released my power.

The Power of Creation – Chapter 39

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After the cat boy pulls his pants back up, you follow him with a glower on your face as he leads you over to where his sick “little sister” is. You have high hopes for her, since he turned out to be such a disappointment. The result?

“Cough, Cough, big brother?”

A little girl was in a small room on a small bed. The bed was in rags, and so was the girl. This was barely a step above living in a cardboard box. Worst, the little girl was too little. She looked to only be about ten. This was far too young. It leads you into some dangerous territory here.

Still, the look on all of your girls’ faces, well, not the quadruplets, they still had dead eyes you’d need to fix at some point, but the other girls, you knew that if you didn’t help this girl they’d think less of you. You put on a show of healing her, ready to just get this over with as quickly as possible.

“Th-thank you… you saved my brother and I. You’re our savior.” The sickly girl put on a smile after you were done.

The color was returning to her face and she was already looking like she had energy again.

“Yes, thank you!” The boy bows once, keeping his head down.

You give a sigh and nod, “Well, if you don’t mind, we’ll be on our way. I’m looking for a new house for my ha-, er… my household. I need a place with a lot of space.”

“Oh! If that’s true, I know a place!” the cat boy spoke up excitedly.

The place he spoke of was a mansion on the outside of town. There was a lot of land involved. It used to be owned by a lord. However, apparently the man was a summoner, and there was some things about the place being haunted that you really didn’t pay attention to. Well, it’s not like if ghosts really did exist you couldn’t get rid of them quickly.

Going to some firm and actually buying the place seems like a hassle, so you cast a spell that does the work for you. Magic is nice. You go ahead and send the four sisters ahead to clean the place. With some magical motivation, they don’t even make a sound as they take off. You could do it all with magic, but you wanted you maids to have to work for their place.

When you’re done with that, you return to the room, ready to take your girls off on another adventure.

“There is good news, hero!” Ariel runs up and grabs your own. “Jasmine here was just telling us that she can cook!”

“The little girl’s name is Jasmine?” You cringe.

“Ah, yes!

“Hmm… and what’s the brother’s name?”

“My name is Elena!”

“What? Isn’t that just a girl’s name!” You tsukkomi.

“That’s the name I was born with!” He shot back.

“Well, you were born with a girl’s name!”

The pair of you stare daggers at each other while Jasmine watches curiously and then snaps her fingers. “Does that mean Savior is in love with Brother Elena!”

“The hell I am!” You snap.

“What is sister saying!” Elena cries, a blush forming on his cheeks.

“It’s just that you guys fight like mom and dad used to, before. They’d go to their rooms after and then we’d hear this and that, remember Elena?”

Elena exploded in red at her explanation, you just shook your head in annoyance.

“Look, I got five beautiful girls here, if I was going to do this and that, I could do it with them. Or my maids. I don’t need some thieving streetrat, even if he does look like an adorable catgirl.” You explain.

Jasmine nods her head. “Ah, so it’s the catgirl you want to try, does that mean Savior will be having me?”

She said it in a surprisingly seductive voice.

“Sister!” Elena tried to admonish her.

“Eh, I’m not a pedo!” you snap.

Jasmine nods, “Then, I’m no good, it must be brother. Everyone out, brother must give his all for my Savior.”

“What is sister saying!”

“I can’t even tell if you’re joking,” you shake your head. “But let’s just finish this at the mansion, I’m getting hungry.”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 38

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“Yes, yes, maids!” You give the five girls nods.

Of the five girls, it is Ariel who is the least perturbed by your previous transgressions. Grimhilde muttered that it was suiting behavior for the Demon King’s husband. Merida looked on teary eyed, asking if you planned to do wreck her the same way. Aurora looks embarrassed, and Mulan is thoughtful.

That is when it strikes you to turn the four girls into your maid staff. If you were going to have a large harem with a big mansion, you needed a bunch of maids, and having them all look alive just seemed to make things better. After glossing over your previous behavior, you push the four vacant eyed girl’s forward and with a swing of magic, they are wearing the traditional black and white maid dress you’re familiar with. Okay, maybe the dress part barely covers their butts and the neckline is very low, but it’s a close enough approximation.

“This… will do, hero-san, but we’ve doubled the amount of people and we still don’t have someone who can cook, nor a place to call home.”

“Can any of your four cook? Clean?” When the four violated bandits shook their heads, your look must have been scary because they started shaking and you’re pretty sure one of them pee’d themselves. “Well, at least give me your names!”

Their names turned out to be Dinah who had purple hair, Daisy in green hair, Minnie in yellow hair, and Sylvia with blue hair. For a moment you were excited to see the curse of the Disney Princesses had ended until you thought about it for a moment and had to roll your eyes. Although the girls were identical, the slightest differences could be seen if you looked closely enough. Daisy did have just the slightest bit poutier lips, duck lips, if you will, and Minnie had a sort of mouse-like appearance. Meanwhile, Dinah kind of seemed like an eager puppy and Sylvia had a librarian vibe. This could have all been your imagination, of course, they are identical after all.

“Ah, the new girl is waking up!” Ariel, who has your first catgirl in her lap after you dumped her on the ground speaks up.

“Eh? What’s happening?” She asks in a light voice through fluttering eyelashes.

She was quite a bit hotter than the maids, at least, before the maids had been fixed up to your liking. She had a smaller appearance and two cat ears on her head. You want to break her in right now on the street.

“You, child, do you know how to cook?” you cut through the chitchat.

“What?” her eyes focus on Ariel above, and then she suddenly turns beat red and through her hands around as she struggled to her butt. “That is-, who are all of you!”

You watch as she cutely looks flusters as the five girls examine their new harem body. Well, it’s not like she’s aware she is their new harem buddy, so you suppose things are fine for now. You give her a reassuring smile, but she seems a bit distrustful of you.

“Cooking, can you cook? I pay good!”

“Ah, cook? No! My sister does all the cooking… she is at home. Ah, my sister, that’s right.”

She looks like she suddenly realizes something and tries to move away, but you step in front and grab her wrist before she can take off on you.

“Before that,” You look down on her, “You took my money purse and then gave it to a bunch of bandits. I rescued you from being raped, so you owe me!”

“R-right… that is… but I have to care for my sister first! She’s ill and I’ve been away to long!”


You grab at her clothing as she runs away. She’s quick though, and your hands fall and end up grabbing her shorts, yanking them down. She lets out a cute scream as she spins around and falls down. It’s your classic echii moment where you fall face first into a girl’s honeypatch.

This would have been perfect, except that the skin on your cheek feels a bit strange and misshaped. You turn your head and look down into the crotch of the catgirl you caught face first, only to find that the equipment didn’t add up. It takes you a moment to register the mistake, but it is Ariel who breaks the sudden silence.

“Eh? So the catgirl is a catboy?

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 37

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“Ah! No! Stop!” she screams as you shove it into her.

Three other girls let out cries as well. A pussy was stretched to the limit under a patch of green hair. This is the second girl you are plowing for all she is worth. This time, she is in doggie position, and you have a fistful of green hair as you yank her head back painfully. You continually spank her ass until it’s red and sore, and she is making screaming and crying noises as you mercilessly take out your frustrations on her.

The blue haired girl had lasted about ten minutes before her eyes started to lose their light. You decided to stop at that point. You wanted them trained, not broken. Even though the green haired girl had felt what her sister had felt, and all three girls tied to the side had cum numerous times to the point where they were all forced to sit in puddles of their own sex as they writhed orgasmically, being the one under you and knowing it was her own pussy being torn open had a more mentally damaging effect.

As you rode the green haired girl from behind, you balls slapped her pussy, and your hands slapped her buttcheeks. The blue hair girl only lied down and squirmed. Her restraints had been ripped off by you during coitus, and now the only thing keeping her there was the fact she couldn’t stand even if she wanted to. White stuff leaked out of the gaping hole that was once her pussy.

“Do you like that, you bitch?” You ask the green haired one, giving her ass another slap.

Of course, snot and tears were running down her cheeks just as much as sex was running down her legs, and she wasn’t able to respond in between sobs. You slapped her again harder. Her butt was already bright red, and every time you slapped the other three girl’s jerked too. You admitted you were having a little fun.

“You! Now, it’s your turn!”

The yellow haired girl lets out a cry as you grab her wrist and drag her over. However, you are still plowing away at her green haired sister, so she looks around in confusion. You grab her hair and force her down onto her back, sliding her under her sister’s abdomen. You pull the green haired girls hair back until she uses her arms to hold up the front of her body. You use a spell to show the yellow girl where to go next. That was, of course, directly into her sisters snatch.

You modified the spell so that the girls could smell and taste matched as well. Now, as you plowed into the blue haired girl, she could taste her own sex as you plowed into her from her sister’s tongue. The purple haired girl was the only girl whose facial expressions you could see at the moment, and while her eyes were shut tight trying to deny the feelings erupting from her body, she put on a grossed out look, apparently not favoring the taste of her sister’s pussy.

The yellow haired girl under you was too terrified to fight back, so she licked sloppily at your cock and her sister’s tight pussy, no matter how much it disgusted her. You knew she could feel her own tongue licking her sister’s pussy, and the sexual pleasure she gave her sister was given to herself as well. This meant that her tongue job was top tier, doing all the things that drove her crazy to her sister’s snatch, even though this occurred subconsciously.

“Ah, I’m cumming, make sure to drink every drop of out mess!” You laugh.

“No, please… oh no, I feel it coming inside me!” The green haired girl let out a cry.

Wet, hot, gobs of ejaculate filled her up and you made sure it was more than her pussy could handle, so the yellowed haired girl beneath had to drink it. The purple haired girl’s expressions as the yellow haired girl drank down gobs of semen and her sister’s sex were priceless, but you could also see she was cumming herself, squirting out her own sex as she tasted yours.

You sigh and pull out, tossing the green haired girl to the side like a discarded piece of trash. The yellow haired girl is breathing hard. Her mouth is wet with your sex, and although she tried hard to swallow everything, given that she was under her sister as you plowed into her from behind, that only went so far, and her face is covered in sex and tears.

“A-are you done with us?” The purple girl gives you a hateful yet hopeful look.

“What are you talking about?” You chuckle as your magic returns your dick to full erectness. “There are two more of you left!”

The yellow haired girl starts to bawl as you spin her around and pull her legs open from the ankles, lining up your cock for the next round. The purple haired girl you had just finished violating hadn’t moved from where you had tossed her, and barely responded as you slid it into girl number three.

Sometime later, you finished up with the four girls. You tidy yourself up, and use magic to clean, dress, and chain up the four sisters. They all have lifeless eyes, staring at nothing and only going where you pull the chain that you were using to lead them. Opening a portal, you pick up the girl you had originally came for and stepped through it to return to where you had left your original five girls.

When you stepped out and saw the looks on the girl’s faces, you realized your mistake. You had left the that image screen on when you left to go do your dirty work, and the girl’s had all seen you brutally murder all the bandits and then rape these four. Oops.

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 36

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Well… first things first, you are not going to sleep with the girls when they look only average. You snap your finger and immediately the four girls start to glow. They jerk and struggle and look concerned for a bit, but a moment later the glowing disappears. What is left behind are the four girl’s idealized forms. They have average but perfect tits, perfectly rounded asses, and perfect tanned skin.

Of course, you did make one distinct change. You wanted to be able to tell the difference between the four girls easier, so you changed their hair color. One girl has bright blue hair, the next is bright green, then yellow, and finally purple. None of these hair colors are natural, even in this world the hair didn’t seem to go outside the standards of brown, black, red, and blonde.

This change in color went all the way below. With a little more magic, you now had four identical girls naked and bent over in front of you, a brightly colorful patch of hair on top of their snatches, a rainbow of pussy spread out before you, if you will.

In Color

The girls are making noises and staring at each other in surprise. It is tough to tell if the girls are happy or angry by the changes. They tend to swear a lot and unlike the refined girls you have added to your harem so far, they have rough tongues.

“Oi… fuck is this then?”

“Well shit, Dinah, you have purple hair!”

“Purple? Daisy, your hair is green!”

“What is Minnie’s hair, tell her, tell her!”


“Fuck! I hate yellow!”

You frown as the girl’s chat, apparently having forgotten their precarious position on all fours and tied up in front of you. Having enough of their silly conversation, you snap your fingers again and give each of them an orgasm.

“Ah… oh…. Fuck… yeah!” The blue hair one cries out.

“Ah… ah… ah… I’m cumming!” the green one adds.

You could see womanly juices leaking out from their pussies, now engorged and slick with excitement. That is certainly an improvement, but their mouths could still use some work.

“Hey, didn’t you guys hear me already, I said you needed to pleasure me!” You demand.

“And who the hell are you!” shouts one of the girls.

“Fuck you!” shouts another.

You make their voices so they can no longer use them, then start massaging your temples in aggravation. This isn’t going the way you wanted it to. So, instead, you move forward and grab blue haired girl first, dragging her out from the rainbow pussy line.

“Alright, so you guys interrupted my date with a bunch of cute girls, so overall, I’m kind of pissed.”

The four girls are all shooting you hateful glares, but their mouths can’t open no matter how hard they try. One of the girls manages to get her hand out from under her and flips you off.

“Well, I was going to go easy on you, but now I don’t want to.” You growl.

You pull your dick out in front of the blue haired girl. You use magic so now it’s twice its previously enhanced size. It was normally a monster, but now it was just laughably humungous. As soon as the girls see it, they freeze, however, it is the blue haired one you had singled out that shows the most fear.

You kneel down and forcefully spread open the blue haired girl’s legs as she starts crying, unable to fight back in her tied up state. The other three girls look away in shame. It is clear from their eyes that they have pity for their sister, but are relieved it isn’t them.

“Ah, well… for the rest of you, you probably shouldn’t feel too relieved. I casted a spell that connects all four of you. What one of you feels, all four of your will. So when I tear her open, all four of you will feel the same pleasure… and pain. And then when I tear open the next girl, it’ll be the same. Congratulations, you girls will get to feel you pussy being ripped apart by my cock four times over!”

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The Power of Creation – Chapter 35

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At first, the thieves are surprised to see you appear. But you calmly explain to them that you’re there to see their boss. He’s initially resistant, but like a standard Japanese MC, you prefer talking to violence, and you offer him money to avoid conflict. Since money is no object, even after he tries to extort you out of five times her worth, you manage to pay off the girl’s debt.

Just kidding, you’re not a standard Japanese MC, you murder them all horribly. Honestly, as you swing your sword, splicing thief after thief in half, you start to feel kind of bad for them. They seemed to lack all sense of preservation. You’ve already killed twenty of them single-handedly without even breathing hard, but the head of the thieves is glaring at you and shouting for more thieves to mindlessly throw themselves at you.

These guys are thieves, right? It’s not even like they have combat power. They’re pickpockets. Exactly why aren’t they running away? Right, because this is another world and in another world thieves are just mobs for the murdering. You rip the spine out of a guy’s throat and spear another guy with it. At this point, you’re just seeing how gruesome you can make it, but even after you rip apart a bandit limb from limb like picking grapes, the thieves still throw themselves at you.

You start moving things along a little faster now, cleaving a head with each wave of your sword. You were keeping an eye on the cat girl, and the head guy had dragged her to his room to rape her while you took care of his henchmen. It was moronic that he would put getting his dick wet over preserving his own life, but you aren’t much better considering the situation.

You keep alive and knock out several girl thieves to add to your harem. That turned out to be four girls, all human. They weren’t exactly hot women. They were thieves, after all, so they looked kind of scraggly. Their teeth were crooked and they weren’t wearing makeup. They were still fuckable, but more along the lines of the bar skank variety. No, you kept those four girls alive for another reason. That reason was that all four girls had the same brown hair, brown eyes, small noses, high cheeks, and size C breasts. Well, they had the same everything. They were all identical, and you just managed to snatch identical quadruplets.

You would have a lot of fun with the four girls later. That was perfectly fine considering they were thieves and you were killing everyone else. They should be downright grateful after that.

You kick down the boss guy’s door. He has only managed to get her pants down and he has his small thing hanging out from his pants, not even hard yet. You use a spell that makes it fall off. He screams as his penis flops to the floor. It doesn’t make much of an impact.

“i-i-i’ll kill you, you bastard!” He shouts, sloppily grabbing at his sword.

“Seriously? I just murdered everyone outside do you really think you can stop me? Even if you were ten times better that’s still…”

“Die!” He runs at you like he actually thinks he’ll win.

You bat away his sword and pick him up by the throat and create a portal, tossing him into it. If your calculations are correct, the other side of the portal is a black hole, where he would be crushed for all eternity.

He must have hit the girl while she was struggling, because she was unconscious now, her naked tiny behind staring you in the face. It gets you a little excited, but after the trauma, she might have experienced it seems a little bad if you take her right there. Instead, you pull her pants back up and drag her back into the other room, where you drop her on a couch.

You then proceed to use magic to wake up the four thief girls. You immediately drop your pants, letting your large member pop up to attention. The four girls stare at it like they are staring at a viper.

“If you pleasure me well I’ll let you live,” You declare.

The girls start to cry, but that doesn’t stop you from what you do next.

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